Various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming

A real conversation I had at my GSA.

( Tq231442 )
Just seeing your drawing reminds me of how I crossed the street today because I saw a crowd of people wearing thigh-highs, chokers, and bright hair coming in my direction.

I didn't want to smell them 💀

( cloudspinner )
Ew. The same kind of people showed up to the restaurant where I was having my birthday lunch last year. My dad and I traded looks but were very careful to keep our eyes trained on our food. It was so creepy.

( Tq231442 )
Imagine seeing a bunch of people acting out their fetish while with your family 🤮 shameless

( cloudspinner )
IKR? Dad and I were both creeped out when we left. I'm pretty sure we won't be going down Grand Ave. anytime soon.

( Nediljka_Orwell )
That’s the plan. All fetish enjoyment all the time, anywhere.

( jvsmine )
THIS. a bunch of furries dressed like this came to a local comic convention my town throws every year - and I can tell you that they were NOT there years prior. saw a male furry come out of a ladies bathroom, of course and I felt sick the rest of the day. I avoided these freaks like the plague and even refused to look at them and make a face bc I know a lot of them get off on our disgust. just grey rock the fuck out of them.

( Researcher1536 )
I was at a local restaurant and there were furries wearing their stuff while eating. There must have been a con nearby. But to see it in the wild was so jarring. My guy friend was like, "stop judging!" I said I'll judge all I want because I know the truth.

Orsola Mussolini, Vittoria Mussolini, Mirko Santarelli, Rachele Massimi and unnamed Neo-Fascist marchers #wingnut

The crowd of 2,000 to 4,000 marchers, many sporting fascist symbols and singing hymns from Italy's colonial era, was larger than in the recent past, as the fascist nostalgics celebrated the centenary of the March on Rome[…]
Organizers warned participants[…]not to flash the Roman salute[…]or they would risk prosecution. Still, some couldn't resist as the crowd stopped outside the cemetery where Mussolini is buried to listen to prayers and greetings from Mussolini's great-granddaughter, Orsola

"After 100 years, we are still here to pay homage to the man this state wanted, and who we will never stop admiring," Orsola Mussolini said, to cheers

She listed her great-grandfather's accomplishments, citing an infrastructure boom that built schools, hospitals and public buildings, reclaimed malaria-infested swamps for cities, and the extension of a pension system to nongovernment workers. She was joined by her sister Vittoria, who led the crowd in a prayer[…]
"I would have voted for Lucifer if he could beat the left," said organizer Mirko Santarelli, who heads the Ravenna chapter of the Arditi, an organization that began as a World War I veterans group and has evolved to include caretaking Mussolini's memory. "I am happy there is a Meloni government, because there is nothing worse than the Italian left. It is not the government that reflects my ideas, but it is better than nothing"

He said he would like to see the new Italian government do away with laws that prosecute incitement to hatred and violence motivated by race, ethnicity, religion and nationality[…]
"It is used as castor oil by the left to make us keep quiet. When I am asked my opinion of Mussolini, and it is clear I speak well of him, I risk being denounced"[…]
Rachele Massimi traveled with a group four hours from Rome on Sunday to participate in the event, bringing her 3-year-old who watched from a stroller

"It's historic," Massimi said. "It's a memory"

JBSLAYER , Absolute Penguin & ULTRAVISIONARYBLACKPILISM #sexist #fundie

Andrew Tate has converted to Islam
Allah u Akbar !!! He was too based to stay as a Christcuck

Tamim al-Dari reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house or residence but that Allah will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored and the disgraceful will be disgraced. Allah will honor the honorable with Islam and he will disgrace the disgraceful with unbelief.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 16957

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Disclaimer : I'm only a cultural Muslim, so I don't care about Islam being false. What really matters is the cultural values of Islam

( Absolute Penguin )
My parents are Muslim but I grew up Americanized I never got a sex slave

I kinda gave up on religion cus I never benifited from it living in USA

jfl there is some goat herder in the Middle East with 3 submissive virgin wives while I rot on .club


Muh Western liberals ....

Liberalism is the fruit of Christianity

Caging at your alleged hatred for the Jews when you literally worship a Jew who died 2000 years ago.

Mark my words, Christianity played a great role in the downfall of Roman Empire, and it is still playing a role in the downfall of western civilization.

But just in case, you are a pagan larper, keep your role play to 4chan and stormfront. Cause in real life, you guys are one big internet meme

Yeah muh islam meanwhile now Turkey will become atheism hell hole
Turkish woman literally has the highest body count in the world JFL

@DQImaging #transphobia

Your definition of "asshole" defines what most consider rational. No one "teaches" their kids to reject delusional pronouns. It's a natural impulse by any mentally healthy person.

You simply cannot teach a gene to ignore science.

It is irrational to expect healthy people to instantly assess when a person suffers from a mental illness such as Gender Dysphoria, especially kids.

Moreover it’s absurd and rather rude to assume everyone must play along with one’s delusional pronoun therapy without asking politely first.

Your Gender Dysphoria is a personal battle, a burden which should never be forced upon school kids under the threat of ruining their lives.

That is the true definition of an “asshole”.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. It's not evil to tell my in-group that these other out-groups are *successfully* targeting us for genocide and replacement.

Faggots like you want to keep waiting and waiting and waiting until the demographic shift has gone to such an extreme that White people can't even secure for themselves geographical areas thus ensuring our extinction.

Fuck you.


Yes, they want a race war, which you are fueling, evil anonymous Mossad agent. Doing the will of the devil.


they want to kill you AND are killing you

messano: yes they want a race war and you are talking about fighting back...playing right into their hands said

@BrianBoro @Wanderers_Choice lolol the last thing the jew wants is the White man waking up and turning into beast mode

@BillyBravo that is literally the only thing I want. I don't want to pass from this world without doing everything I can to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children

I don't think any White man will disagree with existing and providing a future for their White children

@BrianBoro @Wanderers_Choice He's right.. we so shouldn't fight back, it's what they want.

So remember kids, if somebody is attacking you with a baseball bat, don't defend yourself, because defending yourself just justifies the reason you're being attacked in the first place 👍

@Wanderers_Choice Boys, boys, we all hate the Jews.

@Wanderers_Choice is it a war if only 1 side is fighting?

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy

Here’s your reminder on 9/11 to Never Forget:

• The missing 3 trillion dollars the government “lost” the day before.
• The Israelis they caught with a van full of explosives that were on a rooftop filming BEFORE the first plane hit and had access to the buildings all month thanks to Mossad shell companies.
• Why building 7 fell down demolition style despite never being hit and two buildings away from the towers.
• Why the only footage from the Pentagon looks like a missile hit it.
• Why firemen heard large explosions going off at the base of building 1.
• How one of the terrorist’s passports was “found” in near perfect condition on the ground.
• Or how all the big honchos including the head of security for the entire WTC didn’t go to work that day.

I know I’m not supposed “to be saying this as a candidate” but you know what? I really do hope the media tries to slam me as a ”conspiracy theorist” for this one…at least it would force all these unanswered questions back into people’s minds. If our government has no problem creating illegal viruses, pushing toxic vaccines, denying us life saving medicine, and covering up mass shootings they always seem to have a hand in like Las Vegas…then they have no problem killing 3,000 of us for oil, war profits, and hiding the 3 trillion dollars they stole.


2-1/2 years ago I would have happily gone to blows with anyone that tried to desecrate the memory of 9/11. But with everything I’ve witnessed since March of 2020, my entire paradigm has shifted and I now question much of what I once believed. The only thing I don’t question is the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

@AmericanAFMindy 9/11 was a bank robbery

What does 9/11 has in common with COVID-19, Jan 6 and mass shootings?

ƃɐlɟ ǝslɐℲ

@AmericanAFMindy I think the biggest question that needs to be answered is what happened to the planes and passengers? Were they just nonexistent planes and invented passengers? What about the families?

Also one other piece that doesn’t fit is the supposed in flight calls to family members using cell phones which wouldnt have been able to make calls due to speed and altitude.

Dr. Bazylewicz #conspiracy #pratt #quack

Vaccination Detoxification
  Vaccines are filled with harmful adjuvants and components.

Coerced vaccination with no possibility of exemption is becoming a reality.  Nurses are ordered to comply in order to keep their jobs.  Children in California are mandated to receive vaccinations.  Just recently, New York City is requiring the measles vaccination or pay a $1000 fine with possible jail time.  Now we are experiencing mandatory covid shots from colleges and employers.

Keep in mind that unless someone is literally forcing the shot into you that you have a choice whether to get the shot or not.  In other words, there is a huge difference between forced and coerced.  With coersion, you actually have a choice.  Choose wisely. 

What do you do if you experience such gunpoint medicine?  I explain more about my personal program for vaccination detoxification below.

But first, as a note, vaccinations are not "safe and effective" as per their marketing mantra.  Rather, vaccinations are "unavoidably unsafe" as per the Supreme Court.

KatAnon/Juan O Savin #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

You mention all these different names with lucifer in it.
The “Lucis Trust” is what the Rockefellers put money into
to finance the United Nations.
They use Lucis/lucifer over & over again..
How did WW1 start?
The sinking of the “Lusitania..”
They have to hide it in plain sight
& if you don’t take action against it
that’s your fault..
Who set up Japanese Intelligence?
That was a MacArthur Operation
as we rebuilt Japan.. after WW2.
That’s why MacArthur & Eisenhower
decided together that Eisenhower
should go for the Presidency.
MacArthur acted like he rolled up & went away
yet he was helping coordinate
Intelligence people against
that Rockefeller operation & that Brit operation
that created CIA & Air Force & all the Masonic ties in there..
That MacArthur crowd
is the original crowd that led to..
the 17th letter operation in this current period.
It’s got earlier origins prior to that even
but that’s the modern side of this 🎖️🕊️


2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #conspiracy

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 to deliberately push the global climate terrorism agenda in order to usher in the eventual planetary Great Reset.

Today, the WEF and UN and their various assets are the public faces of this PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE scam.

One of the founders and thought leaders of the Club of Rome was sociopathic enough to agree to an interview where he admits their eugenics agenda in plain sight:

A “special” and “peaceful” way to depopulate, indeed; in other words, through slow kill bioweapon injections, food and environmental induced sickness, stress, energy depletion, hyperinflation, starvation, selective radioactive eradication, etc.

Dennis Meadows is the extension of the Fabian Society cult. He is a Neo-Marxist and Neo-Malthusian technocrat. His partners in crime today are the CFR, UN, WEF, WHO, IMF, BIS, Rockefeller and Gates foundations, the intelligence agencies and the illegitimate and criminal governments that execute their agendas on those they pretend to represent.

If history teaches us one lesson it is that evil always loses in the end. Freedom, morality and enlightened interdependence always triumphs; that is, until the next wave of evil gathers again.

Technocommunism will fail.

The Great Reset will fail.

CBDCs will fail.

The various Psyops will fail, and mass induced fear will no longer work on increasingly awakening populations.

There will be no 4th Industrial Revolution; the 4th Turning will make sure of that.

But life will get worse before it gets better.

PS: when Klaus Schwab and his in-house jargon generators came up with their “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” quote they were simply ripping off Brave New World and its perma-high on soma technocommunist Fabian Society futurism.

Various Kiwifarmers #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist #transphobia

Dylan James Mulvaney, a gay man interprets 'girlhood' in all glorious technicolor.

Dylan Mulvaney is an American musical theater performer who transitioned to save his career from the inevitable fate of an ageing twink at just 24.

The sheer comedic absurdity of Dylan's physical presence is never more apparent than when set against the great outdoors, so he takes ample opportunity to flap around shrubbery or scamper about rocky paths wearing ankle-breaker heels.

After graduating in 2019 Dylan was cast in The Book of Mormon national tour, but he found no more meaningful work when it ended with the pandemic in full swing. Which leads to Dylan staring down the barrel of 25 years old with the dead eyes you see on the right. He looks like that for a few months before changing pronouns on TikTok in September 2021 and blossoming into the manic transfeminine imp we see today.

He needs a good old fashioned slap in the face.

I think your take on why he trooned out is interesting.
He's a prime example of the twink ultra fag to troon pipeline.
Maybe he did troon out to get attention and revive his career.

(Myrtle the Turtle)
Agreed. Twinks have a short shelf life. 18-22 is the typical lifespan, possibly 25 if you have good genetics and a good plastic surgeon. After that you better bulk up, become a man or risk become an annoying fem gay. Methinks Dylan had some kind of breakdown during covid and went to the troon pipeline as a coping mechanism for getting older or something. Most zoomer girls don't go for the 1950s-60s housewife look so clearly his only idea of women is what he's looked at in magazines or movies from that era.

Wonder if he got sexually assaulted or something because he went from instagay to deranged fairly quickly.

(John Flynt's Axe Wound)
This fag has one of the most punchable faces on this site.

He disgusts me on a visceral level. I’m not sure which is worse: AGP coomers or screeching flamers like Dylan.

(Luigi Cadorna)
This man might legitimately be the most sexist person alive. Who the fuck thinks women act like this? I know most troons play their absurd stereotypes of women up to eleven but this fucker blows out the amplifier.

Andrew Anglin #racist #homophobia #wingnut

[From "Elon Retweets Twitter Safety Jew Who is Banning N-Word Sayer Accounts"]

That disgusting house nigger LeBron James was whining that people were saying nigger on Twitter[…]
What insecurity?

Imagine being a famous multimillionaire celebrity and going around with hurt feelings because people said a mean word[…]
Just a thought: maybe it wouldn’t hurt his feelings so bad if he didn’t look like a prehistoric ape?[…]
It says in the Constitution I have a right to nigger, and I will nigger as I darn well please without this nigger getting in my darn business

Apparently, there is still some Jew working at Twitter’s “Trust and Safety” (I assumed this department was abolished), and Elon retweeted him saying that everyone who was saying nigger got banned[…]
In the last 48 hours, we’ve gone from “wow, we’re going to have free speech back!” to “oh, this doesn’t look good, he’s talking about a council” to now “he’s officially announcing there won’t be any free speech and he’s celebrating Jews banning people”

This is disgusting and evil. It was pure evil for Elon to claim he was bringing back freedom of speech and then go full Jew

I said that people shouldn’t go just spam the n-word on Twitter, but someone was going to do it regardless[…]Who cares about that? Some whinny ball-chucker? Tell him to man up and stop acting like a little pussy faggot going around whining about people hurting his feelings

Is there anything gayer than a big gay nigger whining about his feelings?[…]
I have so many blacks that read this website and think it’s funny when I use mean words. How would someone care? Why would they care?

Can you imagine caring that blacks are saying “cracker” or “honkey” or that Moslems are calling you their various slurs?[…]
Anyway, yeah – looks like the “free Twitter” thing was a bust. There is no way to defend Elon coming out and saying he’s banning “trolls” for saying the n-word

woodchip #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

TC touches on it. First off in the espionage act it quite clearly states that if you are in possession of classified documents you are guilty of a felony. While Mueller gave HC a pass because he didn't think (but didn't know) she intended to use the information that is no excuse as the Act specifically states intent is not to be considered. Trump an the other hand, as POTUS can change the classification of most any documents on his say so alone. I believe he did so. So there it is in a nutshell. HC committed a crime and got let off because she is a Dem, Trump doesn't get let of because he is a Rep.

Margarita Simonyan #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #wingnut

State Russian TV blames Friends TV series for the Ukraine ar:

[Some may say] whatever… oh well, it is not clear what we are fighting for. This is where the loss begins. Losing always starts with the fact that you don’t care if you win or not. What is this fighting all about? This war is for our right to have our children be like us and not be like them. It is a gulf between us and our children, and them and their children - a mental, cultural gulf. It cannot be jumped over already, not a single living creature can - it is already so huge. 30 years ago, when I myself studied in the states, it seemed we are so similar. And we really were alike. It was just beginning then - the very first gurgles of now already boiling ultra-liberal borscht - they were so small then, it was hard to notice them. You had to have very good eyesight to notice it in the 1994 series Friends, for example, which is still probably the most popular American TV series of all time, such a personification of American culture. Let me remind you that the first episode begins with the main character who enters, confused and sad. Why is he confused and sad? Because his wife left for a woman, discovering after several years of marriage that she was a lesbian. And this is shown sympathetically: she seems to be right, but he is not quite right. This is 1994. It was also impossible to notice frenzied propaganda in this, because it was so rare, so fresh, so interesting. And now we have what we have. And we will not jump over this [gulf]. We either save ourselves - the way we have to do it now, or we’ll be there.

Dmitry Evstafiev #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

During Solovyov’s show on Monday, the host and guests continued their attempts to convince fellow Russians that dying would be a better option as opposed to being defeated. Professor Dmitry Evstafiev offered up a hypothesis that if they lose, Russians would be exhibited in American zoos along with animals. He said, “Western people like colonialism... They want to have us in their zoos. They will come and see—over there is an elephant and over here is a Russian... Don’t come close and don’t try to feed him through the cage.”

@Rex_Landy #transphobia

Your periodic reminder that if you have recourse to use a public toilet in service of your monthly bleeding, carry Tabasco/wasabi/chili and anoint every used tampon and pad you throw away. (See what I did there? 💃)
Why, you ask me?
Because cockfrockers and pigwiggers rootle around in the bins and take the used products home. They then either: insert them up their arses, or wear them in their manties to get that totally-authentic-and-not-a-man-in-a-dress-with-a-raging-fetish-I'm-truly-a-ladywumman-see? feel.
#Glovesoff #TeamTERF
Why do the tranny lovers never condemn THESE men? Or the rapists? Or the voyeurs? The molesters? Oh, are they them them too? #askingforafriend

@wilsb8 #transphobia

Anyone who tells you they have gender dysphoria is mentally ill and while we do have sympathy for mentally ill people, that shit runs out the moment they start violating others' safety and security in a shitty quest for validation.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Nailed it.

@JaydaFransen Too funny. These "black folks" still complaining about things they aren't never ends. This is why you can't have a civilized society (with "equality") when you some who believe they are always "victims". Even the most successful, wealthy blacks still believe it (see Oprah as a good example).

@Driver @JaydaFransen I don't know that they REALLY believe it, they are just milking it for all it is worth.

@Driver @JaydaFransen White people are privileged the moment they are born as they are simply better

@JaydaFransen This guy is right. Niggers are the absolute worst.

@brextremist @JaydaFransen

I’d say they’re a close second to jews.

@brextremist @JaydaFransen Niggers and Jews should hold hands and go swimming in the deepest regions of the ocean.

@JaydaFransen that gay porn star George Floyd was worshipped for a fuckin year. and shit for brains traycoonius Martin for YEARS. the list is long. yet they follow us when we move, they hate us but cannot survive with out us. look at what they did to every major metropolitan city east of the Mississippi.


When will the black community pay reparations for all of your damage to America for the last 100 years?

@JaydaFransen they get a whole month and do nothing but bitch about slavery, like they were the only "category of humans" to ever be enslaved.

@JaydaFransen What about all of the citys, black folks burned down because of Criminal Floyd.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Georgia is Bulldog Red!

And we’re going make Congress RED in 2022!

@RealMarjorieGreene We will lose the entire country if white erasure isn't stopped.

@RealMarjorieGreene Women and blacks are here to save the "Conservative" party. Just vote harder Whiteman!

@Sarpedon9R @RealMarjorieGreene any self respecting White Man and Woman should forget about the Republican Party the same way they forgot about us

@RealMarjorieGreene lot of fucking niggers and system pigs in the photos you horsefaced jew-whore

@RealMarjorieGreene how about making America White?

@RealMarjorieGreene Why are you supporting more negroes in the government? That’s the last thing we need.

@RealMarjorieGreene The caption is wrong. It’s was supposed to say, “ look we love Africans, vote for us”

@RealMarjorieGreene niggers? ... forget it

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

“SynBio” means synthetic biology. If a corporation develops a gene-altering technology that gets injected into your body and permanently alters your chromosomes to be something other than fully human, they have turned you into a part-synthetic organism. Under existing US law and court precedent, that corporation may have an intellectual property claim to your physical body, which would make you a slave to that corporation.

A legal war is being fought right now to determine whether mRNA injections that alter human chromosomes confer intellectual property ownership rights of the organism to the corporation that invented the injection. Attorney Todd Callender is currently engaged in this legal battle in an effort to secure the status of self-ownership of your own body, a principal from which the entire philosophy of freedom springs.

In today’s Situation Update podcast, I interview Todd Callender, covering a sweeping range of truly shocking realizations surrounding the covid jab, genetic alterations and the “borgification” of humanity. Some of the items covered in this interview include:

– The lawsuit against the DoD over vaccine mandates
– Why vaxxed people may be PROPERTY of the pharmaceutical cartels
– The Truth for Health Foundation
– The global #TRANSHUMANISM push and the war against humanity
– Gene deletion effects
– SM-102, nanolipids and luciferase
– Cesium 137 (Cs-137) as a cellular potentiator
– How to remove radioactive cesium-137 from your body
– What is Prussian Blue?
– External frequency activation of self-assembled nanocircuits
– Cellular “borgification” and the takeover of the body
– The human body as a HOST for a SynBio nanoscale computational cloud

PJZ/Kim Goguen #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Kim <Goguen> proving that she controls the currencies around the world evidently created concerns for the psychopaths because both sides, the Order of the Dragon and the Order of the Black Sun decided to have a meeting on Saturday afternoon which took place in New York. The new 24 Rothchilians who stepped up to take on their destiny of World Domination are younger folks, less than 70 years old and have no experience running anything. On the Black Sun side there are some remaining generals who are a step down from the 40 who were removed earlier in the week, and they too have chosen to step up and continue the world domination plans of their Order. <...>
Hundreds of thousands of companies were in this network for a very long time in order to create corporate control of the world. Bush Senior, when he was the Black Eagle and head of the Black Sun had the highest level of control for this network and Kim is sure until recently someone else took that position and still had access. Although she said he would have had limited access because she had firewalled everything which prevented a lot of entry. But if you had access to this network, think how easy it would be to economically assassinate a corporate entity or know who discovered a technology in a university laboratory, which university had the smartest students, etc. So this crap about sanctions against Russia is just nonsense.
She’s been fighting with various versions of Huawei in San Francisco and a few other places also during the weekend because Huawei was actually to be ECHELON 2.0, it was its replacement. And that said, the NSA is still taking orders from the Wangs in China just like they always have. So Kim was fighting with the NSA all weekend too because they were under strict orders to never let Kim <get through sending her single dollar proving she controls the currencies until they could come to the meeting.

John de Nugent #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy

Now the chemtrails are dyed blue to bluish to stand out less; jews whine about gas chambers yet have made our entire sky into one big gas chamber

Let me be explicit: the main problem here is that the ingredients in chemtrails make Americans gradually into cowards. They cause both depression and anxiety, which together add up to feeling cowardly.

In a country with 800 million guns, and millions of military veterans, they then moan like yellow-bellied pussies:

“Whaddya gonna do? You can’t do nuthin’.”

Really? You can’t do nothing with 800 million guns???
Chemtrails create cowardice.

Can’t do nuthin’ in a country full of lethal firearms? LOL! This guy would have disagreed. There does come a time when further talk is useless, further information about the tyranny is a waste of time — and you realize you are dealing with a mortal enemy who wants you dead — and he despises you for not acting to defend your rights, yourself and your family.

Lev #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist

Yes, phantoms and biorobots are a considerable part of the world’s population. It is almost impossible to distinguish them from other people by an unambiguous external signs.

At first glance, the situation is paradoxical. In the astral, there is a rush to incarnate on Earth, a shortage of human bodies for this, huge queues and other signs of excess demand over supply. According to various estimates, in near-Earth space, 60 billion to 100 billion Souls are waiting in line for embodiment.

But at the same time, the System continues to produce phantoms and biorobots, as it is FORCED to do so. Its supply exceeds demand, and at the slightest increase in the latter, it’s immediately filled with dolls.

In fact, there are no contradictions here. Not every human body can accept the Souls of the Higher Worlds.
Of course, a lot depends on the
chosen scenario of life, its complexity. As practice shows, many incarnated often lack awareness, due to various reasons. As a result, the animal aspect begins to prevail, and the Soul cannot open up. Such people are often taken for biorobots.

It is for this purpose that the 3D Matrix stamps human bodies with low DNA quality, so that it would be impossible to physically fit a large amount of tasks, successfully pass the main exams here and now, and wake up.
It is for this purpose that the 3D Matrix stamps human bodies with low DNA quality, so that it would be impossible to physically fit a large amount of tasks, successfully pass the main exams here and now, and wake up.

To prevent it, the 3D Matrix continuously turns on various blockages – from complex pregnancies and childbirth injuries, the hunger for a profit pharma, medicine and social attitudes, to impurities in water and products, tobacco goods, drugs and alcohol that destroy DNA, the human body and energy.

As a result, even the strongest-minded person can, by his free will and free choice, become a biorobot, killing his corpus, consciousness, and Soul.

Iran’s ministry of intelligence and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps #conspiracy

Two female journalists who were instrumental in reporting the death of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old woman whose death in the custody of Iran’s morality police has sparked nationwide protests, have been labelled as CIA foreign agents by the Iranian regime

Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, who were arrested shortly after news broke of Amini’s death and who are reportedly being held in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, were accused of being foreign agents in a joint statement released by Iran’s ministry of intelligence and the intelligence organisation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards last night

The statement, which refers to the two women as NH and EM, also described the protests as a pre-planned operation launched by the CIA, Mossad and other western intelligence agencies

The statement, which accused both women of being “primary sources of news for foreign media”, accused Hamedi of posing as a journalist and of compelling the family of Mahsa Amini to release information about their daughter’s death[…]
Mohammadi has been accused by the IRGC and the intelligence ministry of receiving training as a foreign agent abroad for her reporting from Amini’s funeral in her home town of Saqqez

Mohammadi was arrested on 22 September and her lawyer said security forces broke down her door and took away personal items such as her phone and laptop

The statement, which was sent to Iranian news agencies on Friday evening, has been received with shock and fear by other Iranian journalists. The crime of spying for foreign governments carries the death penalty in Iran

James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

The spirit of deception is alive and well at the second annual Pagan Pride Fest in Tyler, Texas.

Despite the event organizer, Raynie Castañeda, claiming the event was "not satanic," nothing could be further from the truth. Those hosting the event appeared to be trying to distort and spread false senses of self and identity to the attendees.
The event was formed specifically to be anti-Christian.

In promotional material distributed beforehand, the event is described as a place to "gather & celebrate ourselves in the center of town, on our Good Old Square, which has historically been the place of our town's atrocities against BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Pagans, and any non-Christian folk. We reclaim this space in Honour of Ourselves, or our Gods, or our Ancestors."

The focus was to celebrate "ANY Pagan, Heathen, Satanist, Atheist, Spiritualist, any 'Other'd' folk who just don't know."
As reported by Tayler Hansen, the Satanic Temple clergy were clad in black robes and an assortment of demonic masks, while charging people $10 to be "un-baptized" by having a black upside-down cross drawn on their foreheads as they exclaimed "Hail Satan!"
Denial has worked so well for Satan and his minions, there is no reason to stop it now. People are being deceived by this tactic as is evidenced by this festival and others like it across the world.

The goal of making it appear innocent and undermine the seriousness of the spiritual impact an event like this would have can be seen across America.

The same spirit that claims a pagan festival's sole focus is not to be anti-Christian, is the same spirit that wants to see children exposed to sexually explicit drag shows. It wants to see children taught CRT and LGBTQ ideology in schools across the nation. It wants the government to continue to deny the existence of God (such as the Democratic party's pledge to secularism) and keep the truth of Jesus Christ from the hearts of as many as it can.

Margarita Simonyan, head of the russian state news agency RT #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut

“The world is at a dead-end—first and foremost, in terms of values. If the Western world continues to develop in the same way and proceeds along the same insane trajectory, then it’s headed towards the destruction of mankind—even without any kind of a war,” she said. “Another fifty to a hundred years and no one will give birth anymore. No one will be able to give birth. With all the hormonal therapies, with their pharmaceutical lobbies, with brainwashing the mentality of their own nation and others, their own people and their own empires.”

She went on: “I don’t want to live in this kind of a world. It’s better to go to heaven right away, as Putin said: We’ll go to heaven and they’ll just croak.” Simonyan proclaimed her unwillingness “to live in the world where I’d be prohibited to put dresses on my daughters and to explain to my son that he is a boy.” She concluded: “This is already happening in many countries. For me, it’s unbearable. For me, this is worse than war. Indeed, it’s worse than war.”

“Will we win? Do we have enough strength? Do we have enough weapons? We’re not talking about a victory over Ukraine... right now, it’s abundantly clear that we’re dealing with the origin of that tumor I just mentioned, with the monstrous organism that is known as the collective Western world. It’s powerful, successful, well-armed and at the same time, utterly screwed-up, hotheaded and totally uneducated.”

Dr. Mitch Sutton #conspiracy #pratt #quack

Vaccines happen even though they shouldn’t. Maybe you have vaccinated your children and are just now realizing the damage they can cause. Vaccinated children have higher rates of infections, allergies, brain cancer rates, and immune deficiency disorders. Maybe you are required to get the vaccine because of your profession. There can be an immediate adverse response, or the toxins can slowly erode your health.

Various commenters #transphobia

"You're denying my existence!" Yes, that is correct. I am denying that trans is a legitimate thing.
I don't believe anyone is actually trans. I don't believe in gender souls. I don't believe anyone is born in the wrong body.

So when TRAs say "you're denying the existence of trans people!" they're absolutely correct. I deny any of this is real or legitimate.

It is entitled, manipulative, misogynistic behavior grounded in solipsism and narcissism. It is abusive bullying disguised as a faux human rights campaign. It has no basis in objective fact. It is illogical, unreasonable, and impossible to defend or support. It is a flimsy excuse to destroy and hurt women. It is mental illness in a frilly dress and lipstick.

Trans identity is anything but factual or legitimate—it simply does not exist.

( realityismykink )
I peaked all over again when I realized that they were the only ones denying their existence. A man with a crossdressing fetish who insists he isn't a man with a crossdressing fetish, but actually a woman, is literally denying his own existence. We're the only ones who refuse to deny their existence, and it enrages them.

( [Deleted] )
Lol true. I never thought of it that way

( ifelifelse )
Yes! I thought the same! Isn’t it “transphobic” to claim TWAW or to say that Richard Levine is “female” (etc)? That’s actually implying that trans is bad or doesn’t exist! They go around all day pretending they’re the same as us, denying their own “existence”. We’re just saying that we won’t go along with their delusions, not that we think they don’t exist.

( bumpyjerboa )
I don't believe in a lot of things and I don't think people should get special treatment for their religious beliefs. (Even if I share those beliefs myself!) That's all trans is. It's not denying their existence the same as refusing to privilege someone's other, more traditional religious beliefs isn't denying their existence.

I also don't like to have a fake tea party with my nieces every time they ask, that doesn't mean I think my nieces don't exist.

( pennygadget )

I don't believe in a lot of things and I don't think people should get special treatment for their religious beliefs.

If an orthodox Jew can't force people around them to eat kosher, than a man shouldn't be able to force people to pretend he's a woman.

PeskySeperatist , Feminist_Username & IWantAGirlRiot #transphobia

Even if I ruin our relationship, I still want you to support me during transition!

( PeskySeperatist )
That self righteous little "oh pleaaase be kind and dont point out she's an absolute villain, and me a poor widdle victim 🥺" lets me know two things:

1. He wants her to get an absolute grilling.

2. He wants to show her the comments and play it off like he didnt want this to happen.

He's seriously deluded if he thinks this will help his situation.
Also I love the "I dont even know for certain I am trans" when she says they need to break up.
Just when he thought he'd succeeded in pushing his fetish onto her, she laid down the facts and he thought he could trick her into staying by pretending there was still a chance he wasnt a deranged AGP creep.
Her fast turnaround is interesting to me too. Wonder if he did some weird shit that gave the game away and made her realise it's a fetish.

( Feminist_Username )
100% agreed, she had to listen to him talk about his lady feelings for an entire fucking day after she had to do his damn eyebrows and was like nah I'm good. Tells us all we need to know.

AGPs breed terfs lol and they absolutely do not have the self awareness to realize it. Their constant self-insertion into female spaces literally drives women away from them. The more they get what they want, the more people around them realize why they never should have been given what they want in the first place.

When I stood up to my TIM relative he accused me of getting in with the wrong crowd lmao. My poor little ladybrain couldn't be coming up with boundaries or ideas on it's own, of course. No awareness whatsoever that his actions were the sole thing that informed my opinion.

( IWantAGirlRiot )
Holy shit, I identify as your post. There was a moment at a dinner where a TiM relative and my partner spoke over their mother, their aunt, and myself to correct the TiM’s pronouns. I was truly peaked. We were talking about the past. It was family history chat. All the women speaking, it made me sick how eager the TiM was to edge in, with some kind of exhaustion, to remind us silly women to watch our tongues.

dsar9013 , FailedArtist & Ugly_equals_Death #racist #wingnut

( dsar9013)
I just realized porn is legal because of jews
If I as a goyim, went up to a minor and started showing them hardcore porn of gangbangs and women getting anal gaped, I would be arrested and probably even charged with pedophilia. Yet internet porn is 100% legal and the vast majority of teenagers are watching it and no one cares, not even (((conservatives))) who are ruled by jews. Even zoomer E-girls and celebrities like Billie Eilish admit they grew up watching porn from 12 years on and got addicted to it and now won't fuck a guy without a massive dick. This was probably the plan of the jews all along, make goyim women whores who reject majority of goyim men who don't have 12 inch cocks and then they don't have families and there are less goyim in the world. It's a soft genocide that jews invented. Only people who would ban porn at this point are Nazis because they refuse to allow jews to genocide goyim, every other political group is controlled by jews.

pornography is 100% hewish, before the third reich the weimar republic. was a hot beed of Homosexuality, transexuals and sexual degeneration. the Germans tried to resist the jewish menace and threw the kikes at concentration camps, then world war 2 happened, Americans and Commies liberated the kikes, most jews flew like parasites jumping to a new host to israel and america, in israel they massacred the local population to create their ethno state, and america turned into the weimar republic, and used the massive american median empire to spread this degeneracy world wide.

Tbh i think porn is a good thing. Yes it ruins your brain. Yes its run by kikes.

But who cares?

Its the same with trannies yes they are also caused by porn and kikes.

But why is it so bad? As if without porn every girl would date her looksmatch jfl. Porn is a coping mechanism to cope with sexual frustration.

The harsh truth is the common man is basicly screwed.

There have never been "good times" for average men. You should hate your egoistic parents who could have saved you from all this shit but decided to just not care.

And now what can you do? Kill yourself? Take drugs? Porn is nothing more than a drug free to use. So what can you do? Society doesnt let you breed. This wont change. You can cope or you can kill yourself. If you want to kill yourself go ahead i would rather cope.

"This Totally Happened" Award

for opening new horizons in self-proctology

@Rex_Landy #transphobia

If you have recourse to a public toilet when you need to change your menstrual products, women... anoint every used product with Tabasco/ghost chilli sauce/wasabi.
Trannies root about in our period waste bins, take them home and shove them up their arses or put them in their manties #TrueStory whole threads are dedicated to how euphoric they feel when they've got a random woman's used bloody pad against their oestrogen soaked weeping turkey neck cock. #NoFilter #Glovesoff #NoQuarter
You know it's true. I'm merely the messenger. Buy your chilli now! #TeamTERF Men are not women, even if you squint.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The January 6th Political Prisoners are still rotting in jail with limited access to basic necessities. The civil rights abuses being inflicted on them reflects a third world political system.

Free the J6 Political Prisoners.

Never forget Ashli Babbitt.


@DrPaulGosar never forget the entire uniparty was in on it.

@DrPaulGosar You may wanna ask Trump why He stopped caring, wait He helped put them there. Gotts love how he bailed on them after telling them to march to the Capitol. Fact!

@ConserveMark @DrPaulGosar

Trump was a plant and J6 was a trap set by Trump to arrest patriots.

@Anatoly_Dyatlov Well they are going after His donors now. I think Trump is playing his role to keep conservatives on hopium while the NWO keeps moving forward. Trump sold out long ago. So many tells. Like his gooing over Q Elizabeth. What He said about her around wake up the Trump loyalist but like Obamas fanatics MAGA are just as lost.

@DrPaulGosar - I have to say Mr Congressman that killers and rapist have more rights. There has to be a deeper ordeal going on for the J6 peeps having this treating!!!

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
How different would the national conversation be without armies of bots online influencing other people's opinions?

How do you think Trump derangement syndrome was fabricated?

@DrPaulGosar this just supports the argument that democracy is a failure.

@magnoliawhite @DrPaulGosar not really. Kill all jews and this problem goes away. Just saying.

@TheRisenOne @magnoliawhite @DrPaulGosar If I was Führer, all baby Jews born today would not know freedom. Every jew would be sent to a concentration camp to live out their lives. All would be chemically sterilized. All jews with over 5 million dollars would be summarily executed, because that wealth is a guarantee that they are immoral, because you cannot succeed in this system without being an immoral jew. Not sorry. Not apologizing. It's time they get their Holocaust because they have perpetrated countless ones against us Aryans. That's not even counting the 100 million chinks they starved + all the others.

They will live, work and die in these camps. There will be no remorse, mercy, second thoughts or softening of hearts. That is for my own people. They will count themselves lucky that they can apply for a Bible to read free of charge.

@SporkLiftDriver @magnoliawhite @DrPaulGosar white men voting only

@magnoliawhite @DrPaulGosar Democracy is a failure. That is why the founding fathers decided on a Republic.

@DrPaulGosar Why is it that we NEVER see live war footage from Ukraine? Is there really a war ongoing? Americans are paying for a supposed war, but we don't get to see actual war video because the Ukrainian gov't bans it which explains why you only see "live" reports on the war being given by reporters from hotel balconies.

Jorgensen Shmorgensen #transphobia #psycho #wingnut

"Trans” in the News: Autogynophilia shoved into school kids’ faces — public applauds “trans”, ignores kids and scolds “bigots”

Autogynophilia is the specific mental illness of the majority of male “Trans” who pretend to be women (see Ed Wood and Ed Gein). Autogynophilia is a hetero male’s sexual fetish where the male gets a boner in a mini skirt while stroking his fake boobs and tossing his blonde wig . See examples at this infamous Autogynophile web site: (NSFNP: Not Safe for Normal People)

Autogynophilia is a sexual fetish and not an “identity” or “human right”. Autogynophilia has has nothing to do with male homosexuality, indeed most autogyns hate homosexuals. Autogynophilia in public is the same as masturbating in public — there is no difference — and it’s now totally normal and completely OK with the “people” of the communist hellhole called Canadodoland where this was filmed this week. btw The male teacher “Mr. Hanna” returned from last term in june when he was a man and now is a sexually acting out his fetish as “Kayla” with captive school kids as his forced audience for him to get his sexual freak on.

If the human race intends to continue, there is only one possible response to such a “teacher” at this point:


Jorgensen Shmorgensen #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist #kinkshaming #fundie

Good day, children. Today our Grade 2 class celebrates another Transplendent day of anti-white Transness here in our magical kingdom of Translandia-Canadodoland. Remember that Grand-Wizard Lord Soros’ Trans Inc. liberated you from your own Caucasianness and Transformed you into mock-POC honoured allies after the State liberated you from your racist whyt-peepo parents who were charged with procreating whiteness and jailed in the penal colonies of all-white Antarctica to pay for their ancestors’ crimes of spreading Intergalactic Whiteness.

As your non-binary fa’afafine-adjacent genderflorin teacher-friend, I will be using some French words today to honour the anniversary of The Islamic Republic of France that liberated the mother-country whose racist forebears colonized our own country’s two-spirited peoples in the former French imperialist province of Le Pays de Cochons Blanc. So, mes enfants, let us celebrate today’s hagiographic calendar of Trans Saints with two very special hetero-Trans male martyrs.

Today we worship two Autogynophile Trans saints who triumphed over whiteness so that all maleborn be-penised white-beings can proudly flaunt “female” erections in our miniskirts thus liberating us from heteropatriarchal imperialism. Let us kneel and assume the position, ma petit choses. O Trans Saint Stu Rasmussen of Oregon. O Trans Saint Stef-On-Knee of Torontula. O ye Trans martyrs. Thou hast reverse-colonized heteronormative males who renounced their whiteness by donning female clothing and erotically self-sexualizing their Transness by wearing womanhood as a bonerizing skin suit. Blessed Be the Autogynophile jug-wow of your synthetic EEE fake breastial mam-hams. Blessed Be the instruments of your Autogynophile martyrdom, the miniskirt and the blonde she-wig. Deus Sex Trangendera! O Trans! Blessed Be!

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia

The United States has undergone a coup. Having observed no martial conflict, you might think that I have gone off my rocker. But not all coups are physically violent. They can occur because poisonous ideas take hold and subvert the society. The United States is defined by the Constitution, and when the Constitution is eroded away, so is the United States.

The Constitution has been eroding away for a long time. The liberals said the Constitution had to be a living document, which means that it is forever changing, which means redefined, which means eroded.
Today free speech and association are dead letter rights. Everyone can now censor our free speech–employers, school boards, people claiming they are “offended,” social media, print and TV media. People who say something “offensive” can be erased and never heard from again. What this means is that whoever controls the right to be “offended” can cancel the free speech of those who cannot claim to be “offended.” Without free speech, there is no debate, just the imposition of approved views.

In Woke America, this is the situation today.
When something so juvenile can be designated an insurrection, you know a coup has occurred. The message is clear. Those supporting the established order against the coup that is being imposed are enemies of the people.

You can also tell a coup has occurred when perversity of all kinds, particularly sexual, is celebrated and normality is derided as “fascism” or some form of phobia or other word of abuse. When the moral high ground is held by LGBT– people who cannot reproduce–and nature’s norm of heterosexual is regarded. as an unjustified definition of normality, the natural order has been overthrown.

That’s where we are today. Soon pedophilia will be declared normal, and there will be brothels where formerly depraved people, now normalized, can have sex with children.
We already have one foot in Sodom and Gomorrah, and the other foot is drawing nearer.

Saturn's Cube Exposed #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie

This website is devoted to exposing the Truth concerning the Father of all Lies "Saturn's Cube Box". All major religions worship it. Their False law of deception originates from it. I am going to show you everything is in Fact a Fraudulent Lie in order to control you. The question you need to ask yourself is why do they need to control you? That's because you have not yet discovered who and what you truly are that they wish to control. I can not show you every thing and in minute detail because it would take to long and it would overwhelm you. However, I am aware because the Universe/Superconsciousness has shown me and made me aware and now I am making you aware in order so you can begin to change your reality by changing yourself or your awareness.
The Earth is a prison and your physical body is the cell to this prison and it traps you here within this reality. You may be in fact within a Hologram which you perceive as real and it is NOT! Further, "they" are NOT aliens from outer space nor even ghosts. "They" are the fallen angels known as the watchers. Their disembodied by-product are known as the nephilum. "They" had access to the Earth even before the time of "Adam"/Atom (human kind). The nephilum are commonly referred to as the demons . "They" can shape shift into any physical form both animate and inanimate objects. You are in fact fallen in this physical form and they have access to this reality and work through their agents to influence/control you through your physical body form to extract both your physical and emotional energies which is then sent back to Saturn/Satan. The reason for this? To eventually harvest your Soul, insert it into another embryo, and start the process all over again in another physical body. Some refer to it as Reincarnation. This is the first level of Hell (the prison).

Lothorian Magick #magick #mammon

**RARE** SAMHAIN GATEWAY Portal Key Djinn Amulet of Wishes
This Haunted Samhain Gateway Portal Key Amulet is one that truly reaches into the deepest and most passionate realms of the Paranormal World. This powerful Ancient spell will invoke Spirits and Entities and call upon their great Power to bring you what you want and desire! Use this item to conjure and communicate with spiritual entities of all breeds. This item will heighten your psychic abilities and open your third eye, which are crucial factors in communicating with spirits. Gain Clairvoyance and Clairaudience! Witness the power of paranormal entities first hand! Communicate with friends and loved ones who have passed on. Find out the secrets and keys to the lost treasures of the world. Conjure wish-granting entities such as Djinn, Dragons, and Devatas! Gain Wealth, Power and Success! This Ancient spell has been used for thousands of years. It is a must for anyone who has paranormal items or spirits bound within their homes. The results will amaze you!
TOP LEVEL DJINN GENIE! This Phenomenal and Powerful Metaphysical Treasure is Cast and Conjured with 33 Ancient Illuminati Spells of Elite Power and Ability! You shall be amazed by the radiant Energy within this Vessel! This Sacred Item contains a 8,706 Year Old Entity of the Highest Class and Power! This Sacred Djinn/Genie is bound by No stipulations, meaning ALL Power and ALL Wishes shall be Granted! Enter into the Sacred Circle of Lothorian to receive our Sacred Magick bestowed upon us by Our Ancestors!
WARNING! The Powers of this sacred vessel are extremely Powerful and not for the weak! This item contains the Power of Centuries Old Magick, including Ancient Illuminati Rituals that have been used by the World's TOP Wealth and Royal Elite for Hundreds of Years. Our Magick Spells and Paranormal Artifacts are of the most powerful and sacred ritual practices in existence. This item is not to be taken lightly!

Liberty to the Captives #fundie #magick #conspiracy

Satan has his own harvest celebration— a harvest of souls that he greedily gathers and devours. His followers prepare for Satan's harvest of souls during the entire month of October in various ways:

by the recruitment of pre-teens, teens and adults into witchcraft (Halloween parties are the usual sites for recruiting)
by ritual killings of pets either kidnapped or obtained free from ads on the internet
by casting spells and sending curses which result in car accidents, fires, suicides, domestic violence, sudden illness unto death maiming, and all manner of death and destruction.

Their diabolical preparations begin on October 1st and build the entire month of October, climaxing on October 31st which is dedicated to:

ritual world-wide human sacrifice

These sacrifices take place in covens worldwide and at carefully guarded exclusive meeting places of high-ranking government officials. Beware: Pseudo Christian ministries also lure people in for the purpose of using them for human sacrifices.

Satan's followers hold positions in every aspect of Christian ministry. These scripture-twisting experts wrench the Bible from its context in order to convince Christians that giving place to the devil is the same thing as liberty in Christ. They have articles all over the internet filled with diabolical arguments as to why Christians have soul liberty to conform to the world's sin-loving ways, especially regarding occult trappings such as Halloween and trick-or-treat.

In these last days they have actually convinced Christians that rather than standing in the evil day, they can sanctify Satan's evil day. Remodeling Halloween by having a Hallelujah Party or Harvest Party feeds the flesh but it does not glorify God. The God of the Bible does not sanctify sin, and neither may his followers. Pastors are accountable to God for the spiritual oversight of their flocks. They must stop leading the way in this diabolical attempted syncretism of darkness and light!

Elisabeth R. and the "United Patriots" #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia

Elisabeth R., 75, an evangelical theologian and retired pastor and schoolteacher, was already well-known in German monarchist circles, being dubbed "the countess," according to T-Online[…]German press has dubbed her "Terror-Oma," or "Terror Granny," Bild reported[…]
The conspirators would destroy the country's power grid in order to trigger a blackout[…]In the resulting chaos, members would stage a coup, which would have apparently involved the conspirators kidnapping several celebrities, including Health Minister Karls Leuterbach, a central enemy in far-right circles in the country over his strict COVID-19 lockdown policies. The "United Patriots" Telegram chat named six ministers among them, apparently appointed by a "Prussian regent"[…]
Alongside Elisabeth R. as ringleaders of the group were a former East German Army officer and an East German Coast Guard seaman[…]
An AK-47 assault rifle was found in the home of one of the conspiracy members, along with ammunition, arrows, and a rapid-fire crossbow

Elisabeth R. was a member of Germany's Reichsburger[…]Many within these circles were aware of and actively discouraged the plot[…]
German radical drew enough attention from her writings to get her pension canceled, with the justification that she had "acted actively against the free democratic basic order[…]"She had discussed "asylum seeker tsunamis," "rape and slaughter," and the "secret remodeling of brain structures" through "genderism, digitization and 5G"

She also wrote extensively on the legal foundations for the illegitimacy of the modern democratic German state, claiming that the Versailles Treaty and Weimar Constitution were illegal

Various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia

r/MensWrongs: Terves don’t hate trans people they hate MEN 🙀

( [Deleted] )
Can’t speak for anyone else but I’ve met just as many insufferable female “nonbinary” people as I’ve met TIMs so I can’t say this applies to me personally. I see more predatory TIMs in online spaces but irl I’ve consistently been bullied, harassed, objectified, and condescended way more by genderspecial TIFs who seemingly feel intimidated by me being way more gnc than them and still being self aware that I’m a woman. And this has been an occurrence since way before I even entertained gender critical ideas.

They’re not men but a lot of them they LARP hard enough that they might as well be. And I know some people here are more mature than me and will say they hate the ideology and not the person but nah, that’s not me. I hate every creepy predatory TIM and every condescending misogynistic TIF/NB I’ve ever met. I don’t care about their chromosomes or what they have in their pants, if they’re part of the trans movement and treat women like shit they can just go fuck themseves regardless of whether they’re women or not

I know the original is probably accurate for most radfems so sorry for the unhinged rant. I haven’t been on Ovarit in a while and I needed to have a good seethe

( hmimperialtortie )
You speak for me! I despise the TIFs and enbies, they’re all misogynists. I loathe the TIMs.

( mathlover )
The women trying to pretend they are "men" can be obnoxious with lots of internalized mysogyny. But they are mostly just pathetic in trying to escape all the mysogyny heaped on women and we can feel sorry for them.

In sharp contrast, the men trying to pretend they are "women" are all sexual predators to some degree or other. They are viciously mysogynist. There is no way to not hate what they have done, and continue to do, to women and any womens' community they infest. And they do it all and get away with it because they are men.

So, yeah. The truly negative things we feel toward "trans" people we feel towards men.

( hontrapoints )
Why can't I hate both TIPs and men? It's the best of both worlds~

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia

Listen to the warnings of the golden mouth preacher 1600+ years ago that is prophetic of our days ☦️ Chrysostom on homosexuality and lesbianism:

#lgbtqpedo is satanic & diabolical

"they burned in their lust one toward another." shows that the punishment (of turning our backs to God, and our bodies to the demons) was in this pleasure⚡
Remember Sodom:

Our response should not be PRIDE but humble cry for deliverance from satanic forces eating away at our souls and bodies 🛐😢 God desires purification to grant us the blessings of experiencing his kingdom forever🔥
For deeper understanding, #orthodoxchristian members & seekers, read the complete message on


various commenters #wingnut #racist

Anytime someone says it’s not about race, remind them saying “It’s ok to be White” will get you labeled a domestic terrorist


@KeepNHGranite @Apolitical

#WhiteLivesMatter in #Canada, too!

@KeepNHGranite @Apolitical that means being white is a crime just existing and being white somehow you are commiting a crime. Paradoxically saying that phrase is a hate crime is a real hate crime.

@KeepNHGranite @Apolitical

Black man: turns every city into a warzone
Leftists: They're expressing themselves!

White man: exists
Leftists: That's literal violence!

Boomer Dad: "This is not about race."
Me: "Oh, good. It's okay to be White, then."
Boomer Dad: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not go there right now. That is NOT how we're gonna win BIG in November."

@Apolitical -- This is what real "racism" looks like.

@NSSAP @Apolitical i said all lives matter to BLM and they screamed at me and flipped me off ad spray painted my apartment building...they made it very clear they do not believe all lives matter....

@Apolitical It's Great to be White. I thank the Gods and my Ancestors, for we are the sum of a thousand generations.

#WLM #14Words

@Apolitical #WhiteLivesMatter


@KeepNHGranite @Apolitical
That last sign is a dead giveaway. Why would there be a race war. Who would be attacking whom? Ask them this.

Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie

(Lauren Witzke)
We need more fighters who will stand up for persecuted Christians as @DrPaulGosar does in office!

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Christians? Just shut up. This is antiwhitism, they are targeting whites.

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Donald Trump told you this would happen if Biden was elected president and he was right!

@Gunsmith4570 There have been damn few things Trump wasn't right about. Unlike Dopey Joe and Camel Toe who have missed every opportunity for adequacy.


@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar

I knew you were fucking ZOG.

odium-amare #sexist #psycho

Unpopular Opinion: I don’t usually condone abuse but I’m happy Chris Brown smacked Rihanna around.

#fucking bitch she's a racist cunt #but crazy ass fans be obsessed and #white knighting let's completely #ignore her ignorance towards Asians #calling Karreuche Tran a rice cake #naming one of her fenty beauty #products geisha chic oh and #bullying a little girl on twitter #for simply being a fan of her yall #only mad when people are racist #towards black people but obviously #it's ok when black people do it to #other races

King Crocoduck #wingnut


Multiple things can be true simultaneously.

1) Jews are overrepresented in media, finance, and academia.
2) This is mostly a consequence of meritocracy.

Progressives and Nazis are united in their opposition to #2, albeit for different reasons. (1/15)

Nazis think that Jewish success is symptomatic of Jewish conspiracy. Progressives think that meritocracy is a myth that enables white supremacy. Therefore neither can accept #2.
The Nazi position, though BS, at least has the benefit of being internally consistent. But the progressive position doesn't have even that. Let's take a moment to explore why.
The progressive POV is that to the extent that Jews, blacks, etc. succeed in a white supremacist society, they do so at the cost of their racial/ethnic "authenticity."

The far left is just less overt about it because if they became openly anti-semitic, they would lose the moral authority to continue opportunistically wielding their favorite rhetorical weapon against their political opponents: the holocaust. The holocaust carries real emotional power for reasons that should be obvious. And that power is something that progressives positively salivate at exercising at every opportunity. No remark or event, no matter how unremarkable, is too trivial to compare to the holocaust. Mexican kids made to live together in a facility that provides meals, shelter, education, and even PS4 games while their unauthorized immigrant parents get their misdemeanors processed? That's literally Auschwitz. Trump calls the media "the enemy of the people?" He's literally Hitler!

Raanra #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon

Hi Janine!

I Personally Very Much Agree with Your Assessment of Juan O’ Savin.

He is one of the Spokespersons of the Alliance, – an “Influencer,” – and He Says what the Alliance, – Particularly the EARTH-PEOPLE PART OF THE ALLIANCE (which I will Henceforth call “EARTH ALLIANCE”) Wants Us (and Sometimes also the “DEEP STATE REMNANTS”) to Believe, – *NOT* *NECESSARILY* THE TRUTH.


I Hope that Some Earth Alliance Informant Is Reading and Reporting On This, and that This HELPS to *CONVINCE* Them to *NOT* DRAG IT OUT ONCE MORE AGAIN, with the Midterms *BEING MADE* Into A “No Show” *BY THEM*, with Their Movie of “Everything Going to Hell” Further DRAGGING OUT, or Only Minimally Mitigated.

If They Do It *NOW*, I Will SUPPORT Them.

To Quote Q:


Well, I Made It VERY, VERY CLEAR, WHERE I “GO,” As The “ONE.”

So, do “WE GO ALL” THERE ???

Are YOU, – The EARTH ALLIANCE, – Going to Live Up to:




Merlin via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot

Hi-ho students, what a pleasure to see you all this evening! For it is evening where galaxygirl is, and it is almost time for your lessons, is it not? Every day here on your earth field is more of a minefield at times and so of course you are learning how to work with these highly cosmically charged energies! It is invigorating, isn it? This one just took a bath with Epsom salts and enjoyed a shot of whiskey.
That is why the earth school is such a marvelous playing field, and it is a hologram, and we are watching from the holodeck in a way, although there are so many holodecks watching right now it would be mind boggling to you. And isn’t that a wonderful word? Boggling. To boggle. To boggle the mind. Hm. Most interesting. Words fascinate me. (He is sitting in his tall scholarly upholstered chair, fiddling with his long wizard’s pipe, which he always seems to have with him.) I most certainly do not always have it with me, galaxygirl (he winks) but I do like my pipe. It gives me comfort, and provides busy hands something to toy with while my mind is unraveling life mysteries.

Where was I? (He puffs purple glittery smoke in a cloud above his head. Pictures begin to form. He is showing me a young planet, earth. I am seeing peaceful galactic civilizations land their craft and lovingly bring plants and other seedlings from their own star systems, and they are showing me books, encoded in with their plants. I am seeing this is like a genetic library from the cosmos, that is why we have so many variations of species. I am seeing humanity’s growth, and fall of Lumeria and Atlantis. I am seeing a grey smog fill the sky and am sensing a plunge into darkness. I am seeing Yeshua and others come as comets of light from the stars and they illuminate their areas around them on the planet. I am seeing a great flash of light eject out from the sun and bathe earth in light. I am hearing cheering, a great celebration. The purple glittery smoke begins to fade away.)

William F. Jasper #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Communist Attack on Local Police"]

The most striking feature of every totalitarian state (whether communist, fascist, or Islamist) is the dreaded police-state apparatus, the iron fist that enforces the will of the Party, the State, the dictatorship[…]
As far back as the 1920s, but especially from the 1960s onward, it became apparent that the Free World police were (and are) a primary target of all communists. Locally controlled sheriff’s and police organizations are condemned by communists as tools of “imperialist oppressors” and upholders of “capitalist, bourgeois society.” They are correctly seen by the communists as a force for stability and ordered liberty, and a bulwark against the type of centralized police state that the communists want[…]
The BLM-George Floyd riots[…]were the recrudescence of the communist-directed college riots and race riots during the 1960s, and the Rodney King race riots of 1992[…]On June 13, 1961, this manual[…]was presented to the United States Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security[…]
The communist manual and Inspector General Kirkpatrick’s testimony were reproduced in the subcommittee’s report entitled “A Communist Plot Against the Free World Police”[…]
The tactics outlined in the communist manual were put into practice by “student” and “civil rights” activists in the 1960s, causing deadly and destructive riots in dozens of American cities. Communist leaders of the misnamed Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and similar organizations also went to communist countries[…]
There are many other communist connections to the BLM behemoth, but we must use our limited space here to mention a particularly significant one: George Soros. We do not have proof that Soros[…]is a communist, but he certainly funds many Marxist-Leninist organizations

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