
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Seiya Morita #transphobia onthewomanquestion.com

The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women


6. Trans ideology allows men who self-identify as women to occupy women’s political positions as ‘female legislators’, to deprive women of honour as ‘women’s successes’, and to break into women’s sports, women’s contests, and all other women’s events to dominate and colonise them. A particularly disastrous result has been produced in relation to women’s sports. Men with physical advantages, who can achieve only mediocre results in the men’s competitions, enter women’s sports by claiming they are women, and steal medals, prizes, and recognition from women.

7. Trans ideology hijacks and colonises even lesbianism. Men who are merely heterosexual, claim to be women who romantically love and exclusively sexually desire women, and therefore pronounce themselves lesbians, taking lesbianism conceptually away from women and attempting to directly physically dominate (and sometimes rape) real lesbian women. Lesbians are the women who have rejected men the most and have tried to escape penile imperialism the most, and so, for the imperialist men, this is precisely why they must be colonised.


8. Trans ideology arbitrarily draws a ‘cis-trans’ distinction among ‘women,’ and names ordinary women ‘cis women.’ Giving women the degrading name of ‘cis women’ is the same colonialist act as when Western colonists or imperialists called the local population ‘savages,’ ‘Indians,’ ‘Gooks’, ‘Chinks,’ or ‘Japs.’ In the case of the prewar Japanese imperialists who colonised the Korean peninsula, locals were forced to adopt Japanese names.

9. More thoroughly still, women labelled ‘cis’ are described as more privileged than ‘trans women.’ Although women are the largest and oldest minority in human history and have been consistently oppressed, discriminated against, exploited, raped, objectified, and killed since the beginning of male dominance (patriarchy), the group is now deprived of even this minority status. And a man who has enjoyed male privilege all his life, but one day declares he feels he is a woman, is considered more oppressed than any ‘cis woman.’ Thus, women are deprived of the right to speak out about the injustice of their imposed status. This is dehumanization at its most thorough. [...]

Andrew Anglin #sexist #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "Chess League Bans Trannies from Women’s League, Proving That Women are Intellectually as Well as Physically Inferior"]

The fact that women suck at chess proves that they really are inferior to men

With the sports, you can say “oh well, of course they are physically weaker, but what does that matter in modern times???”

Being bad at chess means they are intellectually inferior[…]
We must start from the point of “women are inferior to men and therefore should be treated differently by society”

I mean, we treat people with Down syndrome differently, do we not?

Personally, I think women should be banned from making their own decisions. That is to say, they should be “disenfranchised.” But regardless of how you think this issue should be dealt with, the fact that they have to ban trannies from playing chess because otherwise women will be destroyed by vastly more intelligent men pretending to be women, proves that women are mentally inferior[…]

The world’s top chess federation has ruled that transgender women cannot compete in its official events for women until its officials make an assessment[…]

Good luck fighting the tranny lobby

The tranny lobby is superior to the vagina lobby for the same reason men win all these competitions – because men are superior to women

I support trannies being in everything designed for women, of course. Because it proves, over and over again, that women are inferior to men[…]
There is a reason there are no women geniuses in any field, and the women who were competent at certain things usually had a husband who was competent in those things (how much did Percy help Mary with Frankenstein?)

Furthermore, this whole concept of “women’s sports” and women’s chess or whatever else was retarded from the beginning

Women should stay at home and have kids


End of story

@AthenasWrench & @LoveHerMadly #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
60 minutes australia platforms a bunch of woman hating troons to talk about women’s sports. Isn’t that nice? Hannah here quit because they wouldn’t allow him to swing his dick around in the womens changeroom. Made him big mad. True story.

( @LoveHerMadly )
How did we reach the point of anyone taking male sexual fetish seriously? Is it all in that ridiculous word "transgender"? Because the correct term is "male pervert".

DramaticPangolin-92 #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

(Side note: being held to the standard you expect everyone else to abide by for you is not the same as forcing another sacrifice on someone you’re already expecting emotional labour from. A younger sister already has to use a new name and new pronouns, being told she also has to lose something because an older sibling demanded that of her is base cruelty. Your inability to see that is concerning.)

crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

Russian lawmakers vote to ban gender reassignment surgery – DW – 06/14/2023


What does the new law say?

The proposed bill would prohibit "medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person" and "the state registration of a change of gender without an operation."

Interesting that they differentiated between sex and gender here, and in the right way too. There's no way to change a person's sex, but there're many procedures targeting the sex organs under the belief that it will. And gender on paperwork has always been legal fiction for TiPs, so "gender" is absolutely the right way to phrase it.

I think this might also be the first instance of it being outlawed on a complete scale for adults as well, instead of just for minors.

This includes "the formation of a person's primary and (or) secondary sexual characteristics."

So no boob jobs, phallos, labiasicles, and vaginoplasties.

But surgeries that are "aimed at treating congenital anomalies in children" would remain legal.

They recognize people with DSDs being the exception.

.....idk how to feel about this lmfao it's Russia coming up with what should honestly be the world standard for dealing with transgenderism.

Jon Rappoport #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy jonrappoport.substack.com

If 100,000 transvestites had been made homeless by a Hawaii fire...

...They would have received a billion federal dollars faster than you could slip on a pair of pink heels

Biden would be there, on the ground, handing out stacks of cash, down on his knees, kissing asses, promising to take the trannies shopping in Oahu.

FEMA agents in droves would be taking and processing applications for aid on the spot in Maui, and handing out more cash.

But no.
Sure. Let’s make these homeless people who have lost family members wait. Make them check their application status online. Make them call an 800 number to see what they qualify for.

SURELY, $700 will tide them over. Of course it will. Uh-huh.

I say put these FEMA motherfuckers out of their homes without resources in some blown-out spot, like the south side of Chicago, at night, and let THEM file an application for aid, and let THEM call an 800 number to see what type of assistance THEY qualify for.

Give them first-hand experience.

Make that stupid comedian who governs the Ukraine call an 800 number and demand $5 billion from Biden and put in a written application and wait for an answer while his demand is processed.

I guarantee you, half the weapons earmarked for the Ukraine and instead put through the black market are arriving somewhere in Asia faster than the people on Maui will get any kind of cash that sees them through their tragedy.

Federal dollars that support hospitals where surgeons are castrating young boys and doing double mastectomies on girls—tender gender affirming care—are arriving in the hospital bank accounts faster than the people on Maui will get real aid.

The speed of federal money depends on federal opinion of need—as in, who needs it. And the above stone cold FEMA announcement is quite clear on what the government thinks about the people of Maui.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "Trump Indicted In Georgia"]

Sure, Donald Trump is running for president again and has been indicted again (we have seen it three times before), but we are at the point where you can begin to feel the pull of the waterfall ahead. History is speeding up. The 3,000 foot drop into the unknown is coming next year


Driving the news: The 41 felony counts in the 98-page indictment include racketeering charges, conspiracy to commit forgery and perjury[…]

As I was saying about the Amren conference, we are going about our routines and everything feels normal[…]
Don’t be fooled. American politics hasn’t been this bad at any point in our lifetimes[…]
The impeachment of Bill Clinton never summoned this level of anger, resentment and disillusion with the system. Bush v. Gore, which was settled by the Supreme Court, was a contentious election cycle but it doesn’t approach this level of breakdown of trust in institutions[…]
While politics in the Gilded Age was heated and violent, William Jennings Bryan was never arrested. None of the forgettable presidents of that time period like Cleveland and Harrison had their rivals arrested and incarcerated

Polarization hasn’t been this bad since the War Between the States and Reconstruction. It is truly incredible when you think about it that our elites would put our institutions under this amount of stress in a time such as this, but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised after Iraq or COVID or transgenderism or now the war in Ukraine. Making foolish decisions is the hallmark of our current ruling class[…]
Elections are how the ruling class legitimize their rule in our system. The key thing is that both sides trust that the process is fair and legitimate. The loser has to feel like they are full participants in the next election. Defeats aren’t permanent defeats. They are torching that to own Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #transphobia twitter.com

Going into the ‘24 election cycle, the base is going to support or not support R candidates across the country based on:

1. Are you against the Democrat communist style persecution of Pres Trump and his supporters?

2. What are you doing about it? How will you stop it? Will you work to destroy the weaponized government?

3. Are you America First? Which border will you protect? Will you work for the American people or the rest of the world?

4. Do you support sending US tax dollars to fund a war in Ukraine? Will you end the war and stop US engagement in more foreign wars?

5. How are you going to get us back to $1.75 gas, affordable food, lower electricity bills, and build the US critical supply chain in America?

6. Will you stop trans surgeries and medical treatments on children and work to protect children’s innocence to stop all forms of gender affirming care on minors?

7. Will you reverse and destroy the Green New Deal and climate cultists policies?

8. Will you work to return our justice system to fairness and support the prosecution of real criminals committing crimes in the streets of America everyday?

9. Will you protect freedom of speech?

10. Will you protect our great Second Amendment?

11. Will you protect the innocent lives of the unborn? Will you work on ways to support motherhood?

12. Will you promise to never lock down our country, never force mandatory vaccines, never violate religious freedoms, never shutter private businesses, never shut down schools, and never censor free speech.

For most Republican voters this covers the most important issues.

Seiya Morita #transphobia onthewomanquestion.com

The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women


3. Trans ideology encourages so-called ‘gender reassignment surgery’ for some men to create fake sexual parts of women on their own bodies to more directly possess and colonise womanhood. They can always admire in the mirror the reproduced fake breasts and other women’s parts on their own bodies, and they can touch them whenever they like. These body parts are pornographic ones reproduced on their bodies. It is embodied pornography.

4. Trans ideology makes girls believe they are men if they behave in a ‘non-girly’ way, and it denies their womanhood by giving them puberty blockers, cross hormones, and breast removal. This is another form of the colonisation of women. [...] However, these classical colonialists did not go so far as to whitewash even the bodies of indigenous peoples. What they did, at best, was to control their minds. But the trans-identity movement does more than that. It not only reshapes the minds of colonised girls but also their bodies.

The transition of children makes global pharmaceutical and medical capitalist’s profit through drugs, surgery, and re-surgery for the rest of their lives. The economic basis of 21st-century imperialism is global capitalism, and the same is true of trans ideology. [...] Alongside the development of the global sex industry, the global development of the trans ideology movement creates a constant and ever-expanding source of profit for global capital.

5. The trans ideology movement physically colonises women’s spaces, by assuming that women-only spaces are transphobic and by allowing men (who self-identify as women) to freely enter them. Whether in toilets, public bathrooms, changing rooms, prisons, or shelters, there are no longer women-only spaces in countries where trans ideology has taken hold. These are now spaces to which men have free access. The most important feature of classical colonialism was to occupy the territory inhabited by the indigenous peoples, to abolish their exclusive spaces, and bring them under control. Women now face this same process.


various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @Apolitical )
The German people loved Hitler.

You know who didn’t?

Jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, leftists and liberals.

Basically all the scum you should be hated by if you are doing a good job. Take from that what you will

( @Malignant )
“Jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, leftists and liberals.“

No need to be redundant….

( @Thenationalist1776 )
@Apolitical This is the bottom of the rabbit hole for the normie. It's a terrifying place for them. Confronting this historical figure is terrifying. From their earliest memories, this man was presented to them as evil incarnate: someone they should hate more than anything or anyone. They avoid this confrontation like grim death and cling to their indoctrination like it's a life raft.

Beneath all their fears of consequences from their peers, their employers, their banks, what is most frightening to them is the fear of themselves. Of ego sacrifice. Of the possibility of having to admit they were completely wrong about something they were so sure of their entire life.

( @brextremist )
@Apolitical This is exactly why jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, liberals and leftists call everyone who opposes them "nazis".

( @fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne )
@brextremist @Apolitical because you literally fucking are.

( @brextremist )
@fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne @Apolitical Yes, and proud of it. Hitler was 100% right. If you have a problem with that, you can eat shit.

( @FurthestRight )
@fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne @brextremist @Apolitical thanks for noticing we take a stand against degeneracy. as if that's something to be ashamed of

( @phlfie )
Benjamin Franklin was correct.
Adolf Hitler was correct.
George S. Patton was correct.
Vladimir Putin is correct.
We are correct.
It's the filthy jews.

( @Malignant )
Hey, I just made up a new joke. “A communist, an Antifa member, a tranny, a pedophile, an international financier, a leftist and a liberal walk into a bar. So the bartender looks up and says ‘Shalom!’”

Sian Sullivan #wingnut #transphobia siansullivan.net

In a famous scene in George Orwell’s 1984, Inner Party member O’Brien tests protagonist Winston Smith’s allegiance to Party truth by demanding that Winston sees five fingers, instead of the four he is holding up. Winston’s refusal to see something other than what his eyes tell him is the cue for intense physical pain, courtesy of the Ministry of Love.


I can only assume these Orwellian doublethink dimensions were intentional in a recent projection onto London’s Ministry of Justice demanding viewers to ‘Repeat After Us’ the slogan Trans Women Are Women!

For some people the assertion ‘trans women are women’ does something similar to the Party slogans devised by Orwell. It messes with categories in various ways traced below, at the same time as truthfully conveying a contested political reality towards which contemporary society is being pushed.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Illuminati (Cabala) Jews and their Masonic go-fers don't want Jews or others to understand the hidden subversive and occult character of the collective Jewish enterprise.

They don't want Jews to understand that anti-Semitism throughout the ages was not irrational. This realization would empower Gentiles, and allow "the lesser brethren" to escape their role as dupes, scapegoats, human shields and sacrifices for their demented leadership.

Cabala Jews believe that they define God's Will. In other words, God comes into the world through them. Otherwise, He is "formless and unknowable." (This is satanic because God is our GPS. Man is connected to God through our soul and spiritual ideals.)
The Cabalists believe they can redefine reality according to Satan: Evil is good, falsehood is truth and sick is healthy, (and vice versa.) They undermine every other collective identity: nation, religion, race, and family. They must destroy the Christian order to build the NWO.
The Cabalist Conspiracy is on the cusp of success. God has been banished from public life. Illuminati Jews control the mass media and can deceive and degrade the masses. Entertainment is an orgy of pornography, apocalyptic chaos, obscenity, propaganda, social engineering, predictive programming, violence, and satanism.

Illuminati Jews and Masons behind feminism are responsible for the debauchery of Western women. They are behind the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism designed to destroy marriage and family.

They were at the forefront of sexual liberation, pornography and abortion. The mass media is obsessed with sex. It has a fawning fetish for fertile females, and even children aren't safe.

Christianity has been Judaized, concerned with "social change" (the Satanist agenda) rather than spiritual development and salvation. Christian Zionists are pledged to the Zionist rogue state.
The people are lost and increasingly desperate. What's left? Depression? War? The Antichrist?

various commenters #transphobia #psycho gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Screw this guy. BBC interviewed him on men in women’s sports. He said trans would kill themselves if they cannot bash women in sports so let them in. Imagine platforming the KKK to discuss black issues? Why would they host this utter failure of a man?

( @VF555 )
I only wish all these abusers would bite the bullet and do us all a favor! I will even help in their suicidal aspirations because these are worthless men we are all better off without!

( @JackSpangle )
I wish these perverted men would hurry up and kill themselves then. Disgusting pathetic threats. Do us normal folk a favour instead of wasting precious oxygen. Misogynist perverts and peadophiles. We don't need you. Life is too short and hard for most. Just get on with it. Cowards and bullies 😤

( @ReluctantCynic )
If that's what they want to do, fkn LET THEM. We all know it's hyperbolic bullshit so call them out & in the unlikely event that they follow through, hey ho, lesser of two evils 🤷‍♀️👍

( @piotr3 )
"Trans will kill themselves otherwise" is a standard argument for them to supposedly justify unacceptable things, like beating up women for sport, hormones and mastectomies for children etc. No, this stuff is still unacceptable. They are unlikely to kill themselves, and it is on them, not everyone else, if they do.

( @AmericanRealist )
“Trans women” would kill themselves if they can’t fight biological women? That’s the most pathetic and disgusting thing I think I’ve ever heard and anyone who supports that nonsense is as mentally unhinged as the “Trans Women” in question.

SpaniardWithKnives #transphobia #conspiracy deviantart.com

This. It is fucking ridiculous how therapists who are talking are being shut down. If someone puts those ideas on my nephew/niece… Oh boy, they better be prepared. My sister, brother in law and me eat that teacher alive.

The teachers are the ones pulling this shit in the kids lives.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

We are currently living in a grotesque environment of absolute ignorance by the bulk of society so fantastic, that it leads to not only the expectation and embracing of absurd conduct, but also to the full and total normalization of heinous and criminal behavior, violence, theft, gross immorality, and perversion. Obviously, there has always been crime, and the most violent crime, has always been committed or sanctioned by the State itself.

During the past few years, the amount of openly allowed violent behavior has been allowed to rise to monstrous levels, but the theft, immorality, perversion, brutality and disorder, have escalated out of control over the same period. This extreme behavior was for some time happening simultaneously all around the country, and has been ongoing in some regards for years. It began in this cycle with the fake ‘covid’ lockdowns, as the group improperly called “Black Lives Matter,” (BLM) were allowed by this government and its so-called enforcers, to run amok, causing destruction of property, businesses, committing theft, burning, looting, violence, and in some cases death. The bogus claim of ‘racism’ was implemented to excuse this horrid behavior. Another criminal group call Antifa, followed the same pattern, and both are little more than terrorist groups.

To add insult to injury, bring in the depraved transgender nonsense, the promotion by government and media of the so-called ‘LBGTQ+’ crowd, under the ridiculous and idiotic moniker labeled ‘pride,’ and more disorder, perversion, and child abuse is the direct result.
A violent and immoral society can only breed more violence and immorality; leading to the normalization of criminal behavior, which in turn leads to the downfall of all societal cohesion. Allowing a top-down governing system to exist, one that sanctions violence, commits violence, protects the felons, and facilitates crime in order to divide, is anathema to any free society of normal human beings.

Save the Children Convoy #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #quack #wingnut pressprogress.ca

Canada’s far-right “freedom movement” is planning yet another convoy, except this time their goal is not to end vaccine mandates or replace the country’s democratically-elected government – this time, they say, their goal is to “save the children.”

The “Save the Children Convoy,” a spin-off of recent anti-2SLGBTQ+ protests targeting schools and drag storytime events as well as loosely inspired by the controversial film “Sound of Freedom,” is being planned for Toronto in late summer or early fall.

Organizers say they are currently holding secret, in-person meetings to iron out their plans and aren’t sure where they’ll stay when they get to Toronto.

“Save the children is basically a generic statement obviously,” lead convoy organizer Gordon Berry told PressProgress. “There’s a multitude of things you could be saving them from.”

Berry says the convoy wants to save children from the “human trafficking industry,” but also from “mandating the shots to kids and kids getting sick and frigging education and all the stuff they’re teaching them in schools and the trans agenda and the math agenda, gender dysphoria – all of these things.”

“You got to save them from the whole system.”

Berry is even more pointed about his concerns in the convoy’s private Facebook group where he and others have shared graphics claiming “the World Health Organization and the United Nations are instructing elementary schools around the world to have pedophilia normalized.”

One graphic features a photo of a child with a QR code tattooed to its forehead next to the symbol of the freemasons.

rapturesaint #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia openweb.com

America is in a free fall, plummeting morally and spiritually, with no repentance in sight. We must therefore ask whether God might sovereignly judge America in the end times for turning away from Him.

We live in a culture where same-sex marriage is encouraged and celebrated. Where gays, lesbians and transgenders are presented as the norm, even going so far as to try and indoctrinate children in elementary school.

These are all lifestyles that flout the truth of Scripture (bible), and are supported by godless worldview that seeks to create its own twisted version of right and wrong.

The Liberal Democratic party of America is literally dismantling America before our eyes.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Twitter today

( Luckystar )
Yeah, and "negro" is Latin for black. Words take on meaning within contexts.

Even if we granted that it's not a slur in the traditional sense, but simply a sociological term for "a person whose gender identity matches their sex", it STILL wouldn't apply to us. We don't have a "gender identity". It's simply factually incorrect and doesn't describe how we interface with reality.

( Mandy )
Some TRA moron on twitter tried to tell me 'cisgender' means 'straight'.

( MenHaveItEasy )

Then why do rapey TIMs cry that "cis" lesbians wont date them?

( Luckystar )
The comparison to "straight" is so weak because the comparison between LGB and T never made sense in the first place.

For the most part, almost everyone does have a sexual orientation. Some people feel attraction to the same sex, some to the opposite sex, and some to both. "Straight" is a perfectly fine term that applies to a wide swath of the population.

Most people do NOT have a "gender identity". A small subsection of people have this idea that they were meant to be the opposite sex, or neither. That doesn't mean the rest of the population has some strong feeling that they were meant to be the sex that they are, nor do we desperately look to surgeries, haircuts, clothing etc to "prove" that we are our birth sex.

( DurableBook )


Most people do NOT have a "gender identity".

I'm atheist, so I don't believe anybody has a gender-soul, because I don't believe any such thing exists. I know there are people who believe they have gender-souls, and that's totally okay with me, but I don't share their belief and don't feel like pretending I do.

Rowling nailed it with her recent tweet: Gender identity is unfalsifiable. It is an untestable belief. It is okay for people to hold untestable beliefs, but it is not okay for them to demand that other people share those untestable beliefs. It is only fair to expect other people to agree with realities that are accessible to all of us.

Seiya Morita #transphobia onthewomanquestion.com

The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women


But, over the past 20 years or so, another form of the colonisation of women has emerged. This is transgenderism or the trans ideology movement. In the West as well as in Japan and South Korea, those who chant the mantra ‘sex work is work’ are one with those who chant the mantra ‘trans women are women.’ They constitute almost the same political movement, the same ideological current, and the same interest group.


This is where transgenderism comes in. It is the most thoroughgoing colonisation of women. It is so in a variety of ways, as below.

1. First of all, transgenderism dominates and colonises the very category of women by changing the definition of women so that men can freely enter into it or gain access to it. For an oppressed group, defining for themselves who they are is the minimum guarantee of their autonomy. Transgenderism deprives women of precisely that. Just as the Western imperialists colonise the people they seek to dominate by defining who they are, and by determining the boundary between them and the rest of the world, the trans ideology movement, also born in the West, makes women something conceptual and ideal by saying that even a man can become a woman because his mind and/or behaviour is feminine, and/or he self-identifies as a woman. Being a woman now ceases to be an objective, material, and political fact, and becomes an idea or feeling that men are free to possess. Women are robbed of their final sovereignty. Self-determination as an oppressed group becomes impeded because the group is determined to not exist (leading to the question “what is a woman?” lacking any coherent answer from many politicians in league with transgender ideology).

2. Transgenderism reduces ‘womanhood’ to practices of dressing, having long hair, applying makeup, and behaving in ways that are largely considered ‘feminine.’ Then, some men take possession of ‘womanhood’ reduced to such external adornments. Sometimes they even brazenly say that their parodies of femininity are more realistic than the real women they mimic. This is similar to colonialists accepting and promoting exaggerated caricatures of indigenous peoples as more authentic than the real ones


various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia gab.com

( @ElfReich )
The Far Right, including those referred to as neo-nazis, are not the hateful people that the media portrays them to be... They are the ones who helped you take your groceries to the car, the ones that greeted you respectfully in passing, the ones who joked with you as they renovated your kitchen... the ones who waited with you until the ambulance arrived. They are the people who remind you that good, caring, moral people still exist... and they are prepared to defend that existence.

( @brucebohn )

( @jjuhasz2510 )
@ElfReich bring back the phrase “very White of you”

( @Vernon_Wormer )
@ElfReich The "far right" have always been the right. The left moved, the right didn't. The farness of the right was not caused by the right, it was caused by the left moving away from the right. Yet, the left uses the distance they created to stigmatize the right.

( @Fungus_Man )
@ElfReich What is "far-right"? The left has gone so extremely left (full blown communist) that even moderate centrists are basically considered neo-nazis if they don't want their kids dicks chopped off.

( @Samisdat14 )

*picture of Adolf Hitler*

( @ReichsgauVlaanderen )
@ElfReich i'm unappologetically a national socialist and the greatest european man who ever existed was Adolf Hitler. Also Christ is king.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Word cisgender is now a slur on Twitter, says Elon Musk | Toronto Sun

( the_empress )
I don’t like Elon, but this is good.

Cis irritates me so much. And the people throwing it around are the same people who use the word white or Karen in the same way. Sanctimonious little shits.

*And the irony is these people are also uh white.

( 324B21 )
I can just imagine how much TRAs would be blubbering if they were banned from Twitter for saying cis and cisgender 😂

( sarstan )
They are blubbering today. They can still use it too, they just might get in trouble for using it on us when we've said no.

( HelenaHandbasket )
Well, there's the problem right there. They can't wrap their tiny little male brains around the idea that they need to ask a mere woman for consent before doing something.

( sarstan )
The entire trans "community" can't wrap their brains around that. I think they'd call it "anti-trans".

( proudcatlady )
It is not a slur. No one screams CIS while beating you to death. Words mean things.

( TurkishCoffee )
Die cis scum, cissies etc not ding any bells for you?

Words do mean things. Cis is a slur screamed and hurled meaning "lesser than".

( RusticTroglodyteSnazzy )
It's a "slur" the same way calling a trans identified man a "biological male" is a slur. If they want to whine about that, they can respect our request to not be called "cis"

sojourner_truth_ , Women1st & BondiBlue #transphobia ovarit.com


( sojourner_truth_ )
Wait, there are states making lists of TIPs? He's just talking about the sex offender registry, right?

( Women1st )
On the other hand…

1. Classification- “cis”
2. Symbolization- insisting womanhood is a stereotypical costume
3. Discrimination- destroying sex based rights
4. Dehumanization- TERF, bigot, Nazi
5. Organization- Trantifa
6. Polarization- TWAW, my womanhood is more bc it is not incidental, my vagina is better/doesn’t bleed- spread all over social media
7. Preparation- posting threats online and stocking weapons
8. Persecution- victims are identified and threatened publicly through social media
9. Extermination- erasure of women and violence against those who don’t agree. This is the ticking time bomb…

( BondiBlue )
They sign up for these records themselves when they force everyone else's premiums to go up as a cost of covering what are essentially cosmetic procedures. And when they do fraudulent shit (legal in some states that have lost contact with reality) like retconning their birth certificates to show that "Trixie Fae Monroe" always existed and "Bob Smith" was never real, or insisting upon a bullshit "X" non-binary designation on their driver's licenses and passports.

None of it amounts to "genocide." By the same standard, diabetics, cancer patients and people who suffer from migraines are on the precipice of "genocide" too.

The more they cry wolf with offensive hyperbole invoking slavery and the Holocaust, the less anybody other than the most deluded of "allies" is going to care.

Nick Miceli, Mum of boyz #fundie #transphobia amazon.co.uk

Follow the story of Gwen the gazelle as she competes as a sprinter in track and field against the other gazelles. One day a cheetah, who claims he is a gazelle, shows up and is allowed to compete...

This book is a satirical social commentary about the current phenomenon of biological men competing against women in sports. It uses animals to point out the absurdity of the situation and demonstrates that there are consequences when we collectively deny reality.

Absolutely brilliant and important message.

No-one male should be competing against biological females in women's sports. Completely unfair to the female athletes this will destroy women's sport if allowed to continue.

So glad to see books being published now about this madness. Where are all the adults? Can't wait for sanity to return.

Tortoisemouse & MaryDyer #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do transwomen need hormone therapy?

( Tortoisemouse )
There's no point asking questions based on logic or reason. There is no point assuming there is any ability to respond with logic or reason. There is no reason in the trans project. Transes will just say "some people need to affirm their gender, others don't, both are valid, all choices are valid, all bodies are valid, TWAW, women can have a penis or not, can have an adams apple or not, can have a beard or not". That's all they have. They'll just keep repeating it ad infinitum.

I know it makes no sense. They don't care. They're not trying to make sense. That's why even ASKING reasonable questions gets the "transphobia" sirens wailing and the red lights flashing. No debate. No explanation.

There's nothing beneath these men's claims to be women. There's no physical, tangible, measurable, logical way in which these men are women. It's literally just their say-so. Some of them actually DON'T use artificial hormones they're just regular dudes with beards etc. claiming to be women. tHeY aRe VaLiD.

( MaryDyer )
Here are some of my go-to questions that the TRAs can never answer:

-if “transmen are men” and white men are the root of all evil, why are white transmen not vilified as white “cis” men are? There’s clearly a difference between transmen and “cis” men that you’re silently acknowledging and consider important. Clearly it’s not their “gender”, as transmen and “cis” men have the same “gender”. So…what is it?

-if public restrooms are supposedly segregated not by sex but by feelings, why do only women’s rooms have tampon/pad dispensers and why do only men’s rooms have urinals?

-similarly, if public restrooms are segregated by feelings and not by sex, what do transwomen fear about using the men’s room? By their logic (that gender has nothing to do with sex) there’s no reason to believe that the people using the men’s room are capable of physical violence, or even that they have penises at all.

-if laws designed to keep males out of female spaces should be abolished since “tHeY’Re NoT gOnNa bE StOpPeD bY a SiGn”, then should we abolish laws against murder? I mean clearly murderers are gonna murder despite it being highly illegal and sometimes punishable by death, so since the laws aren’t a deterrent we may as well just get rid of those laws, right?


@MrMennoTweets #transphobia twitter.com

(continued from https://fstdt.com/4P9VWKS6SL.K4 )

10 / ‘Trans’ is a straight married bloke declaring himself a lesbian and going round schools to do talks about it

‘Trans’ = lesbophobic

11 / ‘Trans’ is a woman who thinks she’s a gay man telling other gay man they need to learn how to “eat pussy” and that this is somehow gayer than a guy giving another guy a blow job

‘Trans’ = homophobic

12 / ‘Trans’ is men taking women’s opportunities in sports. Their chance to win, to set records, to get scholarships, careers, etc.

‘Trans’ = unfair

13 / ‘Trans’ is a bloke writing a deeply misogynistic book about how watching porn made him realise he was ‘trans’ and getting it lauded by Vogue as “juicily transgressive”

‘Trans’ = celebrating misogyny

Illustration by

14 / ‘Trans’ is 12-year-old girls in the States getting their breasts amputated because they think they are boys.

🚨12 years old 🚨

Yes, this is happening.

‘Trans’ = medical malpractice

15 / ‘Trans’ is men being guilty of rape and sexual assault being placed in women’s prisons and women’s rape shelters

‘Trans’ = injustice

16 / ‘Trans’ is a woman (
) assaulted by a man being reprimanded in court for not referring to him as ‘she / her’

Trans = coercion

17 / ‘Trans’ is a bloke who calls himself Roxy Tickle suing a female-only networking app for being female-only

‘Trans’ = destroying women’s rights

18 / ‘Trans’ is a bloke with a beard demanding to be let into the woman’s changing rooms at
because he claims he’s ‘non-binary’ and it’s ‘his right’ because he doesn’t see himself as a man

Trans = entitlement

19 / ‘Trans’ is capturing the world of psychology and psychiatry to push more and more (young!) people onto a life-long medical pathway

‘Trans’ = sales funnel

20 / ‘Trans’ is threatening expulsion to those who don’t go along with it

‘Trans’ = authoritarian

21 / ‘Trans’ is the glorification of ‘the trans child’

‘Trans’ = indoctrination


@MrMennoTweets #transphobia twitter.com

1 / “What is a woman?” is the WRONG question.

We all know what a woman is. It’s just a diversion tactic.

The real question is “What is trans?”

#whatisawoman #whatistrans

2 / One of the only consistent things about the term ‘trans’ is that it keeps changing and expanding, to the point where it’s now common to see it mentioned as ‘trans+’ or ‘trans*’. Normally if there’s an ‘*’ behind a word there’ll be a footnote with an explanation. Not so with

3 / ‘trans’. There are no clear, coherent, meaningful definitions and yet ‘trans’ is the basis on which other well-defined groups are expected to hand in their rights and freedoms.

At the same time we’re told that any attempts at clarifying #whatistrans are ‘transphobic’

4 / I used to think ‘trans’ referred to a person who suffers from deep psychological distress at being the sex they are (first known as ‘gender identity disorder’ then ‘gender dysphoria’ now ‘gender incongruence’… another thing that keeps changing). But that’s ‘transphobic’.

5 / I used to think ‘trans’ referred to someone taking steps to ‘transition’. But that apparently is also ‘transphobic’. ‘Non-transitioning trans people’ are just as valid as those who do ‘transition’! Yesterday I went to a gallery and while checking my online booking the guy at

6 / the desk said “I’m trans” and I asked “What does that mean?” He said “I’m non-binary. Today I’m a boy.”

He was just a bloke with long hair, an earring, and not particularly masculine. Pretty much like me.

I opened my mouth to say “Mate you’re just a bloke” but my friend

7 / quickly dragged me into the exhibition we were there to see.

But this guy shows what ‘trans’ has become: an absolute free for all with no basis. Yet somehow all of society has to be reconfigured to accommodate, or rather PRIORITISE ‘trans’. It’s all completely bonkers.

8 / “Trans is trans because trans now give us trans rights or transphobic!”

Does this really sound like a reasonable and fair basis on which to campaign for ‘rights’?

No, of course not. So they shout “Trans rights are human rights!” because that puts the focus on them being

9 / human (like… duh) and takes the focus away from the ‘trans’ bit.

We may lack clear, coherent definitions, but we do know what ‘trans’ looks like in practice.

Let’s have a look at a small selection of examples…


various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia gab.com

( @Halp )
“Trans women” are mentally ill men
“Trans men” are mentally ill women

( @DonnaGudrun )

Homos are sick as well.

( @Hypocritesexposed )
@Halp too bad the ((((DSM))) removed homosexuality as a mental illness. Thanks Jews 👺

( @danofdestiny )
@Halp Mentally ill attention whores.
We need to make public display of mental illness shameful, again.

( @TransAm0914 )
@Halp 🎯

( @pewpewonepew )
@Halp and doctor Rachel Levine is still a dude with a dick


( @RippedOff )
@Halp I want to see the NHL install female to male players. I want them to do this without any on ice rule changes.

( @tobias_flying )
@Halp what's the fascination with people's genders? Is it any sign of mental health that you're trying to imagine what junk anyone else has in their pants? It seems a little perv.

( @Chrome_Vanadium )
@tobias_flying @Halp
"Gender" has nothing to do with what's in their pants...that would be sex

"Gender" is a jewish mental illness that they have made popular among our children to destroy us

( @BrianBoro )
@tobias_flying how about you call out mentally ill faggots doing evil things to children.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@tobias_flying Straight men and women do not want to be forced to have transgenders in their dressing rooms and restrooms, nor do we want to compete against them in gender specific sports. Also, these people are perverted and mentally dysfunctional and have proven time and time again they are a danger to society with many of the men being pedophiles. @Halp

( @echoes )
@tobias_flying Go away, jew rodent. We see you.


( @niggerblaster14 )

Trannies get the oven. Tick-tock...


( @SilverDeth )
@tobias_flying @Halp

Live and let live only works when they keep their faggot hands off our fucking kids you goddamned lolbert clod...

( @BlackJackson )
@tobias_flying @Halp I dunno. Maybe science is important and shouldn't be undermined. Now what is the fascination with doing sexualized dances in front of children? I mean even if you're pro gay, there's no way that making kids participate in a drag fetish is the best way to introduce them to the fact that gay people exist.

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #transphobia conservapedia.com

(On Assasins Creed)
Anti-Christian, as it claims that Jesus Christ was a fraud,[18] with the villains of the series being the Knights Templar. The worst of the franchise is Syndicate, which has you killing capitalists in Victorian age London, working with the evolutionist Charles Darwin and communist Karl Marx. Ubisoft also had a transgender in the game, even though such a person was nonexistent back then. Only two games exist in the franchise that are in any way conservative: The third, which deals with the American Revolution and depicts the Founding Fathers in a positive light (although the DLC has them depicted negatively), and Assassin's Creed Unity, which depicted the French Revolution and its founders in a very negative light.

(On Far Cry 5)
The main villains of the game are inaccurately portrayed as Christians, while the previous game villains were more politically neutral (they include a psychotic pirate and an atheistic dictator). However, Jerome Jeffries, one of the characters who aids the player, is a Christian pastor. Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, another supporting character, has a distrust for government. The game also occasionally pokes fun at liberals and paints the 2nd-amendment in a positive light.

Luis Miguel #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger thenewamerican.com

[From "College Board, Angry It Can No Longer Groom Kids, Pulls AP Psych From Florida"]

The left-wing academic establishment is having a full-blown meltdown at the news that the College Board, which runs both the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Advanced Placement (AP) high-school curricula, is pulling its AP Psychology program out of Florida due to the state’s restrictions on the teaching of sexuality and gender ideology in classrooms

Contrary to the way the mainstream media is reporting the news, Florida did not ban the College Board from letting students take the AP Psych[…]
Rather, the state asked the College Board to review its courses and update any that contain material that is in conflict with new state legislation prohibiting sexual grooming in classrooms. This applied to the AP Psychology course, which asks students to “describe how sex and gender influence socialization and other aspects of development”

But the organization refused to make any changes, preferring to nix AP Psych altogether[…]
The College Board that killed its own AP Psych program by deciding not to recognize or give credit for courses that drop the sections on gender and sexuality. They preferred not to have the course taught at all than to allow schools to teach it without the sections on gender and sexuality

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, previously took aim at the College Board for introducing “Neo-Marxism” into its courses aimed at teenagers[…]
At the end of the day, it’s just as well that Florida students are not being exposed to what passes as Marxist pseudoscience and degeneracy under the guise of “psychology.” Psychology courses, like modern revisionist history courses and English courses focusing on deconstructive, leftist literature, are among the settings which educators most use to inculcate impressionable young people with ideas such as atheism, sexual promiscuity, gender-bending ideology, and collectivist politics

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Euphemisms in gender ideology.

( SlowCollapse )
'misgendering' - Honestly, bluntly, and correctly identifying sex

'egg' - Vulnerable young person being groomed towards transition

( old_but_gold )
these two are great examples!

calling people "eggs" is coercive behaviour obfuscated by cutesy lingo

( Illuminate )
they were called out too often on gender euphoria being obviously boners and now they say trans joy LMAO still always reference to their fetishistic arousal of course

( HelenaHandbasket )
The worst one is "trans genocide". It means telling a kid that they have to wait until they are adults to play around with their hormones and/or get body parts chopped off/origami'd into substandard copies.

One of the REAL definitions of genocide is sterilizing someone without their consent. And no, having your parents sign a consent form for you to be sterilized as a child isn't considered acceptable.

( OneStarWolf )
Yep. The biggest euphemism/lie/obfuscation of all is the widespread use of “trans women”. They’re just males that pretend to be women. Nothing actually women about them.

( Ladylucy )
And actual women are now non-men. TIMs in this scenario are the women—trans women—and I’m just a non. 😖😖😖😡😡😡

( darr )
Also the TIF version of gender euphoria: getting a simulated experience of male privilege and safety from the male gaze (I've had this when in costume as a character perceived as male).

( crodish )
You just brought to mind the mental image of some basement dweller dressed up in a Rogue the Bat costume at some comic con and other males fawning over him thinking it's a hot girl inside lmfao. Or when guys hit on girl avatars online without knowing it's another guy behind the screen. That's honestly what "passing" is.

( old_but_gold )
The flip side of the use of euphemisms to make concepts within gender ideology more palatable is the use of extremist terms to make rational opposition to it seem outlandishly vile.

For example, maintaining sex-based spaces becomes "excluding trans people from public life". Laws preserving opportunities for females (including TIFs) or recognizing sex as distinct from gender become "anti-trans legislation." Simply stating that sex is real and binary is "hate speech." Etc.

Anonymous #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy #pratt spacelazarwolf.tumblr.com

(Note: spacelazarwolf is not the OP. This is a targeted hate message anonymously sent to him, a Jewish trans man.)

Hi Breastie!! I'm the Good Faith Advise Anon! And I've come to share some lighthearted facts (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

One of the most prominent finantial inversors of the Trans comunity and movement less spoken of in public is Jewish business male George Soros, being one of the main sponsors of the EU trans lobby orgs through his open society foundations (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Most violent crimes, specially those particulary henious such as rape, assault, robbery, murder, and child abuse; Males commit 80-90% of these with notorious difference. Victims includes both females and other weaker males themselves (ㆁωㆁ)

Homosexuality is a material reality based on the exclusive attraction towards other individual based on shared same sex. A person having willingly sexual activities with someone of the opposite sex is simply and objectively not homosexual 乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ

Love ya Breastie!! (つ≧▽≦)つ

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Pass my Protect Children’s Innocence Act to stop communist groomers like this from using state government power to take children away from their parents to allow a for-profit medical industry to chop off these confused children’s genitals before they are even old enough to vote.

spoilerThe word "groomer" is categorically
an anti-LGBTQ hate word. It's super
homophobic/transphobic. It plays into
the slander that LGBTQ people are
pedophiles. It's no different than
calling someone a fagg*t.
If you call someone groomer, you're
inciting violence against LGBTQ

( @brextremist )
@repmtg Senator Scott Wiener is jewish. ✡️

( @Sticky25 )
@brextremist @repmtg he knows what's going on he likes it ..

( @7105604349 )
@brextremist @repmtg Same guy who got a bill passed protecting Jewish child mutilation. He is a homosexual Jewish pedophile and everything he does is a reflection of that.

( @Eng_by_YHWH )
@repmtg boy, that Wiener guy is a whiny faggot. 😂

( @4_truckers )
I am sick of this "inciting violence" bull shit. If someone commits a violent crime, someone else's words didn't make them do it. The perpetrator of the crime is whom is responsible, regardless of anything someone else said. Just because I call someone a faggot, doesn't make it my fault if they get assualted by someone else! This idea that words are weapons is nothing more than a Marxist tactic intended to silence those that dissent.

( @14W )
@repmtg He's not communist. He's an ANTIWHITE.

Persimmon64 #transphobia ovarit.com

Gender-based discrimination doesn't exist
There is no such thing as gender-based discrimination. I don't know how "gender" is able to be protected in law when it is impossible to know someone's gender without asking, one's gender can be changed or invented on a whim, and there are no behaviors or characteristics that are exclusive to any gender.

Just as the title says, gender-based discrimination doesn't exist. Every instance of perceived discrimination on the "basis of gender" is a mischaracterization of the situation.

TIMs are not denied access to spaces and services because of their "gender". It's due to their sex. They are males trying to access female spaces and services. If they were female, they would not be denied access. This is sex-based "discrimination" (and in this case the discrimination is not unlawful or bad)

TIMs are not mistreated or harassed because of their "gender". They are mistreated because they are males wearing clothing or behaving in a way that is deemed unacceptable for males but acceptable for females. If they were female, they would not be harassed or mistreated for their clothing choice or mannerisms.

In any situation where a TIM or TIF is being "discriminated" against, ask the question, "If they were actually female or male, would they be treated the same way?" If the answer is "no" that means the discrimination is due to their sex.

In situations where the answer is "yes" they would have been treated the same, that treatment is based on some other factor such as their perceived mental health status, erratic behavior, or other issue that is not related to sex or "gender."

Theoretically, one could make a club that said "no non-binary people allowed." But in this case of hypothetical discrimination, it would be impossible to actually know if someone were non-binary and they could simply change their gender to being a "woman" for the day, as we know "gender is fluid" and enter anyway.

How can "gender" be a "protected characteristic" when it is impossible to discriminate against someone based on gender? How could a judge with half a brain not see how senseless this is?

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The Marxocrat Party is making people crazy. Young and old.

The first symptom of insanity is a break with reality. People who believe things that are not true and people who perceive things that are not real are potentially insane. People can be made insane by convincing them of all sorts of unrealities. Children, especially, can be "molded" into insane beliefs to the point of wrecking their lives and livelihoods, and adults can be stripped of sanity by presenting them with contrived "emergency" crisis situations demanding insane, self-destructive solutions.

At question in this moment of the "Managed Decline" of America and the liberty of man, is how the Marxocrat Party can so casually stand on such huge monumental lies, and how the Republicrat Party just lets them get away with it.
Everything in Marxism is false. Marxism itself is false. Communism is a lie. Socialism is a lie. Nazi-Fascism is a lie.
Marxism is the path to tyrannical rule and the end of liberty of man.

And that makes America's Marxocrat Party a liar, because it is Marxist.
Here are a few facts of reality in opposition to the crazy lies of Marxism:

There is no such thing as a climate change crisis.
There is no such thing as a fossil-fuel burning crisis.
There is no such thing as Wuhan Virus masking/vaxing crisis.
There is no such thing as "natural" homosexuality.
There is no such thing as genders other than male and female.
There is no such possibility of changing genders.
There is no such thing as Utopia or Worker's Paradise.
There is no such thing as a Population Problem.
There is no "race" that did not descend from the same parents.
There is no such thing as evolution.
There is no reality, no creation, no truth, without God.
There really is one and only one God.

All that Marxocrat Party stuff is just crazy. None of it is real. Deal with it.

Richard Dawkins and Helen Joyce #transphobia #dunning-kruger religionnews.com

During a recent episode of his podcast “The Poetry of Reality,” Dawkins spoke with author Helen Joyce about the “influence of gender ideology on society.” There was no mention of how Joyce has previously said transgender people who have transitioned are “damaged” and “a huge problem to a sane world.” Nor did Dawkins bring up how she believes “reducing” the number of people who transition is a moral imperative.

Dawkins not only agreed with many of her points, he added that “sex really is binary” and that kids are choosing to be trans under pressure from both their peers and teachers. He also insisted that people like him were the real victims of abuse, wondering why “all the bullying (goes) one way.” (In fact, a study from 2021 found that trans people are four times more likely than cisgender people to “experience violent victimization.”)

The podcast episode dropped days after Dawkins wrote an essay for the British magazine The New Statesman answering the question, “What is a woman?” Dawkins’ reductive response boiled down to “A woman is an adult human female, free of Y chromosomes,” as if the absence of a single chromosome answers the question. That flies in the face of what many scientists have said about the subject.

“There are cisgender women who have XY sex chromosomes, and many other exceptions to binary sex. Around 1 in 1,000 people are intersex,” said Jey McCreight, a science communicator with a Ph.D. in genomics who has consulted on trans inclusivity for biotech companies. McCreight added in an email: “That’s pretty common as far as biology goes. A study may treat sex as binary out of practicality, but scientists understand that reality is more nuanced.”

Despite acknowledging those exceptions exist, Dawkins casually dismisses them, just as he dismisses the genetic influences many experts believe contribute to the development of trans identities. Those exceptions and influences are reasons the American Medical Association and other major medical organizations have supported gender-affirming care.

@AthenasWrench #quack #transphobia gettr.com

The media and the medical establishment knows there are issues after the "vaccines" and they are covering for them. Why are so many people still so tied to the pharma lie of safe and effective? Does it not seem really f**ked up that they are trying to force that "vaccine" into every living human (and now zoo animals?) Read this thread of people's vax injury stories. Are they all liars? Better to believe big pharma, the same ones transing out children?

John Amanchukwu and Stephen Strang #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

John Amanchukwu: We are seeing those who support special interests push their agenda upon children… [letting kids have access to LGBTQ-friendly books in school is] indoctrination. I use that term often; oftentimes I call it grooming as well. But a more appropriate term for what’s taking place, Stephen, is that it’s mental rape. It’s mental rape because it assaults the soul, it stains the brain, and it robs children of their innocence.”

Stephen Strang: It’s also kind of normalizing this. You know, it used to be considered shameful. In fact, in our language, we called it “being in the closet.” So if people were like this, they hid it in the closet. I guess that’s where the term came from.

@wilsb8 #transphobia gettr.com

Transgender acceptance is an oxymoron. It's a complete rejection of one’s body and for anyone to accept a trans person is to reject their body and since transgender people hate their bodies, they need other people to hate their bodies and there is no accepting what you hate.

If there’s no one around to hate their bodies as much as they do, they die which explains the 41% suicide rates among trans people because, let’s face it, once they stop hating their bodies there’s really nothing left to live for and if the surgery doesn’t finish their old selves off, there’s always suicide.

Transgenderism, like Scientology, would be funny if it wasn’t so harmful.

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #transphobia conservapedia.com

(On The Matrix)

A hacker discovers his world is a replica of the world as it was before a cataclysmic future event in which intelligent machines took over humanity, so he joins a resistance to end the machines' reign. Despite this salvation narrative, the whole trilogy glorifies anarchism and nihilism (even including a brief nod to Jean Baudrillard's "On Nihilism" chapter from Simulacra and Simulation), hinting several times towards a pro-Communist, anti-American (with one scene in the first film, when Thomas Anderson meets Agent Smith, having Anderson's dossier listing Anderson as hailing from "FU, USA" which not-so-subtly is meant to say "[Censored] You, USA"), anti-Christian view. The second film's Architect scene tries to give a "devastating critique/twist" to salvation myths, with the Architect as a malevolent allegorical substitute for the Christian God. In this same scene, a panel of screens implicitly compares George W. Bush to Hitler during a discussion of evil in the world, and it features wars and conflicts specifically involving America. In fact, far-Left race-baiting scholar Cornel West was hired to play a role in the film specifically because the Wachowski Brothers (as they were known at the time) were influenced by his pro-socialist/Communist and anti-American rhetoric. The first film's throwaway dialogue between the main villain Agent Smith and the treasonous freedom fighter Cipher is a shallow attempt at insulting Ronald Reagan because Smith implies that Cipher will become the next Ronald Reagan should he succeed in betraying his allies to the agents. The trilogy's overall depiction of religion is closer to Gnosticism, even with Neo, the main protagonist, presented as a savior-figure. The Wachowskis openly admitted in an interview that they deliberately modeled the entire story after Friedrich Nietzche's writings.[21][22] The trilogy has been cited as the cause for various murders, ultimately leading to a variant of the insanity defense known as the Matrix Defense[23], and it shares similar themes to the Worst Liberal Video Game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty because Hideo Kojima confessed that he intended to use the same themes for the game.[24] A fourth movie was announced to be in the works.[25]

Candace Owens #wingnut #sexist #transphobia mediamatters.org

We're -- I mean, we are in a matriarchy. And this is why they accuse me of being an internalized misogynist because I'm able to think through and acknowledge the flaws of what happens in society when women get power.

And if you wanna know what happens, look around you. Women fall for emotional arguments the entire time. They show us a commercial, you know, show -- it's so sad, and before they get to the rational aspects of it, they're already invested emotionally. And I think that virtually every societal ill that we are facing today is because of women.

And I think the greatest recent example of that is the Bud Light controversy, because, I mean, trans people were just playing dress up as women, invaded every women's space, and women said, oh, but I feel bad. Because it's how he identifies at the inside, without thinking through the fact that you're quite literally disappearing yourselves. Right? You're quite literally saying, I will cease existing before I let this grown man who's wearing a wig have a bad feeling. That's insane.

@alexbloodfire & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @alexbloodfire )
Cowardly 'trans-rights activists' embarrassedly hide their faces with black masks and attempt to silence women's rights activists in #Bristol today.

#IStandWithAdultHumanFemales #TransAgenda #CowardlyTransActivists #IStandWithPosieParker #IStandWithWomen #IStandWithKellieJayKeen #TransWomenAreMen #WomenDontHaveAPenis

( @AthenasWrench )
Won't be long until things get much worse. They are emboldened by constant government propaganda which tells us they are vulnerable and oppressed. The world's most marginalized minority. In the real world everything is about trans. Our entire society is being rewritten to pander to their delusions. They have changed every single institution and have enforced us to go along with their delusions or face banishment. Far from being marginalized, one of the most powerful lobby groups in existence. Because it is funded by big pharma and big tech.

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com



Using phrases like “trans people” makes people think that we (feminists and gender critical men) think that “trans” is a coherent category, and it makes line-drawing impossible. If we are honest with ourselves, all of us know that none of us know who fits into the category of “trans people.” Is it people who sincerely think that they are the opposite sex? Is it people who claim to be the opposite sex because they are aroused by the idea of being the opposite sex? Mainstream society, including the media, consistently uses phrases like “trans people,” “trans athletes,” “trans students,” etc., as though those words have some meaning that everyone understands. But in reality, no one really knows.

If “trans” exists, there is no logical reason not to enshrine it in law or to sell it through products and packaging. If we are going to accept the phrase “trans people” as a coherent category, why not go all the way? Why not give up women-only spaces? Why not fully embrace the castration of children? If we are going to accept the phrase “trans people,” what are we even doing as a movement?

When feminists and our allies use the language of the gender identity industry, we give credence to the nonsense, we give credence to the lie, and we perpetuate an industry that sees women’s bodies as a commodity.

Defeating self-ID is worth celebrating, but it is not enough. Acknowledging “trans” is an own goal, and while own goals are always embarrassing, this one is going to be fatal.

GethN7 #transphobia #dunning-kruger gethn7.blogspot.com

(submitter’s note: this is one section of a much longer post)


For a group of people who claim to be oppressed, you have a very bizarre definition of it. You have the support of politicians, various segments of law enforcement, political lobby groups, and more corporations than I can name. Blacks during the height of Jim Crow didn't have the advantages you have, so take your comparisons to them and shove them.

What is happening to the transgender lobby is that the majority (which, by your own admission, you claim to be the minority) have become well aware of what your side wants and how your demands that society contorts itself for your desires have encroached on their lives. It is no great sacrifice to give gays, lesbians, and bisexuals equal rights because what they ask does not require I disregard my own to generally accommodate them. By contrast, transgender demand I lie to their face so they can live their truth, regardless of my personal conscience.

You want to police language so no one can hurt your feelings. You want to suborn law enforcement to let you do as you please without consequence. You want political bodies to give you the right to do what you want at will. You want to wish away the unarguable fact humanity is sexually dimorphic mammals because, by your own admission, your heads don't match your bodies, and thus there is a mental disconnect between the two.

And if you had your way, the difference between male and female would disappear into the morning mist whenever you feel like it, everyone would have to accept whatever chimeric identity you adopt every other day as valid no matter how irrational and unreasonable it may be to accommodate you, and you want your enemies harassed, shamed, and destroyed for having the temerity to complain.

And to my horror, in defiance of logic, reason, and various laws guaranteeing equality before the law, you've been unbelievably successful, and to the extent your opposition believes you are getting away with far too much, I'm forced to agree with them.

That is not oppression, that is you being told NO, and firm limits being placed so that your rights do not encroach on that of others.

Which, under a just society, is as it should be.

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com



“Trans people” is being sold to us as a socially acceptable form of male sexual fetishism

Still, even though “trans” is both nonsensical and untruthful, we must acknowledge that an industry exists to get these concepts enshrined in law and accepted by the larger culture. This industry has seen a tremendous amount of success in the U.S.

“Trans” is the commercialization of a fetish that objectifies women’s biology to further male sexual entitlement. And it should go without saying that furthering male sexual entitlement is fundamentally anti-feminist. It is not possible to both advance the goal of feminism (women’s liberation via the enshrinement of women’s sex-based rights) and champion the commercialization of men’s entitlement to female sex. Using phrases like “trans people” sets us back, if our goal is to liberate women.

So-called transgenderism is the branding of a fetish, at the heart of which is owning women’s biology. Through “trans,” women’s objectification is sold back to us by branding it as progressive. This includes not just men pretending to be women, but also the recent phenomenon of the spike in young women reporting to “gender clinics” for double mastectomies and testosterone. These young women are seeking to escape the male sexual entitlement that they encounter all around them – from street harassment to pornography to the everyday sexual exploitation of women in advertising.


@Kamodo & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @Kamodo )
I'm not even surprised or shocked that their's a revolt within the #LGBTQ It's cannibalistic and the LGBTQ cult is eating their own and out of existence. https://nypost.com/2022/06/18/some-lgbtq-members-upset-with-progress-banner-replacing-rainbow/ #LGBTQ #feminist #feminism

( @AthenasWrench )
LGB Alliance was formed for the LGB who know biology is real. They reject the born in the wrong body psychosis.
The Trans lobby has been using the LGB for legitimacy and has piggybacked on them
to squeeze through legislation.
This is because the ideology makes no sense on its own and would be rejected.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gab.com

(submitters note: in response to the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting )
( @WardenX2 )
Can't really deal with all the kvetching over the Colorado sodomy bar shooting when no one gave a shit about a bunch of little white girls getting run over by an anti-white maniac in Wisconsin.

( @JohnWick014 )
@WardenX2 Don't forget the murdered dancing grandmas.

I have zero fucks for any faggot or tranny or pedo that gets sent to hell.

( @Based_Honkler )
@WardenX2 Hell, I couldn't stop laughing.

( @CandiceMathers )
There must be another "anti lynching law" that is on the roster for a vote but for the LGB whatever mob. Hence the psych ops "operation BS for gun control".
Don't forget this happened before with Orlando's Gay bar.

( @Dubious_pug )
@WardenX2 to be honest. Even if they had cared about White children getting ran over in Wisconsin... I still wouldn't care about the sodomy club shooting.

( @katietardie )
@WardenX2 I have turned off the news recently and come to GAB for whats going on-didn’t hear about it and really don’t care about the freaks.

( @citizenKIN )
@WardenX2 Considering that the actual investigators are still silent on the motive, he could have very well been a disgruntled fag himself. Many such cases.

( @EmilyDeasmhumhain )
@citizenKIN @WardenX2 I don't have a problem with sodomites killing each other and themselves 😊😊

( @BGKB )
@WardenX2 The gay bar shooting had an All Ages Drag Show

For DEAD TRANNY day of remembrance NOV 20

:honk: Don't get in drag queens faces, they smell bad. stay at long rifle range :honk:
An AK-47 can hit the broad side of a barn from inside the barn but a mosin nagant can hit the broad side of a TRANNY 2 counties away

Pick up your brass / shell casings , littering is for latinos & blacks

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