
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

Who knew that muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger would turn out to be the biggest pussy in the world, hiding behind a face diaper and crying like a baby about those who refuse to follow the hoax?

Who knew that Bruce Springsteen, hero of the blue collar workingman, would turn out to be a scum-sucking shill for the vaxx and a supporter of Hillary and Obama?

Who knew that Sean Penn, laughably lauded as the greatest actor of his generation, would whine like a little girl and run away from the set of his latest movie until everyone in the cast and crew was jabbed?

Who knew that Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner would turn out to be a crossdressing freak?

Who knew that Tom Cruise would turn out to be a pussified shill for the vaxx?

Who knew that Tom Brady would turn out to shill the stolen election and crack jokes about it?

At various times, these were the most desired men on the planet. Envied as perfect specimens of masculinity ... admired by millions. And they all turned out to be pussies.

It's said that crisis reveals character. You're sure seeing that right here.

And it's not just the people listed above. It's everyone in the public eye. Don't tell me about an actor or actress you admire or anyone in the public eye and claim, "They're different."

They're not different. They're all pussies and cowards.
If you're a young person reading this, don't look to sports stars, politicians, musicians, entertainers or actors as role models. Especially actors. I've met many of them. They're all gay. Even the ones you don't think are gay are gay.

Don't look to anyone outside of your father and a handful of Saints as role models for anything, and if your father wears a mask I wouldn't be so quick to idolize him either.

Matthias Cicotte #fundie #racist #transphobia #wingnut #psycho theguardian.com

The Guardian has identified an Alaska assistant attorney general as a supporter of the Mormon-derived extremist group the Deseret nationalists who has posted a series of racist, antisemitic and homophobic messages on social media
Matthias Cicotte, whose job means he works as the chief corrections counsel for Alaska’s attorney general, has acted for the department of law in a number of civil rights cases
In 2016, the account sent a tweet evoking a past time when “real history was taught in school, angry yentas didn’t rule, white men didn’t play the fool”
In a March tweet, JReubenCIark claimed that accusations of racism were “purely a tool to control people on the right”
On 15 June last year, he riffed on a catchphrase of the so-called Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, tweeting: “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Consequences Have Been a Disaster for the Human Race”
He tweeted: “Is it ‘white supremacy’ to note that some racial groups have higher IQs than others based on IQ tests? I believe that and I am only a Deseret supremacist”
On 25 June last year he wrote: “I can’t believe there’s a faithful Latter-day Saint out there who can look at the collapse of birthrates among the Latter-day Saints and say, ‘Well, hey, at least lots of Catholic Mexicans are coming to the US’”
Discussing an incident in Provo, Utah, in which a man appeared to drive his car into a crowd of BLM protesters, he remarked: “No one had a right to block his car. You all belong in jail”
Responding to news of a Drag Time Story Hour event in Long Beach, California, Cicotte wrote: “This demon should be burned to death and everyone responsible for that library event should be in prison”
JReubenCIark concluded a thread on how best to respond to the left’s characterizations of conservatives with the remark: “If brute violence is the only way to be free of them, what do they expect us to do?”

Book Thief #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Re: "Why are they so transphobic?"

Because we "deny the science entirely"? Ah yes, because taking estrogen pills and getting your dick cut off is exactly what nature intended all along!

And if anyone lurking here is reading this: No, I'm not into getting troons to 41% themselves. Transsexuality is not much different than, say, anorexia. Both involve the afflicted getting horribly depressed, having poor self-image about one-self, and seeking radical physical changes in hopes that it will "cure" said depression. Spoiler warning, it never does. Causing permanent self-harm to your body only drives one further into depression, leading to the aforementioned statistic. The only thing that will help them live long, happy lives is getting treatment for their mental illness.

If we treated anorexia like we do transsexuality, your friends would be starving themselves to get skinnier, even as they were bone-thin, because they believed themselves to be fat, while the media would be promoting anorexia as a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle, and anyone suggesting anorexics get help for their problem would be thrown in jail for "hatespeech." That's insanity. Yet that's the reality for how transsexuality is revered by Social Justice.

the khat quaffer #transphobia #psycho kiwifarms.net

I continue to be amazed at how many trannies/tranny enablers on shitter think we're taking away his trans identity because he did something bad. It's not that the act of raping his mother made his preferred gender invalid, it's the fact that you can't change your gender, PERIOD, and you should kill yourself if you think otherwise.

Plus all this sperging assumes that we respected his female pronouns before the rape anyways. We never did. He could stop the Israel-Palestine conflict and bring peace to the middle east and we'd still call him a man, before and after. You can't change your gender, imbeciles. Fuck you if you use 'they/them' too.

SamaelET #sexist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Quotas for women in senior postion are good, until you get fined for having to much women.

In France you have several quotas in our political system. First, each party should at worst have a 60/40 split between men and women in Parliament. Same applies to city councils, departmental and regional elections where you elect lists.

This is about another quotas, the quotas in senior postion in city's administration. Same 60/40 rule apply but this time Paris got fined for having too much women in 2018. Obviously, the feminists working in Paris' administration are feel proud of it, so much for equality.

In 2019, they changed the law. Now as long as overall in the administration, independant of the positions, you have the 60/40 split, you will not get fined. Meaning they will be able to give all high positions to women, fill the lower positions with men while advertizing that "all their top positions are occupied by women"

Also look at the article, now that they are close to their goal, feminists begin to criticize quotas system! It will end up like in Sweden, where they ditched gender quota in higher education, because men now are minority.

I never knew about the law changing even though I live in France. Big media don't talk about this.

And the fact that this yeat they added even more quotas for women in high positions in private companies in France, I am really thinking of leaving for another country. I cannot put up with this shit anymore.

Leaves a bad taste in the mouth when you implement this system, tip the imbalance to your favour, then ditch it when your goal is accomplished. just proves my hypothesis to be correct. feminism is not about equality, it's about swapping which gender is at the benefit of an inequality. and of course, they never want the drawbacks of said inequality.

Just identify as a woman and get yourself one of those top tier jobs with no handicap.

We are still not at this level of wokeness. But soon you will be able to call me sister.

VeggieAnnie & Fugacity #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

Rant: But It's so Stupid!

This is truly a rant, it will have no effectiveness out in the world.

I posted about this before, sort of, when I posted a silly poll asking which is worse, How malicious it all is? or How stupid it all is?

I JUST. Cannot. Get. Over. how stupid it all is. I can't forgive people, even my own husband, for not seeing how illogical gender ideology is. It's SO dumb. I can't not hold this against people. I see people into the gender woo (regular people, not teens with mental illnesses, they have their own thing going on) and I think, "oh, ok, you're a moron." It makes me really angry to see so many people say stupid things. People like fucking mathematicians. I can't....they are supposed to be like Helen Joyce and think, "this proof is false."

I can't with people anymore. I can't handle the stupid.

Rant end.

I resonate with this so much. I was never a TRA and my peaking was gradual but I just always assumed that surely people didn't believe that sex was literally changeable and that males were women. Helen Joyce makes the analogy that in maths if you start with a false statement then you can pseudo-prove anything you like - same thing with the whole gender empire.

The men in women's bathrooms, prisons and sports, the sterilisation of gay kids, the privileging of self-ID over material reality, the entire edifice is built on the LIE that everyone has a gender identity and that it's the characteristic around which we need to organise society. It's just a pure lie, it's simply false. Arguably the whole framework was built to let autogynephiles force everybody to immerse them in a sexual fantasy (it's grown into so much more obviously) and the loss of women's and children's rights, bodies, safety, and dignity are collateral damage in the project. God I fucking hate this movement

oof didn't plan to write all that but I needed to get it out

Hyacinth #psycho #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiM says forms asking for his biological sex are "offensive and disrespectful", so he lies and says he's biologically female


What if he goes under anesthesia for a major operation where he's still awake but the doctors gave him a female dosage not strong enough for his male pain threshold and feels every single thing while they slice into him?

Did I say what if, I meant hopefully

shewolfoffrance #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Message from Central California Women’s Facility (via WoLF) — Male neo-Nazi gang members are now encouraging each other to transfer into women’s prisons by identifying as trans.

Can't wait to see what Antifa is going to do to protect women, many of whom are victims of racial prejudice in the justice system, from Nazis (literal Nazis, not moms who don't want men wagging their penises in front of children).

They are not going to do anything. They "defend" categories only if it' s trendy, it' s not trendy to defend women, but it is trendy to defend men who call themselves women, regardless of the reason why they do it.

Nazis "identifying" as women will be the poor victims of bigotry, even when they rape, kill and torture biological women in prisons.

I think it would go down much the same way as Chris Chan. Mainstream media outlets will ignore the story, TRAs will be up in arms about pronouns and ignore the female victim, and a few TRAs will try to claim the Nazi rapists "were never really trans."

They will call it a hoax and say it never happens and when confronted with evidence they will say “oh but it hasn’t happened a lot” and so forth and so on

They'll go full rape apologist too. They'll claim the sex was consensual and the woman was lying.

About 60% of the women's prison population in California are women of color. Black women in particular are severely overrepresented. You'd think there'd be some concern from the people who claim they believe black lives matter about subjecting black women who have likely already experienced a lot of injustice and abuse in their lives to violent white supremacist males. But you know there won't be.

It seems like a lot of Antifa kids are young, white, middle-class men larping as radicals. Young men picking fights and destroying property for fun is the oldest story in the book. The veneer of social consciousness is new, but I don't think it reflects any deeply held beliefs.

Socrates #crackpot #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Expanding the List of Human Blights

Some types of people were left off of the last (too short) list of human blights. Let us fix that:

Human Blights:

Black people
Brown people
fat people
people who constantly whistle
people who practice yoga
people who eat sushi
people who eat tofu
people who believe in global warming
people who watch Woody Allen movies
people who own more than 3 cats
people who drive electric cars
people who don’t carry a pocket knife
people who correct your grammar

Joachim Hagopian #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia pedoempire.org

Sexuality and sexual relations between genders running amuck in today’s world and the larger than ever global child sex abuse trafficking network are not mutually exclusive but two dangerous symptoms reflecting the same etiological Satanic roots, both currently plaguing humanity under full court duress and mounting pressures from demonic elite controllers. Amidst all this chaos, turmoil and human suffering, a related phenomenon currently operating on every level from overt to covert is the all-out insidious manipulation to undermine morality and ethics in the homogenized, internet-addicted world population. We are barraged by constant 24/7 assault on our moral and ethical sensibilities, intended to create the lowest common denominator effect, the gradual acceptance of perversions galore in our daily lives. This insidious invasion is in large part to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual preference. The final chapter of this book fully is devoted to this global phenomenon perpetrated by predatory Luciferian earth controllers.
But history just keeps repeating itself with generations of this same VIP-type criminal placed in charge of the king-size rape of the planet, with different names, different dates, but otherwise exactly the same methodological playbook and same pathological, criminal, dynastic bloodline dynamics on full display, currently pushing humanity into the abyss – massive life extinction destruction. This demonic Satanic legacy can only live on and thrive if We the People passively through fear, ignorance and apathy allow it. If we fail to stop it, and ultimately hold this international criminal cabal fully accountable for its ceaseless crimes against humanity, children and our planet, we as a human species, will all soon perish.

Kevin & Keith Hodge #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

The Conservative Twins Reveal Why They Left The Democratic Party

Growing up black you're taught in your home you're a Democrat, Republicans are racist, and I always believed that. It took like the first 30 years of my life to figure out that wasn't true. The very first political videos i came across was Larry Elder, yeah, and then that little white supremacist Ben Shapiro came up, the idea that sex or gender are malleable is not true, and the first time I came across Ben Shapiro, I wanted to murder him, because he always had an answer, he was always right.

Like man, everything that these people are saying is the truth, and I started, before I knew it, I was just sitting there for hours just looking at him, then Candace Owens gets recommended to me, and I was like, man, how can I have been this dumb all my life.

I think a lot of people, especially minorities, have been lied to for so long they'd rather have that crutch of blaming white supremacy on them being just pathetic, yeah, it's easy to point at a white prince and say, that's why I can't succeed, that's why my credit is messed up, the reason why I robbed that guy is because a white man won't give me a job, I had to rob that black person you know.

They call us damn sellouts, Uncle Toms. From the moment they're born, their parents, their churches, our tv shows, our music is telling us to think a certain way. It's all our culture, has nothing to do with white supremacy. It's kind of a shame because being mentally enslaved is, like, that's worse than being physically, because if you can see, you got chains and you're a slave, you can try to take the chains off, you can run, but how can you tell somebody that they're a slave, and you don't have any change. It's like mental enslave that's more powerful than being, yeah, you can't do, you're going to die a slave.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: Women: We don’t wear makeup to impress men we wear it for ourselves! Study says otherwise

(The kissless)


Study here proves you are wearing makeup to impress men, compete with other women, and get dates/sex with men.

one of the reasons i hate women, chronic lack of responsibility, they are slimly cunti irresponsible herd children,
imagine putting on make up and complaining about responsibility

(Cope or die)
It is a tool to give them yet another advantage on the sexual market. Especially in this day and age foids will do anything to get as much advantage on the market so they can get chad. Think about it. Everything today is made to give foids the absolute advantage. Make up, plastic surgery, wigs and weave, social media, dating apps, welfare and entitlement programs, affirmative action, no slut-shaming, body "positivity", I can go on all day.

If it was allowed, all women would walk around completely naked in public as well. What better way to attract men than wearing the least amount of clothes possible? And we all know that no woman is ever satisfied with any man. He can be Christiano Ronaldo or Beckham in his prime. Or Dolph Lundgren in his prime.

The most water is wet study I’ve ever seen holy shit.

I’ve noticed that if something is really uncomfortable or grotesque wrongthink, then the standard of proof for it is set astronomically high. “Are you the world’s foremost authority on [insert uncomfortable subject] with multiple peer reviewed papers published, having used the entire world’s population as your sample size? No? Then you’re definitely, 100% wrong”. Religion tier bullshit. Everyone with a pulse knows that foids paint their faces in competition for chad’s attention.

Imagine how high the standard of proof is for proving that there are only 2 sexes.

Unnamed Ohio Mother #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy missionamerica.com

“I am the mother of a child who suddenly claimed a transgender [identity] and became swiftly medicalized....

"I am a mere representative of the many thousands of parents who have had their child medicalized in as little as one visit to a gender affirming medical establishment. ....I am sharing the truth of gender identity medicine today as our family and countless others have experienced it.”

“.. Our story involves a young adult daughter while away at college. It was a mere few months after her prescription for testosterone that she had her breasts amputated. There is nothing that could have prepared our family for this tragedy that is still unfolding. She was gender conforming, had mostly female friends her entire life… and had little interest in stereotypical masculine activities at all.

“Our daughter was extremely gifted, highly creative, ....[but] she has strayed far from the promising trajectory she was once on. ...She has severed ties with all family members save for some tenuous contact with a sibling.... Can this possibly be medical care? She was encouraged by her like-minded peers, harbored by her university and swiftly led down the rabbit hole of transgender medicine ...

“... Regarding the thousands of parents in like situations, I know their stories too. Our stories are eerily similar and yet we read lie after lie in the mainstream media that we are bigots, 'transphobes,‘....and other names, many too despicable to mention. We read that we have disowned our children when the opposite is often true. ...We read the lies that only adults get surgeries or that our children have gone through rigorous psychological counseling. Neither of these is true. Some parents have even lost their children in the court of law when they question this supposed ‘care.’
And this mom closed by writing this: “....I live in fear for my daughter and other young people across this country where mutilating body parts is increasingly becoming second nature. ...”

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail to enforce the law?

Our new rulers seem to be an alliance of fellow travelers representing radical sexual politics, hard-core feminism and race hucksterism, with Democrats at their back, Big Tech/media as their watchdogs and Antifa as their muscle.

What could possibly go wrong with a marriage like this?

When you strip away all the rhetoric, there’s one essential driver in the hearts of these subversives.

They hate God. They hate the followers of Jesus Christ, they hate Judeo -Christian Western civilization, and they will distort us, silence us and even come after us-- whatever it takes to eliminate our voice and influence.

And these mutineers are a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of children, based on their own words and actions, even as they endlessly virtue signal.
But where these child corrupters are successful, impressionable youth will absorb the most destructive messages justifying racist, anti-business, anti-police, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual street action.
If they were to be totally honest, here’s the real motive: “I hate heterosexuality, and male/female biology, because I hate my own parents, especially my father. I hate the innocence and purity of children and have an intense desire to sully them. I hate white people because I link them to Christianity. And I hate God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and I don’t want my sins saved. I love my sin and I will lie, cheat, distort and even commit violence to try to eliminate this voice from my world.”

This is what unchecked sin does to humans. We are all vulnerable. Our problem now is that we are, by government fiat, honoring proud sin and punishing virtue. This spells doom for America, unless we turn it around. But that must be done carefully, avoiding innocent casualties.

Cambria Will Not Yield #fundie #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut cambriawillnotyield.com

[From "A Blood Faith is Forever"]

When a nation, such as the United States of America, which is really a non-nation, has institutionalized blasphemy against the living God, it’s hard to call any one liberal overlord the most blasphemous liberal overlord of them all, but when one of the Pope-essa of Liberaldom, Mika Brzezinski, steps forward and says that anyone who does not get vaccinated is not Christian, then I think we must give the title
She has consistently supported everything that is satanic – Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, sodomy, legalized abortion, transgenderism, the extermination of the white race, and the list goes on and on
COVID-19 was created by the American medical-scientific establishment and the Chinese government to kill and control white Europeans and destroy the economies of the white European nations. The fact that blacks were and are particularly susceptible to COVID-19 did not and does not bother the liberals in the slightest. The liberals do not care about individual blacks; if they did they would follow Christian policies similar to the old South and apartheid South Africa
The COVID-19 virus was used to destroy Trump, who was unique among American Republican presidents in that he actually wanted white people to be part of America
It is not a good sign that America has ‘achieved’ a 70% vaccination record. That is a terrible thing to contemplate, because it indicates that Americans still[…]believe in Science writ large
If the conservatives want me to send funds to the protestors who went unarmed against the brutal, sadistic Capitol Police on January 6th, I will gladly send them funds. If they want me to join them in an effort to free Derek Chauvin, I will send them funds. But I have nothing but contempt for moderate liberals who think more liberalism is the cure for liberalism

Cowpoleon #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I was indifferent to the trans community, but now, after seeing them trying to make a horrendous situation where a son rapes his 80-yr old dementia-riddled mother into a parade of “don’t misgender trans ppl” has made me anti-trans. I’ve lost so much respect for the trans community now. Fuck them and I’ll actively be voting against trans rights from now on. They’re all a buncha narcissistic morons

Star-Fire From Nibiru 12 TTRodgers #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia reptilianagenda.com

<Older but classic 1999 from the The Reptilian Agenda archive>
Anyway, I'm going to run this by Awareness before I throw it out. It's called 'Reptoids Involved With Sex-Change Operations.' And it reads: 'Reptoid aliens were associated with sex-change surgeons in California and New York as part of an experiment by them to learn how to control the behavior of humans and are believed to have taken the testicles of the thousands of men who underwent sex-change surgery to female for unknown reasons. Over 50,000 men in America have undergone sex-change operations. Most also receive silicon implants to create artificial breasts and others had implants of silicon placed in other parts of their bodies. These could also be Reptoid implant devices.

One transsexual has disclosed that one of the Reptoid aliens revealed itself to her. The Reptoid had some means to disguise itself completely as another human transsexual and was associated with the human transsexual for four years. The Reptoid had been associated with a sex change surgeon in California for many years.
She says: 'A Reptoid who has rebelled against his Reptoid masters has revealed that MANY Reptoids are disguised as humans and is exposing the Reptoid plot to kill off as many humans by AIDS as well as reduce the number of humans born by promoting homosexuality, lesbianism and abortion in hopes that fewer humans would be born, but resistance to homosexuality, lesbianism and abortion by most humans forced the Reptoids to create the AIDS virus and release it to kill as many humans as possible and also scare humans from having sex. That's helping to lower the birth rate as well.'"

xXRonPaul_42020Xx #transphobia #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

This isnt fucking rocket science guys. Troons have been around forever they were just called EUNUCHS. The point of Eunuchs has always been to give chomos twinkier little boys to fuck. Thats it.

"true" transexuals are just people who got raped so hard as a prepubescent child it gave them gender dysphoria, which up until troonery started getting pushed top down by big money degenerates like Soros was always recognized as a side effect of surviving a childhood sexual assault.

EAT TOMATO PASTE #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

if gender and sex were synonymous, there would be no males described as girly and no females described as manish. Everything a male did would be masculine, and everything a female did would be feminine.

fuck off autist no one gives a shit about what you have to say nigger, there is only male and female, a female that acts like a man is a tomboy, and a man that acts like a female is a faggot. its as simple as that

personalityinkwell and EckhardTollemaxx #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming #fundie ncu.su

[Based] Bisexuals are the worst type of degenerates

[Screenshot from some crank site titled “SATAN is a TRANSEXUAL”]

"mixing holy with the profane"

think about the word "mixing"

When Adam and Eve were in the garden, he said to them "you shall become like gods, knowing what is good and evil"

yet technically, he told the truth in a way. he mixed truth with deception.

also check out this comment


Being gay means spreading disease. The bisexual chad is the worst type of gay, he has sex with plenty of women, spreading gay diseases to the women that you get from them later. Actual gays just literally fuck each other and die without spreading the problem to normal people.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

TIMs using TIFs as a lever to enter women's spaces?

I think there is something qualitatively different about the rights demanded by TIMs and TIFs, but TIMs try to conflate the two.

When TIFs insist that "men can get pregnant" and ask us to say "chestfeeding," it is obnoxious and denies basic reality. But it does not remove women's safety the way that demanding access to women's spaces does.

What is happening is:

TIFs convince society that pretending men can get pregnant is the kind thing to do -- we all know that men can't actually get pregnant, but this makes TIFs feel better and we all want to be nice. So we agree to be "inclusive."

TIMs capitalize on this and demand access to the same spaces because we're being inclusive, aren't we? It would be MEAN to exclude them and we already agreed to be nice!

TiMs are parading TiFs around in order to minimize the fetish aspect of their demands. Making TiFs have the demands that TiMs actually want. All of our school-aged concessions to the TRAs have had a biological female face. We have not even had a teenage boy ask to be put in the girls' locker rooms on the news. If one was only watching/reading local coverage, one might not even know about TiMs, but I know they are out there. It's very scary the capture of media on this issue, but it's very obvious why they are doing it that way too.

Adult AGPs and their allies seek camouflage by shifting the spotlight onto childhood transitioners and teenage girls with ROGD. The focus on female minors bolsters the lie that transness is innate and unrelated to sexual fetish. Any normie who interacts with a few trans-identified teenage females will quickly figure out that (a) they arrived at their trans identities via social contagion and (b) many are sexually motivated. Even so, it’s still easier to make 5'2", 16-year-old Elijah look palatable to the public eye than it is to pass off 6'2", 46-year-old Valentine as a fragile little daisy.

Samuela Górska #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut timesofisrael.com

Last week, the right-wing nationalist Konfederacja Party, which has 11 seats in Poland’s lower house of parliament, posted a video of Polish model Samuela Górska on its official social media platforms in which she says she does not think Jews belong in Poland.

“I don’t want Jewry either, I don’t want LGBT, I don’t want many things that are currently here,” she said. “Only Konfederacja […] ensures normality.”

Polish fashion brands subsequently cut ties with Górska and deleted her photos from their social media profiles.

Sweetsummerchild #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

The rant of a hopeless Hungarian detrans woman about the current state of trans activism in my country

Sometimes I feel like my country's more woke than western countries when it comes to transgenderism, because even though the trans community is getting more visible, it is not followed by the appearance of gc/radfem voices (Not that feminism is flourishing here, anyway) All the popular feminist pages I found on FB are libfems, there are only a few "queer" groups and all of them are of course inclusive.

2 days ago the government announced a referendum made of 5 questions, 3 of them dealing with whether the promotion (or even depiction?) of transgenderism in front of children and the gender change of minors should be illegal.

This referendum is just a means to shift attention from the government's recent wrongdoings, but the opposition's reaction disgusted me.


1. evaded the topic of transgenderism affecting kids and started stating the numerous other issues regarding the well-being of children that should be addressed first

2. Defended the transing of kids

3. Made distasteful jokes.

Political parties, meme groups, comments everywhere were making jokes and being sarcastic. For example, MKKP is a joke party but quite popular, and they were sharing memes like "are you also afraid of your child becoming a transformers?"

There's nothing remotely funny about this. They are a registered political party who joke about the mutilation of children. Let that sink in. For them it is a joke but for many people this is reality. And I'm very tired of people arguing "seeing a queer person won't make your kid queer". That might be the case with sexual orientation, but gender identity is a whole different case. The rapidly increasing number of trans and non-binary kids is proof enough.

I can't believe there's still anybody in their right mind who doesn't recognise this really is a trend. Even worse, it's a religion and it's followers can't be reasoned with. That's why I'm hopeless.

Matthias Cicotte #homophobia #transphobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

(Alaska's ADA is just the gift that keeps on giving.)

(Pertaining to a drag queen…)

“This demon should be burned to death and everyone responsible for that library event should be in prison,” he wrote about a drag queen who read books to children in 2017.

“People who encourage a kid to think he’s a different sex than what he is (including parents) go to jail for child abuse,” he wrote last year, adding that “the death penalty” is appropriate for “people who perform or abet sex change operations on kids,” even though no one even does that.

Monica Cole #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia onemillionmoms.com

Just when you think you have seen it all, Eli Lilly and Company, a pharmaceutical company, launches an ad campaign titled “Lilly – A Medicine Company.” The theme of the campaign is to promote equality – across all races, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, etc. – when it comes to accessing and utilizing medicine and health care. It’s tagline: “We make medicine, not just for some, but for everyone.”

While there are a number of concerning elements in the commercial, including a transgender man wearing flashy makeup, one of the most heartbreaking and confusing parts of the ad is this statement: “Because the body you are randomly assigned at birth shouldn’t determine how well you are cared for.” This voice-over is heard while showing a woman with double mastectomy scars wearing an open robe and identifying as a man.

Can you imagine what goes through the mind of a child when he or she sees this ad?

Lilly chose to air this commercial knowing it would be controversial. We all know children imitate what they see and repeat what they hear. Lilly should be ashamed!

Lilly is going to push away customers if it continues advertising in a repulsive manner that offends parents. Lilly needs to know that parents do not approve of this advertising tactic.

Sam Nartey George and other Ghanaian MPs #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut theguardian.com

Ghana: anti-gay bill proposing 10-year prison sentences sparks outrage

Draft anti-gay legislation submitted to Ghana’s parliament could propose up to 10 years in jail for LGBTQ+ people as well as groups and individuals who advocate for their rights, express sympathy or offer social or medical support, in one of the most draconian and sweeping anti-gay laws proposed around the world.

Support for intersex people would also be criminalised and the government could direct intersex people to receive “gender realignment” surgery, said the draft legislation.

The prospect of harsh new laws has been hailed by numerous MPs and supported by figures in President Nana Akufo-Addo’s government.

It follows a wave of repression against LGBTQ+ people in the west African country since January this year. In February, a community space offering support for sexual minorities was forced to close amid a backlash from politicians, civil and religious groups and the media, and also led to a rise in arrests and abuse against people perceived to be gay or queer.

On Friday, Sam Nartey George, an MP who has described gay rights as a “perversion” and led a group of lawmakers who drafted the bill, dismissed online condemnation of the bill as “uninformed”.

“Homosexuality is not a human right. It is a sexual preference,” he said in a post on Twitter. “We shall pass this bill through.”

Ghanaian officials have privately sought to allay fears that that the bill will pass.

Among other aspects of the bill that has sparked condemnation, groups or individuals found to be funding groups deemed as advocating for LGBTQ+ rights or offering support could be prosecuted. Marriage would be clearly defined in Ghanaian law as being between a male and female.

Media companies, online platforms and accounts which publish information which could be deemed to encourage children to explore any gender or sex outside of the binary categories of male and female could face 10 years in prison.

BerserkerMagi #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Hungary's Viktor Orban will hold referendum on anti-LGBT law

The comments here are amazing. Actively finding excuses to why democratic participation shouldn't count because X and Y reasons. Having read the questions I understand why. If these same questions were asked in the west the responses would shatter the narrative that the west actually supports this nonsense when it fact it is just a very select group with political power. Apparently this are the questions in the referendum:

Do you support the provision of sexual orientation sessions to minors in public education institutions without parental consent?

Do you support the promotion of sex reassignment therapy to underage children?

Do you support the availability of sex reassignment therapy for underage children?

Do you support the unrestricted exposure of minors to sexually explicit media content that affects their development?

Do you support the showing of sex-change media content?

And before anyone says "that isn't about gay people" the movement is called LGBT so its your own fault for putting it together.

Various Commenters #moonbat #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

(Doom Pill Pagliacci)

If 1 TW in the UK being murdered means they are at "disproportionate risk"... what's 10 TW in the UK being convicted of sexual offenses against children mean?

(Irish The Frenchie)
Does that include the ones the judges “felt bad for” and let off with a slap on the wrist?

(Jame Dudey Dench: 1st Wave Feminist)

Oooh I'd love for the TRAs to explain this

The BBC had a stab at it in 2018... The main crux of their argument seems to be that we only know about the trans prisoners on longer sentences as the shorter sentence ones tend to slip through the net. Not massively reassuring!

Well wouldn't there be a proportion of females inmates on shorter sentences too for that matter? The patriarchy fights very hard to defend them male pedophiles

The point they're making is that males and females on shorter sentences were included in the stats, but trans people on shorter sentences were potentially not. However since we know nothing about these mystery schrodinger's trans people it's a shaky excuse to say the least.


Just so you know, I have nicked that. It’s even worse than the 2017-18 figures I have been using.

(Inari E)
Wrongly convincted - as the Wispa debacle taught us, the child was the pervert

Tim Pool #pratt #psycho #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

Society Is Breaking Down As The Left SUPPORTS Child Strippers

Look at the the child drag shows. Come on, there is a hard line for a lot of regular people, but the left supports the child stripping 100% at every turn, probably on tribal grounds because they don't actually care because they have no mo[rals].

I'm fairly revolutionary in a lot of respects, but I draw the line with the kids stripping for money, and what a lot of people who are in the culture war don't understand is, these people don't share your values at all. There's a video of a four-year-old twerking, and they're all laughing and clapping and cheering as that happens.

Why aren't there armed men shutting down child stripping and grooming shows? Why aren't people in New York going up and being like, "Stop what you're doing to this four-year-old child right now, put that camera away and stop this twerking." In New York they overwhelmingly have the same moral framework, they like it, they celebrate it.

I can't imagine this as we move down this path to where you get prominent progressive channels, with millions of followers, praising and defending child stripping. I'm like, that's not going to last, because when you have like with the James Younger case in Texas, where a dad says, "My son is my son." And the mom says, "My son is actually my daughter and is trans.", at a certain point, a parent is going to
be like, "Do not touch my child."

One Joke Award

100% of Alt-Right "Humor"

Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy twitter.com

(first image is of a kid at a "woke" church praying with the text reading "our ejaculating parent who art in safe space valid be thy name forgive us our privilege and deliver us from hate, aperson", second image is the kid saying "forgive me parent for I have been problematic I misgendered a non-binary squirrel kin, I didnt know they were koalagender on tuesdays! I have to do better!" a man in glasses says to the kid "yes. yes you do, my child")

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia forbiddenknowledgetv.net

If we can look at the evidence and overcome our emotions, we can see what this is. Trauma-based mind control programs, such as MK Ultra and Project Monarch were revealed to the public via classified documents in the ’70s and again, in the ’90s, with several victims giving testimony before Congress.
Brice Taylor and Cathy O’Brien have each described in their books how they were regularly brought to Disneyland and Disney World, where they were tortured and raped while being programmed with Disney stories, as well as Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. This has been verified in CIA documents. O’Brien says she was tortured in a room beneath Disney World, which we know was designed by agents of the CIA, who were running this program at that time.
You can destroy a society by destroying its sexual morality. This is fundamental to any society, based on the family. When our children are naturally in this Theta brainwave state of hypnotic learning, they should be protected within the family and learn from them, organically.

But the emerging global state now being forced on us by multi-national corporations and big banks wants to destroy this society. They want to mold our children; exploit them and even castrate them. And they draft laws to help facilitate all of this. A Republican senator who has produced such films as ‘Breeding Farm’ about women being kidnapped and forcibly-bred for babies to be sold on the black market before they are fed to cannibals is pushing a bill to fund film and television. This is the New Normal.

Decades of traumatic abuse has demonstrably hurt Britney Spears. The human mind can only handle so much for so long. Britney is a tragic symptom of society’s indifference.

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. (Our feelings correspond to our thoughts. If we don't manage our thoughts, they will.)
Lately, the Satanists have launched a sexist and racist attack on white men implying that all whites males are crazed mass killers. Since when do the actions of a handful of misfits, groomed by the Deep State, condemn hundreds of millions of people? Are all Jews to blame for the actions of the Rothschilds?

The political and cultural climate is toxic because we are under constant occult attack. It's easy to have negative thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to depression. This actually may be their plan.
The Illuminati fabricate reality. Consider the JFK-RFK-MLK assassinations, 9-11, Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook. They determine reality simply by lying. They created ISIS and are responsible for war crimes as bad as any in history.

They program our minds to adopt self-destructive behavior.

Teachers can no longer refer to children as "boys" and "girls." Children are encouraged to change their gender and experiment with homosexuality. Women are taught that being a wife and mother is "oppressive" and promiscuity is "empowering." Men are taught to seek sex and not love. Society is governed by depravity & nonsense.

The mind unmoored from the Moral Order, (i.e. the soul) is malleable indeed! By soul, I am including intuition and instinct.

We experience our programming rather than reality. For example, Hollywood presents romance and sex as panaceas and we actually experience them as such...until the illusion dispels like a morning fog. The Cabalists love hypnotizing us with their "magic."

By themselves, our minds have no anchor in truth. The mental world is a house-of-mirrors.

Brooke #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy theferventmama.com

[An Article about a mom boycotting disney for having an LGBT agenda back in 2017 includes a “Think of the children” passage]

Disney isn’t just aiming their efforts towards parent’s of Disney-aged children anymore. They are pointing a desperate finger at the innocence of our youth. Disney is targeting our youth like they’re aiming at big game on a corporate hunting trip. They are banking on corrupting the purity of a child’s mind for the 1%. They are no longer making watching a choice, but by forcing it to become mainstream, Disney is telling the conservative family, the Christian public, that they’re views hold no worth. In jest, they’re subtly encouraging you to conform your ways. (Mark 13:22)

Various participants #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia debate.org

[Debate topic: “Should pedophilia be legal?”]

If people can be attracted to plastic cups they can be attracted to small humans People are attracted to all kinds of things. BDSM, Vore, Scat, Gore, Piss, Inflation, And all this is legal.

To me the attraction to children is far more normal than most fetishes since it's just very vanilla in comparison. They are humans just smaller, They have bodies just like we do. It's fine.

It should be legal as its was normal throughout centuries after centuries and suddenly it's a taboo Kids starts feeling a sexual attraction towards people and love sees no age it's a normal human thing. Sex is also good for the immune system. ... Oh kids can't consent absolute rubbish if they can choose between KFC and burger king they are well and capable to choose if or not to have sex. Forcing should be illigal regardless of age

Yes it should be legal because criminalizing pedophilia is like criminalizing homosexuality. It took a while for society to accept it, And we still don't. Age is just a number. You can't measure maturity because it solely depends on the child. ...

It should be ...
Children can get into trouble for lying, Stealing, Wagging school, Shop lifting etc. . . . They Knew what they were doing.
But when it comes to sexual stuff. . . OH they suddenly don’t know what they are doing and can’t consent. What a load of rubbish.

What about other sexualities? What about having sex with animals? Will that be legalized? You've already normalized homosexuality, Where the reality is that many get AIDS, And people who chop off their own genitals because they feel out of place in their gender. Why stop now? KEEP GOING YOU STUPID TURDS, KEEP IT UP. WOULD YOU FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE WITH LEGALIZING PEDOPHELIA FIRST OR BEASTIALITY FIRST? KEEP GOING! FUCK YOU

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If you really want to "flip the script" try opposing Pride Month or BLM"]

A Texas student uses her high school valedictorian speech to denounce Texas' new abortion law

Naturally, the left couldn't be happier

Paxton Smith had submitted an entirely different speech on the effect of the media on young minds to school officials for the commencement ceremony at Lake Highlands High School in Dallas on Sunday, but Smith said it was important to use the moment to criticize a controversial abortion law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott[…]

She really really really wants to be able to murder babies. That cannot be psychologically healthy

The memo to conservatives students in the running to be valedictorian in the future is clear: "flip the script" and submit some anodyne speech about being the "leaders of tomorrow" or some nonsense and then in the actual speech give a devastating takedown of cancel culture, #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfucker, and how there are only two sexes with only one valid sexual orientation relating the two of them

Smith doesn't seem equally upset about the "war on the rights of your brothers" to run their BBQ restaurants, or the "war on the rights of your fathers" to use firearms to shoot and kill violent blacks terrorizing their homes and neighbourhoods, or the "war on the rights of your sons" by running up insane levels of debt and importing third world thugs to replace them

Mychal Massie #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut wnd.com

Let me be clear. Despite every lie you have heard and/or believed, there's nothing normal nor natural about the sexually deviant practice of homosexuality. The so-called "lgbtq" assemblage of sexual amoral deviancy is as unnatural, unhealthy and abnormal as an unemptied chamber pot at the kitchen table.

I've been ahead of the curve in warning about the social decline in America; and with every warning came assertions by demonic minions mocking me and calling me names.

May 30, 2013, a front group for People for the America Way called Media Matters, both of which are neo-Leninist groups committed to subversion of all truth and morality through demonic agitprop and intimidation, lashed out at me. Satan had to do his best to downplay my truth, and as usual he chose them to attempt same. I'd written in a syndicated op-ed, "Let the homosexuals have the Boy Scouts."
Without exception, everything I've written exposing demonic sexual perversion and warning families to protect their children from same has been attacked. But at the end of the day, everything I've warned about has come to fruition.

I, along with others, have warned parents (and America) that demonic godless hordes were hell-bent and determined to destroy the biblical standard for family, marriage and child-rearing. I warned that each encroachment into society was a strategical act to advance their goal of destroying the biblical standard for family and propriety.

I'm right – and those attacking me are fools. These pernicious calumniators have maligned my cautions and warnings, but I've been as right as rain.

CR #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The times are changing in Canada under Justin Trudeau. What was once a peaceful, prosperous, and stable nation will soon be unrecognizable if we continue on the current trajectory.

Not only has Trudeau and his Liberal party pushed for the normalization of a variety of deviant sexual practices, the lockdowns and restrictions in response to covid have decimated small business across the country and left many people dependent on government benefits.
With Fidel Castro's bastard son as our prime minister, It should come as little surprise w that much of what is happening bears a strong resemblance to events that took place during China's cultural revolution.
The other issue that doesn't fit with this is the immigration agenda. Trudeau is bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year. Aside from the fact that this additional population is eventually going to require more indigenous-owned lands to live on, it has been my observation that Natives, generally speaking, are not particularly fond of immigrants. For them, the white man was bad enough, more hostile foreigners are not wanted. These appear to be conflicting agendas, but there must be an underling plan.

Is this part of a plan to force the general population into large cities, leaving rural areas to the Natives?
Trudeau has said that "diversity is our strength", which makes very little sense unless the objective is to divide society in as many ways as possible.
If we can't change course then soon Canada will become a multi-cultural, sexually confused version of communist China.

ProxyMusic #conspiracy #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

I believe another reason some African countries have done this is to stick it to the European-led world sports governing bodies & to the nations of "the Global North" more generally.

Athletics South Africa decided to put Semenya forward as a runner in women's sports knowing that Semenya was XY DSD not just to gain gold, glory & $$, but to challenge the hegemony of white-dominated orgs like the IAAF/World Athletics & the IOC - & to use modern-day gender ideology to hoist the white "global North" by its own petard more generally.

Many ANC officials who had risen to power in the SA government by the time Semenya was dubbed SA's "golden girl" attended college/uni or grad school in North America or the UK when gender studies & queer theory were becoming all the rage on campuses. I don't think it's a stretch to think that a number of guys with astute political minds from SA cleverly realized that ideas coming out of Western academia - such as "sex is a spectrum, not a binary," "there are five sexes," "no one knows what a woman is" & "sex determination in humans is really hard to do" - could easily be used to challenge the system of sex categorization in sports as well as to protest Europeans' "colonialist," oppressively binary, & of course "racist" & "white supremacist" ideas about who is a woman.

Whilst the South Africans haven't succeeded in trying to end sex categorization in women's sports, they have by & large won the war in the court of public opinion. People here & on forums like letsrun.com widely see the Semenya saga for the scam & long con that it is, but most of the world sees it very differently. Most of the world doesn't view Semenya as an XY person who has made use of his male-only DSD to cheat in sports & to screw over women athletes. No, most of the world sees Semenya as a noble, put-upon "woman with naturally occurring high testosterone" who has been treated unfairly & cruelly by the IAAF/WA. Most of the world sees Lynsey Sharp as evil, & Semenya as a saint.

Various Commenters #sexist #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net


Spain passed a bill that allows anyone to legally change their gender, without any requirement. Literally zero requirements. Feminists all across the country are protesting the law, claiming that "many men will legally change their gender".

Remember how feminists successfully lobbied against a gender neutral definition of rape, claiming that men would use it to accuse women of rape? This is the same.

Somehow a moral panic because it pokes more holes in all their fictional theories.

I have no idea how people permit these demented feminists to influence laws and rules based on blatant delusions and a large tendency to ignore actual facts (Like how men are actually the most fucked up and vilefied gender on the western world by most important metrics like suicide rate, homelessness, job related deaths, etc.). Sometimes all this seems so surreal to me when I think about it. The mass mental gymnastics and double standards that come into play here are almost dystopian. Women on the western world are in such a comfortable position that they actually lack real issue's to complain about, and since there is a shortage of real issue's to "fix" then it is time for feminists to create some just like "mansplaining", "maninterrupting", "manspreading", "the air conditioner is sexist against women", "buildings are sexist against women", etc. I am truly disgusted by modern society and tired, very tired.

What makes me laugh the most are the feminists who always insisted 'women are as physically as strong and tough as men', who are now screaming from the rooftops at the idea that men will be able to compete with women in sports cos they know they are going to get their ASSES kicked

Sven-Olof_Lindholm & various contributors #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #psycho debate.org

[Debate topic: “We should Institute a death penalty for homophiles and transexualists.”]

It is unbiblical Throughout the Bible, Homosexual behavior is expressly forbidden. Anyone found to have committed a homosexual act was to be put to death. Simple as that. The Bible also forbids dressing as the opposite gender. No ifs buts or loopholes. Homosexuality and transsexualism were NEVER part of God’s original plan and never will be. It is simply a product of sin and imperfection. Soon enough, God will end homosexuals and transsexuals who do not repent. In the mean time, Why not get rid of some ourselves. Not because they ARE gay or trans, But because they choose to act on it and not be normal.


Bro like come on, They are transformers, Remember Chicago? I hate trans people, They probably smell from all the hormones they secrete and they all look weird, You ever walked and send a tranny and felt safe, Hell nah. We need a street cleaning service that just takes care of that crowd alone. Imagine the medicare they use from taxpayer money to pay for those surgeries. I hate jews.


God supports straight God only supports straight people only we should just kill all the gays in this world because straight people have turned this world into the greatest world ever I have seen nothing but harm from gay people all around the world I think that it is about time to turn this world back into a straight only world


They need to be dead I would rather live in a straight world rather than a stupid dumb gay world we live in right now we should just give a death penalty to all the gays in this world so that way we can protect this world and of course stop gays ...


Gays are too dangerous Gays are evil dangerous and of course they caused great damage to the world like right now the gays have ruined this world and they should have to be punished for that we should punish all the gays with harsher punishments in order for this world to become straight only

Sven-Olof_Lindholm & various contributors #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia #psycho debate.org

[Debate topic: “We should Institute a death penalty for homophiles and transexualists.”]

I hate gays The homosexual and it’s consequences have been disastrous for humanity. The LBGT community are a bunch of degenerate hedonistic pathetic excuses for humans. What does being Gay have to offer to a person’s lifestyle? Nothing. They inisist to go against nature and giving in to their mental illness. They can’t even have children. They are f***ing useless.


Both are hostile ideologies. Both transexualism and homophilia are dangerous concept invented by the cultural neo-marxists.
Both are demonstrably mental illnesses that serve to weaken and degenerate our nations and peoples.
Homophila spreads sexually transmitted diseases and lessens population growth.
It's going to the point now where they are demanding increasingly higher privileges for themselves at the cost of the majority population.
We cannot allow this cultural marxist madness any longer!


We should do it only if they are open about it and refuse to stop I think that a death penalty would be prudent in the case that homophiles and transexuals who are openly promiscuous are a degeneration of the sanctity of the public and society as a whole. No we shouldn't go on a witch hunt of mentally ill folks who can't control their lust or emotions but we should oppose normalizing it by any means necessary


Not exactly true, But close The culture of both is completely degenerate and has no benefit to society. They should not be killed for being that way, Just if they won’t shut up about it. It’s fine if they do it in secret, But they just get so pushy about it and how everyone has to agree with them. That’s when they cross the line.

MEP1101 #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia christiannews.net

When politicians in civil government overrule the moral authority of their nation's Religious Majority, they make THEMSELVES the authorities of MORALITY as well as Legality. These politicians become, in effect, a civil, PRIESTHOOD, and make their GOVERNMENT the official RELIGION of the Land.
The California, Canadian and U.K. Governments are now dictating what is sexually moral by forcing the LGBTQ-S&M-(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer - Sado/masochism) AGENDA on SCHOOLS, Businesses and the Military. And with the expressed support for abortion by "Liberal" politicians these governments are ruling that MURDERING BABIES is NOT IMMORAL. It has done this in opposition to the RELIGIOUS MORALS of the Majority and their DEMOCRATIC VOTE. In this way these governments with the complicity of the Jewish dominated, Marxist, Main Stream Media have become tyrannical, anti-Christian, STATE/CHURCH, DICTATORSHIPS, just the opposite of democratic government with checks and balances and SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. This is a prominent part of the End Times Anti-Christ prophesied in the Bible, and right on time. And here we are in “1984”, NEW SPEAK where “Separation of Church and State” means THE STATE IS THE CHURCH ! - The Bible is, in deed, THE BOOK OF TRUTH !

John Ritchie #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia tfpstudentaction.org

[From “10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family's Worst Enemy”]

8. Where Will Transgenderism Lead Us: Trans-Species

If a man can pretend to be a woman, why can’t he also claim to be non-human? Such a relativistic conclusion is regretfully here: it's called trans-species -- also know as furries or otherkins. People with Species Identity Disorder consider themselves non-human and are featured at homosexual parades. The arguments used by the trans-species movement to question their human status are essentially the same as those of the transgender movement.

When feelings replace reality, logic dies. The intellect, the highest part of man, is degraded. The animal rules. And our Godless culture pressures us to play along with these depraved fantasies.

Once these disorders are regarded as normal, what can possibly resist the unbridled passions from introducing greater forms of depravity? What will protect human reason from further destruction?

9. Transgender Ideology and Religious Persecution

Favored by secularism, Transgender Ideology may spark the worst type of religious persecution as it imposes a perversion of the mind, beginning with small children. Those who oppose it are targeted by this new religion of equality, which obliges children to attend sensitivity training and gender indoctrination. Indeed, those who cheer the homosexual movement -- whether they know it or not -- are de facto servants of a new religion.

Its doctrine: Transgender Ideology. Its false god: Radical equality and reckless liberalism. Its ministers: Leaders of the homosexual movement. Its acolytes: Liberal media, immoral politicians and, sadly, dissident members of the clergy. Its "inquisition": Anti-discrimination laws that threaten order and peace. Its "excommunication": Anyone who speaks the truth is labeled a "homophobe" or a "transphobe."

ixora & sapphicafemme #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Uterus Transplant

( ixora)

I've seen this, but I have never really seen too much on transmen going out and begging to have men give their testicles and penis to them so that they may be able to know what it's like to impregnate a woman. Or wait for the man to die so they may harvest their penis and testicles so that they may be able to have this male experience. Why is that? Or am I just not looking hard enough.

( sapphicafemme )

Because most TIFs are just women trying to escape the pains of sexism while TIMs are fetishist incels that want to harm women while larping as us. Moreover, TRAs and pro-trans doctors are always trying to find new ways to “feminize” TIMs to help them transition but completely ignore TIFs. Medical sexism has given TIMs hope that uterus transplants are on the horizon while TIFs have to sit back and be used as pawns for their schemes.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

(Graham Linehan)
Stop with the 'both sides' bullshit

'Terfs' are ordinary women defending their rights; trans rights activists are abusive monsters

It is profoundly ignorant to talk about “both sides” needing to tone down the rhetoric in this debate. There is only one side that sends death and rape threats, only one side that tries to destroy livelihoods, only one side motivated so transparently by misogyny, envy and spite. If you see someone taking the ‘both sides’ trope out for a trot, ask them to produce anything by me, Jess De Wahls, JK Rowling or Maya Forstater, or any other gender critical person, that even comes close to the poisonous filth produced by the men above.

I get so annoyed when the media says we are as bad as the other.

I heard LBC saying the subject is so divisive. No, it doesn't have to be. The only reason they say we are as bad as them is because they know they'd have a bunch of manic, sobbing, emotionally wounded men in makeup crying of the trauma the media caused them, if they don't.

What is anger inducing is if there was a group of men all dressing up in some kind of uniforms from the second world war and spewing this kind of bile at a specific religion and its people, they would be shut down instantly.

Yet Men dressing in Women's clothes (and usually a caricature of what they *want* women to be wearing) can spew threats and bile with abandon and are applauded and supported by the media. The Women being threatened and attacked and losing their livelihood are dismissed as being "mean".


If you reject the penis you're a TERF.

Funny how the TW don't want to date other TW. Almost like they have a preference. How terfy and bigoted of them!!

Kate Harris #moonbat #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

My life has been ruined, ruined because of what you and various people did, directly contravening agreements that you would not add the T to a charity that was promoting LGB rights.

It's not important that my life has been ruined because I'm old and big enough and ugly enough to manage it. Can you explain to me why Stonewall is not supporting Keira Bell and every single transitioner whose life has been ruined because of your adoption of gender identity theory and queer theory? How do you feel about the fact that in the US today, there are 36,000 girls who are on a waiting list to have top surgery? Is that something that you can sleep with at night? Because I can't.

So LGB alliance is focused on telling the truth. Having fact-based dialogue, telling the truth to girls, but it's great to be a girl. It's great to be a lesbian. You do not have to cut off your breasts and pretend you're a boy because you’re gender nonconforming. Stonewall, you are responsible for this. And I blame you for not supporting Keira Bell and every other detransitioner. I blame you for supporting men's involvement in (women’s) rugby. How can you do that!? That's clearly dangerous! And I blame you fundamentally for lying. Gender Identity ideology is based on a pack of lies. And everyone on this call who actually considers the background of gender identity theory and queer theory, knows that.

I would finally like to say the LGB Alliance, and I suspect everyone on this call, fully supports the rights of transsexuals to every equality under the law. We don't want them discriminated against at work. We don't want them discriminated against in housing, or in health, and the fastest growing demographic that supports LGB Alliance are transexuals.

Anonymous Cowards #67288235 and #6655394 #conspiracy #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #67288235)
Britney [Spears] can't hid that man body

it's a dude

look at that man body!



(Anonymous Coward #6655394)
Leave Britney alone!

She's been controlled since a kid. Total MK Ultra victim.

When they are done with her they'll get rid of her easy peasy. Blame it on a downhill slide of drugs, booze, erratic behavior, whatever.

The bipolar diagnosis is a scam - a means to keep her on drugs and controllable.

Her Handlers don't let her near a computer let she learns a bit about herself and the truth of her enslavement.

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