
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Simeon Hein #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger amazon.com

If Bigfoot is an Ancient Primate or an Undiscovered Human, why is the Creature Seen Around Balls of Light and Other Paranormal Phenomena?
Dark Matter Monsters examines critical, new scientific findings in coherent energy-matter and how these ideas help explain seemingly paranormal phenomena, like space-time anomalies and orbs, seen around creatures such as bigfoot and other mysterious cryptids. Are cryptids related to ball lightning and orbs? Coherent matter was a subject of interest to inventor Nicola Tesla over one hundred years ago and many researchers, such as Fleischmann and Pons, who did cold fusion experiments at the University of Utah in the late 1980s. Japanese, American and Russian scientists like Takaaki Matsumoto, Kenneth Shoulders, and Alexander Parkhomov have seen similar results.
The book begins with a look at cosmological dark matter, which has yet to be identified but appears to occupy some 34 percent of the universe as a source of cryptids' strange and remarkable abilities. Taking dark energy into account, as much as 99.5 percent of our Universe is invisible to us! One candidate for explaining dark matter is relic neutrinos produced in huge quantities during the Big Bang. Relic neutrinos interact with biological organisms on Earth and might explain why creatures like bigfoot seem to possess remarkable abilities such as extraordinary speed, strength, cloaking, and can generate orbs and ball lightning.

The author also delves into how coherent matter relates to fractals, the Pentagon's AAWSAP Program, research at Skinwalker Ranch, and sudden battery and technology malfunctions around cryptids, cold fusion/LENR experiments, and crop circles. Other subjects covered include how social stigma is attached to these and related topics like Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) encountered by the US Navy and why that makes it harder for witnesses to report such encounters. It contains new witness accounts of cryptid encounters, never shared before.

Edo Nyland Award

For excellence in crackpot linguistics

:JUDGE :David-Wynn :Miller. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger web.archive.org



Steve Kirsch quoting Marc Dieth #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

Marc Dieth an electrician from Orlando, FL wrote me his story of how he learned the truth about vaccines "the hard way":

"We live in Florida currently. My daughter was born on 03/23/2016. So she is 7 years old and is unfortunately up to date with all of her poison shots. So she got the MMR shots…only last year we noticed her moments of vaccine injuries…

My son was born on 12/18/18. He only got half of the recommended shots when we discovered that all vaccines are poison…..He started showing his half face twitching symptoms this year…

My third son is 3 years (born 09/08/2020). He only got the so called “vitamin K” shot after intense disagreement with the hospital( I thought it was really a vitamin shot at the time.) He received no other shots and will never get any in the future. He is the healthiest of us all!"

None of his children's doctors would acknowledge any connection with the vaccines.

Will Trebing #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #quack #transphobia #enbyphobia westonaprice.org

(submitter’s note: This is from an interview with an anti-vax chiropractor who wrote a book titled “Goodbye Germ Theory” and is just one sample of a massive avalanche of nonsense)

One of the things he was talking about is how they’re stealing people’s souls. These shots prevent you from connecting with the fourth and fifth dimensions and having the internal sense that there is something greater than this three-dimensional reality. We’re all born with this. That’s our connection to spirit and God.

All of that stuff is listed in my book but I’ll give you the main terrible ones. People say, “How can a shot disconnect you from your soul?” It’s because we are beings of awareness. We’re all born as children with an awareness of self and something greater than us. That is our awareness of God. That connects us all together. It’s what prevents us from committing atrocities on one another, the planet, and nature. It’s what connects us as a species through love, our children, and wanting to continue that process with our children.

Our love for animals, trees, and the environment all come from that connection and awareness that we have to something greater than a third-dimensional reality. It’s the inner God that we all feel and sense. The Christians will call it the Holy Spirit. It’s that power that you turn to when you have had enough of life. You close your eyes and say, “I need help.” You get help. That’s a kinesthetic connection.

These shots are acting to turn that off, block you, and put a veil over that connection. When you don’t have that connection to fourth, fifth, sixth, and eighth-dimensional reality, and God any more, you can be easily controlled. You are a manufactured slave or servant. That’s why they’re doing all the gender stuff as well.

One of the things that they did in the communist revolution in China was he dressed all of the attractive women in men’s clothing. There’s only one autonomistic gender. There are no differences and that’s easier to control as well. They’re trying to turn the human race into a bunch of hermaphroditic, self-serving, and self-pleasuring narcissists who have no connection to anything but the state and what the state can give them and tell them what to do.

Rodney M. Cluff #crackpot #fundie #ufo #dunning-kruger ourhollowearth.com

I have been asked by a High School teacher of Provo, Utah to explain how the first few days of the Creation Story in Genesis 1 describe how Our Hollow Earth was created, with a diagram of it. So I created a diagram of the First Days of Creation with the following explanation from Genesis 1. My explanations are in parenthesis:

In the beginning (of Earth’s creation), God created The Heaven (the Inner Sun) and The Earth (the shell of the planet, notice The Heaven and The Earth, each are singular: there are two parts to the Earth).

And the earth was (originally) without form (space dust and rocks were caused to settle upon the bubble of the spirit of the earth), and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (when water was placed on the surface inside and out).

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light (when God lit up the Inner Sun).
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (of creation, the time used here is God’s time of His planet Kolob in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, which one rotation, one day, of Kolob is equal to 1,000 earth years,
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the (outer) heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and days, and years: (as this is when the Earth was put into orbit about the outer Sun in the Moon’s orbit, so that the Moon then became a satellite of the Earth, and the light of the Sun, Moon and stars became apparent on the Earth's outer surface. Seasons occurred because the Earth was tilted 16 degrees with respect to the ecliptic, with the axis of the Earth in the center of the polar openings. The polar openings formed when the earth was first put into rotation with centrifugal force assisting the formation of the hollow interior and the polar openings.).

Margarita Simonyan #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #wingnut businessinsider.com

(Context: Simonyan is the head of the Russian state news agency RT)

A loyal Kremlin propagandist suggested that Moscow should drop a nuclear bomb over Siberia as a way to convey a message to the West amid the grinding war with Ukraine, sparking backlash from officials in the Russian territory, according to multiple reports.

"If we were to conduct a thermonuclear explosion, a nuclear explosion, hundreds of kilometers above our own territory, someplace in Siberia, nothing scary would happen on the land," Simonyan said, according to a translation by the Russian Media Monitor.

"There will be no nuclear winter where everyone is afraid. There won't be horrific radiation that will kill everyone … None of that will happen,"

Simonyan added, according to the translation, that it would "disable" all electronics and satellites and, "We will return to the year 1993."

“And let me tell you, we lived amazingly well!”

(Submitter’s note, the last line isn’t quoted in the article’s text, but is in the video provided at 7:22)

Glenn Beck and other Conspiracy Theorists #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #quack #wingnut independent.co.uk

Conservative conspiracy theorists are apparently convinced that an upcoming emergency broadcast is going to turn everyone with a Covid-19 vaccine into zombies.

According to a few "theories" floating around on social media, the EAS system will supposedly trigger something in the Covid-19 vaccines — maybe "nanoparticles" according to one believer — to nefarious ends. Many of the posts and videos spreading fear about the call claim it will activate graphene oxide in the Covid-19 vaccine. The only problem being that graphene oxide is not in the Covid-19 vaccines.

The "what" of the conspiracy is what seems to be most in discussion. Some have theorised that it will awaken a dormant Marbug virus in the vaccinated, leaving them to suffer with Ebola like symptoms before it "sadly turn[s] some of them into zombies."

Like any good post-2020 conspiracy theory, the EAS conspiracies incorporate a bunch of other popular theories to maximize its potential adoption.

The same woman who predicted zombies were coming noted that the EAS test would be conducted using "5G," which — along with the Covid-19 vaccine — has long served as a boogeyman in conspiracy circles.

Some users have suggested wrapping their phones in tin foil — a conspiracy classic — or hiding them in microwaves or faraday cages ahead of the test. One Reddit user even claimed his landlord sent out a complex-wide message informing his tenants that he planned to shut power off to the entire building for three hours in the middle of a work day to protect against any adverse effects.

In right-wing media personality Glenn Beck's world, the call actually won't interact with the Covid-19 vaccines at all, but instead suggests that global nuclear war is imminent.

"FEMA is conducting a nationwide emergency alert system test on Wednesday. Russia is also conducting emergency tests this week to prepare for nuclear blasts," Mr Beck said. "That’s JUST a coincidence though, right? Nothing to worry about, right???"

What Mr Beck failed to mention is that federal law mandates the EAS must be tested once every three years. The last test was on 11 August, 2021, so the test seems unlikely to be a novel event that was cooked up in response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine.

Leopards Eating Faces Award

Donald Trump #wingnut #dunning-kruger politicususa.com

Trump argued that Biden is cognitively impaired, but then claimed that Biden is about to lead America into World War II.

Trump said while addressing evangelicals, “We are a nation that has weaponized law enforcement against opposing political parties. Like never before. There has never been anything like this. We’ve got a federal Bureau of Investigation that won’t allow bad election-changing facts to be presented to the public. And who offers $1 million to a writer of fiction about Donald Trump to lie and say it was fact Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell was Russian disinformation and the FBI. No, it wasn’t. But 51 intelligence agencies said it was And they knew it wasn’t also in a Department of Justice that refuses to investigate egregious acts of voting irregularities and fraud. And we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country. Who is cognitively impaired. In no condition to lead. And is now in charge of dealing with Russia. And possible nuclear war. Just think of it. We would be in World War II. Very quickly.”

Maybe having a 78-year-old candidate who refuses to release his medical records make the case that the incumbent president is too old is not the best idea?

Trump continues to talk to his followers in a language that mostly only they understand.

Trump’s ranting about 2020 and Hunter Biden’s laptop is not going to go over well with a general electorate, but the former president has no campaign message. He is relitigating the 2020 election and complaining about the criminal charges that have been filed against him.

A candidate who doesn’t know that Joe Biden wasn’t president before World War II or that World War II was more than 80 years ago probably should not be running for president.

Republicans and the media are making an issue about Biden’s age, but Donald Trump continues to show real signs that he is too old and unfit to run for president.

Tom Shackleford #racist #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "We’d Get By Just Fine"]
As the number of African Americans involved in your life increases, the probability of your murder approaches 1

There’s a less polite phrase about the combustion of an ancient, compressed form of carbon as well[…]I’m not the sort of gentleman who spouts crude aphorisms and racial slurs[…]
Law enforcement and the public school system are in place to deal with blacks. Every miscreant this planet has to offer is flooding into America[…]Blacks were why we have these systems[…]
If left to ourselves, schools would be organized based on various secular and religious communities while some people would school their children at home[…]Current public schools[…]are not punishing blacks and not giving them worse grades than whites

It’s the same thing with the police. White people have conducted most of their historical existence without modern police forces and done just fine[…]
When Jason Aldean came out with his controversial small-town ballad, it was hilarious because everyone knew he was referring to the inhuman criminal pastimes of blacks[…]
He might as well have just written: “Don’t let the sun go down on you in my small town, n-words. Nooses ain’t meant for hangin’ empty from trees”[…]I don’t advocate lynching or any form of extrajudicial violence[…]
The reason America has these systems to deal with blacks is that they can’t deal with themselves because they’re not genetically coded with the innate capacity for civilization[…]
Sub-Saharan Africans have DNA from a pre-hominid ancestor not shared by any other race[…]
Poor intelligence, a lack of impulse control, an inability to think with a significant degree of abstraction or internal monologue, and a very short time horizon[…]
It was initially considered that blacks were a species of ape by Christians, Muslims, and Jews, but eventually the Catholic Church declared them human[…]
Our slaves were treated the way they were because of the traits previously outlined

Hophead Brewer and Devil Mazinkaiser #wingnut #dunning-kruger #crackpot msn.com

(Hophead Brewer)
It's hilarious when liberals bash Florida which has the best economy and the best schools in the nation. Compared to California it is paradise yet it's a "dumpster fire" LOL

(Devil Mazinkaiser)
Actually, it's the best that it's ever been. Leftie loonies are kept away from our children, medical freedom exists, and we dont have to live with extreme protests and burning down our neighborhoods. Sounds great to me!

Mahmoud Abbas #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy jta.org

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas peddled falsehoods about the Holocaust and other discredited distortions about Jews, drawing diplomatic fire just as the Biden administration is launching a major diplomatic initiative that could include reviving Israeli-Palestinian talks

In a speech broadcast last month to a body of his Fatah Party, which controls the Palestinian Authority, Abbas, 87, said that Adolf Hitler and antisemites before him hated and persecuted the Jews not because of who they were but because of “their role in society” having to do with “usury, money, and so on and so on”[…]
In his speech, Abbas also peddled a discredited myth and distorted or erroneous claims, including: that Ashkenazi Jews are descended solely from the remnants of a bygone kingdom on the Caspian Sea; that the term “antisemitism” describes animus toward speakers of Semitic languages; and that Jews from Arab lands emigrated to Israel primarily because they were coerced by Zionists

Donald J. Trump #dunning-kruger #god-complex washingtonpost.com

[The quote was at the end of a WaPo 2023-09-02 article, I thought it may be entertaining enough for FSTDT. I thought about including the mammon tag for fun, but...]

Trump, however, said he isn’t going anywhere and that Truth Social was his “home.” In a post there Monday, he wrote, “TRUTH SOCIAL IS THE GREATEST & ‘HOTTEST’ FORM, SYSTEM, & PLATFORM OF COMMUNICATION IN AMERICA, & INDEED THE WORLD, TODAY. THAT’S WHY I USE IT — THERE IS NOTHING THAT COMES EVEN CLOSE!!!”

Neo #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

There are no such things as aliens, and space is blocked off by the firmament, and real outer space isn't the NASA-style space that you can move through.

You have to understand that there is a lot of misinformation/disinformation put there by people who have no business being a conspiracy realist and also by counter-intelligence agents. Also, there is information about conspiracies that isn't written down anywhere, so few people even know about it.

Tunnelcat, the shadow gov't made all the elite talk "right wing" so that people who are still asleep still fall for the Demoncat/Reptilican shell game. I.e. the Republicans who are in the know decide to be the conspiracy hypocrites while the Democrats play the mainstream hypocrites.

I knew something was wrong at age 9 but I didn't know why until I moved into adulthood... I think around 2008 or so? Unless I forgot the year. I'm not conservative, and I'm not racist. I'm not even white. lol

William Luther Pierce #racist #psycho #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger forums.spacebattles.com

Liberalism is an essentially feminine, submissive world view. Perhaps a better adjective than feminine is infantile. It is the world view of men who do not have the moral toughness, the spiritual strength to stand up and do single combat with life, who cannot adjust to the reality that the world is not a huge, pink-and-blue, padded nursery in which the lions lie down with the lambs and everyone lives happily ever after.

Nor should spiritually healthy men of our race even want the world to be like that, if it could be so. That is an alien, essentially Oriental approach to life, the world view of slaves rather than of free men of the West.

But it has permeated our whole society. Even those who do not consciously accept the liberal doctrines have been corrupted by them. Decade after decade the race problem in America has become worse. But the majority of those who wanted a solution, who

wanted to preserve a White America, were never able to screw up the courage to look the obvious solutions in the face.

All the liberals and the Jews had to do was begin screeching about "inhumanity" or "injustice" or "genocide," and most of our people who had been beating around the edges of a solution took to their heels like frightened rabbits. Because there was never a way to solve the race problem which would be "fair for everybody or which everyone concerned could be politely persuaded into accepting without any fuss or unpleasantness, they kept trying to evade it, hoping that it would go away by itself. And the same has been true of the Jewish problem and the immigration problem and the overpopulation problem and the eugenics problem and a thousand related problems.

Elon Musk #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #god-complex rollingstone.com

While much of America enjoyed a relaxing Labor Day weekend of cookouts and beach trips, X (formerly known as Twitter) owner Elon Musk was doubling down on his absurd claims that the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish nonprofit, had somehow tanked the website he personally ran into the ground.

The accusations began last week, after ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt had a meeting with X CEO Linda Yaccarino to discuss the prevalence of hate speech on the platform. This kicked off a trending hashtag campaign, #BanTheADL, predicated on the groundless idea that the organization has stifled free speech on X (and should therefore have their account removed). But the tag, promoted by known antisemites and white supremacists, generated a slew of hateful content. When Musk proved receptive to the movement and chimed in to allege that “ADL has tried very hard to strangle X/Twitter,” he did so in reply to Keith Woods, an antisemitic YouTuber affiliated with notorious racists Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes.

By Saturday, Musk was mulling a poll on whether to suspend the ADL and tweeting that it had been “hijacked by the woke mind virus.” He returned to the topic on Monday, once again interacting with Woods and escalating his rhetoric against the group, blaming them for the preponderance of antisemitism on X and insisting that they were out to destroy the website. “Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platform by falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic,” he complained.

From there, Musk began spinning out even more outrageous claims of sabotage, tweeting that a 60 percent plummet in U.S. advertising revenue for the site was “primarily due to pressure” from the ADL. (In fact, brands have tended to blame Musk himself for their departure.) Multiple times, he threatened a defamation suit against the organization, at one point calculating that they had cut his company’s value in half, making them liable for a loss of some $22 billion. This back-of-the-envelope math, dubious on its face, also seems to derive from the $44 billion price tag of Musk’s Twitter acquisition, and even he has said he was “obviously overpaying” at that price.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Residential Schools have always been awesome; more people are waking up to that fact"]

A couple weeks ago on his podcast, Matt Walsh took on the "215 dead kids" hoax

Recently True North News, who has been (along with this blog) right on this file from the very beginning, just published a popular article about the "blood libel" caused by these fake claims about dead injun kids[…]

The Indian Residential School genocide claim, now repeated by many indigenous leaders, elders, knowledge keepers and ordinary folk, legions of non-indigenous people including Justin Trudeau, the head of the Roman Catholic Church[…]was invented many years earlier Protocols-style by a crackpot who has been selling snake oil by the bucketful to gullible indigenous and non-indigenous people alike for more than 30 years[…]

New York Post[…]again give their American audience important information[…]

“I don’t like to use the word hoax because it’s too strong but there are also too many falsehoods circulating about this issue with no evidence,” Jacques Rouillard, a professor emeritus in the Department of History at the Université de Montréal, told The Post[…]

We're still a long ways from perfect: few are still willing to even bend as slightly as Prof. Rouillard to even say "hey you can't seem to find any evidence", let alone to a much better statement that the Residential School System was an excellent idea well administered with minimal resources by highly dedicated and loyal public servants to achieve the noble if not genetically impossible task of improving the redskinned race of Mongolian rejects

Journey of a million miles begins with a single action of throwing shitty moccasins away and buying sensible hiking boots, yadda yadda yadda

Ron Peri #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger angrywhitemen.org

Ron Peri, who was appointed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to an oversight board for Disney’s special tax district, once warned that Europe is “collapsing” and “becoming Muslim through the depopulation of Europeans.” Peri made the comments in a Sept. 2021 video uploaded to the YouTube channel of his ministry, The Gathering USA[…]
In the video, titled “The Longevity Lifestyle of the Jews,” Peri told listeners that “Nations die. Not from overpopulation but from depopulation.” After referencing the fall of the Roman Empire, Peri added that, “Europe is collapsing. It is becoming Muslim through the depopulation of Europeans”

Peri read off statistics about “Islamic birthrates” in countries such as Afghanistan and Somalia, which he contrasted with birthrates of European countries. He added, “Do you know that there are, today, more Muslims in France than there are Catholics? Everything is changing in Europe”[…]
Peri then said that in the U.S. “we’re starting to see the same issue,” and that “the American birthrate” was 2.1 in 2019 while the Canadian birthrate was 1.5

According to Peri, he took these statistics from America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It by Mark Steyn[…]
Citing data which showed a decline in births between Dec. 2019 and Dec. 2020, Peri proclaimed that “the United States is facing a demographic collapse.” Peri appeared to partially attribute the decline to the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that “Many believe that the vaccine is indeed having a very negative effect on fertility rates and fertility rates going forward”


Guy Mitchell #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy amazon.com

“Global Warming:The Great Deception-The Triumph of Dollars and Politics Over Science and Why You Should Care”is the definitive new work on the subject of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. Guy Mitchell, a businessman with the mind of a scientist, takes a holistic approach and combines scientific analysis with an in-depth review of the political and economic aspects of the subject. He uses proven science and scientific facts to refute every claim of the climate alarmists and proponents of the man-made global warming hypothesis. He exposes the true reasons that the UN, certain politicians and global investment firms promote the global warming fraud. His analysis is an unbiased, scientifically based, insightful, no holds-barred approach to the subject.
Mitchell employs his keen sense of business acumen to expose the real drivers behind the claims of man-made global warming: research funding, politics and global economics. Over $1 trillion world-wide has been spent on global warming research with nothing of substance to show for it. UN climate models are fundamentally flawed; they can not predict historical results or the future. Certain politicians in the US and Western Europe embrace the fraudulent hypothesis with no apparent understanding of the science or the socioeconomic impact that the abandonment of fossil fuels would have on the world economy or the reliability of the power grids that drive it. The man-made global warming hypothesis has been declared an existential threat and some US politicians want to use the “crisis” to erode fundamental civil liberties that are protected in the US Constitution. They want to use global warming to limit consumer choice, economic freedom and usher in socialism.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger disclosurenews.it

Venus will move forward on September 3rd in Leo providing a sense of creativity in relationships and a desire to settle things with everyone’s ego in-tact.

However, this requires that we come to a realization of what our personal and collective needs really are so that we do not just give-in to anything just to avoid confrontation.

With our Moon having come to its “Super Fullness” last night in healing, dreamy, spiritually-oriented Pisces, and with its portal being with us most of this weekend, use the time to go deep into your inner being for answers.

A magnetic filament (coronal mass ejection) blasted off from our Sun late yesterday and is headed for our planet.

Its energetics will intermingle with Earth’s magnetics creating further stirrings of “Her” vibrational frequency and amplitude as well as the stirrings within humanity’s collective frequency and amplitude.

Also, the proton particles that are surging into the magnetosphere are causing further planetary activations as they soar into Earth’s far side and into the deeper realms of humanity.

Even though our Sun also releases proton particles (as well as electrons and neutrons, etc.), the protons which are consistently arriving from outside of our solar system are doing so because of the depletion of the magnetosphere which ancient teachings say occurs in every “Kali Yuga” as mankind’s disharmonies based in low levels of consciousness are vibrational energies which move into the cosmos and set-off a correction via various cosmic events.
As is always mentioned, in order to anchor to the healing, protective, abundance-giving, loving, LIGHT of SOURCE, pray and meditate daily.

As our planet continues to shift, to turn on “Her” axis, to receive greater LIGHT, and to rise to a new placement in the cosmic “neighborhood”, as many people as possible need to also shift higher in consciousness.

As we pray for our individual needs and desires, let us also pray for the entire planet.

Engage more LIGHT this weekend.

Idkawesome #ableist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

ADHD, autism, and depression, are NOT REAL.

You don't have adhd. You're just obnoxious. (I'm sorry but i honestly don't know what else you want me to say. If you can give me a better way to say this, I'd happily edit this.)

You don't have autism, you've just been bullied and your self-esteem has suffered because of that. So now you feel awkward in certain situations. You don't know where to put your hands, because you're worried that somebody is looking at you. It's essentially just an after effect of bullying.

Depression is not a mental illness. It's sadness. It's a human fucking emotion. Something bad happened to you. Now you're feeling sad about it. That's normal.

Sometimes White Lies can make us feel better. I'm honestly happy for you if you're feeling better because of a diagnosis like this. But that doesn't give you the right to live a lie. Doesn't give you a right to Gaslight everyone around you.

Find a healthy way to feel better about yourself. You don't have a right to tell people lies just because it makes you feel better about yourself. Stop being obnoxious. Except that something bad happened to you and you have to work through that. Don't listen to bullies. You're not divergent or wrong just because you're good at something that they're not good at. Or because they can't apply themselves.

woodchip #wingnut #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

How many here believe the fire in Maui was caused by man made climate warming like the Dims are now claiming? Well you'd be wrong. It was the electrical company who neglected to turn the grid off under a high wind warning...that and neglecting to clear the brush under the power lines. And the 100 people who died can blame the water Czar who dithered about letting the fire fighters from using extra water to fight the fire. Ain't liberalism grand!

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

(When someone ask why his posts are always political.)

There's several reasons, but I'll give the most depressing one: it doesn't hurt my bottom line.

As far as I can tell, the woke don't have disposable income. I can't tell how many times I've seen someone get offended and say "I was thinking about supporting you, but now I won't." and I'm just thinking "bulllllllllshit, if you were actually going to pay me you would have."

... it's not like Disney where they've had the lowest attendance summer at their theme parks ever (hell knows how much that has cost them) ... or Bud Light laying off tens of thousands of employees.

That's kind of the dark punch line of the whole thing. It simply is what it is.

Vox Day #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho voxday.net

[From "SF is Dying and LA is Next"]

The store looting community have migrated from San Francisco to Los Angeles:

Dozens of thieves ransacked the Nordstrom, smashing displays and stealing an estimated $60,000- $100,000 worth of merchandise, authorities said[…]

The same thing is happening in London. An astonishing number of retailers, major and minor, have been driven out of downtown San Francisco already, now Oxford Street and the Topanga Mall appear to be the next sitting ducks

Europeans became civilized after several centuries of methodically executing thieves and imposing other violent forms of civilization. Asians went through the same refining process, but even longer. Africans never went through it, which is why the dyscivilizational genetic patterns that were significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species are still prevalent in them. Evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it does produce better-behaved animals and human beings

So the people of the West have three choices. Either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on petty criminals today that the medieval Europeans did or watch civilization collapse in every single major city with a substantially vibrant population. Or, of course, bring back freedom of association and segregation, but we know that won’t happen until society itself collapses

The nations will be homogenous again; the patterns of history are inevitable and the diversity of today is imposed, subsidized, and artificial. The only question is just how terrible the process involved will be

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #dunning-kruger disclosurenews.it

Although ancient “Rishis” (“Sages”) knew about the movements of our planet Earth and its inner and outer stirrings, in modern times, it was studied by Dr. Weinfried Otto Schumann, and his findings were published in 1952 which were named the “Schnumann Resonance”—abbreviated “SR”.

The “SR” is the vibrational frequency of energy and amplitude of our planet and is also called its “heartbeat”.

The word “vibration” is defined as “tone”, “quality”, oscillation”, or “movement”.

The word “frequency” refers to the “rate at which something vibrates”—slow, medium, or quickly.

According to how Earth is being activated, there is a turning on “Her” axis at a particular rate per second.

The word “amplitude” indicates “strength” and “depth” of something as it is activated upon by an outside force.

In the case of Earth, it is acted upon at certain rates at particular times by particular cosmic forces.

What are these forces? They are the electromagnetic energies of solar flares, coronal mass ejections or plasma particles, and the solar winds which drive these happenings to enter Earth’s own electromagnetic inner and outer fields, thus intermingling with the cosmic events that arrive.
Humans also have magnetite particles, most of which are in the brain.

Thus, when Earth is being acted upon, so is mankind.

In this “Now”, our planet Earth is receiving massive doses of LIGHT in various ways from many cosmic energetic domains.

These are “Bio-Photons” or “Life Light” which carries information from cell to cell creating an inter-cellular network, and molecules now have a higher rate of “spin”.

This causes lots of turbulence on our planet because old programming is being dissolved and new programming is coming on-line.

One of the main principles of the subject of Physics is that there is chaos before balance.

Collective human consciousness governs the “SR” in many ways. Low levels of human consciousness requires lots of cleansing and clearing and then lots of illumination.

DramaticPangolin-92 #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

(Side note: being held to the standard you expect everyone else to abide by for you is not the same as forcing another sacrifice on someone you’re already expecting emotional labour from. A younger sister already has to use a new name and new pronouns, being told she also has to lose something because an older sibling demanded that of her is base cruelty. Your inability to see that is concerning.)

Truthscrambler #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger truthscrambler.com

In esoteric or occult science, the solar system is not a string of material planets orbiting the sun like a string of pearls, or billiard balls bouncing around aimlessly in the cosmos. The idea of infinite galaxies that we can fly to in ships is science fiction, fantasy and delusion, wrought from the hyper-materialism phase of our development. We must instead think multi-dimensionally about our cosmos, and in order to begin to do so, we must view our string of planets as different phases, densities or dimensions of our one Earth and Sun.
There are always some humans in each planetary round that fail to keep pace with evolution and fall into the abyss, the dreaded Eighth sphere that I’ve covered in other writings. On the Mars plane, this seems to have been a major occurrence, there was a sharp split in the population where many took the fallen path, the path of extreme technocracy and transhumanism, the rejection of the divine feminine, and ended with the nuclear destruction of their planet. These fallen Martian beings, in order to escape the Eighth sphere where they knew they would eventually rot and be recycled, they summoned something truly alien, dark gods that exist behind a black veil, who are not of this universe, and there seems to be an A.I. black goo element to them, and who gave the Martians a way out, a loophole; a portal was opened to our Earth, through this nuclear blast, where they were able to land in what today would be called Antarctica.

Housed on this wasteland, however, were all the beings of our Earth’s Lemurian epoch who failed to evolve and keep pace. They devolved into what eventually would become the ape kingdom, a degenerated offshoot of the human tree. When the Martian humans arrived here, they found, not the mainstream population of Earth humans, who were with the higher Earth in the astral plane, but these devolved ape-men from the now finished Lemurian epoch.

Stephen Miller #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut mediaite.com

Former Senior Advisor to former President Donald Trump, Stephen Miller made a bizarre claim about Watergate during a recent interview

The exchange happened during the Friday edition of The Benny Show where host Benny Johnson asked Miller how reform could take place at the Department of Justice in light of the third indictment of Trump. A clip from the interview began circulating Twitter via Jason Campbell

JOHNSON: I think the atmosphere, perhaps Stephen, is right for true, true reform here at the DOJ. Sir, how do you go about doing it?

MILLER: Well, the first and most important thing is to reestablish what is known as the unitary executive. So this goes back to the Watergate era. And now we obviously know, looking back on it now, of course, that that was a deep state coup against Richard Nixon

MILLER: But this was back to the Watergate era in which, by the way, the cost of that just that we’re talking about measuring this in human lives, is that just I know it is a tangent, but to understand the consequence of the deep state thinking they run policy. Getting rid of Nixon, who was pursuing an honorable peace and a durable peace in Vietnam, led to the complete collapse of Nixon’s Vietnam strategy after he left office

MILLER: That would have then kept some sort of peace in Indochina, and instead we were left with communist butchery on a scale that few can imagine. I’m not talking about the validity of entering the war. I’m just pointing out that when you when you get rid of duly elected presidents, the effects on policy can be truly calamitous

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #dunning-kruger #crackpot dailystormer.name

[From "First American Defector Since 1982 Bolts Across DMZ to Free Korea"]

This is the first defector to North Korea since 1982

I doubt he is being treated how the American media is claiming he is being treated


A U.S. soldier crossed the inter-Korean border into North Korea and was believed to be in North Korea custody[…]

Some reports I’ve seen said that he was laughing when he ran across the border

I guess he will be in detention for a while until they can figure out if he’s a spy, and will then live the rest of his life under some suspicion, but there is no reason they have to abuse him

You can read about the list of defectors – they were all allowed to live normal lives

The fact that Americans want to go live in North Korea is a good look for North Korea

North Korea is actually a really nice country, without all these problems we deal with in “democracy” countries

Of course, no one can know that

If you tweet this:

You: North Korea is a dictatorship where people are forced to push trains and are executed for having the wrong haircut

North Korea: ???? pic.twitter.com/BxmS4CylC9

July 15, 2023

The censors will claim that this is actually a Truman Show type scenario, where when you visit the country, everything is a setup with actors:

spoilerVideo of marathon with the added context "choregraphied"

That is, of course, a wild conspiracy theory, for which the censors have no evidence beyond “reports”

Enlightened Turtle Kev #crackpot #dunning-kruger youtube.com

Where did the Trojan war take place,
who were the Trojan people, and is there a connection between the Trojans and the runic writing systems of indo-Europe.

These are but a few questions that have been brewing in my mind, ever since I learned of Brutus, an Etruscan Roman, who became the first king of Britain, and how he was descended from Aeneas of Troy, who fought against the supposed Greek armies of the Ageon, including the great king Agamemnon and his gengerals and lesser kings, such as the well known warrior Achilies and the well travelled Odeyseus.

It was a great war, well known through the ages for its scale, both in capacity and length of time, it is claimed by some as many as 2,000,000 million souls, and many gods participated in the war, spanning a period of around 10 years.

In this enquiry we shall look to explore the writings of various chroniclers, historian's and authors alike, from antiquity and the age of heroes, through to more recent works of the 21st century.

The information may seem none sequential at times, but shall be tied togeather and will no doubt branch into a multi video investigation, so please consider subscribing to the channel and stay connected as we go on this journey of discovery together.

Thank you. 🙏🏻

(Submitter’s note: Britan, apparently. And not just the Trojan War, but also other Greek and even Biblical myths. Or something.]

4Chan copypasta #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut #psycho boards.4chan.org

Civilization cannot run without the blood, sweat and tears of young men. They are trying to replace (You) with migrants and eventually robots but migrants only work for one generation, second generation migrants have no connection to their homeland they all have a crisis of identity and the overwhelming majority cope with it by going along with the flow and adopting the stances of their peers. The west is now overflowing with 2nd and third generation migrants and they are with (You). Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of migrants are a net drain on the economy (see pic related).

The social contract has been broken and yet they still expect (You) a young man to contribute (You)r weight in blood, sweat and tears. (You) and many of your peers are choosing to opt out of this deal. After nearly a decade of this trend snowballing (You) and (You)r peers have become the biggest threat the regime has ever faced.

There is nothing they can do to stop it
There is no action they can take that does not reinforce and accelerate the trend
The last time something of this scale happened it was August of 1921. Nearly 20,000 coal miners fought 3000 lawmen and strikebreakers in the battle of Blair Mountain. It was the first time the US had ever been bombed by an aircraft and it was the US Military bombing its own citizens, they even used poison gas bombs. But this time there is nowhere to bomb, the group is largely faceless, instead of 20,000 its nearly 10,000,000. There is no headquarters to attack, there are no leaders, it is just millions of young men collectively coming to the conclusion that there is nothing in it for them.

They will call (You) a "loser", "low T", an "incel" while simultaneously demonizing "toxic masculinity" they have no answer and they are terrified.
Civilization cannot run without the sacrifices of young men it however CAN run without the contributions of women. Artificial wombs already exist, true robot workforces DO NOT.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Liberals are Xenophobic to the extreme.

Why else would they decry that all cultures must remain pure, and that no outsiders have the right to infringe upon their own culture. The common cry of "you're just saying that 'cause you're white" is about as xenophobic as you can possibly get.

I mean, the fact that trendy pan-Asian cuisine is the literal definition of cultural appropriation, according to their terms. Or let alone the fact that "Asian Heritage Month" is a thing, with the motto of "we love Asians, 1 Asian is as good as another!" But that's SOMEHOW acceptable and different and exempt from their holy judgement because it's a liberal inspired movement because ... well ... they're like orks. They can simultaneously hold 2 completely contradictory accounts of reality as truth and not think anything of it.

fuck it. Liberals are why humanity deserves nuclear holocaust.

Luis Miguel #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger thenewamerican.com

[From "College Board, Angry It Can No Longer Groom Kids, Pulls AP Psych From Florida"]

The left-wing academic establishment is having a full-blown meltdown at the news that the College Board, which runs both the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Advanced Placement (AP) high-school curricula, is pulling its AP Psychology program out of Florida due to the state’s restrictions on the teaching of sexuality and gender ideology in classrooms

Contrary to the way the mainstream media is reporting the news, Florida did not ban the College Board from letting students take the AP Psych[…]
Rather, the state asked the College Board to review its courses and update any that contain material that is in conflict with new state legislation prohibiting sexual grooming in classrooms. This applied to the AP Psychology course, which asks students to “describe how sex and gender influence socialization and other aspects of development”

But the organization refused to make any changes, preferring to nix AP Psych altogether[…]
The College Board that killed its own AP Psych program by deciding not to recognize or give credit for courses that drop the sections on gender and sexuality. They preferred not to have the course taught at all than to allow schools to teach it without the sections on gender and sexuality

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, previously took aim at the College Board for introducing “Neo-Marxism” into its courses aimed at teenagers[…]
At the end of the day, it’s just as well that Florida students are not being exposed to what passes as Marxist pseudoscience and degeneracy under the guise of “psychology.” Psychology courses, like modern revisionist history courses and English courses focusing on deconstructive, leftist literature, are among the settings which educators most use to inculcate impressionable young people with ideas such as atheism, sexual promiscuity, gender-bending ideology, and collectivist politics

Conservapedia #fundie #sexist #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

The Legend of Zelda series: Similar in vein to stories such as Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, and The Chronicles of Narnia, the games detail a classic message of good fighting evil, and also featured implicit Christian themes in the series (in fact, until the third game, the religion of the people in the games was supposed to be Christianity, hence the cross on Link's Shield in the first game). The main villain, Ganon, is revealed to have originally belonged to a group known as the Gerudo, who are depicted as a nearly all-female race (Ganon, or more accurately his human form Ganondorf, being the only exception) and having traits resembling Muslims, hinting at an anti-feminist/anti-Islam message. There was also a pro-family message in at least one game in the series, as one of the entries, Wind Waker, featured Link trying to save his sister after she was abducted early on in the game, as well as their getting along amicably throughout.

Metroid series: Although largely being based on the liberal movie franchise Alien, the game franchise has several conservative elements. Namely, it depicts piracy and terrorism in a negative manner in the form of the murderous Space Pirates who frequently act as the main antagonists of the franchise. The game Super Metroid also promotes parenthood in a positive light, as the main plotline of the game involved Samus Aran trying to rescue her "child", a Metroid hatchling she adopted after wiping out its race in the previous game due to it imprinting on her, from the Space Pirate forces. The Prime series also depicts the military in a positive manner in the form of the Galactic Federation Marines, and some of the Chozo Logs as well as the Luminoth also have some similarities to biblical accounts (i.e., the Worm, alluding to the titular antagonist Metroid Prime, alluding to Wormwood in the book of revelations). In addition, although the main protagonist, Samus Aran, is female, it does not promote the concept of feminism. The game Metroid Fusion also showcases the warnings of playing god and government corruption.

conservapedia #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

[From: Greatest Conservative Movies]
The Star Chamber, 1983, R, Michael Douglas is a Los Angeles judge whose idealism is shaken when he has to release guilty violent criminals on legal technicalities, until he meets similar judges who form a "court of last resort" to hunt down and execute deadly criminals who previously escaped on loopholes.

Vivek Ramaswamy #conspiracy #dunning-kruger mediaite.com

Fielding a series of conspiratorial rapid-fire questions from from Stein, Ramaswamy declared of the 1969 Apollo moon landing “I have no evidence to suggest it was fake, so I’m gonna say it was real.”

He was less sure, however, when Stein asked if 9/11 was an “inside job, or exactly what the government tells us.”

Ramaswamy’s reply delighted Stein:

I don’t believe the government has told us the truth. Again, I’m driven by evidence and data. What I’ve seen in the last several years is we have to be skeptical of what the government does tell us. I haven’t seen evidence to the contrary, but do I believe everything the government told us about it? Absolutely not. Do I believe the 9/11 Commission? Absolutely not.

“Yeah, 9/11 Commission lied,” agreed Stein.

Ramaswamy, who professed to form his opinions on the basis of evidence before expressing an opinion he said he had no evidence for, explained his answer later to Semafor’s Shelby Talcott.

“I think there have long been unanswered questions about who knew about it in the Saudi government. That’s what I was getting at,” said Ramaswamy who told Talcott that he doesn’t believe the attacks were an “inside job.”

To explain the discrepancy in his answers, Ramaswamy cited the fact that “Some guy who is a comedian was spouting off questions about the moon landing not being real before that.”

Ramaswamy is presently in third place in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls of the GOP primary.

Conservapedia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie conservapedia.com

George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903 - January 21, 1950), a leading and open-minded English writer, essayist and journalist who became critical of his ideological allies on the Left. He hated imperialism[1] and grew more conservative, adopting and raising a child and becoming a member of the Church of England.[2] The tension between the increasingly conservative Orwell and the perception of him as a democratic socialist may account for some of his interesting word inventions like "doublethink". Because of his prominent liberal past, Orwell's conservative writings were accepted and praised by the clueless liberal intelligentsia. By the time Orwell adopted an infant in 1944, he was an outspoken opponent of abortion,[3] which may have accelerated his anti-communist work.

"Orwellian" is a term in tribute of his mockery of political attempts to control and redefine terminology.

Unlike most writers, Orwell's greatest works came late in his life. He harshly criticized communism and totalitarianism in 1984, his finest novel, as well as in his shorter fictional work Animal Farm (1946), an allegorical reference to the Russian Revolution. These works were far more significant than his first novel, based on his experiences on the Imperial Police Force in Burma, Burmese Dаys, which explored the evils of coloniаlism. His highly influential essay, "Politics and the English Language," attacked the liberal obfuscation which was already present in his day, and championed clear speech.

The inspiration for Orwell's growth into conservatism remains unexplored. Likely reasons include his open-mindedness, his adopting and then raising (due to his wife's untimely death) a child, and his disillusionment with Leftists while fighting on their side in Spain.

Richard Dawkins and Helen Joyce #transphobia #dunning-kruger religionnews.com

During a recent episode of his podcast “The Poetry of Reality,” Dawkins spoke with author Helen Joyce about the “influence of gender ideology on society.” There was no mention of how Joyce has previously said transgender people who have transitioned are “damaged” and “a huge problem to a sane world.” Nor did Dawkins bring up how she believes “reducing” the number of people who transition is a moral imperative.

Dawkins not only agreed with many of her points, he added that “sex really is binary” and that kids are choosing to be trans under pressure from both their peers and teachers. He also insisted that people like him were the real victims of abuse, wondering why “all the bullying (goes) one way.” (In fact, a study from 2021 found that trans people are four times more likely than cisgender people to “experience violent victimization.”)

The podcast episode dropped days after Dawkins wrote an essay for the British magazine The New Statesman answering the question, “What is a woman?” Dawkins’ reductive response boiled down to “A woman is an adult human female, free of Y chromosomes,” as if the absence of a single chromosome answers the question. That flies in the face of what many scientists have said about the subject.

“There are cisgender women who have XY sex chromosomes, and many other exceptions to binary sex. Around 1 in 1,000 people are intersex,” said Jey McCreight, a science communicator with a Ph.D. in genomics who has consulted on trans inclusivity for biotech companies. McCreight added in an email: “That’s pretty common as far as biology goes. A study may treat sex as binary out of practicality, but scientists understand that reality is more nuanced.”

Despite acknowledging those exceptions exist, Dawkins casually dismisses them, just as he dismisses the genetic influences many experts believe contribute to the development of trans identities. Those exceptions and influences are reasons the American Medical Association and other major medical organizations have supported gender-affirming care.

Conservapedia #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

(On Animal Farm)
A short story by George Orwell, it describes a farm run by socialist animals. The animals rebel against its owners and set up a new farm under socialist ideas, though this idealistic future devolves into a dictatorship run by Napoleon the pig. Although it seems to be more pro-socialist, as the book goes on it begins to show the dangers and corruptness that arises through communism. It is based on the beginning of the Soviet Revolution, and every character represents either a prominent Soviet leader or a group of Russian citizens (Such as the elderly or workers).
Two film adaptations have been released: an animated film in 1954 and a live-action/puppet film in 1999.

(On 1984)
Another classic book by Orwell, it focuses on a civilian living in a Socialist world. The earth is split into 3 Nations : Oceania (The Americas, Australia, South Africa, and England), Eurasia (All of Europe and Russia), and Eastasia (Japan, China, and other parts of South Asia). All 3 nations fight over the left over areas, like North Africa and the Middle East, which result in endless casualties. There is constant editing of history. People, places, and things are constantly erased or changed or added (similar to the acts of the Soviet Union). Words and thoughts are censored and use of them result in torture and death.

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