
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Professor Ellis Washington, J.D. #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger elliswashingtonreport.com

One of the most important things I’ve learned from reading the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle is this—In order to properly, systematically and comprehensively understand a given subject, discipline or area of inquiry, always begin from “First Principles”. For example, in this essay I am writing about the stolen History of Humanity that allowed a very small Cabal of super rich narcissistic psychopaths called the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Council of 13, Council of 300, World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic New World Order to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America for 150 years (1871-2021), including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England exits in virtually every United Nations member state country in the world to this day.
Once you purge your mind of all the propaganda taught by our corrupt institutions including the school systems (public and private), the colleges and universities and even ancillary institutions, pharmaceutical industry, social media, politics, law, religion, philosophy. . . everything is all lies, propaganda and disinformation designed to force you into a perpetually evolving Hegelian Dialectic.
The results? All of our storied, iconic Judeo-Christian morality, Natural Law and Natural Rights which enshrined all of America’s founding documents including—The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights were all effectively a deadletter since 1871… until a miracle happened and God gave humanity one last chance at redemption with the ascendancy of President Donald J. Trump (2016 – present).

Kathleen Collins #racist jta.org

A Boston-area woman has been arrested and charged with leaving a series of paper swastikas outside the house of a Jewish lawyer who is representing her child’s father in an ongoing custody battle

The case had been a source of fear and confusion in the local community for months, since the Jewish woman being targeted, Stephanie Lyons, first found the swastikas on her front lawn in Stoneham in November

Lyons told The Washington Post that the swastikas had particularly unnerved her amid a larger climate of antisemitism; the incident came only a few days after rapper Kanye West launched what would become an extended antisemitic tirade

“I just burst into tears,” she told the Post. “Someone had taken the time to cut these swastikas out of paper and write those words. They knew where we lived. They knew we were Jewish”

Now local police have concluded that the culprit did in fact know Lyons. They have charged Kathleen Collins with a civil rights violation and two counts of witness intimidation, the Boston Globe reported

Collins had previously made derogatory statements about Lyons during a video call with her son and his father, according to the police report, which also said she later reportedly admitted to the father that she had put out the swastikas. They also contained antisemitic messages including “JESUS HATER” and “GO TO HELL, JEW BITCH”

@PvonEuropa & @MidnightShadow #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @PvonEuropa )
In praise of the English race🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

How have we allowed our once great people to be cowed into submission and cultural destruction?

#nationalism #englandfortheenglish #stopmassimmigration #massimmigration #thegreatreplacement #replacementtheory #england #english

( @MidnightShadow )
Degenerate minorities have insidiously infiltrated places of power. They seek to destroy our white societies, built on beauty, strength and honor. They open the doors to African migrants to dilute us, overwhelm us, eradicate us...

various commenters #wingnut #racist #quack gab.com

( @Mar1ee )
Beware of white-only mandates

spoilerCornell University Makes Flu
Vaccination Mandatory — Only for
White Students

(@Kimharm )
@Mar1ee Huge discrimination lawsuit needs to be filed as well as Criminal charges. Do not Comply with the insane

( @FlawedEnigma )
@Mar1ee "Identify" as black ,what now bitches??
they made the rules we can play their game.

( @DigitalYankee )
@Mar1ee This is by far one of the most obvious attempts at publicly requiring White genocide.

( @Stinkyjoe2021 )
@Mar1ee let’s see how many sheep will stand in line.

( @Lastentry )
Read those flu inserts ...

Sue Cornell for discrimination & transfer somewhere else. They obviously can not teach you the law when they themselves do not know it.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@Mar1ee multiculturalism is the thief that forced association with people who hate us. Never forgive what the cult of diversity has done to our country.

( @madmanbegins )
@Mar1ee just a coincidence...

( @j_e_s_s_e )
@Mar1ee how about we just vax the fucking jews instead?

( @Nathanielsmith )
@Mar1ee I might need to have a backup plan get a passport from some dinky island country pretty soon we're going to be South Africa

( @sninfoflux )
@Nathanielsmith @Mar1ee all western nations will be south Africa.

E. Michael Jones #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy fidelitypress.org

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by Dr. E. Michael Jones is the story of the 2,000 year long battle between Logos and Anti-Logos: from the foot of the Cross in the Gospel of St. John, to the French Revolution, through the revolutionary movements of the 21st century, including the Neoconservative takeover of the United States.

Israel Shamir, who understands this battle well, described this as “a monumental book which scoops two thousand years of troublesome relations between Christendom and the Jews, and endeavors to connect Jewish strategies of permanent revolution with the permanent Jewish rebellion against Christ. This timely book may help to regain the lost balance between Judaic and Christian tendencies in the Western mind.”

Now, featuring new chapters on the Arian crisis of the 4th century A.D., along with a groundbreaking chapter on the Armenian genocide, Dr. Jones cuts through the noise, and brings clarity where there is confusion, hope where there is despair, and a message of love to the “enemies of the entire human race.”

<3 volumes for $75>

The MSM Watcher #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Clearly, Tucker Carlson was just fired right after FOX News was forced to settle the Dominion lawsuit for $787.5 million. The ‘low’ settlement amount may even have been contingent on Tucker being ousted immediately.
Oh NO, NO, NO! Tucker was obviously knocked off his high perch as the most successful political commentator in U.S. history because of his constant revelations about America’s predatory oligarchy and kleptocratic plutocracy.
How about this: Tucker was released from his FOX News contract because he was brilliantly highlighting the Ukraine War as an unparalleled warmongering catastrophe and humanitarian disaster and political scandal and economic debacle and financial fiasco and international calamity and European cataclysm, etc., etc. etc. BINGO ! ! !

Make no mistake: Tucker Carlson crossed every line ever drawn in the sand by the Khazarian-controlled CIA’s Mockingbird Media; however, there is one line the Neocon Zionist ownership of FOX News would never permit him to cross. For when the Neocons want war — any war — they get their war no matter what the cost in blood and treasure to the American people.

In all likelihood, Tucker could have gotten away with all of the other truth-telling listed above, but the Khazarian Cabal will brook no criticism of their civilization-altering Ukraine War. After all, the Khazarians desperately need a full-blown World War III to distract the entire world community of nations from their many ongoing genocides and other crime sprees against humanity, both past and present.
Did we forget to mention that Tucker disclosed more Covid ‘vaccine’ truth than all of the mainstream media presstitutes in the USA put together? There’s no question that his factual Covid jab revelations also put him on the wrong side of the Khazarian’s genocide via weaponized vax agenda.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
The Radical Left and the Biden Regime put America Last.

The MAGA agenda puts America First.

The choice is easy.

( @toxicmask )
@DrPaulGosar The MAGA agenda ties Israel at the hip with American interests. MAGA is a start, but it's not the finished masterpiece.

( @MichaelHudson )
@DrPaulGosar Fucking Israeli Communist.

( @_johnnyx )
@DrPaulGosar how about America ONLY?

( @Alle_Juden_deportieren )
@DrPaulGosar True. National Socialism's the way to go. Anything less than nationalism along racial lines simply will not work and it's open to jewish influence.

It's no more complicated than that.

( @FatBastard212 )
@DrPaulGosar Put Jews last. All our problems would go away just like that. Until of course, they decide to invade or burn everything down.

( @GunTanTrapDaddy )
@DrPaulGosar What is this "MAGA agenda" you speak of???

( @JakeKruger )
@DrPaulGosar It All Depends on Who You Consider to be "America"...

( @TheRealN8errific1 )
@DrPaulGosar If we want America to survive we need to put the well-being of White people first. Otherwise America will become Mexico, or China, or South Africa, etc. but it will never again be America.

( @Sticky25 )
@DrPaulGosar no the fuck they don't... Hey Paul say end white replacement, white genocide, and Jewish oppression..

Georgian Southern Nationalist #wingnut #elitist #homophobia #transphobia #racist identitydixie.com

[From "GAXIT! Free Georgia Now"]

After a Kemp victory last November, Georgia’s political future has become clearer[…]It’s now been proven that the Peach State still has enough genuine Georgians to keep an anti-White zealot like Stacey Abrams out of the governorship. Georgia’s monuments largely still stand intact, a new anti-child sex change bill (SB 40) has passed, the “Heartbeat” law has successfully returned, and gun rights have been expanded. On the other hand, long-term demographic issues are not looking great[…]it’s imperative for Georgia to secede before the next gubernatorial election[…]
A major component of a Free Georgia will be ensuring that Southerners (bonafide Georgians) are running and managing the state. Enacting the county unit system in all statewide elections will be critical. This is a topic that has been discussed by the Georgia League of the South and at Identity Dixie but[…]it’s an important step to curtail the carpetbagger-dominated Metro Atlanta[…]
Southern Nationalists could convince a squeamish representative to push for pro-Southern policies. It’s during this period that Southern Nationalist advocates would focus on restoring, and then solidifying, Georgia’s pro-Dixie cultural and social foundation

For starters, one should look at the vast potential of Stone Mountain[…]Largest (currently) monument to the South’s efforts in the War for Southern Independence[…]
We could easily morph whatever remains of the Georgia National Guard into a new “Army of Georgia,” fastened with the old 1956 Georgia flag[…]This new unit would be used for home defense[…]
This brings me to the idea[…]that Georgia is a purple or “non-White” state; thus, the Left would “rebel.” In truth, I could envision a few violent riots in Atlanta, like we saw with “Cop City” but the new “Army of Georgia” would quickly and efficiently remove such threats. Antifa cowards will flee Georgia

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @PrisonPlanet )
After French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that half of all crimes in Paris were committed by foreigners, it has now been revealed that they also account for 70 per cent of all violent robberies.


( @PickleRick_420 )
@PrisonPlanet just like America niggers commit the most crime despite being only 13% of the population

( @AbductionsUFOsandNuclearWeapon )

( @WesTheGreat )
@PrisonPlanet I bet it is closer to 95% of all crime. The states probably don't include naturalized citizens.

( @AbductionsUFOsandNuclearWeapon )

spoilerThings that happened after
expulsion of Jews:
Flourishing of Elizabethan
England; days of Shakespeare
Spanish Age of Expansion
France - becomes most
powerful monarchy in Europe
Things that happened after
Jewish migration - Weimar,
Communism, perversion, mass

( @3_1415 )
@PrisonPlanet If the truth be told, the actual figure for criminal activities in France, and for that matter Europe, are well above 50% from foreigners! Countries don't become shitholes overnight from locals, it is always the low IQ transients that cause the chaos, rapes and deaths!
Protect your borders! It protects your communities!

( @Troll013 )

What's that line again? Oh yea "Diversity is our greatest strength"

Been using that one since the 80s.

( @SevenGrunt )
@PrisonPlanet Serves the frogs right they imported all the Muslims into Frog land.

( @Rikhan531 )
@SevenGrunt @PrisonPlanet No the French didn't they were never asked neither was any White Country the jews puppets did it and called us racist and prejudice for complaining about it and if you got noticed complaining some asshole wanting a promotion turned you in and had you fired.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: DFL Rep Says White Kids Should ‘Feel Bad’ About American History

An elected official says the quiet part out loud.

White American children have every reason to be proud of their country and their race. The only reason we are not more accomplished than we are is that we bear the burden of a race human evolution never prepared for civilization.

If White kids are to be shamed for their history, then so should Turks for the Ottoman Empire, Haitians for killing all the French in 1804, and Japanese for Pearl Harbor.

I like how they say White people collectively should feel guilty whether they're Swedish, English, Greek, Croatian. It doesn't matter. White people really are seen and treated differently from other races.

(Martin Coon)
Even White leftists don’t want to allow for any distinction between us.

White people can be collectively blamed for the past but all nonwhites are supposed to be judged as individuals; talk about double standards.

Good. Hollins supports inherited guilt. Every black child whose ancestors committed a crime is guilty too. As blacks for generations have committed some type of crime I would purport to say that most, if not all, black children should feel bad about what happened in the past. It was terrible. However, it's also happening in the present, so black children should also feel bad about what's happening NOW. It IS terrible.

(American Plague)
I was just making that argument to someone the other day. That every black whose ancestor murdered or raped someone White (in many cases this happened basically yesterday, not hundreds of years ago), should have to pay reparations to the White descendants of the victim(s)or even the victims themselves.

Did the person agree or did they give you an attitude about it?

No response. They simply got really quiet for a few seconds and changes the subject. So I'm sure they saw the logic in what I was saying but couldn't bring themself to openly admit that a "racist" White guy had a very valid argument.

Prussian Society of America #racist #fundie #sexist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "4 Positive Developments, In Light Of All This Darkness"]

As you are keenly aware, we are often the most cynical, and least optimistic of all people on the planet. We are also hesitant to take note of anything peculiar until it gives us enough reasonable confidence that there is good solid traction at play

Nevertheless, I do wish to state that we have been actively tracking many global developments that are taking place, which occasionally, ARE absolutely in favor and absolutely beneficial to us during these hopeless times
1)Intra-Racial Tensions between various Ethnic groups in America and Europe are increasing** due to Economic issues, State Laws and Policies which are also fragmenting certain classes of these Immigrant groups, including other tensions and competition between Illegal and Legal Immigrants (even if both are scum)[…]
2)More Women are becoming Economically Disenfranchised and being Dismissed from their Jobs, for a whole host of reasons, but also because Women are even finding more clever ways to Embezzle Funds with the companies they work for. The entire Trans-Atlantic Tech Community is firing a lot of Females[…]
3)More and More people in Europe and all around the world, are actually beginning to catch on to just how disturbing, horrific and messed up the United States and the United Kingdom are as Nations. France, also is included on this list with the US and UK[…]We do respect the right of people even Barbarians to exist in their own lands[…]
4)Faith and Belief in Christianity is rapidly collapsing anywhere, along with the notions of using “Prayer” or “Peaceful Resistance”[…]
**Our organization is involved in many activities we do not disclose to the public. Nevertheless, we also actively are engaged with trying to promote Intra-Racial Tensions, and we encourage that you self-reflect and discover your own creative ways to furthering these tensions

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MarkDice )
Elon is already consulting with the ADL and black supremacists at the NAACP on how to moderate Twitter. A lot of conservatives are going to be very disappointed to learn who will not be allowed back on the platform and that "free speech" to Elon means not banning people for tweeting against wearing masks and mandatory vaccines. Big whoop. It doesn't mean the Proud Boys are going to be let back.

@MarkDice That is absolutlely disgusting, The ADL is one of the forces behind all the evil censorship. Has no one explained this to him??

( @elixirelixir )

( @JimmyLiberty1776 )
@MarkDice Hate speech is still allowed on Twitter, just as long as it's directed Whites, Conservatives and Christians.

( @FalloutGuy2k21 )

"Civil Society Leaders" = The Jewish Cabal

( @Dandakang )
@MarkDice lol people just went so soft while reading this.

Cuckservatives: "Elon is going to save us and bring back free speech! Yay! I got my twitter account reactivated"

Elon: "im cucking to the jews, blacks and cabal establishment. you may, however, express a daily disapproving thought regarding the mask mandates."

( @KoalaBlueGirl )
@MarkDice Why do people think Elon Musk is a "white hat?" His 'Neuralink' program is the embodiment of the Satanic "trans-humanist" agenda seeking to kill and enslave mankind.

( @Joyjoythedestroyer )
@MarkDice I saw this and find it very alarming. The ADL and never Trumpers basically running the show. Not one white person or Christian person on that list to help.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
You will never see any mainstream social media platform, news outlet, or streaming service celebrating "iconic White" anything.

Yet we're supposed to believe that "institutional White supremacy" is running amok, and thus all White people should feel guilty and ashamed of themselves.

( @TrutherNationalist )
@Nature_and_Race Agree 100%. Globalist trash like gogle and utube should be boycotted at every opportunity

( @Cadastrophic )
@Nature_and_Race -> There IS a White Supremacy, in that Whites have superior intelligence, superior looks, superior inventions, superior accomplishments, etc. Now what have Blacks invented, peanut butter and the banjo ? (ha)

( @soopnazi )
@Nature_and_Race I certainly don't feel ashamed of myself. And nor should anyone else. This is but one of the many facets in our struggle.

( @ilovesnpr )
@Nature_and_Race This is sad; women are particularly susceptible to this propaganda. The average women derives her standard of beauty from the collective (media) hence gorgeous European women will to equate beauty with African standards.

( @Kimblam )
@ilovesnpr @Nature_and_Race thats why they self-denegrate in the spring about how pale they are and how "embarrassing" it is, all the while completely missing the fact that nonwhites do everything possible to try to look White.

( @BatKun )
@Nature_and_Race Supreme NNNNIGGGGORRRS 😆🤣

( @SeanRoland48 )
@Nature_and_Race 卐ᛋᛋ✠ᛞᚨᚾᛏᛉ
They have yet to comprehend, that which they have awakened.


Francesco Lollobrigida #racist edition.cnn.com

The brother-in-law and close political ally of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has warned that Italy’s low birth rate and an increase in irregular immigration could lead to “ethnic replacement,” sparking anger from the country’s opposition

Francesco Lollobrigida remarks comes in response to a recent report which found Italy has one of the world’s lowest birthrates with fewer than 400,000 births in 2022

He made the comments at a conference on Tuesday, where he said that incentives to have more babies, suggested by Meloni, did not mean women had to stay home to raise them

“The way is to build a welfare system that allows you to work and have a family, supporting young couples to find employment,” he said. “Italians are having fewer children, so we’re replacing them with someone else. Yes to helping births, no to ethnic replacement. That’s not the way forward”[…]
Lollobrigida said that while he was not against controlled immigration, noting his grandfather emigrated to Italy, irregular migration is a threat

“If there are requests for a workforce, when you have exhausted the internal demand, you can, you must provide a workforce that also comes from other countries. It must be clarified that the first enemy of regular immigration, made through organized flows, is illegal and clandestine immigration,” he said

#Hashtag #Soup #Award

@david007bondy #wingnut #racist gettr.com

Like London Birmingham all Yorkshire also. Thanks to Feminazis the ultra lunyleft #Fakenews #Schools, #Crown #islam #jihad #Labourparty only the #white #English#Btitish kids have no place or #land left to call home😔.#jimdowson #Trump2024 #tommy1.#whiteflight #whitegenocide #greatreset

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is why Jews frequently find themselves rounded up and held behind barbed wire.


( @Wildcard369 )
@Nature_and_Race Not often enough apparently.

( @Sadiemckee )
@Nature_and_Race They are only too glad to announce their allegiance to Pedophilia, early childhood hands on sexual "techniques" that can be of no real value to any teacher of children younger than 15 years of age, not only that, they promote inappropriate behavior to children, for the purpose of normalizing bizarre sexual behavior.

( @Rexkwon27 )
@Sadiemckee @Nature_and_Race which is for the purpose of separating them from the god that protects them and creating a vice/addiction that they can use to manipulate their goy slaves.

( @Ericvivion )
@Nature_and_Race explosion and captivity ain't gonna fucking cut it only a real 6million hung will start to ease the faggotry they have caused

( @NagashDemina )


( @Tomahawk1775 )
@Nature_and_Race NO more Barbed Wire, This time let's do it Right, and actually put them down Permanently!

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race "o-vey, why are we persecuted so much?"

( @turtleswolverine )
@Nature_and_Race Looks like it's time to do it again.

( @CatLady68 )

spoilerThe worlds first "transgender" clinic, the Institute
of Sex Research, was opened in 1919 by the Jews
Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld in Berlin.
In 1933 the Hitler Youth burned it to the ground.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race Rounded up and expelled 109 times but they're the victims.

( @Imanonymous )
@Nature_and_Race It's about the jews' immoral, illegal, dishonest and socially unacceptable inappropriate dirty outrageous greedy behavior.

jews love to play the Race Card though. It seems to be their only defense, albeit a weak one at that. Even their Race Card is complete bullshit, just like their other lies.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
And if an entire line of people acquired courtside NBA seats and unveiled "FIGHT ANTI-WHITE HATE" shirts, there is a 100 % chance they would have been:

~ Ejected from the game
~ Banned from the arena
~ Banned by the NBA
~ Charged by the NYPD
~ Counted as a "Hate Incident" by the ADL/FBI &
~ Called 'White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists' by local, state, and federal officials

So anyway, back to that conversation about privilege...

( @jokeonyou )
@KeepNHGranite As a side note, Jews always seemed very weird to me, even as a kid, way before I knew anything about the world.

At first glance they look White, but then if you look closely there are always some weird details about them that makes them uniquely ugly.

Even if genetically speaking Ashkenazis are mostly European, that dash of non-European blood makes them dysgenic mutants. Not only ugly on the outside, but also psychotic, sexually deviated, with evil tendencies.

( @WitchesBrew_ha_ha )
@jokeonyou @KeepNHGranite All I ever had to do is sniff the air...you can't mistake their rank, putrid fumes that seem to fill the air whenever they slither out into the public.

( @Greg69 )
Yeezy has got the Jew spooked, he's exposing so many truths they want to kept hidden.
Like why won't the NFL let a Black person buy a team? They blame it on White ppl, but most of the owners are Jews.

( @Buckman888 )
@Greg69 @KeepNHGranite Black owners would be approx. 6.25% of the three sports then...of 96 teams. They have about 12% of the population.
Now, let's do an analysis of the number and percentage of jew owners, who are apparently 1% of the population. It's probably 50% of those teams who are owned by them, if not higher.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @CorneliusRye )
damn that's crazy Mr. Obama, it's not like you did that to white people for 8+ years you subhuman mongrel

spoilerObama calls out rising
anti-semitism: "When you see
something on the internet that
says, 'those people are the cause
of your problems' ... that is a
dangerous line. That is a path that
will tear this country apart."

( @tmomoney )
@CorneliusRye Unless "those people" are White people.

( @RobertKayland )
@CorneliusRye Coming from a nigger, whose culture is steeped in "We wuz kangs, but White Man came, took everyone" cargo cultism, that's rich indeed.

( @MrDirtyNails )
@RobertKayland @CorneliusRye
All* those kingdoms had for export were their people, which speaks to a loving government, oh say like the USG.

* not an expert, some African kingdoms did export product other than their people of those from the next kingdom over, but centuries later what are they known for exporting?

( @TRhodes )
I won't forget Biden saying I was the cause of the "vaccinated's" problems. They can fuck off.


( @Tetragrammatron )
@CorneliusRye As they relentlessly slander White people. What a joke.

( @Mierscourt )

( @JudithM3 )
@CorneliusRye Interesting comment coming from someone who settled Muslims in America, refuses to release some of his personal records even to clarify his own birthright, college transcripts, etc. Let's talk about those responsible for Bengazi, U.S. missile and arms sales for just starters?

( @IECaomhanach )
@CorneliusRye Gee Barry, isn't that like the blame game against whites and republicans?

When you slam an entire 'group' or ethnicity, isn't that racism? Isn't that what you have done your entire life?

( @RageNFreedom )
@CorneliusRye No it's not! It is THE RIGHT PATH!

Name the jew!!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @WesternChauvinist1 )
Elon had a talk with a bunch of jews about how he's going to appease them. Once again White people don't even figure into the conversation.


( @UpstairsToTheRight )
@WesternChauvinist1 Twitter after Elon Musk: got banned for reporting this cunt. Also: Twitter said : “after careful review of the user’s content, we found no violation has taken place “

spoilerraising a glass of farm fresh cultured buttermilk to the inevitability of white

( @Ichabod_Gambolputty )
@WesternChauvinist1 "Civil society" means Jewish supremacists and their army of diversity pets

( @RWIS )
@WesternChauvinist1 Not one White advocacy group consulted.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

According to Shahak, classical Judaism is inspired by the image of Sparta as it appears in Plato's Laws 942.

Judaism adopted the objectives Plato described in the following passage. (Shahak, p.13)

The principal thing is that no one, man or woman, should ever be without an officer set over him, and that no one should get the mental habit of taking any step, whether in earnest or in jest, on his individual responsibility. In peace as in war, he must always live with his eyes on his superior officer...In a word, we must train the mind to not even consider acting as an individual or know how to do it.

Shahak says the words "rabbi" and "officer" are interchangeable. In Communism, the sons of rabbis built a new worldly religion that mirrored the fanaticism and oppression of classical Judaism.
Similarly, the West is returning to this Jewish model of totalitarianism. Mainstream discourse is tightly controlled. Pundits who stray from the party line are fired or forced to atone. We have become Jews under the yoke of Judaism (i.e. Communism.
Judaism is concerned with meaningless observances and legalities rather than morality or faith. The Talmud regulates "every aspect of Jewish life, both individual and social...with sanctions and punishments provided for every conceivable ...infringement of the rules." (Shahak, p. 40)

Far from being monotheistic, the Old Testament implies the existence of many Gods, and the Jewish Cabala includes many prayers and duties designed to propitiate Satan.
Organized Jewry is a Trojan Horse for this agenda, but thanks to Freemasonry, most other governments, religions and organizations have also been subverted. Anti Semitism is a red herring designed to deflect blame from the Illuminati bankers and high ranking Freemason onto innocent Jews. Most everyone today is duped, manipulated and compromised.

Andrew Edwards #elitist #racist independent.co.uk

A Conservative councillor has been suspended after he was allegedly recorded saying "all white men should have a Black slave"

Andrew Edwards, who represents the ward of Haverfordwest on Pembrokeshire County Council, is also claimed to have said black people are "a lower class than us white people"

The Welsh Conservatives confirmed on Thursday that Mr Edwards has been suspended by the party while an investigation is carried out. He has also referred himself to the Public Services Ombudsman

In the recording, first published by news site Nation.Cymru, a man's voice can be heard saying: "Nothing wrong with the skin colour at all

"I think all white men should have a black man as a slave or a black woman as a slave, you know

"It's nothing wrong with skin colour, it is just they're a lower class than us white people, you know."

Other members of the council reportedly identified Mr Edwards as the man speaking after they were sent the audio[…]
In his statement published on Wednesday, Mr Edwards said: "I am aware of such serious allegations being made against me. This is why I have self-referred to the Public Services Ombudsman for an independent evaluation

Dennis Prager #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie mediamatters.org

This is Media Matters quoting from Prager’s video
By the way, if you talk about Islamic slavery – which was considerably more barbaric – and, believe me, there was barbarity in our slavery. But most slaves could actually have children, for example. And on more than a few occasions, they were separated from their parents. Horrible, truly horrible. But the Black slave population increased tremendously because they could have families in so many cases. Under Islam, that was not possible, the men were castrated. And they weren't castrated with an anesthetic, shall we say. The agony is indescribable, and so many of them died just because of the barbarity of being castrated.

The left hates America because they have nothing going on in their lives that gives them meaning. The inferior always hates the superior. The left is morally inferior to the United States and its founders and the Judeo-Christian system. The inferior morally hate the morally superior. The left has always been morally inferior from Lenin to today.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

“Our democracy” is at stake.

Schmooze it, milk it, stick a hooked nose into it.
Vell, with the hacks “ushered the hell out” one more freedom is not under assault.

It’s a “temple of democracy.”

Truer words were never spoken.

The ‘sacred shrine’ on Capitol Hill is nothing less than the Synagogue of Satan where ‘democracy” is spilled to the highest bidder, Jews.
Traitors from the right are worse than enemies from the left.

And besides, Jews control both sides of the political aisle.

What kind of flavor of ‘democracy’ do you want?

“Leftist” whipped cream with sprinkles on top?

Vell…here’s the JDCA, the “Jewish Democratic Council of America!”

“Rightist” whipped cream with Netanyahoo on top?

Here’s the RJC, the “Republican Jewish Coalition!”

Take the gilt off the gingerbread.

Quite frankly, I like Franco.

A righteous dictatorship routs and rids a country of Yids.

But reality is a bitch.
The media, the schools, the courts, the movies, State, Treasury, banks, Jewgle, JewTube, Capitol Hill…

…along with every single Federal, State, and city institution, ALL infested and riddled with Jews.
Secession is the only way.

Think locally, act locally, our national entity is ruined.

The Jews push homosexuality, gay marriage, gun confiscation, vaccines, mail-in ballots, abortion, mutilation of children’s sex organs, pornography, censorship, rigged elections, ALL at national and state levels.

When the government kills its own people, or the people kill those who govern… it’s a bad day.

To secede is the only way.

The only non-violent expression left.

Politics is over.

We are living in a post-political world.
A “well-armed militia,” which our founders intended, can provide seceding regions with its own protection, its own police, its own borders and defense.

We can ‘hang the hacks from the rafters by their toes’ or begin our divorce from DC.

Both are great ideas.

Choosing a new president is not a good one.

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist clifhigh.substack.com

Stating the obvious.

Some of you apparently didn’t get the memo.

This is a Binary Matterium. That is the design pattern, everything arises from a binary condition. Even the Matterium itself arises from a binary condition.

There is Consciousness.

There is the Universe within Consciousness.

There is the Matterium within Universe.

All of this is binary.

So thus all of the ‘non-binary’, and ‘blended gender’ talk is but that, talk. No substance as it is not supported within this Matterium, and while it is momentarily novel, it will wither and disappear in the time allotted to it by Consciousness.

Anytime you find attempts to ‘quantify’ humans, or any Life Quality in this Matterium in general, you are in the presence of evil thinking. This statement is binary as it resolves down to humans being a quality in this Matterium, and not a quantity of the Matterium.
We get Peak ‘Trans’, both as the climax (pun intended) of the pan-sexual wave, and as the WEF entre into trans-human at this Time, and of course it is the proximate cause for the next large social wave of ‘settling into normal normality’ in which Masculine and Feminine will be seen for their true worth; Masculinity creates and maintains Civilization, while Femininity creates and maintains Life. These are qualities. They reduce to binary.

No ‘trans’ about it.

The people in the WEF <World Economic Forum> are starting to appreciate that they are losing the 5th Generation Unrestricted War that they launched against Humanity. They have worked for centuries only to fail now. Their failure was forecast hundreds of years ago, when the ancestors of today’s [KM] <KhazarianMafia>/WEF, lost the lesson of binary. They are obsessed with quantity, as they demonstrate with their lives devoted to gathering excess in quantity where ever they may. Judge men and works by their qualities, not their quantities.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Dissidentsoaps )
Remember that all races are equal and race is a social construct but racial diversity is important because people of different races have different lived experiences even though you can’t tell anything about a person by the color of their skin. 😵‍💫

spoilerAlito with the backbreaker:
Alito: "Is race an important
consideration for UNC?"
Counsel: "No."
Alito: "So you would have no
objection to an opinion that says
you can't consider race?"
Counsel: "Well..."

( @VanCleef )
if there’s something that exemplifies parasitism, it’s affirmative action

( @SenHid )
@Dissidentsoaps "Race is a social construct, but White people are bad". That's basically it.

( @HeroicSpud )

The entire diversity shilling agenda can be shot down with a few very basic questions and yet, corporations and institutions have entire departments dedicated to a bullshit cultish movement. You can poke more wholes in it than a fucking noodle strainer.

( @DGiboney )
@Dissidentsoaps This is the hypocrisy of what has happened with affirmative action.

( @MattBuilds )
@Dissidentsoaps tell us you were baptized in the waters of critical race theory in law school without telling us. Faggot lawyers make me sick.

( @GatoMarellis )
@Dissidentsoaps all races are not equal. We know this, because there's one race you can insult, threaten, blame, incite violence toward, call for extermination of it, etc without any consequences whatsoever

( @mistymountainz )



( @HonklerBear )
@Dissidentsoaps "There is no such thing as race except jews are gods that must be worshiped and Whites are evil and must be genocided."


Kgomotso Neo Khunou #racist #moonbat #pratt #conspiracy twitter.com

[cfc Des: Hitler killed 6 million Jews while Leopold Il of Belgium was responsible for the Murder of over 10 million Africans in Congo and amputated the arms of countless others but one is more recognized than the other.]

Kgomotso Neo Khunou:
Hitler killed yt people... Leopold killed black people, that's the difference.

Notice how anything said against Jews is called antisemitism but there are still people who live openly as racists towards black people and no one bats an eye?

Angeline Tan #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist thenewamerican.com

[From "Washington’s “Color Revolutions” in Europe"]

Samantha Power, the current administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced in February 2023 that she was in Budapest, Hungary, to support “democratic institutions” and “civil society.”

Hungary, a member of the EU and NATO, has a democratically elected government presently spearheaded by conservative and pro-life Prime Minister Viktor Mihály Orbán[…]Orbán’s government has refrained from backing the U.S.-led strategy to exacerbate the Russia-Ukraine crisis since the latter’s onset in 2022. Additionally, Orbán’s government rejects the globalist principles of open immigration, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ+ propaganda for minors

Little wonder then that Power went to Budapest to help support a “free and diverse press in Hungary”[…]
Hungary is not the only intended Central European “beneficiary” of USAID[…]
USAID is by no means a rookie in advocating for globalist and left-wing values in Central and Eastern Europe. The agency has a track record of providing $5 million to back leftist activism in North Macedonia[…]
“Orange Revolution” in Ukraine in October 2004 witnessed a “fraud” scandal in Ukrainian elections and provoked local youth to take to the streets to rally for the leader of the opposition, Viktor Yushchenko, who subsequently was elected[…]
When Yanukovych dismissed an EU Association Agreement, he was forced out of office by anti-Russia, pro-EU radicals backed by then-U.S. President Barack Obama. In fact, members of the Obama State Department even boasted that they financed the groups involved in the Maidan protests calling for Yanukovych to step down[…]
With the Biden administration not only championing leftist and globalist movements abroad, but also lambasting and cracking down on domestic opponents of abortion or leftist ideologies[…]Piskorski’s claims[…]should be regarded with greater sobriety

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Kanye West isn’t being cancelled for criticizing jews. He hasn’t said anything negative about them.

He is being cancelled for simply noticing jews and bringing attention to their activities.

To jews it is antisemitism just to name them

( @Dieselmann )

( @Halp )
@Apolitical what’s telling is how they can brag about it in the very media they own and control but If the goyim say the same thing about them it becomes antisemitic.

( @AhhHonkIt )
@Halp @Apolitical Kanye wonders why "white lives matter" is inherently antisemitic

( @Decoy629 )

spoiler"Anti-Semitism" is the word Jews use
when they want to magically make
consequences look like persecution.

( @bbarian )
@Apolitical thou shalt not look behind the curtain, Goyim!

( @carnifexrex )
Cancelable Offense: "Jews control everything"

Not a Cancelable Offense: "Jews control everything... AND THAT'S A GOOD THING!"

You always have to remember to make sure you're supporting the Jews when you're naming the Jews

( @HughJorgen )
@carnifexrex @Apolitical
Jews control everything.....
And fuck them.

( @Fn56118_ )
@Apolitical when the jews react to Ye this way they are convincing me he is totally right and they are in panic mode

Eric Sanchez #wingnut #racist #conspiracy msn.com

Actually no, the Germans were the good guys in ww2.
@McCord Rick
No argument.  Every problem in the world today is caused by the people Germany fought against.
@Just a bird with Internet access
Germany fought a war against international capitalism and degenerate social liberalism.  The two main problems the world faces today.  That's how.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #crackpot #racist naturalnews.com

You may have heard that fake president Joe Biden was ordered this week to issue a public statement about the forced closure of the Venezuelan refugee camps located along the deadly Darien Gap jungle trail that his border chief had built back in 2021 for human trafficking.
The Darien Gap jungle trail was funded not just by the Biden regime but also by the United Nations, both of which have been paying for these human trafficking camps to exist for the past several years.

Migrants from not just Venezuela but China, Haiti, the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere were lured to these camps under the pretense of being ushered across the border as illegal immigrants. Now, those who arrived recently are being disbanded as the camps get shut down by the very people who put them there in the first place.

“It is our opinion that border chief Alejandro Mayorkas should be arrested and charged with committing treason against the United States of America,” Adams explained about the guy in the Biden regime who is directly responsible for all this turmoil.
“… [Mayorkas] is only shutting down these camps because the independent media – Brighteon.com, NaturalNews.com, InfoWars.com, etc. – was able to get this story out to the America people despite all the illegal censorship and oppression carried out against the alt media by the Biden regime and complicit tech giants that have all been infiltrated by the CIA and FBI,” Adams said.

If you pay taxes, by the way, then you, too, helped created the human trafficking highway that the young girl seen above and her family ended up on, only to now be told that they have to leave and go somewhere else.

“… innocent families are tricked by the United States (Biden and Mayorkas) into using the Darien Gap as a human trafficking channel to flood the U.S. border with illegals,” Adams added.

Anon #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The White House-ordered FBI arrest of young airman Jack Teixeira at his family home, marks the beginning of the end of a hopelessly misguided war in Ukraine.

As the youngest member of a patriotic family of Air Force intelligence officers (his stepfather and step-brother are also AF intelligence officers in the 16th Air Force cyber-intelligence wing), airman Teixeira was assigned to late night communications at Joint Base Cape Cod, near Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, where he picked up alarming reports from Ukraine and other trouble spots.

The ethical challenge that confronted Teixeira, whether to disclose the facts to the young military men in his Discord online circle, arose from the ever-wider gap between glowing White House promises of victory in Ukraine versus the reality of brutal losses spinning into imminent defeat for the puppet NATO alliance and the criminal arms-dealing Zelensky regime.
The despicable liberal media has tried to disparage Teixeira as a rightwing gun nut, whereas his profile is typical of patriotic servicemen, who after all are expected to be proficient with firearms along with the more powerful weaponry required by their stern decision to protect this nation. As for reports of his antisemitic comments, the disdain of military personnel toward Jews is largely justifiable due to the cowardly refusal of the vast majority of Yids to take up arms in defense of this society ever since the battle of Lexington and Concord.
Jack Teixeira is a honest man, which nowadays makes him a courageous hero.

We can only hope that the next president will issue a pardon and encourage him to rejoin the USAF with honor. Nowadays, during this time of tribulation, justice is far off and so we must never surrender or concede to the criminals in high office or nestled in the news media who have betrayed the Constitution. Airman Teixeira, may this nation of lost sheep someday salute you as their shepherd in a time of crisis.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @voxday )
They say he's anti-semitic. What they don't say is that he's wrong. #kanye #yetoo

( @Cloud9rider )
@voxday REMEMBER, Zionist Jews and their minions LIE! Kanye CANNOT be "antisemitic" for speaking truth.

EVERY ONE who supports the idea that Jews are Semites IS ANTISEMITIC.

JEWS are NOT Semites AND NEVER have been.

ANY ONE who claims that someone ELSE is anti-semite for speaking up against "JEWS", IS ANTISEMITIC



( @Jerry4USA )
From “their” point of view, they allowed Kanye to get wealthy. Everything he has and everything he is, is because they allowed it to happen. Now he is showing that he can think for himself and he is exposing the powers that be for what they truly are. He has also been able to have all his highly restrictive contracts voided.
He is finally becoming more free than he has ever been.

( @peterappleby21 )
@Jerry4USA @voxday They may crucify him but....he will return stronger with a yuge following...It has happened before,so they say..

( @Happywatcher )
@voxday It makes me think one of two things: 1. The ruling class still plans on moving to China so they don't care people see they are now directly ruling, or 2. The new generation of the ruling class is dumb and arrogant-- so they are directly ruling and publically stomping on Kanye's face to hold everyone down short term, not thinking about down the road.

If I was a Bush or Kennedy or one of the other Mandarin families, I would be worried.

( @WhiskeyBeer )
@Happywatcher I wouldn’t be surprised if the jewish rulers cut kanye off by FBI staging a Waco TX attack on some synagogue of Satan/jews. Then manufacture outrage to get people to abandon antisemitism “extremists”. Possibly passing an “emergency” law to make antisemitism illegal and punishable crime.

I can seriously see this happening.


( @senatuspopolusqueromanus )
@voxday that's how you can tell life under Judaism. Complete debasement of Western cultural mores and destruction of our ancestral civilizational values. #fact 💀☠

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stillnessinthestorm.com

Humanity is about to wake from a long and terrible nightmare. An ancient Satanic cult that has terrorized us for millennia is facing final defeat. The Jewish people are planning to celebrate their release from Babylonian slavery by building a new temple. This time it is expected to last forever. A new Golden Age is about to dawn for humanity. That is the big picture behind recent news events.

Now that the Satanists have been defeated in Ukraine, a final battle is about to take place to mop up the last major Satanist strongholds in Europe, the US and Asia, multiple sources agree.

The biggest event in the war to liberate the planet last week was the French and British Rothschilds throwing the Rockefellers and their fake President Biden under the bus. This was the story behind the visit to China by French slave President Emmanuelle Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
In any case, it also looks like Germany will join France in rejecting the Rockefeller-controlled US. The ethnically German King Charles of England went to Germany last week “to cement Anglo-German peacetime relations, fulfilling one of the late Queen’s missions,” MI6 says.

As a result of that meeting, German slave Chancellor Olaf Scholz is about to be removed soon via a parliamentary investigation into a corruption scandal of his. He will be replaced by someone who is not a Rockefeller stooge, MI6 says.
In any case, regardless of what happens in Europe though, the real showdown is taking place in the United States.

There we are seeing what appears to be Donald Trump version 3.0 appearing as Commander in Chief and getting ready for a final showdown with the Rockefellers and their fake President Joe Biden.

First of all, the Trump we have been seeing recently is clearly different from the one appearing even a few months ago. This one really does look presidential and in charge. This is a sign the long-awaited arrests may finally begin.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
If 80% of the people on this spreadsheet were White, instead of the 80% that are Jewish, would it be 'anti-White' to say Whites control the media, or would it just be true?

( @dave192254 )

( @dnile08 )
@KeepNHGranite Controlling the media, Hollywood & TV is how they get their anti-Christian, anti-family & anti-Western Civilization message out in their obvious attempt to destroy American Culture and rebuild it in their own image. It is not anti-Semitic to acknowledge truth and reality.

( @AuntBeesGyno )
@KeepNHGranite 2% of the population owns 90% of the media?

( @AchmedShrint )
@KeepNHGranite if these folks were “White” instead of Jewish, all the usual victims would be screaming for more diversity.

( @YiddishGypsies )
@AchmedShrint @KeepNHGranite These people you call 'jewish', are not jewish-semites, they are actually dirty-yiddish-gypsies!

( @Teutonic_uprise )
@KeepNHGranite They call him anti semitic, but I have not yet heard anyone call him a liar.

( @MemeFarm )
@KeepNHGranite if 80% were white we’d be living in a completely different and much better world right now.

( @RWIS )
@KeepNHGranite The jew Sir Michael Bloomberg has called for quotas on White people, which is fine with both political parties because they are both controlled by jews.

( @Gino_Goystar )
@KeepNHGranite 80% of the spreadsheet should be White, as should 80% of the country.

Alberti #racist yahoo.com

But yet you guys do have much lower IQs according to many studies, grades and scores. and have never had a great civilization or done much of importance . Name one city, neighborhood or country that is all black and great and safe

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The root of Satanism is the Jews.

Satanism wouldn't exist if not for the Jews.

If you want to defeat Satanism, you have to defeat the Jews.

Jews are the true source of all evil.

spoilerOur founder was Jewish and to
this day we have many Jewish
members. People make all
kinds of claims about us, rarely
based in fact.

( @Lebensraum5150 )
@Nature_and_Race There simply is no doubt as to Satanism being a jewish creation. Every miserable and stinking immoral trap, every provocative evil that rips innocence from the innocent, every unseemly disgrace one can imagine throughout history found its origin in the bitter soul of juden.


( @Zwarte_Piet )
@Nature_and_Race The jew is the anti-Christ spoken of in the bible. If you read the gospels and revelations carefully, it becomes very clear.

The jew had a very good reason for murdering Christ; He dedicated his life to exposing them.

( @RedRock919 )
@Nature_and_Race Christ rightfully called them out 2,000 years ago as what they really are…the synagogue of Satan.

( @Runeoflife )
@Nature_and_Race Satanism is literally just Jewish "foreign policy", talmudic code of conduct towards non-Jews.

( @Taranis1114 )
@Nature_and_Race I remember when I thought Satan was cool in my teen years just because a lot of death metal bands sang about him. He seemed like a being that represented rebellion from tyranny. But really it seems that he represents rebellion from anything (depending on which satanist you ask). Some satanists say he just represents rebellion against the Christianity, others say a rebellion against all established norms and traditions. Little did I know the whole philosophy of Satanism comes from the jews.
Being a White Nationalist, knowing the truth about the Third Reich, abstaining from degeneracy, defending the White Race is a more noble form of rebellion.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @Thesmokinglaptop )
Knew i hated that faggot.
You can be smart,gavin,you flaming FAGGIT and malevolent.
The malevolence is the fucking problem bec ause they are murdering the world.
Ill also tell you,you incredible dumbshit homo that they wont frame any subject now because they view EVERYONE NOT JEWISH AS THEIR SLAVES.
They dont care if the cattle think they are the badguy.They dont fucking care about shit but their psychotic plans and having the world to themselves.
But your worried this jewish stuff will upset them.im with the guy whos been saying race traitors are the ones that need to die slow.

( @FuryForth )
@Nature_and_Race It used to be illegal during founding era to be a Jew in gov. But they snuck in Alexander Hamilton.

( @GOBLIN_1 )


( @travisrock99 )
@Nature_and_Race The wealth of that country will be siphoned to serve Jewish interests. They will cause women to rebel against men, they will cause the lower races to rebel against the higher ones to whom they owe a debt of gratitude. Jews are the destroyers. Anytime you see a high concentration of jews in power in a white country, you should know that economic strife, war, famine or some other messed up thing is to follow. Live your life accordingly, namely that you are being lied to and stolen from, with the intention to kill you. They will get theirs. They always do.

( @Excarkun )

100% agree that's why China has only Chinese people in government. Japan as well. And most African nations have Africans in charge. Now I don't care if one Society is better than the other. But your people should be with your people you should be ruled by your people or governed by your own people. Multiculturals do not work

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Excarkun -- China's government is riddled with Jews. Jews have been mixing with the Chinese for centuries.

Unnamed Pruchnik residents #fundie #racist ynetnews.com

In a harrowing antisemitic display in the rural town of Pruchnik is southeastern Poland, residents hung and burned a doll marked with Jewish stereotypes and a sign that says "Judas 2023"

A similar event happened back in 2019. The town's residents conducted a field trial for a doll named Yehuda Ishkir, which had the inscription JUDAS 2019. This ceremony, dating back to the Middle Ages, involved the residents holding a field trial for Yehuda a Keriot and subsequently sentencing him to death

The execution took place via hanging, and the "corpse" was then paraded through the streets while children and adults beat it with sticks, delivering 30 blows. The ceremony ended with the residents burning the effigy, marking a disturbing conclusion to the event

The incident sparked global condemnation, leading the municipality to announce the ending of the tradition. However, just last week, unknown individuals hung the same effigy on the outskirts of the town and set it ablaze. City officials had to intervene by removing the doll from the area

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Jews in power will always put the interests of Jews first.

Which is exactly why I oppose them being in power in the countries of my people.

Jews who hold power in White countries will not put the interests of White people first. By that metric alone, Jews should have no power in White countries. White countries should be ruled exclusively by White people, and White people alone, because only White people will put the interests of White people first.

This Jew thing is really blowing up. They should have said, “Yes, we’re disproportionately represented in media, banking, and Hollywood but we’re also disproportionately represented in medicine. It’s because we’re smart.” Boom. The end.
Instead, the raging intolerance of ANY criticism has led the Low IQ community to believe the worst possible interpretation of what Ye was saying.

( @Samueld )

he failed to mention that the reason jews are represented in medicine is not because of intelligence, but because they were put in high positions and then look after their own interests first, just like the post said

( @David_Watson )
@Nature_and_Race Even if jews were super duper smart, it wouldn't justify their power because their influence is too negative.

( @sometimescanbefunny )

Literally any other “race” can put their people first, and it’s applauded and loved. It’s high time that White people care for our race as much as the kikes care about theirs.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race replace jew with White and White with any other race and you would have endless retweets, you'd get a speaking deal at multiple colleges, you'd get book deals and awards for your bravery demonstrated by speaking up against the evil White colonizers. The truth, as it was written, gets you labled as a White supremacist domestic terrorist.

( @DarenFromDelaware )

Who started "EOE" And the subsequent "civil rights amendments" where it made it law to hire the unqualified bc their skin color and gender over qualified White people?

Every. Single. Time.

( @AdolfNiggler )
@Nature_and_Race the question is how did the jews gain so much power in America while being just a tiny part of the population

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Woodzun )
@Nature_and_Race “I don't personally care WHY Jews are overrepresented in positions of power and influence in White countries.

My sole concern is that they ARE overrepresented in those positions, and that they have no right to have so much power and influence in White countries.”

Exactly. Why should a White Nation founded by White Europeans, built to be an extension of European Civilization, be dominated by a jewish upper class and so-called “intellectuals? Jews who hate us and have a revenge fantasy that’s been built up over 2000 years due to their own obnoxious/demonic behavior… Gee, I think we are pretty justified in taking an issue with it!

( @ExistentialDreadAndCircus )
@Nature_and_Race Always thought jews pushing equity was hilarious. If America wants to see corporate boardrooms that more accurately mirror society, a metric shit ton of jews need to be let go or demoted. They are simply far too over-represented, as Kanye showed.

Odd that affirmative action hasn’t really led to that many more executives of color, but jewish people have done VERY well under it.

( @Friedrich_Wilhelm_Viktor )
@Nature_and_Race The reason jews are overrepresented is because they are liars. They lied their way into taking control of the central banks, all the way back from the Napoleonic wars era, and from there they used this power over the economy to increase jewish influence in all sectors.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race The adl just said jews make up 8 million of the US population. Think about that, 8 million jews have control over the other 331 million people through their 100s of organizations and political PACS while Whites don;t have any organizations or PACS to represent us.

( @Yucca )
@Nature_and_Race There was a time in this country where Protestants and Catholics were predominant which meant that God, family, and country were paramount. Then along came the 60s. The underpinnings of both Christian religions were infected with rot from the outside. Does anyone remember the phrase 'fallen away Catholic'? Think back on that. It should have been a red flag that our founding religion, Christianity, was coming under attack. All part of the plan to bring down the US. The march through our institutions. It should be very clear at this point.

Elvis Dunderhoff #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "Russian Children’s Commissioner Says ICC War Crimes Allegations are a Farce"]

The Jews in the Ukraine are literally kidnapping kids and selling them into sex slavery with the Jews

The ICC is claiming that denying the Jews cheap sex slaves is a crime

That’s what’s actually going on here


Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights on Tuesday dismissed International Criminal Court (ICC) allegations that she was responsible for unlawfully deporting children from Ukraine as false

The Hague-based ICC on March 17 issued arrest warrants for President Vladimir Putin and Children’s Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova for the war crime of unlawfully deporting children from areas of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces[…]

Russia is a Christian, heterosexual country

The Ukraine is a satanic cesspit fighting a war to force gay anal fisting on the people of the Donbass

People wonder why it is so important to the hohols that they control the Donbass – why they are willing to lose hundreds of thousands of men in order to conquer this territory – and it is because Zelensky told them the anuses of the young boys who live there are “extra juicy.”

Seriously – why else would they care? It makes no sense unless you consider that the Ukraine is an anal country, totally obsessed with ass

Look into Azov. This is a satanic death cult that is completely fixated on gay anal

Also, go look at the Ukraine flag on Twitter – they are always coupled with the homosexual pedophile “rainbow” flag

It is child abuse to allow children to stay in the Ukraine. Russia should be kidnapping children directly from their parents and sending them to Russia, but instead they only take ones without parents, and the ICC says they should just leave them to die or get analized

It’s sick

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I don't personally care WHY Jews are overrepresented in positions of power and influence in White countries.

My sole concern is that they ARE overrepresented in those positions, and that they have no right to have so much power and influence in White countries.

White people have the right to live free of Jewish power and influence. White people have the right to live solely under the power and influence of our own people.

This Jew thing is really blowing up. They should have said, “Yes, we’re disproportionately represented in media, banking, and Hollywood but we’re also disproportionately represented in medicine. It’s because we’re smart.” Boom. The end.
Instead, the raging intolerance of ANY criticism has led the Low IQ community to believe the worst possible interpretation of what Ye was saying.

( @Sorin13 )
@Nature_and_Race They're not even smarter; it's their tribalism and nepotism. The very thing they DON'T want Whites having.

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race My problem isn't just that they are overrepresented, but that they use their power to attack Whites and do things that are harmful for my country and my people.

( @cathyskier )
@Nature_and_Race Smarter? Or just more skilled at the art of deception?

( @HigHrvatski )
@Nature_and_Race @GavinMcInnes Jews were overrepresented in the transatlantic slave trade and in the Arabic slave trade and the North African slave trade. They used their skills with trade and bought and sold people all over the World.
But because of their overrepresentation in academia and politics you never hear about that, but you sure hear how evil Whites were through history, how Whites were uniquely evil.

( @Robert_Winstun )
@Nature_and_Race White people have the right to live free of Jewish, and all other non-White, power and influence.

( @K_Hard_R_Jo )
@Nature_and_Race is over representation in medical industry really something to brag about after this whole covid debacle?

( @StylusAltitude )
@Nature_and_Race Jews need to go to Israel and leave white countries alone

( @GaryInNV )
@Nature_and_Race The main problem is there are plenty of White people who are easily bribed by them.

This is how they get into a country in the first place.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #transphobia #fundie #racist #sexist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Our Ungodly American Constitution"]

Transgenderism was always equality’s final battlefield[…]The idea that the sexes are mutable was an inevitability once we – as a society – subscribed to the ungodly notion that we are all “equal”[…]
The greatest fault of the Constitution is the following: through the amendment and legislative process, the Constitution is grounded in nothing but the collective whims of the majority[…]
God did not make us equals[…]Galatians 3:28[…]verse was referring to equality under the law – specifically the laws of God[…]Those who are not Christians do not enjoy the benefit of this new relationship between God and Christians[…]
Even if it was not the original intention of the majority Christian Founding Fathers[…]Constitution codified equality of good (Christianity) and bad[…]
The next great failure of the Constitution was its lack of codified racial distinctions. The Constitution was written by White Christian men (some Deists) in a time when Europe was the dominant continent[…]The idea of Asian, African, or Indian equality was never considered by the authors[…]
God created physical nations. God intended those nations to remain distinct[…]
Until the 14th Amendment, the Constitution and the Bible largely complemented one another[…]
When the greatest threat to one’s survival is a swift cheetah, God created people who are not sitting around dwelling upon esoteric concepts in a subdued state getting sun burned all day[…]
Jim Crow Laws in the South tried to reconcile the federal Constitution’s “equality under the law” with the God given genetic reality[…]
God given genetic construct of black people makes it more difficult for them to function under White systems of government[…]
Constitutional Republic completely unravels on the altar of equality when it is sacrificed to the emotional appeal and dictates of women

Kobi Shabtai #racist timesofisrael.com

Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai claimed it is part of the “nature” and “mentality” of Arabs Israelis to kill, in a phone call with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir that the latter apparently leaked to the press

The comments were made during a conversation that the two men were having about the national guard that Ben Gvir is seeking to establish, ostensibly in part to combat record-high crime rates in Arab communities

“One murder after another. It has crossed every line. We need a strong national guard,” Ben Gvir was quoted to have said in a transcript leaked to Channel 12 on Tuesday

“Mr. Minister, there is nothing that can be done. They kill each other. That is their nature. That is the mentality of the Arabs,” Shabtai responded

Ben Gvir and Shabtai have been feuding intensely for over a week over the national guard, with the police commissioner warning against placing the nascent force under the authority of the far-right minister. The decision to leak damning contents of their private conversation appeared to bring ties between the minister in charge of the police and the commissioner to a new low

Shabtai’s office fumed at the publication of the comments in the press, saying the commissioner was shocked that Ben Gvir and his office “are recording personal conversations between the minister and the commissioner and are outraged that statements were taken out of context from a conversation that dealt with patterns of conduct in Arab society”[…]
Ayman Odeh, who chairs the majority-Arab opposition Joint List party, called for Shabtai to be fired over the comments. He also maintained that they were factually inaccurate

Ellis Washington #crackpot #racist #wingnut #mammon #conspiracy elliswashingtonreport.com

A. Prologue – Birth Certificate = You are a Perpetual Slave of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Corporation = CORSPE

DID YOU KNOW? at childbirth, when you sign that piece of paper for Social Security and your birth certificate that the government now has the civil and criminal jurisdictional control over your child. They belong to the government [aka U.S.A. INC.] from that day forth. Everyone is a Slave to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Corporation [aka FEDERAL RESERVE] by their Birth Certificate with the name spelled in all capital letters. All L.A.W. is Maritime/Admiralty Law of the Sea. We are Lost at Sea, chained to a Bondage of Debt. Private Citizens don’t pay taxes, can sign off Debt, claim your Ancestral Estate and come back to Living.

D.C. Act of 1871—Anyone born after 1871 is a slave to the United States Corporation (U.S.A., INC.) Your birth certificate was sold for money by a secret unconstitutional deal the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Central Bankers made with President Ulysses S. Grant in 1871 to get U.S. out of bankruptcy caused by the war debts incurred from the Civil War (1861-65). Therefore, everyone born after 1871 had their names bought and sold on Wall Street, then they created data on you to make money off of you. Illnesses, taxes, when they don’t have enough money in the future, they use your name as a pretext to use the printing presses in the basement of the Federal Reserve to print millions, billions, TRILLIONS of worthless certificate notes (not backed by gold or silver), but based on nothing but a worthless promise from the Rothschilds to cover the debts of the USA, INC. So, if you ask yourself – Why were birth certificates created? Answer: Because the UNITED STATES, INC. views you not as a human being, but as a financial debt SLAVE to be bought and sold as animals or chattel.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
The Witch Hunt continues, and after 6 years and millions of pages of documents, they’ve got nothing. If I had what Hunter and Joe had, it would be the Electric Chair. Our Country is Rigged, Crooked, and Evil - We must bring it back, and FAST. Next stop, Communism!

( @RJ805 )


( @baxterc )

( @ThegreatuniterBLACKJACK )
@baxterc @RJ805 @realdonaldtrump 10x more evil

( @AdamHerrenvolk )
It only took us six years to fix what the Kikes broke.

@ThegreatuniterBLACKJACK @baxterc @RJ805 @realdonaldtrump

( @AdamHerrenvolk )
The (((jews))) blew up the Twin Towers killing thousands of Americans.

Commies made the “Anti-Defamation League” after Leo Frank (((jew))) raped and murdered an 11 year old girl and tried to blame it on a Nigger.

Leo Frank even had another Nigger murdered since he witnessed the (((jew)))

@baxterc @ThegreatuniterBLACKJACK @RJ805 @realdonaldtrump

( @Pastaboss )
@realdonaldtrump fuck off jew lover

( @RitMargue )

Waiting on you, Chief!

( @papasven )
@realdonaldtrump I'm with you all the way , Mr. President! Anything I can do, just let me know...

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@papasven President Blormph would like you to love niggers, Israel, record low black unemployment, legal spics, women's unemployment, decriminalized poopsex in Botswana as a condition of giving them our aide, Israel again, all of his RINO endorsements, his 100© jewish grandkids, and Israel one more time.

Any donations for these causes would be welcome. He'll use them to run a kosher censorship platform and boost his own ego this Hanukkah at his children's homes.

Mazel Tov!! MIGA!! Niggers and jews!!!!!!!!!!!


( @joeguererra )
@papasven @realdonaldtrump take the vaccine

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