useful idiots

Various commenters #wingnut

Then you're not a Republican.

I am a Republican woman who believes in the right to choose, the right to
same-sex marriage, and banning assault weapons.
There are millions of women like me ready to elect pro-democracy
candidates in November.

@SomeBitchIKnow she Meant I’m a commie

@SomeBitchIKnow We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic. That lady is a Demonrat.

Rina Shah isn't an American , either .

@SomeBitchIKnow This is a huge problem with the useful idiots on the right. It stems from the old jive about being "socially liberal, but fiscally conservative". It starts out as a technique for normalizing behavior by giving people an out, a way of saying they're conservative in some ways or that some behavior is acceptable because it's not the really important stuff.

To be fair, you can believe in those things and still be on the right. The problem is that those people are so incredibly centrist that they can't be relied upon because there aren't any things they hold dear enough to fight for. These are the people who will betray you in a heartbeat because they are fence-sitters, and the moment you do anything that makes them uncomfortable.... they'd rat you out. And it doesn't have to be anything illegal. Just make them uncomfortable or go against the way they think it should be done. They'll drop the dime in an instant and think themselves great for doing it.

@SomeBitchIKnow Dear Rina if that's even a real name. Your 100% NOT a republican what you just said is leftist radical talk. Don't take the republican name and talk like a commie.

@SomeBitchIKnow Absolutely she is just another left wing communist that does not live by the US Constitution. Also, we need to get past the Dem and Rep labels and the question should be are you a Patriot or not. Patriots stand for the country and what is right, not for socialism and communism.

What a smelly 3rd world rat iq whore.


Power Point Paradise #fundie

1. I'm not American! Nor a warmongering, Israel-worshipping, Evangelical Zionist Neo-Con! I'm a follower of Jesus Christ who deplores wars in Iraq, Libya, now Syria (& soon Iran). The sad fact is that much of U.S. & British Christianity was hijacked by unscriptural Scofield Bible supporters. "My Kingdom", Jesus said, "is not of this world, else would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews!" God's Kingdom is not the USA nor political "Israel."

2. I am no"Creationist!" I'm an apologist. One can't scientifically "prove" faith! Like other 'non-creationist' scientists like Newton, Einstein & others, I believe in Intelligent Design & Creation but cannot prove it to you, as neither Creation nor Evolution were ever observed by any of us. Actually there are more logical arguments for Intelligent Design!

3. I don't believe in evolution! It's a religion like the one saying the Earth was created on the back of an elephant! Evolutionists can act like the Inquisition, sensitive, bitterly persecuting people who bust their legend back to "religion masquerading as science!" Evolution was never observed! The theory is as wobbly as the "Big Bang" which was recently demoted to myth, when an undisputed Quasar was discovered IN FRONT of a Galaxy, falsifying the first pillar of Big Bang ideology. Read about it here!

4.The MAIN reason for the entrenchment of the theory of evolution is International Banker & Mainstream MEDIA support & the unpopularity of the only alternative! Evolution is a religion of UNbelief in a Designer, as otherwise people's style would be cramped by an Intelligent Designer! The purchase & take over of the Western Media by anti-God 20th Century Foxes ensured persecution of Christian thought, culture, & reasoning, and succesful proselytising of the masses by Atheism, Nihilism, Materialism, Socialism, Cultural Marxism & Evolution of course as a bogus Genesis. Hence the demise of Western Christendom ensued as night follows day. SEE Graphic!

5. Dragons are NOT legends nor myths! Dragons have more historical documentation than "dinosaurs" that don't have any! Dragons also have LOADS of fossils to back them up, for the plain & simple reason that since evolutionary highpriest Darwin started preaching, evolutionary religionists sponsored by Freemasons & New World Order Illuminists, hijacked our Dragon bones since 1875 & falsely re-christened them as "dinosaur fossils!" Of all things! Evolutionists then supplied these mythical "Dinos" with a 65 million year old myth that they were supposed to have died out in a selective disaster that didn't even kill off the more sensitive other "branches" of the legendary "evolution tree!" BALONEY! There is no archeological proof of such a feat, on the contrary... people not so long ago DID observe, see & FIGHT DRAGONS! Some were actually eaten alive by them!

6. I'm shocked by the ignorance on forums that link to us. Dudes unthinkingly parrotting what they see on TV, "learn" in school or from biased evolution spouting M.S. (Main Stream) Media, like National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, etc. They are gullible & uncritical of what is fed to them & get easily sown up in the forum's peerpressure by the "wise" guys who rule the forum & issue the watchword. The follower-types quickly aquiesce their true hunch that "something stinks in Denmark!" Wake up dude! You're being bullied "intellectually!" NOT?

7.The addiction to Mainstream Media! Dumbed down television slaves unthinkingly absorb Main Stream Media fodder and believe almost anything MSM- channels spew forth, like: "JFK was assasinated by a lone gunman", "Israel tried to sink The Liberty by mistake", "9-11 was done by 12 cave-dwelling Arabs with box cutters", & "Pearl Harbour was such a 'cool movie' Roosevelt didn't know long in advance the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbour."
Most Western people are deceived by the Media, stressed out by the Matrix, unable to think for ourselves and became evolutionary Dino-worshippers.

8. One more thing. See this significant little BBC logo left? You've got to understand; Evolution was sponsored and designed to undermine your faith in your Supernatural roots and nature. Thus no more spirits, ghosts, angels, nor a Heaven for you! Whereas... millions of you did see ghosts, had angelic encounters, visions, milions of NDE experiences, visiting perfect Heavenly dimensions somewhere Out There proving Heaven is real! As Jesus said "In my Father's House are many mansions! IF it were NOT so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be also!" Then he said: "If anyone believes in me, he has eternal life, and has passed from death into life!" "If anyone hears my voice & opens the door, I will come into Him and sup with him and he with me!" Don't you see? That's what their Media Info war is all about! To cut you loose from your spiritual moorings! Don't become their pawn, their useful idiot! Don't let them! Wake up out of your mass media induced stupor today!

GlobalPowerElite #fundie

[On r/conspiracy putting an image of the Capitol Building with a Star of David overlaid on it in their sidebar]

What foreign country has the largest influence on our government? It’s racist to even mention the most intelligent and wealthy group of people in the world in bed with (sometimes literally marry into) our elite society? They control ME foreign policy and Israel receives billions every year in foreign aid. I could go on and on. The income inequality that is growing so staggeringly? The switch from industrial economy to financial? Half of Americans living paycheck to paycheck? Who do you think benefitted from all of this? They form a large part of the Global Power Elite

This sub is so ideologically blind. Oh btw they created the pc ideology so useful idiots will protect them as they slurp up all the value from the economy through the central banks in every country.

talknic #conspiracy

Simple. Alan Dershowitz is probably compromised.

The Zionist Federation have had over a century to practice the art of of grooming their people, money, favor. Encouraging debt and indebtedness and getting the dirt on those they might need at some time in the future. Carefully making sure their influence and people are moving in the right circles to suit their cause.

Circles where there’s plenty of opportunity for Marcs and Jareds to meet Chelseas and Ivancas and for the Dershowitz’s to advance their careers as long as they toe the Zionist line. One step out of place and they’re dead in the water, discarded, ruined or, as with Rabin and I dare say even Sharon, murdered

By comparison to the Zionist Federation, we’re all newbies, way behind the eight ball. All state governments change. Their policies change. Their priorities change. Their alliances change. US Presidents have an eight year tenure max. A mere blip. Dershowitz is just another useful idiot

Sickofobama #conspiracy

I've KNOWN [Obama] is a Muslim since he outed himself when he said "57 states" and "my Muslim heritage."

You don't need a weather vane to know how the wind blows.

Obama is a fraud put into the White House. He not only has his useful idiots backing him up but Islamic Radical Terrorists who are being allowed into this country non-stop.

I don't think Obama cares one bit about the Mexican illegals coming through our borders - it's the Muslims he cares about.

I seriously think there is good reason to worry about the upcoming elections.

Obama will either declare Martial Law or ACORN will steal all the elections for the Commiecrats.

It's going to get ugly folks and we like others before us may have to sacrifice our lives to save this country.

Ultima #racist

The term “racism” was invented by communists. Leon Trotsky was one of the first to use it. When whites engage in favoritism toward other whites (and therefore discrimination against non-whites), it's called "racism". When other groups engage in favoritism, it's called "ethnic solidarity". When you buy into these word games, it's called being a useful idiot.

Racist is an interesting word, after all who are the real racists? A person that loves their race, is proud of all it's accomplishments, wants to live with their own kind and preserve their heritage? Or is a racist someone that is trying to destroy someone’s heritage through mass foreign immigration, diversity, multiculturalism and race mixing?

WhereIsOurPinochet? #racist

The term “racist” was invented by Leon Trotsky. It is a tool used by communists (and useful idiot progressives) to delegitimize traditional western culture, i.e. the culture that made all of us and our traditional civilization (what’s left of it).

Unfortunately, so-called conservatives have been so brainwashed and terrified by decades of encroaching Marxism that they have taken to actually opposing “racism,” thinking that it’s the smart thing to do.

The reason the left always calls us racist is that, by having sense, WE ARE. “Racism” is a perfectly natural response to innate human differences. What we need to be doing is celebrating our racism, for God’s sake not shunning it! When the left attacks with racism allegations, COUNTERATTACK! Call them willfully blind, show them,,,,,


Deep Doo #racist

The deep state defined as a state within a state is a good way to look at it. Collective Israel, Jews in positions of power, are the deep state. Of course Wikipedia or USA Today won’t say that.

Department heads, CEOs, chiefs of staff, billionaires, and similar Jews in high places run the world’s governments and influential institutions, especially secret agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA. Prophecy as far back as Genesis made predictions about Levi, the father of Judaism, and his secrets -

Gen 49:5-6 GNT - Simeon and Levi are brothers. They use their weapons to commit violence. 6 I will not join in their SECRET talks, nor will I take part in their meetings, for they killed people in anger and they crippled bulls for sport.

The JWO spies, lieutenants, and underlings have a tight grip on the secret agencies. They prefer darkness to light, deceit to truth, secrecy to transparency. They hide their dark deeds or blame them on their enemies - Christians typically.

Richard Nixon probably didn’t realize the government, media, and institutions of power were so infected with Jews until he found out the hard way. Long after Nixon was dead, it came out that FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt was betraying Nixon to the Jews Media.

After keeping secret for 30 years his involvement with reporters Carl BernSTEIN and Bob Woodward, Felt admitted on May 31, 2005, to being the Watergate scandal’s whistleblower, “Deep Throat.”

Doing devilish deeds for the Jews is how folks like Felt get to the top of the heap. Felt’s deep state stuff is how he got to be Deputy Director of the FBI. Felt understood that deep state Jews were more powerful than Nixon.

As MA Rothschild infamously stated - Let me issue a nation’s currency and it won’t matter who the leaders are. Clever people with unlimited amounts of money can pull off nearly anything they set their mind to do.

Is Trump a useful idiot, a puppet who doesn’t know he is a puppet? Is Trump a Jew himself, a crypto Jew? Is Trump Jew-wise? Has Trump sold out to the Rothschild banksters who run the world? Is Trump in bed with Zionist Jews?

You can get a clue about what the Jews do by what they DON’T say. Take JFK for example. There have been lots of Jews media documentaries, movies, shows on the Discovery channel, TLC, History channel, PBS, etc, blaming Castro, Italian Mafiosos, Lee Oswald, Russians, and others for the murder of JFK.

But the media never blames the Jews for killing JFK. Never! The Jews media blames it on everybody but Jews. That’s just one more clue about who was behind the JFK assassination.

Somehow, Mystery Babylon - the Zionist Jews - will be overthrown as foretold in prophecy. But for Trump to be part of that overthrow seems unlikely because Trump was put in office by such Zionist Jews as Adelson and those identified in the RJN link above.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The liberals Climate Change agenda has nothing to do with the changing climate !!!

They actually don't care at all whether the climate is getting warmer or cooler or staying the same or whether man has any contribution to it.

Their agenda is about power, control, taxes, and wealth redistribution.

They want to stay in power, control you, tax you, and redistribute your wealth to themselves and third world countries.

As always, liberals are not honest about their agenda because if they told the truth no one would vote for them and let them stay in power.

They've purposely hijacked the Global Warming/Climate Change movement and manipulated the useful idiots ( [link to (secure)] who are believers to promote and carry out their agenda.

Don't be fooled by what they say, watch what they do.

The Paris agreement's purpose is to redistribute trillions of dollars in wealth from to U.S. to others. The people complaining the most about the U.S. withdrawing from the agreement are those that would receive their fair share of the redistributed wealth.

For instance, Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, who very publicly quit as an advisor to the President would be on the receiving end by Tesla getting more BILLIONS in grants and loans from the U.S.

Don't be fooled by what they say, watch what they do.

Denniva #fundie

It's pretty self-evident. If you aren't anti-fascist then you're pro-fascist. It's as simple as that. If you aren't with us, then you're helping them and supporting fascism. Liberals eventually get the bullet, too. :)

"Violence isn't the solution!" "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!" If you had your way, all of Europe would have become the Third Reich, so you're indirectly supporting fascism. Read: useful idiot. You might find /r/Liberal/ more to your tastes.

YB Logical & Diamond Heart #conspiracy

The Left woks for the Federal Reserve which is behind the push for New World Order.

What you have to understand is the Fed is a mafia of multi-Trillionaires who believe Satan

will grant them dominion over the Earth, once its destroyed.


Bill Ayers said that if we create a clandestine subversive government within the government and confront the US Constitution at every turn and destroy credibility of all government institutions, including the electoral process, we can create the crisis necessary for a Progressive takeover of the Nation.
At the moment, with help from the Progressive Dark News Media Conglomerate and the "useful idiots" among the masses, it appears to be working pretty well.

Arcy #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #ufo

The Seven Degrees of Being Red Pilled

Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called "experts". Sheeple are at this degree.

1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective.

2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials. Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.

3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.

4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts and a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. (Those who control the money supply control the world. The Illuminati create fiat currency out of "thin air" as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!) The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite "bloodline" families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF. The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are "useful idiots".
6th-degree: Many "conspiracy theories" (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.

7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? There are 3 options:

Lucifer leads the cabal. The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice.
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.
Higher degrees may exist as well. But I'll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.

mom of young patriots #fundie

Homosexualists keep pushing the “born that way” idea because, from a homosexual activist point of view, it is politically advantageous.

However, if you do enough research into the psychology behind homosexuality, you realize that, for the vast majority of people afflicted with the condition, the theory is easily disproven.

Just like with “manmade global warming” they can put all the “evidence” in front of you and dress it up nicely so it looks convincing, but, unless you want to be a useful idiot, it is best to ignore the tainted mental feast and seek out your own facts.

Mick Williams #fundie

They call him Orange Man, a president whose every word triggers them into paroxysms of hysterical rage. Yet these enemies of freedom are no bigots. They label him a sexist akin to the religious death cult they champion; a baby-killer who would deny women their "reproductive right" to infanticide; he's all the evils unknown on their side. Doubters have merely to check with their pet media.

Who are these modern masters of hypocrisy? They're the legacy of the old Soviet Bloc, who, failing to defeat us on the battlefield, planted the seeds of internal rot. So brilliant has been its success that the Cultivators are now turning on each other; so complete has been their descent into lunacy that some of their own are being scared straight. A worried Russian president, in fact, insists that liberalism is harmful to the host, hoping to forestall the complete collapse of the disease.

The Dregs, known to Russia as "useful idiots", are those the state has divorced from the Good Book. Lacking absolute truth, their moral compass is a weather vane duck with spinning wings, blown about by the hot breath of that old serpent they'll never see. After all, no heaven equals no hell in the algebra of the left.

A certain "wealthy financier" laments that the president is dismantling the New World Order. Sensing his re-election, certain Middle East actors are making overtures of peace. Nor is an EMP attack likely, since the Illuminati need the internet. Time to relax? Not according to those who like to quote "at a time ye think not", when all seems normal and prosperous. The sudden absence of millions will likely crash a house-of-cards economy propped up by a rapidly withdrawing Restrainer. It's a crisis tailor-made for a man waiting in the wings, stage left, in The Twilight Zone.

(Accompanied by a photo of Rod Serling, not included here)

Mme. Marion Marechal Merseault #fundie

It's not so much Clinton as the untermenschen casting a master lever for the party platform, a platform set in stone in 1965 when Ted Kennedy exploited the shock and grief of his brother's death to advance his own standing by latching onto an immigration bill that would prove disastrous for the country.

Combine that with LBJ's cynical but extremely accurate assertion that his welfare policies would effectively buy up black voters en masse for the Democrats in perpetuity, and you've got yourself a recipe for a one-party pseudo-Soviet state in the making. They'd vote for a ticket of Adolf you-know-who and Charlie Manson if there was a (D) after their names and they promised to keep the gravy train flowing. (Heck, Obama has already begun Helter Skelter by emboldening the black militant pyromaniacs, but that's a discussion for another day.)

The g 4 y s and feminists served as useful idiots for awhile until they struck a gold mine in the displaced M u s l i m population. Now the Democrats are willing to throw them under the bus to score points with an extremely fecund population that pretty much epitomizes the lowest of low-info voters. Many of them can't even read in their own language and know nothing of the world but what their religious leaders have taught them from a book of ramblings by a 7th-century madman. They marry in multiples and produce enormous quantities of offspring (Bin Laden himself was one of 127 children).

Feminist cat hoarders "liberate" themselves from motherhood and die barren, while the LGBT alphabet soup cohort cannot reproduce naturally, and most do not opt for surrogate parenting. So relying on feminists and fairies to fill out your ranks is a dead end.

Enter the blacks and the Hispanics, who themselves fight like cats and dogs but are nonetheless a very reliable population when it comes to depending on welfare benefits and responding to fearsome caricatures of the "conservative N 4 z i" boogeyman, who supposedly wants to enslave/deport/kill/microaggress and bring about some kind of dreadful, dystopian, white majoritarian Reich.

Even still, when it comes to producing generation fodder for votes, the blacks and Latins pale in comparison to the polygamous M u s l i m s. So what you're seeing here is the party that once, ironically, worshiped at the altar of Marx, who was famous for saying religion is the opiate of the people, taking a page out of religion's play book itself. Keep them breeding en masse so you can fill out the rosters and fleece the sheep.

The acceleration of third-world importation of "refugees" as a result of perpetual war in the sandbox countries (not to mention FDR's drug war going back 80 years creating chaos in Latin America, and Bill and Hillary's excrement adventure in the Balkans) has been compared to a modern-day slave trade. Even when automation makes the majority of human jobs obsolete, the Democrats will still be emptying the third world into the first one to "level the playing field," aka keep 'em coming onto the Potemkin plantation to receive benefits that will have effectively dried up.

Notice that none of their other cohorts in the aristocracy -- their coke-snorting, brain-deficient Hollywood pals, Wall Street paymasters, establishment RINO colleagues, or globalist puppeteers like Soros and... well, Soros -- ever have to write the kind of "privilege checks" in the direction of the lumpenproles that these modern-day apparatchiks expect from the middle-class/working-class "bourgeoisie." Their J'Accuse leveled at Putin is the very definition of projection. Churchill said it best: Socialists distribute an equal level of misery for everyone but themselves.

Matthew K. Burke #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

God Made Man and Women; Biology Agrees, Yet Fake Scientist Bill Nye Wants Children to Change Their Flavors

Anti-Christian bigot and fake scientist Bill Nye on Monday published a new anti-Christian video in which he rejects the science of biology and pushes homosexuality on the nation’s youth.

Denying the biology of thousands of years, Nye claims that anyone who supports gender perversity and sexual delusion is somehow “enlightened” and “forward-thinking” in a new episode of his Netflix show that masquerades as promoting “science” (Bill Nye is not a scientist, fyi) but instead attempts to brainwash children with Cultural Marxism.

Using cartoon ice cream characters to make his deceitful point, Nye portrays the vanilla ice cream cone as a Christian bigot for believing in the obvious science that God made two sexes, male and female while portraying other flavors, like strawberry, as representing other ‘sexualities” as being the victims who are discriminated against.

In the video, the vanilla heterosexual cone who believes in biology says that his “feelings” make him “the most natural of the ice creams.”

“I just think if you want to get right with the big ice cream in the sky, change your flavor,” the vanilla cone says to the other flavors of ice cream cones as if the biological body and anatomy you were born with is somehow based on feelings rather than—reality.

Psychotic sexual deviants who one day wake up and “feel” like they are the sex opposite of their biology and science are not mentioned in the video. Instead, they are the rational and open-minded, accepting sorts, of course, according to Bill Nye.

For lack of better descriptors, it’s shameful, disgusting, and evil.

In 1963, as a matter of congressional record, the Communist goals to destroy America were revealed, all 45 of them. Here are three that leftist Bill Nye either knowingly as a subversive, or unknowingly as a useful idiot, is trying to at least partially fulfill with his video:

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Actually, to correct Bill Nye’s flawed ice cream analogy, God did make different flavors, all kinds of different races, skin colors, personalities — we’re all individuals with uniqueness, etc. But he only made male and female, a scientific fact. But DNA proves there are only two sexes — male and female.

Chris Menahan #wingnut #racist

'The Squad' Gets Squashed

(submitter note: I have no idea how to embed the imagines in a quote and this contains a lot of them, admins, could you help me out here)

Any threat "The Squad" may have posed to our ruling oligarchs is now over.

Ali Abunimah

My latest: Congresswoman @Ilhan Omar was the target of vicious smears for criticizing @AIPAC's influence, but she is now backing the Israel lobby group's campaign against Iran

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10:33 AM - May 5, 2020
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From The Electronic Intifada, "Ilhan Omar backs Israel lobby campaign against Iran":
In an unexpected move, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has reportedly signed on to a letter circulated by AIPAC, the powerful Israel lobby group on Capitol Hill.

According to the publication Al-Monitor, the AIPAC-backed letter is aimed at "bolstering the Donald Trump administration's efforts to extend the United Nations arms embargo on Iran."

That embargo is set to expire in October as part of the 2015 multinational deal in which Iran placed limits on its civilian nuclear energy program in exchange for sanctions relief.

[...] Omar's signature is all the more baffling, given her forceful criticisms of US sanctions policy against various countries.
The Squad went from opposing usury, criticizing AIPAC and telling former Goldman Sachs CEOs to get f***ked to voting with Pelosi and pushing pie in the sky programs (which will only further alienate them) for social media "likes."

Rep. Ilhan Omar

*taps mic*

Cancel rent

9:44 AM - Apr 28, 2020
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Ilhan Omar

Here’s what we need to make universal, as a start:
🏥 Healthcare
🍏 School meals
📬 Vote-by-mail
🏠 Housing
💵 Basic income

7:24 PM - May 4, 2020
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Trump was taken down through a relentless deep state pressure campaign but The Squad was conquered by their own blind hatred. Though they're swimming in "likes" from the Twitterati, they alienated the majority of the country by embracing the establishment's hate-filled anti-white politics.


Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men."

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9:43 AM - Jul 24, 2019
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Rashida Tlaib Deletes Tweet Blaming Alleged Black Israelite Shooting on 'White Supremacy'

Rashida Tlaib Deletes Post Blaming Shooting on 'White Supremacy&#
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) deleted a Twitter post on Thursday that blamed the Jersey City kosher deli shooting on "white supremacy," after users pointed out it was allegedly perpetrated by tw
11:30 AM - Dec 12, 2019
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Rashida Tlaib

Black people get executed by police for just existing, while white people dressed like militia members carrying assault weapons are allowed to threaten State Legislators and staff.

📣Our gun laws are so broken.

Rod Meloni
Protest moves inside Michigan Capitol. Crowd attempts to get onto Hoise floor. Lots of Michigan State Police and House sergeants at arms blocking door.

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2:09 PM - Apr 30, 2020
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Jon Levine

AOC and boyfriend Riley Roberts discuss tips for "combating racism as a white person"

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10:48 AM - Feb 8, 2020
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Replying to @AOC
But it is incredibly important that we recognize that perfectly normal, good people are capable of aiding racism & white supremacy.

Recognizing that is not about pillorying people. It’s about learning to recognize *the virus* & end an oppressive system designed to hurt us *all.*

7:06 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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Nat Turner
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a 22% approval rating

Ilhan Omar has 9% approval rating


Yahoo News ‎@YahooNews

11:01 AM - Jul 17, 2019
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See Nat Turner's other Tweets

Bernie Sanders made the same mistake and it torpedoed his candidacy even though this could have been his moment.

If The Squad want to understand how the game is run, they should read the leaked documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods which show how they rate their stores using a "diversity index" because they determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."

E. Michael Jones
We know why the oligarchs promote "diversity." It prevents unionization and keeps wages low.

Diversity is the opposite of solidarity, and Jeff Bezos knows that.

Solidarity forever. The union makes us strong.

Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions
Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a 'diversity index' and determined the threat of unionization is 'higher
7:50 AM - Apr 24, 2020
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"Woke" politics is the politics of our ruling oligarchs and the leftists who subscribe to it are nothing more than useful idiots.

Robert Ringer #conspiracy

While reading Walter Laqueur’s biography of Josef Stalin, I was struck by a couple of similarities between Stalin and Obama. Even though Stalin’s life and personality were for very different from Obama’s, there are a couple of important similarities between the two men. The most obvious one, which almost certainly laid the foundation for the hatred that was embedded in the souls of both leaders, was their extremely dysfunctional and unhappy childhoods.

A second similarity is their remarkable success in portraying themselves to be men of great character and morality, the exact opposite of who they really were/are. Stalin, much like Obama today, succeeded in carrying out a nonstop propaganda campaign in which he was portrayed to the public as the kindly “Uncle Joe,” notwithstanding his ruthless murdering of tens of millions of his own countrymen.


Many of us picked up on Obama’s lack of feeling and nonexistent humanity early on. In my article “Saul, Barack and me, Part 1,” back in 2009, I wrote, “After a good deal of study and observation, my take on him [Obama] is that he is a man without a soul. And, as a soulless individual, his actions are not hampered by trivial moral considerations.”

Thus, the one thing that I believe Obama definitely has in common with Josef Stalin is that he lacks compassion for others, be they rich or poor, while professing, like Stalin, to be the great defender of the working class.


But don’t sell Obama and his switchblade smile short just yet. He has a troupe of assassins behind him that make the perpetrators of the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre look like Boy Scouts by comparison. They include such left-wing radicals as Valerie Jarrett, Kathleen Sebelius, Eric Holder, Richard Tumka, David Axelrod, Andy Stern, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, John Holdren, Bill Ayers and, above all, the “kind and gracious” FLOTUS.

He also has the money, the support of millions of useful idiots and a revolutionary’s rigid determination when it comes to bringing down America, Western civilization and capitalism.

VBH #racist

[RE: Joseph Stack crashes a plane into an IRS building in Austin.]

All of the people that knew him - and I mean all of them - say he was the typical grandpa type. He was mild mannered with a quick smile, and he made everyone comfortable around him.
And with a single letter promising hell for him from our Nigger Administration he has turned into a machine of vengeance.

When will Washington realize that it's only going to be worse in the next few years? EVERYONE is fed up. The IRS should consider itself lucky that he only crashed into a building and didn't take along a tail full of explosives. It's sad for the IRS workers (useful idiots?) but it sends another message lound and clear to the Obama nigger.
Back off or this will only be one of many average citizens that "go crazy" and make a stand.

Joseph Stack - White Male That Had Enough - RIP

daniel g #conspiracy

They are not stupid, they are the product of socialism, going on 2 generations now. They just don't have a clue they have been brainwashed, brought up being taught what to learn instead of how to learn.
Not their fault, you are suckered into the very same thing, your ideology is anti liberal.
The term for these sort are fascists, Stalin calls them useful idiots.
I saw communism beat down in the 50s, and the very subtle socialism, just creeped in and infested the country without notice. I saw it beginning in the late 70s, then a firm hold in the early 90s.
Socialist notion is divide and conquer, like a predator taking the weak from a heard. Look around at the separatism,the left VS the right, even government has gone that route. The only thing holding this country together is Real Americans.
I remember a day when Timmy brought his gun to school, stood in the corner next to the teachers.
Today, johnny brings a gun, the school is lock down,Swat is dispatched, Johnny is permanently expelled,parents go to jail, and much of the school fed narcotics under guise of psychological stress management.
I see a waning, but there is much farther to go. Will it stop or destroy us.

billiefan2000 #fundie

Name me one Liberty that has been taken away by Conservatives. Name me one and show me documented evidence of it and not the rAmblings of the AMERICAN COMMUNIST LOVERS UNION or ACLU as the Useful Idiots to the ACLU call it.

Nash Montana #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut

Republicans have spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps, but we can’t ignore it now. The mask is off our military leadership. The very same generals who howled at the idea of deploying American troops to stop an invasion of our southern border sent tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles to Washington purely as a show of force on behalf of the political party they support.

Democrats in Congress demanded that the troops sent to Washington this week submit to a political purity test — “ideological vetting, as they put it — to make certain that every soldier professed loyalty to the new regime.

Unmistakably, the Democratic Party is using these troops to send the rest offs a message about power: “We’re in charge now. We run this nation, from Honolulu to our colony in the Caribbean and everywhere in between, very much including where you and your family live. Do not question us men with guns. We control the Pentagon. We control the White House. We control the Oval Office. We control everything now.

So, how long will this cycle go on? If you’re hoping America will revert to normal on Wednesday afternoon after JB is sworn in as president, you’re an eternal optimist. You probably assumed the quarantines and mandatory face diapers were temporary, too.

There’s a glimmer of hope. There’s a saying “The Revolution always ends up eating its young”. What that means, to me anyway, is that communists, once they succeed in an endeavor, almost always immediately fo after their own ranks first, in order to purge and ensure a 100% cohesion among its ranks. Ruling by fear, it’s called. You will not step out of line, or you will be purged.

But it’s the useful idiots that the new communist regime will go after first. Then us. Let’s find ways to exist in the meantime.

graphicconception #conspiracy

The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is not making enough money. The $250 million per day fighting terrorism is not enough to pay the bills. What they need is a big war somewhere. Russia would be ideal. So they have put the word out to their minions (e.g. Soros et al) and they have forwarded the message to the useful idiots in Congress etc.

The current tactic is to make Americans, and others, hate the Russians so much that some kind of (expensive) military intervention is required. Then the MIC can sit back and reap the benefit.

Dave Blount #fundie

Liberal Jews Join Hands With Muslims

If your stomach will sit still for this, you just might have been infected by moonbattery[...]

The Muslims are of course playing the liberal Jews for useful idiot suckers; no one who follows the news could doubt that when they have the leverage, they will kill every Jew on the planet. The liberal Jews manage to know this and yet not know it not only because they are eager to acquire allies to collaborate with against non-minorities, but because they are moonbats.

As the Thinking Housewife comments,

To the liberal Jew, the Muslim is “the Other,” the noble outsider, the heroic victim.

This perverse embrace of the hostile “Other” is how Obama was elected president of a white majority nation, not despite but in part because he had made his hatred of whites public knowledge in his autobiographies.

Jews are advised to keep this lethal strain of moonbattery in check. If it gets far enough out of hand, Israel will elect a Muslim president to oversee construction of the gas chambers.

Tony2020 #racist

Are you seriously saying that AFTA , Black Lives Matter and many other black organizations are not Jew controlled? Most of Blacks favor Jews, because they favor them. The same with any other minority.

Jews use them as shields and useful idiots this is well known fact. Cosby & Weinstein went into flame because they scandals keep piling up, and were degenerate idiots. As a fact that media covered both of them in long time until the victims started suing them in group and got out of hand.

Mick Williams #fundie

Hierarchy--a chart of who's who in this run-up to the end, to whit: the god of this world, his Illuminati puppets, their dimocrat dupes, the communist media, and the useful idiots who make it all possible. The strobe light routine of these grinning anchors is well established for their unthinking clientele: the obligatory Trump bash, the climate change innuendo, and the fluffy human interest story. Look at the cute baby seals; ignore the Epstein-Clinton pedophile scandal; there's no DOJ noose tightening around deep state traitors like Orr and Comey.

Loudly braying the anti-gun mantra of these false flag architects, Rolling Stone calls for repeal of the second amendment. Disarmament must always precede civil war. But in a poor display of coordination, ultra liberal ESPN pulled a trailer for a film about liberals shooting conservatives for sport. The comic irony has escaped the film's writers: outnumbered liberal cowards would quickly learn the error of such a stunt.

Strong delusion, as prophesied, has set in. The CEO of Gillette has no regrets about his transgender ads costing him eight billion in revenue. Antifa fascists in New York post flyers demanding concentration camp for conservatives. Third world California deepens its indoctrination of pre-schoolers into the homosexual and Islamic agendas. Clowns making balloon animals give way to drag queen story hours. Unless these innocents are spared by an event known as the Blessed Hope, they face a dismal graduation day as card-carrying dimocrats, the latest settlers in a crowded place called The Twilight Zone.

Anonymous #racist

When shit goes down you're just another useful idiot. The token chink/colored friend. Is that what you really want to be? A fucking joke to justify the the removal of Tyrone? If shit ever goes down guess who will be the first persons to open up their arms to you? Yeah, that's right, those retarded SJWs. But hey, it's better than to be shot on sight, right. Or being asked where you come from multiple times when in your head you're just an American and it shouldn't matter what you look like. But white nationalists or whatever they call themselves these days will never be able to look at you like you're white, or post-racial, or whatever you call "normal" and subordinate yourself to, because they are bigots, conservatives, and in their heads you're just another subhuman and all they care about is how it looks because they're fucking degenerates with prehistorical tribe rhetorics ooga booga

White supremacists are the niggers or the white race

ThePenguin #fundie

[RE: Roberts was never a "conservative", not sure why people believe that. Furthermore, he met with Obama in private in 2009 and nobody ever learned what was talked about. This guy is complicit as everybody else in DC in the collapse of this nation. Just on a side note, how exactly is the most heavily armed society in the history of the planet getting pushed around by about 600 people?]

Because a decent chunk of this country wholeheartedly supports living under a dictatorship, either because they're "useful idiots" (like liberal college students, etc.) or because they have a special interest (unions, etc.). There's another chunk that just doesn't care but seems to lean left if pushed to state their beliefs (one of my Facebook friends said "we'll see what happens and see if it's good or not" but likes all statuses that praise the healthcare monstrosity image). The last chunk, the chunk which is made up of conservatives and conservative Christians, needs to be pushed pretty far to actually stand up for themselves with force. The colonists fought and died for much less. image How is now any different from then? We're being taxed at an out-of-control level. We're beginning to see our basic freedoms taken away. How much longer before we're told which cars to buy, which food to eat, which books to read?

James Simpson #fundie

Sixty-eight years ago today, Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that brought the United States into World War II. In that historic conflict we defeated Japan and its German Nazi ally four years later at a cost of over 400,000 American lives.

Since before World War II however, we have faced a much more subtle foe - one that in many ways has been more deadly. The foe is an amorphous mass, variably called: "Liberal," "Progressive," "Leftist," "the Left," "the Radical Left," the "New Left," "Communist," "Neo-communist," "Socialist," "Marxist," "Neo-Marxist," even "Marxofascist."

Lest "liberals" take offense at being associated with communists, Marxists and socialists, it can only be said that Lenin referred to them as "useful idiots," i.e. those who knowingly or unknowingly assist communists in achieving communist objectives. For this reason communists share the same contempt for liberals that the rest of us do. We both know they are fools.

So forget liberals. Call the foe the "radical left". It has been the instigator of most of our foreign policy failures, including Vietnam and Korea; failures measured in millions of lives. Practically every public policy failure of the past century, from the healthcare crisis to our addled legal system, from crime-ridden ghettos to failing public schools, can be laid at the feet of the Left.

shakethenuttree #racist

I do not think we will be fighting marxists, but Individualists. Civic nationlists/gloablists/collectivists vs. ethnic nationalists/collectivists. Marxists will be long gone by then.
The multi-racial civic collectivist actually IS what the marxists tried to achieve. The New World Citizen, a globalistic Übermensch, without racial or national identity, history, heritage and past. A new rootless cosmopolitan class that has no stake in any traditional world view whatsoever. Of course that won't work, just look at brazil. But they advertise it to the leftists as overcoming "race" and racism, by mixing all races, then offering them a common moral framework. There will be those who see racial identity as a value in itself and those who rather believe that race has no value and gather around a common set of abstract and questionable values, like a world constitution and universal egalitarianism. The marxists only played a role in opening up societies(see Soros Open Society Foundation), opening the borders, making Illegals into legal citizens, shaping public opinion, saving "refugees", forcing people to tolerate each other, all so this mix up can happen. They've been a tool of the globalists, useful idiots, nothing more. Divide an conquer. If globalists are unable to integrate the US, land of freedom, into their plans for the planet, well... flood them with immigrants who will vote against the natives interests.
Whatever the case. How to prepare to face the future:
Whatever it will be we will be looking at more of a civil war/conflict type of scenario. At least the clash of civilizations. The most dominant group will win. And this will be the group with the greatest spiritual and cultural strength aswell as man power.
So I say it woud be benefitial to actually plan for a multi generational conflict. This is going to take a loooong time. The reconquista took about 400 years, so... start fucking people.
1. Move to the countysite and build (energy/food and control) independent traditionalists communities.
2. Have as many children as possible.
3. Form many secret brotherhoods fighting for white interests all over the western world that are able to collaborate.
4. Infiltrate politics on all levels.
5. Slowly reconquer the cities.
6. Move into the media on all levels. Shape public opinion.
7. In the cities, build white fraternities where the white students can study together for their common goals.
8. Perform soft Eugenics, for example selective breeding to increase IQ and bodily health. In civilization we must take the place of nature otherwise we will all be living as cripples, riddled with diseases in the future.
9. Form a new kind of spiritual world view, morality and traditions, sth. that is timeless and binds all together.
All in mine craft of course.

Socrates #fundie

And not that the Beserk One cares, since he doesn't believe in any God anyway. But like a lot of misotheists, he's happy to use the likes of Bubba, QED and JJRamsey [Christians who accept evolution] as 'useful idiots' (Lenin's phrase) to help undermine Christianity by white-anting the very first book of the Bible.

notsunkyet #fundie

Our religion is what built this great country and gave even you the right to be as depraved and deceitful as you wish. If your religion of intolerance and hatred were to rule, you'd be nothing more than a slave to a master who'll make sure you feel every whip lash under his tyrannical evil grin calling you by the name of 'Useful Idiot'.

Stupidity is curable, willful ignorance is not. 2Peter 3:5 Also see Romans 1:18-21 You're without excuse, God's wrath is coming some day, whether or not you believe it is irrelevant.

Paul Helinski #conspiracy

Remington has been a primary and constant target of the fake media. And why? Because they are one of only a handful of names in American firearms that have mattered over the past two centuries. They matter today because the Remington 700 rifle and the Remington 870 shotgun are still pillars of shooting sports and self defense, and Remington is a name that people naturally associate with positive feelings about guns and shooting. Those Remingtons are made in Illion, NY by Americans, about 3,000 of them. There is little reason to attack Remington for anything, so they had to invent one.

A portion of the Walking Dead, and there are a heck of a lot more than 12 million of them, are what many have come to refer to as “Snowflakes.” They chose the left side of the fake news paradigm, and they are far easier to manipulate than the Walking Dead on the right (the ones who think arabs took down the twin towers and that the snooping security state makes them safe, and that global warming is a hoax, but that’s for another day). Snowflakes, who are generally the most intolerant of individuals, have bought hook line and sinker that if we just learn to be tolerant of each other, the world can become a utopia of peace and love. If you are not tolerant, you need reeducation, because something inside of you is broken. We don’t need guns. They are the source of the problem.

Lockstep for the Snowflakes is all that matters. Once they are told that guns are bad, that gun companies are bad and that people who support gun rights are bad, for them it is game over. Mark Twain once said “It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.” There is no group of people in the history of civilization that have been more fooled than the Walking Dead, and the Snowflake variety has a natural inclination, it seems, to question nothing.

CBS is one of the news outlets that have filled their ranks with a hit team of agents specifically instructed to exploit the useful idiot Snowflakes on the left, and this past Sunday, they ran a piece on 60 Minutes yet again attacking Remington. As you will see in the link to Remington’s response, and my overview, with the support docs, the attack is unfounded, and fraudulent.


Remington’s response is extremely comprehensive if you regard the list of links. As a company, they cannot speak in the frank terms that you see here, (and I included the Sandy Hook stuff so they wouldn’t link to this or ask to hire me as a consultant), but I think they really should have taken the gloves off for this one. It is time for American’s to stand up and bang on the table and say no more fake news. No more false flags. No more hoax events to promote an anti-gun or any other agenda. The news is supposed to be objective. If you want to run a story that accidental discharges happen due to human error a lot, or that there are people who show up deer hunting with a rack of beer, have at it. But there is nothing wrong with the Remington 700, and there never was.

Multan #fundie

The public thinks Trump will piss off the powers that be more than anything ever, and it looks like they're right. Sure, the immigration issue, not advocating WW III, and pledging to really put America's interests first were highly attractive, but the biggest attraction of Trump is that he is the F.U. candidate, and this was the F.U. election. He actually isn't worse so far, he's doing masterfully, and 90% in the right direction, with the rest being plausibly tactical moves. Continuous repetition of insults eventually starts to sink in no matter how contrary to truth. Trump has a much clearer picture of what is going on and what needs to be done about it than his critics, who are useful idiots for America's enemies and parasites, or are active enemies themselves. He also has far greater ability to execute his plans than his opponents.

His opponents in media and academia don't even realize that they were / are the powers that be, let alone that their salad days are over. They're going to get absolutely creamed by all the people they vilified, blacklisted, bankrupted, student-loan enslaved, discriminated against and sneered at. They don't have any inkling of the lasting strength of righteous wrath against them, that it isn't at all out of the question that they will be not only dispossessed as they have acquiesced in the dispossession of the American people, but executed: advocates of mass immigration, affirmative action, and of the many measures that suppressed the absolute and relative fertility of Whites (so causing exponential population decline , a.k.a. genocide) are all prosecutable today if you squint at the law a bit, and they won't have the judges on their sides much longer.

Actually Trump is just about their last chance to avoid the rope, once there starts to be violence from the right, once a large fraction of them think that there is no longer order to be preserved, that order has to be reimposed, you will see violence on a scale and with a level of coordination that the left cannot begin to match. If Trump is assassinated or removed from power, that will be the starting gun for a no-kidding, all-out genocidal civil war in which most of the current academic and media elites will likely die early on. Last chance. Trump is their only real friend in all the world. Spinners in the hands of an angry mob holding them forth over the fiery pit, will they repent?

JMcCarthy #fundie

[CEO Howard Schultz requests that customers no longer bring weapons into Starbucks stores.]

Howard Schultz is not the victim here. Schultz takes the profits from Starbucks and donates to Marxist democrats like obama and supports them any way he can which just makes him one of obamas 'Marxist community organizers' (destroyers). What others have said is true of those that patronize Starbucks: they are Marxists, Communists, Anarchists, America Haters, the Clueless Invincibly ignorant, Useful Idiots and 'rebels', with a cause (destroy America), who go there just to be with their "Own Kind" and plot against our Freedoms! The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!

brendan1903 #conspiracy #wingnut

Seriously? You really believe the 'Russia is a defender of Western civilization' bull? Please. Putin plays a good game and talks a good talk, but he does NOTHING to actually oppose the EU.

He's a lightning rod of controversy and a distraction to keep people away from noticing the rebirth of the Soviet Union and the jihadi mob money that is really behind the militant Islam and SJW crisis. Which is just as fake as the joke known as the alt right cooked up by Robert Mercer and Putin's handler, Alexander Dugin.

I did not say the Yellow Vests have anything to do with Russia. I said they were infiltrated by Anglo-Russian intelligence. The MI6/KGB has a long history of such operations, the most famous of them is Operation Snow aka Adolf Hitler, Roosevelt and Mussolini. This was a resounding success as the 'Atlanticist' plans of Josef Stalin and the Empire of Japan were soundly defeated and the way was prepared for 'Eurasianism' aka China dominating the old world.

China and Putin may pretend to oppose each other but that rivalry is as fake as a cheap B movie.

Saying that Putin is a conservative is just as stupid as stating Hitler was a German patriot. The former Soviet Union and British Empire tops the list of most dangerous countries in the world.

Whining about a bunch of SJW sociopaths and useful idiot NazBols accomplishes nothing and distracts from the real point: Likud is stealing American technology and giving it to China. Under the guise of being America's friend when in reality the so called Jewish state has never been a ally of America.

Erik Rush #fundie

Erik Rush: Gays Aligned With ISIS

WorldNetDaily pundit Erik Rush writes today that gay rights activists and ISIS are both persecuting Christians, just with “a different methodology.” While ISIS is attempting to carry out an anti-Christian genocide, Rush claims that gay people in America are using the “gratuitous proliferation of homoerotica” to push “the disenfranchisement of Christians.”

“Progressive power players hate Christians because we threaten their power, and the true-believing useful idiots hate Christians because they’ve been taught that we wish to place impediments upon their freedom to be self-destructive, unregenerate hedonists,” he writes.

“It says a lot that so many liberal Americans have decided to stand with abject animals, men who are capable of the most heinous, disgusting, depraved war crimes imaginable, and against their own countrymen and women who happen to be Christians.”

“Obama has more than a nodding acquaintance with all things gay,” Rush says while linking to a WND article about Obama’s secret “gay life” and also claiming Obama is a Muslim: “Finally, addressing the Islamist horde that has promised to raise its flag over the White House: In a sense, it has already been done.”

But Rush has a solution: “Now more than ever, I believe it is apparent that progressivism cloaks with its innocuousness and faux egalitarianism a doctrine that should be stigmatized and disenfranchised, employing the same commitment with which we addressed segregationism.”

Scott Lively #conspiracy #fundie

Under normal circumstances the first question most people ask after a fight has broken out is “Who started it?” because we all know that while “it takes two to tango,” there’s almost always an instigator and it isn’t necessarily the person who threw the first punch. When it comes to mob psychology and the phenomenon of rioting or war, identifying the instigator is a little trickier because there’s often an unseen hand stirring the pot of social unrest. In the “white nationalist” incident in Charlottesville, VA, I suspect the instigator is the same network of Bush, Clinton and Obama deep-state intelligence agents, politicians and street activists that’s been working since the election to remove President Trump.

Importantly, this is a network of one-world statists with a common cultural-Marxist worldview. The tools of their trade are ideological polarization to create social and political factions, inflammatory propaganda to breed emotionalism and “group-think” in those opposing factions, and staged street activism to incite conflict between them (conflict usually of a political nature but sometimes of the physical sort). Tactically, they almost always lead with the left because leftists are easier to manipulate, and they use them as provocateurs to get a counter-reaction from the right. Their strategy today is to sucker conservatives into following extreme hard right populists into a war for the streets just as occurred in Germany after WWI.

The Black Lives Matter movement is a big component of the strategy, complete with Soros-funded rent-a-mobs and roving “community organizers” looking for the next opportunity to stage a “spontaneous” riot against the police. But there’s a much larger target than the police in this strategy: it is the entire “right wing.” The purpose of leftist social agitation is not “social justice” (as many of BLM’s “useful idiot” foot soldiers believe), it is to inflame the right. They want war, in whatever form they can get it, because it’s in the chaos of war that the elites make their greatest gains toward a global socialist government. The pattern is similar to how our intelligence agencies have conducted “regime-change” operations in foreign nations for decades (making them all the greater hypocrites for their breathless “Russian collusion” narrative) and now we see a version of it here it home.

Ron Pue #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Those within the Deep State of Leftist politics have also been recruiting Christian church leadership as their “useful idiots.” So far, they’ve recruited 28,000 clergy to be part of their “Clergy Response Team.” Their job is to tailor their sermons, in the midst of all this present darkness, to brainwash their congregations to obey government authorities through the deliberate misinterpretation of Romans 13.

Perhaps the pastors don’t know any better, but they’re now all on board, acting as “sleeper cells,” if you will, ready to support the unconstitutional dictates of their government “masters” through agencies like FEMA and Homeland Security whenever called upon. They’ve been instructed to teach “government obedience,” for such things as turning in firearms, re-locating to ‘FEMA Camps,’ submitting to mandatory vaccinations and more. They’ve already willingly closed their churches, forced face masks and social distancing when ordered to do so, so if you think this is “far fetched,” think again. This is right out of the Nazi ‘playbook.’ And I wonder — is YOUR pastor part of the Clergy Response Team? Do you even know? Would he even tell you if you asked?

Eric the Red #fundie

[Women entered the workforce the same time men did. It started back in the earliest days of humanity.]

That's cute, but we're talking about real jobs here.

Why do feminists (and their useful idiot manginas) hate math? Do you really think that you can flood the workforce with women and have a corresponding number of job openings magically appear? Reduce demand further by having less children and the problem exacerbates itself. "But the laws of supply and demand are unfaaaaaaaaaaair!" you whine. "The answer is MOAR GUBMIT! Look, I've got an MLK quote and everything!"

DoctorDoom #fundie

[About the 1970 Kent State massacre.]

The "massacxre" was itself a leftist bad joke, with outside pinko agitators stirring the shite on campus (the same loathsome vermin who spat on returning Nam vets and called them baby-killers). The infamous photo of the wailing bitch kneeling over the body of a vicftim was a photo op, with the non-student slut running over to exploit the moment for the press cameras.

Far from abhoring the violence on the campus, the useful idiots were hoping for it. Thet were instigating it. They were constantly provoking the National Guard members, including, by some rerports, offering them iced drinks with glass shards in the ice.

If Kent State had anything to regret, it was allowing the hateful, treasonous neo-commie assholes to invade the campus and turn the demonstrations into a "massacre".

#1920357 #fundie

"The average Muslim =/= an ISIS extremist. Why is that too hard to understand?"

Oh good argument, let me try:

"The average Nazi =/= soldier/killer of Jews. Why is that too hard to understand?"

"The average communist =/= Khmer Rouge or FARC fighter. Why is that too hard to understand?"

Won't somebody think of the "moderate" Nazis and communists?

I mean, I thought sane people judged an ideology by two things: its leaders, its doctrines, not by the masses of followers some of which may or may not be devout, may or may not be just naive useful idiots who don't realize what they're actually supporting.

Moderate Muslims are NOT in any way shape or form proof that Islam is a peaceful religion any more than moderate communists (many of which you can probably find on any college campus) or "peaceful" Nazis (not even neonazi actually goes out to kill black people, many are just superficial nazis who think it's "cool" to be one) are proof that these two ideologies are benign.

Beau Toxx #racist

The African-American community (97% and 95%), including Hank Aaron, voted twice for an un-vetted, inexperienced, unqualified, incompetent President with a hidden past, corrupt colleagues, and indiscrete personal indulgences. The African-American community's overwhelming vote and support was and is based solely on the color of Barack Obama's skin and nothing else. I would like Mr. Aaron to explain who didn't get the memo; "judge an man on the content of his character (and qualifications), not the color of his skin." Republicans? Whites? Really?! I would also like to remind Mr. Aaron that the founders of the KKK were Dixie Democrats, the governor who stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama to prevent segregation was George Wallace, a Democrat. Democrats overwhelmingly voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, including Al Gore's father! The South had historically been Blue states!Finally, Mr. Aaron please don't taint you reputation in your old age by being a "useful idiot" of the Progressive/Marxists.

agenda21 #conspiracy

The criminal cartel (Council for Foreign Relations, NeoCons) that has taken control of the United States, supported by their gangster pals in Israel, London, Berlin, etc. etc., have decided to end all viable Nation-States in the Middle-East.
Any Nation that opposes Israel or refuses to follow US dictates is to be reduced to 'failed state status'. Like Iraq and Libya, Syria is earmarked for perpetual poverty, squalour, violence, mayhem and abject misery, under the boot of the Western controlled warlords in ISIL and the like.
The Syrian people, with the support of Russia, have, so far, managed to withstand the onslaught of the Western trained, armed and funded 'terrorist' thugs. Should al-Assad be toppled, Iran is next in line for the 'treatment'.

Despite the disgusting propaganda of the vast bulk of the MSM, and the frantic efforts of the 'useful idiots' and idiotic trolls. Most of the people in Britain and America do not support the criminal actions, and intentions, of the cretins in power.

Muckfexico #fundie

The only problem in America is allowing the left a place at the table. I long for a civil war and hope one day to crush you socialist alarmist hatefilled 'useful idiots' under a boot.
Why dont you get the ball rolling and commit suicide with your leftwing buddies at the gay bar as a way of protesting how evil America is by continuing to have children?

Brendan1903 #wingnut

(Image contains the logo for Rational Wiki with the words “When you claim to be “Rational” but instead use lies, deception and logical fallacies just like those you claim to be against.”)

The site is literally what happens when useful idiots and trendfollowers get their own wiki.

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