
Bloodthirsty, psychopathic and serial-killer-esque quotes

Subhuman Niceguy et al. #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

(Original Post by Subhuman Niceguy)
[Venting] Imagine being stuck inside the International Space Station - with a foid.

I feel so sorry for that man, putting a bullet in the foid’s head may be his only option - in order to conserve supplies.

Imagine being stuck with this bitch in the ISS until February:

[video oomitted]

[first comment by Subhuman Niceguy himself]
The foid looks Jewish to me.

Are the cameras always on in the ISS

That foid would have semen in zero Gravity in all her holes, in GTA V

(WacoGoesDown, in response to Sloth.Belgrade)
probably not but the government monitors it & you have to maintain communications 24/7 & the foid could report you

(Sloth.Belgrade, replying in turn)
Fair point

Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel, Jasodhan Singh, Veerpal Singh and Laxman Singh #fundie #psycho #magick hindustantimes.com

A software firm employee whose 11-year-old son was allegedly strangled by his school principal and teachers in a botched occult ritual in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras demanded the death penalty for the child’s killers on Friday and alleged that more people were involved in the gruesome crime that has shocked the state

Sri Krishna Kushwaha, a software professional working with a private firm in Noida, shifted his family to his village in Hathras district during the pandemic

But dreams of a better future for his children were crushed this week, when the owner of the school, the manager, the principal, and two teachers abducted Kritarth from the hostel to perform a tantric ritual for the prosperity of the institution, and eventually killed him[…]
Police have arrested five people, shut the school, and said the hostel was running without permission. They also said that a similar occult attempt was made with a previous student on the night of September 6,but was abandoned when the teenager made a ruckus[…]
“On September 22, the student was abducted from the school’s hostel by teacher Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel and school owner Jasodhan Singh. Jasodhan Singh believes in ‘tantra’ practice and asked his son to sacrifice a child for the prosperity of school and his family,” said Ashok Kumar Singh, additional superintendent of police (ASP), Hathras

They took the student to a secluded place for the sacrifice and began shaving his head, but the student woke up and began crying and struggling, the officer said

Kritarth was thrashed to silence him but when he resisted, and the accused allegedly stuffed a cloth into his mouth, said police. “After that he was strangulated. Another teacher Veerpal Singh and school principal Laxman Singh were also present at the spot and were guarding the place,” Ashok Kumar Singh added

Kim Jong Un #moonbat #psycho nknews.org

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared an “intensifying” fight against foreign influence on kids on Monday[…]
Kim made the remarks on the final day of a large-scale national conference on improving government control over child-raising, an event the leader considers “more important than others” due to its role in ensuring “patriotism and loyalty” to his rule from a young age

“The struggle against socially alien phenomena is now intensifying,” Kim told the Fifth National Meeting of Mothers on its second and final day, suggesting that foreign pop culture remains popular[…]
Kim called out “some mothers” who “don’t do anything about their kids speaking and acting in a way not of our style”[…]
One way Kim said mothers bring their kids in line is to send them to experience difficult living conditions while working for the nation

Military service and construction sites are “revolutionary universities which give the children valuable experiences of life that cannot be gained in the yard of their families and cultivate the spirit of loving their comrades and the collective”[…]
State media promoted a story of an 18-year-old “virgin girl soldier” who died after working through a severe injury at a construction site as an example of patriotism[…]
In his speech on the first day of the conference on Sunday, Kim made a rare mention of North Korea’s “decreasing birth rate”[…]
A group of children recited a congratulatory poem[…]where they primarily praised Kim Jong Un and former DPRK leaders as well as mothers who followed core party teachings

They declared that North Korean children are “excited” to be sent by their mothers to work at “places the Party calls hard and difficult worksites” — like “coal mines, farms, villages and new [skyscraper] construction projects”

Defector testimony has long told of adults mobilizing children to mines and other dangerous worksites, while state media published images of young children being sent off to coal mines in 2021

Moonman1488 #wingnut #psycho ncu.su

I hate normies

I hope they all get fucking cancer and die. Oh the pain they have caused me... they will never understand. Nor will they care. I was raised without a family, I never had the childhood any of these normfags had. I’m hated in society, I know. But I hate society too! I want it to collapse! It’s treated outsiders like shit! THERE WILL BE A CIVIL WAR, NORMFAGS WILL FEEL THE PAIN I FELT, AND THEY WILL FALL TO MY MOTHER FUCKING WRATH!!!!!!

Luckily, cancer has killed a lot of normfags. HAIL CANCER!!!!

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho reddit.com

CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justifiable_homicide

It differs from other forms of homicide in that, due to certain circumstances, the homicide is justified as preventing greater harm to innocents.

Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.

The stress on the family due to a disabled child often results in suicides of the caregivers, http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2012/03/27/disability-advocates-parents-kill/15248/

Social supports don't reduce this stress but only spread it out to more people.

Raising disabled children's causes a great deal of stress, http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2009/11/10/autism-moms-stress/6121/

EDIT: My view could be changed if it was shown that these parents are a danger to the community.

valleyshrew #dunning-kruger #psycho #pratt reddit.com

The whole issue of consent is bullshit. Why is sex so special? Other than because a religion tells you it is. Look at how muslim countries approach it, it's illegal to even hold hands. Should holding hands be illegal before the age of consent here? It's just as logical. But I don't think the big religions are in support of a 17 years old age of consent when Mary was only 13 and Mohammad married a 7 year old. If you believe in God, why would he make us biologically sexually active at around 12, if it was wrong to have sex until 17?

The age of consent was upped to 16 to stop the common act of forced child prostitution which was a just law, but it shouldn't apply anymore. My state has a year extra from the others because of crazy puritans. The fact that secular liberal countries have different ages shows how arbitrary and unfair they are.

Do we need to use age in the law? What about driving for another example. If the best 12 year old in the country can pass their driving test and has provably higher ability than any adult, should they not be allowed to drive? There are plenty of 18 year olds psychologically unfit to be driving but they're allowed to because the law is based on age only, and then they go and get other people killed because of it. It doesn't make sense to draw the line based on the position of the Earth around the sun. What would happen if like in many sci-fi stories, adult humans could be farmed much quicker. Would a 6 month old that had the body of a 20 year old have to wait until 37 to have sex? I don't like having laws without clearly defined loopholes that allow the innocent people their basic rights in life, and the most basic is that you own your own body. To me defining a law by age is no more logical than defining it by sex or race. It's accepted females mature quicker than males, if it was really about the psychological maturity necessary for informed consent why aren't there different ages for males and females?

Nobodysfool777 #psycho #ableist reddit.com

Colicky and weak babies should be fed to wild animals

We have plenty of infants to spare —literally billions. Feeding our lesser offspring to animals would serve several beneficial purposes.

1. Tired parents (and unfortunate passerbys) would no longer have to deal with a particularly loud and troublesome infant.
2. Animals get good succulent treats.
3. It could potentially assist with the human overpopulation problem.
4. Colicky babies are more likely to have low iqs and mental disorders such as autism than calm babies. Getting rid of them could lower the amount of adult sickos and idiots in the future.
5. Premature infants are also more likely to have low iqs, autism, adhd, and poor adult health. In other words, they are more likely to be pathetic wastes of space.

Riikka Purra #racist #psycho euronews.com

Finland's right-wing government is facing yet another crisis after old comments from a far-right blog forum, purportedly written by Finns Party leader Riikka Purra, re-surfaced

The author of the posts writes anti-Islamic and violent comments, among others, and disparages immigrants including Somalis and "Turkish monkeys"[…]
In recent days Finnish media and social media users have matched details of Riikka Purra[…]with a woman called 'riikka' who posted the comments mostly during 2008

"Greetings from Barcelona," wrote 'riikka', on the same day in August that Riikka Purra was also in Barcelona speaking at a conference on multiculturalism

"There is no 'alarming immigration problem' to be seen here. Negroes sell pirate Vuittons on Las Ramblas," she blogged

"Oh, it was wonderful civil racism again today on the ground floor of McDonald's, when our little boy ate Happy Meal Nuggets, and at the neighbouring table a Somali family with a BMI [body mass index] +30 ate their own"[…]
"Well, that's the sound these darker male characters make when they approach/pass by/in the escalator/elevator/wherever. It's not whistling (that would be too obvious) but a f****** hiss between the teeth - the more eager Abdullah is, the more saliva comes with it"[…]
"Is anyone up for spitting on beggars and beating n****r children today in Helsinki?," she asked

"I'm so full of hate and pure rage that I'm about to melt on my chair. Holy hell what are you doing to my psyche, Islam?" 'riikka' wrote in January 2008

And in September 2008 'riikka' wrote "If I were given a gun, there would be dead bodies even on the commuter train"

Riikka Purra has neither confirmed nor denied she wrote these specific comments, though she has conceded she wrote things in the past she would not write today

"My angry text is just angry text, nothing else. I do not accept and have never accepted any kind of violence"[…]
She said she felt "frustrated and hopeless" about immigration in Finland

Donald Trump #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

In what was seen as an extreme display of demagoguery even by his standards, Trump drew cheers from an audience in Erie, Pennsylvania, with a picture of an out-of-control crime spree that he said could be ended “immediately” with one “real rough, nasty day”, or “one rough hour”

“You see these guys walking out with air conditioners with refrigerators on their back, the craziest thing,” Trump said. “And the police aren’t allowed to do their job. They’re told, if you do anything, you’re gonna lose your pension

“They’re not allowed to do it because the liberal left won’t let them do it. The liberal left wants to destroy them, and they want to destroy our country”

In a passage that provoked a storm on social media, the former president and Republican nominee then said: “If you had one day, like one real rough, nasty day with the drug stores as an example, where, when they start walking out with …”

He then trailed off in a digression to falsely accuse Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, of introducing a practice in California when she was attorney general that exonerated thieves from prosecution of items worth less than $950

Politico said the remark appeared to be a reference to proposition 47[…]
Trump continued: “You saw kids walk in with calculators. They didn’t want to go over the $950. They’re standing with calculators adding it up. You know, these are smart, smart people. They’re not so stupid, but they have to be taught

“Now, if you had one really violent day … one rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately”

The comments triggered a stream of comparisons to The Purge, a 2013 film that depicts the election of a radical new party called The New Founding Fathers of America following an economic collapse, which then enacts drastic policies to end crime and unemployment

Anglican Prussia #homophobia #fundie #psycho forum.nationstates.net

I have a confession to make; I was bullied when I was in grammar school, and I went to both state run and private schools during my time in grammar school. In both, I was bulled and the staff did little to nothing to stop it. I also grew up with homosexual attractions while I was in the private grammar school which was also a very conservative Roman Catholic School. But I survived and I am still very thankful for my Roman Catholic education for providing me an great education not only on the “ 3 R’S” but on moral values and ethics.

Now, I must say, at the time, the bullying seemed to have no real value. I was bullied because of me weight, of a tumor I had on right side of my cheek, a small pony tail that I used to have, of my learning disability and my alleged and actually true homosexual “crush” on another student, which was actually my first “crush.” But unlike today, I fought back. Well, I did not really fight anyone, I “ripped” on them back.

Today, I hardly talk to them and when I do, we just laugh at it. People mature and people move on. I strongly believe that a bully in his childhood is a bully in his/her adulthood. And if they are, they are most likely just passive-aggressive arses.

Without the bullying that I went through as a child and early teenager, I would not able to survive in adult world today. I had have supervisors that were just plain dicks, and guess what, I am still living. If you can’t handle grammar, middle and high school and the bullies that come with it, then I’m sorry, you are the problem, not the bully.

Currently, especially in the U.S, we seem to have an all of a sudden focus on children and teenagers that are homosexual. There are claims that we need to protect them from the bullies because if someone “harasses” based on their sexuality, they are “harmed” so how. That they need to be a protected class because—well I haven’t really heard a reason why from the advocate for it.

Firstly, I grew up homosexual in a Roman Catholic private school, I was told every day that people like myself was going to hell. In fact, my private school and parish went one step further and preached that even having homosexual attractions was a sin, let alone acting on them. So, I felt like crap and at times, I did want to kill myself. But guess what? I survived through the medicine.

Yes, I am saying that the bullying of homosexual teens is beneficial to them, because it will teach them how to fight back and that not everyone is going to accept homosexuality just because it is “the right and smart thing to do”. There is going to ignorant people out there and people are going to “cling to their religion”, deal with it. It will also teach them not to be ahem...overly expressive in professional environments.

Stonelifter #racist #psycho occidentaldissent.com

[Topic: In an ideal world, what would be the status of blacks?]

Ideally there would be no negros. Anywhere.

More realistically, hard core segregation, think Jim Crow laws on steroids.

negros confined to it's part of town and not allowed out without a pass.

The White man sponsoring the pass and the other White man approving the pass would have to be willing to face the same criminal penalties the negro faces for whatever mischief it causes. negros would not be allowed outside of its side of town in groups larger than 3

Severe punishment for whatever crimes negros commit. No jail time but fines, floggings, brandings and hangings. Third crime = hanging.

negros would not be allowed to drive or own property outside of it's ghettos. It's medical care and what not would also have to be from negros and inside it's ghetto

negros would not be allowed to live in the country on it's own. negros would be required to live behind walls.

mass punishment for negros when the actual culprit is not caught. For example, if negros set a White home on fire, and the cops can't figure out which negros did it, we burn down 100 negro homes inside the nearest negro ghetto.

negros barred from formal education, expect trade school kind of stuff

negros would not allow to hold any job as long as any White man was unemployed.

Race mixing would be punished by death.

Severe punishment for disrespecting White people. negros would be barred from looking White people in the eyes/ face, would have to refer to Whites as sir or madam, young sir or madam for our youth.

negros barred from owning firearms; no rights to free speech, barred from voting or donating money to political campaigns, running for office or holding any government job. negros would not have freedom of religion, and their preachers would have to be approved by White men. negros would have no freedom of speech or press.

Whites who want to do charity work for negros would have to live in the negro part of town and would hold no legal White privileges. They’d would live with negros and as negros.

Mary Sunshine #sexist #psycho radicalhub.com

“Sexism” is a word that I’ve never used. I use male supremacy, female-hating, and maleness. Male rule.

Male supremacy isn’t a feeling, it’s a fact: the slaughter of Female Being in all her manifestations. The destruction of the Daughter. Male parasitism. Females have powerful words that we can use. Not that the usage of words will get us anywhere until males are reduced to 20% of the “human” population. Then we can simply enjoy the usage of words at our leisure.

Mary Sunshine #sexist #psycho radicalhub.com

Females don’t have to kill baby boys. Just not nurture them. Females are forced to *birth* baby boys, but beyond that a female’s physical actions are her own.

Males will die without the constant infusion of female energy that they get from our wombs and from our lives. They are perfectly welcome to take the male infants from the hands of the midwife, and what they do with it from that point is *their* decision.

Females need to not be emotionally and intellectually invested in a male future.

Tenniel #racist #sexist #psycho stormfront.org

Denise Barber, you have written a very good post, a thoughtful, perceptive post. But I think, really, it is wrong.

There was nothing wrong with Eve's DNA. Eve's DNA was WONDERFUL in every way. Her physical beauty is reflective of her inner beauty.

She wasn't a man. That's all. (Of course, our men are no longer men either. We almost have no men left in our race. Perhaps the jews killed nearly all of them off in their perpetual White Wars over the last 6,000 years. Or perhaps -- more likely -- the potential genetic manhood of White men is still there -- but is only suppressed -- and can, therefore, be revived.)

No. Ultimately, despite all the feminist propaganda, it's still a man's world -- albeit White societies have been turned, by male jews, into matriarchies in order to deny POWER to their adversary, White men. Essentially, male jews have tricked White men into giving their POWER to male jews.

White women -- the embodiment of the most advanced genetics on earth -- are the genetic prize that goes to the victor in White men's wars. This is a law of nature. Natural law is unavoidable. We are in a war -- a racial war -- and we are losing. And so we are losing our women, our DNA -- in various ways -- to the enemy, to humanoid creatures of various types who do not belong in, who are incompatible with, White Civilization.

Our women were designed genetically (ultimately by White men) to be as they are. Part of that design is that they want to be and to do what appears to be popular -- with other women. It is now up to White MEN to regain POWER over our world (our societies) -- BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY -- and then to redesign our world in such a way that what is popular with all of our women is in alignment with what preserves and benefits our race. There simply should be no negroes -- and other non-whites -- in White societies. That's all. And then the soft loving compassion of White women would not be a problem -- but a perpetual source of comfort to White children -- and to White men. It is up to White men to remove non-whites from our societies. If White MEN fail to do this, the White race will cease to exist in this universe.

Proph #fundie #psycho collapsetheblog.typepad.com

A Little More on Bullying

I mentioned in a recent post that, like Bonald at Throne and Altar, I actually support bullying under certain circumstances. Let me flesh that out a little more.

Actually, let me just state my rule for bullying: if it's used as a means of enforcing normative behaviors, I'm all for it. And yeah, that means giving shit to fairies and tomboys and so on.

Normative behaviors exist for a reason. Like tradition, social norms tell us provide us a measure of what is good and just, especially for those who are too stupid to figure it out on their own. Social disapproval of immoral behaviors (like homosexuality, adultery, etc.) is often a more powerful disincentive to commit them than legal consequences; there are limits to others' ability to probe into your legal indiscretions, but the stench of a social brand in some degenerate's ass can linger in a community's collective hindbrain for generations. And so it was that, for a long time, it was wholly unnecessary for governments to police morality: communities did it their own damn selves.

Of course, one can say, "Well, who are you to force the norm of traditional family on, say, some good-hearted, hard-working single mother?" But one would be an idiot for saying that, given the abundance of studies (at least one by no less-respected a medical journal than The Lancet, a casual Googling revealed) demonstrating that childen raised in single-family are worse off in pretty much every way: they exhibit higher rates of mental illness, suicide attempts, injury, alcoholism, drug addiction, and all-cause mortality, even after adjusting for socioeconomic status and parents' health. Traditional societies knew and understood that children did best who were raised in a norm-conforming household; it is only in our (supposedly) enlightened modern society that we make virtuous angels out of the sluts and cads who ruin their kids' lives so that they can find themselves (or whatever). That's why traditional societies ostracized such people while modern societies make movies about them while ignoring all the evil they bring into the world. Likewise with the destruction of traditional gender roles (in the form of flamboyant homosexuals, cross-dressers, and transgender freakazoids).

So to the extent that people bullied today are serial violators of perfectly rational social norms, they ought to be subject to social disapproval -- even quite severely so. Those who imagine there is a "right" to attend a school without being bullied are deluded: one never has a right to behave however one wishes without consequences. Accepting this fact is a key step toward maturity. I'm torn on the extent to which this ought to entail physical bullying (certainly, I think it's justified when one is being an asshole about defying social norms, as in the case of the transgender abomination that got his/her ass unceremoniously pummeled into a seizure at a Baltimore-area McDonald's recently for belligerently insisting on using an occupied women's restroom), but I see nothing wrong with quite persistent verbal ribbing.

But to the extent bullying represents mindless, irrational cruelty (for instance, assaulting those whose only crime is being skinny, awkward, smart, or whatever), it ought to be brought under control. Unlike defiance of social norms, being skinny or fat or awkward or smart really doesn't hurt anyone -- and there's no sense in punishing them for it. It's intrinsic to the nature of demographics, after all, that not everyone can be ripped, engaging, and of modest intellect). Of course, that's no reason to have to associate with them (and awkward people really shouldn't have any friends until they learn to go out and make some on their own), but again, it's no reason to subject them to punishment, either. An Unmarried Man has a good post on the topic related to fat (and pregnant) women; it's worth a read.

One may object to my characterization of bullying in defense of social norms as not only valid and reasonable but right and good as fighting fire with fire. It is, of course -- but sometimes that's perfectly advisable, as when one stops the spread of a firestorm by burning away the flammable brush in a certain circumfrence around it. It's worth bearing in mind that the same liberals who decry bullying are perfectly content to bully in defense of their own social norms, at the expense of Christians and non-sexual deviants and so on; FIRE is dedicated to fighting these types of bullying in universities, where it has the potential to devastate a person's future to an extent routine beating-up-fags stuff doesn't . If there is, in fact, something like a war going on to determine whose social values ought to be ascendant, I see no reason why one side should be expected to unilaterally disarm.

Even for the sake of the children.

Rick Santorum #fundie #wingnut #psycho politico.com

Rick Santorum launched into a scathing attack on the left, charging during an appearance in South Carolina that the history of the Crusades has been corrupted by “the American left who hates Christendom.”

“The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical,” Santorum said in Spartanburg on Tuesday. “And that is what the perception is by the American left who hates Christendom.”

He added, “They hate Western civilization at the core. That's the problem.”

After asserting that Christianity had not shown any “aggression” to the Muslim world, the former Pennsylvania senator — who is considering a 2012 run for the White House — argued that American intervention in the Middle East helps promote “core American values.”

“What I'm talking about is onward American soldiers,” he said. “What we're talking about are core American values. ‘All men are created equal' — that's a Christian value, but it's an American value.”

“It's become part of our national religion, if you will,” he continued. “The point I was trying to make was that the national faith, the national ideal, is rooted in the Christian ideal — in the Judeo-Christian concept of the person.”

Jaybees #elitist #racist #psycho freeratio.org

A very common argument against capital punishment is that many innocent persons are executed.

The difficulty with that argument is that the execution of innocent persons actually performs a useful function.

Those who are executed are frequently black (unless they happen to be wealthy) or poor whites. I haven't done any research on this, but my general impression is that when someone of wealth or high social standing is tried in a case where capital punishment is possible they get off the hook, like O.J., Leopold and Loeb and others.

All of which works out well from society's viewpoint. The poor person who commits a capital crime is far more likely than a wealthy person to commit similar crimes if he escapes the chair or gas chamber or firing squad. The wealthy person who gets out from under that threat is unlikely to commit a capital crime again.

So, executing innocent persons may actually be an argument FOR capital punishment.

e_i-2 #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger love-shy.com

And what is that difference? Interestingly I'm actually discussing rape with another new poster as well. . . since the difference between rape and domination is 'consent', what gives consent? Attraction, just with animals and their mating rituals of sexual display - if you are attractive, good sperm, then it's not rape.

Rick Ellis #fundie #psycho armyofgod.com

The sad thing is that the pro-life watch dog didn't lose it's teeth in a fight, nor because it grew old. It lost it's teeth because false leaders pulled them by taking the bite of lethal force off of the table. The abortion industry knows full well that the "pro-life bark" has no bite, and they can continue to kill the womb child because the child's guardian has no teeth to protect them with. Any prolife hound who refuses to have their teeth pulled, have traitors like Pavone willing to pay a $50,000 bounty to not only have their teeth pulled, but have them put to sleep with lethal injection by a pro-abort government.
There needs to be a new dog in the yard, with good strong teeth willing to bite the intruder of abortion. True watch dogs are willing to lay down their lives for the ones they protect. Paul Hill was a true pro-life watch dog with a 12 gage bite, who laid down his life for those he protected.
We can keep barking our meaningless toothless debate, that pro-deathers mock and laugh at, Or we can say the dog has teeth, and if you come after our womb child charges expect to get bit. Then, and only then, will bortheads take us seriously.

Kill them all and let god sort them out

Oh wait...

Briggid #fundie #psycho fstdt.com

In order to advance, we must eradicate religion. When you tell a religious person this is so, how do you think they will react? Hey, we've gave them plenty opportunity to learn things for themselves, and that hasn't worked. What else is there?

BuckeyeMike #wingnut #racist #psycho freeconservatives.com

"I think it's time for someone to turn Mecca into a sand dune."

Hell, then our present alleged president and the rest of the Liberals in the U.S. would DEMAND that Ground Zero be the Muzzf**ker's new Mecca!

In fact, I'd bet that the alleged president, Congress and all the rest of the libs would demand that, since we'd be the guilty bastards that smoked Mecca....WE would have to pay to transport ALL the sand monkeys over here to the New Mecca for their anal....uhhh annual Hadj...or whatever the hell they call it!

Defining What Is Wrong With Politics

Because we can't make a strawman that is a better example than Doc

Straight Camp #fundie #homophobia #psycho nycliberalism.blogspot.com

Among the camp’s practices, posted on the blog of a youth whose parents are forcing him to attend:
1. Kids in the program are not allowed to speak to anyone, not even their parents, for at least the first two days.
2. Kids are not allowed to go anywhere unless they are accompanied by at least two other participants, one of which has to have at least 8 weeks of prior indoctrination.
3. Kids are not allowed to keep a journal or a diary
4. Kids are not allowed to discuss what goes on in the program with anyone, not even their parents
5. Kids are not allowed to have contact with any family members other than parents, who also go through the program
6. Kids are not allowed to have any physical contact with any human being other than a hand shake or a pat on the shoulder, and only when authorized.
7. Kids are not allowed outside of a small geographic area within Memphis, even if accompanied by parents, without prior written authorization
8. Kids are not allowed to listen to any music that is not explicitly Christian (Bach and Beethoven are specifically forbidden as being non-Christian)
9. Kids are not permitted to enter restaurants that serve alcohol
10. Kids are not allowed to speak after 9:00 p.m. under any circumstance
11. Kids may be placed in a state of isolation where they are not allowed to communicate with one another"

Von Davidicus #psycho rhjunior.com

On The Nature
There is nothing beautiful about nature; to think that there is anything lovely about it is only delusion. The lilies of the field gorge themselves on the remains of death and decay. All that move on the earth directly or indirectly feast on each other with no pity or concern. Even the rainbow is a constant reminder that God once wiped life from the face of the earth, and He will do it again, and next time, He will leave NOTHING behind but an Earth scorched clean by the fires of his wrath.

Secondly, all undomesticated animals should receive our best efforts to eradicate them. The large predators and herbivores serve us no purpose and are an obstacle at best and a threat at worst. To think of them as attractive or to consider them worthy of any pity or consideration should earn the person the same scorn and derision that those with any sense give PETA and Greenpeace. Also, the extinction of any wild animal should result in celebration; one less species for the Greenies to rally around. Seriously, meat from the domesticated cow or pig serves us as well as meat from a deer.

Von Davidicus #psycho rhjunior.com

On Capitalism
The true Capitalist allows business owners to do whatever they please to gain maximum profit.

I have heard that in mine collapses, mine owners would refuse to rescue workers, letting them die and hire others. It's a perfectly practical way to operate; rescuing is expensive and often, what workers can be rescued are unable to work, and said expense of rescuing them is wasted.

I have read articles of rivers catching fire, and land becoming too poisoned to work afterwards. The proper answer to that is "so?" Look at what happened to the coal companies of England when the government decided to whine about the smogs: Capitalism was interfered with and many companies were ruined. Waste treatment is likewise expensive; a river catching fire may cause some expense, but the installation of waste treatment facilities and proper sewers are likely even more so, and therefore not practical.

There has also been some argument about the Truck System, wherein a company would issue its own currency, forcing employees to buy food from company-owned stores and pay rent to the company, making it impossible to save money to move on. The simple fact is, this is a perfect means of keeping employees loyal, making sure they will go nowhere else.

Demanding companies concern themselves with workplace safety, clean up after themselves, or pay their employees a "fair wage" dilutes and destroys capitalism. Is this a moral way to act? A ridiculous question: morality has nothing to do with Capitalism, and those that believe that's a bad thing are deluded.

NS Cat, John in Woodbridge, Vadler #racist #crackpot #psycho vnnforum.com

NS Cat: I have heard that niggers have thicker, denser skulls that have sometimes been able to stop weak bullets(.22lr) and deflect strong ones(.45acp). Also, niggers have simple, primitive brains that are smaller and less developed. Niggers are used to living in a half-unconscious state where no thinking is done and impulses are immediately acted upon. Could it be possible that a headshot to a nigger's brain would only slow the nigger down? Maybe we ought to aim for the heart instead.

John in Woodbridge: Niggers have smaller brains and thicker skulls. Might make a difference with a .22 round, but not a .45.

Vadler: Either: a double barrel shotgun hit to the head or a .45 slug to the neck or heart would stop the ape.

The 8th Christianity Warrior #fundie #psycho answers.yahoo.com

Within two months after I was Born Again, I learned I could heal myself calling on Jesus' Name and trusting in God's Healing Promises.
It was not until several years later that it occurred to me that what I did was completely impossible to nine out of ten Christians. I was to find myself wading through legions of... well, scum churchgoers, who had no business being in the same neighbourhood as a church, never mind being a member. These people did not know what they were talking about, nor what they were doing.

Jack Chick #fundie #psycho community.livejournal.com

[What Jack Chick thinks ought to happen to a man who rapes his daughter and whores her out to his neighbor...I present (the last panel of) a "Lost Chick Tract" that I stumbled upon entitled "Lisa." Warning: This tract may not be suitable for human beings with a conscience.]



Henry: Linda, I’ve found a reason for living. Jesus has turned my life around.

Linda: WHAT??

Henry: Now I’m going to be the husband and father that God intended me to be.

Linda: I can see something different, Henry. Great! But what does that do to solve my problem? My life’s been a living hell ever since I can remember.

Linda: It’s gotten to the point where I hate you, I hate Lisa, and, most of all, I hate myself! Henry, I’m not blind. I know what’s been going on. I went through it myself years ago, thanks to my “1%” uncle. I just didn’t want to believe it was going on in my home.

Linda: I couldn’t face it. That’s why I’ve stayed away from you as much as I could.

Henry: But don’t you see, Linda? That only made the situation worse.

Linda: I know it… But I was so angry I began taking my frustration out on Lisa. And I really hurt her, Henry. It’s like I’m out of control.

Linda: Something’s got to stop this nightmare because the girls are suffering… I’m afraid Lisa’s mind could be scarred for life.

Henry: Linda, only Jesus can stop it, but you’ve got to let Him straighten out this mess.

Linda: I want to be forgiven too, Henry. But how do you pray? Help me to know Jesus.

Henry: All right, Linda. I’ll pray and you follow.

Linda: Okay.

[10 minutes later]

Linda: Oh, Henry, God has forgiven both of us. I feel like a new person. I love you and I love Lisa. Will she ever forgive us? We must never hurt her again.

Henry: We won’t, honey.

Linda: Lisa… Lisa… come here.

Linda: We’ve got wonderful news, Lisa. Your daddy and I will never hurt you again!

Lisa: Really?

Linda: Really, Honey. We love you, and Jesus does too.

The Bible says there’s only one way to heaven

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the father, but by me.” John 14:6

Nobody else can help you.

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5

“For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

What you must do:

1. ADMIT you are a sinner, and that only the Lord Jesus can save you. (Romans 3:23)

2. REPENT: be willing to turn away from sin and submit to God. (See Luke 13:5)

3. BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed his blood to pay the price of your sins, and that he rose again. (See Romans 10:9)

4. ASK God to save you. (See Romans 10:13)

5. ASK Jesus Christ to be the Lord (take control) of your life. (See Romans 12:1-2)

If you really made Jesus your lord (king) then act like it!

1. Read your Bible every day to get to know Christ better.

2. Talk to God in prayer every day.

3. Find a church where the Bible is taught as the complete Word of God and is the final authority.

4. Obey Christ’s command and be baptized. (See Matthew 26:19)

[To see this refuse in its entirety, follow the link provided ^_^]

Henry Bowman #racist #psycho boston.com

"Almost 1,033,000 iraqi civilian deaths as a result of the war on terror .."

Excuse me...?

Personally I couldn't care less. Had I been President, the entire ME would be a radioactive wasteland after what happened to the WTC. Mecca as a sheet of glass would be a fine repayment.

But these magnificent pictures and this date are reserved for an event you seem to have forgotten. I suggest you review what happened to the truly innocent here on this date.

Jesus FREAK #fundie #psycho answers.yahoo.com

(Jesus FREAK strikes again ! )

What are the two consequences of the view that humans are only highly-evolved animals?

Answer : 1. You WILL go to hell.

2. You WILL not go to heaven.

3.You WILL deserve every moment in hell.

4. I WILL be sure to watch every evolutionist down there from up there. GOD will grant me the knowledge of who is who. =)

ThornedRose #fundie #psycho marriagebuilders.com

Another aspect of this [God ordering Joshua to kill all of the people in the lands he conquered] is shown throughout History, when all peoples of the nation aren't killed, when the children grow up they carry that anger with them and retaliate against those who killed their families.

Feminist Scum #sexist #psycho feministscum.blogspot.com

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted on my blog. I guess it's because I usually air all of my opinions on forums these days, or at least I did until I left one.

Anyways, I'm going to post a short article, or list if you will, about something I believe. You may not like them, and I'm willing to accept they may not be accurate. I am not married to these opinions, and they will most likely change over time.

- I believe men are better than women. I believe they are better because they are bigger, stronger, faster, are 4 iq points more intelligent than average, and continue to out perform women at so many different things.

- I believe that if a woman threatens your freedom by setting state thugs after you to kidnap you from your home, and throw you behind bars, then you have every moral right to make that woman fear for her own life to protect your self.

- I believe that the patriarchy is the natural order, and that men should keep women in line. If women do not like this, then they have the right to choose not to be involved with the patriarch.

- I believe you should slap a woman if they are out of control, and won't leave you alone. I do not think this power should be abused.

- I believe women should not be allowed to vote. Women never earned the right to vote like men, they simply bitched for it. Manginas seeing a way to keep power, gave them the right. It should be taken away from them until they can earn it properly

Some theistard #fundie #psycho evolvedrational.com

(hate mail to an atheist blogger)

You are a scumbag and a lowlife. If I ever see you on the street I will smash your face in, rape you and kill you like you deserve. How dare you make fun of religion when you are even more fundamentalist than the people you mock and curse? What gives you the right to mock and curse God? You deserve to die and I will smash your brains in! I know your real name and I know who you are and what you look like so I can easily put an end to your worthless life. I hope someone kills you or you die soon before you can lead more of God's children to hell! Go serve your master Satan, just don't cause others to sin! God hates your mockery and you will burn and we Christians will laugh at you from heaven!! You are the most vile and arrogant scumbag I've seen and your blog shows your depravity.

woadhunter7 #fundie #psycho answers.yahoo.com

So you want some kind of utopia? man you suck. I would not want to live in a utopia, the bad makes the good worth having.

[Hah, you don't want to live in a utopia because the bad is necessary for the good. I guess god lets children starve to death every day so you can enjoy your modern medicine and internet connection more.]

Why yes Paul when I think about that I am happy I live here, thank you.

[Oh well, as an atheist I'll never approve of torturing children to death to make my coffee taste better. I guess that sort of thing requires Christian morals.]

ncc74656 #wingnut #psycho slashdot.org

(About the present CIA waterboarding scandal)

If these techniques are as heinous as you say they are, why didn't you do something about it five years ago? On the contrary, it appears the opposite happened. Once again, the Democrats have been exposed as the lying, opportunistic shitweasels that they are. They're willing to do anything—even endanger national security—that'll help them get and maintain political power.

They bleat that "dissent is the highest form of patriotism." They need to STFU...they are the last people to tell anyone what is or isn't patriotic or good for the country. I for one am sick and tired of their disingenous sanctimony. That the Republicans lately have been nearly as incompetent as the Democrats have been treacherous is the only reason Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of that misbegotten bunch haven't yet ended up downrange of a firing squad.

End Times #fundie #wingnut #psycho cseblogs.com

Anyone that has taken care of a day old child realizes that that little creature is SELFISH and SELF WILLED beyond all belief. As that child grows, you do not need to teach him to be mean or disrespectful to his siblings, it comes NATURALLY. In fact, you will spend 18 plus years trying to instill “good” behavior into an organism that left to its own self would be anything but good with out a great deal of correction... So why do people get all hung up on “innocent” children. I sure wish you would have given me one of those “innocent” children to raise instead of the three sinful children that I did raise. Come on people get a grip of the obvious before your nose. I have never once met an “innocent” two year old. You are not dealing with reality if you believe children must learn to be sinners and are born “innocent” when it comes to the issue of having a sinful nature.

Karl Noever #racist #psycho users.westnet.gr

You are full of shit because Hitler had to exterminate the jews because the jews were about ready to take over Germany and make it a communist country, and the jews would have slaughter every innocent aryan Germans for their money because you people are the most greadiest people on the face of this planet. Even Moses would have agreed with me. I am half German and half Persian. In otherwords, I am half Nazi and half Shitte Muslim, and we will someday kick your fucking ass.Prepare for a racial holy war.

Chris K #fundie #psycho answers.yahoo.com

This helps proves that Christianity is true.

A few days ago, there was a paraglider who was swept up into a storm to thousands of feet above the normal paraglider height. It was freezing, but she lived. The others didn't, it was a miracle. She is an atheist.

I think God was trying to get her to be a Christian. Hopefully she will not be stupid and she will convert after this. This was an opportunity that Jesus gave her to keep her from burning in Hell forever.

This proves that God is fair and that he gives people that deserve to burn in Hell a second chance.

crip <3 #fundie #sexist #psycho forum.myspace.com

(There are soooo many people that are quite simply smarter and more intelligent than you. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.)

u wish, you are a crack whore, your picture proves my point cari, you will never win. Abortion is wrong, and God backs me on this woman. I (speaking as myself) hope you are tortured and raped, then slaughtered.

Robert T. Lee #fundie #psycho tencommandments.org

Hi, I am a 13 year old atheist. The reason I am an atheist is because I'm being taught to be one by my atheistic parents, public school and the atheistic american constitution.

I am also being encouraged to be an atheist by my atheistic friends, atheistic sites on the internet, the stuff on TV, the movie industry, the music industry, the books I read, college groups and political special interest groups. All these teach me against all religions, particularly against the Christian religion.

Adult atheists will not admit it, but this is why I am such a diabolical kid. Atheism, which is really true satanism, prompts me to cause trouble. I cause a lot of trouble for my parents, and they are afraid of me. I deliberately make school hell. I like taunting and beating up on weak kids and Christian kids. I like giving the teachers and principal a hard time. They also are afraid of me. I like to make a name for myself among my friends so I do things deliberately to get in trouble with the law. I dare even law enforcement to apprehend me. Hey, atheists have fixed the laws of american in such a way that I am not afraid to do anything wrong. I can do anything and nothing will happen to me.

I can commit a crime right now, and I will be protected by the law. My name will not be released to the media. It doesn't matter how heinous the crime I commit, nothing will happen to me. Atheists will come to my aide. I can murder and get away with it. Or I can choose a particular state in which to murder as many people as I want and get away with it. When I go to court I laugh at the court proceedings, the judge, the jurors and the victims' relatives and friends because nothing is going to happen to me. Don't you know who coined the words "No Fear"? It was an atheist! I'm not afraid because atheists have fixed it where I am safe from proper punishment.

Haven't you heard the words "cruel and unusual punishment" in the American constitution? He, he, he. I can be as cruel to others as I want, but the criminal justice system is afraid to match the degree of my cruelty in punishing me lest it be called cruel itself. He, he, he! So I'm not afraid.

And haven't you heard about the deep-pocketed atheistic anti death penalty special interest groups or the pope and etc... who will come to my aide. Even if I am given a measly life sentence, he, he, that means nothing. A gullible pardon and parole board will let me out of prison in 5 years to commit even more heinous crimes. And even while I'm in prison, I can murder, rape and move drugs while sleeping the whole time on a bed of roses with prison guards as my servants. The constitution and the laws atheists have made in pursuance to it will be with me protecting me.

Let me tell you man, this is why I am an atheist. Atheism is insurance when you do wrong. I admit that atheism is criminal, but it is also cool man!

He, he, he, he, he!


Note from Robert T. Lee:

Alas, this is a most sad example of what atheism and non belief in God is doing to america's youth. Any kid that has the same or similar attitude of the one described by this 13 year old ought to be put to death immediately by the government.

Anon #fundie #psycho neo-tech.com

Cannabis is THE TREE OF LIFE AND YOU CAN NEVER KNOW ITS BENFITS BECAUSE YOU ARE EVIL. AND JESUS DETERMINES WHO WILL GET GOOD AND WHO WILL GET EVI FROM THE CANNABIS PLANT!!! I have a shot at biological immortality and I will NEVER share MY knowledge with YOU and I love watching your people DIE!!! DIE NEOTECH< DIE. Go put a head on a clones body you freaks. I HAVE A SHOT AT REAL Natural biological immortality. So DIE you freaks,

kiljews #racist #psycho jacobisrael.us

i feel so proud of myself! i caused another violation to the jew! well basically i was walking and i saw the jew and his wife walking to their satan temple place. well she was holding a baby so i took the baby from her hands and i threw it on the floor and stamped on it as hard as i could. the scum satan woman was crying so much - serves her right!
we will kill the jews!

DoctorDoom #racist #psycho freeconservatives.com

I sincerely hope that the insanity brings major cities to a grinding halt and costs hundreds of mililons of dollars in lost business, police coverage, etc. Maybe that will finally wake up the liberal assmites that infest the cities that the Mexicriminal pricks are NOT their amigos, and that they don't care WHO they hurt in their obsession with taking over the US.

Let the battle for the soul of America begin today, and may there be blood in the streets if that's what it will take to end the BS.