
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

By now most have heard of the unprecedented IT outages due to a Bill Gates’ Microsoft update, and the associated widespread disruptions in banking, travel, commerce and even hospitals going offline. This incident may very well have just served as a warmup to a far worse worldwide CyberPolygon attack on infrastructure, with the “solution” paving the way for much more devastating global IT exploits

The outage (problem) was met with the solution (CrowdStrike remediation method) in order to offer up the “solution” which in turn will cause the far greater problems with the cover story being a ratcheting up these Hegelian Dialectic “solutions” whereby forced 15 Minute City mass lockdowns featuring the cashless X Everything App digital ID’s will be instituted such that no elections may ever take place again; or at least that is the endgame of whichever psyop(s) the powers that be finally go with.
Given CrowdStrike’s questionable history and its ties with the Intelligence Industrial Complex, it is only a matter of time before Russia is blamed for these cyber “attacks.” That will most conveniently serve to usher in the ultimate false flag event; namely, WW3, or after the slow kill bioweapon injections would global thermonuclear war now be considered WW4? That would indeed serve as the ultimate post apocalyptic “prescriptive mode,” assuming there are any genetically modified human slaves left to lord over when these crazed rulers emerge from their bunkers

Given that Trump is a lock for winning the upcoming Kabuki theatre Uniparty politrix election, and the NeoMarxist left have quite literally imploded in full public display as their senile ice cream licking diaper soiling pedo puppet criminal increasingly malfunctions for all to see while their deliberately ruinous Cloward-Piven policies further destabilize what’s left of America, anything and everything goes at the precipice of this end of Banana Republic empire.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 17, 2024 – More ANOMALIES surface about shooting: Second shooter

- Inclusivity in the MAGA movement, embracing diverse religions and ethnicities. (0:00)

- Embracing former leftists who are recently red-pilled. (9:47)

- Assassination attempt on President #Trump, Secret Service COMPLICITY. (13:35)

- More details emerge about attempted assassination of Trump. (29:51)

- Trump's skeptical vaccine stance revealed in private phone call with RFK Jr. (47:41)

- Why the US dollar will collapse regardless of who's in the White House. (53:30)

- Decline of US global economic power is already baked in and cannot be reversed. (1:02:35)

- Why next assassination attempts against Trump may escalate to area effect weapons. (1:10:36)

- Conversation with Sebastian Gorka: Secret Service incompetence and cultural rot. (1:28:27)

- Military leadership and border security. (1:44:41)

- Immigration enforcement and civil rights. (1:49:03)

- Election integrity and voter suppression. (1:53:43)

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Correct Magnetic Alignment - In this meditation we will intend to correct the magnetic alignment in our body to the highest optimum function, as we address our left side as the magnetic principle which works in our body as the receiver of consciousness energies, as this is the passive force of the female principle. Now bring your focus on your spinal column, connecting the spiritual energetic link from your tailbone running up into the back of your skull and neck. Intend to strengthen the connection between your tailbone and the base of your skull, see the clear and strong white vertical channel being strengthened every time you work on your inner pillar with the 12D shield. With every shield practice, creating the strong and clear inner central vertical channel moving from up your tailbone connecting into the back of your skull and up and through the top of our head. Feel the strength of this white pillar aligned to your spinal column, and intend to make it even stronger. Focus on your spine, we focus on the Skeletal system and bone matrix for Sound and Magnetic Transduction. Focus a moment on the sensation of your Soul body, move your awareness into your heart, go deeply into your heart and ask to communicate directly with your soul now. Intend to connect and communicate with your entire soul body with loving and peaceful intentions. I send all of my love and invite my Soul Body, my female principle to guide me with all that is needed now to unite us into unity, wholeness and direct connection with my highest divine source. Spiritual Body Soul Triad Harmonics, DNA Seed Code Activation for correct Magnetic Alignment. (35:13 minutes


John W Armstrong #quack #crackpot amazon.com

In this revolutionary treatise, J W Armstrong puts the compelling case that all diseases (except those caused by traumatism or structural disorders) can be cured by one simple means: urine therapy. The therapy is an entirely natural treatment, a drugless system of healing that treats the body as a whole. Moreover, the only ingredient needed is a substance manufactured in the body itself, rich in mineral salts, hormones and other vital substances, namely human urine.

It may seem strange to take back into the body something that the body is apparently discarding. Yet the theory is similar to the natural practice of organic composting. Fallen leaves, when dug back into the soil, provide valuable mineral salts to nourish new plant life. The same principle holds true for the human body.

Clif High #crackpot #magick #racist #quack substack.com

I died of colon cancer that was induced by the Salk polio vaccine. It was known, at the time that they were produced, that at least 11 million doses were contaminated. They used them anyway. The result was the largest wave of cancers to ever hit any generation. Of course the media are ‘tards & said nothing. Many of them in the Boomer generation died of the cancers induced by the vaccines that they supported.

There was a very large percentage of the cohort of male boomers who died of colon cancers. These were new in the sense that they were long growing, and undiagnosed until the very end when they proved to be fatal. That was my story. I returned due to a debt owed to karma, but it was a typical death from a 30 year old colon tumor in most other respects. One of many.

What is of note now is that it has taken our corrupt Elohim worship cult controlled ‘medical system’ a total of 5 generations to go from the long acting cancers induced into the Boomers, to the new ‘turbo cancers’ created by the covid19 attack.

They have always wanted to kill vast numbers of us, but they did not have the technology.

It they were to just start trying to shoot all the White Americans, sooner rather than later, the armed subset of the population would shoot back, and the word would spread, and ζRevolution would be ON.
If you keep on with this understanding, you may end up taking one of their proffered death routes. The Elohim worship cult not only are gritology centric, but they believe that the creator of the grit gave control of it to them. So they fuck with it, or rather they try. Their understanding is so poor that their achievements in this area are few and puny. The Elohim worship cult is still only good at killing by poisons. Vaccines are nothing but a new label for the same old methods.

Bunch of real egoists & real retards. Watch out for the rabbis, the Pharisees, the talmudists. They are a danger to you.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 6, 2024 – Hurricane FLOOD warning + Vax-damaged zombie leftists to ERUPT in VIOLENCE when Trump wins

- Hurricane Beryl's impact on Texas and surrounding areas, heavy rainfall and flooding. (0:03)

- Preparedness for tropical storms: Backup power sources and emergency communication devices. (3:54)

- Generator maintenance and safety tips. (11:00)

- Viral Carnival Cruise Line fights go "ghetto". (17:28)

- Vaccine-induced brain damage and how it turns human beings into reptilian zombies. (25:39)

- Loss of cognitive function and empathy among leftists due to vaccine damage. (31:43)

- Biden's cognitive decline and potential election impact. (37:17)

- Democratic Party division and calls for Joe Biden to step down. (50:58)

- Potential violence from left-wing extremists after Trump's election win. (56:44)

- Firearms and self-defense, using the rule of law to halt violence. (1:02:49)

- Converting AR-15s to bolt-action rifles for legal use in California. (1:06:04)

- Preparing for the zombie apocalypse and protecting communities. (1:12:31)

Hendrik Heijkoop #fundie #magick #quack csv-verlag.de

Prayer Healings, Speaking in Tongues, Signs and Miracles
…in the Light of the Bible.

The following topics are illuminated.
- Be filled with the Spirit
- The pleading for the Holy Spirit and baptism with the Holy Spirit
- Woman’s place according to the Bible
- Signs and miracles
- Miracles in history
- Healing of the sick
- Healing of infidels
- The meaning of James 5
- Miraculous powers or obedience?
- Is the healing of the body included in Reconciliation?
- Some more characteristics of error
- The non-recognition of the Lord Jesus as Lord
- The questioning of the deity of the Lord Jesus

Original GermanGebetsheilungen, Zungenreden, Zeichen und Wunder
... im Licht der Bibel

Folgende Themen werden beleuchtet:

- Werdet mit dem Geist erfüllt
- Das Bitten um den Heiligen Geist und die Taufe mit dem Heiligen Geist
- Reden in Sprachen (Zungenreden)
- Die Stellung der Frau nach der Bibel
- Zeichen und Wunder
- Wunder in der Geschichte
- Krankenheilungen
- Heilung von Ungläubigen
- Die Bedeutung von Jakobus 5
- Wunderkräfte oder Gehorsam?
- Ist die Heilung des Körpers in der Versöhnung inbegriffen?
- Einige weitere Kennzeichen des Irrtums
- Die Nichtanerkennung des Herrn Jesus als Herr
- Die Infragestellung der Gottheit des Herrn Jesus

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack bennettleeross.com

Our original genetics was composed of 12 strands or 12 strings of DNA
This diamond sun DNA permitted interdimensional travel and existence without deterioration

Double diamond DNA was 24 strands
And emerald sun DNA was 48 strands
Regenesis of digressive DNA lines will occur when the emerald sun returns

The Essenes held a strand of DNA for reassembling scrambled or mutated genes
It contained the crystal code gene for the diamond sun silicate matrix

This gene activated stargates and contacted their higher stations of identity
And connected them with the sound frequencies of the Living Light
It manifested the cosmic crystallization of the Christ blueprint

The integration and healing of all 12 levels of DNA coding
Will unite and merge to form the complete silicate matrix

The human race suffers without the proper functioning of their mitochondrial DNA
And is unable to effectively generate new proteins for DNA synthesis that activates the crystal gene
The foundation of human DNA is crystallized frequency which is patterns of electromagnetic light
That group into crystalline form as DNA seed codes

Each DNA strand is composed of frequency patterns and the light spectrum of one dimensional band
The template for 1 DNA strand contains 12 electron wave patterns

Each strand represents a fire letter code program sequence
That corresponds to 1 dimensional frequency band of consciousness
One DNA strand equals 24 seed codes

The level of frequencies accreted in ones personal morphogenetic aura
Will determine the level of DNA strand a person will possess

Higher frequency DNA will be silicate or etheric waves of plasma
The physical body will therefore be less dense and more refined

We are automatically shifting our carbon atoms
To more polished and purified states

And we are elevating our oscillating patterns and vibrational sequences to higher phases
Resulting in enhanced physical conditions!

Diana PatriQts ARE UNITED #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #quack #ufo #wingnut twitter.com

The Holographic Medical Beds that are now replacing hospitals worldwide will be available to the public for everyday use. Coupled with Nikola Tesla's Free Energy Towers, all available technology will be adapted to these standards. Using Advanced
Intelligence the medical bed can heal cancers, tumors, fibromyalgia - vaccine damages can be reversed. "Aging" doesn't exist - you won't have joint pains. or need for the supplement industry - as the defecienes were created by THEM.
Think Jurassic Park Lysine Contigency. Using tachyon and plasma energy - exactly like Star Trek The Next Generation, healing will be a quick process that everyone will have access to. The medical bed has the ability to scan your body
from head to toe and detect each issue. Using the tachyon and plasma energy instruments they're able to restore the DNA fully. We will be able to restore fully, any missing limbs or organs - restore sight,
restore brain health. Give our elderly and our Great American Veterans a rejuvenation to feel *20 years younger."
Where We Go One We Go All.
My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......
- John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President

Mike The Health Ranger Adams #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #transphobia brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country to detain AMERICANS

- FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53)

- Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital.

- Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46)

- Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58)

- Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49)

- USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07)

- Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33)

- Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59)

- Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05)

- Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37)

- 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34)

- AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack bennettleeross.com

Raytheon employs your neighbor to drive a white van
With a cute little laser in the back
That controls the phase and amplitude of light waves

The lasers polarize with the meta materials in the new 6G
Which are tiny nano sensors landing on your skin
Communicating with the biosensors within you

Electrocuting you from the outside
And from the inside out simultaneously

Because of this bio digital convergence
We become human antennas and fully programmable cyborgs
We become less human and more robot

We are under full spectrum dominance
As meta materials rain down upon our head
For the purpose of techno enslavement

They can wirelessly get into your body and effect a change
With DNA encoded solid phase synthesis

They can order a drone update
A MQ9 Reaper will then hunt you down
And find you anywhere

Project Maven is AI Mosaic warfare
Using net centric node access and phased array optics
That rewrite the human genome and reprogram the cells

The theatrics in front of the curtain continue
Music sports and comedy are used to tranquilize the profane clueless American

Who watches the Steroid Bowl
And listens to Satanic music

But the Clown Show is not funny anymore!

Tim Brown #quack #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

I have produced several radio shows on chlorine dioxide with people who not only use it themselves, but have also recommended or administered it to others. I make no claims to be a doctor, nor am I offering medical advice (If you need medical advice, consult your doctor), but I do believe that people are entitled to information to come to their own conclusions about their health and how to maintain it. With that in mind, a brand new documentary has finally been produced on chlorine dioxide titled “The Universal Antidote.” This is because people are using this for all sorts of ailments and it’s merely pennies to acquire without a prescription.

For the record, since I discovered chlorine dioxide a little over a year ago, I have taken it both when feeling well and also as I felt like I was ill. I can attest to seeing pretty tremendous results personally from taking it when I sensed the oncoming of illness. I even shared it with my father who also saw a drastic improvement in less than a day.
The information contained in this documentary, which was just released yesterday, second only I believe to the Gospel of the Kingdom, has the very real potential, to not only change your life, the life of your loved ones and friends, saving countless lives, and alleviating needless death, pain, and the poverty that goes with them. It deals with a simple, but remarkable, all-natural chemical compound (CLO2 -Chlorine Dioxide) aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution. CLO2 is safe and extremely effective at treating a host of the most serious adverse health conditions known to man (influenza, staph, MRSA, Lyme, autism, Covid, Malaria, Typhus, HIV, & Yellow Fever, Cancer, etc.) and has been the object of relentless attacks by bigpharma and FDA censorship for a decade. This is a game-changer in humanity’s quest for natural health and medical freedom.

To those who discount the information as too good to be true, bear in mind, that the Gospel also sounds too good to be true.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

It has been reported by various scientific organizations such as NASA (“National Aeronautics and Space Administration”) that our Sun has developed an enormous number of sunspots, and in just this month of June, 2024, thus far 200 have been registered.
They are attracting the energies of the PHOTON BELT which is an intense band or vortex of radiation that our galaxy is moving through and does so every 24,000 to 26,000 years.

There are twelve bands to the PHOTON BELT, and it requires about 2,000 years to journey through just one of them. It was in the year 2000 that scientists around the world noticed that our planet Earth was receiving increasing surges of LIGHT, and it is believed that this is when our galaxy began its most recent trek through the PHOTON BELT, thus beginning to traverse the first of its twelve individual vortices. Earth is attracting the electrified energy of this belt, and thus, it is magnifying the belt’s energetics.
It was in the year 2000 that astounding feats in technology began to increase, that “Planet X” (anciently known as “Nibiru”) came into Earth’s atmosphere, that the “Schumann Resonance” began to profoundly have upward spikes, that human DNA began to be carefully studied as certain changes in it were noted, that strange symptoms in the physical system began to be noticed (strange immune system changes, for example), that people began to report more vivid dreams that seemed to have direct messages, that young children were reporting psychic information, that natural healing practices began to be more accepted, and that the many arenas which constitute civilization: governmental, sociological, educational, religious, etc. began to be questioned more avidly as to their focus and concepts.

The PHOTON BELT, in terms of Spiritual Science, carries LIGHT CODES, and one of its major messages is that both planetary and galactic change is happening as it did many eons ago when our galaxy traversed through it.

speculareffect #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy specular-effect.com

I will never forgive and I will never forget. This goes out to all you retards. You know who you are.

If any of this is true (there is no evidence that it is), vaxxtards deserve whatever the fuck they get. They became hostile and belligerent when I told them the vaxx is a hoax; that it was suicide to take it, despite the there being no evidence for the latter. I’ll never forget how they treated me for not wearing a fucking mask. They were belittling, insulting and at times, violent. I will NEVER forget!

I knew this day was coming! However, not for the reasons you may think and I will explain in a bit. There will be more news reports like this one. Guaranteed. Why? Simply because PEOPLE ARE FUCKING STUPID!

It worsens

The vaxxed retards called us “conspiracy theorists” and “schizos” when we told them about nanobots in the death shots (another claim and suspicion also having no evidence to support it). Now, the very same concept is being normalized in the mainstream ethos. I wonder why.
I know some retard is going to read this and say, “I know four people in my church who suddenly died in their twenties and thirties, less than a month after taking the jab. Are you going to sit there and act as if excess deaths isn’t an actual metric?” My answer will be, “Yes, I am, because you’re lying and I don’t believe you.” To me, these people are no different to Jewish mainstream media articles that claim covid is real and killed millions and vaxxtards are dying from the Jew sauce. Zero (count it) evidence!
ll that matters is the behavioral modification experiment (the best way I can describe it) conducted was successful. All the other shit about excess deaths, both from/of covid hoax and the vaxx hoax has zero (count it) evidence.

Freedom was fucked with and continues to be, and many were ready and willing to take that away from you, violently. They still are and the reason they are co-opting our sentiments is because they are getting ready to hit us with the real chaos!

Joseph Mercola #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #quack naturalproductsinsider.com

(Submitters note: Joseph Mercola is runs a supplement company and was one of the biggest sources of covid denialism/anti-vax misinformation online).

The difference between a cult and a con is often difficult to discern, but experts on cult indoctrination and psychic fraud say developments surrounding osteopathic physician Joseph Mercola’s actions at his supplement company fit patterns seen in both, largely affirming the fears of people close to the controversial doctor that he is being manipulated by a purported psychic.

In hundreds of hours of video and transcripts to which Natural Products Insider was given access, Dr. Mercola consulted with a psychic who goes by the name Kai Clay but appears to have been previously known as Christopher Johnson. Clay claimed to channel an “ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the causal plane.”

Mercola began meeting with Clay — who spoke as the entity “Bahlon” — in late 2023, and announced that he was going to produce a book from Bahlon’s teachings that would change the world, bringing joy to “billions” of people. Mercola’s sister, Janet Selvig, said she confronted the doctor about his relationship with Clay and he reacted angrily, at one point declaring himself “the new Jesus.” A week later, Selvig was fired from her job editing content for the brand, along with CEO Steve Rye and Chief Business Officer Ryan Boland. An email appearing to come from Mercola cited the executives’ Catholic beliefs as reasons for firing them.

He described the Catholic church as “the entity behind the global cabal,” adding that the church “created all the pain that most people experience” before declaring that “the current leadership,” referring to Selvig, Rye and Boland, “has strong commitments to the Catholic Church.”

Suzanne Spooner/Dr. Michael Salla #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Suzanne Spooner discusses startling information about Ancient Egypt, Gods, and extraterrestrials she has received from thousands of clients in her Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique (QHHT) practice. She concludes that the Egyptian gods were, in fact, extraterrestrials visiting humanity from different star systems with the intent of helping human evolution. Spooner believes that the pyramids were built by off-world visitors such as Thoth (aka Jehuti) who designed them for several complimentary functions, including human ascension.

In her second Expolitics Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Spooner discusses her recent Egypt Tour in which he participated and the implications of her QHHT data in understanding the true role of extraterrestrials in human history. Furthermore, she discusses the role of space arks in assisting with past planetary contingencies and what lies ahead for humanity as we enter into uncertain times. Finally, she discusses the important role being played by Donald Trump in awakening humanity despite his many personal character flaws.

Alexandra Bruce/Sabrina Wallace #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #quack forbiddenknowledgetv.net

I’ve seen some of Sabrina Wallace’s intriguing videos, scattered around the video-sharing sites but I haven’t found a website or anything written down that ties it all together so I’m attempting to write a coherent piece about Sabrina and her claims and this 2022 video appears to be an approximation of that and a good place to start.

She introduces herself and her family background, along with her central thesis that 6G wireless communications uses the human biofield to both transmit and to power wireless communications – and that this is how we will be droned into the New World Order – unless we can stop it, somehow.

She says the human biofield, which she calls a “body part”, is one of the best-kept secrets in the world, saying, “Why didn’t anybody tell you you were wireless? Because they don’t want to give you the remote control to your own body.” She says the heart of surveillance is the human biofield. She says our DNA emits this biofield and that MQ-9 Reaper Drones can hone in on the frequency of their target’s DNA to kill them.
Sabrina begins this video by saying that she is a multi-generational member of a family involved in Black Projects since the end of World War II. Both her parents have been at the Space Force since 1969, working on Project Salus, which apparently started out as the creation of the Unix Operating System but which she says is now the main Artificial Intelligence platform used by NORTHCOM.
The upshot of what she’s saying is that the new internet protocols use the 6G Lower-Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6G LoWPAN) uses your physical
body to route the data that drives all of the autononous, trains, planes and automobiles.

Moreover, she says, “The DoD is selling curated database access to you, using your name, Census and Doppler and heat and light and where you live and who you talk to, which is why the whole reason that led me here."

An Integrative Health Consultant/State of the Nation #wingnut #crackpot #quack #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The Aluminum Conspiracy is an entirely manmade and ongoing event. It is also a complex conspiratorial plot being fastidiously carried out by the New World Order globalist cabal to further sicken and neutralize, incapacitate and debilitate billions of people around the world.
This depopulation scheme not only concerns the atmosphere wherever chemical engineering is implemented via chemtrail operations, but also the ambient indoor air of homes and apartments, office buildings and shopping malls.
Aluminum is now is being systematically introduced into the atmosphere via the ubiquitous chemical engineering programs which now operate around the clock. Also known as chemtrail spraying operations, these aerosol formulations contain coal fly ash, the main component of which is alumina.
Chemtrail residues that fall to the Earth have been analyzed for several years. Three of the major chemical constituents are aluminum oxide, barium salts and strontium. Each of these chemical compounds is being used for specific reasons.

The aluminum oxide is derived from the coal fly ash, which is mandatorily removed from the smoke of coal-fired power plants. Which begs the question: Why does the EPA enforce the removal of coal fly ash in the smokestacks, but then permit the spraying of vast quantities throughout the skies of the USA?

This is where the conspiracy begins.
MEMORY LOSS: The True Purpose Behind the Conspiracy
When an individual begins to suffer from memory loss, their life begins to crumble in ways that do not compare with any other debilitation, either physical or psychological. After all, when a person loses their memory they have lost their most important faculty.
But that still does make the severely aluminum poisoned ‘useless eaters’… … …who can be used in all sorts of diabolical experiments concerning the main goal of the power elite—the attainment of human immortality, the very opposite of spiritual immortality.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #quack voyages-of-light.com

As we continue integrating the massive stellar transmissions that are constantly descending upon our planet, many of you may feel extreme fatigue and other similar sensations. There are many physical sensations that we may have during this Sol-AR embodiment period that invite us to scan our bodies and see where we can create more balance and healing. All physical sensations we may have give us a message from our bodies of what we need to address at this time.

Many of you are undergoing chakra transfiguration, monadic integration, walk-in experiences, and many other inner processes that may collapse the energetic channels of our bodies. The amalgamation of so many energies is not an easy process to experience, which is why my Guides shared how we integrate the energies, as it follows a unique and very exact procedure since we embody them, in our bodies, focusing on the fascia, and how we can help build a stronger energetic system to feel more harmonic within this intense wave.
Fascia are layers of connective tissue that reside behind our skin, our largest external body organ. Its function is to provide support to the muscles, organs, nerves, tendons, and joints. It is a net that runs throughout our body and that is vital for our well-being.

In ascension, the fascia is in charge of sensors, transmitting information through them and hence to our energetic layers, and subtle non-physical bodies. It is seen as a white net that passes throughout the entire body, and when we are dehydrated or do not take proper care of our body, it gets imbalanced, causing stiffness feelings, and fatigue.
When there is soul disconnection, there is also damage in our fascia, for we are not receiving the light transmissions from our main organic source, our soul, monad, and God Self, but from outer ones, and then we too create mitochondria anomalies.

Sarah Breksman Cosme and Michael Salla #ufo #quack #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

Sarah Breskman Cosme has worked with hundreds of QHHT [AN: “Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique”] clients who have shared stunning information regarding Ancient Egypt, creator gods, Atlantis, and extraterrestrial visitors. In this Exopolitics Today interview, she discusses why she began to organize tours to Egypt, the latest of which Dr. Michael Salla attended. They discuss her latest Egypt tour and what different temples they visited signify in terms of extraterrestrials teaching humanity advanced knowledge and healing modalities.

Breskman Cosme also covers controversial topics such as Coronal Mass Ejections; how human blood types related to ETs; how space arks have been used for planetary evacuations; and three timelines for humanity that emerge as a consequence of the rise of Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism. She believes that the optimum path for humanity is an organic ascension process that individuals undergo as they awaken to their roles in the ancient past, connecting with ET visitors, and what all this means for the future.

Danielle Smith and other anti-vaxxers #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack #conspiracy globalnews.ca

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she supports an upcoming United Conservative Party event that casts doubt on COVID-19 vaccine safety.

The event, called “An Injection of Truth”, is a town hall that organizers claim will provide scientific data regarding the negative impact of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on children.

William Makis is one of the speakers scheduled to be at the June 17 event in Calgary. Although he claims he was wrongfully terminated, his practice permit was suspended by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

Another scheduled panellist, Chris Shoemaker, had his licensce suspended in 2023.

Other speakers include David Speicher, Calgary pediatric neurologist Eric Payne, Jessica Rose and Byram Bridle.

On a radio show on Saturday, Smith said she supported the town hall.

“As people know, I believe that sometimes you need to hear the contrarian voices. … Unfortunately, all through (the COVID-19 pandemic), the contrarian voices were deplatformed and not listened to,” she said on Your Province, Your Premier on QR Calgary and 630 CHED on Saturday.

“I think we have to look at the international evidence. … That’s what MLA Bouchard is doing in hosting a variety of doctors to give their perspective, so I’m quite happy to let him continue on with that.”

Wall Rider #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #quack twitter.com

Wall Rider: Lol they can cure it[rabies] holistically don't let them lie to you and do some research instead of being a tattle tail bitch

Slappy Longballs: I wasn't aware rabies denialism was a thing, but honestly, why wouldn't it be?

Wall Rider: Because why would known fraudulent companies keep lying to make more money. Lol you can cure it holistically without any vaccines. But go ahead and increase the chances of getting cancer by all means go ahead

(link to second quote) https://x.com/LucioMainOW/status/1794445701294039287

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

There are not many around anymore who are fully human

The further up the corporate ladder you go
The further up the military brass you go
The further up the government you go
The less human the people are

Now we are being bitch slapped
Through the manipulation of the air molecules around us
Called neural modulation

We are being forcibly linked to the blockchain
With its hypergraph networks and digital technology

Because they have nothing better to do
They are using our proteins for an interactive hypergraph
With molecular digitized protocols

And have created genospheres
Which are self assembling nucleic acid lipid nano particles
For targeted gene delivery

That forces receivers to follow commands
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation

Everyone is getting screwed up super bad
And no one is talking about it

They are sticking tiny computers into your body
Which disconnects you from your true essence

These implanted bio sensors should need our informed consent
But they do not care if you care

Your smart watch electronically collects your data
Which is then encrypted and anonymized via the blockchain

They are experimenting with cognitive bio technology
On replacements of former higher humans that were defeated
Which are us

Our great great great grandparents
Were popped out of some underground incubation station somewhere
Then put on orphan trains
And sold for 5 cents to someone for cheap labor

Places like Derinkuyu in Cappadocia Turkey
Are subterranean refuge sites from above ground attacks

The attacks were not from guys on horses with spears
But from advanced energy weaponry

Derinkuyu has 8 levels open to the public
But it goes down much further

Kaymakli also in Turkey has at least 4 kilometers of tunnels
Only 2 percent is open to the public

Even though our bodies are not our former ones
Our souls carry the legacy of our former incarnations

And we can direct our energy in positive ways
That uplift humanity and enhance our freedom

For starters
Do not worship some fictionalized dead guy on a cross!

A Deplorable Neanderthal [Moderator] #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

New Excuse Has Just Dropped - Fish Oil Can Cause Heart Attacks and Strokes
Fish Oil Supplements Linked to First-Time Heart Problems

May 22, 2024 – One of the most widely used dietary supplements may pose heart health risks to otherwise healthy people.

A large new study has linked fish oil supplements to getting heart problems like an irregular heartbeat or having a stroke.


[gif of a clown in a tutu doing rudimentary dance]

An Angry Patriot #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #psycho stateofthenation.co

And the real funny thing about this growing army of seriously armed and ammoed up angry Patriots is that the Plandemic perps are directly responsible for filling their ranks. HAHAHA!!!
Because every US service member who was kicked out of the military for not getting jabbed is totally and forever pissed off at you know who.

Of course, when the same dopes even threatened the millions of vets, who rely on the VA Health Care System for everything, with the Covid injection to obtain ALL of their benefits, they really stirred up the hornet’s nest.
“Raw People Power”
That raw power comes in two packages.

First, that the American people — the Conservative, Christian, Libertarian & Independent side — is the most heavily armed and ammoed up citizenry in world history.

Secondly, throughout much of the RED flyover country, the rural counties and their sheriffs reign supreme. These county sheriffs ARE the law of the land.

Most folks are completely unaware of the underground Patriot Movement that has been at work ever since Donald Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015.

That’s nearly 9 years of planning and prepping that has gone into THE PLAN. Mostly unnoticed

Mind you, the actual Patriot Movement is highly disorganized, totally organic, grassroots-driven, people-powered as well as effectively asymmetric in the execution of all strategies and tactics. Not only that, but we run just like a CIA-coordinated black op—totally compartmentalized and on a strictly need-to-know basis. And as opaque as can be.
Do the FEDS know everything we’re up to every second of the day. Hell yeah!

But those clucks only know what their pervasive AI-managed spying and surveillance regime can pick up on. MEANING: If the comms are not digital, AI doesn’t know about it.

That’s not to say that there are not COINETELPRO infiltrators strategically positioned everywhere. Fuck ’em. If they get found out during the inevitable American Bolshevik Revolution, and they will be, they’re dead.

wakeupmypeoplespiritrain #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #ufo #quack #homophobia #conspiracy #ableist #biphobia beforeitsnews.com

Satan’s Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Retroviral MRNA Black Goo 666 Low Vibe Vaccines Have Cain’s Vampire Immune System DNA/GENES (Sinister Fallen Angel Bioshock Plasmids And Splicing Protocols) Within The Vile Curse-Alls Which Are NOT Cures!: (Satan’s Main Vile Man Of Sin/The Son Of Perdition Has Been Satanically Mutatively Monstrously Vaccinated With His Curses) Sinisterly Gay Barack Hussein Obama Has A Black Chimeran Vampire Master Clone Called The *IMAGE OF THE BEAST* Covertly Waiting In A Ancient Antediluvian Atlantean Retro-Engineered Deep Underwater Fortified Plasma Domed Base Called The Leviathan (Which Has *The Dark Knights Cloning Program* Cain Like Monstrous-Beastly-Chimeran-Vampiric-Black Goo 666 Body Loaded With Barack Hussein Obama’s Vile DNA/Genes On Stasis Also Known As The 8th Horn-King-Sinister World Leader) That Will Be Metaphysically Infused With The Cast Down Fallen Angel Spirit Of Satan Himself Deceptively Emerging From The Ancient Sodomittish Sea As The Bloodthirsty Murderous Chief *Cloned* Antichrist <...> Many Foolish People Being Removed From The Lamb’s Book Of Life For Sinfully Wickedly Taking Part In Satan’s Diabolical Irreversible Multiphase Vaccinations Process Of His Horrific Nightmarish Monstrously Mutative Beastly *Cain Like* Vampirism – REMEMBER THAT IMMINENT APOCALYPTIC TUNED GAMMA-RAYS WILL SUPERNATURALLY EXPOSE ALL OF WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU AND OTHER FLESHLY CREATURES AT THE SPIRITUAL/DNA/GENETIC LEVELS – SO PLEASE DON’T SINFULLY PUT SATAN’S VACCINATION CURSES/CURSE-ALLS INSIDE OF YOUR TEMPLE
You Will Die In A Short Span Of Time Diminishing Your Life Due To Deadly Mutations – Be Overtaken By The Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Activated Demonic Zombism Airborne Vaxx A.I.D.S Plagues Plandemics That Many Sheeple Sinfully Unwisely Gullibly Wickedly Took As The CoronaVirus Covid-19 Vaccines Which Are All Part Of Satan’s Irreversible Multiphase Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir Cures-Alls Of Monstrous Extremely Mutative Death

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

We are at the end game

The poisoning of the air and weather warfare operations
Has created climate change
And a civilization of disease

We watch clones with fluttering eyes
Interviewing cyborg reptilians with bulging necks on news broadcasts
But 99 percent of the population have no clue as to what is really transpiring

Cancer is now being treated with MRNA injections
Of programmable hydrogel and polymers
That puts GPS signals inside the host

Food is poisoned and there is not an uproar
Nurofen pain killers contain graphene oxide

Microwave pulsing hits us while we sleep
Similar to a microwave oven

Dental anesthetic injections are loaded with hydrogel graphene
And nano smart dust to connect us to the Cloud

Synthetic thoughts are sent to make people feel negative toward each other
And negative towards themselves

Satanic freemasonry governs us behind closed doors

Virus in Latin means poison
And Corona means crown

Corona virus means the elite oligarchy
Who are the highest ranking Freemasons
Are poisoning the commoners

All smart devices are transmitters
That send information to the Cloud

Cell phones and computers modify you through your eyes
Sending infrared technology into the body
Creating automatons

But the Father of All Perfection is here
His Spirit will ascend from the earth to the heavens
And then descend back down

All things superior and inferior will receive the life force
It will be the glory of the whole world and will penetrate everything

The Spirit of God will separate the wheat from the chaff
And life will begin anew

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

Our Sun is still harboring energy for the most powerful of flares which is “X-Class”.

Already there was an “X5.8-Class” flare on yesterday whose coronal mass ejection (CME) is on its way to our planet Earth with expected arrival some time today or by tomorrow. When it does arrive, the geomagnetic storm rating is expected to again reach either “G4” or “G5”.

In total thus far there have been about 7 CMEs which have hit our planet.

The KP Index is at a numerical 8.33 which is SEVERE STORM. This rating could again reach the number “9” as it was on yesterday which is INTENSE STORM when further “X-Class” flares occur.

The magnetosphere is densely pressuring into Earth.
These incoming waves that primarily consist of positively-charging protons are very acidic. This is one reason why drinking lots of spring water with lemon is highly recommended.

Although lemon is a citrus fruit, when it enters the blood stream, it becomes alkaline, and even though we need an acid/alkaline balance, the more alkaline our blood is, the less we are prone to attract imbalances, and thus, the stronger our immune systems become.

Water also, of course, gives us oxygenation and hydration and also assists in cleansing our cells.
Our Sun will also continue to transform. Its rays will be much brighter than they are now.

It used to have a yellow-like glow during the day, but now it is extremely bright. At dawn it still has a pinkish or peach glow, and at sunset it often has a deep yellow or orange glow, but during the day, as stated, it is very bright.

Our entire galaxy is receiving LIGHT from the Photon Belt.
It is wonderful that mainstream news around the world is reporting on the solar flares and CMEs that have been happening since Friday. However, they have yet to discuss the spiritual aspect of this, and we should not expect them to do so because they do not want to cause any religious upsets.

Blair Edwards and Taylor Edwards #fundie #quack #psycho kptv.com

A couple who belong to the Followers of Christ Church in Oregon City are facing first and second degree criminal mistreatment charges after their newborn died in June 2023

The Clackamas County District Attorney’s office allege that Blair and Taylor Edwards failed to provide medical treatment for their son, Hayden

Court documents say Hayden was born on the evening of June 24, 2023. However, two days later, his health took a turn and he stopped eating. When the parents grew concerned, relatives arrived at their home on S. Maywood Street in Oregon City to pray and bless the infant

Family and friends say he looked unhealthy and that his lips turned blue. At 2:35 pm. on June 26, Hayden stopped breathing, but began to breathe again after Taylor splashed cold water on his face. Court documents state that despite his condition and not eating for seven hours, the parents didn’t call for medical help

Hayden died 30 minutes later and the Edwards’ called the medical examiner

The faith of Followers of Christ abstains from medical treatment for their children and believe in faith healing

Clif High #crackpot #magick #quack #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

"Thought” is conceived of by science (generally) as being electrical effects of a transitory nature that occur in the brain. Thus ‘thoughts’ are thought to be the result of electricity operating at bio-electrical potential levels (you can ‘think’ about this as being ‘low voltage’ circuits) that cause electrical disruptions to ‘steady state’ bio-electrical fields.
Basically, it’s all vibrations. Electrical vibrations at a cellular level. Vibrations in the sense of the change of bio-electric potential within individual cells all forming the totality of the ‘standing wave’ of the vibrational field that is your mind and you. Vibrations affect liquids very easily. Hormones are ‘liquids’ within the hypothalamus, and the rest of the glandular complex of the brain. These cells produce very thick liquids in the form of a near-oil that we call hormones. They vibrate. Hormones are, as with most liquids, unstable by the nature of their ‘construction’, their molecular arrangement. Hormones are also bio-electrically unstable, and they transmit that instability to the matter (your flesh) that they contact and affect.
The hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary, pineal, and thyroid complex of glands are the ‘time translators’ for our human bodies. The ‘translation’ of the ‘pulse of time’ that creates, then destroys, our Matterium 22 trillion times a second, results in changes in our hormones which are collected, stored, and distributed by way of these glands.

Hormones carry ‘time’ throughout our body. Note that this is a key component of the body’s production and use of hormones, that is, ‘time’.
Socially we also equate age with maturity, though increasingly those two deviate under the assault of the Elohim worship cult on the structure of the global human social order. The human proclivity for equating maturity to age had to exist for the Elohim worship cult to engineer it; so at that level (at least), they are aware of this level of analysis.

The Armchair Prophet #wingnut #racist #quack #fundie #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The premise of this prophetic piece is that the Dark Side has never — EVER — been so desperate. And so brazen. And so reckless. As they are right now.
Which is why The Powers That Be are scrambling as never before.
Is this why the USA will see something very BIG happen this May?
Of course, the New World Order globalist cabal is perfectly aware of these HUGE earth changes coming down the pike as well.
A Bigger Than Biblical Earth Disaster is Coming
Which is exactly why these PROVEN genocidal maniacs will now resort to any scheme whatsoever in order to prevent them all from being hanged live on the Internet.
This month of May already started off with what is planned to be the biggest trigger event for the American Bolshevik Revolution.
For those who doubt the inevitability of divinely ordained catastrophism throughout every sphere of life in 2024, just consider what Election Day will bring to the USA.
That, right there, guarantees that the American Republic will undergo unparalleled trials and tribulations with an outcome which is completely unknown at this crucial point.
Which means that the Khazarian perps will use this month of May to set the stage for all manner of warmongering and rumors of World War III, geoengineered weather disasters and Gladio-style false flag terrorist attacks, draconian assaults on both the First & Second Amendments, train wrecks and ship wrecks in any of the 50 states, supply chain disruptions and food supply collapses, as well as their favorite way to bring about the immediate cessation of whole societies—Plandemic 2.0.

The Uniparty election thieves only have 6 months until Tuesday, November 5, 2024; so they have a LOT of work to do to turn the current Bird Flu psyop into a full-blown national epidemic before they morph it into a global pandemic just in time to incite support for the WHO’s cataclysmic Pandemic Treaty being considered by the 77th World Health Assembly on May 27th.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, May 8, 2024 – Trump would deploy U.S. Special Forces troops in MEXICO and issue “kill lists” of cartel leaders

- Alternative cancer treatments and the use of a new AI language model. (0:03)

- UK Border Force glitch shuts down airport entry. (2:44)

- Boeing's faked aircraft inspections

- Israeli intelligence infiltration on US campuses. (7:45)

- US senators threatening #ICC judges over #Netanyahu arrest warrant. (13:22)

- Zionism's control over US government and media. (20:31)

- Russian company acquiring assets of German chemical company BASF. (32:34)

- Israel's actions contradicting US Constitution and Bill of Rights. (40:42)

- Conservatives' shift towards #Zionism and its impact on freedom of speech. (46:44)

- Sustainable living, homesteading, and community building. (1:21:22)

- Integrating technology and indigenous knowledge for a sustainable future. (1:28:50)

- #Bitcoin and central banks' influence, self-custody importance. (1:38:23)

- Buying land and preparing for an uncertain future. (1:41:33)

- #Permaculture and regenerative agriculture as alternatives to conventional farming methods. (1:57:05)

- #Freedom, #censorship, and spirituality. (2:11:44)

- Building alternative systems for political autonomy, peace, prosperity, and self-sufficiency. (2:18:01)

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

What we're seeing with the current college student protests is political street theater. It's very similar to the street theater we saw during the virus hoax.

Remember all of those people collapsing on the street in China?

Remember people fighting over toilet paper?

Back then, just as now, almost none of the people who participated in the "pandemic" street theater were aware that they were being used. They thought everything happening around them was real.

Thus we had people donning face diapers and lining up for the kill shot "vaccine," thinking the entire time that they were doing the right thing. To this day, there are tens of millions of people who still believe that the phony pandemic was a real thing, that there was an actual virus going around killing people.
I believe it was Mike King who first went public with the belief that nothing ever happens organically, that every time we see a "color revolution," a street protest, or any sort of mass uprising, it is always the result of a coordinated effort. An effort that is being led by a small handful of individuals.

Thus the students that are out protesting actually believe they are doing the right thing - and they are; it's never wrong to protest a genocide - however, they are unaware that they are being used to create a groundswell of energy against the Democratic Party. Their actions are being coordinated and carried out by a handful of "organizers."
It's this writer's opinion that the protests are actually being orchestrated by the Trump campaign, either by Trump himself, whom I maintain is our acting Commander in Chief, or by other factions who want to see him elected in 2024.

These actions are actually brilliant when you think about it. They are going to get all the braindead Evangelical "Christians" who grovel before the feet of Israel, AND the radical left, who are now super-pissed at the fake Joe Biden presidency, all voting for Trump in November.

Dr Shannon Kroner #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack amazon.ca

I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!



I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK! is the story of an unvaccinated child named Nicholas Novaks, who shares the many reasons why his parents have chosen not to vaccinate him. Nicholas explains his parents’ personal concerns about vaccine injury, the importance of finding a doctor they can trust and openly speak with, the research they did before making this decision, and what life is like for an unvaccinated child who has an older, vaccine-injured sibling.

Inspired by the personal stories of vaccine-injured children, which have been shared with Dr. Shannon Kroner over many years of working with special needs families, Dr. Kroner aims to raise awareness of the importance of vaccine choice and the necessity of doing the research before making an important decision such as vaccination.

Join Nicholas as he shares what it means to be an unvaccinated child in today’s world and why one's personal choice regarding vaccination must always be respected.

preview pages






Vernon M #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #wingnut operationdisclosureofficial.com

Putting 5G in schools is an act of extreme malice
And a Crime Against Humanity.

Putting 5G on to residential street lamp posts is an act of extreme malice.
And a Crime Against Humanity

In 2014 School Children found that they suffered bad sleep when their phones were bedside at night.
They proved this by growing Cress seeds at their bedside. Which died when the phone was present.

New how dangerous 5G telecoms radiation was in 1954
when they suppress a report which stated that 5G Radiation caused or increased 146 serious diseases.

Used 5G Radiation as a weapon to destroy tanks in 1950.

Can cook the internal organs of people alive.

As a weapon 5G can harm specific levels of the brain waves or organs to cause slow rain disphobia & death by hidden means.

Is the current biggest danger to human health.

Changed the rules for discussing & the scientific analysis of 5G Radiation to limit analysis away from Radiation to “Heat”.

Street 5G permeates brick walls & can be used to target pulse beams as people sleep st home in their beds.
A Crime Against Humanity.

Had to install new power cables underground to lamp posts for the increase in power use to 2Kw.transmitters.

BRITISH GAS & Subsidiaries
Installed most of the 5G in the UK for its dangerous 5G Smart Energy Meters,

BRITISH GAS & Subsidiaries
Energy Smart Meters can control every electric device in a home. Also monitor & record voices & identify who is in the property.

Centrica is a French company owned by the French Rothschild Family. Satanic Globalists.
This is an Act of War against the UK population by our Treasonous government.

Are Radiation Weapons you point at your head.

Turn Bluetooth off when not in use

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack eraoflight.com

As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional template, to be able to fulfill your purpose on earth. Depending on your lineage you have certain DNA strands already activated, to assist the earth raise its frequency, help the earth’s grids restoration project, and many other different roles that require your connection to other dimensions, through your DNA strands, as everything is connected as multidimensional beings.

At this time many of you are being assisted by etheric surgeons in the process of light body recalibration that is taking place in many of you. The template of a starseeded one is commonly activated between the fifth and seventh-dimensional strands. Our mission is to activate and reestablish these connections to descend the healing codes and assistance required to serve our earth plane.
My Guides share today the importance of asking for etheric surgery to your benevolent guides, for we need it in specific ascension stages, to remove implants, imprints, and solar plexus programs related to our masculine essence, especially at this time of divine masculine retrieval and healing, and any other non-benevolent essences from our light bodies, to continue upgrading our template.
The Arcturians and evolved Orion beings are wonderful etheric surgeons who are helping many to remove the many distortions in their template, which together with our inner work, result in the total reconfiguration of our original template.

The Arcturians are usually helping those to recalibrate their seventh-dimensional body channels, as they dwell in this same dimension, and their light technology is incredibly evolved. Orion, are helping many to work with their masculine energies, solar plexus, and sixth-dimensional channels, helping them restore them to embody more plasma and heal the distorted masculine.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

…and now we will add some additional color on this Great Reset con, and how the illegitimate and wholly captured Federal government is destroying American from within on behalf of its globalist handlers;

What we are now witnessing is the acceleration of the corporate and private central bank melding with the Cloward-Piven Strategy to bring Western nations to their collective knees in plain sight.

Of course, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is now directly responsible for the latest “highly pathogenic” avian flu virus, which is now being trial ballooned for the upcoming DISEASE-X “pandemic:”
It is critically important to appreciate that the WHO is the UN’s “health” node, and nothing more; in other words, the latter controls the former and sets its eugenics policies along with a little help from Rockefeller puppet Gates and other assets.

Which ultimately brings us right back to the UN and their technocommunist ploy to control the entire planet with “climate change” and “pandemics” and other swindles:
The Club of Rome is also behind the open borders, “pandemics,” and their invention of the whole anthropogenic “climate change” psyop:
It is vital for the UN et al. to destroy the cultures, health, and IQ’s of nations like Japan and America in order to institute their dystopian Agendas and Resets. Pernicious central bank mandates, society-collapsing open border and immigration policies, scamdemics, slow kill bioweapons, bug gruel, processed foods, synthetic meats, environmental toxin releases, sun blotting aerosols, GMO frankenmosquitos, mass fear and self-loathing “climate change” brainwashing campaigns, X Everything App social credit score systems, encouraged mass euthanasia, and so on and so forth are the various tools and ops that they are foisting on the slaves of the earth in order to achieve their nefarious transhumanist endgame.

But good always defeats evil, in the end.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

Sally Wald and Larry Cook #ableist #crackpot #elitist #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Sally Wald

“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism. Are You ok with that? It will be the demise of the United States. We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.”

Larry Cook

“If we dissolve the vaccine industry we dissolve 99% of new autism cases.

Which do you choose?


Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Saturn is hacked and transmits a waveform information broadcast of a fake reality
The moon amplifies it and beams it to the earth
Programs are activated and humans play them out as spontaneous behavior

Once vibrant beings
Humanity now has holographic implants that change their perception

They have become like robots responding to data input
And like computers decoding transmissions from installed software embedded in our DNA

The nucleic acid in the cells transfer the information decoded in the DNA
The matrix is a DNA program that keeps us in a low vibrational state

Junk DNA is not dormant DNA
But it is implanted to receive carrier waves from Saturn via the moon

The moon is a monitoring device
It is an electronic supercomputer that maintains DNA that is 2 stranded
Instead of our original 12 strands

Our translation of data is dream interpretation that we condense into physical parameters
We need to expand our mind beyond the influence of the Matrix frequencies

Without the moon affecting our mood
A big calm would suddenly come over us

After the wipe out of Atlantis
Saturn became a dark star

Then the Dark Lord said Let there be light
And there was light

The rings of Saturn are not natural
They are wave transmissions
Which create the matrix

The rings are not composed of ice
But are made with crystal technology

Saturn is an enormous broadcast system
A master control center

Its north pole is a 6 sided hexagon wave pattern
That rotates in sync with the radio emissions

The moons are artificial satellites
Keeping the broadcasting grid going

By using virtual instrumentation
Simulated information is produced

We decode this information field into a holographic reality
And believe it to be real

Through our DNA we have been rewired
Our 3rd eye has been closed
Enslaving us to a 5 sense reality

We are being manipulated to decode in a way that limits us

We escape the matrix with a heart centered singularity
That sees right through the lies

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 5, 2024 – Mike Adams announces first distribution of “Neo” Large Language Model trained on food, nutrition and agriculture

- Israeli-Iranian conflict. (0:00)

- Releasing an experimental language model "Neo" LLM. (4:00)

- Fake bird flu pandemic and food supply manipulation. (28:24)

- Israeli attacks on aid convoy and Palestinian land. (39:48)

- US-Israel relations and potential actions to address conflicts. (47:36)

- Solar eclipses, demons, and language models. (56:50)

- AI models for #nutrition, health, and #censorship resistance. (1:04:19)

- Virology fraud, engineered #famine, and geopolitical tensions. (1:31:28)

- Immigration and border control in #Texas. (1:37:10)

- Solar eclipses, weather control, and globalist agendas. (1:42:29)

- #Vaccines, #depopulation, and solar eclipses. (1:53:05)

- Demonic anti-Christ statue at Vatican and evil forces. (1:57:45)

The Pleiadians via Christine Day #ufo #magick #quack voyages-of-light.com

Beloved ones we greet you. The winds of change continue to unfold on your planet as you move closer to entering a next phase of the ‘new dawning’ change for planet Earth.

The magnetic core is reflecting these powerful changes through a monumental shift of its central pulse, which is birthing a higher vibrational ripple across the Earth. The vibrational movement is reverberating outwards into the Universe forging a network link from Earth outwards to the entire Universal community. This forging is bringing your planet into a deeper alignment to the God consciousness communion state held within the collective energies of our resident Universe.
Earth is being returned to its original heritage state within the collective through the returning to this network Link. The Link is designed to create a higher energetic stability for Earth during these monumental energetic shifts that are to begin imminently.

These changes within the arena of the planet will alter the very rhythm of the rotation of the planet itself. This change in the rotation will form a deepening of the direct alignment path to the Sun. Earth will begin to receive expansive light flows coming through this path from the rays of the Sun altering, intensifying the brilliance reflected onto the surface of the planet.
Your pineal center and telepathic center will begin to be reinstated to allow your awakened remembering to be set in motion.

A cycle of higher light will begin to illuminate within your brain cells, which is designed to reset your memory banks from past moments before you incarnated on this earth plane for this lifetime. You will begin to remember your Family of Origin off planet and your systems will prepare you for the awakening of your Star essence, your Star light will once more become actively engaged within your consciousness.

Arthur Firstenberg/Cellular Phone Task Force #crackpot #quack #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

The least noticed and greatest assault on Earthly life rains on us from the sky.

Nature's wires strung above us from horizon to horizon, carrying the electricity that helps power our bodies, and the information that informs our growth, healing, and daily lives, now carries dirty electricity - millions of frequencies and pulsations that confuse our cells and organs, and dim our nervous systems, be we humans, elephants, birds, insects, fish, or flowering plants.
On June 13, 1968, the United States completed its launch of the world's first constellation of military satellites...

Twenty-eight of them, more than twice as many satellites as were in orbit around the Earth until then, were lofted to an altitude of 18,000 miles, in the heart of the outer Van Allen radiation belt.

The "Hong Kong" flu pandemic began two weeks later and lasted for almost two years.

On May 17, 1998, a company named Iridium completed its launch of a fleet of 66 satellites into the ionosphere, at an altitude of only 485 miles, and began testing them.

They were going to provide cell phone service to the general public from anywhere on earth.

Each satellite aimed 48 separate beams at the earth's surface, thus dividing the planet into 3,168 cells. Reports of insomnia came from throughout the world.

Iridium's satellites began commercial service on September 23, 1998.

The effect was devastating...
Mortality statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control revealed a 4% to 5% rise in the national death rate beginning the last week in September and lasting two weeks.
If we want to have a planet to live on, not only for our children but for ourselves, the radiation has to stop.

Not only do the cell towers have to come down that are so ugly to look at, but also the cell phones that we hold in our hands and have become so dependent on, and the satellites that are squeezing all the life that remains out from under them.

We are running out of time...

Peter B. Meyer #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

“Why was I born and what am I doing on this planet?”

It all begins with the birth of a child, whose soul enters the foetus in the mother’s womb during the third month of pregnancy with the help of an energy code. This is how the game begins for each individual.
Immediately after birth, the defenceless child is attacked by a system called the “Matrix” with a terrible force that is supposed to block the child’s brain, especially the pineal gland and it’s intuition.

The child, originally born as a king and complete sovereign, is taught by its parents that it’s completely stupid, dependent, incapable of making its own decisions, so everything must be decided for it by others. This is a basic preparatory stage for further demoralisation of a little person, because in order to accept a complete programme from the Matrix.
Do you ask why?

Because they want you not to be able to escape slavery. The whole system is pyramidal. Down there are the ordinary people and up there are the people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, the maternal and the secondary. Both pyramids have to be bypassed, otherwise you get lost in them.
The maternal pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels whose orders are received by the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them on to other levels, the secondary levels. The secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.
You are offered poisonous food and if you eat it, you get into a secondary pyramid. The secondary pyramid is supposed to catch all the people who never got caught in the clutches of money and credit and never allowed their time to be stolen.
The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its stages in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Each person is responsible for his own body and must never leave it in the hands of others.

GalacticAlchemyGirl2 #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy #mammon etsy.com

The J-Seals Removal Session

- Original Divine Blueprint restored
- the removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time
- better connection to Higher self
- assists in the DNA activation process
- receive much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line
with the Higher self
- a natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earths Crystalline Grid
The J-Seals (Jehovian Seals) are referred also as the Death Seals and are located at the planetary level. They were placed in the Earth's grid about 200,000 years ago, and every human being born has the 7 seals within their own energetic grids. It is especially important to have these 7 seals removed to restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being. All beings have these seals. Since the Earth and our bodies are built the same energetically, and they share certain energetic connections and we inherit these Jehovian Seals at birth. They are located on the left side of the body. The removal of J seals is a distant healing session where we remove the 7 unnatural J-Seals. These seals may manifest dis-ease in their respective locations.
Apart from the J-Seals there are other implants and seals which affect your DNA template. These seals and energetic implants also include the Templar Seal, the Templar Axion Seal, the Cell Death Programs (Apoptosis), the Crown of Thorns, Avalon Seal, KCU’S – Karmic Containment Units, the Zeta Seal and the Tower of Babel Seal.

Other implants removed:

Arrchon genetic engineered entities or Suppressor Parasites (SPE's), Chest/Heart harness, Dodecahedron mind control harness, Fleur de lis artifacts, Distorted DNA seed code artifacts, illuminati and reptile implants, vampire and predator implants, Distorted Arc Codes, Vesica Pisces implant, Solar Cross, Breeder implants, Predator implants, Reversal polarity, Gender splitting, Genetic experiments, etc...and more.

<Digital - $45.12>

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #quack #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 25, 2025 – The dark ECLIPSE casting a shadow across human civilization will be VANQUISHED by the eternal LIGHT of our CREATOR

- The symbolism of an #eclipse and its relation to global events. (0:03)

- Spirituality, illusions, and obedience to God. (3:28)

- #Faith, purpose, and serving as an example. (9:18)

- Surviving a post-apocalyptic world and rebuilding society. (14:08)

- Sulforaphane: Broccoli's anti-clotting properties and natural medicine. (18:46)

- Cancer diagnosis and medical sacrifice in the royal family. (26:13)

- Cancer treatment poisons and Big Pharma's sorcery. (30:12)

- Choosing between God and Satan in medical decisions. (35:28)

- Purpose, morality, and AI technology. (39:47)

- Building tools for knowledge and self-reliance. (45:30)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

I am grateful for the invitation of Professor Massimo Citro della Riva to offer my greetings to the participants in the Health Holocaust Remembrance Day. You know well that I have never been shy in offering my interventions since the beginning of the psycho-pandemic farce, and that my complaint – since May 2020 – anticipated everything that has emerged in these four years regarding the criminal management of this social-engineering experiment of neo-Malthusian origin.
We have seen the false Bergoglian church totally subservient to the genetic treatment agenda, a treatment that was produced using aborted fetuses. We have seen doctors and paramedics killing frail and elderly people in intensive care through the use of anesthesia. We have seen rulers, magistrates, and police forces unleash an unprecedented criminalization of those who did not allow themselves to be “marked.” We know who is behind these people, who pays them, and who blackmails them: their names are well known. These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes, if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God, whom they hate and whom they would like to replace, in a mad delirium of omnipotence that is an inexorable prelude to their eternal defeat. The children of darkness, the conspirators of the World Economic Forum, and the globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth, as an obscene counterfeit of the Kingdom of Christ Our Lord.
Therefore, continue in your courageous commitment, but never lose sight of the overall picture of this epochal battle. It is important to understand that the psycho-pandemic farce was only one of the means of imposing this infernal plan, and that it is accompanied by other threats that follow the same script under the same direction. Demonstrate to people this overall coherence and even the most distracted will understand and rebel against what has been imposed on them through fraud and violence.

Aimee Terese and Glypticfille #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #kinkshaming #quack #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Aimee Terese:

“Men who eat pussy are spiritual lesbians”


“There is likely a direct correlation between men who do this (99% of leftist men) and modern leftism. It is my suspicion that there is something in the vaginal fluids that is capable of estrogenising the body, cuckolding the spirit, hence thousand year prohibition against it.”

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