
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

jeeperspeepersyo #crackpot #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

How can I learn to accept that society is penis obsessed, that even straight men talk about, draw & appreciate large penises more than they do vaginas, that oral sex is not common on women due to vaginas being unappreciated & that penises are fetishized a lot, so straight men like women with penises

How do most women accept these things and not feel inadequate, insecure or sexually of less value? How do they still feel attracted to men and have sexual desire?

I read about people saying those things on Reddit for example a lot and I have been told them by people on my Facebook friend's list a lot. Men and women and even more women. Even liberal men.

The focus and fetish for men who are into trans women is their penis, the focus and fetish for men who are into women with vaginas is the boobs and butts, not the vagina.

I have also been told by feminists that women have to beg for oral sex especially in certain cultures and with young men and that it's also because society sees vaginas are gross, unclean, fishy, taboo. While penises are not so. And that gay men are more openly negatively insulting & disgusted by vaginas than lesbians are by penises. Because penises are more normalised, default and sexualised.

Is it normal to be sad that society is penis obsessed and that straight men are even penis obsessed, and that vaginas come after penises, boobs and butts?

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
I don't believe in forcing people into the military, as is standard in many countries (Korea, Israel, Turkey), but a few years in the Peace Corps, say, would do this man some good. Unless he molested their kids. Would he be subject to local law?

( SamuraiGhostCat )
I don’t think it’s the Peace Corps is the right job for narcissists and sociopaths tbh. And like you said, too much risk not only to the children there, but women too. These men need to be kept away from all society in general.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
You're right. I shouldn't punish others. I'm just trying to think of some actual hardship that might make something click in their brains.

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island) and make them grow their own food, build their own shelter, deal with actual survival like some people today are STILL struggling with, sadly. But like our own ancestors did not that long ago. [Not to say Farmer Jones who was up at dawn working the fields didn't also find time to rape the animals, because I'm sure he did.....]

Make these men dig a well and maintain it. Something where they get physically dirty and sweat and do NOT use their penis.

( proudcatlady )
This was the norm for men for most of human history and they still sucked, big time.

( GoodGoneGirl )

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island)

Let’s make it an actual island. Far, faaaaar away from women and girls.

( SamuraiGhostCat )
Antarctica... or maybe another planet.

( hmimperialtortie )
Prison with hard labour. Back to the old days of breaking rocks.

KeithWoods #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia twitter.com

Taiwan is worth fighting for, if Taiwan falls to China it’s over for the United States.

Lazy isolationist rhetoric (words I use all the time) doesn’t change the real world impact of Chinese dominance in the region. If you’re not a China hawk you can’t be America first, you’re just China first.

Real populism is sacrificing young white men to protect the independence of an island in the Western Pacific and maintain the global dominance of the empire that wants to turn your children trans and replace you with mexicans

BlackCirce & Only_Women_Are_Women #crackpot #conspiracy #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I don't 'own' my uterus

( BlackCirce )
Neoliberal transhumanism. We “own” our parts so rich people (men) can rent or sell them as commodities when we are too poor to feed ourselves and our children. This is why cultural feminism is so important. Being female and having female organs is integral to who we are. This is why class pride is important. Being female is good.

First they tell you it’s bad to be female, and they make it true through violence backed up by law. Then they tell you the problem is your female organs. If you didn’t have these bad female organs, you could be free and happy. And they say, you’re raped anyway, you’re going to get pregnant whether you want to or not, why not get some money for it? You’re in pain from menstrual disorders, why not give us your uterus and ovaries? Then the slave, in her mind is free, because she chose it. She transcends her inferiority through destruction and degradation of her body. Her only power and control is through complicity in her own enslavement. So she becomes a partisan against her own interests.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )

Neoliberal transhumanism.

This is not getting a fraction of the press it should, or they write about it like "we'll get rid of diseases and live to be 150" etc.

No. It's creepy billionaire men who not only want eternal life, but want to wear female skin.

Martin Rothblatt should be the most infamous Supervillain out there. Bill Gates and George Soros get a lot of press as Supervillains, but Rothblatt is largely unknown.

Transhumanism isn't being pushed to enable the blind to see or children in wheelchairs to walk -- it is part of a sick sexual fetish.

( BlackCirce )
We already have the technology to feed everyone on the planet but we don’t. Same with medicine and other such amenities for the disabled. So why should I believe that transhumanistic advances would be treated any other way? They’re just fun things for the ultra rich (99% male) to soothe their death anxiety. And they’re also pedophiles looking for a way to create human being who is chronologically of legal age for sexual relationships but physically and mentally early puberty or prepubescent.

Feminists are blamed more for queer theory and transgenderism than Martin Rothblatt is.

@Julio_Vichon , @CAMOKAT6 , @TomasTorrens10 & @Littlegoblin17 #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

( @Julio_Vichon )

How is gender different from chakras, souls, auras and zodiac signs? At least the zodiac is based on things that exist, like birthdays and stars. 🤔


The difference? No-one has ever masturbated to the thought that they might be a Sagittarius rather than a Scorpio.

( @TomasTorrens10 )

It’s much newer, rooted in neurosis as much as necessity and explicitly political. By comparison chakras and souls are ancient ideal objects that properly engaged with can functionally and practically deepen ones understanding of reality.

( @Littlegoblin17 )

honestly I put zodiac and genders on the same level of crazy- especially with so many zoomers taking zodiac VERY seriously and as honest truth (same with manifestation)

chakras and souls I might not believe in but jfc they somehow make more sense than the other two

Quiltwork #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #kinkshaming quiltwork.tumblr.com

(Submitter’s Note: Context is that the OP is an ex-gay / ex-trans who credits God with helping them leave the LGBT lifestyle which they equate with abuse due to one person. This person has also gone after shipping fanart.)

Within that first year out of school, God was calling me to Him. I’d always loved Him since before I could remember, so I went with the feeling. He called me to check into His Word about if being gay was actually alright, and I found out it wasn’t, and it shocked me. I couldn’t reconcile what I read with what I was taught, so I wrestled with it. Why was it bad, why why why? He didn’t give me the answers at first, he let me wrestle for a time.

On my 20th birthday, I drew gay shipping fanart, and that was the day the Holy Spirit held heavy on my heart that what I was doing was wrong. I felt oddly bad for what I did, so I went to Him with an idea: If He truly felt like it was a sin, then I asked Him to change me and I’d avoid all appearance of it for a while until then. If it wasn’t bad, I figured it wouldn’t go away. He would let it be because it wasn’t a problem, and I’d be okay with it. So I repented for 3 months, came back to check, and the feelings were gone. I saw beautiful women as creations of God, as my sisters. I saw those same sex friendships in cartoons and anime as just that, friendships.

starwars #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

To believers in the TRA cult, same sex attraction doesn't exist. They think people are attracted to each other based on gender identity, and if you're attracted to someone with the same gender identity, you're gay. If you're only attracted to those of the same sex, then that's a preference and not an innate sexual orientation according to TRAs.

A problem with the TRA worldview is that homosexual behavior has been observed in many animals species and that homosexuality in animals is completely based on sex, not gender identity. Of course, this is how homosexuality works in humans as well, because gender identity doesn't exist at all in humans or other species. But how would TRAs explain homosexuality in animals?

Do they think animals experience homosexuality based on gender identity? If so, all studies of homosexuality in animals have to be thrown out, since they were conducted based on the animals's sex rather than gender identity.

Do they think homosexuality in animals is based on sex, but based on gender identity in humans? If so, why?
Why did humans evolve gender identity to begin with when other animals did not? Why did gender identity evolve to become a more important factor in sexual orientation than biological sex in the human species? If TRAs think animals can have gender identity as well, why didn't gender identity evolve to replace same sex attraction in animals like it did in humans?

I've had religious fundamentalists tell me "We should behave better than animals" when I point out homosexuality exist in animals. I wonder if this is how TRAs view gay people as well. A dumb animal doesn't know what it's doing, but they expect a human to know better. I also think TRAs have the religiously rooted worldview that humans are special and above animals. That's why they don't even sit down and think why humans (supposedly) have gender identities while other animals don't. There's nothing in science, biology or evolution that tells us humans are special, unique or above other animals.

Why aren't TRAs angry at scientists who study homosexuality in animals? I've seen biologist on twitter get attacked by the trans mob for saying biological sex exist. How long until gender stereotype worshipers feel invalidated by gay animals?

Various TERFs #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why are schools allowing autogynephiles around children

MEN shouldn't teach young children. Especially not ones with public sexual fetishes.

Y’all already know how I feel about men 😭

I absolutely agree with the second one (obviously) but not with the first one. You know there are nice men and men in typical womens positions and viceversa is actually a good thing for gender abolition... I don't want a world where only women have relationships with children when I know there are respectable and normal men out there who would never be inappropiate with children.

He’s a nice man who would never do that to a child is what everyone says after it’s revealed that yes he would do that to a child

I mostly agree with this. But I think it's dangerous to have males teaching/supervising very little children who often need a teacher to help them in the toilet, to change a diaper, to bathe them after an accident, etc. The risk of abuse is just too high. And I think even most fathers would agree with this policy.

Once children are older, have the vocabulary to complain if they're abused, and don't need help in the toilet anymore; than male teachers are okay. But I'd be anxious if a man I didn't know was supervising my infant at a daycare.

Not worth the risk when we're talking about children's safety tbh

Yeah until we can impose actual consequences for ALL inappropriate behaviors (such as being weird, leering, and grooming; not just actually physically harming a child), men should not be allowed to teach.

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Students stage massive walk-out after a trans girl was blocked from the locker room / LGBTQ Nation

( OneStarWolf )
Crazy to me that any girl would be protesting to put a boy changing in the locker room with them. They're so naive.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
And indoctrinated.

( MiMi2013 )
And stupid. And desperate to be handmaidens. :-(

The boy students , at least some of them, know they're protesting for the erasure of women from public places : From employment, from education, even from any place in public where they might need to use the restroom, AND that this will lead to a society in which women can only survive by finding some man, any man, to marry. That this is the result of allowing any boy or man who wants to , to "identify" as a woman (woman=porn category) has been openly discussed on 'manosphere' sites for years now.

And I have zero sympathy left for trans people at ALL. I do not believe dysphoria is at all common ; where it does exist is mental illness probably akin to body dysmorphia disorder; most trans woMEN are just autogynephiliacs (IOW, rape-y, entitled heterosexual men) , and even they are being replaced by violent sex predators willing to feign trans ness to prey on girls and women (as we see in only too many prisons). In a word : MONSTERS.

@so_wise_science #transphobia twitter.com

Well,if you declare "Trans women are men", what goal are you pursuing? Let me guess, excluding trans women from gender seperated spaces, under the asumption, that doing so would improve safety/privacy for cis women?

Yes. We want male-bodied ppl barred from all women’s single sex spaces. Men cannot lie abt their sex and expect to be catered for—who the hell do you think they are? Their feelings are more important than women’s safety? Screw that. Men in frocks can bugger off.

@Passie_Kracht #transphobia twitter.com

We started by being kind and calling men “her”.

We ended up being called bodies with vaginas, menstruators, birthing bodies, uterus owners, host bodies, gestational carriers, chest feeders, cervix owners, people with vaginas.


David Icke #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming #quack #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

I have exposed this far the level of the Cult conspiracy that operates in the world of the seen and within the global secret society and satanic network which operates in the shadows one step back from the seen.

The 'Covid' hoax is major part of the Cult agenda, but only part, and to grasp the biggest picture we have to expand our attention beyond the realm of human sight and into the infinity of possibility that we cannot see.

It is from here, ultimately, that humanity is being manipulated into a state of total control by the force which dictates the actions of the Cult.

How much of reality can we see...?

Next to damn all is the answer.

We may appear to see all there is to see in the 'space' our eyes survey and observe, but little could be further from the truth. The human 'world' is only a tiny band of frequency that the body's visual and perceptual systems can decode into perception of a 'world'.

The Cult and its non-human masters seek to convince us through the institutions of 'education', science, medicine, media and government that what we are experiencing is who we are. It's so easy to control and direct perception locked away in the bewildered illusions of the five senses with no expanded radar.
The phenomenon of identity politics is a Cult-instigated manipulation technique to sub-divide previous labels into even smaller ones. A United States university employs this list of letters to describe student identity:

LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, flexual, asexual, gender-fuck, polyamorous, bondage/discipline, dominance/submission and sadism/masochism...

Wokers programmed by the Cult for generations believe this is about 'inclusivity' when it's really the Cult locking them away into smaller and smaller versions of Phantom Self while firewalling them from the influence of their true self, the infinite, eternal 'I'.

@MegQuahogRI #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

Then why do you think trans women feel comfortable changing their sexual characteristics to femaleones? If it is "Fucking up [their] endocrine system"?

self-harm, divided psyche. PAYING to be carved up by a deranged army of Dr. Frank N. Furters, for a delusional bid at being the opposite sex. Its a dark comedy at this point. Its gonna age about as well as ice pick lobotomies.

SDarbey #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Trans, a byproduct of civilizational collapse, discussion.

Okay, so I don't identify as trans or part of any of the demographics that are associated. But I recently read that the confusion surrounding gender in the current world could be a sign of cultural collapse. Which is defined on Google as so: Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence.

I'm not against any who are part of the LGBT community, to each their own. But to me, this kinda makes sense. Because most of our civilization seems to be confused, and don't know who or what they are or what they want, so they fill in the blanks left by their emotions in attempt to fit somewhere while they spread hate on anyone who doesn't subscribe to the views and opinions of that community with "peaceful protests".

Please don't assume I'm hating on anyone, this isn't my opinion, it's all observation (I don't use mind numbing social medias or watch the news either so I'm out of the global loop), so again, to each their own. I couldn't give two shits honestly, I don't care who you are or what you do as long as you're not hating or hurting anyone, I just wanna know what people think about this.

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Whites and Blacks in a Free South"]

There is often a criticism levied by broader White Nationalists against Southern Nationalists regarding the disproportionate number of blacks in the South[…]That, due to the large number of black people[…]the South would struggle with their administration, and possibly find themselves inheriting a black insurrection
What to do with black residents who may find themselves in a White dominated, separate South? The short answer is that we reassert reasonable and traditional standards[…]This is hard for White Nationalists coming from other areas to comprehend
Rural blacks would probably find a Free South more comfortable than that which we have in the United States today. The LGBTQ crowd, transgenderism, pedophilia, and cultural degeneracy is just as foreign to them as it is to us
Urban blacks in the South are just as much a problem here as they are up North. The only difference is that our law enforcement and prosecutors know how to handle them and rarely coddle them, except in the biggest, black-run, liberal urban environments, like New Orleans and Atlanta
Making the economic system less comfortable for urban blacks (as well as other non-natives and underperforming Whites) would likely encourage them to move to places like Portland or the Northeast
The South always had a disproportionate number of blacks compared to the North, yet we never had a problem coexisting with them until Yankee interference through federal institutions. Take away the federal institutions and the South can return to similar policies that were established in the past. I do not mean Jim Crow[…]We would likely see a return to voluntary segregation at the local level for everything
Those blacks who remain would likely have a black sheriff who maintained law and order in accordance with the dictates of conservative, White statewide laws

Matt Margolis #transphobia #wingnut pjmedia.com

We’ve covered the issue of boys playing girls’ sports here at PJMedia quite a bit. There are plenty of examples of biological boys who “identify” as girls and, because of the biological and physiological advantages males have over females, crush the competition, and girls who worked hard for years to achieve opportunities with their physical talents lose out on opportunities.

All this is done in the name of fairness.

Sadly, beating women and girls in competition isn’t enough for the transgender movement. Biological men actually physically beating up women is now something that is celebrated by the radical LGBTQ movement. On Friday, a biological male who calls himself Alana McLaughlin became the second transgender “woman” to compete in MMA, and won his debut match.

The first man to compete with women in MMA was Fallon Fox, who infamously dominated his female opponent with such brutality that he broke her eye socket. “I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night,” Fox’s female opponent Tamikka Brents said. “I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right.
We’re supposed to celebrate this? We’re supposed to cheer as men crush their female competition, sometimes literally? Is this what the left calls “progressive”? Opposition to men beating up women is now called bigoted, and non-inclusive, or whatever?

Sorry, not me. This is sick and wrong, and those of us who know better than to buy into this nonsense have to speak out.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie adrenogate.net

There are many cults in this world, but they all lead to one devil, though the manifestations of this Devil over the years has shifted from Bull – The time of the Minoans of Crete, when we were in the age of taurus into the age of Aryans and the Ram, We get these Houses from the procession of the equinox and they either fall into Sol or Luna worship. We are in Pieces moving into Aquarius, an interesting synchronicity.

The one thing these animals have in common is that they have been hosts to parasites for millennia and we have only just learned of the microscopic world and to what extent the microcosmos has affected our everyday lifes and civilization. Many have spoken of the basilisk as a threat through out time, often referring to it in terms that lacked the knowledge to describe them adequately. Hinting and beating around the bush, they could see the symptoms but not the cause.
The devil is often referred to as a snake, serpent, dragon – That old serpent which is the devil, has been worshiped in the form of the animals that those cultures held in high esteem.

Whom exactly is this devil? It i a transsexual hive mind who calls it’s self the queen of heaven and uses parasite demons to infect the children of God, by which he tempts them, influences them, kills them and even takes complete and totla control over them through demonic parasitic possession.
The parasite is some thing that has lived on in the background, motivating people to live out side of their own self interest, to partake in unholy rituals involving homosexual acts and human sacrifice, this parasite can be found in meat, produce and water supplies. It is the leading motivating factor behind homosexuality, pedophilia, human sacrifice and blood rituals and that is how it is spread among the elite and their golems and goy. They are a wasteland of parasites, zombiefied and droned out into being an NPC, An Enforce or An Acolyte of their secrets.

dacason/Camelot Daily #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut camelotdaily.com

The guiding light for the Luciferian Rothschild financed, Freemason President Truman backed Israel, it’s leadership and the majority of those who practice the cult of Judaism is known as the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud, which promotes pedophilia, transgenderism, homosexuality, murder, deception, etc. was invented by a false prophet and pedophile named Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, who according to his own dying words is in hell today. Coincidentally, Rabbi Zakkai’s Talmudic followers make up just 1.8% of the United States’ population. However, they control 96% of the world’s media e.g., television, papers, magazines, big tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter) etc. and are the founders and controllers of the pseudoscience of psychiatry/psychology and America’s pornography industry, a weapon that’s been used by the ‘synagogue of Satan’ (Revelation 2:9) for generations to destroy morality throughout our once upright nations.
While many point to a more recent past, the synagogue of Satan’s onslaught against Noah’s bloodline of Japheth and the exceptional Western civilization they’ve created, in fact dates back over 2,400 years. The following is an excerpt from my book, Deception: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of Newgrange, p.133, which gives readers insight into the origins of this ancient vendetta. (note: modern Jews are descendants of the Khazarian Empire)

IrishTheFrenchie & zephyrean #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com



( zephyrean )
TBH that "right" is bullshit and it shouldn't exist at all either way. Why is this specific fetish elevated above others?

A trans is a thoroughly unpleasant individual, an offensive gross pervert. Society should agree on what constitutes "unpersoning" and grant the right to not be unpersoned to absolutely everyone who isn't a criminal. Let's say "equal prices for goods and services offered to the public". (There are a lot of free variables. What's a crime? What must be "offered to the public" and what can be a private deal? How often can you change the terms?)

For example, a person walking into a store to buy food should be allowed to buy food; if a community wouldn't sell someone food, the person can't live in that community: they should either criminalize the person's offensive behavior outright to be intellectually honest or pass a law that mandates equal access. The same goes for housing.

Consider "smelling bad". Is that offensive? Can you throw a stinker in jail? Can you demand that he leaves a store? Can you reject his job application? If yes, how is he different from a trans who engages in his fetish in public?

Can you reject the job application of someone who behaves normally in public but writes "other races are subhuman" online? If yes, how is he different from a person who behaves normally in public but has a gender identity?

George McClellan #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy #fundie americaoutloud.com

dangerous people like Joe Biden and his Commie compatriots come every four years, and now, in the face of unbelievable political incompetence that should ensure their demise from the American stage forever, they’re moving heaven and earth to stay in power forever.

How do they do that? By taking our eyes off their failures, Afghanistan is one that stands as an indelible mark of treason against “Woke” military and Marxist politicians; By racing to bankrupt America before 2022; by encapsulating rules that run against traditional Americanism with ‘fait accompli’ rules to ensure the demise of the Christian religion, the survival of perversion, transgenderism, Black Leninists Matters (BLM), and the ultimate demise of the White European Americans, their cultures and their influence on Americas future events.
In desperation, Democrats keep changing the subjects, so we take our eyes off the debacle that is Biden’s incompetence as seen in Americas collapsing border invasion; the attempt to push the climate change nonsense down our throats, and worse attempts to stem the rising anti-abortion feelings soon to end Roe vs. Wade. We cannot allow that to happen. We’ve got to stay in the faces of our elected officials, demanding they seek answers to the many questions dragging America through the dirt.

Why are there no indictments of Obama’s deep state operatives in their criminal coup attempt against President Trump? Why has nothing been done about Hunter Biden and loads of evidence from his laptop that paints the entire Biden family as an organized crime syndicate? Did Biden abandon Afghanistan so precipitously so as to give China unhindered access to our primary battle weapons?
We must take the attack to the Marxists. After all, we do have a growing pile of evidence to disqualify any argument they present. They must resort to screaming and name-calling. We don’t need to!

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go do something about it!

VJM Publishing #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy vjmpublishing.nz

Internet dwellers will have found themselves more and more frequently encountering the world ‘globohomo’. It’s always used derisively, usually by members of the alt-right or alt-centre. The word appears to consist of two things, but the combination is another thing in its own right, much like how chloride and sodium combine to create table salt.

The first component is ‘globo’. This refers to global, because globohomo is a strategy deliberately carried out by globalists in particular. Globohomo is very much a world-wide phenomenon, in the sense that it seeks to expand its reach into every corner of the planet. It intends to destroy all local cultures, whether they be national, provincial, city, town, village or family. These local cultures must be destroyed so that people have no resistance to the propaganda of the globalists.
The second component is ‘homo’. What this refers to is the fact that the people pushing the globohomo ideology are almost never people with healthy families, and they are always promoting behaviours that are not compatible with the function of healthy families. Inevitably there is some kind of sexual dysfunction among the people who cheer for globohomo. It isn’t simply a matter of homosexuality, but also a curious reluctance to have children.

An essential part of the ‘homo’ element is that people are induced to either not have families, or to hate the families that they do have. The point of this is to further destroy the family unit for the sake of facilitating the indoctrination of the people with new ideologies. This is why transfaggotry is so heavily promoted: those pushing globohomo know that a young man who decides he is a woman will earn the disgust of his parents and grandparents, and will thereby cripple his family.

In combination, these qualities give us ‘globohomo’. What this amounts to is a globalised degeneracy pushed by the corporate media and intended to glorify materialism and mindless consumption.

mars3127 & Evilpickle7 #moonbat #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

RE: AOC has caved in.


She flat out referred to women as “menstruating people” on television the other day. She did so several times.

She is just another misogynist who hates women so much that she insists on demeaning and erasing us. It’s sad when men buy into the “woke” misogyny, but seeing other women (like AOC) spout this nonsense is really unfortunate.

I just don’t understand why women go along with this crap men loses are practically abysmal while women loses almost everything.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #racist #wingnut simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Michael Soetoro (often incorrectly referred to as Michelle Obama) is former "president" Barry Soetoro's "life partner" who the liberal media often referred to as the "First Lady" despite his being male.

Barry Soetoro, better known by his pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is the second open homosexual to hold the office of President of the United States, after James Buchanan. This is despite the fact that Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya to a Kenyan father and American mother, thus making him ineligible for holding the office of President of the United States.

Soetoro "married" his life partner Barry in 1992. This was legally invalid because this "marriage" occurred well before Illinois recognized same-sex civil unions in 2011 and "marriages" in 2014.

Soetoro made his goal as "First Lady" of the United States to take away choices from students and parents when it came to school lunches. By doing this, kids were forced to eat unappetizing cardboard school "lunches" that were devoid of both taste and nutrition. Some school districts even cracked down on homemade school lunches because they contained too much sugar, especially if sodas were present. This was likely done to decrease school performance in well performing districts to justify the federal overreach into the school curriculum via the Common Core monstrosity. He also introduced "exercise programs" in schools to wear kids out since they were fueled on next to no calories, and this would deteriorate academic performance even more drastically.

Soetoro was likely highly influential in causing his life partner Barry to sign unconstitutional executive orders asserting transsexual "rights" in public schools and otherwise, because Barry himself has been involved romantically and sexually with a transsexual himself. Both Michael and Barry reject the lordship of Jesus Christ in a particularly boastful way.

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs losing height on HRT?

( yikesforever )
Gender dysphoria is a mental health condition (even if they deny it), it's not a normal healthy mental state of mind to be in.

I'll be happy for them tho. Go get that unhealthy body AGPs! :D

( GoodGoneGirl )
My first thought was actually that it would make them less of a threat. But the majority of TIMs are way bigger than women regardless of, erm … shrinkage.

( hmimperialtortie )
Every bit of harm these perverts do themselves just gives me schadenfreude.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
Until they start clogging up our medical facilities and wasting MORE of our tax money on treatment for conditions they brought on themselves.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes, that’s the only drawback.

Michael Brown #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia charismanews.com

This article is not meant to attack young people struggling with deep-seated gender confusion. To the contrary, it is meant to expose the attack on these young people.

To be totally candid, it's as if a spirit of madness has descended on our society targeting the youth in particular. It's as if reality has been turned upside down and truth no longer matters—or even exists. And it is downright heartbreaking to witness.

I have been warning against the trajectory of LGBTQ activism since 2004, and over these years, I have talked with countless parents and spouses and siblings, many of them weeping as they shared their stories. But recently, after speaking to several thousand Christians in Franklin, Tennessee, the accumulation of stories I heard was overwhelming.

And that men's bathrooms on college campuses now carry tampons, since "men can menstruate" too?

And that a man who identifies as a woman and is married to a woman who identifies as a man has now impregnated his "husband," so that "he" is now carrying "her" baby?

And that universities across the country will begin the fall semester asking students for their preferred gender pronouns, ranging from tey/tem/ter/temself to fae/faer/faers/faerself and from zhe/zhir/zhirs/zhirself to bun/bun/buns/bunself?

It's as if a horde of demons has been unleashed and our society has fallen into deep deception and delusion. And the ultimate victims, targeted for indoctrination from their earliest years, are the children. (If you think I'm exaggerating, take a minute to watch this "queer, non-binary" preschool teacher celebrating her accomplishments or this toddler reading through a gay ABC book.)

Whatever the cause of this societal madness, the question that remains is simple: what are we going to do about it?

DavidByron2 #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

FTM on realizing they're now treated like shit if they interact with children

FTM have a fascinating journey in modern misandry, their lived experience actualizes the latent hypocrisy and double-dealing of modern power structures.

They were raised as little girls with all the female privileges and now they have taken their life back as men, they are realizing that the feminists weren't exactly truthful about a lot of stuff. (quotes from a post on a board I'm not linking to).

Unfortunately, F2M are going to be the biggest help to us in getting the message out just how big the differences between male and female are. This is also why feminism fake sides with them while hating them at the same time. They know they are one of the big keys to show that at least in the west men are treated like shit compared to women.

I agree, but for right now feminism must feel like it's mandatory for these guys, even while it's an abusive relationship. Has anyone even heard of an anti-feminist LGBT+ community / group?

Feminism isn't faking like them. Feminism thinks of them as women. Feminists fake like trans women -- or in the case of TERFs they don't bother. So it's an abusive relationship like codependency. Political support in exchange for emotional abuse. It comes up a LOT on the board how often LGBTQ+ communities put on events and say "women and non-binary only" or something like that and then say to FTM "oh we don't mean you when we say no men allowed". The message is "we accept you - because we think you're women". Kill All Men! Ooops didn't mean you of course! So it's producing dysphoria all the time. Men suck! Not you though! It has to be more or less constant I'd guess.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Brit LGBT Awards doesn't use the word "lesbian" anywhere

Women and lesbian are bad words now unless it’s being used to label men who think they’re women, or when describing porn categories.

It all has to be redefined to encompass men first.

Of course they didn't. The number one goal of these people is to hijack the community we built and erase us from it. No woman who is not willing to open her legs to a man will be welcome in society anymore, not even among the "weird" kids, who are really just the same old oppressors but with ugly haircuts and poorly applied lipstick.

Lesbian is only allowed to be used for men now. Lesbians™, actual female homosexuals, are supposed to fuck off and be called non-men now or simply disappear into the ether.

TIMS don’t want any pesky reminders of same-sex sexual orientation. Society says: ok men, whatever you say, whatever you want.

Lesbians are expected to compromise their unique identity/culture and assimilate into the Akira-esque Queer Blob. THIS is why lesbians need spaces away from males and "qweers".

I wish I knew how to code, because it'd be so cool to write a program that tracks LGBT news sites/blogs/social media/etc. for a given time frame and returns the frequency with which certain terms are used (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, etc.). Not strictly related to this post but it'd be interesting to see how the usage of certain terms changes over time. All things considered, this is depressing as hell.

Linda Kimball #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia renewamerica.com

Monism, or continuity (also oneness), is the ruling idea in all ancient and modern mythological nature religions going back to Babylon. It is also the essence of the new pagan spirituality of the Oligarchy. In the their pagan worldview reality is the idea that the universe is a quantum energy field of undifferentiated divine creative energy in motion (evolution). From ancient times the serpent biting its tail has symbolized the energy field while the serpent is the symbol of the universe's creative evolutionary energies (serpent power). According to this view of reality God is not outside of the universe in the third heaven but rather God (the divine serpent) is the universe. God (the divine serpent) is within the circle thus within certain highly evolved elite pagans, demonstrating that "the whole world lies in the power of the evil one." 1 John 5:19

Claiming to be 'progressive, evolutionary, scientific and enlightened,' satanic spirituality of the Oligarchy declares that the Biblical Creator God and sin are scientifically-passé and that both elites and their depraved followers are gods or goddesses in process of evolution.

Millions of human-deities, each with their own personal opinions, pseudo-moralities, and multiple and ever evolving 'genders' – this is pagan polytheism issuing in idolatry of self, pursuit of pleasure, leisure, status, and power. Moreover, it is escape from suffering by whatever means since if sin (the Biblical answer to man's suffering) is a myth and the supreme evil is individual suffering then why should the man who envies God the Father not conceptually murder Him and seize His powers for his own agenda? Or why should abortionists, pornographers, pedophiles, transgenders, and Western 'elites' have to suffer the restraints placed on them by immutable truth, created norms, the Ten Commandments, Constitution, pro-lifers and other law-abiding Conservatives?

Jade #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Ban urged on rape suspects ‘claiming they are women’ | Scotland | The Times

I've had my fair share of "kink-positive, it's-his-right-if-he-wants-to-work-in-the-sex-industry, positive-vibes-only, can-we-talk-about-something-else?" libfems derail sorority group meetings created to tackle reports of sexual assault within a specific social group with "but why can't we invite men? Why does it have be us against them? Men get raped too! Women rape men too!"

All we need now is to corroborate this pickme virtue signalling do jour with statistics that "prove them right" because Jayden decided to be called Aimee and rape some "fellow women".

ComplicatedSpirit #dunning-kruger #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

Re: Charges filed against sex offender in notorious Wi Spa incident

So what never happens has happened again. I wonder if any "right side of history" media will mention this.

I'm just wondering how many times this has to actually happen before anything gets done. I don't think I'm so far gone as to think there will never be a tipping point but I suspect when it happens we'll see a lot of hand wringing and 'well how could we have known'

How many times will they make excuses like, “oh he’s not really trans and that’s why he did it” etc. etc. it’s frustrating.

The entire point of self-ID is self-ID. So saying some one is “not really trans” becomes moot.

Especially when the criteria for being trans keeps expanding to the point where it’s vapour. You don’t need to have dysphoria. You don’t need to be uncomfortable with yourself at all. You don’t even need to insist that its not a fetish anymore- now you can openly embrace it and proclaim it.

At this point, for the transgender movement, there is no such thing as “not really trans.” They have so eliminated it at their own insistence.

Even a religion has the benefit of an established belief system against which members’ own convictions and actions can be weighted; if they don’t hold up to it, saying someone is “not a real Buddhist” or “not a real Christian” or whatever is valid. But TRAs have sought to do away with the very concept. The only thing they hold sacred is that they cannot be questioned on the basis of their identity- either that they are a man or a woman, or that they are transgender.

Their choice. But that also means that they cannot squeal “That person isn’t really trans!” every time one of their own acts on their perversions.

Various terfs #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Is Men's Rights Activism inclusive of trans men?

If your MR activism isn't inclusive of trans men, it's not men's rights! It's nazism and you literally want the genocide of every single trans person!

This was one of my biggest peak moments: transwomen have to be included in women's spaces, but transmen also have to be included in women's spaces. It's up to the women to accommodate everybody, because of course the men won't.

nice try, but we know noone cares about trans men (not even the most rabid TRAs)

Trans men once again forgotten and with no power lmao. Their hairlines receding for no reason.🤣

But MRA activism is already Nazism...

TIFs are excluded in every aspect when it comes to men in power. Legit have never seen TIFs take over a company, win awards, or use their "male privilege" for anything. the only time they get attention is... when they get pregnant 🥱

Careful what you wish for, I know some TIFs who talk a lot about misandry being a serious problem.

this btw was one thing that made me peak, how nobody, except evil terven uwu care about trans men and a trans man on twitter told me that once, they only care about them when they get pregnant or in his case become gc

NotCis #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

Where's the backlash against Texas?

Where are all the businesses lining up to announce that they won't do business with Texas anymore because of the new restrictions on women's rights? Where's the NCAA announcing that it won't host tournaments and events there? If you ever needed proof that trans activism gets more attention and corporate support than women ever did, it's in this silence.

The difference between the response to NC over bathroom bills and the response to abortion rights is what peaked me on the democrats. I don’t know who to vote for anymore.

I won't be voting for Democrats again. The state of California, which is in a Democrat stranglehold and nearly always has been, banned state-funded travel to Texas over the "bathroom bills." Crickets now.

I did vote Dem, always have, but in recent years it's been more because "the other side is even worse." I used to be an enthusiastic Democrat but I can no longer stomach voting for a party that does not recognize women as human. I'm considering emigrating.

Not voting is better than voting for any political party.

Democrat: Pro-"trans" no matter what, misogynistic, and homophobic.

Republican: Pro-"trans" when it's convenient (e.g. "trans the non-conforming and gay away"), misogynistic, and homophobic.

Yeah, I agree. I’m at the point where I can no longer go along with “the Dems are better than the alternative.” The climate change argument was compelling for a while but at this point we’re so fucked I don’t know if it matters as much as I once thought. It does matter, but Dems aren’t exactly ramming through a carbon tax right now.

Britain's not that bad (TERF Island wooo) but good luck emigrating here with the new hostile policy after Brexit. Although it's mostly Eastern Europeans and brown people that they like to bully so maybe it's better if you're American.

Are there immigration limits because of Covid as well?

Various Commenters #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #ableist reddit.com

Anons talk about the transmaxxing manifesto


All funny until some idiots actually do it and then start blaming us when they realise they made a terrible mistake

What makes you think she would regret it?

impossible with 100% success rate

Transmaxxing is incredibly based

Although the transmaxxing manifesto is kinda nutty ngl

well transitioning got me laid so +1 for transmaxxxing ig,, but now i just worry abt everyone being a chaser. such is the life of a passer 😢

not even a passer, just an attractive femboy

incel to tranny pipeline is based but this is retarded

angryallytoall #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia reveddit.com

The trans community would gain more allies if trans women quit acting like cis men in feminist spaces

I am an extremely vocal ally of oppressed classes. I have led feminist education groups for men, I have marched hand in hand at pride parades, I have stood up vocally and physically to shut down oppression of minorities. I have bled because I stood up. I also believe intersectionality to be the most critical thought process to integrate into ANY fight against oppression.

I’m tired oppressed classes punching down, certain cultures of POC being extremely homo and transphobic.

My wife USED to be a rabid supporter of trans rights. Now, she wants the trans community to shut the fuck up.

Women have been shit on by men for millennia. This is absolutely undeniable. Even today, when a man enters a conversation, he will suck the air out of the room. The problem is, so many trans women grew up under toxic masculinity before their transition and they retain this “I am here, now bow before me” attitude. When these trans women go into feminist spaces, they demand everyone be an ally and demand that they change EVERYTHING that MIGHT offend one single person. If a woman dares to disagree with a single point, she is quickly labeled a TERF.

Trans ladies, do not fall into this behavior that is so typical of bearers of penises. You are hurting your own cause. You’re not demanding equality. You’re demanding deference from people who your birth assigned gender has demanded the same from since before recorded history.

If you were born with a penis, you have ZERO right or reason to have any say whatsoever over gynecological healthcare. Wanna talk about how creepy so many of us cis guys are? Yep, that’s a fantastic discussion.

You have allies. Abuse us and you will become marginalized again solely because of your own actions.

I am EXTREMELY vocal in holding other men and other Mayosapiens’ feet to the fire for being phobic or ist and I won’t shy away from confronting ANYONE for being an asshole.

crodish & BogHag #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho #transphobia ovarit.com

( crodish )

"LGB Alliance is a hAtE gRoUp fOr EXCLUDING US!!11one"


Cannot even begin to describe how sick I am of seeing "LGB Alliance is a hate group!!" just because the T is not included.

Animal lovers don't hate dogs because they choose to own a cat.

A bird sanctuary established for endangered species of toucans doesn't hate pigeons.

And at this point, seeing as how much MASSIVE SUPPORT the T has right now, over the simple act of a man wearing a cap and a shirt with dangerous scary words, they don't need our backing.

Call us back when trans-friendly shelters start having dead opossums nailed to their doors.

I remember reading an article about the usage of the words "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender" by each of the major "LGBT" orgs, and Trans was about 80% of the total, Lesbian almost 0.

I remember that too! I can't recall the source now and I wish I could.

by their logic, any trans group that doesn't explicitly include the LGB as well is guilty of the same hate crime. After all, I thought LGBT+ is only allowed together or not at all?

( BogHag )

It's being a homosexual itself that's not inclusive and that absolutely chaps the asscheeks of TQ

I think it's that without the LGB, they have no legitimacy. They're parasites.

That's a big part of it. There's also the connection to their oppressed status, their "in group", "the community", they lose access to gays and lesbians to validate their very real assimilation into the opposite sex, access to vulnerable people they can groom for sex, young people in particular they can groom for sex and to praise and validate their narcissism... LGB is an absolute treasure trove for TQ

fizzy #transphobia ovarit.com

The way TRAs treat detransitioners and desisters is actually disgusting. The fact that detransitioners and desisters know how the medical system treats the issue and are open about how fucked up it is threatens their ideology and cult-like indoctrination.

SamuraiGhostCat #moonbat #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I love being a terf

I love being a woman who sticks up for the rights of other women and girls.

I love knowing biological reality & believing in science.

I love having logic.

I love sticking up to misogynistic men.

I love being speaking the truth!

I love being a part of a community of wonderful, hilarious, intelligent, witty, caring, amazing women who support each other.

I love being a terf.


Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: The Dip in the US Birthrate Isn’t a Crisis, but the Fall in Immigration May Be

This whole premise is the great replacement as if it is a positive. Why would any American want to increase migration from africa? Or any foreign country at that? If the immigrants are not white there is no need to allow them in. Maybe if there was not unlimited access to abortion the scales would have changed? Or if there was not such a push to make all men think they are better off being girls or gay? The societal norms being pushed for the last few decades have had a terrible impact on the birth of children. Claiming that humans are killing the earth by our mere existence adds to the negative perception of children. The author wants to make America something it isn't and that it should never be if it wants to survive.

(Brent Hollingsworth)
But I thought this is a Systemically Racist and White Supremecist run country. You would think the Africans would think twice and the promoters of this question their motives for advising such..

Bottom line: accelerate the destruction by bringing in more savage troops for the race war, and probably Muslim ones.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)

In the longer term, more immigrants are likely to come from sub-Saharan Africa, and it will be important for America’s demographic future to attract, welcome and retain them.

Huh??? Is he insane? As a statistics guy he probably knows of the IQ dearth in that part of the world. Does he really think the magic soil proposition is for real? This prescription only transplants SSA to other parts of the world.

Mike Adams #conspiracy #fundie #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

As globalists accelerate their engineered mass depopulation agenda, we must all remember that God will not intervene until humanity has reaped the consequences of its own destruction. Why is this the case? Because God granted humanity free will, and free will means nothing if those who have it are not allowed to experience the consequences of their own actions.

Because of the unleashing of biological weapons via “vaccines,” we are about to endure a devastating collapse of modern civilization. I believe that even from God’s point of view, this is a necessary process for humanity to return to God and learn the lessons of what happens when you allow your society to become steeped in evil, demonic activities such as abortion, pedophilia, child-maiming transgenderism and bioweapons attacks waged by institutions of “authority.” There only real authority who matters is God, and if he were to step in right now and halt the disastrous outcomes that have been set in motion, humanity would never learn the most important lessons that will reshape our civilization for millennia to come.
Were God to intervene and control the decisions of humans without allowing us to experience free will, then human beings would be nothing but puppets, and God’s creation of life would be a pointless exercise. As the Bible teaches, numerous societies have turned away from God over the last two thousand years, each suffering its own horrific demise, often followed by survivors begging God for forgiveness and salvation. Only when free, conscious beings choose to live under God’s principles of honoring life will society prosper.

Put another way, we will never experience a prosperous society while so many institutions (entertainment, “science,” government, the “church,” etc.) are run by God-hating satanists who revel in the mass murder of unborn children and mass suffering via bioweapons “vaccine” injections.

Abigail Shrier, et al #transphobia twitter.com

Here is a redacted "Gender Support Plan" in place in a NY middle school district, sent to me by the mom of a 12 year old girl. The school district kept this "gender change" secret from mom, and mom might not have known about it at all, but for the guilty conscience of a teacher.

Madam Mimosa: (responding to someone who supports trans kids in this thread) I find your wholehearted support of this practice of keeping secrets from parents a bit sinister. This isn't just support, this is divisive and can hurt both the children and their families. I suspect you don't have kids.

Bruno Parks: If this document is authentic and the report is correct, there is a desperate need for legislation to prevent schools from withholding information about their children's gender identity from parents.

Irish the Frenchie: Child abuse. Subversion of parental rights

speculareffect #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #elitist speculareffect.org

I’ve warned several men over the past 21 years about women. I have, with an unfiltered perseverance, discussed the true nature of women, at lengths with hundreds of men. Some listened, others think they’ve got it all figured out.

Well, Kamala Harris is set to become the first female president of the USA. That means she is going to be the president of the entire planet — the gynotopia’s goddess head.

This is what the Taliban psyop is all about. To create a legitimate reason for Biden to step down which would then allow the cunt from hell, to usurp the throne.

It is perfect, too, because she’s a woman, which means she’s a total jackass — completely dumb, knows nothing about anything and will use all of our resources towards “fixing the world”. That includes male life, which will become even more expendable and wasted. Especially with what’s going on with cunts in Afghanistan. All of it is pushed by media propaganda and lies, but who cares? Women are “powerful” and the answer to all the world’s ills and will rely on male lives and vitality to create a gynotopic utopia.

You think what we all experienced the past 50 years was bad? Wait until Kamala becomes president. Full-scale Communism in your ass! An all-out assault on boys and men will ramp up. The divorce rates will skyrocket to an unprecedented level, if it hasn’t already. There will be more chaos and debauchery. Faggots, trannies and whores everywhere you go. Retarded children holding prominent positions in society. Inflation on a scale never seen before, because all “refugees” and migrants must be fed and taken care of, like kittens in trees being rescued. Free housing for this one and that one, because it is the “nice” thing to do, regardless of the detrimental impacts such policies will have.

I know for a fact, that when this happens, I will be vindicated, but I take no delight in this. For this will surely be the end of us all.

Jon Watkins #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut prayformychild.org

Tranny drag queen Andrew Levitt (a.k.a. Nina West) sings to children about the glories of homosexual, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, transexual, and nonbinary families. In a new video from Nickelodeon, the Pervert presents rug rats with live action video of Mr Levitt teaching them the meaning of the colors of the flag — not the American flag of course, but the flag saluted by moonbats, i.e., the flag representing the militant LGBT ideology aggressively inculcated into children by the liberal establishment.

LGBTQPXYZ militants have their reasons for targeting innocent children.

Not many parents would let their children watch hardcore pornography. But at least it would be less insidious in its effects than letting them watch Nickelodeon. Porn isn’t explicitly designed to coax children into embracing sexual abnormality.

Could it have been any worse than this in Sodom or Gomorrah? Wormwood is overdue and is at hand!!

Rob Pue #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #transphobia newswithviews.com

This world is not our home, so we shouldn’t cling too tightly to it. It’s merely the battlefield we’re called to fight on during these dark days.

Having said that, it’s important that we’re also vigilant and understand all that’s happening in this world right now. While many prefer to remain ignorant, not able to stand any “bad news,” it falls upon God’s people to remain informed, and inform others, being wise as serpents, but harmless as doves.
Meanwhile, the American Medical Association has passed a resolution to lobby for the removal of “sex designation” from birth certificates.

And the James Dobson Family Institute recently reported that the so-called “Family-friendly” Disney movie, “Jungle Cruise” includes one of the characters “coming out’ as homosexual and explaining that he has broken off multiple engagements with women because his “interests happily lay elsewhere.” This is for CHILDREN, folks.

Another Christian organization has also fallen to the sodomite agenda. World Vision is now requiring vendors to sign a “Business Code of Conduct,” which includes promising to select and promote personnel “without discrimination or concern for sexual orientation and gender indentity or expression.” That should earn them some “points” with the HRC.

And the White House just announced the first Muslim American nominated to be the US ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom. How do you suppose that will work out for American Christians?
There are those who continue to be fearful of a virus, of the government, of the Luciferian New World Order that IS coming, because, they either don’t know God or acknowledge Him or don’t really follow Him. Fear and faith cannot exist simultaneously. When we understand that, as true Remnant Believers, we have the very Holy Spirit of God living inside us, we have the perfect Counselor and Comforter, and therefore, unlike the rest of the world, WE have real power, real love and sound minds.

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

quartzlump & Foresthills #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

RE: So, this is a weird question...but was anyone else convinced that they were a boy whose parents were raising them as a girl?


I'm not trans, I just was always paranoid. I stopped believing it when I went to sex ed, though.

As a kid born in the 80's, no. If girls wanted to do "boyish" things, then that was praised (just not when I did it. A good looking girl can do literally anything, but a bad looking should do literally nothing, except just go crawl under a rock somewhere).

It almost feels like it was a side goal for the LGB movement to break the traditional gender roles, hence why the new T addition seems to cause so much friction. It's reverting back to the really old ways.

I recall wondering intermittently about what it would be to be a male from ages 10 onwards, but by exactly age 18, I ceased such psychobabble in my head.

This entire trans movement has an eyeballing amount of lobbying and money behind it.

It is an eugenics program, and one that is homophobic and lesbian and gay conversation en mass. It is a sterilization program for the masses who are neurodivergent, non-heterosexual, and mentally ill. The life expectancy of these poor children will be so cut, they will perish "naturally" come their 30s and 40s.

It also has lobbying from ideologies that desire to roll back woman's sex based rights and also has been infiltrated by pedophiles. With a main side goal of reducing the minimum age of consent for obvious evil reasons.

It is all very criminal and I can only pray this global experiment ends and we can forge ahead with brighter lives.

Even criminal stats are becoming skewed. I understand womankind can sometimes birth outliers but the majority of crime and depraved crime is committed by men and men alone.

The old transvestites never would have attempted such things. They understood they were men and women biologically and just wanted to live their lives in peace.

Lyle Shelton #transphobia lyleshelton.com.au

The Wiggles, once a safe haven for children, is now indoctrinating them into harmful LGBTIQA+ ideology, confusing them about whether they are boys or girls.

A “non-binary” unicorn, Shirley Shawn, has been added to the phenomenally popular children’s entertainment group in the name of “diversity”.

Two other “non-binary” characters have also been added – a non-verbal police officer, Officer Beaples, and a shy hand puppet named Bok.

Shirley Shawn appeared in a 2020 YouTube video with the Wiggles holding an umbrella in the colours of the rainbow political movement – a movement which teaches children gender is fluid, mothers are to now be referred as “birth parents” and that breast feeding must be replaced by “chest feeding” to accommodate “men who give birth”.

As well as the non-binary characters, the Wiggles added four new humans to its cast representing Australians of different ethnic backgrounds.

That aspect of the changes to the line-up is of course laudable.

Announcing the changes, Wiggles major shareholder and Blue Wiggle Anthony Field AM said in a statement: “As society has evolved, we have embraced the need for diversity and inclusiveness and want children all over the world to see themselves reflected on the screen.”

Most parents would not agree that teaching children that their gender is fluid is a good idea.

Too many children have been put on a path towards puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery, with experts expressing grave concern about the activities of children’s gender clinics.

Please send a message to the Wiggles: Stop indoctrinating our children!

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #ufo #magick #wingnut #fundie #psycho humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

A second snuff film of the feminist leader Hillary Clinton has surfaced on the dark net. It is a hundred times worse than the first one where Hillary Clinton was filmed cutting the face skin off of a little human girl alive, and placing it on her own face to make fun of the humans, before lesbian raping her, and skewering her, and eating her. They torture the children to increase adrenalin in the vampire adrenochrome blood they drink. <Removed insane detailed description here> Ill these lesbian feminist leaders like Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and “Planned Parenthood” pedophile cannibal industry Illuminati New Age Wicca witch leaders are male demon spirits, so they rape and eat our human girls and try to kill the real Christian men. It is like all these cross-dressing drag queen world rulers “gay mafia elite” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magic “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual pedophile cannibal “Bohemian Grove” globalist elite presidents, prime ministers, congress parliament members, Hollywood celebrities, royal families, popes cardinals, idol singers, church pastors, military leaders above the rank of full-bird colonel and general and admiral, designers, artists, corporate executives, CIA NSA MI6 FBI leaders, Nazi SS 4th Reich leaders, mainstream media celebrities, communist party leaders, Muslim leaders, Buddhist monks, cult leaders, monastery priests, Hindu gurus, famous models, etc. are all female spirits inside male bodies, so they sodomize our human boys. The female demon spirits prefer to live in male cloned hybrid human avatar bodies, and the male demon spirits prefer to live in female cloned hybrid human avatar bodies.

Various TERFs #dunning-kruger #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: First identical twins, 19, to BOTH undergo sex change surgery reveal they 'never identified as boys' | Daily Mail Online ---but how young did they start on hormones?

comment section is a wealth of sexist bs. (lots of applause because they appear 'beautiful'). 'they look better than some women'

If you scratch beneath the surface of those replies, you can see just how misogynistic society really is.

Um, it's scientifically proven that wearing a skimpy bikini and more makeup than a Kardashian is what makes a person truly beautiful.

But seriously, something that always occurs to me when I see these "beautiful" TIMs is that the relative lack of body fat in males lends itself to that sort of supermodel look when fat is strategically added via gender-affirming Brazilian Butt Lifts and breast augmentations.

Wonder how many of them have died from those incredibly dangerous lifts yet?

Many men only care about women or TIMs, if they can jerk off to them.

This is the world these people want. That womanhood is defined by beauty, and beauty determines a woman's value.

Isn't it kind of statistically significant that this is the only known set of identical twins to end up both transitioning? I know a set of twins and only one of them transitioned (TIF), and the other one doesn't seem to have any gender issues. That would suggest this is a socialized condition rather than something that truly exists in the brain at birth.

I know quite a few sets of twins IRL. It seems to me that it's not uncommon to try to find an individual identity that differentiates you from your twin. Maybe that doesn't always happen, but it seems the twins I know either do absolutely everything together (like get sexual reassignment surgery, in the example of these boys) or try to become as different from their twin as possible. Maybe transitioning is another way for one twin to seek an identity away from their sibling.

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