
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

u/Special-Armadillo-99 #fundie #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

The banning of superstraight sub proves straight people are discriminated

The against the hate sub are a bunch of lousy sexist straight phobic pieces of human filth that need to find better outlets for their bigotry.
Fragile white redditors, a literally racist sub can exist but a sub where straight people advocate for their interests cannot?
If you are straight and white you have zero rights to your own sexuality or race. You must comply or be shut down.
I cannot believe reddit is so far down the sjw asshole.

u/TPmathiscommoncore #transphobia #fundie reddit.com

[note: “super” means “super-straight”, a sexuality made up by someone on tik-tok, which supposedly means not being attracted to transgender people, and has been dismissed by most of the LGBT community]

Is anyone else tired of having their sexuality transplained to them?

I don't understand how these Superphobes can tell me about my sexuality. They keep marginalizing my existence and grouping me in with Hets. I'm just tired of having my lived experience transplained from a bigot who doesn't understand. I thought we were allies in the LGBTQS+ community. Super rights are human rights.

Milo Yiannopoulos #homophobia #fundie #transphobia lifesitenews.com

March 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Milo Yiannopoulos, the gay man whose conservative messaging and willingness to speak the truth sparked riots on university campuses may well trigger more outrage now that he describes himself as “Ex-Gay” and “sodomy free,” and is leading a daily consecration to St. Joseph online.

Two years ago, when Church Militant’s Michael Voris famously challenged Yiannopoulos to live a chaste life, Yiannopoulos was not defensive. Instead, he acquiesced, and humbly admitted his human weakness.

“I know everything you’re saying, and I’m just not there yet. And I don’t know if I’ll get there,” Yiannopoulos told Voris at the time.

It seems that he has now arrived “there.”


LifeSite: What drew you to consecrate your life to St. Joseph?

Milo: Secular attempts at recovery from sin are either temporary or completely ineffective. Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. St. Joseph is the spiritual father figure of the Holy Family. In this time of gender madness, devoting myself to the male protector of the infant Jesus is an act of faith in God’s Holy Patriarch, and a rejection of the Terror of transsexuals. Trannies are demonic: They are the Galli, the castrated priests of Cybele, the Magna mater, whom Augustine saw dancing in the streets of Carthage dressed like women.

Don’t even get me started on Drag Queen Story Hour. I only have to see those four words to be overwhelmed by the urge to buy rope.

Dr. Paula A. Price #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger charismanews.com

Purveyors of homosexuality are extreme in the function of sex itself. Living without sex is not life-threatening. Utilizing sex organs is an act of the will based on desire, not a life-sustaining necessity. People can control their sexual appetites or inflame them. To treat acts of sex as necessities is extremism.

Medical doctors are part of the extremist legacy. Psychiatrists have removed "religious taboos" to redefine intimacy, family and culture so we accept what is truly bizarre as merely "different." Surgeons cosmetically alter bodies based on gender preference. However, because nature refuses such changes, an endless stream of medications are required to sustain the pretense.

Financial costs for this new "protected" group in now a governmental legacy based on "doing" not "being." Now, people may "try" homosexuality just to cash in on benefits. After their choice is a matter of record, if their sexual desires change, they can still enjoy the benefits. Who will police the bedrooms for the kind of sex occurring? How many homosexual encounters must one have to remain qualified for homosexual benefits? A nation that puts such a burden upon its citizens because a select group wants to practice certain sex acts is troublesome, but for a nation as great as the United States, it is embarrassing.
Societies are responsible to protect citizens from threats and at-risk behaviors. The financial tab for monetizing today's at-risk behavior will continually grow. We will all bear the burden of expensive medical treatments and fraudulent claims for deviant actions, not conditions, which cannot be verified because they are performed in private.

Stephen Kokx #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia lifesitenews.com

I attended my first CPAC this year.
Despite that, what struck me the most after seeing up close and personal the so-called leaders of the ‘conservative’ movement is just how much coalition politics is a dirty, sad business and that Jesus Christ is sorely missing from most of it.

Today (really, since the 1500s) politics is little more than power-hungry, fallen individuals running around employing whatever schemes they can cook up to take each-other out. Sure, human beings have always, in a sense, done this to varying degrees, even in Catholic nations prior to Luther writing his 95 theses. It’s the pride of life and original sin that takes over. But it’s far, far worse now that we’ve lost the true religion.
Historically, conservatism was associated with the idea that man is wounded by nature and that there exists a natural law rooted in objective reality that limits the scope of the government’s role in our lives. As such, virtue should be promoted and vice generally restricted. But the conservatism of today forgets all this. A drag queen named “Lady Maga” was at CPAC this year. I asked him if he thinks the GOP is moving in his direction and he immediately said that yes, conservatives “love freedom” and that they love him too. And he’s right. The most popular expositors of what passes for conservatism today primarily praise “free market” economics and criticize Marxism, socialism, and whatever other -ism that’s out there. But on LGBT issues, they’re complete libertines. This isn’t conservatism. It’s Mammonism. Establishment conservatives forget, or ignore, the fact that society can only thrive when culture, traditions, and truth are preserved.

Donnie Johnson #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

Being a she isn’t just having pretty hair
She isn’t she based off what she wears
She isn’t just obsessed with fluffy or pink
Being a she doesn’t mean we all require long lashes to blink
A she has a period that comes every month
She bloats, cramps and feels a ton
Her uterus holds life if she’s willing and able
She isn’t just heels or a seductive being
She’s genetically born to be nurturing
So please know you’ll never be her even when you dress up
The mocking demeans what she brings to this world and enough is enough!!

Ben Garrison #transphobia grrrgraphics.com


Senator Rand Paul questioned health nominee Rachel Levine on the process of gender ‘reassignment.’ Only there is no such thing as reassignment.

Wishful thinking and medical mutilation won’t change the fundamental DNA structure that resides in every cell of our bodies. Our sex is part of who we are—not an ‘assignment.’

One’s sex cannot be changed. Neither by means of surgery, nor hormones.

Yet for some reason we live in an age where the ’trans’ delusion is getting ’normalized.’ Wishful thinking is now considered science. We can’t debate the issue without being smeared as a hater or ’transphobic.’ Transgender people are the new sacred cows. One can no longer reasonably question the delusion. Government said so. Stooges representing science said so. Biden said so. Burly boys can claim to be girls and compete alongside them in sporting events—and they usually win. They also get to go into the girls’ locker rooms and we’re not supposed to question that, either.

As a libertarian I don’t care if men and women think they can transmogrify into the opposite sex. If they are adults and not hurting others, that’s their business. I do have a problem when it comes to minors wanting trans surgery and big government overruling parents who don’t want their kids mutilated. Teenagers aren’t mature enough to make such a life-changing and irreversible decision. It’s also why I don’t think children should be allowed to vote. They lack life experience and will usually vote for socialism and free stuff.

Alabama State Senate #transphobia cbsnews.com

Under a new law, transgender youth in Alabama could not be treated with puberty-blockers, hormone therapy or surgery. The state Senate voted to make the treatment a felony on Tuesday.

Senators voted 23-4 to approve the measure, dubbed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, sponsored by Republican Senator Shay Shelnutt. The bill now heads to the state House of Representatives, which has already approved a companion bill.

The two bills would make it a felony for medical professionals to treat transgender minors under the age of 19 with gender-affirming care. Violators could face up to 10 years in prison or a $15,000 fine.

The bill also requires school staff in the state to disclose to parents that "a minor's perception that his or her gender is inconsistent with his or her sex." Essentially, teachers would be required to "out" transgender students to their guardians — regardless of whether they are ready to do so.

"Children aren't mature enough to make these decisions on surgeries and drugs," Shelnutt told The Associated Press. "The whole point is to protect kids."

Brett Stevens #wingnut #transphobia #elitist #psycho amerika.org

Very few focus on how fascist nature is, and simultaneously, how forgiving. You can use any method that you want to achieve the goal, but you have to find some way to adapt to your environment and reproduce.
If you wonder why people seem pathologically opposed to anything real, natural, or intuitive, this is why: they reject the world. They want symbols of this rejection like diversity and transgenderism to replace reality, so that we can all be happy solipsists in narcissistic navel-gazing worlds of our own emotions.

Normal people — those still “clinging” to reality, history, and common sense — find the image of a bearded pregnant woman to be appalling, just like men with breasts and androgynous people. The Baphomet is gender-ambiguous for a reason.

This means that we have reached a tipping point: much of, if not most of, our species has gone insane. This means that they are not just irrelevant to us normally-adapted people, but toxic.

If people were thinking clearly, we would encourage transgenderism and support the surgery, so long as it sterilized the transgender person in question. Let us remove those genes from the population, since something went wrong.

In the same way, one wonders why we are not handing out free abortions. Encourage the insane to abort as many of their genetic offspring as possible. The children of insane and retarded people tend to be insane and retarded anyway.
It is time we admit that, unlike the problems humans have been pursuing, humanity has a quality control problem, both in our thinking and in the genetics of the people around us. Let nature fix this as she will.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist henrymakow.com

You say you've
never met a full-fledged communist or communist sympathizer, but are you sure?

Not every communist you encounter in life sports a shaved head and coiffed goatee like Vladimir Lenin.

Communists, like cockroaches, hate to be seen. Until recently, most preferred to remain hidden, working their evil and sadistic plans far from the light of exposure.

However, just because communists prefer to remain hidden doesn't mean they are. You can spot a communist or communist sympathizer easily by three telltale signs: lies, self-loathing, and sexual perversity.
Because communists hate themselves, they want everyone else to feel their hatred and hate themselves too.

Communists hate America, they hate Western Civilization, and they hate Christianity. They hate them all because America, Western Civilization and Christianity represent everything they're not: love, freedom, beauty, courage, art, intelligence, the family.

Communists are so filled with self-hatred and rage, they want to see all of those things destroyed, even if it means destroying themselves in the process.
Homosexuality, transgenderism, beastiality, pedophilia, pornography, you name it. Communists love it all. The more sick and twisted the better. Communists are the ones pushing all those things on our society, pushing it on our children.

They love to corrupt children. They love to lure children into their dark and depraved world of perversity. Of course, none of this is new. They were doing it in Berlin in the 1920s and they're doing it now in every city in our country.
Do you know anyone who is addicted to pornography, addicted to homosexuality, addicted to sexual perversity? You just might know a communist

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy saidit.net

[RE: 'Brain Androgyny' Is Surprisingly Common - i call it bullshit]

(Unknown [deleted account])
https://www.sciencealert.com/half-of-us-have-brains-that-aren-t-entirely-male-or-female-and-it-s-a-good-thing-too?fbclid=IwAR2V9mW18hfy05e5pi8ZZF_0bFAzC2Ppvxq5WSaLXepbOEfrhv3-NWZwpkc Research is becoming more fucked-up every day. How it is possible that 50% of women are more androgynous if I have met maybe 20 not typical women in my entire life ? I am androgynous and this IS anomaly among women. Also more sensitive, feminine men is also minority not 50% of males (?) Science is a joke nowadays, completely bullshit and trans-propaganda apparently.
Why do you keep making new accounts to talk about how not like other girls you are, we get it, you have a "male brain" and are the smartest woman ever and all the other women are stupid.

And consider this, maybe these other women are pretending just like you and don't fit the feminine stereotypes all that well either.

Ken Ham and Franklin Graham #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia answersingenesis.org

It’s being described as “the most comprehensive assault on Christianity in America ever written into law,” “a dangerous threat to our nation,” “the Left’s woke new heresy code,” and “something no American should stand for.” What is it? The so-called “Equality Act” that was recently introduced to Congress. But it’s for anything but “equality”—it’s for destroying freedom of religion and freedom of conscience in this nation, as guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Here’s how Franklin Graham describes the possible effects of this legislation in an email.[…]

The Equality Act Will:

* Designate schools, churches, and healthcare organizations as “public accommodations.” With this, schools, churches, and hospitals could be forced to accept the government’s beliefs and mandates about sexual orientation and gender identity. That would be highly intrusive and incredibly far-reaching. It will threaten everyday speech where people can be fined or lose their jobs for using the wrong name or pronouns.
* Legislate that we allow boys in girls’ sports, boys in girls’ locker rooms, men in women’s shelters, and men in women’s prisons. It will force teachers and students to publicly pretend that a biological male is a female. Schools will be encouraged or mandated to instruct first, second, and third graders that they can choose to be a boy or a girl, or neither, or both, making biological sex (and science) a relic of the past.

Monica Cole #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia onemillionmoms.com

“ABC Song with Blue,” from Nickelodeon’s Blue’s Clues & You! TV program for preschoolers, is an alphabet song for kids that is available on the show’s official YouTube channel. It sounds innocent enough, but parents should be aware of the not-so-subtle and very pro-LGBTQ agenda included in the song’s video. Every time the letter “P” is displayed, it is illustrated with a rainbow design in the shape of the letter.

Here are some of the lyrics and images heard and seen in the video:

“P is full of pride!”

Images of 9 LGBTQ flags are displayed alongside the letter “P.”

“The alphabet helps me be me."

It is apparent that this network continues to indoctrinate children by exposing them to the LGBTQ lifestyle and presenting it as normal.

With such a liberal push in children’s educational entertainment, it is obvious where Nickelodeon stands. Parents who are not already aware of the network’s agenda, please be forewarned now.

This pride-laced ABC song makes it clear that Nickelodeon has an LGBTQ agenda that it is forcing on really young audiences.

Fighting Monarch #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #wingnut #racist fightingmonarch.com

The Illuminati have a long history of assassinating presidents they don’t like.
Abraham Lincoln was the first, as John Wilkes Booth took him out.
Twenty years later it was President Garfield.
Twenty years later it was President McKinley.
Then they gave their stooge, Woodrow Wilson, a stroke.
Then they took out Franklin Roosevelt.
Then they took out President Kennedy.
They tried to kill Ronald Reagan, but he survived the shooting.
Sometimes they use bullets; but as the deaths of Wilson and Roosevelt indicate, they can also kill with poison or a blast from a directed energy weapon.
Or they can force a resignation as they did with Nixon.
I bet it won’t be long until Joe Biden dies of a stroke or a heart attack, or is forced to resign.
NWO wants Kamala Harris in the Oval Office.
During and after her parents’ divorce, she grew up in two hubs of mind control, Stanford University, where her father taught, and McGill University, where her mother worked.
Both of these places had an enormous amount of MK-ULTRA activity, so Kamala Harris must have been brainwashed.
No wonder Harris says people can choose their own “gender,” as she supported Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “guidance” on “transgender” students, co-sponsoring the federal “Equality Act,” and creating a special “Hate Crimes Unit” in San Francisco.
No wonder Harris supported the Green New Deal, which is nothing but code for the New World Order.
No wonder Harris opposed the “muslim travel ban” and no wonder she supports a flood of illegal immigrants, through which NWO seeks to destroy our national boundaries and rape our women.

Various Commenters #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Assails Five Eyes Intelligence Network ‘Axis of White Supremacy’


Oh how China must love the woke rabble who is helping them destroy the West without firing a single bullet.

All the while they can enjoy being a homogeneous society. Last time I checked only 0.07% of China's population was foreign born - hardly an example of diversity.

European ministries of defense are led by woke females who care mostly about kindergarten care for female and transgender female offspring. In the US, what is worse? Lesbian transgender generals or testosterone-deprived leftist softie generals? John Wayne types certainly don't qualify for higher posts in today's woke Western armed forces

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

China has learned that the only accusation that gets anything cancelled in the west is the charge of "white supremacy". So they're using this against an espionage consortium they don't like. Blame western cultural Marxists for this, not China.

Exactly. They've been reading American newspapers and their foreign spies/students have been seeing the trends on American campuses. The original sin is being white. Everything whitey does is white supremacy. They are using the woke against us.

I see China is jumping on the white supremacist bandwagon. Why not...everybody else jumps on whites; when they jump on whites, at least they don't have to view their own racism. What about all those Uighurs? Where are whites doing that to ANYBODY? Oh yes, white supremacists are beating up Asians in San Francisco NOT.

(idaho carth carth)
"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned “white supremacy” is an increasing threat to global security." !!! This thing is spreading to the whole world. Russia may be - is - the only holdout.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #quack #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

Fake ballots. Fake votes. Fake election. Anyone who tells you different is a fake.

Fake virus. Fake pandemic. Fake health officials and doctors peddling a fake vaccine.

Fake news. Fake experts. Fake people pretending to be journalists.

Fake research. Fake science. Fake global warming.

Fake shootings. Fake victims. Fake calls for new laws.

Fake racism. Fake hate crimes. Fake solutions to every fake problem.

Fake terrorists. Fake hijackers. Fake weapons of mass destruction.

Fake politicians. Fake laws. Fake leaders in every area of life.

Fake Pope. Fake clergy. Fake Christians fooled by a fake church pretending to be Catholic.

Fake conservatives. Fake patriots. Fake friends who will sell you out for 30 pieces of fake silver.

Fake free markets. Fake capitalism. Fake corporate welfare.

Fake lawyers. Fake judges. Fake laws.

Fake movies. Fake books. Fake celebrities.

Fake food. Fake vitamins. Fake water filled with fluoride.

Fake diseases. Fake health. Take this fake drug instead.

Fake economy. Fake money. Fake gold no longer in Fort Knox.

Fake history. Fake excuses for war. Fake moon landings.

Fake schools. Fake text books. Fake teachers peddling fake educations to the children of faked-out parents.

Fake sports. Fake athletes. Fake entertainment on every level.

Fake human rights. Fake consent. Fake choices.

Fake breasts. Fake tattoos. Fake women.

Fake muscles. Fake masculinity. Fake men.

Fake advertising. Fake products. Fake everything.

Are you real or are you fake too?

Marjorie Taylor Greene #transphobia #wingnut lite.cnn.com

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is facing sharp criticism after she posted an anti-transgender sign outside of her office, directly across the hall from another lawmaker who has a transgender child.


Illinois Rep. Marie Newman, whose daughter is transgender, posted a video on Twitter of her hanging the pink and blue transgender pride flag outside her office Wednesday afternoon, captioning that Greene tried to block the act "because she believes prohibiting discrimination against trans Americans is 'disgusting, immoral, and evil,'" adding, "thought we'd put up our Transgender flag so she can look at it every time she opens her door" with winking and transgender flag emojis.

That evening, Greene retweeted Newman's post and added a video of her hanging a sign that reads "There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE ...Trust The Science!"

"Our neighbor, @RepMarieNewman, wants to pass the so-called 'Equality' Act to destroy women's rights and religious freedoms. Thought we'd put up ours so she can look at it every time she opens her door," Greene captioned the tweet with winking and American flag emojis.

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #fundie #transphobia twitter.com

The so called #EqualityAct is evil.

Disguised as #LGBT rights, it expands governmental regulatory reach that destroys women’s rights, religious rights, and rights of the unborn.

It is a direct attack on God’s creation, He created us male and female.
Our daughters will no longer have the right to privacy in their bathrooms, locker rooms, playing fields, and even TSA pat downs if a male TSA agent “identifies” as a woman.

Men who dress and think they are women will have rights over all real girls and women.
“If you perform a mastectomy in the case of breast cancer, you will have to perform one on the teenage girl identifying as a boy.

All in the name of equality...

The act treats any refusal to offer abortion as “pregnancy” discrimination.”

Doctors & Nurses will have no choice.
Just to make myself clear,


It has nothing to do with stopping discrimination against the LGBT community, that could be done easily without this.

It has everything to do with attacking God & believers.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com


In 1933, Adolf Hitler proposed the Enabling Act that was promoted as something that would ‘enable’ Hitler to keep the German people safe and secure, in reality it did the exact opposite. The Enabling Act made Hitler supreme dictator and enabled him to kill 6 million Jews in a war that killed 55 million people. In our day, the Equality Act is now about to be put up for a vote, and like the Enabling Act before it, it does the exact opposite of what its title would lead you to believe.

The worst part of the Equality Act is that it will allow gay and straight pedophiles unfettered access to your children in the locker rooms and in the ladies room, is that something that you parents of minor children can live with? Transgenderism is a mental disorder, and it is a spiritual sickness, it is not something to be embraced and accepted. It goes against the bible, it goes against God, it is a doctrine of Satan. That’s not hate speech, that’s the truth. Mark my words, if they pass the Equality Act, the next step will be legalized pedophilia. Guaranteed.

Unknown 4chan Poster #pratt #transphobia i2.yuki.la

Are you a tranny? You need to be told something important.


Okay, like one in a thousand of you do; and that's some guy who's 57", has a slight build, and always had a weak chin and even he doesn't have a 100% pass rate.

You delude yourselves into thinking you might pass some day by sharing photos online, where you spent two hours on make-up, hid your massive man-hands, threw your shoulders back and took about a dozen different shots until the angle masked enough of your masculine features that a decent percentage of people's brains were tricked into thinking "female" due the lipstick, eyeshadow, and hairdo. But here's the reality, and I see it every couple of days where I live.

1. No tranny has fortitude to make himself up like a blow-up doll every single day, because no woman does, either. And even when he does, you know what? He stands out because real women only doll themselves up like that for special occasions. So when I see a dolled-up tranny, I always notice. A real woman can put on jeans and a T-shirt and head to Home Depot to pick up some paint brushes, and nobody will think she's a guy. But when a tranny isn't dolled up, he just looks like a dude with a pony tail and purse. Your average woman doesn't go through that exhausting regimen every day. She can look cute and appealing with 15 minutes of prep and clothes that fit. You can't. You will look like a fucking tranny if you do that

2. Even if you think you fooled some guys with pictures online; guess what, your male skeleton will never move and look like a female skeleton. Men are attracted to secondary sex characteristics, all of them, and you can only mimic a few. We will notice your masculine gait, your broad shoulders, your wide forehead, your flipper-like feet; and your enormous hands. Even if a guy doesn't figure out that you're a tranny; he'll have a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort he can't quite explain and instinctively recoil from you

Unknown 4chan Poster #pratt #racist #transphobia i2.yuki.la

3. If you don't kill yourself, you are going to get old. The older you get, the more you're going to look like an old man in a dress. Have you thought about what life is going to be like as a 60-year-old tranny? You won't be caking on the make-up and heading to nightclubs to fool young men. People will just see you as a weird freak Women at that age are no longer sex objects; they find fulfillment in their families and social groups. You will be ostracized from all social groups. And you'll have no family, of course.

4. Your failure to pass means everyone will look at you with disgust The most social affirmation you will ever get is from cat ladies who use you to status-signal to other cat ladies, but they don't actually like you or see you as a woman. The only men who will ever date you are either fags or total losers. The world around you will react with discomfort and horror whenever you go out to just buy some fucking toothpaste or whatever Humans need to be socially connected; and your failure to achieve that will convinces you that life isn't worth living.

We hate trannies and are disgusted by you here at MPC, but we don't want you to kill yourselves. That means we actually care more about you than the Jewish doctor who charges you 10,000 dollars to cut off your penis and tell you you're a pretty lady. If you're reading this and still have your dick, ITS NOT TOO LATE Sure, your base fetish for playing dress-up can't be "cured”, but the need for any addiction (because that's what this is; you aren't "a woman on the inside") will indeed diminish the longer you deny it fulfillment

You've found hatred; bigotry, and most importantly, help. So go out, buy some jeans that fit you correctly, throw away your make-up, stop hanging out with nerds, and stop being a tranny-

Various Commenters #transphobia lolcow.farm

It's just insane. They're biological men so why exactly do they insist on being a part of feminism. We have a hard enough time passing bills on our own. Wouldn't it make more sense to convince their bros to be more accepting of them?

I know this thread is all fun and games. But I think it's so fucking creepy. Think about it

They copy our every move. They silently read our narrative to understand what periods are like, what labor is like. Yes, anything you've ever posted about your period. About your experience during labor. A trans person has read that and has used that to qualify their experience. They WILL hijack your story to sound more educated on woman's rights.

The thing that bothers me is that these Mtf never advocate for women's rights. Even someone like Blair white who benefits from intersectional feminism will never acknowledge actual women's rights. Lmao. I hate trannies


Breast implants. Neovaginas. Facial feminization surgery. Vocal feminization surgery. They're OBSESSED


I’m seriously struggling to not hate transpeople. I don’t like hating entire groups of people, but every time I have a conversation with/about them I get more offended by their views and more convinced they’re all insane.


Damn anon I feel you. One of my friends is trans and post-op and now I'm supposed to see him as a woman, the funny thing is that I dream pretty often and all my dreams are with him as a man. My unconscious knows kek

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Aussie Male Who Identifies as a Black Lesbian Says "Kill All TERFs" is Equivalent to "Kill All Nazis" | Women Are Human

Is this fucking scumbag pretending to be Aboriginal? Does he also identify as someone who can spell, with his “blak” nonsense? And how many women has he raped so far? Transbian = rapist is usually a safe bet.

“Blak” is a term commonly used by Aboriginal Australians who wish to take the power out of the word “black” that was originally used against them. The article states he is an Aboriginal male so I assume his identifying as 'Blak' is not that much of an issue.

Hmm. I wonder.

(Researcher1536 )

Yea this is him!!! It’s colonization on steroids!!!!

He'll be applauded for his "feminine" bravery and commitment to BIPOC lives. It's insanity. Men truly get away with everything.

"The great thing about being a Black lesbian is that everytime I punch, it's up." Fucking hell, they are the most pathological colonisers I've seen.

I can't understand the delusion. No one outside of woke circles would ever see him or treat him as an actual black lesbian.

It basically reveals their true motivations: get to be violent and maintain a mantle of moral virtue.


It's the heat, it has to be. Woman-face might not be a holy cow, but black-face is. And this guy thinks he can get away with appropriating race and sex? The only logical conclusuon: the Aussie heat melted his brain.

There was a TIM in Canada that made news a little while back for going trans-racial and styling himself as from India. It's fine for him to pretend he's a sex that he's not, apparently, but not to pretend he's an ethnicity he's not.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Silly meme - but might explain why the movement has gained so much traction?



AOC is right there fueling the fire. This shit is going to shred her credibility. She's not going to be a major political force in her 40s and 50s.

If this is the hill the left wants to die on, the left will die. I always considered myself a leftist but this year I'll likely vote conservative for the first time in my entire life, because in my country they're the only ones against the self ID law.

I will be voting conservative in my country for the first time. They’ve done a little trans pandering but it was pretty meaningless and nothing compared to the liberals.

I'm quite lucky that in my country, Germany, the conservatives are not that anti woman in general, it is Merkels party after all.

I’m doing the same. I will not stand for gender indoctrination being forced by the state onto kids, or for sex offender’s rights being enshrined into law, or for women being legally stripped of our boundaries. Fuck any political party who stands for this utter garbage.

Some of the most vehement trans & non-binary TRAs I know are rich kids desperate for a narrative in which they get to be the poor oppressed victim.

I’ll never forget that Harvard freak out from a few years back over Halloween costumes. Literally the most privileged youth on planet earth acting like snivelling toddlers. Its not surprising that the same trust fund brats who cried over Halloween costumes are 100% on board with trans shit


A lot of high profile TIMs are also wealthy, so I'm honestly not thinking this is too far out of bounds for truth.

Jennifer Pritzker, Caitlin Jenner, Martine Rothblatt, the Wachowski 'Sisters'… yep. Plus they've got the backing of lots of drug companies and executives, and some other billionaire philanthropists too

littleowl12 #transphobia ovarit.com

How come it's never on trans people to "be kind?"

Some asshole on Twitter was banging on about how he would rather teach his "kid" to "lose well" than to be unkind, referring to boys in girls' sports. People pointed out that he could therefore put his sons in boys' sports teams where they would then have the opportunity to lose well.

Oh, but that's not what he meant!

One TIM actually tried to explain that as someone truly dysphoric, he'd NEVER want to be on a girl's team. Beating them all and crushing them with ease would only underline his male body, not validate his feminine identity. Mr. Be Kind didn't understand this and asked why he wouldn't want to be on a team with girls who shared his "gender identity" and the TIM added that he'd feel ashamed for cheating girls, especially with his male body. And that's a very good point- I don't believe that men who enter women's sports are dysphoric in the least. They're very happy with their male bodies.

Mr. Be Kind was stumped on that one.

It's never on trans people to "Be Kind" to anyone else. Creeping family members out by naming yourself after one of them? Tough. Scaring women by being in their vulnerable space? Tough. Taking advantage of sexually inexperienced young men by lying about your actual sex? Tough. Hounding lesbians and ruining them/their spaces? Tough. Destroying fair competition in a sport? Tough. Comparing your bullshit to the difficulties black women face everyday? Tough.

It's all take, take, take, and they don't feel they have to contribute anything in particular, for any reason.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Introducing a new Third Edge of the Sword style guide principle”]

As you know, we follow a strict writing style here as meticulously kept in a giant refence tome kept in an air-tight glass case (artist's representation pictured above) at Third Edge of the Sword world headquarters in Bath, England.

I'm sure you're aware of some of them. Today I officially announce a style-guide policy that should clear up a lot of confusion, especially since over the last four or five months I've been unofficially adhering to it.

(1) Anybody who has pronouns in their social media profile will always be referred to by different ones.
(2) Anybody writing positively about trannies and their support for them will be referred to by different pronouns.
(3) All trannies will be referred to by their actual sex, not their made up one

In cases where (1) and (3) are in conflict, both may be used interchangeably at author's discretion.

As an example, meet Mister Hammibal (note that according to the University of Bristol he doesn't exist). "She/her" pronouns? Nope.

Never surrender the language, conservatives. Ever.

RawSienna #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: A brilliant observation on treating prostitution like a career

Those middle/upper-middle class brats are educated enough to be able to criticize the inequality of capitalism and racism within the scope of their little privileged bubble, but they can't see that there are people whose lives are affected by their liberal gender politics, children who will be groomed into prostitution, and young women who don't get to choose their career path.

But who cares about the actual poor people or children? In their minds, they are proletariat heroes who will defend their male friends' rights to enter women's bathrooms, thus saving their lives!

There’s nothing more privileged than wokeness. We know this because it actively makes society worse in the name of making it better. It’s taken race-baiting to an art form and is so misogynistic it’s even making the word ‘woman’ verboten. Above all, it’s all about it’s own narcissism and self-righteousness. ‘Right side of history’, indeed.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com


Why is he making this sound like it's normal to catfish people. He's raped men, and is now asking how to rape women. Burn in hell.

At least with respect to this women have it "better" in that lesbian women are likely impossible to fool with ballsack labia, while the poor men who were raped by that dude were not so lucky.

He said in a different comment that the only “harassment” he got was from the mean lesbians. Yeah dude, because they know you’re a liar more than anyone?

As a straight i really feel for my lesbian sisters. Already marginalized through being female and homosexual, and now this shit

I have seen photos of "neovaginas" and instantly felt nauseous while vaginas are attractive to me lol yeah he ain't fooling those women at all.

As a straight who is into penis, i feel the same about phalloplasty, it feels like from a horror film

Because some of these Trancels seem to forget: NO ONE OWES YOU SEX.

Yep. Vaginas are natural and self cleaning. "Neovaginas" are mutilated ballsacks with anal fluid.


He has a pic of his ballva in his post history, and it does indeed look like a ballsack.

“Ballva” This is amazing 😂😂😂

They look so fucking bizarre, and they're in the wrong spot. Vaginas don't come out of the front of your body, it's exactly where the penis is. It's not like comically in front, but it's SUPER easy to clock.

A. penis. is. not. just. an. enlarged. clitoris.

A penis is essentially a cloaca. It's halfway there. Dudes are so fucking genetically defective all the tubes down there smashed together and they literally piss out of the thing they jizz out of, it's fucking gross. Is having a penis the reason NONE of them can properly wipe their own asses??

tervens #transphobia uploads.ovarit.com

I'm so tired of being ejected from every leftist space for being an evil terf when, in reality, radical feminism is far more leftist than the liberal feminism that these chucklefucks subscribe to out of convenience. Of course they don't want a woman in their midst who might call them out on their porn addictions and remind them that, if all labor is coerced, they are jacking off to rape. They only support women so far as they can us.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

In the video, Blue wants to sing a song about all 26 letters of the alphabet, and viewers at home are paying attention to the entry for letter "P." "P is full of Pride," as the song goes. The letter is accompanied not just by a rainbow letter "P," representing the colors of the LGBTQ pride flag, but it's surrounded by multiple other flags representing specific communities. Those include flags for the trans community, asexual community, pansexual community, intersex community, gender-fluid community, and more. A rep for Nickelodeon confirmed to EW that "ABC Song w/ Blue!" is exclusive to the show's official YouTube channel.

Blue of Blue’s Clues & You said “LGBTQ rights!” In her own way. The animated kids show, a successor to the popular Blue’s Clues on Nick Jr., is gaining a lot of attention this week for a new alphabet song it released online on Thursday.
We warned and warned, shouted it actually, starting back around 2012 that the LGBTQ+ Movement was coming for your kids, and guess what? Now they got them, and they’re pouring LGBTQ+ recruitment talking points into their wide-open minds. Why do you think old Adolf created the Hitler Youth? Because he knew that in order to take over the nation, you must first take over the children, and when that generation becomes adults, you win it all because you control their minds.

If the Christian Church wasn’t lukewarm Laodicea, there would be a massive outcry, but it’s not so there isn’t. It’s really just as simple as all that. I don’t blame the LGBTQ+ and the radical Left for all this, evil is as evil does. No, I blame lukewarm and indifferent professing Christians for allowing it, and so will the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut missionamerica.com

Middle school is described by many parents as a gauntlet of twisted, dangerous indoctrination emanating from activist teachers, administrators and school counselors drawn to the 6th to 8th grade age cohort. Why? Because the pubescent child is the ideal subject for ideological manipulation.
The hallways were papered with “LGBT” rainbows and messages pushing “love is love.” School announcements regularly featured perky voices plugging “gay-straight alliance” activities. Diversity, equity, social justice themes popped up everywhere, the mom told me. “My daughter was inundated with constant propaganda.”

Thankfully, her child remained solidly grounded in the truth, so the attempts to win her acceptance had the opposite effect, cementing her position as a determined Christian conservative.

But that isn’t the outcome in many families. Parents regularly report the poisonous fruit of bizarre middle school messages, including screaming matches over dinner with badly informed “tweens.” Parents watch their once-affectionate offspring turn into hard, hostile junior progressives with defiant attitudes, questionable friends, secret activities, falling grades and worse.

Many families suffer in silence, too intimidated to bring their concerns forward. In the wake of COVID shutdowns and remote learning, some have quietly chosen permanent home-schooling. But many are stuck in government schools, silently seething as children are intentionally sold sexual confusion, hatred of America, Marxism, and racial division.

Various TERFs #pratt #quack #transphobia ovarit.com

Transwomen have female brains 🤡

Okay, so i'm tired of people telling me this bullshit that transwomen think like "cis" women or have female brains. Do you know some articles about that?

Whenever a TRA starts spouting off about the lady brain all I can think of is how some racist whites used to claim that other races had different brain sizes, and therefore were less intelligent.

Even if it is proven by science, so are the eggs in my ovaries. If that doesn't make me a female, neither does your dumb brain scan. You're just trying to change one "arbitrary" sex characteristic for another.

The last thing most trans people actually want is for transitioning to come with brain structure requirements. They know that would really whittle the trans community down quite a bit, and there's power in numbers.

Someone else mentioned Gina Rippon, so I thought this interview in which she mentions how she's asked by trans people to "prove" their brains are of the opposite sex (which is impossible according to her) might interest you: https://time.com/5669513/gina-rippon-interview-gender-and-our-brains/

Of all the TRAs arguments, this one is the craziest imo. A vagina and uterus don't prove you're a woman, and a penis doesn't prove you're a man. So the most visibly telling body parts don't indicate you're your sex. But the brain, which has no distinctive differences based on sex, somehow can? That's just crazytown. And by their own argument, isn't it transphobic to claim a woman's brain only belongs to women? Isn't that transphobic against an AMAB who identifies as a woman but unfortunately was born with a man's brain? And omg wouldn't someone please think of the enbies!

It's all such nonsense. Their arguments turn on themselves.

lulululululu #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: More GC comments and peak transing on r*ddit over trans issues and men in women's sports.


Is the tide turning? Or is that subreddit just less likely to have woke people on it, since it's about speaking one's mind and not about being politically correct?

My favorite comment on that thread, lol:

“Transphobia isn't a real thing. It was literally made up to make people feel bad for using common sense.”


Nah, I think the comments on that thread are pretty reflective of the opinions of the general population of the US.

I used to have a job that required me to travel all around the US, so I think I got a good sense of what Americans who aren’t extremely online think. Most, especially on the younger end, are willing to respect transgender men or women at least as far as new names and pronouns (maybe not so much non-binary people because everyone can tell it’s ridiculous attention-seeking behavior) but that’s about it. They don’t support men in women’s sports, they don’t support all these ridiculous changes in language and they’re usually pretty angry when they find out about these things happening. All of these things are being pushed without a popular mandate.

It just goes to show how much TRA ideology has overstayed its welcome. If they had just stuck with the basics like asking people to use their new names or pronouns, they probably would’ve succeeded, but they’ve pushed for so much more and for increasingly ridiculous things that the house of cards is going to fall down.

LoveSquirrels & MyBodyMyself #transphobia ovarit.com

Parents across the US demonstrated in front of gender clinics today

A new organization, LGBFightback.org, organized with the Parents of ROGD Kids to hold actions in Philly, Chicago, Hartford, Ontario, DFW and Los Angeles. Check out LGBFB's website or Twitter feed for tons of great pictures. Unfortunately we were met by TRA's including one very angry and confrontational MTF. But we also had some fairly civil conversations with the FTMs. The LGBTQ++++ establishment in our state has gone completely bananas about it, over some moms with signs!

If your message made people uncomfortable, that's a good sign. If more demonstrations like this are planned for the future, I would recommend trying to get some detransitioners publicly involved as well. There are quite a few who were transitioned as minors.

I am sure future actions will involve different groups besides or in addition to parents, thanks for the good idea.

You are the REAL stunning and brave! It takes a LOT of courage to stand up to bullies - especially when they get away with playing the victim.. Seriously — if Trans-activism wasn’t a cult — then why are they so aggressive about anyone raising any questions and so ready to shut down all dialog? Why do they label anyone questioning medical interventions for kids as “transphobic”... I don’t know a single person who is transphobic. But I do know some moms who aren’t keen on their autistic non-conforming daughters being put on puberty blockers and moms or gay kids who are made to feel bad or somehow inferior for being gay or lesbian. This madness just has to stop! I’m over-the-moon happy that this protest happened and I just hope that the powers that be don’t just label this as “transphobic” and actually listen with their ears and their hearts for once!

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

That was one of the things that stood out so starkly in the TERF Wars video. All the women looked like normal human beings. The TIMs look like pornified stereotypes. Being a woman = being pretty/hot/sexy to them. They used to claim that they were so performative because of ‘hate keeping’ requirements. Now there is no gate keeping and they’re more pornified than ever. I don’t expect any better from men, but I’m stunned so many women fail to see this and be insulted by it.


It's not just about looking better, it's also about looking female. You could take the most beautiful no make up TIM and you'd still be able to clock him immediately because of his body shape compared to the average woman's bodyshape.

yeah thats what gets me, this idea that a man could ever somehow look more feminine than an actual woman. The butchest butch looks more feminine than the most dolled up TiM because SHE'S ACTUALLY A WOMAN.


I've honestly never seen a TiM I would describe as "beautiful" (or any male, for that matter).

I find men pretending to be women skin-crawlingly awful, whether they’re the usual Yaniv-standard fugly or the uncanny-valley White variety. There’s no beauty in any of them. They’re caricatures, grotesques. They have well and truly earned the label “pigs in wigs” whatever the rules here say about us using it.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist henrymakow.com

The claim that Western society is de facto Communist seems far-fetched. Yet, if we consider that a major goal of Communism is the destruction of marriage and family, the claim makes sense.

Communist social engineers are responsible for creating a toxic environment for marriage: Promotion of gender confusion and homosexuality; the war on gender itself (feminist usurpation of masculine role); the mainstreaming of promiscuity ("sexual liberation" pornography); and the promotion of transgender rights, as if 99.9% have no rights.
Communism is Cabalism which is a Jewish satanic cult which includes Freemasonry. It denies the existence of God and the soul. It destroys love because God is Love.

The wellspring of love is woman who generates love by sacrificing for husband and children and is cherished in return. The Cabalists have poisoned this well by teaching women to be selfish and to seek power and sex instead of love.

Woman's attraction for men is based on her beauty, innocence and modesty.
The modern woman is now a "proud slut" that few men want.
Under the Christian dispensation, society was at least nominally dedicated to taming the beast and aspiring to spiritual ideals like Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, and Justice. Now under the Communist (Satanist) dispensation, culture is devoted to releasing the beast and negating these ideals. Our toxic cult-ure is defined by the Illuminati. Our attitude to homosexuality has gone from a visceral disgust to schools prompting children to experiment with it. Our cities are "cold and forlorn" to use the approving words of the Protocols of Zion.

ocean_grove #transphobia ovarit.com

I've peaked my parents

I've been talking to my parents (~70) for a few weeks about this community. They had NO idea about trans women, had never heard the slur TERF and had no idea about the erasure of lesbians (am lesbian). Obv didn't want to tell them about "girl dick", that's a bit much.

Anyway, to say they were shocked is under-selling it.

They had read an article in the newspaper about "chest feeding" and were so shocked that they thought it must be a prank. I told them about the Sydney rockpools and my Dad particularly was furious.

All of us here are are peaked - how do we reach out to others? Without scaring them off?

I'm in Australia and going to bed soon, so might not be able to reply for a while. Thank you for listening x

Various TERFs #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Yes, there were women involved in the Capitol Attack, but this is not one of them.


Why isn't this being talked about? People need to realize that this is a non-partisan issue. Where will this "woman" be placed in prison? Where is this mythical right-wing trans-hate? He seemed pretty well accepted in the right wing circles.

TRAs never claim the perpetrators of crimes, only the victims. It fits in better with their narrative. They'll keep ignoring this dude or say he's "not really trans" if it does become a news story.

I’m having a hard time finding references to Jeremy Watkins on Google tho. Where is the documentation that this is a TIM??

I posted some of the only available evidence so far over on /o/ThisNeverHappens: https://ovarit.com/o/ThisNeverHappens/17893/us-capitol-riot-prosecutors-say-champaign-county-trans-identified-males-training

There isn't much, just a couple of mentions of his previous name being attributed to him by the US Army.

"Watkins, who served the country under a different name"

I see they threw the deadname down the memory hole. Fuck you CNN. This is a man. The different name he served as is his BIRTH name.

They're hiding the truth for fear of "outing him", but what they're effectively doing is preventing people from making up their own mind about him.

...I have been noticing that these dudes r everywhere. Imagine what it will be like in 5, even 10 years from now 🙄🙄


CNN is full woke.

They were early adopters of the "referring to women with dehumanizing language" trend


The Oath Keepers is an extremely patriarchal group, I do not believe for one second that an actual woman would be even allowed in their organization, let alone be a leader.

They seem fine with transwomen though

Russ Winter #transphobia #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

If you actually believe that Bruce Jenner — one of the greatest, most high-testosterone athletes of his era — suddenly decided in 2015 at the age of 66 to become a transgender woman named “Caitlyn,” then you’ve been taken in by one of the strongest doses of absurdum magicae nigrae the Crime Syndicate has ever concocted.

In a “20/20” interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, Jenner revealed his transformation into a trans woman. Caitlyn said that he had dealt with gender dysphoria since his youth. “For all intents and purposes,” he said, “I’m a woman.”

Apparently this is what a “gender dysphoria” looks like. Actually, it’s what any red-blooded man would aspire to. I am a few years younger than Jenner and was an athlete. I remember him well, and with envy. Since he is an icon, one idea behind this sick scam is to rain on the parades of masculine, aspiring males who are gullible.
Naturally and in quite the coinkydink, Jenner’s transgender announcement came at an unprecedented time for trans visibility, including legislative initiatives. Using his Twitter handle @Caitlyn_Jenner, he tweeted, “I’m so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me.”

Time magazine declared this tweet the 10th most astroturfed I mean re-tweeted tweet of 2015. Yes, it was all so orchestrated, with all the lugenpresse giving adoring coverage. The brainwashing spewed forth into a psyop that’s one for the ages.

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