
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Elon Musk, who has now purchased Twitter, should reinstate every account banned for made up terms used by the Left to silence dissent, such as so-called "hate speech" or "misinformation".


( @Buckwheaty )
@DrPaulGosar I was banned for life for saying transgenders are mentally ill.

( @jooky )
@Buckwheaty @DrPaulGosar why do the Jews love trans people so much

( @Dixiewixie )
@Buckwheaty @DrPaulGosar that's because you phrased it improperly. It should've read as follows. "Trans" individuals are broken, demonically possessed, borderline crazy and hundreds of times more likely to commit suicide.

( @37N122W )
@DrPaulGosar my account was just reinstated within 5 minutes of my appeal.

Also, end dual-citizenship

( @bat_scat )
@DrPaulGosar get off yer ass and free the J6!

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Trans people are the most privileged minority in history. Every institution bends over backwards to celebrate them. Laws are rewritten to accommodate their feelings. Society restructures itself to affirm them. The least oppressed group of all time. But they can't stop complaining

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

JK Rowling reveals people close to her 'begged' her not to speak out on transgender debate | Daily Mail Online

( DaftCat )
I completely get why those close to her would just be like for God's sake just keep yourself out of it, but I suspect when we look back on all this (hopefully as a bizarre blip rather than the beginning of the end) JKR standing up for women's rights at a time when it was deeply unpopular to do so will be heralded as one of the key things that slowly go the frigate of public opinion to start it's slow turn.

The reluctance to speak out as a public figure is somewhat understandable given the absolute shite we've seen JKR and others put up with. She made a choice to put her reputation on the line and stand up for what was right, rather than what was easy. I strongly suspect in the years to come we'll see a lot more voices join in and they'll find strength in numbers. But JKR and all those countless other names who face venom and vitriol for daring to be 'first' are owed a debt in getting this debate into the public consciousness.

( Carrots90 )
The funny thing os that it wasn’t her words that peaked many people

It was the TRA response to her words that peaked them

The attempt to shit her down showed more about the movement than her words

( cranberrysalad )
YES! It peaked me. I was so grateful when she pushed back on “people who menstruate” and seeing her reviled as a literal Nazi for it was a huge awakening for me. And then she was like you know what, “this witch doesn’t burn” and took female empowerment to a whole new galaxy.

( shewolfoffrance )
Yes. They are their own worst enemies. Sending rape and death threats to a woman is not a great way to convince those who are on the fence that you aren't a threat to women.

( m0RT_1 )
Yes, the TRAs visceral hatred of women who dared to even try to discuss their concerns made me realize it is a movement full of misogynists.

( anxietyacct )
She would have never experienced any of this if she was a man. "Leftist" "feminists" are currently laughing on Twitter because Andrew Tate said he would have sex with a trans woman. They treat a rapist like he's just some funny guy, meanwhile JKR is literally the devil incarnate.

Vic Biorseth #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The only truly oppressed classes in America and perhaps in the world today, are the

law abiders,

Everything else is celebrated; everything wrong is touted to be right; everything false is held to be true; whosoever is natural, unpretentious and God-fearing is oppressed by everyone else. That's what all the political Nazi-movements are all about: the elimination of normalcy, correctness and truth. It begins with the one true Church falling into syncretism and it ends with the outright denial of God.
The Cultural Marxism and Marxocrat Party driven HIV=AIDS=DEATH purely political pandemic hoax panicked the world population into embracing "safe" fornication, "protected" sodomy and "responsible" promiscuity in formal education, to be added into all already needlessly existing yet government-mandated formal "sex education" in all public schools. The minute the false link between HIV and AIDS was established in the news, Cultural Marxism, and the already Culturally Marxist Marxocrat Party jumped on it like monkeys on a banana, and they have never and will never let it go.

We are now coming into Holy Week. Do you think the Marxocrat Party, which is clearly the Party of Sodom, knows or cares about that? They fully intend to impose the mores of ancient Sodom on all Americans, against their will.
The new Sodom must be condemned and cut off from America if America is to survive. Can you name a current politician other than Trump would would even consider doing such a thing, and what their political party would have to say about that, or even if any of them would have the guts to stand up for and with Jesus Christ against the return of Sodom?

There's nothing easy about picking up our daily crosses and following Him, but that is precisely what we are all called to do, even at the sacrifice of self.

Clif High #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #quack clifhigh.substack.com

We, the Humans….

We’re coming for you!

When the Powers That Be, that is, the Deep State [DS], aka [Khazarian Mafia] set out to attack We, the People of the Western Liberal Republics, they did so with psychological warfare.

It is War. By the [DS]’s own reckoning, they killed 7 million humans with their Covid psyop of a ‘pandemic’, which was yet another form of weaponized Munchhausen by Proxy let loose on the populace propelled by heavy and continuous propaganda that they had planned on being so dominating that over 400 millions were to have perished by design.

It didn’t happen the way the [DS][KM] planned.

Big Oops!

Well, now onto the other plans for genocide. This includes their ‘next step’, which they have just taken, which is the ‘weaponization of Law’. So they are indicting Trump….and, very likely, this, also, won’t quite work out as planned.

So the [DS][KM] weaponized language to start their War against We, the People.
We, the populace, is taking back our language. Non-compliance with redefinition works. Insistence on meaning, works. Slowly, the propaganda is being beaten back.

The [DS][KM] attacked us with disease. A disease more of the collective, social, mind than the body, but still a complex plot to induce illness into global Humanity.

It failed. Now, it is our turn. We can attack them back by calling out their disease, that of ‘weaponized MBP’ as regards their society destabilizing tactic of ‘trans’, and ‘trans kids’ which is the weaponized appeal to ‘compassion’. Look to the words they use! All tragic, all encompassing distortions such as ‘genocide’.
Perhaps we will see a Real Legal Shit Fight soon.

Once you start politicizing, thus weaponizing, the fundamentals of the social order, they are just laying there, for anyone, and everyone, to pick up and use; like atom blasters just scattered across the road. Bend down, pick one up.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

Transtifa is organizing insurrections.

Biden wants to disarm Americans instead of ending gun free school zones.

The Yuan is rising and the dollar is falling.

Our border is invaded every day by people from 170 countries and deadly fentanyl is killing over 300 Americans daily.

And the Biden regime is arresting its political enemies daily.

President Trump has been indicted and tragically Douglas Mackey has been convicted for posting a meme.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Instagram post that so many of my friends are sharing saying trans people are being systemically genocided

( ItsCalculated )
This is Q-anon levels of delusional conspiracy theory.

( Researcher1536 )
Different side of the same crazy ideological coin.

( snorlax )
y'know, I've never met a qanon person. I don't think anyone has ever amputated anything in the name of qanon, or given kids chemical castration drugs because of it. so to me, gendercrap seems much more dangerous as conspiracy theories go.

( hmimperialtortie )
The dehumanisation is all their own. They make themselves physically repulsive to match their personalities, indulge every disgusting fetish under the sun, and threaten to murder any women who object.

( TerfPersephone )
Oh ffs. I’m sure we can all recall that when Jewish people were being imprisoned in ghettos and death camps, that they had the unequivocal support of billionaires, the pharmaceutical industry, and celebrity advocates. No? Well, what about the Tutsi - there were flags, and marches, merchandise, and technological powerhouses constantly advocating for their interests while the Hutus planned their slaughter. Still no?

It’s almost like TRAs and their handmaidens are manipulative and petty paper-tigers who have one card they like to play more than any other in their bid for social dominance: emotional manipulation. Threats of self-harm and/or suicide have worked very well for some time now. What hasn’t worked well is “uplifting trans voices” - because trans voices are batshit insane. “Trans rights” aren’t about rights - they’re about privileges, and the expectation that the rest of society (but especially women) should just bend the knee to any demands made by TRAs. And it’s getting easier and easier to see just how entitled and crazy these people are when they warble on about their own “genocide”. Apparently, forbidding children from being chemically sterilized or mutilated is “anti-trans”. And the more these jackasses rant and rave about the oppression of other people having healthy boundaries, the larger the amount of people waking up and calling this trans-activism the absolute bullsh*t that it is.

Harmonica #transphobia #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "The Blood of the Tennessean Martyrs"]

I am writing this shortly after a transgender maniac murdered six Christians – three of them children – at a Christian school in Nashville[…]A great deal of information is still coming out and, as such, I can only verify what information is available as of this writing. And while small details may change, I am prepared to stand by the contents of this article

First and foremost, I want to express my condolences to the families of the lives lost in Nashville[…]
With that being said, and in no way to make light of this evil, the events of March 27, 2023, represent a turning point in the “transgender” debate, one that I feared would arrive. Christians were targeted by a deranged woman, under the delusion that she was a man, because, as Christians, we cannot abide by her sickness. We do not do so out of hatred for her, or those like her, but out of love. To admonish the sinner is an act of love[…]
The transgender movement has been rapidly radicalizing for the past decade. What was once considered a fringe movement (even on the Left) has captured the commanding heights of both the federal government and the wider American culture. Almost overnight, the Overton Window went from “eh, leave them alone” to Drag Queen Story Hour, biological men playing female sports, puberty blockers given out like candy to miserable young people, and the mutilation of children’s bodies[…]
As of right now, there is a so-called “Trans Day of Vengeance” – a day to “stop trans genocide” – planned on April 1, 2023[…]
This should go without saying, but do not Fedpost[…]
The Authentic Right should also not underestimate the media’s ability to memory hole this entire situation, they already are doing it with this one[…]
Keep your wits about you, never stop advocating for Christianity and civilization, and, very critically, prepare to defend yourselves. Most of all, pray

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia naturalnews.com

I believe that Trump’s indictment by power-crazed Democrats is yet another necessary step for the trial by fire that will see America rise up against tyranny, censorship, election rigging and the demonic infestation of the Left that has produced child grooming, transgenderism, trans terrorism and widespread psychological trauma.

The world needed to see the insanity of the Democrats as they not only rigged the election against Trump (and America) but are even now trying to put him behind bars… just as Democrats themselves are never prosecuted for serious crimes, including bribery, human trafficking and treason.
In my opinion, Trump has been too self-centered and tone deaf to the systematic oppression of his own supporters. For years into his first administration, Trump seemed to be wholly unaware that his own supporters were being censored, deplatformed and de-monetized across nearly all tech platforms. Even today, Trump still does not understand that his Operation Warp Speed has resulted in the killing and maiming of millions of innocent Americans.

For Trump to be the leader that America needs, he must be willing to be nailed to the cross (so to speak) and show that he is willing to put his own neck on the line to take a stand for America. Trump must also learn to reject the establishment traitors and deep state goons that characterized his first administration.
This may be God’s plan, yet only Trump himself can decide if he will undergo the “Hero’s Journey” transformation necessary to become the revolutionary leader that America needs.

In effect, Trump must transcend Trump if he is to be a true leader for America’s restoration. (George Washington transcended Washington, by the way, and became a servant of God to achieve God’s plan for America as a Christian-founded nation).

Personally, I will not vote for Donald Trump the man. I will vote only for Donald Trump as a servant of God’s plan for America.

Edward Szall #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

“We’re gonna limit internet access,” Szall declared. “You know who taught me this lesson recently? The frickin’ Taliban.”

“We export a lot of things here in the West,” Szall continued. “We export our sin. The first thing we do [when] we go into a country, we try to make sure they have abortion legalized, and we try to make sure that they’re not able to criminalize homosexuality. Well, the third thing we do is we export the internet to them, internet access.”

“We make a lot of bones about China being tyrannical and terrible,” he added. “China limits the access of their citizens to the internet. … North Korea is actually a very conservative society. There’s no such thing as a homosexual, an open homosexual in North Korea, no such thing as abortion. The North Koreans are very conservative; they’re tyrannical but conservative.”

“What we’re exporting, what we’re making available to people is a gateway to sin,” Szall proclaimed. “We need to, in the wake of a mentally ill epidemic, limit the access to the drug. One of the drugs here is more information about where you can change your gender, change your identity, think about life differently. No, how about we limit the access of free thought in this respect and instead raise children up in the way they must go?”

Bible Thumpin n Gun Totin #conspiracy #transphobia baptistboard.com

The trans army is there, and they are attempting to overthrow all who stand against it.

Their favorite weapon of choice in this war is men dressing up as women who then read to confused children and tell the children that if they feel confused they need to mutilate their reproductive organs. They don't need to fight us, they just need to brainwash our children.

Other weapons they love to employ consist of the legal system, cancel culture, and woke limp-wrist, spineless Evangelicals that are asleep at the wheel. See Russel Moore, and Tim Keller for examples of the latter.

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Tucker Carlson on Trans people who are pro-gun:
“Just to be clear: We are not against people—American citizens—carrying firearms,” Carlson continued. “We support it—including trans people. It’s fine. But what you’re watching here is not the exercise of the Second Amendment. What you’re watching here is political hysteria: fear ginned up on purpose with maximum dishonesty in order to get people in a state of agitation—armed people in a state of agitation. It doesn’t matter if they are trans or not, whatever that is.”

“It’s the same template always: scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, [and] encourage them to get guns, How do you think that ends?”

“You have to kind of wonder, like, what’s the limit to this?”

“So if trans people are in fear for their lives, and [if] every region of the country including New England…is crawling with Nazis now, why wouldn’t we be arming them as we are, say, Ukraine’s trans army? And there are famously trans people in Ukraine; they are very, very proud of that. So why stop with AR-15s? I mean, why not F-35s or tanks? We’re as for guns as you could possibly be, but this seems like an incitement.”

Tucker Carlson #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Within what seemed like minutes, we saw pictures of the rifles and the pistol. We now have horrifying bodycam footage from within the school, so unsettling we're not going to show it to you. But somehow we can't see the manifesto in which the killer explains why she killed. Why is that? It's not accidental. Well you know exactly why it is. Because it would make the obvious undeniable. The trans movement is targeting Christians, including with violence. Most Christian leaders in this country don't want to admit that. Admitting it might force them to take deeply unfashionable positions. But it is true, and anyone who is paying attention knows that it's true, and so like most true things at this point, it is officially suppressed.


Yesterday's massacre did not happen because of lax gun laws. Yesterday's massacre happened because of a deranged and demonic ideology that is infecting this country with the encouragement of people like Joe Biden. Let's start by being honest about that.

Gays Against Groomers #dunning-kruger #quack #transphobia twitter.com

(A poll finds that the majority of Americans (53%) oppose bans on gender affirming care for Trans kids.)

A poll of 1000 adults does not represent the nation. Even if this were accurate, the majority of the population does not know what “gender affirming care” truly entails. The term is intentionally candy-coated and friendly sounding to hide the horrors of what it actually consists of.

They don’t know that it means sterilizing children. They don’t know that the most popular puberty blocker, Lupron, has been previously and is currently still used to chemically castrate sex offenders. They don’t know the side effects of these drugs on adolescents, which include decreased bone density, vision loss and brain swelling. They don’t know that it includes chopping the breasts off of healthy young girls.

But that is changing. The public is becoming increasingly more aware and that is why you see action being taken against it.

There is no logical reason for medical intervention to not be delayed until they are fully developed adults that are able to consent to permanently changing their bodies. Anyone who believes otherwise is diabolical.

deathevokation #wingnut #pratt #transphobia #homophobia doomer.boards.net

[Context: someone named Marisa with a profile pic from the japanese franchise Touhou talked shit about Doomer Boards, and one of the members got salty about it.]
I feel so sorry for the Japanese guy who made Touhou; you make a hard as nails bullet hell shooter on a shoestring budget with a VERY decent soundtrack while drunk that has a universe filled with SOUL that's thematically steeped in Japanese folklore. You add a diverse stylish cast of characters who have charming and eccentric personalities that are mostly morally grey and some are really badass (I mean there's a loyal house maid who doubles up as a bodyguard for a vampire mansion that can literally freeze time then throw hundreds of knives at you before unfreezing time.. but can just as easily serve you tea).

The niche game spiralling into success is really heartwarming for me, Japanese musicians (<3 Shibayan) make amazing rearrangements of your songs with female singers who have amazing vocal ranges like 3L, hundreds of fangames get made across different genres and an anime and tons of manga get adapted from it.

Meanwhile in the West it's just taint and despair everywhere.. pedophiles, sex pests, groomers, stalkers, predators and ideologically driven creeps try become your characters so they can use your characters' faces to appropriate and pass off their unacceptable chaotic evil personalities and fetishes as "morally grey".. alongside the usual "social democrats" invading what excuse there is in the Western fandom to try assert ideological control over it really just adds up to Touhou being lowkey the biggest disconnect between the East and West I've seen, ever... you can't even blame anyone for hating it the moment they find out it exists when that's the only reaction you can trust.

I tried really hard not to write this post, but wow, fuck you "Marrisa", thank you for further vilifying a franchise that really didn't need further vilification. Kudos.

BondiBlue & notapatsy #transphobia ovarit.com

( BondiBlue )
Nashville school shooting and media reports

I have a difficult confession to make that probably seems trivial in the grander scheme of this tragedy.

The fact that the media reports are saying the shooter was female — I hate that I can’t trust them to be fully honest. I suspect TIM because mass shootings are male-pattern violence. But who knows if this was an outlier. The fact is they will never say whether the shooter was a real woman or a TIM because woke editorial guidelines forbid them from distinguishing.

And I hate that this is even a question. In a sane world you could trust journalists to report if it was a male shooter disguised as a woman. But now they can’t because of TRA Orwellian authoritarianism governing the newsroom and the public discourse writ large.

If the shooter was a TIM there would be more backlash for “misgendering” the murderer than for the actual murder. He or she is dead, so at least if it was a TIM he wouldn’t be in a woman’s prison. And again it may be not. But just the lack of clarity is infuriating.

And it angers me that Republicans can’t be trusted to protect women and kids from guns, while Democrats can’t be trusted to protect women and kids from TRA butchery, assault, and gaslighting.

All of this could be moot of course. But I can’t escape the thought nevertheless.

( notapatsy )
First thing I thought when I heard the shooter was heavily armed, including with an AR-15, was "male pattern violence." Women don't generally kill children. I am reserving judgement about whether the murderer is actually female. If the shooter turns out to be a trans-identified male, TRA's will blameshift the responsibility onto "a transphobic world" (and especially women!).

But we'll see. The information will come out at some point.

Update to my post: now that the shooter has been identified as a TIF, I hope some enterprising TRA doesn't take my comment about male-pattern violence as "evidence" the shooter was "really" male. If anything, I'd say she was out-male-ing males in an effort to prove she was "really" male.

Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) #transphobia #ableist pitt.substack.com

I used to very close to my sweet son. He told me everything. He wrote a lovely paper about me for an 8th grade assignment about the person you are closest to. A year later he declared he was “trans”.

Now I feel my whole family is gaslighting me.

My son tells me he’s a girl, my daughter. My sister is telling me there have always been trans people and I need to accept it.

My son stopped talking to me, although I never stopped talking to him, thinking of him, loving him unconditionally.

My sister, once as close to me as a twin, stopped talking to me as well. (To be fair, I stopped talking to her as well over this.)

No matter what my son said, I did not buy into it. I had done my research. I knew what was going on. He was brainwashed. But I would never - will never - give up on him.

No matter what I told my sister, she couldn’t - wouldn’t - try to understand.

When will my son get exhausted by this delusion? When will my sister read the truth?

My son thinks trans was why he felt different, and transgender gave an answer and a set of steps to take to resolve his conflict—name change, pronoun change, hormones, and surgeries. It must have felt systematic and logical to my autistic son.

My sister believes that trans is the new gay. She cannot be made to see the very real differences.

They have both been fed a lie and I’m caught in the middle with truth. I miss them both.

I’m living a dystopian novel. I’m losing my mind.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984

Elvis Dunderhoff #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "Everyone Shocked as Famous Tranny Flight Attendant Living Ideal Tranny Life Commits Suicide"]

Never in my life would I have expected a tranny to kill himself

We are headed for utopia, but in utopia, if all the trannies are killing themselves, it will be very sad

Perhaps we need to use 5G mind beams to stop trannies from being able to ponder suicide?

New York Post

Transgender flight attendant Kayleigh Scott — who gained fame after appearing in a United Airlines commercial — was found dead Monday in her Colorado home. She was 25[…]
Details surrounding the end of her life remain unclear, but several of her friends did reveal that she struggled with depression

He struggled with depression

Because he cut his dick off and pretended to be a woman

The sexual fantasy is maybe fascinating for a little bit. Maybe it creates a euphoric feeling, especially when combined with all the drugs. But sooner or later, trannies wake up from the sexual fantasy, because life can’t be a continual sexual fantasy, and they find they do not have a dick and will also never be a woman. They are aging and facing decades of emptiness and loathing, no longer able to draw interest from men

According to tranny theory, you are going to have happy and fulfilled men in their 80s who are trannies after having decided to mutilate their bodies when they were 9 or 10. This is obviously insane, and simply thinking about it from that perspective puts into light how moronic it is

I have tattoos from when I was a teenager that I deeply regret[…]
The great thing about life is that you can grow and change throughout your life. However, if when you’re a teen or preteen, you decide to mutilate your body with drugs and surgeries, then you’re stuck with that forever

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Delusional Males are causing an HRT shortage for woman. There is no such thing as biological sex, yet these guys need wrong sex hormones for their mental feels so they can mimic women who do not exist as a separate biological entity. It’s also not a mental illness but we need to pay for their “gender affirming care”. Nothing about this ideology makes any sense

It's an attack on Western youth by CCP controlled Tik Tok.
They don't let Chinese kids see this crap in the algorithms.

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #transphobia gab.com

( @SallyT )


( @JamesTheJust4Me )

( @AmericanBraveFreedom )
@SallyT Daily reminder



( @Toolbag85 )
@SallyT I doubt the kid will be smart enough to ask questions like that with the kind of parents that vaccinate😂

( @HauntedHighway216 )
@SallyT YEAH!! WHAT????

( @BklynNite76 )

( @naylordj )
@SallyT They will say we, your parents are cultural Marxists backing the NWO my dear. Death to the NWO. Quickly.

( @flyinghollander )
@SallyT Right. I'd even like to add another version of this: what will the lefties tell their kids when they ask them "why did you let me get hrt and sex change surgery at age 15?" Go ahead assholes, tell them that it's "perfectly reversible" and that "they're gonna be fine".

( @Catnjustme )
I have raised unvaccinated children, AND have 2 unvaccinated granddaughters and 2 unvaccinated nieces!
No food allergies, asthma, eczema, ear infections, autism.....

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy kunstler.com

Of course, the newspaper USA Today chose transgender activist Leigh Finke for its Women of the Year award because in the USA of the here-and-now (today, for instance), boundaries are a thing of the past, and if a woman of the year happens to come with the “package” that signifies male-of-the-species, you’d better ignore that incongruity and go along with the gag — or prepare for the punishments that will rain down until your morale improves.

The transgender movement has crystalized into the Party of Chaos’s favored instrument for enforcing its ethos of unreality on a population obdurately stuck on thinking in categories, on making hateful distinctions between things. Better to live in a protective miasma of undifferentiated sensation than a cruel state based on pattern recognition where one is incessantly prompted to understand how objects and life-forms around us differ, where things begin and end, and what all that means relative to your own supposed amorphous existence.
Folks are beginning to grok how all this works after a years-long epic mind-fuck by the increasingly malevolent permanent bureaucracy running a nation on the glide-path to destruction. Not a few people around America still-capable of independent thought are less than avid for liquidation. And certainly not willing to be absorbed into the amoeba-like blob of redundant, undifferentiated protoplasm that a totalitized population must be in the end-state of political Wokery.
A line will appear drawn in the ground from sea to shining sea, as by a cosmic power, and everybody… the formerly Woke, the unvaxxed, the penitent and unrepentant, the middle and lower orders especially, who suffer most harshly… will find themselves all on one side of that line in opposition to the wicked who have brought a hard rain upon them. And there you will finally see the beginning of your long-promised hope and change. No need even to wait for it. At long last, it’s upon us.

OneTrickyMan #transphobia #conspiracy #crackpot brutalproof.net

Comment: Ab, you appear to be open to the idea that EGI is prevalent in our world. You’ve shared MrE videos, so I’m making an educated guess. Anyway I’ve compiled a lot of information that you might find interesting so in the spirit of sharing see the links below. Most of this is not my original work, but I am the archivist. I enjoy your blog and daily emails, so this is me just giving back somewhat.

Everything in this world is inverted, the opposite of what we are told it is, including the genders of the people we see on our screens. This is the missing link.

It’s now clear to people familiar with EGI (elite gender inversion) that most, if not all, major celebrities (actors, musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, elite athletes), politicians (presidents, governors, judges, legislators etc) CEOs (and other high-level business executives) and even the people who deliver the news are covertly transgender. Through their influence, these people desire to transform and invert our world morally, spiritually, and biologically – all into something akin to their own image and they do it through deception. It’s a multi-generational practice going back centuries.

Learn anatomy. Study the skeletal markers, and the differences between male & female skeletons. Skeletons don’t lie. Once you see you can’t unsee.

The tools used to deceive us include: HRT (hormone replacement therapy), hormone blockers, puberty blockers, HGH (human growth hormone), surgeries, makeup, clothing

@Rex_Landy & @DarmokAndJalad #transphobia gettr.com

( @Rex_Landy )
Oooh, I hope THIS wakes the others up in US. Now your kid's food is tied to letting pantysniffing perverts into the bathroom with your kids. Had enough yet?

spoilerINSANITY: @JoeBiden is withholding
National School Lunch Program Funds
from schools that don't adopt his
perverted sexual agenda
He is quite literally going to STARVE
our children if we don't allow Men into
the girls bathroom & locker room.
Are you furious yet? WTF?

( @DarmokAndJalad )
Well he wants to take away lunch aid, and our guns... for the kids.

Biden loves the children. The kids with myocarditis, the children groomed into chemical castration, the children displaced into homelessness with their unemployed antiscience parents, the little girls who lose their athletic scholarships to boys, the students who will go hungry in lunchrooms if boys aren't allowed into the girl's toilets, the babies that will be born in our women's prisons because male psycopaths were awarded rape privileges, the ones trafficked or abandoned at our border. Biden loves the malnourished babies without enough formula. Afghan, Yemeni, and Ukrainian children...

Biden will sniff them all, and Hunter will keep his eyes on the Asian ones.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

They are deliberately destroying childhood and fortifying strict gender roles. Creating “trans” children for the fulfillment of castration fetishists and the validation of “trans” adults.

When you scratch the surface of trans, its not just rainbows & makeup tutorials -- its creepy AF

various commenters #enbyphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

Resumes including they/them pronouns are more likely to be overlooked

( Jazman1867 )
That gives me some hope for this world.

( Hollyhock )
They/them on a resume screams, "I will be a VERY DIFFICULT employee and make your life as a manager hell."

( ham_champion )
I found that when I included "I'm an insufferable narcissist and will definitely be a giant pain in the ass to work with" on my resume, I got fewer callbacks. Why are the terfs trying to genocide me?!

( Mandy )
"Similarly, 51% believe their gender identity has affected their workplace experience "very or somewhat negatively."

Their gender identity has probably also affected their workmates very or somewhat negatively.

( fightlikeagirl )
Can't blame them, it'd be exhausting to work with an "NB". Imagine all the complaints they'd be bringing to HR for people hurting their gender feelings.

( pennygadget )
Not to mention the NBs going on TikTok to cry about how their employer is a Nazi for not letting them go home early with full pay every time some elderly customer calls them "young lady" or "young man". Or having to deal with a TIM throwing a tantrum on Twitter because all the women in his department use a different department's restroom because they don't want him in the room with them when they pee.

( a_shrub )
"Everybody misgenders me, so I don't feel safe working here."

( GCRadFem )
Without a doubt, if I was still reviewing resumes for potential hires, any of the non-b’s, self-identifying TIMS or the pronoun bunch would go in the do-not-interview pile.

( Kevina )
I help review candidates/make hiring decisions for my team, 1000% you will not get a job on my team if I see or hear about pronouns

( pennygadget )
Ditto. Not only are they insufferable and likely to cause conflict. They're also unproductive and have a habit of running to the break room to make a weepy TikTok every time their dysphoria is triggered

( chocolatefondant21 )
Same. I wouldn’t hire someone who’s going to make me walk on eggshells around them. No one has time for that.

( hmimperialtortie )
And should a TIP slip through that stage, he or she wouldn’t make it past interview.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

British Cycling removed the women’s cycling category. Two cheating woman hating troons came in first and second place. Troons and “non-binary” can pick any team they want to cycle in. Actual women get no choice at all. In the New World trans are the most special and sacred class.
Soon women will be relegated to breeding stock for sterile troons and demented woman haters. Welcome to wokeville.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

It's not turning out how they had hoped

( cranberrysalad )
Visibility does not help their cause! Visibility and exposure was a great things for civil rights and for gay rights to name two examples. Getting to know a gay person goes a long way in fighting homophobia and broad acceptance of homosexuality. Same with getting to know someone from another culture or ethnic group.

Creepy predatory fetishists and their collateral (TiFs that have been so abused by misogyny that they attempt to opt out of it) are not helpful in the acceptance and humanization path because they represent the worst aspects of humanity.

Keep being visible. Come on Jeffrey Marsh go on Good Morning America and preach. Dylan Mulvaney please get Woman of The Year. Rachel Levine can be in Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Edition. Lia Thomas for women’s gold at the Olympics! Keep coming out so this madness can stop.

( shewolfoffrance )
It's amazing how many people's peak trans moments come from getting to know trans people, either in person or by reputation.

( shewolfoffrance )
This is why I'm all for trans representation. Not the sanitized kind on TV, either. Real TiPs. I want Andrea Long-Chu informing the world that sissy porn made him a woman. I want Alok Vaid-Menon telling parents their little girls are "kinky." I want Ana Valens sharing his violent gang rape fantasies with any people who are still trying "educates themselves."

( no- )


Isn’t that end goal of transing kids? Creating a sympathetic category of TIMs the creepy crossdressers can hide behind?

( space_out )
That and also having 18-year-olds-on-paper whose bodies (including their brain development) didn't go through puberty.

( no- )
It’s funny how exactly the opposite thing happened with actual marginalized groups. Visibility increased acceptance because people realized those groups were in fact just people trying to live their lives in peace, and not at the expense of others. Trans, on the other hand, are for the most part privileged and entitled men and self-hating women pushing a misogynistic and homophobic ideology.

Women1st , Understanderson & amethyst7 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: We should start calling "trans rights" what they really are: Trans privilege

( Women1st )
It’s misogyny. Men are better women than we are, lol. Men can dominate our sports. Men can access our bathrooms. Men can serve time in women’s prisons. Who cares if they are rapists? Their feelings are more important than the lived experience of women. Absolute misogyny.

( Understanderson )
I like this, but in America, it would be too easy to dismiss as a right wing dog whistle (this exact verbiage has been used to argue against gay rights). I would love to find some phrase that focuses more on the replacement of sex with gender and the erosion of women's sex-based rights, but I can't think of anything that can't easily be dismissed. When people (women especially) hear that 'trans women are women' means eventually you won't be free to ask for a female doctor or even gynecologist, that seems to wake them up--but I have no idea how to make a label out of that. Most people are also shocked by what's happening to lesbians when they hear about it, but it is so bizarre that they don't quite believe it could be that bad.

( amethyst7 )
It's safe to say you're preaching to the choir here. I think most of us use the word 'rights' facetiously.

TIPs' imaginary rights include:

1. the right to screech about the "staggeringly high suicide rates" myth
2. the right to practice their fetish loudly and in public
3. the right to infringe upon same sex spaces, including the vitally important areas of prison and healthcare

Do LGB people demand that others call their partners their wife/husband and be propped up by legislation and legal punishment if not followed?

Excellent point.

Steven Crowder #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia mediamatters.org

[TikTok is] not allowed in China for different reasons, because all the trans, you know, infiltration that happens there where people want you to text them on TikTok, slide into their DMs so your parents don't know and they can encourage you to transition. They believe that will poison the minds of the youth in China.

So they don't allow it in China, but now they want to lobby the United States to allow it because they know the irreparable damage that it can do to young people.

The role of the government - certainly the one legitimate role is to protect its citizens both from exterior and interior threats, and I would say Chinese propaganda and some content that they won't even allow in their country because they've seen the studies, they know the irreparable damage. Yeah, I would say that that's a legitimate --that falls under the legitimate purview of government, to prevent and eliminate that threat. By eliminate, I mean the app.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Mintie )
We should start calling "trans rights" what they really are: Trans privilege
I read a comment on here yesterday that really put things into perspective. The commenter called TRAs Trans Privilege activists and honestly, theyve got a good point. It's a good way to start a conversation too, if someone asks why you're using trans privilege instead of trans rights. Topics could include:

- What rights don't trans people have? Is their asking of "rights" encroaching on the rights of others in recompense? Other identity movements (womens, African American, LGB) haven't even taken rights away from others, only added rights to existing ones to create equality. For example, when gay marriage was legislated, the word marriage wasn't taken away and replaced a more inclusive but degrading term like "man-woman sex and assets pact".

- Bring up the fact that trans people are asking for rights that LGB didn't ask for even though they're a part of the same acronym. Why?

- Do LGB people demand that others call their partners their wife/husband and be propped up by legislation and legal punishment if not followed? Why not? Why are trans rights different and seemingly more legaslatively important than LGB rights?

( Tiramisuomi )
If they were rebranded TPAs I wouldn't object, because it's utterly true.

Women continue to struggle even after centuries exactly because we don't have the "right" to force people to perceive us in a certain way. Hell, look at just how much of the conversation in the media revolves around TIMs versus TIFs or enbies/theys (overwhelmingly female). They aren't perceived in the manner that they wish to be nearly to the extent that men are.

( mittimithai )
I think most here would agree that "trans rights" really mean "men's rights"

( Lilith-Fair )
It is true, but saying "men's rights" won't help open people's eyes because they've been gaslit into thinking TWAW. Plus people don't take "men's rights" all that seriously except MRAs. "Trans privilege" I think will snap people out of it because it makes them think about what the TRAs are really asking for,

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Kaiser Permanente Sued Over Hormone Therapy – NBC Bay Area

( GCRadFem )
A couple of years ago I stated that there will be a tsunami of children and adults waking up from the fog of transgenderism to be able to clearly see their ruined bodies and what was done to them. It may be beginning now. Every lawsuit will build on the one prior.

It has truly been a revenue stream for physicians, surgeons and hospitals but destruction for those children and young adults that health”care” has chosen to blindly follow fallacy and bullshit instead of science and reality.

( eyeswideopen )
Yes, as much as would like a wholesale and society-wide rejection of the genderist movement in the U.S., lawsuits by people and children damaged by the drugs and surgeries they were convinced into doing will be the way this ends here. I still think it will another decade before it ends completely because the courts are slow, but this is the beginning of the end here.

( tacocat )
The courts are slow, but when these lawsuits are all over the news, parents with vulnerable children will be more alert to the dangers of transitioning. I think this will result in fewer children being fed into the system. At least I hope so.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Soon we'll be seeing lawyer ads all over Insta and the rest of the internet, for ppl effected by gender treatments, mark my words

( RusticTroglodyte )
Absolutely. The carnage is even worse in a place like the United States with no guaranteed healthcare.

Not to mention that a lot of the side effects of medical transition are going to leave more and more ppl on disability at younger and younger ages

This whole thing is going to be looked at as a huge generational tragedy in years to come

Candace Owens #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Obviously, Dylan Mulvaney is not a little girl. If we lived in a sane society, we would all say it's not normal for somebody that is supposed to be a grown man to have a fetish because this is what this is. You're watching a fetish play out in real time about being a little girl. That's not normal. That is something that should scare us. That is something that if you see, you should not want around your young children. If my little girl was around a man that wanted to play dress up in little girl clothing, I would pull her away from him. I would probably call the police. This is -- in a sane society, we would say this is something that we cannot have. This would be a sign, right? People tell you that there's something wrong with them, you should listen to them. But no, things are upside down.

OwnLyingEyes & penelopekitty #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How would you rank the irrationality of Gender Ideology vs Rightist Conspiracy Theories?

( OwnLyingEyes )
I think the underlying irrationality is at least equally insane, to the point where it's easy to sound like a conspiracy theorist yourself when just trying to call people's attention to what gender ideologists actually believe, say, and do, IMO it's actually even more insane than flat eartherism to deny such a fundamental, personally observable fact that men and women are different, but there's one considerable difference to be factored into it: it's incredibly well funded and trusted institutions are pushing it. The sources you'd normally turn to for the facts have been captured. This isn't the grassroots crazy of garden variety conspiracy theories, but oligarch-driven insanity. And so many of the people who buy into it aren't the usual paranoid/distrustful skeptics, or bored clever people getting trapped in an obsessive, increasingly detached from reality and mentally unhealthy spiral, but rather people who are too trusting, who aren't paying that much attention and take the prevailing narrative about this at face value. People whose response to 'that doesn't make any sense' immediately terminate the thought with 'I just must not understand.'

And the truth is, the scope of this insanity is a huge pill to swallow. It WOULD be easier, and a lot more comfortable, to just believe that the people setting these policies know what they're doing and have good intentions. In this case, the reality is so horrifying it doesn't seem possible.

( penelopekitty )
Of course they're comparable, but the gender delusion is far worse. We have sterilized and mutilated a generation of children. That really happened and is still happening. Women are being erased under the law - it already happened. Gender identity has taken precedence over sex in legislation. There has been widespread institutional capture.

How is that not much, much worse than Qanon?

various commenters #transphobia #wingnut nypost.com

RE: How trans activism became the new religion of the left

( Dammad )
Follow the money, folks. These surgeries and hormone replacement therapies are not done for free, and many people are becoming rich in the process.

( Flaemis Flambotta )

And they get even richer when they try reverse the original mutilation after the victim realizes that the new gender wasn't really what they wanted.

( eric thered )

Every policy position and action of the left is designed to break down your independence and turn you into a victim that needs their protection and support. Name one of their policies that isn't.

( AB )

Please stop referring to Dylan Mulvaney as she. He is a HE. And a D list actor that couldn't make it as a man so there's that...

( MBFlyerfan )

These mutilation cultists need to be opposed at every turn. We bow to many of these woke policies for fear we will be attacked, lose our jobs, be doxxed, etc etc etc by these maniacs. We have to draw the line here. These sick groomers are preying on children and doing real mental and physical damage to them. Damage that is irreversible.

( BernardoB )

I remember when religion in the United States was defined as Christian, Jewish and Muslim. Now its Climate, Woke-trans and Woke-race. The new religions have dogma, rules, penalties for sinners (such as employment termination, dismissal from school, ostracism and social shaming). In the future perhaps we will see criminal charges, since if someone does "violence to trans people" for saying the wrong thing, then that person could be arrested for assault and battery.

( Jake Haulk )

God is not mocked. Those who deliberately distort His word to promote evil will not see heaven.

The promoters of sex change in children are odious Mengeles. This is immoral. But liberals love immorality as a tool to gain power.

Sick is the word to describe this and our enemies are watching with glee as moral corruption, the primary cause of civilization destruction, metastasizes rapidly in the US.

Cry the beloved country.

( ata777 )

The American left knows that transgenderism is the gateway to totalitarian rule, because once these Marxist wannabes can destroy and then re-define reality itself with regard to sex, all reality can be destroyed and re-defined by those willing to also destroy anyone who resists.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Our children are the very future of our civilization, and they must be protected at all costs.

Here is my letter to the NIH opposing the use of tax money to sexually mutilate and castrate children.

( @FlyingSolo )
@DrPaulGosar Dr. Gosar, I appreciate that letter.. but honestly, congress needs to stop asking these agencies to do the right thing and instead make them do the right thing.. however that needs to be done. We have no more time to dance around what's happening.

( @lmWA489 )
@DrPaulGosar Instead of writing letters, the NIH should be dissolved.

( @BernadetteH )
@DrPaulGosar Only a sick perverted country would abuse their children like this.

( @DellFerg )
@DrPaulGosar And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power. History is repeating.

( @bat_scat )
@DrPaulGosar what bout a bill that would free the J6?

( @SimpleManUSA )
@DrPaulGosar A letter? Nice!

( @Lou_Scannin )
@SimpleManUSA @DrPaulGosar that'll teach them!

( @HeinrichManeuver )
@DrPaulGosar protect them from immigration

VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How would you rank the irrationality of Gender Ideology vs Rightist Conspiracy Theories?

It is very obvious which is worse: The one that affects legislation.

Gender insanity dictates the law. Males get to win at womens' sports. Male rapists are allowed into womens' prisons.

So what if some conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is flat and covid is a hoax? As long as politics are made without even the slightest consideration for such conspiracy theories (and currently, I don't see any political decisions being made on basis of the assumption that the earth is flat), those theories are not really a problem.

(This is also something I tell the idiotic pro-genderists who claim that they don't want males in womens' prisons and that wanting men to get to rape women in prison is a "fringe opinion" and doesn't represent transactivism - why then, is it made law? Why, if they are against it, do they not speak up? It is blatantly obvious that they are lying through their teeth.)

Edit: As for which is more insane, I still think gender ideology.

Gender ideology claims that what our eyes can see (that men are men and not women, for example) is wrong.

Flat-earthism, on the other hand, is quite silly, but one must give it that: It is something that makes sense to people who don't live near the sea, have never been in an airplane, etc. Chemtrails and Covid-as-hoax, likewise, are things that are not easily disproved by just leaving one's house.

The rightist conspiracy theories are rooted in distrust against science, the leftist insanity is caused by too much trust in everything that pretends to be science. Both, taken to the extreme, are wrong, but at least the approach of only believing what you can understand is natural. It served humanity well enough for survival for a long time.

Gendernonsense, on the other hand, is not sustainable, and I have a niggling suspicion that the explicit ban in the Bible on men wearing womens' clothing and vice versa might have been caused by AGPs already having existed back then, and people having noticed that it is very, very bad for society to let them do what they want. (I do not think that enough women passed as male that it would have posed a major problem to patriarchy.)

JK Rowling #transphobia independent.co.uk

Speaking on the latest episode of podcast The Witch Trials of JK Rowling, released on Tuesday 14 March, the author said that she had been aware of the backlash she might receive from fans of her work over her views on gender and trans rights.

“When I first became interested in, and then deeply troubled by, what I saw as a cultural movement that was illiberal in its methods and questionable in its ideas, I absolutely knew that if I spoke out, many people who love my books would be deeply unhappy with me,” she said.

“I knew that, because I could see that they believed that they were living the values I had espoused in those books. I could tell that they believed that they were fighting for underdogs and difference and fairness. And I thought it would be easier not to.

“I knew that this could be really bad and it has been bad personally, it has not been fun, and I have been scared at times for my safety and, overwhelmingly, for my family’s safety.”

She continued: “Time will tell whether I’ve got this wrong. I can only say that I’ve thought about it deeply and hard and long and I’ve listened, I promise, to the other side, and I believe, absolutely, that there is something dangerous about this movement and that it must be challenged.”

When asked what she would say to people who claim she’s become like the villains in her books, Rowling said: “I would say that some of you have not understood the books. The Death Eaters claimed, ‘We have been made to live in secret, and now is our time, and any who stand in our way must be destroyed. If you disagree with us, you must die.’ They demonised and dehumanised those who were not like them.

“I am fighting what I see as a powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement, that has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society.

“I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless, so I’m afraid I stand with the women who are fighting to be heard against threats of loss of livelihood and threats to their safety.”

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

It's hard to pin exact authorship on individuals who lead or originally led various Nazi movements within the Cultural Marxism that owns the current Presidency, administration, deep-state, Marxocrat Party and much of all other political parties.

We've got our Eco-Nazis, our Femi-Nazis, our Homo-Nazis, our Racial-Nazis, our Mask-Nazis, our Vax-Nazis, our Trannie-Nazis, our HIV-Nazis, our College-Nazis, our Diversity-Nazis, and more; a lot more.The newest rage is all of the "Disinformation Nazi" movement, in which we find Speech-Nazis, News-Nazis, Publishing-Nazis, Social-Media-Nazis, YouTube-Nazis, Google-Search-Nazis, Commedy-And-Joke-Nazis, Print-Nazis, Advertising-Nazis and Website-Nazis.

Everyone is expected to toe the Nazi line, whatever and wherever it is.

There are actually two kinds of Eco-Nazi today: Ecological Nazis and Economic Nazis. The Economic Nazis (or the political puppeteers who create, own and operate them) cause an economic instability in some way, maybe bringing a major car company or auto-industry to the brink of economic failure, or maybe a large bank, or the whole banking industry. Then, on the incredibly stupid theory that the endangered business element is "Too Big To Fail", they bail them out with more tax dollars, moving the whole nation that much closer to economic failure.
And that's what all these movements are really about: the eventual destruction of the private sector of the USA, one way or another, or in many ways. The elimination of the USA as a super-power, as an economic success story, as a bastion of freedom and as a model of how capitalism is supposed to work.

Ask yourself how it ever came to be that millions of Americans actually believe that the genitalia people are born with do not necessarily determine what their sex is. And how it came to be that anyone who tries to disavow any of them of that glaringly obvious error, will be summarily "cancelled", maybe fired, or even jailed under some pretext.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( BathMat )
How would you rank the irrationality of Gender Ideology vs Rightist Conspiracy Theories?

My male partner is in basic agreement on important points of gender wars, but sometimes clearly thinks I'm overestimating the scale of the problem, in terms of how widespread beliefs about the crazier aspects are within the left and institutions.

This recently came up again as he had been talking to some serious conspiracy theorists about their beliefs - from chemtrails and covid-is-a-hoax to actual flat-earthism. I tried to say something about how yes, all of that is obviously insane, and there is some kind of growing internet + disenfranchisement problem, and did he see how that was also true of the people we know on the left thinking various equally irrational things about sex and gender? [...]. He said that most people who say TWAW don't mean it literally and are playing some kind of intellectual game rather than deluded.

So I was just wondering what people here think? Are they comparable mass delusions, or different types of things? I'm not particularly looking to win the argument, although I wish I'd been better able to explain what seems so obvious to me! But it's made me genuinely wonder if there are differences, and if so what they are.

( hmimperialtortie )

He said that most people who say TWAW don't mean it literally and are playing some kind of intellectual game rather than deluded.

Which is no better, because it means they know it is a lie and support the destruction of women’s rights anyway.

( RawSienna )
Is the flat earth lobby elbowing their way into schools to groom kids into thinking harmful nonsense?

Are chemtrailers forcing workplaces to do strange quasi-religious compliance rituals with their employees?

Kooky and eccentric beliefs are harmless until they have the force of social and legal pressure behind them.

( zuubat )
Creationism: Privileging the words of a handful of Bronze Age misogynists who claimed to speak for G-d over a planetful of evidence left directly by G-d.

Genderism: Privileging the words of a handful of modern-day misogynists who claim to be women over evidence produced over the entirety of human all living history showing they are not.

@oo_ChiChi_oo #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gettr.com

(submitters note: translated from original german, original below)

Welcome to the "best Germany EVER!" 😷💉🤡#FCKCDU #FCKCSU #FCKSPD #FCKGrüne #FCKFDP #FCKMauermörderpartei #NWO #COVID1984

can you believe that: In the future, the rainbow flag will also fly on the Reichstag

On two dates a year, the so-called rainbow flag is to be hoisted on one of the four towers of the Reichstag building. The Bundestag Presidium has agreed on this, as confirmed by the press office of the parliament. The flag with the six colorful stripes is becoming more and more a kind of national emblem of the GRD (Gender Republic of Germany), after a new flag decree by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (SPD), also allowed it to be hoisted in front of and on top of federal buildings.

Source: vk: Freedom of expression Art 5 GG

spoilerWillkommen im "besten Deutschland ALLER Zeiten!" 😷💉🤡 #FCKCDU #FCKCSU #FCKSPD #FCKGrüne #FCKFDP #FCKMauermörderpartei #NWO #COVID1984

Geht’s noch: Regenbogenflagge weht künftig auch auf dem Reichstag

An zwei Terminen im Jahr soll auf einem der vier Türme des Reichstagsgebäudes die sogenannte Regenbogenflagge gehisst werden. Darauf hat sich das Bundestagspräsidium geeinigt, wie die Pressestelle des Parlaments bestätigte. Die Fahne mit den sechs bunten Streifen wird damit immer mehr zu einer Art Hoheitszeichen der GRD (Gender Republik Deutschland), nachdem ein neuer Flaggenerlass von Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) das Hissen auch vor und auf Bundesgebäuden erlaubt hat.

Quelle:vk:Meinungsfreiheit Art 5 GG

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Joe Biden thinks it’s wrong to stop the profit driven medical industry from cutting breasts off 15 year old girls and castrating teen boys before they are old enough to legally get a tattoo or vote.

Democrats are the party of child abuse.

Democrats ( MARXISTS ) are the Party of Pure Satanical Evilness .

( @AcidBrainWash )

( @Katland )
@repmtg . . . Democrats don't have "morals", they also lack integrity, honor & have absolutely NO respect for humanity or life itself.

I can't imagine people actually "voting" for a political party whose main goals are:

* Killing babies.
* Mutilating children's genitals.
* Chemically castrating children.
* Legalizing child rape/torture (pedophilia).
* Sexually grooming children.
* Transgender as normal vs mental illness.
* Revoking parental rights to "force" ALL of the above on EVERY CHILD in the USA.

Oh yeah, I forgot . . . NO one "votes" for Dems, that's why they CHEAT!

( @yourvampire )
@repmtg thinking he's a "president" is wrong.
he's an incestuous, pedophile, crook and a career liar who's party forced to act as president, because he's the dirtiest politician in DC. he's the sacrificial lamb, to take all the blame for obama's hijacking of the USA. it was that or execution.

( @realGoetzVonBerlichingen )

( @SandraLoftis )
@repmtg unbelievable

( @wait4me )
@SandraLoftis @repmtg I am 42, have 4 kids, want to have hysterectomy because I am tired of the constant monthly pain. And I cannot get it done. I guess I need to tell the doctors, that I decided to be a father instead of being my kid's Mom.

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