Matt Walsh #quack #wingnut

Wearing a mask when it is not medically necessary is grotesque and unhuman, an attack on society itself. It feeds paranoia and fear. You are treating air like it is toxic and other humans like they are nothing but vessels of disease. It is disgraceful, arrogant, and offensive.

Yogev Nitzan #racist

Thank you for resolutely standing with đŸ‡źđŸ‡± and supporting our right to self defense against terrorist attacks.

India also supporting sir🇼🇳

We Israelis don't need support of some dung bath scums and urine drinkers. Go worship your cows and please stop lifting our balls... FFS! STOP Ruining image of our country by putting your country's flag with Israel đŸ‡źđŸ‡±

Basghetti #crackpot #homophobia #sexist

RE: Gay man calls men abusive, misogynistic rapists and claims that male sexuality is degenerate and obsessive by default

Ok, I skimmed because honestly male on male sex makes me feel physically ill and I feel like a voyeur or something reading about it, so it looks like he touched on this a bit.

I'm gonna sound bigoted as fuck here, but I'd say for gay men it's on turbo. I'm not the master of knowledge here or anything, so just kinda keep that in mind, but with the history of pederasty-- that leads me to think there's a massive domination thing at play mentally, even more so than with straight men because they're dominating other men. I don't know where the bottoms fall with all of this, but I thought they were supposed to have prostates that make the process at least somewhat worth it. If it's just pain, what's the actual fucking point? You're just gonna have a fucked up asshole and the sphincters there are going to be all ruined like old shitty (lel) hair rubber bands and your butthole is going to leak. There are some nice enough gay fellas out there, but I'm not gonna lie-- I'm looking in the direction of King James VI/I for all of the fanatical witch burning/woman torture shit.

Varg Vikernes #wingnut #elitist

[From “War in Europe: Part III - Homo sovieticus”]

The Norwegians don't know any better; they are proud when they get their degrees, thinking they are successful when they do, not knowing how difficult it would be to get the same degree in any other country in the world (Ghana included...). They are lost in the Marxist substitute reality. Naturally they educate very few mathematicians or physicians or biologists in Norway; you cannot cheat with natural sciences. To learn mathematics you bloody well need to understand mathematics too! So Norway after year 2000 educates fewer (!) natural scientists than Norway did in the 1950ies, when we didn't even have senior high schools for everyone. The educational budget is about a thousand times larger today, but... their priorities lie elsewhere, so to speak. As explained above.

After education they are just about all given a job. Norway is proud to be one of the countries in the world with the lowest unemployment rates! Wow! What a feat! Marxism must work then, right? Well, not exactly. The Soviet State of Norway has created an abnormal amount of what I call "artificial jobs", intended only to employ Norwegians and to keep the unemployment rates down. We have socionoms, sexologists, journalists en masse, social-anthropologists and so forth, all sent out to confirm the Marxist myths and to keep the Norwegian people in ignorance. Even the dumbest working-class girls have their fancy degrees and are now allowed to perform completely meaningless tasks professionally.

Even at the university in Norway nobody demands anything from them. You can get a fancy degree in Norway with minimal effort, and all the way you will be followed by the dumbest, slowest and worst students. You see, they too are given the "equal opportunity" to get a fancy degree, and in order to make sure they too succeed the Marxists have removed all real challenges on the way. You can pass a course at the university in Norway by reading maybe three or four books. In my English course at the university in TromsĂž I only had to translate four pages of text and attend lectures a once or twice each week to pass. I am not kidding!

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho

[From “The Internet”]

If it benefitted this order for me to die, I would die - and I may have to, in the future. If I had to kill no one, or had to kill seven billion, to fulfil this order, I would do so and then go home, eat a big meal and sleep all night with no worries on my mind. When you do what is right by the whole, you do not worry about consequences, because you know that doing right for the order of the cosmos is more important than personal fortunes! Whether my fortune, or that of the ones I slaughter, is irrelevant. None of us matter as much as having the whole be organized well.

I recognize that mine is not the only consciousness on this earth, but I refuse to place another consciousness before mine except that of the whole, and I recognize that said consciousness is divided into parallel entities we call "lives." I acknowledge the holiness of life and I believe in it and always will. I realize that life's greatest invention, which occurs in our thoughts as well as in nature, is the ability to find ideas that are better adapted than others and promote them. I realize that to pick one idea out of two is to destroy the other; for this reason, I have no compunction about destroying lesser designs or killing lesser people. What matters is the whole.

"I'm not racist, but..." Award

Vijay Prozak #racist

[From “The Internet”]

I do not hate Slavs. I do not hate Negroes. I do not hate Jews. I do not hate the Irish. I do not hate Italians. But, I am a realist. I know that Slavs are what's left of an ancient branch of Europeans who hybridized themselves with Mongols and Semites; I know that Negroes are an earlier evolutionary branch of humanity who are as a whole one standard deviation of intelligence away from Asians and whites. I know that Judaism is a religion of self-interest, condescendion and ego-drama, and that Jews are a cultureless people who for aeons have bred themselves to be soulless and parasitic. I recognize the fundamentally mixed racial nature of the Irish and most Scots, and many English, and all but a few Italians. I don't hate them, but I refuse to let my feelings blind me to reality.

I also don't hate women, but I recognize their limitations. Further, I don't hate men, but I'm aware of where they fall short as well. I'm even aware of where I fall short, and where I am in the system of things, which isn't as some God-figure above it all but somewhere closer to dead in the middle. I realize that not all of my friends are as smart as I am, and I realize there are smarter people than myself. I can care for someone, and be a friend to them, even if their abilities do not match my own. Or if their race doesn't. Yet I am a realist: I'd deport them in an instant, because that is the right cosmic order and should always be upheld.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

SidragasumBinShaytan #racist #sexist #wingnut

The Fem’nist Burden: A Satire in the Style of “The White Man’s Burden”

Take up the fem’nist burden!

Assemble women white!

SJWs gather!

Come all ye full of spite

To whine and moan and grumble

About how nothing’s right;

To preach non-stop on justice,

While that’s just what you fight!

Take up the fem’nist burden!

Impose your creed by force!

Decorum’s deconstructed:

Go on, be rude and coarse!

All reason’s patriarchal:

Forget debate—denounce!

Dwell not on means or scruples,

For it’s the goal that counts!

Take up the fem’nist burden—

To spread the faith world-wide

And leave no people helpless,

Though they should run and hide!

Usurp their identity

And colonize anew!

Their culture needs some changing—

A couple wars should do!

Take up the fem’nist burden

And put our minds at ease,

Lest anyone among you

Cis-gendered men appease

By judging based on merit,

Against express decrees

That only race and gender

Ought good employers please!

Take up the fem’nist burden

To rid the world of art,

Replacing every beauty

With some new, stinking fart

Of high-pitched propaganda

To teach us how to act:

Submit to every woman,

Ignore all trace of fact!

Take up the fem’nist burden:

In chastity remain!

Go sacrifice the fam’ly

And parity obtain!

A child needs not a mother—

The help will more than do!

Or better: turn the tables!

Make men the mothers too!

Take up the fem’nist burden!

No loft’yer mountain climb,

No truth or right make sacred,

Before our creed sublime.

Rewrite the books of hist’ry,

All science reconstruct,

To suit our plans for others—

The facts & rights be f****ed!

CadyshackJack #racist #sexist

Re: So called "comedy" show, 'A Little Late with Lilly Singh', trashes white people

She hates whites. No one should ever donate to any cause she is a part of. Her attitude sucks. No wonder the Chinese can't stand these people.

Thanks for sharing these links, LoveTheWhites. The reasons her show failed are twofold: 1) Women simply can't cut it as comediennes. They just aren't funny. Never have been; and, 2) Immigrant and coloured women are even less funny than their White counterparts. I'm glad her show failed. Looks good on her anti-White azz.

Robbie Cheney #conspiracy #quack #racist

We know for facts that: 1. Most people who were listed on the death certificates as dying from COVID actually passed away from co-morbidities and/or other causes. 2. We also know most people who were listed as having died from COVID were actually killed by the unsound treatments they received. Therefore, they were actually 'euthanized'.

Thinking organized 'euthanizing' began here in America well over a century ago, at about the same time certain 'immigrant doctors' began arriving from eastern europe after the civil war here in America. Now, look at the deaths and other issues being caused by the so-called COVID 'vaccines'.

82 was the average age of a "Covid" death in Britain, and I'm sure it was pretty similar in the United States. It was mainly people already living on borrowed time and Covid was just a modest ailment which finally did them in.

I read where the authorities in North America and Europe followed the same corrupt WHO guidelines. Many elderly people for sure and the vast majority had co-morbidities that were the primary killer.

PCR tests have always been completely unreliable. Many people killed in traffic deaths: COVID. Murdered by gunfire: COVID. Fell off of building during a construction accident: COVID and so forth. Completely insane here in North America.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist

The Aldebarans also genetically infused the Vikings. These Nordic people inherited the aggressive and militaristic tendencies that are also seen in the Germans. The Vikings plundered and raped across Europe for centuries, but did not have the technological ability to stay in power.

An accidental manipulation of genetics occurred on the Italian peninsula 3000 years ago. A ship from the Arcturus star system crashed landed on Etruscan territory. These humans were actually extremely spiritually-minded, and instead of trying to get back home, stayed and blended into the humans of that part of Earth. Their descendants became the Romans who were then infiltrated and mixed with the Central Asian hybrids.

Beings from the Antarian star system were behind the genetic manipulation of ancient Greece. These people were a society predominantly based upon homosexuality. Females were used for breeding only. In fact, there were Antarian observers at the Montauk Project who were interested in the programming aspects of sexuality as they related to the Wilhelm Reich methods.

The Antarians are dark, often with olive skin, dark eyes, and short, thin bodies. They have a fabulous musculature due to the density of their home-world, and are known for their body-building goals.

The Greek-Antarians colonized Spain and Portugal. Their descendants further mixed with the Romans, and Arabs who are predominantly Sumerian/Reptilian. These then colonized Central and South America, mixing their genetics with the native Indians who were of Atlantean-Procyon descent.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist

The Tau Ceti aliens centered their attention on the eastern European area, from what is now Serbia to the slopes of the Ural Mountains. From here, they influenced the Slavic and Russian peoples. The geographic conditions resembled that in the Tau Ceti star system, and its colony Epsilon Eridanus. The Tau Ceti added their DNA to the human prototypes that were already established there, creating what is now known as the Slavic peoples. The results were a race of humans who were stocky, barrel-chested, and averaging 5’6’’ to 5’9’’ in height, with a dense bone structure and dark eyes. They were aggressive, and preferred a cold climate.

These Tau Ceti/humans were virulently against the grey alien race and the Reptilians, because their worlds had been attacked, and their children stolen and killed by both races. The Tau Cetians vowed to follow the grey race and destroy them.
In central Europe, the German tribes were genetically manipulated by beings from Aldebaran. These people are very intelligent and scientifically-oriented. They are generally blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with a minority of dark-haired, light-brown to hazel-eyed people. They are militaristic, and prefer to keep to themselves. For almost 2,000 years, the Aldebarans have been energetically connecting to the Germanic peoples, telepathically sending information to them and promoting a national sentiment.

Many humans of the Aldebaran frequency have mixed with the Tau Ceti descendants in the Slavic area, particularly in Poland and Russia. Hitler knew this. That is why he was so adamant about invading those countries and incorporating them into his empire.

-BrettyBoy- #sexist #dunning-kruger

[RageFuel] I hate how they say ‘Respect women’.

Like the topic title says, I hate how they say ‘Respect women’, like, not men too? No wonder so many men are fucking degenerate female worshipping cucks and you even get feminists saying ‘I’m going to raise my son to respect women’, not humans in general, just women.

Michael Baxter #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

Former Vice President Michael Pence took a bullet to the chest on April 14 as he and an unidentified male companion tried to elude U.S. Special Forces that had been tasked with apprehending him under terms described in a sealed indictment. The formal charges were drafted after Pence helped Deep State operatives legitimize Biden’s presidency at the January 6 Electoral College certification and after Trump had obtained irrefutable evidence linking Pence to a plot to topple him.

As reported previously, the first attempt to capture Pence had taken place on March 4 when U.S. Special Forces surrounded a remote cabin in the Indiana wilderness where Pence was believed to be hiding. Apparently tipped off to the incursion, Pence absconded into the woods minutes before Special Forces stormed the cabin. He vanished in the shadows and managed to elude capture for over a month.

On April 14, the MSM reported that Pence underwent surgery to have a pacemaker implanted at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus in Church Falls, Va. That tale, however, is a cover story meant to obfuscate an encounter that nearly ended Pence’s life.
Gasping for air with his hands clasped over a sucking chest wound, Pence reportedly apologized for having betrayed Donald J. Trump, saying with what he must have thought would be his last breath, “Tell Donald I’m sorry. They made me do it.”
Trump gave Pence an ultimatum: either sign a written confession naming his Deep State co-conspirators and agree to wear a monitoring anklet while JAG decides whether to send him before a military tribunal or have his crimes at once laid bare to the American public, including evidence of him cavorting with young men.

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #psycho

It's not only about the slow-death jab causing MITOCHONDRIAL CANCER from spike protein cytokine storms and prions sucking up the last remaining molecules of oxygen from your lungs, heart and brain over an agonizing 5 [to max 10] year period from jab to grave.

It's not only about the mad cow prions which are going to turn quackccinated human beings into stark-raving mad lunatics on their journey through the Land of the Walking Dead Lepers, it's quite a lot more than that...

The sabotage ransomware hack of the Colonial Pipeline is only a miniscule dress-rehearsal for what is coming.

When gasoline prices are $100 a gallon because of hyper-inflation and there are no trucks to deliver the gas to your local service station even at $10,000 a gallon?
Are you prepared to fend off roaming gangs of Walking Dead Quackccinated Maniacs who have succeeded in cannibalizing your neighbors' children after raping them?
I am sure Bill Gates, George Soros, Tony Fauci, and the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astra-Zeneca will all be enjoying their underground bunkers in Antarctica with a lifetime of food and security forces to cook penguin stew.

If you are planning to miraculously able to survive the coming cataclysmic planned zombie apocalypse, let me give you some heartfelt advice:

Buy at least five years' worth of deuterium-depleted water;

Buy at least three years' worth of toilet paper and use it sparingly;
[Unlike me], learn how to use an automatic weapon to protect your loved ones and your property; and:


So sorry if my post ruined your day, but as they used to tell me in the Cub Scouts kbefore I was molested), "BE PREPARED ‌!"

Veena Malik #racist #psycho

Pakistani actress Veena Malik has made headlines this time for apparently sharing a quote, wrongly attributed to deceased Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler in a reference to the Israel-Palestine violence.

“I would have killed all the Jews of the world
 but I kept some to show the world why I killed them. - Adolf Hitler," read the quote shared by the actress on Tuesday.

Twitter has removed the post by Malik, in which she quoted Hitler

Various Commenters #psycho #racist

I noticed the other teacher post here and figured it was only right I contribute! After discovering blogs like yours I started wearing lower cut tops on Video calls to please the whiter children in my class. whenever I had an opportunity to call them one-on-one I would shower them in compliments bordering on the edge of what a Teacher should be saying to her students. I want to be a good mommy figure for my white boys ♄♄

Conversely, the niggers in my class have become such a fucking EYESORE, at least the one chink is able to be quiet and finish work without bothering me, but the monkeys keep giving me reason to discipline them and it's so dangerous! I nearly slipped up and called one uppity in the middle of a class and I've never felt so good.

(88 forever)
on the one hand, i think we need more teachers like this, on the other hand, i think there are more and more every day...

Asian teacher here, hopping on the teacher confessions bandwagon. The amount of restraint I need to exercise to stop myself from fucking my white students before they graduate is insane. I love dressing sexy for them and feeling their eyes on me in class. It turns me on so much when I overhear them talking about wanting to fuck my little asian ass. I've let so many of them get away with groping me. I can't wait for the school year to be over so I can help them "celebrate" their graduation!

(88 forever)
those boys have been in online class, quarantine and lockdown for a long time, i expect this year's graduates to have a lot of pent-up libido for you!

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist #sexist

HK TVB promoting WMAF

Before I get nuked for "posting native Asian" content, this shit is global; lots of Asian Americans watch TVB too.

TVB is the prime TV channel of Hong Kong and produces lots of shows for local consumption, however, it also produces lots of content, like "marrying to the world" which mainly showcases XMAF.

many pro-beijingers are just as west-worshipping as pro-democracy joshua wongers

Lol, TVB is a mouthpiece for the CCP. Real Hong Kongers don't even watch TVB anymore.

doesn't matter if they're ccp mouthpiece, they're cucked that's what matters

It’s an epidemic, and if you think it’s due to “White worshipping” or “self hate” you’re living in resentment. Is the [x]-race of males engaging in self hate when they see our women as trophies and conquests? I did a full breakdown of this phenomenon and the mods refused it to be posted, because it would bring “disharmony”.

The longer we ignore the genetic, psychological causes for this that manifests “solely” in one part of our sex - Asian men do not behave this way - you will stumble through life in rage and ignorance.


Didn't Jackie Chan have the same retarded mindset promoting XMAF. People will try to do deny it but there is rampant colonized white worship all over east asia in tv, fashion, etc

Yes, he said that to spread chinese culture around the world he would encourage foreigners to marry chinese women. He’s never had a problem getting AFs, so he’s clueless of WMAF dynamics. Same with these local media producers (I don’t think it’s white worship in that they think WMAF is good per se, they just don’t see the harm in it, and think it’s an interesting novelty)

Noodlewhore #psycho

After many years I took my revenge on one of my bully

This guy tormented me back in high school. He worked as a barman in a fancy big bar in my native city (over 1+million citizens) and he bragged about it on his Instagram and said he met so many girls thanks to his job. I wanted to get back at him from the hell he caused me during high school so I devised a plan. You can write reviews on that bar and in the last 3 years I created more than 20 gmail accounts and slowly started to review random places with them to appear like legit accounts. I made 70% of the fake accounts female. After at least 5-6 months since I started the accounts and each account had already more than 20 reviews I posted a review about the bar. Of course not all at the same....each every month or two. I'm doing this since almost 3 years. I rated the bar with one star with each account and in all of them I made clear the reason was a bigot, misogynist, sexually aggressive and rude barman describing in detail the barman I was referring to. As I said I made most of these comment as a female so to compound the damage.

After all this time I finally won, the guy got fired last week. Getting revenge is a very sweet feeling, especially after all this time passed (more than 10 years). He probably doesn't even remember me anymore, but that bastard forgot that it's never too late to fight back, especially now thanks to Internet. I feel so happy now, it's like a huge burden exited my body. Of course if he get another job I'll keep writing bad reviews about him in that bar too, but I doubt he get another one....words spread and nobody want a barman accused by multiple females (ie my fake accounts) of being a dangerous sexual predator.

Noodlewhore #psycho

OP is a pathetic bitch for holding a grudge for years and using slander and reputation destruction to get revenge like a woman. He is to blame for not standing up for himself & punching the guy when it mattered.

Bullshit, those are the weapons that high IQ people use. In my company you advance by damaging the reputation of your colleagues and creating alliances with the senior managers. What you said is impossible, it wasn't just a guy, you would have had to punch 50 extremely low inhibition thugs most of whom carried brass knuckles JFL try do that in real life. You either go ER with an assault rifle or you take your revenge using your brain.

What the fuck kinda highschool you go to that's run by thugs jfl?

Went to high school in Italy, the bullies were a lot and they had very extensive networks of friends (other thugs from other schools) who wouldn't have thought twice about smashing your head if you dared to say anything to one of their friend. Those weren't mellow "gonna be ivy leaguer", they were thugs from troubles families. You couldn't punch them in the face without ending up beaten up.

But that doesn't mean they are untouchable. You can still destroy them through other means. I made one of them broke up with his sweetheart from high school JFL, they were together for 7 years...probably would have ended up married but I made her believe he cheated on her with multiple girls. All thanks to my fake IG's accounts I created.

I'm not stopping here. Will keep ruining their life on every occasion I have, they are too dumb to hit back and after all those years they don't have the big networks of friends they had in high school. I also have plenty of money now. Over for them.

Major-Link #kinkshaming

I don't care how beautiful one person's body may be in the nude, it's not something that is always going to interest me. To those of you who consider yourselves as professional cosplayers, YOU should know in this journal that your cosplaying photos are worth TEN TIMES more than your worthless nude pictures. As harsh as this may sound, don't flatter yourself. I'm just being honest and direct with how I feel about all this.

Really, if you're someone who is wanting to create content of your own, you're much better off doing it in places like Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and even Instagram. STAY OUT of OnlyFans! It's the most shittiest website I've ever heard of, and I hope my so-called crush can learn from this too. Honestly, it's already enough for me to work hard and manage my own health.

Wear a fucking costume PLEASE if you really want to show yourself off to the public. There are much better ways to show off your own body if you love yourself so much for it, but to make yourself look like a porn star is NOT it! Wear some clothes that can attract others without being too explicit too.

I'm sorry if my journal on this matter seems rather blunt or come off as rude, but things just had to be said. It's NOT hard to dress nicely to attract others either.

Idris #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger

Welcome, our mission is to salvage and restore culture by espousing the time-tested virtues of piety, aristocracy, and asabiyyah

In the news:
* Spain's Godless Socialists, never tire of trying to shame Spain's traditionalist heroes, removes Franco from his proper tomb.
* Emperor Naruhito ceremoniously ascends the Chrysanthemum throne.
* Spain's Leftists seek to disenfranchise Rightist nobles and Franco's heirs.
* Rama X marries Suthida Tidjai, making her his new queen consort, and is crowned in a three-day-long ceremony a few days later.
* Naruhito becomes Emperor of Japan after the abdication of his father Akihito, inaugurating the Reiwa era.
* Notre Dame's roof burns, and the enemies of the West celebrate. Tie-in musing: The Novel(ty) Will Destroy the Edifice
* Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI recognizes the dastardly effects of moral relativism and the 1960's Counter-Culture, and includes pedophile priests among those effects.

Dave Cunningham #racist

[From “Marijuana made me a racist”]

Another thing I learned from marijuana was the importance of breeding. When I went back home, I found that a girl I had crushed on in elementary school was just ending her first marriage. She had married someone who looked good on paper, but he was from another country. They split and I took up with her. We are now married with two daughters. She and I were out one day and another friend remarked how similar we look. It’s true that we look like we could be cousins. Our daughters are better looking than either of us alone.

On the other hand, my sister married a guy from a totally different place; he was a Sativa to her Indica. Their kids are strange looking and while they are bigger for their age than the other Indica kids, they are unbalanced. Some things that kids naturally just understand have not come to them yet. They also have strange tantrums which seem weird for their age. She ended up divorcing him recently. ...

Dave Cunningham #racist

[From “Marijuana made me a racist”]

Let me be clear about what “racist” means in this context. I am a racist in the sense that I recognize the difference between racial and ethnic groups and that these differences are biological and convey unique abilities to each group. ...

During my years as a high-flying drug grower, I learned a lot about the genetics of marijuana. Specifically, there are three races of marijuana ... Within each of these races however there were different ethnicities of marijuana. ...


Marijuana made me a racist by showing me that although all pot plants are from the same species, there are huge variations within that species (Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis) and even within those sub-species there are huge variations for different strains like Skunk #5, Northern Lights, Jack Herrer or White Widow. When you mix the strains, you end up with something closer to the generic stuff that they sell as high school weed. By racist I do not mean I dislike people of other races. I have had people of other races as business partners and friends and probably always will, unless a big race war happens. But I mean that each strain does best when it is kept pure. Further, while you can mix different sub-species like Indica and Sativa, the best strains come from the pure Indica which is rarest, less than 10% of the marijuana grown worldwide.

No matter how well you treat it, generic weed never becomes great. On the other hand, even if you just toss the seeds into a sunny backyard where it rains, great weed always becomes great. This truth snapped me out of the mindset that all plants are the same and you just need to grow marijuana by the pound. ...

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco are being inundated with drug-addled, mentally ill street people. The Red Vanguard discordians and cultural Marxists who run these cities try to define the narrative by calling them “homeless people” and infer that working poor live in these conditions. No working person facing housing affordability issues would live like this.
Seattle and other left coast cities are influenced and controlled by subvert-and-destroy Vanguard Alinskyites. A key theorem of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.

The documentary shows the salami attack (szalámitaktika) of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a Nazi. This is the tactic used by the Red Vanguard anarcho-tyrants responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.

Anarcho-tyranny combines oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding while simultaneously exhibiting a grotesque paralysis of will to carry out basic public duties, such as public safety and protection. Anarcho-tyranny breaks down society by failing to punish criminals and refusing to enforce legitimate order or even the most minimal standard of public conduct. It also criminalizes the innocent.

But this is finally falling on deaf ears as the city turns into a public toilet/cesspool and reaches its breaking point. The plebs (aka “reactionaries”) are losing their tempers. The kakistocracy responsible for this needs to be identified and removed from power by the citizens of Seattle. The Alinskyite political collective supporting this invasion of drugged street people needs to be fiercely opposed.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #dunning-kruger

Welcome to my beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, Truth Seekers and all others! I am so very glad that you are here with me today. I would like to address a very interesting topic...the topic of the Covid-19 vaccination.
I would like to remind you that, in the past, your scientists have stated they have come to the conclusion that 97% of our DNA they now call our “junk DNA.” Now, why would they do that? Well, if most of you follow the idea that there are galactics near us, and with us, for the most part...well then, I can state categorically...that 97% is pure, 100%, galactic DNA, within you!

Now, most of this galactic DNA within you is of high quality and it is very important DNA. It is DNA that you are using in this “transition” the point of being able to use it ALL when your body finally becomes completely is happening for many of you right now.
They have implanted much dark DNA in your your bodies. There were up to 22 different races who have been genetically experimenting on humanity over the many millennia, here on Earth.

So, consider that there were several of those species...actually I would say that it was more than half, of those galactic races...who experimented on you and created a darker type of DNA in your bodies.

This is all part of the negative DNA that is in you. Now, it is not the overall is, as I said, most likely just over half that amount that is not “benevolent” galactic DNA.

Please consider those folks who are currently providing the misinformation...such as how these vaccines are going to “alter your DNA,” and that's a bad thing. Well, if it's altering bad DNA that is within you, then that is a good thing, is it not?

Kaia Ra #crackpot #magick #ufo #moonbat #mammon

It was not until Sophia directly spoke to me, opening Her world of pure light for me to step into, that I finally felt at home and complete in my quest. Further, as a professional channel, I knew that I had finally met a High Council that I could partner with and never wonder if there was a higher calling for me. As soon as I met The Sophia Dragon Tribe, I gulped — I knew that I had met my co-creative match for a lifetime.

In other words, I have zero interest in offering another cosmology of God/Goddess identification that would be put above any other spiritual pathway, claiming that this is ‘the only way.’
Challenging our belief structures about what God/Source consciousness is and opening to the quantum reality of our multidimensional Multi-verse is a good thing. It’s an exercise in spiritual humbleness that keeps the innocence of our wonder for divinity fresh and vital.

In my spiritual quest, it was riveting for me that the light of Source spoke to me as a parthenogenetic Divine Mother Creatrix of All Life, flanked by pearlescent ivory-scaled dragon angels and the most epic Ascended Master best friends that I could ever ask for. It’s a complete understatement to say that ‘God’ became way more interesting to me that day.

Sophia straight up shattered the wounded remnants of patriarchal religious conditioning that I endured in my youth — and would continue to do so for years to come as I channeled The Sophia Code Curriculum to become a vibrant modern Mystery School that now serves an ever-growing international community.

Whiplash347/Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon

ALL Governments in the WORLD are being removed by MILITARY. Everything Connects. The Event – 34 Buildings bombed, Dams etc. Global Stock Market Collapse – Via PRECISION CYBER ATTACKS Think Executive Order 1221. Once Governments are removed – federal & State, Etc. – we will be electing people governments that are 10% the size of what they are currently. There will never be two Party preferred politics ever again. No more Democrats, No More Republicans, No More Liberal, No More Labor. EVERYONE will be using these COINS

EVERYONE will be getting DIGITAL WALLETS. EVERYONE will be getting U.B.I. This is all product of the reversal of the 1871 Act of England. (EVERYTHING 1871 ONWARDS IS ILLEGAL – NULL & VOID) #1776 Common Law for ALL. If elected governments do not work for The People they will be removed by the Military. They will only be 20 to 25 People sized. P.S I think the U.S only has to elect Congress. Julian Assange said 98% do not survive. China is also going to a Republican Government.


Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals + a small group of U.S Internationally “Regulated” Precious Metal Backed Coins. (ISO20022 + 3 other Regs)

Chinese Unregulated Coins go to 0.

99.5% of Coins go to 0.

Only U.S coins on the QFS survive the STORM. All by design

Q Save The World Video told you.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "About Us"]

We are an Organization and Fraternal Order based out of Massachusetts, USA with a focus on educational, motivational and active engagement / work to unite those who either have Prussian Heritage or Appreciation and the desire to discuss issues relating the implications of losing Prussia as not only a Geographical location that has been unfairly wiped off the map in Europe, but our Heritage and Culture
After 1918, Prussia received the first mortal wound which forever crippled our Empire and People. The Spirit of Prussia however, lived on all the way onward until about 1947. Shortly after World War II, whatever significance that Prussia had in existence was nearly pulverized to ashes along with the majority of our Ethnic People
We do not seek a return of the Monarchy or of a revival of Christianity, which have both ceased to become viable in this new era we now live in. But we must one day have an Absolute Supreme Sovereign of State, who rules at the desire and will of our people after a period of reunification, who elect our State Sovereign to power and glory. We need a new form of spirituality
That being said, there will one day be a position for those who are not Prussian, but work to genuinely further the aims of our cause in this world, and we would welcome any support, particularly of the European People mostly. A Restored and Vital Prussia means a once again Powerful and Flourishing Europe, not only for Germanic states but all Europeans, and the sooner they begin to recognize this and fight in our defense, the sooner things shall also be improved for their conditions and Future well-being and Sovereignty of their Nation-States

Phoenix #crackpot #psycho #racist

RE: Watch: Israel's Iron Dome destroys Palestinian rocket barrage

Keep arming both sides until they kill every last man, woman and child, joo and muzzie both.

Never had any interest in the semitic squabble, never will.

Those who defend muzzies have no sense of history. There was a time when they were a far greater threat to us than the jews are today, long before there was an Israel or a USA for that matter.

Some of us will never forget. We know the atrocities islam has committed in the name of their "prophet" (Piss Be Upon Him).

these were Turks and Moors not Palestinians! Are you autistic or just a Hollywood-nazi? Should a swedish paganist hate polish christians because his ancestors were slaughtered by christians?

The people living in Palestine today are NOT THE ORIGINAL INHABITANTS OF THE AREA. They are the mongrelized descendants of turk and arab INVADERS with traces of the ancestral peoples of the Levant.

They have no more claim to the land than the jews. A squatter squabble of no interest to WHITES.

Quit worrying about people who have no concern for us, aside from what they can steal from this country.

Winterheart #racist #sexist

RE: Olivia Rodrigo reveals details about the letter Taylor Swift sent regarding debut of her single Drivers License

Taylor Swift endorses more white genocide. The lyrics and video of Driver's License are about a young woman heartbroken because the negro she loves is dating a young blonde woman.

Does this song endorse White Genocide? The song seems to view the negroid dating that blonde girl as a bad thing. The idea seems to be that negroes should be loyal to negresses like this Olivia Rodrigo creature. White people would never be allowed to make such a song about our own, of course. I didn't listen to it. I just read the summary. Am I missing something?

Taylor Swift is a whore and a traitor but this doesn't seem to be an example.

Thanks for posting. Those are good points.

If a blonde woman is around a negro that's an abomination.

That wouldn't happen in a moral, segregated society.

You're right. In a decent society, the situation wouldn't even arise.

M&S #racist #wingnut

White liberals who faced a sudden influx of highly educated white conservatives with mean IQs of 103 and twice the college degrees, coming out of Europe, would suddenly feel very 'oppressed'.

Trump should have pushed his 'not sending their best' truth as an excuse to return to pro-white immigration which would put white democrats into high competition with Europeans who had them aced for technical qualifications and were willing to have kids.

This is about cowing the enemy by making it clear that if they turn race traitor, we will simply replace them with high function whites who are considerably less long-term stupid about being pro-white as a function of maintaining demographic dominance.

Despite the evidence of Burn Loot Murder's 'summer of pillage/plunder' 2020, white liberals refuse to acknowledge that undermining whites to is going to end, very badly, for them as they are hunted down as the dominant population fraction falls away from their control. But a president who changed immigration back to white preferential sourcing could so disrupt their own controls as the new group demanded power for themselves and gave loyalty and fertility to get it.

And even if it is now impossible, it would not be in a SEPARATED AND SECESSIONIST country where states brought in as many immigrants as they needed, provided they were all white. The massive difference in economic power from that would make any residual state run by POCs incredibly obvious for the racial sinkhole it was. Which would end forever any questions over 'white supremacy' under a Heck Yeah!, banner.

We are fighting this war entirely wrongly. We need to make the opinion inarguable as a function of example: white states do better because whites in fact ARE SUPERIOR.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: 11-Year-Old, 17-Year-Old Arrested in Attack, Robbery of Older Asian Man in San Leandro


Sources tell ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim, the 11-year-old boy has an extensive criminal history.

There is no point in trying to rehabilitate someone like that. He should be sentenced to decades of hard labor until he is too old to be dangerous.

(Goton Telander)
That is inhumane.

He should be installed into a non public viewable zoo until he dies of natural causes.

Removing him from the gene pool in a humane manner should be the number one priority.

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)
An 11 year old black kid is still very dangerous. I remember hearing about a little black kid who was a hitman.

They start puberty at 8. They're a different species.

Usual story:

How do black people get so screwed up in such a short period of time?

11 years old? I believed in Santa Claus until I was 9 years old.

Feral pigs get screwed up in a year. You have to think of blacks like that.

Someday a white cop will be forced to use deadly force on that 11 year old and the cop's life will be ruined for doing so.

I only hope this kid receives irreversible "street justice" before that happens.

Just so everyone will know, California closed their juvenile prisons. Their dirty secret however is hiding actual statistics of juvenile crime in public and in school and shielding it from the local press.

It happened in California. I don't feel bad anymore. Looks like they're reaping what they sowed. Pretty soon all these liberals who don't see blacks as a threat will be extinct. Natural selection is such a beautiful thing.

Pipelayer6942013 #racist

American Black people are the most fragile and easily manipulated people there are.

Say one word and they turn into animals, then they wonder why they get treated like animals.

I personally support reparations, but only the ones where we buy them plane tickets to where their ancestors came from and pull their citizenships so they can’t come back. It’s a win-win for America.

Emir of Aba/Nnewi #conspiracy

Hamas is an Isreali creation, just like America's relationship with Alqaeda, Hamas is the boogeyman that justifies Isreali atrocities against Palestinians. Isreali Mossad factionaliazed the PLO and created Hamas, to divide the Palestinians and create a convinient boogeyman.

Thus Isreal hits the Palestinian honey nest anytime there's a political impasse, whip up patriotic frenzy and increase popularity, it's a tried and trusted formula of always attacking an external enemy when failing domestically.. Netanyahu is politically on the ropes

Vijay Prozak #elitist

[From “2008”]

Dear Germany,

I am applying for political asylum to your country as a refugee from the United States of America. Ever since the malls invaded my country, I have been persecuted both politically and economically because my beliefs conflict radically with the idea that everything on earth should be for sale. ...

What is really scary is that the malls are pushing up toward an apocalypse, even if a slow one. ...

I can't go on anymore. Everywhere I turn, there is a mall guard watching over me from its lighted windows with slogans promising heaven in exchange for hell on earth. I cannot find a place to walk where there are no concrete paths, waterfountains and pay phones. Everything is either a mall or a "park," which is like a captive wilderness Disneyland to remind us of what once was, so we can refresh ourselves before going shopping again. The malls have domesticated us, and now we live in cages called "cars" or "apartments," awaiting the end that our common sense tells us will eventually come but of which we cannot speak in public ...

Please help me by granting me asylum in your fair country. I estimate your country has another fifty years before the malls take over, thus asylum would give me liberty for most of my natural life. I would be indebted to you and promise not to breed with your women, as if I introduce mutt American blood into your heritage, I will be contributing to the adulteration of what is it to be German and thus giving the malls a chance to replace your culture. Furthermore, I promise to never eat fast food while in Germany. I hope you can consider my application fairly and deliver me from a state of persecution, for which I will be forever in your debt.

Vijay Prozak

C .T. #wingnut #sexist

[From "April 20 gift"]

The best gift I received yesterday, on the FĂŒhrer’s anniversary day, were the fifteen booklets I had requested from Third Reich Books: most of them authored by SS men. Although the publishers have been deplatformed by banks that issue credit cards, it’s still possible to acquire them

In my previous post I reported the poison that the most successful series on television put us. What Himmler wrote inside the front cover of the original German booklet is the perfect antidote
The translation was published under the title SS Man, Be Fruitful. But the original title Sieg der Waffen—Sieg des Kindes (Victory of the Arms—Victory of the Children) better reflects the content. Nothing can be more antithetical to the ethno-suicidal feminism of television than the simple message of this brief pamphlet, packed with photographs.

A year ago I complained that the sites of white nationalism didn’t pay tribute to the birthday of the FĂŒhrer. This year I didn’t want to inquire if the same thing happened yesterday. It is time to dismiss what is written in the US to find out what was written in these booklets available in several languages: here.

Nick Redfern #conspiracy

Diary of Secrets: UFO Conspiracies and the Mysterious Death of Marilyn Monroe

“On the day of Marilyn’s death, Robert Kennedy checked out”

“Assassination can seldom be employed with a clear conscience”

“Discredit any statements she may have made before she died”

“She had secrets to tell”

Cold-hearted murders made to look like suicides and accidents. Classified government documents fallen into the wrong hands. Explosive diaries. Powerful people with dangerous agendas. Government people prowling around. Hollywood conspiracies. Frightened people with disturbing secrets to hide. Wild sex. Drugs. Crazy parties and flowing booze. At the very heart of it all, an amazing story of UFOs, aliens, Roswell, Area 51, and the life and death of a beautiful, but scarred, icon: none other than one of the most famous and loved actors of the 20th century: Marilyn Monroe.

Nick Redfern is the author of more than 60 books on UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, zombies, and Hollywood scandal. His books include The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy; The Roswell UFO Conspiracy; Women in Black; Men in Black; Nessie; Chupacabra Road Trip; The Black Diary; and 365 Days of UFOs. He is a regular on the Travel Channel’s show, In Search of Monsters. Nick has also appeared on the BBC’s Out of This World; the SyFy Channel’s Proof Positive; and the National Geographic Channel’s Paranatural.

Nick lives in Arlington, Texas.

He can be contacted at his blog:

disciple4life #dunning-kruger #racist

Idea on how to stop race mixing in part

1. Create a website celebrating every race. Detail their unique traits and history. Use science , like Klassen did in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion, to show sub-species do not mix.

2. Create a dating website for each race. Also create Twitter and Facebook accounts for each site.

3. Create 100 Twitter account that agree with and promote the above websites.

4. Create a listing on each site to hire people to make videos. Use these actors to make videos pushing for race separation in breeding.

5. The dating websites will link to the website on the science of racial separation.

6. The owner’s name must be hidden.

“Why hide your name”

Well if they see a white guy, especially a white nationalist, owning all these sites they’ll figure out the motivations.

I don’t have the money to do this. The sites would need a professional web designer.

There are ppl here who do.

Whoever owns the sites will profit in off of them.

I could write then content about the uniqueness of each race. Also the history.

Son of the 1st Revolution #crackpot #racist

A few years back, I was going through "interview" (interrogation) training. Our instructor was a retired State Trooper famed for being able to pry confessions out of murderers. He said was that what a person is thinking about on a day to day basis eventually comes out of their mouth.

It made me remember a different course. One of the black students was going on and on about how he could never own a gun. He said that if he owned a gun, he would never get angry. He would just waste the person disagreeing with him. Knowing what I know now, he was inadvertently saying that despite his protests, he was in fact hunting around for a gun.

If you take that philosophy and look at the differences in race, we are different from childhood up. Too many liberals focus on the circumstances. They neglect to take into account that we are actually thinking differently all the time.

If you look at black music, especially rap, it focuses on sex and violence. The themes are knocking up as many hoes as possible while dropping bodies from the rival gang. That's what they're thinking about all the time. Sure white guys are thinking a lot about sex, and violence too, but whites and Asians seem to not let emotions get the better of them. Blacks thrive on jealousy and settling scores whether real or imagined.

IQ certainly plays a role, but even intelligent blacks seem to have an inordinate desire for revenge and an inability to let a small slight go. The same is true to a lesser degree with Hispanics. If you look at the gang/cartel problems throughout Mexico and Central America, it's hard to blame it solely on economics. Some of that poverty and misery is caused by what the populace is secretly thinking on a day to day basis.

Pavel #conspiracy #racist

Europe is lost already. Africa will have 4 billion people by 2060, the invasion is NEVER going to stop. The Mediterranean is not the Atlantic or Pacific, blacks will not stay put in Africa because it is a *hithole now at 1,3 billion people. Imagine what it will look like with 4 billion.

Europe is not lost. European population is about 600 million, excluding Russia. US population is about 335 million.

Europe is about 95% white. The US is already less than 60% white.

As population replacement happens exponentially, not linearly, the US will become majority non-white before ones who are in their 30-s today may reach their retirement.

Europe is getting serious, very serious, about resisting population replacement. Read about the open letter of retired French military to Macron, published just days ago. Read about the letter of active duty military who are courageous enough to support it. Think about tens of thousands of French military and police who are afraid to speak up protecting their jobs but who think the same and, when time comes, will actively support patriotic French generals.

At least 1/3 of Europe, in the East (excluding Russia), is lily white. The great replacement does not affect them at all. The western part, north and south have been experiencing invasion for decades, because of their traitorous ruling elites.

But it's about to change. Europe will survive and cleanse. We did it twice, speaking from European perspective not that long ago, at Tours and Vienna. We will do it again.

African threat is real, imminent. But it will only help unite European patriots and help us better prepare for the liberation from globalist elites.

George H. Leonard #ufo #crackpot #mammon

Somebody Else Is On The Moon

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.

George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.

Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

-Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.

-Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.

-Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.

-Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.

Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

"An extremely convincing case the moon has life on it - an intelligent race that probably moved in from outside the solar system..." -UFO Report

"Leonard's photos are truly mind-boggling..." -Publisher's Weekly

($139.99 as a bound book!)

Mistress-Blood #wingnut

(stamp with Dr. Seuss's "a person's a person no matter how small" quote next to a fetus)
Oooooo! I can feel even MORE hate then the George Bush stamp!

"And though you can't see or hear them at all, a person's a person... no matter how small." ~ Dr. Seuss

I can't wait for the hate comments on this one! XD
EDIT: And before any of you go pointing out the obvious without reading the comments.... YES! I know Teddy Geisel (Dr. Seuss) sued pro-lifers for using this as one of their slogans. What a whiny little bitch, seriously...

Antonio GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez #sexist

Most women in the Bay Area are soft and weak, cosseted and naive despite their claims of worldliness, and generally full of shit. They have their self-regarding entitlement feminism, and ceaselessly vaunt their independence, but the reality is, come the epidemic plague or foreign invasion, they’d become precisely the sort of useless baggage you’d trade for a box of shotgun shells or a jerry can of diesel.

Wandal z Wandali #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie

Chapters: 1) Under vacuum, light is invisible 2) Bending light explains Moon’s phases as well as the Sun and Moon’s eclipses. 3) Bending Light Proves Concave Earth. 4) The concave Earth system is like an atomic model. 5) A precise, scaled-down model of Earth and the Sun and Moon’s orbits with the exact trajectory of the Sun’s rays. 6) Concave Earth and the universe’s dimensions.

In the absence of matter, or even under partial vacuum, light is invisible.
Light can only be observed from its original source, or reflected from mirroring (reflecting) object (physical matter) and only if it enters the eye’s retina directly.
The light blue ring above the brown one represents Earth’s day time and atmospheric space located approximately 100km to 120km between sea level and Karman Line (the biblical glass sky).
The blue lines represent Sun light rays which due to light curvature (bending) do not travel below the Karman line, so consequently they are invisible from Earth. This Sun’s light beam, illuminates all physical objects in our cosmos like: Moon, Milky Way and other celestial bodies – The reflected light allows us to observe them mainly on the night sky.
Yellow and Red colors represent light rays which do penetrate thru the Karman line. Because of that, they are visible on Earth and by being reflected from physical objects we can visually experience and enjoy our surrounding world.

Christopher Knight and Alan Butler #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

<Coast to Coast AM explains the artificial moon theory>
Authors Christopher Knight and Alan Butler shared their theory that the moon is artificial and that it was deliberately engineered to sustain life on Earth. The moon is precisely designed "like a Swiss Clock," and built to a "mathematical blueprint," said Butler.

The material the moon is made out of came from the surface layers of the Earth, likely drawn from there using a series of small black holes that were placed in orbit around the planet, they explained. Butler & Knight presented three possibilities as to who was behind this operation:

God could have created the moon. But knowing that the Sun and Earth already existed first, why wouldn't this superior being have created the moon at the same time?
Alien beings, highly advanced in technology, could have spotted our planet as a likely place for seeding life, and left their calling card (an obviously artificial moon).
Human time travelers created the moon at some stage in the future, realizing that this needed to be done to incubate humanity in the past.

They believe that the time traveler explanation is the most valid. Humans would have the highest degree of interest in carrying out such a monumental task, said Butler, and time travel appears to be increasingly a real possibility, added Knight.

Brett Stevens #psycho #wingnut

[From “Mark David Chapman, American Hero”]

It was 37 years ago today
 when a lonely and maladjusted man, perhaps a forerunner of the /pol/ aggro-NEETs of our decade, took aim and destroyed the greatest icon of the hippie era. John Lennon led the Beatles into pretentious pseudo-intellectual pop music that was beloved for its Leftist politics more than anything else, and turned catchy songs into a mantra-like indoctrinate for the 1960s.

When Mark David Chapman raised his .38 special and perforated Lennon, he not only entered himself into the history books as an early type of what later became the spree shooter, namely the attention-driven perpetrator of violence, but also delivered the crucifixion that Lennon had pretended to undergo with his artistic drama and attention whoring.

Having made himself famous for being half of the writing team that produced catchy songs — Lennon-McCarthy invented a way of writing a simple three-part melody and then wrapping it around a pop song format — John Lennon, the Irish-descended outsider who never felt at home in England, turned on and attacked the societies that had enriched him, both England and the United States. It was as if he blamed them for celebrating him despite his failings, and in resentment at condescension he lashed out.


Entering his fourth decade, Lennon thus found himself somewhat artistically becalmed, writing songs about seemingly profound truths that he may have no longer fully believed, but since his fame and continued relevance was based in being a hippie icon, he was trapped into being a trope himself, a media figure. Fortunately Mark David Chapman intervened and spared us all further tedium.

Daryl/James Rink #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo

Daryl was recruited into the secret space program where he worked with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet. His military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino, little people in cages, and had an argument with a reptilian that resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon and then was forced to swat bugs on Mars.

Not all of his experiences were bad, for five days he was granted German citizenship on their home world and even given a German wife which almost never happens for Americans. At the end of his service, he was debriefed through looking glass technology and was told some things that would happen in the future including civil unrest and him appearing on a show called Super Soldier Talk. Daryl will also like to share a summary of the notes from his SSP regression memories.

Matt #wingnut #fundie

[From "Mea Culpa On Free Speech"]

I used to be a free speech absolutist, with qualifications of course – which begs the question doesn’t it? Qualifications like you cannot make a death threat[
]For virtually all other speech I believed there should be freedom for people to speak their conscience

My position on free speech was formed by a large dose of having grown up in secular Australia, a peaceful, stable and prosperous society
I took great delight in seeing first the Anabaptists[
]make the early case for freedom of conscience and expression. Especially considering this idea appeared to have done much good in the Western world
But then I sought to make this case on Vox Popoli[
]It was there that I heard the first truly persuasive argument against free speech: the case of Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Freedom of expression means freedom of expression, and this entails allowing things to be freely expressed that many Christians, and people of other faiths and even no faith, find reprehensive. Chatterly’s Lover is essentially porn in literary form
This case helped progressives do what they love doing best: transgressing boundaries[
]You could argue that this is the definitional pillar of progressivism
There are always blasphemy laws in any culture, even a libertine culture, where it is blasphemy to say, “That is immoral”, or “Maybe you should have self-control,” or, “Do you really need another cookie?”. We Christians and conservatives in the West fell into the trap of believing that neutrality could exist in a nation
So here is my mea culpa on free speech, I was wrong to ever defend it

Oklahoma Representative Justin Humphrey (R) #crackpot

1st Session of the 58th Legislature (2021)


An Act relating to game and fish; directing the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to establish a big foot hunting season; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 5-603 of Title 29,unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall promulgate rules establishing a big foot hunting season. The Commission shall set annual season dates and create any necessary specific hunting licenses and fees.
This act shall become effective November 1, 2021

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