
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #sexist #homophobia prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "All English / Celtic People, The Nations of the UK are STILL as much an enemy today of Germany as they have been in the past."]

It is a grave error to believe that somehow there is some modern form of true “Peace” or “Forgiveness” overlooking the past between the Nations of England and Germany
The people of these Nations[…]are a predominantly Hebrew People, and their existence is represented by Hebrew Energy and Connections. The Celts are a race of Jews, not Europeans, despite their former influence throughout Europe, and rightfully displaced by the Romans
To understand the root origins of these tribes on the British Isles can only be understood by the old names which these tribes existed under, such as the Bretons or Caledonians / Pictish Tribes, in which the “British” get their distinct origins, from the race of “Bretons”, a very wild and barbaric ill-tempered war-like people of which many French are related to
The Celtic people stand in contrast to a Highly Developed and Powerful Centralized State in Europe, which was the ultimate destiny and design of the Roman Empire
The Roman method of dealing these people was definitely an attempt to exterminate the races which today inhabit the British Isles, because the Romans viewed them all as a threat to the existence of their Empire
The same enemies of Rome and its Empire are the same enemies of Germany and our Reich
These Nations are responsible for promoting Obesity, Drug Use, Feminism, Homosexual Tolerance and Influence, as well as Illegal Immigration
The Fall of England and America have been inevitable, especially after World War II, although the Fall of Europe could have been avoided or at least mitigated in better ways, if there was a will among Europeans to re-awaken to their Sovereignty and have the desire to reconvene with the past.


J973 #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Lady here. It is only a cunt that gets off and then says stop. Unless there is pain or a medical reason involved. He should have finished. This whole rape thing is getting way out of hand.

No, when somebody says "stop", it means "stop"--no questions asked. That isn't the "rape thing getting way out of hand".

If they agreed to be fucking a guy and then only say stop because they have climaxed..... they aren't being raped, they are being a cunt that NEEDS TO BE RAPED.

I always wish that girls that cry rape over situations that they agreed to-- should be anally gang raped by strangers in an alley, so that they learn what rape really is.
And for the record.... didn't the girl just want him to hurry up and finish? That's not telling him to stop.

You are a terrible, terrible person

Nope. I just think that women who are in bed with a guy, doing it... change their mind and cry rape really aren't being raped. It is a scary world for men out there when women are allowed to call a change of heart, guilt, or remorse, RAPE. I think it devalues the meaning of the word for women who are truly forcibly raped. I can't help it what hivemind thinks.... hivemind isn't always right about a lot of things.

J973 #sexist reddit.com

I'm a liberal and I have only been in a church for Weddings and funerals. I still think killing unborn babies is wrong. I don't need a f-ing book to tell me that-- and I could give two shits about how a woman feels after having an abortion. At least she gets to feel, something she took away from her unborn child/ren.

So if you think it's cruel to kill an unborn child, then don't you think it would also be cruel to force another child who got pregnant at a young age from rape to keep the baby, have a constant reminder of the incident that could prevent the child from learning to move on, and being bullied for something they could not even control.

Rape cases are rare. Most abortions are for convenience. I would be understanding if it were an actual rape situation, that was like PROVEN. As woman, I know another woman could say anything in order to get the desired result. Though, a rape victim would only have to think about the unborn rape child for about 9 months then it would never have to be around them again.

Because someone is raped, it's okay for them to murder another human? That's great logic. Do we give rape victims a pass if they don't abort the baby but decide to kill it after birth??

Two Anonymous Cowards #sexist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #80915822)
Unless men can convince their wives/girlfriends to stop voting Democrat, Republican office holders will go extinct.

Women will vote liberal no matter how bad things get because they do not possess the logic needed to understand the correlation between Democrats and destruction.

(Anonymous Coward #78600034)
Our older generations were wise to allow only males to vote. They knew females are easily tricked into voting for total frauds and traitors. My apologies to the ladies, but this is true for the majority of you!

Vista_Seagrape #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Dear Menslib- we've been trying to tell you.

I'd like to offer some words for r/menslib. It's in reference to your recent AMA with Chuck Derry from the Duluth Model Organization.. You guys were surprised at what you heard, and how bad it was....but we weren't. We knew this was going to happen, because we've been trying to warn you about political feminism and things like the Duluth Model for years. The groups and figures at the top of the hierarchy of feminism are backwards and sexist and disingenuous. The Duluth Model isn't some 'fringe idea', it's the single most influential social model on police MO for domestic violence in the US.

You guys seem to be on the cusp of realizing that your view on the modern day feminist movement isn't quite how the real world works.

We told you this. We told you this is what feminist literature actually says if you bother to read it. We told their buzzwords such as


"patriarchal structures"

"systemic oppression"

"to those with privilege, equality feels like oppression"

"Inherent misogyny"

It's flat-earth tier. In fact it's worse, because it's actual harmful. This is what we told you, the more political feminist organizations actively support, perpetrate, and lobby for the legalization of domestic violence against men, and automatic exemption for prison for violent female criminals.

I'm going to be honest and blunt- subs like ML are part of the problem of the following comment:

I grew up in a household where my mother was emotionally/verbal abusive to my father (as well as the kids) and it distinctly felt like Chuck discounted that and viewed it as less serious, as it was female-led and received.

Because Chuck follows feminist theory. Not because he is patriarchal, not because he believes in "hetero-normative" beliefs, IT IS BECAUSE HE IS A FEMINIST.

You guys need to wake up and accept how bad things really are.

You have been lied too. What you believe about the MRM is a lie.

Various Commenters #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

My thoughts on the call for a sex strike in Texas to protest the new abortion law.

1. It shows that women believe that the ONLY Power they have or more accurately the most powerful thing they 'possess' is the power of sex, which is something that feminists have been supposedly fighting for decades. Yet, it is their first GO-TO thing to make social change.

2. They believe men have such power that if they aren't getting sex they will just change that law as though MEN have any real power, 'yes, let's hold back sex and all those men will get the law changed at the next patriarchy meeting'


Also you do realize that women themselves largely voted for this. But apparently it’s only men’s fault.

men overwhelming support abortion. pro-lifers are overwhelming women. yet every time women disagree it's somehow "mUh pAtRiArChY" to blame...

Women are the biggest supporters of anti-abortion laws. The reason is because women benefit by forcing other women to have less sex. If women are having less sex then it could encourage men to have long-term relationships and go back to getting married.

Mortimer #dunning-kruger #homophobia #sexist #wingnut tamenwrote.wordpress.com

In many (most/all?) countries there are more male teenage prostitutes than female teenage prostitutes. No one seems to know this, no one seems to care and no one advocates using resources to help them as opposed to the female teenage prostitutes.

A 2002 report found that 2.1% of school-aged boys and 0.6% of girls in Oslo had performed sexual favours for payment. This study from Sweden found that from a sample of 2,323 girls and 2,016 boys, 1.0% of the girls and 1.8% of the boys had sold sex. An American study done in Saint Louis found that the lifetime prevalency numbers for prostitution were 4% for men and 2% for women.

One finds a lot higher lifetime numbers for men and the other indicates a strong possibility.

As far as I understand boys and young men dominate the lower age groups and women the older age groups. This is supposedly in large part explained by homosexual men being much, much more interested in paying for sex with boys younger than about 23 and straight men not showing as strong a youth preference. However, the lifetime numbers might still come out with more men.

Another aspect is frequency. Often young mens prostitution is framed as being about fewer incidences of sale with fewer costumers. If such cases account for a large percentage of boys prostitution that lowers the impact it has. We know that many women are full time prostitutes that sell sex frequently, often several times a day.

Any thoughts or relevant studies about any of this is highly welcome. I am working on an article about it

wizzard426 #pratt #sexist forum.literotica.com

the disturbing and extremely credible allegation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford

I used to manage a bar, did security. I used to laugh when females in cock dresses, searching for cock, would complain about getting goosed.

This one, and I gave seen a billion just like her, figured out at 14 she has a pussy......letting boys play means you aren't lonely on a Saturday night. For a #7 at 2:30.........just another plain Jane butterface.

A few if them around here, I see!

LoL, that same lady, sits in the same stands at the speedway every year, same black cocktail dress, hoping someone will notice.

Hope is a beautiful thing. However, hope doesn't buy dick on Saturday night.

This communist shrew has no credibility. Her Feminazi enablers have accomplished what?

sexratiocel #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #sexist incels.is

RE: Perceived intelligence is attractive, but real intelligence is not. Bones >>>>>> intelligence

Normies getting blackpilled hard

In a series of speed-dating sessions, women rated men who were *perceived* as being more intelligent or funny as more attractive, but rated men who were actually more intelligent as slightly less attractive.

1. Women find men who are perceived as intelligent to be more attractive --->

2. Taller men are perceived as more intelligent than shorter men --->

3. Thus, the heightpill strikes once again, as once again taller men are shown to have it better with women than shorter men.

It just never ends.

Not just women. People over 6'2" are more likely to be CEOs because of their perceived intelligence and "decision-making" due to height, not actual intelligence.


It pisses me off to no end.

Not only is male tallness attractive to foids in and of itself, there is also this "secondary attractiveness amplifier" of being perceived as more intelligence and therefore (once again) more attractive. Another such secondary attractiveness amplifier is that tall men tend to actually be richer and have higher status, and thus once again they are deemed more attractive. It's like femur + tibia literally make or break your success in life in every single field and in all fields combined.

What horrible deed did I do in a previous incarnation to deserve being both actually high IQ and high libido and at the same time so short (5'7") that people dismiss my actually high IQ and my high libido goes unfulfilled?

My theory is that we were Chads and Stacies before and now we atone by going through the opposite experience.

Looks are everything and everything is looks. All else is delusional cope.

Jordan Peterson #sexist youtube.com

[during a lecture on why women today supposedly prefer more feminine men]

If you track women through their Ovulation cycle and you show them a picture of a man same man, and you do nothing but vary his jaw width when they're ovulating the guy with the wider jaw is more attractive and when they're not ovulating and the farthest away from that the guy with the thinner jaw is more attractive and that's associated with testosterone levels, so women who are fertile like more masculine men. If you’re on the pill, then you’re never in that ovulation phase, and so one thing that may have happened, and I don’t know this for sure, is that since women have been taking birth control, their preference for less masculine men has been more pronounced. And that could be one of the things that’s fueling the tension that’s existed and exists now politically between men and women.

[Peterson later goes on to talk about how sex is dangerous socially, emotionally, and about how AIDS could have killed all of us when it emerged in the 1980s]

mars3127 & Evilpickle7 #moonbat #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

RE: AOC has caved in.


She flat out referred to women as “menstruating people” on television the other day. She did so several times.

She is just another misogynist who hates women so much that she insists on demeaning and erasing us. It’s sad when men buy into the “woke” misogyny, but seeing other women (like AOC) spout this nonsense is really unfortunate.

I just don’t understand why women go along with this crap men loses are practically abysmal while women loses almost everything.

thevenon #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Africans spread aids within China, girls still have sex with them regardless

I shall tell you a secret kept during 600 years, the true reason why Ming treasure voyages have been stopped https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_treasure_voyages. Chinese men did not want to see same images 600 years ago.

It is really amusing that nobody understands why Chinese stopped their voyages in the 15th century.

Maybe they wanted to impress their wives by importing exotic BBCs but the boats were overloaded with too much cock

Chinese men were highly intelligent when they stopped contacts with western cultures. The same was true for Japanese men.

These men will die now

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

(White gold)
One in four women physicians report infertility

A Medical Career, at a Cost: Infertility - The New York Times

But one achievement eluded her: having a baby. She had postponed getting pregnant until she was solidly established in her career, but when she finally decided to try to have children, at 34, she was surprised to find that she could not, even with fertility drugs. Dr. Marshall attributed it to having worked frequent night shifts, as well as to stress and lack of sleep, which can affect reproductive cycles.

Placing women in traditionally male leadership roles with all the stress and long years to prepare for it takes it’s toll on a woman’s reproductive cycle.

White women seem to forget the single most important job they'll ever have is bearing and raising children.

What do you notice about commercials for contraceptives? Ever see a non-white woman in one?

Just yet another thing that worked out exactly as planned.

(Herr Gruber)
The gymnasiums are full of the women you speak of, trying to fill that empty void in their life. Success comes at a very heavy price..

(White gold)
I totally agree with both of you. Men and women are not interchangeable.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #racist #wingnut simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Michael Soetoro (often incorrectly referred to as Michelle Obama) is former "president" Barry Soetoro's "life partner" who the liberal media often referred to as the "First Lady" despite his being male.

Barry Soetoro, better known by his pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is the second open homosexual to hold the office of President of the United States, after James Buchanan. This is despite the fact that Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya to a Kenyan father and American mother, thus making him ineligible for holding the office of President of the United States.

Soetoro "married" his life partner Barry in 1992. This was legally invalid because this "marriage" occurred well before Illinois recognized same-sex civil unions in 2011 and "marriages" in 2014.

Soetoro made his goal as "First Lady" of the United States to take away choices from students and parents when it came to school lunches. By doing this, kids were forced to eat unappetizing cardboard school "lunches" that were devoid of both taste and nutrition. Some school districts even cracked down on homemade school lunches because they contained too much sugar, especially if sodas were present. This was likely done to decrease school performance in well performing districts to justify the federal overreach into the school curriculum via the Common Core monstrosity. He also introduced "exercise programs" in schools to wear kids out since they were fueled on next to no calories, and this would deteriorate academic performance even more drastically.

Soetoro was likely highly influential in causing his life partner Barry to sign unconstitutional executive orders asserting transsexual "rights" in public schools and otherwise, because Barry himself has been involved romantically and sexually with a transsexual himself. Both Michael and Barry reject the lordship of Jesus Christ in a particularly boastful way.

Selfmade_3127 #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

I could just see it all end with an economic collapse that we hardworking men recover from rather well in the long run, on the other hand I do believe that wokeness has the potential to end in male genocide.

feminism is a fascist movement: they justify their horrific actions with the fight against an imaginary made-up world conspiracy called "The Patriarchy" (the Nazis used the same template with their made-up "Jewish World Conspiracy"), they promote their own supremacy aka "the future is female" and pressure the government to push for gender based laws

it drifts towards labor camps and androcide ... but I'm pretty sure they will disguise it better:

they will turn motherhood into a (government) paid job

single mothers will become the norm (fully government funded)

there will be zero selection pressure on women, either they are able to acquire semen the natural way ... or if a woman is genetically unfit, anti-social, violent, mentally-ill or otherwise unpleasant ... she can turn to sperm banks ... evolution will be completely destroyed

ALL of this will be paid for by tax money

practically the only people who will pay tax money will be men, they will leave you only with the bare minimum to survive ... it will practically be slavery.

if you can't pay it or if you revolt against this form of treatment ... you will end up in jail ... which by then will be practically labor camps to exploit your productivity

you will practically pay child support for children you didn't father and alimony for women you have never met

there will be no hope for men to escape or achieve something in life

the only thing I'm wondering about is how long this will last before there will be a huge uprising, a slave revolt ... I leave it to your imagination how this will turn out

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #sexist #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

When I was a teenager in the 1960's, society still believed that sex was something reserved for marriage.

Around that time, we were bombarded with propaganda that taught that prohibiting extramarital sex was prudish and life-denying. This was part of a larger Communist social engineering program designed to destroy the institution of marriage. The pendulum now has swung to this satanist extreme where anonymous extramarital sex (hooking up, fuck-buddy, booty call) has been normalized. "Partying" is essentially pairing up for anonymous sex.
More than anything, healthy heterosexual women want to be loved by a man, their husband. They want to his Goddess. They want to be possessed by him.

During intercourse, most women's faces become very beautiful, as if nature has blessed this act. Sex is obviously a rite of marriage as a man cannot really "make love" to a woman he doesn't know or love. Anonymous sex really is masturbating.
The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) mass media is full of propaganda about women who have been betrayed and exploited by men. This is expected from Satanists dedicated to destroying marriage and enslaving humanity. But marriage has withstood the test of time because men and women know instinctively that it is based on mutual dependence. 
The Illuminati have taught women to seek power instead of love. Seek career not family. "Men are oppressors." Since masculinity is defined by power, the effect is to neuter both sexes. As a consequence, many women can't give themselves to a man. That's what love is. That's what makes a man love a woman. 

I see these forlorn "independent" women everywhere, some obese, many with pet dogs, some carving out a relationship with another woman. They ate the apple, the poisonous communist satanist apple.  

Thanks to communist brainwashing, they will never know the joy and fulfillment of marital love and sex as God and nature intended.

Various Commenters #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How a More Diverse Population Will Change America


"Ordinary Americans predict a white backlash."

I see no sign of that happening.

They have to blame white people for the increase in crime and destruction of social trust. How else are they going to prevent everyone else from noticing who commits most of the violent crime? Look at the "Stop Asian Hate" campaign. It is usually blacks committing random attacks on Asians yet the movement blames white supremacy for the crime.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)
Patricia Kenny, one of the cherry picked, foolish voices for this WaPo article, opines:

“Diversity is the lifeblood of a healthy nation. “

Diversity is the the lifeblood of nations? Like the Mongolian empire of yore? Or the Austrian-Hungary Empire? Or the USSR? Or the British Empire? Funny how diversity saved none of those super-national entities.

“Diversity of culture brings new ways of thinking and problem solving. It is not a surprise that many of our Nobel winners and inventors are immigrants or the children of immigrants.”

Of the 900 Nobel laureates 20% are Ashkenazi Jews and a huge chunk of others, until more recent times, were of White European descent. Diversity is fairly narrow, when it comes to very high IQs. The immigration status is a moot point, as far as Nobel prizes go, since that characteristic contributes little to such successes.

A real White backlash would mean Whites having large families again and not miscegenating and encouraging more European immigration to our shores. We need MORE White people. Period!

For a young white person it seems to be a social obligation to marry a nonwhite and have half white kids.

Young urban white women, especially. Men.. less so, but they do they are inclined to Asian women for very obvious reasons... young urban white women.

Ahmadullah Wasiq #fundie #sexist theguardian.com

Afghan women, including the country’s women’s cricket team, will be banned from playing sport under the new Taliban government, according to an official in the hardline Islamist group

In an interview with the Australian broadcaster SBS, the deputy head of the Taliban’s cultural commission, Ahmadullah Wasiq, said women’s sport was considered neither appropriate nor necessary

“I don’t think women will be allowed to play cricket because it is not necessary that women should play cricket,” Wasiq said. “In cricket, they might face a situation where their face and body will not be covered. Islam does not allow women to be seen like this

“It is the media era, and there will be photos and videos, and then people watch it. Islam and the Islamic Emirate [Afghanistan] do not allow women to play cricket or play the kind of sports where they get exposed”

DavidByron2 #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

FTM on realizing they're now treated like shit if they interact with children

FTM have a fascinating journey in modern misandry, their lived experience actualizes the latent hypocrisy and double-dealing of modern power structures.

They were raised as little girls with all the female privileges and now they have taken their life back as men, they are realizing that the feminists weren't exactly truthful about a lot of stuff. (quotes from a post on a board I'm not linking to).

Unfortunately, F2M are going to be the biggest help to us in getting the message out just how big the differences between male and female are. This is also why feminism fake sides with them while hating them at the same time. They know they are one of the big keys to show that at least in the west men are treated like shit compared to women.

I agree, but for right now feminism must feel like it's mandatory for these guys, even while it's an abusive relationship. Has anyone even heard of an anti-feminist LGBT+ community / group?

Feminism isn't faking like them. Feminism thinks of them as women. Feminists fake like trans women -- or in the case of TERFs they don't bother. So it's an abusive relationship like codependency. Political support in exchange for emotional abuse. It comes up a LOT on the board how often LGBTQ+ communities put on events and say "women and non-binary only" or something like that and then say to FTM "oh we don't mean you when we say no men allowed". The message is "we accept you - because we think you're women". Kill All Men! Ooops didn't mean you of course! So it's producing dysphoria all the time. Men suck! Not you though! It has to be more or less constant I'd guess.

Tenshi #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #racist #sexist #wingnut imgshare.io

POV: you were born as a naive, sensitive, introvert boy in a degenerate world

You always believe in treating people nicely and respecting them, always believed in morals and love.

You didn't want much from life. You didn't need a dream, a career. You just wanted to do the normal thing. You thought you'd grow up, fall in love, have children and have a family on your own.

Except you wake up and realise you're living in a total dystopia full of narcissists, compulsive liars, sexually deviants, moral freaks, psychopaths, violent thugs, madmen, whores... And the worst part? They're the ones who are on top. Having it all, being treated nicely by others, having the time of their lives, building their hedonistic paradise over your dream's grave.

You look around, you see people like yourself have fallen a long time ago on the way. You see fags, thugs and dykes enjoying their lives. You never had a girlfriend, but a nasty butch dyke has a girl by her side. She'd rather be with a woman than be with you.

Another look, a girl and Chad, a total piece of shit with no respect for others, no consideration for her feelings. Yet, she'll rather share him with other multiple women than give the time of the day to you or any guy like you. You never even had a girl liking you. You pass by a prison and see women and their children almost attacking cops, demanding their rights to see (and fuck) felon Tyrone.

A total scumbag, a social disgrace who lives by leeching off others and killing people, has women having his children. Meanwhile, you will die without reproducing.

You get home and turn on the TV. Everything is chaotic, crimes on the rise, inflation, wars, leftists destroying even more what's left of morality and genuinity in the world. Meanwhile, the common folk watches, bestialized by its own lack of awareness, stupid and perverted netflix shows while the world tumbles down.

You go to bed, you cry and wish you don't wake up next morning, but you do...

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Brit LGBT Awards doesn't use the word "lesbian" anywhere

Women and lesbian are bad words now unless it’s being used to label men who think they’re women, or when describing porn categories.

It all has to be redefined to encompass men first.

Of course they didn't. The number one goal of these people is to hijack the community we built and erase us from it. No woman who is not willing to open her legs to a man will be welcome in society anymore, not even among the "weird" kids, who are really just the same old oppressors but with ugly haircuts and poorly applied lipstick.

Lesbian is only allowed to be used for men now. Lesbians™, actual female homosexuals, are supposed to fuck off and be called non-men now or simply disappear into the ether.

TIMS don’t want any pesky reminders of same-sex sexual orientation. Society says: ok men, whatever you say, whatever you want.

Lesbians are expected to compromise their unique identity/culture and assimilate into the Akira-esque Queer Blob. THIS is why lesbians need spaces away from males and "qweers".

I wish I knew how to code, because it'd be so cool to write a program that tracks LGBT news sites/blogs/social media/etc. for a given time frame and returns the frequency with which certain terms are used (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, etc.). Not strictly related to this post but it'd be interesting to see how the usage of certain terms changes over time. All things considered, this is depressing as hell.

ereddsIsHere #fundie #pratt #sexist reddit.com

RE: Abortion until 22nd week of pregnancy divides Norway's left wing, which eyes election victory in Norway

At the 8nd week brain is already active and is developing very fast with the nervous system, this since week 6. Wanting an abortion at f*cking week 22nd is criminal and is something that goes before any ideology. If you support abortion to this extend i have no words and you may probably be a psychopath.

speculareffect #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger speculareffect.org

It’s obvious that things are very political — very politically charged — and we’re constantly being fed a stream of political rhetoric and political grievances.

Because of this, people develop certain belief systems and we frequently talk about the notion of an echo chamber and echo chambers, absolutely exist – particularly online — and they are places where people tend to talk about the things they want to talk about, exclusively.

In these echo chambers, there’s not a lot of crossover with other belief systems, or with people who believe differently than we do, or with those who may have differing perspectives and it feels good to sit and dwell in an echo chamber, because you are presumably sitting there with kindred spirits and like-minded people.

Yet, one of the consequences of the ideological obsessions and the notion of being “plugged in” online, is that a certain form of latent solipism has emerged.

Now when I speak of solipsism, I’m not referring to the philosophical belief that the self is the only thing that exists
or the self is the only thing that can be recognized. There’s a modicum of truth to that, of course; your consciousness as an individual, is cut off from the consciousness of another individual. We are inaccessible to each other on some level and how we typically try to bridge that gap is by means of human language. Speech and language are the only tools we have which we can avail ourselves and this is how we communicate the products of our consciousness as individuals.
The solipsist (particularly women and feminized men) encounters somebody else of a different persuasion and simply cannot comprehend that there is a person out there that might be different and it’s not just that he cannot comprehend it, he is unable to tolerate it. What follows soon after is censorship, censureship, insults and the general shaming tactics and language.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Daily reminder to coping white supremacists on this site


turbocuckcel_7000 is a 31 year old virgin who still has a cope for “white supremacy”. This old geezer actually believes that worshipping whote women and white chads is the best thing for incels lmaooo

BummerDrummer a blonde white incel kid is who is at the bottom of his white social hierarchy worshipping the same whote women who wont fuck him

Realizing that multiculturalism/migration is detrimental due to skewing up the gender ratio, that it is used to disinegrate the unity of the people (thereby making them easier to control with racial infights) and that it benefits only liberals/capitalists that will make our problems worse =/= simping for white women

Migrants vote mostly leftist-liberal, every vote for leftist-liberals is a vote against men and for feminism. Furthermore, they bring crime and I would rather be an incel with my wallet than without. And for their sexual crimes: I don't care and because women voted for this, it's their problem.

I believe that every race has its place on the globe and shouldn't mix, but there's no denying that ethnicities are dumber than whites and they're doing shit in politics, so whites must prevail in the end

daily reminder


(Fat Link)
There’s no such thing as white supremacy.

There is however Jewish supremacy.

Maybe you muds that are sad and pissed off about your rotten lot in life need to begin taking up your problems with the Jews?

Since after all they owned all the slave ships that brought your black asses over here to whiteopia to begin with and it was they who were your primary enslavers NOT whites.

You should all demand reparations from Israel now but you monkeys won’t as you are pussy niggers.

Too fearful to attack or go after the actual people whose organ grinder tune you all dance to.

nankingRoastie #crackpot #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

Harvey weinstein did nothing wrong.

Women who slept with him did so for access to his wealth and power. They are the predators.

Women who refused to sleep with him did so because they didn't want to. And he didn't rape them for refusing.

This anger toward HW is VERY alt-leftist and it centers on the concept of Female Hypoagency, the idea that adult women aren't making their own choices, and men are perennial oppressors of women.

Just stop.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

(Teutonic Knight)
[Slavpill] Watch this video if you think Slavs are white. JFL if you think JBW applies for Slavs


There are slavcels captured in a slavwar. How the hell are these people "white"? Truecel after truecel, and they all look ethnic. If someone said these were captured Syrian rebels, you would believe him. Height is the only thing going for them.


Another one, this time bosniakcels. Only the guy in the end is white, all others look like some Afghans and Arabs

"Slavs are white bro, just be Slav bro"

In the balkans we imagine "white" as in nordic or wasp. We are completely aware that serbs look like turks.

White = Nordic/Germanic/Anglo

White race = Anglo concept for Westerners

Slavs have absolutely zero to do with white race

Who are you working for. Could it perhaps be the George Soros Open Society Foundation?

Why would Soros want slavpillers lol? Soros wants Slavs to think they're white so that they can become good white liberals. He doesn't want anti-Western slavpillers who are aware of the bitter reality of Eastern Europe.

(Deleted member 19971)
Slavs from the Balkans aren't white but most white-passing slavs live in the North ( Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltics, Western Russia. ).

Balkan slavs are more ethnic looking, but other slavs mogs medcels like me in whiteness

I find Mediterraneans to be good looking. They are European after all.

The females always bleach their hair and use massive fake up to appear more white.While males are often swarthy outside of maybe Lombardy and will probably get bald in their 20s because of african genes


nihility thoughts?

russian conscripts captured in ukraine,try to find at least one white guy in this video


When people say slave they are referring to polish, Moscow, so on. Not Arabs or Mongolians.

Various terfs #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Is Men's Rights Activism inclusive of trans men?

If your MR activism isn't inclusive of trans men, it's not men's rights! It's nazism and you literally want the genocide of every single trans person!

This was one of my biggest peak moments: transwomen have to be included in women's spaces, but transmen also have to be included in women's spaces. It's up to the women to accommodate everybody, because of course the men won't.

nice try, but we know noone cares about trans men (not even the most rabid TRAs)

Trans men once again forgotten and with no power lmao. Their hairlines receding for no reason.🤣

But MRA activism is already Nazism...

TIFs are excluded in every aspect when it comes to men in power. Legit have never seen TIFs take over a company, win awards, or use their "male privilege" for anything. the only time they get attention is... when they get pregnant 🥱

Careful what you wish for, I know some TIFs who talk a lot about misandry being a serious problem.

this btw was one thing that made me peak, how nobody, except evil terven uwu care about trans men and a trans man on twitter told me that once, they only care about them when they get pregnant or in his case become gc

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Taliban Makes a Really Bad Decision"]

I hope this is just a fake plan that will be scrapped soon

If they go through with it, there is no way they will survive


The Taliban says women can attend universities under Taliban rule, but cannot share the same classes as men

No nation, no country, and no people can survive educated women. Especially not college-educated women

Women must be forced to do nothing but stay in the house, and if they have to go out, they must wear trashbags over their heads

That is the only way any society can possibly ever work

If you decide to let women participate in public society, you are automatically on a fast road to total doom

We’ve seen this time and time again, and there is no exception

The only thing women do to a society is destroy it totally

timoclea #elitist #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

Based af post on Ovarit: "The Silencing of Radical Feminism" about censorship of the "unappealing" corollaries of radical feminism, gencrit-centrism, and the Not-My-Nigel-ism provokes drama with the admins.

There is a worrying trend on Ovarit and in other “radfem” spaces of radical feminism being silenced. Whenever someone tries to initiate critical analysis and discussion on literally anything other than transgenderism, it’s immediately shot down with libfem tactics.

Radical feminism includes being critical of heterosexual marriage dynamics, PIV sex, the traditional family model, etc Some of you need that reminder

Those two simple sentences were enough to raise some hell. I got frustrated and told the commenters to stop projecting their narcissistic clit-measuring contest onto female liberation. Commenters were doing some Not My Nigel type shit and acting mad defensive. I told them that nobody is holding a gun to their head and forcing them into female separatism, which got many downvotes.

Radical feminism is about systems, not individuals, about systemic liberation not individual choice. If you are incapable of considering the bigger picture and thinking critically, then why are you even here? Why sign onto a radfem site if the mere mention of radical feminism sends you into a seething rage? Why participate on a feminist forum if you don’t even want to begin to acknowledge and analyze patriarchy?

If you want to continue wearing your heels and eyeliner and other feminine adornments without any second thought then that’s well within your right, if you love lipstick more than liberation then that is your choice.

Rant almost over. I know that Ovarit is not radfem only and I’m ok with that. It is, however, radfem run and oriented, and what I and many others on here are not ok with is radfems being censored and silenced and policed in a space made for and by us.

Reddit_is_for_cucks #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Giga Suicide fuel - Roastie explains life of a 14 year old chad who has fucked 50 girls in a month. Brutal life experience mog

This is a first hand view into chads life style. You may rope you have been warned. I almost went insane during the call.

This girl I am talking to met this family friend chad in her cottage trip. This might be one of the toughest blackpills to swallow. While I was still thinking about taking my crush to movies and prom, Chad was blowing his nut on her face along with crushes of 50 other dudes! Chad mogs my life experience to a new dimension. These brain dead whores would always pick being part of chads harem then have a relationship with nice man.

Audio: https://gofile.io/?c=X4aw7F

4:00 chad bragging
4:20 chad says girls are lucky to give him Bjs
6:15 Girls will do anything to suck chads dick
7:10 I am not like other girls teehee
8:00 Chads height
8:25 Chad fucks 1 girl per day, takes picture of it and sends to it group
12:45 Roastie thinks it’s funny
24:50 she says she hates when guys make girls cry, then back pedals when I tell her I made girls cry.
26:00 she said she hates guy that insult girl then I said I told her I call girls fat and ugly and she said “that’s different “

Such a foreign thing to me. I can only imagine what that feels like. Kind of like how being a billionaire is so foreign to me. You can think but it's not possible unless you actually experience it.

that's nothing, take this and multiply it by million because this is going on in every highschool. 1 chad is hogging 100 girls while other 99 guys cope by video games/homework/hobbies and shit

None of Reddit_is_for_cucks Megablackpill threads have been featured on IT. THEY KNOW WE'RE RIGHT.

The difference between top 10% males and Incels is like the difference between billionaires and the homeless. The disparity is just not fair.

chad = billionair
Chadlite = millionaire
High tier normie = reaching 7 figures
Normie = 6 figures
Incel = below six figures

Various Incels #pratt #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL FDS roasties noticed that most of their users are femcels and don't actually want to date

REMINDER: FDS is NOT WGTOW/OVARIT/FEMCEL etc, We're a Dating Strategy....So You Should, Ya'Know, DATE.


(Deleted member 30198)


Women learn through consequence, beating and humiliation. You should get comfortable with beating and ignoring them.

I hope FDS gains millions of subscribers on reddit so that the blackpill about female nature can spread. :)

won't change things the way you think it would. Men are still led by their dicks, it would be a bump in the road for women, but back to smooth streets after a while.

(Deleted member 33893)
A lot of guys are aware of what is going on but because a small % of women is loyal and not slutty they are chasing the 1 in 10.000 or rarer unicorn of a woman. Just that most female unicorns (if they exist) are already in a long relationship.

ETA: I want to be clear that we explicitly recommended multi-dating - that’s in the handbook.

-Date Billy for his shekels, don't have sex with him more than once a month

-Date Chad

Yves de Mbella #sexist reuters.com

A television presenter in Ivory Coast was convicted on Wednesday of glorifying rape and given a one-year suspended prison sentence for asking a convicted rapist he invited onto his prime-time show to simulate a sexual assault using a mannequin

The court also fined the presenter, Yves de Mbella, 2 million CFA francs ($3,619.91) and banned him from leaving Abidjan, the country's commercial capital, for one year, a spokesperson for Ivory Coast's justice system told Reuters

The man who appeared on the show was sentenced to two years in prison, the spokesperson said

De Mbella has apologised for the segment in which he asked his guest to demonstrate how he raped women, helped him adjust the female mannequin and asked whether the victims "enjoyed it". read more

De Mbella said on Tuesday he had been trying to "raise awareness" in the segment, which aired on the Nouvelle Chaine Ivoirienne (NCI) private television station on Monday, but said he had "made an error"

NCI also apologised and cancelled the final episode of de Mbella's show

Chinese Communist Party #wingnut #sexist vice.com

The Chinese government has ordered a boycott of “sissy pants” celebrities as it escalates a fight against what it sees as a cultural import that threatens China’s national strength.

In a directive issued on Thursday, China’s TV watchdog said entertainment programs should firmly reject the “deformed aesthetics” of niangpao, a derogatory term that refers to effeminate men.

Young, delicate-looking men who display gentle personalities and act in boys’ love dramas have amassed large fan bases mostly comprising women. Many of them, like Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, are China’s top-earning celebrities.

the more gender-neutral aesthetics have come under criticism from conservative voices in society. Some officials and parents fear the less macho men on TV would cause young men to lose their masculinity and therefore threaten the country’s development.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education pledged to promote sports education in Chinese schools in response to a politician’s proposal about “preventing men from becoming too feminine.”

The latest boycott order is part of a broader response to what the government deems as “chaos” in Chinese entertainment. Days before the order was issued, a commentary published by a Communist Party mouthpiece called the popularity of “sissy pants” a social problem that would distort the taste of the Chinese youth.

PPEcel #pratt #sexist #wingnut incels.is

FBI releases 2020 Hate Crime Statistics: just 0.7% of U.S. hate crime victims faced gender bias

From the FBI's press release:


Of over 7,500 single-bias* hate crime incidents recorded by local, state, and federal law enforcement in 2020, just 71 were motivated by gender bias. Of those 71 incidents, 49 were motivated by anti-femoid bias (the remaining 22 by anti-male bias). The majority of those 49 incidents involved simple assault or intimidation.

(approx. 300 multiple-bias incidents occurred in 2020)*


Funny. Considering how often Redditcucks say that we're a terrorist group that deserves crackdown and censorship, the numbers don't showcase any need for law enforcement to divert resources to monitoring harmless online trolls here.

There are sociological reasons why certain types of incidents might be under- or over-represented, of course, but if "incel violence" was truly such a massive problem, you'd think that there'd be hundreds if not thousands of recorded gender-motivated hate crimes each year, instead of a few dozen. Femoids' and simps' proclivity for exaggeration simply knows no bounds.

In other news, the U.S. Department of Justice revealed last month that it declined to prosecute 82% of all federal hate crime suspects investigated from 2005 to 2019, though the DOJ won well over 90% of the cases it did pursue.

Jfl at anyone thinking incel violence is a serious issue. Chad violence occurs at a much greater frequency, they are so used to women saying “yes” they get violent when they hear the rare no. This cycle continues because women get wetter if chad is violent.

there are likely less than 50,000 actual neo-nazis in all of north america and europe but the security services can still play them up to get their budgets pumped up, just like they've milked islamist terrorism for the past 20 years.

angryallytoall #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia reveddit.com

The trans community would gain more allies if trans women quit acting like cis men in feminist spaces

I am an extremely vocal ally of oppressed classes. I have led feminist education groups for men, I have marched hand in hand at pride parades, I have stood up vocally and physically to shut down oppression of minorities. I have bled because I stood up. I also believe intersectionality to be the most critical thought process to integrate into ANY fight against oppression.

I’m tired oppressed classes punching down, certain cultures of POC being extremely homo and transphobic.

My wife USED to be a rabid supporter of trans rights. Now, she wants the trans community to shut the fuck up.

Women have been shit on by men for millennia. This is absolutely undeniable. Even today, when a man enters a conversation, he will suck the air out of the room. The problem is, so many trans women grew up under toxic masculinity before their transition and they retain this “I am here, now bow before me” attitude. When these trans women go into feminist spaces, they demand everyone be an ally and demand that they change EVERYTHING that MIGHT offend one single person. If a woman dares to disagree with a single point, she is quickly labeled a TERF.

Trans ladies, do not fall into this behavior that is so typical of bearers of penises. You are hurting your own cause. You’re not demanding equality. You’re demanding deference from people who your birth assigned gender has demanded the same from since before recorded history.

If you were born with a penis, you have ZERO right or reason to have any say whatsoever over gynecological healthcare. Wanna talk about how creepy so many of us cis guys are? Yep, that’s a fantastic discussion.

You have allies. Abuse us and you will become marginalized again solely because of your own actions.

I am EXTREMELY vocal in holding other men and other Mayosapiens’ feet to the fire for being phobic or ist and I won’t shy away from confronting ANYONE for being an asshole.

Jacob Rothschild #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #sexist incels.is

[Demon Pill] Jacob Rothschild has a better sex life than all Chads, and experiences sexual pleasure beyond what Chad and Stacy can ever imagine

Many rich elite families are secret luciferians practicing ancient occult rituals including sex magic and child sacrifice in order to worship lucifier and conjure up demons to partake in these rituals.

In rituals where demons are summoned, it is common for them to have sex with the demons.

Demons have more sexual experience than anyone on this earth having been around for thousands of years and being inside multiple people throughout this time acquiring more and more sexual knowledge and sexual skill with each person they are in.

After knowing that demons have abilities to sexually please you beyond what any woman can do for you due to there superior knowledge and experience in sex, I realized that Occultists like Jacob Rothschild are mogging Chad daily and living a life any Chad or Stacy could only dream of.

While Chad is receiving blowjob from stacy (who say has 5 years experience in doing sex), Jacob Rothschild is mogging Chad into hell having mind blowing orgasms shooting semen everywhere due to the demon who is having sex with him having hundred of years of sexual experience being unleashed upon Jacob Rothschild penis.

It is truly over if you are not Jacob Rothschild or apart of one of these families, you will never experience hundreds of years of sexual experience unleashed upon your penis from a demon.

Jacob Rothschild is daily summoning demons in black magic rituals for booty calls, living in a state of constant orgasm with the demons being able to also shape shift into anything he wants while they unleash thousands of years of sexual experience upon him.

Look into this mans eyes, this is a man who mogs all Chads and Stacies world wide and who lives in a constant state of orgasm.


Uglychincel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

I would rather be this Chaddam in the Kabul embassy scrambling for a visa to get out of Afghanistan than an incel any day


Guy in the middle, look at his jaw, he would slay in literally any country. And he is the only one in the picture that looks calm and collected, because even if he is rejected he know he can just join the Taliban and slay Islamic Stacies. Jaw = law.

who wouldn´t?

He isn't wearing a mask either, he's probably thinking why are all these faggots wearing masks

Needs to show off that jaw and get some desperate old foreign foid to 90 Day Fiancémax with him

Chaddam going to slay white pus further screwing up the gender ratio in the west

LaQueSabe_ & bighead #elitist #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

It is better if everyone dies at once

I've seen many women proposing that if all males dropped dead, we would finally have peace. Well, after becoming blackpilled, I beg to differ.

Most women are fundamentally cock addicts. They base their entire worth and purpose on being around and worshipping males, so naturally they'd either sob endlessly for their moids being dead, or make it hell for the rest of us.

They relate so little to each other and to womanhood, they'd become extremely desoriented and unable to move on and at least try to rebuild things. Unlike males who would be just fine if all of us died altogether.

So the only solution to this hellhole is everyone dying at once. Like by a planet collision similar to Melancholia's, or a nuclear bomb vast enough to wipe every continent, or a big ass asteroid collision.

Cut the evil from the root.

Eh I still kind of wish that a well-tailored plague could just come down and eliminate all the males and unrepentant female cock addicts. I would love to taste a speck of freedom from them before I die, even for only an hour.

Me too, timoclea. Me too.

God is a sadist and he knows it. Nature was made to be cruel. It's all just simple really, women are bound by this never-ending cycle of abuse forever. All you can do is just stay celibate, stay ahead financially, possess some weapons, work then die. I think that's the best route. But the need to fornicate always lingers and it's best to ignore it and to not give in. Honestly asexuals have it the best lol.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "I’m Glad Those Soldiers Got Blown Up in Afghanistan"]

I’m just TROLLING you – don’t be a TRIGGERED NORMIE
Anyway, the issue of the soldiers dying

Joe Biden went on TV and said “they died for our values”
I respect the troops as much as I respect anyone who does any masculine, dangerous, physical profession. But I don’t think it’s sacred or holy that they died for gay anal rimjobs – which is what Joe Biden is talking about when he says “they died for our values”
I’m also 100% opposed to the idea that the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan are fighting for something other than grown men doing anal rimjobs on little boys and being ruled by women[…]US troops are all over the world, fighting for gay sex and feminism, and no one – no matter how genuinely patriotic they are – can give an explanation as to what else they are fighting for
Furthermore – I don’t have to tell you this, but I will – my biggest donors are military vets[…]Military vets are at least 100 times more likely to donate to this site than non military vets. So, considering that – I have zero reason to insult vets or soldiers, and I would not do so
Soldiers get paid to do a job. This is not 1970, they are not drafted, they sign up and they get paid to kill Moslems for Israel
I think Donald Trump’s tribute to these dead ZOGbots was depressing and frankly disgusting
The entire concept of “Islamic terror” is primarily a hoax. First and foremost, it is a hoax. Maybe there is some guy in Europe who wants to stab people. Okay. But in terms of organized groups of terrorists, if you look at any of these groups, you find that they were founded and funded by the US government

It all fell down #crackpot #god-complex #sexist incels.is

Escortcels are the next step of human evolution

Even if escortcels aren't known as escortcels by the World, the World fear us.

If ER or Jake Davison were escortcels such tragedies would have never happened.

If escortcels are so feared by incels is because incels fear an updated version of them.

If foids support OnlySimps or similar but not classic prostitution(the few ones that do support socialist crap like insurance or so alongside with prostitution) is because foids know(something that many incels do not) that OnlySimps or similars WILL NEVER BE EUAL TO PROSTITUTION.

Escortceldom is the most grounded solution to the West. Foids will be in their place as the whores that they have always been and job oportunities of any kind would be for men.

If some Governments have plans to execute the Nordic Model is because they want to delete the cheat code that will give some peace to the Manosphere.

SlayerSlayer #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist archive.fo

Most women have the traits of psychopaths

1. Superficial charm and high sense of self-worth-

They have the charm to easily have tons of social media followers, and are always on QUEEN shit for egregious behavior. Females are incapable of thinking other people are better than them. They demand to be constantly listened to. Anything that kills the fun makes them sad. Fun at the expense of other's happiness.

2. They are extreme liars

Easy for them to say different things at different times based on the situation. Always making excuses as to why they don't fulfill their promises. They don't even care that you KNOW they are lying. Make you take blame for everything.

3. Cold heartless, living parasitic lifestyles

Other people's feelings do NOT matter. They want to turn others against each other. They want others to do FOR THEM. Not do anything themselves. Prefer NOT to work for a living.

4. Poor behavioral control and promiscuous

OF + getting drunk and having a three-way in Cabo after getting a poorly done tattoo of their daddy on the clevage.

5. DO NOT take responsibility, possible childhood abuse

A history of juvenile delinquency, and not taking responsibility for it. As kids they were constantly able to get others to take the fall FOR them. HATE taking responsibility for their actions.

Women who do not fill this bucket list simply do not exist, prove me wrong.

Conversely, incels are the complete opposite of a psychopath:

1. Completely charmless, with low self-esteem
2. Honest to a fault, and utterly guileless
3. Maybe youngcels are possible parasites, but past that most incels do not have the opportunity to be parasites, WE HAVE to have jobs, We HAVE to earn our keep. No one cares about us enough to allow us to be leeches. Not even our own parents. We obviously have hearts because we want to be loved very badly, and sincerely.
4. High inhib virgins
5. Take responsibility for everything, or example currycels feeling shame over bobsandvegene texting lowIQ curries have done

Copexodius Maximus #racist #sexist incels.is

Racepilled so bad that I’m on verge of suicide

If you aren’t white, you are pretty much like being born as a homo habilis and thinking you are equal to a homo sapiens.

Whites literally mog deathnics in every single aspect in life in every way possible.

Firstly, we already know that white males have a huge advantage in dating and that women want to fuck white men the most.

Second, whites literally invented almost everything in the last millennium. Everything deathnics use that makes society different from shit hole villages is made by white people.

Third, they literally conquered and won the game of empires and all deathnics are alive cause whites spared our ancestors. People complain about whites being oppressors and such, but they literally gave deathnic countries the ability to use their technology and didn’t just genocide them and replace their entire populations with white people. Deathnics are sore defeated loser races, and us being kept alive is like if homo sapiens kept the homo erectus alive.

Fourth, whites have the most diversity of all races in terms of appearance. Literally the only race with people with different hair colours and different eye colours. This one trait of having light is so sexually attractive that it spread all over Europe because of how attractive it is. Just look at blue eyes, they look like cosmic nebula.

As a Jew who’s people have gotten genocided by whites, it’s a brutal reality to accept. Deathnics are just bearing witness to the world whites are building, and that we are no more than monkey and apes that watch them build the world, while deathnic whores all want to fuck the white males as well.

It’s absolutely over, racepill has completely destroyed me. How can I cope knowing that I’m not the main race? What’s the point of being the secondary ape character other than being a laughing stock and humiliation of this world. If a deathnic had any dignity, they wouldn’t be able to continue on living as such a lowly being.

Middlemarch #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

I was treated like a man so many times I developed male habits

People think just because my face looks like this I’ll be happy to endure any filth, dirt, rudeness, forgive everyone’s disgusting flaws and habits. And also that I’m into cars, video games and trashing other women.

I’m actually very neat and sensitive (at least was) but I developed a habit to behave like a man, cause otherwise I invite a lot of abuse.

For example I’m wearing male teenager clothes (I was getting especially despiteful looks from girls when wearing high heels, males laugh when I wear skirts etc.). I never ask for help cause everyone is highly annoyed when I do and just brushes me off. I never like men to the same amount I like girls cause males never forget to remind me with their behavior or words how they’re disgusted by me. Ofc I don’t talk about girly things or sex/relationships – me expressing my sexuality or whatever horrifies everyone. Some young unstable girls cling on me like leeches, expecting me to be a shepherd and a support in this scary world (till they find a husband instead).

Every time I show weakness or vulnerability as well as sensibility or kindness I get such a storm of contempt, abuse and exploitation I’m starting to doubt this a reality and not some matrix with animals in human forms.

This gender dysphoria has gone so far I can’t imagine myself being feminine; I can only be myself when dissociating, while reading, playing or hiking alone. My daydreams don’t even include people anymore cause I can’t imagine myself as someone who can be protected or treasured/loved. In conclusion - I'm not allowed to be a woman, but I can't exactly be a man either. No matter how good I mimick, when it's inconvenient for males they suddenly remember my sex and discard my opinions/my worth alltogether. Ntm I don't wanna be an aggressive dirty bad-smelling ape.

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: In another example of why #killallmen isn't "punching up" as feminists claim. Karen soldiers detain 47 people, execute the 25 men, and allow the 22 women and children passage. It's something that happens IRL.

"Punching up" is such a profoundly offensive concept. It presumes from the outset that peoples cone in strata; that there is a hierarchy of social status and that it is immutable in all circumstances. It's the kind of 'logic' that tells you if a homeless white guy is talking to Oprah Winfrey, he's the one with all the power.

Some idiots unironically do believe homeless and broke white people have more privilege than Oprah

Furthermore, if you are punching up, that's not much incentive for me to do anything to help you. It means that once you attain power, you will keep punching.

Punching up is what cowards do, because they hide behind their "victim" status to avoid getting punched back.

Yeah "punching up/punching down" is purely an excuse to justify prejudice nothing more.

Context as always matters and if you need to factor in an institution that no longer exists in order to see if something is offensive you already lost the debate.

The fact that “killallmen” is even a thing is disturbing, and especially because they literally just copied what Hitler said about jews.

it's the perfect example of normalized sexism. a world where this can happen, while 'killallwomen' would shock everyone.

speculareffect #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #elitist speculareffect.org

I’ve warned several men over the past 21 years about women. I have, with an unfiltered perseverance, discussed the true nature of women, at lengths with hundreds of men. Some listened, others think they’ve got it all figured out.

Well, Kamala Harris is set to become the first female president of the USA. That means she is going to be the president of the entire planet — the gynotopia’s goddess head.

This is what the Taliban psyop is all about. To create a legitimate reason for Biden to step down which would then allow the cunt from hell, to usurp the throne.

It is perfect, too, because she’s a woman, which means she’s a total jackass — completely dumb, knows nothing about anything and will use all of our resources towards “fixing the world”. That includes male life, which will become even more expendable and wasted. Especially with what’s going on with cunts in Afghanistan. All of it is pushed by media propaganda and lies, but who cares? Women are “powerful” and the answer to all the world’s ills and will rely on male lives and vitality to create a gynotopic utopia.

You think what we all experienced the past 50 years was bad? Wait until Kamala becomes president. Full-scale Communism in your ass! An all-out assault on boys and men will ramp up. The divorce rates will skyrocket to an unprecedented level, if it hasn’t already. There will be more chaos and debauchery. Faggots, trannies and whores everywhere you go. Retarded children holding prominent positions in society. Inflation on a scale never seen before, because all “refugees” and migrants must be fed and taken care of, like kittens in trees being rescued. Free housing for this one and that one, because it is the “nice” thing to do, regardless of the detrimental impacts such policies will have.

I know for a fact, that when this happens, I will be vindicated, but I take no delight in this. For this will surely be the end of us all.

Extra-Samsaric #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Could the Taliban liberation of Afghanistan be the first major cracks in globohomo-clownworld?

Globohomo-clownworld has been an unstoppable force for the last several decades....until now. It looks as if the Taliban will overrun Afghanistan completely, very soon. This is a group which is strongly opposed to all things the Western/American led liberal world order holds dear and sacred- liberalism, consumerism, secularism, usury, democracy, global capitalism.... and most of all, feminism/women's rights/women's "liberation." We saw the US military and NATO forces flounder around in Afghanistan for 20 years, trying to eliminate resistance and turn it into yet another globohomo-clownworld stronghold. But they could not outlast the mighty Taliban resolve. The Taliban do not fear the global superpowers, they do not fear B2 bombers, and they certainly do not fear feminists. Could their victory be the beginning of the end for the seemingly invincible globohomo-clownworld?

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

[concerning former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation and replacement by Kathy Hochul]

…So they replaced the governor that’s leaving with this female governor. That’s not going to make New York better! What the…?

And her name doesn’t matter, but I’m being told it’s Kathy Hochul. I don’t care about her name. This woman is a loser. Women were created from man to be a help to the man. They were not created to lead. It’s not in them.
…And because you put these women in so-called “leadership”, that doesn’t make them leaders. Look how everything go wrong. The Talibans are loving this! ‘Cause they know! They may deal with it I’m the wrong way, but they know that women don’t have it. We know it. Everybody knows it, but people are afraid to say it now because you would be called a name. You would become an outcast. Like, who cares? What do you love most: what’s right, or people, places and things?

You gotta make up your mind. You will be destroyed. They’re putting women in charge.

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