
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

lost in the yugas and Alexander Iulianus #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist twitter.com

@lost in the yugas

)))hersey((( against the (((Catholic Church))). Reminder the Gnosticism has it right and all other Xitian denominations are LARP worship for the Demiurge.

How can people bring themselves to believe literal comic book tier shit? Gnosticism gives no proofs, no serious metaphysics, no holistic and clear theology. All it does is assert a bunch of spurious shit and people just fucking believe it.

Humanity absolutely does my head in.

Former White House Occupant Donald Trump #wingnut #racist msn.com

Donald Trump on Monday said China was laughing at the United States for being "woke" over the racism row concerning Dr. Seuss books, while "trying to kill us in so many ways."

Trump was asked on Fox News on Monday why he was continuing to air his views on politics after leaving the White House, which represents a break from presidential tradition.

He replied that he felt compelled to because President Joe Biden's administration along with progressive Democratic lawmakers, were "destroying our country."

"When China looks at woke they see the biggest problem we have is Dr Seuss - in the meantime they are building factories and trying to kill us in so many different ways," Trump told Fox News on Monday.

"They laugh at us. They think we're so ... Frankly, they think our country is stupid when they look at this, when our competitors look at what's going on in our country. Taking down the statues to great heroes and so many other things."

The president was a frequent critic of China during his time in office, most recently criticised for its role in the coronavirus pandemic, which he has referred to as "the kung flu" and the "China virus."

The publicity caused several Dr. Seuss books which had not been pulled from sale to rise to the top of Amazon's list of best-selling books, a fact which was celebrated by Sen. Cruz, who posted a picture of the list on Twitter with the caption: "Could Biden try to ban my book next?"

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

The source of the ongoing dystopia in the West has been traced to the Bank for International Sins in Basle, Switzerland. This Nazi Khazarian Mafia institution has been murdering European Royals and others while simultaneously trying to bribe the Asian Dragon families into cooperation, according to NSA and Asian Secret Society sources. These are the criminals behind the fake Joe Biden presidency and the probable murder of Queen Elizabeth II, the sources say.
This writer has a personal history with Cottrell and his fellow Nazis since they have tried to drug me, frame, and poison me at various times over the years. The reason I got involved was that I tried to convince the Japanese to use the $7 trillion they had earned since WWII to finance a huge campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. They earned this money by exporting cars, TVs, etc. to the rest of the world and so I figured they had the right to decide how to spend it.
Instead, their dynasties were overthrown and their gold was systematically looted and sent to Switzerland by the Western Skull and Bones murderers and drug dealers. The Skull and Bones, in turn, reports to the Satanists in the Vatican.
When the Asians sued the owners of the BIS and FRB in the World Court for either the return of their gold or control of Western currency backed by this gold, they won. The Western oligarchs were supposed to hand over the gold on September 12, 2001. Instead, as we all now know, they gave them the finger with 9.11 and tried to kill them off with bioweapons like SARS. The U.S. meanwhile, became a Nazi fascist state via stolen elections and the Patriot Act.

zuuluuz & Joe App #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mexico Plans Migration Crackdown as U.S. Struggles with Record Arrivals

Mexican officials complain they have “to be the bad guys again.”


Mexico had no problem exporting its own surplus population north to become problems for Americans. But is strident in its complaints about illegal immigrants imposing on Mexican charity and help.

Hypocrites. Fiercely guarding their southern border with Guatemala but exporting their own across their northern border with the US.

Why hypocrites? You want to deal with the Guatemalans yourself?

Why is it acceptable for them to guard their southern border but the US is just supposed to let in anyone and everything or else we're "racist?"

(Joe App)
How pathetic have we become as a nation when a perennially corrupt, third world pus pocket like Mexico has to play the adult in the room?

Empires rise and fall Joe. Near the end the Romans were using barbarians in their legions as well as barbarian generals like Stilicho. True Romans like Aetius were few and far in between.

I'd rather see our nation overrun by brave and resourceful 105 IQ Germanic tribesmen, who might someday build a superior civilization on the ruins of the old one, rather than the 70-80 IQ third world dregs we're attracting, who will contribute NOTHING to any future civilization (even by accident) that might form over the rubble of our society.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Columbia University to Host SIX Additional ‘Intimate’ Graduation Ceremonies

Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians each get their own graduations.

if a group of White students organized a ceremony for students of European origin they would all be expelled, for racism of course.

And so natural separation comes, ever so slowly, back from to its place.

(Frank Jones)
An "intimate" country with just White people sounds better.

(Son of the 1st Revolution )

Why are whites being called racist when the definition of six separate graduations based on race and ethnicity is racist?

Old joke- What's the difference between St Patrick's Day and Martin Luther King day? Everyone wishes they were Irish on St Patty's day.

(Samuel Hathaway)

I once heard that St. Patty's Day is white people's day. Many POC consider St Paddy's day to be the secret white pride day.

That's the way blacks think. Whites, at least the white Irish anyway, are more than too happy to share St. Patrick's Day with the entire world. Whites don't complain and attack other races for "cultural appropriation" for other other races carrying on in exaggerated ways on St. Patrick's Day, "disrespectin' the memory of St. Patrick and St. Patrick's Day by acting like a bunch of drunken fools painted up in green.

There have been these separate ceremonies for blacks, on top of separate universities for blacks, going on 60 years now.

You know it, cousin. Blacks never really opposed segregation. They just wanted it on their own terms and conditions.

They will horn in and pronounce the Day theirs. Of course, NOW, they can do the Irish dances. Just like that 'woke' and 'progressive' 'Irish' danceress who has perverted the dances with hip hop, and still can't see enough faces of certain color. Ah, and they will change it from emerald green. Emeralds are obviously oppressive as they are mined in the Americas (oppression of the Indians and African Indians or Indian Africans) and of course in the glorious Africa.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: MPD, FBI, ATF Joining Forces to Crack Down on ‘George Floyd Square’ Crime

“Some people will see this as disrespecting George Floyd,” the neighbor said.


There should be a 21-gun salute every night where Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were murdered.

Even their parents said, "Oh, our son/daughter HATED white supremacists!" It's gotten so bad that families of white victims do the "He/she wasn't racist" routine to save face. White people are so brainwashed into thinking that if they notice injustice being specifically done to them, they feel bad for noticing it and bringing it up. How can you save a people that are more worried about offending their attackers than saving themselves?

(Fed Up)

So now they want the police! They rioted all summer long burning everything in sight saying kill the cops, but now they want them back! The irony!!!

If I were a cop, I'd sure as hell take my sweet time responding to an emergency call. They want less policing and I'd be most happy to cooperate.

If my recollections are correct, just half a year ago, the same 'neighbors' were rallying and screaming and squeaking and carrying hand-made thingies with 'Defund the Police!' scribbled all over. They got what they wished for - ENJOY!

I really don't care what happens to any of those cities up there. Those Yankees and their carpetbagger brethren have been denigrating the South for generations. Now let them taste their own medicine. Life with the Negro sometimes just cannot be helped, like stepping in manure while walking through the pasture on a dark night. But admiring, cavorting with, and socializing with them is like stepping in the manure, then laying down and rolling around in it.

BadMangoes #crackpot #racist amren.com

Mexicans have never taken our jobs, they couldn't. The overwhelming majority of the ones who come here are both unintelligent and uneducated, and being that they're so short that they border on dwarfism the physical labor they can do is usually limited. The jobs they do are still being done by Americans in the midwest and elsewhere. The Southwest is doomed, and the labor that we used to do was stuff like mowing our lawns, whereas now we hire illegals to do that because coastal socialists are lazy.

Of course they are taking our jobs, they are taking manual labor jobs for lower wages that Whites can’t complete with. But yes, in some parts of America plenty of Whites still do those jobs. Hell, even I have done plenty of yard work and concrete work, yet people all around me still hire Mexicans to do most of it because they are cheap.

That's a tiny minority of whites, though. Most illegals stay in Texas and the Southwest, where whites are a minority, most of the ones who live there are upper middle class and live in communities separate from brown people. Don't get me wrong, low class whites who want a living wage for an entry level job but can't compete because Mexicans will fight over peanuts exist and that's bad enough. I'd just argue the greatest harm Mexican immigration to the US does is that the next generation of Californians is less intelligent, less attractive, shorter, fatter (yes, they're fatter than Muricans), tackier, unassimilated,, more likely to blast shitty circus music and with loyalty to a foreign nation. We should focus on that. Whites can do the work and get better jobs that most Hispanics wouldn't even hope to be put on a waiting list for. As a lower middle class guy in a town where more than 80%+ of the population is hipanic, I never had trouble getting hired. Because when companies have to file a W-2 and pay employees minimum wage, suddenly little brown people aren't such an impediment to whites getting jobs.

Sheeitavious #racist chimpmania.com

(On affirmative Action)

Government programs which, long
story short, require niggers to be hired in jobs they could not otherwise get, taking the position from a human. See gibs and racism for a discussion of closely related topics.

Ex.: After studying for years at an esteemed college, Sarah lost her best job opportunity to an utterly unqualified sheboon due to affirmative action.

Humans Are Free #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #magick #racist humansarefree.com

What wonderful entertainment we have all had from the vivid imaginings of Joanna K. Rowling, that ‘single-mother made good’ who somehow against all the odds, managed to drag herself almost from the gutter singlehandedly, to become a multi-billionaire and a role-model to which we can all aspire.

If only all was as it seems…

Joanna Rowling is actually a mind controlled Monarch slave, selected to be the author of the stories because she is a single parent and as part of the Tavistock Institute/ Frankfurt School controlled agenda to subvert society by promoting its extreme (homo)sexualisation, feminism and the ‘positives’ of single parent status. She is a member of the Fabian Society and the Church of Scientology.
Emily Gyde is the real author of Harry Potter. She is a mind-controlled MI6 slave and has undergone several NDE experiences and as a result is an ‘Ace Remote Viewer.’ The imagination and clarity she brings to her writing make a compelling case for her being the real author of Harry Potter but with J K Rowling named as author, MI6 ensured that Emily receives no royalties.

Gyde said that Rowling was chosen to front this series of books because she was so malleable:

“She wanted fame and fortune without cost. Her Ashkenazim parents had bought her out of British Illuminati slavery and had also bought her what is known in the trade as a ‘Pen and Ink Stand,’ a ghost-writer who works as an unpaid slave – one of British Intelligence’s operatives."

Chloé Vernon #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

I can’t recall ever not noticing differences in appearances and behaviors between races, even in elementary school. The blacks and Hispanics I went to school with weren’t any poorer than their white peers. In spite of our similar backgrounds, many behaved very differently from the rest of us. They stuck together. They weren’t openly hostile to whites, but clearly preferred their own company.

When I was 16, one of my co-workers was a heavyset white girl in her 20s who only dated black guys. These “boyfriends” often came into the restaurant. Even though I was obviously underage, they also hit on me a lot. To her credit, my co-worker would tell them to knock it off. But as I got older, there stopped being anyone to step in on my behalf, and I discovered that turning down a black guy must be handled far more delicately than a white one. I have spent my adult life in “white flight.” I have moved several times, but “diversity” just keeps catching up. With their numbers ever-growing, so is crime and a general decline of the area. Their kids embrace their blackness and treat white kids with open scorn.

As soon as I heard the news about George Floyd, I thought “Great, here we go. They’re going to riot.” What happened was far beyond what I’d expected. Cities burned, stores were looted, historic statues were destroyed, and people were attacked — all while police mostly stood down. This was no protest for equality, it was (and is) a revolution meant to overthrow everything our country once was, all our history, and the accomplishments of our white ancestors. I realized that they hate us — both blacks and their ethno-masochistic handlers — and that they mean to do away with us. What will happen in the United States without a significant white population? What will happen to the world without us? Only deluded whites believe in a melting pot of utopian existence and equality for all. Non-whites don’t want to peacefully coexist with us; they want to rule over us, and soon there will be nowhere left to run as our people have ceded our homelands out of misguided compassion, apathy, or both.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli #racist #ableist #psycho abcnews.go.com

A U.S. Army reservist who was arrested for participating in the Capitol riot was known to coworkers as a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer and wore a "Hitler mustache" to his Naval security job, federal prosecutors allege in new court documents.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, 34, from Colt Neck, New Jersey, faces seven criminal counts in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection, including civil disorder and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol Building.
Thirty-four of those interviewed described Hale-Cusanelli as "having extremist or radical views pertaining to the Jewish people, minorities and women," according to court documents filed Friday. A majority acknowledged he was a white supremacist and gave examples, "many of which were violent," prosecutors said.

One Navy seaman said he heard Hale-Cusanelli allegedly say, "Babies born with any deformities or disabilities should be shot in the forehead," and that if he were a Nazi "he would kill all the Jews and eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and he wouldn't need to season them because the salt from their tears would make it flavorful enough," according to the documents.

An officer said Hale-Cusanelli "talked constantly" about Jewish people, allegedly saying, "Hitler should have finished the job." Another officer said Hale-Cusanelli allegedly referred to Black people as "shit skinned minorities," according to the documents.

Several of those interviewed recalled that Hale-Cusanelli shaved his facial hair into a "Hitler mustache,” with a supervisor saying she had to "correct" him for sporting it to work, according to the documents.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

When Integration Means Ruination

Meghan Markle might do what Napoleon couldn't.

The monarchy is seductive, and there’s a temptation to defend it when leftists attack it. Thus, when Prince Harry married the divorced actress Meghan Markle in 2018, the glee many felt at the monarchy’s humiliation was painful. Al Sharpton called the wedding a blow against white supremacy. Black pundit Melissa Harris-Perry said it was an act of intentional subversion and the true end of the British Empire. The presiding cleric, the black “Episcopalian” Michael Curry, said we should “make of this old world a new world.”

Having ignored Enoch Powell and imported the American race problem, the British are learning that integration doesn’t strengthen an institution. It hollows it out and may even destroy it. As Joe Sobran wrote in 1997, “Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.” He added that other races still feel subjugated even after the end of Western imperialism.

The true irony is that this story really is about the privilege of a sacred bloodline. That bloodline is Meghan Markle’s black ancestry. A wealthy white woman complaining that the press is mean probably would win no praise. In our modern culture, claims of victimhood are the path to power.

The White House praised the “courage” the Markles showed by talking about their “struggles with mental health.” Well, what about the commoners? About 7 percent of British children have attempted suicide by 17. In 2013, nine-year-old Aaron Dugmore reportedly killed himself because he was bullied for being white. There was no national reckoning. A 2000 study found that blacks have higher self-esteem than whites, but “anti-racism” campaigners said this proves British society is even more racist than they realized.

Various TERFs #crackpot #moonbat #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Libfem logic when it comes to how media influences people



They'll throw tantrums over shit like sitcoms from 20 years ago, but videos like 'big black cocks destroy tiny teen' are simply great!

The same woke White people who will dox a 12 year old White girl for posting a picture of her cornrows on Instagram will defend porn with titles like "Spicy Latina B!tch Gets Gang Banged For A Green Card" Woke politics has ZERO consistency! And yet it is still colonizing everything

This is why I don't take libfems seriously. They will call people out for the awful crimes of white women doing Yoga or taking Salsa classes; but are totes okay with porn that literally calls women slurs and is ACTUALLY racist.

Because libfems usually only criticize other women. They know it's much harder to confront men, so instead, everything is women's fault. Feminism that is comfortable for men and never challenges them will change nothing.

not to mention pornsick men literally condition themselves with orgasms to think racism and sexual violence are acceptable and desirable. idiot teen boys and young men are using porn as sex ed and brutalizing teenage girls and women. but the woke crowd would rather argue about children's cartoons being fascist or whatever and then turn around and jerk it to rape, child porn, racist porn, porn ABOUT SLAVERY, etc. it's disgusting.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger amerika.org

Prior to modernity, unemployed people were considered useless. Feudal minor nobles would typically conscript them into levies and send them marching off to some conflict armed with their farm implements. There was no vital security interest necessary for the minor feudal nobles to send these people off. This was a eugenics program; the nobles wanted to offload any proportion of their population that couldn’t get something useful done.
But the political class in both of our major political parties caters to this mob. The cucked civnats tell us kids like Tiffany France’s son must not be left behind. The Leftists turn them into secular saints. Demotism is like that. The rulers feed them, fan them, and hope they stay content to just sit on the front stoop drinking their juice down in the hood.

Demotism is rule by those who fear what happens when this sullen, perpetually aggrieved mob stops being content drinking the juice. Then, the most evil, the cleverest, and the most debased get to use them for something. If there’s a pointless beef you need to have settled, then Tiffany France’s son is out there on the streets somewhere. It’s not like he’s working as a stock broker, and he’s got not much else going on for the next three years.

There are people in positions of power who find this misbegotten and already ruined young man useful to keep around on a subsistence level of pointless existence. They are a part of why our nation is going to Hell instead Mars or The Moon these days. The ninth century feudal dedge Lords were perhaps more morally decent than our Great Society when they rounded up all the people like Tiffany France’s son and sent them off on Crusades. Syria was a popular destination.

Varg Vikernes #crackpot #fundie #racist burzum.org

Paganism: Part XII - Why Paganism?

The Australoid and Nergo (sic) races (Thrall's kin) are at least 200.000 years old, the Asian races (Karl's kin) are perhaps 150.000 years old, and the youngest and Nordic race (Jarl's kin) is about 80.000 years old. When each race was created (created) by the gods, they also created an operating system (a type of mind ["soul"]) designed for each race. According to our mythology the gods were only satisfied with their latest design, Jarl's kin, and this is of course the main reason why I advocate racial segregasjon (sic). We degrade the Nordic race by mixing it with the "inferior designs". With the creation of Jarl's kin they could finally "install" their own operating system (the divine mind) in a human race, and they taught this race how to install the additional "software" (the runes) needed to perform its tasks here on Earth.

The additional "software" I am talking about is of course installed by the help of our Paganism and in particular the Pagan mysteries, and this is the reason why the Nordic man should choose to embrace Paganism and Pagan rituals. Without our Paganism we are incomplete human beings.

Robert Cherry #racist #wingnut spectator.us

Stop the White Lies About Anti-Asian Hate Crime

Eighteen months ago, liberals attempted to link the spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes to white supremacist actions. New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and the ADL highlighted the activities of white supremacist groups in upstate New York, despite all of the assaults being in the New York City metropolitan area, overwhelmingly perpetrated by black men. Attempts were then made to rationalize them away rather than focusing on the anti-Semitic beliefs of black-nationalist groups, including the Nation of Islam.

The same dynamics seems to be unfolding with the current spike in anti-Asian hate crimes. In a New York Times article, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos argued that both the wave of anti-Asian and anti-Latino hate crimes reflect the racism of white Americans.

However, most victimized groups live in central cities where there are few white supremacists. Members of the Asian, Latino and LGBTQ communities have much more to fear from young alienated black men.

Using 2019 FBI statistics I computed black and white perpetrators of hate crimes as a percentage of men 18 to 44 years old in their populations. The black rate was 40 percent, 76 percent and 303 percent higher than the white rate for hate crimes against the Asian/Pacific Island, Latino and LGBTQ communities respectively. Even more troubling, black rates for hate-crime assaults were 94 percent higher while for property destruction and vandalism, they were 14 percent lower than white rates.

Disproportionate black behaviors extended to all violent crimes. For 2019, black arrests per male for murders and all violent crimes were, respectively, 4.94 and 2.73 times white arrests per male. And these numbers are before the unprecedented 2020 homicide spike.

Dotrinfobe #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Material for history buff cels: White sex slaves in medieval China, the prime product from the Silk Road

China and India had major appetite for Iranian dancers. The wineshops were staffed with young girls who served wine to customers and danced for them. These blue eyed girls were frequented by playboys in Chang'an. Most of the slave girls were 14 or 15 years old. They provided services like sex, dancing, singing, and served wine

As one can see, persians/iranians were described as "blue eyed", this is very different from modern day Iran. Central Asia was almost fully white, until repeated Turkic invasions.

the girls were young. ranging from 11 to 15 and above. JFL at the modern day clown world with cucked AOC at 18.

In 731 a Han Chinese called Tang Rong from the capital district bought an 11 year old slave girl Shimaner

Isn't it depressing just how cucked the modern world has become. Imagine if men today have access to young slave girls, it would make wage cucking and other soul crushing activities to moneymaxx way more meaningful. Imagine a wageslave or a moneymaxxer sub-8 guy, after a decade or more of maxxing, finally being rewarded with the financial ability of having the option to buy a cute 11 year old blue eyed lolli at local auction market and she'd be yours forever. she'd be a trad wife, obeys you, try to please you, be a good whore on bed and a good wife when it comes to family, and most importantly she'd be at her peak in terms of looks. instead, a betabuxxer nowadays is considered "lucky" to get a single mom in her 30s even 40s with her looks hitting the wall, after she had her holes ravaged by chads and chadlites during her teens and her 20s, and she could always divoce rape you, force you to pay alimonies, child support etc. on top of all that she never respects you, never obeys you, fights with you all the time.

DangerBadger #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting Being a blackcel is the worst

I'm 5'5" and black with autism and I don't have a bbc. My face is pretty strange looking, I'm below average about maybe a 3.5/10. I have existed in this world for 18 years without ever being so much as looked at by women. I'm not stereotypically black so I don't listen to rap, trap, or hip hop music. I listen to metal, so people see me as being weird or a unicorn based on that. I speak in ASE(American Standard English) instead of AAVE(African American Vernacular English). I don't have any friends. People of all races think you're weird for not being stereotypically black enough. When you're black it's a lose-lose situation, socially. You're gonna be disliked by a decent sum of people for being stereotypically black. You will also be disliked by "liberal" people(especially cringy libtard white girls) who think they're cool with black people for not being stereotypically black enough. When you're black you're always treated as a general representative of your race and what that should look like. So if you aren't a tall thugmaxxed low inhib black man with a big dick or a light skinned/mixed Chad then you're pretty much treated as a failure.

I've been called Uncle Tom and Oreo for not acting Black too. The Black Community is a hivemind tbh, If you don't conform you get outcasted.

Yeah. Many people in the black community subscribe to a certain way of living and thinking. This is what they call "being black enough" and if you don't act "black enough" then they shun you. A lot of these people are also the same people who get angry and upset when people of other races stereotype black people even though they stereotype other black people themselves.

NearlyOver #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

If you've got Y-Chromosomes, England wants to order you to stay indoors

England has slowly but steadily been becoming increasingly anti-male. England has successfully passed several anti-male legislations and budget changes--like closing down the country's ONLY domestic violence help center for men DESPITE the country's own statistics showing GROWING relative rates of male victimization in domestic violence AND the country admitting that police there forcibly remove male victims from their own homes despite these men having nowhere to turn.

What's happening in England is enabled partly by society thinking, "Oh, it's not that bad. People pushing these changes are extremists." Meanwhile, British legislators are mulling over making even misogynistic speech an official "hate crime" to stem the sea of violence against women--even though international and British statistics show the majority of victims of violence ARE MEN. All this while the rates of scholarships and aid FOR WOMEN in England year over year keep increasing despite men for years now being the MINORITY in uni in England. Things are getting worse and worse for men and few people if any care.

Imagine someone standing up and saying, "Niggers cause most of the crimes. We need a 6pm curfew for all niggers." Everyone would be outraged.

This could work in our favour as it will blackpill many men about out gynocentric society

Why are there so many simps, then? Even in this community, there are guys arguing this is NOT indicative of broad societal changes--that there's nothing here to worry about. Guys are rolling over exposing their underbellies in hopes of getting a few approval-crumbs tossed their way.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel I saw a white chad today in SF with a top tier mullato female.

This guy was 5'11 or at least 6'1.

He wasnt even fuckin trying to hide his arms as a lot of us subhumans do. It was long and muscular. He would have easy time in ANY sport. Whether that be combat MMA, Boxing, NBA, or NFL. If you have long arm reach and large hands, you can do good in most sports.

She was a lightskinned black female wearing long sleeve sports wear (to show off her shapely arms), and tight yoga booty shorts (LIKE a lot of white females do here in SF and in suburbs like Walnut Creek). Except she was an exceptional black female. Not a BIG FAT, dark, and black female. The type we imagine when we think of black females.

Pure fuckin suifuel.

You guys wanna hang me for racebaiting or whatever so be it,

Most black dudes only get ultra fat BBW white foids (AND theyre lucky cuz as a skinny 5'6 ricecel, even fat white foids are disgusted by me, as they are with the VAST VAST majority of Asian dudes).

White dudes have it so fuckin easy I'm not even fuckin kidding. Sure there are ugly mid to low tier white foids but they ARE BOUGHT OFF by rich liberal chads, AND they have too much racial pride and arrogance to ever want to settle with average ethnic males (Which a lot of low-mid tier White males are more than willing to do with ethnic foids AND they very often do settle with ethnic females). White foids are self-dependent and liberated by Chads and they no longer have to depend on low tier-mid income white males. AND THEY FOR SURE ASS HELL are not gonna depend on ethnic colored males.

Mind you, this is ground zero of western liberalism, degeneracy, hypergamy, and hypocrisy where I live.

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #racist #magick forbiddenknowledgetv.net

“Thousands of years ago, under the thrall of archonic influence, the Brotherhood of the Snake and the Sons of Belial, wrong action and wickedness emerged as a rudimentary source code to the current seeding of humankind.

“As Baal worship and human sacrifice prospers, we see the genesis of Canaanite ritualism leading through the strains of Osiris and Nimrod to the pharoahs of Egypt and the kings of Babylon.

“Talmudism gave rise to Judeans and the Synagogue of Satan. As the tryst of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar seeded in their own empire, a marriage between Amun-Ra and the Cult of Saturn.

“The weaponization of Christianity through the Council of Nicea takes place in 325 AD, wholesale slaughter of the noble Cathars give rise to the Roman Catholic Church. The true cross is upturned and the message of Yeshua is inverted to create the most formidable template to planetary cult programming that the world has ever conceived in the history of humankind…
“This Molochite Sabbatean Cabal is answerable not to the God of Men but to their own dark lord, to whom penance, tribute and tithe must be constantly on the altar of life through blood sacrament, sex magick and the inversion of kundalini and life force – ultimately, through the systemic stealth sacrifice of innocents.
“The Adamites, the Sons and Daughters of God, the spells and bonds of witchery and mind control, to trick humanity into surrendering conscience, reason and thereby, the very fabric of our soul. This is the Great Reckoning. The Mark of the Beast has arrived, ushered into the daylight by Davos and the Sons of Lucifer.

Mainländer #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Blackpill Green Eyed Pakistani Stacey lusts hard for Aryan Chad (Curry/Sandcel do not Enter)

My parents had moved from Pakistan so I repayed them by destroying our genetic lineage and dating the first white male i saw.

I was hoping he'd commit, but little did i know I was just being used as a fuck puppet because I'm an easy whore with an inferiority complex due to hating my own skin.

Self-hate is a disgrace. It causes so much evil to self and others. I'm thankful of not suffering from that particular mental illness.

Ikr curries are huge white worshippers

All nonwhites seem to be. Blacks and Arabs seem to do it the least though (I mean, men; foids will just flock to whosoever has the biggest SMV which usually is a white guy).

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #racist brianniemeier.com

The picture above looks like a cheap green screen effect from a local TV station weather report. In fact, it's a still from what the Cult media is presenting it as legitimate footage of Joe Biden. With a boom mic that would have to be larger than his head. Watch the original video to get the full, unconvincing, effect:

Now, some are claiming that this obviously doctored footage is a deception to hide Biden's conjectural incapacitation or passing. Others say that the fake is so obvious, it must have been released on purpose as some kind of psyop. As usual, the simplest explanation is usually the right one. In this case, that explanation is that Americans--including those who work for the government--are getting dumber.

This brain drain should surprise no one. Geezers like Puppet Pal Joe aren't exactly renowned for their intellectual aptitude. The up-and-coming generation of Washington leadership is notable more for hailing from corners of the world with sub-90 IQs than any actual accomplishments. The ability to convincingly use Adobe After Effects will be among the least significant competencies lost by our rulers in coming years.

The post-future of Combat Frame XSeed grows closer every day. Get the inside track on the Collapse with the five thrilling novels, the top secret short story collection, and the newly unveiled roleplaying game!

Bill Hick #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[Considering our birthrates are abysmal, what would you suggest to encourage a sustainable birthrate for your people?]

Just stop doing the things that are killing our birthrate. Did our ancestors need to be paid to breed? Has any race ever needed to be paid to breed? Has any plant or animal species ever needed to be paid to breed? We are already wallowing in more material wealth than most of our ancestors could have dreamed of. A good cultural slap back to common sense and natural habitat should do the trick.

1) Good education beginning in formative years in place of the poison they are getting now. More 19 and Counting, less Sex and City.
2) Ban miscegenation.
3) Separate church and state by not usurping Church’s role, ie end welfare.
4) Legally recognize husbands as head of home
5) Don’t allow women to pursue anything beyond a BS/BA degree, at least not while they are young. Just ban women from certain college majors as well.
6) Permit sex discrimination in the workplace.

Not one of these changes would cost a cent and some would save money or boost gdp. Number 6 would be good enough to make my #2 above about corporate taxes unnecessary. Companies would be willing to pay the tax if it freed them to discriminate against women in boardroom and a fortune in defending against sexual harassment accusations.

Well, the miscegenation ban might cost a buck or two depending on how it is enforced but it could be done quite cheap, maybe for a profit, if we step out of clownworld first. There are more things that could easily be done without spending a dime but they are likely to be met with resistance and I have to pick my battles.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(on a thread regarding violent attacks on Asian-Americans)

(White Marylander): The MSM is not reporting nigger on asian attacks so Asian people have to go out of their way to get the story out. How can MSM report attacks when 95% of the perpetrators are niggers. The MSM just can't report that their cuddly wuddly pets are running around like viscous dogs and attacking humans.

(NiggerAway): The MSM and the owners of the Big Tech companies are the libtards responsible for hiding the truth and censuring what the public hears about. These same owners wouldn’t know a real nigger if they fell over one. The nigger pets they ‘know of’ have been bathed given proper clothing so that their pets are presented in the best light. It’s because they’ve never been hunted on the streets of the big cities by the feral niggers that the owners are denying the truth. We humans who are hunted, are very aware of how dangerous shitskins really are.

(EastAsianSoutherner): As someone who is of East Asian descent, this infuriate me and it pisses me off that younger Asian-American SJW are coddling to niggers by blaming other humans. About almost every incident that occurred against Asian-American comes from these subhuman coons, and the Asian-American community are not pointing to the source of all current anti-Asian hatred (which is niggers and their libtard coddler "allies" from Coonlifornia and Nig York). My social circle includes white Southerners (who are commonly mislabeled as "white supremacist" by the media). I also have to deal with niggers unfortunately since I live in the jungle of Metro Apelanta. I could tell you that I never encounter violent anti-Asian attack from other humans but my family have encounter burglaries by niggers and I have been mugged by niggers. Niggers are jealous of Asian humans succeeding while they never accomplish anything as a group except for turning cities into shitholes, enrolling at NU, and making life unpleasant for humans.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From “What’s the Solution?”]

I want you to consider the following questions a test regarding your personal political proclivities:
If you answered “Yes” to all or a majority of the questions I just posed, welcome to the National German Socialist Workers Party.[…]This article explores the possibility of a fascist United States and why they should not reject the ideology without exploring its potential.
The term socialism to the NSDAP referred to social welfare benefits[…]removing labor supply (i.e., women) from the workforce
It was not the brutal economic conditions that led the German people toward National Socialism.[…]It was the complete collapse of societal norms[…]
The Frankfurt School[…]introduced a platform upon which conservative German norms would be dismantled
The largely church-going, German middle-class, suddenly awoke to a fundamentally changed Germany at the hands of a few dedicated Judeo-Bolsheviks.
Transgenderism and homosexuality consumed as many as 25% of German men[…]Teaching young boys about homosexuality and gender fluidity[…]Illegal immigration into Germany septupled between 1918 and 1925, primarily from Slavic states
The AntiFa have always been Bolsheviks, largely led by Jews
Hitler did not create the [NSDAP]. Ordinary church-going, patriotic Germans with traditional values formed the nuclei of the NSDAP – and it succeeded by bringing order[…]to German society after years of insanity.
In human history, the only government system that has successfully defeated Communism, once it has taken root in a given country, is Fascism.
Some aspects of Fascism I believe would be great for the South – especially, its neo-mercantilist policies. But ultimately, the South would be better off to embrace a variant of clan-centric, quasi-monarchism.

Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #mammon inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

Global Currency Reset Rollout:

Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and illegally laundered US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, tax offices, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City.

The Vatican Bank was in charge of the money laundering where banksters, politicians and other elites filled their pockets. These Vatican Bank accounts, along with Vatican-run chi/ld se/x traffic/king, drug and gun running rings, were used to blackmail political elites to do the Cabal’s bidding and control the world’s population.

Over twenty years ago the Alliance* formed to return those monies to The People through a Global Currency Reset. The Alliance had succeeded in raiding a vast underground tunnel system below the Vatican that ran for hundreds of miles, one way to Switzerland and the other way to Israel.

The Alliance’s international military force repatriated to the US Treasury, 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican tunnel system according to Charlie Ward, Ph. D, whose team secured the gold and valuables. “The military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican."

Tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands had been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe. For over a year US Special Forces had been in training for the rescue missions which began on Oct. 16 2019 with the rescue of over 2,100 caged babies and children beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel chad goes to korean tv show [+ricecels do NOT enter!]

홍진영, 막심과 포옹 '흥분' @놀라운 대회 스타킹 131005

look at how noodles look at him. Suddenly all rices, perhaps even changs became invisible, they couldn't control themselves in front of tall chad and his mogger presence. Jesus, I wish I was chad. It's over. :feelsrope:

Man why are rices so cucked? Wtf is wrong with them?

(Ricecel X)
why is it not just ricecels in denial, but also every other race of incels seems to deny that noodlewhores are not loyal to their own race. There are mayos who deny the noodlewhore race traitor problem, yet want to JBW to fuck noodlewhores themselves. How does one hold contradictory views so consistently?

I remember reading about a Korean show where foids were sent to western countries so that they could be "courted" by local men. Imagine setting up a whole show where your women drool over foreigners ffs, sounds hella cucked

:lul: YOU HAVE TO ENSLAVE THEM. SHE FUCKING HUGGED HIM. NO SHAME AMONG FOIDS. THE RICES CAN'T HELP BUT LAUGH AT GETTING CUCKOLDED THIS HARD :lul: I'll fucking move there ngl. mark my words if I don't ascend by 35 I'm going to japan or korea. which one is better boyos?


Reminds me

Handsome German Boy Goes On Chinese Dating Show - A Hilarious Breakdown

JFL, the coping is hard in this one. Asian truecel is trying to mock this aryan chad :lul:.

starry & rezkidsinlove #moonbat #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

Although thinking about this, I wonder what the ethnicity split is among TERFs. Since trans culture is such a white thing (generally only, of course), maybe that reflects on TERFs as well? Although POC are also way more likely to see the light earlier in these issues, lol.

You know?

I was watching TikToks by native creators recently, and there was one that was talking about old stories in our collective native cultures, signs for when the apocalypse was on its way.

Some of them you kind of have to think about in an abstract way. For instance, "A large black poisonous snake will slither across the land" could be a foretelling of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

One I remember is "Men will dress as if they are women, and women will dress as if they are men."

Now, I'm not sure if I generally believe these (I'm not super religious or traditional in my own culture. Another prophecy warns tattoos and piercings are another sign and I have a number of those 😅) but its certainly a little spooky when its all stacked together.

No matter what you want to think, though, its pretty plain that Native cultures always knew there was a difference in the sexes, there were always gender roles, and that mixing and matching them were definitely taboo, if not outright feared, enough that this prophecy has been echoed through the generations. We didn't live in some androgynous, genderless utopia where transwomen were worshipped "like gods" like they like to say they were 🙄

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Feminism is designed to destroy the heterosexual dynamic, marriage, and family. Three generations of women have been indoctrinated into a set of beliefs that are self-destructive. They have been taught to seek power when they really want love.

How can a woman find permanent love? By finding a man worthy of her love, which entails entrusting her power to him. The heterosexual dynamic is the exchange of power for love.

Yes, a man's love is a function of his egotism. He loves her because she gives herself to him. She empowers him and becomes part of him. This is how two people become one. Sex is the emblem of this exclusive bond.
Sexual intercourse is an act of possession: a man possessing a woman. Obviously this must take place in the context of a committed long-term relationship, ideally marriage. Women want to be possessed by loving husbands.

The Satanists (Communists) have convinced young women that men are wife beaters and family is oppressive. Millions are bitter and alone.
Are these qualities fostered in our hook-up culture? By hopping from bed to bed? By teaching girls that their value lies in their sex appeal? By teaching that masculinity is toxic, and lesbianism is cool?

Of course not because Satanists want men and women to be incompatible. They want women to take direction from them, not from loving husbands. Thus many women are gofers for the Satanists, especially in media, education, law, and government. These Leftist women are dupes and traitors to society.

The coronavirus hoax proves society has been subverted by people who want to enslave us. They are Freemasons and Cabalist Jews empowered by the Cabalist world banking cartel.

They want us to eat the poisoned apple

and die.

CHOoseWisely #racist #sexist #wingnut blackpill.club

[Blackpill] Jews in Feminism #namethejew

We need to create a hash tag and spread it to every /pol/ website there is on Father’s Day in the hopes that they join in and help mass post it everywhere from Facebook to twitter.

look, we need to combine our efforts with Fascists (a response to (((Marxist))) ideals and (((communism))).)

anyone want to tip in and help?

now only can fascists get their opportunity to mass name the jew but we Incels/blackpillers get to spread the plague that is feminism among other things.

Brett Stevens #racist #elitist #wingnut #conspiracy amerika.org

In a multicultural society, each group has a choice to be conquered or a conqueror. If they remain an ineffectual minority, their fate lies in the hands of other groups, who they trust to act in their own interest by oppressing that minority.

On the other hand, if they seize power and use it against other groups, they can achieve dominance and oppress the other groups, removing the threat of being conquered by them. Diversity brings international politics into a domestic race war.
These multiculturalists miss the point: each group wants to maintain its own standards, behaviors, values, aesthetics, and customs, so that it can win the racial cold war that diversity introduces.

They do not want “White” behaviors, since to adopt those is to accept being conquered. They want to assert their own, however arbitrary, in order to build up their own brand and project their own power, in order to win the conflict.

Consequently, we see a condition where there is no solution: whether “racist” or “anti-racist,” our diversity policies end up at the same place, which is a divided population warring against itself for ethnic dominance.
Diversity offers us no solutions except self-destruction or ending diversity. It does not work and cannot be made to work. It serves as an epitaph for empires, not a new beginning; our hopes for it are simply denial rebranding with a positive spin.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: MULTICULTURALISM May Be America's Biggest WEAKNESS, Differing Cultures Can FRACTURE Societies

(Scott Free)
they only want this for America and Europe... Everywhere else can be one nationality and race by the billions and no one bats an eye..

Why is diversity our strength in white majority nations but a cause for constant war with only tiny differences in Africa?

(Sherman Ng)
Careful Timmy, lefties will call this title racist as usual. As an immigrant from Hong Kong, I absolutely agree. Not all ethnicities are compatible with each other because of different cultures, beliefs and interests.

(Ryan Yates)
Diversity isn't a strength. It's a military tactic.

(Zach Young)
Don’t look at the murder rate look at the spikes in rape in Sweden . 100% due to migrants

There are tons of us who have been saying this for years. But we were called racist.

Lecherous #sexist #racist ncu.su

[Cucked] Dominican Republic Officially Bans “Child Marriage”

(Link to Daily Stormer article »Dominican Republic Officially Bans “Child Marriage”«)

Dominican Republic, previously very based for having age of marriage at 15 and even 12% of marriages happening before the age of 15, has now cucked to pressure of retarded Western social norms and (((feminism))). Needless to say, another blackpill to add to the pile, I share in Anglin saying that when the ball drops for 2022 that the third world will become as cucked as here. I've also noticed this is becoming a trend, about a week or so ago I saw that the Philippines was going to raise the age of consent from 12 to 16 and of course cucktears was complaining it wasn't going high enough. :Honk: As we should all know, age of consent, is retarded. Girls just gonna get fucked by chad either way sooner or later, almost always sooner, makes no damn difference. Keep it low as possible and maybe some of the lolis will be young enough to know that you're not chad. Oh and it's always some kind of NGO claiming to 'help children' lobbying and pushing for this crap, that's how it just happened in the Philippines. Just the nation wrecking kike parasites doing what they usually do. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Of course the bit about them saying they are doing it to help children is a crock of shit. If pedo hunter faggots actually cared about kids maybe they would stop buying clothes made from child slavery or try to shut down the sweatshops. Maybe solve child hunger. Yeah it has nothing to do with helping children and everything to do with pushing globohomo feminist trash onto the masses. If I were in any position of power I would help liberate all young non-cucks and men of culture, end state compulsory education indoctrination and make it easier for them to find a nice loli.

“Child marriage” being bad is a stupid hoax
Girls should be married off at whatever time it is they are having sex, otherwise you’re promoting mass whoredom.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho 16chan.xyz

We must organize, plan and prepare for the greatest struggle of our lives and civilization, posting online at your keyboard doesn’t stop a nigger from killing people and it doesn’t prevent millions of non-whites from flooding our countries, what does stop them is killing them. There is too much at stake for any compromises in this war, we need total extermination of these sub-humans once and for all.

Further polarization of society is necessary to enact the scenario of a full-scale, both-sided civil war. Acceleration of these political processes is necessary to prevent our extinction. Both can be achieved through multiple acts of resistance and direct engagement with the enemy. In Ancient Rome and Greece, most warriors could only kill a single-digit amount of enemies in a day, they were limited by their physical strength and their sword. Today, an armed individual can kill many hundreds in a matter of minutes. Technology has made man unequal more than ever before and our capabilities as individuals have greatly increased. This war will be achieved with guerrilla warfare, attrition warfare, assassinations, genocide, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. There will never be a comfortable way or a perfect time to save civilization from your keyboard. ZOG prioritizes keeping stability in its host countries so that the population is pacified and so that an ignition point never occurs. In Brazil, the demographics shifted towards a population of mongrels through race-mixing until civilized western society ceased to exist. The big cities including London and Paris have already fallen to Brazilification. The effect of defiance against ZOG has a positive snowballing effect. When other Europeans see defiance, they are emboldened by it. The awakened European realizes he himself can commit to the struggle.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Boston Public Schools Suspends Test for Advanced Learning Classes

Superintendent: "There's a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist."


Black and hispanic kids a stupid because of poor parenting and the constant drone of leftist propaganda.

It's a lower average IQ. Asian kids benefited greatly from AP classes in Boston Public Schools, now everything will be dumbed down to "stop racism". I wonder if more asians will march to stop white supremacism.

I understand that Asian-Americans are in the process of undergoing their own great awakening. I expect they will not march; they will move.

I have seen that. Chinatown in Los Angeles no longer has Chinese...just one example. Reality won't change their voting habits though. Mark my words.


IQ pared with certain personality genes that make them unsuitable for parenting.

Yet it's whites with these IQs and certain personality genes that, generally, refrain from reproducing. The same can't be said of other races; in fact, the opposite is the case, with the democrats doing everything they can to make it happen.

it's genetics first for the reason why they have simian IQ levels and hyper agressive amoral savage natures, having a crack ho for a mom doesn't help things.

(Bill Miller)

Intelligence is racist!

Liberals reject the validity of IQ tests unless it involves getting a convicted murderer off death row.

Equity: above average intelligence is racist.

Anti-racism is nothing more than penalizing people who are the most intelligent and hard working in order to allow blacks to do things they are not capable of doing.

Matt Rowan #racist wonkette.com

[Matt] Rowan was covering a game between Norman High School and Midwest City in the Oklahoma 6A State Basketball Tournament. The players kneeled during the National Anthem, which is a peaceful form of protest. Unlike breaking into the US Capitol.

"I hope Norman gets their ass kicked."
"F*** them. I hope they lose," he said. "...If they're going to kneel like that, hell no."
He then called the students the N-word. Video of the live broadcast was recorded and shared online.

Rowan, a former youth pastor, released one of those “I'm obviously not a racist because I'm not literally a member of the Klan" statements, but he jazzed it up with this nonsense:

I will state that I suffer Type 1 Diabetes and during the game my sugar was spiking. While not excusing my remarks it is not unusual when my sugar spikes that I become disoriented and often say things that are not appropriate as well as hurtful. I do not believe that I would have made such horrible statements absent my sugar spiking.

The New York Times confirmed that the broadcast team wouldn't be used for the rest of the tournament, and the matter is currently under investigation.

The Norman High Lady Tigers won the state championship. Still, these girls were called the "n-word" in 2021. Every Black child eventually receives their share of America's racist inheritance.

Anonymous #racist #crackpot #magick 16chan.xyz

There are what's called "Living Souls". These are souls which are "dreaming" this experience for spiritual growth. This world is an outward projection of our consciousness. It is a Game, a Grand Game, and the point of this game is to experience consciousness on a 3D level. The endgame is the merging of the Spiritual and the Physical. What has been talked about over and over again "Resurrection", "Ascension", "Rapture" etc etc. We live in a simulated duality realm. Night and Day. Dark and Light. 101010101. It is binary consciousness personified.

Living Souls can only incarnate in White People. They cannot incarnate in any other bodies. As due to the nature of this game, most Living Souls are asleep and unaware to the true nature of what is going on.

The rest of this Matrix are full of NPC's. Non White's are NPC's. They do not have souls. They do not have the same consciousness as Living Souls. They are also called "Organic Portals", and "Hylics". They are a projection of consciousness. A Reflection of unwanted traits. This whole world is technically a projection of unwanted traits, with the exception of White civilization that is unmanipulated.

When this reality ends the NPC's will end with it. They only exist here on this physical realm. Living Souls continue on. We have opponents playing against us in this Game. They seek to keep us in the Matrix, keep us asleep, and keep us unaware and passive to their manipulations. A LIVING SOUL CAN ONLY INCARNATE IN A WHITE PERSON'S BODY. After years of research I believe this to be the truth. I dont know where to post this, but I guess I'll just post it here.

Anonymous #racist #psycho 16chan.xyz


"Help me. it screams. "Help me" The mongrel begs for life after a lifetime of cheering on ISIS on the internet and celebrating terrorist attacks in Europe, Australia and the United States. Leeching on the west for benefits taken from the pockets of its citizens, with some being sent home to sponsor furture terrorist attacks on the west. This Muslim, self commited to being an invader, a warrior according to her culture and building block in the destruction of the country she squats in. After thinking every non Muslim dead at the hands of her brothers were less than human it finally knows what it's like to be a victim. "Help me". "Maybe I can trick one more infdel and live to contine my mission" it tells itself.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Farmers React to Billions in COVID-19 Relief Bill for Black Farmers

(Leif Erickson)

“Just because you’re a certain color you don’t have to pay back money? I don’t care if you’re purple, black, yellow, white, gray, if you borrow money you have to pay it back,” Kelly Griggs, who runs her 1,800-acre farm with her husband in Humboldt, Tennessee, told Fox News in an interview.

Because Mrs. Griggs, it’s not about being fair, it’s about screwing Whites and exalting blacks.

The shock of reality hitting people is entertaining. I am not surprised. Maybe that is one of the blessings of bussing. I quickly determined my government hated me long ago. It was nothing more than racial warfare against whites, and I saw how effective it was. I am getting a kick out of all the patriotic types who got that macho feeling when watching Saving Private Ryan or Inglorious B. imagining themselves as freedom spreading heroes as it slowly dawns on them that they're the new Nazis.

What further proof is needed that the democrats are antiwhite? They need to GO the way of the dinosaur. To hell with their DAMNED RACISM against white people!!! Maybe they need a demonstration in front of the heavily fortified Capitol that people are pissed off with their racism. Just to prove how racist this is, reverse the word black farmers getting a break with white farmers. We should stop this insanity now. Where are OUR leaders? Can't they do anything but cower before the leftist media? Blacks are OK with this because THEY are the most racist group on the planet. They could not make it without whites as proven in "AFRICA".

(Phantom Piper)

Liberals say they see no color, but then they see color when grating freebies. They cannot have it both ways. Stick to one.

I think you are wrong, sir. Liberals see color EVERYWHERE, and are proud of it. Indeed, in a bizarre distortion of logic, they say that seeing no color is RACIST.

your personality #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

LifeFuel For ricecels. You don't have it the worst and here's why.

compared to brown incels:

Your skin tone isn't poop colored brown.
You aren't suspected to be a terrorist or scammer at first sight.
Your cultural customs are acknowledged and not seen as a meme.
Your currency has a much better chance of replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Western media is likely not to promote regime change of your countries because they know there will be severe consequences if they do that.
Food insecurity is less of an issue. The phrase that there are starving children in China or Japan is more true of the US and Latin American countries.
Asian males are known to have a ruthless side.
There are Asian street gangs with a serious and respectable reputation.
Your countries aren't low IQ or completely unsanitary.
The cultural power of anime, kpop and video games has improved the image of Asian culture.
Many girls like anime and kpop and this improves the SMV of an average decent looking Asian guy too.
Like whites, you can afford to be more feminine and small and look cute instead of looking like a creepy skinny brown dude.
Asian countries are known to be technologically advanced even compared to many western countries.
Asian countries aren't politically correct or social justice oriented.
Asian countries like China are on track to displace western countries like US within a few years. They have also surpassed the US in many ways already.
China landed a rocket on the moon. India and Israel failed to do that.
Asians fought back against white colonialist powers.
Britain had to give back Hong Kong and doesn't have a chance of getting it back.
The western way of life has proven not to be superior and is rapidly falling apart.
It is not considered a meme for China to be an eventual superower unlike with countries like India or Pakistan.
Asian countries aren't locked in skirmishes with each other and as a result can more easily take on western military powers.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “The Queen Negprincress of Mean”]

You may have heard that Queen Elizabeth II is not only Canada's sovereign at this moment but also the de jure Head of State.
Unfortunately Her Majesty isn't given the luxury to enjoy her temporary extra powers this month, as she's dealing with a disgusting royal bitch of her own. Prince Harry's cuckolding wife Meghan Markle (free advice: when she won't take your last name, don't take a walk down the aisle) has been such a royal pain[…]that nigger slut who destroyed the 6th in line for the throne had to go[…]

We already knew of a lot of problems with Meghan Markle[…]She's a woke nigger, and that really could summarize the whole post. Her entire worldview is at odds with the Succession of Kings of England and the British Empire (unbroken now for coming up on 400 years). She also has a "me me me" attitude[…]she thought that marrying Harry would turn the British Monarchy into the Meghan Markle Show (tonight's guest star: the Queen of England).

Yet like so many thin-skinned celebrities[…]they want all the plusses of their fame[…]without accepting the minuses[…]And now it seems[…]Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor doesn't want another consequence of celebrity: it's now a news story how you treat others
This "bullying workplace" is what we used to call real life[…]Due in part to government mandates over private companies, instead the companies bent to meet them.
But, like Cuomo's harassment scandals, the important thing isn't that these people are doing things that conservatives don't consider a big deal: they're doing what liberals do consider a big deal. As Kurt Schlichter (endlessly) says, we expect leftists like Markle to live by the disgusting rules of society they have forced on us.

Cliff Kincaid #wingnut #racist newswithviews.com

Our families are in ruins, just like the Royals.

The human wreckage is all around us. In addition to the dead from the China virus, the Drug Free America Foundation reports, “New data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that over 83,000 people died from an overdose in the 12-month period ending in July of 2020. This tragic figure represents an 18% increase over the 12-month period ending in July of 2019 and is the highest number of overdoses ever recorded.”

Much of this death is being exported from Red China to America in the form of fentanyl. China knows how to pile death upon death.

A concrete example of one of these deaths is George Floyd, the black man high on drugs who was passing counterfeit money when he was arrested by police in Minneapolis. Last July I documented the lies behind the George Floyd case – lies picked up by many conservatives who wanted to appear fashionable and caring. They repeated the lies that Floyd was an innocent victim of racist police.

Charges against the police should never have been filed. If the jury does its job, and that’s a big “if,” the police will go free but the violent left will then burn the city down again. This is America 2021. The country is in the process of breaking down morally and culturally. Drugs are a big factor. Yet, many conservatives want to legalize another form of dope, now called cannabis instead of marijuana, with dangerously high levels of mind-altering THC that can spark psychosis and violence. Democrats see tax revenue from the process. Legalizing cocaine and LSD, as they are doing in Oregon, is the next step nationally.

The police in the Floyd case did their job. They shouldn’t be on trial. They should be given medals for bravery. They followed police procedure. But you can’t find one Republican in Congress willing to say so publicly. They are afraid of the mob.

Vox Day #racist voxday.blogspot.com

[From “Your daily reminder”]

You can allow an African to marry your posterity. You can load them down with money, titles, precious jewels, and property. You can give them fame, fortune, and family. And they will still not even hesitate to call you racist the moment it suits them to do so:

Meghan Markle today used her bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview to accuse the Royal Family of having 'concerns' about 'how dark' Archie's skin would be before he was born because she is mixed-race and Harry is white.

Unlike most other peoples, Europeans have always been suckers for sob stories. There is a reason you don't see UNICEF and the WWF advertising in Asian nations. There is a reason it was British pop stars declaring they were the world and trying to raise money for starving Ethiopians in the 80s, and not Russian or Brazilian pop stars. But Europeans are particular suckers for African grifters. I've known two of the latter fairly well, and you would be astonished at how many second chances both of them were given by every single white authority in their lives. I mean, their second chances were measured in the dozens.

micropenis29 #quack #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger ncu.su

"covid" really, REALLY makes me hate chinks

daily reminder: covid isn't real

the gay 2-week flatten the curve bullshit i was willing to put up with last year (not really, but whatever, it was forced upon me so i had no choice)

but JFL people are still walking around in face diapers


[ten “Clown World” emoji]

clown world isn't enough anymore to describe this

and i can't help but feel like it's chink influence causing the rest of the world to mask-up like retards and then inject themselves with poison

all in the name of "modern soyience"

(((they're))) to blame too, obviously, and just to be clear: i don't wish any harm on chinks

but WOW is their culture cucked

Various Commenters #fundie #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Revenge of the Gods

California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum supports "countergenocide" to displace white Christian culture.

(Leif Erickson)
Christianity is now considered White supremacy! Now my fellow evangelicals, can we stop pretending that diversity is good and get back to a racialist Christianity which was about protecting Whites and their culture.

The connection has been firmly established between Christianity and all the woke evils. We are enduring a social revolution that rivals the Cultural Revolution in China.


“In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.”

Reminds me of the time the Counselor told me she was going to take me off the College track. I told her, "If you call my mother to tell her you`re talking me off the College track, you`ll be the one she screams at, not me!" Same thing here. If they had wanted me to recite a prayer to the Aztec Gods, instead of the Virgin Mary, the resulting explosion from home would have quite possibly damaged the school`s foundation...

Do we legalize ritual human sacrifice because it's part of their religion to remove the heart of a white man every day to power the sun?

(Leif Erickson)

Aztecs practiced human sacrifice as a matter of routine. Do they want to teach children to admire such practices?

Probably, with Whites being the ones who are sacrificed.

I thought that only black people were considered Gods, I guess it’s Hispanics now, too? There’s a funny moment early in ‘The Audacity of Hope’. Obama asks fellow Senator Byrd to sign something for him. Byrd replies without looking up, “for you, I will”. ‘God’ had come up right before that in Obama’s story. The implication was that Byrd was acknowledging Obama to be God too, he’s a black man.

Let’s get real. School curriculum is already colored-centric and anti-white, this is just making it more so.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Beautiful sight. People are starting to realize just how much women hate nice/quiet/humble/reserved guys.


It's crazy how men who respect women are mostly single


They ugly

There’s a popular thread like this one every week on Twitter. People are waking up. DarkTriadMaxx as much as possible. They’ll say they hate toxic men, they’ll say they want a nice guy, but we all know their actions say otherwise. Treat women like they are guys, don’t simp for them, don’t speak softly to them, call them out on their bullshit, and also treat them like they are beneath you. I know it’s fucked up but this might work for a lot of us. I’ve respected women all my life only to be used for favors while they go after players/bullies/loudmouthed guys.


Treat women like they are guys, don’t simp for them, don’t speak softly to them, call them out on their bullshit.

that's literally what nice guys do though and they get rejcted for it.


I jerk off to some of my teachers.

Based. I had a really hot history teacher in highschool one time she bent over and i saw her asscrack

Comment section has a lot of African femoids who probably date the very guys they claim they don't.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel 8 mins talking to a white hightier normie and Korean Stacey is ready to fuck...

Korean Teen Girl Meets A Hot Foreign Guy For The First Time!! (German man)

hE iS sO hAnDsOmE! Stuff like this is Suifuel. I want Asian Foids to worship me like that too... But unfortunatelyI am not that good looking:)

I'm not a ricecel but god damn do I feel for them what with their foids actively shitting on their own kind and almost specifically so. They'd take some central African mongoloid who speaks in clicks and wears a cloth over their own men

This guy could literally shit in her mouth and she would worship the ground he stood on. I honestly think Asian women are even worse than cumskin women. Women don't have souls in general, but if there's one race of women who's robotic and NPC like for sure, it's Asian women.

(your personality)
They are openly promoting racemixxing

Yea WMAF is very common in SF since white women are rare. The white women only go for rich chads. This curry foid successfully lobbied to get a currycel's website taken down from many Silicon valley platforms.

Even if they weren't rare white guys like to spite ethnic and asian guys by dating ethnic and asian women. They are the ones that have the chip on their shoulder. All ethnic and asian guys do is exist and these jbwmaxxing white guys feel they have to spite them.

You even see it on this forum. They can fuck off back to reddit where the rest of their kind seethes at ethnic males and not so secretly lusts after ethnic females.

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