"Why can't we go back to the status quo? At least, we had comfort. Trump is too chaotic and wild. A man of war."
My response:
The previous status quo was nothing but war, hidden slavery, murder, the military industrial complex thumb on a world and people tell me that was a great time.
No, you simply felt comfortable because no one was challenging their power in a substantial way.
When Trump decided to push back against the globalist cult, he pushed for a real war. A war that actually meant something meaningful and good.
If you don't believe me, read the Georgia Guidestones, which now lies in rubble.
We are talking about a seismic shift. A pivotal moment in history. We were born to live in this special moment.
So, no, thank you.
I don't want to return to that status quo. I'd rather fight and believe to cross into that promised land than sit like a slave and reject the destiny that lay before. Not me or the many anons longing for a better world.
I choose real freedom.
Anon character has grown beyond what people can measure. Our patience is tremendous. We've been through a fire. Both personal and collective trials have hit us like rain drops pouring from the heavens.
Yet here we are. Still standing. Still believing.
Look how far we've all come.
We are an enigma.
History will look fondly upon the anons.
We've endured the precipice with knowledge the normie simply refuses to accept. That burden has made us tough as nails. Be proud, anons.
There's one way now and it's through. Whatever may come, that day draws near.
You came by the tens of million to become part of a historic movement the likes of which they have never seen before.
We are the only ones who can stop them.
They aren't coming after me, they're coming after you.
I'm standing in their way.
We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.
Trump is going to finish what he started.
I'm proud to be MAGA.
Proud to be a digital warrior for the bravest man I've ever seen.
We the People.