
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #sexist henrymakow.com

This isn't about storing silver coins or canned food or getting an AK-47.

It's about saving your soul, not your skin. It's about the tendency to obsess on the New World Odor, get depressed and become unbearable.

The situation is depressing. A satanic cult controls the credit of the world and rules through myriad proxies. It is determined to destroy civilization and institute an Orwellian police state.

You try to squeeze your sustenance from the world. But much of what you imbibe is poisonous: depravity, corruption, duplicity and tragedy.

Mankind is in the grip of a diabolical force that constantly strives to legitimize itself through deception. You can't overcome this demon. But you still control your personal life. Ultimately, the battle is for the soul of humanity. Why not begin by defending your own soul?.
The occult elite controls us with sex and money- the North-South of the mind. The courtship stage is a period when sexual feelings are strong so two people will bond and start a family. Sex/romance were not meant to become a lifelong preoccupation and panacea.

The same is true of money. The stock market is a giant casino addicting millions. The central banking cult has unlimited funds. To make us feel good, (while it trashes civil rights and wages senseless war) it makes the market go up. To fleece us, it crashes the market. Don't be their puppet.

The diabolical powers have been here for a long time. You have discovered their existence only because they signaled their endgame on Sept. 11.

Don't let them stunt or degrade you by obsessing on their iniquity. Restore balance by attuning yourself to the things you love. Be an outpost of happiness.

BummerDrummer #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

Stop stuffing your face with shit pig. A females entire point of existence is for mating and sex/sexual appeal and when you stuff a 6 pound cake down your throat you destroy those. You fuck up your biological purpose when you eat so god damn much. They're always ALWAYS giga trashy.

With guys I get it. Stressful jobs and stressful lives for jew world order society that makes you a slave. I get it. I MORE than get it. I think if you're immobilized by obesity (like 600 pounds) then there's a problem, but if you're overweight I get it. With women I don't. There is no depression for women. There's sure as fuck depression and stress problems for most men but there's no depression or stress from women. There's nothing to even remotely to sympathize with when women bloat up to the size and weight of a literal dumptruck.

Fearofeight #sexist #psycho incels.is

Imagine I own a fleshlight, I coom into it a couple times a week, and then every friday I would take it to the club and pass it around for people to coom on it.

I never clean it with soap, maybe rinse it with water every now and then.

Then I offer you the fleshlight for $35k (average wedding cost in USA), also even after you buy it you can’t stop me from taking it out clubs every weekend or taking it home with me whenever I want, otherwise you’re toxic and controlling. You just have to trust.

Another condition is that you regularly go down on and lick the fleshlight.

If you break any of the conditions I take the fleshlight away, half your house, cars and money, also you will owe me a third of your paycheck for the next 18 years.

Seem like a good deal?

Incel Science Award

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #quack #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] if you have a daughter, you aren't a real man (100% male). you're 1% female.

the fact that your daughter was a fetus inside your mother, which is because she was originally a sperm in your testicles, means there was a foid in your testicles, therefore not all of your body was male because there was a part of your body that was female. now before you think this means mothers with sons aren't 100% male, that argument doesn't work and its different because the male fetus was originally a sperm in the dad's balls and therefore came from the dad's balls originally NOT the mom's womb, thus it was part of the dad's body NOT the mom's body. therefore, if you have a daughter, you aren't 100% male. you're 99.9% male and 1% female. Real men can only have sons. and it's also cucked to have a daughter because you raise her for 18 years to become a slut who has sex with dozens of chads but that's just water is wet the sky is blue grass is green.

”BRB forcibly removing my X chromosomes from my body.”

The other prevailing theory is that the foid's egg selectively bars X or Y from entering it through the walls, depending on her own femininity/masculinity. But since slightly more males are born than females, even Y chromosome sperm seem to be physically faster and more powerful than X chromosome sperm, mirroring what we see IRL in terms of physicality. Given that, it seems that a more testosteroned or hypermasculine male will produce, if not more Y chromosome sperm, at least Y chromosome sperm with greater mobility and physical strength

this doesn't surprise me. why would hypermasculine men have daughters?

Aedracel #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Go to r/virgin If you wish to lose your faith in the men gender

I can't think of anything more depressing than a virgin man who prefers respecting the people that decided to kick him down and kick him down even more when he was already down.

One of my worst experiences

Look at this thread, so much coping in the comments ''Not all girls are like that bro!'' And the OP even replies with ''Yeah I've met many nicer girls since then too'' Nigga if you met nice girls like you said why are you still a virgin despite trying? Why the hell didn't any of those ''nice girls'' you've met agreed to be in a relationship with you? There is nothing more pathetic than a man that does not hate the ones that torture him, there is nothing more pathetic than a man who likes this hookup culture, despite the fact that THE WOMEN OF THIS SAME CULTURE DECIDED THAT YOU SHOULD REMAIN A VIRGIN, MADE FUN OF YOU, AND CHOSE TO HOOK UP WITH THE SAME ASSHOLE CHAD WHO BULLIED YOU IN SCHOOL.

How the hell people expect you to not be needy/desperate?

Look at this thread, they are so close to the truth, they are speaking facts here but when it actually comes down to saying the important thing, they are all like ; ''I don't hate women, it's not their fault I'm a virgin.'' Says he, the virgin who is in his 20's and the man who got bullied by all the chads and normies in his school, the same man who gets made fun of by all the girls in school, yet still not hateful, not mad, almost like a Stockholm syndrome.

As a virgin guy where to find virgin girls ? It's a must for me at least

Look at this shit, all the people in the comments telling him that this guy is ''insecure'' just because he wants a virgin girl, nigga he's a virgin, why would he NOT want a virgin girl? What's wrong with that?!

Various Commenters #sexist reddit.com

RE: Women are unhappier in regions where there exists a greater number of females relative to males, while men are unaffected by the sex ratio


So, less CHAD, a lot higher competition for existing CHAD Incels are not affected since they don't get women either way

Incels never play into the mix because they're outliers. A more likely interpretation is competition is innate to male mating and so the increase or decrease of competitive position doesn't change things besides increase the SMV of obtainable mates. Where as women see a decrease in SMV they can obtain and must compete for very high value mates.

Women hate competition, and they are always in competition with each other. My gf's female manager refuses to hire any pretty women, she sees them as a threat, she's in her mid 50s.

Explains immigrant theory, which raises their own smv


I think it depends on the type of women. I.e. I'm a female, I grew up in a city with more female than males, I just thought I was unattractive n didn't think too much about other factors. Then I moved to a city with way more males than females, it inflated my ego but also was overwhelming because I don't know how to handle the attention. Also not all attention is good. I never have thought of competition.

You will be stuck in that city forever. If you head out your SO will suddenly be reminded about his options and things will get whack. Then again if the ratio becomes too unbalanced, men leave en made or start importing wivestock, then leaving.

MieSelph #sexist reddit.com

RE: Objectively measured intelligence failed to make individuals more attractive to the opposite sex.


”there are plenty of smart women or women who like to learn things.”

Indeed there are, and like I said, those smart women I dated sour up in the face when you try to analyze things with any depth of formal logic or critical thinking or when you press for citations from credible sources etc., etc., anything too long to be fit into a tweet or meme. Even smart people can be lazy.

But more to the point here- this thread isn’t about how smart the women are, idiot. Had you been smart enough to actually read anything here you would have realized this thread is about how their claims to find intelligence sexually attractive is bullshit and does not correlate with their actions. No matter how smart they might be, they still want tall, dark, handsome, big dick, and ambitious. Intelligence is just an inconsequential cherry on top, same as these bitches who claim to be attracted to men who “can make me laugh.” It’s not what actually gets them wet, it’s just a cherry on top so they can flex socially about how their man has qualities x, y, AND z.

These are facts of reality that you are entirely incapable of challenging in any way whatsoever. You will not deny it. I have spoken. That settles the matter and closes the discussion. You will now concede your defeat through silence as you are hereby tossed into the waste basket like the garbage you are. That is all.

Various Commenters #sexist #racist reddit.com

RE: "Asian males and black females are more highly excluded than their opposite-sex counterparts, suggesting that existing theories of race relations need to be expanded to account for gendered racial acceptance."


Unnacounted for dynamic : Masculinity and feminity

Asian males (more feminine), low masculinity, black female more masculine (less feminine).

Asian females opposite, black men opposite.

Also black women are less likely to date out because they see non-black men as less masculine.

The least masculine men and the least feminine women have the hardest time dating? I'm shocked.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Center Right Is Worthless"]

Why should anyone support conservative liberalism?[…]
In spite of the mainstream Right, which upholds consensus antiracism in our culture, I have developed a positive sense of White racial identity.[…]
Of what value is the mainstream Right on sex?

What is the GOP going to do about young women who are out of control and older women who have become cat ladies and gone crazy? To ask the question is to answer it.[…]
The Supreme Court with Neil Gorsuch on the bench read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 this summer. Conservative liberalism couldn’t conserve the definition of marriage under Obama.[…]Insofar as we are up against the forces of sexual anarchy and gender fluidity in popular culture, we are on our own.
The GOP’s biggest accomplishment in this department is dumping the Mississippi State Flag and presiding over the destruction of hundreds of our monuments.[…]
Obviously, the GOP under Trump isn’t of any value to us in this area. Sheldon Adelson hit the jackpot when Trump got elected in 2016.[…]
Several generations ago, the GOP surrendered the public school system to blacks and progressive pedagogues, which is why I have to scrape up money from you to pay for my own son’s private school tuition. Now, the GOP is running on school choice so that the black kids in the “failing schools” can transfer to the private schools we pay for in addition to the public schools.[…]
Yeah, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to restore “law and order,” but he spent his first term boasting about all the black felons he let out of prison with criminal justice reform and allowing Antifa and BLM to do whatever they wanted and burn down the country.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

We are seeing anarchy across the country. This is the consequence of a nation which has abandoned God. They who refuse to be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.
Isaiah 3:12, "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." All across the country women are sinfully being promoted as cops, judges, military leaders, legislators and leaders, showing the weakness in men today to lead our society. The Holy Bible teaches that women should get married, bear children, guide the house, and stay out of trouble (1st Timothy 5:14-15).

Call me “old-fashioned” (and I am without apology), but the Bible says women belong in the home—not the battlefield, not the workplace, not the office, not in squad cars, not the church secretary, not in judge's seats—but in the kitchen and home. The erroneous idea of “equal rights” has absolutely destroyed our society. The faulty concept of equal rights that places women in men's jobs is INSANITY! Our country has already gone to ruin, we are just sinking further into the trash bin. Pastors don't preach anymore. Fathers don't lead their homes, and the courts empower women to rebel at home, divorce, murder their children in the womb, with no accountability whatsoever. It should not come as a surprise that I said earlier, Satanists control our nation, because the inspired Holy Bible itself teaches that Satan is “the god of this world” (2nd Corinthians 4:4).

SkramzHandz #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Gigastacey thinks she is more than a pretty face

We've got the power♥️

Stumbled onto this foid earlier today. Listening to her talk is mind numbing and you probably won't last long. Full of pseduo intellectual bullshit, new age self help guru style ranting, and an elevated sense of self. She talks about her being here for a reason as if that reason is not to just to be fuckable. In another video she talks about how whenever she walks in a room people are receptive to her because she gives off good vibrations. VIBRATIONS? People, probably men, are nice to you because they want to nut on your face.

This isn't an isolated viewpoint either. I hear it from chads, tyrones, etc. Attractive person talks about everything but the fact that they are perfect in looks, to downplay its value. It's always these gigas that love to talk in this existential I'm so above it man way. You're aren't above it. You ARE it. You're the game. You represent the summation of the most important thing a human is judged by. Looks. If you didn't have that, you wouldn't be on YouTube making self help videos LITERALLY HUGGING YOURSELF.

Biblical Gender Roles #psycho #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

The court was simply taking away a primary means of him enforcing that subjection, his ability to use corporal chastisement on his wife. And by reducing the ability of husbands to enforce their rule over their wives, women were given more power.

In other words, taking away a husband’s right to use corporal discipline upon his wife was one of the first steps in dismantling patriarchy.

The court falsely equated a man using moderate correction with a rod to him having a right “to pull her hair, choke her, spit in her face or kick her about the floor”. This is what leftists do, they use extremes and abuses of authority, or this case chastisement, to get rid of all chastisement and in essence to get rid of an authority’s ability to chastise.

While Tennessee was the first state to outlaw “wife beating” in 1850, the vast majority of states did not do so until after this ruling in the 1870s.

But even though the courts and state legislatures had invaded the domestic forum by the late 19th century, local law enforcement officials rarely enforced these laws. In other words, most local police did not feel right about invading the domestic forum even though state laws and court decisions would allow it.

It would not be until more than a century after the first laws denying husbands’ rights to use corporal punishment on their wives, that a new “Domestic Violence” movement would arise in the early 1970s. It was then that new domestic violence laws were passed and edicts came down from state and local governments forcing police to invade the domestic forum.

Biblical Gender Roles #conspiracy #elitist #psycho #racist #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

When God created mankind, he ordained three core social classes and those were men, women and children. After sin entered the world, he allowed for a fourth social class of slaves (both male and female) because of poverty and war.

Humanists rejected these four social class structures and instead sought to bring about a new model of society that had only two social classes which we know today as “adults” and “children”. The abolitionist humanists first targeted the slave class for elimination. Then some female abolitionists broke off and organized the first womens rights conference in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York.

When they talked about “humanizing” people, they were talking about making women and slaves equal with free men. In other words, they were seeking to eliminate the social classes of men, women and slaves and replace those classes with one new social class, that of a “human” or “adult” while leaving the child class intact.

This is why today if any adult is seen has having less rights than another adult, it is said that the person with less rights is being “dehumanized”.

The ultimate goal of humanists of the late 19th century was to build an “internationalist” or what we call today “globalist” society. No men, no women, no slaves, no rich, no poor, no Christians, no Muslims, no Jews, no Americans, no Mexicans, no British.

Just humans.

And it is this march toward a one world society with no nations, no religions, no genders, no rich and no poor that humanists refer to as “progress”. And this is why leftists today refer to themselves as “progressives”.

Humanists knew that their master plan would take decades and perhaps more than a century to bring about. And they knew they had to do it in small incremental pieces. This is why if you notice in this ruling, the court still acknowledged that a wife had a duty to be in subjection to her husband. It would have been too much for American society to accept all at once that a husband could not use corporal punishment on his wife and that a wife did not have a duty to obey her husband.

FastBananaCEO #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] The fact that normies have made the main thing about incels be that we hate women just proves that we live in a gynocentric society


Just ignore the fact that people are being bullied and treated like shit for being ugly - women are always the victims.

Just ignore the fact that there are people are living their entire life in crippling isolation - women are always the victims.

Just ignore the fact that we are depressed and suicidal and lonely and will live our entire lives having never been in a relationship or having the choice to have children - women are always the victims.

We aren't people for them, our lives don't matter. We are worthy of being considered humans only if we become taxpayer slaves and even there we lose it if we dare to ask for basic human rights

There's no winning with normies, they are the enemies and must be defeated

FallenPrime #sexist #crackpot #ableist #racist incels.is

Whenever I hear or see people telling some ugly or short male to "get a better personality" and stop complaining, my blood boils like lava.

Ask yourself bluepillers.
1. Did he choose to be ugly?
2. Did he choose to be short?
3. Did he choose to be ethnic?
4. Did he choose to be having a small penis?
5. Did he choose to be having mental illnesses?

So, NO. He didn't sign up to ne any of that, in fact none of us are signed up to be, yet life is unfair and I got a combination of being a chink with a lower third of a frontal crash not to mention a bunch of mental illnesses (I am autistic). Not to mention many males got the worse end of the genetic stick.

If it was up to a guy criticizing a female being any of the above, he would have been doxxed to oblivion. In opposite a female can be obese and having many guys (including Chads) simping for her.

Seriously fuck being an ugly abomination with a lower third of a frontal crash. I didn't sign up to have a recessed chin plus crooked teeth. I didn't sign up to be an autist as well as not being tall. Don't get me started with my 4 inch erect dick. I am being a law-abiding citizen yet people hated me more than a literal criminal?!

Tl;dr people just can't stand an ugly male existing

Various Commenters #conspiracy #moonbat #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: North Korean defector fraud Yeonmi Park who talks shit about her country in exchange for cash is ofc in a WMAF relationship

Wtf. She must have watched Dumb and Dumber as her only Western movie growing up, and thought that was the ideal standard of western male attractiveness. C section plus autistic low status unattractive balding white husband = fucked kids

Yeah, check this photo too. A supposed 'hero' who ends up with some dweeby white guy that most likely jerks off to hentai. I mean, maybe she could have had a good message...but when she ends up with some typical low-quality white guy? All credibility goes right out the window...

honestly....i don't believe in these stories anymore. I feel like this is just more US propaganda to get the "people's" approval to attack/go to war with NK. There are books that are banned in the US that teach people how to overthrow gov'ts and countries and the US is basically using those tactics to overthrow other countries/govts. Basically you paint yourself as the "hero of justice" trying to "save" something and most of the time you can sway the hearts of the people in your direction. I mean it goes a lot deeper than that, but you know...for simplicity's sake.

Yeah, the rapey part about all of this is that white society accepts the white savior narrative with NK, in stark contrast to the cynical defiant hippy attitude they displayed with Iraq and Syria.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

We've lost our respect nowadays for the sacredness of human life. We've got wackos from PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) elevating animals to the status of humans. We've got ungodly judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, who rule that a fetus is not a human being, yet a man who murders a pregnant mother is charged with two murders!

Ethics is simply doing the right thing. People rarely do the right thing anymore. Everywhere we turn nowadays we see cold-hearted people, who are angry at life and the world. Road rage is common. Fornication and bastard children are the norm. Adultery is everywhere. I see pretty women covered in ugly dark green tattoo ink, marring the natural beauty that God gave them. We've got grandmothers wearing today's these days! Men are going their own way (MGTOW), because the benefits-to-risk-ratio is no longer worth getting married.

In this untoward generation we hear worldly terms in Hollywood; such as, “sexual market value,” and on Walt Disney of teen boys sexually “scoring” with the girls! But the Holy Bible has been removed and banned from children's daily lives at school since 1963. Can we really ask why young people are rioting, burning cities down, pulling down historic statues, destroying the property of innocent people, and have no respect for authority? It was Russian communist dictator, Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) who said: “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.” That us so true! I am ashamed of how the United States has been abusing President Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is the duly elected leader of our country! The hateful anarchy, threats of violence, and expressions of contempt are ungodly. For Democrats to stoop low and attack our nation's elected President is anarchy. God is eventually going to give Americans the demonic leader they deserve—the Man of Sin, the Antichrist!!!

“If scientists found a single living cell on Mars abortionists would say, ‘Look, there’s life on other planets!’ But you have a multi-cell baby living inside the mother's womb and they say, ‘No life there!'”

Various Incels #sexist reddit.com

RE: chadfishing is the ultimate blackpill, i feel like the abyss gazed into me.


r/chadfishing was going to Blackpill the masses before reddit shut it down for reasons

Literally how civilization was built. Non chad men worked and built civilization in exchange for wives. No wonder the governments want to hide the blackpill from the masses, it would fuck up society as the providers/CUCKS would wake up - thus, nobody would be raising children in an optimal way to become stable individuals.


When you realize that alternate parallel realities are real and Chad inhabits that reality. It's over for Quantumcels.

It’s a sexual playground you will NEVER be allowed near, let alone in. And it’s so commonplace for Chad. It becomes just another boring activity for Chad, like breathing or eating.

Seeing realty is beautiful. After Chadfishing, I found it great that I finally knew the truth about life and saw it with my eyes. I could finally relax, so to speak, and accept that it really was just (almost completely) all about looks.

When you chadfish dozen and dozen of girls chat up with you first. It's fucking brutal when you believed since birth that it was the man to go up and ask out a woman. Also the way you can just casually interact with them without any consequences.

Lol. Society sold us so many lies that I almost forgot about this one. When you’re good looking, women flirt with YOU. I remember when I moved in for college freshman year, and 1 or 2 guys in the dorm literally had women trying to meet them and make physical contact with them.

anon1822 #sexist incels.is

Women are so good at manipulation most people can't even imagine it.

Even those that are blackpilled don't fully realize how manipulative women are. It's natural for them, it's something they do every second of every day. Every tiny movement of theirs is calculated and is used to manipulate. They've been training in it since they are kids.

Every word, every look, every expression, every movement. All part of a bigger picture, always thinking about how to manipulate to reach their goals.

P.S: On a sidenote, but still quite related. Read this shit. All this "accidental" shit is just ways for them to create orbiters. One tiny gesture and the moron can't get her out of his head for months. To influence the male's perception of them. Not only to have them as potential boyfriends/for monkeybranching, but also just to have simps and people helping them and doing everything for them. One tiny movement, one minute of effort, and she won a simp that will do anything she asks of him for life.

What did your friend do that accidentally turned you on?

Notice how the men there are completely changed by a subtle tiny compliment, a vaguely erotic thing or a girl grabbing their arm?

Men are so sex starved that the tiniest of gesture or word can be turned into an incredible memory that they'll cherish for years

Meanwhile the foids can't remember the names of the chads they've fucked

The world is really weird. Never really imagined it would turn out like this when I was younger. Things are really dire but it looks like the world will just stay more or less the same.

Personalityinkwell #sexist incels.is

[Experiment] Would you rather marry a 31 year old with a good career or a 13 year old virgin?

Who would you prefer as a wife?
31 year old roastie Votes: 10 12.2%
13 year old virgin Votes: 72 87.8%

Let's assume you live in a country where it's legal. The 31 year old went to college and studied hard, both in school and in the bedroom, she really knows how to take dick. "She's experienced. :soy: " On the other hand you can choose the reverse number, a 13 year old. She isn't educated and is a virgin.

I would put both of them in an industrial blender and turn them into (31+13)/2 = 22 year old goo and then I'd roll in the goo and rub my dick with it.


Depends on how the 13 year old acts tbh if she is mature for her age, then sure. But if she acts like a fucking annoying 13 year old girl, then hell no the 31 year old is good too, if she's attractive

cucked as fuck. what about your kids? they're much more likely to have birth defects

But obviously I'm not marrying a 13 year old child. I'm not marrying anyone. But least of all a child.

why not? in the past marrying a young girl was very common. you also have the option of waiting to have sex such as say, age 16, when she finishes puberty

not really, pedo would be 10 and under. pretty much every girl has hit puberty by 12. i remember a decent amount of chicks getting pregnant in middle school. mary the mother of jesus had him at 14 iirc.

why ask? you already know what everyone is gonna pick...its not even a diffuclt question

not everyone is gonna pick the same thing. i wanna figure out who the cucks are

Indiancel #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Imo Sri Lanka and Belarus are the best places for location maxing

According to the stats men there are ugly af,abusive and die early and about 60% of the population is under poverty.Feminism virus hasn’t spread yet.Women are more family oriented and are virgins.As long as you aren’t a dipshit Locationmaxxing there seems legit.Slav women are hot af while Sri Lankan women are cute.

I even talked to a guy on reddit and he confirmed all my presumptions.All of his cousins were incelish looking and were married to gl women and none of them made for good husbands yet the women stayed with them out of despair and these were his exact words

“All u need is a decent income and unironically a good personality. Yes,personality matters a lot.Men here are spoilt for choice and make bad husbands tbh.Most of them are abusive,adulterous and treat their wives like crap,thousands of young women are desperately trying to find a good man to marry,so if you treat her right she will definitely return the favour.Some of you might call it betabux but it isn’t as bad as u might think.In sri Lankan culture it’s the women’s duty to satisfy her husbands in bed.So marriages won’t end in deadbedrooms for sure”

Sounds like a paradise tbh but keep in mind all of this is coming from redpilled sources.So,is this life fuel or am I coping hard?

mainlander #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Women are not equal to men. Period. They are not equal to us neither physically nor mentally.

This feminist "equality" is maintained by severe government/cuck intervention.

When you rape a woman, it's a man/men who's going to arrest/kill/lynch you.
When you beat up a woman, it's a man/men who's going to arrest/kill/lynch you.
When you harass a woman, it's a man/men who's going to arrest/kill/lynch you.

When push comes to shove, it's always men who have to step in and get shit done.

Also, governments are always forcing women quotas on jobs, forcing businesses to pay maternity leave and shit like that. Without all that GOVERNMENT intervention women would be out-competed by men 100% of the time, any entrepreneur with two neurons would avoid hiring women for serious positions.

Feminist equality= government, mostly men, enforcing unfair advantages to females.

And obviously, the government doesn't interfere when it's men that have the lower hand, like in the sexual marketplace. Thus, inceldom

neimengu #racist #sexist reddit.com

(NOTE: OP deleted his original post, but you can guess the content of it from what he says in the comments. I’ll drop a summary of the deleted post in this post’s comment section, just in case anyone’s interested.)

Any interest in an erotica with Asian domination over US and Europe?

Don’t overlook the fact that a lot of these pinkie bitches can be MORE racist than their male counterparts, but I like the plot of pinkie bitches leaving pink boys for golden cock regardless. What I would add to this, is not only pink males should be subjugated to cuckery but their females as well.

Yeah, I get you. But my view is that these bitches are just that, bitches. They’ll wag their tails to their new masters as soon as they are subjugated. But yeah, I do plan to have them subservient to Asians, doing all the menial work if they’re not hot enough for Asian men to take notice of them.

Sounds pretty based, would read. Make sure you portray the pink "males" realistically, i.e. racist, narcissistic, insecure, etc. it would be better and shocking if these Chinese students towered over her like Yao Ming

Suggestion for a sub-theme that might be interesting: After the alliance colonizes the west coast of the US, they begin the process of 'reversed' manifest destiny. Forming an allegiance with their genetic offshoots, the Native American tribes, and conquering eastward.

oh and i forgot to mention that European women are also smarter and are all already flocking to China to throw themselves at their new glorious global hegemons.

RemoveNormalfags #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] The person you're considering as your "female looksmatch" is most likely not your looksmatch

You maybe have one specific female in mind, which you consider as your looksmatch.
Or you sometimes see a female and think "hmm, she kinda looks like me (just with XX-chromosomes)".

No. She is most likely not your looksmatch. She is uglier than you.
You're asking why? Simple answer. Do you wear makeup? Probably not, because you'll get labeled as a faggot by most members of society (including females).
Men aren't allowed to cheat, meanwhile women are.
Females boost up their x/10 rating easily by one or two points just through the use of makeup.
You usually don't see them without makeup, because they are trying to hide their true looks.

Makeup fucked up the whole sexual market even more. It should be banned.

So what does this mean?
Your looksmatch is probably playing in higher leagues than you ever thought.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

[JFL] More subatomic IQ from IT

I think I actually know an incel irl.

>my ex was an incel


They just can't grasp the fact that there are guys far more misogynistic than us who are not incel and in fact have no problem getting relationships.

So they dedicate their lives to "watchdogging" us yet don't actually even know what an incel is

What a dumbfuck, incels aren't married, idiot. Hope you try to "help" him and he breaks your teeth you soy cuck faggot.

They use "incel" as a term that means "misogynistic" or some shit like that. They're so low IQ that they can't even diferentiate between being an involuntary celibate and a misogynistic man.

(Copexodius Maximus)
So conservative now means incel to normies? I can't cope anymore, they are literally trying to take away the lived suffering of actual subhumans.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei #sexist #fundie #conspiracy independent.co.uk

Iran’s Supreme Leader claims gender equality is 'Zionist plot' aiming to corrupt role of women in society

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a meeting of religious speakers that Iranians should resist feminist ideas and instead hold the Prophet Mohamed’s daughter Fatimah as their ideal. “Making women a commodity and an object of gratification in the Western world is most likely among Zionist plots aiming to destroy the society,” he said, according to a translation on the Shia Muslim leader’s official website.

“Today, Western thinkers and those who pursue issues such as gender equality regret the corruption which it has brought about.”

Khamenei claimed that men and women are equal in the “ascendance of spiritual positions, the power of leadership, and the capability to lead humankind”, but that some tasks for women “collapse and humiliate” their primary roles as housewives and mothers. A report by the government-controlled Mehr news agency said the Supreme Leader “expressed hope that views of those who raised similar [gender equality] issues inside Iran were not based on the Western misconception”.

Iranian religious leaders frequently cast pushes towards gender equality as part of conspiracy by the West or enemy “Zionists” in Israel.

BITG #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Men are the more attractive sex over all.

So, blue pilled simpciety will have you believe that women are the more attractive sex, but this is in fact not the case. I’ll be going over a few reasons why men are indeed the more attractive sex over all, and also some misconceptions.

2. The difference in threshold of attractiveness between the sexes. So, most Norman’s believe that women are the more attractive sex simply because we as men are willing to fuck most women, but what they don’t get is that as men, we have a much lower threshold for what we find attractive.

3. Women didn’t need to evolve any special traits to attract a mate as them reproducing was a given. This is also seen in other male species where it’s pretty evident the males are the more attractive sex. Human males also evolved with dimorphic traits, such as jaw line, hunter eyes, big brow ridge, high cheekbones etc. women for the most part did not.

4. There is NO example of a female equivalent of chad, WITHOUT FAKEUP! Men being more attractive over all is especially noticeable when we get to the top tiers of each sex. You cannot find me one female without make up, that is equivalent to chad, they are ALL average looking at best, I would even argue half of them are subhuman without fake up.


I rest my case.

Robin Hood (aka Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad) #sexist twitter.com

Robin Hood: Boys shouldn't cry because crying indicates a loss of self control; this is inherently unmanly.

Bjorn Merkeland: Carl, crying is a natural sign of distress in humans. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. Its very easy to confuse crying and being emotionally open, which is my guess as to why men are statistically more likely to commit suicide.

Robin Hood: Yes, it is unmanly to be in distress.

IncelCream #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] I’m a Black woman who’s only dated white men, but...

I'm a Black woman who's only dated white men but BLM has changed everything

There is always a but.

or a Butt for JBW

Is she going to start dating black thugs? Oh hell naw.

She will date White passing latinos tee hee

She will continue to suck white cock, BLM will change nothing in her dating life

but now she can think about BLM while having sex :feelsautistic:

unsettling #sexist incels.is

(NOTE: This is in reaction to this person’s comments.)

those comments were very clearly written by a roastie.

women have no right to criticize men based on their social failures considering that they don't compete in hierarchies in the way that men do, modern society deems all toilets valuable and in turn fools them into thinking that they are outstandingly competent and overcoming obstacles comes to them with ease. when in reality they just receive less harsh treatment for the mistakes they make, and are given more attention for less significant achievements.

foids have no general understanding of accomplishment, as proven by the false comparison of how fat people and social outcasts are similar to one another: losing weight is a linear task, and getting fat in the first place is a result of complete negligence. social status is largely inherited and environmental, luck is too much of a factor and a lot of it depends on you acting within the confines of which you are deemed allowed to behave in i.e. knowing your place. it comes to me as no surprise that she thinks of these two as similar in this context, due to the amount of leeway women are given in social situations they practically are the same, for a female to succeed socially she literally just has to socialize.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I fell in love with a young woman across the street from me in 2017. I diligently tried to go back to Harvest Baptist Church where she attends, but her pastors can't get over themselves, so they refused, as they have cruelly since 2014. So much for the love of God. It's just as well, because they don't believe right at Harvest. Anyway, I bought a care bear to give the young lady, and personally gave it to her. I wrote her a long love letter. I poured out my soul to her, and pretty much told her that I wanted to properly court her and marry her. To my dismay, she coldly left the bear outside my door later that night when I returned, with a mean letter telling me never to contact her again. She was no better than her cruel pastors.

Yet, still today three years later, she waits for me every so often when I am returning home, timing herself. She hears my music (I like to feel loud music) and walks out toward me from her friend's house when I arrive. My heart leaps when I see her, and I feel happy, but yet sad later on, confused and wondering why she does that. Is she leading me on? Is she letting me know that perhaps she does have some feelings for me? Is she playing me for the fool? Is she confused herself, not wanting me, but not wanting to let go either? As you can imagine, this scenario is frustrating for a man who loves a woman. I have always loved her, and my feelings have never changed since I first saw her mowing her lawn in 2017 across the street from me. But she spurned my love in 2017, and has never told me anything otherwise. So why does she want me to see her every couple months? I am 100% sure she is deliberately doing this.

forever_alone1111 #psycho #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I am jealous of children dying from cancer

Title. Just think about it... this little peaces of shit, are the center of attention, their whole blissfull little lifes. As if life is one big birthday party to them.

They will never:

- feel invisible

- suffer from depression, ptsd or loneliness

- worry about height, frame, face and what not

- experience bullying

- ldar for years or decades

- wageslave

- have oneitis rip their hearths out

- fully realise what they are missing out on

Everyone just pampers them from birth, until the moment they die. An entire team of experts makes sure, that they dont suffer more then they have to. Some will even meet celebrities or high level politicians.

If they somehow manage to hit puberty, iam sure some empathic stacy nurse, will at least let them touch their ass and/or show boobs to them. I wouldnt be shocked, if she even gives them a handjob or head. Well.. who knows, she might as well let them fuck her, so she can virtue signal to her chad boss.

This is real privilege.

Where can i sign up for that???

NoCopeOnlyRope #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] “Women Never Make The First Move Bro! Just Ask Her Out Bro!”

I can’t believe this deluded normie cope. This shit makes me so angry. In high school, all of my high tier normie or higher classmates who were introverted and possibly autistic all had cute girls make all the first moves for them, and that’s how those guys got their first kisses and lost their virginity. They didn’t even have to do anything. The girls did everything because they were genuinely attracted to these guys and they knew the guys were too introverted to do anything about it, so they made the first move instead. Women are fundamentally the selectors in the mating game and will at the very least, give you signals/signs that they are attracted to you. Anyone denying this is coping. If you are good looking, pussy will be thrown your way often enough, that it’s almost impossible to stay virgin unless you have some extreme form of mental illness. By extreme form of mental illness, I mean you need to be locked up in a hospital or prison, not “self diagnosed autism”.

They never make the first move for you. Meanwhile chad mumbles something and they laugh while touching his arm

Seen it too many times. I will never experience that :feelsrope:

MaxZM98 #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I might volunteer at a homeless shelter in order to blackpill/redpill men

Is this a good idea? there is someone close to my family who volunteers at a shelter (not sure if it's a shelter or just a place that provides food for the homeless), and said they are all men because the women have been given housing during covid (fucking gynocentrism). they asked me if i wanted to volunteer.

I'm sure lots of these guys feel shit/angry about their situation, so it could be a good opportunity for me to educate them on gynocentrism and how they are considered disposable by society. tbh they might already know this stuff but if there's gonna be a rebellion by low-status men, the word has to spread on the street.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I tremendously love Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I love him for many reasons, but mainly because he STANDS!
God is going to ask YouTube's owners in eternity why they allowed homosexuals, abortionists, feminists and evildoers to speak all manner of filth, wickedness and blasphemy against God and His children; but they persecuted godly Bible preachers, banning their truthful sermons as hate speech. God is not going to care about the social platform and politically correct agendas of our time, He is going to judge only on the basis of what is good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). God will hold YouTube's owners accountable (Hebrews 4:13; Matthew 12:36; Matthew 25:40). I say that humbly, for we must all appear before the judgment seat of God (Romans 14:10-12). The $64,000 question is will you appear in court as a child of God (2nd Corinthians 5:10-11), or as an unsaved criminal (Revelation 20:12-15)?
Transgender celebrity Nikkie de Jager has made over $12,000,000 on YouTube. It is blood money! Yet Pastor Steven Anderson hasn't asked one penny, and he has been banned restlessly. So you can speak against Christians who fear God, the Holy Bible and God Himself, but you cannot speak against defiant sinners. What saith the Scripture? Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” Here is the truth of this entire matter. The unjust man (the wicked person) is an abomination (he is loathed) to the righteous man, and vise versa. Pastor Anderson is a righteous man—a preacher of righteousness!

Various Incels #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [LifeFuel] Manlet fights back against tall Stacies


based manlet. Also I'm sure they wouldnt have started shit with him if he was 6ft+ tallfag, but thats the kind of shit you have to put up with if you're a manlet.

Exactly. He should have beaten them more for disrepecting him.

It's 1v3, they are taller and they can't. Pathetic.

Hahaha I bet she felt less feminine being taller so she got angry

I would've punched at least one of them. He was way too soft

Who even taught them they can fight with a man. But when you let them have their way they suddenly turn to cops.

And then feminism claim men are afraid of strong woman, there is no such thing as strong woman.

JFL at wymyn thinking they can take on a man in combat just because he's shorter than them

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef #racist #sexist #fundie timesofisrael.com

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

The Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel called black people “monkeys” during his weekly sermon on Saturday evening. In footage aired by the Ynet news site, Yosef could be seen referring to black people by the word “kushi,” which in modern Hebrew has pejorative connotations, and then going on to term a black person a “monkey.” His office told Ynet that the comparison was a quote from the Talmud. Yosef has been known to court controversy in his sermons. In a sermon delivered in May last year, he appeared to suggest during his weekly sermon that secular woman behave like animals because they dress immodestly. In March 2016, Yosef was forced to retract a comment that non-Jews should not live in Israel, calling it “theoretical.” He said non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven Noahide Laws, which are prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming God, murder, forbidden sexual relations, stealing, and eating limbs off a live animal, and which prescribe the establishment of a legal system. Non-Jews, Yosef said, are in Israel only to serve Jews. Israel has two chief rabbis. Yosef represents those with origins in the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East, and David Lau represents Ashkenazic Jews, with origins in European lands of the Roman Empire.

Copexodius Maximus #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Racist Swedish government trying to stop men from marrying Thai women (Feminism's use of demographics to cuck nations)

In the last 10 years, the number of Thai women marrying Swedish men has tripled, and the numbers keeps growing.
The government of Sweden is looking into trying to limit the number of women that come from Thailand.
THEY ARE LITERALLY CALLING THIS A DIVISIVE AND POLITICAL ISSUE. Yet not a word when millions of Muslim men enter Sweden as fake refugees.
Women don't want an influx of women into the country because they know if there is more pussy to go around, a doubling of females in the market halves their SMV.
But when it come letting in millions of males from the Middle East, Swedish girls are cheering in the streets about "Refugees Welcome".
When there are way more men than women in a country (true in almost every country under for age < 40), they have to compete and simp for women who don't have to try.
This desperation for female attention due to artificial inflation of female SMV is how men become more and more cucked, and how more and more left wing cucked laws are able to be passed.

Response- Euro Feminists Are Mad That White Men Are Importing Asian Brides!!

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist incels.is

RE: [Hypocrisy] 14 year old foid get molested everybody screams meanwhile a 14 year old boy and everybody is congratulating the foid and saying how lucky he is

Makes sense. Women are eternal children. That's exactly why no one gives a shit when an adult woman gets fucked by a young boy but everyone loses their mind when an adult man fucks a young girl. It's because everyone knows that the young boy is both physically and mentally superior to the adult foid. There's literally no argument against that. If men and women were viewed as equals by society, people would be equally outraged, but they're not. It might not be socially acceptable to say women are children but this is the ultimate proof of it.

Jack Ryanod #racist #sexist amren.com

Marine le Pen's niece


President Mr T 's daughter


We most always use this great strength of our people - the beauty of our women and children. Our women are the most beautiful in the world - our enemies that dominate our media know this. But our side is so often just terrible about visual advertising/propaganda - they usually choose old and ugly, boring men who just talk, talk talk about, well nothing that really matters. Propaganda is both a science and an art. There are basic rules - other successful nationalist parties in places like Switzerland and Hungary produce very hard hitting, effective propaganda street posters. Here in the USA - almost never. The last political operative who was any good at visual propaganda was George Bush Sr.'s political handler Lee Atwater - Lee Atwater erased a 20 point poll deficit George Bush Sr. had to Massachusetts Governor Mike Dukakis by just telling the truth about Black murderer Willie Horton, whom Gov Dukakis gave an unsupervised weekend furlough and Willie Horton then did a home invasion and raped a White woman. When pressed by Lee Atwater why he would do such a stupid thing, Dukakis always insisted he did nothing wrong and he was against the death penalty and then tried to shift the subject to things like No Fault Auto Insurance.

Robert Kelly #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Barrett ‘Wept’ with Her Daughter After George Floyd Death


Nice pets.

When the black boy gets bigger and stronger in the coming years, they shouldn't leave him alone with his white "sisters". If he has a "sexual emergency" and there is a white female nearby who he can easily overpower, it's a rape waiting to happen.

That's not to mention the other violence he may wrought. And the criminal activity outside the home he may get into. Amy Barrett may be seeing the inside of court rooms all right. But not as a Supreme Court justice but as the mother of the defendant.

And if none of Amy's three girls are around when the grown negro gets the urge, Amy might then be in his sights. They have a remarkable tendency to rape old white women.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it's understandable how one would rape a young, fertile woman. But is there any explanation for why one would rape a woman well past child bearing years?

Personalityinkwell and FallenPrime #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] I find it disgusting that if I ever got a girlfriend, she would have permission from soyciety to talk to countless men on her phone without me knowing
Let's think about this. If you ever get a girlfriend, she is obviously gonna have a snapchat, instagram, tik tok, whatsapp, etc. The amount of activity she gets on those in one day is more than any of us have gotten in our lives. All those men are offering her sex directly orindirectly, and she is flirting back and engging with them, getting emotional pleasure out of this. If you date her, its her right to talk to all these men, and it's none of your business mister :soy:

This is an absolute disgrace, this is what many people would call "emotional cheating", but guess what that leads to, PHYSICAL CHEATING. There is absolutely no reason she should get to talk to other men at all. The only men she should be allowed to talk to are her family members. When she talks to other men, all this leads to is her seeing me as some cuck. Sure, I might be seen as a "control freak" if i took her phone away, but i'd rather be a control freak, and pass on my genes, than have my girl cheat with some nigger bbc and have my son look like Scooby doo.

That is why women's rights need to be repealed. Letting women slut around with zero repercussions (in fact with encouraging them as well) will mean downfall of a civilization.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

I attended the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year, between 2013 and 2014. The Bible says that a godly man who abides in the Scriptures hates every false way. Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” After attending Harvest for several months, God gave me a burden to help Harvest's pastors see THE TRUTH. What saith the Scripture? Proverbs 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” I bought several books with my own money and gave them to the pastors. They resented my help! I gave the pastors Michael P. Bowens helpful book titled: “I Never Knew You.”
I also gave the pastors Dr. Al Lacy's helpful boom titled, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible.” They didn't like that one either. I gave them Pastor Max Younce's helpful book titled, “Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit.” I was a fighting Fundamentalist in a cesspool of Bob Jones University's Neo-evangelical graduates. BJU's graduates were trained by academics at the college, not by church builders, so they have no compassion! That perfectly explains why Harvest's pastors, then and now in 2020, couldn't care less about me. They might as well have hung a noose around my neck and pushed me off a cliff.
Truthfully, the only reason I even wanted to go back is because I fell in love with a young woman in their church in 2017, but she left a letter by my front door telling me never to contact her again. I lovingly gave her a really cool care bear with her name embroidered on it, placing it directly into her warm hands, but she coldly left the bear by my front door later. Only a heartless immature woman would be so cruel. The bear told me how mean she was, and that he never wanted to go back! So I cried as I gave him away to the thrift store. I hope the bear will forgive me for putting him through that...lol.

jasonvarnado #sexist #dunning-kruger #quack #psycho incels.is

[Theory] Slut-shaming is natural and essential. High IQ post.

Evolution not only shaped our body it also made us think and react to things the way we do. Our behavior isn't random, it should benefit our genes, thus it should benefit us. And being intolerant towards sluts is essential for us men in order to survive and pass our genes. Here is why:

Imagine there is a tribe. Half of the men don't tolerate slut behavior and will never invest their resources in a slut. Another half dgaf if their woman is a slut. Now think, who will be more successful in passing their genes? Men who hate sluts! Why? Because those who tolerate this behavior have higher risk of being cucked by a slut and raise someone's else children thus not passing his own genes thus eliminating this behavioral pattern. Look around, evolution shaped our behavior because 99.9% of men (except cucks:soy:) would rather have relationship and children with a virgin or someone with a low body count because evolutionary that gives us better chance of raising our own offspring. Easy as that. So when cucked media is telling us that we are bad for hating on sluts they are dismissing the fact that it was fucking hardwired in our head to be unapologetic towards this shit.

MartinYakuza #sexist #psycho #pratt #racist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Submitter’s Note: I was unable to track down the original Facebook post, so the Reddit is all I’ve got.

1. Pedophilia is a sexuality whether you like it or not.

2. Rape is bad, but its a natural thing, so the punishments shouldnt be so harsh. It should be equivalent to beating someone up.

3. Covid is literally a flu, there were a lot of more dangerous diseases in the past and people werent panicking nearly as much as now.

4. Slavery is a perfectly normal thing to do. Better people/race are enslaving worser people/race to do the hard work for them. Its a natural world order. Since whites are far better than blacks, then blacks should be enslaved.

It takes only a bit of common sense to figure these things out, so if you disagree you are either brainwashed or just plainly stupid, I dont know which one is worse.

Various Incels #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] Teen girls at slumber party have powerpoint presentation rating sizes of guys penises.


duh. Foids being innocent flowers who are scared of the d is normie cope.

It really is. On a late night bus ride home, I once heard 3 JB talking about their escapades and from what I could hear, none of them seemed like they had any problems with the guys they were sleeping with. One of them showed a dick pic of a guy she was with and one of them exclaimed "that's like the size of my arm!", I was truly sickened. If JB are getting gaped that young, then this generations future relationships are already fucked up. Just look at Kylie Jenner having a sexual and intimate relationship with pornstar-sized Tyga, at 16! These are the women girls look up to. It's truly over.


"rating our dads":dafuckfeels:

Their liberal progressive dadies raised a bunch of whores

So gross. The absolute state These whores are subhuman and incapable of forming an emotional bond with a human male. They are nothing more than cumdumpsters. I have 0 desire to be with them in any capacity, honestly. They are unfit to be wives and mothers. I feel sad for the betabuxxers they eventually trap. Their children are doomed too Clown world

The hell dude where'd you find that shit? It's ragefuel ngl I'd choke those bitches right there if I was a high school Chad. Also, JFL those will be somebody's wife one day and will have kids. Imagine seeing your mom in these videos. I will legit go ER on her stinking roast beef. Too much for me to handle.

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