
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

VillageBear #transphobia dailykos.com

In the UK, there is in fact a lot of trouble with BOYS bothering girls in unisex school restrooms—sexual harassment, attempts to photograph girls attending to their business, and so forth. One young girl had to go to the hospital after a boy “donkey-kicked” the stall door, slamming it into her forehead. I can’t believe the profound naivete, sheer stupidity, and disregard for girls’ safety and privacy that fed into that policy. And there have also been incidents of trans-identified men assaulting women and girls in restrooms—one of the prisoners in that Scottish women’s prison where Adam Graham was sent is doing time for that very crime. The quote from Rep. Holt sounds perfectly sensible and not “weird” at all. (OMG, I’m agreeing with a Republican!”)

[“Then police the non-queer students who are abusing the system. If it isn't the trans kids then why should they suffer for the cis kids' abuse (a kind of double jeopardy)?”]

How do you “police” school restrooms? Hire more security guards?

If trans-identified men commit crimes at the same rate as men in general, why would we expect trans-identified boys to be any different from other boys when it comes to antisocial behavior?

And incidentally that word qu**r is still offensive to a lot of people, both gay and straight. And there’s no such thing as “cis.”

CancelThisCompany #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy cancelthiscompany.com

Once upon a time, the cardinal rule of business was to never even discuss politics, yet nowadays, virtually all of the largest corporations have gone woke to one degree or another. Many have adopted Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (D.I.E.), AKA quotas based on skin pigmentation, gender, and LGBTQ instead of merit. Fortune 500 companies are literally keeping track of employees by race, and have launched 'training’ campaigns to indoctrinate employees into critical race theory, eerily reminiscent of early Nazi Germany. Many of these woke companies are in essence, hate groups. They push racial polarization, fomenting the democrat party's toxic culture war, including by pushing the false and racist narrative of systemic racism [1, 2]. Many have made substantial donations to various race-mongering groups including the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, the National Urban League, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Some have brazenly alienated half of the country by openly smearing Donald Trump and/or Republicans, by attacking voting integrity laws, and by pushing for censorship of conservative speech or of just speech, for example, by pulling advertising from Elon Musk-owned Twitter. Some are anti-2nd Amendment, are parroting global warming hysteria, are trying to tear down gender constructs, and are pushing the insidious media/democrat party divide-and-conquer agenda of separating people into 'oppressed' groups (women, LGBTQ, etc). Some of these companies have actually come out against parents having the fundamental right to protect their children from being sexually groomed in elementary schools. Others have adopted ESG, the woke rating system.

Woke companies are a danger to our freedom and values. This is why we MUST stop feeding the beast that is using profits from our purchases to fuel the destruction of our country. Show them what 74 million + consumers can do to their profit margins. It is your civic duty!

RuneOwl , sailorvenus & RighteousIndignation #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans Activists Blame JK Rowling, Women Critical of Gender Ideology For Murder Of Transgender Teenager | Reduxx

( RuneOwl )
The fact that they’d rather find any cheap, ghoulish opportunity to dunk on JKR and do absolutely nothing to tackle the issue of who is actually doing the literal murdering just shows how little trans people actually care about one another.

Trans people want more trans deaths because it’s like their twisted source of narcissistic supply. The more they can roleplay being oppressed off the backs of real victims, the more they can manipulate and intimidate the rest of us all while pretending it’s some noble crusade.

They are their own worst enemies.

( sailorvenus )
You just unlocked a realization when you said roleplaying.

They’re fucking LARPing. They just won’t admit it and this forces everyone to play along and treat them like their character.

( RighteousIndignation )
this highlights the fact they are the safest, hardly any trans get killed, imagine if we acted like them every time a woman is murdered. this is not the win they think it is, as their behaviour will just peak more people into how much they have lied about how vulnerable they are, if it gets decided it was a hate crime the newspapers will run with headlines saying first transgender murder in 5 years which will blow all their claims out the water.

their behaviour is very strange, they seem to act like they want to use everything for point scoring but never look at the bigger picture,they are their own worst enemies.

Frosty Wooldridge #wingnut #transphobia #racist newswithviews.com

Are you confused about life in 2023 America? Are you confused about the meaning of a boy or a girl? Are you stymied as to why we have borders to protect our country, but our president has invited the largest invasion of criminals over those borders for the past 26 months? Does it concern you that drugs such as fentanyl have killed 100,000 of our youth annually for the past two years…as our leaders in Congress continue to help drug dealers import those poisons over our borders?
Is it strange that our children are being indoctrinated into being “transgender” changelings at the tender age of 6, 7, 8, 9 and/or 10? Is it not strange to you that preteens are being castrated or having their breasts removed before they even know what their lives are all about?
Does it make any sense that this new acronym of EID… “Equity, Inclusion, Diversity” means that we should lower academic standards to put somebody into the cockpit of a 747…or bestow an M.D. degree on someone who will perform a heart transplant…or send someone on a moon landing or place them into an air traffic control tower by the virtue of the color of their skin?
So, why are we doing this horse-sh*t to ourselves? Who is forcing us to move from excellence, achievement, academic prowess, freedom of speech and meritocracy…to honoring stupidity, ignorance, illiteracy and high school dropouts?

During my youth, I grew up on a farm much of the time. I learned hard work, chores…milking cows, feeding chickens, shearing sheep, plowing, planting, cultivating, cutting hay, baling hay, stacking it in the barn, making maple syrup, repairing machinery…and learning common sense.

In the 1960’s, women fought for more rights, equal pay and more say in politics. Title IX arrived to give women athletic energy and competition. Additionally, dignity! It made sense!

Dana Seilhan #transphobia bornwithovaries.substack.com


For starters, the entire basis of the gendergoon movement is men claiming to be women, women claiming to be men, and both men and women claiming to be neither man nor woman. But if you look at the civil rights movement, black people were not demanding equal rights based on claiming to be white people. Their basis was that black people are just as human as white people and therefore deserve the same human rights.

“Yes,” a gendergoon might reply. “That’s all we’re after. Trans women, for instance, are just as human as cis [sic] women are, therefore deserve the same human rights as all women.”

Of course men who claim to be women are human beings. But they are not women, and therefore are not entitled to women’s spaces or women’s resources, which women have for very specific sex-based reasons. So-called “trans women” are not the same sex as women, therefore do not have the same sex-based needs and requirements as women.


When Jim Crow imposed separate white and black facilities, it was white people, the dominant racial class, who demanded these separate facilities. When women’s restrooms were introduced, it was women who demanded them in a world in which men are the dominant sex class. Men resisted the introduction of women’s restrooms. Men were offended at the idea of women’s restrooms.

Men are still offended at the idea of women’s restrooms. But now they can pretend that putting an end to women’s restrooms is some kind of social justice movement.

Imagine if the white supremacists of the 1950s and 1960s had gotten the bright idea to start pretending to be black. Then decided to start acting like utter lunatics, denouncing black people who resisted them as “racist against black people.” Then started selling dubious, dangerous skin-lightening treatments and skin-grafting surgeries so that black children could identify as white children. The equivalent of all that is what women and children are facing now at the hands of crazy, hateful men.

I wonder how many more women have to be raped and impregnated by their prison cellmates, how many more women have to suffer concussions from male teammates in rugby, how many more children have to be involuntarily sterilized before the public finally figures this out.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@rollforlearning - The best people in your schools are represented and instead you are disgustingly shaming them"]



I have a question for you since I had to google what the heck that was. Are you wanting books about that for kids who live with it or so all kids can learn about it? Why would kids not exposed to that lifestyle ever need to learn about it? Math?spelling? Writing?

On the off chance that you are engaging in good faith or someone else who is may see it:

We have polyam families in our schools. Their families deserve to be represented. They shouldn't feel like there's something shameful about having more than two parents in their home

Evil dyke (but I'm repeating myself) Shawna is very concerned that children whose parents are swingers aren't going to be "fairly represented" in schools, unless their textbooks and other resources reference (positively, of course) their perverted lifestyle

As you might have guessed, endorsing an unacceptable perversion is certainly on-brand for Shawna and her ilk. Thinking that these nutters "deserve" representation is equally predictable, even though it's wrong[…]Clearly she's incapable of actual "good faith" engaging, but if she were she should be required to answer this question:

You have kids with socially conservative families in our schools, so how are you representing them with your books and practices?

Unlike uranists and trannies and swingers,we actually have a solid moral and intellectual foundation to our lifestyle. I guarantee that Shawna's "equity library" doesn't have anything by Ted Byfield or Rod Dreher or Jonathon Van Maren

So why don't the children with the highest calibre of family get their representation? Why is Shawna only promoting illegitimate lifestyle choices?

Oh, right: self-preservation

Philogynist , XxWomanxX & hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

( Philogynist )
Comparing TRAs with MRAs

- MRA emphasis on "egalitarianism" and "individuality" is the same thing as TRA emphasis on "inclusivity" and "identity".

- MRAs creating a group of "female oppressors" they called "feminazis" is the same thing as TRAs creating a group of "female oppressors" they call "TERFs" (note: lesbians were the ones most likely to be cast in both of these groups).

- MRAs stating that female people oppress male people and use feminism as a tool to do it is the same thing as TRAs stating that female ("cis") people oppress male ("trans") people and use radical feminism as a tool to do it.

- MRAs declaring that the existence of women-only resources and spaces is sexism against men is the same as TRAs claiming that the existence of women-only resources and spaces is transmisogyny against trans women (sexism against men).

- MRAs stating that there is nothing wrong with porn or prostitution is the same thing as TRAs stating there is nothing wrong with porn or prostitution.

- MRAs stating that one of the hallmarks of men being oppressed by women is their inability to be emotionally expressive. This is remarkably similar to TRAs stating that their inability to be emotionally validated is one of the hallmarks of trans-identifying male people being oppressed by women.

- MRAs claiming that feminism needs to focus on men is the same thing as TRAs claiming that feminism needs to focus on trans-identifying male people.

- MRAs claiming that women have female privilege is the same as TRAs claiming that women have cis privilege and transmen have "masc" privilege.

- The incel offshoot of MRAs claiming that lesbians should be sexually available to men is the same thing as TRAs claiming that lesbians should be sexually available to TIMs.

Does anyone here remember the group that was the primary opposition to feminism before TRAs came along? MRAs almost nearly suddenly disappeared overnight as a direct force when TRAs stepped into the spotlight.

( XxWomanxX )
They both fight for the advancement of privileges to males at the expense of women and children.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yep, same people. Likewise incels and transcels. All part of the “manosphere”.

I used to be on the blog Manboobz/We Hunted the Mammoth before the bloke running it sold out completely to the TIMs.

@Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

These tranny cockfrockers going 'reeeee' all the time want 'equality' and being mocked is part of being in society, bro. Suck it up or keep going 'reeee' we see you and tick fucking tock you window licking deviates.

Also From TERF Island Today

"Netflix is not anti-trans – it’s pro-freedom of speech"

"The Twitter outrage over Ricky Gervais's 'transphobic' new show is all too predictable – and entirely misplaced"

Daily Telegraph:

@DebJane #transphobia gettr.com

First of a series on Dr Ann Lawrence, an autogynephilic man. This is a must read book if you want to understand the new Be-penised women. Team Terf.

No man has a claim to womanhood only those of us who werecborn women are women and AGP men and transsexuals can use men's spaces, because they are men. It's interesting that the getting aroused when aspiring to be the opposite sex is a male fetish.

Matt Walsh et al. #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)
"What Is A Woman" is a global movement. Nigeria at the UN is hosting a screening of the film for African delegates. It's clear that African nations don't want gender ideology imposed on them.

It has already found a large following in South America, Europe, and the Middle East. Now African delegates at the UN are attending a screening. The film is not only changing this country but reaching across the world. Incredibly proud to have been a part of this project.

Nope, they see where this leads to:

1) pregnant men
2) urinals in the women's bathroom
3) tampons in the men's bathroom
4) men on women's sports teams
5) doctors "guess" what a child is at birth

Africa is looking at this degeneracy and saying NO THANKS!.

The US, its neighbors and the European countries have fallen down an ever rapidly expanding dark hole of Gender Ideology.

Smart and Calculated of the African Nation

Probable entertained by the slow moving disaster called United States of America.

A shade of schadenfreude

(Jane J)
Media attention and promotion of all things transgender is hugely disproportionate to the % of global population who are directly involved.The fact that a trans woman has been made 'woman of the year ' and trans women in women's sport shows how absurd this situation has become .

(Charles Dickens)
Many don’t realize that the US withholds funding to countries that do not implement DEI culture- one of the reasons no hearts or minds were won in Afghanistan.

itsnotaboutewe #transphobia ovarit.com

One Last Push And We Will Win

[...] I have been having the same arguments with the other side over and over again and it's gotten to the point where I won't bother to interact with anyone who has been pro-trans for more than a year because the chances of us both just having the same circular conversations we've had a thousand times before is too great to exert much energy on it again. [...]

But now the general population is waking up. There is a new audience that has never heard our logical arguments, and who is open to hearing our views. [...] We need to get back to basics in reiterating our views. Discussions we figured we had won years ago will need to be brought up again, not as ideas that we want to convince them of, but as items we can present as facts this time.

Where before we were arguing with pro-trans people about whether some men can become women and addressing all their usual lunacy, this time we need to start conversations with newcomers with the fact that human beings cannot change sex and go from there.

"We all know human beings cannot change sex regardless of medical interventions or what a person feels their soul to be, right? Therefore men can never be considered to be women in any circumstances." We need to keep it that simple.

The demented arguments the transborg used to bring up (clownfish, the clitoris is just a micro-penis, born in the wrong body) are not talking points likely to come up with normal people. The average man and woman on the street aren't stupid. They want to be kind but not at the expense of reality, and especially not at the expense of the safety of children. (that's one thing that will swing this our way quickly - trans largely aren't parents, and parents will do anything to protect their kids).

This time we can control the narrative, because the debate has been blown open by recent very public events (YMCAs with men flashing girls in the women's showers, the madness in Scotland, etc) so we can talk about this stuff openly. We can even pretend we have only just become aware of the situation ourselves and make all the great points that we have honed over the years to make the logic sound fresh.

I really think we are on the downhill run now, but we can't sit back and enjoy the ride. We have to make one last push so the momentum outruns us and we have to step out of the way of our own success. I truly believe 2023 is the year we win.

VillageBear #transphobia #enbyphobia dailykos.com

The extreme activists’ use of language to demean women is a big stumbling block. There’s nothing hateful or phobic or even unreasonable in objecting to clunky and demeaning phraseology such as “people who menstruate,” “uterus-haver,” “vulva owner,” and “chestfeeding.” (As though women are just a collection of reproductive parts.) The NHS in England recently produced a poster promoting screening for cervical cancer without once using the word woman! And then there’s that Scottish asshole, going by the name Jess Bradley I believe, who wrote an op-ed for the Huffington Post claiming that there’s no such thing as a real woman.

Last month, trans activists (one of whose slogans is “no debate”) shut down a lecture at McGill University by a law professor specializing in human rights, screaming at the students who were trying to attend, pushing, shoving, threatening, knocking at least one woman down, until the lecture had to be cancelled—one of the activists claimed that simply attending that lecture constituted a hate crime. Similar behavior has cancelled showings of the documentary “Adult Human Female” at Edinburgh University and other venues. A conference on feminism in academe last weekend did carry on to the end, although some of the attendees were threatened, one had her phone stolen, and the screaming from outside the lecture hall went on and on. And then there were the protesters in Edinburgh holding signs advocating terrorism (“Decapitate all t**fs,” said one) while two female members of the Scottish Parliament smirked and grinned in front of them. That photo is easy to find on the internet. The two politicians said they weren’t aware the signs were there, even though it was a small demonstration.

Changing the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is, of course disrespectful to her. And it’s flat-out intellectual dishonesty—on a par with the historians and theatre people who insist that Joan of Arc was “non-binary” when that concept was invented about ten minutes ago. And we should refer to Joan as “they.” Queen Elizabeth I got the same treatment from the same bunch of lying incompetents (a powerful, intelligent head of state, you know, must not really have been a woman at all). I don’t know what Elizabeth herself would have to say about that, but I’ll bet it would be worth hearing.

@Bertie007 & @Belindatobin #transphobia gettr.com

( @Bertie007 )
Trans is an anti women movement, the absolute worst of the #mensrights movements, evil misogynist and any woman who supports them is a traitor to her sex, who will find out later on how much they despise her #menarenotwomen #womendonthavepenises

( @Belindatobin )
WOMEN who are not aware or just don't care are really beginning to piss me off 🙄

@thatanna #transphobia gettr.com

This young lady knows the danger she's in for speaking out, what those risks are.

This troony shit will probably block me, but - I'm right you know. These trans activists are nothing but gaslighting, vicious, callous, unrelenting hypocrites. I'm sick of the misogyny, I'm sick of these violent thugs, I'm sick of being told I need to kowtow to them and I'm sure as shit sick of these activists having backing from the establishment to groom our kids.

You cannot change your sex.
You cannot have our spaces, rights and language.
You cannot have our kids.
Go fuck yourself Ben.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( prumblepuss )
reasons to become a woman (that I've noticed)

Usually more than one of these are happening at once, but I was thinking about the types of TiMs I've seen:

The autogynephile (obv) - sexually attracted to themselves as women. Comes in many flavors.

The shame filled gay man who thinks that wanting to have sex with men is womanhood.

Men who are bothered by his sex drive and would prefer something much lower or none at all.

Cross dressers who are told that their sexual arousal in women's clothing is euphoria and proof of their transness.

Men who want to be admired, fawned over, dressed beautifully. Men who like makeup and nail polish and selfies.

Men who watch lesbian porn and fantasize about being in a lesbian relationship.

Men who watch trans porn and want to fuck/become the porn star.

Men with a sissy/humiliation kink.

Men who feel particularly hurt when excluded from female groups.

( DietCokeAddict )
Also: recently convicted rapists who want to be placed in a women’s prison.

( realityismykink )
You forgot pedophiles who want easier access to children.

( Kevina )
Men who are mediocre athletes who want desperately to be champions/go to the Olympics, or ones who are about to age out of competitive sport.

( Understanderson )
One more: men opting into an "oppressed group" either so they can spout men's rights propaganda from an unassailable position or escape being viewed as part of the oppressor group.

( TheExorcistofLies )
This was my first thought too, the MRAs “sticking it” to feminism by transing out and taking employment and political positions meant for women. They’ve talked about this as a strategy to push women out.

Michael L. Brown #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut charismanews.com

Why are we here after all? A deep void existed in our hearts, one that led many of us to a transformational encounter with the Lord during the Jesus Revolution.

Unfortunately, it was not only the Lord who filled that void. Satan and the world rushed in to fill it too, especially with sex, drugs, rock-n-roll and Eastern religion. That was the path many of us took before we came to know the Lord, a path from which many others never returned.

In our day, as a young generation deals with its own set of uncertainties and frustrations, longing to see justice and equality prevail, Satan and the world have rushed in to hijack these sentiments, many of which are good and noble in themselves.

Nowhere is this clearer than in the hijacking of empathy, defined as "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
As a result, this quality of empathy, which can be very positive in and of itself, has been coopted in a destructive, negative way. And so, to give just one example, out of empathy, many teens will instinctively defend a trans-identified peer, not realizing that this peer is about to destroy his or her life via chemical castration and genital mutilation. Their empathy in the short-term actually contributes to their friend's long-term pain.
Those who reach out to the younger generation (and others who share their values) should recognize how some good values have been hijacked. And rather than simply react to the wrong positions they espouse, we can point them in the direction of Christian compassion and biblically-based justice. Then, working together, we can take back what has been stolen and steer that passion in a positive, life-changing direction. It's called being redemptive. That's a virtue that is almost impossible to hijack, pervert, or twist.

Laetitia Ky #transphobia instagram.com

I believe that the modern day witch hunt is the cancellation, abuse, harassment of the women considered TERF (trans exclusive radical feminist).
Just like the women who were accused of witchcraft and were burnt, tortured for being outcasts and unsuitable members of patriarchal society, the TERF today are accused of "phobia" for wanting women to be protected and for having valid concerns about the way society is evolving and for that are harassed, sued, insulted, isolated... people militate openly for those women (TERF) to be "kil led", "assaulted" "han ged" "lose their job", "lose their reputation" etc...

"TERF"... i used to hate that word. The negative connotation behind it. The "hatred" associated to it. I didn't want people to associate me with it because i knew behind every thought i have, every statement and post i make, there is not an ounce of hate. It was scary to me to be associated with a word that is a synonym of "hateful" for people. However now, when i try to think about all the situations that made people call me a TERF, this word becomes almost like "a badge of honor".

#8thmarch #internationalwomensday #terf #radicalfeminism #radfem #adulthumanfemale

@Bertie007 #transphobia gettr.com

Congratulations to Stephanie Davies-arai who has been vindicated #transgendertrend #leaveourkidsalone #nooneisborninthewrongbody #transisalie trans is an adult male fetish, encouraged by porn and built on their hatred and disgust for real women #misogyny #menarenotwomen #menarenotgirls #menarenotlesbians #maleviolence #toxicmasculinity

missdelein2, lyrical_monica and Der_von_Romberg #transphobia #sexist #pratt twitter.com

Lisa Paus (Germany’s family minister, Green):
A woman is a person who identifies herself as a woman.

You can play all your stupid word games you want, Ms @lisapaus. Language does not create reality.
A man can never be a woman, no matter how much your language dehumanises women.

Who can according to this statement “identify as a woman”? Women? No. Why would they? They are after all already women. So? Correct: Men! Ergo: @lisapaus works for the cementing of patriarchy! This regression demands resignation! #ResignationPaus

Von Romberg@Der_von_Romberg
There is of course no patriarchy. So the blathering is nonsense. Otherwise: full agreement! Trannies just aren’t women! They are and remain: Men!

Original GermanSie können alle dummen Sprachspiele spielen die Sie wollen Frau @lisapaus
. Sprache erschafft keine Realität.
Ein Mann kann niemals eine Frau sein, egal wie sehr sie Frauen durch Ihre Sprache entmenschlichen.

Wer kann sich nach dieser Aussage als “Frau identifizieren”? Frauen? Nein. Wozu? Sie sind ja schon Frauen. Also? Richtig: Männer! Ergo: @lisapaus arbeitet für die Zementierung des Patriarchats! Dieser Rückschritt schreit nach Rücktritt!!! #RücktrittPaus
Es gibt natürlich kein Patriarchat. Das Gerede ist also Blödsinn. Ansonsten: volle Zustimmung! Transen sind halt keine Frauen! Sie sind und bleiben: Männer!

South Carolina Representative John McCravy #transphobia wistv.com

(South Carolina has passed a hate crimes bill in its House; now it goes to SC Senate)

Republican Rep. John McCravy said leaving gender in the bill would allow a progressive court a door to dismantle efforts conservatives have made to pass bills curtailing what sports teams transgender people can play on or the bathrooms they use.

“The language in this bill could be used against the Save Women’s Sports Act. It could be used against arguments about bathrooms,” McCravy said. “I think you see what the real agenda is here.”

Linda Harvey #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut missionamerica.com

America’s kids should be happy, healthy, wholesome, brave, virtuous, respectful and grateful. Instead, many are tormented and traveling down treacherous roads that will lead to further instability, physical risk and long-term unhappiness. And spiritual darkness is consuming many of them.
The Centers for Disease Control just released a report of its latest Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) with a summary of results for the last ten years. The trends are horrifying.

Some problems can be attributed to the COVID shutdowns but the truth is, the pandemic merely revealed the instability of America’s populace, and our kids suffer as a result of mom/dad/family disorder.

The YRBS samples a representative segment of 9th to 12th graders every two years in public, private and some Catholic schools.

In 2021 (the latest year for which results are available), 10% of female high school students attempted suicide and 42% of high schoolers reported being so sad and hopeless for two weeks in a row that they stopped doing their usual activities.

Girls report a higher incidence of mental health issues. You would think with the laser focus on the rights of women that girls would feel more hopeful than ever. Perhaps feminism is not the answer after all. Of course, any faithful believer could tell us that. Feminism brings more discontent because it suppresses the best of womanhood (the authentic, biological kind).
The CDC report assumes the “LGBQ” identifiers in the YRBS are a separate biological group, referring to them as a “sexual minority,” perpetuating the false narrative that people are born this way. This “public health” agency fails to address that elephant in the room: no one is born homosexual, bisexual, “non-binary” or born in the wrong sex body. There is no evidence supporting this claim and a wealth of evidence disputing the inborn narrative but revealing developed desires, which can (and should) be undeveloped, for optimal health and well-being.

Charlie Kirk & @Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

( Charlie Kirk )
While everyone fixated on a Hollywood Show Trial, Joe Biden just enacted a policy tying school lunch grants to Transgender Bathrooms in elementary schools

Just so we're all clear: they will radically sexualize America, no matter what—even if it means starving your kids to do it.

( @Rex_Landy )
Trannies. Fuck up you mentally ill predators.

@Rex_Landy & @JoanDArc2000 #transphobia gettr.com

( @Rex_Landy )
If their claims of 'just wanting equality' were true, they wouldn't 'Reeeee!' every time there was a tranny joke. Women get called cunt/whore/bitch etc in male comedian's 'jokes' all the time. One 'for instance'. Comedians mock everyone. It's literally their job.
But trannies want abject obeisance to their cult and their dicks. And to that I say 'go shit in a ditch, tranny!' You will NEVER be a woman.

Netflix is not anti-trans – it’s pro-freedom of speech

The Twitter outrage over Ricky Gervais's 'transphobic' new show is all too predictable – and entirely misplaced

#FreeSpeech #ProFreeSpeech #FreedomOfSpeech #Netflix #Twitter #RickyGervais #TransMob #TransGang #TwitterStorm #TwitterOutrage #Trans #Transgender


( @JoanDArc2000 )
Nothing is anti "trans." There is no such thing as "trans."

( @Rex_Landy )
That's right. It's Big Pharma's marketing arm to the credulous, mentally ill, young and woke.

mara@räumtauf #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

I am for the abolition of the
#World’s Women’s Day
No one needs it, also, we now have these trannies that want to prescribe that this their day as well. All I can do now is vomit.

(Original German)
Ich bin für die Abschaffung des
Braucht kein Mensch, zudem uns jetzt diese Transen auch noch vorschreiben wollen, dass das auch ihr Tag ist. Ich kann nur noch kotzen

EMPRESS #moonbat #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #elitist nfomation.net

I fully stand with J.K.Rowling as countless women who did, because most men are just dying out of jealousy of us and want to take a piece of the cake too. Even if it comes out corrupted, broken and completely ruined. And this is something only "REAL WOMEN" would understand, because we women are the ones that is getting damaged & stolen from, so we are hurt the most by it.

Aa a result of the rise of this new WOKE movement, society now made every man today is always either a sissy bitch or misogynistic motherfucker, nothing in-between.

"THE WOKE SYSTEM" of today runs with and "claims" that it mainly wants "fairness, justice, equality and total freedom". But then ... when someone with views against trans and tries to express themselves today, they are treated as GARBAGE and fired/banned from wherever they are, is a clear sign of huge "Contradiction".

This is neither equality nor freedom. This is SLAVERY because you are "FORCING" ideas and thoughts on people or else they are ATTACKED & SILENCED.

This "Freedom" is just 1 sided and those BITCHES have taken the "Actual" freedom out of all normal people away, and is forcing everyone to either forcefully accept this NONSENSE, or just swallow their thoughts and keep shut regardless.


J.K.Rowling spoke about this publicly and thus got hated for it. The funniest thing is that the fact most of the bitches whom are hating is just following the "HATE TRAIN". They absolutely have no fucking idea "What" they are actually defending, what it means, and if it's right or wrong whatsoever. You are all just following the hordes like PIGS. You REALLY thought by adding "phobic" at the end of your fuckery is going to turn it into some of "Weapon"?

NO BITCH, it just turns YOU into a FAG! (laughing)

You are all mostly "sissy men" who just couldn't accept being inferior to women, so you went into a trip to realize that **in the end** there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do about it. And NOW you are neither a man nor a woman, you have completely lost your identity, and now you are just a "unidentifiable freak" that is fucking disgusting. Good job, FAGGOTS.

... Fag, Faggotry, Faggots! ... oh god, I love english <3

VillageBear #transphobia dailykos.com

I haven’t heard of everyone in that photo, but the ones I do know of—Maya Forstater and Kathleen Stock—are not loathsome at all but admirable.

Biological sex is real, and it is not “assigned” at birth (except perhaps in the case of rare intersex people) but determined at conception. That is not an opinion, a philosophy, or a “view” but a fact. How it is even controversial is beyond me. (And it isn’t promoting “literal genocide.”) The idea that someone should get fired from her job for saying so, or be threatened with murder and bullied by masked berserkers, to the point where she is driven from her academic post, is abhorrent. That’s what is loathsome. And those very bullies—the ones who attack attendees at an academic lecture (McGill University), shut down film showings (Edinburgh University and elsewhere), throw hysterics at the idea of a rapist being called by his actual birth name and remanded to the men’s prison where he should have been in the first place, argue that male athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports as long as they’ve tinkered with their hormones (in the real world, that’s called “cheating”)—those are the same people who claim “persecuted minority” status.


I have been reading Forstater and Stock. And “transphobe” is a pretty meaningless word. I have yet to see anything “phobic” or “hateful” in anything they’ve written. The phobia and hate from the trans activists who shut down lectures and film showings, insist that cheating in sports is a human right, bully and even physically assault people (usually women) they view as “transphobes” is all too obvious. The death and rape threats are coming from them.

Ben Shapiro #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Goody goody gumdrops have more heroic parenting, So much heroic parenting. Heroic parenting whereby parents deem themselves heroes by completely screwing up their kids for life. It's really exciting stuff. According to U.S. Magazine, US Magazine, proud mom Heather Jabra announced her 12 year-old child has come out as transgender. 12. 12. You're a terrible parent. Sorry, you are.


Also, it turns out that when you indulge your child in the bizarre fantasy that they can be a member of the opposite sex and start pretending that 12 year-olds, 12 year-olds are capable of making that decision to transition themself into boys, for example, constructing -- presumably you go all the way through the process a false penis from arm flesh that will never work properly. You will never be a man. It's never going to happen. That you are somehow a better parent for this. It's Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. Pat yourself on the back as you screw your kid beyond all recognition for life.


That is not your job as parents. I am sorry. It is not your job as parents to give your kid a, quote, safe and supportive environment so that they can grow up in a screwed-up way. It is your job to provide rules and roles and actual guidance. That is your job as a parent. Safe environment would be from outside influences that, for example, teach them lies like you can be a member of the opposite sex. And you do not have a duty to support delusion. In fact, you have a duty to fight delusion in your children. I'm sorry. This is textbook crap parenting.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

We were minding our own business when suddenly the trans movement came along and demanded that we totally abandon biology, common sense, and truth itself for its sake. Our war against this scourge is a defensive struggle. They started it. They wanted this fight. Now they have it.

Liz Wheeler #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Good day to everyone especially @michaeljknowles who was absolutely correct when he said we should eradicate transgenderism - the cultural practice of indulging psychiatric delusion to the point of mutilating children’s healthy bodies & erasing women.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: I fear DeSantis aka DeSatan will be our next president because of TIMs

( littleowl12 )
What we have sacrificed for these ridiculous fetishists is beyond measure. They've destroyed the progressive movement. I don't see any future progress. Not near future, anyway. Only a terrible erosion of what we have.

The Republicans know this is a huge winning issue for them.

Typically Republicans are full of shit and have to use a lot of propaganda and manipulation to fool people into buying into their nonsense.

On the gender issue, Republicans are actually telling the truth and they are going to hammer this issue whenever possible. They know it's their best shot to peal away Democratic voters.

( Amareldys )
People said that about gay marriage.

My problems with the TRA movement isn’t that they rally Republicans, it is that they interfere with the rights of women and require people to lie

( Seven )
Other countries are having the same pendulum swing because of the institutional capture by the trans movement. A perfect psyop

( cyber21 )
Yeah desantis is likely the front runner from the right. The Dems will probably put up Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. With CRT, gender woo, historic inflation, the border crisis, Ukraine, and FBI shenanigans, the right definitely has a decent chance of winning. As long as people like Katie Hobbs aren't in charge of counting the ballots 🤣

Ben Garrison #transphobia grrrgraphics.com

Why do woke corporations think we want trans propaganda with our purchases?

First we had the ‘woke’ M&Ms lecturing us about inclusiveness and diversity and now we have a transvestite’s face plastered over Hershey chocolate bar wrappers. The chocolate bar is supposedly celebrating ‘International Women’s Day’ by means of featuring a man pretending to be a woman displayed on their wrapper.

Why is the woke left so intent on erasing women?

Because they know that women are mothers and the only sex to give birth to new life. They say men can get pregnant. The globalist cartel knows that if they can get you to believe that, then you will swallow anything they say. It’s a form of mind control when they expect you to believe something illogical and irrational. If they can get you to accept it, you they know they can soon have you living in a pod, beating yourself up for climate sins, and eating bugs.

Anyone with common sense knows that we are living in a thick fog of trans-insanity. The truth is that there are only two genders, male and female, not 73 like they claim. We now live in a society where the mentally ill are rewarded and encouraged—and they encourage us to celebrate their mental illness!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Years from now people are going to say in disgust, there was a time in America where legislators fought to slaughter full-term babies, castrate boys, cut breast off of girls, and destroy women’s privacy & sports by allowing men inside.

History will not be kind.

Nor will God.

( @PhoenixJoe )
@repmtg I look at you in disgust. You have accomplished nothing but making yourself richer. You are the white trash AOC.

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@PhoenixJoe @repmtg she's actually a kike

( @PhoenixJoe )
@bobthebuilder123 @repmtg converted or an actual goblin?

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@PhoenixJoe @repmtg i'm leaning towards ethnic goblin

The face isn't symetrical, and the refusal to ever name them or a "proxy term" of them is glaringly obvious despite the fact everything she complains about is pushed by the tribe

( @soundtree )
@repmtg Where is the press conference from members of Congress to stop injecting humanity with weapons of mass destruction?....💉☠️

( @WakeTheFuckUp )

Once again, no mention of the 2+ years of scamdemic tyranny.

You literally remembered to mention boys in girls sports but forgot to mention the most massive, coordinated, devastating scam ever carried out against the human race.

Who is your handler and why don't they want you talking about the scamdemic?

( @Human90 )
@repmtg Years from now nobody will remember as the globalists will alter and erase history

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@Human90 @repmtg because people keep calling them "globalists" or "commies" instead of kike jews

if you name them then they can't hide in the shadows anymore

( @14W )
@repmtg They will think similarly of antiwhitism.

( @ThatTruckIsRacist )
@repmtg Raging anti White racism and a straight up invasion from the 3rd world meant to kill off White Americans, and you lazy fucks are talking about abortion

Make It A Mac Tonight #transphobia youtube.com

It's time for Trannymaniacs
They're disgusting to the max
They wear skirts instead of slacks
They're Trannymanaiacs

Come join them on the discord server pronouns "she" and "her"
Soon enough they rope and they will change to "was" and "were"
They insist you call them "mam" though they look just like a "sir"
Adam's apple
Wide clavicle
Futa connoisseur

They are the Trannymaniacs
There's an axe-wound in their pants
They just can't accept the facts
They're looney to the max
They're Trannymaniacs

They say "Age is just a number", whenever they are found
Grooming minors on the internet or on the playground
They wait in women's restrooms when no one is around
Then they pop out
And whip it out
And swing it all around

They are the Trannymaniacs
They think they're cute but make me yak
No they can't transition back
But they're calling you the quack
They're trannymany
Totally insaney
Fucked up in the brainy
Those are the facts

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Valencia killed 69-year-old transexual sex worker Kimberley McRae in Coogee | Daily Mail Online

( FemmeEtal )
That’s a whole lot of “she’s” for a story about 2 disgusting men.

( Hera )
Cases like this are always tough to me because, on one hand, holy shit my dude was raped by deception by a 70 year-old man in drag. He has every right to be pissed af and I can not blame him for responding with violence.

But on the other hand, it's obvious he (Valencia) is a predator too, since he thought he was buying sex from a young woman. It makes me wonder how many women he has abused in the past, especially women stuck in the sex trade. No matter what, he belongs in prison. Keep him miles away from women.

( proudcatlady )
It’s not tough. Man A deserved the “rape” which of course was not rape, he was seeking to rape someone and didn’t get the custom experience he thought he was entitled to. Oh, well.

The second man is a disgusting fetishist but he didn’t deserve to die for not being the rape victim the rapist intended.

( Greensocksladders )
'Rape by deception'. Usually this refers to someone concealing their biological sex, and for the most part it's going to be men who are 'duped' by other men. Probably the men being 'duped' are assuming that their sexual partner is female, rather than the sexual partner saying it outright.


( RisingUp )

'It is the accused's case that he did not know the deceased was 69 years of age or was transgender,' Ms Wasley said.

The claim is that he realised after “sex acts?”

This sounds so unlikely.

( Eava )
Well, there are many sex acts that can be performed on men without ever revealing the performer's genitals.

( RisingUp )
Yes, I presumed that’s what it means, but a 69 year old AGP passing as a woman in her forties?

Michael Knowles #transphobia #wingnut #psycho rollingstone.com

CPAC Speaker Calls for Transgenderism to Be ‘Eradicated’

THE RIGHT’S WAR on queer and trans people took center stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference as Daily Wire host Michael Knowles openly called for the public eradication of transgenderism. During his speech on Saturday, Knowles told the crowd, “For the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology, at every level.”

A number of people on Twitter, including Media Matters’ John Knefel and Harvard Law Cyber Clinic’s Alejandra Caraballo, called his remarks genocidal. Tragically, Knowles’ ideology is right in line with Republican politicians who have enacted or introduced bans on drag performances, restrictions on transgender health care, bills that would ban trans people from using the bathroom corresponding with their gender identity, and laws like Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” that bars teachers from teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity. The Movement Advancement Project (MAP), a group that tracks LGBTQ legislation, described these efforts as an ongoing “war against LGBTQ people in America and their very right and ability to openly exist.”

Senator Clay Yarborough & Florida republicans #transphobia businessinsider.com

Florida courts could take 'emergency' custody of kids with trans parents or siblings — even if they live in another state

A proposed bill making its way through the Florida State Senate would allow the state "emergency jurisdiction" over children who receive or are "at risk of" receiving gender-affirming care — or if their parent receives it themselves.

Senate Bill 254, introduced Friday by State Senator Clay Yarborough, would grant the court authority to take emergency custody of kids under the same statute that protects them from domestic violence and abuse.

The state could take temporary custody of children if "it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child" is "at risk of or is being subjected to the provision of sex reassignment prescriptions or procedures," according to the proposed bill text.

The proposed bill defines sex reassignment prescriptions or procedures as hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and surgeries or procedures that "affirm a person's perception of his or her sex if that perception is inconsistent with the person's sex" at birth.

The court would also be granted "jurisdiction to vacate, stay, or modify a child custody determination of a court of another state to protect the child from the risk of being subjected to the provision of sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures," according to the proposed bill text. "The court must vacate, stay, or modify the child custody determination to the extent necessary to protect the child from the provision of such prescriptions or procedures."

Representatives for Yarborough, who sponsored the bill, did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

Alejandra Caraballo, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School's Cyberlaw Clinic and former staff attorney at the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, tweeted that the proposed law would allow "legal kidnapping" of trans kids and is part of a "full on war against trans people in the state of Florida."


Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
The America First Movement protects our children.

No more mutilations.

No more grooming.

No more killing babies.

( @wafflepanzer )
@DrPaulGosar Is that true? With Feuntes being all about that underage homosexual life? Seems wrong. Also isn't being against those things anti semitic? Doesn't that anger your israeli overlords, Gosar? You're a fucking fraud. Know how I know this? Any account that criticizes israel, jews, or your slimy relationship with them is immediately blocked by you.

You're garbage Gosar and being a shabos won't save you from anyone, least of all the people you pretend you support.

( @Handyman123 )
@DrPaulGosar Every problem in the world leads to the Jewish IMF and the Federal Reserve Bank. ALL problems in society are not coincidental, they are manufactured by the Jewish control. Follow the money and you'll see. Debt is slavery. America is not run by true American patriots. America is run by the Khazarian Jewish Bank Mafia. Abolish the illegal Federal Reserve and the IMF and you will cut the head of the snake. No power to print money equals no funding for Child Trafficking, Wars, Media, CIA, FBI, IRS, CDC, WHO, WEF, Teachers Unions, NSA, Pharma, DOD, BLM, ANTIFA, DOJ, Supreme Court and Hollywood. Plain and simple. President Kennedy, The Fed And Executive Order 11110


( @John_Doe_88 )
@DrPaulGosar How about, No more getting raped, beaten and murdered by out of control niggers all across America.

( @jlozinsk )
@DrPaulGosar vaccines cause autism and miocarditis ALL VACCINES ARE BAD FOR Humans since they started cheating and no longer use killed vaccines

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #transphobia edition.cnn.com

“I am the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent World War Three,” Trump said.

He took aim at several specific Republicans, telling the CPAC crowd the GOP is “never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush,” referring to the former House speaker, former George W. Bush aide and former Florida governor. He also criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Utah Sen. Mitt Romney by name.

Trump also suggested – as Biden had in his State of the Union speech – that some Republicans have argued for reforms to Social Security and Medicare as part of efforts to cut spending and reform government.

“We’re not going back to people that want to destroy our great Social Security system – even some in our own party; I wonder who that might be – who want to raise the minimum age of Social Security to 70, 75 or even 80 in some cases, and who are out to cut Medicare to a level that will be unrecognizable,” he said.


Trump vowed to purge the government of “entrenched political dynasties in both parties.”

“In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution,” Trump said. “Not going to let this happen. … I will totally obliterate the deep state. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system like it has never been weaponized before. And I will put the people back in charge of this country again.”

Trump’s remarks targeting transgender people seemed to draw the biggest applause Saturday. He said he would sign a measure “prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states,” and said he would “keep men out of women’s sports.”

Trump claimed that the country, as he sees it, “will be lost forever” if he does not prevail in 2024.

“This is the final battle – they know it, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. Either they win, or we win. And I promise you this: If you put me back in the White House, their reign will be over, and America will be a free nation once again,” Trump said.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: An open response to the Males of Reddit discussion - Welcome to Ovarit

( OneStarWolf )
I’m so tired of these men claiming we want them dead 🙄 As if it’s women that are the ones constantly making death threats and holding guillotine signs while blocking their movement to peaceful trans gatherings??? Oh wait, that’s you men doing that to women actually! YOU want us dead. Stop the fucking darvo.

( DurableBook )
I get called a hateful genocidal bigot because I argue that it is not ethical to sterilize trans-identified people before they reach adulthood.

I get told I am murdering trans people by arguing that medical professionals should be held to evidence-based standards in regard to the drugs and surgeries they provide to trans-identified people.

I am called "trans exclusive" and told that I am erasing trans people when I point out the concrete reasons why it is medically and scientifically critical to have terms for female persons and male persons that are trans-inclusive (that is, terms which include ALL members of a given sex, of any gender identity or belief system).

I never cease to be entertained by how my active efforts to improve healthcare for trans people are what got me branded a "TERF". I'm literally arguing that it's NOT okay to sterilize you or to risk your health and life by performing experimental surgeries with no established standards of care...and this is the evidence that I "want you dead."

Whatever. I'm still going to oppose unethical medical practices, no matter if the people being harmed are trans or not.

( a-witch-a-broad )
To a narcissist, denial of his ego-driven demands is equal to death.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Heh, there’s a reason most TIMs don’t get rid of their ego stick. They love the sense of power it gives them.

( KittyWhawWhaw )
Oh, please. We’ve raped and assaulted plenty of them… oh wait. That was actually the other way around, wasn’t it?

( chocolatefondant21 )
I actually do want most men to be gone. It has nothing to do with being trans and everything to do with being male.

Maria Kuhl #transphobia #magick #crackpot thinkspot.com

Capricorn is the sign that rules the father. Cancer opposite Capricorn rules the mother. We learn gender roles from our parents, so Cancer and Capricorn are the signs that rule gender roles. Since 2008 we have seen the madness of trans ideologi take over the world and the erosion of safeguarding for women and children with men in drag insisting that women give up their rights to single sex spaces, and insisting on drag queens access to children. When Pluto went through Cancer between 1914 and 1939, women started wearing trousers and entered the work force, in part because the men were being killed in war. War is ruled by Aries, the sign 270° from Cancer. The sign 270° from another sign tends to have an oppressive influence on the sign in question, and when Pluto went through Cancer we had WW1 and the whole buildup to WW2. When WW2 broke out, Pluto had just left Cancer and entered the sign of Leo. The sign 270° from Leo is Taurus, the ruler of survival, and it was very difficult to survive for a while.


Pluto enters Aquarius in March. Over the next year it will retrograde back into Capricorn twice, but from fall 2024 it will stay in Aquarius until 2044. Aquarius rules the revolution and science. When Pluto was in Aquarius the last time between 1778 and 1798, we had the French Revolution. Aquarius also rules seperation and a lot of people were sadistically separated from their heads under the Reign of Terror .

The sign 270° from Aquarius is Scorpio. Scorpio rules genitals and surgery, reproduction (immortality) and death, power, destruction, and sadism. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius Marquis de Sade (born while Pluto was in Scorpio) published his books, and the paraphilia Sadomasocism is named after him.

So what will the next 20 years bring? Will genital surgery become the biggest oppression? Reproductive technology is ready to replace women by 2030 as Matrix looking baby factories are being made so that drag queens can make their own babies to tell stories to.

Various Conservatives #transphobia time.com

Online critics are making calls to boycott Hershey after a trans woman was included on the chocolate bar’s wrappers for its International Women’s Day campaign in Canada.

The backlash is the most recent attack by conservative social media users against brands who they say are “too woke,” or in this case, “erasing women.”

#BoycottHersheys was the top trending topic on Twitter once users saw Fae Johnstone, a transgender woman and 2SLGBTQIA+ advocate, was one of five women who are being honored as part of the confectioner’s “Her for She” campaign.

Tatsuya Ishida & various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

( Tatsuya Ishida )
Filters 4

spoiler(image description: a green haired carricature of a trans woman is depicted as entering a womens restroom with the words "Hey fellow females, just here to powder my nose", with it then being shown that the bathroom is filled with carricatures of Rachel Levine, Dylan Mulvaney, Sam Brinton & Jeffrey Marsh)

( @venus_iscariot )
Funny how men being allowed into women's spaces spells the reintroduction of the urinary leash, yet these men depend on women being in those spaces to make invasion worthwhile. The end result is women stay home, but not the goal. As lefty males they see women as public property.

( @Beat_Rev )
Turns out letting creepy sex pest men in women spaces is very progressive. Enjoying the show feminists?

( @ProtoAugustus )
A future where the "women's" bathrooms will actually have no real women in them.

( @chicken49264739 )
The whole reason they do this is gain access to women I bet you would never see a transwoman dating another transwoman

tahmahrah & Amareldys #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: I’m honestly so devastated (Finland self-id)

( tahmahrah )
I have said this before, and I’ll say it again.

This goes way farther than just a loud, annoying community of woke radicals that have lawmakers et al by the balls.

No truly oppressed group makes this many stratospheric strides in social clout and legal support in this short of an amount of time.

There is far more to it than just trans bullshit.

I think it’s a multi-faceted, nuanced mass social engineering scheme/psyop, and if you follow the money, it has close links to transhumanism, corporatism, and apologist for pedophilia.

I think, I’m addition, with the whole Epstein thing finally making it into the main Zeitgest of the populace at large, the pedos/sexual predators who have been woven into the fabric of the uppermost echelons of society know their days are numbered, and are slowly paving the way to change law to minimize/remove any serious ramifications for their heinous crimes.

Think of it this way.

You make sex a grey area, why not age next?

And furthermore, you have kids put on cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers who will look 10-15 at age 30. Especially including the lack of physical sexual maturity. Women will have no breasts, small hips, etc. in a way that isn’t just the bone structure you see in a lot of petite women. It will be in the face, skin, vagina, even the teeth.

These women (and the men) will be legal adults, legal to have sex with.

The effect this will have on normalizing pedophilia will be profound and fundamental.

Make no mistake, this level of systemic shakeup can only come from the top-down.

( Amareldys )
My tinfoil hat thoughts are a bit more extreme and run along the lines of, if they can get us to say men are women they can get us to say ANYTHING. And I am wondering what the “anything” is. It just seems so dystopian and1984ish

Michael Knowles #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

I made the point that if you want if women to have their own bathrooms, if you think women ought to be able to have their own locker rooms and not have to look at gigantic gross men while little girls are getting changed, if you want any of those things, you have to ban transgenderism entirely. It's not enough to say, well, you have to wait until you're 12 or whatever people are saying now. It has to be the whole thing because if men have the right to behave as women and identify as women for the purposes of public life, then women can't have their own spaces and we as a society cannot have our own standards and norms and we're not allowed to live according to reality. We have to live according to the delusions of these troubled people. And I think we, the people, have a right to reality. And I think women have a right to their own spaces. And so, that means you've got to ban the thing entirely.

And, oh, my goodness, what these people say. They said that I was calling for the extermination of transgender people. They said I was calling for a genocide against – I said, what? I must have missed that part of my show. When did I -– did I say that? I don't – one, I don't know how you could have a genocide of transgender people because genocide refers to genes, it refers to genetics, it refers to biology. And the whole point of transgenderism is that it has nothing to do with biology. That's what the transgender activists say. They say, forget about biological sex. My gender expression doesn't have to have anything to do with my biological sex. Okay, well, then there can't be a genocide. It refers to genetics.

But furthermore, nobody's calling to exterminate anybody because the other problem with that statement is that transgender people is not a real ontological category. It's not a legitimate category of being. There are people who think that they're the wrong sex, but they're mistaken. They're laboring under a delusion. And so we need to correct that delusion.

Redbyrd #transphobia erininthemorn.substack.com

I am a member of a Facebook group called "Actual Gender Critical Left." Your article was posted in reply to another member who posted the Jamie Reed article. I want to note that your statement, "Trans-exclusionary radical feminists often call themselves 'liberal' or 'progressive' but are anything but," is false.

Though I don't consider myself a "TERF" (which has become a slur along the lines of "b**tch" or "c**t), I do question many aspects of gender-affirming care, especially for young teens and teens. I am 61 years old, a woman (not trans), a mother of three now-adult children. I have been a progressive my entire life. I have never voted for a Republican, only Democrats, and have never supported a conservative issue. I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primaries of the last election. Most of the gender critical women I know, or just the women questioning and concerned, are like me. Most don't speak out often because they don't want to be pilloried or have people associate them with the right-wing. They also don't want to align with the right's attacks on trans people.

It is simply not true that only Republicans or conservatives are questioning gender ideology and gender-affirming care.

If you didn't get this much right, I question how much else you got right in this response to Jamie Reed's article. I also wonder why you are attacking her as just "a desk job worker" instead of a medical professional. It's often people without power, lower in status, who are the whistleblowers in situations like this one.

I don't know anything about your background, but I'm curious to know if you have medical training? Does someone need to be a doctor or therapist to have a legitimate perspective on this issue? Because if you don't have that education yourself, then your criticism of Reed for not having that background doesn't make sense to me.

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