
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

WØLF #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] Why isnt my sister like this

Little girl upset because her Big brother won't give her a hug and a kiss at school. Part 1

My sisters are just mean to me. I cope saying theyre tsunderes but they probably just legit hate me :feelsbadman:

Cumskins at it again :feelspuke:


to understand why she loves him so much you only need to look at his jaw.To be honest i am not sure if foids are capable of not having incestuous thoughts about their chad brothers.

His lower third is more chiseled than mine.

Mischiefclarity #racist #crackpot stormfront.org

White thin genes vs ethnic superobesity

I am a white woman, 25 and I am a dance instructor and fitness trainer with Fembody Fitness. I have never had too much trouble with my weight so long as I kept active but I have noticed that non-white women, especially black and mexican seem to be constantly, grotesquely out of control of their weight. No black woman I have worked with has ever succeeded in slimming down even the tiniest bit while all the white girls stay thin, trim, and pretty. When I found myself acting as a personal trainer (house visits and stuff) for a particular black woman, I found MYSELF gaining weight with her instead of losing anything.

I brought this up to a guy I thought was hot but also...kiiinda racist...and he told me that society is being Blackified and the longer I was around her, the more it would work on me. So, after a couple sessions, I dropped her, and soon after, all the weight I gained and 5 more.
I really feel like she was trying to Blackify me and push me to be fat like every darky I see.

Now as time goes on I find myself hating them for real. Like I seriously only want white women in my groups and classes and white women who share my ideals. I can't stand that society seems to be flooded with cries to get fat lile a black girl. Get a big ass like a "ghetto bitch." Get "thick." I genuinely believe that whites have superior genes while others are predisposed to bloat into flabby cellulite monsters with families who encourage it. But if I speak out, I am racist. I'm starting to think I actually am and that it's really not that terrible. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or shared experiences of blacks and other races being sludgy fat blobs and obesity advocates?

Brett Stevens #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist amerika.org

It makes sense for him to do this since genetic similarity is innate, while laws and so on are externally imposed or “artificial” in our common parlance. People have allegiance to enduring and solid things like heritage, culture, class, and family, but not to abstractions written on paper.

This calls to mind an old expression, “blood will out.” This refers to how people can hide their heritage and class with money, but eventually, their behavior reveals who they really are inside as opposed to the carefully-constructed artifice that they show the rest of us.

Even more, ethnic identity consists of what makes us different, not similar, since all of humanity is relatively similar at a lowest-common-denominator level. People identify with the parts of their heritage that make them stand out, as we can see in the case of Chloë Sevigny:

Ethnicity: French-Canadian, English, Scottish, Polish

Chloë’s maternal grandfather’s surname was Malinowski.

Despite being only one-quarter of her heritage, as with Angela Merkel, her differentness defined her, and so when it came time for a partner, she chose Sinisa Mackovic, a man of obviously Asiatic features and Eastern European origin.

Blood will out. Even in traces, it comes through in how we see ourselves, and whatever is finer gives way to whatever is more distinctive, namely what makes us different. A Chinaman in America sees himself as Chinese, and a quarter-Polish girl will see herself as Polish.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Here we have Sabrina Belcher

(A horrible edit of a mug shot)

She's a mayoral candidate for the city of Sumter. Err ... was a mayoral candidate. She's been fined $10,000 and landed some jail time.

You see, she was basically livestreaming her campaign while outside and got mugged. So the police and ambulance responded and all that jazz ... then police investigated and uncovered that she had worked with her assailants to stage the whole thing in an effort to gain publicity/sympathy/votes.

So that penalty was for pissing away tax payer resources and screwing with the medical emergency responders, a charge she's plead guilty to. Her buddies have also been charged with conspiracy.

Not kidding, she staged some violence, lied about it, and was caught. This sort of shit happens. In case you forgot, there was that 2bit deadend rapper who screwed up an attempt to make it look like he was mugged by MAGA. ... unfortunately there's a metric shit ton of children crying wolf nowadays. Seems like goldfish brains don't want to remember that.

The only thing that's a joke about this article is the hasty photo edit of her.

She's actually uglier IRL.

Preston James, Ph.D #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #ufo themillenniumreport.com

And the Moneychangers are now being threatened as never before by the new alternative economic and financial systems such as BRICs, Silk Road (China’s Belt and Road development), the new Russian alternative to the Swift money wire system, oil sales outside of the US Petro Dollar, and the certain impending displacement of the US Petro dollar system as the world’s reserve currency set up by Heinz Kissinger and Nixon.

These wireless (frequency) weapons have the capacity to degrade the overall health of the population (especially children). Remote inductive psychotronic weapons and their remarkable ability to exert mass-mind-kontrol are one of the most closely held secrets of the Secret Shadow Government, secondary only to the secret treaties they have with a couple of Alien ET groups. More and more of the public are now finding out that JFK was assassinated by the CIA and the Joint Chiefs, that Murrah and 9-11-01 were preplanned false-flag “inside job” attacks coordinated between high USG Officials and the Pentagon, PNACers and Top NeoCon dual citizens and the Mossad, and that almost all mass-shootings in gun free zones are pre-planned, engineered, most all the latest ones fake with no dead using crisis actors (some of the early ones have used MK-Ultra mind-kontrolled patsies that no major mass media dares discuss).

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

You can look at these numbers in a different way. If New York City were all white, and the additional whites committed crime at the same rate as the whites who live there now, robberies would drop by 85 percent and murders would drop by 90 percent. They’d practically disappear.

Chicago used to keep statistics like these, and they showed exactly the same pattern. In 2010, the city stopped publishing them. I wonder why.

The New York numbers are still right there on the internet. Anybody can find them. New York City is the media capital of America — crawling with journalists. How come not one of them has ever reported those numbers?

The media clearly want you to think America is a violently racist country, where black lives don’t matter. It’s a violent country alright, but white people — police or civilians — aren’t the problem. And to repeat, there is no evidence that Derek Chauvin or George Zimmerman or the men who killed Ahmaud Arbery had a racial motive at all. They may not have done everything right, but there is no evidence they had a racial motive — but the media are doing their best to convince you it was pure racism. When blacks kill or attack whites — and that happens a whole lot more often than the other way around, we’re not even supposed to hear about race. Much less think about it.

Who knows? If whites knew the facts about race and crime, they wouldn’t be marching in the streets against imaginary white “racism.” Maybe — just maybe — they’d even take their own side.

Bourbon #sexist #racist incels.is

[Brutal] She is just 16... WTF

don't go on telling me these whores are kids, they say some people are pedos for liking 16 y/o's and they don't see the problem here THE 16 YEAR OLDS ARE FUCKING SLUTS WHO FUCK 20+ Y/O CHADS

she is just 16 and has lived life 500x better than me, god i hate whores like this, i hope she gets fucking mugged by a gypsy incel

also the whole rapist problem would get lowered by at least 50% if women stopped dressing up like SLUTS who want to grab attention,

nobody in they right mind will feel bad if a slut like this would get raped if she is too retarded to prevent it by choosing diffrent clothes

a foid dressed up in a crop top and whore stockings is just screaming "RAPE ME" to local rapefugees and niggers in the bronx

16 with a playboy tattoo.

mate. femoids here just wait till they're 15 to legally fuck an adult chad, at least that's what i saw

Fuck...16 and 6 years younger than me, countrymen and i'm still fuckin kissles virgin.
She wont be raped. Polish men are soy cucks and has one lowest rape stats in world ( japan has probably bigger molestation of women ).

that's because poland is a white country, no rapefugees, let's just hope some non citizen gypsy will fuck her up

and yes unfortunately 1/2 of polish males are cucks

VincentVanCock #sexist #racist incels.is

r/just be asian is the most deluded thing i have ever seen in my WHOLE LIFE.

Guys in the thread are literally saying the manlet asians mog brad pitt and that asians are currently CUCKING cumskins on america JFLLLLLLLLLLLL,HOW THE FUCK CAN SOMEONE BE SO BLUEPILLED?

Even if i wanted to i would never be able to cope and delude myself so much like that.

It's a cope really. JBB copers will go on BLACKED.com and say 'GUYS JBB IS REAL, LOOK AT ALL THESE BLACK GUYS CUCKING WHITE MEN' this is the same except it's 'YELLOW GUYS CUCKING WHITE MEN'

I´m black myself and everytime i see some bluepilled black guy on street talking about blacked and about how we are supposedly ''stealing'' white men´s women i cringe hard and try not to laugh.

They see a few lucky tyrones getting white pussy and think that the rest of blacks have it the same way..

True. A white woman who say's she's into black guys, she means Tyrones. Plus if she saw a white Chad, her panties would've dropped. Most women who say they're into non-white guys usually say it for attention and virtue signalling, and would still date a white chad. Race doesn't matter if you're Chad basically.

Chad is a race on its on.

they live in their own league.

If you think JBA is deluded just go to JBB reddit. It's full of blacked.com porn.

It exists fr lol? Can you send the link,i'm hella lazy to search for that.

Just found It,the sub is Just a lot of blacked porn and amateur videos with fat white foids.

That's what i hate the most about my race's men,niggas literally get the TRASH of the white Race,the white girls that nobody wanted and still think this is a good thing JFL, OVERRRRRRRRRR AF.

Anonymous #racist #wingnut #transphobia boards.4chan.org

Imagine explaining to General Patton with video from the future in front of the assembled 3rd Army before DDay that a Jewish communist was running for president flying a tranny flag and that their own mulatto tranny grandkids would be too busy making twerking instructional videos on YouTube to visit them in a nursing home staffed entirely by niggers and foreigners. They would hijack every boat and plane in the UK and there would be a beach landing on the shores of the Potomac before DC burned to the ground.

SAVE WHITE SETTLER U.S.A. #racist amren.com

I can tell that most amren readers are from the east coast or Midwest, due to their lack of understanding HISPANICS. I live in a city that was predominantly white 20 years ago. HISPANICS have now taken over.
HISPANICS are worse than blacks in every way! Just look at Los Angeles. It's run by HISPANICS and is the worst city in the country. Spare me your defenses of HISPANICS! In sheet numbers alone, they are taking over and you are still complaining about blacks. HISPANICS run off blacks.
Blacks will be the less of our problems as HISPANICS take over! I live it everyday in southern California!
Btw, Hispanics are actually more violent than blacks. Look at Mexico if you want to see the future of our country!!

What seems to be lacking from all these comments is the fact that Hispanics have any say at all.
99% of legal Hispanics would not even be here if it hadn't been for Reagan amnesty, anchor baby citizenship, an illegally living here for many years before becoming legal. These people are natural criminals.
I'm not even going to go into all the illegals living here.
If it hadn't been for all that I had mentioned the Hispanic vote wouldn't even count.
The real question is why do we cater to a group of people that aren't even supposed to be in our country.... At least many of the blacks have lived here for a couple centuries. 99% of these Hispanics aren't even supposed to be living here.
I live in southern California. If you want to see what Hispanics are capable of, look no farther than Los Angeles. Mexico is the future of our country if we don't stop this Hispanic invasion

”“The Latino community too often is invisible, it’s an afterthought,” said Castro, who was housing secretary under Barack Obama. “Even though it’s going to be the largest non-white voting group in 2020. I think in every way in American society … there’s this image of the Latino community as though everybody got here five minutes ago.””

Having watched a few of Castro's speeches it is an open question as to whether or not he believes all this nonsense. There is no Latino community, the various groups who self identify as Latino have many differences, including racial ones, many of them should be considered white like Castro, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. They have a low level of political engagement in general that shouldn't improve this cycle as you would have to be blind not to understand they rank near the bottom of the anti-white, anti-Republican coalition of the fringes. Why would people who consider themselves an oppressed minority, but aren't black, turn out to vote for people who are promoting black supremacy?

It doesn't matter whether HISPANICS are white or not. They vote for each other!!! Most are not white by the way! HISPANICS have their own countries and need to stop destroying mine!!

*Hispanics don't extort via eternal racial grievance.
If affirmative action were outlawed due it's obvious anti-constitutionalism ( violating equal protection of the laws) Hispanics would be even more prone to vote against the putrid left.

Huh.....you must live in Maine. I live in southern California and Hispanics are just as bad if not worse than blacks.
HISPANICS are constantly being catered to and given affirmative action.
Btw, their leftist voting behaviors turned my state Democrat.

One of these days we are going to have to have a vote about which is more damaging to society: Hispanics, negroes, or muslims? I say negroes are the worst to have around.

Which place is more dangerous? Mexico or Africa....
Mexico is more dangerous

Nobody cares about latinos especially the democrats, All must worship the negro, latinos must shut up and cut grass.

The most privileged group is a Hispanic group. What other group has been successfully allowed illegal invade a country by the millions, undercut wages and jobs from its citizens, permit hit-and-runs, steal cars and commit crime on a minute-by-minute basis. I could go on and on.Hispanics are actually the most privileged people when you really look at their track record and the fact they are not even supposed to be in this country.

The one thing a victim group will not put up with is being out-victimed by another group.

A "Victim" group.....they might see themselves as victims but they are very successfully destroyed my state and taking over even though they're not even supposed to be in our country...if anything Hispanics are the most privileged group since they are the only group that is constantly being allowed to stay even they are all illegal

Blackpill Rage #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Currywhores and sandwhores are quickly catching up to noodlewhore's whitu cocku onrry policy.

It's well established within the blackpill community that the smv hierarchy of the 3 deathnic races are rice>sand>curry (the triangle of death). The only reason ricecels seem to have it particularly bad is because of noodlewhore's disturbing rate of whitu cocku onrry. HOWEVER, more and more sand and currywhores are adopting the same white cock only policy and brutally shitting on the men of their own race.

Not even Islam can save us. It is so fucking catastrophically over for sand and curries. I don't even think there is a proper word in the English language to describe how over it is for us.

The racepill gets stronger by the day.

There are many bluepilled copers on this site that STILL deny the racepill.

The future generations will be all hapas with white mixing. Pure ethnic races will go extinct

And at the same time White smv will sky rocket even more (as if it wasn't insanely high already).

Various Incels #sexist #psycho #racist incels.is


[JFL] Women are weak and pathetic

There's so many roasties who say they'd beat up (jfl) or shoot incels if they ever met one.

i always get a laugh out of these fantasys, 1 its not the media framing you, your being judged by your own actions and the shit you say, 2 for every incel is a fuckton more men whod beat your ass down for trying to steal rights from half the bloody planet, so yeah we can stop it

In reality none of them have the balls (literally) to point a gun at a man and pull the trigger. 3 billion armed women wouldn't be able to oppose a measly force of 50 incels because they have the mentality of cowards. Women are not a threat to anyone, it's the simps who fight for them who are dangerous.


I agree. It is very naïve to think that weapons equalize people. I mean, to some degree they do, but the fact remains that in a armed conflict, the determination to actually use the weapon matters more than its efficacity.


Women are not a threat to anyone, it's the simps who fight for them who are dangerous.

This is why their needs to be uncucked men who beat the shit out of simps every time they act up.


Despite what your brocel said the other day, a lot of ladies have no problem with firearms. I’ll pump lead into whoever have to in order to not live the damn Handmaids Tale.

I guess it's also justifiable for us to pump lead into cucks and whores who force non chads into following cucked laws and pay taxes to the gynocentric government.

theyll get their men to beat incels, its just talk

Their needs to be uncucked men to beat up their "men" whenever they try to act like faggots.

(Justice Bao)

Even the weakest men (myself included) are stronger tha 80% of foids.


if you not consider black foids, yes

Honestly it's not even about physical strength, the weakest part of women is their mentality. 90% of women would break down crying in any combat situation.

based and redpilled


They are pussies they won’t do shit. Even if she tried to fire a gun the recoil would probably break their arms and send them flying backwards

These Untermenschen are not stronk enough to handle the FG42, am I right Josef ?

Yeah the Untermenschen are weak and will be sent to the gas chambers in auschwitz or I will experiment on them by sewing them to their twin or injecting blue dye into their eyes in minecraft

TAL #ufo #crackpot #magick #racist meta-religion.com

Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had direct contact with the Dervish Orders and knew a great deal
about Islamic mysticism, particularly Sufism in all its aspects. He also had contact with Herman Pohl, leader of the German Order
Walvater of the Holy Grail.

Nazi occultism was a mixture of influences and a host of interrelated secret societies, including the Bavarian Illuminati,
the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Holy Vehm, the Golden Dawn, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril Society, the German Order and its
offshoot, the Thule Society.

Thule is known as the capital of Hyperborea, in the polar regions. Also known as "Ultima Thule", it was the gateway to other worlds.

It was known to serve as both a place to leave the earth and a place on the rim of the opening to the "hollow earth". It is interesting
to note that the major powers of the earth have microwave stations setup in the area, broadcasting ELF waves on brain-wave freqencies.
Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were in contact with various "alien cultures". War supposedly broke out between the Hyperboreans
and other civilizations (atomic war).

Descendants of the Thule caste (Celts) emigrated elsewhere to other areas of the planet. They colonized these areas, driven by "memory
chromosomes" inherited from their space-travelling ancestors. These star seed people are mostly of Celtic origin (Basques, Irish,
English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese) which, strangely enough, make up the largest percentage of RH-
NEGATIVE blood types.

Current neo-Nazis are allegedly trying to locate and control these people. Apparently, most contactees have RH-blood type. Are UFO
cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"?

The Grand Lodge of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan traditions and to make contact with the original super-human
"luminous race" and to make an alliance with beings who have secret sanctuaries hidden inside the planet.

Lynda Everingham #conspiracy #wingnut #racist lyndaeveringham.com

Actually, what about the current global financial situation?!

Let's not forget Trump took control of the Federal Reserve from The Rothschilds. World First.

Trump has survived. Another World first.
Every single trap he has set for The Cabal they have fallen for. Using their plan against them, every step of the way! Right down to the 'pandemic' keeping us at home whilst they destroy the tunnels, rescue our children from them. Arrest the paeodopiles. There have been thousands of arrests all over the world. His plan is working. Such a clever plan, as if he has travelled in time and knows every angle :)

All the 'Good Leaders' around the world are printing trillions of dollars of fiat (paper money). The Cabal's money system. A fake money system to create debt for us and wealth for them. By these leaders printing this money they are working toward Gold and Silver backed currency. Our real money system.
This plan will bring financial abundance to all of humanity. Everyone.

Gold is up by 50% since June! If your not up to speed on this subject, may I direct you to someone that knows there shit in this department. Pimpy. He has GESARA/ NESARA covered and explains this very big subject well. If your not across the gold and silver currency situation I strongly recommend you get across this for your own financial benefit ASAP -
Loans being wiped, taxes removed...

Proof enough of GESARA/ NESARA happening right now???

Why would one of THE MOST IMPORTANT aspects be left out of 'The Plan?'

Tesla Free Energy is also part of the GESARA/ NESARA plan. Trump's uncle was mates with Tesla...very good mates...he had/ has his research material...

Of course 5G technology that The Cabal was rolling out was part of their evil plan. There is no doubt about that. Just like the rest of the tactics Trump has used. He can also use Tesla technology to turn the 5G devices into Tesla Free Energy devices. It's very clever. It is the technology that should have been implemented when it was discovered by Tesla. Technology to change humanity. The best 'Environmental Sustainability Plan' yet. (Couldn't help myself) :)

Why was it not rolled out to humanity then?

Long story short. The dark side wanted to make and keep electricity a commodity. To make money. Another contributing factor that this is also part of the GESARA/ NESARA plan from a global financial reset view.

And just to think... how clever to have 'New China' redeeming themselves to the world by providing these Tesla devices...

In addition...what a win win all round...Because of their CCP predecessors alignment of the global trade situation....taking over the world... Who was THE ONLY country ready to go with all the manufacturing equipment, expertise & labour to supply the whole world with free energy devices...??!!!! Everyone loves a win win solution...

Based Frog #racist #wingnut #fundie #pratt rebelreformer.wordpress.com

The Middle East Needs a One State Solution

Most likely, you’ve heard biggots espouse anti-semetism, even going so far as to criticize the nation of Israel. The most evil people in the world oppose Israeli armed invasion of Islamic countries, and the most anti-semetic of all believe that Israeli conquered land ought to be shared with Muslims, such as Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, Lebanon, or the Siani Peninsula. All of those lands were taken by Israel during defensive wars, and it was the filthy communists in the United Nations who compelled the cuckhold Israeli democracy to return rightful Jewish lands, which are needed as living space for the Hebrew people. There’s a special label for the hate-filled murderers who oppose the advancement of Hebrew nationalism: They’re poisoners of history, lovers of evil, and above all, they’re Nazis. And to clarify, anything that I don’t like or don’t understand is automatically Nazism, and Nazis are so evil and genetically inferior that we should build gas chambers to kill them all because they’re they’re lesser beings compared to those of us of the supreme political ideology. The problem with Nazism is that anti-semites are too socialist, too libertarian, and not racist enough. The average anti-semite is a basement dweller who can only claim “da Joos rule da world and stolled my job and took my gf.” Oh sure, as if everyone except you is being mind-controlled by the scary Jewish overlords, lol, that’s some Alex Jones level libertarianism right there. And yes, Nazis aren’t racist enough. Whereas Nazis believe that Jewish boogymen are behind every evil imaginable, espeically white genocide; truth be told – non-whites generally don’t create desirable civilizations, which is why it’s only logical that non-whites would want to come to our nations. There is absolutely no explanation for why anti-semites hate the Jews, just as there is no reason for why the degenerates hate whites; and such one-sided hate relationships are only comparable to how communist sympathizers seek to divide the world with hate and anger.


If you give a Jew bricks, he will build a city. If you give a Muslim a city, he will turn it into bricks. Jews have inventing everything we see around us, including bluejeans, the ballpoint pen, stainless steel, lazers, (notably a staple for electronics), most types of people-food (my personal favorite of which is bagels/donuts), most of our medical advancements, and even nuclear weapons from the ground up, beginning with the first atomic bomb. In comparison, what have the Palestinians contributed to the world? The very existence of Israel’s enemies is absolutely disgusting and is one of the worst forms of pollution in the world. Muslims have only taken beauty from the world in the form of countless deaths and a daily slew of endless bloodshed and suffering. All of Israel’s enemies are terrorists. They follow a religion that demands ignorance, prejudice, hatred, and violence, and it is our pleasure as Zionists to shoot every one of them.


[And with this pearl of wisdom underneath] All toads are terrorists. *Pls note reference to television is ironic satire cuz TV is for boomers. (PC master race here)

ReturnOfSaddam #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] Zoomers are legit the dumbest, most spoonfed, bluepilled retarded generation in history

I actually think they're worse than boomers. Seriously, these retards are almost ALL in favour of LGBTQIWTF shit, they don't seem to question anything, and they have literally spent their entire lives on the censored internet run by jewgle and couldn't name 5 different websites if they tried.

To me they single handedly disprove the cope that "the next generation will be right wing" which you hear altrightcel cucks repeating. LMFAO. Instead, what you have is a bunch of spineless retards who have literally taken the post 2013 feminazi teachings as GOSPEL. They fully support shit like censorship, they are some of the most sensitive people I've EVER encountered, and don't even get me started on shit like TikTok.

Average life of a zoomer sub 9.5/10 male: wake up, work, praise feminism, spend 30 minutes online after verifying your identity, spend that time praising brave trans leaders, spend your paycheck on your onlyfans subscription, get your 4 hours of sleep, repeat. It will honestly be interesting to see just how fucked things are in 10 or so years.

Cope tbh. All generations are bluepilled in their own ways.

No generation has been as bluepilled as the zoomers. Not even boomers.

I am a zoomer and I can say zoomers can either be giga-bluepilled or giga-blackpilled. And guess what the majority of the zoomers are giga-bluepilled. The fag propaganda in school will ensure most zoomers to be on side of the Jewish hordes.

(Shin no Shi)
what zoomers in general. I was born on 2000 but I had the internet relatively early than a lot of people and I usually surfed weird sites and stuff (remember seeing a porn ad and thought it was shit coming out of the girls bodies, when they were dicks, specifically bbc ones) I still remember school being somewhat ok though there was a little bit of the excessive leftist rhetoric instilled, though everyone in school during my time were still talking crap and not the pozzed type of talk.

I only started seeing this instilled behaviour full force when it was around 2017/2018 and I was out of school a year before, heck I look at the accounts of those younger than me since I know them and usually see whores throwing onlyfans or whoring themselves out and guys who are depressed 24/7.

(TheReaper)they're victims of bad parenting.
they all grow up with parents telling them that they are special and unique and this prevents them from developing any kind of personal growth.
they will become an army of depressed and nevrotic adults due to the dispcrepancy between their perception of themself and reality.

WizardofSoda #sexist #racist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Even baby ricelets can't escape the dickmog

Should the definition of micropenis vary according to ethnicity?

Conclusion: Mean penile length and diameter are slightly but significantly smaller in newborns of Chinese origin compared to newborns of Caucasian and East-Indian origins.

Yeah seems to be a correlation with frame, dick size & intelligence. Big body, big dick = No need to hit the books.

Small frame, small dick = Not getting any attention so better get smart to betabux later.

Just add genetics into offspring & there you go.

Ya I see Asians always thinking one day if they get good enough grades, get a high paying enough job, then they can be marriage material.. and then they can get sex.

Big dick guys have their dick 8 inches up inside hot young girls/women right now, they aren't waiting until sometime in the future.

Add to my post: This study could be seen as positive though.. if micropenis babies are identified young they could potentially be given drugs to help grow their penis while they are still children.

And then when there is a defined disease and therefore market just waiting for new and more powerful drugs, that puts money on the line for the pharmaceutical industry to do big time research.

Whereas if something is not defined as a disease, just hey the guy has a small dick.. that means insurers public and private are not going to cover expensive drugs & doctor visits for treatment.

In time the norm will be pathetic short tiny dick man with great job financing foid & her oogabooga retard sports star bulls, cuck gets to hold her hand at most & feel needed.

Paying to exist in her presence.

Those low IQ, uncurious oogaboogas are more relatable to women.. more operate on a primal emotional level. I think to most women the logical minded, analytical man is almost like an alien species that she doesn't want to be around except they have money.

Cope, only female concerns are considered worthy of curing.

No wonder aspies struggle with women.

The female mind in it's natural state is that of a man with schizophrenia.

That is a good way to describe it. One gender will be the logical gender and the other therefore will be the irrational gender.

I think what women want when they are with a guy is that emotional experiences of all the emotions. So a childlike minded Chad who goes from one emotion to the next and really goes deep into the emotion I think is the experience women enjoy.

But the unemotional autist trying to rationalize things with a woman its just cringe and she is not enjoying it at all so leaves very quickly, as she is not getting those emotional highs.

Schizophrenia - Hearing & seeing things, delusional, ruled by emotions, paranoid, out of control emotional response, spontaneous, out of control.

Aspie - Desire to understand things at the technical level, predictable, does not like change, can spend much time doing one thing, does not show emotions externally the way expected, restrained.

What you said makes sense, a good looking guy with the mind, responsibility & foresight of a child that goes with the flow, gets into trouble, is a pleasure seeker to the detriment of all else & turns violent when he stops getting his own way. Oh but he's so fun, until he's not & now you have to pay 10x what you got out. Long term shit for short term pleasure then some cuck is expected to man up & take on that burden in his 30's.

Watching women I notice they just want to experience their emotions.. the worst is some autist explaining the reasoning behind peoples emotional responses to a woman which then reduces the purity and intensity of the experience and therefore the women is extremely resistant to listening to that line of logic.

I think women respond so out of control with emotions because they get a high/pleasure from it.. so you can never really stop people from doing something they are getting so much enjoyment from.

Its like how women always seek to create conflict and dramas.. its for the adrenaline high and the feeling of intense emotions. As women also don't really generate emotions by themselves they feel the emotions of men around them and then it sort of gets amplified by the woman.

Like Schizophrenics women also think everything is about them, that everyone is thinking about them and judging them all the time.

Ron Ewart #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho newswithviews.com

The sad reality is, the socialist Democrats have been very successful in brainwashing at least the last three generations with the socialist mantra in our public schools and colleges and getting them to believe that America is a flawed country and is to be berated and vilified, not celebrated as an exceptional nation. The latest attack on America and Americans using Blacks as victims of alleged White racism, White Privilege, or White Supremacy, has hopelessly divided our nation and elevated a racial falsehood to a national tragedy and an alleged civil rights injustice where none exists.

This is the socialist Democrat’s ultimate propaganda to gain perpetual political power by any means and render conservative thought and ideology and Constitutional protections irrelevant. Once again, they pit us against each other for their own gain and exploit the lives of Blacks to do it. When will the Black race finally realize that Democrats don’t care one whit about Blacks, they only care that Blacks will vote as a block for Democrats. Blacks have been bought off by Democrats, hook, line and sinker, using taxpayer’s money. Free health care, free college tuition and forgiveness of college debt are just more tools in the Democrat play book to buy off more Americans.

Make no mistake, they (socialist Democrats) are coming for your free speech ….. and your guns. They are tearing down the core foundations of our society, the nuclear family, religious freedom and your property rights. They are trying to do away with the single family home and a yard and replace them with high-rise concrete and steel apartments in the name of smart growth and sustainable development, both UN Agenda 21 policies, policies that were never ratified by the U. S. Congress.
There is only one remaining and final solution to preserve the Republic: them’s with the guns, en masse, take control of the government institutions, including public schools and colleges, and lay down the law, constitutional law. We call this solution, the “Bullets of Freedom” and we offer this solution with a heavy .. Millions of Americans know what we say here is true. Half measures will only insure defeat, as the government will move to quash an inferior force. Only a full court press has any chance of success. That means that tens of millions of Americans would have to get involved. That appears unlikely.

But if it could happen, who will lead the “Bullets of Freedom?” How will it be organized and funded? Who will be the soldiers? What strategy or plan of attack will be used to achieve its worthy goals to restore freedom? Could “Encirclement” play a part?

Or, is there no viable solution? Has America come too far to ever turn back? Can our growing society survive without heavy restrictions on its freedom (socialism) so that it doesn’t unravel in chaos and violence, as it seems to be doing right now? Are the divisions too great to heal?

What we do know is this. America is reaching a boiling point in its long life. It is not the first, but seems to be the worst. The tension is very high. The bonds that held us together are coming unglued. Congress could fix it, but they won’t. The news media could quit fanning the racial flames, but they won’t. Trump can only try, but without a unified Congress, he is impotent. As a result of the unpredictable virus and the failing economy, he may lose anyway.

How long can America endure before the boiling point erupts in all out warfare under the “Bullets of Freedom?” Or, will a one someone, or a few someone’s, turn off the burner under the boiling pot? Will, in the end, cooler heads prevail? So far it would seem not, leaving the one and only remaining option left!

Based Frog #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut #sexist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

The Truth About the LGBTQ Community

Countrymen, if we were to imagine the world without its contributions from whites, Christians, and capitalists, we would have nothing. As obvious as this may be, one has to repeat it now and again put to shame our enemies: the race traitors, traitors against all of the human race itself. Whereas our enemies claim they are fighting the “homophobes” or “racists,” (whatever that means), in truth our enemies are fighting against all of Western civilization, as that has been their sole proclaimed purpose from the beginning.

This used to be a white nation: White men, white women, white children, white families, white culture, and white values. We had ideals: Christian ideals. Once we lived in a nation in which the arm of Liberty shielded us from third-world animals who came here solely to leach off of our resources. But that wasn’t all. One generation ago, if you were a rainbow-parading faggot, you didn’t live in this nation. If you were a pervert, you kept it to yourself. And now our nation has been ruined; ruined to the point of no return, while cuckservative Republicans have been only too gleeful to self-righteously concede to the communists on every leverageble [sic] topic. In fact, Republicans would dress up in drag and read to trans children at libraries if they thought it would raise the GDP any, as if Republican ‘tax cuts’ are going to unite and fortify western civilization. At this point, most Republicans are traitors against the nationalist party, and being an actual conservative is like being part of the dissident movement in the old Soviet Union. Observing the fall of the West, it’s clear that we live in a world gone mad: The grandeur of western civilization is fading, and the West’s influence will be destroyed. Society and all its entertainment filth can best be described as one large sewerpipe of obscenity. What is usually hidden away at the bottom sludge of civilization is now the prime focus of our degenerate society, and in our upside-down clownworld, the fringes of society are now the alternative shadows where you find brilliant minds who are civilized and decent. The once-radiant glory of our nation has been ominously darkened as we spiral into the abyss of overshadowing evil brought upon us by our enemies, and we have merely watched as our communities have been infested with wretched moral values, including every form of degeneracy and evil imaginable.

Take the gays for example.

As a longstanding member of the nationalist party, this is how I see it. We live in the ruins of a society in which our culture is morally, socially, and spiritually bankrupt. Sexual degeneracy is a symptom of late-stage societal collapse, but it’s not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times; rather it’s the way we have not only tolerated evil, but have made a cult of positivity worshiping weakness, depravity, rottenness, and evil itself.

As with everything under the stars and stripes of our national flag, homosexuality is a social issue which we have the right to criticize, and to say otherwise would make you a totalistic communist drowning in the murky depths of totalitarianism, starvation, and enslavement. To demand that we sit idly by and embrace warped sexual perversions as normal is a demand only made by the worst form of a totalitarian tyrant: an inbred libertarian, wobbling on the political crutch of a pseudo-patriotic belief in liberty rather than authority. We of the nationalist party have never shied from voicing our opinions and offering solutions. Homosexuals are not born the way they are, but rather they suffer from one of the many ills that can result from incompetent parenting of Democrats. The communists have embraced every variation of homsexuality, all the way to transgenderism, but the truth is that there is no such thing as ‘transgender’, because that doesn’t even exist! There are only two genders with nothing in-between, and no amount of drugs or mutilation can change that. We won’t accept transgender people who who they claim to be because it’s they who won’t accept themselves for who they are. It’s the same with the mutli-sexuals and the queers, which are not people, and even as the lowest form of animals, they are not the type of creatures that we want in our nation. They’re all mentally ill, suffering from gender dysphoria. The rest of the sexualities in the LGBTQ community include bestiality, pedophilia, and far, far worse. It started when we made this country a tolerant home for the gays, it continued when we made gay marriage legal, it pushed the boundary further when society accepted transgenderism. Do you think it will stop there? It most certainty won’t. Before it becomes ‘hate speech’ to advocate this, I’d like to say that we should offer mass-capital-punishment for everyone who ascribes to whatever sexual perversion that’ll become legal next; and we all know exactly what that is.

At some point, the gays decided that anyone who doesn’t vomit rainbow words of praise is somehow a raging ball of bigotry, while it is they who are hideous creatures guilty of such. As our enemies foam at the mouth with hate and try to bully us into silence by even deleting our frog memes, we must remember that history has shown that Truth doesn’t ask under what political system it exists in. The societal struggle we are engaged in is a fight for the source of our values which brought prosperity and meaning for ourselves, and as companions, as patriots brought ever closer together by virtue of common dissenting beliefs, we must unite together as Americans to support our common cause. Above all, we must not let hate divide us: We must remember to show kindness towards our fellow countrymen so as to not fall into the same callousness and indifference displayed by our intolerant frog-hating enemies. Political issues of this sort cannot be fought on a global level, for societal struggles begin on individual and personal levels, impacting everything around us in our domestic live, and it is with understated honor that our communities should be proud to have people such as ourselves: We were the moral foundation of our nation in the past, and we will be the only remnant left when the Earth falls into chaos. In the Western modern world, there’s so much deeply wrong with what our nation has become. When do we put an iron boot down and put an end to degeneracy before it continues to spread? Join with us, and we will create an American renaissance greater than the world has ever seen.

FastBananaCEO #psycho #racist #psycho #sexist incels.is


I'm not a part of this system

I was kicked out of it yet I'm supposed to work for them still

I was bullied and treated like shit by everyone I came across. Students teachers.

I was ostrasized. Every "friend" group I joined would be nice to me at first but then in the end I was always systematically bullied out of it and excluded from it.

Me having to rot on my own in my bedroom every day suffering from depression and suicidal tings and isolation and having zero contacts outside of my family just because I'm ugly is society's fault.

I get laughed at in the street, kids will stare at me and point, cashier's even have a condescending smirk on their face as they look at me and then look back at their partner trying not to laugh at the sight of my face.

What do I get in return for this? All the suffering I've been through?


In fact, I'm expected to work for the same people who did this to me, and even give money to the people who did this to me. I am the one suffering, but I'm given nothing in compensation for what I've had to go through.

I'm expected to go to college?

Where I need good grades to get in? When my grades declined due to bullying and isolation.

I need a reference? Even though I was ostrasized by everyone and forced to keep my head down and everyone subconsciously dislikes me due to my face?

I need to be in an interview? Where the interviewer is female? As an ugly male?

I need put on this act and pretend to be happy and confident and put on a facade so I'm more likely to be accepted? No one should have to do this. But it's even worse as an ugly male. Cuz I'd be going from 0 to 100. Normies are already happy in general so by putting on this facade they're just increasing what they're originally like by going from 80 to 100.

I need a job? What for? I'm not going to have a family. I will not do any activities or travelling. I have no friends as I was ostrasized. I am suffering. All I need money for is copes. The money should be given to me. I'm already suffering. I shouldn't have to suffer 1000x more just for a little extra.

Even if u were a millionaire as an ugly male, it would be useless. Unless you Epsteinmaxx.

I've lost all empathy for the human race. They are simply not concious beings. Do you have empathy for things that arent concious? No.

They need to be told what to think.

They average human is so braindead. So easy to control. They are so easy to lie to. They are so low iq.

Even the CIA themselves didn't think it would be this easy. It's just sad.

If I was just me. One person. But I had the same power as the CIA. I could easily do what they've done. Probably even better and faster. It's really not that fucking hard.

If I wanted to solve inceldom. All that needs to be done is to plan and then carry out psyops to solve all our problems.

If normies were told to care about the plight of ugly males in today's society they would. Unfortunately this isn't in ((()))'s interest however.

Imagine if the population overran and defeated ((())).

The world would end up even worse. Normies aren't concious, they have no clue what they're doing. 90% of what they think has been implanted into their brain by ((())). So even if they were to overrun ((())), most of their actions would be part of what they had been programmed to do and wouldn't actually make the world a better place for everyone.

Cba to write anymore I'm just venting. Please IT screenshot this and do a hyperanalysis on a literal nobody stranger who is a virgin venting about the state of the world which you are oblivious to anything that's going on because it's literally you who is the problem and a victim of this even.

The Millennium Report #wingnut #conspiracy #racist themillenniumreport.com

Make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris was born and bred, socially engineered and mind-control programmed to function as a Manchurian Candidate and female Obama.

In point of fact, just like Barack Hussein Obama, she is not even a U.S. citizen.

Just like Obama, Kamala Harris is not a U.S. citizen
As a matter of historical fact, Kamala Harris was not even eligible to run for POTUS as she did during the 2020 election cycle since she is clearly does not meet the criteria of the U.S. Constitution’s “natural-born-citizen clause”.

Sen. Kamala Harris was not constitutionally eligible to run for POTUS, nor eligible to run for VPOTUS.
Biden’s VP will become POTUS if he wins

Democrat POTUS nominee Joe Biden has spent months floating one black woman after another as his VP pick knowing all along his choice was ORDERED by his hidden masters to be Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

The strategy was to put off any official announcement as long as possible in order to subject Harris to as little vetting as possible. This scheme was quite similar to the total lack of vetting of Obama in 2008 who never even presented a valid birth certificate.
Citizenship and Birth Certificate Psyop
Every investigators and analysts really understood that the Obama birth certificate (BC) controversy was fabricated with extremely purposeful design. The DNC knew exactly that Obama’s birth certificate and citizenship documents were not legit. The Democrats colluded with Deep State to intentionally implemented this psychological operation as a means of cynically mocking the Right every single day for 8 long years. In fact, every conservative who reasonably questions Obama’s BC is pejoratively labelled a “birther”.

By efficiently carrying out this psyop, the perps were able to keep the GOP on the defensive. Rather than confront the BC issue head on with the transparent truth, Republicans everywhere were silenced. Collectively, they were cowed and then corralled into a pen of compliance which did not question Obama’s authenticity. The perps even gave Obama a fake Social Security Number to add insult to injury.

What’s the critical point?

The Democrat strategy of forcing the Republicans to never investigate Obama (with the exception of the ever-courageous Sheriff Joe Arpaio) allowed him to get away with bloody murder and worse over his two catastrophic terms.

The crucial point here is that the highly deceitful Democrats will attempt to use the exact same stratagem with a Kamala Harris presidency if Biden wins. Her background is every bit as clouded and confusing for the very same reasons as Obama’s was. Because of the serious problems with her citizenship, she could never withstand the opposition research that would be conducted in the Trump era. Hence, the scheme to install her as POTUS by first electing Biden.

By the way, that’s just one piece of the “Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Criminal Conspiracy”. Willfully subverting the U.S. Constitution in this manner is a capital crime. When the ultimate objective is to dissolve the American Republic in order to transfer sovereignty to the United Nations, that’s a far more serious transgression.

HolymolyitsDok #racist reddit.com

[Comments under “Change my mind”]




Authright in real life: libright with more rules
Authright on this sub: authleft but singles out JEWISH capitalist
I've seen authrights who unironically think authright means being economically left and socially right
I can have right unity in real life but not with the anti capitalists on this sub

Well I can tell you I won’t just single out the capitalists amongst the jews.

Imagine believe in collective guilt
You racial collectivists are cringe commies

Reply from HolymolyitsDok:
Oh no no no, you misunderstand me if you believe I think they’re all guilty. Some of them are, just like any other race, or group of people, there are bad ones amongst them that ruin it for the rest. I look at them like pests however, or weeds, you pull weeds up by the roots or they’ll just keep growing back. You exterminate an infestation of insects down to the very last or they will come back. Time and time again jews have acted as parasites, putting themselves in positions to directly influence and subvert the culture of the host to benefit nobody but themselves, those jews have ruined it for the rest. Diversity is not a strength, it blurs the lines just as we’re seeing now with the current attempt at a communist uprising. Black people stick with their tribe, no matter what, they do more for their most guilty than we do for our most innocent. Jews stick to their tribe as well. Asians stay with their respective tribes as do muslims. Why is it only white culture that is under attack? They’ve attacked our culture and divided us as much as they can to make their attempt at a communist revolution as easy as possible. There’s a reason they were driven out of so many countries.

John Horvat II #fundie #racist #homophobia #wingnut lifesitenews.com

All Souls Matter

Such rhetoric oversimplifies the position of countless Catholics perplexed by the call to join the BLM revolution. They are far from being the cold, heartless and oblivious Christians Mrs. Bruenig paints in her op-ed. They are filled, however, with legitimate concerns that need to be addressed.

Of course, these Catholics can pronounce a lowercased “black lives matter” without any problem. The Catholic Church was the institution that, for the first time in history, broke the back of “systemic” slavery that was the fate of most people in the ancient pagan world. The argument the Church advanced back then was that everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ. And thus, all souls matter.

For this reason, the Church went forth and taught all nations, races, and peoples baptizing them and instructing them on how to live lives of Christian virtue. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race. Of this, there can be no doubt.

Attached to Unacceptable Causes

The doubts come when it is time to pronounce the uppercased brand: Black Lives Matter. Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls. Reluctant Catholics wonder how BLM activists can fail to grasp that the message being transmitted by the movement is: Not all souls matter.

The cry of these three volatile words implies an endorsement of the breaking of God’s moral law since the BLM movement enthusiastically embraces the LGBTQ+ cause and Planned Parenthood. The echoes of this catchy slogan resound on the violent streets of Portland, Oregon, where cursing Antifa and BLM rioters burn Bibles and U.S. flags, destroy property and injure police officers of all races. Intertwined in the motto’s short syllables is a Marxist class struggle narrative in bitter conflict with the Church’s social teachings and responsible for the death of tens of millions of lives…and the eternal damnation of countless souls.

Is it any wonder that Catholics cannot bring themselves to utter these three words that can represent a spectacular clash with the Great Commission, which affirms that all souls matter? Justice demands that the BLM subversive and immoral positions be rejected since they contain falsehoods by which souls might well be lost. Unless the movement abjures these evil influences, it cannot command the respect, much less the allegiance of those Catholics who sincerely want to help.

BitcoinIsFemale #racist #wingnut reddit.com

The problem is that Blacks don't know how to work, and definitely don't know how to work hard.

And I don't mean being lazy (though the two often go hand in hand), I mean they LITERALLY do not know "how to work".

This is why they cannot access any of the wealth that this country has to offer to everyone who is here, INCLUDING illegal immigrants who take full advantage of the economic mobility. This is why you have some Indian or Chinese peasant becoming a millionaire or multi-millionaire within the first generation of being here. This is also why you don't see Mexicans or South Americans complaining about "muh inequality"... because they know full well how fucking amazing it is to live in America and take part in our opportunities, even if they are illegal. It's pretty much incontestable that America has and still does provide the greatest economic mobility the world has ever seen. And yes, I have lived in multiple countries, grew up in semi-rural America and have lived in SF for 9 years, so while I don't have a perfect grasp, no one does, I have seen much of the world and how it works and I'd welcome anyone to challenge me on my assertion about economic mobility in America.

Before I continue, I don't hate Black people. Very few people "hate" black people, many may say they do but what they actually hate is the problems that blacks cause. BIG difference. So let's try to figure out what the fuck is black people's problem.

My theory is that they literally don't know how to work hard or even work at all. "Working" doesn't mean just physical labor or typing things into a spreadsheet. It also means working together with others in a civilized and professional manner that facilitates common goals of providing goods and services to society.

Hence why when a black person thinks it's ok to wear a "BLM" hat to work at Starbucks, self-overriding the corporate policy of having to wear a specific uniform, they are demonstrating that they don't know how to work and also demonstrating "anti-work" behavior. They don't even have a basic understanding of how to hold a job and sustain themselves, hence generational welfare, etc.

Call them lazy, call them stupid, whatever, I don't think that's the issue at all. Black culture (mostly entertainment, which targets the youth) promotes being shitty and stupid, as well as violence, immorality, and the carefree use of drugs. This isn't helping them. We probably all know this here, but during segregation the average black family did FAR BETTER than they did now. I believe the main reason is that they had to work together to survive and the concept of "working" had not been beaten out of them by a combination of democratic policies and "entertainment" aka hypnosis.

We have a real fucking problem in America right now, and it's not police brutality. It's that for whatever reason, blacks are anti-social, anti-work, cannot get ahead because of it, and starting to freak out.

The emotions they are feeling are very real, the reasons for them feeing that way are being manipulated for, most likely, nefarious reasons.

Even if the blacks get what they want with this quasi-revolution, they will not be happy because none of the actual concerns plaguing them as a demographic are being addressed

Ropemaxx #sexist #psycho #racist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Men are stronger, smarter and more capable than women. Why dont we enslave them?

I dont get this cucked world. Men are smarter, stronger and better than women. Why dont we just enslave foids and give each man a hole as sexual property?

Foids should be the sexual property of men. Thats why all the wise religions knew it thousands of years ago.

Most ethnic men are on board with that.
Too many white and jew soys in positions of power.

Becouse simps cucks etc.

Because gynocentrism.

We don't even need to enslave them, just enforce their role like we do with children. But most men are unfortunately cucks. They'll sacrifice themselves and everything to fulfill every whim women might have, even when such whims destroy the women themselves.

Harry H. Rogers #racist #wingnut #psycho heavy.com

A man who is an admitted leader of the Ku Klux Klan is accused of driving his truck through protesters during a Richmond, Virginia, demonstration June 7 as they peacefully protested racial injustice and excessive force used by police in the wake of the death of George Floyd, an African American who was killed by a white police officer on May 25.

According to Henrico County Police spokesperson Lieutenant A. M. Robertson, “several witnesses reported that a vehicle revved their engine and drove through the protesters occupying the roadway.”

The incident happened at about 5:45 p.m. on Lakeside Avenue. A 36-year-old man, Harry H. Rogers, was arrested for the crime and is currently being held at the Henrico County Jail.


Robertson said no one was badly injured, but one person was checked out at the scene by emergency medical workers and refused further treatment. That adult victim was the one who called the police.

According to someone who tweeted that she was a witness to Rogers disrupting the protest, he also followed protesters and filmed them.


According to Taylor, Rogers “by his own admission and by a cursory glance at social media is an admitted leader of the KKK and a propagandist for confederate ideology. We are investigating whether hate crimes charges are appropriate,” she said in a statement.

Taylor said they will prosecute Rogers to the “full extent of the law,” calling his alleged action “heinous” and “despicable.”

Rogers’ current charges are attempted malicious wounding and destruction of property, both felonies, and misdemeanor assault and battery, according to WTVR CBS 6. While the investigation continues, he is being held without bond. Law enforcement and Taylor’s office are both asking witnesses to come forward with any more information.


Rogers, who goes by “Skip,” stood outside the Colonial Heights War Memorial in March 2016 in a white robe with red trim and a KKK symbol on it while waving a confederate flag, according to the Progress-Index. At the time, Rogers wouldn’t say why he was doing it.

He told Progress-Index, “I’m exercising my First Amendment right,” he said, and that he planned to stand there “until my clothes get cold.”

In 2015, the Progress-Index ran a story about Rogers, who was an organizer of an NAACP (National Association for Awakening Confederate Patriots) “Confederate flag ride,” with about 20 vehicles waving the flag through the town of Petersburg.

The last public posts on the NAACP Facebook page are from 2015. One post reads that the group has one common goal, which is to “bring America back to the way it’s supposed to be.”

metabuxx #sexist #psycho #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Based] The ideal foid is submissive and lacks vocal chords

If you want to see an ideal foid in action notice how they act around Chads. They are submissive and they agree with everything their Chad master says without talking back.

And foids have done nothing with their freedom of speed except falsely accuse innocent men of rape, reject us, call us ugly and advocate for our genocide. In front of us they forget about their submissive nature and try to act all superior and dominant.

I wish I lived in an ideal world. A world where foids are born without vocal chords and are trained to be submissive even around subhumans like us.

For a fraction of a second I felt tempted to start coping by looking for a deaf mute, but think how visual they must be :lul:

Even blind foids want Chads. A study proved that blind women cared more about physical looks than blind men.

There once was such a world where at least foids pretended they respected non chads, but that was destroyed by simp cumskins

Exactly. If it weren't for simps, cucks and Jews we would still be enjoying the basedness of patriarchy.

in ideal world foids would have their tongues forked and be trained to be a submissive slave from birth.


Anonymous #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

1940 Jews sink the ship SS Patria, killing 250 Jewish immigrants, to gain
sympathy for Jews being denied entry into British-run Palestine.

1940 Japan, an anti-Communist country, pushes into Indo-China. The
part-Jewish Roosevelt complains, but, strangely, does not condemn his buddy
Stalin's oppression of millions of people in Russia.

1941 Roosevelt orders Japanese assets in the U.S. freezed, largely because
Japan is friendly with Germany, the ultimate sin to the
part-Jewish, almost-Marxist Roosevelt. He is warned that Japan will consider
this an act of war. They do, and later bomb Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.

1941 (Aug.) Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter, pledging to
spread democratic values (!)

1941 (Dec.) U.S. "officially" enters WWII, siding with the
already-mass-murdering Communist Soviet Union.

1942 Father Coughlin loses his bulk-mailing permit, by order of part-Jewish

1942 A team of largely-Jewish scientists starts the Manhattan Project, to
build a nuclear bomb. Some of the Jewish scientists are later charged with
providing the Soviet Union with nuclear information. (Most nuclear spies have
been Jewish).

1945 The ADL distributes 330,000 books in America, designed to convince the
public that "anti-Semitism" is a form of mental illness.

1945 Arab King Ibn Saoud complains to Roosevelt that "an army of Jews, armed
to the teeth" is slowly preparing to attack Palestinian settlements. This is
true, but Roosevelt ignores his protests.

1945 U.S./Britain/Russia crush Germany and Japan, which, by default, kills
the first concerted, modern effort to defeat Jewish/Communist power.

1945 Jewish Communist Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss) writes much of the
Morgenthau Plan, which will surrender a large portion of Europe to
Communist/Jewish/leftist rule. (It's always a good idea to let Jewish
Communists write important government mandates).

1945 An American Jewish man, Henry Morgenthau (of The Morgenthau Plan), is
assigned to oversee the restructuring of Europe, a conflict of interest of
staggering proportions.

1945 General Patton, before his death, comments that the upcoming, planned
trial of Nazi "war criminals" is illegal (ex post facto) and "Semitic"
(Jewish-created, a conflict of interest).

1945 Jewish "cultural anthropologist" Ashley Montagu publishes the bible of
the "equality movement," a book titled "Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The
Fallacy of Race." Liberals everywhere use it to "stop racism," with great

1946 Various Germans are brought to trial at Nuremberg for what is called
"crimes against humanity" (law which did not exist before the war, and is ex
post facto [after the fact] law, which is illegal in America). Many of the
judges are Jewish, and many of the persons present also are Soviet/Communist
officials. Strangely, no "crimes against humanity" have YET been brought
against ANY Communist country, even though their body-count is FAR greater.

Attila Hildmann and followers #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho twitter.com

(Excerpts from an infamous speech Attila Hildmann gave at a covidiot demonstration on the 18th of July. Obviously, no one is wearing a mask.)

(Hildmann arrives with his campaign macho sports car modified to make loud obnoxious macho car sounds.)
(Hildmann waves around an Imperial War Flag while the crowd chants “Attila! Attila! Attila!”)
And then, they only write crap in the news, provoking [incomprehensible] the Jüdisches Forum, [incomprehensible] FOR A THOUSAND YEARS, WE HAD TO SUFFER, THAT CAN BE SAID! THAT CAN BE SAID!!! FOR A THOUSAND YEARS WE HAD TO SUFFER!!! (Female voice: “Shut up!”) IN THE MOMENT I AM (believing? lookin’ at it?) LIKE A GERMAN!!! WE WANT A PEACE TREATY!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
(Hildmann is standing in the crowd, which is chanting “ATTILA! ATTILA! ATTILA!” again together with him.)
(Man in the crowd: “Lügenpresse!)
Well, let’s start with my friend Volker Beck. Mister Volker Beck is a politician of the child-fucker party The Greens. Well, if I were Reichskanzler, then I would reintroduce the death penalty for Volker Beck: His balls shall be kicked in at a public square!!!
And [the fake news media] said that Hitler is a blessing compared to Communist Merkel. And they said that I am a Nazi because (pulls out Imperial War Flag again) I show this flag of Imperial Germany, and they said and believe that this man is no rightwinger. (Woman in the crowd: “The Emperor was no Nazi!”) Hitler was a blessing in comparison to Merkel the Communist, as she and Gates plan a global genocide against seven billion people! (crowd boos in agreement) […] Well, in this left-fascist state, in this Bolshevik Republic of Germany, I am not right-wing! In this left-fascist state, I AM PROUD TO BE ULTRA-RIGHTWING!!!! (crowd cheers loudly) And I am a nationalist!

Transcript of original GermanUnd dann schreiben sie nur Mist in der Presse, proviziert [?] die Leute vom Jüdischen Forum, [?] TAUSEND JAHRE MUSSTEN WIR LEIDEN, DAS KANN MAN SAGEN!!! DAS KANN MAN SAGEN!!! TAUSEND JAHRE MUSTEN WIR LEIDEN!!! (“Halt die Klappe!”) ICH (GLAUB? GLOTZ?) JETZT GERADE WIE EIN DEUTSCHER!!! WIR WOLLEN EINEN FRIEDENSVERTRAG! UNGLAUBLICH! ATTILA! ATTILA! ATTILA!
(“Lügenprese!”)Dann fangen wir einfach mal an bei meinem Freund Volker Beck. Herr Volker Beck ist ein Politiker der Kinderfickerpartei Die Grünen. Also, wenn ich Reichskanzler wäre, dann würde ich die Todesstrafe für Volker Beck wieder einführen, indem men ihm die Eier zertrete auf einem öffentlichen Platz!!!
Und sie hat’ gesagt, ich hab’ ja gesagt, Hitler ist ein Segen im Vergleich zu Kommunisten-Merkel. Und sie hat auch gesagt, dass ich ein Nazi bin, weil ich diese Keiserreichflagge zeige, und sie hat gesagt und geglaubt, dieser Mann sei kein Rechter. (“Der Kaiser war kein Nazi!”)
Hitler war ein Segen im Vergleich zu Kommunistin Merkel, denn sie plant mit Gates einen globalen Völkermord von sieben Millarden Menachen!
Also, in diesem links-faschistischen Staat, in dieser Bolchewiken-Republik Deutschland, bin ich kein Rechter! In diesem links-faschistischen Staat BIN ICH STOLZ, EIN ULTRA-RECHTER ZU SEIN!!!! Und ich bin ein Nationalist!

Anonymous #racist #psycho 8kun.top


I'm making a game called Black Lives Splatter in which you play as Moonman on a quest to run over every nigger available. It is rather buggy and unoptimized but good for a laugh. I might continue to work on it if there is some interest.

Decent specs are required due to the EXTREME nigger killing physics.

EXTREME nigger killing physics
Moonman commentary
Lots of blood
2 levels
6 vehicles
Various injured states for nogs, including crawling away and seizures

Vasily Kukushkin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist 8kun.top


Hi, friends! My name is Vasily Kukushkin, I'm developer of "Der Sieg: 1944".

"Der Sieg: 1944" is the propagandist national-socialist computer game. It is top-down action-rpg set in alternative reality in 1944, which tells us a story of a Gestapo officer in occupied London, who is fighting with underground network of Antifa, redpilling the player, as the story goes on. It will be somewhat similar to "Angry Goy" but with many differences:

* Story focused gameplay

* Side-quests

* Deeper lore

* Character and weapon upgrade system

* Decisions possibility, which will affect game ending

* Collectibles (posters, letters, music records and so on)

* Inventory and item system

* In-game radio system (like in Fallout) with music and fictional news

The development started not so long ago, but you can follow the development of the game and ask your questions at the: gab com/Der_Sieg

If you have any questions about the game and it's world, I'll be glad to answer them.

P.S. I apologize for the fact that English is not my native language.

TL;DR: I'm creating national-socialist computer game, if you're interested in it - you can follow game development at: gab com/Der_Sieg

Blusnayl #racist stormfront.org

Re: 61% of Koreans view foreigners not members of Korea

The yellows are racially conscious and xenophobic despite being able to maintain first world civilization. If only Whites, as the only other major race capable of maintaining first world civilization, could have maintained the same good civilization preserving habits.

Oh well. At least the yellows will learn from our mistakes and carry on the torch of humanity into the eventual coming ages of robots and space colonization.

MattwhiteAmerica #racist stormfront.org

Re: Dept of Justice finds Yale systemically discriminates against White & Asian applicants

The only systemic racism is against whites and to a lesser extent asians. It is against anyone that works hard and actually earns their way. It is literally given to blacks and browns at our expense! The truth is browns and blacks are the privileged ones and the data and facts prove it.

The left won't ever stop until they've taken every drop of our blood and washed the floor with it. Evil bastards.

Unnamed /pol/ poster #sexist #racist boards.4chan.org

[Comment under “Blonde hair and blue eyes”, archived here]

Why don't Ikeans just rape their own women like their viking anscestors used to do? This is why most American and European white men feel like their losing to minority men. Brown and black people have no reservations in taking the white woman and impregnating her, even if it means by force. Women being women of course, love the rough sex, and fall in love with the savage men even more. Meanwhile, the white man being civilized and respectful (a good thing) waits for concent and "makes love" to the girl, which needless to say bores them to death (their words).

To put it metaphorically, you guys are fighting an uphill battle, you can't fight with the same caliber of weapon as your opponent, can't commit the same war crimes and actively discourage each other to fight back (as it would be racist). Plus, your enemy receives aid from a certain (((group of interest))) which you pay money to every year as foreign aid, so your friend is helping your enemy to fuck you over.

Oh and you discourage sexual promiscuity because it is degenerate, but that is the one thing that would allow you to circumvent everything and produce millions of white babies the way blacks do in their gettos. I say you are in quite the predicament, and you prohibit every strategy that would allow you to win. Of course you're gonna go exstinct dummies, jews and asians are next in line to the planetary throne, and IDK that it's such a good thing. So get your shit together.

BummerDrummer #racist #crackpot incels.is

At best, to separate the races so we don't have unnatural mixing of racial groups that should not be mixing together. Whites in white land, Blacks in black land, Mexican in Mexican land and so on and so forth.

They're angry because jewish lobbyists have been infiltrating and destroying society for years and this is the culmination of it. They have been expelled from 109 different countries. This isn't a coincidence. Imagine having your entire race and people in the process of being wiped out, being told you're evil constantly, and seeing society and the entire world go to shit. Also if you are far right being the victim of historical revisionism ("Waaah hitler was bad he wanted to kill all nonwhites" which is 100% false) That's the life of a white person in 2020.

The Propertarian Institute #racist #sexist #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger propertarianinstitute.com

“The Natural Law of European Peoples”: A fully commensurable system of measurement across all disciplines that tests for reciprocity in display, word (truth) and deed (action); the extension of the logic of the physical sciences (realism, naturalism, equilibration) to the psychological (individual) and social (group) sciences using economic terms (acquisition, cooperation, reciprocity); thereby completing the scientific method (falsification of all possible dimensions of human cognition); thereby completing the Aristotelian program; and thereby providing the explanation for the success of Western civilization under that program: sovereignty, reciprocity, and truth – and the markets that result from their universal enforcement, along with the evolutionary velocity (adaptation, innovation) that results from those markets.

Propertarianism consists of:

1 – The completion of the scientific method and all that it entails – which is a lot – hence why P is such a big program: it touches every discipline, and it converts almost all psychological, social, and political speech into economic expressions – which is counter-intuitive because it’s scientific whereas our current psychological, social, moral, and political speech is only normative or, in the case of psychology, sociology, and politics, both pseudoscientific and sophomoric.
We call this Testimonialism (Metaphysics, Epistemology, Psychology, Ethics, Sociology, Politics)

2 – The explanation for Western success in both the ancient and modern worlds (adaptive velocity because of our individual sovereignty resulting in the traditional law of property/tort) and the explanation for the Dark Ages as well as the current attempt to repeat them that we see as undermining Western civilization.
We call this the Western Group Evolutionary Strategy.

3 – The explanation of the different systems of argument used in the different civilizations, and in particular, the Abrahamic means of deceit used in the ancient world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and in the modern world (Marxism, Feminism, Postmodernism, Denialism/Political Correctness).
We call this The Grammars (deflationary, testimonial, ordinary, fictional, and the fictionalisms)

4 – A constitution, body of law, and attendant policies that restore the American, English, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Western Indo-European, constitution (contract among sovereigns) and hardens it from future undermining by creating a legal means for the prosecution of the crimes of undermining, including religious (Jewish and Islamic), pseudoscientific, and sophomoric (Marx, Freud, Boas, Adorno, Derrida, Friedan, plus Marxism, Postmodernism, Feminism, and Denialism/Political Correctness) methods of undermining, as well as the financing of undermining through prohibiting rent-seeking, privatization of commons, and socialization of losses.
We call this a new or updated constitution.

5 – A set of policies (Acts) under that constitution that form the most substantial political, social, economic, and financial reform since the Roman era – restoring the civil society.
We call these the reforms: the policies under the constitution

6 – A set of Restitutions and Punishments that serve to return wealth to the American people, punish those who have engaged in undermining our people, and prevent repeats of undermining our people – or other peoples – in the future.
We call these the Restitutions

7 – A program of revolution and the restitution of the constitution of natural law and our European strategy that we have used to drag ourselves and mankind out of ignorance, superstition, oppression, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, and the chaos of a nature all but hostile to our existence. And an explanation of why the world is our debtor and hates us for it.
The Law of Nature
The Natural Law of Sovereign Men
De Lege Naturae : The Law of Nature
De Arte Testimonii : The Science of Testimony
De Philosophia Aristocratiae : The Philosophy of Aristocracy
De Scriptura Nobilitatis : The Scripture of Nobility
De Professione Regum: The Art of Kings
Viridis Bibliis Homines Europeii : The Green European Bible

The Talmud to deceive
The Bible to undermine
The Koran to conquer
The Manifesto to steal
The General-Theory to impoverish
The Critique to exterminate

The Truth to make us free
The Law to keep us free

The Natural Law of Reciprocity
The Inviolable Law of the European People
“The White Law” to Replace the Talmud, Bible, and Koran

Honkler #psycho #racist #conspiracy 9chan.tw

its now the ku klux klan kingdom

the kkkk has one simple goal, increase white birth rates and decrease nonwhite birthrates.

our people are getting replaced in our own homeland by the ungrateful savages, we gave them electricity, plumbing, industrial agriculture, television, the automobile, airplanes, modern medicine, cell phones, computers, there is NOTHING in this world the white man didn't make or perfect and they hate us like how a teenager hates god.

meanwhile the boomers have completely betrayed the white race, they voted for presidents that allowed hordes of immigrants into the country to replace us in exchange for their cheap labor. The kkkk will not allow any boomers into its ranks.

anonymity is a tool we must utilize to its fullest advantage. we all know the risks we take for speaking the truth, we can lose our jobs, our houses, our relationships. we must go out in public with hoods on, if they complain we say they're for corona.

we must speak to the niggers directly about how they kill themselves more than we ever killed them and how much better it would be for them if they became subservient to whites again.

we must form our own church denomination heavily inspired by martin luther, we must dismantle the catholic church in america, we gotta stop supporting people like trump who's in laws are jews, we gotta stop the mormons and scientologists indoctrinating more members and unify the white race to win helter skelter.

Thebatface #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They Know Biden Would Not Be Able To Run This Country By Himself. So The DemonRats KNEW Kamala Would Be President If Joe Won & Resign In January.

Biden Would Gather The Poorly Educated Middle/Older Age
Black & Latino Votes Since That's The Only Way Biden Could Win The Election FOR KAMALA.

That's Whom I Have Feared Since 2017
The Lady Creeps Me Out. She Is Both A Fascist AND Communist. One Is Worse Than The Other. BUT Still Isn't Good For Freedom Lovers. She Will Act Like A Female 0bama. But Bad For Both Parties.

O'Brien Award

Adunaiii #moonbat #pratt #wingnut #racist #psycho reddit.com

[Submitter’s note: not sure how to do quote bars? I’ll just put brackets around what he’s quoting, and if someone without my technical ineptitude could fix it, that would be smashing] [Edit: fixed]

In fact, North Korea is ranked at or near the bottom of several freedom rankings, including Freedomhouse and Heritage.org.

Philosophically, we disagree. Personal freedom is a lie. An ideal for Christians. Nature only knows the survival of the population. This way, I am philosophically fascist, authoritarian - all men and women in Juche Korea work for the betterment of their entire nation. Even the lowliest job is important.

Life for one's own self is disgusting, no wonder southern Koreans are emigrating to the USA by the millions, and never have children. This is so funny when only a few hundred people per year emigrate from the DPRK.

the common citizen thats being oppressed or for the Kim dynasty that only seeks to expand their power.

We are all "oppressed" by life. The way of individualism is suicide - collective suicide. Beauty lies in embracing our oppression, and by working out a great future together, not dying alone.

if NK did not pose such a threat and be so aggressive against literally everyone then the US would have no reason to have a presence in SK.

Asking a foreign power for help in the matters of civil war is unfair and scummy. See the Irish in the 12th century.

Also, American occupiers kill Korean girls (Wikipedia).

I honestly get green with envy that the DPRK can have such glory, and my nation is drowning in squalour.


Thats not even taking into account the soldiers used by the PRC, which amounted to roughly 3 million over the course of the war.

Wasn't the RoK propped up by Americans? Then it's fair game to bring in friends (the Chinese are far closer to the DPRK both racially and ideologically, Mao Tse-tung was like a brother to Comrade Kim Il Sung).

I find it amusing that you preach about being independent when the nation you have trumped up as the golden standard has failed by the very metric you hold South Korea against.

Southern Korea bases its entire raison d'être on being a cog in the machine of Christian American capitalism. If they survive its collapse, then we'll talk. But a far more likely scenario is that they'll beg for a reunification under the DPRK to save them from utter chaos.

(The fall of the USSR is nothing like what will happen when the colossus with the feet of lay that America is disintegrates.)

Also, authoritarian governments only care about remaining in power and accruing more power, they don't care about you or anyone else as anything more than a tool by which they can spread their influence.

Yes, the government cares about its people, for without the people, it will not exist. In a word, fascism.

No, the DPRK government is rooted in the Korean race, not in economics or memetics. It is precisely the opposite - it is the southern Korean government that would rather import Filipinos to prop up its failing economy than care for its very population. It is the capitalists who view their people as interchangeable units to produce the idea of money - not the hard matter of blood.

Tucker Carlson #racist #wingnut twitter.com

We have every right to fight to preserve our nation, heritage and culture. When vandals like Tammy Duckworth and Ilhan Omar tell us that we’re not allowed to question their patriotism, as they scream about how horrible this country is, we have every right to laugh in their faces.

James Casbolt/Michael Prince via James Rink #ufo #racist #conspiracy #psycho #sexist #homophobia supersoldiertalk.com

Note i don’t necessary adopt James Casbolt/Michael Prince’s belief system towards Women, Jews, and Black peoples but I feel he brings up some important points which makes this worthwhile to share.

Axioms of the Forth Reich

There exist five root biological forms in the universe from which all life-forms spring. All life in the universe originates from these five or is a combination of the five. The five are as follows-

1: Human
2: Canine/dog
3: Bird
4: Feline/cat
5: Reptile

The human form is the original form in the universe with the highest survival dynamics. In a competition of survival of the fittest the human form can be said to be the ‘strongest’.

Through physical tests conducted at facilities OP/OW ( Off Planet/Off World ) the canine form has the second highest survival dynamics behind the human form, with bird form behind canine, feline behind bird and reptile at the bottom of the chain with the lowest survival dynamics.

The bipedal reptile form was originally human. The bipedal reptile form is currently evolving back towards the human form.

Composite Human Aryan Evolution

The original form in the universe was a single white skinned human male. This life-form existed before all others. All life-forms spring from this original form.

Bipedal reptiles were genetically engineered by this human male. They were his first creation. Because of this an intimate relationship exists between human and reptile. More so than any other biological life-form in the universe.

At this point the original man created white skinned human females afterwards and the human race began.

The human race started as a combined white race. However it gradually lowered its survival dynamics by falling into subhuman races within the white race with different skin colours.

This occurred through human interbreeding with the animal races. I.E the black race was created through the following process-

The Luciferian Wars

The so called Luciferian wars in galactic prehistory caused the factioning of the original white human race into two sides. Every man and woman had to choose a side in the war. One group decided to wait and see the outcome of this war and then side with the winning faction. For their cowardness a long chain of events occurred that ended up with them being stranded on an unpleasantly hot planet covered in thick jungle.

Every male ended up dying through a jungle contagion. The females went insane and ended up doing what they always do when no human males are in their environment to stabilize them. I.E they started having sex with the animal that most resembles man. In this case the monkeys and gorillas of the jungle planet.

The black race was thus created through this interbreeding and black skinned humans have been having problems ever since. The black innately hates himself and his own skin colour because of this.

There is no reason for the white Aryan to hate the black. The black is simply a subhuman second class citizen with lower survival dynamics.

The black will simply evolve back towards a white skinned human as the human race puts itself back together again and geographical, genetic and weather conditions improve.
The Solution

We can indentify the two main enemies of the Fourth Reich and a paradise of existence as two main forces working against the plan-

1: The intelligent bipedal reptile who is fighting against evolving towards becoming a white skinned human form. Most reptiles are currently surrendering to the Fourth Reich.

2: The Jew- working alongside the first.

The Fourth Reich have currently taken over every government on the planet and all military and police forces have been indoctrinated with the Axioms of the Forth Reich released here for the first time in history for public perusal.

Enemies of said government are now as follows-

Homosexuals- The reptile species who goes against the survival dynamics of the human race engages in the practice of homosexuality. This life-form is a mixture of male and female as it has lost distinction and survival boundaries within this group.

Homosexuality is being promoted in society as an attack on the original male form and the propagation of the white race. Military prison camps are currently set up for homosexuals to engage in relearning.

Pedophiles- The reptile species who goes against the survival dynamics of the human race engages in the practice of pedophilia as it has lost distinction and survival boundaries within this group. They engage in a process of age regression when reaching advanced years and see the young as adults.

White Aryan woman engaging in practices against the human survival dynamics-

White Aryan woman must learn to become submissive to the Aryan male once again. The second form must learn to be submissive to the form that created it for harmony to take place.

Feminism and equality must once again be erased. Larger numbers of woman exist in the world than the superior male. After population reduction has taken place, polygamy will be reinstated as was done for German SS officers in World War 2. All surviving white males will control a community and act as Warlord for that community. Each Warlord will take multiple wives and begin to repopulate their designated areas with white offspring.

All surviving subhuman races and individuals OP/OW will be involved in colonies that will experience accelearted evolution towards the perfect Aryan human form.

All surviving dark skinned subhuman races will become white skinned humans. All bi-pedal alien forms whether they are canine, bird, feline or reptile will become white skinned humans. All canine, bird, feline or reptile life-forms will return to their natural state in the OP/OW colonies and will walk on all fours, fly or slither on their bellies.

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