Matt Margolos #transphobia

A comprehensive study from 2022 revealed that transitioning children provides no medical benefit for young people. Research shows that up to 90% of children experiencing gender confusion will no longer identify as transgender by adulthood if they are not pushed toward transitioning, whether socially or medically.

Recommended: It’s Never Okay to Use The Term 'Gender-Affirming Care'

Meanwhile, the two studies most frequently cited to justify transitioning minors are riddled with flaws. Both excluded participants who dropped out over time — likely those with negative experiences — resulting in a skewed outcome favoring those who reported benefits. Additionally, a Swedish study found no evidence that transitioning children reduces the risk of suicide, debunking one of the central claims made by activists.

Mandy, jelliknight & FrankieDuck #transphobia

RE: Chase Strangio Argues Her Case in the New York Times

( Mandy )
Cross sex hormones only "saved" her life because they were available for her to want.

In the days before cross sex hormones existed people "saved their lives" by cross-dressing and adopting a cross-sex persona. They didn't kill themselves because they couldn't grow breasts or beards. They might have wished they could, but knew they couldn't and just got on with it.

Sex hormones are thus unlike, say, chemotherapy or antibiotics, where people really did die for the lack of them in the days before these treatments were invented.

Chase Strangio saw something she wanted and wanted it so bad she was ready to kill herself if she didn't get it. That's mental illness.

( jelliknight )
This is exactly it. Before insulin, diabetics died. Insulin is lifesaving medicine. Before antibiotics, people died from infections. Before testosterone, women didnt die from not growing enough chest and facial hair.

They say they would kill themselves without it, but 1. Theres no evidence they do and 2. That would be a death from suicide, not lack of medical treatment.


( FrankieDuck )
One of the top comments:

Mutilating minors with opposite-sex hormones and surgeries is unethical and should be unlawful. I hope the ACLU loses this case, big time.

1. Sex is not "assigned" at birth. Sex is a biological fact that is observed and recorded.

2. There are no long-term safety studies of the impacts of powerful puberty-blocking or opposite-sex drugs on children's bodies. The medical system should not be experimenting on children. The medical system should be providing psychological counseling and support for gender-confused children, many of whom grow up to be gay.

3. There's a huge difference between helping a child's body develop naturally according to his/her biological sex, for example there might be an endocrinological issue, versus forcing cross-sex hormones onto a child's body.

4. The ACLU has not "protected" trans people in prisons. The ACLU has violated the rights of women in prisons by demanding that intact male sex offenders and murderers, who conveniently self-identify as "trans" be housed with the female population. For this reason, I terminated my monthly donations to the ACLU.


TheConductor #homophobia #pratt

This story also raises the possibility that the Village People song "In the Navy" - which, rather disgustingly, is also taken as a gay anthem; you know, all those sweaty men together on a ship, ho ho ho - is simply the patriotic song that the lyrics suggest it to be, without a hidden meaning. Maybe even about urging black men to join the Navy (or any other branch of the military) as a way of getting out of the ghetto and improving their lives.

The Woke Pig, now in retreat, has spread far and wide many interpretations of popular art that attempt to reduce the beauty and meaningfulness of many rock and soul songs - even those that evoke the divine - to their petty little Woke agenda. For example, Pete Townshend of The Who in the early 1980s released a number of solo songs, including "A Little Is Enough" and "The Sea Refuses No River", wherein the lyrics are to me pretty clearly the words of a sinner seeking redemption from the Lord. I've seen the Woke Pig declare both of those songs to be gay anthems as well. And the Hollies' "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" - a religious rock song if ever there was - is in fact, I have been told, about the civil rights struggle (what a reduction in meaning; like trying to squeeze a Rembrandt into a thumbnail).

When the Woke Pig can't twist the meaning of a song, as with Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky", they attempt to ridicule those who find meaning in it. An article on "Spirit in the Sky" in Rolling Stone some years back sneeringly talked of how Greenbaum, not himself a Christian, put one over on the unenlightened idiots by successfully exploiting their silly beliefs to get a hit record. (Actually, of course, it's the other way around: the Lord God put one over on Greenbaum by using him to throw a little God onto the pop charts; Greenbaum's intent mattering not at all.)

It's time to reclaim the popular arts. Forget everything you think you know about the meaning of song lyrics.

various commenters #transphobia

Supreme Court Inclined to Uphold Tennessee Law on Transgender Care - The New York Times

( WatcherattheGates )
Heartening. But so appalling that 3 of the 4 women justices would strike down this law if they could. For shame!

( FrankieDuck )
I'm not so sure it won't be 4 out of 4 women justices but it's very likely I missed something.

( Malenia )
So in 20 years after the trans crap is over, conservative men will point to them and be like, "See? Men know what's best for women! Women shouldn't be put in positions of power! They operate on feelings, not FACTS!"

( Lillith )
Amd all because they catered to the feelings of crossdressing men. The irony of it all...

( PeregrineWitch )
Let's hope sanity prevails.

On a side note: Every SC pick for the last 40 years (and probably ever) is about one side or the other pushing a particular agenda. The Republicans have always had Roe in their sights, though a few of their picks (Souter most obviously) didn't work to that end. Now that Roe has been overturned, it will be interesting to see what their next agenda is.

What today made painfully clear, thanks to the rabid performance of KBJ, is that the Democrats' main agenda now is pushing the TRA agenda. Which would be the end of women's sex-based rights and protections.

Bouncer #fundie #pratt

[Comment under “Government Healthcare and the deficit”]

Just-war theory as originally formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas states that to be considered as fought in accordance with God’s will, any war must be:

A. Waged For A Just Cause
The war criteria of “just cause” means that[…]a nation’s sovereignty is directly threatened. A hostile nation intent on actively pursuing ethnic cleansing of your ethic group, on your border[…]American expansion in eastern europe since 1991 is ungodly under Genesis 11:8, which states God deliberately scattered the nations[…]
B. Fought By and Against Competent Authority
The aggression against ethnic Russians living in Ukraine was promulgated by the authorities within the Ukranian government[…]
C. Comparative Justification
Ukraine’s actions are morally wrong according to biblical rules and Russia’s actions bringing the war are morally right – this should be apparent to anyone not blided by one-sided media coverage. There’s a 2016 documentary titled “Ukraine on fire”[…]
D. Right Intention
The clearly-stated purpose of the war is to stop Ukraine’s murderous actions and ensure the safety and political freedom of the people of Lugansk and Donbas[…]
E. Last Resort
All other reasonable means of resolving the conflict were seriously tried and exhausted – NATO encouraged Ukraine to negotiate between 2014-2022 only with the intent of rearming Ukraine[…]
F. Probability Of Success
Entering a war is foolish and harmful unless there is a high probability of success. Russia is winning the conflict[…]
G. Proportionality Of Results
The positive results of the war’s success must be greater than the losses that will inevitably occur from pursuing the war. Russia will gain stability, peace for ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, and reduced global support for US government warmongering[…]
H. Right Spirit
All war must be undertaken with reluctance, sobriety and counsel. Those who engage in war must do so with great sorrow

DrawAnna666 #conspiracy

I believe the UHC assassin was a woman.
Everything about this person seems to me like they're female. Facial features, the way she came up the subway stairs the position she's standing in at the hostel counter, her wrists. The way she steps out from behind the car and raises the gun. The way she aims it. I mean...I see a woman. Does anyone else see what I see or am I delusional?

Rev. Joel Webbon #racist #fundie

In a Nov. 20, 2024 livestream for Right Response Ministries, Webbon explained to his co-hosts — Wesley Todd and Michael Belch — that “there are disparities between races,” and that this includes “moral disparities” which “can change”

“That I don’t believe is etched in the stars and always has to be,” Webbon said. “That, I believe, can change. Europe can morally become radically inferior to Zambia, morally, over time, if Zambia continues to bow the knee to Christ, and Europe and America continues to reject Christ”

He added that “the deck can shuffle in that sense,” and that “when a nation changes morally” it “also affects other attributes of humanity as well.” For example, he suggested that if certain groups “bow the knee and stop being cannibals” it will “affect” their “physical being” — including their IQs

However, Webbon criticized Christian ministers who do not believe there are substantial differences between racial groups

“But here’s the deal,” he said. “The Christian ministers who are looking you in the eye right now and saying these disparities don’t exist, every young man in the world can pick up their phone and in 15 seconds can see that the average IQ in Haiti is 67. And any Christian minister who denies that will not have any credibility”

When one of Webbon’s co-hosts called it a “sin” to deny racial differences in IQs, Webbon agreed. “‘Cause you’re a liar,” Webbon exclaimed. “You’re a liar. You cannot be a minister of the Gospel and be a public liar. You’re disqualified from ministry from lying. You can’t be a liar and be a minister of the Gospel

TJ Hegland #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

The Earth has a very interesting and amazing history – only part of
which can be told and the rest is buried in obscurity, in the vaults
of the real Secret Societies… to protect the naïve.

Many aspects of the real history have leaked out over the centuries
and yet they are sometimes so bizarre they seem to be just myths.
When giant bones and high-tech objects are found in very old coal
strata, it is just ignored or explained away… anomalies don’t count.
Cryptoterrestrials and The Others are examined.

This book takes a look at some of the oddities as well as the real
history of Atlantis, the background Anunnaki involvement, language
manipulation (there was no Tower of Babel), and the real migration
of escapees from cataclysms in Atlantis and Lemuria to the Yucatan
and Cahokia.

In addition, we look at the Egyptian Cave in the Grand Canyon, the
mysterious Metal LIbrary in Peru, the Pale Prophet who walked the Americas,
the huge number of missing people due to the Rogue Group, and Invisibility
Cloaks, as well as the unique Basque langauge does have a similar offshoot.
Also Lake Baikal aliens, patentable humans, and the Brazilian Roswell.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

According to myth, Ophiuchus represents
the mythological doctor Asclepius, son of Apollo, who was said to have the ability to bring the dead back to life when granted a magical healing elixir by the Golden Olympian goddess Athena. <...> Although many of us are well aware of the disturbing corruption behind the hijack of the global medical system, the rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff similar to the caduceus, remains the symbol of medicine today. In this context, Ophiuchus returns his authentic presence during the Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy to dispense the universal remedy and panacea, the true magical healing elixirs gifted by the Solar Goddess Athena in order to help assist humanity in healing their deepest and most painful spiritual wounds.
This takes our consciousness through the stair step of dimensional realms moving through the ecliptic path of the Gate of Man or the Silver Gate to eventually complete the evolutionary cycle of twelve timelines unifying into one organic ascension timeline, which intersects at the Galactic Center. Once we unify the many lifetimes of the stations of identity within our spiritual families having consciousness experiences travelling through the Gate of Man by intersecting with the Galactic Equator positioned at Ophiuchus’ feet, we are potentially given access to drink the magical healing elixir of eternal life. These are the magical Elaysian living waters of the eternal fountain of youth that are made famous in many storybook tales as the source fountain of the holy grail. The Azothian divine fire water flows of the Holiest Spirits that are embodied by the Cosmic Mother’s representatives as Triple Solar Goddesses, the sophianic bearers of the Holy Grail that are found at the intersection of The Golden Gate. From her ancient Emerald and White Diamond Heart, flows the Elaysian Living Waters that are unified with the Cosmic Spirit Body of the Universal Mother of Life.

Sidney Secular #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist

The US emerged from WWII as the top banana. Entering the war late, undamaged by the fighting and bombing domestically, except for the sacrificial lambs left to be liquidated at Pearl Harbor. The switch from making war materiel to building homes, cars and TVs was not materially difficult, so we were poised to provide ourselves and the Western world with all manner of consumer goods. Thus, for many decades the US reigned as top banana.

We went bananas buying second cars and second homes, and engaged in conspicuous consumption. We brought the era of classic movies to an end with TVs in every bedroom playing silly sitcoms and game shows with viewers ogling the already rich entertainment stars. The US is still sort of top banana, except that the peel of the banana is turning brown with the “browning” of the population, and the appeal of the US as a beacon of hope and democracy and doing the right/righteous thing is being peeled away by the deep state to reveal a government rotten at the core.

<...> Culturally, males in our society were becoming soft “bananas” without the toughness required to enforce traditional cultural norms.
If even a small portion of these treasuries are redeemed at once, the US economy would quickly collapse — and yet the debt is increasing by 3 billion dollars a day. This is a situation that cannot or will not be corrected if your favorite candidate wins the next election. So we can now be called a banana republic.
Only a very few who “go bananas” over this situation receive any attention, and then it is short-lived. If we see a banana peel in front of us, hopefully we can sidestep it. However the pathway ahead is covered with banana peels, but the populace pays more attention on individual agendas than where they are walking. We’ve reached that apathetic state that typically won’t turn around. The position of the top bananas is not perennial, and new and better top bananas will hopefully arise.

Joe Rogan and Sam Tripoli #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #sexist

Joe Rogan is now 'transvestigating' the Statue of Liberty, because of course he is

The Statue of Liberty — famously an inanimate object — is being *checks notes* transvestigated.

We wish we were kidding, but a guest on The Joe Rogan Experience (because, of course, it was that podcast) recently pushed the idea that Lady Liberty is actually "a dude."

A clip from the October 25 episode has been going viral on X (formerly Twitter) this week, featuring edge-lord comedian Sam Tripoli telling host Joe Rogan about his tinfoil hate theory about the statue's gender.

"That's a dude bro. That’s a crossdresser,” Tripoli told Rogan.

"It's a dude, it's a drag queen," Tripoli said as they looked at photos of the Statue of Liberty. Rogan quickly bought into the theory. "Look at the jaw, that does look like a dude," he said before commenting on "how thick the neck is" and remarking on the statue's supposed masculine-looking hands and arms.

@MaryLynnJones-cl8cj #fundie #crackpot

When covid vaccines were introduced. Everyone rushed off in fear to get their vaccination.
I prayed to God about what to do.
The answer came in 3 weeks.
I had 2 consecutive dreams over 2 nights. The first was about a spiritual elephant trying to catch me and squash the life out of me.
The second dream was about 3 very large rats with very long snouts. Two were running around the floor and a third was emerging from a hole in the wall. I caught one and it twisted around and bit me. Two neat holes on my wrist. The rat didnt feel like a rat but felt like a wooly lamb which to me speaks of deception.
I woke up and asked God what the dreams meant. After another 3 weeks i decided to get the vax. But immediately God brought to mind the meaning of the dreams.
The elephant was covid. The rats were the injections.
I never did get vaccinated as God was warning me not to.

various commenters #wingnut


Mehdi (Hasan) is on the wrong side of everything. Consistently the worst takes. But you back yourself in a corner when you have to be against the republicans on everything.


I swear to God, this guy was on MSNBC for a reason. The stuff he posts is insane. He absolutely lost his mind.


Was thinking exactly this when I saw this post today.


Mehdi Hasan me ole china, my olfactory-challenging cheempanzoid of the sand.

You shall live through 4 looong agonizing years under The Fellowship of the Reign of Trump, Elon, and Peter Thiel.

Laura Wood #racist #conspiracy

[From “Trump Picks Indian for FBI”]

IMAGINE India choosing a white American to run its top domestic security agency. I guarantee you, it wouldn’t happen. This government is a joke. It’s just a big DEI corporation run for the benefit of international thieves and our “greatest ally”

Trump made it clear during his campaign — his second term will open our borders to many more Patels. So it only makes sense he would pick a Hindu like Kash Patel for director of FBI

If Indians, by the way, will make us “great again,” as Trump has implicitly asserted, why are they eager to leave their own country? Shouldn’t it be too wonderful to give up?

I am really sick of saying what appears to be mean stuff like this. After all, I have nothing against hard-working Indians. I would want to move here too if I were them. But this unfolding nightmare won’t benefit anyone in the end but thieves and racketeers

Interesting fact: Patel has been a big pusher of the Q-anon psyop

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

[From a satirical article presenting transition as a deal with "Dr. Lucifer"]

I want more. I want…your parents. Well, I don’t really want THEM, but as part of our deal, you must cut your parents out of your life. Completely. I call it “going no contact”. This isolation from your family is an important requirement of our contract. Remember that time you lost a balloon at your 8-year-old birthday party, and your dad found it and you cried, “Daddy fixed it”? Forget that memory, and any others like it. Yeah, it’s true your mom and dad love you to a depth you can’t begin to comprehend. Your parents never give up on you. They are there for you. They want the best for you. But dumping your parents will not be as hard as you think because once you become trans, you will actually want to cut them out of your life. It will be entirely your idea. And you can cut out the rest of your family too!

And if you’re under 18, some countries and US states will actually help you ditch your family. I have helpful servants everywhere! They take the form of clueless teachers and counselors, child protective services, and others. If one of my servants hasn’t given you instructions about this, let’s review. Start by keeping secrets, and then move onto lying. Go to an LGBTQXYZ meeting and don’t tell your parents. Pick a new name and try it out with your friends, in secret of course. Then, if you go to school, insist that everyone at school use your new name and gender, and keep it all secret from your parents. My servants working as teachers and counselors can help you with that. Tell your parents everything is great! If you can, don’t even tell them about seeing me! When you make your big trans announcement, you can then tell your parents how they have ruined your life and proceed to ditch them. Now since I’m the devil, I will make deals. If your parents or other members of your family are “all in” with your new identity and support gender ideology, you can consider keeping them around. (Note to Reader - Gender ideology has been my best gig in many years for acquiring souls, sterilizing and injuring children, destroying families, and just spreading pain and misery everywhere - all with societal approval - so I consider parental support of gender ideology an investment in my future returns.)

Joe Rogan #crackpot #wingnut

Joe Rogan Reveals Tim Walz Made Him Jump Into Presidential Election

Published Dec 03, 2024 at 7:54 PM EST

Podcast host Joe Rogan insists that he wanted to "stay out" of the 2024 presidential election until his hand was forced by fury over "liar" Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee.


"I wanted to stay out of the presidential election s*** because it's so gross," Rogan said. "I felt like I had to. I felt like this is so nuts. When that Tim Walz guy ... it's so nuts that guy was going to be the vice president. You're telling me this whole thing is fake, then. You're telling me that you don't care if someone is a liar?

"You don't care if they lied about their military rank, where they served?" he added. "You don't care if they lie about Tiananmen Square? There's too many things, this is so crazy. You would get fired if you were an assistant manager at a f***ing oil change company. Jiffy Lube would fire you!"


Walz [...] quickly faced criticism during the campaign for falsely stating during a campaign stop years earlier that he carried a weapon "in war" during his decades-long career in the Army National Guard.

While Walz did not carry a weapon in war, he did serve in Europe as part of a security force amid the war in Afghanistan. The governor also claimed more than once that he was teaching in China during the Tiananmen Square massacre, although he arrived months later.

Walz and the Harris-Walz campaign later issued statements saying that he had misspoken on both occasions.


"Fact check: Donald Trump is the biggest liar in American history. The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office," the Republicans Against Trump account wrote in a Tuesday post to X, formerly Twitter.


Stormy-Chameleon #fundie #wingnut

I rlly do need someone to explain in any way how atheism works.

Like, there is no other way to explain life other than there being a creator, we have kind of proven that already. People just don't want to admit it. They avoid debates and conversations because they can't admit they are wrong or change their lifestyle despite all the proof everywhere.

I just don't understand and I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude or judgemental I just need someone to explain the thought process.

Society have pressured us into feeling like we have to be agnostic bc swearing and drugs and alcohol and lgbtq and not supporting or participating in that will make sure you are heavily judged and hated by everyone around you. They just go along with it and never actually reach out for facts or logic because they arent willing to change the way they are already living. I wish people could see how much we are just trying to warn and protect them.

Please someone just explain how atheism makes sense. I need to understand where you guys are coming from outside of peer pressure.

matthewteichmann #fundie

​@Jaisee14I grew up in a Christian household and we are told to fear the Lord. Why? Because the Lord loves us and wants us to do right. Guess what good parents do? They put fear into their children because they love them. I'm 31 now and I am happy to say that both my parents used physical discipline when they really needed to and because of that I learned quickly to listen and respect my parents. And so did my sister

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Did trans help Trump to victory? - The Democrats’ embrace of gender ideology made The Donald look like the sensible one.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think it absolutely did. It's not like either side was offering much to female voters, but most people who have any exposure to trans it are repulsed by it. Neither men nor women like the idea of their children being secretly groomed at school; or their daughters being forced to compete against males in sports, or share dressing rooms with them. And Democrats spent the last eight years or so going balls to the wall defending exactly that.

( Architectura )
It’s also one of the most concrete images and differences. Grocery prices and rent seem destined to rise regardless of who’s in office, but penises in women’s locker rooms? Only one side supports that.

( Feerique )

And why would anyone vote for a politician who is prepared to lie about sex, something so basic even dogs understand it?

And this is the crux of the matter for me.

( Researcher1536 )
This is EXACTLY why my entire perspective and worldview shifted so drastically going on 5.5 years ago. Once you see that certain people are flat out lying and telling you you're a bigot if you don't agree with the lies, you start seeing the lies that prop up so much of what is on the political platform of the Left. If you can lie about something as fundamental and apparent as sex, you can, and WILL, lie about anything. Thus, so many of us are politically homeless.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
When I first saw the "Harris is for they / them. President Trump is for you." ad, I thought Trump was going to win. The Trump campaign aired this ad all over major sports events, too.

The interesting thing is that they didn't run anti-trans ads up until the last few weeks before the election. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but Democratic volunteers I assume are fairly uniformly pro-trans, so if the Harris campaign rolled back her previously expressed views on the topic, it probably would have aggravated most of their volunteers at the most critical time of the election campaign.

( Feerique )
I think libs and progs silenced so many people through witch hunts that they forgot just how many people weren't protesting because of fear and not because they agreed with them.

Tomi Lahren #transphobia #wingnut

Why do liberals fight so hard to sterilize kids? Why do liberals fight so hard to have drag queens perform in front of kids? Why do liberals fight so hard to have men in women’s restrooms and locker rooms? You really have to ask yourself what motivates this insanity.

What do y’all think? Money or are they just evil? Maybe both.
4:00 AM · Dec 5, 2024 · 104.5K Views
1,044 Reposts 55 Quotes 5,947 Likes 54 Bookmarks

V8ctir Willis #homophobia

Since 2020, I’ve received over a thousand complaints about President Elect Trump’s use of Y.M.C.A. With that many complaints, I decided to ask the President Elect to stop using Y.M.C.A. because his use had become a nuisance to me.
However, the use continued because the Trump campaign knew they had obtained a political use license from BMI and absent that license being terminated, they had every right to continue using Y.M.C.A. And they did.

There’s been a lot of talk, especially of late, that Y.M.C.A. is somehow a gay anthem. As I’ve said numerous times in the past, that is a false assumption based on the fact that my writing partner was gay, and some (not all) of Village People were gay, and that the first Village People album was totally about gay life.

This assumption is also based on the fact that the YMCA was apparently being used as some sort of gay hangout and since one of the writers was gay and some of the Village People are gay, the song must be a message to gay people. To that I say once again, get your minds out of the gutter. It is not.

Sadly, when the President Elect started using the song, people attempting to brand the song as a gay anthem reached a fever pitch as many used it to say, oh, Trump don’t know the song is a gay anthem? This was done in a manner to attempt to shame the President Elect’s use of the song.

As I stated on numerous occasions, I knew nothing about the Y being a hang out for gays when I wrote the lyrics to Y.M.C.A. and Jacques Morali (who was gay) never once stated such to me. In fact, Jacques never once told me how to write my lyrics otherwise I would have said to him, you don’t need me, why don’t you simply write the lyrics.

Matt Margolos #transphobia

The Trump campaign didn’t shy away from highlighting Harris’s support for taxpayer-funded gender transitions for illegal immigrants. They hammered the point home with a devastatingly effective ad featuring the slogan, "Kamala is for they/them, President Trump is for you.” The message was simple, resonated with voters, and proved just how out of touch Democrats have become with mainstream America.

It goes way beyond taxpayer-funded transitions. Their positions on butchering minors and letting men play women's sports are way out of touch with mainstream America. Yet, the question that has yet to be completely answered is whether Democrats will recalibrate and move toward the middle.

Right now, it doesn't look likely.

Appearing on CNN Tuesday morning, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) addressed the backlash he experienced over comments about boys playing girls’ sports, warning that the Democratic Party risks alienating voters with its rigid stances and lack of open debate.

"I have two little girls. I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat, I’m supposed to be afraid to say that," he said last month after Trump won the election.

Kotakuinactiom2 #pratt #wingnut

ACLU blog about Trump winning is full-on TDS insanity where they mind-read his 'real' intentions which are of course to be super-Hitler.

If he was even a quarter as based as his enemies say he is, we'd be in a much better position.

IMO, every intention that they accuse him of having, Democrats deserve to have done to them.

various commenters #transphobia

GOP Lawmakers Team Up to Define Male and Female by Biology

( DurableBook )
Fascinating to watch the party of Christian Dominion be the one to argue that people's rights ought to be based on the material reality of their bodies and not on their presumptive souls.

Really drives home how impressively terrible the Democratic party has become.

( PerenelleFlamel )
Also I think the Republican party is changing a bit these days. [...] But honestly, with the Dems pushing so many of their supporters out of the party because of the purity spiral, a lot of different voices are now 'Republican', and many of the old hated members of the GOP are being replaced by Trumpers and straight-up populists.

What an interesting time to be alive.

( Chronicity )
I’ve been saying it for a while.

Politically homeless liberals are going to start voting Republican.

Their left-leaning slant will help more moderate Republicans get elected.

The face of the GOP will start getting browner and more urban as well.

If the Dems continue to cling to unpopular priorities, we might just see the Republicans move closer to being the party of Lincoln again.

The odds of this happening are slim but it’s not impossible.

( wildclovr )
I think it's interesting that Trump, Musk, and RFK are all former democrats. What is this - the republican party is now the party of democratic party rejects?

I just think it's interesting.

( goldenheartcc )
I don't support the GOP, and they have absolutely no interest of women at heart, but it would be nice to at least have legal sex-based reality be a thing again - like yeah, abortion is very much a legal sex based reality [..], and no, there aren't hundreds of thousands of TiPs jumping ship in sports to play for the opposite sex, but I would like bathrooms to be BATHROOMS again.

[...] it's just so fucking annoying when men want to be recognized legally as women when that will never fucking happen biologically!!!

edit to add: the ending is so interesting and really echoes what we say here. unfortunately that blows up in our face because it makes us look like we're (all) bible thumping republicans. no. we just want males to leave us the fuck alone.

Pleiadians via Christine Day #ufo #magick #quack

At the time of New Year your Earth will formally enter a new era of awakening, a pathway opening that begins a higher cycle. A shift of unlimited potential for humanity, allowing those of you on the path to enter another realm of your multidimensional consciousness. Simultaneously to this happening all the Universal energetic systems will be impacted. Understand as your Earth enters this transitional phase of vast change our resident Universe can go through another alignment to the God Seat of Power.

The action of this energetic shift will be as though a tsunami of light enters Earth, radiating and infusing light across the planet. Shifting all Timelines, anchoring open alternate reality spaces and unlocking the old ancient density that has been buried within your earth plane for lifetimes.
These alternate reality spaces that are merging will originate from the5th/ 6th dimensional consciousness realms. They carry a series of memory awakening frequency pulses that engage through your brain synapse and open into the Pineal, working to reposition the DNA strands. These pulses are positioned to realign you to an awakening, for you to remember who you are and have always been. These alternate reality spaces are designed to create an energetic mirrored platform to support you to begin a naturally readjust to the frequency of your higher self-realized state.

These alternate reality spaces have always been a part of Earth’s multidimensional energetic makeup, however now they are to become an active extension of the earth planes consciousness.
Your conscious choice action of working within the tool of your multidimensional Heart sets in motion the activation of your self-realization process. Through your Heart you can realize, experience your authentic self. Taking moments to be still within your Heart allows your Heart’s multidimensional functioning to switch on. Then you will begin to perceive, recognize the vast space of power, light that exists within your Heart.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy

This is about men-of-party, who owe first allegiance to political party(s). As we have pointed out before, Political Parties are governing elements that, in America, are unconstitutional governing organizations. They are much like NGOs, or Non-Government Organizations, that are now among the most influential organizations (Parties?) in international organizations like the UN and the EU.

What are Non-Government Organizations doing in organizations of governments? The same thing Political Parties are doing in America: working to undermine this and all sovereign governments, discredit the very idea of national sovereignty and lay the groundwork for elitist imagined New World Order "perfect" global government.

The Trump MAGA movement threatens all of that globalist/communist progress, and even to turn it back on itself.
Most Americans think the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ rights movement, the Pro-Choice movement, the antisemitic Pro-Palestine movement, the anti-Trump-anti-MAGA movement, the DEI-CRT-WOKE movements, the Drag-Queen movement, the Open Borders movement, the Defund the Police and No-Bail, No-Prosecution, Free the Felons movements, etc., are all separate, stand alone movements with no relationship with each other.
The American political parties have been unconstitutionally running the American government for so long now that nobody recognizes the fact that they are unconstitutional any more. Most all of what they publicly stand for is unconstitutional.

Party "platforms" and party "planks" in those platforms most always deal with some form of justice other than real or legal or constitutional justice. It's a family of bogus justice systems called Social Justice.
They instill discrimination while claiming to be ending discrimination. In all sorts of areas of discrimination, including racial, and sexual.

How could any unconstitutional anti-discrimination law in any area in which discrimination is possible not be discriminatory?

Beg NO Pardon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

My dear friends, since humans were created they were free to travel how they saw fit. Likewise, Americans have shared in that same right since the dawn of our beautiful country. Americans have always had the right to travel freely and unencumbered from laws, regulations, statues, and licensing.

From the use of horse and buggy, to the early Model 'T', Americans have never been required to get "permission" to travel on the public roads or highways when it was for personal reasons. Has anything changed now that you have zippy fast cars?

Soon there were a lot of people on the roads for commercial purposes. This resulted in people lumbering along transporting generous loads on the roads with trucks and trailers, because of this the government felt the need to make laws and regulations to protect the innocent citizens from the dangers of this commercial traffic.

Following this, the government began requiring commercial drivers to register and obtain "licenses", basically this meant they were getting permission from the government for use on the public roads and highways for commercial use.

This lead to a creative revenue stream requiring a registration to be paid by these divers for their vehicles to subsidize the extra wear and tear on the public highways.
My car is NOT a "Motor Vehicle"

USC Title 18, § 31 9(6) - Definition of "Motor Vehicle":
"The term "motor vehicle" means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers and property, or property or cargo."
USC Title 18, § 31(10) - Definition of "Commercial Purposes":
"The term "used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of the persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking for profit."

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #racist #conspiracy

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist[…]
Naturally, that means that Webbon believes that all non-Christians, especially Jews, should likewise be prohibited from serving in government[…]
"In a legislative sense and in terms of public rituals, things that are celebrated—virtues, holidays, all those kinds of things—the public square, legislatively and culturally, it would absolutely, unapologetically play favorites," Webbon declared. "And there would be one favorite, and it would be Anglo-Protestants. That would be the favorite. So, there will be no public Catholic parade, but you could have a public Protestant parade. And there would be no law that says Jews can't live here, but what there would be is anybody to hold public office would have to make a Christian profession of faith ... and they would have to have a track record of it. So, no practicing Jew who hasn't converted to Christianity will be able to serve in public office"

Webbon doubled down on that position during his most recent podcast[…]
"Judaism as an ideology and as a religion, I do believe, is parasitical," Webbon said. "What it has done historically throughout the ages is typically go into other countries, other peoples with other religions, and kind of cozy up but not really for their benefit; not a mutually beneficial relationship, but where they ultimately get far more out of the deal than the Christian nation does"

"Jews need Christians," Webbon proclaimed. "Christians do not need Jews. It is not a mutually beneficial relationship"

"I love Jews and I wish them a very pleasant conversion to Christianity," he continued. "If you are a citizen of Israel and you refuse to convert to Christianity—you are a Jewish citizen, Israeli citizen—I do wish for you not to serve in public office in my nation. You can come here if you're going to play nice like any other immigrant and contribute, but no, you do not get to pull levers of power in my nation's government"

Dennis Prager simps #crackpot #wingnut

[Comments on “Dennis Prager, Far-Right Talk Show Host Who Founded PragerU, Hospitalized with Serious Back Injury from Fall” by Charlotte Phillipp, published on November 14, 2024 02:40PM EST]

Donna・14 days ago
Disagreeing with someone's political and social ideologies does not in anyway automatically make them an extremist. I'd like Ms. Phillips to tell us, just how many segments of his radio show have you listened to? Just how many of his articles or books have you read? Just how many PragerU videos have you watched? I'm going to guess, not any. That Mr. prager's rational views on religion, politics and social issues differ from yours does not make him an extremist. You've betrayed your journalistic integrity for falling into the name calling trap of someone with whom you disagree or, know anything about.


Otto・16 days ago
If Dennis is “far right” than Oprah is a “Communist”


Plenti・19 days ago
This very successful truth sharer is seriously hospitalized and you want to lambast him! This is not an agenda, it’s a report on accident that is quite serious but you want to label the one suffering. It’s okay, we get you and we know where the true Light comes from.

May Dennis Prager have a speedy recovery in all of the best health. B’H’

Alina・19 days ago
Wow… you really like to label people.
Dennis Prager is not woke progressive pro-socialist msn.
He is conservative, but it doesn’t make him “Far right” 🙄🙄🙄
No everyone is ho disagrees with far left is automatically far right.


TG・20 days ago
Using the terms “far right” and “staunch” to describe Dennis Prager are judgmental and inaccurate. He believes in facts and he reports them. People may not agree with him and they may not like facts, but he know what he is talking about. Rather than filing this story under politics, you should file it under opinion.

David・20 days ago
He's not far right. He's just a conservative. He deserves a lot of respect because he's a genuinely good man, regardless of your politics. [...]


Various comments #fundie

(Comments from an “anti woke ad”)
5 days ago
Now that is a powerful ad! I’m so thankful to God that Trump is our new president is here to kill the woke virus.

5 days ago
From Paraguay, I am watching this. I wanted to make a comment to congratulate apple for this but its channel doesn't allow comments.

5 days ago
That would be wonderful. However, I suspect that it will just be in remission. It will still infect local and state governments. It will also continue to plague foreign hosts, some of which are already in the terminal stages. You need to look no further than Canada and the UK.

5 days ago
Yes me too it’s is such a blessing!

5 days ago
@TheYika1 AMEN!!

5 days ago
If you think Tump is for God you are deluded...

5 days ago
@thegiantcookie7614 and are you saying that the other candidate is ? She threw people out of a rally for taking God's name.

5 days ago
@thegiantcookie7614 keep crying kamala,

4 days ago
Before I read your comment I said Thsnk you God for letting Trump win. Its amazing how quickly things turned around.

4 days ago
That is why God put Trump in the position, because He follows God and he reads the Bible.

WinterDragonGod #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt

This is just me being a Doomer so don't take it personally.... but honestly I just don't see any hope for America these days.

There's so much degeneracy and apathetic bullshit going on that it's obvious people don't care as long as they make a quick buck from it. Like, lets be honest here, regardless of who becomes President America isn't gonna recover. We're too deep in debt with other countries such as China, rampant Illegal Immigration, heavy Drug Use and other things.

I don't know what else to say other than that we're fucked. The American Dream is dead and has become the Nightmare and no one's willing to wake up and see reality for what it really is.

Joe Rogan #crackpot #pratt #wingnut

Joe Rogan Shocked Trump Won: ‘Turns Out Voting Works’

Published Nov. 7 2024 2:29PM EST 

“So turns out, voting works,” [Joe Rogan] said, “It’s real. As much as we f---ing thought they had it rigged, as much as we thought there were shenanigans and bulls--t and it’s just a puppet show and there’s no way, anybody can buck the system, turns out, voting is still real. At least if it’s too big to rig and clearly [Trump] was too big too rig,” he continued.


[Tweet from Joe Rogan]

The great and powerful @elonmusk.
If it wasn't for him we'd be fucked. He makes what I think is the most compelling case for Trump you'll hear, and I agree with him every step of the way.
For the record, yes, that's an endorsement of Trump.
Enjoy the podcast [...]


“The media gaslit us to the absolute limits of their ability [...]” he said. “Joy Reid spent the entire time she was discussing Trump the other day comparing him to Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler [...] as if he had never been president for four years and didn’t behave like any of those things,” Rogan said.

He then went on to praise Trump’s first term in office, saying Reid and others discuss Trump “as if the economy wasn’t booming, as if people weren’t making more money, as if we weren’t involved in any new conflicts overseas, no new wars.”

Rogan also [...] lauded Trump for taking on the “hardest job on the planet” when he “started without any knowledge of it.”


Rogan also expressed how excited he was that figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and JD Vance are now attached to Trump this time around.

“We‘ve got a real chance to make real change, this is like one of the first times ever where there’s a real chance to make real tangible change that’s gonna be for the good of everybody,” Rogan said. That is, he added, if Trump can stop going after his critics now that he’s won: “He’s gotta not attack the left, everybody—let ‘em all talk their s--t, but unite.”

The Andromeda Intergalactic Council via Chellea Wilder #ufo #magick #conspiracy

As the Infinite Light surrounding your beloved Earth continues to grow ever stronger, a monumental Transformation is actively unfolding. The Earth herself remains remarkably stable, resonating in high 4th degree vibrations. Which signifies she is in a state of rest or preparing for something profound.Which signifies she is in a state of rest or preparing for something profound. This state of calm can be perceived as the calm before the storm, a crucial preparation for the significant and transformative events that lie ahead. Indeed, substantial changes are imminent on the horizon, and your Mother Earth is acutely aware of these changes and her own ascension process.

The storm is referred to as the desperate and final efforts of the Dark Ones to disrupt your ascension process. Their aim is to draw as many human souls into Darkness as possible, seeking to cloud your collective consciousness with fear and despair. However, it is vital to understand that this will not be permitted. Only those individuals who actively and consciously choose to align with Darkness will find themselves following that path. So there are no worries for your loved ones who are not yet fully awake.
The Dark Ones are aware, that their presence on this planet, is about to cease. Which is prompting them to instill as much fear and harm as they can in their final attempts to maintain control. It is essential to stay strong during this challenging period, for you are the ones who hold the reins of control over your own destinies.

You, the Lightworkers, Star Seeds, and Wanderers, represent the Force of Light on Earth. You are the Ones in control, and your collective energy is more powerful than you might realize. You have been being guided and prepared for this moment in your timespace.

Joseph P. Farrell #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Join revisionist author Joseph P. Farrell for a final look at the Giza Death Star. This time he looks at the Demon in the Ekur and the Great Pyramid Weapon Hypothesis. He also looks at “Plasma Cosmotheology” and the Plasma Life Hypothesis. <...> The Position of Lucifer as Guardian of the Earth; The “Angelic Uncertainty Principle”; Their Ability to Communicate without Words or Sound: Entanglement; Sitchin and the Demon in the Ekur; Sitchin’s Translation vis-à-vis His Approach to Meopotamian Texts; “Plasma Cosmotheology”; Ekurs, Pyramids, and Demons: Mexico; Richard Hoagland: Stars, Egyptian Religion, and Dante Alighieri; Aether Plasmaniferous: The Plasma-Life Hypothesis; Plasma Physicist David Bohm’s Observation and the Beginning of the Plasma Life Hypothesis; A Few Basics of Plasmas: Bounded Extension in Time and Space; Some Intriguing Pictures of Nuclear Detonations and the Hyper-Dimensional Transduction Hypothesis; The Physics of the One Percent and the Ninety-Nine Percent; Characteristics of Life; Filaments, Plasma Pinches, and Helixes: Information and Observation, Memory, Communications, Consumption, and Evacuation; Sheaths, Membranes, Regions, Organs, Voids, Cells, and Crystals; “Food”, “Breathing”, and Great Balls of Fire; Ball Lightning, Plasma Drones, Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence; Leidenfrost Layers, Ambiplasmas, or Plasmas with Regions of Matter and Antimatter; When Plasmas Intersect with Plasmas: Bioplasma Bodies, Biophotons, Kirlian Photography, and the Astral or Spiritual Body; A Summary of Characteristics of Plasmas Paralleling those of Intelligent Life; An Extreme Speculation Concerning Giza, the “Demon in the Ekur”, and the Governance of the World; Aspects of the Weapon Hypothesis Modified by the Plasma Life Hypothesis; Crystals: Tuners and Transducers; The Planetary Associations of Angels: Their Occult Sigils and Seals, “Circuits”, and Crop Circles; The Planetary Associations of Crystals with Angels: more.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy

[From “November 28, 2024: Mount Olympus 45”]


spoilerPanel 1: a car traffic controller dressed in an Ancient Greece-like fashion is walking while the narrator is saying “You sold your soul”
Panel 2: someone is eating while the narrator is saying “for shekels” and “and comfort”
Panel 3: someone is sleeping while the narrator is saying “traitor”, “quisling” and “sellout”
Panel 4: someone is twice saying, from inside his house, “Shut up!”

Scalar Light Therapy #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #mammon

Be Blessed By The Miracle of Scalar Light Healing Scalar Light
Benefit From The Scalar Light Blessing Of Corrective, Divine Intelligence For Your Soul, Mind And Body

Experience the New and Enhanced 15 Day FREE Trial of Divine Intelligence
It is common to experience:









1 Upload Your Facial Photograph
Your photograph is embedded with your unique Scalar Light signatures and is influenced by the Scalar Light instrument. Your photograph serves as your bi-located Scalar Light version.

2 Scalar Light Identifies Your Scalar Light Photographic Force Field
Scalar Light is able to identify your spiritual, mental and physical Scalar Light signatures embedded upon your photograph. Subsequently, Scalar Light provides corrective, Divine Intelligence upon your Scalar Light photographic force field.

3 Experience the Benefits of the Scalar Light Program
Scalar Light imparts a divine influence upon your Scalar Light signatures thereby enhancing your spirit, mind and body. Many people report a significant improvement in their spiritual, mental and physical health.

All Scalar Light sessions administer Scalar Light divine intelligence upon the photographic force fields of people, animals, plants and objects. There are no in-person Scalar Light sessions.

Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics. Scalar Light is divine energy that originates from the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars. Scalar Light is the Creative Strength of God.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Can Someone Explain to Me How "Gender Critical Is a Cult"

( legopants )
It's just the classic uno reverse card that TRAs do.

We say trans ideology, they say "gc ideology"

We say transcult, they say we're a cult

We say they're homophobic, they say we're homophobic

We say they're reinforcing gender, they say we're the ones doing so

Etc etc

( AsterRising )
There honestly isn't much of a "thought process," because people like this are terminally delusional. They believe their views are absolute fact, so anyone who disagrees with them must be a Nazi, in a cult, etc. They're just not capable of fathoming any reasonable motivation for opposing their point of view. Also, it's funny to call GC feminism a cult, when it's possibly one of the most ideologically diverse movements in the Western world. Like, which other movement currently unites radical feminists, conservatives, and political independents in the same way?

( crodish )
It's mostly TRA being stupid and parroting stuff they don't understand in an attempt to make themselves look smart.

They see us saying "gender ideology is a cult" - which it is because all of it is based on falsehood and follows the BITE model. We don't ostracize people who were GC and then became TRA again (which happens extremely rarely) at the rate they drop detransitioners.

Then they go "hurr more like being a TERF is a cult amirite?" and post that to reddit and get millions of botvotes

Then it spreads because these idiots live by upvotes and clout.

There's no substance behind any of it. They're just going lalala not listening haha ratioed! Owned! No u!

🙄 It's only worth arguing with or correcting them for the bystanders watching the clown show.

( CharieC )
Heard this too, been equally baffled, but let's face it: anything we say about the gender ideologues, we'll hear back from them about ourselves five minutes later. They've cannibalised the language of every robust movement to suit their needs (mental healthcare, reproductive rights, gay liberation, etc), and we're not special — any sufficiently witty or sound-bitey commentary gets instantly reversed. At this point it's basically playground-level "no you're ugly", and frankly doesn't deserve that much of your earnest engagement. If any.

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #crackpot #conspiracy

As I mentioned, useful idiots will believe anything their cult leaders tell them and will avoid facts that prove the narrative wrong. Here are a few examples of tyranny disguised as virtue:

1) Liberals push to mutilate kids' genitals lest they/them commit suicide. The National Institute of Health (NIH) study proves the risk of suicide is 12 times higher after a man has his banana sliced, diced, and scattered (forgive me, I just had the pleasure and privilege of eating at Waffle House in Hubbard, Ohio—twice!).

2) We emptied jails, defunded cops, and invented "no-bail laws" because there were "too many black men in prison." What followed was a years-long crime wave, which resulted in far more black men murdered than in previous years.

These two narratives were never about virtue; they were about spreading Marxism. The commies need violence in the streets. They also want to separate you from your kids through trans madness. That was always the goal. But weak people are easily controlled, and nothing warms the hearts of chicken-hearted fools like fake virtue.

Kevin Downey Jr. #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger

These are the same people who dutifully believed that facinorous, MAGA-capped, Project 2025 devotees were doctoring "deep fake" videos of Biden staring off into space as he dropped crab cakes into his Depends.

The useful idiots, desperate to belong to the Democratic Party cult, believed everything they were told, including these golden oldies:

Trump said to take Ivermectin, or "horse goo," to cure COVID
Trump said there were "good Nazis"
COVID came from a bat sandwich, not from CIA-funded gain-of-function research in China
Nevermind, I'll just post this:

As a former NYC Kool-aid chugging liberal, I know the mindset of the Democrats' useful idiots:

Believe everything I am told
Thinking for myself is a verboten
Fox News is propaganda for peckerwoods

Eric Hovind #fundie

imageThere is no proof of God!
Except maybe:
1. 1st law of thermodynamics
2. 2nd law of thermodynamics
3. Law of information
4. Law of biogenesis
5. Natural law
6. Laws of chemistry
7. Laws of physics
8. Laws of logic
9. Laws of mathematics
6:35 AM · Dec 3, 2024· 7,944 Views
100 Reposts 2 Quotes 381 Likes 67 Bookmarks

Venger Satanis #dunning-kruger

On the other tentacle, is this the final nail in the DEI coffin of wokeness? Yes, I think it is. The Waspinator had an interesting video that I partially / mostly agreed with - especially the part about different cultural segments catching up at different speeds. Video games, comic-books, movies, TV shows, late night commentary, RPGs, etc. Not all of these subcultures will get deradicalized all at once.

And make no mistake, the left desperately needs to deradicalize. The rabid, TDS suffering lunatics foaming at the mouth at the thought of "race and gender traitors" supporting the orange man are not classical liberals, but fanatic progressive Commies in training. Those in the Democrat party now coming out to say that the left needs to be even less tolerant, less moderate, and less calm are ready to throw themselves into the abyss just to "own" Trump and his supporters. If those crazies want to shave their head, wear blue bracelets, and swear off men for a few years, go for it, ladies. You do you.

NoName, Mr_Tobo & wildclovr #transphobia

J.K. Rowling and Nancy Mace Are Right: Women Deserve Their Own Safe Spaces

( NoName )
It seems the tide may be turning. USA Today is more mainstream than a lot of the media that usually report that women need their own safe spaces away from men.

The Washington Post isn't leaving trans positive articles alone just yet. Democrats need to get it into their heads that the public are not falling for this vile policy.

( Mr_Tobo )
Single-sex bathrooms are under attack in my university, often being replaced with unisex ones. I mean multi-stall bathrooms by the way. Even ones that are labelled as men's or women's sometimes have a sign urging us to trust that people know which bathroom to use... Ridiculous.

Also, has anyone else here noticed how TRA-types have quietly stopped talking about Muslims in a positive light? I wonder if some have realized that they're actively taking away places where Muslim women can fix their hijabs away from men and boys.

( wildclovr )
Nah, they don't care about Muslim women at all, or about ANY women at all -

But it's possible they might have noticed that in general, most Muslim countries are not exactly pro trans.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger

Back in 2020, Trump signed a order stating that all companies that participated in movements that preached ideals contrary to "men should not be judged according to the color of their skin" would have all government contracts revoked and all government funding suspended.
DEI is affirmative Action 4.0, placing people according to the color of their skin
Companies are quickly and quietly canceling all DEI hiring practices in prep for January
And soon DEI is going to be completely openly mocked and ridiculed.
You woke bastards should be scared. No more free handouts for you.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Underneath Vatican City is a stargate
That links to a soul capturing device
Deceased spirits are trapped there and awaiting release

There is also a necropolis
That is better described as a chamber of horrors

The Vatican Stargate disperses human souls to other systems
Some are put in grey alien bodies
And are called Zeta Greys

Some are transported into future timelines
To be slaves in the secret space program

The Vatican is packaged as religion
Their communion serves human blood

Overseen by lizard humanoids
Covered in opulent robes
They publicly profess to be devout men of God

Church members cannot conceive that their leaders are promoting Satanism
And have no idea that they are being mind controlled
By beings who wish to enslave humanity

Why should the Catholic Church be let to continue
Despite literally thousands of pedophile cases and accusations

The Vatican in Rome
Links to Notre Dame in Paris
Through underground passageways
But the lunar Vatican matrix is scheduled for eviction

Our existence shapes itself through the solidification of our beliefs
Life force flows from the consciousness we choose to embody

Be an emissary and protector of the divine plan
Base your identity on your higher self
And align your perception of reality with your desired future

We are participants on the world stage
Where the main actors are fooling the public

Expand into your greater self
And explore your limitless potential!

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Michael Yon and Mike Adams DO THE WORLD - fascinating interview on crypto, comet impacts, cow dung and red mosquitoes

- Historical books

- Repeating the economic mistakes of history

- Bitcoin reserve

- Government pump, Bitcoin inflation

- Crypto decentralization

- Why gold persists as a store of value

- Rise of robots and extermination of humanity

- War, famine and pestilence

- Red mosquitoes as genetically engineered organisms

- Volcanic explosions and global famine due to dimming of the sun

- Comet impacts, asteroid impacts

- Gobar gas and the use of cow dung as renewable energy

- Escalating war in the Middle East: Israel, Hamas and Iran

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

The Discontinuity Dilemma… is that problem that Humanity faces currently. It is shaped as follows; there are approximately 3 billion humans who have no form of energy to cook food. They die early as a result, and the planet’s forests are denuded. There are 2 billion people without access to clean water. They die early as a result.
All ‘green energy’ is a net energy loss as it requires diesel engines to create and sustain it.

BUT ALL WEALTH ON EARTH is tied to diesel use. Petroleum is the second most abundant fluid that the planet creates. Petroleum is infinitely created by processes in the Earth, BUT by creation of artificial scarcity, we have fashioned a system in which ALL WEALTH on earth is bound to petroleum based ‘assets’.

AND this system is killing Humanity. This system allows the dominance of the Elohim worship cult and their evil perversions. Their tool, the central banking system, enslaves Humanity due to the scarcity of energy.
The Discontinuity Dilemma arises as Humanity is now faced with the arrival of UFOs, powered by ‘free energy systems’, labeled for convenience as ZPT (zero point technology). That these UFOs are here due to our bad behavior (nuke weapons disrupt galactic wide communications and navigation systems) is again, due to a distortion caused by the need for those people who claim to own assets to do everything in their power to protect that claim.
The Discontinuity Dilemma comes down to this.

If we free Humanity from energy scarcity, thus enabling a fantastic growth period where all individuals have opportunity for wealth, we destroy the existing power structure to its core.
ZPT is arriving in these UFOs. ZPT is here, now. ZPT will disrupt the human social order. Humanity needs the social order to be disrupted at this very deep level.

The existing power structure can not stop ZPT from entering into Humanity, it can only delay and cause more suffering in so doing.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy

[From “Government Healthcare and the deficit”]

Healthcare in the US is extraordinarily, ludicrously, bad. It is also absurdly, extraordinarily, ludicrously expensive, both for any individual who is not part of an official victim group, and for the government. The government deficit is about two trillion dollars, and is unsustainable[…]
The cost of healthcare to the government is about equal to the deficit. Comparing US (corrupt civil service and judiciary) health care spending with Singapore (honest civil service and judiciary) health care spending we may conclude that almost all of that is waste, fraud, and corruption[…]
One of the big benefits of living in Mexico is genuinely private healthcare. Healthcare in Mexico is better quality and price for the individual than the US. Singaporean healthcare is, of course, way higher quality[…]
A lot of countries provide “free” healthcare. Which is unsustainable, and inevitably turns into mass murder, as in Canada and England. American healthcare has not yet turned into mass murder, but is unsustainable. Financial collapse and hyperinflation looms. You could provide free healthcare if you had an honest and competent civil service like that of Singapore to provide it, but governments that provide “free healthcare” do so out of evil ideology whose adherents increasingly worship demons, so I am unaware of any government has yet provided free healthcare without providing murder instead. The Philippines has a “free” healthcare system, but it tends to kidnap poor people who patronise it and demand that their kin come up with enormous sums of money[…]
The Christian faith in the Philippines is dying, but still strong. It is likely this is the reason that free healthcare in the Philippines is so expensive. The faith prevented them from resorting to murder on the scale that most western free healthcare systems have deployed. Being reluctant to make “free” murderous, they made it expensive, which is a Pareto improvement

Pleasant-March-7009 #wingnut #racist

It is not racist to oppose mass immigration.

Why is it that our beautiful Canadian culture is dying right before our eyes, and we are too worried about being called racist to do anything about it?

I have no hatred towards anyone based on race, but in 100 years, it's our culture that will be gone and India's culture will be prominent in both India AND Canada.

Do we not have a right to our own nation?

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