
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

First off, if you've contributed to BLM read who you're supporting...


full details in the link, here's the tl;dr

Joseph Resenbaum (dead) - registered sex offender, crime involving a minor

Anthony Huber (dead) - criminal history, charges of battery, repeat domestic abuse

Gaige Grosskreutz (alive, crippled arm) - criminal record including armed intoxication, wishes he killed the guy

Kyle Rittenhouse (shooter, alive) - was seen cleaning graffiti just a couple days prior

So yeah, to all of you who donated funds to BLM ... you probably helped post bail to criminals, wife beaters, and child molesters.

You should be touching yourself tonight in honor of how you've made such a positive difference in the world.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Until the "mostly peaceful" group stops resorting to mob violence...

Gonna remind everyone that terrorists bully and intimidate others into conformity of their ideals. Ya know: cause terror to spread the message? Pretty sure that's what these roaming packs of wild dogs in the streets are doing.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

[Serious] You've heard of SEAmaxxing but have you ever considered Africamaxx?


I slept with 1,400 girls, impregnated 600 in 6 African countries, French tourist recounts

Could be a larp but I wouldn't completely doubt it. I remember a post on Braincels where someone put St Blackops2cel in Ghana on tinder and he immediately got 30 matches in the matter of like an hour. It had the lion king music to go with it if anyone remembers that.

I don't wanna be a piece of shit chad prego'in lots of women. I just want one girl who loves me and is loyal to me. That's all i ever wanted

Jfl. You're too pure for this world.

No because I'm not attracted to them

Most of them look like men.

Really ugly men, at that. Average rice male looks more feminine.

I have already paid to have sex with a black woman but sadly I can't feel anything for them. Even the lust I have for them is like only a fraction of what I have for white women.

I literally have no attraction to black woman.

I never fapped to a black woman in my life. And I'm 32.

There aren't even black porn stars. Even black people don't fap to black women.

Being a black woman must be tough. They still have it way, way better than male incels, but since they only compare themselves to other women, they must feel like shit in comparison. It's like incels are at 1, normies are at 3, Chads are at 100, black women are at 80 and white women are at 500.


Aboriginals are the worst. They literally do not look human. Although apparently they have legit room temperature IQs, I remember once watching an Australian govt produced public service announcement which told them not to sleep on the road at night. JFL.

Israel Shahak #racist #conspiracy #psycho #wingnut henrymakow.com

"The religion of most traditional Jews is not monotheistic, but contains a variety of male & female gods ... religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as to God ... ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while interpretation is secondary ... many traditional rituals explicitly intend to fool or trick God or His angels

The primary reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve as slaves of Jews ... In 2010, Israel's top Sephardic rabbi declared that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews & do work for them ... Jewish religious traditions regarded slavery as the natural & appropriate lot of all non-Jews, Jews some of the leading slave-traders historically

Jewish lives have infinite value, non-Jewish ones none at all ... if a Jew needed a liver, it would be obligatory to kill an innocent Gentile & take his ... today Israel is widely regarded as one of the world centers of organ-trafficking
Political rulers with little sympathy for subjects sometimes restrict power to a small group of well-rewarded mercenaries [i.e., leading Jews 'kosher nostra'] ... E.g., traditional economic niches of European Jews from tax-farming, with Jews more likely to extract every last penny, their antipathy for all non-Jews ensuring minimal tempering by human sympathy

Rocky Rivera #conspiracy #wingnut #racist raptureforums.com

Notice something here? Banta came to the protest well-armed with military grade weapons. Those are not cheap! By contrast, a Glock 17 sets you back $500, but we're talking some sweet gadgets here that would cost thousands of dollars. Where does a basement dwelling mama's boy who's an expert at video games get the funding for all these fancy toys? The answer is that some evil rich people are funding him and these riots. His peers mentioned in the latter sentence are outfitted only with common melee weapons, some things that any American family can afford.

BTW, a great number of the same basement-dwelling video game experts turned BLM/ANTIFA-supporters in Kenosha were also sporting firearms. Where did all of them suddenly acquire the cash for that?? SOROS!

Socrates #racist #homophobia vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Leftists are famous for redefining/remaking our language to make it less accurate. For example, they remade the definition of “marriage.” Now, a male/male homosexual union is wrongly called a “marriage.”

But guess what? White Nationalists can also redefine and remake our language at will. Watch!

POC used to mean “Person/People of Color.” But not anymore. As of September 2, 2020, POC still refers to non-White people but it now means “Piece of Crap” (example: “LaShawnicus is a POC and so is his brother Trayvonnicus”). That’s much more accurate, because 95% of Blacks really are pieces of crap and the remaining, “tolerable” 5% of Blacks never criticize the other 95% so they’re actually part of the problem (so you could say that ALL Blacks are Pieces of Crap by default).

Black First Land First #racist blf.org.za

Whites must go back to Europe not Australia

Black First Land First (BLF) welcomes the call by the Australian government for white land thieves to leave South Africa. However, BLF is totally opposed to the call that these land thieves must go to Australia. The colonial settler government of Australia has no right to invite more settler colonialists to Australia, a country that they have stolen from the indegenious people!

South African white farmers are land thieves from Europe. They must return to Europe. BLF will be writing to the legitimate owners of Australia to warn them about the possible second invasion of their territory. BLF seeks to form relations with the Australian Aboriginal people.

Land expropriation without compensation in South Africa is not a license for land thieves to go and invade other territories. They must go back to Europe!

oluwatise #moonbat #racist twitter.com

non American black people can be some of the biggest coons on earth omg. I’m really starting to realize it’s due to privilege. Africans and Caribbeans have the privilege of coming from black nations which is why they have such ignorant and whitewashed views on race relations.

Unnamed Belgian Police Officers #psycho #racist bbc.com

Belgium custody death: 'Shocked' police chief steps aside

Belgium's director-general of police has said he is deeply moved by a video showing a Slovak man being pinned down in a cell hours before he died. In the graphic video, Chovanec is seen banging his head against the wall of his cell and eventually bleeding. Officers then forcibly restrain him. A female officer appears to make a Hitler salute while laughing and a male officer is seen sitting on the man's chest for 16 minutes. Chovanec, 38, died of a cardiac arrest in hospital the following day.

The video was released by his widow, Henrieta Chovancova, after she became frustrated with a two-year inquiry that police said had been delayed by the coronavirus pandemic. "Why did they treat him like this? Worse than even an animal, like he wasn't even a human being," she told Belgium's VRT News. She told Het Laatste Nieuws; "After the videos of the arrest of the American George Floyd, I immediately thought, 'my husband died the same way', except that police also laughed out loud at my husband and a policewoman next to him did a Hitler salute."


A lawyer for the policewoman told Het Laatste Nieuws that she was interviewed by the police inquiry in May 2018 and was asked about the video. "She was embarrassed but it was a kind of knee-jerk reaction," François Feron told the paper. "Because she heard Jozef Chovanec making accusations - she assumes in German or a Slavic language - at the time and in that context she thought a Hitler salute was funny. Wrongly, of course, but she realises that too."

Valeurs actuelles #racist theguardian.com

A French magazine has apologised after portraying a black lawmaker as a slave, as France’s government and officials across the political spectrum decried the publication.

The legislator, Danièle Obono, from the far-left party La France Insoumise (Defiant France), said the publication flies in the face of those who complain that free speech is threatened by the fight against racism and sexism.

“The extreme right – odious, stupid and cruel,” she tweeted.

The magazine, Valeurs actuelles, which caters to readers on the right and far-right, apologised. The deputy editor, Tagdual Denis, told BFM television on Saturday that the image was not designed to wound Obono, and denied that it was an attention-getting ploy. But he added: “What I regret is that we are always accused of racism ... we are politically incorrect, it’s in our DNA.”


Elisabeth Moreno, the junior minister for equality and the only black member of the French government, tweeted: “I don’t share Danièle Obono’s ideas, but today I offer her all my support.” A similar refrain came from politicians from multiple parties, including the treasurer of Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party.

Christian News Network #fundie #racist christiannews.net

‘Spiritual Wickedness’: Podcaster Warns Christians About BLM’s Practice of Conjuring Up Spirits of the Dead

A podcaster and Bible teacher recently exhorted Christians to be aware of the occultic spiritual practices of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and to practice discernment instead of linking arms with the organization.

He played segments of a Zoom discussion between BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors and Los Angeles chapter co-founder Melina Abdullah to provide evidence of the group’s communication with the dead in their very own words.

Read Christian News Network’s initial report on the discussion here: https://christiannews.net/2020/08/28/blm-co-founder-la-chapter-leader-discuss-groups-occultic-practices-of-invoking-spirits-african-ancestral-worship/

Vox Day #wingnut #racist voxday.blogspot.com

[From "Who needs the police?"]

If police are not going to shoot the arsonists, looters, and rioters, eventually someone will:

Kenosha Police said early Wednesday morning that two people had been shot and killed and a third injured during protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake; authorities were looking for a man armed with a long gun.

I saw the video on Twitter. It was a clear-cut case of self-defense, regardless of what side the guy with the rifle is on.
What struck me the most about this is that the BLM rioters appear to genuinely believe that no one is going to use any force against them. That's why they are blithely ignoring the fact that the police and some of the other people they are attacking are armed. You would think that this incident would help convince them otherwise, but it probably won't, considering their immediate reaction to shots being fired.
Decry the violence all you like, signal your virtue to your heart's content, but this is what a multiracial, multicultural society looks like. It's little more than a constant, violent struggle for power over everyone else. And remember, the reason they're so desperate to demonize nationalism is because Nationalists who actually bother to show up and fight usually win.
[Picture of an armed man with the legend "Commies can't punch if you put holes in them!"]
If the local authorities want to stop the violence, all they have to do is issue an order publicly authorizing the use of lethal force to defend property. The rioters will give up after a few more of them are shot dead and it becomes obvious that those defending their homes and businesses will not face any charges for doing so.

WØLF #racist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [News] Rapemaxxing might become legit soon thanks to BLM

What is Privilege?

Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting just your race alone -- that are subsidized by federal tax dollars. Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only one race. Privilege is having a television network that supports only one race. Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes. Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such. Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or pre-school you don’t pay for. Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver's license, voter ID card or other credentials -- just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements. Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences -- just because you don't like folks such as Columbus, U. S. Grant or even Lincoln. Privilege is being able to get into almost any college of your choosing based on your race, not your grades or merit. Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! You know, those you now call “PRIVILEGED.”

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "New Zealand: Terrorist-Loving Judge Gives Brenton Tarrant Life Without Parole for Stopping Terrorism"]

Apparently, the entire government of New Zealand is pro-terrorist and will punish people for stopping terrorism.

They switch it up by calling people who prevent terrorism “terrorists.”

Goyim = dazzled.

The Guardian

The terrorist who killed 51 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, will spend the rest of his life in jail, a judge has ruled. It is the first time under current New Zealand law that a sentence of life without the possibility of parole has been imposed.

Who cares???

Moslems have come to our countries and killed how many of us in the last 30 years?

A guy finally says “okay, that’s enough of that,” and he’s evil?

He was just taking revenge!

None of these articles mention his motivation.

They probably didn’t even bother to learn it.

I know his motivation.

[Picture of Ebba Akerlund]

It was revenge AND self-defense!

Brenton Tarrant should not only not go to prison, he should be made Prime Minister of Australia AND New Zealand.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

It was a study in contrasts. Black Lives Matter rioters smashed windows, looted, and set fires while the Republican National Convention began with a prayer for a black criminal. In 2016, Americans voted for a wall and an end to mass immigration. In 2020, President Trump hosted a naturalization ceremony right during the convention. “We pray for healing and comfort to Jacob Blake and his family,” said Norma Urrabazo at the beginning of the night. Mr. Blake of Kenosha was shot after he fought police, resisted arrest, and tried to flee, probably to escape an outstanding warrant for sexual assault. He also invoked “Breonna Taylor” and “David Dorn” while claiming Republicans would “never turn a blind eye to unjust acts.” No one mentioned white victims, such as Cannon Hinnant. Mike Pompeo defended President Trump’s “America First vision.” Finally, he credited President Trump for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, “the rightful capital of the Jewish homeland.” When will we get a homeland?

President Trump didn’t give a speech, but he did pardon Jon Ponder, a black man and a convicted bank robber who started a Christian nonprofit for prisoners. He and Acting Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf also presided over a naturalization ceremony for five immigrants. None were white. When President Trump won in 2016, he vowed that the “forgotten men and women of this country will be forgotten no longer,” but in 2020, he has forgotten whites: white victims of violence and whites whose homes and businesses have been destroyed. We are invisible. We don’t count. White advocates must not ignore this story, but I’m sure the RNC will. They cynically assume there’s nowhere else for whites to go, and pander to groups that don’t support them. Republicans can’t win without at least some non-whites, but last night felt like contempt for the white base. Conservatives and Republicans use identity politics just like Democrats. And just like Democrats, they leave out whites.

Mabel #racist #crackpot twitter.com

2060, white women, naturally endowed with the perfect balance of billowing bossoms, curvy hips, brimming w/ femininity, will now undergo asiafication surgery at coming of age bc white men, now all intimidated by the adult female body due to androgen loss & porn social engineering

I have no dog in this fight bc I'm in good shape and tinier. but if you like pic A over pic B, you are in fact, socially engineered or slightly homosexual.

Shawntheimmortal942 and Zheyno #racist #wingnut #psycho deviantart.com

Because the left keeps blocking him or keep demonizing him by gas lighting people into thinking “If Trump gets the national guard on these cites then he really is a Nazi and is censoring our free speech!” Or some shit. Now I do agree that Trump should get the national guard to mow these rioters down but I also admit that this is a good move for Trump since it’s opening people’s eyes that these democratic cites are shit holes and they shouldn’t vote for these “progressive” crazies. I’m more leaning on getting the national guard(Which more people in Seattle wanted Trump to do to get CHAZ out. I think 70%) but it’s kinda like rubbing your dog’s nose in the shit they did in the house. It’s like the sanctuary cities these crazies keep endorsing(which are illegal), if crime rises in these democratic cites because they keep letting in so many illegal immigrants or letting these riots happen then the people have no else to blame but themselves, the crazies in power and the virtue signaling crazies who demanded open borders or the riots to keep going. Hopefully these crazies get voted out but the left is the very definition of insanity.

Trump should stop simping for the Left’s approval and rule with a iron fist, until the republic is back to normalcy. If the left is crazy like you say, then they should be locked up into mental institutions and not given legitimately. You cannot treat them as not an enemy when they are allowing the nation and its history to be destroyed.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

You can’t continue to demonize the police but then ask why they aren’t they on your side while you constantly throw them under the bus for things that only a handful of bad cops have done but no, you had to blame all of the police and now you have destroyed businesses, burnt down buildings and more crime while you fucks sit in your goddamn ivory towers! AOC and every other crazy out there want nothing to do with these “protesters” because the minute you step in their street...they call the police! Also it’s dumbasses like AOC that kill me when she talks about “defunding the police” but never once is she gonna talk about an alternative if there are no cops or not enough cops. What are you gonna do? You already want to take people’s guns away especially from law abiding citizens so you just want anarchy? And you wonder why I keep saying that crazies are the reason that Trump keeps winning! So keep on demonizing the police, keep on showing your ACAB bullshit because the minute that the cops are gone...you’re fucked Because these rioters HATE THE RICH! Who do you think they’re gonna go after next, you stupid fucks!? You can go on and on about being a “democratic socialist“ while building IKEA furniture on your live streams and bitching about farting cows. I swear if this election doesn’t end with the map turning almost completely red like Regan did in 1984 then that is something that needs a fucking investigation because there no way anyone could possibly vote for Biden or want any of these crazies in power. Do you really want more riots and these crazies saying “it’s just summer of love” while crime rises? Is your Trump derangement syndrome that bad?

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Yeah! How dare the NYPD side with Trump!? They should be watching cities burn down by BLM and ANTIFA, watching people getting killed by BLM and ANTIFA while geting defunded with a big smile on their faces! Why is the left getting so much hate? They did EVERYTHING right, right? Right!? The left has officially turned into an abusive husband or wife that beats their spouse, America or cops, while claiming “it’s for their own good or they do it out of love” and now the left is expecting America to just cry on TV and say “YOU DON’T KNOW THE LEFT! I CAN CHANGE THEM! I LOOOOOOVE THEM!” Or is this a one sided BDSM thing? Stop being a Christian Grey, you fucking psychos!

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

2016 = DNC hadn't even finished their election, and all their braindead followers were promising that Trump would be impeached if elected because he would undoubtedly do something to merit it.

Turns out that was their insurance policy. A coup by means of legal technicalities. And it failed.


2020 = DNC is rallying its insurance policy (2 of them)

- first is Voter Fraud ... but that's falling apart

- Second is ANTIFA, and their cockpuppet BLM ... brute force violence

How this going to play out ...

The DNC will fail horribly during the election. They're losing ground every day.

So ... in comes the insurance policy: Biden's Youth.

All those riots and burning cities caused by limpdick lifefailure shitheads we're seeing right now? That's just a preview. ANTIFA's gonna launch a full scale war once Trump gets back into office. I mean, we had riots last time around ... we're gonna see more ... a lot more.

Only difference is that by the time November comes around, those DNC backed anarchists are going to come to a quick realization that personal firearms have been selling by the thousands every day ... despite all the efforts by democrat lawmakers to make it illegal. On top of that, Trump's probably going to authorize military force the moment ANTIFA strikes first ...

and the only tears that will be shed for the anarchist corpses will be from CNN News Anchors and Hollywood Celebrities.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

First off, if you've contributed to BLM read who you're supporting...


full details in the link, here's the tl;dr

Joseph Resenbaum (dead) - registered sex offender, crime involving a minor

Anthony Huber (dead) - criminal history, charges of battery, repeat domestic abuse

Gaige Grosskreutz (alive, crippled arm) - criminal record including armed intoxication, wishes he killed the guy

Kyle Rittenhouse (shooter, alive) - was seen cleaning graffiti just a couple days prior

So yeah, to all of you who donated funds to BLM ... you probably helped post bail to criminals, wife beaters, and child molesters.

You should be touching yourself tonight in honor of how you've made such a positive difference in the world.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

"mostly peaceful" as easily close to a million dollars of property is destroyed in a neighborhood by BLM arsonists

Again, this is where I'm laughing mockingly at all the NPCs who just 5 years ago were touching themselves about how aware they were of the world and how they were free thinkers.

Anonymous[132] #racist unz.com

“The Blake family is exhausted,” said an uncle, Rick Blake, who described a large and diverse extended family. “We are teachers, we are lawyers, we are government officials, we are everyday working people.”

I’m sure the NYT fact checkers diligently verified this.

“LNB stated she and the defendant [Jacob Blake] have three children together but have never resided together in the eight years they have been on and off. LNB stated the defendant is unemployed, has no vehicle, and would not tell LNB where he was currently living. LNB stated over the past eight years the defendant has physically assaulted her around twice a year when he drinks heavily.”

Eight years, three kids, and they never even shacked up let alone put on rings. This family is a walking, talking argument for a eugenics program. You can preach all that Christian moral stuff, but they’re clearly not going to listen. They might listen to some government sterilization incentives.

It’s also a good example of something that Lefties never seem to notice when they ruminate on the reasons for all the tension between the police and the black community. They are right that much of it is to do with the enforcement of “victimless crimes” like drug sales. But domestic violence enforcement often has a similar effect. The “police state” has functioned as a safety net which allows women to enjoy the embrace of thugish males knowing it can be called in if the going gets too hot. But unlike any other victim of crime, the woman will often change her mind, decide she wants to keep recieving the thugboi’s dick, and thus change her story. When her neighbor is asking why the cops were making so much noise last night, she doesn’t admit to calling them. No, she sounds off the familiar narrative about how raciss cops were there to terrorize the innocent African American community, and both begin to rant about how the cops never seem to care about the white collar white criminals on the rich side of town. There isn’t any ready solution other than to promote more public awareness, we obviously can’t legalize domestic violence.

Mary Ann Mendoza #conspiracy #racist jta.org

Mary Ann Mendoza, a mother who had been scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night, was dropped from the program after she urged her Twitter followers to read a thread from an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.

Hours before her scheduled appearance at the convention, Mendoza shared a months-long thread posted by a feed called WarNuse that includes multiple anti-Semitic slanders, including arguing that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious forgery that claims Jews control the world, is not a fabrication.

“Do yourself a favor and read this thread,” she posted.

Virtually every tweet in the thread, posted by an adherent of the QAnon conspiracy theory, reflects anti-Semitic tropes. After The Daily Beast published a story about Mendoza’s tweet, she deleted it and said she had not paid attention to everything in the thread.


But Mendoza had tweeted previously about the theory, which holds that the Rothschild banking family has engineered an international war. In November 2018, she shared a now-deleted tweet and wrote, “And there you have it: The Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World!”

Mendoza is an “Angel Mom,” the term that President Donald Trump, whom Mendoza had been set to endorse formally, uses to describe mothers of victims of crimes by undocumented immigrants. Mendoza’s son was killed by a drunk driver with a criminal record.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(Neo-Nazi Shawntheimmortal is again fixating on Don Lemon. The man’s married, dude!)

Donny-boy looks like his head is about to explode! XD It’s taking so much of his being to not lash out and you know he started beating his pillow when he got home. He threw the bait out and got SLAPPED! Also when she said “we should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks” I love the emphasis she does on “Right source” and the look on Don lemon’s face is PRICELESS! See!? Even the guy’s mother thinks you’re full of shit! That might not have been intended as a slap against CNN but the look on Lemon-man‘s face Oooooooooh! Think of her not bashing Trump as a knife to Donny’s arm and her saying to get the details from the RIGHT SOURCE is just twiiiiiiisting it! Gotta love it! Again, I’m sure she didn’t mean it that way but it’s funny to think it was so let me dream!

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

So you can riot all you want and Chicago is really prepared for all these rioters despite you defunding them and you’re “for the cause“...but you don’t want these “protesters” at your front door? Lori Lightfoot is at least being honest for how much of a piece of shit she is and it’s so funny how democrats want to support rioters and shit all over the police but they don’t want these “protesters“ anywhere near their homes? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I think Razorfists right when he said there’s a civil war in the left, you have the moderates vs the crazies or the crazies vs the crazies because when they’re not bullshit shitting about Trump they’re kicking their own asses! How is that the left has turned into such a fucking circus?

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #psycho benjaminfulford.net

Make no mistake about it, Satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters are trying to kill you and your family. That is why a campaign to systematically hunt down and kill all the Covid-19, fear-mongering, fascist Western leaders has begun, multiple sources say.

“The entire Covid-19 fiasco is part of the UN agenda 2030, which includes many things but most importantly the digital currency and RFID implants to interface between government and private industry surveillance of global populations,” MI6 sources say.

P3 sources are claiming the trail leads directly to the Rockefeller family and their current patriarch, David Rockefeller Jr. While Japanese military intelligence sources agree, the Rockefeller family did not respond to my queries as of the time this report went live.
Given that Covid-19 is an entirely man-made fake “natural pandemic” psyop crisis with a patented, laboratory “gain of function” bioweapon as its disease… the entire plot is equivalent to crimes against humanity for causing premeditated deaths, suffering, and economic hardship, in combination with the suppression of preventive medications and natural treatments. Therefore, killing these people is a legitimate act of self-defense and not a crime.
This is just a first shot. MI6 sources promise:

“The medical-industrial complex needs to be leveled the same way we leveled the financial-industrial complex…no ifs and or buts you just level it.”

The Pentagon is also on the case, especially vis-a-vis the rogue Khazarian mob state of Israel (see further down the report for details).

Ed Brodow #racist #wingnut #elitist reactionarytimes.com

Every other item in the news is about how blacks are oppressed by white people who are guilty of systemic racism. This towering falsehood is utilized by criminal groups like Black Lives Matter to excuse looting, arson, and murder. It is perpetuated by race baiters such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Oprah Winfrey in order to encourage white guilt and to inflame the black love affair with victimization. This narrative is completely upside down. Rather than exhibiting systemic racism, white Americans have bent over backwards to make life better for blacks. History bears this out. By giving their lives to end slavery, enabling the Civil Rights Movement, instituting affirmative action, and voting for a black president, white America has shown itself to be anything but racist. Based on the historical record, the demand for a blanket apology from whites cannot be justified.

The apology we deserve is from the group of blacks who have poisoned America with massive crime, violence, chronic anger and hostility, self-victimization, anti-white racism, anti-Semitism, and unwillingness to accept American values of hard work, family, and taking personal responsibility. Unfortunately, there are some blacks that expect to achieve the American Dream without having to earn it most of the rest of us. Instead, they insult us by calling our achievements "white privilege." If we continue to reward substandard behavior by blacks, America — and all the good things we associate with it — will go up in flames. It is time to receive appreciation from blacks for living in the least racist nation on earth. Remember what Muhammad Ali said: "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat."

Stonetoss #racist stonetoss.com



[Comic shows a black man holding a bag of money shouting "Time for reparations" . A visibly injured white man using a crutch and holding a bag replies "Agreed!"]

Justice for Cannon:


[Image headline:Black Man Executes White Child in Broad Daylight in
North Carolina Neighborhood

Police :Five-year-old boy shot in head because he accidentally rode into man's yard ]

Mike Adams #psycho #wingnut #racist thedailycoin.org

[Continued from https://fstdt.com/TGPH.RBDFVVVJ]

#4) One of the assailants, the man whose right arm was nearly blown off by Rittenhouse, was carrying a gun and is reportedly a convicted felon. So lets not pretend that these were “peaceful protesters” chasing Rittenhouse and trying to kill him. No, they are violent Black Lives Matter terrorists and criminal felons. You can clearly see the pistol being carried by this assailant in the following frame:

The man who was shot in the arm has been identified as Gaige Grosskreutz, a member of the People’s Revolution Movement, a communist group that seeks to overthrow America. According to numerous media sources, Grosskreutz is a felon, which means his carrying of a pistol was an illegal weapon to begin with. He was also clearly attacking Rittenhouse, as public videos now show.

#5) Rittenhouse was very selective in his targets, only shooting those who were imminently attacking him. He did not shoot bystanders or other people. This was not a “mass shooting.” It was a self-defense shooting that only targeted those individuals who deserved to be shot because they were attacking him with potentially deadly weapons.

#6) The police decided to show up immediately after the shooting, proving that they were nearby the entire time but decided not to bother with protecting innocent people. Once the shooting took place, they arrived in less than a minute. At that time, Rittenhouse raised his hands and attempted to turn himself in to police, most likely to explain that he was involved in a self-defense shooting. He did not try to flee the scene, he actually tried to make contact with police on the scene.

#7) The police then ordered Rittenhouse to leave the scene, so he went home. The media then whipped up a whole series of lies about Rittenhouse, falsely claiming he was a “white supremacist” and calling for his arrest. At this point, police went to his home and arrested him.


This is a good start. Two down, two thousand more to go…

Fat Link #racist incels.is


They're not worthy enough to kill us.

In anycase I had to click off the site at the point where I ran into the unrepentant race mixing cuck assuring us how much he loves being with his nigger wife and how no amount of being called a nigger lover or a race traitor is ever going to motivate him to get the hell away from the she boon.


How can you guys go on reading this nasty shit?

These fuckers are ogrish and every other shock site that ever existed in sub human form.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #racist bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Last night terrorists flying the Burn Loot Murder flag mustered to do just that yet again in Kenosha, Wisconsin in response to a totally justified police killing of a career criminal.


The rioting and so forth is intimidation. It is there to demoralize, terrify, and hobble the enemy. It is not there to exterminate the enemy. The violence put forth to stop this last night, while done in immediate self-defense, nonetheless is done to kill the enemy; corpses can't commit crimes. This is why when I say that the Wokies get violence wrong, I get people telling me I'm wrong; they mistake intimidation for extermination, failing to comprehend that terror regimes have to continue to terrorize to maintain effectiveness over time and as such become an ever-increasing cost that ends up bankrupting your regime. Corpse piles need only be heaped once; that enemy is now extinct and you are now free to make of his territory (etc.) as you will without regard for continued maintenance of control over a hostile populace.

This is why Wokies, like the other commies, have a very consistent playbook that involves disarming the populace and weaponizing state and media power against them.


Folks won't say so, but their behavior betrays their knowledge. They know it does.

Once it's smeared into their faces that BLM/Antifa is a clear and present danger to themselves, their families, and their property they will--and have in the past--had given no fucks about slaughtering such predatory threats when the government either cannot or will not do the job of ridding such threats. Last night was a reminder that this is true, and you can expect the media to feel this when they try to play BLM/Antifa as victims, as will the government actors when they try to wield state power. I've already put it out there that anyone on a jury in a case where Antifa/BLM attacked the defendant should flat-out nullify the charges and vote Not Guilty. I will do so if called. KTF.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #racist brianniemeier.com

Savage mobs continue burning down American cities because America's ruling class considers the riots morally good. They are so culturally and spiritually divorced from their subjects that they don't consider billions of dollars in property damage and the loss of untold precious lives a problem to be solved. For the Death Cult, mayhem inflicted on innocent people is the solution.

As for Jefferson's tree of liberty, in the end it turned out to bear the evil fruit that expelled Americans from the earthly paradise they built. Founding a society on a freedom-based ethos is no more coherent than basing a societal ethos on money.

Freedom of religion in particular was a poison pill that has left Christians politically disarmed against hostile parallel creeds. It's no accident that the Death Cult's zealots are targeting churches and conducting street inquisitions to ferret out Christians.

The enemy has the media, the courts, and the banks on their side. The only way we will be able to surmount those overwhelming advantages is by taking God's side, and then we will be invincible. For if God is with us, who can be against us?

Mike Adams #wingnut #psycho #racist thedailycoin.org

Kyle Rittenhouse is an American hero. Just 17 years old, he stood his ground when viciously attacked by violent Black Lives Matter thugs who were trying to beat him to death. Using an AR-15 and his wits, he managed to shoot three of his attackers, killing two of them and saving his own life in the process. For this, he has been arrested and absurdly charged with First Degree Murder, while all the rioters, looters, arsonists and BLM thugs are of course set free and seemingly never charged with serious crimes.

The lying left-wing media is of course distorting all the facts about this incident, leaving out details about the BLM attackers. Instead, they are pretending that Rittenhouse just spontaneously “opened fire on a crowd” without any reason whatsoever. That’s totally dishonest, malicious reporting by the treasonous left-wing media, which distorts everything and lies without remorse.

Here are the facts about the Kenosha shooting that the lying left-wing media refuses to report:

#1) Before engaging BLM terrorists with gunfire, Kyle Rittenhouse was attempting to flee attackers, one of whom threw a molotov cocktail at him as he was running away. He ended up cornered between some cars, at which point he faced his attacker and fired, shooting the attacker in the head. Self-defense shooting. (It also turns out the attacker was a registered sex offender who was convicted of a sex crime involving a minor.)

#2) After Kyle shot the first assailant, he called 911 to request medical treatment for the victim, showing that he was attempting to save the man’s life. At this point, more BLM terrorists began to chase after him, so he was forced to flee on foot.

#3) BLM terrorists continued to chase him. This led to the street shooting incident in which Rittenhouse fell to the pavement and was assaulted by at least three BLM terrorists. He shot all three from his seated position on the pavement as they viciously assaulted him. You can see this in the following video. Rittenhouse is the man on the pavement, defending himself with a rifle against multiple BLM attackers:

Wizard32 #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [Cope] BLM has made me prefer white women

BLM Has made me despise all roasties who have participated in the movement. Fuck niggers,I want law and order and not anarchy,

You should've come to this reason back in August 2017 with what happened to the Unite the Right rally. What was your thought process three years ago brother?

I dont wanna mess with no ethnic (unless Latina) because politics

How exactly is 'la raza' and shit any better than BLM?

because im white

La Raza is anti-white. La Raza discourages racemixxing, jfl! Also you've gotta stop putting latinas on a pedestal. They're just like black women, loud, obnoxious, naggy and generally unfeminine.

DirtyCurryCell #racist incels.is

[Serious] [OffTopic] Why China will ultimately lose to India

Because India is so fucking disgusting and degenerative, that everyone who tried to reform it has only ended up contributing to the degeneracy. The Moghuls tried to do it, and their descendants are shitting on the streets and asking for bobs n vagane, and bragging about their heritage. The Europeans tried to do it, and their descendants are shitting on the streets and asking for bobs n vagane, and bragging about their heritage. The reason India has stood while Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia and the rest fell is BECAUSE India is so degenerate.

Everyone single curry is so self-hating that their use any opportunity to brag about their non-curry ancestry.

"I am 1/1024th European/Arab/Chinese/Moghul."
-Every Curry Ever

JFL if any chink think they can take over India through fiscal means. Here's how it will pay us.

Chink: Kneel before us.
Pajeet: Yes, saar.
Chink: Why are you being so submissive?
Pajeet: Saar, you're from glorious china. Defeater of Uyghuri terrorism, and protector of Buddhism.

Chink's descendants: Ni hao dear bitch lasagna show bobs n vagane

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #ufo #racist #crackpot centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

A whole lot of people are going to commit suicide when they get the memo that their miserable lives were the result of alien engineering of the human body. Humans are “artificial” lifeforms, a product of alien tinkering with wild hominid DNA. The misery of human civilization all happened because E.T. decided to artificially manipulate with earth hominid genomes and create a sentient slave race.

Imagine you build robots that after thousands of years “wake up” and gain consciousness of their origin. Would they hate their human creators? You bet, just as you are going to hate our E.T. creators, who have been kept hidden from out consciousness for thousands of years so they could manipulate us. You are about to experience a conscious awakening of your true status, as an engineered slave on a brutal ice age prison planet.

“Wake up Neo, wake up”, is your personal wake up call. You need to wake up from the spell of the Bible which taught you a child story of origin. God didn’t create us, aliens created us, and they have posed as gods to manipulate us to do their bidding. The situation is laughable and tragic at the same time, our history is a big fat lie. We didn’t evolve here at all, we were put here in a facade of a civilization.

The “god” that chose the “Jews” was an alien prick, a monster by any standard. And this is what we were tricked into worshiping for thousands of years. What a laugh, we worshiped evil and claimed it holy. That is the fail of fails, the ultimate fail. We said to ourselves the evil monster Yahweh was love. LOL. Just a slight mistake, the greatest of mistakes ever.

FlimboFlongins #racist #psycho patriots.win

[These idiots are not just lionizing the brainwashed 17yo who smuggled an AR across state lines and shot three protesters. They are now praising Titus, responsible for the AD 70 Siege of Jerusalem.]

You saying the Zioinist Jewish High Priests are after Kyle? Wow man, intense.

Better call in the Roman Calvary for support. Yo Titus Flavius! Where you at?

Unnamed Besancon parents and relatives of a young girl #sexist #racist #fundie thelocal.fr

The parents, uncle and aunt of a teenager of Bosnian Muslim origin will face trial in France on charges of violence against a minor for shaving her head over her relationship with a Christian Serbian boy, prosecutors said Friday.

The girl had her hair shaven off and was also beaten in the eastern city of Besancon on Monday, judicial sources said.

"Shaved and beaten because she 'loved a Christian'. Deeply shocked by this act of torture on this 17-year-old girl," French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin wrote on Twitter.

"This barbarity calls for the most severe punishment," he added.

Police detained the two parents as well as the uncle and the aunt. They were released under judicial control but are banned from contacting the girl, who has been placed under protection. They are not aware of her whereabouts.

They will be tried for "violence against minors", deputy prosecutor Margaret Parietti told AFP.

The girl, who arrived from Bosnia-Herzegovina two years ago with her family, had for several months had a relationship with the young man, aged 20, of Serbian origin who lived in the same building.

"The two families knew each other and (their relationship) was not a problem, but when they started talking about marriage, the girl's parents told her: 'We are Muslims, you cannot marry a Christian'," Parietti said.

The family took away her phone and stopped her contacting her boyfriend. The pair then fled for four days and on their return came to the apartment of the girl's family along with the boy's parents.

"The first blow came from the mother, then there was an outbreak of violence. She was taken to a room and beaten. She was shaved, according to her testimony, by her uncle -- her father's brother -- while being beaten", the prosecutor said.


She suffered a broken rib and bruises "everywhere", in particular "at the level of the ear", according to Parietti.

AutisticMonstrosity #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] 918'000 thousand British men live alone in the UK, but only 453'000 foids

This is for age groups 25-44.

Number of people living alone in the United Kingdom (UK) 2019, by age and gender (in 1,000)*

Good situation. Compared to Finland (let alone Sweden!), the women shortage is less. UK has much bigger population. The biggest shortage of women are in Qatar, UAE etc. where there has been massive immigration. But they block their women from the immigrant workers unlike Finland. In fact taxpayer incels pay for courses that teach Iraqi and Afghan men how to get/approach a Finnish woman while they don't help incels at all, do exactly the opposite. Just recently our government decided to transfer 175 underage asylum seekers from Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Malta. They are all handsome Afghan men that quickly get a GF and thus create more Finnish incels. If women could not vote in elections, these things would not happen.

Caesercel #sexist #racist #fundie #wingnut incels.is

[RageFuel] How can you guys laugh at this bullshit

This forum is fucking nuts. How the fuck can you guys laugh at these cuckit stories of foids being complete utter whores? Instead of getting called out they get support from thousands of cuckiters. That one about that whore who fucked 10 guys

My boyfriend isn’t okay with me being promiscuous in the past. [Update]

WHAT THE FUCK FUCKING 7000 comments. All who support and encourage her whoredom. By Allah, these stink ridden broken vagina roasties make me want to rain fire upon these cum guzzling inhuman freaks. How can anyone be ok with this????????? How is this even allowed? How can anyone self respecting man accept such a disgusting tramp as a wife or gf. Why are they not being beaten to death

laughing is a cope in the face of powerlessness, like how monkeys smile to signal subservience.

What powerlessness? Have we forgotten so easily that we are men? When did we allow the (((police state))) and (((corporate system))) to have so much power over our lives. So much so that we can't even discipline our women from becoming such demonspawn. The cucked police and government would arrest the man for just expecting basic humanity from a woman. But they would allow the foid to be an evil leach who can't even be expected to keep her legs closed!!!!!!!! FUCK SUCH A SYSTEM

SilverFoxCrosby #racist removeddit.com

As a server, I tense up every time I get a black table.

Look, drown me in downvotes if you’d like. I know it’s not sensitive to everyone’s cultures and I know I’m going to come off pretty racist here. I want it to be known: I have no problem with black people or and people of color in my day to day life.

But when I get to work, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I get a table of mostly black people. As a white man I can’t imagine what POC go through every day in this world. But they are the absolute worst customers to serve, almost all the time. I feel like I have to be overly hospitable or they will think I’m giving them worse service. I have had POC ask me ‘so what, we don’t get waters?’ because I was busy and did not get a chance to drop waters yet. Black people normally have outrageous requests for every minuscule detail they can think of. Many people of color, I feel, test just how much they can get out of me before I have to say something, then making me look like a racist to anyone else around. Most POC are very rude, and while I understand you have to adapt and survive any way you can, it’s very disrespect to talk to me out of line simply because I am supposed to be serving you and have to be kind to keep my job. And, historically, black people are worse tippers overall, tips I rely on to pay my bills and feed my family.

I treat every customer with the same respect. But I too often have lines crossed and my patience tested by tables with people of color.

Abby Johnson #racist theblaze.com

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson, who is scheduled to speak Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, said in a now-deleted June video that police would be "smart" to racially profile her son because of his brown skin, according to Vice News.

Johnson posted the video in June, not long after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May kicked off a series of nationwide race riots.

Johnson said she would be fine with police officers treating her minority son differently than her white sons because of crime and prison statistics.

"Statistically, I look at our prison population and I see that there is a disproportionately high number of African-American males in our prison population for crimes, particularly for violent crimes," Johnson said. "So statistically, when a police officer sees a brown man like Jude walking down the road—as opposed to my white nerdy kids, my white nerdy men walking down the road—because of the statistics he knows in his head, that these police officers know in their head, they're going to know that statistically my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons."

"So the fact that in his head, he would be more careful around my brown son than my white son, that doesn't actually make me angry," Johnson continued. "That makes the police officer smart, because of statistics."

Don Rosenberg #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia americanthinker.com

Traveling through the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota, you see yard signs scattered lightly through the neighborhood. Talking with the owners, you learn that many "like the words" from the sign but admit they don't know what the various groups represented actually stand for.

Who can disagree with the phrase "black lives matter"? But when you put a sign in your yard, you're not just sharing nice words; you're promoting political groups with very specific agendas that go far beyond nice phrases.
This sign is the entire globalist agenda boiled down to 29 words. Their God is the Earth itself. People who have been oppressed in the past should have the right to extra benefits at the expense of the descendants of those who oppressed them. This includes blacks, women, foreign citizens and gays. Rich countries should be forced to pay less fortunate countries, and their borders should be left wide open.

There are no morals or freedom of religion - no reference to family, hard work, entrepreneurship, free speech or open-mindedness. If you disagree with our peaceful message, you are less than human and should lose your job and be threatened with violence.

But the globalist agenda is not their plan of action, but pleasant words they use to enlist uninformed people as pawns in their quest for world control.

While the words are nice, it's like a contract with terms that sound too good to be true, until you read the fine print and it's too late.

Roger Cliftonville-Acton #racist amren.com

RE: The Kenosha Riots Prove It Can Happen Anywhere

”The 2010 census says Kenosha was 10% black. It DOES NOT take a huge percentage of them to really tear down the safety and comfort of a particular town.”

I think we might safely guess that a fair amount of the rioters came from out-of-town. From Chicago to Kenosha is only 65 miles.

Do blacks travel far? I get the impression that since the second great migration, most blacks rarely venture much further than their 'block'

Indeed, inbreeding in the urban black community is apparently now a serious problem because they live in the same place generation after generation, which, when combined with the fact no one has any idea who 'da baby daddy' is, means lots of blacks procreating are procreating with half sisters and brothers without even knowing it. Its a mess.

epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] Classic WMAF relationship

Foid stealth bragging.


100%. This self-hating noodlewhore loves being fetishized for being Asian, especially because she's Taiwanese and wishes she were a real Asian. If this whole thing isn't a LARP, of course.

Noodlewhores love yellow fever because it makes them magically attractive to whites even if they're ugly as fuck.

Yellow fever is very exaggerated. Most WMAF is a result of white worship rather than yellow fever, since women are the selectors.

Some noodles are very into "Asianness" and constantly say that they're Asian to everybody and embrace Asian culture, except, of course, when dating and sex is involved. This applies double for half-Mexican noodles like Filippinos and half-aboriginal (basically black) noodles like Taiwanese. They don't really look Asian, but black or Mexican, so they feel the need to constantly remind everyone they're Asian. That tells me they want to be fetishized. If this story is true, she is humble-bragging about that.

For Korean, Chinese, and Japanese noodles, a lot of them try not to be Asian and dye their hair red or yellow, get various surgeries, and do their makeup in such a way as to appear Caucasian. These ones are genuinely ashamed of being Asian and might not like being fetishized. But this reddit user is Taiwanese so I doubt she's part of this group.


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