
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Quintus Sertorius #racist #conspiracy #wingnut renegadetribune.com

The jews are a species that is utterly and irreconcilably alien to the White race. No matter how the jews disingenuously try to convince us that they are “fellow White people,” they are really nothing more than subversives attempting to dismantle our natural defenses against malignant foreign influences at both the individual and societal levels. One can easily see the jews for that they are despite the shrill, kosher sanctimony and lies so blatant they border on bad comedy, simply by turning off the talmudvision and trusting in your own observations. Fiat currency and debt slavery, Frankfurt school pseudo-science, communism, the justification and promotion of perversion from Freud to Al Goldstein, the unending flood of non-White invaders into White homelands championed by the likes of HIAS and the odious Barbara Spectre, the insanity of equalitarianism, and the soul-deadening, nation-killing jewish religion of Christianity: all these poisonous ideas and ideologies were maliciously foisted on unsuspecting and ill-prepared White communities by jews wearing inhuman predatory grins and purporting to have our best interests in their black hearts.

It is the jews who tell us that they are a “chosen” people, a race that was selected by “g*d” to be his extra-special favorites and to rule over all the other races – while telling us, depending on what is most expedient at the moment for the jews, that races are just social constructs, that the White race doesn’t exist, or that the entire White race is evil because we are allegedly “supremacists” of the type the jews celebrate themselves to be. Nevertheless, by absurd rabbinical chicanery, we are told that our supposedly non-existent White race should feel guilty because of our “privilege” and so we must immiserate and impoverish ourselves by ever increasing the numbers of non-Whites in our homelands.

The jews are expert liars and deceivers, and are exceptionally creative in concocting frauds and fantasies intentionally designed to damage Whites and White communities. The creativity of the jews is the opposite of that possessed by Whites: the jews are unrivaled in their capacity to create, promote, and profit from degeneracy and depravity – while being singularly unable create anything of true beauty. As a parasitic race that thrives on manipulation and dishonesty, the jews are capable of mimicking the aesthetic achievements of other races but their own, original artistic expressions are hideous and monstrous – true reflections of the jewish race-soul. A quick glance at any of the Guggenheim museums (and the “art” they contain), or the eyesore architecture of every holohoax museum, will reveal the jewish aesthetics of ugliness polluting spaces in White countries that should instead be used to beautify our communities and celebrate our national achievements.

Our public spaces and public discourse have been soiled by jewish influence and control. Jewish corruption has reduced our intellectual and academic institutions to non-religious parodies of talmudic law academies in which fanatical, self-congratulatory blowhards learn nonsense in 6 million different ways. But perhaps the most damaging of all these jewish subversions has been the ease with which our implacable racial enemies repeatedly rise to positions of leadership within any organized group of White people. From putative Nationalist organizations, to Libertarians, to the Alt-Right, and even organizations pretending to be National Socialist – in the Weimerican failed state, the leadership of many of these groups resembles a junior-varsity version of the Federal Reserve as they are infested with overt jews, covert jews, and spouses of jews.

Like so many of the jewish-caused problems afflicting our homelands, this subversion is nothing new, and if more White people knew their history, it would be painfully obvious that the jews are simply using the same tactics they have arrayed against us for centuries. Aside from the common-sense observation that it’s ill-advised to allow an insular, hostile, fanatical cartel of racial aliens who refer to you and everyone you love as “cattle” to rule over us, the distressing fact of the matter is that the jews have repeatedly used the same exact methods to subvert and destroy White institutions. It should be increasingly clear, as our once-prosperous White communities become incrementally more poverty-stricken and dangerous with each passing day, that jews have no place in a White society that wishes to survive. We can either have a future for the White race by ridding our living spaces of the jewish pestilence in all its forms, or condemn the dwindling numbers of our progeny to live as hated minorities in our own homelands, preyed upon by spiteful, unaccountable jews and feral, opportunistic brown morons. We must learn from history, and realize that the best examples of our race have long fought to stop the jewish-orchestrated White genocide.

Nick Fuentes and commenters #racist twitter.com

Nick FuentesWe are witnessing the decolonization of America— the uprooting and destruction of European civilization built on this land. It will be replaced by the same savagery that European explorers found on this continent centuries ago. It’s critically important that the statues of Columbus are the first to go. The effect of European colonization was to civilize the Western hemisphere. And soon the reverse will be true— the effect of decolonization will be to un-civilize this hemisphere.

Bon Sheckerman: These cosplayers are terrified of people in Suburbs & Rural Areas. 90% of our Military, Police, Gun Owners, Hunters & MMA Fighters are Red. A real war would be a 1 sided blood bath. They want none of that

StoryRory: “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

Anonamouse: One of the biggest faliures of the right was ceding social issues for chasing profits around the world (muh free market). We are seeing the demise of Americana and our culture while a bunch of 1%ers virtue signal in their compounds.

Julia: It’s not decolonization. It’s colonization. They are trying to colonize US in the nations WE built.

stupid_Goof, wwaayynnee #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Peel school board 'dysfunctional' in face of racism, can't govern properly, report finds

A newly-released report on the state of the Peel District School Board (PDSB) paints a damning picture of dysfunction among administrators who are ill-prepared to deal with anti-Black racism directly affecting students.

The province released a report it had commissioned from lawyer and human rights advocate Arleen Huggins on Monday, in which she investigated the school board's capacity to comply with a host of directives from Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce after a review of the board found issues of systemic racism.
A third-party review of the board found that Black students are only 10.2 per cent of the secondary school population, but about 22.5 per cent of the students receiving suspensions.

The reviewers heard anecdotally that some principals "use any excuse" to suspend Black students, including wearing hoodies or hoop earrings.

Recent school board data shows that about 83 per cent of secondary school students in the board are racialized, and the reviewers say about two-thirds of teachers in the board are white.

Lecce has previously said one element of the report that was especially troubling was that disproportionate numbers of Black students are being streamed into applied streams of education, rather than into university-focused courses.

Stupid_goof : “I bet a lot of that racism comes from the students themselves too.”

wwaayynnee :The word 'racism' is thrown around alot these days.....lets read some specifics. Who's racist? Give examples of all this 'racism' in Peel schools. Everywhere I go I see blacks and whites getting along great. Is the racism coming from other races? Instead of screaming RACISM with no explanation, give specific information. The article states that black students make up 10% of student population but recieve 22% of suspensions... thats 'racism' ?? Is it possible that the students actions lead to these suspensions? Is it possible that the high number of single mothers/broken families in the black population have more to do with a students actions than 'racist' teachers/principles have to do with it?

Mike Walsh #wingnut #racist #psycho renegadetribune.com

You caused my folk to hate me,
For standing by my race;
You twisted words that I might be,
Both branded and disgraced.
You turned the truth upon its head,
For rogues like you my race has bled,
Now you must pay race traitors price,
The wheel full circle turns.

Love for race described as hate,
Our way of life disdained,
For other race and cultures,
Your love was unrestrained.
For Whites you spat your foulest hate,
Their minds were bent to mix and mate,
And now for you it is too late
Uncovered, you’re condemned.

The wheel has turned full circle,
And yes, my folk will hate,
You traitors, who despoiled us,
Now justice cannot wait.
My folk have shaken off your lies,
Your wicked ways stand undisguised,
Soon the cry; ‘The traitor dies,’
The rope grows tight tonight.

Anonymous #racist boards.4channel.org

I honestly enjoyed reading the Rig Veda, Mahabharata and many of the “Indian” historical literature but I absolutely cannot believe it was written by subhuman poos. Shitskins have never created any civilisation in history so it’s hard to believe that Indian shitskins would be any different from Arab or Nigger shitskins. It’s against their nature.

The Ancient “Indians” developed philosophy, astronomy and sciences and wrote great epics and plays. I absolutely cannot believe the modern subhuman race that inhabits India and Pakistan with an average IQ of 82-84 can create a civilisation like that.

Same for Persians. Iran has an IQ of 84. You’re telling me these subhumans created the Achaemenid Empire?

I am sure we will find genetic evidence in the future to prove that Ancient India and Iran were indeed the product of a European race (Aryans definitely existed but now we must prove that those historical figures in question were indeed pure whites). Arabs, Indians, Iranians and Africans are naturally incapable of civilisation due to their latitude. Whites and Asians are the only races that survived through the ice age to develop an actual civilisation that continues to this day.

rls976 & Caesarius #racist #wingnut amren.com

(Note: The person they are derisively referring to, Asmodeus Rex, is a commenter on AmRen with a rather unenviable reputation there for his relative liking of Latin Americans)

RE: Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden’s Worry, Too


The Whites who vote for Democrats out of strong and sincere political conviction may finally get their wish. They have long professed to want to change the country deeply, claiming that it's not only harmless to do so, but progress. I hope they enjoy the new creation they have campaigned for all these many decades.

Yes, such progress. Just look at the native countries and regions that all of these nonwhite peoples in the United States trace their ancestry back to. Haven't they all historically been better than the United States? Therefore, isn't it a great improvement to transform the United States of America from a gleaming outpost of European civilization in the New World into a Third-World society? That way we can emulate the success of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and, of course, Asmodeous Mex's favorite people, the Latin Americans. Yes, stop being European and become these nonwhite others, and the USA will become a more intelligent, more creative, more productive, more orderly, more cohesive country - won't it?

The leftist-liberals are not surpassed by anyone in history as scoundrels and scum. They have identified, and fanatically adhered to, the most potent plan imaginable to degrade a superb and high-achieving society into just another Third World dump.

It is disgraceful, and suicidal, of the white Americans, that they have lowered their birthrate to a population-decline level. The future belongs to those who bother to show up for it, and the whites aren't.


Even though there are already parts of the US that look like a Third World Country, the part that really makes my blood boil is so many Whites marrying Asmodeus Mex's favorite people (he probably refuses to admit that a VERY large number have Negroid admixture, which is the reason for the extremely dark skin on some of them sometimes as dark or even darker than American Blacks and the Patels) and these "people" having a higher standard of living than working class Americans. They receive all the free stuff, $10,000 income tax returns (even though they don't pay taxes); they are permitted to commit all types of fraud even against the IRS. They have so much money that all of them have nice vehicles bought for cash as well as homes bought for cash, free college educations courtesy of the American taxpayer. Once their kids are old enough to drive, all of them get vehicles because money is not a problem.. In the meantime, homeless veterans still die in the street. That is pure treason on the ones that have set things up to be that way..

Shane #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: AP Says It Will Not Change Style for ‘white’ After Capitalizing ‘Black’ . . . To Not Encourage ‘white Supremacists’

“White people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color,”

If that’s the case, then we also don’t have a shared history as oppressors. You can’t have it both ways, saying we don’t not have a collective history, but we simultaneously have collective responsibility for things done in history.

On a positive note, if Whites do not have a shared culture, then an all White group composed of Celts, Slavs, Mediterraneans, etc. is already plenty diverse and probably doesn’t need to be “enriched” by 3rd world migrants.

You win the internet for the day with your very astute second paragraph.

Thank you, I appreciate the praise! It’s my modest attempt at getting on the comments of the week page (only kidding, although that would be nice).

Week? This is the observation of the year.

Thank you, that is very kind of you to say.

Unfortunately, it’s a point the Left doesn’t seem to realize and so they persist in their hypocritical attempt to assign collective blame on Whites.

Benjamin Fulford #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #dunning-kruger benjaminfulford.net

The first time I was told about the AI theory was when I met a grandmaster of the gnostic Illuminati. He went by the name of Alexander Romanov and was recruited by the former World chess champion Bobby Fischer. Romanov was sent to see me in order to initiate contact between the Illuminati and Asian secret societies. He told me the Illuminati was formed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in response to the destruction of Atlantis. They say Atlantis was a civilization in the central Mediterranean Ocean (probably the Minoan civilization) that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption and tsunami around 1600 BC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_eruption

The ancient Greek Illuminati believed that whatever entity caused so much destruction was evil and needed to be overthrown. In other words, they believed the suffering and misery of this world would only be ended when its creator was overthrown.

This is crazy sounding stuff. But Romanov did warn us in advance of the plans to trigger a nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan on March 11th, 2011. This attack was forensically traced by the NSA, Japanese military intelligence, and others to the Khazarian mafia, specifically people like former Jesuit Secretary-General Peter Hanz Kolvenbach and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The Khazarian mafia, in turn, claims to take orders from some sort of entity they consider to be GOD.

The next person to talk about a rogue artificial intelligence being in charge of the planet was a man by the name of Paul Laine, who was from the Pentagon’s “men who stare at goats” psychic warfare division. Laine, together with a very senior silicon valley oligarch (whose identity I will keep secret in order to protect him) say the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence agency had also come to the conclusion we were dealing with some sort of AI. They noted that something was preventing humanity from leaving the Earth and that all space exploration had been stopped since the 1970s. Laine said NASA stood for “Not A Space Agency.”

Yet another source to confirm this conclusion was one of the last surviving members of the Majestic 12 group set up by former President Harry Truman to study UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. This source also said MJ12 had concluded that all UFO-related incidents ultimately traced themselves to an AI.

The reason for bringing this up now is that NASA officials also contacted us to say that recently some sort of anomaly has been changing, in their words “the very fabric of reality.” This has something to do with the continuing but ultra-top secret activities going on in Antarctica.

Hunter Wallace #racist #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "“Civil Rights Icon” John Lewis Is Finally Dead"]

John Lewis is dead.

By the way the media has reacted, you would think one of the Apostles had just passed away. Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington calls him “justice in the flesh.” Joe Biden says “we are all made in the image of God, and then there is John Lewis.” Stacey Abrams calls him “a griot of this modern age.” Elizabeth Warren calls him a “giant” and a “moral compass.” The New York Times calls him “a human saint.”

For what is John Lewis deserving of such lavish praise? It is not for his accomplishments during the 33 years he served in Congress representing Atlanta. It is for one thing. It is for leading a mob in a march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, AL on March 7, 1965. After being ordered to disperse, John Lewis refused to do so and the mob was repulsed by Alabama State Troopers. The event was labeled “Bloody Sunday” by the media. It became part of the narrative of the Civil Rights Movement. It made John Lewis a “civil rights icon” and was a key event that led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

In this sacred narrative, John Lewis was transformed from a mere human being made in the image of God into a saint and a civil rights martyr who advanced the cause of “equality,” “justice” and “progress” through civil disobedience against state and local authorities. The Edmund Pettus Bridge became a symbol. Religious pilgrims from across the world trickle into Selma to this day to see the relic which has become a modern equivalent of a Medieval shrine. Selma ceased to be a city in Alabama were people live and work and took on national significance. In 2014, the movie Selma was released which glorified MLK and John Lewis. The film was nominated for the Golden Globe Awards and Academy Awards.

In my lifetime, I knew Rep. John Lewis mainly as a civil rights dinosaur who was a throwback to another era who was fond of calling Trump a racist and illegitimate president. I also knew him for coming back to Selma every year for the holy pilgrimage in which he would reenact his march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge that made him famous. Every year in early March out of state progressive liberal politicians like Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton and the media would parachute into Selma for a photo op on the bridge before leaving town and coming back a year later to reenact the same cynical ritual. By marching across the magic bridge, even the Rev. Al Sharptons of the world became righteous and holy.

There is another darker side of the legacy of John Lewis. Selma and the surrounding region never really ceased to be a place where people live and work after 1965. It just ceased to matter in anything but the symbolic sense to the media. After John Lewis left town, the cameras left, the marching stopped and civil rights legislation was signed into law, the people who lived in Selma and the Alabama Black Belt had to go on living under the new order. Black majority rule came to “Historic Selma.” History moved on and in the 55 years that have elapsed since “Bloody Sunday” the practical result has been that Selma has become the poorest city in Alabama and the ninth poorest city in the entire United States.

This symbol of “equality” is now one of the worst and most unequal places to live in the country. This symbol of “justice” is now unjust to anyone unfortunate enough to be born there. This symbol of “progress” is a blighted and abandoned television prop. The Voting Rights Act succeeded in establishing black majority rule. In doing so, it obliterated civilization because Whites didn’t want to live there anymore or invest in the community. As for “Bloody Sunday,” no one died on that day, but now Selma is the most dangerous city in Alabama and one of the most dangerous cities in the country.

In Game of Thrones series, The Doom of Valyria destroyed Valyrian civilization. Go to Selma in 2020 and you will see that John Lewis brought a similar Doom which has settled like a black cloud above the city. Selma is now a cursed place which is sinking into ruin and slowly being reclaimed by the wilderness. It is an American version of Pompeii that was destroyed by the Civil Rights Movement.

American Patriot News quoting Buck Sexton to sound like they didn’t pull this nonsense directly out of the wrong end #wingnut #racist #sexist americanpatriotnewsletter.com

Buck Sexton, the host of “The Buck Sexton Show,” said Friday that the upheaval in the country brought to you by the Black Lives Matter protests have done nothing but destabilize, weaken and drive a wedge between races in the country and if it continues it may cause irreparable harm.

Like most movements that start with a sincere goal, Black Lives Matter has been hijacked by antifa anarchists and the Democrat Party. After weeks and weeks of violent protests and cities like Seattle and Portland literally being taken under siege, the only palpable results are a few empty statue pedestals, ravaged cities and a historic surge in violence in major cities.

“BLM has made everything worse for everyone in the last two and a half months or so,” Sexton said. “Nothing has improved. Nothing is better. And increasingly, we have to look to who should be held responsible for this. And I would argue that the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and the mainstream media are to blame.”

Sexton pointed out that even adherents of the BLM movement are very specific about what black lives actually matter to the movement. It is not the 12 people killed each weekend in Chicago alone due to gun violence, they are only concerned about the black individuals killed during interactions with police.

Sexton said the term “racist” is being tossed around by “smarmy beta male white liberals” at places like MSNBC in an attempt to silence anyone with the backbone to examine the BLM mission statement. He said it is the height of irony that liberal pundits making millions a year, living in expensive neighborhoods and sending their children to $50,000-per-year private schools are the ones talking about the changes needed in society.

“They’re frauds,” Sexton said. “And they’re cowards and they’re hurting the very communities that they pretend to help.” And they are—right now—waiting for the next video that could show a police officer using excessive force just so they can start the process all over again.

But the Black Lives Matter movement will continue because it is now sponsored by major corporations doing their best to avoid the cancel culture pandemic and benefit from the political cover from politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who blamed the dramatic increase in crime in New York City to hungry citizens stealing bread to eat.

Sexton said the new orthodoxy is now in place and “we’re supposed to just accept it.”

Ragnar #wingnut #racist hardnoxandfriends.com

Proud Americans!

At a time when our president and other politicians tend to apologize for our country’s prior actions, here’s a refresher on how some of our former patriots handled negative comments about our country.
JFK’S Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60’s when DE Gaulle decided to pull out of NATO. DE Gaulle said he wanted all U.S. Military out of France as soon as possible.
Rusk responded, “Does that include those who are buried here?”
DE Gaulle Did not respond.
You Could have heard a pin drop.

When in England , At a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of ’empire building’ by George Bush.
Powell answered by saying, “Over the years, the United States has sent many of Its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom Beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for In return is enough to bury those that did not Return.” You Could have heard a pin drop.

There was a conference in France Where a number of international engineers Were taking part, including French and American. During a break, One of the French engineers came back into the room saying, “Have you Heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft Carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he Intend to do, bomb them?”
A Boeing engineer Stood up and replied quietly: “Our carriers have three Hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are Nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to Shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to Feed 3,000 people three meals a day; they can produce several thousand Gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a Dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and From their flight deck. We have eleven such ships. How many does France have?”
You Could have heard a pin drop.

A U.S. Navy Admiral Was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large Group of officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks, but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many Languages, Americans learn only English. He then asked, “Why is it that We always have to speak English in these conferences rather than Speaking French?”
Without hesitation,
The American Admiral replied, “Maybe it’s because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn’t Have to speak German.” You Could have heard a pin drop.

Robert Whiting, An elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport In his carryon.
“You Have been to France before, Monsieur?” the customs officer asked Sarcastically.
Mr. Whiting Admitted that he had been to France Previously.
“Then You should know enough to have your passport ready.”
The American said,”The last time I was here, I didn’t have to show it.”
“Impossible.. Americans always have to show their passports on arrival in France !”
The American senior Gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he Quietly explained, ”Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn’t find a single Frenchman To show a passport to.” You Could have heard a pin drop.

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What the HELL has happened here? Communist/Socialist/Marxist insurrection in the streets of American, and it appears the government has other things to do then arrest these traitors and put them in Gitmo or the equivalent….I for one apologize to all former and current military members and the families of those killed in service for this Great Country! Disgraceful.

~Ragnar (RFXtFR)

Roosh V #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

Recently, Roosh Valizadeh — a former pick-up artist and purveyor of rapey literature turned religious zealot — railed against what he called “cultural rot” in an episode of his Roosh Hour podcast. Valizadeh took aim at, among other things, Bratz dolls, which he suggested were a Jewish plot to “groom” young girls.

“How ’bout the toys?” Valizadeh asked. “The toys that they’re giving girls, maybe the toys is [sic] gonna be — have some value to it.” He showed a photo of Bratz dolls and added, “And by value I mean teaching your young daughters how to become prostitutes.”

He complained about the clothing on a pair of Bratz dolls, pointing out that he could see the “G-string” on one of them. He then pulled up another photo of the same dolls — this time the doll on the left had lipstick on its face. Valizadeh said this was evidence that the dolls are a “lesbianic [sic] couple.”

“I mean these are the kind of dolls you would buy to groom a young child in order to sexually abuse them,” he claimed. “That’s it. You would teach ‘Hey, look, this is the doll, this is how you dress. Oh, you’re dressing like that.’ I mean, this is what I think. This is a grooming tool.”

Then Valizadeh put an antisemitic twist on his rant, pulling up a photo of MGA Entertainment CEO Isaac Larian.

Larian is an Iranian-born Jew whose company produces the Bratz product line. Valizadeh commented that “his face reminds me of something,” and pointed to Larian’s “engorged” nose, “juicy, thick lips,” and “thin and snake-like” eyes.

“We can’t see him below the chest but I would imagine his hands are clasped together — rubbing,” he said. This is a nod to the antisemitic “Happy Merchant” meme which depicts “a drawing of a Jewish man with heavily stereotyped facial features who is greedily rubbing his hands together.”

Yesterday on Twitter, Valizadeh announced that his YouTube account had been banned, claiming it was this episode that violated YouTube’s guidelines. Prior to his ban Valizadeh tweeted “People don’t like Jews because of their behavior” and “109” — a reference to the expulsion of Jews from 109 nations.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

This is why you don’t fuck with people’s livelihoods because they don’t agree with you politically or you kick people out for drawing hentai of characters who are obviously adults but their faces look young so you ban them.

This is what happens when there’s no alternatives, these businesses soon shove their heads up their own asses and think they can do whatever they want, like they’re untouchable! Do you think youtube would be so broken if there was an alternative to it that’s doing better than them? Hell fucking no! Patreon, you are a site where fans can support their favorite creators and you get a cut of that as well so take your cut and shut the fuck up but you didn’t do that, right? You got on your soapbox and kept doubling down until you fell on your face! You shout “nazi” all you want, put another cute commercial about how you’re “done with the bullshit”and ban anyone the flying checkmarks say is “problematic” until you’re blue in the face but you forgot it was these “problematic” people that made you as big as you are but because there was nobody else doing what you do, you decided to play god and push the people who made you out while I’m sure you let people who spread anti-white and anti-cop propaganda sit pretty without even a slap on the wrist! Just like the Joker said “You get what you fucking deserve!” And you have no one to blame but yourselves, now you’re on fire and it’s GLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

So...who were these people calling “nazis” again? Cause I remember that word being tossed around and now...SJWs are going full nazi now by hating Jews? Then again are we suppose to be surprised? I remember there’s a video where a college student got triggered by a store that showed support for Israel in front of his store and even demanded to take it down(the store owner didn’t btw). So are SJWs gonna go full hitler? Is Don Lemon gonna ask Joe Biden about what hes gonna do about Jews “controlling everything”? Goddamn, Nick! I think you just pulled the left into a new low because if this is the new talking point then the far left has become the alt-right they fear so much. What the fuck is happening? XD We got BLM being trained Marxists and now we have anti-Semitic SJWs crawling out of their caves...the left is done! I never would’ve thought they would go this far but it happened! The left is dead...and it was because of Nick Cannon...*Slow claps*Thank you, Nick! You did it! you revealed to everyone the kind of person you are and now more people are fallowing you’re talking points...any defense? I would love to hear it! Anyone? I don’t turn off my comments so you’re free to say what you want hell you can talk to me in notes...I’ll be here...waiting...hmmm...damn, Nick...Wow

Molly Friedrich #racist #crackpot facebook.com

It's true I get frustrated some times, but this is never about hate with me:
Blacks can't win.
There is a process from outside our planet that is working thru the ecosystem to reclaim desert animals as plants. (I've explained how that process is based in physics, and is not arbitrary)
Blacks are just white people with a broken Chlorophyll molecule in their skin called "melanin".
Even if blacks SUCCEED in tricking the planet into targeting the wrong group and turning some part of WHITE PEOPLE back into plants...
All they have done is created a disease that will kill all blacks along with the whites.
Their melanin MUST be targeted to turn back into a plant or the entire human race is over.
I'm not playing a guessing game, what if, or proposing a theory. Either you target melanin or we all die.
In other words, if u.v. doesn't return to serving plant behaviors, the animals (people included) that are manipulating u.v. are only going to succeed in obliterating their entire race, as u.v. continues flicking over the dominos of information that CREATE us.
That's probably why some blacks were certain they couldn't be racist... They understood that attacking whites meant their OWN demise also.
The way blacks "won" with women was because u.v. targeted females to SUCCEED AS THE OPPOSITE OF PLANTS, thereby cancelling the plant reclaiming occurring on black women, and u.v. treated most blacks as women.
But now I'm the one being targeted, and you haven't been trying to make me as female as possible.
And you are currently watching the result of that decision spread virally, and the death has only begun.
If you use u.v. to target DICKS to turn back into plants... you just recreated AIDS. Congratulations my theory that sex is a plant behavior will come true.
Plants aren't stupid, and they are going to COMMUNICATE quite well thru human sex.
I'm not xy so my information isn't TO BUILD DICKS.
I'm white. I'm the angel of His Garden.
My rna doesn't care what you think my name is.
You are not sounding like "innocent accidental black skin, u.v.". You sound like you are desperately trying to figure out how to kill anything but black people.
I already recently exposed you as playing "the white person name game" with u.v.
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky..."
Please don't bother commenting, unless you are an Angel of His Garden, I'm not very interested in your hot takes.
To everyone else, enjoy your hateful virtue-signaling gaslighters below, none of whom are capable of communicating their "correct information". 🤣

Maker #racist chimpmania.com

Who F-ing called it?!? I called it here, a Cook Coonty sheriff deputy I know laughed when we spoke about the fictitious nigger bullshit story about “a big nigger dinner” and some “nigger medicine” and “I beez feelin’ sleepy an’ sheeee-IT!!!” at 12:30am.

—> So it’s A-fucking-OK for lying niggersow Tawana Brawley to smear its own poop on its hide forgoing jenkem for a day and the Duke lacrosse players being embarrassed ALONG WITH their parents and families.

But it’s NOT A-OK for nigger Chicongo PD Superapetendent Eddie Johnson’s nigger fambly to be embarrassed because the big fat lying piece of shit nigger was at a jenkem party getting drunk and high off free jenkem and stolen Crowne Royal.

Double dumb animal nigger standard!! Fuck you nigger fats-O Johnson and niggersow lezboon Chicongo Mayor Lori Lightpaw, I’m surprised Lightpaw didn’t protect and obfuscate for big fat lying niggerboy Johnson.

Thank you TRH for the apedate on big, fat, lying, blubberlipped coon cop nigger Johnson.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia missionamerica.com

Black Lives Matter is a movement based on snot-nosed dismissal of American opportunity, history, affluence, and morality. Not only is the group financially connected to Susan Rosenberg, a domestic terrorist convicted in 1984 for bombing campaigns, but the women founders of BLM exhibit other serious emotional and intellectual deficits as they negatively mischaracterize almost everything in their path—men, the nuclear family, police, American heritage, capitalism, unborn babies, Western civilization, sexuality, Jews, and their white human brothers and sisters.

Oh, and they just happen to be black. But it’s the brat in them and in Colin that most people find objectionable. It has nothing to do with color. For these race-obsessed opportunists, darker skin color provides cover for a deeply destructive ideology.

People are now getting fired from jobs just for social media posts or reckless speech. Yet Washington Post has not fired opinion editor, Karen Attiah, who actually tweeted about “white women” being lucky that black people aren’t “calling for revenge.”

Is it too much to expect these people to grow up, stop whining, cut the threats, and cease their campaigns of destruction?

No one looking through an accurate lens of American history can claim with a straight face that there is more tyranny today, more oppression, fewer opportunities than in the past. The trajectory has been exactly the opposite.

These are infantile fantasies. And ironically, race is actually not the driver here. It’s adolescent rebellion.

I praise God for people who are in a unique position to speak the truth right now—Candace Owens, Ben Carson, Bob Woodson, Larry Elder and others.

The fact remains that this country is a beautiful beacon of hope in a bleak world. For the immature hearts incapable of recognizing this, there is a solution. They can grow up or get out.

Let’s pray for the former.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #racist missionamerica.com

We have a choice. We can turn away from the childish mob. We can prosecute the lawbreakers while ignoring their press agent bullies-- the Colin Kaepernicks, AOCs, Stacey Abrams, and LeBron Jameses of America.

Christians especially must resist manipulation. Because it’s obvious that, to these radicals, only certain black lives “matter.” Certainly not the teens killed in the Seattle CHOP/CHAZ, nor the epidemic of black on black murders (including children), nor the abortions of black babies. Nor Christian blacks in Nigeria, where genocide continues virtually unreported by the American media or decried by Western church leaders.
America's current dilemma is not because of white privilege, or even black privilege. Our nation is being ruled by brat privilege, where adults who once had sense are yielding to the demands of the immature and the unwise, the reckless, the pathological.

Yet the agitators forget—God is watching.

Remember the rebellion of Korah in the wilderness (Numbers 16)? A group of malcontents defied the leadership of Moses and Aaron, forgetting the Hebrews’ dramatic rescue from Egyptian slavery, the miraculous Red Sea crossing, and God’s provision of manna in the wilderness. More and more people joined Korah and his upstart buddies.

It did not end well for them. God was not endlessly patient, letting them vent, being sensitive to their wokeness. God’s wrath descended on these rebels, and about 15,000 people were consumed by fire, swallowed into a pit or killed in a plague.

The Lord desires an appreciative heart. When God’s will to protect and bless people is subverted, the consequences can be dire.

AutisticMonstrosity #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [Story] I witnessed a Chadlite get a gf. It was unreal.

This happened at my university quite some years ago. I was doing a project with a fellow student. (Inb4 "mogs me for having friends": we were assigned on the project together.) He was a pretty cool guy, but he was obviously more handsome than me, definitely a Chadlite.

One day we were working and some chick approaches us out of nowhere to ask him what we were talking about. He gave an unsuspecting answer, and it quickly became a conversation that I was witnessing first-hand. Long story short, she gave him her number and they went on a date. Last time I saw him they were in a relationship.

It literally just happened to him, right fucking next to me. I thought I was taking crazy pills. Never once did she acknowledge me, while all he had to do was exist. It's still brutal to think about tbh.

I have several, much more brutal experiences where I have witnessed right beside (including withing 40 centimetres) when an asylum seeker (Iranian, Iraqi, Afghan) or foreign student (Pakistani) has gotten a Finnish GF of multiple years (one couple in particular I saw together many times, after a few years still they were together, and it was an Iranian asylum seeker (I know his claim got rejected, but he has simply made new applications, maybe even claiming homosexuality to get approved!)). These are one of my worst memories ever and will remain so. I will regret the rest of my life not doing something, not trying to kill the invader on the spot.

ludimax #racist stormfront.org

Good day everyone,

My wife and I are planning to have a child soon, which got us thinking about them growing up in the society where racial multiculturalism is becoming the norm unfortunately.

How do you educate your children not to a with other races? Especially young children who don't have the capacity to understand race yet?

Once the child starts going to school, they'll have multiculturalism showed down their throat on a daily basis I imagine. I'm afraid that whatever we do or say at home to them might get them into trouble if they start repeating that at school. Or worse, that they'll get brainwashed by the propaganda.

We just can't imagine our future child bringing home one day a black (or whatever else) girlfriend/boyfriend, and we want to do everything we can that this doesn't happen.

I know that the answer to this is not simple, but I appreciate any advice that comes from personal experience.

NordicLiberation #racist stormfront.org

I have had a few jewish teachers in K-12 school, and I have noticed a pattern among them:
The jewish teachers were particularly insistent upon homework.
They assigned more of it, based a larger portion of their grades upon it, and could be aggressive
toward students who didn't do it. Not all white teachers were innocent of such behavior either,
but it was uncommon among them.

I know the innate psychological reason for this:
Jews, on average, have a stronger desire to assert dominance than whites do.
Hence, jews exhibit such dominance-asserting behaviors as homework slavery,
foreskin amputation, prescribing SRI drugs so as to cause PSSD, keeping a religious book-
the Torah, that calls for the execution of various types of innocent people, and other things.

SerenWen #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

So someone sent us a book about a girl called Isadora Moon, it looks cute and innocent but when you actually read the story its obviously designed to promote multiracial values. The girl is "half fairy half vampire" because her mum is a fairy who had babies with her dad, a vampire, teaching your child that race mixing is fine. The fairies and the vampires act differently but their both nice, just so your child learns all cultures are equally valid. What about the evil vampire habit of sucking blood out of their victims? No according to the story vampires just drink red juice, come to think of it lying to defend vampires is really quite like lying to defend Muslims. The worst thing is, this interbred mongrel girl ends up going to a normal school because "they don't mind if you're different". Anyway, I'm throwing this book in the recycling and I suggest you do too if someone buys it as a "present" for your kids.

Kevin L. Walker #racist twitter.com

Jewish people migrated to “Hollywood,” founded & created it, milked black people for their #culture, & music, and catered to the KKK and racism in America.

They diliberately created a social system putting black people at the bottom.. Thus the role we’re mostly cast in.

sirgemini #racist stormfront.org

I can trace just about all of my ancestors back to the late 1600s, some even 1500s, through extensive family trees. A sibling who took a 23andme shows that I am 99.7% European, and 0.3% North African (yes, I know I'm not full European, but many North Africans look white to begin with, and North Africa is in such close proximity to Southern Europe, that it is to be expected, and I like to think that North African ancestor was a fair-skinned, eyed, and haired Berber or something, not to mention a DNA test may not be 100% accurate.) I am 0.0% Jew, eastern european, black, native, asian, or even middle eastern. I consider myself racially pure. I live in Texas, and most of my ancestors are from the South, yet none of them ever mixed with blacks or natives. Around here, it is common for people to be only 95-99% European, if they are "white". It is unfortunate how many Americans have become racially polluted over the years and I am lucky to be pure. I would really like to move to a part of America where most of the women are at least 100% European (<0.3% North African would be okay too) and where there is a higher chance my descendants will be pure as well. I have heard Maine never really mixed with blacks or natives, so would that be a good choice? My biggest concern here is that I will go to college (I am 17 going next year) and that I will "fall in love" with one of these "white" women who are actually only 98% white or less, and by that time, I will think "well, it's love! we're all humans" and become softened. I realize that what I'm thinking at 17 will likely not stick once you get older and get more experience, but I really do not want to lose my concern for my children to be pure and pride that I am pure. What can I do to go to community college in Texas and not "fall in love". I am worried it will just happen and I won't be able to stop it or won't care by then about this kind of stuff. I will leave it to fate, but I'd at least like to make it less likely. Does anyone know what parts are more racially pure? I don't care as much if the area is 100% white or only 20%, just that the white people there are full white. Thank you.

aubz #racist stormfront.org

The State of Vancouver... Vancouver is China

I have lived in the Vancouver area out of necessity (University) for more than 5 years now. Vancouver does not feel at home at all. I feel like I live in China. They have completely taken over this place. Just by walking around the Lower Mainland, my estimate is that only 30% of all the people here are white. Some of the white people here seemed to be confused about their culture. Some even go so far as to think they are culturally Chinese. @.@ Some white males feel like they are Chinese, and claim that they prefer to date Chinese women due to cultural similarities.

The Chinese here do not treat us white people very well (Chinese women worship white men though - they love to have white boyfriends). When I attended UBC, I had to study alone because all of my classmates were speaking Mandarin. They stereotyped the hell out of me, saying that whites are not smart enough to excel in math (I have a degree in PHYSICS). During my co-op job (95% of the interns were Chinese!!!), I was the only white female there and they all spoke Mandarin so I could not eat lunch with them.

Due to my pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes (German heritage) I often get old Chinese people on the bus staring at me. I study software engineering, a field dominated by asian males... Vancouver is so asian that I feel culturally drained and I can't be myself around these people or they will judge me.



Every single day I see zounds of white male/asian female couples. ALL OVER THE city - way more than any other pairing. It's rare to see any other coupling walking around here... 90% of the white males in Vancouver prefer to date asian women. A lot of my white female friends feel so unattractive in this city. I have never been asked out on a date by a white male in Vancouver... I guess I look kind of alien to them (hahaha they are used to seeing Asians).

What can we do about this mess????????????

Anyways, does anyone else feel as frustrated as me here in Vancouver?

I went back home to the Okanagan during winter break and I felt at home. Felt like my country... It would be great to meet some others who feel the same way!

Now8News #racist #psycho now8news.com

Los Angeles Police: 12 White Female Bodies in Garage Freezer Tagged, “Black Lives Matter”

12 White Female Bodies in Garage Freezer Tagged, “Black Lives Matter”

The Los Angeles Police Department came across a gruesome discovery today when several neighbors called concerned about suspicious activity at a home in their neighborhood. Several 911 calls directed police to the 800 block of Woodland Avenue on Wednesday morning. Upon arriving at the scene, police knocked on the door to be greeted by a man who seemed “under the influence of drugs.” Upon further investigation, they found 12 White Female Bodies in Garage Freezer Tagged, Black Lives Matter.

The bodies had several things in common – they were all white women in their mid-20s, blonde hair and all had the writings marked on them which read “Black Lives Matter” and “BLM.” Mathis, who was known for his involvement in the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement was arrested without incident and booked into the county jail on no bond.
12 White Female Bodies in Garage Freezer Tagged, “Black Lives Matter”

They are not releasing the names of the victims until the families are notified. Mathis tested positive for being under the influence of bath salts, which he says caused him to commit these horrible crimes.

Submitter’s note: Needless to say, Fake News. Indeed, *recycled* Fake News preciously seen with other cities and body counts.

Uglyme #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

[Hypocrisy] I have never known of a Chad convicted of rape, have you?

Ted Bundy and the other Hispanic guy, I forgot his name, don't count cause they got jail time for murdering foids. Whether they rape them or not, that's not the case, their main crime was killing them. But do you know of any good looking guy who was put in jail for rape? The truth is that Chads do rape, but mostly they rape their girlfriends and they like it. It's not rape if Chad does it.


convincted no, but I see accusations all the time

rape = chad pumped and dumped me and I want revenge


Excerpt from 'The Dictionary of Foidspeak'

Rape (verb) - 1) Sexual intercourse while intoxicated or under the influence, and the following morning the woman discovers that he's not as attractive as she thought when she met him last night 2) When a woman engages in sexual intercourse with a beta husband when she was not really in the mood 3) When a woman takes part in a last minute hook up, especially when married or in a long term relationship, and is discovered

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho henrymakow.com

Who would do this? Now I realize.

Why Gates himself of course!

He has been talking about such an attack for years.

COVID19 "cases" are a lot like money.

They are simply digits.

The Illuminati create them out of hot air.

With control over the MSM, they are used to creating our reality: wars, moon landings, nuclear bombs, assassinations, climate change, false-flag terror.

However, people are remarking at how low the actual death rate is, less than 1/2 of one percent, hardly enough to justify crippling the world economy and putting everyone in face diapers and under house arrest.

If the Illuminati can't sustain their narrative, it is likely that they will unleash a new more deadly virus.

Gates has said that their goal is to vaccinate the human race. Hundreds of millions of doses have been ordered. The stock market soars on the prospect, thinking this will actually cure the imaginary disease. There is no way Gates will succeed unless he scares the bejesus out of people, and the only way to do that is to unleash something much more powerful.

Gates' cohorts at the World Economic Forum have stated that the pandemic is the pretext to "reset" literally every aspect of global society.
The list includes Technology, Financial and Monetary Systems, Cities, Energy, Media, and Culture.

There is no way they will achieve their goal without a new improved COVID20.

Like Gates, Adolf Hitler outlined his plans well in advance. Nobody stopped him. Can no one stop Bill Gates?

Like Europe's Jews, are we going meekly to our fate?

We do not yet appreciate the seriousness of our situation. The prospect of a cure and recovery keeps us docile. People are getting bail-outs.

But sooner or later, the money will stop. We will understand that they are out to destroy civilization.

They are out to destroy us.

We gave them unlimited wealth when we allowed them to create money. Now they want unlimited power.

As Illuminati insider Leonard Cohen said,

I have seen the future and it is murder.

Lord Jim #crackpot #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

But, are negroes human?

According to Rushton's "Race, Evolution, and Behavior", fully modern homo sapiens emerged in Africa 200,000 years ago. 100,000 years ago, a small group of Africans had a sudden urge to head north. This small group inhabited the rest of the world, with minimal contact with the rest of the Africans who stayed in Africa. 40,000 years ago, the Caucasoid race broke off from the Mongoloid race.

This means the entire world outside of Africa is largely related, descended from one small tribe of perhaps a few hundred or a thousand. This tribe was obviously already unique, in that it alone had the intrepidity and determination to head north and conquer the world. We, the descendants of this unique tribe, have afterwards been evolving under extremely different, more challenging environments for the last 100,000 years apart from the African race we left behind. 100,000 years under dramatically different environments from a dramatically different founding stock is a long time. Compare it to dogs:

Dog Domestication and History

"Dog history has been studied recently using mitochondrial DNA, which suggests that wolves and dogs split into different species around 100,000 years ago;

Another recent study suggests that the entire population of dogs today is descended from three females near China about 15,000 years ago

So, I'm going to stick my neck out and use the 13,000 year BC date as the probable date of domestication."

This is a convenient parallel. Dogs also come from a bottleneck, they've also been genetically separate from wolves for 100,000 years, and they've also undergone different environmental pressures than their wolf counterparts. Just as the northern latitudes presented a unique environment for non-blacks to grow up in, dogs were domesticated and evolved towards suiting human needs instead of wolf needs. No one on Earth says dogs and wolves are the same species, even though it is possible for dogs to mate with wolves and have fertile offspring. The genetic differences are vast enough, the phenotypic differences in looks, behavior, and personality are great enough, that everyone instinctively recognizes dogs and wolves are different species now.

Why then are blacks considered human? Why are blacks and non-blacks considered part of the same species? We could not look more different, act more differently, or have more different personalities than them. There is a vast genetic divergence between blacks and non-blacks dating back 100,000 years. And even though blacks and non-blacks can have fertile offspring, biologically that has never been used as the exclusive standard for whether you belong to the same species or not.

Phenotypic Variations between Blacks and Non-blacks:

Blacks have wide noses, kinky hair, black skin, high waist-to-hip ratios, prognathic jaws, long arms, and soulless, vacant eyes. Everything about them is ugly.

Blacks have the lowest IQ in the world. (ignoring the equally disgusting and black-skinned Australian aborigines for convenience's sake.) The bushmen clock in at around 50 IQ, the average Bantu achieves the mentally retarded level of 70 IQ, and the highly cultivated, well-fed, well cared for, partially white African-Americans reach 85 IQ. IQ has an enormous impact on lifestyle, achievement, and behavior. IQ correlates to poverty, crime, mortality, and broken homes on one side — and education, wealth, human accomplishment, long life and stable homes on the other. According to "IQ and the Wealth of Nations," a country must have a minimum average IQ of 90 to run a technological civilization. It is not a far cry to say it is IQ that makes humans better than the animals, and it is IQ that makes some humans better than other humans.

That's not all though. Blacks are unique in that when we arrived, they had no written language, no wheel, no architectural works, nothing at all that would indicate they live a human existence. Whereas literature and palaces and cities existed in almost every corner of the Earth, from the Incas to the Indians to the Persians to the Chinese to Stonehenge to Ankar Wat in Cambodia — nothing existed in Africa. For the past 100,000 years, non-blacks have been spreading across the globe, building pyramids and cities, developing new technology, domesticating animals and crops, covering themselves in finely decorated clothing, and living essentially human lives. Blacks, meanwhile, stayed nearly naked, self-mutilating, technology-less, with no domesticated animals, no written language, no wheel, no stone buildings, no metalworking, nothing.

Virtually every other non-black group came up with an admirable or at least interesting religion or philosophy which was recorded and taught to a priesthood. Indians had the Vedas and the Upanishads, and the Chinese had Confucianism, Daoism, and various sects of Buddhism. Europeans had Virgil, Horace, and Homer to write down their pagan religion, with Plato, Aristotle, and numberless other greats to record their philosophy. Even the Aztecs had a corpus of literature, which was, unfortunately, burnt and destroyed by the Spanish invaders. Shintoism was developed in Japan, the epic of Gilgamesh was recorded in ancient Babylonian times, and Egypt authored the Book of the Dead. Only black Africa (and assorted primitives in Australasia) hadn't recorded or created any official religion or philosophy. Blacks still rely on voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, and animism with no particular pantheon of Gods, no priesthood, no anything that could develop them past superstition and barbarism.

Today it is questionable what Blacks could achieve on their own, without the intervention of others giving to them all the things they could never produce or maintain themselves. Though we see blacks walking around in business suits, speaking English, shooting guns, and making use of all sorts of non-black generated goods and services and inventions and ideas and discoveries — none of them originate from the black man. Without the continuous intervention of charity into Black Africa, it's unknown whether they could even maintain what they have, or if they would simply regress back to mud huts the moment we left. All current black civilization is in fact transplanted non-black civilization. There is not as yet a single black civilization on Earth that has independently developed and maintained its own technological and philosophical way of life. No blacks have won any Nobel prizes in the hard sciences, fields medals, or gotten any spot on a list of Human Accomplishment that would represent some major scientific or technological advancement for the world.

Geography can be no excuse because blacks today live all across the world. Blacks in France, the UK, and the USA are given preferential treatment and access to college educations, and yet they still produce nothing. At the same time, whites who lived in South Africa and Zimbabwe made them into decent, first world nations without a problem. There is nothing about the African continent inimical to modern life, it is simply the fact that it is populated by blacks.

Nor can some strange combination of bad luck and being separate from other civilizations explain black underperformance. After all, blacks have been connected to the outside world since the 1400's. They have had centuries to modernize and improve themselves in Africa with full access to modern knowledge and technology. In contrast, it took Japan about twenty years to modernize from a feudal samurai culture to a fully modern industrial state which then took on and defeated Russia in 1900. Blacks have had centuries in the USA to do all sorts of human activities, immersed in white culture, knowledge, and technology. Instead, all they do is riot, rape, steal, sell drugs, and demand more handouts from the government. Germany recovered from WWII in just ten years, becoming yet again a prosperous, powerful, and leading-edge modern civilization. Africans meanwhile cannot recover from 'colonization,'' slavery,' or 'discrimination' after centuries. Haiti has been an all-black, independent, free state since the Napoleonic wars, 200 years ago. Even so, its lifestyle and standard of living perfectly match that of darkest Africa. In those 200 years, it hasn't progressed an inch. In fact, it has probably regressed since that time. Their neighbors in the Dominican republic have immensely better statistics than them in all fields. Instead of a failed state, the Dominican Republic takes care of its people, has a working government, and doesn't need charity. The difference? Their population is non-black. All of the old, tired excuses are refuted by geography and history.

The black murder rate is 9 times that of the white/Hispanic (combined!) murder rate. It is 36 times as high as the Asian murder rate. Blacks are the majority of AIDS cases and all other STDs, their STD rates are completely out of proportion to all other groups. Even homosexuals have a hard time keeping up with the black STD rates. No ordinary healthy human has the sexual habits of the black race. Whereas every other people on Earth developed a family structure, blacks still roam around aimlessly screwing everyone they meet and never staying to raise the child. 70% of black children in the USA are illegitimate. In Africa, women largely do all the work and raise the kids while the men commit crimes or sit around chewing leaves or smoking something. Domestic violence among blacks is atrocious. Rape is endemic. The human race does not act like this, their morals and habits are completely different.

Good things can be said of virtually every group or civilization on Earth. This is unsurprising, given the fact that everyone on Earth is descended from the same small tribe that left Africa 100,000 years ago. East Asians are such decent, advanced people they are comparable to whites. Unsurprisingly, they only diverged from the White race 40,000 years ago. There is only one group nothing good can be said about, there is only one group completely unrelated to the rest of the human race, and that is the black African. There is enough genetic variation between blacks and non-blacks that any objective scientist, classifying us like they would classify various animal species, would label us different species. On one side humans, on the other blacks. There is enough phenotypic, common sense variation, that again it is an insult to categorize blacks among the human race. They are nothing like us and they never will be, they are worse in every way. Call them orcs, or trolls, devils, or whatever you like–they are not human.

MattwhiteAmerica #racist stormfront.org

I'll admit that there's certainly a percentage of your population which are intelligent and certainly some that may well be good people. But can we admit that the bad and low iq'ed individuals within your race far outweigh the high?. Blacks make up 50% of all murders in this country and that is mostly done by 6% of this countries population that is black male. How the hell can you expect us to overlook that and trust that these people won't kill us? Killing us at 5 times the interracial rate compared to whites killing blacks. Based on the data it is folly to over look your crime and somehow blame us for your problems.

I could go on and on. I am not saying you're a bad person, but the truth is the truth. Can you accept that your people have problems? can you accept that your people practice tons of racism against mine. You expect me to be ok with your peoples violence and hatred against mine as you must believe that we're below you and don't have a right to an opinion or to live in safety when confronted by a people that hate us.

We're white nationalist because we won't live in fear and we will admit that we prefer our own people for many reasons including the ones given above.

Ex-Detroiter #racist #wingnut #elitist stormfront.org

You are thinking of us they way you have been told to think of us. Most of what you accuse us of, simply is not true.

Nevertheless, if blacks are to live in a white land, we expect them to behave in a civilized white way. Many of you don’t.

Years ago, blacks clamored for “equal opportunity.” For the most part you have it. Now, if blacks aren’t proportionally represented in the upper classes or in education or on boards of directors, you exclaim white oppression, with the certainty that since blacks are the equal of whites, the ONLY reason there remain differences must be due to racial discrimination.

Well, young lady, there are differences – substantial difference. We are beginning to build a list here:

Scientific Proof of Racial Differences

So, review the documentation and understand you only have yourselves to blame for the inequality of outcome.

Rizza Islam #conspiracy #racist twitter.com

Why are the shootings in Chicago primarily happening over the weekend?? I don't believe it's us killing us alone. Not with the full silicone body suits that White men can purchase, wear and EASILY be mistaken as a Black man! The White Nationalists will find a WAY to murder us.

PetuniaProudlock #fundie #racist postimg.cc

[on /r/Judaism]

I consider myself Jewish above everything else. Ethnically and religiously.

Agree with everyone in this thread. I have always been taught to value any Yehudim above any Goyim. We are a tribe, and a tribe helps their people - even if it comes at the expense of others. I would always raise up another Jew at any opportunity, protect them even if they did wrong…and I’m glad everyone here feels the same.

[on /r/NBA]

Makes it more interesting to have a player we can all unite to ‘hate.’ Crazy temper, rich white boy, punchable face, really white mannerisms and way of speaking, arrogant. I’m literally white and I can’t stand him so I can’t imagine what it’s like for black people watching him. You could imagine what his ancestors were like.

[On a thread titled “Why is it encouraged for us to spread division between White and Black people”]

As Rabbi Bronstein says, “if the cat and dog are hating each other, the mouse is safe.” Unlike others who do, I would never lie, but it’s not immoral to highlight the failings of other groups. If that leads to division, well, like Rabbi Bronstein says, we’re the mouse. It keeps us safe.

Why are you trying to spread division? Why are you claiming to be white [on /r/NBA], but on other posts saying you’re not? Why are you trying to encourage black people to think of a college kids ancestors as slave owners, and citing his ‘white mannerisms’ as an issue worthy of hate?

Why are YOU spreading anti-Semitism?

Quoting your own posts and asking you 3 civil questions isn’t anti-semitic.

My posts in other threads are irrelevant. This was a post about a g-ddamn basketball player. This is textbook Anti-Semitism.

Anonymous #racist boards.4chan.org

>Georgians aren't white.
You do know why they call them "Caucasians" right? Hint: It's not because they're from Kansas.

You do know Caucasians aren't all white, right? North Africans and Middle Easterners and Eurasians are also considered Caucasian.

But only Celtic-Germanic people in the north, Baltic-Slavic people in the East, and Euro-Mediterraneans are white.

I'm pretty liberal on what's "white" ...but Georgians aren't white

Bruno Buscaroli #fundie #homophobia #sexist #racist #wingnut returnofkings.com


Bruno is a young man who used to dismiss red pillers as alarmists. Then he spent a semester in a college campus and became one himself. Now he educates himself through the internet and a library card.

With Donald Trump as president of the United States, it would seem as though traditional beliefs are making a comeback in the West. However, one only needs talk to the average ‘’conservative’’ for a while to realize they’re not as conservative as they think they are. Rather, they’ve accepted and integrated many leftist beliefs into their own worldview. They’ve become nothing more than yesterday’s liberals, and now defend ideas against which their predecessors used to fight. Let’s briefly look at a few examples:

[Picture of Trump Holding the LGBTQ+ Rainbow Flag]
[caption: He’s cool with them]
The very idea of homosexuality used to be socially abhorrent during the early 20th century in the West. If you look at conservative politicians now, however, you’ll find they’re pretty okay with having gays around. We’ve reached a point where modern Western culture has become universally acceptant of homosexuals.

Donald Trump, for instance, ensured he’d do everything in his power to protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful ideologies (might have earned him more voters, but you get the point). Even allowing gays to get married is accepted among conservatives nowadays, and suggesting that it might be a bad idea gets you funny looks at best.

Women in the workplace
[Picture of Women in suits working at a computer]

Encouraging women to study and pursue long term careers damages the family structure by discouraging traditional gender roles. If women are busy working, they can’t focus on being good wives and mothers. Not only that, but it may even cause them to forgo marriage and kids completely.

Despite this, you’ll find almost no one on the mainstream right suggesting women should focus on the home. They believe that doing so would ‘’invite misogyny and sexism’’ or get them compared to ‘’crazy far righters’’. Denial of biological truths does society no favors. The longer the average citizen believes men and women to have the same roles in a family, the more damage will be done.

Sexual marketplace
[Picture of a Half-Naked Man kissing a Half-Naked Woman’s back]

Regulation of the sexual marketplace in the form of marriage and female chastity has long been central to the formation of healthy families in western societies. Without a strong and stable family unit, maintaining civilization becomes impossible. Since promiscuity is the opposite of chastity and monogamy, it naturally runs against family stability.

Characters like James Bond are looked up to as symbols of masculinity and role models for traditional men. While men should aspire to emulate his strong nature and character, emulating his love of casual sex is damaging to society in the long run. Sure, quick and easy sex can be real fun, but let’s not forget sexual liberation is inherently leftist and has done nothing but damage civilization.

Denying the importance of race
[Picture of an Anti-racist Protest]

Often seen as the most taboo of subjects, race gets ignored as much as possible by the mainstream right wing. Science tells us that human ethnic groups have genetic differences, ranging from physical strength to IQ levels. But to even speak about those differences in public is to invite an endless parade of comparisons to Hitler, so conservatives dodge the issue.

Instead, they often preach about civic nationalism, the idea of a nation being more based on its identity than it’s ethnicity. They say that as long as immigrants accept American values of Democracy and hard work, their ethnicity doesn’t matter. Sounds nice in theory, but a nation can’t survive once it’s demographic has been replaced.

You can’t win by defending alone
Conservatives nowadays don’t seem to know what it is they’re conserving. Their claims of standing for a traditional society feel empty when they also advocate for gender and marriage equality. As the culture war against leftists progressed, they slowly lost ground on almost every front. And as their image became demonized by the media, they conceded even further to try and appeal a bit more to the masses. After all, if the general public is okay with two men marrying, it’d make them the bad guys to say there’s something wrong with that.

Fear of being stigmatized makes them unable to push back, so they inevitably become weaker as time goes on. Even worse, the children of conservatives who were born into a watered down version of it don’t even realize it. A cycle forms then, in which the next generation is always more liberal than the next.

Mainstream Conservatives cannot reverse civilization’s decay, only delay it. Movements like Neo-Masculinity, the Alt Right and Alt Christianity lack the presence and member count of Conservatives, but are all better alternatives. Unlike the mainstream right, the dissident right isn’t afraid to push back against leftist narrative. One cannot win by defending alone. No matter how strong a castle’s walls, the stones that form it will crumble if it’s attackers aren’t stopped.

Conservatives are already thinking in the right direction, but haven’t fully taken the red pill. If the West is to survive, it’s imperative that we help these people fully wake up. They’re halfway there already, so hopefully they just need a few more nudges.

Dianna Ploss #racist #wingnut #elitist wcvb.com

New Hampshire radio host off the air after racist tirade in social media video

A New Hampshire radio show host has been taken off the air after she posted a video of a racist tirade on social media.

Dianna Ploss confronted a landscaping crew Friday while it was working on a project on Main Street in Nashua, across the street from the WSMN radio station.

In the nearly 3-minute video, which has now gone viral, Ploss is heard complaining that the landscaping crew was speaking Spanish.

"Is anybody here illegal? Are these guys illegal?" Ploss asks the crew. "What's the name of this company? Look at this. Look at this. It's America. Speak English. Speak English!"

Ploss also had a confrontation with a Black man, who walked over and asked her to stop harassing the landscapers.

"He's a Black man and he's going to protect the Brown man from this white woman," Ploss is heard saying in the video.

WSMN 1590 said that it has no employees and notes that all of its on-air personalities broker and pay for their airtime. Regardless, the radio station said Ploss is no longer associated or affiliated with WSMN or Bartis-Russell Broadcasting, LLC.

"We at WSMN value freedom of speech, freedom of expression and assembly. We will not tolerate discrimination, racism or hatred," reads a statement from the radio station.

To see the full statement and the rest of the article, go to:

Nick Cannon #racist #conspiracy tmz.com

7:52 PM PT -- Nick Cannon has been dropped by ViacomCBS after he made anti-Semitic comments on his podcast.
The announcement came Tuesday afternoon, amidst a downpour of outrage and backlash toward the 'Wild n' Out' star after he made very controversial claims on his podcast that many considered deeply troubling and downright hateful.
Turns out, Viacom agreed. They severed ties on Tuesday, stating, “ViacomCBS condemns bigotry of any kind and we categorically denounce all forms of anti-Semitism."
"We have spoken with Nick Cannon about an episode of his podcast ‘Cannon’s Class’ on YouTube, which promoted hateful speech and spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. While we support ongoing education and dialogue in the fight against bigotry, we are deeply troubled that Nick has failed to acknowledge or apologize for perpetuating anti-Semitism, and we are terminating our relationship with him."
In the same podcast in which Nick suggested white people were "a little less" than darker-skinned people, he also stated, "You can’t be anti-Semitic when we are the Semitic people.”
He went on “When we are the same people who they want to be. That’s our birthright. We are the true Hebrews.”
Cannon issued his own non-apology on Monday, stating, "Anyone who knows me knows that I have no hate in my heart nor malice intentions. I do not condone hate speech nor the spread of hateful rhetoric."
He then invited people to step up and go toe-to-toe. "I encourage more healthy dialogue and welcome any experts, clergy, or spokespersons to any of my platforms to hold me accountable and correct me in any statement that I’ve made that has been projected as negative."
Viacom is the parent company of MTV, home to Cannon's 'Wild n' Out' gig, and also home to Nickelodeon, where Cannon got his start in the '90s.

Nick Cannon #racist tmz.com

Nick Cannon's under fire for comments he made about melanin, white people and why they became "savages" long, long ago -- and some are even calling him a "black supremacist."

"The Masked Singer" host has recently been accused of spewing anti-Semitism on his podcast, "Cannon's Class," but now it's this brief clip from his June 30 episode with Professor Griff -- formerly of Public Enemy -- that has people riled up.

Nick said that the power of melanin -- or lack thereof -- made white people "a little less" than darker-skinned people ... and claims this deficiency leads to fear.

He was speaking anthropologically -- meaning the very first white people in modern-day Europe -- but went on to say white people's fear made them lack compassion and ultimately ... become evil.

Nick then referred to these white people of the past as "savages," "barbaric" and added ... "They're the ones that are actually closer to animals, they're the ones that are actually the true savages."

Now, some people are calling him out for the remarks, including black British rapper Zuby, who tweeted, "Nick Cannon has gone full black supremacist. This is 100% certified racist."

Cannon's controversy comes on the heels of allegations of being an anti-Semite and spreading anti-Jewish theories on his podcast ... so rough week so far.

'Evil Cannot Comprehend Good' Award

Truth_Above_All #sexist #racist incels.is

Race mixing is disgusting. All the white kids resemble her, but then she has this odd black looking one who looks like any ghetto African kid out there. I never hate on people because of their skin color, I just can't fathom why someone would throw their genes away like that. Why the fuck would anyone who is already at the top of the racial hierarchy have children with those who are the bottom of that same hierarchy? It doesn't make any sense. The only explanation I can think of is that they have absolute no morals and think only with their genitals.

I'm not even white, by the way.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #racist #ufo #crackpot centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

Humans are the abandoned abominations of the Anuna Lords who came and went back to their damnable planet Nibiru.

So if Neanderthals were the first Anunnaki slave abomination how did we come about? Well, the Sumerian text tells us exactly what happened, the “gods” lusted after our women and mated with them making a new hybrid, one that is less robust and has more Anunnaki DNA.

The human being is very much in the likeness of the Anunnaki gods but inferior smaller models. We look like Anunnaki but we also have native earth hominid DNA. We are hybrids of the gods.

Remember that all primates have 48 chromosomes and we 46 (23 pairs). This means the Anunnaki must have 46 chromosomes which is why they modified earth primate DNA to have one pair less.

They changed our DNA to match their DNA and then later they mated with us and created new hybrids. They even created a Royal line, a hybrid with extra genes to be overlords just like them. We call this slave master race abomination “Jews”.

Have you noticed how the chosen ones are obsessed with their mother’s blood?

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