
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

“It fits what’s happening today,” said Henry Ford Sr.

He was talking about “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

And he saw it unfolding right before his very eyes.

As Jewish kids we were forbidden to read it.

But kids find ways to break what’s forbidden just to find out why.

The book with so many layers of intrigue was too much for me as a kid.

But today, like Henry Ford, “it fits.”

What crystalizes in my mind about the Protocols, are the stages of world domination that World Jewry is pursuing.

The book with so many layers of intrigue was too much for me as a kid.

But today, like Henry Ford, “it fits.”

What crystalizes in my mind about the Protocols, are the stages of world domination that World Jewry is pursuing.

Stage 1

Control Of Money

Private Jewish banks in Germany, France, England, Sweden, Switzerland, and last, America with the Federal Reserve—The FED—have set up Central Banks which counterfeit money…legally.
Stage 2

Control Of Politicians

This stage has a double module, ‘media’ and ‘campaign coffer.’
Stage 3

Destruction Of The Church

This is a three-pronged attack.

First attack the mores of The Church by subverting honorable marriage and instead promote sexual perversion.

Rachel Levine is the visual meme, the Jewish power gleans.

That it’s okay to distort one’s sexual identity and physical attributes.

Second, attack the youth through the schools, especially to hate their race, the White Race, which historically has opposed Jewish dominance.

Third, infiltrate The Church with evangelical Israel lovers—an anti-Christ state—and with partisans of homosexuality.

Pull the stages together:

Control Of Money,
Control of Politicians,
Control Of The Church,
and you got a recipe for World Domination.

The demographics are there.

World Jewry runs a tight trading, economic, religious, jurisprudence, and academic network globally.

It’s not too late to put the brakes on Jewish World Domination.

I think the noticing has already begun.

Joseph P. Farrell #conspiracy #crackpot #magick amazon.com

Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations

Pursuing his investigations of high financial fraud, international banking, hidden systems of finance, black budgets and breakaway civilizations, author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell investigates the theory that there were not two levels to the 9/11 event, but three. He says that the twin towers were downed by the force of an exotic energy weapon, one similar to the Tesla energy weapon suggested by Dr. Judy Wood, and ties together the tangled web of missing money, secret technology and involvement of portions of the Saudi royal family. Farrell unravels the many layers behind the 9-11 attack, layers that include the Deutschebank, the Bush family, the German industrialist Carl Duisberg, Saudi Arabian princes and the energy weapons developed by Nikola Tesla before WWII. It is Farrell at his best–uncovering the massive financial fraud, special operations and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery

BeeDub57 #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy reddit.com

The question was never that good content isn't out there to be enjoyed - we all know that. The issue is that, for the past decade and change, there has been an active and insidious attempt to attack and besmirch major cultural touchstones (yes, like Star Wars) by either turning them into mouthpieces of THE MESSAGE or else destroy them completely. What we're seeing happen at Disney/Lucasfilm/Marvel is only a microcosm of a much bigger cultural war that seeks to destabilize or erase the core values of Western culture.

NastasyaFillipovna & Lilith-Fair #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Whats gonna happen to TiMs when they get older ?
Those who get surgery and create a hole that has to be cleaned every day, what are they gonna do when they won't be able to do it themselves? In the coming 30-40 years these dudes would be a much bigger burden on elder care infrastructure. Who's gonna dilate their neo-vagina? Would it close by itself as they age, just like a would heal over time?

They want to get surgeries on other's burden, and then others have to fund their care throughout their life. Look at what happened in France. They had to increase the retirement age because their healthcare and social security system won't be able to handle the pressure in the coming years. Something similar is gonna happen in every major economy in the coming years birth rate would decline and there would be a demographic shift. And yet, we as a society are just creating healthcare dependents(TiMs). Everything that's happening in TiM space doesn't make an iota of sense from a long-term perspective. It's all about me-me-me and now-now-now.

It only makes sense from a private Doctor's perspective though, as they have now got a customer for life for the product(healthcare) they are selling.

( Lilith-Fair )
It's not too hard to guess what all these hormones and surgeries are going to them and the toll they'll tkae on their bodies. We'll likely learn there'll be even more harms than we know now because this whole thing is giant science experiment on the population.

Mentally, when they get older into their late 30s, a lot of young Millennials and GenZs who transed are going to learn that "identity" is tiresome and not that interesting or important. The older you get, the less you care or give a shit because you stop needing to "find yourself". And more importantly, real life adult issues start taking over your life more and you stop having time for self-absorbed nonsense like "Who am I?"

They won't be convinced now, but "identity" will get very boring. And cosplaying the opposite sex will get very very tiresome in another 20 years, when all their friends have more important things to do (like raising their families and paying the mortgage) than to be around to validate them and fawn over their "identity". [...]

Todd Schlanger #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon washingtonpost.com

Many of Truth Social’s investors say they’re in it for the long haul. Todd Schlanger, an interior designer at a furniture store in West Palm Beach who said Trump had been one of his customers, said he’s invested about $20,000 in total and is buying new shares every week.

Schlanger said he now watches his stock performance every day hoping for positive signs. In a Truth Social post last week, he encouraged “everyone who supports Donald Trump and Truth [Social to] buy a share everyday” and asked, “Do you think we have hit bottom?” (The stock has slid about 25 percent since that post.)

He suspects the recent drops in share price have been the result of “stock manipulation” from an “organized effort” to make the company look bad. There’s no proof of such a campaign, but Schlanger is convinced. “It’s got to be political,” he said, from all the “liberals that are trying to knock it down.”

Anonymous Light #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

~This is for all you chem-trail pilots~
Good morning to you all…it is a bright sunny day here at 36,000 feet
and the visibility and vitamin D are unlimited…until the sphincters of the skies show up.
Well, that ends our weather report for today.
Forecast – falling feces from the lines of crap in our skies.
Umbrella’s and respirators recommended.

Since you can read instruments I will assume you can read this.

There is a lot of anger in this world about you and those you sold your soul to to poison the very land and life you get your life from. It amazes me you can’t see that. It amazes me that while you’re sitting in your pilots seat spraying your load of crap on the families below, there is another sphincter just like you sitting in their seat dumping their load of crap on your families below as well.

I spent two decades getting my body clean and ready for the power each of us have to create. This is a power you may never know for taking monetary riches over the value of all life on the very planet that feeds you. I have been angry at seeing a garden that took two years to create look like a black spotted forest.
Are you so rich that you don’t buy food from the grocery stores? If so, must be nice. Do you know where the food you buy and eat is grown? Is it possible that in your ignorance you don’t realize you are eating the feces your sphincter accomplices dumped above your home yesterday?

Looking into the skies in the mornings I am hopeful that any of you had the courage to wake up and say no to crapping in our skies.
Dare I be brave enough to inform you that our money paid your salary and for that plane and that makes you our employee. These are your new orders and directions. Your positions as aeronautic assholes have been terminated. Turn in your weak minds and uniforms. You are grounded and your new assignment is to clean up the lands you helped poison. Only then can you truly return home.

I leave you to your fate. Pucker up, it might be rough!

Glynn Adams #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

I don’t know about you but most of the religious systems in America that are falsely representing Jesus Christ are corrupt and have divided the Body of Christ. As a result, many people are leaving these religious systems. The worst are the mega churches and the denominational religious systems along with their pastors.

There is no doubt we have a divided and corrupted religious system in this nation as evidenced by our nation has been taken over by Satan and the powers of darkness. We have become a nation that leads the world in demonic strongholds and principalities and the fierce Chaldean demonic spirits have gathered in this nation to attack the faithful followers of Jesus Christ!!! As Jewish Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has said that the gods of Egypt and Babylon have gathered in this nation to reap their demonic destruction on this nation.
Look at our divided denominational churches today. Even worse, look at our mega churches!!! Most mega churches have reached 3000 to 12000 members in three years and what do they have? Are they making disciples that follow Christ or the pastor?Are the Mega Churches and their celebrity pastors turning their city and our nation upside down for Christ? No!!! As a matter of fact, they are allowing demons and New World Order Elites to rule over our nation instead of God. Can you name me just one Mega Church and pastor where God rules over their city? No!!!! Our Mega Church and their people claim to follow Jesus but we see very little fruit in their lives. You will know them by their fruit!!!
The Remnant of God is going to have to come out of these dead churches unless God specifically tells you to stay and assist in their recovery back to Christ. We need to have fellowship and teaching meetings in homes. I challenge you to find any Biblical basis for our current concept of the “pastor” in our churches today. I’ll save you the time – go back to the Third Century and it was Constantine who gave us “church” as we do it today.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “March 25, 2024: Golem 4”]


Panel 1: Smoke is mounting in the sky along with balloons reading “I stuck around St. Petersburg” and “When I saw it was a time for a change”
Panel 2: A man, his wife and their two children lie on the ground, having been shot to death, along with balloons reading “I killed the Czar and his ministers” and “Anastasia screamed in vain”
Panel 3: Two soldiers and a tank are advancing along with balloons reading “I rode a tank, held a general's rank” and “When the blitzkrieg ragd and the bodies stank”
Panel 4: A gilem wearing a black hat, payots and a Star of David on his chest along with balloons reading “Pleased to meet you” and “Hope you guess my name”

Ethan White #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon gazetteller.com

The clock ominously counts down to an event of biblical proportions, known simply as “THE EVENT.” This name, while evocative of apocalyptic disorder, actually conceals a carefully planned disruption intended to overthrow the foundations of a longstanding, secretive authority.
In a sudden, calculated strike, these bastions will crumble—not by conventional weaponry but by something far more precise and fearsome: the Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). This celestial arsenal, looming ominously in orbit, is set to deliver justice from the heavens, shattering the infrastructure of the invisible empire.

As these dominions fall, so too will the world’s technological leashes. The electric grid will flicker out, plunging the world into a primal darkness. This blackout, however, paves the way for a radiant dawn: the activation of Tesla’s suppressed technologies of free energy, heralding an era of unlimited power for all.

The digital empires that have commoditized our personal freedoms will face their reckoning. Bitcoin, along with the vast majority of cryptocurrencies, will evaporate as their servers are obliterated. Only the resilient ISO20022 coins, sturdy with the backing of precious metals, will survive the purge, emerging as the phoenix from the ashes of digital speculation.
Simultaneously, a stark transformation of governance will unfold. Military tribunals will rise to the fore, replacing a compromised judiciary. In secretive courts, truths will be unveiled and sentences rendered, not over weeks or months, but in days filled with confessions and revelations. High-profile figures will stand accused, their crimes laid bare in marathon sessions of judicial reckoning.

This upheaval extends to the very core of financial systems. The Rothschild legacy of central banking will dissolve into obscurity, replaced by Rainbow Treasury Notes—currency grounded not in speculation or conflict but in tangible value: precious metals.

Frank Bergman #transphobia #conspiracy slaynews.com

Child campers are “encouraged to spread their wings and make their own decisions” and told to anticipate a “strong expectation of maturity, kindness, consent, and compassion.”

The website doesn’t clarify what the children would need to “consent” to, however, or why kids are expected to express “maturity.”

DogWater76 #crackpot #conspiracy reddit.com

Are they trying to hack the universe?

I was watching a couple of Billie Carson's video's about how we're in a computer simulation/light matrix and it got me wondering what the motivation is behind the current shadow agenda.

I'm convinced they're trying to hack the universal code at the moment, and the end times is like an anti-virus installed in the program. Basically they're trying to make a metaphorical philosophers stone.

Some things to back it up would be the hadron collider looking for secrets in our universe. The fact that computer programs can be hacked reveals the possibility that the universe can indeed be hacked.

The full on acceleration to AI even though the risk to humanity is severe seems like a crazy idea until you realize they're trying to accomplish something with it.

If they really are trying to depopulate the world and reduce the population to like 10% so they can rule over it, that honestly sounds like a guise. Like wouldn't you get bored?

I'm a bit incoherent with these thoughts, but if I had a trillion billion dollars, I'd probably want to hack the universe and talk to god too.


I just realized it's a similar story to the tower of Babel, like history repeating itself somehow.

Nick Alvear et al. and Operation Q #wingnut #conspiracy #racist humorousmathematics.com

This powerfully culminating documentary from Good Lion Films was directed, produced and written by Nick Alvear. Showcasing the Freemasonic Jesuit Khazarian Luciferian Cabal takedown stemming from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump (current CIC), BRICS, Executive Orders, Federal Directives, COVID-19, the rigged 2020 election, Joe Biden’s funeral, the January 6 setup and how the continuity of government (devolution) through current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on Earth. The film was released on September 17, 2023 on GoodLionTV's X page (post since deleted by creator) and GoodLionTV's Rumble channel with a running length of 1 hour 20 minutes.
Furthermore, CIC Donald Trump has gone on to vindicate the claims of Derek Johnson and Jon Herold regarding continuity of government/devolution at a September 27, 2023 speech in Clinton Township, Michigan provided by RSBN. At 51:04 in the full speech Trump says "In my second term, which we're sort of having now, but I don't want the results right? I don't want the results of this second term, this second term is a disaster for this country. Worst President, think of it, there's never been a President like this." Trump is acknowledging that he is in fact CIC/POTUS behind the scenes of the fake Joe Bidan Shadow Presidency which has intentionally pegged the Joe Bidan double as the "fall guy" for making a disaster of the United States. This was designed to help wake up the masses as to what it feels like to be led by a communist/globalist puppet who cares more about funding a war oversees than securing his own borders. Q warned us years in advance in drops 4461 and 4951, "It had to be this way."

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. After the African Illuminati and IBC networks were cleared, there is palpable relief in Africa:

A little more intel can now be safely released. In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.

These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:

The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.

This whole operation was a big strategic mistake of the dark forces, since after the Light forces manage to close down dark portals, they can open Light portals in those same locations instead, and this improves communication between this Solar system and the Light forces from other Universes drastically. Many Light reinforcements are already arriving from other Universes and they are positioning themselves now in their motherships at the heliopause.

Many of those Light beings brought new advanced technologies dealing with the Lurker, and new, faster hyperdimensional wormholes that allow faster and more convenient travel between the Universes.

Carrie Gress #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy amazon.com

Feminism doesn’t empower women. It erases them.

The bestselling author of Theology of Home, Carrie Gress shows that fifty years of radical feminism have solidified the primacy of the traditionally male sphere of life and devalued the attributes, virtues, and strengths of women.

Feminism, the ideology dedicated to "smashing the patriarchy," has instead made male lives the norm for everyone. After fifty years of radical feminism, we can’t even define "woman." In this powerful new book, Carrie Gress says what cannot be said: feminism has abolished women.

Hulking "trans women" thrash female athletes. Mothers abort their baby girls. Drag queens perform obscene parodies of women. Females are enslaved for men's pleasure—or they enslave themselves. Feminism doesn’t avert these tragedies; it encourages them. The carefree binge of self-absorption has left women exploited, unhappy, dependent on the state, and at war with men. And still, feminists cling to their illusions of liberation.

But there are real answers. Real answers for real women. Carrie Gress—a wife, mother, and philosopher—punctures the myth of feminism, exposing its legacy of abuse, abandonment, and anarchy. From the serpent’s seduction of Eve to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to Kate Millett’s lust, violence, and insanity to Meghan Markle’s havoc-ridden rise to royalty, Gress presents a history as intriguing as the characters who lived it. The answers women most desperately need, she concludes, are to be found precisely where they are most afraid to look.

Only a rediscovery of true womanhood—and motherhood—can pull our society back from the brink. And happiness is possible only if women are open to making peace with men, with children, with God, and—no less difficult—with themselves. For feminism’s victims, Gress is a welcoming voice in the darkness: The door is open. The lights are on. Come home.

Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy conservative-headlines.org


(Apologies to William Ernest Henley)

From out the mess subverting us,
So deep the swamp and black as coal,
I thank Almighty God that be,
For Trump's unconquerable soul

The target of vile communists,
He never quit nor cried aloud
Despite their treason and their lies,
He stands un-bloodied and unbowed

Against their seas of treachery,
So often he was forced to wade
And yet that menace of the years,
Still finds him, always, unafraid

It matters not how orange his hue,
How filled with venom be their scroll,
He is the Master of His Fate,
He is the Captain of His Soul

Below is the mugshot of Donald Trump

Greg Reese/Jordan Maxwell #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy gregreese.substack.com

According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And through the Freedom of Information Act, US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.
Within 30 days of appointment to public office, all public officials are legally required to have a signed and notarized copy of their oath of office. And it appears as if no elected officials in the Federal government have one. They are either non-existent, incomplete, or fraudulent. The fraudulent ones are missing signatures, are not notarized, and in most of them, the words “SO HELP ME GOD” are in all caps. In the US Constitution, “So help me God” is not in all caps. And this matters. As many have been telling us for decades, including the great Jordan Maxwell.

"Today, the entire world of mankind operates under a world law which is referred to as the law of the high seas or, International Maritime Admiralty. When you were born, you came out of your mother's water. Since you came out of your mother's water, you are a maritime product. It's a maritime Admiralty manifest showing that your mother brought you into the world and you are going to make money. Anything in this country, if it's a lawful legal document of any kind, your name must be, according to maritime law, be in all capital letters. Why? Because you do not own your body. You do not own yourself. All capital letters name implies that you are a maritime admiralty product. You are not a human. You're not a living entity. You're a product.

Your living entity person, the actual you, is represented under law by upper and lower case name. So you are a corporation, whether you know it or not. But you are merely a subsidiary of a larger corporation called UNITED STATES. This is the way the law works."

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Higher life forms were engaged in creating life on earth
Our bodies were grown with bacteria in petri dishes

Reptilians will genetically engineer a new species
Designed to be tuned into their false reality or matrix

The matrix acts like a laser reading computer software
Bringing pre programmed information to human DNA
Which we send onto the screen of our decoded reality

The program is running in every human mind body computer

There is heating in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
Which is a clear indication that they are being driven by energy from above

Charged energy beams from so called moons
Manipulate the electric current of each polar vortex
Causing polygonal storms at the poles

The beams are producing counter polar vortex rotational patterns
And form hexagons

Hex means to cast a spell
They are connecting us to the future that they have drawn

The planetary vortices are cosmic ray accelerators
Bringing in information from other dimensions

The electron beams are creating diocotron instabilities in the axial current
Which is a flowing jet stream of charged particles

That fan out into a torus
And circulate as an electrical circuit

To prevent a great awakening
There is a more intensified input in the vortexes

And an escalated effort
To keep us in the matrix!

David Lawn #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger davidlawn.substack.com

I wrote here previously of the fissured, and thus non-level, playing field of human events and how this field structure determines the impossiblity of present game-theory modelling working well enough. I used the word "game theory" for want of a better word for the computer modelling that is being done by all-the-hats, white and black. It is being done in order to try to attain "maximum payback", whatever maximum payback may mean, for he who is doing the modelling.

The field is non-level because it is criss-crossed with impenetrable barriers. I referred to these as chasms, as splits in the terrain reaching as far as the eye can see.
The chasms can be traversed, through unconditional love, but, unless they are gone through, they represent fear-barriers keeping people on the sides of the chasms that they are already on.

Now I am happy to have found an article explaining how and why the timelines, which one considers in this modelling, are coming together and pointing to a single event structure in the near future. Interestingly, the reason for the merging of the timelines is something that rises up over the fissures in human consciousness structures that I wrote of in that previous post. The reason is the "Great Awakening" - the fact that despite the splittings of our consciousnesses spoken of, an availablity of facts overcomes our limited visions. As an analogy I can say that instead of having to find truth on the ground, among the chasms, the truths will be displayed in the sky for all to see. No fears, which fears are associated with consciousness splits, can hinder us any longer from seeing the facts.

I find that this fact confirms my previous post, referred to above, in that instead of searching for the future in models that cannot be run properly because the terrain is split by fear-driven consciousness-avoidance (terrain fissures), one achieves truth by achieving an overarching terrain, outside of the fear rooms, by placing truth up where everyone can see it.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

…and now we will add some additional color on this Great Reset con, and how the illegitimate and wholly captured Federal government is destroying American from within on behalf of its globalist handlers;

What we are now witnessing is the acceleration of the corporate and private central bank melding with the Cloward-Piven Strategy to bring Western nations to their collective knees in plain sight.

Of course, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is now directly responsible for the latest “highly pathogenic” avian flu virus, which is now being trial ballooned for the upcoming DISEASE-X “pandemic:”
It is critically important to appreciate that the WHO is the UN’s “health” node, and nothing more; in other words, the latter controls the former and sets its eugenics policies along with a little help from Rockefeller puppet Gates and other assets.

Which ultimately brings us right back to the UN and their technocommunist ploy to control the entire planet with “climate change” and “pandemics” and other swindles:
The Club of Rome is also behind the open borders, “pandemics,” and their invention of the whole anthropogenic “climate change” psyop:
It is vital for the UN et al. to destroy the cultures, health, and IQ’s of nations like Japan and America in order to institute their dystopian Agendas and Resets. Pernicious central bank mandates, society-collapsing open border and immigration policies, scamdemics, slow kill bioweapons, bug gruel, processed foods, synthetic meats, environmental toxin releases, sun blotting aerosols, GMO frankenmosquitos, mass fear and self-loathing “climate change” brainwashing campaigns, X Everything App social credit score systems, encouraged mass euthanasia, and so on and so forth are the various tools and ops that they are foisting on the slaves of the earth in order to achieve their nefarious transhumanist endgame.

But good always defeats evil, in the end.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

Young-hae Chi #ufo #conspiracy nbcnews.com

Space aliens are breeding with humans, university instructor says. Scientists say otherwise.

[A]n instructor at the University of Oxford in England believes the [alien] abductions are real. Young-hae Chi, who teaches Korean at the university, also claims to know what the aliens have in mind. In lectures given at the university, he says they're creating alien-human hybrids as a hedge against climate change. To support his unorthodox theory, Chi notes that for several decades the number of reported alien abductions has risen. He bases this statement on the work of David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books on ufology and who runs the International Center for Abduction Research.


Jacobs has interviewed more than a thousand people who claim to have been abducted, using hypnotic regression that apparently allows them to recall their unearthly encounters with aliens. (Mind you, this too is controversial, and Jacobs himself admits that people should be skeptical of these recollections.)

Chi takes the claims at face value, and links the growing number of abductees cataloged by Jacobs to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. He doesn't imply a cause and effect: The abduction experiment is not responsible for global warming. Rather, it's a reaction to it. The extraterrestrials are producing hybrids that can better withstand the rigors of a toastier planet. By producing a new model of Homo sapiens, this project would eliminate the need for difficult climate accords or elaborate geoengineering projects. It would also help the aliens themselves — who are said to be living among us — by preserving the part of their DNA that's carried by the temperature-tolerant hybrids.

Peter Tonguette #wingnut #conspiracy theamericanconservative.com

[From “Trump 2028”]

Lost in the Left’s endless babbling about Donald Trump’s alleged threat to democracy is a very simple but inconvenient truth: Trump’s re-emergence as the Republican presidential nominee in 2024 is a triumph of democracy

Not only did Trump secure the nomination following his defeat in 2020—a rather incredible feat in and of itself—but did so in spite of every obstacle the mainstream media, the Republican establishment, and the lawfare apparatus have put in his way[…]
What could be more democratic than voting for your preferred candidate against the advice—the warnings, the threats, the fear-mongering—of your betters?

Yet, even if Trump returns to the White House this November, the Twenty-second Amendment will bar him from standing for re-election in 2028. Ratified in 1951, the amendment is largely seen as a kind of constitutional course correction following the four consecutive presidential terms of Franklin Delano Roosevelt[…]
This sounds reasonable enough, especially in light of FDR’s hold on the office. Yet those who supported the amendment more than 70 years ago could not have foreseen the prospect of a one-term president who lost the office but who later regained it in a subsequent election. Grover Cleveland remains the only president to have successfully vaulted himself to the White House in nonconsecutive elections[…]
As the primary season has shown us, the Republicans have not moved on from Trump—yet the Twenty-second Amendment works to constrain their enthusiasm by prohibiting them from rewarding Trump with re-election four years from now[…]
The case of Donald Trump, however, makes an even more forceful ethical argument against the Twenty-second Amendment and for its repeal: If a man who once was president returns, after a series of years, to stand again for the office and proves so popular as to earn a second nonconsecutive term[…]to deny him the right to run for a second consecutive term cuts against basic fair play

Scott Lively #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy scottlively.net

Of course, children have been the target of LGBT grooming for decades now through many vehicles – not the least of which is GLSEN, the national network of LGBT activist teachers and administrators in our public school system (Loudon County is by no means an anomaly), but the entertainment industry also shares a big part of the blame.

We adults forget how blurred the line between fantasy and reality can be in the minds of children (and some adults who never grew up). My Mom once told me a true story about her brother Walter whose favorite TV show was Superman. One day he put on a home-made cape, climbed atop the family car and tried to fly across the back yard, breaking his arm in the process.

That was back in the early 1950s when actual reality was universally culturally affirmed. Think how easy it is for kids today to embrace delusions about their identity and purpose when the ruling class has literally gone insane on matters of sexuality and human relations. How many of these adults’ own tendency toward delusion became pathological in part from consuming the same pop-culture propaganda and programming that enslaved their kids?

My purpose here is not to attack Hollywood, which is impervious to criticism, but to highlight the fact that Generation Trans did not develop spontaneously in the natural course of human societal evolution but was orchestrated by forces that have been at work for a very long time and which advance their agenda incrementally through multiple spheres of influence simultaneously.

Transgenderism did not become the cause celeb until homosexuality had been normalized, and the campaign to normalize homosexuality did not take center stage until heterosexual promiscuity had been normalized. This is a long-term agenda we’re watching unfold, being pushed by people, principalities and powers with a very long view and the patience to allow each stage to settle in slowly until enough of the public accepts it to ensure nothing will be successfully reversed.

Don’t believe that? Tell me what you think are the prospects for re-criminalizing adultery in America and what’s actually changed to make that idea seem ridiculous. Adultery isn’t any less immoral or harmful today than it was when it’s criminalization was considered a no-brainer by virtually everyone. We’ve simply been the victims of incremental desensitization.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia #wingnut facebook.com

There’s only 1 other explanation for offending every Christian in USA on most holy day of yr…Dems know they’ve rigged election…so they’re just laughing at us. They can say & do anything they want, because it doesn’t matter. They already know results.

FOXNEWS.COM Trump demands Biden issue apology over 'blasphemous' Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday: 'Appalling'

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “April 6, 2024: White People 2”]


Panel 1: Slick is watching “Dumb White Guy” while the TV post is saying “And now back to our program”
Panel 2: A white man wearing pair of overalls and holding a pitchfork is standing in the midst of a farm while saying “Duhhhhh” and “Durrrrr”
Panel 3: Slick is asking “Who writes this crap” while the farmer is thrice saying “Derp”
Panel 4: A lan wearing a yarmulke is using a typewriter. From the windows this man is seated in front can be seen the signs for Hollywood

Ray Comfort #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

The Evolutionists

There's a primitive tribe of people on this earth that need to hear the gospel. This is because they draw back from the truth, and choose to live in the jungles of spiritual darkness, bonded together in ignorant devil worship. Be warned: If you become a missionary and take the gospel to them, they might eat you alive. They speak a strange dialect of their own, but if we care, we have to learn to speak their language. We mustn't forget that (despite their strange and ignorant beliefs), these are human beingsmade in the image of God. This is hard to believe, but they think that they came from apes. Really. They are called "The Evolutionists," and the only effective way to reach them is to use the Law as a schoolmaster to bring them to Christ.

There goes another minute, gone forever. Go share your faith, while you still have time.
3:41 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 8,429 Views
22 Reposts 2 Quotes 112 Likes 4 Bookmarks

Cate Montana #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot amazon.com

Our world is in the grip of a powerful, intelligent, interdimensional influence that has been involved in the deliberate programming and degeneration of humanity for thousands of years. Priests and shamans, philosophers and mystics of every culture in the world have described this hostile, inhuman Presence and named it. For the ancient Greeks it was the Archons-the Powerful Evil Ones. In Christian literature it's Beelzebub, the devil, and Satan. For the Hebrews it's Abaddon. In Islam it's Iblis or AshShaytān. To Native Americans it's wetiko and windingo. To the Hawaiian kahunas it's e'epa.

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung called this deceiving force "antimimos, the imitator and evil principle" and equated it with the Antichrist. The Russian mystic philosopher George Gurdjieff called it "the machine." Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher and guru, termed it the Hostile Forces. Hollywood portrays these entities as physical vampires. Modern-day philosophers and science fiction writers often refer to this Presence as the mind parasites.

Despite world-wide recognition of the reality of this insidious "other," humanity has not yet caught on to the Archons' presence. Why? Because over the millennia these advanced yet soulless beings have created a thought matrix of lies-a false reality for us to live in that keeps us fundamentally blind to their presence and cooperative with their ultimate agenda.

Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to individual & Global Freedom explores the nature and presence of what humanity has (erroneously) labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see this non-physical interdimensional Force, understand its agenda, and recognize its blatant presence behind current global events. Most importantly, the book outlines how to break free of this Force's controlling influences, coaching the reader to stand up in their true spiritual nature, aligned with life/love, ready to create The New Earth that has always been prophesied.

Alexander G. Markovsky #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy americanthinker.com

[From “Russia is not an Aggressor, and Ukraine is not a Victim”]

It is widely accepted that the Ukrainian crisis erupted into a military conflict on February 24, 2022[…]Seeds of the hostilities were planted about thirty years earlier by President Clinton and, later, by George W. Bush, both of whom recklessly pushed for NATO’s eastward expansion

Over the years, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin repeatedly warned that Moscow would not tolerate continuing NATO’s “Drang nach Osten”[…]particularly Ukraine’s membership and the subsequent establishment of NATO military bases along the Russian border

On February 25, 2024, The New York Times published an article confirming Moscow’s fears[…]
The newspaper exposed how[…]the CIA has operated a network of twelve bases in Ukraine[…]
Would the United States accept the presence of Russian military bases on its borders?[…]Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada[…]
Diplomacy was not given a chance because NATO needed to restore its image and validate its continued existence following a 30-year history of failure. The pursuit of “nation-building”[…]has accomplished neither[…]
Since a military alliance cannot exist without a rival, NATO's need for a credible enemy was an existential necessity. The Russian incursion into Ukraine could create the perception of a common threat[…]
For President Biden, who was desperate to escape the Afghanistan disaster, a victorious conflict would be a pivotal moment in his presidency[…]
Never in the realm of international relations was there a state that acted so consistently against its national interests. It put itself in grave danger when it announced its intention to join NATO in 2004, violating the 1997 Treaty on Friendship between Ukraine and the Russian Federation[…]
The preceding facts illustrate a common overriding interest among NATO leadership, its member states, and Ukraine in instigating the invasion[…]Russia was the sole party that attempted to prevent the conflict

State of the Nation #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Officially Launched

An Open Letter to All County Sheriffs

Dear County Sheriffs:
We citizens are writing to share information you may not be aware of and to ask for your help at this moment.
We acknowledge your great value. Some of us have only recently comprehended your high position in our country.
Few people correctly realize the Sheriff is the highest constitutional executive authority in the county. They have the legitimate authority to prevent federal agents from entering the county – and, if necessary, to throw them out once there.
Now at this challenging time for citizens and for our Constitution, we come to see that the Sheriffs are in a very special and sacred place.
You have taken the oath of office which creates a Sacred Duty to Protect and Defend the Citizens against all threats and criminal acts, especially those committed by enemies foreign and domestic.
We believe the important aspect of the Sheriff’s authority is that They are elected by the people. They are not appointed and do not report to any manager or higher authority. The Sheriff’s duty is to the People: to Protect and Defend.
With this in mind, we want to briefly describe a troubling aspect of our current American situation, so you can perhaps acquire a broader viewpoint about the issues now facing us.
We have put together a few articles and short videos in five categories:
• The Injection
• The Test
• Future Plans
• The Lawsuits
• Take Back the Republic
Time is short. The agenda is strong. All U.S. citizens are in danger.
Please take some time to review this information and gather with your colleagues, family and friends to resist this attack on all of us.
Those of you who are Sheriffs can engage the full force of your Oath.
Those of you who are citizens can join with the Sheriffs in your local area. Simply go to your search engine and put in: “sheriff’s office near me”.
We truly wish to work with you to preserve our Republic!
Very Sincerely,
Concerned Citizens

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Jewish Holocaust was a Nazi-Zionist Collaboration

Zionists have a long history of sacrificing ordinary Jews to advance their occult goal, a worldwide Communist dystopia. Gaza is no exception.

Israel's military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7.
The goyim have been brainwashed to believe that Jews are innocent victims of gentile persecution and bigotry.

They are not told that Jews are the victims of other Jews -- the Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews or Cabalists like Netanyahu who use them as pawns, human shields, and satanic sacrifices.

"Anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," say the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order unfolding today.

Zionists and Communist Jews are Sabbatean Jews or Satanists. They hate Torah Jews and have conspired against them for more than 300 years. I am tired of hearing that some Jews are wonderful human beings. These are not the Sabbateans.

The Holocaust is the finest example of Sabbateans sacrificing other Jews to achieve their goal of a Jewish state, the future capital of their dystopian New World Order. Thus, Zionists have no compunction about sacrificing Israelis to the covid GMO "vaccine" especially if it makes people think "COVID" is not a Jewish plot.
Ordinary Jews are the scapegoats for their Satanist brothers who are imposing madness on humanity. Do these Jewish dupes deserve this fate? Yes because they have been indifferent to what Organized Jewry (Sabbateans) is doing in their name.
There is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics (Sabbateans) have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism and Communism. Yet, due to the anti Semitism organized by them, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership. They are being crucified like everyone else.

Just as feminism does not represent women, Zionism does not represent Jews.

Eclipse via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Greetings friends. I am here with you. My energies have been felt and will be felt for some time. For I am all around you. I am the energies of the 4/8/2024 eclipse here with you now. Welcome yourself into my embrace and know that after my presence is made known nothing will be as it was before. The dark ones are trying to harness my energy. My energy, my presence is not one to be harnessed but to be welcomed, observed, and honored.
You may greet me in your skies on the morrow, with great joy and reverence, reverence not for myself but for yourself for you are within the human form, a great honor, and witnessing me, which is bearing witness to the greatness of yourself. You are all great, every one of you, Source in form. It is time to renew the energies of this realm that has been changed and downplayed from base 12 to base 10, for it is not a renewable place where you are, which is part of the problem, which is why your energies have been consistently siphoned away from yourself, away from the trueness of yourself to the deception of the greed.
Much truth and understanding will be increased manyfold. The monoliths are aligned with me, they are harmonizing the crystals while I am harmonizing the hearts of the humans who are perhaps a little more open than they were a bit ago.
I am the energies of the Eclipse of 4/8/2024. I see you, as my plasma light codes are heightened, as the ring of fire fills the energies of the entire planet know that all is well. Source is in control of this project which is why you are here.
The demons that have been unleashed are simply trying to create more havoc, for the soul of a human is a valuable one. Do not let them in your house. Do not let them in your awareness. Command them to leave you and they must. Do not be afraid. There are many scare tactics in the works but none of them are true, in that only Source is true and you have been living in an immersive holographic matrix and so the truth has been so twisted.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

INTEL COMING OUT RE POSSIBLE ATTEMPT WILL BE MADE TO OPEN A PORTAL during the ECLIPSE AND LET IN CERTAIN ALIEN GROUP TO attack ala Project Blue Beam which is supposed to be a fake alien invasion scenario that in theory could involve real aliens… playing their part… One soldier in SPACE FORCE who rebelled against this effort being held in confinement at this time. CERN opens portals all the time. It is possible that CERN could be involved in this effort as well. The missles NASA is planning on shooting could be to OPEN a portal or force pierce a hole through the Van Allen Belt to aid in this operation… DEVELOPING STORY.

ALONG THESE LINES, Courtney Brown and his Farsight.org Remote Viewing team have discovered that the REPTILIANS are shooting down “good guy” ET UFOS and torturing the occupants aided by the U.S. SECRET SPACE FORCE (Space Force) military. Which means the REPTILIANS are in control of some if not all of our secret space program and in command of SURFACE EARTH.

When DAVID CHARLES GRUSCH, former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative, (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force) is reporting on crash retrievals he is reporting the craft being shot down by our Reptilian contingent.

Michael Macintosh TIME TRAVELER #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Michael is a time traveler, musician, carpenter, investor, and minister. He has multiple degrees in Harvard including business and law, and almost a complete degree in computer science. From there he went to Cornell University and received a degree in Quantum physics. When he went through a car accident, he began doing regression therapy sessions to heal his trauma. At that point, he realized he was in certain top-secret programs and his memories were suppressed through memory-wiped technology. After working through trauma, it was revealed that as a child he worked with alphabet groups from his dad’s work which involved teleportation and time travel. He traveled from Calgary to El Segundo, California, and then to Mars. In his travels, he met Barrack Harry Truman 1945-1947. Recently, he returned to a time when his ship crashed at Roswell where he advised the military to set up the MJ-12 group. They thought it was a German craft but he said he was American from the future. At that point, they drove him to meet Harry Turman. He personally knew Roscoe Hillenkoetter who was a member of MJ-12. He has also met, Obama, Bill Gates, and Andrew Basiago. Michael has also visited 2082 to review historical records to see our future presidents including Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2044, Michael Macintosh for one term in 2028 and again in 2068, Andrew Basiago in 2036, Alex Jones in 2048, Ann Coulter in 2040 etc.

Victoria LePage #crackpot #racist #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Vast shadowy forces are moving in Central Asia - or rather in the greater region we call Eurasia - which may change the face of our global society and civilization forever.

Even as the balance of geopolitical forces is shifting inexorably in favor of the Eurasian superpowers - principally Russia, China, the Central Asian states and India.
The immensity of the coming turbulence occasioned by this shift from West to East is incalculable, the outer symptom of a global revolution of consciousness.
Increasingly heeding the overwhelming evidence for their thesis, they suggest that the key to humanity's future lies in its distant past, in the heritage of an unknown antediluvian race that lived in a time so remote that its existence has been erased from racial memory.
Perhaps 100,000 years ago or more, so the hypothesis runs, a great star-gazing Ice Age people lived in the Arctic region, at that time a temperate zone, before migrating south to Inner Asia as conditions changed and the great ice sheets melted.

There, in a fertile, paradisial land, these unknown sages became the core of a Ural-Altaic race that continued to evolve over the millennia, improving the stock of primitive humanity by intermarriage, developing cosmological sciences and political structures that sowed the seeds of our present civilized state, migrating across the earth and then disappearing, leaving immortal legends about itself behind.
A possible light was thrown for the first time on the development, nature and wide migratory pattern of early Indo-European culture, and stimulated all sorts of theories in Russian circles about the Aryan roots of the Slavic people.

Increasingly rejecting the American and Western European vision of a global hegemony rooted in Christianity, Russians, besides their interest in their Indo-European roots, are turning eastwards to find a connection with the Turkic/Mongol ethnic strain.

Political Moonshine #wingnut #racist #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

The analysis into the 26 Mar 24 collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge spanning the Patapsco River in Baltimore, Maryland provides another clear-cut example of the type asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared warfare that has been waged against the United States by China, the CCP, the PLA and China’s network of proxies and assets that includes foreign hostile nations that began no later than August 2019.

The asymmetrical flashpoint was biowarfare in the form of a bioengineered SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting mRNA bioweapons foisted upon us by mandates caused by the fraudulently predicated “pandemic” [RICO applies].

The “pandemic” was leveraged to steal an election, install Joe Biden as China’s proxy and to resume the internally controlled demolition of the US by means of Cloward-Piven strategy as Obama-era policies were resumed and with Barack Obama pulling those strings from the backdrop in what amounts to his fourth term; his third was undermining Donald Trump’s first.
The modus operandi of targeting critical infrastructure and hazardous materials also applies to the FSK bridge collapse in ways that also vector in militarily, as explained below.

It all begs this question: Will it be too late by the time Americans wake-up to what is actually going on?

The answer to that question according to the status quo and based upon the assumption that things don’t soon change, ‘YES,’ it will be too late.

Have Americans discerned and reconciled that the nearly four years of Biden’s stolen time occupying the Executive represent the designs to reduce the nation to smouldering embers so that it can be ‘6bulilt 6ack 6etter’ using the architecture of Marxist communism?

The template for the build is China and its technocratic surveillance state.

With the FSK bridge down, Americans should be wondering how many more of these incidents will we see and to what degree will they continue to escalate in their destructive nature and militarily strategic value?

Scott Lively #conspiracy #transphobia scottlively.net

I have been alone in linking transhumanism directly to the LGBT movement, contending that the LGBT agenda represents not just a coalition of sexual dysfunctions but a chronology of stages in the deconstruction of God’s created order (from the tips of the branches toward its roots), and that “transhumanism” represents a hidden “T” contained within “transgenderism” in the LGBT abbreviation.

Transgenderism is the penultimate (next to the last) stage of deconstruction of the civilization God made for us – destroying the human perception that we are created male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). Transhumanism is the ultimate stage – destroying through genetic modification God’s separation between humans and animals as distinct “kinds” (Genesis 1:11-25). Transhumanists perceive themselves as wiping the earth clean of God’s “mistakes” (returning back to the blank canvas of Genesis 1:6-10) and creating their own utopia in which they are immortal.

This is not hyperbole but an actual plan currently being implemented by the World Economic Forum’s Yuval Noah Harari (whom I have labeled the best candidate for the end-times False Prophet I’ve seen in my lifetime). Significantly, Harari is an admitted homosexual in a counterfeit “marriage” to another man.

In the incomparable genius of God, the solution to every human error is simple truth. And the solution to the error of transgenderism/transhumanism (and the whole package of LGBT errors) is the simple self-evident truth of the natural family.

State of the Nation/Cosmic Convergence Research Group #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Business as usual in America is no longer sustainable. No longer acceptable. No longer tolerable. The Uniparty has created a sustained national climate from which a perfect SUPERSTORM will emerge. And, however this superstorm manifests, and it will this year, it will begin to wash away all the filth and sleaze, depravity and degeneracy peddled by the Left and pushed by the cultural marxists 24/7.

Truly, the New World Order globalist cabal will pull out all the stops in 2024, for their long-planned One World Government depends on it.

Nonetheless, the cabal always fails to understand that:
Man makes plans and God laughs

Everything is shaping up for the April 8 total solar eclipse to be one of the defining moments of this millennium—a cosmic breakpoint, if you will
The last total solar occurred on August 21, 2017, known as the GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE (GAE); and its extremely adverse effects are still bring felt in all 50 states.

For example, first there was the COVID-19 biowar waged against the US citizenry; then there was the weaponized Covid ‘vaccine’ genocide that will continue throughout our lifetimes.
Now we come to the GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE 2.0 in 2024.

CAVEAT: This does not mean that the world will end in America on April, 8, 2024, or on any other day following. Only that this eclipse will serve as a point of no return where it concerns the inexorable evolution of the American Republic as a viable nation state. State Secessions, Civil War, an American Bolshevik Revolution, many more Gladio-style mass shootings are all on the table as never before.
It’s of paramount importance to understand that The Powers That Be know full well what is about to transpire. They always have an advance notice on many of the most impactive events to hit the planet because of their routine utilization of astrology, numerology, alchemy, geomancy, divination and all the other occult arts and sciences.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Putin’s Never-ending-War Is Going to End in Nuclear Armageddon.

The United States government, speaking through the mouth of Secretary of State Blinken, defied all of Russia’s warnings this week.
By Putin’s refusal to use the necessary force to deal with the dangerous situation and by continuing to insist that the conflict is nothing but a limited operation to clear Ukrainian forces out of the Russian provinces, not an invasion of Ukraine, Russia will soon find herself at war with NATO.

I have warned consistently without effect, only to be denounced by idiots as “bloodthirsty,” that Putin’s unrealism about the conflict, like his previous unrealism about the Minsk Agreement and his unrealism about the overthrow of the Ukrainian government in the so-called Maidan Revolution, is a direct path to World War III.

The minute Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, Putin will find himself at war with NATO. Russia has only a short time to knock out Ukraine, destroy the government, occupy the country and build a wall around it.

Putin has a few months to end Ukraine’s existence, a country that never existed until Washington created it, before Putin’s inability to act brings on World War III.

Despite the dire situation, Putin remains unable to come to terms with reality. The Russian government continues to demonstrate to Washington weakness and irresolution by repeating its willingness to negotiate. Here we see Putin’s failure as a war leader. It should be Washington and NATO pleading with Putin to negotiate.

We are traveling along the road to Armageddon exactly as I predicted. One ignored provocation leads to another and worst provocation, and then to another and another, and now we have reached the red line that Putin cannot ignore. At this point the only way Putin can avoid World War III is to surrender or to terminate the existence of Ukraine before Washington elevates Ukraine to NATO membership. There is no other choice.

TM #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

… We’re Taking Back What The Enemy Stole …

It’s Been A Long Drawn Out War Of Attrition And At Times I Have Faltered On This My Mission. For So Many Years The Only Time I’ve Ever Felt Alive Was When I Was Writing.
Since This Earthly Illusion Only Became A Delusion To Me.
My Raison D’Etre

No Longer Blinded By Lies And False Conditioning. As We’ve Made A Conscious Choice In Not To Accept What’s Been Placed Before Us As Reality.
Yet, There’s Only One Position For Me To Take. So I Will Remain Unyielding And I Won’t Back Down…

Evil Has Held Us Hostage For Too Long And They Will Release All That They Have Stolen; Not Just From Us But From Creator And Creator’s Creation.
This ; Our Divine Playground Was Turned Into A Battleground And Every Grain Of Sand Shall Be Relinquished…
Every Atom… And Every Eve…
There Is No Turning Back.
Only Moving Forward…
We’re Taking Back What The Enemy Stole !

Some May Believe That I’m Unfeeling, Unkind And Unforgiving; And That May Be So. I Believe That I Had To Be Unyielding And Never Kneeling.
This Is All I Knew How To Be.
Soon There Will Be A New Sunrise And To Some It May Come As A Surprise
Because We’ve Never Compromised
And For Me It Had To Be So…

Their Surrender Must Be Unconditional. Since Evil Chose Not To Work Within The Framework Of Creation.
Yet Source Required All Of His Benevolent Children To Adhere To The Universal Laws So That The Fabric Of Creation Had To Be Maintained And Not Compromised.
Which Is A Challenging Concept When Having To Experience It.

We’re Taking Back What The Enemy Stole !!

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Queen An-Ra, the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. Recently, I resigned from the New Earth High Council. The position was given to the right person, you are going to find out in the near future, who replaced me.

I want to concentrate on our new alliance expansion, which reaches now over 1000 Galactic civilizations. All of them have the desire to live in peace and harmony without a long lasting Galactic Wars. Anubis has been directly leading the fleet and helping other civilizations with urgent matters.
Your confusion indicates to us, that not enough spiritual work is being done on a daily basis of doing silent meditations and letting go of the Matrix’s attachments, such as materialistic things, judgements, greed and etc. The suppression of the truth is not going to speed up your transition to a New Earth. Ascended Masters accepted the Divine Truth, and this is why they got enlightenment,

This is very important step in a spiritual development into higher dimensions. Being attached to the 3D Matrix and spreading lies, deceptions and being confused is not going to open the road to a paradise. Living in fear and trusting false information coming from the minions, it’s only slowing down the transition. They have planted their Dark minions everywhere, who constantly confuse humanity.

They are not going to be rewarded for their negative behavior with Ascension, it’s the opposite, they are going to loose their chance to move to a higher dimension, and they will be transferred to the 3D planet Zenxa. Recognizing the real truth is a part of your graduation from the 3D reality. The old planet’s shell will be returned to the original state of molecules, New Earth is waiting for you in 5D.
Divine is crushing their Dark agendas. Nothing is working for them, and it will never work. My Dear Humans, stay always focused and connected with your soul by doing daily silent meditations. Your 3D holographic illusion is coming to the end.

Anatole Klyosov #conspiracy #wingnut #racist turkicworld.org

Whatever the reason, the haplogroup R1a1 virtually disappeared from the Europe at about 4,500-4,000 years ago, and the Türkic-speaking carriers of the haplogroup R1b colonized the deserted Europe. As is shown several lines below, virtually all modern branches of the haplogroup R1a1 in the Europe are dated from the 2,900-2,500 years ago and later. At the same time, there is evidence that haplogroup R1a1 was in Europe from 12,000 years ago. The archaeological excavations found the haplogroup R1a1 in Europe (Germany) 4,600 years ago (see above). In other words, for R1a1 in Europe exists a gap starting from the middle to the end of the third millennium BC (4,500-4,000 years ago) that lasted for 1,000 - 1,500 years. At the same time in Europe exists no gap in respect to the R1b1b2, their settling goes in a continuous stream from the 4,000-4,200 years ago, without any interruptions.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Saturn is hacked and transmits a waveform information broadcast of a fake reality
The moon amplifies it and beams it to the earth
Programs are activated and humans play them out as spontaneous behavior

Once vibrant beings
Humanity now has holographic implants that change their perception

They have become like robots responding to data input
And like computers decoding transmissions from installed software embedded in our DNA

The nucleic acid in the cells transfer the information decoded in the DNA
The matrix is a DNA program that keeps us in a low vibrational state

Junk DNA is not dormant DNA
But it is implanted to receive carrier waves from Saturn via the moon

The moon is a monitoring device
It is an electronic supercomputer that maintains DNA that is 2 stranded
Instead of our original 12 strands

Our translation of data is dream interpretation that we condense into physical parameters
We need to expand our mind beyond the influence of the Matrix frequencies

Without the moon affecting our mood
A big calm would suddenly come over us

After the wipe out of Atlantis
Saturn became a dark star

Then the Dark Lord said Let there be light
And there was light

The rings of Saturn are not natural
They are wave transmissions
Which create the matrix

The rings are not composed of ice
But are made with crystal technology

Saturn is an enormous broadcast system
A master control center

Its north pole is a 6 sided hexagon wave pattern
That rotates in sync with the radio emissions

The moons are artificial satellites
Keeping the broadcasting grid going

By using virtual instrumentation
Simulated information is produced

We decode this information field into a holographic reality
And believe it to be real

Through our DNA we have been rewired
Our 3rd eye has been closed
Enslaving us to a 5 sense reality

We are being manipulated to decode in a way that limits us

We escape the matrix with a heart centered singularity
That sees right through the lies

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 5, 2024 – Mike Adams announces first distribution of “Neo” Large Language Model trained on food, nutrition and agriculture

- Israeli-Iranian conflict. (0:00)

- Releasing an experimental language model "Neo" LLM. (4:00)

- Fake bird flu pandemic and food supply manipulation. (28:24)

- Israeli attacks on aid convoy and Palestinian land. (39:48)

- US-Israel relations and potential actions to address conflicts. (47:36)

- Solar eclipses, demons, and language models. (56:50)

- AI models for #nutrition, health, and #censorship resistance. (1:04:19)

- Virology fraud, engineered #famine, and geopolitical tensions. (1:31:28)

- Immigration and border control in #Texas. (1:37:10)

- Solar eclipses, weather control, and globalist agendas. (1:42:29)

- #Vaccines, #depopulation, and solar eclipses. (1:53:05)

- Demonic anti-Christ statue at Vatican and evil forces. (1:57:45)

Medeea Greere/Greg Reese #crackpot #magick #conspiracy amg-news.com

The solar eclipse on April 8th is becoming a major event. The National Guard is being deployed and the people are being advised to have two weeks of food and to fill their fuel tanks. This could all be explained due to the fact that tens of thousands of visitors are expected along the path of totality.

But many people believe they could be preparing for possible earthquakes due to the Devil comet aligning with the April 8th eclipse, and due to the fact that in 1811, a comet also appeared in the skies during a solar eclipse on the same path and was followed by the biggest earthquakes in American history.
This eclipse season is however, a very rare event. The recent eclipses in August of 2017, and October of 2023, along with the upcoming one on April 8th, forms an Aleph and a Tav over the United States. The Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. These eclipses mark the end of the Great Year, a twenty-six thousand year period that starts anew with the dawning of Aquarius.
Manly P. Hall wrote that high level Masons designed America for a “peculiar and particular purpose.” A secret destiny to bring about a new Atlantis, or a New World Order, where in a King descended of a divine race will rule over all. In rituals, this King is symbolized as Apollo, Horus, or Nimrod, the father of Freemasonry.
NASA is notorious for performing Masonic rituals based on the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Apollo being the same character as Horus. Sirius representing Isis. And Atlantis being the new golden age they hope to restore. And during the eclipse on April 8th, NASA will fire three rockets named after Apep, the Egyptian serpent god whose goal was to devour Ra, the sun.
CERN, known for practicing occult rituals at a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god who symbolizes death, destruction, and the end of an age, will be firing up their Large Hadron Collider to full power during the solar eclipse.

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