
Bloodthirsty, psychopathic and serial-killer-esque quotes

C.T. and Joseph Walsh #racist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “4th of July”]

In 2015 I posted another entry with the same title where I quote Francis Parker Yockey. Along with another American racialist, Michael O’Meara, Yockey realised what his country was all about—unlike those on the contemporary racial right who still wave the American flag and feel safe to spout the words ‘Jew, Jew, Jew!’ as if that explained everything

Given that Joseph Walsh is now in a London jail because of thoughtcrime (remember: Yockey died in prison!), I would like to quote below what he said nine years ago in the comments section of the post linked above:

How appropriate that America will be the first white country where whites will become a minority (if you don’t count Rhodesia and South Africa). Whites are about 55% of America’s population now. They will eventually be 49%

Even if the whole of white America became racially aware and every white voted for an open National Socialist political party they would still not be able to beat the Democratic party which takes votes in the three crucial states of New York, California and Texas. So a political solution to the survival of white America is out of the question. As William Pierce used to say ‘White revolution is the only solution’. Even if a white revolution leads to a World War, it is the only way to secure white survival: Racial Holy Wars or extinction

There are about 600 million whites worldwide, yet I would say that not even 1% of the white race is racially conscious. Only about 2 million whites worldwide are. We are in trouble. What we do not have in quantity we must make up for in ruthlessness

But the blonde beast won’t rise until the collapse comes. Therefore— When will you throw your nukes at Hezbollah, Bibi?

Paul Joseph Watson / Sheriff Darryl Daniels #wingnut #psycho #fundie infowars.com

A Sheriff in Clay County, Florida has threatened to deputize gun owners against Black Lives Matter protesters if they try to impose “lawlessness” by overwhelming local police forces.

Flanked by his deputies, Sheriff Darryl Daniels released a three minute video urging people to ignore the mainstream media and to not “fall victim to this conversation that law enforcement is bad, that law enforcement is the enemy of the citizens that we’re sworn to protect and serve.”

He then called out Black Lives Matter directly, noting that God was completely absent from their message and that they had made a “spectacle” of “disrupting what we know to be our quality of life in this country.”

Daniels then explicitly warned that legal gun owners would be mobilized to help police if BLM agitators tried to take over the area, as they did for weeks in a downtown area of Seattle.

“If we can’t handle you, I’ll exercise the power and authority as the sheriff, and I’ll make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county and I’ll deputize them for this one purpose to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility,” said Daniels, adding “You’ve been warned.”

Steve Dragon #racist #fundie #psycho quora.com

Goegre Floyd was a rotten criminal. He deserves to be killed and then burn in Hell with Staan. He should have enever even been born into this world. Criminal apes need to be aborted and their little brittle baby bodies stomped on the floor and cast down to Help where they will be raped by the Devil for eternity. Fuck Goerge Floyd! Fuck his gay retarded family! Floyd was a hideous mongrel monster that never meant to be born! His mother should have had hear motherfucking tubes tied to prevent this beast creature from ever having been born at all!

JeffGoldblumInTheFly #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] If I turned into a 10/10 giga chad and a 5/10 foid wanted to fuck me, I would say for her to give bj to 5 incels first

If she says no I would say to her, "Well is your choice, I have many more to fuck".

If she agree and do it, I would ask the incels if she really did gave them the blowjobs, and then after confirming it I would say:

"You're such a dumb bitch, do you really think I'll fuck a hole like you? You don't even deserve my respect, least of all my thick cock, you're a promiscuous bitch who unfortunately won't go through other times like this in your life, I hope they all have herpes on their dicks and that your mouth swells up with grotesque sores to show how much of a whore you are. Die degenerate bitch."

FidelCashflow #psycho incels.is

Anyone else unironically want ww3 to break out right now?

All the Twitter clowns are going off right now about getting close to ww3 because Iran and burgerland are bitching at eachother again. Obviously nothing's gonna happen but at this point I actually want a major war scenario to kick off.
My life is so fucking boring and repetitive that I would enjoy a change of pace like that. Worst case scenario I die in the war (which doesn't really matter since nothing in my life was ever gonna get better anyway), or I survive the war and im able to prosper in a reverse hypergamy situation because millions of men have died, similar to what happened after ww2.

Stew Peters and Kandiss Taylor #fundie #psycho rightwingwatch.org

(Submitter's Note: the phrase “extreme accountability” is a Peters-ism for, “public executions of people whose only crime is I, Stew Peters, personally do not like them.”)

“We need to make church the state’s business again,” (Stew) Peters said. “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.”

“We are the church and we run the state,” (Kandiss) Taylor replied. “Even if they don’t believe it to be so, it is a fact. And if they keep pushing around with American people, and they keep playing all these games, they’re gonna find!”

“How are they gonna find out?” Peters asked. “How are they gonna FAFO [fuck around and find out]?”

“Extreme accountability,” Taylor answered.

“I love it,” Peters gushed. “You’re speaking my language.”

mylifeistrash #sexist #psycho incels.is

I hate men who feel sorry for women in any sort of capacity and/or want to help them

Nearly all women in the west live like gods.

If a woman is fucking up in life, she's going far out of her way to do so. Intentionally burning shit down, and even then, even after murdering her own kids, some white night will still come in and marry her, save her, whatever.

Helping a woman should be punishable by having acid poured on your dick and balls.

Scrod #sexist #psycho mmo-champion.com

[on rape]

JTBC, my stance in this area reflects my view of incarceration as a whole - I think our society is way too quick to ruin lives with long jail sentences and excessively penurious punishments. You're advocating punishing someone for something they might not have known was wrong at the time they were doing it, because the other party to the act decides later that it was, and that punishment is basically, "ok, might as well give up on having any sort of success for the rest of your life." It seems like a crazy perspective to me - I'd urge to not be so quick to throw lives away.

Denise Balbaneda and Gerald Gonzales #dunning-kruger #quack #psycho wistv.com

A 12-year-old girl in Texas died after her parents didn’t seek medical attention after she suffered life-threatening injuries. Instead, they gave her smoothies and vitamins, according to authorities.

Deputies said Miranda Sipps, a cheerleader at Jourdanton Junior High School, suffered unknown life-threatening injuries for about four days before she tragically died Monday, WKRC reported.

Before her death, her parents, 36-year-old Denise Balbaneda and 40-year-old Gerald Gonzales, allegedly tried to treat her injuries through smoothies and vitamins.

“They were trying to give her smoothies, but somebody who is unconscious is not able to swallow,” Soward noted.

[…]“She was not talking. She basically could flutter her eyes and move her hands a little bit over a four-day period,” said Atascosa County Sheriff David Soward. “And they had her laying on a pallet in the house.”

The 12-year-old girl was pronounced dead in the emergency room.

[…]Investigators believed the couple avoided seeking medical attention to prevent law enforcement from coming to their home.

Even after calling 911, Balbaneda left their house and met emergency responders on the road.

C.T. #racist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “UK riots”]

In this post, I would like to clarify why I haven’t talked much about the riots that have been taking place in the UK

I’ve said it before: unlike other racialist sites, this blog doesn’t cover news

In fact, in times past I have been wrong to talk about things I thought would happen soon, such as the collapse of the dollar. I even erred when, for a while, I thought COVID was going to be as deadly as the Spanish Flu; or when more recently I thought the Israeli or Ukrainian wars were going to get much hotter than what is happening

Had I known, I wouldn’t have even mentioned those wars![…]
The riots in the UK are not the subject of this site for one simple reason. As I have been saying for a long time, the only way to save whites is to go from ‘happy mode’ to ‘killing mode’. And for that, there are two intermediate stages to cross: ‘angry mode’ (what the English are just beginning to feel) and ‘combat mode’ (something like arming yourself to protect your family inside your house from possible chimps out)

But the killing mode is already a revolutionary stage, and we could visualise it with that famous scene in the film Civil War[…]in which a blond American says to a mestizo ‘What kind of American are you?’ before and after killing a couple of Gooks

Until thousands of white men reach that mental stage during a racial revolution à la The Turner Diaries, there is no point in commenting on the petty news these days. I repeat: I regret talking about the collapse of the dollar (when will it happen?), COVID and even the wars in Palestine and Ukraine because they are not apocalyptic—yet. I might even die of old age in the future and the Revolution hasn’t started![…]
The aim of The West’s Darkest Hour is not to comment on the news but to understand why whites are committing ethnic suicide. And why seems clear to me: Christians and atheists alike have let the New Testament morality of loving every human infect their hearts

Tuthmosis Sonofra #sexist #psycho returnofkings.com

5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder

Nothing screams white-girl problems louder than a good old-fashioned eating disorder.* But they’re more than that. Eating disorders have been—quite appropriately—declared a luxury reserved for only the most privileged members of the female race. In other words, the presence of one of the classic eating disorders is a reliable predictor of various socio-economic, cultural, and personality traits in a young woman–features that, in the end, are desirable to today’s American man. In a world where the “retail price” on the typical Western woman continues to skyrocket—while their quality continues its precipitous decline—there are some real gems to be found in the bargain bin.

I’ve dated several girls with eating disorders—in various intensities—and all of these traits have applied to each of them.

*While obesity is, in most cases, also an “eating disorder,” this list doesn’t apply to emotional eaters, food addicts, and fatties with no self control.

1. Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks.
A girl who spends inordinate mental and physical energy on her looks is rarely fat. If you were to get into a long-term relationship with one of these girls, she’s also less likely to become complacent about her physique over time. Girls like this are usually deft at properly dressing their body type, which translates into a more stylish girl overall. And, because cheap clothing lines—like H&M—are shaped with straight cuts that are less labor-intensive and therefore more inexpensive, they look good in even the cheapest of shit. While they may have a “distorted body image” on the inside, that usually means staying trim and fit on the outside. Let’s not forget that fatties too, in the majority of cases, have a “distorted body image,” but in the unattractive direction.

2. She costs less money.
You can go out to nice restaurants and order take-out with the confidence that your expense on her will be minimal. In most cases, she’ll get a small dish–like a side salad–or just eat a little bit of whatever communal dishes you order. If you’re a hungry bastard, you can even finish off her plate. “Are you going to finish that?”

3. She’s fragile and vulnerable.
The case has repeatedly and persuasively been made that an inflated ego and an unearned high self-esteem are among the most unattractive traits in a girl. You-go-girlist “confidence”—grounded in little more than years of being told she’s a unique and special snowflake for no other reason than she was born female—renders a woman into an insufferable turd who thinks the world revolves around her.
An eating disorder often translates into the direct opposite: a girl who’s modest, fragile, and vulnerable. Instead of having to constantly wrestle with a difficult and obnoxious girl, you’ll be dealing with a tastefully insecure girl, who’s eager to please, and wants nothing more than your approval. She’s quick to apologize for transgressions, and will make the extra effort to see you–instead of flaking on you constantly. This level of vulnerability often brings out the best in men, whose protector instinct can’t help but get activated.

4. Probably has money of her own.
They aren’t too many poor girls with eating disorders. These girls come from money, and often continue to wield that spending power right into their adulthoods. Her instinct to please you will translate into her picking up tabs, coming to your door not empty-handed, or buying you little gifts.

5. She’s better in bed.
It’s a well-known fact that crazy girls are exceptional in the sack. A girl with an eating disorder has just the right cocktail of pent-up insecurity, neuroses, and daddy issues to ensure that your whole building knows every time you’re beating it up.

Say what you will, a girl with a mild-to-moderate eating disorder—that hasn’t excessively marred her appearance—is today’s best-buy in the West’s rapidly plummeting dating market.

Father Dabney #racist #psycho #fundie identitydixie.com

[From “The Beginnings, English Awakening”]

Many of our readers are of English stock. As for myself, I have deep connections in the British Isles. One of my grandfathers was a man of great importance in Bath, England, and his son was at one time the commander of the British Army in India. My bloodlines are also deeply connected to Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, as is the case for most of us born in Dixie[…]
Elizabeth II precipitated the dissolution of the once mighty British Empire, an empire on which the sun never set[…]Her government allowed many of her subjects from various non-European colonies to immigrate into the United Kingdom, completely obliterating the social cohesion of her realm[…]
Neither of these populations need to be on our island, nor on the Celtic island to the west. They have brought nothing but ill upon the native inhabitants, and though the very polite English have endured much up till now, all with a stiff upper lip, their patience is at an end[…]
The English have watched as foreigners have displaced them in employment, government benefits, and the preference of their own leaders[…]The English have seen their daughters groomed and raped, sons murdered, even watched as a little girl was beheaded in front of her parents. Recently, three little girls were stabbed to death[…]
And that’s when it happened, that is when the English began to hate!

Our brothers are finally pushing back against the hordes of Orcish folk treacherously imported by leaders on both sides of the political spectrum[…]Some of the protests have been violent, and completely legitimate as a means of self-defense. As expected, they have been met with resistance by both the Islamists and a corrupt security state[…]
My hope is that a truly Christian king will once again sit upon the throne, casting out those wishing to conquer Fortress Britannia. Until that time, let me help you recall one of the most prescient poems for our time
["The Beginnings", Kipling]

Elon Musk #racist #conspiracy #psycho edition.cnn.com

Social media has played a big role in fueling the anti-immigration riots engulfing towns and cities in the United Kingdom

And agitator-in-chief Elon Musk is not sitting on the sidelines

The Tesla chief executive and owner of X posted to the platform Sunday that “civil war is inevitable” in response to a post blaming the violent demonstrations on the effects of “mass migration and open borders”[…]
On Tuesday, he labeled Starmer #TwoTierKier in an apparent reference to a debunked claim spread by conspiracy theorists and populist politicians such as Nigel Farage that “two-tier policing” means right-wing protests are dealt with more forcefully than those organized by the left

angryJohnDoe #sexist #psycho incels.is

Having a sex slave

I have been unable to shake the thought of having a sex slave. Especially when I’m at the gym with all the foids dressed like sluts. I have been thinking of all the ways I could get away with it, and how I can avoid getting her pregnant. The easiest method being doing a little bit of research and finding a foid I know can’t have kids. There have been absolute legends like Arial Castro that managed to get away with it for decades so if you’re a lot more careful than them it could work out

Yehuda Schlesinger #psycho #racist timesofisrael.com

Right-wing journalist Yehuda Schlesinger on Thursday retracted comments he had made on a Channel 12 news broadcast justifying the suspected sodomy of a detained Palestinian terror suspect and then advocating that such acts should be standard state practice

Five Israel Defense Forces reservists are in military custody in connection with the brutal sexual abuse of a Palestinian detainee at the Sde Teiman detention facility, where many inmates are alleged to have taken part in the Hamas-led October 7 onslaught. Some on the right have decried the case as alleged persecution of IDF fighters by the justice system

Referring to the controversial case, Schlesinger said on Wednesday: “The only problem is that it is not standard state policy to abuse these detainees. Because in general, they deserve it, and this is great revenge.” He added that it might also “serve as a deterrent”

On Thursday, Schlesinger retracted his comments, telling Radio 103FM that he had received “completely justified criticism”[…]
The investigation into the suspected sexual abuse sparked protests by far-right extremists, including MKs, who broke into two military facilities last week after military police detained 10 soldiers over the incident, five of whom have since been released from custody

Hanoch Milwidsky #fundie #psycho cbsnews.com

Ultra-right-wing Israeli nationalists stormed two military facilities late Monday, protesting the detention and questioning of nine Israel Defense Forces reservists suspected of raping and abusing a Palestinian prisoner whose injuries were so bad he had to be hospitalized. Social media videos show guards at the Sde Teiman military base and prison, near Beersheba in southern Israel, shouting at and pushing military police who'd arrived to question the reservists, seemingly in defense of the suspects.

A member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, speaking Monday at a meeting of lawmakers, justified the rape and abuse of Palestinian prisoners, shouting angrily at colleagues questioning the alleged behavior that anything was legitimate to do to "terrorists" in custody.

Lawmaker Hanoch Milwidsky was asked as he defended the alleged abuse whether it was legitimate, "to insert a stick into a person's rectum?"

"Yes!" he shouted in reply to his fellow parliamentarian. "If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!"

Michele Morrow #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy rawstory.com

A new report revealed Thursday that the North Carolina Republican nominee for state superintendent had repeatedly called for former President Barack Obama to be publicly executed for treason — and she's responding by doubling down on her demands.

"According to @KFILE and @CNN@CNNPolitics, Obama's drone attacks on hundreds of innocent Muslims in Yemen are not treasonous," wrote Michele Morrow on X. "The insanity of the media demonstrates the need to teach K-12 students real history and critical thinking skills. #ncpol"

A previous message had demanded "death to all traitors," and was followed by one saying she wanted to see Obama's execution broadcast on a pay-per-view channel.

Morrow, a registered nurse and a homeschooling advocate who would oversee schools if elected, has made a number of other inflammatory claims on social media, including that President Joe Biden should be executed for telling people to wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that China stationed thousands of troops in Canada to rig the 2020 election. She has also pushed QAnon conspiracy theories, including the idea that celebrities are consuming the blood of children to stay eternally youthful.

Ironically, given her reference to "innocent Muslims" in her call for Obama to be executed, Morrow has also promoted Islamophobic hate, demanding that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) "head back to Somalia" and suggesting Muslims should be banned from holding elected office in the United States.

dyellow #sexist #homophobia #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Most men DESERVE to be incels

Mostly normies. Think about it rationally: women don't have moral agency, they're just instincts, but men can think. Who do you blame, the dog or the owner?
I blame the owner. Cucks have allowed the peak of degeneracy we are living, they are the enemies, not foids. These men are worthless sacks of shit that will sell their souls just to get attention from a woman, such people don't deserve to even be normies, they deserve to be incels, and live a live of servitude. I don't deserve to be an incel, I'm a hard worker, I have good values, strong and capable. I just happened to be born with an ugly face, this is totally unfair.
Now lets see who deserves to be thrown in concentration camps:
-White Knights
-Men into Findom
-Subscribers of twitch thots
-Men that like/compliment foids on social media
-"Sugar Daddies"
-"Sissy" fags

More suggestions?

Allan MacRae and Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

From Allan MacRae in Canada:

Hi Steve K

The COVID-19 vaccines were far more dangerous than most people realize. I correctly advised our Alberta and Canadian governments on January 8, 2021 do not deploy these vaccines, based on the high risk / low reward equation.

I did not know at that time that these Injections were highly toxic; that became clear later in 2021.

Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated the death to from the vaccines at 13 million to the end of 2022, and that was only in the developed countries where we had good data. That death toll has increased to 20 million to mid 2024 and the carnage is far from Uber. We can probably double that 20 million to include India, China and Russia.

Total deaths from the toxic COVID-19 vaccines now exceed the total number of deaths that the USA and Canada have lost in all our wars, going back to the 1500s. Somehow, our corrupt governments and health agencies are still pretending that this did not happen and some are even recommending these vaccines in the standard schedule for children six months and older.

I maintain that no individual or group could be Innocently this wrong for this long. I say they know that they are committing mass murder, and they are comfortable with that.

Another tragic anomaly is the increased death in hospital in the USA of 560,000 Americans in 2020, due to late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators. Hospitals were compensated ~$30,000 for each such death. We had no such excess deaths in Alberta well through mid 2020, because our doctors practised competent early treatment of COVID-19 patients. This and other data proves that there was no real pandemic of the virus; there was a false pandemic created by government hysterical propaganda and late treatment.

The banning of ivermectin, which effectively cures Covid in a few days is another proof of their criminal intent.

We need to bring these mass murderers to Justice. We need Nuremberg 2.0 - military tribunals, hangings and firing squads. We need that now.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

See my books that prove all these points on Amazon.
3:39 PM · Aug 5, 2024 · 43.6K Views
778 Reposts 37 Quotes 1,948 Likes 337 Bookmarks

Three unnamed teenage boys in Courbevoie #racist #psycho france24.com

The suspected anti-Semitic attack in Courbevoie, a northwestern Paris suburb, has sent shockwaves in France in the run-up to a general election that could bring the far-right National Rally to power for the first time

The girl told police she was approached by three boys aged between 12 and 13 while she was in a park near her home with a friend and dragged into a shed on Saturday evening in Courbevoie

The suspects beat her and "forced her to have anal and vaginal penetration, fellatio, while uttering death threats and anti-Semitic remarks", a police source told AFP

Her friend managed to identify two of the attackers

The three boys were arrested on Monday

On Tuesday evening, two of them, both aged 13, were charged with gang rape, anti-Semitic insults and violence and issuing death threats. The pair were taken into custody

The third boy, 12, was also charged with anti-Semitic insults and violence and issuing death threats, but not with rape. He was allowed return home after being charged

Declan Finn #fundie #wingnut #psycho declanfinn.substack.com

Now that the French, especially the artist, have admitted that yes, we were insulting Christians and promoting pedos in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and we're going to throw in the Golden Calf just for kicks, we can have a discussion. That discussion is, why do we care?

Let's face it, this is not new, nor is it really news. If you've been Christian and awake for the past 30 years, the mainstream has lumped all of us together, and summed us up by only the fringiest of fringe weirdos. We're pissed about this only because the Olympics rubbed our noses in it during what was supposed to be a PG (at worst) moment of primetime. It was going to be a family moment. Instead, we had a collection of perverts flashing X-rated parts at us, while also insulting a third of the world's population direction.


Do you believe in God? If the answer is yes, then the f***ers behind the Olympics are going to come for you eventually. Unless you push back.

Yeah, I’m all for glassing Gaza. I'm for throwing campus rioters into GITMO … right next to "Jane's Revenge." I'm for hate crime legislation for anyone who burns a Synagogue or Church. Maybe if Christians and Jews band together and do what Muslims do every time there's a Mohammed cartoon, they'll think twice. The war to secularize everything has become a war on God. Backed with actual demons, on full display. Unless we all push back, for real, then I don't see the point. Get ready for more garbage in our future.

Donald trump #ableist #mammon #psycho #elitist twitter.com

I’m Fred Trump. I am the father of William Trump, a young man with complex disabilities. Donald has never asked, and not once ever met William. Which is, frankly, he’s missed out on a lot, getting to know William. When Donald was inaugurated, I knew that would be an opportunity for me and my wife Lisa to try to use his position as the president to the benefit of folks with intellectual and developmental disabilities. First person we reached out to was my cousin Ivanka. She was great and set us up a meeting with Ben Carson for as you may know housing issues for the disabled are a very tough issue. Throughout the couple of years, met with various other organizations within the executive branch. It culminated in a meeting in the white house in may of 2020. Covid was raging at the time, we were in the midst of an election. We had a final meeting with Donald, just to let Donald know personally, I had called him and said look, I really need you to listen to this okay?And he did and we spent 45 minutes. The meeting dispersed and he called me back in and we chatted for a minute and he goes “You know those people, all those expenses, those people should just die.” That was a brutal thing to hear, on the large scale. But then a few years later we were talking about something and, mentioning William, he goes “Your son doesn’t recognize you, let him die and move down to Florida.”

I don’t know how to explain how somebody could say that about any human being, but to say it about your grand nephew was beyond anything I could imagine.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

RageFuel "You're not entitled to sex, sweaty"

If we go by this logic men shouldn't be entitled to anything.
Imagine working hard and wageslaving all month and in the end your manager says "Sure you worked hard but you are not entitled to my money, sweaty".
Or imagine paying for health insurance every month and one day you get shot and go to your doctor who says "You are not entitled to my medicines sweaty"
Or imagine studying really hard just to hear your teacher say after the exam "You are not entitled to good grades sweaty"

This is what is happening to us right now. We work hard, wageslave, earn money and except to get a foid who loves us and gives us sex but their response is "You are not entitled to sex sweaty"
For normies its even worse, they go on dates, pay for dinner, spend thousands of dollars just to hear the foid say "You are entitled to my body sweaty".

If a manager refuses to pay his employees or if a doctor refuses to give his patients medicine, it is termed as violation of human rights. Same with sex, if foids refuse to have sex with us, IT SHOULD COME UNDER VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

Haibatullah Akhundzada #fundie #psycho #sexist theguardian.com

Afghan supreme leader orders full implementation of sharia law

Public executions and amputations some of the punishments for crimes including adultery and theft

Afghanistan’s supreme leader has ordered judges to fully enforce aspects of Islamic law that include public executions, stonings, floggings and the amputation of limbs for thieves, the Taliban’s chief spokesperson said.

Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted on Sunday that the “obligatory” command by Haibatullah Akhundzada came after the secretive leader met with a group of judges.

Akhundzada, who has not been filmed or photographed in public since the Taliban returned to power in August last year, rules by decree from Kandahar, the movement’s birthplace and spiritual heartland.

“Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and seditionists,” Mujahid quoted Akhundzada as saying. Those files in which all the sharia [Islamic law] conditions of hudud and qisas have been fulfilled, you are obliged to implement. This is the ruling of sharia, and my command, which is obligatory.”

Mujahid was not available on Monday to expand on his tweet.

Hudud refers to offences for which, under Islamic law, certain types of punishment are mandated, while qisas translates as “retaliation in kind” – effectively an eye for an eye.

Hudud crimes include adultery – and falsely accusing someone of it – drinking alcohol, theft, kidnapping and highway robbery, apostasy and rebellion.

Qisas covers murder and deliberate injury, among other things, but also allows for the families of victims to accept compensation in lieu of punishment.

Islamic scholars say crimes leading to hudud punishment require a very high degree of proof, including – in the case of adultery – confession, or being witnessed by four adult male Muslims.

Since last year’s takeover, videos and pictures of Taliban fighters meting out summary floggings to people accused of various offences have appeared frequently on social media.

The hard-won rights of women in particular have evaporated in the past 15 months, and they are increasingly being squeezed out of public life.

In the past week, the Taliban also banned women from entering parks, funfairs, gyms and public baths.

LOLI BREEDING (aka Napoleon de Geso) #psycho incels.is

How to deal with low IQ parents of loli who don't want mature man but rather fuckboy?

Very big problem, even if I somehow convince loli to cuddle and creampie(after 4.5 months coronavirus ends, can only ldar and looksmax now :feelsUnreal:) that still leaves daddy and mommy who are obviously normie npcs and will only want partner for loli as mainstream media dictates: teen fuckboy to have fun with and later betabux. Can't get cucked because of overprotective parents if I ever manage to ascend, I'd probably rope right then and there :feelsrope:

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "More violent niggers murdering their superiors"]

Two black teenagers steal a car and go joyriding. They film themselves as they rear-end another vehicle, then spot a man bicycling along the side of the road. They deliberately run him over, killing him, as they film the murder, laughing

These savages are niggers. N-I-G-G-E-R-S. They loudly and proudly call themselves that in the video, so I find no reason we should ever dance around calling them anything but

Instead of "reparations", niggers like these need to be found, their throats slit in the public square, whites dance around their bodies and cheer, and then their mothers forced to sit in a chair Clockwork Orange style as they have to watch the video of it happening over and over and over again

Every single nigger who misbehaves like this, we repeat the exact same ceremony[…]
That same weekend, of course, was yet more citywide nigger violence in Alberta, this time in Calgary. Oh, and…uh…checks notes…Tel Aviv[…]
What are niggers from Eritrea doing in Tel Aviv? Don't they have enough trouble with sand niggers causing violence in Israel? Did they think to themselves that they were bored of this and why not import some O.G. negroes to perform the one task they seem uniquely capable of performing?[…]
Steyn of course is quick to point out that maybe niggers would be better behaved if we didn't keep telling them that behaving in a civilized manner in a civilized society is so white and therefore bad even though the superior white culture and standards of conduct are objectively better than what the niggers are replacing it with[…]
Of course, in the past week the infamous Gregoire Lake has been the site of another murder where no whites were involved: a Red Injun teenager found dead on the side of the road. No mealy mouthed "oh he died in a bike crash" headlines, of course

puupi #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

on the story of a child bride who poisoned her adult husband and his friends

The people shot in school shootings are not all (often not at all - victims of columbine shooting had not bullied the shooters, despite their claim that revenge was the cause) people who bullied the shooters. I absolutley think that a violent reaction to systematic violent bullying and abuse is understandable. Just not when you shoot people who have nothing to do with it. In this case, the "friends of the guy" who were killed make it a little less justifyable, but they were still celebrating alongside him and likely took part in / attended the marriage.

So you think that guy who just stabbed 22 people is a hero?

No. I don't think this girl is a hero either. If those 22 people had all brutally bullied and victimised that guy physically / emotionally, then you could say his reaction was understandable. That is almost certainally not the case though. Many of those people will have had nothing to do with it whatsoever. Please stop trying to twist my words

No, murder is not justifiable.

Hell, I was bullied in school. I've had my ass kicked. I've felt physical and mental pain during school. No, I definitely don't see justifiable that I stabbed or shot even the biggest bully.

Rape is an awful thing, but it just another form of physical violation. Getting hit by a fist in the face and kicked to the head, stomach and back are much more dangerous than having a penis inside your vagina.

You really don't think it's insulting to suggest 50% of Nigerian girls aren't smart enough to just run away? If only you were there to tell them that all of their problems could be solved if they hop on a bus.

Well it's insulting to suggest that all Nigerian girls are unhappy with the marriage culture there and getting forcibly married is a reason to murder people.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Nephew”]

Yesterday I looked through some trilogy pages about my nephew who disturbed me, with whom I share the property where I live with his mother[…]
It was he who[…]invented the nickname ‘Chechar’ and, since he loved me so much, everything pointed to the fact that I could raise him as a son insofar as my sister was a single mother

Now he is a man of twenty-two, and he has not a single atom of my ideals:[…]absolutely nothing of the four words, let alone the fourteen. Moreover, like the rest of my nephews and the people of his generation, he is a degenerate as far as culture is concerned. To give just a few examples: being straight he has painted his nails, has always listened to degenerate music and hangs out with his degenerate friends everywhere[…]Unlike Hitler, the nephew eats the flesh of mammals that were tormented in slaughterhouses and, although I gave him my trilogy, he doesn’t read it and I doubt he ever will[…]
Unlike Jane Austen’s world[…]in our world, upbringing is done by unwed mothers. And the first thing these little women do is to hand their child over to the clutches of the System so that the System ‘educates’ him

I could do nothing for my nephew’s education because of the lack of financial means. And even if I had them, where could I take him to school in the West?[…]I would have had to isolate him from children his age, schools, television and he would never have had a mobile phone[…]
Even a wealthy priest of the holy words would have had difficulty educating him. Country children in the less polluted places of Eastern Europe could begin to be contaminated by possessing, for example, mobile phones: a small window that normalises the world of Gomorrah, and so on

It has been painful to watch the process of how a pure mind[…]becomes debased and one can do nothing about it. Is it understandable why I fantasise about mushroom clouds above the major cities of the West? To return to Austen’s world Kalki must first come…

Eyal Karim #fundie #racist #psycho timesofisrael.com

IDF taps chief rabbi who once seemed to permit wartime rape

Eyal Karim later retracted remarks; has also said women's enlistment is 'entirely forbidden,' opposes female singing at army events

Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot on Monday nominated a rabbi who once appeared to condone rape during wartime to take over as the IDF’s chief chaplain. Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim has also maintained that it is “entirely forbidden” for women to serve in the military for reasons of modesty and has opposed female singing at army events.

Karim was embroiled in controversy in 2012 for his response to a question posed to him (Hebrew link) on the religious website Kipa, asking in the light of certain biblical passages if IDF soldiers, for example, were permitted to commit rape during wartime despite the general understanding that such an act is widely considered repugnant.

In his response, Karim implied that such practices, among several others that were normally prohibited — including the consumption of nonkosher food — were permitted during battle.

“Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties,” he wrote. “And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”

When the quote surfaced in 2012 and caused a media firestorm, he published a clarification stating that his comments were in no way meant to be applied in the modern era, but rather pertained to a theoretical discussion of the biblical permission for a Jewish soldier to kidnap an enemy woman and wed her.

“Obviously, in our times, when the world has advanced to a level of morality in which one does not marry captives, one must not perform this act, which is also entirely against the army’s values and orders,” he wrote.

The IDF on Monday responded to allegations against Karim, saying the colonel “wishes to clarify that his words were only uttered in response to a theoretical hermeneutical question, certainly not to a practical halachic question.

“Rabbi Karim never wrote, said, or even thought that an IDF soldier is permitted to sexually harm a woman during wartime,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit added in a statement.

On the matter of women’s enlistment, Karim wrote in 2002 that it was explicitly forbidden.

“In a situation such as the one during the War of Independence, in which there was a real pikuah nefesh [matter of life or death] of the Jewish people, women also participated in the defense of the nation and country, even though the situation was not so modest,” he wrote. “But in our era we do not live with a real threat to our survival.

“And because of the liable damage to the modesty of the girl and the nation, the great rabbis and the Chief Rabbinate have ruled that the enlistment of girls to the IDF is entirely forbidden.”

In 2011, Karim also wrote that women should not sing at army events. If women do perform, soldiers who object to attending the events on religious grounds should be allowed to skip, he added.

Several Israeli lawmakers decried Karim’s appointment.

Meretz party leader Zehava Galon said that Karim is not “suitable to be the rabbinic authority of the army, in which tens of thousands of women serve, and is not suitable to represent Jewish morality in any form.” She also condemned “his frightening, racist, and inflammatory statement” regarding wartime rape.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid urged Karim to disavow his remarks about women’s enlistment, saying that without a public statement to that effect “he cannot be the military chief rabbi.”

“Regarding the reports that he said that beautiful gentile women can be raped during wartime, it appears this is not his opinion,” Lapid continued. “But if he thinks this, not only may he not be the chief military rabbi, he can’t even be a rabbi.”

In addition to Karim, Eisenkot nominated another 12 colonels for promotion to brigadier general, pending the approval of Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman.

C.T. #racist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “A confession”]

On the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article[…]
I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important[…]
I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past[…]Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down[…]
The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth

Icy-Flamingo-9693 #ableist #crackpot #elitist #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Charitable giving should be made illegal

By charitable giving I mean the donation of money, gifts or resources that would allow the continued survival and flourishing of an entity (human, animal, organization etc.) that wouldn’t otherwise survive in an unfettered free market.

The invisible hand of the free market is the only just way to distribute resources, and charity disrupts this natural process and creates inefficiency. It either creates dependency or it allows unfit entities to exist and this lowers the overall utility of a society and this ultimately leads to stagnation and socialistic values which in turn may lead to a diminishment in entrepreneurship and human excellence which ultimately perpetuates an ugliness, a poverty of spirit which drains the very joy out of life.

Michail Chkhikvishvili #racist #psycho #wingnut justice.gov

A federal grand jury in Brooklyn, New York, returned a four-count indictment today charging Georgian national Michail Chkhikvishvili, 21[…]with soliciting hate crimes and acts of mass violence[…]
Chkhikvishvili is alleged to be a leader of the Maniac Murder Cult[…]an international racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist group. MKY adheres to a neo-Nazi accelerationist ideology and promotes violence and violent acts against racial minorities, the Jewish community and other groups[…]
Since approximately September 2021, Chkhikvishvili has distributed a manifesto titled the “Hater’s Handbook” to MKY members and others. The handbook discusses MKY’s principles and encourages members to engage in acts of mass violence in furtherance of those principles. In the handbook, Chkhikvishvili states that he has “murdered for the white race” and encourages and instructs others to commit acts of mass violence and “ethnic cleansing.” For example, and among other things, the handbook encourages its readers to commit school shootings and to use children to perpetrate suicide bombings and other mass killings targeting racial minorities[…]
Beginning at least as early as July 2022, Chkhikvishvili repeatedly encouraged others, primarily via encrypted mobile messaging platforms, to commit violent hate crimes and other acts of violence[…]Soliciting acts of mass violence in New York from an individual who claimed to be a prospective MKY recruit, but who[…]was actually an undercover FBI employee (the UC)
In a September 2023 conversation, the UC messaged Chkhikvishvili whether there was an application process to join MKY. The defendant responded, “Well yes we ask people for brutal beating, arson/explosion or murder vids on camera.” He further stated that “[p]oisoning and arson are best options for murder,” and suggested also considering a larger “mass murder” within the United States. Chkhikvishvili advised the UC that the victims of these acts should be “low race targets”

puupi #psycho #sexist #pratt mmo-champion.com

Being forced to take the trash out or being forced to do your homework are a little different to being forced to marry (potentially for life) a man you do not wish to marry, to have sex with him as and when he desires (as is the case in their culture), bear his children without a say in the matter, and risk your life in doing so.

I was forced to go to the military (like every man in my country), I was forced to serve my country with my life (literally).

I don't think those are small things. I would do them without being forced, too. But that doesn't change they are being forced upon me.

I really have hard time understanding the demonizing of sex. Everyone WANTS to have sex in their life, it's the best thing in the world.

Now when sex is forced it becomes the WORST AND MOST ATROCIOUS THING IN THE WORLD.

How the fuck does that kind of switch happen.

Of course I think rape is bad. But I don't understand the polarization. I think there is a lot of hypocrisy, exaggeration and victimization involved.

Not all sexual experiences for all involved parties are pleasurable.

Would you look forward to sex if you were unlikely to orgasm because your partner wasn't interested in your pleasure, or even your comfort? If it was a painful experience for you because you aren't aroused by your partner, would you look forward to doing that again?

Obviously I would not enjoy it and wouldn't look forward to doing that again. But people do other discomforting things, too, because it's part of life and needs to be done. Like work.

I'm not sorry that I had to go through conscription. I, and other men, owe that to our grandfathers. Yeah it's against free will, but as I've said previously, some things in life aren't that pleasurable yet they still have to be done. The result justifies the means.

Well people who don't want to have sex are a very small minority. Asexuality is 1% or less of the population.

Omgodzilla #psycho mmo-champion.com

What if we started cannibalizing terrorists?
ISIS has done some disgusting things. I think its time, we return the favour. Back in World War 2, some Finnish soldiers
would skin and even cannibalize dead Russian soldiers. Why don't we do the same with ISIS? Why let their meat go to waste? Who cares if its cannibalism? Its still meat, it probably tastes good like any other meat. It would give us an extra source of protein and it would also strike a huge blow to the morale of ISIS fighters if they knew that their dead bodies would be cannibalized like that. They would shit their pants. I think its worth considering. I mean, what's wrong with cannibalism exactly? If the people you're cannibalizing are evil terrorists, then don't they deserve it?

vokal kazih, hooked, zantos, #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

[on a 14 yaer old child bride who poisoned her husband and at least 3 of his friends ]

Vokal: “ While I don't agree with forced marriage, killing is killing. She could have just ran away instead of poisoning a dozen or so people. Don't care if she's 14. Hope she fries, or hangs. However they do it.Just like any and every killer should.”


She wasn't defending herself. She felt bad and wanted to make other people suffer like a typical school shooting case. You think she couldn't poison the husband in a different situation? No she wanted to kill as many ppl as possible.

Hooked: “I agree, she is pure evil. “ https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1495017-Child-Bride-Kills-Husband-and-his-3-buddies/page13?p=26405166#post26405166 So she was able to go to the market and buy rat poison without anyone noticing, but couldn't just run away?. I think she wanted to make them all pay.

Zantos: “Exactly. She had every bit of freedom she needed to get away at any time. She had just as much time to kill him by himself then to try and take out as many others as she could with him.”

Technically she wasn't kidnapped, the marriage with this man was most likely arranged by her parents, as that is what the law states has to happen for a 14 year old to be married. Wouldn't you say her parents are more to blame than the husband in question? Would you also condone her killing her parents as well because they arranged the whole thing ?Attempting to kill 14 people because you aren't in love with the man your parents forced you to marry doesn't sound like my kind of justice.

Hooked: “Not only that but her own parents probably also had an arraigned marriage. Nah this girl was just evil, plain and simple.”

Puupi #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

because they were sitting at the dinner table CELEBRATING the man who was holding her, a 14 year old girl, hostage and wanting to have sex with her against her will...id have killed them all too to get out of that situation...

They were celebrating their marriage. It's normal in their culture.

By the way, are you American? Are you a man? Are you circumcised?

Most (?) American men are circumcised and it is a lot more questionable thing to do compared to arranged marriages, even if the girl is 14.

I see child marriages more acceptable and moral than circumcision.

Those two things aren't remotely comparable, and I'm highly against circumcision of children. How is the marriage/rape of children by adults more moral than cutting some skin off of kids penises?

Mutilation of sexual organs of a baby compared to marriage where you may need to have sex against your will?

You know, there are lots of good things about arranged marriages as well. The girl gets a husband, a man who is feeding, protecting and taking care of her. And the husband gets a wife, who takes care of him. There is more to marriage than just sex.

Shockingly, most people have sex willingly in life. Even do everything they can to please people to get them to have sex. Ultimately, sex drives the whole human society.

So when you need to have sex against your own will - it is a bad and unwanted thing - but it isn't the most atrocious thing happening in the world.

Cruor #psycho mmo-champion.com

1) This is the USA, we will not get rid of guns. It is our right to own guns so we can shoot home invaders or someone stealing our vehicle or protect our basic rights... like owning guns.

2) Yes teenagers shoplifting and running should be brutalized. DON'T STEAL.

3) Yes, "stuff" is worth more then a criminals life. If I see some guy bash in my vehicles window to steal my laptop I should have every right to kill him on the spot, with any means I have, be it shooting or bashing his skull in with a tire iron.

4) Criminals are a detriment to society. Once you steal gum or a car, your are a thief and should be put down. Its really, really easy: Don't steal, don't vandalize, don't rape, don't mug people, and you will be fine and live life without being beaten up or killed by police. Why is this a hard concept?

Underverse #psycho mmo-champion.com

I assume you want it banned because of secondary smoking, so justify it in the context of children. Do you think the overall negative impact of having a smoker for a parent is greater than the negative impact of having a parent who had sex with you since childhood?

Yes. If that parent is nurturing and fosters positive traits, I see no reason for harm to be part of this calculation. Sexual interactions (not necessarily penetrative sex - that's quite rare in pre-pubertal individuals who are victims of sexual abuse, more common in ephebes) can serve as a powerful mechanism of pair bonding that can act to strengthen familial ties and improve trust between individuals - as long as you don't have a culture that condemns you as a victim with no agency, and your parents as rapists who are going to jail.

Underverse #psycho mmo-champion.com

it might not be harmful for them to lose their childhood, but it is really, really really fucking wrong. a kid should only have to think about playing, making friends, and doing homework. they shouldn't have to think about the things that come with sex, that's just wrong.
and no, danger isn't a good reason to outlaw bestiality. if danger was a good reason to outlaw something, you'd outlaw smoking and alcohol.

Yes, yes you would. And I think smoking should be outlawed, and I think it will be, with time. Alcohol has other benefits - social lubrication, mostly, that have value to society. Bestiality does not have any value beyond baseline.

So I assume you're okay with people having sex with anyone post-puberty, given your idealistic 'playing, friends, homework' trifecta. So you've lowered the bar to ~12. Logically, I used to agree with that. But I've come to understand that sexual interactions are not innately harmful, not matter the age at which they take place. These organs are functional in all regards except reproduction from the moment we're born. I would rather see parents, like bonobos, use pleasure to calm their kids, instead of violence. Only in this fucked up post-agricultural culture do we think that violence is a more acceptable means of disciplining children. If you're so worried about mental effects, maybe you should start there.

So smoking should be illegal, but parents disciplining their kids by fucking them should be legal?

Context matters. If harm is caused, it needs to be justified with a benefit. The benefit to smoking is feeble at best.

I'm not advocating for rape. Rape is simply a destructive act. But my disdain for rape does not translate into a disdain for sex, or other sexual interactions. In the context of this argument, I would say sexual interactions to calm children would be permissible and preferable to spanking or psychological abuse in the form of isolation. That doesn't mean rape, beatings, or violence.

belzibhaal #sexist #psycho #racist mmo-champion.com

I'm nearly 35 and I've been banging the shit out of what is probably one of the hottest 16 year olds in the world for nearly 9 months. In fact, the first time I got her into bed was on her 16th birthday. Am I a degenerate?

Most likely. I realize it's a minority position here, but I think adult men should generally prefer adult women. I get that teens can be hot, but that's pretty much where the attraction ends.

I like all kinds of females. My neighbour has two incredibly gorgeous daughters who will be head turners in a year or so and they are only 12. I spent an amazing weekend in Phoenix making a 39 year old redhead scream while she was at the same hotel on business and I've taken my 49 year old lab manager to bed on more than one occasion.

As long as she's well into puberty or nor fully menopausal, I'll find a female attractive.

Why are blacks called African Americans?

I still call them negros, or isajeeps. The term "african american" just sounds plain stupid

12 year old girl speaks against abortion, and she does it well.

From the looks of this little trollop, she hasn't even hit puberty yet, let alone know what a dick feels like. She hasn't the slightest fucking idea what she is talking about.

On a somewhat related note, I don't consider a human to be a human until they have achieved sentience, so if you want to abort fetuses, have at it. Not sentient = not human.

I'll gladly give her a half cooked grenade.

And a coat hanger so she can give herself that abortion she hates so very much when she gets pregnant to her 35 year old boyfriend a year from now.

Eldooro #sexist #psycho mmo-champion.com

[on a 10 year old child giving birth in mexico]
If you think 10 year olds are too young, you really shouldn't look at human history.
There's a reason for the remark "if she bleeds, she breeds".
Back in the day, before penicillin, infant mortality rate was really high. In addition, you needed kids help to work the farm and whatever. The only way to accomplish a lot of things it to breed as fast as possible. This included what we define as kids.

The big deal for us is 10 year old's have no method to survive on their own. We deem them irresponsible and incapable of making live changing decisions. We believe at 18, you're smart enough for live changing decisions (excluding alcohol, being the President, a member of Congress, etc). From others perceptions about it, they look at us as we're going out of our way to teach children (<18 yo) that they can not be responsible until this magic number 18 hits them. In Texas, it's 17, btw, with a 3 year Romeo and Juliet clause.


I think far too often people forget we are still slaves to our biological masters. We're horny because our body says "MAKE BABY NOW!". There are 13 year old that look like 18 AND get in to bars with a fake ID. They are horny like anyone else but are held to a different standard. Right, wrong, or indifferent -- that's the way it is and it'll be a political war to change it. The war won't be able what's best for the children or adults. It'll be what looks best and will help assist in voting people in to power.

In the US, sex is a scary thing. Showing vag in a movie will get you an X rating. But showing someone losing their torso and blood everywhere may still net you a PG-13 or maybe an R. Sex is natural and something your body really likes. Killing, not so much. Personally, I find us as backwards

CHOoseWisely (“S U I C I D E S O L D I E R”) #wingnut #psycho blackpill.club

The inevitable...

What is to come for Western Society has come for oh so many others, destruction.
The beta uprising will seal the kiss of death not of reconstruction, there is no saving this society, it’s over for every fucking facet of it.

In your lifetime you may witness Sodom and Gomorrah on a nation wide scale, we will see the destruction of all pure and evil.

None will be spared in an all out apocalyptic scenario, granny’s will be shot over a bottle of water, people will starve, buildings will burn, justice is raped, justice is done.

If you’re an American (or even Canadian) buy weapons, medical utilities, canned food and water and other miscellaneous items because when shit hit the fan you want to atleast survive the first wave which will wipe out all the under prepared (like what, 94% of the population JFL).

Get ready, the end is nigh

itsgoingtobealtright #racist #psycho reddit.com

[OP of "First they came for..."]


The picture is of a carriage in front of a palace. The caption is "First they came for the black, and I didn't speak out, because I wasn't black. And then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out, because I wasn't a Jew. And then they realized that all the problems had pretty much been solved, so they stopped coming for people."

Russian Propaganda #crackpot #psycho express.co.uk

Russia propaganda claims UK on 'brink of cannibalism' as Brits brace for ‘starvation'

A Russian journalist said the UK population are "preparing for starvation” due to the cost of living crisis the country is experiencing as a consequence of the support the UK is providing to Ukraine. Among the claims, the Russian article also described Russia and Belarus as the world’s “largest suppliers of food and fertilisers”.

The propagandistic article showed the image of two cavemen standing next to the Union Flag and read the title “Cold, Hunger, Cannibalism: London fell into its own Ukrainian pit”.

The article was posted on Tsargrad TV, a Russian television channel owned by Putin-supporter businessman Konstantin Malofeev.

Below the top picture, it stated: “Things are not going well in the UK.

“While politicians are playing into the Ukrainian crisis, their own population is preparing for starvation. “Europe is seeing an explosion in prices, and politicians are talking about the threat of mass starvation. “In some cities of Britain, a state of emergency is introduced due to food shortages”.

truefaithneworder #sexist #psycho incels.is

(Topic: “[JFL] IT can't recognize the daughter copypasta”, referencing this text which argues that having a daughter is “the ultimate cuckoldry” because you are “dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy”, and those are not even the worst parts.)

the copypasta makes even more sense everytime i read it tbh

Contra_Mundum #fundie #psycho puritanboard.com

Sometimes, the penalty-statement is a maximum, and not a mandatory penalty. The task of law-interpretation and law-application was one of wisdom, and not a job of accurate third-grade reading skills.

In the most obvious of rape-cases, the criminal was liable to death, see Dt.22:25. But, on the other hand, if the story was he-said/she-said and the case was inconclusive, there was a way to obtain a modicum of justice in a murky situation.

If God--who knows all things--was willing for those children to perish, he had a sufficient moral-justification for it. He did not always so command it; in fact, he made provision at times for mercy. Oddly (to our sentiments, at times) sometimes death (and swift at that) is mercy. Frankly, if an Israelite just left the city and its dead, with a few orphans wandering around in the desolation (hard to bear the thought, yes?) all would likely be dead soon anyway; or enslaved by some other party.

Suppose a case where all able-bodied persons are combatant, and all such persons are judged of God as irreparably corrupt. Stipulated: all of these adults deserve to die, and the warfare is just. Whose responsibility is it to care for their offspring? The Israelites? Why? If at times, when permitted of God, some of these were spared and taken care of by Israelites (not the case in e.g. 1Sam.15:3), this too was mercy; and, importantly, the kindness was not deserved.

We tend to gauge conditions in an ancient setting--or even in some other, rougher part of the world today--by our local standards: be that in sanitation, cuisine, justice, warfare, servitude, etc. We tend to like those parts of our own system that seem to have some sanction of God by loose conformity with our interpretation of the ancient world as we engage with it in the pages of the Bible. We are quick to make absolute connections with more than the moral-law, as if that were a simple task, and unconnected with time or place.

Life was (and sometimes still is) nasty, brutish, and short; mainly on account of sin and a resultant reduction of civility to a minimum. Bridges between societies are notoriously difficult to build and maintain; however much of an ideal it may be. The Ancient Near East was a place without much civility. Societies kept their standards and law within them; but beyond them was a world of conflict. "What's mine is mine; what's yours is negotiable."

Such was the chaos into which God saw fit to introduce a new nation, a covenanted people; while at the same time he judged the Canaanite society to be unfit to remain in the world. God personally had brought more, and more complete, ruin on an entire world--of men, women, and children--only a few generations prior by a flood. Drowning is a frightful and painful way for anyone to die.

God takes numerous children out of this life, who "have no knowledge of right from wrong." Is he evil or unjust for it? If we (rightly) say "No," then if he determined for Israel to be his instrument at one time in world history, he does not need any more justification than his commandment. I have proposed some rationalization in the above commentary, but do not mistake that for theodicy. God needs no such rational defense for his morally perfect will.