RE: Can Someone Explain to Me How "Gender Critical Is a Cult"
( legopants )
It's just the classic uno reverse card that TRAs do.
We say trans ideology, they say "gc ideology"
We say transcult, they say we're a cult
We say they're homophobic, they say we're homophobic
We say they're reinforcing gender, they say we're the ones doing so
Etc etc
( AsterRising )
There honestly isn't much of a "thought process," because people like this are terminally delusional. They believe their views are absolute fact, so anyone who disagrees with them must be a Nazi, in a cult, etc. They're just not capable of fathoming any reasonable motivation for opposing their point of view. Also, it's funny to call GC feminism a cult, when it's possibly one of the most ideologically diverse movements in the Western world. Like, which other movement currently unites radical feminists, conservatives, and political independents in the same way?
( crodish )
It's mostly TRA being stupid and parroting stuff they don't understand in an attempt to make themselves look smart.
They see us saying "gender ideology is a cult" - which it is because all of it is based on falsehood and follows the BITE model. We don't ostracize people who were GC and then became TRA again (which happens extremely rarely) at the rate they drop detransitioners.
Then they go "hurr more like being a TERF is a cult amirite?" and post that to reddit and get millions of botvotes
Then it spreads because these idiots live by upvotes and clout.
There's no substance behind any of it. They're just going lalala not listening haha ratioed! Owned! No u!
🙄 It's only worth arguing with or correcting them for the bystanders watching the clown show.
( CharieC )
Heard this too, been equally baffled, but let's face it: anything we say about the gender ideologues, we'll hear back from them about ourselves five minutes later. They've cannibalised the language of every robust movement to suit their needs (mental healthcare, reproductive rights, gay liberation, etc), and we're not special — any sufficiently witty or sound-bitey commentary gets instantly reversed. At this point it's basically playground-level "no you're ugly", and frankly doesn't deserve that much of your earnest engagement. If any.