
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Socrates #crackpot #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Why The Left Hates America

If Blacks, Browns, women and homosexuals had founded The United States of America in 1776, you couldn’t shut them up about it. They’d be bragging 24/7 about how they founded the best, freest, most productive and most powerful country on earth.

But that’s not what happened, of course.

The emotional, child-like Left hates America because it was created and run by conservative White males and only by them, not by anyone else [1]. That’s a huge sin to the Left, and the leftists cannot forgive White males for that “crime.” How dare they nearly achieve perfection all by themselves, without including Blacks, Browns, queers, women, midgets and vegetarians! How dare they! That wasn’t inclusive! That wasn’t democratic!


[1] the Left is a coalition of angry losers that uses your tax dollars to wage war against you

PPEcel & Nicole Poole Franklin #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Deranged femoid receives 25-year federal sentence for running over two children with her car in racially motivated attack. Reddit barely notices.

Hmm. Why did this member of le empathetico genderino commit such a heinous crime?

Poole Franklin stated she saw the female minor victim walking on the sidewalk, and decided to run the minor over because she was Hispanic, was “takin’ over our homes, and our jobs” and “wasn’t supposed to be in the country.” In reference to the 12 year old boy, Poole Franklin stated she ran him over because “he’s just like ISIS,” and “he’s not supposed to be there and he’s going to take me out.”

Yikes! Sounds like she has a great personality.

convictions for stabbing her paramour

she bit her husband, brandished a knife, and repeatedly said she would kill him

Remember, sweaty, only femoids can be victims of domestic abuse!

Federal sentencing guidelines recommended a 30-year sentence. The judge erred on the side of leniency and sentenced her to 25 years and 4 months.

But what's even more revealing is how little attention this case is getting from the usual crowd of SJWs. If it were not for my subscription to the DOJ's email alerts, I wouldn't have learnt about it.

Let us envision another situation. Suppose a conventionally unattractive man runs over two teenage girls with his car. When asked why he did it, he says "well, they're pretty girls". The Redditverse would no doubt erupt in anger and righteous indignation, describe it as "terrorism", make hundreds if not thousands of posts, make crude prison rape jokes, ask for the death penalty, and request that governments curtail online freedom of expression.

But a white femoid with a rap sheet rivalling that of the most hardened of gangbangers decides to hit two ethnics with her car? Well, I guess it's a non-issue. M'lady was just mentally ill!

Of course redditors and sjw ignore this when she is same as them, racist and man-hater, she should be reddit saint.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Little fags"]

The images of the Taliban capturing Kabul cannot help but make me think of the more than pathetic state of the Aryan man throughout the entire West. Instead of doing the same in the capitals of their respective nations—reclaiming them from governments that want to genocide Aryans—they behave like ultra-feminine, battered and submissive women, including white nationalists

We can already imagine warriors like the Aryans of yesteryear, but now with rockets on their backs like the Taliban freedom fighters, triumphantly entering the great capitals of Europe, Australia and North America to reclaim their nations… and their Sabine women! But no: the little fags of today have already chosen the extinction of their race…

An Indian kid, like the one Savitri Devi said a few words about in my previous post (read the passage around ‘The Führer would be very surprised if he knew how to interpret his doctrine in the Halls of Calcutta!’) grasped historical reality. Aren’t Aryan males of today ashamed before this brown kid?

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa in public.

Talibans: Discovering new hights of basedness every day.

The funny thing is, soon every afghan female will embrace their natural place and start to be happy like they havent been in the last 20 years. Cucks will say that they are no longer receptive to feminist propaganda due to censorship. They cant accept that 99% of afghan foids wanted this to happen deep inside.

I was gonna say that I disagreed with their actions and I would rather sexually enslave her as punishment instead of killing her in Minecraft but now that I see the pic it seems like that bitch was pretty ugly lol good riddance

must have called them inkel thinking she was still protected by the globohomo

Reminds me of the Khmer Rouge or the cultural revolution in China.

The western narrative doesn't interpret those events accurately imo and the way I view it goes like this:

The Cambodians and communist Chinese purged their country of people who were westernized (white washed as we say). Mostly killing them all and seizing their property.

The original Chinese communist were aligned with the Slavic-Jewish communist imperialists. A different flavor from Anglo-Jewish capitalist world order but still a cumskin male attempt to shape the world in their image nonetheless.

I think most Asian nations are just satisfied to be themselves, and don't want foreign men coming in to cuck them and steal or influence their women. Which is a tendency that white cumskin men have (whether eastern Slavic-Jewish communists or western Anglo-Jewish capitalists) in bullying/cucking men of the Asian continent.

quartzlump & Foresthills #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

RE: So, this is a weird question...but was anyone else convinced that they were a boy whose parents were raising them as a girl?


I'm not trans, I just was always paranoid. I stopped believing it when I went to sex ed, though.

As a kid born in the 80's, no. If girls wanted to do "boyish" things, then that was praised (just not when I did it. A good looking girl can do literally anything, but a bad looking should do literally nothing, except just go crawl under a rock somewhere).

It almost feels like it was a side goal for the LGB movement to break the traditional gender roles, hence why the new T addition seems to cause so much friction. It's reverting back to the really old ways.

I recall wondering intermittently about what it would be to be a male from ages 10 onwards, but by exactly age 18, I ceased such psychobabble in my head.

This entire trans movement has an eyeballing amount of lobbying and money behind it.

It is an eugenics program, and one that is homophobic and lesbian and gay conversation en mass. It is a sterilization program for the masses who are neurodivergent, non-heterosexual, and mentally ill. The life expectancy of these poor children will be so cut, they will perish "naturally" come their 30s and 40s.

It also has lobbying from ideologies that desire to roll back woman's sex based rights and also has been infiltrated by pedophiles. With a main side goal of reducing the minimum age of consent for obvious evil reasons.

It is all very criminal and I can only pray this global experiment ends and we can forge ahead with brighter lives.

Even criminal stats are becoming skewed. I understand womankind can sometimes birth outliers but the majority of crime and depraved crime is committed by men and men alone.

The old transvestites never would have attempted such things. They understood they were men and women biologically and just wanted to live their lives in peace.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "I'm with Sedgwick"]

William T. Sedgwick believed that no good could come of letting women vote

“It would mean a degeneration and a degradation of human fiber which would turn back the hands of time a thousand years,” Sedgwick said in 1914. “Hence it will probably never come, for mankind will not lightly abandon at the call of a few fanatics the hard-earned achievements of the ages”

Sedgwick may have been wrong that society wasn't dumb enough to let broads mark an "X" on the ballot, but he wasn't wrong about the degeneration and degradation of human fiber that resulted from it. John Lott famously linked extending the franchise to the weaker sex with the massive increase of government spending, which alone is degeneration enough to end the entire experiment. The impact of letting chicks vote goes beyond that, though. After all, along with voting they now also could take the reigns of power directly
Women in politics tend to be shrill, bossy, and irrational (as in all areas of life, I suppose). Even the "good" ones like Thatcher and Deb Grey still carry a few of the less savoury qualities: they simply tend to 'misbehave' in the right directions which could be a fluke of blind aiming as much as actual sensible instincts towards sound public policy

Meanwhile the degeneration and degradation of human fiber is going full speed with too many chicks running the show: Cardi B has precisely zero male fans. Can't blame us for this garbage

Bible Thumpin n Gun Totin #sexist #wingnut baptistboard.com

In other words, if you fulfill your duties as a Christian Husband, and have a good relationship, then you're abusive. I happily fit numbers 1 thru 12.

I will correct my wife if there is an issue with who she is listening to. My wife was listening to Beth Moore one day after Mrs. Moore chose to preach to men. I shut that down right away, false teachers will not teach my family nor wife, and God will hold men accountable who allow that in their family. I will sometimes override my wife's opinion on the clothes my toddler daughter wears if I feel it is not conservative enough. She don't need to be wearing no short shorts and don't need to be getting into that habit. I've done the same with my wife when we were first married and she wanted to wear yoda pants in public. Those are bedroom clothes. If them tight fitting pants enticed a man, which they would, then I would rightly be held responsible by the Lord.

Likewise my wife has full access to monitor my online usage of the internet as there's so much in the area of lust that I am susceptible to and it's easy to access online. I have software that takes random screenshots at all times, combined with algorithms that take screenshots anytime the algorithm detects something "suspicious" on-screen.

Various Incels #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Getting a gun and fighting the taliban? Nah, fuck that, i'm a kween and gonna larp as a witch to fight them

Witches are trying to organize a ‘mass hexing’ against the Taliban

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ALWAYS THE SAME SHIT. Get BTFO and then resort to protest naked or larp as witches in the comfort of their houses. That's why, trannies and gentlemen, women are always dominated throughout history.

Oh no those poor Talibans! What are they going to do when all the white girls rub their Himalayan salt lamps and menstruate on wall hanging tapestries....

Foids online - "Lets cut off the balls of these women oppressors. I would love to see them bleed to death."

Foids in real life - "Guys, I bought this witchcraft book from the flea market. Can anyone teach me how to cast a spell on the curry who was staring at me in the subway today??"

God isn't even here anymore he got fined by the multiverse committee for being a horrible ruler of a universe. We are watched by multiple gods who are interested in us and keep us as lab rats

(your personality)
For once I agree. All women should be doing this to be showcasing their aptitude and intellect. None of this "I'm not like the other girls" nonsense pretending they are above doing this.

They want the advantages of being witches like casting spells and hexes, but not the disadvantages like getting burnt at the stake

Just lol. They will never have the guts to actually get into battle. Only men have the courage and ferocity to enter combat. That is why women have always had a role submissive to man. It is their place.

(Autismus Maximus)
They want to employ meme magic yet they are physically incapable of memeing, because they lack the brain wiring to be creative. Hilarious.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut poal.co

RE: Please Stop - I Can Only Get So Erect!



This must be a joke…

Liberals have lost their minds more than you even know. It's making them literally insane, not just about coronachan.

There's a message board I've been active on. I never had an issue with anybody there. All I did was mention that taxation is theft and the liberals on the board made themselves know by losing their shit. Holy fuckin' shit they've lost their fucking marbles.

I don't even have words. I don't care about what they say to me, but seeing how many people are just completely neurotic and insane these days is scary. I still can't figure out how it happened.

I was sitting at an intersection holding a sign that read " If covid is a threat why is the border wide open?". A young woman literally stopped her car, shot me the middle finger, and screamed FUCK YOU! several times. I could pick her up by the neck with one arm and the crazy little bitch wanted to fight me? I just replied "back atcha baby!".

Why is it always the women. I swear to God they are completely nuts. Want to be equal? Yep Don't buy a valentine? Nope, and I will rock your world with screaming and crying. Repeal the 19th.

Related conversation with a buddy the other day....

If even minor transgressions against the Woke Cult results in those kinds of reactions then why even bother with minor transgressions. Might as well start dropping J-bombs and other MOABs. The blowback is the same.

Because Cluster B personality disordered people make it their duty to drag everyone down to their level of misery. Instead of focussing on their own life achievements, or their grit to do things in general - they have to shortcut their way to special privileges, power, or prestige and drag down others in the process. It's why I don't willingly associate with such clowns - they are a waste of time and space.

annylovesanime3 & Maryam_ #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt #sexist thepinkpill.co

Can you imagine a world without scrotes?

Yesterday when i was daydreaming,i thought about a world without men. Its crazy how 99% world problems are created by them. In a world without scrotes there would be: -No war -No Abuse, rape, trauma -No Pedophilia -No Rape culture -No destrution of nature -No sexual assault -No Sexual abuse/degradation -No animal cruelty -No Human trafficking -No abuse of woman and children -No violence -No catcalling/ Street harassment -No Motherhood cult -No overpopulation -No climate change -No oversexualization of everything -No racism -No Judgement (eating disorders, fat shaming...) -No objectification -No teen pregnancy -No grooming -No firearms -No nuclear weapons -No fear -No murder -No Poverty -No sex workers -No porn -No sadism -No Terrorism -No marriage -No divorce -No STD´s -No prisons -No ageism -No Colonization -No world hunger -No hierarchy -No misogyny -No forced marriages -No religions -No 3 world countries where woman dont have any rights -No discrimination -No feminism

-Woman could wear everything they wanted -Woman could travel everywhere alone -Woman could go out at night alone -Woman could have power -Woman could be free -Woman could do anything and be anything -Woman could be human

So i want to thank all handmaidens that had, have and will sons. Because of you there will never be world peace and this shit will suck forever. Fuck you.

I think the socio-economic, political and cultural environment scrotes created is the biggest thing that makes me stay on this site. I haven't been traumatised by them (based pakistani gender segregation.) I can always go WGTOW and avoid them. But I can never escape them. Male biology is there, telling me that there are five lights instead of four and that Big Brother is always watching me. They're creating the collapse that will kill third-worlders like me, creating the systems and religions that keep our countries in shitholes.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "The Dead Chicago Cop is a Woman"]


Reports are that Officer Ella French is “not looking so smug” now that she’s had her top popped off by a roving negro youth
USA Today

One Chicago police officer was dead and another was fighting for his life Sunday after a shootout during what was supposed to have been a routine traffic stop, authorities said
Chicago police on Twitter confirmed the identity of the killed officer as Ella French, the first female officer shot to death in the line of duty since Irma Ruiz, who was killed inside an elementary school in 1988

When it comes to police vs. negroes, I support endless conflict

The more these two groups, both enemies of the White Christian people who remain unvaxxed, fight with each other, the less time they have to oppress me and my people with their equally brutal means

Despite my lack of any personal dog in this fight, I cannot imagine any situation where responsibility for the death did not fall squarely on the female cop. It is the job of a cop to understand the base animal nature of the negro, as at least before they became virus patrol, 98% of the interactions of the inner-city cop were with the negro

A female cop, however, is so high on her own sense of power and entitlement that she is incapable of respecting the pure and unadulterated savagery that the young negro male represents
The negro is unmoved by threats, given that his existence does not stretch outside of a single moment in time, and a threat, by its very nature, must reference a potential future event
What’s more, I’ve even talked sense into a negress before, and averted a potentially life-ruining disaster. I would never in a million years attempt to talk sense to a female cop

Various Femcels #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

I’m convinced most women who get married are psychopaths

A lot of the women I see with rings on their fingers aren’t even pretty or nice, or they’re fat.

I’m starting to think they’re all just abusers who found a stupid guy and destroyed his self esteem enough for him to want to be with her

Or they’re just rich and men married them because of that.

LMAO, I hope married women really abuse their husbands. Scrotes deserve only suffering.

Tfw I drag men all day with full intent to marry one and make big headed babies with no remorse.

BlackPillFeminism drags women like me and it is what I deserve.

I love love 🥺

A lot of the women I see with rings on their fingers aren’t even pretty


Japan4Salt #sexist #fundie #wingnut patriots.win

You mean basically what we had before 1960 then.
Also, matriarchy is a myth because it goes against the natural order. Thats why we made it this far under a so-called patriarchy anyway.
Also some people are conflating feminism with simple respect for women. This is a problem. The so called patriarchy is not anti-women or disrespectful towards women, it just flows based on the natural differences between men and women.

TruthDefenseForce #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?

Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society. It leads to purpose, happiness and fulfilment, something this matriarchy does not lead to.

White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity.

Traditional Christianity (not modern woke secular humanism masquerading as Christianity) promotes an ideal objective moral code upon society to combat the evil and degradation in society.

Combined together is the ideal society for our people.

emasculasian #racist #sexist emasculasian.bdsmlr.com

Soon, the standard Asian male proposal will be offering their girlfriends keys to their chastity cages.

By offering to surrender full control of his sexuality to her, he is letting his partner know that he is willing to commit to a life of celibacy and servitude to be with her. His willingness to have his penis locked away by her will convey to her that his commitment to WMAF sex will be primarily for satisfying her sexual needs and desires, and not just for his own sexual gratification.

If she accepts the proposal, the locking away of his penis will be bound by law. Any attempts to break free from the cage or masturbate outside of her terms will be grounds for a divorce. His perpetual horniness for his wife will act as a constant motivator to make enough money to provide her with a lavish lifestyle, to cook and clean after her, and to be of service to her while she is with her string of White lovers.

Only when he has fulfilled all his duties as an Asian husband will he be allowed to have a brief release from his chastity cage, when he will finally get to masturbate to thought of his wife with her White lovers in private.

DangZagnut #sexist #wingnut ruqqus.com

Men's Rights? Adorable

I don't want to be a doomer, but come on. Men's RIGHTS? No such thing exists.

As they say in the black pill community, "it's over".

/r/mensrights tried to lick feminist's asses to try and beg for scraps. What did that get them? They actively are trying to subvert, or destroy, anything that might actually give a man even a semblance of autonomy.

You have no rights, you only have the ability to withdraw from the conflict you will never, ever, win. You have responsibilities at best. So your choice is, worship the pussy. That's it.

And what rights would you even "fight" for? Equality?! BUA ha ahahahaha. Name all those rights. Come on now. Women have privileges, you have responsibilities. That is it. It's over.

You must live in the US to think there's any chance of getting "rights".

You think making women eligible for a "draft" that will never happen is a "win"?

Come on now.

I'm seriously not trying to be a dick, but it'll be removed from reddit like any group even vaguely being about men. At all. Reddit hates you. Women hate you. It's over. Have you been paying attention? If you have dick, it's over. Stop worry about shit you'll never solve. Just walk away.

I'd recommend you go the MGTOW way, at this point, use the legal system when you need to, ignore most morality to support your goals, and just walk away from the whole bullshit.

Why MGTOW? Because women, who hate you by the way, are only affected when you don't marry, cohabitate, or give them money.

You will never, ever, impress a woman by fighting for "your" rights, whatever that means.

They simply do not care.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

Who knew that muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger would turn out to be the biggest pussy in the world, hiding behind a face diaper and crying like a baby about those who refuse to follow the hoax?

Who knew that Bruce Springsteen, hero of the blue collar workingman, would turn out to be a scum-sucking shill for the vaxx and a supporter of Hillary and Obama?

Who knew that Sean Penn, laughably lauded as the greatest actor of his generation, would whine like a little girl and run away from the set of his latest movie until everyone in the cast and crew was jabbed?

Who knew that Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner would turn out to be a crossdressing freak?

Who knew that Tom Cruise would turn out to be a pussified shill for the vaxx?

Who knew that Tom Brady would turn out to shill the stolen election and crack jokes about it?

At various times, these were the most desired men on the planet. Envied as perfect specimens of masculinity ... admired by millions. And they all turned out to be pussies.

It's said that crisis reveals character. You're sure seeing that right here.

And it's not just the people listed above. It's everyone in the public eye. Don't tell me about an actor or actress you admire or anyone in the public eye and claim, "They're different."

They're not different. They're all pussies and cowards.
If you're a young person reading this, don't look to sports stars, politicians, musicians, entertainers or actors as role models. Especially actors. I've met many of them. They're all gay. Even the ones you don't think are gay are gay.

Don't look to anyone outside of your father and a handful of Saints as role models for anything, and if your father wears a mask I wouldn't be so quick to idolize him either.

Jeanice Barcelo #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #racist davidicke.com

Over the past few decades, there has been a strong calling for the restoration of the Divine Feminine. The media, along with many liberal-minded folks, assert that we are living in a world full of male privilege, male dominance, and “toxic masculinity”. Therefore, we need to bring back the Divine Feminine in order to restore balance in our world
As a woman, I agree that feminine energy is needed to help heal our Earth. Indeed, I enthusiastically support the restoration of the Divine Feminine. However, I cannot help but notice that the push for women’s power and so-called “liberation” is being simultaneously broadcast with a vicious assault against men and masculinity (especially against white men and white masculinity). Concepts of “toxic masculinity”, “male privilege”, “white privilege”, and “white supremacism” abound. And recently, the senile, child groping, fake President of the United States asserted that “white supremacists” are the deadliest threat to us all.
Thanks to the overt mind control programming, male potency is at an all-time low. And this is why evil has been allowed to run amok in our world, despite millions of American men having arsenals in their homes, and some with years of military training behind them. 150 years ago, Tony Fauci and Bill Gates would have been hanging from lamp posts. Today, these murderous psychopaths are allowed to roam free. I believe this is happening because millions of men are stuck in a state of learned helplessness that is the result of media-induced hypnosis combined with the black magic and sadistic rituals of the medical establishment – all of which involve trauma-based mind control. Decades of culturally-induced and medically-induced trauma, fortified by the satanic programming of the media, has led to a plethora of men becoming lost to alcohol, drugs, video gaming, and/or pornography. Such men are not able to step into their power, and as a result, women are being forced to take on the male role.

Incelius Savage #pratt #sexist incels.is

FDS Whore Claims she's slept with over 100 Dudes in the Past 12 Years and is Proud of it, and goes on to say men should pay for everything

"dO yOu eXpEcT A mAn tO pAy FoR EvErYtHinG fOrEvEr": How Women Talk Themselves Out of Following FDS Standards By Creating Imaginary Problems.

What a fucking slut. She's fucked at least 4 or 5 dudes a year. No surprise though because this is what every average woman does if she hasn't settled with a rich guy. I will never pay for the whole date. The "Traditional Woman" no longer exist and women still shouldn't be receiving those privileges. Yet they wanna bitch and moan when they are being drafted and have to get harder jobs cuz they can no longer sit on their asses like all women have done since the dawn of time. I'm talking about the dumb fuck women out there who still don't wanna use their pussy to make money.

You'll never be able to find a virgin in this society unless she's never had phone and never had any male friends. Nearly all women have slept with dozens of men by the time they're 20 years old, and women only want to use you for your money and have you as a resource. True love and care no longer exists in this society unless you're chad, a millionaire, or a famous guy. Women are the most toxic beings ever and are not worth it, plus their pussy stinks like fish too. Don't ever spend money on a woman. Not even if it's for your dying mother or it's mother's day. Women can go die and stop whining about every fucking thing when they're practically all living a fantasy world and they know it, women are just obnoxious annoying fuckers.

Modern Male standards = don't be a whore, be feminine, don't backstab me or shit test me.

Modern female standards = Buy me everything, jump through hoops for me, entertain me 24/7, be yourself but also be whatever fantasy i have in my head, die for me, don't expect anything from me.

And they call us entitled...

Claire Khaw #fundie #sexist #psycho womenagainstfeminism.com

1.) The moment men say it is in order for their women to be fornicating sluts they will become lower than sluts.

2.) Men are lower than sluts if they dare not criticise them.

3.) We know who is in power by those whom we dare not criticise.

4.) Even the US President dares not criticise sluts and he is supposed to be the world’s most powerful man.

5.) The current US President dares not criticise sluts because he knows Slut Single Mothers (SSMs) mostly vote Democrat.

6.) The failure of the Republican candidate Mitt Romney to be elected US President was because female voters realised he was referring to them in his 47% comment.

7.) Mitt Romney either did not read or decided not to take on board the advice I gave him.

8.) The patriarchy runs on marriage the way cars run on petrol.

9.) Properly supporting marriage – not just paying lip service to it – means you have to forbid extramarital sex officially and unambiguously by say proposing that Slut Single Mothers be lashed 100 times per bastard. As stated in the Koran.

10.) Proposing to lash Slut Single Mothers 100 times per bastard would of course make the Slut Single Mothers and their running dogs (Morally Compromised Slut Fuckers which are explained on my blog) have fits of the vapours, and this is what Mike Buchanan, leader of the West’s only antifeminist party is not prepared to do, because he is only a beta male, easily frightened.

John-Henry Westen/Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #mammon lifesitenews.com

Many of you are probably wondering how a strong and traditional Catholic country such as Ireland could pass laws in support of abortion and so-called gay “marriage” in recent years.

In this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I speak with Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne, an Irish priest, who explains exactly the cause of the decline of Ireland. He also details the history of Christianity in Ireland, including the many persecutions the Irish people have faced for their faith in God and the Church.

Fr. Brendan points out that the main problems with Ireland were caused by a “tsunami of modernity” both in the Church and secular society. He says that the promotion of anti-life and anti-family policies have been largely “accelerated by the unfolding scandals in terms of the Church, emerging over a 25-year period.”

He also explained that today, for the most part, the faith of Irish Catholics is “very superficial,” even though for decades and even centuries, they made their mark as brave and heroic people in the Church.

Asking himself the question whether this “Old Ireland” could ever return in this day and age, Fr. Brendan answered, “Yes. Without a doubt, [because] the Faith is still here.” He further stated that it will be the small remnant that will maintain the Faith, and pass it on to subsequent generations.

Brendan Kilcoyne and Immaculata Productions are working hard in to preserve the great pearl that is our shared faith in Ireland, but they need your help to bring the truth to their countrymen. I strongly encourage you to make a secure donation right now by going to this LifeFunder page, and to pray for Fr. Kilcoyne and his mission.

Netzachcel #crackpot #sexist incels.is

What would foids do if monster girls suddenly arrive to our reality?

Idk lets say a portal pops out of nowhere and a shiton of different kinds of monster foids arrive to our reality each day, looking for any human male regardless physical appereance, wealth or status as long said males produce semen, how would SOYciety and foids react if monster girls were real?

This monster foids have human-like intellect but they still follow their instincts, For example a kikimora would only want to work as a housemaid and she wouldnt care about SOYciety hivemind rules, So most monster girls wont be able to be turned into feminists and chad only whores with a few exeptions like succubus sluts.

What would happen?

Andrew Anglin #sexist #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

The supposedly diabolical mission of the Taliban is to restore the basic order of nature in the lands of their race. That’s all. That is why it is so easy for them to take such huge swaths of territory so quickly – there is no resistance. The people are welcoming them back, after having long suffered confusion under the bizarre reign of the Americans, who attempted to fill their heads with gibberish democracy and human rights and liberate their daughters so they could send them on a destructive sex rampage against the country.

There is nothing monstrous about the Taliban. They are not a CIA-backed group like ISIS, so they are not drowning people in cages or engaging in cannibalism. If someone protests their reconquista, they are shot in the same way a garbage man would lift his hundredth load of trash of the day and throw it in the back of the truck.

In fact, the values of the Taliban are much closer to the values of the present-day American right than the values of the North Vietnamese were to the values of the 1960s left.

Jane Fonda went to Vietnam to support the North Vietnamese, despite the fact that they were as likely to gang-rape the bitch as they were to welcome her. The North Vietnamese did not fetishize negroes, nor were they going to legalize anal sex. Their primitive conception of communism amounted to “yankee go home.” Basically, the leftists who supported the North Vietnamese were pretty much just traitors and scoundrels, who claimed that the Viet Cong shared their values as an excuse to attack America.

The Taliban, on the other hand, actually is a group that I have no disagreement with. If there was a Taliban candidate running for office in my district in Ohio, I would vote for him without thinking twice. In fact, I would donate to his campaign and go out shilling his fliers.

Sure, they look weird. But underneath all of those rags, they stand for the same thing I stand for: the fact that God has ordained a hierarchy on earth, which manifests itself in the form of patriarchy.

Anons #racist #wingnut #sexist #psycho archive.4plebs.org

[on an old video of a woman being brutally beaten by the Taliban for fornication]

Imagine the fucking seethe once they take over Kabul, all the LGBT and feminist westrnizers are gonna get eaten like corn on the cob
If they didn’t fuck the little boys, I’d probably financially support the taliban
Thats a beating every white woman should endure for beeing a leftie whore
They stone for adultery. She is lashed for fornication. Same with men. […] Cheating women shouldnt live. The idea that people who practice adultery should live is why most men in the west are cucked by their dog and immigrants now.
>whipping an adulteress
>showing her mercy when it is equally proper for her to be stoned
>twitter thread is filled with seething feminists and poos
How can the Taliban be so based?
I sort of feel sorry for the natives that the us state department turned into tiktok trannies and other degenerate things. Their was some desert twink crying on onlyfans yesterday about their faimly being threatened. The gay shit is on the state departments bloody hands
You eurocucks underestimate the whoredom of women, which is incredible considering the degeneracy of current year.
In Saudi when women basically didn't leave their houses you'd hear stories of them trying to fuck deliverymen or their taxi drivers etc.
Female humans even have concealed ovulation, such is their instinct to cuck their provider.
That's why you need strong penalties for deterrence.

speculareffect #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut speculareffect.org

Islam gets it. They comprehend very well that women are dumb and destructive and make no accommodations for The Feminine.

My only problem with the Taliban is that instead of listening to AC/DC when they rape and pillage, they listen to weird stringed instruments and chants.

But I guess it’s the same energy. Make no doubt about it. Masculine Energy.
If what’s happened thus far is any indication, approximately 100% of those fighters will immediately surrender and join the Taliban.

The Pentagon is, for whatever reason acting confused. I have a hard time believing this situation actually confuses them, but maybe they’re even dumber than we thought. They could well be high on their own supply, having bought into the bizarre delusion that these cave people were actually digging the vibes of their anal-feminist agenda.

This is what trusting Israel had brought upon us.
It’s not clear if they are actually “surrendering” or just defecting.

It seems to me that they are likely defecting, but that the Pentagon and Jewish media would prefer to frame it as surrender.

It’s difficult to ever get to the truth these days, you know.

The Post is even suggesting that the US troops should stay there to protect the innocents. In other words White Knight the situation, further.

This is the same narrative that leftist papers like The Guardian are pushing.

“The US military is a force of good in the world and must fight to defend the sacred ritual of the vagina and the holy anal ramming.”

But why is no one in Afghanistan wearing a virus mask???
Run, swine!

You lost!

Afghanistan rejects your matriarchy and your anal poop-licking!

Get out!

And don’t come back!

SamaelET #sexist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Quotas for women in senior postion are good, until you get fined for having to much women.

In France you have several quotas in our political system. First, each party should at worst have a 60/40 split between men and women in Parliament. Same applies to city councils, departmental and regional elections where you elect lists.

This is about another quotas, the quotas in senior postion in city's administration. Same 60/40 rule apply but this time Paris got fined for having too much women in 2018. Obviously, the feminists working in Paris' administration are feel proud of it, so much for equality.

In 2019, they changed the law. Now as long as overall in the administration, independant of the positions, you have the 60/40 split, you will not get fined. Meaning they will be able to give all high positions to women, fill the lower positions with men while advertizing that "all their top positions are occupied by women"

Also look at the article, now that they are close to their goal, feminists begin to criticize quotas system! It will end up like in Sweden, where they ditched gender quota in higher education, because men now are minority.

I never knew about the law changing even though I live in France. Big media don't talk about this.

And the fact that this yeat they added even more quotas for women in high positions in private companies in France, I am really thinking of leaving for another country. I cannot put up with this shit anymore.

Leaves a bad taste in the mouth when you implement this system, tip the imbalance to your favour, then ditch it when your goal is accomplished. just proves my hypothesis to be correct. feminism is not about equality, it's about swapping which gender is at the benefit of an inequality. and of course, they never want the drawbacks of said inequality.

Just identify as a woman and get yourself one of those top tier jobs with no handicap.

We are still not at this level of wokeness. But soon you will be able to call me sister.

John Horvat II #wingnut #sexist #fundie returntoorder.org

In the name of equality, the exclusively male draft could soon be discarded. Imposing the draft upon all young American women is a logical consequence of a new “woke” armed forces oriented not for war but inclusion and diversity.
Thus, this expansion of the draft has nothing to do with winning on a physical battlefield. This metaphysical conflict is destroying institutions and certainties. For this reason, this fight is much more deadly than that of bullets and bombs. If a nation cannot agree on maintaining its institutions, then things will not function properly. If there is no agreement on certainties, everything explodes and polarizes.
There is one final reason why the left hates the exclusive male draft. It is a lingering affirmation of chivalry. It reminds the world that there once was a time when men freely sacrificed themselves for God, the nation and the defense of all.

Satanic Christ Porn-blasphemy at Walmart — Sign Petition

The left hates how fearless knights selflessly entered battle following a code of chivalry that bound them to protect the Church, the nation, family, the poor, and the weak. The archetypal figure of the medieval knight (and not its Renaissance distortion) was also a gentleman of manners and culture. He was above all a man of Faith, abnegation and religious devotion.

He put the interests of God and others above his own. For this reason, the knight is the stuff of legends that captured the imagination of the West and still endures today. However, even the slightest memory of the knight must be destroyed if a sterile egalitarian society without legends is to be forced upon America. Thus, the male draft cannot be tolerated in a woke and inclusive military that dares affirm anything traditional.

Wiki4Men #dunning-kruger #sexist wiki4men.com

A Gynowife refers to a woman who adheres to either the traditional gynocentric role (#Tradwife-2) and expects her husband to adhere to a gynocentric perspective, or alternatively to the modern feminist insistence that wives should dominate and set the tempo of all relationship matters and the men should simply fall into line instead of mansplaining etc. Whether of the traditionalist or feminist variety, the Gynowife implies a Gynohusband who sacrifices a significant amount of his own self-interest in service to his wife's interests, needs and comfort. By way of contrast, Tradhusbands and Modhusbands don’t defer to wives on all matters – they retain some agency in the service of their own welfare and interests.

Below are the four relationship models alluded to in Wright's introductory survey:


Wiki4Men #dunning-kruger #sexist wiki4men.com

A Traditional gynocentrist is a shorthand phrase for men or women displaying any of a wide range of traditional gynocentric attitudes and/or behaviours, and to those who advocate such behaviours. A famous example of this type is Phyllis Schlafly who shunned feminist gynocentrism in favour of the benefits of traditional gynocentrism. The phrase is sometimes referred to by alternative phrases such as Antifeminist gynocentrist, Gynocentric traditionalist, Nonfeminist gynocentrist, or simply Tradgyn, which is a portmanteau of traditionalist and gynocentrist.

Many tradgyns today will identify as anti-feminist. In many cases this should be considered an honest assessment.

Anti-feminism is split between tradgyns and those seeking a new path forward like MRAs. On learning of the men's rights movement many tradgyns are often initially supportive. Once they learn more about it and recognise that MRAs wholly reject gynocentrism many tradgyns become hostile to the movement.

MRAs often suggest that traditonal gynocentrists are telling men to go back to the plantation.

Tradgyns can be distinguished from a Non-gynocentric traditionalist who advocates non-gynocentric aspects of historical tradition.

Within the manosphere the phrase go back to the plantation is a metaphor that implies that shaming men in to traditional gynocentric behaviour is akin to forcing slaves back on to a plantation. Figures like Jordan Peterson, Christina Hoff Sommers & Camille Paglia often tell men to go back to the plantation while the men's rights movement proposes a new path forward.

shewolfoffrance #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Message from Central California Women’s Facility (via WoLF) — Male neo-Nazi gang members are now encouraging each other to transfer into women’s prisons by identifying as trans.

Can't wait to see what Antifa is going to do to protect women, many of whom are victims of racial prejudice in the justice system, from Nazis (literal Nazis, not moms who don't want men wagging their penises in front of children).

They are not going to do anything. They "defend" categories only if it' s trendy, it' s not trendy to defend women, but it is trendy to defend men who call themselves women, regardless of the reason why they do it.

Nazis "identifying" as women will be the poor victims of bigotry, even when they rape, kill and torture biological women in prisons.

I think it would go down much the same way as Chris Chan. Mainstream media outlets will ignore the story, TRAs will be up in arms about pronouns and ignore the female victim, and a few TRAs will try to claim the Nazi rapists "were never really trans."

They will call it a hoax and say it never happens and when confronted with evidence they will say “oh but it hasn’t happened a lot” and so forth and so on

They'll go full rape apologist too. They'll claim the sex was consensual and the woman was lying.

About 60% of the women's prison population in California are women of color. Black women in particular are severely overrepresented. You'd think there'd be some concern from the people who claim they believe black lives matter about subjecting black women who have likely already experienced a lot of injustice and abuse in their lives to violent white supremacist males. But you know there won't be.

It seems like a lot of Antifa kids are young, white, middle-class men larping as radicals. Young men picking fights and destroying property for fun is the oldest story in the book. The veneer of social consciousness is new, but I don't think it reflects any deeply held beliefs.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: White Woman in Viral Video Says She Had No Choice but to Call Police on Black Bird-Watcher

"Is this guy going to lure my dog over and try to hit him with his bike helmet?"

(San Francisco Cynic....)
Any New Yorker with a brain would recognize the danger inherent in contact in Central Park between a slim, White woman alone when approached by a single Black strange male who offers her dog a treat. How about PLAYING THE ODDS? Elementary statistics dictate she was ABSOLUTELY correct to be fearful. If it had been a single Asian man who approached her we get a completely different set of odds. She behaved the way any reasonable woman SHOULD behave. And now she's lost her job and become a pariah. The self-righteous blathering of the media is maddening.

Remember that he said "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it" while calling her dog over. Sounds like a thinly veiled threat to me no matter what his race.

But Amy Cooper then stands there with her dog in her arms while she calls 911 on her cell phone. She should have been running.

(J. R.)

They're STILL talking about this nonsense?!

Well, they ruined this woman's life. It could happen to any woman you know. Just out walking her dog. Here comes a black man giving her orders and then sticking a phone in her face to document her obedience and behavior. No matter what she does now, it will be spun as racist and her life is over.

"He is often in the Ramble and asks for dogs to be leashed to preserve the area's environment. He carries treats with him to get owners to leash their dogs because they don't want their dog eating treats from a stranger."

Battle of the victim-groups.
I can’t be bothered to care.

Anytime there is a dispute and the black person is portrayed as an innocent victim, you know the story is false.

The fact this minor story is national news just proves how unusual white-on-black attacks actually are.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: Women: We don’t wear makeup to impress men we wear it for ourselves! Study says otherwise

(The kissless)


Study here proves you are wearing makeup to impress men, compete with other women, and get dates/sex with men.

one of the reasons i hate women, chronic lack of responsibility, they are slimly cunti irresponsible herd children,
imagine putting on make up and complaining about responsibility

(Cope or die)
It is a tool to give them yet another advantage on the sexual market. Especially in this day and age foids will do anything to get as much advantage on the market so they can get chad. Think about it. Everything today is made to give foids the absolute advantage. Make up, plastic surgery, wigs and weave, social media, dating apps, welfare and entitlement programs, affirmative action, no slut-shaming, body "positivity", I can go on all day.

If it was allowed, all women would walk around completely naked in public as well. What better way to attract men than wearing the least amount of clothes possible? And we all know that no woman is ever satisfied with any man. He can be Christiano Ronaldo or Beckham in his prime. Or Dolph Lundgren in his prime.

The most water is wet study I’ve ever seen holy shit.

I’ve noticed that if something is really uncomfortable or grotesque wrongthink, then the standard of proof for it is set astronomically high. “Are you the world’s foremost authority on [insert uncomfortable subject] with multiple peer reviewed papers published, having used the entire world’s population as your sample size? No? Then you’re definitely, 100% wrong”. Religion tier bullshit. Everyone with a pulse knows that foids paint their faces in competition for chad’s attention.

Imagine how high the standard of proof is for proving that there are only 2 sexes.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail to enforce the law?

Our new rulers seem to be an alliance of fellow travelers representing radical sexual politics, hard-core feminism and race hucksterism, with Democrats at their back, Big Tech/media as their watchdogs and Antifa as their muscle.

What could possibly go wrong with a marriage like this?

When you strip away all the rhetoric, there’s one essential driver in the hearts of these subversives.

They hate God. They hate the followers of Jesus Christ, they hate Judeo -Christian Western civilization, and they will distort us, silence us and even come after us-- whatever it takes to eliminate our voice and influence.

And these mutineers are a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of children, based on their own words and actions, even as they endlessly virtue signal.
But where these child corrupters are successful, impressionable youth will absorb the most destructive messages justifying racist, anti-business, anti-police, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual street action.
If they were to be totally honest, here’s the real motive: “I hate heterosexuality, and male/female biology, because I hate my own parents, especially my father. I hate the innocence and purity of children and have an intense desire to sully them. I hate white people because I link them to Christianity. And I hate God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and I don’t want my sins saved. I love my sin and I will lie, cheat, distort and even commit violence to try to eliminate this voice from my world.”

This is what unchecked sin does to humans. We are all vulnerable. Our problem now is that we are, by government fiat, honoring proud sin and punishing virtue. This spells doom for America, unless we turn it around. But that must be done carefully, avoiding innocent casualties.

Iamnothere000 #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Discussion] Female Icons are almost always just overhyped pushovers.

Whenever someone makes the self-evident observation that women have historically played insignificant background roles, there is always an army of triggered foids and cucks who are ready to disprove this general truth with cherry-picked counterexamples.

Ignoring the fact that the very need to bring up rare counters to disprove a general statement contributes to the generality of said statement (exception that proves the rule) these counterexamples are used to “proof” that women are, and always were, as capable as men, if not more so.

One has to wonder how it could be that women have been practically enslaved in every culture of significance if they are supposedly as capable as men. Hint, they are not.

There are two examples that come up almost every time:

Ada Lovelace, the supposed first programmer ever and Jeanne d’Arc, the famous warrior saint.

To make it short, both of them are just blown-up to make modern women feel good about themselves.

Lovelace was not the first programmer. Her mentor, who developed the analytical engine obviously wrote programs for it long before Ada came along.

Jeanne d’Arc never wore a sword or armor and never fought and she never led an army. Those things were left to her simpish retinue and men of culture like Gilles de Rais.

Lesser known examples would be Sophie Scholl and Zoë Quinn. The former was a minor member of an anti-Nazi resistance group who joined later, but now here in Germany she is presented as the head and face of the resistance. Zoë Quinn, to name a modern example, was hailed as a “game developer” in mainstream media despite being nothing else but a talentless (attention) whore with nothing to show for it.

All those facts are known and easily accessible, and it is sure to say that these individuals, if they had been born as men, would be almost totally unknown by now.

Seriously, how pathetic must women be if our media need to create artificial icons to motivate them to do anything exceptional?

Various Commenters #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Male fragility means that a picture of a small sausage in a South Korean ad makes men there feel bad about the size of their genitals. So the answer is getting back at feminists by playing cancel culture towards the supposed companies they work for. (You can't make this shit up!)

I’ll be honest, most Korean men come off as seriously mentally ill. I’ve never met one that wasn’t constantly on the verge of losing his shit over a single comment. And so many of them fucking hate women, like I can’t even explain the number of Korean men that go out of their way to ruin their lives.

Males in Korea are generally insane. I hear about them doing stupid shit every other day.

And they have one of the tiniest average dick sizes in the world. They're defective in a number of ways.

Aww is an entire country of men having a testerical mantrum that's adorable!!! I love when men get angry it's so cute 😜 die mad scrotes the gravy train of compliant female servitude is OVER. 💖

No wonder South Korean women are going WGTOW in droves. What a bunch of whiny, dickless scrotes.

I watched a woman on youtube. She is from my culture and migrated to south korea and worked dubbing K-dramas ( which I don't watch) and I remember She ALWAYS evaded the questions about dating korean men and made this face of "concealed disgust" when asked about it. Now I think I'm starting to understand.

donniedarko #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

[From "[ER fuel] We need WW3. something really devastating so strong men can take back western society"]

Its no secret that western society (so far, its likely that other the rest of the world will be feminist soon as well) has been ruined by feminism and all sorts of degeneracy.

Men, especially straight white men are villified and get no respect. Everything is blamed on the "evil" patriachy. Lots of men are brainwashed into believe the whole women being oppressed narrative. I won't even get into the lgbt+ degenerate here.

People are ungrateful to men who build and made the US and in general the west so powerful.

And things will only get worse. We have had it too easy in the west so people in the past few decades (and now with social media it has only gotten worse) became focused on dumb shit like feminism.

We need real problems, maybe WW3 or something else that is devastating so people grow up and appreciate men again

Netzachcel #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel Being a cumskin in mexico = tutorial mode life.

I fucking hate and envy mexican cumskin so much, If you have the luck to be white in mexico you will live in tutorial mode and everyone will think you are a good person even if you are a piece of shit, Acquiring jobs as a cumskin in mexico is so stupidly easy, I never saw a cumskin with light eyes/hair working in a shitty store like OXXOs or working shitty jobs as taquero or cab driver, If you are a cumskin in mexico foids will want your dick right after you start producing semen or even before, Almost all cumskin in cartel-land are middle upper class or rich, They never struggle with studies cuz beaner SOYciety worship cumskin so much and is almost a sin for teachers to give them low grades, Mexican cumskins can easily live off youtube, become models or actors, I fucking hate beanerland cumskins so fucking much, Getting a visa as a cumskin here is easy AF even if they are not that rich unlike shitskins who have to be skilled workers or richfags with a house and a car, My cumskin chad cousin is two meters height and he will travel to japan fuck this world, I fucking hate mexico, country of conquered cumskin whorshipping goblin losers, Fuck everyhing

You learn a second language as a cumskin in mexico? = genious

You are a piece of shit bully cumskin in mexico? = Cool guy

Shitskin kicks your cumskin ass in mexico? = victim

Are there any anti white cartels?

cartels are run by cumskins

how many white people are there in mexico? 5%? there were prob more nobles in a medieval country than that so yeah just being really fucking lucky lol

cumskins are very common in mexico df, guadalajara and monterrey also jalisco, they are not that uncommon

Stop complaining

A majority of this forums userbase comes from shitty contries in Balkans,Middle East,Western Asia and Northern Africa - all of those parts are subhuman central

wish mexico gets fucked

Autism Supremacy. & schizocel222 #racist #sexist incels.is

(Autism Supremacy.)
a lot of dudes in most countries hate women, they just pretend to care about what they say and pretend they don't cuz they wanna sex them

south korea is a hyper feminist shithole so it makes sense

Thailand/Korea will soon see some bloodshed against Europeans from native incels, imagine being a Thai shitskin or a Korean starcraft addict who never had sex and whenever you go out in Bang(cock) or Seoul you can see some blond British guy who teaches English for a living with a harem or like 3 beautiful girls trying to get his attention so he will fuck them. It`s just a matter of time for a shooting considering they are a big population, or at least some revival of ethnic nationalism/tradcuckolds.

Korea is a feminist theocracy now, it`s over for them.

EAT TOMATO PASTE #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

if gender and sex were synonymous, there would be no males described as girly and no females described as manish. Everything a male did would be masculine, and everything a female did would be feminine.

fuck off autist no one gives a shit about what you have to say nigger, there is only male and female, a female that acts like a man is a tomboy, and a man that acts like a female is a faggot. its as simple as that

Seth #sexist archive.is

As a trans person myself, being a masculine guy was far more difficult than being a feminine girl (non-binary atm though). The biggest thing is that I was always made fun of for being suicidal in high school, even going so far as people saying 'Do you think he cuts himself, like actually? LOL', and my personal favourite 'He's going to die a lonely virgin.' Hell this even transferred into my adult life when I was kicked out of a house for being depressed.

However, the moment I come out as being trans, and feminine at that, people now actually seem to care about my issues.

Then there's the dating world, where men are infinitely more disadvantaged than women in modern society as women dictate how everything goes, Even if you are a confident alpha man you are still at the mercy of attractive women, as they have the privilege of being judgemental without any level of criticism being directed towards them. A man cannot make fun of ANY women or he is an incel misogynistic bigot virgin.

Men are just expected by a vast majority of society to bottle up their feelings. I'm apparently the only person in a lot of my male friends' lives that seems to give a shit as apparently no one else INCLUDING THEIR GIRLFRIENDS actually listens to them and feels for them, In fact, their girlfriends go so far as to either abuse them or just focus purely on their own mental health.

Oh. and who can forget the absolute joke that is sexual assault in males. NO one took me seriously, they just assumed I was either lying or being childish about the experience.

I've lived through men's suffrages as well as living through women's suffrages. and all I can say is that it just feels easier being female in western society, as people actually care about me and socially I can be taken seriously and not be labeled something derogatory.

Women definitely have their own issues that need to be addressed, but holy shit do men's issues get brushed under the rug.

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #racist #sexist rooshv.com

[From "From Degeneracy To Decadence"]

I ended my life of degeneracy when I turned to Lord Jesus Christ[…]I’ve made great strides away from a wretched existence, and am less degenerate than before, but I still find it hard to step away from degeneracy’s little brother—decadence
I define degeneracy as major sins that are a sign of a life lived far away from God[…]decadence is composed of smaller sins or worldly attachments that may be done by a struggling Christian. Here is a list of behaviors I’d define as degenerate:
Homosexuality — Sodomy is the champion of degeneracy
Masturbation — God did not design you to fellate yourself to Jewish-produced pornography
While my past sins were innumerable and multifarious, on this list I most committed fornication, masturbation, intoxication (mostly to enable fornication), and fame-seeking. When I wasn’t treating women as false gods to achieve sexual pleasure from their bodies, I treated myself as a god among men simply because I was so accomplished at worshipping promiscuous women
Some decadent behaviors I’ve identified in the wild:
Exquisite eating — I receive pleasure from the foods I make
Hot water — How can I not conclude that every time I turn on the hot water in the shower I am but a mere scrap of a man compared to my male ancestors
Optionality — To the decadent person, it’s important to have options, backup plans, and exit plans
Professional health care for pets — You want your pug to live forever and unto the ages of ages
On the list of decadency, I eat exquisitely, use climate control, shower in steaming hot water for prolonged periods, and pursue optionality. Do these habits completely block my salvation? I hope not

day5tar #sexist reddit.com

Differences of living as a woman vs man (in my experience)

So I’m a transgender man and there are a few things different about how I was treated when I identified as a woman compared to now as a man:

-when I’m expected to just deal with things. When I was a woman and needed help, people would offer it to me before I even got the chance to ask. Now I’m supposed to just be fine and deal with all my problems

-I get a lot less sympathy now

-I don’t get much attention. I thought I wouldn’t mind this because I don’t like people noticing me but it feels lonely like this.

-I hardly get compliments anymore

-people are hesitant to believe me when I say things

-people assume I’m a bad person now when I’m actually just minding my own business

-body shamed more as a man

-i experience more harassment as a man

-I’m a shy person but when I was a woman, people thought I was cute and mysterious. Now they just think I’m a weirdo and a creep.

-I experience more sexism now

-I feel a lot of pressure to have sex/always want sex

-I have worse mental health now, mostly to do with financial pressure and pressure to date which I didn’t feel when I was a woman

And I was a feminist before I identified as transgender. I stopped when I realised they don’t see me as a real man. They hate on cis men and act supportive towards trans men which is just harmful

can you tell me about the pressure to date as a man that isn't there as a woman?

Thank you for sharing your experiences they are eye opening, I wish you nothing but the best.

There is a bit of pressure on women. But I meant like how men are supposed to make the first move and I’m not very good at that.

It feels sometimes like some men are looked down on if they’ve never had a real girlfriend, the same way virgins are looked down on.

Bet the feminists will listen to an "oppressed" trans person.

Probably, which is pretty sad

Well they’ll listen more to trans men than cis men

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #ableist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Prussian Policies Towards Women"]

Prussia shall make no policy, law or procedure which views or treats “Women” in any way as a disadvantaged sex
Policies geared towards Women must ensure that Women receive balanced treatment in terms of how they are relegated to their duties and responsibilities as a Woman, in Service to her Father, Husband and the Vaterland
Women under the Reich are raised and educated in everyday life to appreciate, love, cherish and respect Men, and they come to learn that her own internal happiness comes from her eagerness to Please and Satisfy the Needs and Desires of the Man whom she will one day devote her life to
The German Race[…]is a higher race, intellectually and spiritually, where one can enjoy relations with the opposite sex on a greater realm than only primal or materialistic values
Women[…]are forbidden to heed the advice from her friends as “superior” to any advice or trust/faith she puts in her significance other or Husband
Women cannot use their bodies, beauty or charm and manipulations to get their way through life[…]Such Women who attempt such behavior will be sought out for punishment
Activities like “flirting just because one can” or “flirting to test the market” or “flirting just for fun” needs to be behavior (from both genders) that is considered intolerable and shameful
The State does not take a personal interest in the treatment or discipline a Man may use towards his spouse
Rhesus Negative blood type is automatic grounds for Abortion[…](even if it against the will of the Mother or Father)[…]If someone has Rh- Blood, this means that they are Jewish
Distinct Labor Positions for Women will be made available
It has been scientifically proven that once a Woman has given herself unto a Man, she will never be able to properly pair-bond with a New Man

PPEcel #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] "Foid worship" avatars should either be allowed or entirely banned.

I've never understood why avatars of scantily glad anime foids aren't considered "foid worship" when avatars of actual foids are.

One might argue that by adopting a foid's image as a profile picture, I would be pedestalizing that particular foid. However, it is my understanding that the "foid worship" rule also applies to a photorealistic or digitally manipulated image. In essence, I would violate forum rules by adopting an avatar of a foid that doesn't necessarily exist, if it is indistinguishable from an actual foid.

This leads me to surmise that the original intent of the "foid worship" rule is not to deter the worship of any one particular foid, but to deter the worship of the visual aspects of femininity in general.

In that case, I see no reason to allow avatars of so-called "2D foids", which depict and in some cases exaggerate the physical traits of conventionally attractive femoids.

I just find the rule rather inconsistent.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: It's official: Not enough sex can kill you. HAVING too little sex increases the risk of a heart attack scientist say.

IT will play mental gymnastics and say that although they’re virgins, they’re still alive because their personalities are better.

healthcare is a human right

distribute the government mandated gfs

It probably stacks historically with their good experiences we will never have. So not only do they feel good for being validated in the moment, they also have so many good memories of themselves being validated for existing. I wonder how that really feels like.. must be nice.

I fucking despise this shitball. It feels like hell is burning at all times around me. This conclusion is not far from the truth.

This perfectly describes our plight. That we get excluded from this because of the way we were born. Of course we have every right to hate the unjust system. But there are some people on this very forum who would rather blame our genetics (something we had literally no say in) instead of the system which fucked us over

Then they have murdered as many men, than all men that have died in wars

Legalize, subsidize and encourage prostitution (without condom required) or make women sex-slaves is the solution.

William S. “Billyboy” Lind #wingnut #crackpot #sexist traditionalright.com

Then, beginning in the 1960s, women in increasing numbers decided they wanted the life of a man. This was feminism, an absurd notion that men and women were interchangeable. From being helpmeets, women became men’s competitors. Men found themselves working for women, taking orders from women (in the military!), and being accused by any woman they displeased of “sexual harassment”. Worse, as women attempted to become men, women’s duties went undone. Children were raised (badly) in daycare instead of in a home, meals went uncooked, houses unkept, clothes unwashed. No-fault divorce turned marriage from a mutual benefit to a scheme for stripping a man of half his assets. In movies and on television, petite, lovely women were regularly beating up big men.
It was all flight from reality, and, for women, a journey to extinction. As sex selection became the norm, people, including many women, selected more and more males. […]
The feminists howled, of course, but they could not stop a train they had set in motion. Bots replaced them not just for sex but for all the work women would no longer do. Once again, men came home to clean houses, great meals, ironed shirts, and well-mannered sons. What men had traditionally regarded as “girls’ stuff” was now “bots’ stuff”, at a lower price and with no headaches.
And so, like the Cheshire Cat, women slowly disappeared, leaving only the grin on the face of a bot. The last woman’s passing was certain to come (her name seems to have been Mabel, but everyone called her ByEve). It’s a man’s world now, where the fountains run with beer, endless free pizza is a birthright, and you can pee anywhere. Do we miss them? Nah.

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