
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

GoffSystemQB #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Studies expecting to find discrimination against women often find discrimination against males instead

Link to the original post

I took this from a Reddit post. Men without any power or privilege (most men) are deffinitely victims of a lot of bullshit. Something society likes to ignore.

There is a lot of research where the authors admit that they expected to find evidence of discrimination against women, but instead found evidence of discrimination against men.

Sometimes they take it gracefully and report their results in good faith. But other times they make excuses for it or try to cover it up.

The following is a list of 13 examples ranging from hiring discrimination, domestic violence, educational discrimination, and child custody discrimination.

Many of these are areas where people still assume that discrimination against women exists, despite formal academic research showing that it's really men who are discriminated against.

One of the most maddening things in this world is the insistence that women have it worse and males are privileged when it is obvious to really absolutely anyone with 2 functioning brain cells (especially with the studies cited here) that it's the exact opposite.

It actually shows that no matter how bad things get women will ALWAYS be on top in terms of perceived victim hood.

Everyone should be able to notice this pattern. Whenever anybody talks about any problem about men someone always has to interject and tried to make women the bigger victim:
Males commit suicide more -> "Well females ATTEMPT suicide more. "
Many males nowadays receive now female affection or attention -> "Unwanted [i.e. ugly] sexual attention from men is WORSE than no attention."
Many men are completely lonely and receive no emotional support -> "Women are lonely to because they can't interact with who they want to interact with"
(paraphrasing here).

Because of the stated bias in academia towards women how bad men have it is probably underrepresented by an order or magnitude or two. I mean think about all the stuff they COULD be researching, but instead so much time and money is wasted trying to chase any study that shows women to be disadvantaged.

There will never be a point in history when men are perceived as getting lesser treatment no matter what happens. There may never even be a point where men are even perceived to be equal and not having privilege. All of this just goes to show just how much worse it's going to get.

I think a lot of it is they're totally blind to most men. They ultimately see only the most attractive men, most successful men, and ignore the millions more who aren't in those positions, who're ultimately the ones worst off. There's a good reason why suicide and homelessness are predominantly male issues.

That's definitely a large part of it most are completely unaware. But at a deeper level there's something far more malevolent than ignorance. I've seen those types be confronted with statistics and studies time and time again and without fail they always find some way to excuse it away. Then they go right back to complaining about some menial / false issue like the "wage gap" or back to talking about something about sexual assault / harassment just ignoring everything they were confronted with for forever.

Whether they want to admit it or not they really just do not care and think the placement of ugly men in society is justified.

I simply cannot take anyone on the left seriously nor do I know how anyone else here does. Their social justice "advocacy" stops short on the two most prominent things in society: Lookism + "male disposability." It's almost some sort of mockery or sick joke.

It's actually laughable when you think about it that according to these people's ideologies they would believe the guy on the left below is more "oppressed" than the one on the right.


Does anyone truly believe that the guy on the right faces more discrimination and trouble in his life because of the way he looks than the guy on the left? I have a very hard time believing that.

They didn't just magically stop short on the most pervasive form of discrimination and injustice in modern society. They think it's completely justified. All of that "how can you hate or treat someone differently because of the way they are born" or "he didn't choose to be born that way" completely goes out the window when talking about ugly men.

They are fundamentally psychopaths towards us who are incapable of having empathy for our situation. I've seen it first-hand from women who thought that men could easily "just use Tinder" to get a GF / sex (like they can) to becoming more aware. At no point do they ever have empathy. As they become more aware they just continue to deflect and come up with some new way on how it's your fault for being lonely.

In fact, some of the most toxic are those that are the most aware of their own nature in my experience.

Jack Hyles #fundie #sexist #psycho jackhyles.com

What I'm saying is, man is a vain person. Man is vain because God made him vain. A man can do more if he is vain. When a man is running for a touchdown and a little gal on the side is saying, "Rah, rah, rah! Run, Goerge [sic], run!" George will run faster because of that yelling on the side.

The tragic thing is that before marriage it's, "Run, George, run," and after marriage is, "Get, George, get!" There's something wrong about that. Keep hollering, "Run, George." That's why God made you. Complete him in his play. There's nothing in the world that masculinity hates worse than to fail. A real man would rather die than fail. Now it's your job to see that he doesn't fail. If your husband fails, you are part of that failure. You must bear the responsibility of it because God has made you to help and complete him.

You say, "I'm looking for a certain kind of man." That's like a doctor looking for well patients, a plumber looking for a house with no leaks, a mechanic looking for an engine with no knocks, a cobbler looking for a shoe with no hole, or a barber looking for a man with no hair! You look for God's man and then help to make him what God wants him to be.

This is every man's right. Each has only one life to live. God looks down and sees that every man is incomplete. God gives a man a woman, and that woman is supposed to complete that man. If you fail to do it, it won't be done. If he dies without ever having it, it's because you didn't give it to him. You have taken from him what is every man's right. Every man's right is to have a completer. That's why God made you!

A lady came to my office not long ago and I gave her this truth. She said, "I'm not going to do all that stuff."

I said, "I'll give you an alternative suggestion."

She said, "What?"

I said, "Go over here to the bridge over the Chicago River and jump off."


"Go jump in the river."


I said, "You'd go to Heaven, and your husband wouldn't have to live in hell!" Listen to me, especially you young ladies, you unmarried ladies, you ladies who haven't been married long. I'm trying to help you. I'm not trying to take any freedoms away from you. I'm trying to give you a liberty that you'll never enjoy unless you become what God has made you to be.

I said to that lady in my office for counsel, "Look, you are standing in the way. Your husband is a good man. He's not going to have anybody else. You're standing in the way of your husband ever having a completer. You'd be a lot better off, young lady, in the early days of your marriage, if you would go over and jump off the bridge so your husband can have in his lifetime someone to complete the circle."

Ladies, most of your husbands are fine men. Wouldn't it be a shame for your guy to live and die without having what is his rightful heritage? How pitiful! How tragic! I wish I could help you realize the purpose for which God made you. I wish I could get you to get to your man and help make that man all that God wants him to be. Complete him. Then you'll know what it is to be happy.

Do you know what these women's libbers are? They are a group of confused women trying to find happiness and failing because they are searching for it outside of God's Word and God's plan.

You say, "I have my rights too!

No, you don't.

Reddit_is_for_cucks #sexist #pratt incels.is

Blonde Stacy cries when I tell her I can’t have sex with her, it’s too late

AllI So I am cat fishing as usual and one of the girls I am talking too gets super needy. She gets all lovey dovey and she tell me at 3 AM that she wana me to come and fuck her.
I tell her I can’t do that because it’s too late, but then she bursts out crying because she is so hungry for that chad dick.



Watch how she flip flops when I tell her I am not looking for hookups but something meaningful.
She is such a lier.



Alligator tears when chads dick is unavailable

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is great deception in America... civil rights. Many moral right's issues are deceitfully being labeled as “civil rights.” Thus, many moral right's issues are being violated in the name of “civil rights.” Listen, just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the right to disobey God. For example: Being a U.S. citizen gives you the “right” to vote; but, it does not give you the right to be homosexual. I don't care what the Supreme Court says, the Word of God condemns homosexuality!

America is filled with demented homosexuals and murderous abortionists who boast of being respectable citizens, who commit their sins with the government's permission; but, God will judge them for their wickedness (Romans 1:32). I am not trying to be unkind, I am taking a proper stand against a moral menace to society.

No one is born “gay,” because God doesn't make mistakes. God created male and female, which is normal. For anyone to claim that God made them a homosexual is to say that God made a mistake, because they cannot bear children nor have normal sexual relations. God didn't make a mistake, you did.

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a Communist, anti-family, anti-Christian, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their babies, practice witchcraft, abandon homemaking, and become lesbians. Please read, Woman Admits Feminism Ruined Her Life.

Every woman has her rights; but, there's a world of difference between human rights (which we are born with), civil rights (which are granted to all U.S. citizens), and moral rights (which belong to God alone). A mother who claims the “right” to murder her baby through an abortion is violating God's moral rights. We have no sinful rights. Any honest person knows that abortion is wrong. The Bible calls it murder (Exodus 20:13). Nearly all abortions are the result of human irresponsibility, i.e., fornication. No one has a right to sin! Abortion is cold-blooded murder! This is a moral right that belongs to God alone, because only God can give life, and only God should take life. Again, we have no sinful rights.

Feminism is not the same thing as women's rights. People oftentimes get these two confused. Feminism is a sin; but, human rights certainly are not. Human rights are granted at birth, and apply to everyone. In contrast, feminism is rebellion, i.e., rebellious women refusing to submit to their husbands (or refusing to marry because they won't be ruled over). Some feminists are so "militant" about their rebellion that they are referred to as “Femi-Nazis.” Femi-Nazis like to destroy other people's marriages. Sometimes feminists refuse to marry, and strongly resent other women who are happily married. Many feminists CHOOSE to become lesbians. Homosexuality is a choice—no one is born homosexual. Feminism and homosexuality are inseparable. You show me a homosexual, and I'll show you someone who hates the King James Bible (which condemns homosexuality as a morally reprehensible sin. See Romans 1:22-32).

The feminist movement in America is trying to castrate men by DEMANDING equal authority. The idea that it takes a man to do certain jobs is repulsive to a feminist. Yet, who do we ALWAYS see holding the flag when we drive by a construction site? ... a woman! It's the men who are doing the rough work. Also, feminists are completely quite when it comes to the unfairness of child support and alimony payouts that men are often unfairly forced to pay! What hypocrites! Feminist women want EQUAL rights when it's to their advantage, but they don't want EQUAL rights for the man. I believe that a man ought to support his own children, but the U.S. legal system is abusive, catering to rebellious wives. A Christian husband has NO RIGHTS in the U.S. court system to enforce his wife's Biblical obligation to cook, clean and be an obedient wife (Genesis 2:18). This is wickedness!

For example: If a husband feels that it is in his marriage's best interest to shelter his wife from certain troublesome friends or a meddling mother-in-law, U.S. courts consider that “Domestic Abuse.” In reality, Biblically, every Christian husband has a right to decide who his wife associates with. A husband has a right to track his wife's whereabouts, but the U.S. Courts define this as “Domestic Abuse.” Husbands have few rights these days in America! In fact, the ungodly U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1988 that a man's pregnant wife can abort the child, even if the biological father objects to the abortion. She can murder his child! This is cruel and evil. Sadly, and tragically, marriage licenses have become weapons against husbands in today's ungodly U.S. court system. Judges and lawyers are predators, who profit from the calamity and hardships of others. No wonder Jesus preached the stern warning . . . WOE UNTO YE LAWYERS!!! Luke 11:46a, “And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne.”

FaceandHFD #racist #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Germanic people have the cuck gene

”Prenatal testosterone influences adult men’s behavior toward women”, Psypost
germanics = high t = whiteknights
Apparently they are more agreeable with women, but very hostile to other men. Matriarchy is in their DNA and germanic men derive their self-worth from female validation. That's why so many of them seem to completely disregard their own well-being to protect women that might not even be theirs.

Total Imbecile #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Wounded blonde female tells the Westgate shooter off despite him threatening to kill her, women will never respect ethnics/sub8 males

Not even if you take a loaded rifle and point it at them

There is no "please dont shoot me", its "I have nothing to do with it DUDEEE"

Shes literally thinking "ugh do I have to talk to an ethnic man for real get this wetback away from me"

I dont know how to embed a video fuuck, happens at 0:32


Martin Bieber #racist #conspiracy #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Saudi Controlled Arab Media Pushing Jewish/Moslem Romance, Friendship in New Diversity Entertainment Campaign"]

Many of our daily readers have a big heart-on for the pure kino aesthetics of absolute dictators with absolute power.

I get it. I really do. The highest praise that can be heaped on this form of government is that there comes a time for every nation when it is necessary. Militaries and revolutions can only be organized by this principle.

A problem can arise, however, when the Guy In Charge gets there by accidents of birth order and family relations, and not because of popular support and proven merit in times of crisis, or at least because of some impartial militaristic bureaucracy in times of stability.

A nation can end up – as many monarchies have – with the most vicious and entitled little cunt of all the cunts, whoever was most willing to kill or imprison his own family members, making decisions everyone hates with impunity.

In other words, you can get exactly what we have now, but without the extra steps.

New York Times

In a mud-walled village in the Persian Gulf, a Christian woman sheds tears of love for a Muslim merchant. But he is stuck in a miserable marriage to a woman who longs for another Muslim man. But she can’t have him, because he is crazy about the local rabbi’s daughter.

These tangles of interreligious intrigue unspool in a new blockbuster television series that has set off heated debates across the Arab world about the region’s historical relationships with Jewish communities and the shifting stances of some of its current leaders toward Israel.

Fans laud the program, set in the 1940s and 1950s, for highlighting an often overlooked aspect of the region’s past — Jewish communities in the Persian Gulf — while providing a much-needed example of coexistence among different faiths.

But critics have blasted it as a blatant effort to reshape Arab views of Israel to pave the way for formal relations, or what many in the Arab world call “normalization.”


Allah is nothing before the powers of Coca-Cola, man-on-man anal, consumer debt, and nagging whore-wives.

The Saudi will be the perfect consumer – because he is so stupid (from inbreeding) that you need to threaten him with violence in order to get him to do anything resembling impulse control.

A new nation of goyim rises.

RREEEEEEEEE #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] There is a difference between American colleges and European colleges

(By "American" I also include Canadian and Australian colleges.)

I see many posts here talking about how it's cucked that fathers pay for their daughters to go to college and how they get fucked by dozens of men. I think education is important for anyone regardless of gender, but I digress. While the cock carousel college experience definitely applies to American colleges, in Europe it's completely different. The cost of going to college here is cheap, the students mostly live at home unless they move out but this is a minority. The holes here don't jump from cock to cock, they usually go for relationships. Aside from that, most parents don't care about what their daughters do, it's only ethnic parents that care the most. They tend to be Islamic, but the only difference is that they don't know their daughters (sons, too) sneak off to different cities with their illegitimate boyfriends (or girlfriends) so they can do whatever it is that degenerate people do. I do feel bad for those parents. Obviously, not everyone does that but the majority does. Here is a story that's related to what I wrote earlier: Some Islamic female got run over by a truck after having partied at a night club.. in a totally different city from where she lived. So that nobody would recognize her. And, now nobody recognizes a face that's been splattered by a truck, either. She got what she wanted, I guess. I have no sympathy for her. Although I do feel bad for her parents.

College_safe_space #sexist #psycho reddit.com

I kept a woman’s wallet and stole her money because she was a bitch
I get that women get hit on constantly. All women, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to be an asshole right off the bat. This woman had dropped her wallet. I picked it up and tapped her on the shoulder, smiled and said hello. As I was about to continue she started with this “oh my god I’m so tired of men thinking they can just hit on me.....” the rest was a blur. I excused myself, apologized for bothering her and turned around and left. Then I opened her wallet pulled out the $437 that was in there, and dumped all her IDs, social security card and everything in the trash. I then sold the wallet on Poshmark because it was Louis Vuitton. #metoo earned me some coin.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist deviantart.com

Goddamn, Bill! You want Joe Biden to win so badly that you’ll tell a woman who accused Joe of sexually assaulting her...to shut the fuck up? Can Trump derangement be an official metal illness, please? This guy's children could be violently raped in front of him and he wouldn’t say shit if it was Joe or any democrat running against Trump or a republican. Quarantine must be really getting to Bill’s head because goddamn! Now I know he’s not gonna get cancelled because the far left don’t even believe their own “progressive” BS but now telling people who accuse his party’s candidate to shut the fuck up if they were sexually assaulted by Biden or any democrat? I know there’s always doubt, always believe in the facts and not just believe all women because yes...there are women that would lie about being raped. I love this new slogan for the left “Vote for Joe Biden and shut the fuck up if he sexually assaulted you!” Comes out smoooooooth...just remember to swallow!

ShySaxon #sexist #Psycho incels.is

[Serious] Incel haters are the real terrorists

We’re not terrorists for being virgins. It’s ridiculous to say such things. The REAL terrorists are those that mock, ridicule and TERRORISE incels into committing suicide or conforming to modern societies insane standards and “respecting wahmen” who despise us and want us dead.

If you have hated on incels, have a look at incelgraveyard on r*ddit and look at all of the incels who have killed themselves because they couldn’t handle life anymore. Many of them were likely bullied irl and probably online too for something completely out of their control: their looks.

Fuck the incelphobic haters and terrorists.

shii410 #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] SexStarvationPill: Dutch Government recognises importance of sex...

Dutch official advice to single people: find a sex buddy for lockdown

Those without a sexual partner asked to come to mutually satisfactory agreements

Who knew right. I take it that proclamation includes the once former Feminists who said "nobody is entitled to sex"...

Oh my. The 20s are shaping up to be very interesting to say the least.

“Proximity and physical contact are not a luxury, they are basic needs,” Duits wrote. “If we have learned anything from the Aids epidemic, it is that not having sex is not an option.”

Holy fucking Pickle Rick on a stick Batman! That's a yikes from me! Let's unpack this.:soy: Sex isn't a need you dirty incel! What, do you think you'll die from a lack of sex? You can have a perfectly normal life without sex. Stop being so entitled!:soy::soy:

She's a Foid. That what makes the Irony oh so delectable.

yep the fact that a feminist foid said that really sells it. I wonder how she would respond if you asked her to apply her same logic to incels.

JFL. she's the type of person to say that incels aren't entitled to anything and tell us to just live our entire lives without sex and never complain. but when she has to go a few weeks without sex because of quarantine, she instantly changes her tone and says that its a "human right" and "basic need". what a stupid fucking cunt

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


13 year old chads are now getting GROOMED by insta models

‘Don’t tell your mummy’: Instagram model allegedly grooms 13-year-old boy

A burlesque model has been accused of grooming a 13-year-old boy online, sending him explicit messages, naked photos and joking that she was a “pedo”.

Just as a reminder while you were jerking off to new grounds hentai in middle school at 2 am chad was busy getting his dick sucked by insta thots who are willing to go to prison for 10 years and be labelled a pedophile just to have a chance to get his superior genes


Just lol at how they're treating it like he's this poor innocent kid getting molested by an adult.

(Transcended Trucel)

holy fuck brutal. while an incel can't even get a granny, 13 year old Chads can get instathots and likely leech some money too
@Made in Heaven looks at this shit. shota abuse is fine but men Loli maxing means immediate calls for death


This. I would like getting “groomed” by a female when I was 13 years old.

(Total Imbecile)

Wish some girl groomed me and raped me at that age tbh


Amazing what a few millimeters of bone can do.

Just lol at how they're treating it like he's this poor innocent kid getting molested by an adult.

Based tbh. If women are being hurt and men aren't, its good.

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

[Venting] I will get into a car crash bc of women

They are litreally traffic hazards because of the way they dress

They barely have any clothes on and its only May, I cant imagine its only going to get worse srs

Like Trump is drawn to kissing women I am just drawn to checking them out

Multiple times I have drifted outside my lane a bit and had to slam on the brakes not to hit the car in front of me because I was checking out some whore

Run over the whores

I would feel bad for my car, also dont wanna go to jail tbh

What do you drive a bus? How the fuck can you see how someone's dressed in another car.

They are "jogging" aka they dress like sluts and run around

Also its a college town, therere literally girls sitting outside their houses in beach chairs in their bikinis sipping beers with Chads in salmon shorts

nxdismycope #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] i flip the finger to foids in the street now

thats right. i want to express my emotions to those whores that deny me from the necessary thing called sex.

i do it ninja mode ofcourse. every time i see a young foid im gonna pass im holding my phone with the hand that on her side and i flip my middle finger when i pass them while screaming in my heart "FUCK YOU FOID".

i did it around 8 times this week. feels pretty good.

good cope overall.

Seems like a fun cope but what's your plan if you get caught

ill deny it and keep walk.

but those dumb whores are on their phone. and even when they arent - they arent looking at me.
but honestly i think i started doing it very obvious now so maybe one of them will notice idk. anyway fuck it

RoastieBeef #sexist incels.is

Just saw a normie get a surprise kiss from a drunk foid he didn’t know

- it was a Strong cheek kiss, not a peck.
- she was drunk/tipsy but still

Just saw 3 tipsy girls (2 blondes and 1 brunette, all 7s and maybe 8) walked out of a bar. As they’re walking on the sidewalk, they are about to pass a random hispanic normie ( average height and face. weak hair and style) talking with his friend And is leaning on his mo-Ped. The Brunette goes and kisses him on the cheek randomly and by surprise. He quickly signals to her to return and he says something as she continues walking with her friends. They exchanged a few words but she never returned, she kept walking

I couldn’t fanthom this situation but tried to explain it. Is this a Stacy who wanted a quick dopamine hit so she sexually assaulted a random normie who she knew wouldn’t complain? Are hispanic men sought after just like tyrones are by some foids ? I’ve read on here that normies can ascend ocassionally if the foids are drunk. Such luck of the draw has to be stressful. We don’t have a chance but imagine having 1% chance if the stars align.

riceronicel #racist #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [JFL] Noodlewhore literally writes an academic paper on why her kind loves white cock


Some excerpts:

White American men are seen as physically larger. The White male body has become the model masculine body sending messaging of the man’s body as being strong, tough, independent. While it also emits masculine imagination such as aggression, competition, strength, success, competence, reliability, and control (Nemoto 2006, p. 46). Nemoto’s interviews with Asian American women had a common trend of “an aversion toward Asian and Asian American men, due to their small physical size and attitude of ethnic patriarchy.” (Nemoto 2006, p. 43). In contrast to White American men, Asian American men are seen as smaller in physical size and have negative characteristics that are found in connection to size.

My respondents have the perception that East Asian men are not athletic and masculine and that East Asian men try too hard to compensate for what they do not have.

They are convinced that because East Asian men lack masculinity, they try to compensate for what they do not have by pushing women down.

These East Asian women like how White American men are masculine and feel that East Asian men are not masculine enough for them. In certain cases, East Asian women are repelled by a man who is less masculine because it leads to the women feeling masculine herself. She wants a man that is physically strong and manly, yet lets her be her own person. East Asians tend to have, according to these women, controlling personalities which are not attractive whatsoever to these East Asian women.

Ultimately this research shows that there are conscious decisions acknowledged by my respondents when choosing a partner that involve family, perceptions, and masculinity

This was spotted in the conclusion of that paper. So it's official. Asian foids are making CONSCIOUS decisions to marry white men. They think we aren't good enough, and whatever we do to go towards "masculinity," it is perceived as trying too hard to compensate for our tiny peckers.

We don't even need to push Asian foids down, not like that would matter. No matter how we treat them, we will always be perceived as inferior to the white race. Always. ALWAYS. We are either childish, aggressive, manlets, or betabuxx. Nothing more.

This is all the more reason why us Rice will never reproduce. We have no chance. No shot. We only serve as a mechanism for white black and hispanic incels to look at their own situation, and realize and be thankful that they are not Rice. That is our only purpose in this world.

JonathanWWFforlife #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

(submitter note: this guy is a child abuser that's getting assmad because his actions got called out by his victim)

She probably lied about getting raped just to get attention. You expect me to believe that an ugly 13-14 year old girl got raped by a group of guys? She looks so ugly and skinny, no boy or man will ever wants her. She probably say that just so she can get attention which is just straight up pathetic

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "#IBelieveBiden"]

Over at PJ Media Stacey Lennox is laughing at the claim that Biden's recent assault accuser is a Republican plant.

Republicans in particular and conservatives in general should be thankful to Tara Reade (formerly Tara Moulton and formerly-formerly Alexandra Tara McCabe). She has helped expose the massive #MeToo hypocrisy: namely that it turns out in the tradeoff between #BelieveAllWoman and #Trump2020 the rape victim needs to be kicked to the curb for the greater good. Her accusations against Biden drive a wedge between the feminist and realpolitik wings of the Democrat Party and decrease the likelihood [changed from "extinguish the possibility" to "decrease the likelihood" I'm afraid... -ed] that the next wild accusation against a Republican will carry much weight with the general public [changed from "maintstream media and general public alike" I'm afraid... -ed]. Biden, already a candidate with a lot of weak spots, has added one more that will still hang around his neck until his final breath (or, of more particular concern, November).

Tara Reade has had to face off, unlike some other recent assault accusers, of an attack by her supposed allies and the mainstream media. Her claims go back decades with corroborating evidence, tie in general with the behaviour (even post-#MeToo) of Joe Biden, and are serious enough that should disqualify him from the party's nomination. So here's the thing...

I don't believe a single fucking word the lying bitch is saying.

I suppose you can call me the anti-Rose McGowan (unless you're the real Rose McGowan, in which case you can just call me). She believes the stories of Julie Swetnick, Judy Munro-Leighton, Christine Blasey Ford, E. Jean Carroll, Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart, Karena Virginia, Jessica Drake, Summer Zervos, Leigh Corfman, Beverly Young Nelson. She's never heard of but would believe the stories of Kristin Raworth and Rose Knight. By contrast, I am convinced that all of these bitches are also lying. While re-prosecuting the defamatory lies of all of these liars is outside the purpose of this blogpost, we will briefly delve into the one of the many issues with Tara Reade's claims and why Joe Biden is innocent of the ludicrous claims made against him.


Add it all up, and the odds are that Tara Reade are lying about the finger is pretty good. Add in the fact that at least half of all rape accusations are false, and that when you're dealing with public figures that probably jumps to 90%, I can say with some confidence that Tara Reade is lying. Joe Biden didn't molest her. Joe Biden will molest America though, and while you can't damn him with his attack on Tara Reade you can damn him on his attack on Brent Kavanaugh and for not applying the same stupid rules to himself that he applies to his opponents.

I, on the other hand, equally apply the same rule all the time: most of these bitches are lying. Bitches and lying go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Rape is a serious crime that doesn't leave a dead body as evidence, so they love to lie and claim they were the victim of the former. Don't kid yourself though, if they could get away with accusing men of the latter they would.

nxdismycope #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] chads are much more misogyny than incels but still society ignore it when its a chad

i always see it. how chads treat foids like property
like whores
and they accept it. they "tehehehe" it .

today i went to the library with uni friends (one of them is a chad lite.) we started talking about the library foid there and then the chad started talking about how cool it was if her job was to just give handjobs, and how in every work and studyplace they need to hire a foid to just offer handjobs after all thats the only thing they can do right

just LOL. he said it out in the open to us and alot of people nearby also heard it (including foids)
but he can get away with it

foids doesnt care.
meanwhile as an ugly guy if you even say a girl is pretty they will think you are a creep

BlkPillPres #sexist #psycho incels.is


That's it, that's the summary of how attraction in dating works, all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural"

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough

riceronicel #sexist #psycho incels.is

There are a bunch of cucks on reddit. However, OP points something out very important.


If a Muslim man bombs a stadium, immediately the left liberal reaction is "NOT ALL MUSLIMS!"
If a white police officer shoots down an unarmed black man, immediately the right conservative reaction is "NOT ALL COPS!"

But when it comes to incels, and honestly, simply men, you react and say "not all men" you are IMMEDIATELY countered and told you're a hating incel rapist that wants all foids to die. It's like whenever we even inhale after a man is "allegedly" accused of brushing his hand on an ass cheek some 36 years ago, that man is immediately cancelled and nothing is in doubt whether he actually did it or not, or whether the accuser is lying or not.

And yet they are surprised, wonder and mock us for being in these communities like incels.co.



I don't know when the day will come, but a day will come when we make a last stand against this oppression. i have said numerous times that this community is my last hope, my Alamo, where I make my last stand. If I lose, I rope. No if, ands, or buts.

One day we will say "THIS IS OVER" for my part I do my best to empower myself and attack foids in a subtle way whenever I can. You must start with something.

And they wonder why ER did what he did. They wonder why AM did what he did.

Some bitch saying "how can any human do something so terrible? where did this come from?"


DangZagnut #sexist #conspiracy #fundie reddit.com

Churches are all about worshipping women.

All religions worship women, they're magical creatures. Whether it's Catholics worshipping a Jewish minx named Mary that cucked her husband, or Muslims worshipping women by "controlling" them, don't make me laugh. Or the guilt tripping Jewish mother, or the women doing Gods know what to the Hindus, all religions pretend to "control" women, but in reality it's putting them on the pedestal.

Religion plus pussy worship never wins. And the more fundamentalist the religion, the more the mothers control the children. And the husband.

You think a Muslim with 4 wives fighting against him 24/7 is "winning"? Or the Japanese guy with the traditional wife taking all his money and working him to the bone to earn more is really doing it right? The mormon is winning having a shit ton of wives to be responsible for? As we know, no woman on Earth has been manipulative.

No Catholic mother is the neck that turns the husband that's the "head" of the family.

Red pill yourself away from the fantasy of women, and the fantasy of magic, and the illusion that you have power over either, and do your own thing. If you like some virtues or moral lessons, take the good; shed yourself of the bullshit. The bullshit never helps, and the good parts get covered with the shit of the bad.

But what would I know, I'm just a heathen Godless atheist.

DangZagnut #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Well considering rape is just using a vagina for its intended purpose, what's the big deal? It's not like women care about virginity, so that's not an issue right?

This is why you really can't believe women talking about rape. It's like an Uber driver complaining they didn't get a good enough tip.

Uglyme #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[Hypocrisy] Your dad probably thinks you're a slayer and you're mom knows you're genetic trash

For those of you who have both parents, first off no offense for what I'm about to say: you're dad probably is a blue pilled cuck who thinks that looks don't matter as long as you have a good personality. He probably makes jokes about how you're going to see your gf whenever you go out. Maybe he was the one who gave you the birds and the bees talk and if you try to black pill him, he probably tells you delusional fantasies of how he got your mom despite he being short and fat (what he won't tell you is the fact that your mom had had 6 boyfriends before hitting the wall and cucking your dad)

Your mom on the other hand, she's more (evil) realistic. Since the moment she saw you, she knew you'd be a genetic inferior and ugly subhuman, and she has raised you as such. All she cared about is you getting good grades so that when you grow up you could have a high paying job where you'd be wageslaving forever to maintain a fat roastie with two bastard kids. That's the best she thinks you can get. She never told you you were handsome. She never encouraged you to gave fun outside and see the world. She never (loved you?) gave you hope.

RREEEEEEEEE #sexist #psycho incels.is

The feminists are right. Men need to die.

Just think about the hordes of cucks and simps that will lynch you if you dare say anything negative about a female. Just think about the hordes of cucks and simps that will donate tons of money to females just for existing. Just thinking about the hordes of cucks and simps that will exploit female sexuality by enabling and encouraging degeneracy. Just think of the hordes of cucks and simps that will buy and eat chocoshit chip cookies. Just think about the hordes of cucks and simps that are swiping right on landwhales and grannies on Tinder. Just think about the hordes of cucks and simps that are inflating the egos of below average females by giving them validation. Just think about the hordes of cucks and simps.

OldIncel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Women are not as traumatized as they pretend to be about rape

Think about how many men women have sex with. By the time they're 25 years old they've had sex with 40+ people.

Do you really think that they're traumatized over the 41th dick that was forcefully inserted in her vagina? JFL

The only reason they act traumatized about rape is because THEY WANT TO CONTROL THE NARRATIVE. They want you to feel sorry for her and give her what she wants because "muh raaaaape!" I have absolutely no empathy over women who have been forcefully sodomized by any male.

The only time when it's okay to have a little bit of empathy is if she was a virgin. Virgin girls haven't been ruined yet by Chad so the rape has done considerable damage to her value. She will never be as valuable as she was prior to her rape. Damaged goods forever.

mellainadiba #sexist #moonbat reddit.com

You are literally writing the equivalent insanity of some extreme feminists that there is a secret counsel of women who are... plotting everything?

Its not a secret council. I don't mean freemasons, or "patriarchy" and shit LMAO. I just mean ordinary rich people. Capitalism, market forces. Look it up 100 people have more wealth than what 3 billion bottom or whatever the figure is.

Its not a conspiracy its normal human behaviour. For example why do women smoke? Cigarette companies realised they were missing out on revenue as women didn't smoke (soscial taboo, looks like your sucking a dick) so marketers linked womens liberation to smoking and even paid womens libs to smoke and make it look empowering "you've come a long way baby" - now that isn't lizard people or free masons its normal market economics, human behaviour to increase your market share. Google and Apple are going to try and convince you, you need AR glasses, voice assistants etc... they will change the world.. its not a conspiracy. Thats what capitalism does.... On a micro level thats what I do in business, I control peoples emotions and thought processes to buy my products and services and I do it extremely successfully, if you work in a job maybe you won't understand but when I create products and services, I have literally created something from thin air that only existed in my mind and then actualised it into the real world, and then people all around the world actually use it, its pretty amazing feeling, if you can do that then you really get a sense of how the world is at the whims of those who shape it... And im a small fish compared to billionaires who have fundamentally changed the world... millions of other people do that in an economy. Throw out 500 million in domestic violence funding, people are going to create charities and organise to get the money... they will do things in their self interest to stay in the industry... thats why Refuge started trying to "debunk" male DV when it realised it was getting funding... its not a conspiracy theory normal human behaviour... they probably didn't even believe the shit they were peddling, but they need to do it

Watch the mainstream BBC docs the men who made us fat, and also the men who made us thin... how a small bunch of men have utterly changed the entire world and affected our behaviours in how we eat, drink exercise and consume.They sponsored scientific research, shaped government policy, they literally invented the idea of snacking becoming a norm and fast food being a social norm... we take these for granted, they are NOT accidents, they are entirely deliberate. Its not conspiracy, its basically capitalsm, they did it in self interests. Its amazing how powerful those small groups of men are... we live in their world now.

Oh another nice story... why do you buy diamond engagement rings? Again capitalist men... they made up the idea of putting a diamond in the ring.... they created the diamonds are a girls best friend, invented 2 months salary concept, and now its human behaviour all over the world... capitalist men did that... they did alls sorts, they actually tried some failed things too, they tried to make buying a second diamond ring for your left hand a thing (again using feminism to say look women are empowered a man can buy a ring and a woman a second one) and even trying to get women to buy men a ring... they are crazy clever, they dealt with the problem of synthetic diamonds (cheaper, better and more ethical than real ones) in many ways, they tried to discredit them as much as possible through advertising... eventually they just bought the diamond company and purposefully undersold it to diminish its value...

The story of Coca Cola, nike, Shell... its amazing.

Anyway thats why I laugh when I hear guys here moaning about it will never change and MRA is fucked, gynocentrism or feminism etc... society is completely manufactured... of course we can change it. Feminism exists because free market capitalist love it... feminism is capitalism, they are literally doing capitalism dirty work

MountainGorilla #racist #sexist #psycho #quack incels.is

[Blackpill] The Psychology of Normies When Faced With The Truth

They're incapable of taking other people's perspective and yet they have the fucking audacity to spread mental health awareness.
All of these normies believe nurture > nature JUST FUCKING LOL. Your environment is only affects you like 20% while genetics affects your life by 80%. Don't believe me? Just look at African IQ scores vs White IQ scores and also search up the Flynn Effect. After adolescence, iq goes back down to normal and Africans IQ goes back to 85 and Whites IQ scores goes back to 90 thanks to the Flynn Effect because it doesn't matter if a African child was raised in a white household, further proving that it all comes down to genetics.

I think the lesson we can get out of this is that most people/normies are fucking mediocre, life is short and you are not going to do anything special with your life. These normies believe they are special because they love believing in a comfortable lie. Just wait until the agepill hits them and see them drop their beliefs. Normies are the most contradictory people ever and I'd rather take advice from a fucking goldfish than them.

But as for me, I'm thankful for learning that blackpill at a young age. Sure as I get older and I experience mogging and suifuel around me, I can be content that I learned the truth rather than wallow in lies. Unlike these normies who betray their own beliefs at the first sign of trouble, I will never betray the blackpill, it holds a special place in my heart, its in my blood and veins and I can feel a pulsing vibrancy and magical euphoria from it despite how brutal the blackpill is.

But I think the blackpill transcends the truth as well. The blackpill is the new forefront of mankind's search for truth and the meaning of life, the blackpill carries the torch from those of previous generations of philosophers and scientists.

Unnamed Killers #fundie #sexist #psycho theguardian.com

Pakistan: teenage girls shot dead by relatives over online footage

Father of one victim and brother of the other arrested in connection with the murders

Two female teenagers in Pakistan have been murdered by family members after a video emerged online of them associating with a man.

The pair, said to be aged 16 and 18, were shot dead by male relatives in their remote village in Pakistan’s North Waziristan province this week after footage was posted online of them in the company of a young man in a secluded area.

After they were shot, the pair were then buried in the village by their family members.

Local police confirmed they had arrested the father of one of the victims, and the brother of the other victim, in connection with arranging and carrying out the murders, and they were now being held in custody.

The police are searching for two other family members believed to have been involved in the killings.

The footage of the women, which is less than a minute long, was said to have been filmed last year but only appeared on social media a few weeks ago. The police said they were still searching for a third young woman who also featured in the video to ensure she did not suffer the same fate.

The tribal areas in North and South Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan, are known for the strict “honour code” imposed on women, whose movements are heavily restricted and who are often not allowed out of the house unaccompanied.

So called “honour” killings remain common in Pakistan’s tribal areas, mainly against women who are believed to have brought shame on a family, and activists say up to 1,000 such killings are still carried out every year.

The issue was brought to the fore in Pakistan in September after three men were found guilty and sentenced to life behind bars for the killing of three women in Kohistan who had been caught on video singing and clapping at a wedding in 2011. The women’s bodies were never found.

Though against the law, “honour” killing cases were previously difficult to convict owing to a loophole in the law that allowed perpetrators to walk free if they were given a pardon by the victim’s family member.

However, the crimes now come with a mandated life sentence.

Anonymous #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist boards.4chan.org

Alot of people in the disodent right tend to blame Baby Boomers for the Cultural, Demographic and Political mess we are in today.
Those with a bit more nuanced, intelligence and "edgyness" (for lack of a better word) tend to blame the Greatest Generation. Largely for destroying National Socialist Germany, allowing half the world to be darkened by jewish bolshevism and allowing the boomers to turn into the liberal anti-racist faggots they are today.
But the real generation that started the decline?
That was the World War I Generation
>Voted for Woodrow Wilson 2 times.
>President who put the first jew on the court, created the federal reserve, and was one of the founding thought leaders of Globalism.
>Went into the first world war gaining america nothing and upsetting the balance of power in europe leading to the ultimate end of all european empires
>Gave women the Vote
>Allowed the Communist to gain a foothold in Russia
>Founded the era of feminism, social liberalism and unsustainable economic policies that culminated in the great depression and the rise of (((FDR)))
THIS was the Generation that fell asleep at the wheel of the Republic
And it is because of them at we suffer the consequences today...

To_Live_is to_Serve #sexist #quack incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Women and individual selective traits

Females are more individual selective than males. Males have a sense of truth and are more prone to self sacrifice by giving their live for the group. It is ironic that the group which is more individual selective more often gangs up to mercilessly genocide or hinder the group selective group. It is because of egoism, lack of empathy, lack of mercy and only looking to your own good, not that of the group, nation, humanity or world.

Females favour individual selection when selecting mates. Women favour violence, fear and the dark triad of personality besides good physique and health which are universally healthy. If the group got destroyed in war by a more group selective group, women would just have sex with the males of the victorious people akin to how lionesses mate with the male lion as soon as he has killed her kids and baby daddy. It lies thus in the male interest to increase group selection while female instincts which favour individual selective traits remain. This can be done by normalising a culture of arranged marriage or to execute males who practice abundantly individual selective behaviour.

DarwinsDisgrace #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

[Venting] The coronavirus is a lie, the economy is fucked and governments need a scapegoat

The wheels have finally come off of our sick societies, be it the society of the UK, of the US or of Germany. I could talk about negative quarterly growth figures, shenanigans from central banks, how we're overdue an economic crash etc. but speaking from my own experience, from the heart if you will, there are too many people contributing nothing and the people who are contributing are a) not appreciated b) denied relationships c) on minimum wage regardless of their importance etc. and they have gradually been losing any motivation to ensure that the organisations they work for function efficiently.

So what's the solution? Hurr durr every civil service of every country is going to put the entirety of western civilisation on hold until they can think what the fuck they are going to do. The media says they are going to raise taxes to pay for the coronavirus, we're actually going to be paying for women taking dick up the arse from CHAD. If I can't get away with half-assing my job and lying to my boss about it then I'm going NEET again, this time permanently and nobody will get a single penny from me ever again, not like it would make any difference to my quality of life anyway.

And finally fuck women, how easy would it be for them to even give a chance to a man with their own house and a steady job all in a nice area? But no, they need 6ft tall love island mega-chad whose only claim to fame is a history degree from the university of bumfuck nowhere and before you call that cope, Chads these days don't even bother having jobs at all until they are in their late 20's.

ThotPatroller #racist #sexist coalfax.ru

[From "We will be expanding"]

I am receiving a lot of requests along with hate for only focusing on white women being race traitors. Fear not, there are many plans to shame other race traitors as well.
We’ll also have a registry for women being degenerate whores in general.

All will come in due time. First I need to see if coalfax becomes popular before moving onto other projects.

For any suggestions use the contact form. I’m always looking for help and ideas.

BlkPillPres #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Having "Black Pilled Normies" On An Incel Forum Is Like Having "Self Conscious Rapists" In A "Rape Survivors" Counselling Group


Every single so called "black pilled normie" I've ever encountered on this site was illogical and still had many blue pilled beliefs, like ridiculous shit that they genuinely believed that would make you think they were trolling you (and they likely were because they are sadists who usually ARE JUST HERE TO TROLL)

My favorite one is - "If you only had sex with a prostitute you are still a virgin", because to them virginity doesn't mean "I didn't have sex", to them virginity means "I didn't have mutually desired and consensual sex", some may even push it further to where "if the female didn't explicitly state she enjoyed it you are still a virgin"

You'll notice two huge overbearing trend with all "black pilled normies"

1. They all love personal definitions

2. They revere women with a high esteem, whether they admit it or not (they arne't even self aware of it actually), their rhetoric often pedestalizes women to a ridiculous degree

Think about the first example I game you, the implication of that belief is that women decide who is a virgin or not regardless of their own actions. You could literally rape a bitch, but based on the beliefs of "black pilled normies" you didn't lose your virginity UNTIL A WOMAN TELLS YOU, YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY

They are literally saying that women control reality itself like they are Gods, "Black Pilled Normies" are the most feminist fuckers you can encounter in the "pillosphere", I'm not exaggerating, their beliefs pedestalize women to the status of a GODDESS


"Black Pilled Normie" is a misnomer, every single one I've encountered HAD BLUE PILLED BELIEFS DEEP ROOTED INTO THEIR WORLD VIEW



Having "Black Pilled Normies" on an incel forum is literally like having rapists show up at a rape counseling group to "share their story", its ridiculous when you think about it

Imagine if a rape victim begins to complain about a rapist making them remember bad memories and/or feel uncomfortable and the rape counselor responds with:
"But he's selfaware, he knows what he did AND STILL DOES TO THIS DAY is wrong and has said so, so you should accept him and welcome him here as one of you"

Imagine if a rape counselor said:
"As long as he doesn't explicitly describe his past or future rapes HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG AND SHOULD BE ALLOWED HERE"

(Rapist 10 minutes later)

"Well I was dreaming that I was raping a bitch near park avenue last week and......."

This forum is a fucking joke

There is literally no reason for black pilled normies to be here OTHER THAN TO BE SADISTS

They have lives, they get laid, there is literally no reason for them to congregate amongst losers just trying to be among themselves, yet we have this ridiculous rule of "Black Pilled Normies" are allowed, and the kicker is THEY CONTRIBUTE NOTHING BUT DISCORD TO THE FORUM

All they ever say is blue pilled shit AND BOAST, always trying to find an opportunity to humblebrag or "troll indirectly"

Which relates to my other thread:

[Blackpill] [Hard To Swallow Edition] (You Need To Vet Users You Are "Friends" With) Many Users On This Site Are Fakecels Who Out Themselves On Discord & Looksmax

Supervillain Wannabe Award

Various Incels #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Experiment] Do you wish the world was good/fair, or do you wish you had the power to make people do what you want?

Whaddaya want?


Power. I want the world to work however i choose. I don't care about others, I'm inherently selfish and my needs trump anyone else's. If other people indirectly benefit from my actions then fair enough but i won't go out of my way to make people happy. If i had power i would make those suffer who caused me to. I like the idea of getting revenge on those who have done me wrong. There are many things i would like to do to certain people i wouldn't get the chance to otherwise. I would cause them untold pain.

I would also have power over women and i would make them lesser citizens like they should be and have them serve my every whim. Whore's need putting in their place.

TheGoodGuy #sexist incels.is

What's with foids' obsession with feeling "empowered"? Can they talk about anything without using that word?

I agree I get so pisses when I hear that word I can´t stand to hear it anymore because the only thing that word is associated with nowadays is females.

Holes are so shallow and conformist. Once many people start using a word the just have to use it too, without even questioning if that is the right word in the right context

It doesn´t even make sense for them to use that word anymore they already got THEIR "equality" by being allowed to work and vote which was the original goal of feminism they even are allowed to dress as slutty as they like e.g. yoga pants/tights the battle is over there is no more to "fight" for, at least for women but they just want more and more they don´t seek equality they want superiority; I never heard of any man getting a high position job just because of his gender like women do because in the higher end jobs like ceo´s and stuff there need to be an amount of women not only men, so even if other men had better credentials they wouldn´t get the job just because their gender as a male isn´t that what feminism was trying to get rid of that we should be equals? No it´s all a fucking joke.

MayorOfKekville #sexist incels.is

Unless you fuck a girl with massive boobs, narrow waist, and big round ass your life is pointless.
This goes for all the coping sub-8 normies too with their ugly flat-assed or flat-chested or landwhale girlfriends/wives.

UninspiredGuy1 #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The only point of life is to fuck girls with nice fat asses. Everything else is cope.

Everything we should do in life should be to obtain sex with a big booty girl.

sadly only chad can get this.

mostly agree

Birthing hips and curvy spine is all i care about, yet i cannot have this.

(((someone))) thought it was funny for men to live like this in the 2000s

Technology has absolutely destroyed the sexual market

I'm okay with a small ass

Jfl if u dont like jiggly ass and prefer disgusting sticks

You can easily get by without friends altogether if you fuck tons of foids 24/7 but even with hundreds of the most faithful friends you still cant live without foid affection and sex.

100% the truth i could less of a fuck of what giys think of me and hanging out with dudes

its just a dream at this point, only 8/10 and above chads can obtain that

Just kill me now if i cant eat some hot foids ass and fuck it all day long

Tits > ass.

So wrong

Guykild #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [Serious] Do women have thoughts or feelings?

Women go by just feelings. This mean they don't think.

How many times do they "not understand" how they got in an abusive relationship? Most people can tell someone have bad vibes by logically knowing or seeing how the guy is.
Girl wouldn't and just go by feelings of "He's good in bed" or "He's hot" and then later have their arms broken or found dead in a river later.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Rapists are more likely to be chads and sexually active

In this research paper, it talks about the characteristics of undetected rapists AKA rapists who were never reported by their victim or never were arrested. Quote (the page won’t let me copy):


Characteristics of Undetected Rapists

Sexual Behavior

"Undetected" rapists have consistently been shown to more sexually active than other men. Apart from their sexually aggressive behavior, they engage in consensual and coercive sex far more often that is typical for men of their age group. Their sexual activity tends to be an important component of their identities. %us, rather than being a product of greater sex drive, their increased sexual activity appears to be driven by their view that if they are not very active then they are neither "successful" nor adequate as men.

studies also confirm that frat boys ARE more likely to sexually assault foids and sorority girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted. And frat boys often are chads. Many chads are athletes abd many athletes are chads and domestic violence and sexual assault are a big problem among athletes.

it's the result of their great personalities

I bet bluepillers assume most rapists are ugly jfl

Water wet. And it’s not sexual assault if he’s chad.

Chads are more likely to rape women which the foid enjoys

I'm not surprised.

I bet that tons of unreported rape cases are because the guy was chad.

And of course ugly men get the blame by being stereotyped as rapist lmao.

The predators in TCAP are always sub5

This is what women mean by "good personality"

Women love dark triad traits

ugly rapists cant get away with rape while attractive ones can, which makes it so ugly guys rape way less than attractive guys since they can do it numerous times and get away with it.

Ugly rapists get reported more

Can you imagine if foids were given the option of either having sex with an incel in a luxury hotel, or be beaten and raped by Chad in a back alleyway - how many would choose the incel? 5% 10%?

0% also most rape doesn’t happen outside or in a dark alley it usually happens in a home

Romello Gaghan 2 #sexist #racist incels.is

[Venting] Latinos Are Slayers

Every single bronzed or brown person from central america I've ever come across has been extroverted and highly NT. They are a jolly, confident people who get married out of high school, have a dynamic social circle they joke around and crack cervezas with like happy people should, and would not think twice about seeing your pussy ass gringo, negro, or curry ass head on a stick like real dark triad slayers.

Absolute chad race no doubt about it. "why are there no latinocels here" people occasionally ask. Well, I've figured it out. They're slaying. And working hard and winning at life while you rot.

B.O.G.A.R.T. #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Western civilization is becoming asexual (spoiler: they're murdering Freud)

For the last 70 years feminist cultural theorists firmly espoused that we lived in a phallocentric world and that, with the right critical googles on, one could see cock-shaped symbols -- from stripper poles to modernist skyscrapers -- marking masculine power and supremacy everywhere. This was because the core organizational principle of the western world was to cater to the male gaze. From antiquity to modern times cultural rendering of women was that of a passive erotic object meant to sexually gratify the male narcissist, the voyeur, the pervert.

When Derrida added that even privileging logos was a dick move in itself, everything could be interpreted as cock privilege -- and everything became subject to the male gaze. It became fashionable to play where is patriarchy's Waldo within visual arts, classical literature and pop music... Everything was presumed to be sexual and already sexualised by men and for men's pleasure, and exposing it for what it is was only the proper thing to do.

But a simple return to prudish modesty isn't an option, gaslighting is. Third wave feminists just went from interpreting everything as having a phallic or yonic shape to denying that the obvious huge cock stand-in could have anything to do with sex.


men sexualize pole dancing because they think everything is meant to please them

mylifeistrash #sexist incels.is

I still have zero idea how society keeps functioning after men get fucked over so badly

Why hasn't society broken down by now? Most men are going to be broke and unemployed. Women using their smart phones to find chads, and you get thrown in jail for trying to hit on a girl in public.

It's not just me. On any finance or sites discussing markets they all wonder the same thing.

What glue is keeping everything together?

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

Occult Attack - Ten Examples of this Occult War on Civilization

The list below is not meant to be detailed or exhaustive but to provide a list to see the virus hoax in context.

1. Immigration & Migration - To re-engineer humanity as servants, the Protocols state, "we will destroy every collective force but our own." (16-4) The four legs of human identity (collective force) are race, religion, nation, and family. Migration undermines two of these directly, race and nation, and the other two indirectly. They are a form of gerrymandering to ensure people of European descent become a minority and are disenfranchised.

2. Vaccinations, Chemtrails, Fluoride and Soy. They are inoculating us with diseases, making us comatose and feminizing males. In general, a satanic cult such as Western society has become, controls and exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick. Western society is obsessed with sickness which is a bigger industry than war.

3. Control of information and discourse - Media and higher education now are mind control instruments. Political correctness & censorship punish thought crimes.- Non-Conformity leads to loss of employment.
Gaslighting - political widgets can say anything and be taken seriously. As with 9-11 plane disappearing into Pentagon, the goal is to make us question reality.

4. False flag terror is used to confiscate guns (Christchurch) and to justify war (9-11) or civil strife (Notre Dame) Mass surveillance using CCTV, Internet, and smart devices.

5. Satanism, occultism, violence and sexual depravity in the entertainment industry. Major stars are all Satan worshippers.
Their success isn't based on talent alone. They have sold their souls to the devil. Increasingly our culture and entertainment reflect that of a satanic cult.

6. Agenda 21; "Climate Change" -- comprehensive UN Plan to limit economic development & control the world.

7. The Demonrat Party: Making removing Trump their first priority and lying.
Buying votes by promising the moon for free. The media constantly gaslighting us re. 9-11, JFK assassination, Syrian gas attacks, and numerous mass shootings (Sandy Hook, Parkland.) The Communist Manifesto calls for state control of communication (#6) - which we effectively have when we realize that media corporations are all controlled by the central bankers.

8. Attack on marriage and family by erasing traditional heterosexual values using pornography, sexual liberation, gender dysphoria, homosexuality and transgenderism. Sexual "liberation" is pure Satanism because it dehumanizes and makes sex an end in itself.

Disregarding female rights by allowing trannies in their bathrooms. Canada issues apology to gays and new "equality" coin. Some say transgenderism is the worship of "the Beast" before his return. This is all presented in terms of tolerance and progress; in fact, the aim is to undermine and shred the social fabric.

9. Income inequality. The "one percent" In France, Chile, Iraq, and Lebanon, people are in the streets because they can't make ends meet.

10. Attack on white men and the promotion of miscegenation. Undermining all races but especially people of European descent. This is an ad from the Saturday paper seeking a Journeyman Electrician starting at $71K. They give preferences to anything that isn't a white male: They "encourage candidates to indicate on their application if they are a woman, Aboriginal person, a person with a disability, or member of a visible minority." Whatever happened to hiring on the basis of merit and not discriminating against anyone?

In conclusion, the only way out of this morass is to nationalize central banks and disavow debt created out of nothing.

Or for the Masonic Jewish leaders to have a change of heart, and become the benefactors of humanity instead of its deranged cruel jailers.

CTON #racist #sexist amren.com

”It's all a game to them. DNA/Ancestry/Origin is just a fun thing to observe on the side to her. She isn't well educated on any historical matter (especially about her homeland). She doesn't want to look like a brown/black. She doesn't want to live around them, eat their ethnic food (their truly ethnic food -- not the europeanized versions), adopt their culture, practice their religion, or live in their lands. She just wants to have ~10% or so 'exotic' DNA so she can brag about it.

She is truly privileged beyond belief and is ungrateful to her ancestors which toiled for her privilege.”

I've come around to the belief that the female of the species is not terribly aware -- not aware of being privileged (and therefore vulnerable), not aware of danger, or even great danger. My guess is that evolutionarily speaking that was always the man's job -- big picture awareness. Which is not to say she isn't aware of immediate danger. She may well have that awareness in a heightened sense. Her children. That's why and that's her concern.

But the gathering storm? Folly to expect her to notice it, never mind give it a thought.

That's something I do not understand with these white women who spout this liberal and anti white stuff. Women, especially attractive-looking women, are good at spotting men who are predators and who might mean danger to them or their children. That being said, it strikes me as odd how these same white women will welcome open borders and not being alarmed when a flood of mostly young male 'refugees' came pouring into the West. Look at them holding up those 'welcome refugees' signs.

The fact of the matter is that if it weren't for white men, she wouldn't enjoy any of the rights that she thinks are just natural rights that are just part of her existence. If all white men disappeared tonight, pretty young white women like her would go to the highest bidder who would do whatever he felt like doing to her, whenever he felt like doing it. And she would have no say in the matter.

She would end up as the property of some wealthy Arab Sheikh, some African warlord or some Mexican drug cartel.

I told some white liberal women in my class that. I said "it's in predominately Western countries in the West where women can vote and have rights. These are non-existent in the other parts of the world."

robchen96 #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

Under free market capitalism, people have high living standard than left leaning socialism country. True. Capitalism is the only one dragged people out of property to become a member of productive socially than a left leaning socialism, somewhat yes and no? Capitalism brings technology from smartphones to better internet speed, which is good.

But here's a thing. I am using NATO and former Warsaw pact as an example

1. Under NATO’s free market i.e capitalism, which is flooded by middle eastern and northern African immigrants flee from war torn nation thanks to democracy. For the population that were mostly indoctrinated; bribed, placed most people in a golden cage called high living standard, and worst degraded with material pleasure. Growing up in capitalism/free market economy were money and greed is the main driving force for people who enjoying high living standard, which means late to form a families or no interest in relationships in some way in another while being replaced by migrants = “White Suicide.”

Feminism on the other hand poison the most people like men formed MGTOW thanks to men hater or other feminist movement despite they already have equal right, but it's not enough.

With the success of LGTQ+ culture in Nato country, the rise of drag queens story hours and abandoned the belief of Christianity to embrace new liberal culture.

2. Under the post Warsaw Pact’s Socialism had fewer or no immigrants. Like Poland fighting for nationalism against migrants and cultural degeneracy because most generations don’t grow up in a capitalist/free market country.

Most good looking Men and Women who live under post socialism or under socialism were traditionalism. Their are some feminism too, but they are still fighting back on this culture war

Homosexual were treated poorly during that time as well as post socialism eastern European in some areas.

Question for you

Which countries survive the most in another economy collapse: capitalist country with high living standard or fairly stable economy under post socialism or socialist country?

What is the worst?

Left leaning socialism: hit by the rock

Capitalism: hit by a bomb

Side Note: Socialism can be bad too i agree, but what they have done less damage to most of the country like east Europe and some Asian countries as well.

Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] My morals are entirely shaped by the fact that I dont have a gf

Essentially anything that makes it harder for me to get a gf = bad, anything that improves my chances = good

For example abortion and free birth control: Im against both because girls being able to sleep carelessly with Chads ruins my chances

If I ever get a gf and she gets preggo and I dont want it then abortion should be legal even at 9 months, if the kid turns out to have autism or is mentally retarded post birth abortion should be legal too in that case

Id do anything for a gf, I would literally kill a toddler with a hammer if thatd guarantee me a gf

Arguing if something is moral or ethical because of some higher reasons = pointless, for me it all boils down to having a gf

Total Imbecile #sexist #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] I am shocked that "The Last Samurai" is not being discussed more often, its racepill the movie

TLDR plot:
-white guy goes to SEA to train soldiers
-gets captured by the samurai but not before killing one of their top dogs
-as a prisoner they train him to become one of them
-the wife of the guy he killed falls in love with him and they fuck
-rides off to battle against his former comrades
-every gook gets killed except him and he gets pardoned because hes white

What an aboslute joke of a movie but it portrays 100% accurately how it is to be white IRL

”the wife of the guy he killed falls in love with him and they fuck”

this is realistic.
french women did the same during WW2, their men died trying to protect their country and weeks later these girls started fucking the invaders.
"loyality" is a non-existent concept for them.

Its kind of related but still a bit different

For example he isnt powerful in the movie, hes a prisoner who gets beat and thrown around and smells bad yet the noodle still fucks him because hes white

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