
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Occidental Dissent #transphobia #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

Take a society, mix in killer doses of egotistical selfishness and freedom without responsibility to the community, and you’ll eventually wind up with transsexual soldiers threatening to physically assault world leaders.

Well, maybe not that far every single time, but with enough (((encouragement))) things will almost always end in similarly-bizarre outcomes.

So, Chris (that’s how you’re going to be addressed), do you understand that threatening the President of the United States is a rather serious offense that can be punished with years of imprisonment?

Men like yourself have been arrested by the Secret Service for far lesser breaches of conduct, and I’m really hoping and praying that you get dealt with most harshly for your impudence.

Perhaps a few years in lockup (minus hormone treatments if you haven’t already had knife-work done) would help to rip that individualistic streak from your shattered brain.

At least we can hope, right?

Lucius Vanini #transphobia #racist #pratt theoccidentalobserver.net

There are NO transgender people. If “transgender” denotes the transition from male to female or vice-versa, it relates to fact less than does “unicorn.” There is NO sex change; such a transition NEVER occurs in humans. The misnomer “sex-reassignment” signifies only a transition to NEUTER, to ex-men and ex-women deprived of their reproductive systems. Nor is “self-identification” any more efficacious. Identifying and even believing one is a member of the opposite sex doesn’t make one so, any more than Emperor Norton’s believing he was Emperor of California made him so.

I prefer the term “transvestite” to denote pre-op delusionals, sufferers of gender dysphoria; and “neuters” to denote post-ops.

“Biologically male” is redundant and implies there’s another kind of male. There are no other kinds. Maleness and femaleness (NOT identical to masculinity and femininity) relate to reproduction, which is biological. When I discuss, say, the invasion of males into women’s sports, I never use the customary “biological males” but simply “males.”

My point is that we should avoid using the language of the peddlers and consumers of lunacy, because doing so seems to imply endorsement thereof.

As for the idea of Pakis and Somalis and other non-NON-British being Brits because they’re physically in Britain, it’s of course a lie of the anti-Whites. Hell, how many times have I had Spaghetti al Pomodoro in London restaurants? Does that mean spaghetti are an English dish?

Robert Oscar Lopez #transphobia #homophobia americanthinker.com

"It gets better" is Orwellian. Most youths who begin a homosexual or transgender lifestyle will see their living conditions worsen. As they get older and adult demands weigh on them, they suffer from more health problems and an unsupportive LGBT community. LGBT networks reward them for joining by pulling them into needlessly stressful debates and unstable relationships. The slogan was aimed at young people, whose age afforded them the support of patient schools, families, and communities, which will no longer see them as babes to care for when they become adults and realize how cold and harsh the LGBT scene really is. The campaign commissioned aging LGBTs to speak via internet to impressionable teens and pre-teens, in essence imposing gross assumptions on them and lying to them about how happy gay and trans adults felt.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia archive.ph

British Court Rules It’s OK to Call ‘Stephanie Hayden’ a ‘Pig in a Wig’

You know what, “Miss Hayden”? Maybe “a kick in the teeth” was long overdue to stop transgender bullies like you.

Well, a small victory for free speech, but I’d still be happier if “Stephanie Hayden” got a kick in the teeth, literally. In America, we can say that.

Linda Harvey #transphobia #homophobia missionamerica.com

GLSEN Donated Books Will Corrupt Children at School

Everyone loves presents, right? Well maybe not all of them. There are some materials being donated in recent months to schools that should be packed up and returned immediately.

The homosexual group GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network, has a new project to send collections of books to as many schools as possible, and these books will not be Little Women or The Little Engine that Could. They call it the “Rainbow Library” but of course, their version of celebrating a rainbow is not a blessing and covenant from God but the opposite—defying God’s word by confusing and corrupting impressionable children about gender and homosexuality.

Here's what GLSEN writes about this effort, that “...Across 28 states and 3,600 schools, GLSEN has sent books that center the voices of queer authors of color and voices of trans and nonbinary authors.” GLSEN goes on to say that these books reflect the “feelings and fears” of “queer childhood.” Queer childhood?

This kind of predatory thinking is exactly why the Florida Parental Rights Bill passed and exactly why we need a similar bill here in Ohio.

It’s heartbreaking that a number of schools may have already accepted GLSEN’s books, which come in sets of 10 for various ages groups. And if you caught it in their statement, GLSEN continues the effort to latch onto the coattails of the race movement with as many book characters of color as possible, so these books are included in “diversity, equity and inclusion” goals.

GLSEN somehow still maintains the deception that such books can literally “save kids’ lives.” No--It’s quite the opposite when children are fast-tracked into body and life-destroying behaviors.

GLSEN claims there are 800 schools on their waitlist and they just need more donations. I am truly hoping this is not true and is just a fundraising ploy but the radical educators out there may usher these books into your school.


James Howard Kunstler #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy kunstler.com

America has an eating disorder — have you noticed? — and a touch of the old sexual dysphoria — am I a boy or a girl? — and has been caught in its room playing with razor blades. Ergo: America is a thirteen-year-old girl in need of some therapeutic assistance. Who will answer the call for help?

Here we are in the fat middle of Pride Month. Why is it, then, that the authorities have sent squadrons of drag queens out across the land like so many flying monkeys, flapping and shrieking from the candy-colored forests of Oz, to conduct “story hours” for children? Is America not sufficiently confused these days? Are drag queens really the best interlocutors for the doctrine of Diversity and Inclusion? Have we nothing better on offer to occupy childrens’ minds, say, learning to bake bread or build a bird-house? Practical skills they will need when the economy of Western Civ completes its disorienting descent out of Modern Times into the New Medieval?
How exactly is a child supposed to process all of this? All on its own, without any inversions, distortions, and misconstructions, sex is difficult for some young humans to process. By the time they reach the threshold of puberty — say, age thirteen for girls — the onset of sexual development is so alarming that they attempt to starve their way out of it and cut themselves up.
What you’re seeing is the Party of Chaos sending a message to the rest of us — those who are not members of the Party of Chaos. The message is: we will take your children and destroy their minds, and pretend that it’s just another module of their education… and you will know, and we will know, and you will know that we know that this is just a malicious shuck-and-jive to humiliate you while we wreck the machinery of civilization, which we hate because it requires boundaries and norms to function.

CRABGRABBER #transphobia #enbyphobia repolitics.com

Trannies creep me out. I don't want to live in a world where trannies are normalized.

I don't care about gay people, because they're not affecting me. If two faggots want to marry each other it's no concern of mine. But trannies are pretty much saying that you have to accept that they are women even if they have dicks, which I could never do. They also say that if a straight guy doesn't want to fuck a tranny, that's evil and the same as racism. So basically the tranny groups are promoting rape.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia #conspiracy archive.ph

“You might be thinking to yourself, ‘Why is a lesbian speaking at the Heritage Foundation?’ And I ask myself the same thing,” she said. “But my answer is pretty simple: There is no place for me. I am politically homeless.” Ms. Beck was the target of what she called a “month-long witch-hunt” after she committed the “crime” of referring to a rapist as male. This involved the notorious British case of Stephen Wood (a/k/a “Karen White”), a sex offender who assaulted two women in a women’s prison to which he had been assigned after he decided to “identify” as female. As crazy as that sounds, it actually reflects the current state of law in England, and the fact that a lesbian feminist got kicked off a municipal commission in Baltimore for stating an indisputable fact — i.e., the rapist is a man, no matter how he may “identify” — shows how transgender ideology is a threat to basic First Amendment freedoms. Yet as serious as the threat to free speech and religious liberty may be, what most concerned Monday’s panel participants is the way transgender ideology threatens the health and safety of women and girls.

Various Commenters #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: Transgender Lutheran Bishop Resigns Over Racism Allegations

(American Plague)

An openly transgender cleric from San Francisco has resigned amid allegations of racism after firing the pastor of a predominantly Latino congregation.

The association’s leaders said her message ignored the suffering of an entire community and gave “a white aggressor the opportunity to decide their own fate — a decision deeply rooted in white supremacy and systemic racism.”

Hahaha! This reads like the most bizarre, Mad Max-like, post apocalyptic craziness😆! A bunch of transphobic Hispanics come together and terrorize a racist tranny bishop, for racial discrimination, to the point that "they" [the racist tranny] has to wear bullet proof armor during church service. I can definitely see how some God fearing Christians might think that The End is near.

(Marc Zuckurburg)
A contest to see who is the bigger snowflake.

(Meyer Lansky)
Hispanics learned a long time ago to play the race card the way blacks do. How many times do they mention blacks and browns in the same sentence when they claim discrimination and harassment from us evil whites?

Hay, caramba! supremasisticando Blanco et rasismo systematical! So firing someone with incomplete credential requirements is racism now... By the way, since when 'Hispanic trans' (or is he a Mexican trans?) is a RACE?
On a different note: What fired what? It is so difficult to follow all that terminology salad with some peppery qualifications added for taste... Speaking of tastes, in some denominations and religions, it's the achievements (work, publications, etc) that are emphasized, not the bedroom specs.
And that's an interesting twist: What kind of a discrimination and -ism is it if a queer fires a tranny? Is it a discrimination or a retaliation or some kind of a supremacy or what?


Isn’t it some kind of heresy for someone to insist on being referred to as, ‘they’

"They" like multiple demons inside. Legion.

puppy_cat & princess_toots #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: They weren't gonna say gay, anyway!
(submitters niote: regarding Floridas "Don't say gay"-bill)

( puppy_cat )
They lie and use this language very purposefully, just like when they say "they're banning trans healthcare for children!" or even better, "they're banning healthcare for trans kids!!" Then people start to assume, just as they've been lead to be, that what is being banned are kids being able to get checked out for any medical problem at all. Rather than saying what it is: sterilization of minors, cutting off healthy organs of minors, etc.

Of course it's all the nonsensical gender and fake sexuality stuff that we don't want to be forced on little kids. But because most people would probably not care if a teacher mentioned in passing they are gay, and that this seems to be a preposterous bill that is getting passed if so, they push hard to make it seem like what everyone is against is simply a gay teacher teaching math or whatever. Instead of all the bullshit that's actually happening.

I volunteered at a middle school (10-13 year olds) only a few years ago, and I walked by giant posters on the walls talking about all the "nonbinary genders" and "pansexuality" and whatever else. And that is preteens, almost teenagers. They want this stuff to be taught as young as what, 3-4 years old? Why? What is the end goal?

( princess_toots )
Exactly this. And most people are so under-informed on the issues, they read "denying health care for trans kids" as denying basic care, whereas what's really going on is protecting kids from elective, non-medically necessary prescriptions, procedures, and even surgeries that they can't properly consent to and aren't backed by peer-reviewed science.

The bill was never about teachers saying they're gay. Teachers can mention their partners in passing, that's been happening for year. Heck, we used to pester our teachers about their boyfriends/girlfriends. The bill is designed to protect against teachers enabling kids or encouraging gender issues, particularly without parental consent.

IrishTheFrenchie & VeggieAnnie #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: They weren't gonna say gay, anyway!
(submitters note: regarding Floridas "Don't say gay"-bill)

( IrishTheFrenchie )
The worst part about using "Don't Say Gay" as "opposition" is that the left has, whether on purpose or not, directly pitted gay rights against parental rights.

Parents: "We think it's inappropriate to teach 5-8 year olds explicit sexual material, gender ideology, or any sexual orientation, or to keep any conversations had with our children about these subjects a secret, or to keep from parents if our child "identifies" as a different sex."

TRAs/politicians: "WHY DO YOU HATE GAY PEOPLE???!!!!"

The bill has NOTHING to do with gay rights, or being gay, or losing freedom as a gay person, yet because of this stupid slogan, it's now accepted in people's minds that if you support the rights of parents to know what their VERY SMALL CHILDREN are learning in school, and that schools must not medicate/trans your children without your knowledge, or teach gender/sex ed without your knowledge, then you despise gay people and want their rights taken away.

This is a MAJOR PROBLEM for the LGB community (and the left in general) because now parents around the country are associating all that perversion and subversion (aka grooming) being taught in schools with gay people.

If a regular normie parent hears that they have to choose between their kids or gay rights, what do you think most people will choose? Especially when they've pretty much been (falsely) told by the left that all the perverted sex ed/trans shit being taught to kids comes from gay people?

This is a disaster for the LGB community and it's solely the fault of politicians trying to "dunk" on the right by screaming "Don't Say Gay"! whenever a common sense parental rights bill comes up.

I'm so pissed they invented this false association, because it's going to stick in people's heads and it's not going to be pretty.

( VeggieAnnie )
Yes. Thank you for unpacking it all and making it explicit, where I had just made a quick post.

The extreme left is behaving as if they just want to teach "some kids have two dads." But they don't. They want to teach queer/trans/furries/introductory porn/etc. And by lumping all that under the word "gay," they are giving people the impression that homosexuals are perverts. Just as you point out. […]

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Very disturbing video promoting the 'joy' and 'freedom' of Top Surgery. "Top surgery is for everyone!"

( La_Terfa )
The idea behind this is that the female body is inherently disgusting or shameful, and if you mutilate it to resemble a moid body a little, that's freeing and beautiful. It's genuinely offensive.

( Carthimundia )
They never stop to think why women aren't allowed to be outside topless, why we can't walk around showing our chests...it's because patriarchy has said our bodies are obscene so we can't expose them. It's so fucked up that their solution to this is to AMPUTATE BODY PARTS in order to fit in, rather than changing the arbitrary rules which says women can't go topless.

I know a few women in real life who have amputated their breasts, and they talk about freedom a lot too. They can now go on the beach and not worry about the male gaze, or run without buying expensive sports bras. It's heartbreaking. Their natural bodies are conceived of them as a cage, as a fetter, as an inconvenience.

( hmimperialtortie )
If it’s for “everyone” push it for the TIMs with moobs.

( kalina )
yeah, if its for everyone then why are 100% of the people who get it female?

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how much money is made every year installing fake breasts and how much money is made every year removing real breasts.

I know people learning to be comfortable with themselves generates zero dollars.

( pennygadget )

out of curiosity, I wonder how much money is made every year installing fake breasts and how much money is made every year removing real breasts.

They must be making bank. Before this trans nonsense took over, mastectomies were only done in women who were older or sick due to cancer. And women who wanted one for a non-illness reason (ie breast reduction to fix back pain) were often denied. Now we have a crop of healthy young girls demanding mastectomies and healthy young men demanding implants. And insurance will cover these entirely cosmetic procedures because they're meant to "fix dysphoria"

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia #fundie missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/ZC5CLWC8YWX78)
The homosexually-inclined teen or college student, or the one who is gender deviant, invariably has a distorted version of faith. Sometimes it’s a New Age philosophy, sometimes lately even wicca or witchcraft. More commonly, it’s a compromised “christianity” that doesn’t believe Christ was our Saviour and maintains that there are many versions of truth. They will often have adopted the convoluted justifications for homosexuality that have been recently developed by homosexual-friendly churches. Along with this is usually an ample dose of hostility toward Christians who believe the truth, including you as your child’s hateful, repressed and obviously uninformed parents. Is this what you want your child to hear over and over?

This friend may do this all the while they are smiling in their encounters with you. My daughter had a friend who is not (to my knowledge) a lesbian, but has very pro-homosexual attitudes. She would call our house and very perkily ask for my daughter and would always greet me very pleasantly. On one occasion, I remember one such friendly call from her to my daughter. I was therefore quite surprised when I opened our local paper the next day, to see a letter to the editor from her discussing me by name and calling me a bigot. This was my first clue about what she really believed. My daughter then reported to me that this friend never missed an opportunity to mock my beliefs to my daughter and in front of others. Luckily, this friend did not have much influence on my child or the damage could have been disastrous.

Yet such a friendship can be an opportunity for witnessing to your child and teaching them the truth of the Gospel. First it’s important to do the research. Learn a lot about homosexuality and then how it is really presented in the Bible. The more I researched the current trends about what actually goes on among homosexuals and "transgenders" and what their claims are, the more clear the Gospel became. Its timeless truth became evident and that much more hopeful and beautiful for all of us.

Mark Burns #wingnut #transphobia rumble.com

Joe Biden has just stated that the Second Amendment is not absolute. My brothers and sisters, this is like a declaration of war to the Constitution of the United States of America. My answer to gun control is really simple: add more guns. Simply add more guns, and make sure they’re in the hands of the right people.
[later on, the topic moves to trans kids]

I vote to make sure that those parents be held for child abuse. There is no such thing as trans kids, there are only abusive parents who are pushing that evil, evil sexual orientation onto their child’s mind.

I want to make sure that those parents have been held accountable. We should start putting some of those parents in jail for abusing their child’s minds. Especially in the school system, any teacher that is teaching that LGBT, transgenderism, furries, the groomers, any sexual orientation communication in the school system should be immediately terminated but [teachers should also] be held for abusing young children.

They were indoctrinating those young minds then; they are doing the very same thing here in America. The LGBT, transgender grooming our children’s minds is a national security threat because it is ultimately designed to destabilize the republic we call the United States of America. That’s why when I’m elected, I don’t want to just vote, I want to start holding people accountable for treason to the Constitution.

We need to hold people for treason, start having some public hearings, and start executing people who are found guilty for their treasonous acts against the Constitution of the United States of America, just like they did back in 1776.

Legoshi #transphobia kiwifarms.net


Yeah, many gay men and lesbians are starting to get sick of the T mate. The constant hysteria will tire and wear down even the most supportive allies. What the fuck is he going on about with the "assimilation"? AFAIK, the majority of gays want to get on with their lives without any problem like your typical straight person. Why deny them the right to "assimilate"? Once again, the T is being selfish and attempting to bring the rest of the LGB down to sink with them.


Safeguarding women and children over the feelings of paraphilic biological males are such unforgiveable human rights violations! It deprives them of their entitlement to beat women in sports and wank off in the public women's toilets, the terror! Pure evil! The most oppressed of them all!

Oh those poor little Western Twitter troons! It must be really hard having a terminally online existence as one of thre safest demographics in the world. The most civil disagreements on the Internet constitute as a literal stepping stone for genocide to these deluded morons. And they wonder why people aren't supporting them anymore. It's sad really.

"Cis homos" who get flogged in Brunei, placed in conversion therapy in the Deep South, assaulted in Russia, correctively raped by ISIS, or made to undergo sex reassignment surgery in Iran must have it so good in comparison. Fuck that, misgendering a troon is worlds worse in terms of violence!

The aforementioned trans car:


La_Terfa , crodish & homosuperior #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

(La_Terfa )
Fuck moids, they can solve their own little pathetic problems. They could do it very easily, in fact, since most of their problems are their own creation. Women's issues are a thousand times worse, and they're not our fault, they're all of the abuse we suffer from others due to our biology and bodies.

And in the case of TIFs harassing gay dudes, well, gay men already tell them to fuck off with no repercussions, because society respects men's dignity.

And no, I don't "support" men in anything except being quiet.

( crodish )
I'm fine with men's spaces being "invaded" by females because 1) maybe then they'll finally fucking understand why it's a big deal to us 2) TIFs are going to pose VERY little threat to them regardless of the fact 3) men need to start being more responsible for their class as a whole.

Women are already fighting against men in female spaces, women who argue that men SHOULD be in our spaces (fuck you Emma Watson), and we're probably going to be asked and blamed for women in men's spaces, too. Women's fault for everything while the men just pile on, rules of misogyny, etc. Tired of it.

I know there are some men fighting back already, both straight (Chris Billboard comes to mind, as do a bunch of conservative politicians and comedians) and gay (MrMenno is my favorite, and most of the others who are normally allies with "GC" TIMs on twitter), and that includes the few men on here as well, but there needs to be more. MORE.

At the same time I am concerned that most of the men I see standing up against gender ideology are the same men who believe homosexuality is sinful and that women should go back to the kitchen and that abortion is murder. Sigh. Fuck this earth

( homosuperior )
I almost agree, except for two reasons: I have an autistic brother who cried when he saw two men pretending to be women the other day, and was confused why they were “lying”. If he was in a men’s bathroom and a girl walked in pretending to be a man, I know him, he’d refuse to use a bathroom in public again. And secondly, I’m worried of the safety of young TIFs. I identified as a TIF, but I never used men’s facilities (never medically transitioned either), because I’ve been sexually assaulted by a man in a bathroom. [...]

JayGoptri , AnalAndro & Ghost of Eskimo #transphobia #sexist #racist ncu.su

Judge whose not a Biologist
This proud woman of color can't even describe what a "woman" is. If the question was making her confused because of all the edgey new age commentary she's supposed to say, which is clogging her mind, she could have at least just given a few examples of the female species. Of course shes not a Biologist, so she gets a pass? And just today, all the leftist stations reporting "Science says there is no easy answer to the question"

The absolute shitty state of affairs in America.

The w*man is the cultural construct to describe the femanoid human beast, it's half human and half beast. The w*man concept is too normie so I never use it. I agree that it's just a damn costruction of a culture, so yes I think I can use the w*man concept to diagnose illness of a culture.

This womban here is a black african american nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey. The whole concept of "african american black nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey" is another social construct, that is valid only in white countries, exclusively in white countries. This concept is not universal, if you are white and you go visit some nignogg jungle savages, they don't see you as an "evilwhitey oppressor" because they don't even know what an university is.

(Ghost of Eskimo)
I was going to make a thread about her lenient sentencing of a man convicted for having computer child porn images. She was pretty reasonable and only gave him a few years for having thousands of images.

The Cuckservatives were raging because they would like him to tortured by a pack of soyboys for life in Gitmo. How dare she be lenient to a man who barely committed a crime.

@VickiBell110 , @WillietheFly & @Amalchaaban #transphobia twitter.com

( @VickiBell110 )
Why are they always calling us anti-trans and not pro-women? Did they call gay right's activists anti-straights? #GenderCritical

Because we need to take back control of the language that they stole.
They’re not “rights”, it’s an ever-expanding series of DEMANDS that can never be satisfied.
Give them an inch…

Because calling us pro anything doesn't suit their "we are victims" propaganda push. It would remind people that women are being forced to accept this garbage & people might start paying attention to the homophobia & vicious misogyny involved in this garbage movement.

Republican Party of Texas #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia texasgop.org

[From "Report of 2020 Platform & Resolutions Committee"]

21. Environment:We oppose environmentalism that obstructs legitimate business interests[…]Abolition of the [EPA][…]
26. Minimum Wage[…]Minimum Wage Act should be repealed[…]
65. State Sovereignty[…]Federal government has impaired our right of local self-government[…]Texas retains the right to secede from the United States should a future president and congress change our political system from a constitutional republic[…]
71. State Electoral College[…]Electors selected by the popular votes cast within each individual state senatorial district, who shall then elect all statewide office holders[…]
73. US Citizenship: We support a change to the 14th Amendment to eliminate “birth tourism” or anchor babies[…]citizenship only to those with at least one biological parent who is a US citizen[…]
86. Amend Texas Constitution[…]Strike the following words[…]“but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms”[…]
95. CPS: We call for the eventual abolishment of CPS[…]
109. Hate Crimes:We urge the complete repeal of the hate crimes laws[…]
136. Scientific Theories:We support objective teaching of scientific theories, such as life origins and climate change[…]
145. Sexual Education[…]Prohibiting the teaching of sex education[…]
175. Defund Big Government, Not the Police:Any large city or county that cuts its police budget by
more than 10 percent should be required to cut its property tax[…]
232. Israel[…]We oppose the creation of a Palestinian state[…]force Israel to give up land that God gave to the Jewish people as referenced in Genesis[…]
253. Natural Medical Right[…]Right to refuse vaccination or medical treatment

crodish & bannedrui_resin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: the trans healthcare dilemma

( crodish )
Ooooh I really don't like this insidious comparision.

The single person is a detrans person. The one on the tracks are "eggs" or trans people.

They present it as a "you're killing all trans people just for the one detrans person who said this is bad! Get rid of the detrans person instead, it's only one!" When in actual reality we are trying to derail the whole fucking train altogether so that no one on either track has to die.

The train is gender ideology. The train is the problem. It is full of scientists who suddenly have no idea what chromosomes and gametes are and medical practitioners who want to make bank off of confused children and vulnerable youth and adults.

( bannedrui_resin )
Or how about this scenario: There are ten children with sexual or social trauma, internalised misogyny or homophobia on the tracks. If you don't pull the lever, trans activists and medical professionals will groom them into believing that their rational unhappiness is an innate identity that can only be fully realised with devastating surgery and drugs, while simultaneously encouraging a mentality of victimhood and the delusional belief that everyone who knows the difference between men and women is a fascistic bigot who is out to get them, perhaps especially their own parents.

On the other side of the tracks are an unknown number of redditors with a paraphilia for roleplaying womanhood. If you pull the lever and do not allow the children to be medically interfered with, nine of them will find another, healthier way to cope and one will join the roleplayers. Also, the roleplayers will experience a second of doubt about whether man made stereotypes of femininity based on subordination, objectification and humiliation constitute a truly authentic identity, and whether literally every single women they ever meet is just pretending to believe they're a "real woman" and is just too afraid to be honest. But only a second. They'll recover rapidly. All of them will be able to get whatever cosmetic surgery they want because they're adults.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Creepy r/MtF thread about wanting to skinwalk the women they're attracted to

( hontrapoints )
This is seriously the creepiest shit ever. They really have no reservations about violating women's boundaries.

I've known several TIMs throughout my life. The idea that there is even the slightest possibility one may have considered skin walking me at any point makes me wish I were dead. The simple idea feels almost violating at a core level.

( Carrots90 )
Do not ever turn it on yourself. It’s not you that needs to be gone.

Just use biologically correct pronouns.

Supposedly that just invalidates them off into some other dimension.

( bellatrixbells )
Yesterday I was scrolling a thread where a bunch of scrotes and handmaidens were asking every dissenting woman if she'd ever met a TIM. I was like... Honestly dude IRL I've only met and actually interacted with, like, seven or eight and all of them creeped me out at the most intimate level. Pretty sure those who say "you've obviously never met a twans wimin" are the ones who never have. 😒

( puppy_cat )
I live in a pretty liberal area and somehow have had freakish luck with running into or seeing many (like at the very least 30+ of them over a good 6+ years). One of the first I remember was for some reason the friend of a girl I worked with in retail when I was younger (like maybe around 16 years old) and this guy would come in the store wearing miniskirts (wish I could unsee it) and talk to her and me, and ask for us to all "hang out". He was probably, at the very least, 40 years old. I've never met any TiMs that weren't creepy or fetishistic, or outright pedophiles (personally know 2 men who were outed as pedophiles and then suddenly "transitioned"). And the ones I didn't have any relationship with who were just strangers or worked in stores I was going into all acted unwell, too.

( puppy_cat )
I have actually had a man online tell me that I'm the reason he's "transitioning". He was a complete stranger that wrote to me on social media and had apparently stalked my photos for a while (I wasn't even aware I had some of my settings on public). He said it "took him a while to figure out if he just was very attracted to me or wanted to be me" and "found out it was both, but moreso wanting to be me". These men are unhinged.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/C9T$X3$NZSF6B )
Christian Faith. The biggest danger is what this friendship will do to genuine Christian faith. Your child will hear the assertion over and over that the friend is not only well-adjusted, but sure that he could never be anything other than homosexual, or is really trapped in the wrong sex body. This is certainly a firm belief, but it’s not based on reality. The long-term evidence is that homosexuality and gender confusion arise out of dysfunction, including experiences like child sexual abuse, poor relationships with parents (especially the same sex parent), and peer difficulties. An introspective personality, and the availability of pornography may then turn a slight attraction into obsessive fantasies. It may influence the person with a shaky gender identity to fantasize about "becoming" the opposite sex (which can never actually happen).

The claim once made about the elusive “gay gene” has been quietly dropped by most of the pro-homosexual organizations, because it can’t be supported by science. Instead, the approach has begun to be, “Well, it doesn’t matter—if this is what we want, it must be natural and okay.” But dangerous behavior that arises out of unhappy, unhealthy circumstances does not call for affirmation. It cries out for a solution. Rather than blessing anal sex between 14- year- old boys—which is what "LGBTQ" advocacy groups believe is normal—most parents readily see that this is tantamount to insanity.

The Bible informs us that homosexual behavior is common among paganized cultures, along with lots of other very destructive actions. We are becoming a paganized society and, sure enough, all types of sexual (and other) behavior is more commonplace. Rather than being just a set percentage of people, homosexuality is instead one of a cafeteria selection of behaviors that adolescents especially are now trying. As we grow further separated from the truth of God, we are “exchanging the truth of God for the lie” (Romans 1:25) and worshipping ourselves and our own instincts, wherever they take us.


@CheeseAndOnions #transphobia gettr.com

"How a Decade of Democratic Delusions Failed Women on Abortion

"From Obama and the ACA to modern gender ideology, Democrats have repeatedly sold out women to the highest bidder"

"So it is with feminists and the left, and what looks to be a SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v. Wade and Casey. I’m sure others are preparing state by state maps about where it will still be possible to get an abortion and how much it will cost a woman in rural Texas, say, to get to the nearest clinic. I mainly want to assist with removing a few delusions some feminists may still harbor about how we got here."


There's no executive order coming to save women. No Inauguration Night proclamation to deliver women the decades of empty promises. The first order of business for Biden was enshrining men's ability to get an erection while publicly displaying their fetish.

The misogynists on the left will never save women from the sexists on the right.

@tradwife_radfem & @Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

Wait, if trannies can get invasive, exorbitantly expensive cosmetic surgeries when they threaten suicide, will it work for women having to face the most difficult decision of her life, or do only crocodile tears work for this?

Haha you know the answer, Horse. Men get what men want, when they want. And plenty of people support this fucked idea. Hence the cockfrockers being feted as something special when they're degenerate pantysniffing pornsick fuckheads.

Betsey McCaughey #transphobia #enbyphobia #homophobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy nypost.com

Gender dysphoria — a rare medical condition that makes people feel mismatched with their sexual anatomy — occurs in about 0.6 percent of the adult population, according to the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute. Anyone afflicted should be treated with kindness and offered medical help.

It first appears in childhood, but with so few children affected, the curriculum should not be distorted for everyone. Elementary-school teachers are putting words on the blackboard like “nonbinary” and “transgender” even before kids have learned multiplication.

But Maine’s Department of Education reports that between 13 percent and 18 percent of public high-school students say they’re “lesbian, gay, bisexual or unsure” of their sexual identity. It’s no wonder when the curriculum programs them to doubt their identity. In school it’s cool to be anything but heterosexual.

Maine requires public-school teachers to explore the achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals, not just in health class but also in history and social studies. That’s indoctrination since teachers are not asked to do the same for the celibate, for example.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Everywhere, and Growing"]

The beautiful thing about the Left is that they do not know when to quit[…]they are going for broke in a desperate dash to their total Marxist conclusion[…]You can feel a change in the air[…]
If you asked me back in 2015, I would have estimated that five percent of the United States could be labeled within some sector of the Dissident Right. Today, I believe that number is probably closer to 40% and growing[…]
After Covid lockdowns, a stolen election, a meltdown in Afghanistan, chaos at the Southern border, and an economic collapse triggered by anti-working-class policies from the White House, an anger is metastasizing. Couple all of that with the broad recognition of Critical Race Theory[…]gender dysphoria propaganda[…]clear, anti-White marketing[…]awakening is happening[…]
As someone who travels frequently, I strike up conversations wherever I am[…]Far more individuals are knowledgeable about the origin of our current predicament[…]and the only solutions that make sense[…]75% of those with whom I meet are on some level of White Nationalism[…]
Teachers, doctors, lawyers, and police officers in Pennsylvania all seemed to share very strong, anti-Jewish sympathies. “Man, six years ago, I didn’t care about Jews,” explained one high school teacher, “but they keep f***ing pushing. Now I wish Hitler finished the job”[…]
With the election protests of January 6th – The “CivNat Charlottesville” – many normiecons and Civic Nationalists learned the hard way. Those who were not arrested for their mostly peaceful protest, learned the same lessons that White Nationalists of varying stripes learned in 2017[…]
As a secessionist, nothing could be more satisfying, and the best part of all this: the powers that triggered all of it, cannot put that genie back in the bottle and avoid number 110. We are everywhere, and we are growing

BabylonBee #homophobia #transphobia #fundie babylonbee.com

Oh no! Everyone's calling everyone else "groomer" and now we're all confused! Are you a groomer? Is your neighbor a groomer? Let the experts at The Babylon Bee help you sort it out. Here are all the warning signs you may be a groomer:

1. Do you talk about sex with 5-year-olds behind their parents' back?

2. Do you begin sentences with, "Don't tell your parents, but..."

3. Do you encourage kids to cut off their sex organs?

4. Are you a Disney Executive?

5. Did you quit your teaching job after they passed the Parental Rights Act in Florida?

6. Does taking other people's kids to a drag show and calling it a "field trip" seem ok to you?

7. Do you drive around in a windowless van with "FREE GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE" scrawled on the side?

8. Have you ever helped a child acquire sex hormones without their parent's knowledge?

9. Does David French think you're a "blessing of liberty?"

Tally up your number of "Yes" answers and consult this chart:

1-2: Oh no! You're a groomer!

3-4: Wow. Definitely a groomer.

5-6: Yep, still groomer.

7-8: There's a Law & Order SVU episode with your name on it.

9: Ok, we're calling the police.

Babylon Bee #transphobia #racist #biphobia babylonbee.com

CHARLOTTE, NC—Colin Kaepernick has made his way back into the NFL as a cheerleader for the Carolina Panthers. He will be the team's first African American Transgender Poly-Bi Cheerleader and will be joining the team on road games.

"I'm excited to be on the team!" said Kaepernick, weakened by a series of surgeries and hormone injections. "After I insulted the organization and called all the fans racist, I wasn't sure I'd be welcomed back, but I was finally able to contort my body into such a victimized form that they had no choice but to hire me."

"It's a dream come true!"

Panthers coach Matt Rhule was not part of the decision-making process that brought Kaepernick into the cheerleading fold, but he is reportedly enthusiastic about the former quarterback's role on the squad.

"I think he'll be a great distraction when we lose games," he said, sighing wistfully. "And believe me, we're going to lose some games."

ESPN commentator Jaina Winterwoman asked Kaepernick about the audition process. The interview, which will appear on a future episode of NFL Primetime, revealed that Kaepernick doesn't know how to dance.

"Girl, with an identity like this you don't have to do a thing," Kaepernick told the sports journalist. "I don't think anyone's going to be watching me for my dance moves."

The 2022 NFL season is scheduled to begin on September 8th. Ratings for Panthers games are expected to spike early on and then plummet, destroying the franchise.

BabylonBee #fundie #homophobia #transphobia babylonbee.com

1) Repent - The best thing you can do during Pride Month, or any month.

2) Read all the verses in your Bible that mention pride - Then, repent again.

3) Participate in the ceremonial exchanging of the Ukraine flag profile pic for the rainbow flag profile pic - It is a time-honored tradition.

4) Buy a Mustang - Become an honorary gay.

5) Put some frogs in water treated with government chemicals - This will make them gay.

6) Use the urinal right next to another dude - Don't make it weird; just do it.

7) Reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of God's promise to never flood the earth again - Then be really annoying by complimenting all the gay people for embracing the Noahic covenant.

8) Listen to some gay artists like George Michael, Elton John, or Maroon 5 - This will show you are an ally.

9) Go to your local library and host a "Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19 Reading Hour" for the little ones - We must honor our LGBTQ history.

10) Repent one more time just to be sure - You can't be too careful when you're living in a nation that blatantly defied God for decades after He blessed her and made her into the most prosperous nation on earth!

Don Vito #crackpot #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Soft troonmaxxing...worth of it?

Before an admin will bash me with a +20% warning or banning me or delete my thread.

Lets talk about the elephant of the room of inceldom.

Lets talk about exploiding the lesbianpill in your favor.

As it was said several times. Foids rather to fuck other foid before an ugly man. My headcanon is that we are all like machines. We have a firmware that defines our behavior. My hypothesis is that foids rather to fuck other foids before ugly/short men in order to dont breed. This because their firmware says them that is not worth of it. Too much resources invested, risks to be slaughted during pregnancy since being short or ugly are signs of bad health and risk of passing these genes to children.

But what if wearing wigs, using make up or fake nails give the illusion to foids that we are other foids?

A couple of examples


Various Incels #crackpot #pratt #sexist #transphobia youtube.com

RE: FtM Transgender community meets the Blackpill.

"being a man is like dying and coming back as a ghost"
I can't believe it took a woman to perfectly describe man's experience.

It really hit me when they were speaking about being a ghost. I haven't really lived. Life as an average/ugly male is just a different world entirely. You get treated as disposable garbage, no one cares about your issues, people are distant toward you, people think it's ok to mock you, dating is shit or non existant. It's just misery.

(Jack Archer)
Many women literally don’t know how good they have it. My friend’s gf was complaining about the fact that her default option is having a family and a husband. Meanwhile, a male’s default option is living penniless and alone with no family or wife. Unbelievable.

(Janos Fejos)
Imagine you went through a dangerous and difficult transition to have a better life only to find out that it's actually hell on earth.

(Berserk S.)
Women think every guy lives like the handsome hot dude they admire.

I knew a trans girl who became a boy. Told her she was gonna have problems because of her height. Didn't listen to me. Then, depression took over.

Imagine choosing life as a 5'6 male.
I just feel bad - these people have been lied to about the patriarchy or whatever.

It's simple. Being a woman means you're the prize and being a man means you're the competitor. Competitors are naturally hostile to each other and most wont get the prize because they weren't good enough. Prizes or trophies just have to sit there and look valuable. By choosing to be a male you're choosing hard mode in life.

(David Brinkerhoff)
I have, at times, tried to explain the difficulties and challenges of heightism in the modern world to my sister. It is literally impossible to get them to understand. Their life experience is that Chad can pick and reject whomever he pleases. It hurts them to be rejected/ignored by Chad and so they redirect their insecurities by assuming all men are Chad.

Ftm shock is even bigger than sub5 discovering blackpill, since they already lived in hell, just found out why...Ftm went straight from tutorial to impossible nightmare mode

Jared Taylor #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

DR3: An Argument for Morons?

I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “The Democrats are the real racists.” It’s even got a snazzy abbreviation, DR3. “Democrats R Real Racists.”

A lot of Republicans seem to think this is the knock-out blow against Democrats who call Republicans racists.

One of the deep thinkers at Townhall explains that “Actually everything the Democrats do is Racist.”

Promoting abortion is racist. That’s because blacks are more likely to want abortions so letting them end a pregnancy is racist because that means fewer black babies.

Letting men compete in women’s sports is racist because black lady athletes are better than white lady athletes.

Yep, this genius actually says this.

She’s saying blacks are the only people in America who matter — just the way Democrats do.

It’s even worse. It doesn’t seem to have dawned on these boneheads that they have swallowed the very anti-white nonsense they think they are battling. These so-called “conservatives” think they have found a way to fight back at Democrats who say it’s racist to seal the border or ban Critical Race Theory in schools. In fact, they have fully accepted the idea that if you can call a policy or an idea “racist,” you’ve landed a killer blow. American politics becomes a name-calling contest, and the side that shouts “racist” the loudest wins. That means the only thing that counts in American politics is what’s good for blacks.

These people have surrendered without a fight. They have made it impossible to defend what really matters. Once you think your side wins by calling the other side racist, how do you begin even to think about the biological reality of race, race differences in IQ, The Great Replacement, the colossal failures of multi-racial America, the right of whites to survive as a distinct people, and how to ensure their survival?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a long talk with a remarkable person — an honest journalist — who has been writing about American Renaissance for more than 15 years. He brought up “Democrats are the real racists,” and wanted to know how anyone could fall for it. “It’s an argument for morons,” he said.

He’s right. Dangerous morons. Sometimes, even journalists get it right.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Handwringing over “Don’t Say Gay” bills
( Marmorsymphata )
The establishment Right is getting what they wanted unfortunately. If only the left had a single clue that they're fulfilling bigots' wildest dreams by advocating all the things that used to be fake fearmongering stereotypes about the LGB in the form of transsexualism in children. It has somehow against all laws of reality come to pass that yes, extremists ARE converting children. Extremists ARE telling children to hide interactions with their teachers from their parents. Extremists ARE harming children's health with profane advice like binding. They ARE trying to expose little girls to little boys.

It really feels like the Earth got sucked into a wormhole somewhere between 2012 and 2016 and now we've landed in Bizarro world.

( Laila_Salem )
So the Mayan prophecy about the world ending in 2012 had some truth to it after all!

( mountainwitch )
It's really scary to be seeing this shift in the left. I now consider myself more center-aligned than left at this point, because the left is so far out of whack and doesn't even seem to understand basic reality. I was raised to be extremely liberal but the Id-pol cancer has eaten away at the left so much that there is nothing recognizable or tangible within their "goals".

Republicans have always been crazy but at the very least they are focused on reality. That's why they have been so successful whenever they get into power. None of this sidestepping and handwringing that leftists do whenever faced with policy or enacting change. I hate to say it but those damn rightwing nutjobs get shit done, evil as it may be.

( aerialstrike )
It's absolutely ludicrous to promote transsexualism and homosexuality at the same time because they're completely antithetical to one another. Transsexualism was originally invented as a way to "fix" homosexuals, and now they're considered to be the same thing ("LGBTQ++") and this shit is going on where conservatives leverage homophobia and liberals (or what centrists pass for "liberal" in the U.S.) are too braindead to notice what's going on, or simply don't care because they don't have a clue about what transsexualism truly is. Apparently there's no room for analysis between "traditional heterosexualist gender roles" and "everyone be free to express your damaged identities!"

Various Commenters #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut gettr.com


Promoting the sexualisation, gender confusion and ABUSE OF CHILDREN.

Let’s keep making tranny gay drag kids fashionable so other kids can join in with the confusion and abuse for ATTENTION.

What could possibly go wrong???

Cancel Discovery, children shouldn’t discover such things that need to be kept private and dealt with privately until such a time as the child is a grown adult that has the COGNITIVE MATURITY to know what he or she is and wants.

There’s nothing even remotely loving or caring about supporting the LGBTQ movement. It hurts children and it hurts women. If you support it, that’s what you support, regardless of what you say.

The fear from these shows from my perspective is the glamorisation of being “different”. It’s one thing to encorage parents to love and support their kids no matter who they are, its another for the media to saturate kids with these shows so that is seems to promote “different” as better.
We know how it goes by now. Its better to be a woman than a man, its better to be black than white and now media is telling our kids its better to be gay than straight.

🌴 Obama in his term as President got in bed with these people & put into law approval of gay/lgbtq marriage.. he also established the mandate of the “hate crime” bill specifically aimed at anyone denouncing this perverted immoral, unnatural sexual relationships.
This is the results of a warped, perverted pedophilia transgender society attacking our children and families!!!
Obama also deliberately escalated racial divisions in our nation & continues his racist war!!
*Obama along with his other “Anti American” corrupt puppet master’s is in charge of our White House occupiers!!
**But their Time Is Coming To An End!!!
We Are Seeing God’s Army Rising Up & Strategically Exposing The Enemy & All Their Criminal Corruption!!
Their Defeat Is Eminent & Soon💪🏽🇺🇸

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

I will join forces with anyone to bring down gender ideology. The gender cult is a clear and present danger to women, children, men, and civilization itself. I will work with any ally in the fight to destroy it. I've been very clear about this.

John C. Wright #transphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger archive.ph

He is in fact a foundling, a poor little black girl, who is the sole source of the regenerative ability of the Time Lords, hence the true founder of their society, not Rassilon.

This clip does not show, but I have it on good authority that the scientist and mother of the Doctor, a super-scientist who isolates the regeneration gene code, of course, of course, is a strong female character, and the first female space explorer of Gallifrey.

In some other context, in the hands of another writer, at some other point in time, making William Hartnell into a little orphaned black girl who is also the sole source of the immortality of the Time Lords might have been a perfectly legitimate science fictional flourish to a beloved and long-running series.

But that is not the context here. We live in a day and age when a professor in a lecture hall can be forced by threat of lawsuit not to call his students “mister” and “miss” — a male student insisted on being addressed by a female pronoun — and the professor is not allowed gracefully to obey but to announce his protest to this prohibition in his syllabus. He must obey without protest.

I have not seen the episode, nor, indeed, the season, nor ever will I.

Doctor Who is dead to me. Farewell, faithful childhood friend from Gallifrey!

I will recall your wonderful adventures forever. The hacks who scribbled you over with clownish graffiti of political correctness, I will not hate forever, for I have it from Dante that the coldest and lowest place in Hell is reserved for betrayers.

Allie Beth Stuckey #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

One of the things that stood out to me in @MattWalshBlog’s “What Is A Woman” is that everyone on the pro-sex switching side denied not only the existence of biology but the entire concept of truth itself. This is a theological debate more than it’s a political or scientific one.

Coffeefiend & carpetplaydohx2 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs suffer far more than we cis women could ever possibly imagine

( Coffeefiend )

Sure we can't get periods which are apparently the worst thing ever even though I'd murder I friend to be able to have them.

Creepy and unhinged skinwalkers. You whiny scrotes couldn’t handle the debilitating pain of conditions like endometriosis. Fuck off.

Also, we have the highly exaggerated “harassment, violence, discrimination” bullshit they always spew even though women experience all of that too and have since childhood. And the whole “we are more at risk for violence than anyone else” notion is such a blatant lie anyway. These scrotes are utterly insufferable, solipsistic morons.

I mean between the fact that my fertility is the luck of the draw, getting called the wrong gender, (even by my parents) and the fact that I cant even use the bathrooms I prefer because either

Oh no! The horror of getting called the “wrong gender” and “not being able to use the preferred bathroom!” Delusional males who choose to take toxic hormones and butcher their bodies have it so much worse! Here’s a medal for the first place winners of the Oppression Olympics. 😞

( carpetplaydohx2 )

Also, we have the highly exaggerated “harassment, violence, discrimination” bullshit they always spew even though women experience all of that too and have since childhood.

Exactly -- they have the fucking privilege of being able to go back into "boy mode" whenever and wherever they want and can walk safely, live safely, BE SAFE and it costs them absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, I am a woman with no "get out of woman free" card that I can use whenever I want to opt-out of oppression or "boy mode" that I can slip on and off at the drop of a hat so I can go stealth when my womanhood is a literal risk to my life or wellbeing.

That's not even counting the number of ways that I've been shortchanged since birth simply because I was born with a female reproductive system rather than a male one.

They can fuck right back off with this and go play oppression Olympics elsewhere. These spoilt white men are not oppressed.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia archive.ph

To clarify: Julia Serano was born a man. His/her ex-girlfriend is a lesbian “who was supportive when I transitioned,” but now they’re split and so the bisexual post-transition shemale is looking for love “within the queer women’s community.”

And you thought your love life was complicated, eh?

“On numerous occasions I have looked over the “w4w” [i.e., women for women] section of Craigslist, but it inevitably leaves me traumatized. There is so much trans hate speech on that site, and the very few ads that mention being open to trans are specifically looking for trans men or tranny bois, not trans women.”

Isn’t that wonderful? After you get a sex-change operation, you’re allowed to describe romantic rejection as “hate speech”!

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Women can be strip-searched by trans officers who were born male, say police

( sarstan )
This is so wrong. No. The man knows he's a man and he knows you know he's a man. This is a severe violation of women's rights. This is state sanctioned sexual assault against women. This cannot be allowed.

( WhatTheBlazes )
This is state sanctioned sexual assault against women.


( SecondSkin )
The police, NHS and schools have created a triad of rights violations that have waved this in by stealth.

The people whose job it is to safeguard us have been throwing away safeguarding. Throwing away safeguarding is a predatory act.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
It's not even an accident, like a lot of safeguarding gaps. This is deliberate.

( IronicWolf )
I’m also concerned about policewomen (and female prison officers) who will be targeted by fetishists and forced to perform intimate searches on men.

( VestalVirgin )
This plays right into their plans - because the policewomen can kinda opt out of being routinely sexually assaulted by TIMs by not becoming policewomen. Soon we will be back to an all-male police, where some men pretend to be women and get to legally grope actual women under the guise of searching them.

( Califasauros )
Yes, imagine the autogynephile's glee at a female police officer being required to intimately search his nether bits....

( bellatrixbells )
"Oh, I'm sorry Tiffany McTits, I forgot to wash my hands after eating hit sauce and cayenne pepper!!!"

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/B45KFHDGYM.H7)
But the issues with a “gay-straight” encounter are enormous. Not just the usual pregnancy concern, but the sexually transmitted disease risks can be great. Young men who have homosexual attractions or who are gender "fluid" have usually done something about it by late high school and certainly by college. This may have involved casual sex readily available at “gay” bars, or even encounters in public parks or restrooms. The encounter may have been with an older male, possibly carrying a sexually transmitted infection. Girls who have lesbian feelings may have already had sex with both males and females, since early sexual initiation is common among lesbians. For your son who may be infatuated with this person, she may have an STD or could become pregnant.

Gender Identity. But let’s say you are very sure that no sexual attraction or risk exists in this friendship. Still, there are other reasons to be wary. A casual relationship may pose little risk, but the closer the friendship, the more influence this person will have on your son or daughter’s beliefs about homosexuality, and about masculinity and femininity. I have talked with many teens in youth groups, high school classes, etc. and have been told by loyal friends of homosexuals that they really believe their friends’ claim that he or she was “born that way” or "born in the wrong sex body." The heartfelt assertion that this is just “who I am” may make your child doubt anything you may tell him or her. Particularly for girls, it may influence your daughter to buy into some very negative feminist ideology as well and may influence her concept of her own femininity.

Being close friends with an opposite sex homosexual may begin to influence the type of members of the opposite sex your son or daughter chooses to date. Will your son begin to choose more aggressive women? Will your daughter prefer more passive or feminized males? Spending time with a gender-confused person may create very distorted ideals and expectations in your child that may not be readily apparent.

@DarmokAndJalad #transphobia gettr.com


One of the most horrifying ones I have covered.

Brought to you by the malfeasant medical industry, TQIA-Tryhards, Shemale Porn deluded Soyboys, and the Tranny Handmaidens "preventing" kid's suicides on a school board near you.

You can see Reddit groom teens into the trans cult, and that was before mods were caught out literally grooming kids, bragging about giving them hormones. Reddit admins permanently ban users who talk about the transmarketing agenda/funders/and medical malfeasance. There is also no place where you can exclude trans from discussion without admins closing the subreddit. They're even in the women's specific health disorder boards.

Elvis Dunderhoff #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger archive.ph

Imagine if guys in their 30s were going to schools and saying they want girls in middle school to perform pole-dancing strip shows, and shilling preschool girls books about how to work as hookers.

What would be the difference, other than that it wouldn’t be gay?

Imagine the narrative here: “child sex is fine – as long as it’s gay.”

Of course, it’s going to be gay. Virtually all child sex is always gay. The whole “pedophile” thing is really a misnomer, including heterosexuals in this definition. It’s blood libel against heteros. All of the child sex related stuff in the media is always gay.

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