
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

RREEEEEEEEE #psycho #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Mother, daughter killed for honor in South Punjab. This is the kind of news that makes me proud to be a Pakistani.

Unpopular opinion: I don't wan to become a monster. Call me a cuck :feelsbadman:

Why not? Society should be kept in check. It's based men that are willing to murder their own relatives to get this done. Not even people from here would do that because they're soy at heart.

I am a Chink here and I have to say that Pakistanis are one of the most based people I met, along with Russians.

Awesome. Pakistan and China enjoy a great political relationship. You have vetoed against Americucks for us. In my entire life I only met one Russian but we were both little boys so I don't think it counts.

I live in Toronto and the only based folks I met are Pakistanis and Russians, I can tell you that in Toronto, the most bluepilled people are asians, curries and western euros.

I'm sorry you live in that shithole. Someone else from here was from Toronto as well and he said it was feminist central basically. You should move elsewhere.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

[Experiment] Late teens or early 20's, which age group of foids mogs the others?

Which age group is better for foids?
Late teens (15 to 19) Votes: 28 90.3%
Early 20's (20 to 24) Votes: 3 9.7%
Total voters 31

I'd say late teens (15 to 19) is prime age. Ephebophilia ftw

Going solely on looks (not the ability to use fakeup like most ""glowups"" tend to be) late teens mog hard, I know some of my old classmates who i really wanted to smash before looking like rotten early 30s women right now at 20 due to all the drinking, shitty sleep and lack of care

The prime age is around 14-16 imo.

Kys if you didn’t vote for the first option

What was the percentage of men that were indeed hephebophilic? 95%? More? Agecucks are a sad accident.

From a Biologically POV, 15-19 foids would be tighter. Also they look better tbh.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Brutal] Intelligent men have the same sexual success as mentally retarded men - Women like men with below average and average IQ the most

teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons. For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Each additional point of IQ increased the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for females. But higher IQ had a similar relationship across the entire range of romantic/sexual interactions, decreasing the odds that teens had ever kissed or even held hands with a member of the opposite sex at each age.

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ @Grothendieck LMAO THIS IS WHAT WE GET FOR STEMCELING


I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average


Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Soy] Guy on Quora breaks his wife’s nose once and gets 4 years in jail, everyone on quora says he should be given life, death penalty or even be raped

Its amazing the golden pedestal women are put on. I have never heard any of these dumbasses talking about the PTSD veterans have from seeing their friends burn to death or lose a limb. But they spend all day talking about “PTSD” from having a non permanent injury that heals quickly from a punch in the face. Ive been punched in the face, what am I supposed to do about it? Nothing, but a woman gets a paper cut and the whole world moans. If he punched a guy and broke his nose literally no one would give a shit. Even if the guy was as strong or weaker than the average female literally no one would care.

Exactly but if you merely slap a foid they act like you murdered an infant. quora has a lot of white knights. I remember some former bank robber on there condemned violence against women, including wife beaters

"See, while you get four years, or less probably in this crap justice system, she will be serving a lifetime sentence of flashbacks, anxiety, inability to trust another person, panic attacks, terror, betrayal, and the horrible knowledge that the person she let close to her used that to break her body and cause her terror. She will have a hard time sleeping, maybe for years. While you get your eight hours of rest in your little cell, she will be relocking the door every hour and checking her phone to make sure you haven't been released yet.

lol wtf. this retarded foid is making a lot of assumptions here. she actually thinks this woman will be locking her doors multiple times a night and living in constant fear over a fucking bloody nose? in HS some random kids jumped me at a bus stop and beat the shit out of me but I don't spend every waking hour living in fear because of it

High IQ. I once got kicked in the balls by accident in third grade if I had to rate it on a trauma scale of 1 to 10 I’d give it a 1. People like that are the most insane ragefuel

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Fat Bitch Buys a House with Onlyfans Whore Money"]

A fat white bitch calling herself “Savannah Solo” has bought a house with the money she made sticking objects into her vagina for money on Onlyfans.

Onlyfans is a subscription site where you pay money to see dirty women get naked. You can watch their livestreams, which feature them talking sweet and sticking objects into their holes.

This bitch is disgusting, by the way.


If this fat bitch can buy a house with her whore money, just imagine what an attractive, thin girl is making.

This is vulture behavior, on par with what Bezos is doing.


Sex is a biological need. Depriving men of sex and then making them pay for virtual companionship with internet prostitutes is a crime against humanity, by the most basic definition of the term.

It’s a helluva lot worse than the Holocaust, which, frankly, didn’t actually happen, but secondly, even if it had did not target the entire population of men from every white country.

Somebody needs to pay for this.


People have a right to breed. Assuming there is nothing wrong with the man, he has a natural right to breed. No one has a right to deprive men of their ability to breed – and yet, someone is depriving them of that.

KATHERINE and Laura Wood #sexist thinkinghousewife.com

[Comments under "The Judge Is a Feminist"]


What do you think about Trump’s nomination for SCOTUS? I see this as a worse attack on motherhood/homemaking than anything the Democrats could do. Amy Coney Barrett should be home taking care of those seven children and her husband. She obviously does not need the money. But her career as a lawyer and judge is SO much more important than being a mother. Trump is implicitly sending this message, as I see it.

Reply from Laura Wood:

You said it, baby!

Republicans just have to prove what good little liberals they are.

Mrs. Barrett may be wise as Solomon, but she does not belong in a job this demanding — or in fact, any job, given the size of her family, the age of her children and their financial situation. Not only will her children pay a heavy price, but so inevitably does her husband in his career.

How does a man fulfill his role as head of the family when his wife is a Supreme Court judge?
Okay, so Barrett would be a big improvement over Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom Barrett called “a great American life”, but she still represents grueling, feminist-style careerism, which is so different from healthy and balanced interest in work and careers — and that model is responsible for the demand for abortion.
If more women are in law, fewer men are in law. If fewer men are in law, fewer men have careers that can support a family. Men can’t have children, get it? But they can support them.
We don’t need women judges.

We need women to defend the home and culture (or at least, what’s left of it).

I don’t even understand why a woman would want to become a Supreme Court judge. I’m not kidding. Sure, it comes with perks, but, Good Lord, what a load of drudgery!

Jared van Niekerk #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

What whites are doing now is completely abnormal. What is the state of mind of a college admissions officer whose job is to practice discrimination against people who might as well be his own sons and daughters? Blacks who work in admissions behave normally; they advance the interests of people like themselves. Whites thwart the interests of people like themselves. This is an aberration of gigantic proportions but Prof. Farron almost seems not to notice.

The last few paragraphs are especially thought-provoking. The one thing that sets whites apart from all other races, is our limitless capacity for self-loathing. I could understand that unattractive white females or beta male whites would want to pull down other whites to their level by embracing feminism, Antifa or similar ideologies for losers. As Rush Limbaugh said: feminism was invented to give unattractive women access to the mainstream. I can also get that white loser beta males and bullied boys would embrace some leftist ideology that offered them the lie that everybody was equal in every way, but even attractive white women and successful white men seem to have been infected by this cancerous type of extreme altruism, the desire to see their own race annihilated.

FemoidsGTFO #sexist incels.is

[TikTok pill] Whores are getting knocked up by chad at 14


"When someone asks me why I have a 10 year old daughter at 25" Not only is this sl*t not ashamed, she proudly proclaims her degeneracy to the world with the daughter by her side! In 5 years she's gonna make a video with the caption "When someone asks me why I am a grandmother at 30".

maybe they're praising her because she didn't abort it like most 12 to 14 yo sluts?

Yeah, a degenerate slut who doesn't murder her child is still better than a degenerate slut who does murder her child

Is that girl next to her her daughter?


Jesus Christ, her 10 year old foidling looks like she's in her mid to late 20s. JFL these whores age in dog years, didn't know the CC lifestyle hit that hard :lul:

You can tell from the daughter she fucked a "Bull" to produce that. Twinks don't produce such robust daughters. I'd still destroy her tight jb pussy in Minecraft ngl

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Soy] Why do normies always fantasize about some overprotective vigilante father and his daughter?

They always fantasize about some foid with an overprotective dad who brutally tortured and kills anyone who even says something rude to his daughter. That’s why that “iF tHaT wAs mY dAuGhTeR i’D KiLL HiM” shit is always found on the comments section about some sex offender or some wife beater or whatever.

Soyciety loves seeing women as victims and damsels in distress, and dads probably want to look like a hero to their daughters. I feel like dad's usually are more overprotective of their daughters and mom are more overprotective of their sons. Hence why they have daddy's girl and momma's boy. But guess which one everyone shits on?

They all make fun of mommas boys but daddy’s girls are normalized

A real father will not let his foid daughter leave the house to begin with. It's man's oldest tradition. Until cucks took over. The Greeks were very based on this matter.

Look up about foids in Ancient Greece. It’s based

Every dad is overprotective until some buffed tranny with golf club rolls by :feelskek: Like I said in the other thread, it's a mix of various things: gynocentrism, feminism, envy, lookism, virtue signalling and a safe opportunity to satisfy your own sadistic cravings (nobody cares about "pedophiles"). You added the "guilt by association" falacy to the reasons, and I agree.

And also those “if that was my daughter I’d kill him” comments. Those comments are cringey

Unsaveable #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] If you're a white American and you have a sister i seriously feel bad for you.

Imagine your precious sister will be swimming in Chad's and Tyrone's cum in college, she will attend gender studies and all the other bullshit, her whole life would be like a curse to you.

Imagine being Incel and then being forced to sit in the corner like a little bitch as your sister aborts the 12th time.. Holy fuck what s cucked existence i would literally go ER.

Cucked if you let le sister out of the sex closet

Cucked if you let your sister out at all.

It’s one of the worst things that you would have to deal with. I would probably go ER (in gta v) if I had to deal with a cumdumpster as a sibling. Luckily I just have a brother

Not too long ago I've read an old article from 2015 about some girl who masturbated in public library and got fined. The interviewer was asking her about family situation and how they felt about it, she answered that her parents weren't too happy about it and that her dad told her too avoid such situation and bla bla bla.. anyway why am I mentioning all of this.. so turns out this girl had 4 brothers one if them was 8 and she said she basically was raising him..

Now here's the kicker..this girl went on and became a pornstar and apparently that little brother of hers saw her in one of them Pornos getting gangbanged by bbcs. Having a sister in America is equivalent of being a cuck.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

I was looking around in my Pinterest account today, and under “Account Settings,” I was disgusted what I found. You are asked by Pinterest to specify whether you are a “male” or a “female” or “Non-binary.” That is a sinful term dear reader. God created every human being either a male or a female. Even when there are some genetic abnormalities from birth, a person is either a male or a female biologically, nothing in between. The worldly term “Non-binary” is of the Devil. We are living in very strange times in the world today, when people are confused about nearly everything, including their gender.
For anyone to claim that someone is not truly wholly a male or a female is to contradict the plain teaching of the inspired Word of God. Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” There are no cross-gendered people, only wicked people who CHOOSE to blur the lines of gender which God has created. I am sick and tired of hearing that homosexuals are “born that way.”
I will NEVER accept, recognize nor honor the term “Non-binary gender.” Over my dead body! God created everyone either a male or a female. Have you ever noticed that in EVERY homosexual relationship that one partner takes on the female role (i.e., a sissy), and the other the masculine role (i.e., a dyke). This fact evidences the truth that God created each human being as either a male or a female. It also proves that homosexuality is a perversion of nature, abnormal, and a vile and disgusting sinful habit. Homosexuality is 100% a choice, just like every other sin. We are all sinners by nature and choice. That is why we all need to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, or else you will go to Hell to suffer for ever, paying the price for your own sins against man, self and God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have been searching for a wife for years now. God willing, one day I will find her. I already have someone I want, across the street from me, who visits (whom I wrote about toward the last part of 2019 in numerous website articles), but she doesn't want me. I do love her. I keep picking women who don't like me. So what's a man to do? All I can do is keep praying, trying and hoping to find a wife. I signed up for eHarmony. You wouldn't believe some of the hilarious profiles that I read! For example: I couldn't sleep tonight. It is 2:30 a.m. on Sunday. So I went to surf eHarmony's Matches for me. Here is a 38 year old woman named Iris in Chicago who writes:

I am friendly & kind hearted. I don't know why people r afraid 2 approach me. It does not bother me 2 eat pizza everyday. I am not interested in dealing w/ a man obsessed w/ "physical fitness" or "counting calories". I am all 4 improving health, but not in a hitler/commando type style. I am not into sports. I am not a "white glove clean the house daily freak". I know there is a lot 2 chew here already, but would u not want an idea of what a person is all about b 4 deciding to jump in or not?

If you saw her profile photo, you'd believe that she eats 2 pizzas every day!

I’ve actually had a few a*holes tell me that I shouldn’t be on eharmony because I am too fat! Listen… fat people, ugly people, disabled people, even villains want and need love. If voldemort can find love, so can I. I am who I am and your approval is certainly not needed. Public opinion be damned!

I've already contacted her and we're getting married next month...lol. No, I'm just kidding! Iris continues her rant, saying that she wants to find a man, who:

Someone who shares the same interests as me is an absolute must. A chubby chaser is a plus. I want a man who enjoys food and knows what he wants out of life. I am not interested in dealing with a man who has kids [or even wants kids]. Someone would really have to be outside the box [literally] in order to deal with me. My standards may be too high, but I know what I want and I am not willing to settle for less.

I truly feel sorry for this woman. Her attitude is atrocious! She wants to selfishly find a man to fit into her own interests. She wants a man who likes refrigerator-sized women. She boasts of her poor health and clearly plans to stay in poor health, and seeks a man who likes to abuse his health like she does. She doesn't have or want children. She doesn't want to “deal with a man” who has kids? High standards? Lady, your standards couldn't be any lower! She wonders why people are afraid to approach her. Really?

PM_ME_STRIPPERS #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The overall nature and existence of females is a Blackpill itself - evolutionary BlackPill

If you go and visit sites like r/femaledatingstrategy or heartlessaspergers.com you will see females dropping a massive blackpill in their opinions, behaviors and quotes. They will literally tell between themselves in closed, safe communities that they will never date an Asperg/ugly/ ethnic (or all 3 in a combo).

Females will always drop a BlackPill, especially when not realising they are doing so. Females are simple, brutal, fake and will convince themselves and society to see low class male die out. Due to human primitive evolutionary past, we enjoy gore and death of members of our own kind, humans ( especially females) are secretly enjoying that the weaker individual is being brutally beaten or killed. Because this cleans the gene pool from the weakest ones. This behaviour is very common in almost every advanced animal, we're no different.

Human females acts no different than females or other species, watch how brutally female mantis threatens and kills the male, theres so much more examples of how primitive and brutal the nature of females are, however life and nature itself is the most brutal blackpills.

Females are made to lie, evolution made them that way, they will tell you one thing, think about other and the result is always opposite to what they previously said.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #quack #dunning-kruger incels.is

Why the mythical non-existant foid orgasm is the reason why you are rotting in Inceldom

The reason why foids forsake their biological imperative of mating with their looksmatch is because they chase useless things like "foid orgasm". In their warped minds goodlooking = chad = good sex = foid orgasm & ugly = incel = bad sex = no orgasm
Countless studies and experiments and also a huge wealth of anecdotal evidence have shown that foids are ruthlessly selfish and self serving animals and only care about their pleasures - which is why they dont care that they are perpetuating inceldom at an ungodly rate and would rather chase after "orgasms" than settle for their looksmatch
The Dogpill exists purely becase of the foids unnecessary need for orgasm. Thats why they choose a canine animal with a grotesque dick to fuck because it takes a lot to get a foid to orgasm. Dogpill almost accurately mimics and simulates rape which is why foids love the dog pill so much. The wild uncoordinated primal thrusts of a dog penis closely resembles those of a rapist thats why the dogpill is soooo appealing. In this futile search for orgasm foids bypass and over look a large number of males who inturn become incels.
The cock carousel is very appealing to foids because they are forever chasing the elusive foid orgasm. They waste their youth and virginity whilst chasing muh orgasms and they disenfranchise their looksmatchs whilst in this trivial pursuit. These disenfranchised men become incels.

your personality #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] "Convincing a member of the opposite sex to have sex with you isn't that difficult(especially in 2020)"

Normies are disgusted by "anti-incels". normies know that anyone with a life half worth living wont bother any time to pay attention to incels.

This however doesn't mean that normies don't still look down on incels. They see both incels and "anti-incels" as losers but more so the anti-incels if they are male. If they are female no normie is going to say anything. Their gynocentric bias is intact.

ITers are too retarded to understand that no one cares about them regardless of how hard they virtue signal.

Unfortunately the government cares and believes in what they say because it's easy money and good for propping up industries dedicated to surveiling unattractive involuntary loner males just because they can.

Psychopaths, BPDs, NPDs and all the people with the worst personalities imaginable have tons of sex if they happen to be foids or gl men. This ridiculous gaslighting of ugly men has to stop.

Go on purplepilldebate and see how much the world smugly looks down on ugly sexless males.

These cucks should know that they can type and send this garbage thanks to incels like Newton and Tesla.

Forget about being grateful they just act like that technology was there already or they created it.

It's a tale as old as time: unattractive harworking sexless guy works and creates, sexhavers appropriate and take the credit for themselves. LDARfuel tbh

waste matter #sexist #psycho incels.is

[NSFW] hole killed in mozambique by soldiers

i wish my country can punish women like this

Naked woman beaten and executed by Mozambique military MOZAMBIQUE — A video circulating online on Monday shows a naked woman being executed by men dressed in military in Mozambique. hoodsite.com

Guess the Mozambique military are dedicated to the THOT patrol. Is there a foreign legion?

mozambique miltary is based while the country im born is cuckorea that cannot even beat up hoes for being hoes

FastBananaCEO & foidologist #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[Serious] The reason why incest porn is so popular is because of how deprived and desperate for sex men are

The type of porn you watch is based of 'realistic' fantasies that you believe would be realistic to happen to you. E.g. you have a hot teacher so you think it'd be 'realistic' that one day she'll come on to you one day and you'll have sex so you watch teacher porn (obviously it isn't very realistic but the person copes and tells themselves that it is)

So many men aren't having any sex which is why they think that their only possible chance of ascension is by having sex with a family member. But to cope and feel 'moral' with themselves it has to have the word 'step' Infront of the word mom or sister. Another thing is that people are so deprived of sex that the only way they can imagine realistically ascending is in an extremely specific scenario instead of just having sex with a girlfriend or a one night stand but men can't have those anymore which is the reason why there are so many fucked up and specific fetishes

Didn't read but no. Incest porn was intentionally pushed by MindGeek. It's not popular organically.

What is mindgeek? The people who own all the porn companies? Why would they do this tho? What do they gain from this?

I believe it was an experiment to see how they could manipulate the sexuality of their consumers


I can't prove their motivations. That's just the one I can think of that makes the most sense.

Studiocel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Incels should hunger strike for pussy

Worst case scenario you die of starvation. Best case scenario foids will be forced to fuck your malnourished body. Its a win win situation. Imagine if all subhuman males -led by an incel Gandhi- decided to hunger strike until the sexual market accommodates them. A hunger strike is the most effective way to create change. Women went on hunger strikes to win their rights, now we will go on hunger strikes to REMOVE their rights.

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] Why do women Dress Up to seem more intelligent? ♂ If you read this and you havent replied - ♂YOU ARE GAY♂

When a cum container tries to seem more "mature" and professional, she goes to great lengths to INCREASE her SMV by wearing jew-rocks on their neck, heeled stompers on her feet, fuck-my-skin-up on her face etc... Wouldn't it make sense to DECREASE the sex-appeal to seem more professional? Imagine a guy had an important appointment. Instead of just getting a haircut and a good suit, he fucking starts taking roids, works out, puts a sock in his pants, padding in his sleeves to simulate muscles...

15% Of Women Have Slept With Their Bosses -- And 37% Of Them Got Promoted For It. We then asked respondents if (at any point in their career) they knew of a colleague who had slept with the boss. A whopping 58 percent said “yes.” Also 40 percent of employees admitted they’d been attracted to their manager or other superior at some point over the course of their career – but hadn’t acted on it. Around 50 percent said their boss invited them to hang out outside of work. Survey: 10% of workers say they slept with a boss for more vacation/sick days

Like I said earlier in another thread - there is no successful woman that doesnt know the sting of carpet on her kneecaps. Any woman that has status or a high paying job is a cum vacuum, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. Anything above a low-paying or part-time job = CUM SLUT ALL women are is their SMV, Its the full extend of their power. This is another thing people often confuse - WOMEN ARE MORE SEXUAL THAN MEN - yes, their SEX DRIVE is lower but their entire life is based on SMV. Everything is viewed through the lense of looks and SMV by them. They are masters at the relationship game and the ultimate goal of all female-male relationships is SEX. They are the embodiment of living-breathing SEX. Its ALL they are Folks.

'Fellas, Is It Gay' Award

Well, at least we can be sure it's Insane Troll Logic.

Firefly #sexist #homophobia incels.is

[JFL] We need to make something clear here.

On my previous thread:

[Serious] Does anyone has a list of websites where you can sell poop on?

A lot of retards here said my thread was "gay"

JFL ok so if you fuck a femoid and cum inside of her, afterwards a cuck comes and licks your cum from her pussy.
Are you considered gay for fucking her knowing that the cuck will eat your cum?

Sure the cuck that's gonna eat my shit is going to be gay but they deserve it.

All I asked for was some good websites but you guys won't post them here because you cucks are afraid I will sully your shit supply you cucks buy from femoids.

FranticTyping #sexist reddit.com

I can't believe someone said this unironically

lol. Why is virgin an insult? Why are people embarrassed when it is revealed they are virgins? Why do people laugh at others for being virgins? Why is this one of the few disparaging things that has survived into the era of wokeness? Most functioning members of society outside of reddit understand this. They understand the implications of being a virgin. They may not laugh, but you will universally gain some loser points when they find out.

How aren't aces outcasts for being virgins, if virgins are outcasts?

Virgins aren't automatically outcasts. There are religious virgins who are saving themselves for marriage, for instance. The point was to be socially capable enough to get laid, and have the backbone to go through with it.

So aces are the biggest failures of all?

Asexual people tend to be social outcasts, yeah. Not for the same reasons, though, and I wasn't addressing them. I feel a couple seconds of critical thinking on your part could have answered your question.

What makes aces social outcasts?

Their insecurity and inability to relate with other people in an overly-sexualized society. There are plenty that function despite that, but the asexual guy isn't going to be gregarious enough to get invited to go golfing with the boss.

How does not liking sex made you any less sociable?

Sex is an enormous source of validation and confidence. It is a shitty source due to it being external validation, but it is one many people rely on to grow into being an all-around confident person. Just as importantly, sex is inextricably linked to socialization and modern culture. Being oblivious to it is a source of insecurity and alienation.

So you are saying that not having sex makes you insecure and alienated. And having sex makes you confident?


FranticTyping #sexist reddit.com

That’s fucked. I’m underage, you think until I’m of age (assuming I then decide to have sex) I’m inherently a failure?

lol, nobody gives a shit about teenagers, kid. You are completely missing the point. Even if you get laid as a teenager, if you can't get laid as an adult, that says a lot about you. Nothing good . You will understand in ten years. If not, you will understand in twenty years. Either way, life will make you understand.

You’re beyond pathetic. You reek of “virgin who’s projecting because you feel embarrassed about it” despite the fact that normal people don’t care.

I'm sorry, but it was obvious from the first comment that you are a teenager incredibly embarrassed about being a virgin. "Virgin who pretends it is a choice", basically. You are still young, so you have no reason to obsess over something so simple. The point isn't to get laid, the point is to be able to get laid.

That has nothing to do with being a virgin. You can still have productive relationships with people without having sex.

That misses the point entirely. The fidgety loser virgin is not the one pulling in six figures with a cushy job managing people, and he definitely isn't the CEO. Even if he is pulling in the big bucks, his social life, relationships, and state of mind will be the furthest thing from enviable. Likeable people are the ones that go far in life. Getting laid is one of the bare-minimum things a normal, socially tolerable person can do. I'm sorry, but the average virgin is not a temporarily embarrassed social butterfly that is suddenly going to flourish the day they pick up a 34 year old single mother.

FranticTyping #sexist reddit.com

What is the problem with being a virgin?

The non-pc answer: Everything. It shows you are a social failure in modern society, the lowest of the low. Being able to gather and maintain fruitful human relationships is the most important skill any normal person can have. It is key to mental health, professional success, fulfilling friendships, and personal confidence. Convincing a member of the opposite sex to have sex with you isn't that difficult(especially in 2020), and if you can't do that much, it says an enormous amount about you as a person. You are either a social failure, or oblivious to the realities of the world... planning to pursue relationships when you have money and success under your belt(but still a loser).

Hint: Those are the guys that blow their brains out before 40.

Lemme go smash every day then, that'll make me a better person right?

Nope, just being capable of smashing is enough. The sex itself isn't the important part.

Wait so let me get this straight, in order to not be considered a failure you need to show you can smash and that's it? No sex? Just proving the ability you can do it?

It is crazy how alien a concept this is to some people. No, it isn't about proving anything, not even to yourself. A virgin has almost universally proven they cannot pass the meager hurdle of getting laid - they are social failures. It is just like how a fat person has almost universally proven they cannot pass the meager hurdle of maintaining their health - they are physical failures.

mainlander #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Theory] My new theory on why women get tattoos, septum piercings, unnatural color hair, hair shaven on the side and shit like that

They hate themselves and think they don't deserve a loving relationship. So they're subconsciously signaling to good men that they're worthless whores so that those men stay away and only fuckboys and guys who don't care about them come to pump and dump/abuse them, because this is what they deserve in their own opinion.

tredolo214 #sexist #crackpot reddit.com

You’re not “awkward”. Awkward hasn’t any meaning. Women often are very weird, and awkward but because they’re women (they have a pussy and are primary sexual selectors) there’s no stigma attached to it. As a man you’re expecting to be everything, charming, funny, intelligent, etc.

In reality none of these things have any meaning. If a woman likes you, it’a pretty much looks first, mannerism second. This is separate from any potential aura captivating or anything of the sort.

Women are natural, because women with each other are hive minds that think alike. They sense each other’s similar views of men, and their feminine energy reassures each other when they’re with each other. Many women always move in groups of two or more.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Rise of Hollywood"]

When did our age begin?

What distinguishes Modern America from Victorian America?

The transition between the two began in the 1910s, World War I was the rupture and was complete by the Roaring Twenties. The Lost Generation was the first Modern generation.
On one side of this divide, American culture maintained hierarchies in race, sex and gender. Victorian culture divided the sexes into separate spheres and races into superior and inferior races. On the other side of this divide, American culture became antiracist, sexually liberated and ultimately gender fluid. Women started voting and became the equals of men in the workplace and in sexuality.
On one side of this divide, women dress modestly and it is scandalous to find respectable women alone and drinking at bars. Smoking is taboo for women. Women try to stay out of the sunlight because pale skin is considered beautiful. On the other side of the divide, Modern women are smoking, cutting their hair short, drinking and listening to jazz at speakeasies, dressing less modestly, going out to experience nightlife and having sex with men they have no intention of marrying. Tanning becomes fashionable.
On one side of this divide, Americans sharply divide the world into civilized and savage and privilege the former over the latter. On the other side of the divide, the primitive is exalted and the civilized is denigrated.
Arguably, the biggest and most impactful change was the rise of the entertainment industry in Hollywood, the mass media and Jewish dominance in the creation of 20th century mass culture.
War had been an ennobling experience for the older generations who thought it would reinvigorate their values. World War I though wasn’t the Civil War or the Spanish-American War.

sadcel69 #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] [Theory] Life is actually amazing but only if you’re a foid or chad

Have you ever talked to a foid/chad? There’s something about talking to them that just feels so fucking alien. They experience all the emotions GENUINELY. Life is literally a movie for them and they get the experience of Feeling the highs and lows in life. The lows in life can be really tolerable and character building IFF you are a foid/chad since you can always hit reset mode and find a mate or find success easily.

For the subhuman mole people who rot in their basement sub terrianian dwellings however, all we experience are lows and pains. This has a counter effect and we never have any highs to motivate us to allow the lows to build our character. We are truly doomed, I truly believe humanity is evolving like lord of the rings where we have god like beings (foids and chads) And subhuman masses (incels) who are the orcs and things only truly change when the orcs rise up

ONE world order #racist #sexist amren.com

Hey at least the black man has the BBC 9+ incher and a high testosterone level going for him unlike the white man with the lower testosterone levels and lower sperm count. Black men are giga chad's by nature. White women are drawn to them for a reason because they ooze masculinity. White women always cheat on their husbands for that BBC quality meat once in a while. I'd gladly supply them too if I was a black gigachad. A lot of white husband's are becoming cuckold's for a reason my friend.

The white man simply cannot compete with these physical specimens from sub saharan Africa, they dominate sport for a reason too. I'd rather have been born as a black giga chad than white in this society, that's for sure. I'd have an endless supply of puss y. This is ancient law. IQ means jackshi t in the grand scheme of things. This is 100% animalistic.

Black Americans are fearless, White Americans are cowards and are virtue signalers.

Neggr #crackpot #fundie #magick #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Covid and Corprus are the same disease, a divine one. Hear me out.

Both start with a C. Coincidence? I think not, both are created in order to make us stronger and create a hivemind where Elliot Rodger (in TES 3 its the incel dagoth ur which gets cucked by azuras cuck nerevar). Corprus was created to drive out the mongrel races out of morrowind and to restore glory to resdayn, covid will be used to drive out the mongrel choids and foids to restore our holy earth and make it a place of no suffering and an utopia. Thats why normies and the governments are so afraid of it, thats why they desperately are trying to find a vaccine, but they wont, also as your vision clouds, as the darkness sets, fear not.

Know only our mercy and the radiance of our affection, which unbinds your bones to the earth before, and sets your final path to the music of your new eternity.
- Elliot Rodger

Jason #fundie #sexist #psycho brucegerencser.net

[Submitter’s note: this piece of scum is talking about fellow convicted piece of scum and pedo pastor Jack Schaap]

Wow. I haven’t heard this much wining in a long time. It’s sad when Christians contribute to the pussifacation of America. I would be ashamed if this is how I had to get 15 mins of fame. When I first saw this I thought this was a joke but then I realized you people are serious. There are consequences that come with attacking a man called by God. Everyone who is pointing a finger needs to realize that no person is blameless. I have not seen one bit of proof that proves any of these theories. My advice… Shut up and worry about your own life and let ALMIGHTY GOD worry about everyone else
The definition of pussifacation is the state in which a society becomes less and less tough. As a whole men and women in America are becoming this way. For example I recently read about a man who’s daughter was allegedly molested. 20 years later he decides to say something about it. To me this man has no backbone whatsoever and has joined many others in the realms of weak and pathetic. Maybe you should talk to ________. She has shown more backbone in here by standing up for herself and the people she loves. My father taught me to be a man. You asked me what if this happened to your daughter. Let me explain that it would never happen to my daughter simply because child molesters target weak people. This is how they get away with what they do. There would be no getting away with anything should this happen to my daughter and justice would not begin 20 years later. IF any of your accusations hold any truth which I doubt considerably then you should get real life smoking gun evidenced and prosecute. Obviously you dont have this or you wouldnt be wasting time here.
how else would a woman excuse a relationship with a married man but pawn it off as “molestation”?

Leucosticte #sexist rapey.su

[OP of "Women are not human"]

What raised us above the beasts is the stuff humans are able to do, that animals, including women, can't.

Civilization wasn't created by sucking dicks. It was created by manly ingenuity and determination. These are male characteristics.

Since the traits that set us apart from animals are possessed only by the man, that means women are subhuman and should be treated as such. Their inferiority carries over into all realms of decision-making that, if they were allowed to have power and autonomy, would destroy civilization as we know it, and in fact will do so unless a check is put on it.

What isn't human is incapable of taking care of itself, except at a very base level of existence, if that. A woman could even be considered sub-animal in some ways, in that she would not have the kind of strength or cunning that would enable certain animal species to survive without human help.

Copexodius Maximus #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Are white women made to destroy human progress? (Islam copers, they are coming for you next)

What do you think about this, that white women are nature's way of destroying human civilizations. I know some of you will say Jewish, but almost all of those Jewish women are white. White women themselves are also hugely disproportionally feminist.

If we look at the biggest organization, almost all feminist pushes were by white women. Achieving a traditional family is hardest for our white brothers today than almost any other group (other than blacks for reasons I might post about some other time) all due to feminism. We can never have a virgin wife that our lives our joined together with in a loving relationship and have a family with, especially if we are sub 4, meanwhile it was possible back then. It's over for us.

Feminism doesn't deal with facts or results of how it actually plays out, but instead to emotion points that sounds good when they are argued without anyone fact checking them. That's why anyone who goes against feminist talking points are censored, silenced, getting bombed (like back in the day), and even today MRA groups having their meeting disrupted by feminists pulling fire alarms and even threatening to set the area on fire.

Now for all the Islamcopers out there who think Islam will somehow save the west (cope), you are no match for white women's destructive power.
Their infestation has begun.

TransscriptPanel 1: Twitter post by A1 Jazeera English
"[We] reread the Quran with a focus on gender equality. Religious institutions are patriarchal, so we try and challenge the structure from within."
The Mariam Mosque in Copenhagen is one of the first in Europe to be led by women aje.io/gcaqt

Panel 2:
The Grim Reaper, labelled “white women”, is knocking on the door of “Islamic culture”, having already slain “[?]ome”, “western civilization” and “conservative America”.

Incels Wiki #sexist #crackpot incels.wiki


Bullying is intrasexual competition of the kind where men pick on ugly and weak men so as to impress femoids and gain their love and respect and also to reduce other men's mating performance. As such, bullying is a reproductive strategy.

Bullying & Incels
Bullying is very common practice in normie society. For normies, bullying is a cheap and easy way to statusmax on the expense of others, and basically everyone does it and has always done so in human history. Incels are usually targeted by bullies in school & work environments. Most femoids agree that bullying is bad and harmful, but when an act of Bullying takes place they will often become a neutral observer with a blank opinion, to avoid collusion and politics. Normie men believe that bullying is healthy and is part of the societal ecosystem, but they often say that to avoid any real discussion or solution regarding bullying, teachers do that as well. Normies will often portray bullying to be a mischievous activity with no ulterior motives. but that argument is quickly dismissed by psychologists and sociologists that study human behavior.

ThrowAwayGirlVsBoy #sexist reddit.com

AITA for expecting my daughter to do chores?

I (50M) lost my wife ten years ago. It’s just me and my two kids N (17M) and E (F15), recently it caused a big stink with some family that my daughter does chores, but my son does not. I explained it’s because I have to spend extra on my daughter each month not only for her extra curriculars, but for her monthly supplies, so it‘s my way of having her pay me back. She cleans the shared living spaces and bathrooms in our apartment and cooks four meals a week. My brother said I spend twice as much on my sons extra curriculars and by my logic, he should have to do chores too. I explained he didn’t because I feel his could help him get into college but hers were just a hobby in my opinion.

E overheard me say this and was very upset. She started refusing to do chores because it isn’t fair. I told her she’d still be doing her chores and life isn’t fair so stop being a brat, or I’d refuse to pay for her extra curricular stuff or pads. I wouldn’t actually do that, but I was mad when I said it. She packed a bag and took off. She’s been staying with my sister who called me an abusive asshole when I demanded she send E home. My brother and sister are coddling her and I’m furious. N said I was being an asshole to E and that’s why she left. I’m completely fed up with the whole thing. AITA for expecting her to do chores?

ETA: My son plays Football and Baseball while you daughter is in choir and a dance group, so yes I do think my son has a better chance at getting a scholarship. I’m not sexist and I don’t appreciate being called one, and for those of you messaging me saying you hope someone calls CPS on me, I’m not doing anything wrong so that’s just stupid.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Redditor is coming close to blackpill (heightpill)

I [22 M] spent the day as a taller guy and the results really made me feel bad. How do I deal with it?

"You're blaming height but the real issue is your confidence."

How the fuck is it his confidence when the only thing he changed was his height on his profile? RETARDED ASS FUCKING LYING ASS REDDITOR. These people deserve a fucking beating in minecraft

They are coping so hard it's not even funny anymore.

I'm not even much of a manlet and this makes me so fucking mad. How can you lie this much to someone? Fuck those people

I don't think they are lying, assuming all those people writing that stuff are men, I just think they are brainwashed into believing that confidence bullshit for real. When it's a woman writing though, obviously she's lying.

But even if you believe this confidence bullshit, IT STILL CANT BE THAT SINCE THE ONLY THING HE CHANGED WAS A SINGLE NUMBER ON HIS PROFILE Even from a bluepilled point of view it makes 0 sense.

wereqryan #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Men and women can never be friends. The two sexes are natural antagonists.

Men and women are natural antagonists. Our brains, bodies and hormones are structured very differently which is why our mating strategies, behaviors, and visions for society and civilization are total opposites. Its a tug-o-war between the two sexes. When one wins, the other must correspondingly lose. Given that we are so different, it is a tragedy that both sexes need and want things from each other and are coerced to cooperate with each other; it creates a lot of tension and distress from the constant negotiations and bargaining as one side tries to secure its position at the expense of the other.

exactely, the mating strategies of the genders are not mutually beneficial as they are trying to make us believe. Instead they are vehemently opposed. At best they are mutually exploitative as in, the guy fucks around, the girl fucks around etc... aka its not a monogamous relationship at all.

Well said. High IQ.

Men and women can be friends but only if the sexual dynamic has been shut down in some way ie say some guy is friends with an old librarian woman who is like a mother or grandmother to him as an example of this or some hot super Stacy befriends a raging flaming fruit of a fag like Nikocado Avacado of YouTube infamy etc, etc. Two young and attractive people of the Chad and Stacy variety however? Fuck no! And they’re only deceiving themselves if they think they can maintain such a friendship without inevitably hopping into bed together.

Well said. High IQ.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

(waste matter)
[NSFW] damn this is bit much gotta be over 18 for this one

Two Women Shot Dead in Quiapo, Philippines – Best Gore

just some noodlewhores getting killed by based ricecels

Brazilian Trio Confess to Killing Nine Women and Baking Them Into Pies – Best Gore

real life devil rejects crazy trios

Four Women, Including La Guera Loca Decapitated and Dismembered by Los Zetas – Best Gore

they playing puzzle with dismembered body ugh

Severed Heads of Vietnamese Girls Allegedly Killed for Organs in China – Best Gore

ricecels not letting those gook noodlewhores go for whitu cocku only quest so they decides to do what is right

i don't really agree with such extreme ways of killing tbh but yeah it is their choice you know PREFERENCES

women are strong and dont need men btw, which is why these foid here decided to show their attackers mercy by having themselves killed.
truly, they are saints.

I like this one a lot. You never hear of so many attractive foids being killed at once and in such a aesthetic way. I'm not trying to be edgy, but the pics are very clean and artistic. I hope it is real, but the heads are too clean, the faces too attractive. I guess they tried to make it look that way, but it deserves more exposure if true.

90%+ of foids right now are into defund D Police agenda in the West, they can't dig their own graves fast enough.

Oh the poor women :soy: Nothing of value was lost. :dab Hi IT.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com

Massage Parlors are EVIL

Only in a sinful, carnally-minded society do people go get a massage, letting someone of the opposite sex usually) put their hands all over you from head-to-toe. It is just plain wrong.

When I hear someone say that they're going to get a massage, I know that they're not right with God. Oh, I know, everyone has a bad back, or a bad leg, or some other health problem that they use to justify getting a massage; but it doesn't matter. It is sinfully for a man to have a woman putting her hands all over him (unless it's his wife). Massages are unscriptural and sinful, because they potentially arouse sexual desires (at least in a healthy, normal man) and often lead to sexual immorality during the massage. God calls all believers to a life of holiness.

A wife who doesn't mind if her husband gets a massage by another woman; probably dresses like a whore, has a loose past of fornication, approves of abortion, accepts homosexuality, et cetera. Only an immoral wife would approve of her husband getting a massage by another woman. You should be jealous over your spouse, just as God is jealous over His own (Exodus 20:1-5).

Massages are sinful. No one should touch you except your spouse. Even a man touching a man is creepy. No man should massage another man.

Various Incels #sexist #psycho incels.is

If a foid was hanging off a cliff, would you save her?

Would you save her life?
Yes Votes: 18 23.4%
NO Votes: 59 76.6%

Let's say you're going on a hike and you hear screaming. You trace it and see a foid hanging off a very high up cliff. You can easily help her up or not. Nobody is around, and when they would find her fallen body it would be ruled out as a hiking accident. Now i know you might be thinking "no way, fuck foids" but if you're in a real life situation and looking at the person whose life you can end, you might feel kinda weird about that. I couldn't even kill my dying pet rat when i thought it would be easy. As far as helping the foid, it would depend on the mood i was in.

Fuck no. I would even step on her hands so she will fall off faster

Ban any yes voters immediately

I would rapemaxx on her and then throw her off a cliff @FinnCel @ThoughtfulCel Thoughts?

Of course I would. I would then haul her to my forest where I would beat and rape her.

Various Incels #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [TeeHee] [Degeneracy] Whore mother sends her son a boob pic

Single mothers often replace their boyfriends/husband with their sons depending on them for emotional support etc although usually it goes no further than this, but if the son is a chad however, this whore got drunk and let her true feeling about her most likely chad son come to the surface

You are so toxic, yikes.

Oh yes I forgot it's 2019 mayo foids should be allowed to express themselves fully and fuck dogs and their sons, it's their body after all inkwells.


Future of some incels who manage to ascend no doubt. I bet this type of behaviour occurs even more prominently due to lonely old single-mothers and sub8 sons. Most mother/sons probably don't talk about it because of y'know....its against the law.


CuckTears will somehow try to justify her behavior

They'll start with "They are consenting adults, so why do you care ?" as they did with homosexuality. Not so long ago, it was totally normal to think homosexuality is disgusting. And nobody would blame you for saying it loud. Nowadays, this is possibly the most offensive thing you could possibly say, on about the same level as saying the word "nigger". It is very much possible that incest will be normalized too in a few decades, including the mother/son version, which would be insane if we consider that even bonobos don't break this taboo.

NoCopeOnlyRope #sexist #dunning-kruger #quack incels.is

[Serious] Body Dysmorphia Isn’t Real

Body Dysmorphia is just a shitty diagnosis created by bluepilled cuck psychiatrists to shut down the naturally blackpilled people and label them as being mentally ill. For example, if you went to a psychologist/psychiatrist and complained that you were depressed/anxious that you were balding, they would diagnose you with BDD, when in reality, you’re a completely rational person who realizes the life consequences of going bald and how people will treat you as a result and the extent to which it will hinder the quality of your life. If BDD was normalized, people would become more blackpilled and eventually, society would start to collapse.

ionlycopenow #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

Reminder every foid you pass is a rejection

You don't need "ice breakers" you don't need "mutual friends" or "muh social circle", for a good looking Chad every single time he's even in the presence of a foid he's already dating material to her and she'll try to make contact.

Every time a foid has been around you and ignored you entirely, or even maybe passively interacted, it was a rejection. Rejecting your genes as being too ugly.

So if you're a khhv at 20 you didn't get rejected by just the few foids who turned you down but thousands by now.

Tom McGuirk #psycho #sexist pedestrian.tv

He’d matched with Sanderson on both Tinder and Hinge last week. Sanderson told PEDESTRIAN.TV he was quite forward, imploring her to come to his house for sex, and turning nasty when she didn’t.
“He was like, ‘Who else are you sleeping with? Who else is over tonight? Why wouldn’t you come over?” she said.
She told him that she was sorry to have wasted his time, but that she wouldn’t be coming round.
“You did waste my time,” he said in a voice memo, which Sanderson published on her Instagram.
“You’re fucking ugly. Your ass looks okay and you would have been one fuck. You would have been just one fuck, and that would have been it. Because you’re a disgusting fat pig.”
In another message, he told her she was “below him” in society, and that “the dysgenic like you are there to serve us”.

McGuirk told News.com.au he was a “good, decent person” who made a “huge mistake” and needs to learn from it.
However, Sanderson told P.TV that dozens of women had reached out to her with their own stories.
“About 30 women messaged me that they’d had encounters with him,” Sanderson said.
“It felt like I wasn’t alone.”

2Headpats4You #dunning-kruger #sexist #quack incels.is

[Discussion] Intelligence is only found in patriarchal species.

The females are bigger than the males in most species on the planet including, insects, molluscs, fishes, and reptiles. Mammals and birds are the exception; they contain only patriarchal species in which the males are bigger, stronger and more dominant. Mammals and birds must have evolved a patriarchal gender balance independent of eachother as well as intelligence.

Some say that cephalopods are intelligent because they can be conditioned to repeat certain behaviour but they are very r-selected; they lay around 100 000 eggs at a time and don't raise their offspring. Birds and mammals are intelligent and are taught about the world by their parents at a young age, especially if the father partakes too.
It appears as if intelligence, teaching and monogamy* only appear in patriarchal species which are a minority on the animal kingdom.

*Though there is a norm of monogamy among many species, female cheating has been observed in all known species of birds except for one.
The pattern among mammals is probably similar.

ionlycopenow #psycho #dunning-kruger #quack #sexist incels.is

Why do normies treat female validation as if it's worth shit?

It's not. Some useless whore picked a Chad over another guy, that doesn't mean the Chad is somehow superior overall, just means he was born better looking. In fact foids make species more stupid when they're allowed to be the ones picking mates. Plenty of species went extinct due to sexual selection.

Their validation isn't worth fucking shit. In proper times their "validation" meant you clubbing them over the head and raping them since they're too fucking weak to be able to fight back and do anything about it really. Never forget that, any time a foid tries to shit talk you you or even the weakest guy could easily slap her in the face and rape her right there and there's nothing they could do about it. That's a gender strength mog that can't be overcome

anon1822 #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

My parents really don't understand the current dating market or the blackpill, no matter how much I explain.

It seems like I keep having the same conversations with them, especially mom cause I don't tell dad these things, he loves me too much and it would break his heart.

I keep telling her women are gold diggers and are all after money. She kinda agrees that many of them are (but not all of them lmao). I tell her all women nowadays are evil and manipulative and bad in all kinds of ways (she agrees that many are bad but says that not all of them). Telling her they're all after handsome guys always feels awkward though cause it makes me sound like a whiny bitch that has complexes about his looks. She tells me I'm handsome so I have to deflect and say that they're all after guys with muscles and thugs and assholes. Yeah mom, I'm handsome, me and my bald head and my thick glasses and my fucked up teeth and my horrible frame and fat belly (looked even worse skinny) etc...

Tbh they're nice people. They just can't see it, they don't understand.

Mom tells me to go out and meet girls. Like it's that easy. Sometimes I tell her it's impossible and she tells me to go the park and pick up girls lol. Or some other things like that. Or that she'd love to find me some girls lmao. That would be the most awkward shit imaginable and the girl would think I'm some retarded pathetic loser autist who can't get a date by himself so his mom had to step in. Which would be accurate but I'd rather die than go through that.

So when they comment about grandkids or me getting a girlfriend or something I just try to tell them it'll happen in the future or something equally placating. Well, I still let my guard down sometimes and try to drop blackpills but I'm going to try to keep my mouth shut more.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

Not only do women have a smaller brain, but the part responsible for managing complex abstract things has 3 times less neurons than we have.

Giving them equal rights as men is too big of a burden on them. Its beyond their capabilities to vote or participate in the workplace or decide a future for their country.

We need to stop this oppression and treat them as special needs who have 3 base goals - get resources, get sex and raise children. They shouldn't be burdened with extra responsibilities.

mainlander #sexist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

A song about modern women and how over it is. Music and lyrics by me. Lyrics:

Did no wrong
Just need to wait
Waited till
It was too late

What can I do or say?
To cure your mental spaying

There has never
been a way
Can't accept
This rigged game

What can I do or say?
To cure your mental spaying

What can I do or say?
To cure your mental spaying x2

Maximilian von Auschwitz #sexist #homophobia rapey.su

[OP of "[Based] Lesbian rights"]

Lesbians, as different kind of femoids, who can live without ruining lives of men (if they just not feminists), can be given more rights, than nmotrmasl femoids. Except voting rights, for sure. But then problem may arise of bisexual and even heterosexual femoids going or pretending to be lesb. And how to deal with it could be that femoids before geting lesb rights need to be tested, and only full lesbos getting those rights, with bisexual cunts left in belonging to men. But best solution be is that only ugly femoids alowed to be lesbos, and all decently looking, even if lesb - be forced into righfull place, to be man's property, as wifes or communal whores

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