
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

FTMs can see but are still blind


I will never not be intrigued when I see FTMs complaining about being ignored in the trans community. It’s like getting a glimpse into bizarro world. How can they be so close but so far from the truth at the same time? I feel like screaming: YOU ARE BEING IGNORED BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN IN A MISOGYNISTIC SOCIETY. YOUR IDENTITY CANNOT PROTECT YOU FROM THIS HARSH REALITY.

Imagine transitioning so you become the oppressor but not even getting any of the benefits 😭 These women may have bought the biggest scam in history


TL/DR: Trans women fought for your rights, and we deserve respect. I feel like the entire community simultaneously depends upon and resents binary trans women. As a mother, I know what even the best-intentioned subjugation by one's own family feels like.

This guy though lmao. Testerical men being testerical. Can never let women’s problems be addressed without pointing out how men have it bad too. OP came back so hard and wasn't having any of it tho, lmao.

That's such a male sentiment. No one other group says "we fought for your rights, and because of that you owe us 'respect'. TIMs show their maleness everytime they speak.

This is truly bizarre. Kinda sad, kinda funny. Sad because as these females are playing pretend that they are not women, they have lost the word - misogyny - to describe what is happening. Can't even call out male behaviour for what it is. Also loling at "binary trans women" as opposed to a what? A non-binary one or something? hells.

Hunter Wallace #transphobia #racist #conspiracy #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "New York Times: Transgender Childhood Is Not a “Trend”"]

I can remember the exact moment when “trans” took off.

It was in the wake of the Obergefell decision in the summer of 2015 when Bruce Jenner reintroduced herself to the public as Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of [i]Vanity Fair[/i][…]Progressives jumped from gay marriage to “trans” which was the next novelty in the culture war. 20,000 different genders were discovered over the last decade and we’re all a bunch of bigots now for “misgendering” people with the wrong made up pronouns
I can also remember the exact moment when systematic racism became the next novelty and took off like a rocket with progressive activists. It was after George Floyd died last summer. From that point on, “racism” became systematic and “equity” became fashionable and “equality” fell out of fashion

None of this garbage has anything to do with morality[…]It is a disease of the degenerate professional classes. The Soviets used to call it “bourgeois decadence.” Modernism was banned in the Soviet Union
It is true though that the Weimar Republic got there in the 1920s. Modernism and gender fluidity began bubbling up in this country in the work of Gertrude Stein via Otto Weininger
From the mind of this Jewish lunatic at the turn of the 20th century sprang the idea of gender fluidity that has now seized control of the Democratic Party[…]Weininger shot himself in the chest and committed suicide. He was mentally ill

Lance D Johnson #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Of all the wonderful women’s healthcare services offered at Planned Parenthood, none can compare to their latest healthcare endeavor: neutering male children. That’s right, Planned Parenthood is now preying on adolescent boys to convince them to take synthetic hormones. Planned Parenthood isn’t content with their current operation — pressuring women to go under the knife as their child’s skull is cracked, organs harvested, and their bodily remains sucked out of the womb. When it comes to planning parenthood, why not destroy the reproductive systems of young boys from the start?
Planned Parenthood wants to profit from adolescent confusion, image struggles, identity issues and natural curiosities that take place during times of great hormonal and physical change. If Planned Parenthood can diagnose more young people with gender dysphoria, they can convince them to take synthetic hormones to appease certain feelings and ideations. If Planned Parenthood can get more adolescents to identify as “gender non-conforming” they can profit off them by prescribing synthetic hormones while permanently damaging their reproductive systems. Under the spell of this diagnosis, young men and women will be readily convinced to change the way they look. This can lead to chemical and physical castration, one of the most regretful decisions a young person can make.
Planned Parenthood is exploiting childhood psychology and sexually harassing young people in a way that is reminiscent of pedophilia. As the predatory institution damages the health of young people, they are creating customers for life. It won’t be long before Planned Parenthood directly engages in genital mutilation surgeries.

-BrettyBoy- #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Every female IncelTears user needs to be shot.

Like the topic title says, every female IncelTear user deserves to be shot.

How can you be so privileged and then sit there and tell struggling men that they deserve their suffering while also being a sexually active degenerate? It’s like travelling to Arica as a first world country person and then saying ‘You deserve your hunger to a starved African’.

There a few exceptions such as that tranny girl who isn’t even 18 yet I think, I mean, she isn’t a whore at least but she definitely shouldn’t be part of IncelTears as she is gonna grow up to be a feminist if she isn’t one already which is a bad road to go down.

I’m being verbal here, not violent yet CuckTears will be like ‘See? Incels are all violent. They prove our points!’

IT users are self centered stuck up evil subhuman trannies that I wouldn’t even consider human at this point, so killing them is just disposing of trash.

Some of them also have this ‘I have sex and you don’t attitude’ and a lot of them women come off as sociopaths so I wouldn’t doubt a lot of them would travel to Africa if given the chance just to say ‘You don’t deserve food’.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

I'll be honest. My first reaction is "F**K the human race. If it can't get its act together, it deserves to be destroyed. I'm 71. I had a good run. Feel sorry for the children though."

But after I've had my beauty rest and Snickers bar, I realize this is an example of the demoralization infecting the West.

We have had the misfortune to be born into a millennia-old satanic conspiracy that is reaching fruition in our lifetime. Most of the major historical events have been designed to advance the ascendency of Satan on planet earth.

We are under daily attack by Organized Evil, the Principle of Death and Destruction. This is confirmed by

1. The gratuitous attack on gender, marriage and family
2. The total abdication of journalistic principles by the media and its transformation into a propaganda machine
3. The unprecedented invasion of foreigners financed by our tax dollars
4. The normalization of sexual debauchery.
5. The emergence of the lunatic Left from the Satanist-Communist closet. (left)
6. Abortion to the moment of live birth = satanic child sacrifice.
7. Corporations promoting gender and racial "diversity" and miscegenation. All singing from the same songbook.
8. Biden's ratcheting up of nuclear war tensions consistent with Jewish armageddon prophecies.

We need to resist the pernicious power that seeks to rob us and our children of our Divine birthright.

Helena Handbasket #transphobia #crackpot forum.exscn.net

I just saw (Tuesday) the above video and I wholly agree with the premise of being transgendered as a result of reincarnation (or should I say, of reincarnation gone wrong).

Scientists just love to talk about fetal hormones playing a part in brain development as well as physical anatomy, and that when the two don't match, the result is someone who is transgendered.

But there's something more important going on here. When you select a new body, you are generally choosing among a group of bodies that are already nearly fully developed. It's like buying a car at a car lot -- the cars are already built; it mainly comes down to a matter of choosing which one you like.

I don't know exactly when the assumption (entering and claiming a body) is supposed to take place, but I remember I picked up this one a day before it was born.

Getting back to the transgendered -- it's mainly a thing where the thetan wants a body of one gender but gets stuck with the other model. I know of two (ex-)Scientologists, both heavily into Scientology and the Sea Org, who were a happily married man and woman in an earlier life, but were two men in this one. The one who was the wife was transgendered, no doubt in a (subconcious?) urge to get back to the happiness that was that earlier life. They are both now deceased, but anyone would recognize their names.

One way of resolving this dilemma would be to have a gay relationship -- but the one who was the husband was an old-fashioned, 1950's-style homophobe, making that impossible. Another method that people have used is for one of them to marry the other guy's sister, so they would be family and have a excuse to pal around with each other.


MeiNei12 #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

Well hate to break it to you but transgenderism is an ideology, not science :^((
Trans people are the ones going against science. Your chromosomes will always match the ones you are born with. "Gender dysphoria", what you folks call it, is a politically correct term for "gender identity disorder", because it is a mental disorder, it is not science.

You can reply if you want. I have better things to do than debating with another generic online teenage liberal.

Red Youth #moonbat #transphobia #crackpot redyouth.org

In the last few years communists have struggled against the bourgeois academic onslaught of identity politics, with us, the CPGB-ML, going so far as to pass a motion at the last congress making open advocacy of identity politics grounds for expulsion. The reasoning of this is simple: identity politics is bourgeois and divides groups of people, particularly workers, through dichotomy, pitching black people against white people, men against women, able bodied people against disabled people, etc.
Our friends and so called “Marxists” who follow this garden path, now attack us wholesale (generally on social media platforms) as racists, sexists and particularly as so-called transphobes. They have taken to resuscitating the old-school slur of tankie, and have coined the acronym ‘TERF’. We must familiarise ourselves with such catchwords and phrases of our class enemies and understand their meaning and their content as glib as that may be.
The issue we now face, irrespective of ‘good intentions’, is that a considerable mass of charlatan intersectional ‘Marxists’ have gained the upper hand amongst the YCL (in itself a small and increasingly irrelevant organisation, but this is a sign of the success of the bourgeois trend in society at large) and others who predate upon the liberal tendencies of those entering the movement, their individual grievances, which retards their Marxist education. Furthermore, such ‘intersectional Marxists’ proclaim themselves to be the true bearers of liberation ideology, and in as much as they encounter young activists, they actively discourage others from apprehending the teachings of Marxism, by interposing their opportunist quackery, sloganeering and utilising the aggressive petty-bourgeois approach of university debating society obfuscation, rather than engaging in honest, open and forthright debate.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Podcast: The New Pharisees Want to Outlaw the Bible”]

This is a great opportunity for Christians to preach the Gospel that is so offensive to the New Pharisees. The Word of God is for strong borders, unified blood lines, against homosexuality, endorses two genders only (and each must line up with their anatomy), the male as the head of household and in authority over the Church (Jesus never appointed a single female apostle) and (bonus) Jesus Christ railed against the Jews (“you are of your father the devil!”).

Christian, if you are ashamed of the the words of Jesus, then you will be an unknown person on the Judgement Day. We are in a special time — the Church is being called out by Our Maker. Either side with the Word of God or He will not acknowledge you in the presence of His Father.

Juan O. Savin #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist forbiddenknowledgetv.net

The military, in certain areas has already made its decision. We are going to see – you can call it Valkyrie, Seven Days in May – or half a dozen other names but at a certain point, to protect America, they will have to act.

“That’s when the American people have to take a deep breath, pick a side and back our military leaders, as they go ahead and hand control back over to a lawful civilian authority, which – look, President Trump won the election. We know the numbers in reality. If he courts won’t recognize the stolen election, if Congress won’t recognize it, the military does separately recognize it but they don’t run a banana republic. This isn’t generals taking over America. We don’t do juntas, like they do in these banana republics.

“So, what happens is the Military Code requires is that, as quickly as safely possible, while protecting the Constitutional Republic, the American People, they restore awful civilian authority to control.
“You know, our enemies would love us to have a civil war, a race war, a gender war, confusion in any way and then to dismantle ourselves from the inside; burn our cities down, do whatever they want to do; screw up our industry.

“That’s THEIR plan. That’s not our plan. Our plan is that we have an orderly disclosure of the information, go to a lawful court. If you can’t get it on the civilian side, we’ll get it on the military side but we will get justice. We will get a lawful leader and then, we’ll begin the process of re-industrializing America, getting back to work; doing what Americans do and then, taking on these global cabals; these Bloodline families, who seek to enslave the whole planet in some James Bond-style scheme.

Anonymous Coward #79661706 #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

There is major disagreement in the US military between Flag Officers over the contested election and it's come down to 3 options that appear to be happening around the end of March or April timeline.

Options are:

A. Reinstate Trump immediately due to overwhelming belief that Trump won and was cheated. Add to this the direction the country is currently heading, transgenders in mil plus gender redirection paid for by taxpayers, etc...

B. Do nothing. It's an option but major players in US Mil are not having it and it will lead to full on division within the ranks.

C. Redo the election in a fair and open manner.

Basically Option B is a non-starter according to sources of 107 and Robert David Steele.

This falls in line with the timeline of many sources on GLP stating to watch the late March/April timeframe. Damage to this country is being expedited. The Deep State will gladly sacrifice the economy and the ensuing mayhem rather than go willingly into submission.

Also many sources have said the outright banning of weapons and intrusive background checks leading to confiscation is the Red Line that if crossed will lead to civil disobedience by the Patriots. Both are happening as of the writing of this post. If they pass and become law then open rebellion is likely.

Arkansas Republicans #wingnut #transphobia washingtonpost.com

Arkansas became the first state on Monday to pass a bill prohibiting doctors from providing gender-affirming medical care to transgender children, treatments that major medical organizations describe as essential to the mental health of an already vulnerable community of young people.

Lawmakers voted 28 to 7 in favor of the bill, which would ban doctors from providing transgender minors with gender-affirming treatments such as puberty blockers, hormone therapies and transition-related surgeries, or referring them for such treatments.

The legislation is the first to pass among a series of similar bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in more than 17 states so far this year, part of a growing effort by politicians to restrict the rights of transgender young people across America — in both doctor’s offices and high school sports teams.

The bill will now be sent to the desk of Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R), who last week signed a law banning transgender girls from competing in school sports teams consistent with their gender identity. He also signed legislation last week allowing doctors to refuse treatment to a patient based on religious or moral objections.

Edmund_Kemper & Lebensmüder #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Venting fragile femininity is more common than fragile masculinity.

I always hear women say the most retarded excuses for their dating preferences:

*i cannot date a guy who is short. i want a guy who is tall it makes me feel protected, small and feminine and i don't wanna feel big or masculine by being taller than them

*i cannot date a virgin. i want a guy who can dominate and control me and be rough during sex and i like being extremely submissive. i don't wanna lead and be dominant.

*i want muscular guys because they make me feel small and feminine and can carry me around and protect me.

*i want men with deep voices because they can protect me and take care of me (i literally saw a woman in an article say she wants a man who can take care of her).

*i cannot date a guy with less sex partners than me (I literally heard a woman say that although she won’t date guy who fucked over 20 girls she doesn’t want a guy whose body count is lower than hers. If any guy said he won’t date a woman with more partners than him he’d be crucified.)

yet nobody complains about this. yet a guy can say "i don't really like the color pink it's not my style" everyone's like "omg u just fragile masculinity i'm gonna emasculate you by saying you're insecure so i can scare you into wearing pink!!!11

It's all projection. When black leftists call whites fragile that's projection - guess what, when we are called crackers/cumskins/etc. we move on or insult the person, we don't harass that person for years (unlike what they do when they are called the N-word/other racial slurs). When a faggot/tranny calls a heterosexual man fragile, it's projection - they suffer from breakdowns when deadnaming/wrong pronouns happen, not a heterosexual men when they are insulted by them. When a woman calls men fragile it's the same.

Fancy Alcoholic & BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Ultimate proof of female privilege from the United Cucks of Americons

Car Thief Drinks Whole Bottle of Wine During Police Standoff

Funny things are :

- half of the police force of the county is reunited here only to wait that m'lady finishes bottle of wine
- yeah, you read it, cops are actually waiting that "she" finisehs "her" fucking bottle of wine to arrest her.
- it's not even a "she" to begin with, but as the dude is dressed like a foid, ppl feel the urge to treat him like a princess JFL

Unfunny thing though : if it was a dude looking dude, he would have been shot the minute he got out of the car.


and also, it's ultimate proof that black being oppressed in the US today is fake news. If you want to find oppressed black ppl in the modern world, just type "modern slavery in Middle East" on Google.


That's a nigga in a wig.

Transnigger now just put a Yamakah on him for max opreyshun points.

I would I could blow his nigger head off along with all the useless wigger cops who allow car thiefs to act this way

TruthSeek33 & I WANT THE TRUTH #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

The Q people aren't gonna like this...but...it's true. They are all gender inverted.

Yes, that means Trump's family too.

It is what it is.

Do you want me to lie to you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear about how Trump and the "White hats" are exempt

or do you want real truth?


The Wheat shall be separated from the tares...

‪@Bevvie112 specializes in EGI ‬
‪@sunbugg is doing a good job too.‬

@Bevvie112's main tool is walking with knees open = female. I know plenty of males in my family & social circle who walk with their knees open and these r males born pre-1980 & are alpha male types. Hard old school males who don't eff around. Not panzy millennial snow❄️.

If I had a dime for every time someone said they know someone that has these attributes...

It's about recognizing patterns within the Elite and their physiology. When you analyze these politicians and celebrities, they all tend to have the same gender inverted attributes.

There r many millions of males who have the exact same attributes who aren't female & many females who aren't males. Those tools used by
‪@Bevvie112‬ do not stand up to statistics. This is nothing more than *confirmation bias* - looking for something you already believe to be true.

The bottom line is that the Elite nearly all have a multitude of gender inverted attributes. We don't care about regular people having these attribute. We care about the Elite and their physiology, which has an abundance of male attributes in females, and vice versa. The end.

They worship the devil. Nothing else should matter. Ever. There is a division and the line should be overwhelmingly clear by this point in 2021.

God’s children<—>Lucifer’s children.

Which are you?

thespanishcel #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Why don't trannies admit they do it because they were incels?

You can look at photos of trannies before and after transitioning and all of them were incel-tier when they were male. Most are still incel tier when """""female""""" but there will always be at least one desperate cuck willing to fuck them kek. They always give lame excuses like "I always had more female than male friends", "I always was more into girly stuff like Sailor Moon and cute animals than football and war videogames", "I always felt this way" when in reality most (if not all) trannies realized that if they remained male they would die virgins and decided to mutilate their bodies and take hormones to change it. Pic related:


99% of trannies are the "Ms robot", "the degenerate" and "organic strap".

Anonymous 4Channer #dunning-kruger #transphobia pbs.twimg.com


this is honestly the funniest picture i've ever seen on the internet

his vaguely threatening gesture and stance, the woman meekly clasping her hands together in fear, the difference in size between his massive skull and hers, his caveman-tier slouch making him look like a hunchback versus her standing up straight, the remnants of what appear to be sideburns on the side of his face versus the woman's clear cheeks, the intense expression on his face versus the bewildered expression on hers, the sheer difference in size between their torsos - his is probably double the size of hers, his masculine profile with his chin jutting out and his longer face versus her wider face. i could go on, but you get the idea

all of this contrasted with the constant assertion that these people are identical to women and there is no meaningful difference between them makes for the most exquisite form of irony when their differences are juxtaposed so vividly. the contrast is almost divine - on the left is man's hubris, his desire to capture the beauty of nature and make it his own, his cerebral and conscious understanding of what it means to be what he thinks he is, his intentional "becoming", while on the right is nature, effortless being, no doctors appointments or hormones or surgery, just an "is" that needs nothing added to it in order to be complete. he tries so hard and yet, the harder he tries to "become", the further he takes himself away from the effortless "is" that is the thing he wants to be. it's comedy on a cosmic scale, a joke only god himself could come up with

Mainländer & Gog #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Feminists and SJWs wrongly think that everything about humans is learned behavior and that we feel bad about inceldom because of patriarchal culture

They seem to think that we "learn" to feel bad about our inceldom because we are culturally patriarchal and thus hold ourselves to patriarchal standards (that, as a man, you must be sexually successful, fuck lots of foids or whatever). My desire to have sex is not cultural, it's biological. If it was cultural, I'd never ever prefer JBs over older women for instance, since the western culture I grew up in absolutely demonizes guys my age who want to have sex with teens. It's just that I find them more attractive (because my male straight brain is hardwired to find developed female body + neotenous face the most attractive combination, which has nothing to do with culture) and I also want my partner to be a virgin (which is biologically advantageous as a male).

I don't feel bad about my inceldom because of culture, I do because I have a BIOLOGICAL impulse towards sex and affection, which is not being fulfilled, all the while I SEE guys getting tons of sex and affection because they're good-looking, famous, atrocitymaxxed, etc.

Foids only think everything is learned behavior because all they know is sitting in front of the tv screen or they phone getting indoctrinated with kikejew propoganda.

It's not patriarchal culture hindering my attraction to landwhales and trannies, it's the fact being obese isn't healthy or attractive and having a male bone structure and a penis isn't attractive to me. Let alone having an open wound where your genitals should be.

We can verify this by analyzing man's life in a state of nature (without any societal influence), and see that all this is true.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Fixing tranny bathrooms by taking activists at their word”]

Look we all know that all trannies, by virtue of claiming to be the sex they ain't, are lying. But these days nobody is allowed to even highlight clear examples of such lies.

So it's important that we make sure that we take their word for it in a way that guarantees they and their disgusting allies will pay the price. For years when the subject of letting trannies into the bathroom they "feel" they belong in, objections on the basis of safety to women have been dismissed and nullified by the insistence that no man would ever pretend to be a woman and go into a woman's bathroom just for the cheap thrills, let alone the more nefarious purposes.

So every jurisdiction who passed any laws forcing establishments to let men who pretend to be women into the women's bathroom should also include a clause stating that no police resources or criminal prosecutions will be brought to bear against any claims of rape or assault occurring in women's washrooms.

After all, ain't happening. Everybody who claims to be "trans" is, and it's a myth that they'll do bad things to the real women they might encounter inside the washroom. Therefore any woman who claims she was raped or molested or other such blather is obviously a lying TERF not to be believed. Just to make it clear we can include a sign such as seen above, a callback to that old joke at the University of Alberta where the underground tunnels in between buildings (which were closed to students in the 80s for fear of sexual assaults taking place therein) should just carry a large disclaimer "warning: rape ahead" so everybody knows what they're getting into.

Oh, and we also will need to include a clause that no civil suits may be brought up against the owner of the bathroom or individual employees for causing or ignoring said "rape" claims (which again are obviously false).

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie adrenogate.net

Ellen(now “Elliot”) Page is not a transgender person. The individual that went by the stage name “Ellen Page” had always been a male that had undergone the mandatory Baphometic gender inversion ritual(EGI: Elite Gender Inversion) that all Hollywood stars must complete before being allowed to achieve any kind of status. Also known as the “White Wedding“, these stars physically and ritualistically transform into ungodly androgynous abominations that are then meant to be worshipped on the silver screen by a brain dead public. Just look at the jaw-line. Are you kidding me? Trans my ass. I can’t believe they allowed him to switch back to his original gender.

Doug Mortimer #sexist #transphobia avoiceformen.com

Transsexuals exercise influence beyond their numbers. Woe to the public figure who offends them. A guy in drag was always good for a cheap laugh. Today there is no shortage of comic potential in the topic of former men/current women competing against female athletes but no one would dare attempt to make fun of the situation. What’s a young man to do these days? He looks around and sees females not just competing with him but being kicked upstairs while he remains on the ground floor. His upward mobility is stunted, his status is declining, his sex is anathematized at every turn. But if he’s willing to undergo hormone injections and invest in a new wardrobe…

Well, if women became masculine to gain an advantage in competitive circles, then doesn’t it make sense for a man to become feminine to gain an advantage in a matriarchal welfare state? Now I’m not saying that men who cross over are consciously seeking out a higher status. I think the concept has been absorbed by their subconscious, so when they come of age, they realize it is not possible to function in society as anything close to a traditional male.

Your manosphere reading list may include Norah Vincent’s Self-Made Man, her account of passing as a man for a year and a half. She went from being a masculine woman, as her friends described her, to an effeminate man, as her bowling buddies described him. Well, much to the consternation of feminists everywhere, she wrote, “I can’t help believing…that we live in parallel worlds, that there is at bottom really no such thing as that mystical unifying creature we call a human being, but only male human beings and female human beings, as separate as sects.”

Ironically, the trans woman may still be the object of the male gaze but out of disbelief rather than lust. Even a man well-schooled in etiquette can’t help but indulge in a few WTF double-takes when face-to-face with the likes of Levine.

Fr. Michael P. Orsi #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #dunning-kruger lifesitenews.com

Researchers have determined that consumption of pornographic imagery has neurological effects similar to those caused by drugs. Mental function is actually changed. As someone views erotic pictures (either still or moving), over time not only does the experience become physically addictive, the brain starts to develop tolerance.
The influence of pornography on the maturing brain can shape someone’s entire of life. At a minimum it tends to encourage sex outside of marriage (with consequent higher rates of abortion). But besides that, it can distort understanding of sexual intimacy, promote false expectations about body image, and instill attitudes that make healthy interactions with the opposite sex difficult, if not impossible.

Yet these days, kids can hardly avoid being exposed to porn. It’s not like years ago, when those “special” magazines were sold surreptitiously from “behind the counter.” Young people are showered with erotic imagery, vulgar language, and endless promptings to give full vent to their curiosity and secret longings — not to mention being urged to find their true place along the endless rainbow of gender variety.
Their own souls must be in order, however, and as a priest, I can tell you that’s not always the case. I know from long experience hearing confessions that pornography — from casual, occasional indulgence, to full-blown addiction — is a very common problem. I’m tempted to call it an epidemic, and it’s a far more serious and widespread one than COVID.

Various Incels #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Brutal How a fully defeated incel and consoomer looks like on Reddit

Transitioning as a form of political humiliation r/transmaxxing


I realized what a great idea this is. With Trump’s defeat, white race is finished. African population will explode and more "refugees" will pour into Europe. The reason it is guaranteed to happen is because the female half of the population simply prefers Black cock. Black men are cooler, sexier, better lovers. Instead of being angry that our tiny pink dicks can't satisfy women, whitebois should just start taking titty pills and giving blowjobs to refugees.

This is the brutal transmaxxing pill. Imagine being so desperate that you wanna be a girl and turn on your race. This is what (((they))) want us to become. The full effect of brainwashing and constant flow of media can be fully observed in this post. This makes me proud I'm an incel. Rather be alone than be a tranny and/or fucking other men.

(The Abyss)

Lmao >germantranny4bbc.bdslmr.com

Fucksake, did you read that shit, the Jews really brainfucked that cretin.

I'm a 28 year old German t-girl. The only thing that could cure my white guilt was to feminize myself with hormones to become a soft, weak sissy girl. I am EXCLUSIVELY into interracial porn and believe black men are the epitome of masculine beauty. I encourage every woman to go black as every woman deserves the type of sexual pleasure only a large black man can provide. I consider myself "BBC only" which means that I only ever date people of color. I welcome refugees with blowjobs.​

Suzanne Maresca/JC Kay #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #magick #ufo goldenageofgaia.com

- Antarctica is a meeting place for world leaders to negotiate with the demonic entities that have controlled the planet. It’s not a physical location, which fits with the description of Agartha as a space and not a place.

- JC describes the beings operating out of Antarctica as demonic. She drew a picture and it literally looks like Darth Maul. They’ve used the area to control the Matrix, which both begins and ends there. It’s how they’ve used the planet as a farm. They create simulations for us in order to feed off of us, our flesh and energy both.

- They captured the divine feminine and divine masculine in order to trap us. She speaks of the transgenderism prevalent among human leaders. They want to create male and female in one being. They want to destroy our ability to create through destroying the family unit.

- She confirms that Humans are used as food, and the CCP was best at providing these creatures with all the fear, control, food and loosh they wanted. They were rewarded with one location in China where the entities could not come in to interfere or eavesdrop…and that location is the Forbidden City.
- She talks about how these beings have instructed their minions to use numerology and certain dates in order to anchor their matrix into the planet and manipulate our reality in this time frame.

- Multidimensional realities do exist. The good guys are in control, and they do have it all, meaning they have control of the matrix now. At this point they’re just waiting for the bad guys to “get the F outta here!”

[deleted] #transphobia #psycho reddit.com

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Maxime Bernier #transphobia twitter.com

Children who can’t drink or drive can now decide to ask doctors to mutilate them.

And a parent who doesn’t agree can go to jail if he discusses the issue with others and uses what he considers his child’s name and gender pronoun.

This is horrifying.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I am tired. Can we talk about male violence without trans issues injecting themselves into the discussion?

Men love to slither in, especially where they are not wanted.


There was a vigil for Sarah Everard in my town. The sign at the top of the memorial? "Protect trans women."

From what? Murdered women? Fuck you.


Do you have a picture? I want to start collecting this type of thing. (Idk if there is a way to share it without being traceable to you. I think there should be more articles, even if just in feminist news outlets, about this centring of dicks that is nauseating)

“Definition” in this case means “lies”. They are not women. They have no business having anything to do with women. They are the rapists and murderers, just as are the men who aren’t transvestites.

Everything must be about the TIMs!! They´re huge narcissists and can´t stand mere "cis women" getting all the attention!!! And they get all the help from their handmaidens who are so worried about them because they are the most vulnerable women in the world! Protect the trans UWU! /s

I hope this will peak more women. Now we literally can´t even talk about feminicides without the trans wanting the spotlight.

I'm fed up of seeing libfems call out male violence and criticize the phrase "not all men" while also attacking ~TERFs~ for not wanting males in women's spaces. It's literally just "not all males" and I don't understand how they just won't fucking see it.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Woman on tiktok being harassed by TRAs for not using inclusive language when talking about the medical needs of women

Apparently “biologically female” is a dog whistle lmao. If you don’t accept shriveled dick as “female” you’re a horrible transphobic bigoted monster. The gaslighting is real. They are trying to shut down valuable conversations about women’s health because it’s not centering their “girl dicks” and frankenholes. Narcissistic pieces of shit.


If they chant TWAW every day, doesn't that mean they want to be included in the very real and distinct class of WOMEN? Why would they want that word to be a taboo and at the same time want to claim it? It's like they only want TIMs to be called women, not biological women. AFAB my ass.

That's exactly it. They want TIMs to colonize "woman"

I associate the trans flag with lying, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, harassment, cruelty, abuse, misogyny, the list goes on. Because that's what seems to always accompany it.

I'm so angry about this. Nothing will ever be enough. Women continue to bend over backward to accommodate TRAs to no avail. When will they be satisfied? When women/female ONLY means transwomen? Are we non-men? WTF.. they are so insecure and petty.

Please, women of the world, wake up and realize the TRAs won´t let you alone until you totally submit to their demands!!! "Inclusive" language only dehumanizes women!!


Why don’t they get that every time they behave like this, they peak another one?

It's because they're men and they don't give a shit about women. Never have.

LadyGlum #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia ovarit.com

yes i know, there's super rare cases where a woman can have other chromosomes

Female is more accurate and inclusive of actual women who don't have XX chromosomes. They aren't as common as TRAs would have you think (and are rarely ever trans) but intersex women are getting called men often enough by TRAs that I don't think we need to start on it too. Intersex women are made to feel not woman enough by the patriarchy as they often have less "feminine" attributes, they have struggles enough to be seen as women, but all female people are women and deserve to be protected by feminism, regardless of their chromosomes.

sure, but 'female' is such a vague word in itself, that can be used in various definitions. The TRAs aren't going to agree with our definition of a biology-based 'female'. Of course an actual program like this would have to be a lot more detailed

TRAs are not going to agree with the scientific definition of "female", no, but female is not a vague word, they merely want people to believe it is. Science and medicine has managed to successfully sex as either male or female every single human who has ever been sexed, no matter how complicated or atypical they may be (I'm sure you know this) and I think it's important to acknowledge that.

of course, i just think that TRAs are gonna go 'well a trans woman thinks and presents female so she is female!!' while even they don't dare to lie about chromosomes (yet)

Oh they do lie about chromosomes already! There's quite a movement of trans people (usually males) self-diagnosing themselves as intersex and claiming to be actually female. Alex Alicit on twitter documents their lies and how they're appropriating intersex struggles (they do really like appropriating things ...). It's extremely disturbing.

pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

About TIFs and trans activsim...

I noticed something during discussions with other people here that I thought warranted it's own post:

The Trans Rights movement didn't take off after the rape & murder of Teena Brandon. Nor did it take off in the wake of the movie about her life/death winning a ton of awards.Contrast this with how the gay rights movement got a jumpstart after the murder of Matthew Shepherd

The trans rights movement didn't take off when that bearded lady went on Oprah multiple times claiming to be "The First Pregnant Man". Nor did any other pregnant TIFs trigger any significant change.

The trans movement didn't take off when Chastity Bono declared herself a man. People only cared about her transition because her mother is an iconic celebrity. Its also important to note that the press treated Chastity like shit when she identified as a lesbian by mocking her appearance and constantly comparing Chastity to her sex symbol mother (even though Cher is more botox than human at this point). But, the moment Chastity became a man named Chaz, suddenly everyone had only nice things to say about her and didn't constantly tell her how fat and ugly she was.

NONE of those big news events triggered this wave of trans activism and trans inclusive laws that we see today. Nobody cared about Teena Brandon once the hype from the movie was over. The big event that finally got the ball rolling was..... Bruce Jenner posing in lingerie on a magazine cover. After that, he literally got trophies for being "The Greatest Woman Ever"! And laws rapidly began to change after he became a media darling in 2015

Various TERFs #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com


I think the general theory is that TRAs were quietly changing policies in universities and more "woke" institutions/companies before 2015. When gay marriage became federal law, there were no more gay rights to advocate for, so lgbT orgs switched all their powerful and well organized efforts to trans "rights".

And considering how gay people are treated in Africa, South America, and parts of Asia, they could have put their money and time to good use! But no, I think they wanted easy work and easy money at that point. Going to other parts of the world is HARD.

I don't know how violated men feel by TIF. I'd say young guys would feel violated by a teen girl in their sex-segregated areas, and gay men don't want women chasing them. But TIF are still women and tend to lack that pushy entitlement that is more common in males. And I'm not sure if TIF get aroused by violating men's spaces. TIM totally get aroused by violating women's spaces.

I also don't think that anyone much takes TIF seriously. A woman with short hair, no makeup, in a suit and tie, whatever, it's quite a low-key visual. Put a 6'2" burly male in a dress and heels and everyone looks.

I think also, a woman wanting to be a man is almost... expected? Understandable, that she would want to be seen as the “superior” sex. While a man wanting to be a woman is a “step down,” a relinquishing of privilege, so it seems more subversive.

Various TERFs #crackpot #moonbat #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Libfem logic when it comes to how media influences people



They'll throw tantrums over shit like sitcoms from 20 years ago, but videos like 'big black cocks destroy tiny teen' are simply great!

The same woke White people who will dox a 12 year old White girl for posting a picture of her cornrows on Instagram will defend porn with titles like "Spicy Latina B!tch Gets Gang Banged For A Green Card" Woke politics has ZERO consistency! And yet it is still colonizing everything

This is why I don't take libfems seriously. They will call people out for the awful crimes of white women doing Yoga or taking Salsa classes; but are totes okay with porn that literally calls women slurs and is ACTUALLY racist.

Because libfems usually only criticize other women. They know it's much harder to confront men, so instead, everything is women's fault. Feminism that is comfortable for men and never challenges them will change nothing.

not to mention pornsick men literally condition themselves with orgasms to think racism and sexual violence are acceptable and desirable. idiot teen boys and young men are using porn as sex ed and brutalizing teenage girls and women. but the woke crowd would rather argue about children's cartoons being fascist or whatever and then turn around and jerk it to rape, child porn, racist porn, porn ABOUT SLAVERY, etc. it's disgusting.

Luckystar #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Polling from 13 States Reveals Widespread Disapproval of “Gender Identity” Policies

Even in California people are not buying this crap

Putting female prisoners -- economically vulnerable, disproportionately women of color, an overwhelming majority of whom have already been victims of sexual violence -- at risk of being retraumatized, assaulted, raped, and impregnated by male sexual predators is NOT "progressive".

It is being framed as such by fauxgressive misogynists, who are bankrolled by big pharma and/or jumping on the latest fashionable bandwagon for latte liberals.

We are seeing some common ground between the left and right here because being anti-rape is one of those common sense policies that shouldn't be political. We see radical feminists speaking at the Heritage Foundation, not because they are secret alt-right neonazi Bible hugging conservative bigots, but because the policies the Democrats are putting forth right now are genuinely horrible.

You have people like me, San Francisco liberals who voted Democrat their whole lives, have been huge LGBT allies their whole lives, who no longer feel comfortable voting for Democrats. That's not because I suddenly support Republicans. It is because both parties have abandoned women. I'm just praying American women can have at least one party that supports their basic human rights. Abortion isn't enough, Democrats. We deserve the right to not get raped in the first place.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies as a woman, has been crowned Miss Silver State USA, which is described as the “biggest preliminary competition for the Miss Nevada USA pageant.”

There irony of transgenderism, a sociopolitical ideology that demands that you ‘accept them as they are’, is that transgenders don’t accept themselves ‘as they are’. Such is the case of Kataluna Enriquez, a person born as a biological male who insists that he is actually a woman. If that is not the definition of mental illness, I don’t know what is. Oh wait, maybe it’s this. Maybe the true definition of mental illness is when you agree with people like Kataluna that a person born as a man can magically become a woman, Yep, that’s it. You’re the problem.

There is a war raging right now for the hearts and minds of Christians here in America and around the world, a war from Satan himself, attempting to beat you into submission and silence to all the wickedness you see before you right now. I am not saying I think you agree with this nonsense, no bible believer ever could, but I am urging you to speak the truth in love, and press back against this insanity. We will give an account at the Judgment Seat of Christ, now is the time to be bold in your faith and stand for the truth. “Only one life, t’will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last”.

kopfinhand #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

Parallels Between TIMs and Police (and Priests Too)

1. Maleness and power are worshipped and are seen as one
2. Women suffer at the hands of these men, but things only get done when another man is affected.
3. They are above the law.
4. When they commit crimes, they are not punished but shuffled into obscurity.
5. They cannot be questioned lest you be deemed TERF, anti-country, heretic.

If you have anymore examples, please add.

Bill Hick #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[Considering our birthrates are abysmal, what would you suggest to encourage a sustainable birthrate for your people?]

Just stop doing the things that are killing our birthrate. Did our ancestors need to be paid to breed? Has any race ever needed to be paid to breed? Has any plant or animal species ever needed to be paid to breed? We are already wallowing in more material wealth than most of our ancestors could have dreamed of. A good cultural slap back to common sense and natural habitat should do the trick.

1) Good education beginning in formative years in place of the poison they are getting now. More 19 and Counting, less Sex and City.
2) Ban miscegenation.
3) Separate church and state by not usurping Church’s role, ie end welfare.
4) Legally recognize husbands as head of home
5) Don’t allow women to pursue anything beyond a BS/BA degree, at least not while they are young. Just ban women from certain college majors as well.
6) Permit sex discrimination in the workplace.

Not one of these changes would cost a cent and some would save money or boost gdp. Number 6 would be good enough to make my #2 above about corporate taxes unnecessary. Companies would be willing to pay the tax if it freed them to discriminate against women in boardroom and a fortune in defending against sexual harassment accusations.

Well, the miscegenation ban might cost a buck or two depending on how it is enforced but it could be done quite cheap, maybe for a profit, if we step out of clownworld first. There are more things that could easily be done without spending a dime but they are likely to be met with resistance and I have to pick my battles.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From “What’s the Solution?”]

I want you to consider the following questions a test regarding your personal political proclivities:
If you answered “Yes” to all or a majority of the questions I just posed, welcome to the National German Socialist Workers Party.[…]This article explores the possibility of a fascist United States and why they should not reject the ideology without exploring its potential.
The term socialism to the NSDAP referred to social welfare benefits[…]removing labor supply (i.e., women) from the workforce
It was not the brutal economic conditions that led the German people toward National Socialism.[…]It was the complete collapse of societal norms[…]
The Frankfurt School[…]introduced a platform upon which conservative German norms would be dismantled
The largely church-going, German middle-class, suddenly awoke to a fundamentally changed Germany at the hands of a few dedicated Judeo-Bolsheviks.
Transgenderism and homosexuality consumed as many as 25% of German men[…]Teaching young boys about homosexuality and gender fluidity[…]Illegal immigration into Germany septupled between 1918 and 1925, primarily from Slavic states
The AntiFa have always been Bolsheviks, largely led by Jews
Hitler did not create the [NSDAP]. Ordinary church-going, patriotic Germans with traditional values formed the nuclei of the NSDAP – and it succeeded by bringing order[…]to German society after years of insanity.
In human history, the only government system that has successfully defeated Communism, once it has taken root in a given country, is Fascism.
Some aspects of Fascism I believe would be great for the South – especially, its neo-mercantilist policies. But ultimately, the South would be better off to embrace a variant of clan-centric, quasi-monarchism.

rezkidsinlove #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

They need to hear that some cultures having special roles for gender-non-conforming people does not mean people didn’t know what male and female were. I hear the Two-Spirit identity used soooo much in this discourse, especially in Canada

It really is ridiculous.

TRAs/libfems'll say things like 'Native American cultures were so enlightened! They worshipped two-spirits! They were largely matriarchal, they respected women, women were so precious to the tribes!'

And like - that point is debatable, but have you thought WHY they might have held women in such high esteem?

Because women were the ones that gave birth and created life, you absolute morons! Native women weren't celebrated (if they were celebrated) because some 'uwu so girly, so soft' aesthetic. It was because they were able to carry children and give birth. If there WAS such a high prevalence of two-spirit-ism as they say there was, certainly those two-spirit people weren't treated 'the exact same as women!'

Like, just thinking pragmatically. An enemy tribe is attacking your village -- you have a woman able to help birth new members of the tribe, vs some mentally ill man who wears womens clothes. WHO ARE YOU SAVING?

(Likewise, a woman who thinks herself a man decides she wants to join the war party -- you think the men are going to entertain this idea, when she's one of a handful of women of child bearing age in the tribe? You think they're going to risk it? Theres a reason two-spirit was mostly a male thing.)

It really is a breathtaking lack of thinking critically, 'if X is true, then therefore Y...' They really think all native tribes lived in harmony in teepees, smoking weed, making flower crowns, and not knowing a penis from a vagina up until Christopher Columbus landed on our shores.

starry & rezkidsinlove #moonbat #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

Although thinking about this, I wonder what the ethnicity split is among TERFs. Since trans culture is such a white thing (generally only, of course), maybe that reflects on TERFs as well? Although POC are also way more likely to see the light earlier in these issues, lol.

You know?

I was watching TikToks by native creators recently, and there was one that was talking about old stories in our collective native cultures, signs for when the apocalypse was on its way.

Some of them you kind of have to think about in an abstract way. For instance, "A large black poisonous snake will slither across the land" could be a foretelling of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

One I remember is "Men will dress as if they are women, and women will dress as if they are men."

Now, I'm not sure if I generally believe these (I'm not super religious or traditional in my own culture. Another prophecy warns tattoos and piercings are another sign and I have a number of those 😅) but its certainly a little spooky when its all stacked together.

No matter what you want to think, though, its pretty plain that Native cultures always knew there was a difference in the sexes, there were always gender roles, and that mixing and matching them were definitely taboo, if not outright feared, enough that this prophecy has been echoed through the generations. We didn't live in some androgynous, genderless utopia where transwomen were worshipped "like gods" like they like to say they were 🙄

adun & zuubat #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com


all the TIFs there demanding to be called men but also demanding to attend a women’s college completely broke my brain...

This is something I see a lot. I feel like the ultraliberal kind of TIFs seems to think they can have their cake and eat it, too. Probably because they recognise what BS transitioning is and that it doesn't save them from people treating them like crap for being female, but they hold onto their super special identities anyways because it's so much more interesting than just a boring old woman going through boring old misogyny. This brand of TIF also tends to be all about "genderfuckery" which means they don't even make an attempt to "pass", leading to more frustrations than usual over people not being able to delude themselves that they're the opposite sex.

I definitely prefer them to the women filled to the brim with internalised misogyny who will rush to proclaim #notLikeOtherGirls for male approval, but that at least seems more straightforward and backwards in the usual ways we're familiar with, than this.

Oh, yeah, that NYT story of the TIFs having been accepted at a women's college because they were, you know, women, and after "transitioning" demanding a thousand-and-one ridiculous accommodations from the other women: students, faculty, staff, and administrators. AND GETTING THEM!!!

I all-capped the second clause b/c for me that was the most demoralizing thing: Even for pretend men, the women fell all over themselves to be nice but no matter how nice it was still not enough. A few women desisted, and they were doxxed (or whatever the IRL version of that is) so badly that they declined to give their names to the NYT.

lulululululu & bellatrixbells #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

HAHAHA i went to a women’s college too and I came here to comment this but you already did so I don’t have to!

I graduated before TIMs were allowed in, so I don’t know how that’s affected the school, but all the TIFs there demanding to be called men but also demanding to attend a women’s college completely broke my brain...

What the actual mind clusterfuck.

Yeah. One argument that I heard frequently that really broke my brain was that the college wasn't actually intended to be a women's college, it was intended to be an "all oppressed genders college" but since people didn't know about TIFs back then, women were the only oppressed gender around to be admitted... but since we know about TIFs now, we should let them in as an oppressed gender. LMAO.

In reality, I think they just liked the romantic and sexual attention they got for being some of the few "men" around so were grasping at straws to justify being "literally men" at a women's college.

wait WHAT!! holy fucking hell

Please do not break my brain any further 😂😂😂😉

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Is it entitlement or disillusion? Or both?

In my experience with an adult AGP, it was delusion. As in, clinical delusion. It started out as noticing that depression lifted with cross-dressing and progressed into full-on Trans-identification, paranoia, and rage toward anyone who wouldn't affirm the madness.

I see people's "gender identity" as nothing more than fashion choices that sometimes include cosmetic surgery. I won't call priest "father" and I won't call a homeopath "doctor" and I won't call a man "she". If that makes them sad and cry, I am glad because fuck them. Their "activism" is no different than fundamentalist religious types pushing their beliefs on everyone else. They lobby and succeed in inflicting horribly detrimental outcomes on women (especially bipoc) I would never consider dating a scientologist in a million years, yes all of them, they are all kooks. I would never willingly fuck anyone who weighed 600lbs, yes because they are 600lbs. What's the difference?

There was a bit in Irreversible Damage where an escaped member of the trans cult mentioned that she had trained herself not to be able to tell the difference between men and women in her “queer” circles. (She recovered the ability when she exited the cult.)

I thought that explained a lot - many of them are so autobrainwashed they really can’t tell and think we can’t either.

Somehow though I bet the men in those circles can tell the difference when deciding who to creep on.

I’m sorry, but why do you even entertain these people. Once you’ve heard the idiot out just say bye. Actions speak louder than words sometimes. Also, most people can’t even be bothered to hate them. They just think they are pathetic and annoying. The mistake we made was feeling sorry for them.

GenderHeretic & CleanSlate #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Warning: Violence Against Gender Criticals Erupts In Canada - Brazen She

Holy fuck, that video is terrifying. TRAs around the world are escalating with their thuggery. Just last week they assaulted and terrorised feminists at a protest, painting a sign on the raised base of the statue the women were standing on saying to shoot them, and now that TRAs know they can get away with that, the violence is spreading fast.

Fuck. I hope he’ll be all right. I also hope that the freak brigade being openly violent to straight men will peak even more people (though odd are Canadian media will try to silence this).

I sure hope so. They've been assaulting and terrorising women for years and no one gives a fuck.


Anyone up in Canada can give us the skinny on that?

Total media blackout, except for the occasional story on Rebel Media (internet only). RM tends to focus on the clowery of Yaniv and not serious stories like prison or drugging and mutilating children.

They're getting bolder if they're going after dudes. These cowards usually opt to bully women

They sent rape and murder threats to the super straight guys just like they were women. Honestly, I was surprised.

Stephen Strang #fundie #transphobia #sexist #wingnut charismanews.com

It's a day almost every young woman dreams about: the day she gets to say yes to the dress.

But in the case of "Ann" (whose name has been changed to protect her identity), that special day shifted to a trauma-filled nightmare.

"As a wonderful Christian woman in her early 20s ... she has been saving herself for the husband whom God had planned for her," says Mat Staver, president and founder of Liberty Counsel.

"So she goes to this bridal store; she has an appointment," Staver says. "She walks in, and the manager of the store puts her in touch with a person who is an assistant. And that assistant then takes her in to look at bridal gowns and then takes her into a private dressing room. And of course, these bridal outfits are hard to get in and out of. And so this young woman is having to dress and undress and be fitted, and this person is touching various private parts of her body. She has an uneasy feeling about this individual. This person has a ponytail, has a mask on. ... But there's something that, in her spirit, was not right."

And Ann's spirit spoke the truth. The person who was fitting her with her wedding gown was, in fact, a transgender man.

Staver shares the story as a part of a plea for believers to take seriously the dangers of the Equality Act and the fact that situations like this, where Staver's Liberty Counsel is working to defend Ann's religious freedom, will become normal and legal should we allow the Equality Act to pass. This dangerous bill will protect the transgender man's right to work, dress and behave as a woman while ignoring Ann's right to privacy and to the faithful carrying out of her religious beliefs.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

We live in a time of tremendous spiritual confusion, and one of the reasons for that is because for decades now, evangelicals have been busy adding lost people to the church who are told they can come as they are and stay as they are. Not only that, Laodiceans of many denominations are right now apologizing to the LGBTQ+ for preaching against homosexuality and transgenderism. How can these things be? Welcome to Laodicea.

Just last week, Laodicean hireling Max Lucado posted an apology to LGBTQ+ people for previous sermons of the sinful nature of same-sex marriage. In 2019, Baptist pastor Oliver Thomas, in an article published in USA Today, said what was killing the church was pastors preaching against homosexuality and same-sex marriage, and that those things could be a ‘beautiful part’ of the church. I could give you dozens more such examples but I think you get the point. Because the professing Christian church no longer preaches against sin and allows unregenerated and unsaved people to become church members, the church has become hopelessly confused. Right now, Joe Biden is trying to have a transgender who believes in chemical castration and genial mutilation of children confirmed as assistant Secretary of Health. Where is the outrage from the Church? Nowhere, and that’s the problem. Today I would like to bring you a message on clearing up the spiritual confusion you may be experiencing if you attend an evangelical, Charismatic or ‘seeker sensitive’ church. This sermon may make you mad, but it will be the truth in love from the King James bible, and I hope it will be a blessing to you.

Napoleon de Geso (“proud hebephile/ephebophile”) #sexist #transphobia #wingnut ncu.su

[Cucked] Which part of Istambul convention is worse?

Lithuania (separatist part of Russia) not ratified that cucked convention yet, but now, with new government of alliance of cuckservators and "Liberty party" (you can guess what kind of stuff in it) planning to push if for ratification. And it pisses me off, that oppositionaires to concvention are so concentrating against tranny rights and social genders, that forgetting (or just being tradcucks and not seeing problem with that), that really biggest evil of it is just increasing rights of normal femoids of biological female sex, who are parasytes,. and deserve to be beaten by husbands

Poll: Which part of istanbul convention is orse and more damaging to society?


tranny rights and social gender stuff 0 votes 0.0%
protection of natural females from EARNED violence 3 votes 100.0%

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: r/superstraight gets banned...

I was learning a lot from that subreddit. I didn't realize how many biological, hetero men had to deal with Trans "women" on dating apps. So, why don't the men speak up more?

They don’t have reason to. They don’t get harassed, threatened, doxxed at nearly the same rates as women. A lot of times a man is even able to say out loud what would get a woman banned. Their spaces don’t get invaded like lesbians’. The threat of violence from TRAs just isn’t there ...yet. It might happen that TRAs try to go after dudes but I doubt it. TRAs are cowards who know they can bully women with impunity. Going after normie straight dudes is very risky.

I just pulled the research and.....like.... NO women want to date transmen. And virtually NO men want to date transwomen. It's just a fact. Across a sample of heterosexual,lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and trans individuals, 87.5% indicated that they would not consider dating a trans person. (2018 study) And that's the optimistic read. If you take out all GNC folks and stick with just straight women and men: 1.8 per cent of straight women and 3.3 per cent of straight men saying they would consider it. I mean, thanks reddit for trying to change people's natural sexual attraction.....but NO THANKS

I think this information should be shared with dysphoric kids considering transition. The main narrative that you will become “stunning and brave” makes otherwise unpopular and confused teenagers think that this gonna solve all their problems when in reality there is a big surprise.

desistingthrowaway #quack #transphobia archive.is

As a detransitioner, I hope this movement helps prevent more people from making the same mistakes I did.

I used to identify as trans and this is something the trans community will never admit: there are people who realize that transitioning doesn't work and quit. They are trying their to get /r/detrans banned because they don't want to admit that we exist. They tell everyone that that place is full of TERFs and needs to go.

They don't want to admit that there are studies that show that most children with gender dysphoria grow out of it. An often quoted study about transitioning helping mental health has been corrected to say that surgery doesn't actually help mental health. Gender dysphoria is basically body dysmorphia. And it can be treated the same way. Identifying as trans made it WORSE.

For every one of me, there's a bunch more kids who are being put on puberty blockers, many of which have dangerous effects. Then there's the issue with going straight into cross-sex hormones, which effectively sterilizes people.

I could go on and on. Nobody wants to admit is that transitioning doesn't really work. Aou're often left with so many reminders of that (especially women, who often get "top surgery" and have lowered voices for the rest of their lives, and often facial hair). It's harder to come out as a detransitioner than it is to come out of trans. The second you detransition, you lose EVERYBODY. I had people block me because of it. I hope somebody reads this subreddit and gives a second thought to going on hormones or surgeries. Because it often isn't worth it.

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: WA DOC employee reports (150) men are claiming to be women to transfer prisons


"But this would never happen! No one will abuse these policies!"

You got it wrong. That was the party line when we were at war with Eurasia. Now it is all about "not that many anyway"

I was just having a conversation with someone on Reddit about this because of the recent events at the women's prison in Kitchener, Ontario. Their argument was "well, they think like a woman, who cares if they have a penis? They're a woman so should be in a women's prison." Are you kidding me? Like prisons are separated into men's and women's because of the way people think. It's not because of, I don't know, men are physically larger and stronger than most women and it's dangerous to have them in the same prison? No, couldn't be that.

How can anyone believe for two seconds that a man could actually be a woman? That makes zero sense. None. And we have thousands of adults in high-ranking positions playing along with this. Anyone playing along with this should be convicted as an accessory. "Well, these men say they're women so...." So they are INSANE (or taking advantage of the situation). And anyone who plays along with this shameless lie is also insane. "But it's who they are!" Sexual predators. That's who they are. Not something to celebrate.

The vast majority of the women in prison probably wouldn't even be there if they hadn't already been traumatised by men's abuse. The rape/DV/CSA rates are sky high.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Your daily reminder”]

All faggots are child molesters.

Today's example? Nelson Christopher Pinder, a faggot who later decided he wanted to pretend he was a woman named "Kadence".

Pinder and Strebel both work at a child care center owned by Strebel's mother. Strebel's mother declined to comment on the allegations when reached by phone.

Pinder was also the subject of a previous Division of Child and Family Services investigation into an alleged "hands-on" sexual offense against a child, but the case was dropped for unknown reasons.

Bonus evil orientation wasn't good enough for it: Ellen Page's fake marriage to another sick dyke is in shambles after she decided to pretend her name was Elliot.

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