
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @GSauce111 )
As per usual, it’s “antisemitic” and “hate,” but they never try to refute it

spoilerJewish students at the U. of Tennessee
Chattanooga (@UTChattanooga) woke up
today to find these vile antisemitic flyers
posted on campus
This is the EXACT hateful rhetoric that
Kyrie Irving help spread when promoting
the film "Hebrew to Negros: Wake Up
Black America"
At the height of
American slavery,
78% of slave owners
were ethnic jcws
40% of the jewish population
were slave owners,
while only 0.35% of white Americans
owned slaves

( @RockyBasterd )
@GSauce111 They never call us "liars", only call us "anti-semites"...
What does that tell you?

( @Honkiavelli )
@GSauce111 just wait until they find out how much the Sephardic jews were invested in the Barbary slave trade. They ran the sales and ransom demands from Algiers and Livorno Italy. They owned the means of transportation, the markets, the inventory and banking/exchange behind this industry. Then they tried to put it all on the Muslims and blame them.... The more one knows...

( @jbwilson24 )
@Honkiavelli @GSauce111 indeed. There are statues up to honor Sephardic slave traders in west Africa. Crickets from the mainstream Jewish press about all of this.

( @WilliamKoenig )
@GSauce111 Kanye seems to think "antisemitic" means "nigger", but most of the time what it means is "noticing an inconvenient truth".

( @Peepsight )
@GSauce111 Just wait till everybody understands Holocaust deaths are highly exaggerated

( @GSauce111 )
@Peepsight “Exaggerated” is being more generous than I would be😬

( @Plastic_Banana )
"Vile" to point out Jewish involvement in black slavery but not "vile" to constantly blame whites for slavery.

How did we get to a point of such double standards? And how do we stop the double standards?

( @CaptainMagenta )
@GSauce111 If the statistic is true how is it in any conceivable way racist? The Jew liars are being found out.

( @3Westies )
@GSauce111 Funny thing is most jews in the U.S. aren’t semitic; they’re ashkenazics descended from the sadistic, thieving, bloodthirsty khazarians. (((They))) would rather have you believe (((they’re))) semites.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

I’ll Be Back Soon

If all goes well, by the time you see this, I’ll be in Estonia.

Like other Eastern European nations, it isn’t committing suicide. Its leaders don’t believe in open borders. They think Estonia has the right to remain – would you believe it? – Estonian. Every year, people celebrate freedom from the Soviet Union with a torchlight parade through the capital, Tallin.

In 2017, I took part in the parade. It was one of the most inspiring experiences in my life, marching with happy, proud Europeans, sure of who they are, confident about the future.

On this trip I will speak at a conference, where committed Europeans will talk about the future of the West. It will be a great honor to represent the American branch of what I call the world brotherhood of Europeans.

I’ll spend a little over a week on the continent, and plan to give talks in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland as well.

That is, if they let me into Europe. In 2019, I flew into Zurich, but the Swiss told me that Poland had banned me from Europe for three years. The Poles never gave a reason, but it must have been because I gave talks to Polish nationalist groups in 2018.

And I’m almost sorry to be going. So much is happening. Just a few days ago, Elon Musk retweeted statistics that show that in 2018, blacks attacked whites nearly 550,000 times, while whites attacked blacks only about 60,000 times. Mr. Musk didn’t do the calculation, but this means any given black was 42 times more likely to attack a white than the other way around.


And then, there’s the little case of Carlton Gilford, and if you recognize that name, you are obviously a white supremacist. He is the black man who walked into a public library in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sauntered over to a white man sitting at a desk, and killed him with a shot to back of the head. Later, he went to a convenience store and shot another white man in the back of the head. The white man went down and, Mr. Gilford shot him again, to make sure he was dead. The Tulsa police say it’s a hate crime.

By the time I’m back from Europe, the whole thing will be forgotten – what’s a few dead white men? – so I better mention it while I can.

Restoring Truth #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

For anyone who’s paying attention, it’s easy to apply Solzhenitsyn’s prophetic observations to our own era of politicized agencies, surveillance, leftist institutional control, and demonization of various categories of Americans. We, too, have intelligence tasked with monitoring speech and enforcing illiberal rules. New and invented accusations are levied to keep people in line. Are you transphobic? Are you a “white Christian nationalist”? Many innocuous things are now expressions of white supremacy. Maybe you are are a threat to democracy.
Pretend for a moment that we in America have now realized Solzhenitsyn’s wise prophecies, and that you are now suspected of being an enemy of the state. You are a threat to the government’s ugly project of turning every city into a third-world encampment, because you like safety and sanitation. You are privileged because you think you should reap the harvest you sowed in your labor. Your Christian beliefs are a threat to the humanistic fantasies of an omnipotent state run by politicized organs of artificial intelligence.

The list of possible offenses are many: you’re a member of a conservative church; you’ve “liked” social media posts critical of transgenderism; you follow The Babylon Bee; you donate to a conservative think tank; you live in a red state; you have more than three kids; you didn’t receive a Covid “vaccination”; you have an American flag flying in your yard; or maybe you download a lot of country music. Aren’t all of these things pleasures of those on the right?

These who hamper progress must be charged with various crimes, such as racism, transphobia, religious hate or even insurrection; your employer must therefore fire you or face troubles, and you must go through a lengthy (and doomed) court process. If you will just cooperate, though—perhaps say the right things, donate to the right causes, or stay silent in the face of insanity—your life doesn’t have to be so hellish; at least, not just yet.

@icycalm , @Paul4the2A & @Taranis1114 #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @icycalm )

spoilerWhite people have a simple choice to
1. Be conquered, enslaved, raped and
genocided while being called "racist".
2. Reclaim our nations and our dignity
while being called "racist".
It's that simple.

( @Paul4the2A )
@icycalm I only noticed this the last couple of years, but the anti white woke racism is somehow even MORE mean, vicious and nasty than pretty much any type of previous racism. Even your klansmen and skinheads will admit, if only grudgingly, that black people can fry the hell out of some chicken and play basketball like no other group and that asians are good at math. Its crazy how out of their way anti white racists will go to make everything the fault of the dreaded white man

( @Taranis1114 )
@Paul4the2A @icycalm Racism from Whites is usually more logical. There's a logical a reason behind it. The KKK, as an example, hunted down and killed blacks in the south because after the Civil War ended, blacks began causing lots of crime in the south, just like they do today. Wherever blacks are the majority population, crime always follows.
Most "anti-White racists" are just jews. They're the one group of people who have more racial hatred than any other group of people. And they condition other races to be just as anti-White through their mainstream media and education system.

( @Paul4the2A )
@Taranis1114 @icycalm I get what you are saying. You arent gonna have a bunch of white people arming up, getting ready for riots and crime when asians, eastern euros or, honestly hispanic and african immigrants move into the neighborhood the way you will when the area starts getting to be majority American black.. until 2020 I owned a brake and muffler shop in a predominately black neighborhood, and I kept a gun on my desk, in my toolbox and on my person. I sold out and moved to a small west Texas town thats about half white and half hispanic, and I dont even feel the need to carry. And whats a trip is that my wife and I get less stares and rude behavior here. according to the mainstream, a white man married to an African woman would be in danger here, right?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
If it's okay for Jews to promote hatred of White people (which they do endlessly all across social media, the mainstream media, in grade schools and universities, and movies and TV shows), then it is perfectly acceptable for White people to promote hatred of Jews in return.

@Nature_and_Race Promoting the hatred of Jews is a noble and important form of activism which should be prominent in our people's itinerary.

( @VJMPublishing )
@Nature_and_Race Then we have to stand up for other white people who speak out against Jews, especially after they get targeted.

( @radkowski )

(@CrashWizard )
@Nature_and_Race Maybe we could encourage Musk to buy the ADL?

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@CrashWizard Musk is a zionist puppet and in lockstep with every single dystopian WEF policy and agenda.


( @MostlyPeacefulAmerican )
@Nature_and_Race nope, not anymore. It is no longer for anyone to slander Whites. It is now not only acceptable, but mandatory for all races to slander, abuse and exterminate the filthy jew. That "we're all equal" shit is what got us here. No more compromise.

( @Strangegill88 )
@Nature_and_Race I'm just pointing out FACTS
@Nature_and_Race Another FACT

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
White people don't have institutional power. If they did, you wouldn't be allowed to question or criticize White people.

But as it currently stands, the only people you're not allowed to question or criticize are the Jews. Thus proving that Jews are the only people with institutional power.

spoilerThere are no laws against being anti-White.
But there ARE laws against being anti-
If White people really were in power, you can
bet that it would be illegal to be anti-White.
This is the simplest and easiest logic to
understand. White people don't have power.

( @PickleRick_420 )
@Nature_and_Race we need to take that power back and it starts with the extermination of the kikes

( @upenya )
@Nature_and_Race The jews control our capital city. Our hub of central power is controlled by a foreign entity. They won’t be expelled through a political solution. War is the only solution. But Here’s a theory. If Whites do somehow attempt to expel them, that would cause the jews to start a Civil War.

( @JoeyImp60 )

( @beeryswine )
@JoeyImp60 It'd be much easier and quicker to call out the jews who aren't evil. @Nature_and_Race

( @Mynamesnotlisa )
@Nature_and_Race well for starts we don't have a NAAWP.....

( @FTheScumbagAndTheCumbag )
What it is the white general populace are too inherently kind, thoughtful, generous, caring, giving and peaceful to take away anyones means of support, safety, freedom of speech, life or liberty unfortunately as is now evident even unto sacrificing thier own safety, welfare and freedoms!

( @T0000008 )

( @pinknapoleon )
Anyone that is not white will NOT be happy until white folks are:
1 - enslaved
2- eradicated
It’s co
It’s so apparent. The media has fucked us all.

Siryeehaw #wingnut #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

Who the fuck is paying for reparations Mr. Not?
If its the Republicans- then-
A. You blew up the Republicans and all their money. They're debt-slaves now.
B. Hope you enjoy an insurgency for the next 50 years.

If its the remaining loyal states then-
A. This government sucks. Its giving preferential treatment to Blacks. You're just doing black supremacy and ignoring all the times other Whites, Natives, Asians, and Hispanics get/got exploited.
B. Damn I've come home to my new BugHome(tm) because my suburban home was bulldozed while I was in service to Kamala-Lock-Em-Up-Harris. And I gotta pay extra taxes to the Black guy next door.
Who also gets reparations? I know you said descendant of the 1st Civil War. Do you not realize that's 170 years ago? If generations are 20-30 years long, thats 8-9 generations depending on how much family you have. Do you not realize how many people that is? That's 512 ancestors for you in 8 generations, and 9 generations doubles that for 1024 ancestors. Thats not even getting into adoption if you'd count that or even be able to find connections.
Though I guess since its generalized to just 'African-Americans', so again- back to that black supremacy thing. Or is it just African-Americans, emigrant Africans need not be cared for. Or is it all Blacks in American society? Recently emigrated Nigerians and Congolese get special treatment. Is it anyone with a darker-than-caramel skin color?

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stillnessinthestorm.com

Biden and Blinken are about to go down!

And that appears to be what is finally happening. Of course, we have all heard this story before, but there are many signs this time the long-awaited mass arrests really are happening. Various sources say the coronation of King Charles was the trigger event people were waiting for. Regardless of what you think of this unpopular King, he is the head of the Anglo-Saxon armed forces and he has promised to unleash a “vast military-style campaign,” His official inauguration was needed so military action against the cabal could be ordered, MI6 sources confirm.

Needless to say, if Charles turns out to be a Khazarian Mafia stooge, he will be killed by his own bodyguards, according to these sources.
By the way, King Charles is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, as well as Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) according to Burke’s Peerage.
In any case, the imminent financial implosion of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION clearly is forcing change through the system.

The biggest sign something is happening is the traitor Mark Milley resigning as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and being replaced by Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown Jr., the Air Force’s current top officer.

Now the Biden avatar has been ordered to put Charles Q in charge of all US armed forces.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MarkCollett )
Those who constantly talk about the over representation of white people in white countries never seem to complain about the massive over representation of another ethnic group...

spoilerLess than 0.5% of the UK
"Rishi reshuffle: The Jewish movers
and shakers in Sunak's new
Seven key ministers in Rishi
Sunak's government are either
Jewish, descended from Jews, or
married to Jews"

( @ZikaBaby )
@MarkCollett The Jew has traditionally relied on Irishmen as agents against Anglo-Saxon power due to their historical grievances and the Irishman's natural fiery rage.

Now the trend is to use Indians, who are more subservient and cruel towards the downtrodden, and whose actions aren't limited by Christian morality in any shape or form. They are also more keen to work against the white race as a way of giving payback for colonialism.

( @Illusionofchoice )

( @DerrickPith )
@MarkCollett The destruction of white Britain will be swift and soon. Sad, but the Brits have lost their balls to fight foreigners.

( @1488Mussolini )

( @James1503 )
@MarkCollett ,🤔 and there in lies the problem!!!!! Deep State Cabal Jews are everywhere.
They have infiltrated every walk of life !
God gave us all that is good , Satan gave us the opposite, and the worst are the
"Parasites " they feed of their host and give nothing in return ,just like communist Jews and Muslims 🤨 Not all Jews are communist but the majority are 👹
Until God's children deal with Satan's minions, wars,famines, dangerous drugs,murders, rapists,child abusers will continue their push for world domination and the death of us God's children 😪

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The most commonly seen sign in any street demonstration in America today displays an angry fist of revolution. The BLM racists have their black fist signs, the perverts have their rainbow fists, the Femi-Nazis have their fancy fingernail fists. A fist, it seems, is their love symbol.

Now, all those who wave such signs would probably consider the previous paragraph to be what they call "Hate Speech". Not because I hate them, but because they hate me. Identifying them accurately is "hate speech", to them. They want to force me, and you, to use only speech that approves of them, even though I do not approve of them. That doesn't mean I hate them; it just means I do not approve of what they stand for and what they are demonstrating about.
They've been, and they're being trained in this sick special thinking in schools, from kindergarten up to advanced degrees. Their teachers and professors hate Christianity, America, white people, men and sexual normalcy. They are, after all, Marxists, by philosophy if not politics. And that is to say they stand opposed to all existing social norms and standards, and support their violent overthrow as it says in the closing lines of Marx's Manifesto. That's what Marxism is really all about: overthrowing whatever exists and establishing a replacement system to rule the world, and then teach it how to behave.
Trannies are moved to commit suicide, and even mass-shootings just because everyone on earth does not kiss their asses and tell them how wonderful and natural and acceptable and special they are.

They've been purposely dumbed-down, perverted and mal-educated in whatever schools they've been through. And they are probably completely unaware of having been Marxified, too. Some of them may be fully aware Marxist revolutionaries, but for the most part, most Marxist kids today do not even know that they are Marxists. They may not even know what Marxism is.

We could probably say the same thing about a lot of black Americans.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Our crippling debt, inflation, and immigration problems are not Putin's fault.

Any competent administration would do less warmongering and more fixing of our broken nation - but clearly, the Biden Regime prefers the chaos.

( @TheAwesomist )
@DrPaulGosar Stop the great reset. Small letters on purpose. 😂

( @Magicbus1969 )
@DrPaulGosar You mean the O'biden regime and their cabal of kings who are purposely destroying our nation on behalf of their globalist masters , Don't you ?.

( @Audiofile )
@DrPaulGosar You mean the squatter in the white house?

( @Tetragrammatron )
@DrPaulGosar We need a federal government overhaul. The founding fathers were all Christians yet we're now ruled over by hate filled Jews with White genocide their main priority. If immigration was bad for their agenda, they wouldn't be here. I know you can't speak like that, so I'll do it for you 💪

Vox Day #racist voxday.net

[From "The Death of Cities"]

And dancing around the obvious. Sarah Hoyt has an interesting piece on the decline of the major US cities that somehow manages to avoid a single reference to the causal factor:

Despite the fact that in the late 20th century we were all taught[…]the future was the megalopolis[…]the future has taken a sharp u-turn, and what we’re looking at is quite different

We are standing, staring in awed horror, as cities take themselves apart. It seems Detroit was the foretelling of destiny for the American cities[…]But in the end it’s not even Detroit. It’s the way of those enigmatic ruins found in the middle of nowhere, where you look at them and say “Who were they? Why did they build this? And why did they leave it?”[…]

While Hoyt has finally come to terms, more or less, with the fact that she is not an American despite her acceptance of many American ideals, apparently it is still too emotionally painful to point out that the reason for the death of the cities is that white people, particularly white Americans, do not wish to live around black people or under immigrant rule

And these days, living in a major city requires both

She correctly notes that the major cities are now unliveable, but the reasons that she provides are merely consequences of the real reasons. Detroit was 91 percent white in 1940, with a population of 1,623,452. In 2020, the city was 11 percent white, with a population of 639,111. This demographic change is not the result of “crime, malfeasance, and bureaucratic hatred”, but rather the cause of it

That same process is already taking place in the suburbs and smaller cities. The problem is that in the USA, Europe, and Australia, there is nowhere else to go. And once there is nowhere further for whites to retreat, the empire will collapse in violence, if it has not already for other reasons

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @MarkCollett )
Elon Musk gets his first real taste of Jewish power.
The ADL click their fingers, and the advertising money stops.

( @whoohoo001 )
@MarkCollett "...They're trying to destroy free speech in America..."
Who's (((they))) Elon. Say it. Say it.

( @dangitdan911 )
@whoohoo001 @MarkCollett Kanye, David Icke and others have said it and the world knows it. But since jews control everything they do just snap their fingers and the world bows.

( @MaxOverdrive )
Musk hasn't fired this guy.
Twitter still being controlled by an Israeli homosexual.

( @spud11 )
@MarkCollett All of Elon's money, vast though it is, is as nothing compared to jewish power and influence, which if it could be monetized, would be in the trillions. The only way this can possibly change is if the people rise up and smite the jew, as has been done 109 times before.

( @Stray31 )
@spud11 @MarkCollett jews should be completely genocided off the planet they have attempted this bullshit over and over the only way to end this problem is to put an end to jews

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Because telling the truth about Jews is considered hate speech, or anti-Semitism as they like to call it.

How's that saying go?

Something like "The truth is called "hate" by those who hate the truth"...

Why do so many people have to apologize for true statements they make about jews?

( @Eleutheria3 )
@Nature_and_Race Modified another one:

"The jew will tell you what was said about them, but never why it was said."

( @Anna_Johansen )
@Nature_and_Race Or as someone said: an anti-semite is not someone who hate jews, but someone hated by jews.

( @OKAmerika )

NO ONE "has to apologize".
It is a CHOICE.

They do so out of weakness and cowardice, confirming everything the Jews think about them.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race Even the jew will go after their WMD if they go off the plantation. With that being said, I am tired of Whites defending these two monkey's because they don't see Whites any different than jews. To them we are all Whites.

( @Arasaka )
@Nature_and_Race Anti-sementism is the unavoidable byproduct of semitism. Proof: 109 countries, probably more by now.

( @HonestHistory )
@Nature_and_Race @BGKB

Anthony Radavich #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

This is actually funny---The CCP has thousands of spies spread and planted across the entire world, with more entering the USA everyday-- joining the thousands already here. Our FBI, CIA, and DOJ are aware of this, but with their close ties with this corrupt Biden administration and being under the thumb and control of the democrat party-- are doing little about it. Hundreds of Chinese nationals are crossing our open southern border--???? how many are spies?

Tim Pool #wingnut #conspiracy #racist mediamatters.org

So, I mean the first thing I just want to say before we get into any of the politics from either side is, we don't want [mass shootings] to happen, we want these things to stop. We need to figure out what the issue is in our society, in our culture. I genuinely believe it's dissociation. It is a dejected society where individuals don't know or care about each other and they seek validation or they seek to push some extremist ideology. And this whole thing creates a recipe for disaster.

And I'll put it simply, I think it's multiculturalism. And not the idea that people of all different types are holding hands under the rainbow, it's that you have different communities stacked on top of each other and next to each other with wildly different views and they don't like each other. And then people who are crazy will do crazy things.

But what ends up happening today, we have this story from the Daily Mail, “Revealed: Texas gunman staked out massacre mall to monitor peak times three weeks before killing eight and posting details on Russian social media alongside photos of Nazis, guns, and ammunition.” You see, here’s where we get into the PSYOP.

@Englishden #racist gettr.com

Do they honestly expect us not to notice the direct correlation between the increasing “diversity” and the destruction of our cities and society?

The less White and more diverse any country gets the worse it becomes. That is an undeniable truth!!

Andrew Wallace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The major Democratic cities are now dangerous, ugly Communist Hell-Holes with no redeeming value to America.

Even if these cities had value to the country, which they don’t, it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to fund them. Communism will soon run out of other people’s tax money by bankrupting Americans who work in other states, if we don’t stop them.

Communism will not permit private property rights, freedom, religion, or families.
It makes my blood boil when I see thousands of young black people (called “teens”!) destroying cities, looting, burning and attacking people with no reason or penalty!
This is the result of inadequate schools, brainwashing, no ethics or morals, no guidance from a family, no sense of responsibility. But what else can be expected when 70% of inner-city blacks have single mothers (many only 15 years old) who have babies for government checks and independence . Black men are obliging, since they pay for nothing and believe that if girls are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed. It has become their culture. Anyway, 50% of black babies are aborted. Now you know why the Democrats want legal abortion to satisfy those who act as their lab rats.

Is it any wonder that blacks comprise only 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes?

It is simply because many live under Communism and have no knowledge of right and wrong, which doesn’t forgive their conduct. It is why you see mostly black faces in the riots.
The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah were Saints compared to the ignorant, violent, brainwashed, and useless criminals in the Communist Inner-City Plantations.

Government officials are ALL traitors and cowards. They should all be prosecuted and deprived of their bribe money and benefits; they are a disgrace!

There is no hope for the Democrat cities because their ignorant residents continue to elect racist Communist demagogues who line their own pockets.

@Englishden , @JImLaheySunnyVl & @Dizzy43 #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @Englishden )
So 9 out of every 10 dingy hoppers who illegally entered the country last year have been granted asylum 🤬🤬.
Now it's clear why the number of crossing's is rising.
Those who say whites will be a minority in 30 years will need to re-evaluate that prediction at this rate.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK

( @JImLaheySunnyVl )
Raghead fighting age males bravely escaping the war torn hell hole of France… get the fuck outta here…

( @Dizzy43 )
Well they are fleeing the war torn country of France!! 🙄If I was in charge I'd send the navy in to deal with them and it wouldn't be to escort them to the south coast I can tell you!! This is England, the majority of us are white but all our traditions, our values, our culture and religion will disappear under their rule, and they surely will rule on the end, we have so many Muslims in positions of power already, it's frightening!! It seems all the Western leaders are in the same Global club!! 👺

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MarkDice )
Black supremacist Tiffany Cross has been fired from MSNBC. This shortly after Tucker Carlson highlighted her virulent anti-whiteism. She even made Joy Reid seem pleasant. Bye, bitch.

( @Teknoskillz )
@MarkDice Direct orders from the Jew York shareholders....dump all black stocks! The goyim know !

( @DOOM1000101 )
@MarkDice too far left for msdnc? Impressive.

( @JimDef )
@MarkDice Blacks are the most vociferous racists in America and it has been going on even since the 1960's.
I watched a documentary on Woodstock (August 1969) last night and there were black racists who set up their table with literature about "whitey" at the festival.

( @LibertyForever02 )
@JimDef @MarkDice even back then like now couldn't tell the difference between a Jew and a White.

( @deborahcbalp )
@MarkDice If whites are so abhorrent, why do blacks misappropriate our hair styles?

( @FuriousYT )
@MarkDice It's amazing how many pseudo-intellectual midwits they promoted in the media and academia to sell the racist woke narrative. But they sold their psyop too hard and it appears it's going to cave-in on them.

Jung Freud #racist #sexist unz.com

As for Free Speech vs Muslims, there’s an argument in favor of the Muslims. They have every right to be outraged by the denigration of Islam and Muslims given the current state of Western ‘liberal democracy’. Ideally, totally unfettered speech for all should be guaranteed in a free society. If the West were genuinely committed to free speech for all, we should with free-speechers against Muslim hotheads. Back when the West stood for the right of Salman Rushdie to write a controversial book, it felt good to be on the side of free-speechers against Iran and Muslim firebrands.

But the notion that the current West is a ‘liberal democracy’ committed to free speech is a joke. Europe and Canada trample on free speech at every turn, especially to appease Jews and their two main allies, blacks and homos. Jews, once the biggest defenders of free speech(if only to have their say and gain power), are now the biggest enforcers of Censchwarzship(to hoard the immense power and wealth they’ve accumulated).

Jewish Power effectively neutralized free speech along with white identity and Christianity. So, the real dichotomy is NOT about the Liberal West that values free speech VERSUS atavistic Muslim dogmatists. The reality boils down to Muslims demanding respect for Islam on par with enforced protections for Jewish Supremacist Power, globo-homo vanity, and the Jungle Cult of the Noble Negro(and, off and on, feminist bitchery).

In the current UK where people are fined and/or hauled to prison for making a mocking tweet about Nelson Mandela, exposing the dirty machinations of Jewish Power, questioning aspects of the Shoah(as the iron-clad 6 million figure is more numerology than history), making fun of homos, and positing honest questions about racial/sexual differences, where is the commitment to Free Speech?

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
The choice is easy.


( @soopnazi )
@DrPaulGosar #WhiteLivesMatter and don't even think about passing antisemitism laws. You will be acting against the will of the people and working in the pockets of the communists. You don't want that do you?

( @Maninms )
@DrPaulGosar we elected Trump but we’re stuck with Biden??

( @64000footview )
@DrPaulGosar When your goal is to give away the farm, everything Biden does makes perfect sense!

( @SuzzieCarey )
@DrPaulGosar Don't hear any of your Republican buddies coming out to say anything.
So the question is when you win the majority what are y'all going to do with what we
gave you ? Do any of you have the courage to step up to the plate and make sure
people like Fauci, Gates, sucked very get prosecuted ? How about Obama and Clinton
for all their crimes ?

( @SenHid )
@DrPaulGosar The radical *antiwhite left.

( @BHK4USA )
@DrPaulGosar Most of the 'republican establishment' are also on the side of the Anti-American leftists by aiding and abetting the destruction of America.

Pro-Americans are very skeptical of every political representative and government bureaucrat. Until we start seeing real Pro-Americans actions from our representatives the government will not have earned our trust. Hearings, investigations, fiery speeches, and fruitless legislation are not enough.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
A nation without borders is no nation at all.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden and the Regime Puppeteers behind him don’t even believe in borders as a concept, not for our nation at least.

It’s time to put Americans First, and stop the invasion at our southern border.

( @SS580_DBF )
@DrPaulGosar Quit flapping your jaws about it and do something to help stop illegal immigration Now!

( @soopnazi )
@DrPaulGosar #WhiteLivesMatter say it, Gosar.

( @SenHid )
@DrPaulGosar It's also time to point out that the intention of open borders is to harm White American conservatives, primarily.

( @Bibleimploder )
@DrPaulGosar what America needs is a border against ethnocentric Hassidic Jew communities because they are far more toxic politically commercially Judicially medically and homeland security wise. Orthodox Jews are nation demolishion crews unlike anything crossing the Texas border. In fact if you want to track down where these Texas immigrants end up just send ICE into Jewish neighborhoods.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering Judaic Kabbalist Satanic Magic Rituals:

The SuperJew rebooting system (Sequestrating the Satanic names of Kabbalah) is needed to use the Anti-Chaos version of Kabbalah magic as all Chaos Kabbalah magic has been erased by the Terminating Tetragrammaton Service. This Quantum Computing Engine Bone Generator® Sublime Good® Psychotronic Crystal® Magnet dumps all the toxic waste from every Kabbalistic Satanic Magic Ritual on every black magician, Rabbi who has every carried out any magic ritual be it Kabbalah or degenerate forms from the Clavicles, Grimoires of Satanism. It also gives you the positive effect power over all Kabbalah, Satanic Magic Rituals up to Adeptus Major level (using the Golden Dawn grades of Satanic Magic). So the SuperJew gets the untergoyim Satanic Jew to take all the blowback, toxic waste, Soul damnation, death as well as carrying out the ritual, which you now own and can command all the Demons, Spirits, Powers of all Kabbalah rituals up to Adeptus Major. So now you can call up all the GOETIA Demons and command them doing no ritual as it has already been done by the Satanists who suffer while your Bone Generator® Sublime Good® Psychotronic Crystal® Magnet gives you the power of the ritual they carried out. You never dirty yourself doing any ritual you follow the Talmud, get the untergoyim Jew to carry out the ritual get all the toxic waste and you get all the power past present and future, as all the Goyim, untergoyim own is the property of the SuperJew Psi-Master.
Inside the Triangle of Art you write what the Supernatural Spirit must do, what magic spell must do… what power you wish with your right hand Bone Generator® then pull the power to complete it back out with your left hand Bone Generator®. This protocol of Anti-Chaos magic Kabbalah Sequestration supersedes all magic Kabbalah, Satanism, that is now null and void as Chaos, Tetragrammaton has been terminated.
$600 with Certificate

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nsloop55 )

spoilerThe "White Supremacist
terrorist" scare is interesting.
There is literally zero data to
support it. None. According to
the ADL's own 2020 extremism
report, White extremist violence
in 2020 was statistically non-
existent. More people die in
lawnmower accidents per year
(around 70)

( @DavidMunoz )
@Nsloop55 ADL is an Anti white terrorist organization

( @Bateburglestien )
Interesting in that it shows how much they control peoples minds.

( @hermanhale )
@Bateburglestien @Nsloop55 About ten years ago my sister thought our biggest threat was white Christians with guns taking over the government. They have been working to this point for a long time. The SPLC was formed for this day.

( @Ghostgracechillr )
@Nsloop55 it's double speak ... Means whites are noticing they are under attack ....

( @BeauDixon )
@Nsloop55 “Statistically non-existent.” That’s after all the tweaking of the race and motive of alleged offenders.

( @WolfGhost )
@Nsloop55 Fuckin' Obammy started this whole "white supremicist around every corner" crap to stoke racial tension and divert attention from the underhanded shit he was up to. I used to know some hard core white supremicists... believe me, if they really wanted to be a problem YOU'D KNOW IT.

It's just another way to racially inflame this country. I mean think about this: how many times have you heard of BLM members referred to as "black supremicists?" That's what they are... black lives matter and you CANNOT say other lives matter... THAT'S the definition of "supremacy." They caused WAY more death, destruction, rioting, etc., in America in ONE YEAR than all white supremicist acts combined.

Americans need to ignore those selling the white supremicist panic. It's 100% MANUFACTURED to manipulate you. Don't believe the liars.

( @DerrickPith )
@Nsloop55 Jews don’t need data, they just tell lies because, as Jesus said, their father is the father of lies. Jews lack the ability to tell the truth.

Matt Walsh #racist mediamatters.org

The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh defends using the n-word: “The idea that there's a word that cannot be uttered under any circumstance is completely insane”

MATT WALSH (HOST): In no context, of course do we know you can -- is it okay to utter that word, depending on your skin pigmentation. Because we know that this word, it's a magical incantation. It's like a curse that, you know, you find in a -- in an old dusty book in the attic. And you dust off the book and you open it and you recite, you say the words in the book and it has some kind of, like -- just saying the words has some sort of magical effect. That's what this particular word is, we're told. That's how it's presented, where you can not even utter the syllables in any context, even while quoting someone. You can't say the act -- you could say n-word. Which still conveys that -- it still communicates the word. When you say n-word, well, everyone immediately knows what you mean. So what is the moral distinction between saying n-word or actually uttering the simple syllables themselves while quoting someone? What's the distinction? There isn't one. It's totally arbitrary. But this is the arbitrary, completely ridiculous rule that has been imposed.

Valencia P Black #crackpot #conspiracy #racist amazon.com

This book reveals the history of the Americas from the Black Israelite prospective. The Western Hemisphere was a part of the one great original continent of earth. Then God broke-up the one Hugh brown continent into the western and eastern hemispheres. God separated the two hemispheres by the North and South Atlantic Ocean. Black-Dark-Skinned Israelites lived throughout the lands of the Western Hemisphere and the Hugh Continent of Israel and all of her islands, islets, and caps thousands of years before the white Christian Europeans invaded their islands of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean first on October 12, 1492. Then a few months later, they invaded the Southern and Northern sections of the Huge Continent of Israel, where only Black-Dark-Skinned Brown Tone native Israelites and other non-Israelite tribes of color lived.
Black, dark-skinned, brown tone Israelite, African American, Black Indian or Black Native American children, teenagers, and young adults were and continue to be indoctrinated to worship and sacrifice their unborn babies to the false god of child sacrifice “White Supremacy” or "White Christianity" or Molech. White Supremacy or White Christianity began on October 12, 1492 in the Huge Continent of Israel and in all of her islands, islets, and caps.
This book also reveals that mostly white Christian abortion doctors, abortion clinics, unborn baby body parts packaging, slaughterhouses, and the biotechnology institutes connected with medical schools and clinics make multimillions and multibillions of dollars yearly from preparing specimens for researchers and the researchers from the patented DNA of Black unborn babies and sick Black women’s aggressive immune system’s cells. The wrath of God is here, and Black Israelite adults and their children can still escape God’s judgment if parents and adults act now and stop the abortions.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

<repost due to loss yesterday>

What’s White, Christian, right-leaning, outspoken, fact-based, fearless, patriotic, and hated by Jews?

Tucker Carlson.

He is the face, the symbol, the voice, the view, the persona of traditional White Christian Americans disgusted with, and puking over the leftist infestation of our country.

This makes the Yids cringe.
To know who rules over you simply learn who you’re not allowed to criticize.

Jews, who fund the political system, with the predominance of Jews voting Democrat.

150 Yids applauded Biden’s kick-off campaign last Friday.

Kikes like co-chair Jeffrey Katzenberg, five-foot little Yid with billions of Hollywood gelt.

Michael Bloomberg, another little Yid who wants your guns, big ones, small ones, too.

Naomi Aberly Liebowitz, chair of Planned Parenthood, loaded with dead babies disposed of with Jew money.

Steven Spielberg, another Hollywood kike joined to hundreds of other monied yids in Tinsel Town.

Sam Bankman-Fried – Crypto Jew, believe you me, he’ll go free.

But a goy like Tucker Carlson—White and Christian– will never break free of cancel culture prison.
We are on a downhill slide into a leftist abyss, there’s no turning back.

And if you’re banking on the next election to revamp things, then you’re living on a different planet.

You got two chances, zilch and nil.

And besides, the kikes wont allow Trump back in, his followers are tomorrow’s anti-Semites.

The Yids will rig.

Hooked noses, beady eyes, drooping eyelids, crooked mouths, thinning hair, polling the voting machines, counting the mail-in ballots.

Amalgamated in a thousand organizations with money bags hanging from their circumcised balls.

Tucker Carlson, excuse the metaphor, is the last goy alive.

Deflated, demoralized, disenfranchised, decamerized, a victim of a Jewish cancel-culture downsize.

The kikes who run the media, the banks, finance, Fox News—Murdoch’s mother’s a Jew—sliced off the last surviving White voice.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I'll start caring about anti-Semitism when Jews start caring about anti-Whiteness.

( @Kimbrell )
@Nature_and_Race I still won't care. I've had enough of their shit.

( @idiotsreport )
@Nature_and_Race In my experience, Jews are hateful, bigoted, angry, and look for someone to crap on. In a lot of ways, they act just like niggers.

( @Shturmovik )
@Nature_and_Race I love anti semitism.

( @TheRealN8errific1 )
They will never care to stop their rampant campaigns of antiWhitism. Never. It will never be enough for them.

( @BigNobody )
@Nature_and_Race And I’ll start caring about black peoples’ problems as soon as they care about White peoples’ problems.

( @FatherJohn )
@Nature_and_Race And you know what? Not even then.....

Jews MUST go.....

( @Lbeni540 )
@Nature_and_Race I don’t get it. When the Arabs were denigrated after 9-11 I did not hear anything about anti-semitism. The second someone points out that one people own most methods that impact peoples lives and seem to control it, suddenly that’s anti-semitism? I just don’t get it…

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #crackpot prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Between 2030 – 2050, Many Will Be Shocked How Few Caucasians Remain"]

All the current projections which show the birth rate declines for most Western Countries[…]are actually mostly conservative estimates[…]
They do not include certain economic or other factors changing, including a “Plandemic” and a Vaccination Campaign in which many would also be sterilized

While Agencies which calculate this data can offer projected estimate for those events, the dynamic variables are too much since it cannot really draw a clear picture until they witness how the public reacts

Before 2030, However, the Great Population collapse is surely anticipated, even by the most sophisticated Intelligence Agencies[…]
America is projected very soon to have less than 100 Million People still alive[…]
The fact cannot be ignored, that the Caucasian Race has largely become dishonorable and irrelevant, largely by the choosing of their own hands, from a downward-spiral of self-hatred, of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy, also employing double-standards as they please, along with other factors that will surely render them almost nothing

If they still could blame Germans for all of this, especially the Nazis, you better believe they would, since the majority of these Caucasians alive today would never want to accept responsibility for what they’ve been doing and also that they played a large helping hand in trying to ruin Germany[…]
There is not likely to be a completely Revival for Caucasians whatsoever. Even a re-emergence, through resettling or reclaiming land, will still leave these particular Nations to be somewhat irrelevant or limited[…]
Caucasians will fall from their glory the highest, because they have become the least primal of all Races, collectively speaking, and have allowed themselves to have their civilizations thrive off of Banking, Rule of Law and Institutions which run on Auto-Pilot Mode

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(submitters note: regarding https://breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-warns-of-credible-threats-to-bomb-new-jersey-synagogues/)

( @TheMadPiper )
@Nature_and_Race Well, there was that one time in Pittsburgh. Maybe, for their own safety, Jews in the US should exercise their right of return to Israel.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race it'll stop when White people get so tired of it that they actually do what they're accused of..... on a nationwide scale.

( @AlbertCurtis )
@Nature_and_Race Allow me to ask the real question: why should JEWS matter to any of us at all? I am not a JEW! Are you?


( @thesoupfascist )
@Nature_and_Race Remember when they canceled abortion and antifa was openly posting about burning down churches and the media didn't care one bit?

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race Jews invented hate-hoaxes, they not only lied about the holocaust they also lied about the pogroms in Russia by claiming all sorts of atrocities that were bold faced lies completely manufactured by jewish journalists.

( @ALEngineer )
@Nature_and_Race avoid jews at all costs

( @eagleeyes007 )
@Nature_and_Race yup just like the fake attacks on negros they make it up and plaster the lies all over mainstream media

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race pfft. IF ONLY this were true. Blatant fukn lie

( @Javanka_is_Rasputin )
@Nature_and_Race Another FBI false flag/gay OP right before an election.

( @celticoddtree )
@Nature_and_Race they count their own & blacks own hoaxes to blame Whites so they can add them to their list as true

( @CaptXenon )
@Nature_and_Race no one wants to blow up their synagogues. We want to deport them to place where their filth will not affect us.

( @genukem )
@Nature_and_Race Jews, all of them, deserve to be exterminated. Man, woman and child.

( @RoarLyinz )
@Nature_and_Race Here we go……..phase 3 of someone blame White people commences. We’re just a few days away from a prominent joo reminding blacks that, “black people let’s not forget that we both hate White people.”

( @kameltoe_harass )
@Nature_and_Race No loss if every fucking gogue in the country was smoked, just saying. its like , I dont care if rats live or not, but when they are in my food source and home, they will be removed. ( dead or alive - though alive they will come back )

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Bull. Fucking. Shit.

The only threats to synagogues come from Jews themselves, in their never-ending attempt to frame innocent White people for "anti-Semitic" hate-crimes.

These are called hate-hoaxes, and they are literal hate-crimes against White people.

Correction: FBI Warns of 'Credible' Threats To New Jersey Synagogues https://breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-warns-of-credible-threats-to-bomb-new-jersey-synagogues/

( @Shturmovik )
@Nature_and_Race Where there were no enemies, the KGB would provoke people into hating the regime just to arrest them so that they could say they’re doing something.

Also the KGB would create hoaxes, blame it on an “internal enemy” aka whoever they didn’t like and charge them.

The FBI is the the KGB 2.0

( @Warlord11 )
@Nature_and_Race exactly. Everyone knows that the real win is to take power when the system collapses, expel these saboteurs, and then bulldoze the synagogues like civilized people.

( @Bilo32 )
@Nature_and_Race Exactly right.

( @Fuzzballs )
@Nature_and_Race as hundreds of churches across the Western world are burned by acts of arson or neglect. Jews making up their own "hate crimes" or better yet, the blacks theyve weaponized against the domestic populations, are the only ones actually acting out of "hate". The tolerance of the Western ethos will be pushed to its limit very soon

( @Zealous_Apostle )
@Nature_and_Race Why would anyone ''threaten'' to bomb a synagogue anyway? If you're going to do it just do it. No actual bomber would have the courtesy of calling the place to inform them in advance!

I typically despise the boomer tendency to call everything a false flag, but this is so fucking obvious.

( @CajunCatDaddy )
@Nature_and_Race I hope for the day some Muslims target a synagogue. Watching the left try to explain it away will be sweet.

( @VictoryUs )
@CajunCatDaddy @Nature_and_Race
I would like to see it but you won't because Muslims are just pawns of the jews.

( @zachsg )
@Nature_and_Race Fuck doubting it and get the marshmallows!

Idgaf who burns it down.

( @Dftw21 )
@Nature_and_Race Did one of those kikes paint the town with swastikas again? 😂

Vox Day #racist #psycho #wingnut voxday.net

[From "Rethinking History"]

One can’t help but wonder if the much-decried history of lynching in the United States might have a little less to do with racism and a little more to do with the criminal behavior of those being put to death by vigilantes given recent events in Haiti and South Africa:

This is the horrifying moment suspected Haitian gang members beg for mercy before a vigilante lynch mob stones and burns them alive. The mob beat and burned 13 men to death with gasoline-soaked tyres on Monday after pulling them from police custody at a traffic stop, police and witnesses in the capital Port-au-Prince said. Six more burned bodies were seen in a nearby neighbourhood later on in the day, and witnesses claimed to have seen police kill them before residents set them on fire

Now, I have no doubt that there is some theory of racism that would explain why black vigilantes killing black criminals is not racist, but white vigilantes killing black criminals is. But the undeniable fact of the matter is that people of any race will only tolerate so much crime before they take matters into their own hands

UPDATE: The residents are about as unapologetic about their vigilantism as they could possibly be
‘It is out of the question that armed bandits come to settle in Canapé Vert, if others return, they will meet the same fate,’ an unnamed resident said, as quotes by local newspaper Le National. ‘We will not accept that these thugs transform our neighborhood like Canaan, Laboule, and Pernier’

@_Leese & @Mr_Angry #homophobia #racist gettr.com

( @_Leese )
I don't even know where to start 😑
AntiWhiteism even amongst degenerates
the insanity marches on
What is ‘white gay privilege’?

( @Mr_Angry )
I think this is great. We don’t want whites representing the LGBT agenda. And these people don’t reproduce. 👍🏻

( @_Leese )
I agree
yet AntiWhiteism is a tool to beat 'whitey' even amongst the degenerates.
AntiWhiteism is a weapon by all it seems.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #sexist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Race-mixing and homosexuality have reached the size and intensity of religion.

Those of us who oppose them stand as heretics today. For it is we who oppose them that they most vehemently want to burn at the stake.

( @Stewartsville )
@Nature_and_Race How has a small minority of faggot race traitors been able to manipulate the narrative by pushing this disgusting behavior on the majority of Whites, I'll tell you how, if it stinks & rots your core values it must be the jews every single time.

( @Haemish )
Society at large dictates you have to be pro gay and pro miscegenation but not opposed or indifferent. It never occurs to the midwits that this is intentionally targeting heterosexual White people - because that’s only who it wants to burn at the stake

( @Dave_Gab )
@Nature_and_Race I wouldn't be surprised if it's a CIA psyops program. This kind of degeneracy doesnt just come along organically.

( @Grahamelambda )
@Nature_and_Race ttoo right brah the women who are singlemoms mudsharking without care or shame and in hunt of a beta provider simp to feed adn pay for tyrones mudlings...discusting

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

Or so we're told.

Only White people are being displaced and replaced in their own homelands. Even though White people only make up a grand total of about 8% of the entire world's population.

This is literally White genocide.

( @FrekiTheRavenous )
@Nature_and_Race It'll be a GLORIOUS event when we FORCE every last one out of Europe.

( @_Seraphim_ )

Anyone who won’t call it what it is (genocide, demographic warfare, ethnic cleansing) has sold out and joined what they think the “winning team” will be. They see themselves as the vanquished property of a conquering invader, whether they consciously realize it or not.

( @Down_For_The_Count )
@Nature_and_Race I think everyone forgets that the people doing this have names and addresses.

( @Bogart01 )
@Nature_and_Race Why do we allow all these blood sucking parasites into our Country. They only bitch and moan and contribute absolutely NOTHING. Who is in charge of all this chaos?

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Central banks are buying gold at a record pace in anticipation of fiat currency collapse. Meanwhile, the commercial banking sector is imploding. Just today, three more banks were halted on the stock exchange as their stock prices collapsed.

More bank failures are imminent. Fiat currencies are collapsing (by design). The goal of the corrupt establishment is to take out the small and mid-sized banks, and leave just a few giants standing, holding all the assets. JP Morgan, anyone?

Once the small and mid-sized banks are destroyed, the powers that be will initiate the final collapse of the dollar and attempt to force everyone into Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which will be the final nail in the coffin of human freedom.
I also interviewed Michael Yon about the globalist invasion being staged through the UN-funded migrant camps in Panama (near the Darien Gap).

A mass of millions is being gathered to bum rush the US southern border in the weeks ahead, overwhelming border protection services and flooding the USA with an actual invasion force of migrants intended to replace the American people.
See Michael Yon’s stocking report from Panama — plus Chris Olson’s interview on banks, gold and silver — in the Brighteon Broadcast News episode here:

– Once-famous female model now dumpster diving for food on streets of LA
– Biden’s economic policies are causing MASS HOMELESSNESS, destitution and desperation
– Polish general says they’ve run out of ammunition for Ukraine
– US military has very little industrial capacity to manufacture munitions
– US gunpowder facility blew up two years ago and still isn’t operational
– 60% of Americans agree the corporate media pushes misinformation
– Biden punishing people with good credit by RAISING their mortgage loan rates
– Robert F Kennedy Jr. voices opposition to biological men competing against women on women’s sports teams

@TPQ1980 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com


"Antisemitism" was punished with up-to the death penalty in Bolshevik Russia. Study the 19th century and 20th century. The only reason there's such push-back against words and ideas is because a lot of what is asserted is supported by a pattern of strong evidence.

People online say all kinds of things about Whites, Blacks, Asians and all kinds of other groups, but say something about Jews, a group that is only 0.18% of the Earth's population and suddenly there's a huge problem. Why? Why would that be the case?

For several years White (Indo-European) people were blamed for the world's ills and painted as having disproportionate and institutional power in the West and in the world. Did any White businesses divest people of their business deals? Did any White banks debank people? Did any White social media platforms deplatform anybody?

The only group Westerners aren't permitted to criticise, critique, or openly discuss the status of is Jews, despite Jews not being White (Indo-European) and instead being Afroasiatic. They are a foreign group that has, to all intents and purposes, usurped the power structure of the West and turned it against its natural and autochthonous inhabitants.

This isn't a delusional or hateful perspective, it's simply a rational interpretation of the mathematically demonstrable evidence and a cogent analysis of the historical evidence.

There are only a finite number of rational interpretations of the evidence and once the impossible and the unlikely are dispensed with through critical analysis, deductive reasoning and the application of Occam's razor, the remaining explanations, no matter how offensive to the sensibilities, are the most likely candidates for being the truth.

If you study the Jewish people-group and you study what "antisemitism" actually is, you'll find the claims made about "antisemitism" to be largely spurious and nonsensical. In my view, the use of "antisemitism" is the application of a psychosocial-linguistic device to take advantage of inherent and preprogrammed social dynamics that are leveraged to police thought and speech in order to protect the Jewish network of control from scrutiny by the majority non-Jewish inhabitants of multiple Western societies.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @UniversalDelirium )
If antisemitism is being treated as a worse offense than corruption, rape, murder, and pedophilia— what does this tell you about who is likely running the show here?

( @TheMadBastard )
@UniversalDelirium ever notice how they'll call people "racist" or "anti-semitic" but they NEVER call them liars...

( @SallyTreaganwarrior )
But gotta hand it to Kanye for taking the slings and arrows, to throw the establishment into uproar and waylay their October surprise shenanigans...

( @DadaVaswani )
@UniversalDelirium I now believe the conspiracy is true after what they did to Kanye. That just convinced me.

( @Dufte )
@UniversalDelirium This is actually a very good thing to put on fliers @HandsomeTruth
"Why is Antisemitism being treated worse than the rape n murder of White people"

( @BrianBoro )
@UniversalDelirium tells you two things:

jews are running it

and they are corrupt, child-raping, murderous shites.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Prussia’s Revenge Is Meting Punishment Upon The West"]

Very few will ever understand or connect the very fact that the downfall and punishment of the Entire West, is completely connected to the German Fate[…]
The more hatred and vilification you Western Idiots place upon what we did in both World Wars, the more you will find yourselves lacking in relevance, and that the resentment you possess for us, will be returned to you in the form of the resentment of the Immigrants which occupy your countries.

The rest of the world, will also resent your Nations and everything you stand for[…]
We Germans will never surrender to this reputation you all face, even if we remain as the sole minority of Germans who remain loyal to what we uphold[…]
We will not have mercy[…]despite your pale skin color[…]
Sooner or later, even all the Barbarians of the world will have to one way or another, deal with the sore fate and attributes that the German Nation was righteous and that these World Wars were not just any World War, but were a decisively fought and actual “Holy War”[…]
From the blood that was shed of our German People in these wars, and the misery and horror they experienced, it will all be unleashed upon you with a vengeance and you will be remembered to be the scum that you are[…]
All Non-Germans only like us Germans for what we can do for them, but would prefer to exterminate us and take everything we have and even then call themselves “Germans”[…]
Until this fine hour arrives for when the truth will have total fatal consequences and allow the Earth to erupt in flames, We Germans sit back in comfort and solace with this knowledge, and with the total fact that not only are We Germans Innocent, but more ironically, the War Crimes and Genocide and other Crimes committed against Germans, especially by the allied countries and even powers like Poland and others, will one day have to be addressed

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
What are Democrats even running on?

Defending democracy?

Democrat policies are destroying democracy.

Calling Republicans MAGA extremists?

You caught us, we extremely love America & want it to be great for everyone.

In reality, WE are defending democracy from Democrats.

( @brextremist )
@repmtg Democrats are running on flooding America with niggers and shitskins at the behest of the jews. Republicucks are doing the exact same thing, but they want it to be done LEGALLY.

( @ricpic9 )
@brextremist @repmtg Trump supporter here and you suck you fucken racist.

( @BillyBurns )
@ricpic9 @brextremist @repmtg no one cares shitskin

( @brextremist )
@ricpic9 @repmtg Good work exposing yourself as a nigger-loving libtard. Eat shit!

( @Kese )
@repmtg They don't care. They're gonna steal it again. And you guys are gonna do nothing about it again.

( @HonorDuty )
@Kese - don't supress or discourage voters - Americans are resillient and will never give up until the Radicals are removed. Voting is absolutely one way to address issues.


( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@HonorDuty Voting is a bi-annual kosher humiliation ritual you fucking dolt. Fucking voting for Dr 'Turkroach Sandnigger' Oz or Herschel 'Rape Ape' Walker or whoever the fuck else they allow to run isn't fixing shit. Stfu and head back to Faceberg.

@Kese @repmtg

( @SubtleEnergyOver9000 )
@repmtg They're running on what jews allow them to run on, just like you. traitor.

( @14W )
@repmtg Hating white people, white erasing the country, supporting white illbeing, destroying everything.

( @AyranSenna )
@repmtg didn’t you cuck to the Jews?

( @BimboBaggins )
@AyranSenna @repmtg
She sure did cuck out, backpedalled so fast after comparing the horrible treatment of the unvakzed to the lead up of the holocaust.

( @RWIS )
@repmtg The only thing the GOP defends is israel while jews undermine and destroy our entire country. You didn't even defend yourselves when GOP senators were attacked by the jewish milita BLM outside of The White House. You would rather surrender America and die than have a communist jew call you racist.

( @TJOB1955 )
@RWIS @repmtg Shallow minded imbecile, it's all the Jews fault? As if there were no wicked gentiles? Reason, blocked by contempt...for an entire race of human beings.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #homophobia catholicamericanthinker.com

What is sociopathy? Look at our political parties for the answer.

The American Marxocrat Party lies, violates laws, quite consistently shows no regard for right and wrong, respects no moral standard for behavior, ignores the rights and feelings of all others, purposely makes others angry or upset, manipulates and treats others harshly and with cruel indifference, lacks remorse and does not regret its behavior.

These are the hallmarks of Sociopathy: antisocial personality disorder.

What happens when a sociopathic political party gains control over the government of a nation, the courts of the nation, the news and information of the nation, the education of the nation, the science of the nation, the industries of the nation, the police and armed forces of the nation?

What happens when sociopathy, or a sociopathic entity, owns and controls even knowledge itself, and the dissemination of all knowledge?

Can a whole society be turned against itself, to destroy itself?

The answer is yes; it is happening right now, right before our eyes.

But how did a whole political party come to be sociopathic?
They have been trained to have emotional "triggers". And if you touch any of their emotiontional triggers, they're liable to start emoting in front of you, or even all over you. And the "triggers" are legion.

White people. Men. Maculine men. Paternalism. Fatherhood. Maleness. Gun ownership. American flags. Christian or Jewish religious symbology; a cross or cucifix, a yamulka or star of David, etc. Statues of famous American historical figures. True American history. Criticism or disagreement of any kind. Opposition to drag queens, sex ed, transsexual ed, homosexual ed, white racism ed, American racism ed, even hinting at the existence of anti-white racism, or any mistaken belief at all.
The Marxocrat Party hates America, pure and simple.

And if that's not true they've got a funny way of showing it.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
I'm glad that Elon Musk set out to make much-needed changes at Twitter. However, as long as radical leftists like Yoel Roth get to decide what speech should and shouldn't be censored, Twitter will never be fair for both sides.

Why can't all legal speech be protected?

( @woozuh )
@DrPaulGosar jews

( @Fat_pony )
@woozuh @DrPaulGosar the Jews literally met with Elon and forced him to censor speech on Twitter. It's bizarre and humiliating. But at least it didn't make him pay 500k like they made that n*****.

@DrPaulGosar yep and the ADL need to be taken out the equation also.

( @Avoter )
@DrPaulGosar Because entrenched Jewish interests are not about to let their in-group preferences spotlighted.

( @nguyenphihoang )
@DrPaulGosar Hail to the most illegitimate, senile, corrupted, treacherous, and crooked president JOE BIDEN!

spoilerHere is a President
who entices people
to break the laws of
our country and
illegally cross our
borders, yet, ignores
the needs of
American citizens.
Here is a President
who violates his oath
to uphold the
Here is a perfect
example of someone
who should be

( @GrandCrusader )
@DrPaulGosar “Radical leftists” is newspeak for “jews”. Just call them out you fucking quiefhead

( @FuckYouCommies )
@DrPaulGosar Woah take it easy with the Anti-Semitism Paul.

( @gabdude )
@DrPaulGosar Because that would be fair, and the left can't have that.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @The_Nose )
Hate speech is a made up term used to circumvent the constitution and silence dissenting points of view. What the ADL calls hate speech is protected by the 1st amendment.

( @MrThomasRHart )
"But muh constitution," Tucker Carlson

Yes, let's see how muh constitution is going, together with that lovely 1st Amendment bollocks by using the example of all the US states where you can be kicked from your job in the machine, and if you own a business, you will never get a govt contract for not signing the Loyalty Act aka Anti-BDS-Legislation that includes in almost all cases uses the IHRA "definition" of "Anti-Semitism"

Yes, that's all the states in red, because irony is ironic

You will be Germany soon, too. Where you will land in jail, and not merely be "cancelled". And then your 1st Amendment will mean shite

You already have a Blasphemy Law de facto, but then you have it de jure


( @Lordgriffen2019 )
@MrThomasRHart @KittyKrysta92 @The_Nose @RabbisReapKids @NaturesFinest hate speech and hate crime are the same thing for example if you point out that holohoax is a lie in public in the town square they can arrest for you hate crime

( @Ivory_Awaken14 )
@The_Nose "Hate speech" according to kikes.

Criticizing Whites & advocating for non-White racial interests = No.

Criticizing non-Whites & advocating for White racial interests = Yes.

It also needs to be said that this is the set up they've got going in nations that rightfully belong to White people, in nations that are supposed to be upholding the will of White people. It's not like we're talking about Israel, or some other nation where Whites are an out-group.

You can just sense how much the Western jewish power structure relies on the suppression of their host. Any little hint of the host's will rising & they're all over it. They really are a parasite, said without any malice whatsoever, that is factually what they are as a collective organism.

( @ToBeCensored )
@The_Nose 'hate speech' is as real as covid and climate change. Funny its the same jews pushing all that

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