
Life is sacred until it’s born, then it’s the law of the jungle.

Missouri Republicans #crackpot #fundie #forced-birth stltoday.com

Despite recent blowups among Republicans in the Missouri Senate, the majority party remained unified Wednesday to block a Democratic effort to legalize abortion in cases of rape or incest.

All Republicans present voted down amendments by Sen. Tracy McCreery, D-Olivette, to legalize abortion in cases of rape and incest.

Sen. Sandy Crawford, R-Buffalo, said she opposed exceptions for rape and incest because life is precious. “God is perfect. God does not make mistakes. And for some reason he allows that to happen — bad things happen,” she said. “I’m not gonna be able to support the amendments because I am very pro-life.”

The Senate ended debate for the night before a vote could occur on an amendment by Sen. Doug Beck, D-south St. Louis County, which would authorize abortion if the pregnant girl was 12 or younger. Beck raised concerns about health issues for child rape victims forced to carry their pregnancies to term.

The amendment led to a pointed exchange between Beck and Sen. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, who is running for governor.

“You want to bring back the institution of abortion so that kids can get abortions in the state of Missouri,” Eigel said to Beck. “A 1-year-old could get an abortion under this,” Eigel said.

“I don’t know that a 1-year-old could get pregnant, senator,” Beck said.

“You’re OK with forced birth of a child being raped, right?” Beck asked Eigel.

“I don’t support the institutions of rape or of incest. But your amendment doesn’t address those,” Eigel said.

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

“An unborn baby is a baby if it’s wanted but if it’s unwanted or disabled or sick then it’s not a baby, it’s a fetus, and a fetus is a not a baby.”

The entire ‘pro-choice’ position is built on this utter nonsense.
8:59 AM · Mar 9, 2024 · 47.6K Views
419 Reposts 23 Quotes 2,319 Likes 48 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Kamala Harris is touring a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

ZERO Christian can ever, ever vote Democrat.

Democrats are literally celebrating the butcher of unborn children in an effort to win votes.

It’s the epitome of evil.
1:50 PM · Mar 15, 2024 · 104.3K Views
1,167 Reposts 55 Quotes 4,584 Likes 28 Bookmarks

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve had people ask me in recent times, “Is the West under divine judgment.”

Let me give you some insight in regard to America first.

Is America under judgment is a question I’ve been pondering, especially when we find examples like an evangelical pastor who was reported to have said the following according to a Christian news outlet:

“Materialism, drunkard pleasure seeking, arrogant conceit, defiant sinfulness, moral perversion, and corrupt leadership . . . . Do you not see [them] in America? . . .
“[P]eople [ask] what is wrong with this country? . . . They have rejected the Word, the law of the Lord, the Holy One Himself.”

In explaining the use of his words arrogant conceit, this pastor added that America was largely guilty of this sin because: “When a society does not want to hear from God, but wants to be its own authority where every man does that which is right in his own eyes and feels that he is the ultimate authority, he is the ultimate source of truth.”

The pastor further observed: “We are not a covenant people in America, but we have been a privileged people.” He stated that while America did not have a “divine promise as a unique nation called out,” it had nevertheless been given “exposure to the divine promises of the gospel in Jesus Christ.”

The pastor further explained: “No other nation has literally been born out of a desire to be faithful and obedient to the living and abiding Word of God.”

Yes, I believe America is under divine judgment. To show you how, just consider some of the ways America has progressively been trying to remove God from this culture:

In 1962, school prayer was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
In 1963, Bible reading in public schools was also ruled unconstitutional.
In 1973, restrictions on abortion were lifted, and abortion clinics began to permeate the nation (through the infamous Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court).
In 1985, nativity scenes in public places were ruled to violate the so-called “separation of church and state.”

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve never heard of anyone, pro-choicers included, refer to a woman pregnant with a planed child as being pregnant with a “fetus.” I’ve also never heard of anyone throwing a “fetus shower.”

Women get pregnant with babies and they throw baby showers. We all universally know that preborn children are human beings. Pro-abortion supporters just pretend they aren’t when they want to dehumanize them. They use special language so they don’t feel guilty about supporting the slaughter of the innocent.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie twitter.com

Through Charles Darwin’s work, he provided a supposed scientific justification for a very particular kind of racism.

He wrote some despicable things in his book, The Descent of Man, that led to all kinds of horrific atrocities.

For instance, Darwin considered the Australian Aboriginal people as basically the "missing links" in human evolution, as they were supposedly closer to the claimed ape-like ancestor. Hitler and Margaret Sanger adopted Darwins' ideas regard the supposed evolution of man which provided a foundation for the the murder of tens of millions of human beings through the Holocaust and abortion (eg: Planned Parenthood which Sanger founded).

Watch this short video clip by
speaker Avery as she quotes Darwin and shows the link to racism.


Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually”]

In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy

They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.”

He then asks: “Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

This is extremely heartening

As you know, I’m very critical of Poland for their anti-Russian agenda, which has led them to ally with the United States and promote the US war against Russia. However, the cost of this alliance is that the Americans are in their country, forcing the gay agenda down their throats

An alliance with the US government is not ever just a military alliance. It has all of these other dynamics, which include the US modifying your culture, and pushing so-called “Western values,” which relate to sodomy, George Floyd, and the empowerment of women

A lot of Poles appear to be waking up, and realizing that while they may have been treated unfairly by Russia nearly 100 years ago, things have changed a lot, and Russia is not the threat. Russia is not going to invade Poland. That is an insane claim. Russia is their neighbor, and they could have a good relationship

Russia has even been floating the idea of giving them parts of the former Ukraine to take over. This is one of very many olive branches that Putin has offered

The other option is total gay anal, round the clock, in public spaces in front of children, as well as a total invasion from Africa, and mass abortion and divorce

It’s not a hard decision

PluribusDriver #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth memory-alpha.fandom.com

Bolding is submitter’s own

But you have to remember that there are countless groups/minorities/under-privileged/under represented people that are NOT supported by those colors in the pride flag. The current colors are simply the "hot news item of the year", ie a current focus with a lot of support. In a parallel universe there's an Aborted Children flag on Memory Alpha (which, by the way, represents an extreme amount of unheard, under-privileged voices). There could be a parallel where Pedophiles are fighting for rights! As stated above, sure, the pride flag may tie into some Star Trek themes, and many here may love the "representation and support" they get in the Star Trek universe, but I still don't think it should be integrated into the logo for the entire wiki. I agree that removing it may offend some people, but by not removing it you're sort of offending the other half, right?

Babylon Bee #wingnut #forced-birth babylonbee.com

'We Would Prefer If 3000 Babies Weren't Murdered Every Day,' Says Crowd Of Deranged Extremists
WASHINGTON, D.C. — According to local authorities in the nation's capital, a large mob of unhinged extremists has converged on the National Mall to politely state they would prefer it if 3,000 babies weren't being killed every day.

"It's disturbing to be reminded that lunatics like this really exist," said Capitol Police Chief Donald Jones to reporters, who were huddling behind barricades for their safety. "It's a sobering reminder that pockets of extremism still thrive in remote corners of this country. We will remain vigilant to ensure these deranged people don't make any rash moves to stop the mass slaughter of babies."

Several representatives from the group made their demands known in the form of polite statements to the media and cardboard signs held by school kids. "Yeah, that's pretty much it," said Dirk Flanders, spokesperson for the Please Stop Killing So Many Babies Foundation. "If it's not too much to ask, maybe we can not kill 3,000 babies every day? I dunno, is that rude?" Thankfully, the disturbed zealot was quickly shouted down by a group of brave activists screaming into a bullhorn and throwing tampons.

Sources confirmed hundreds of thousands are attending this march and several like it around the country. Law enforcement is encouraging citizens to ignore it and pretend like nothing is happening.

At publishing time, sources had seen Ray Epps in the crowd trying to convince the crazed lunatics to storm the Capitol.

Ben Garrison #forced-birth #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 01/17/2024

Joe Biden’s pride and joy (besides his son Hunter) is his 1967 green Corvette Stingray convertible.

He keeps it in his garage along with secret documents he had stored in boxes. Notice how he never had to endure an FBI raid such as the one Trump endured.

If Joe were a car, he would bear little resemblance to his slick sports car. Instead he’d be a clunker fit for a junkyard.


His presidency has been a disaster on wheels. Biden has blood on his hands — starting with the deaths caused by his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He didn’t seem to care about the brave soldiers who died. Likewise, he cares little about the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians—and in fact, he suggested he might send in American troops. Then there is his love for abortion and the murder of millions of the most innocent humans of all.

Tucker Carlson and Wendy Patterson #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #quack #racist twitter.com

Tucker: “Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It's not. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.”

Wendy: “Took the vaccine, have no Asian relatives in your family tree and you and your husband give birth to an Asian baby? It's because the vaccine they injected into your body contains the DNA from those baby parts they used so whatever nationality that particular baby was, DNA has entered your cells and changed your unique DNA.

I just used Asian as an example. To help you understand what they did to you and possible your family bloodline.”

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

You don’t fight against evil by compromising with it, @KellyannePolls, this is a TERRIBLE move.

First of all, many birth control pills & IUDs are abortifacient.

Second, contraception hurts women. It leads to anxiety, depression, breast cancer, infertility, and women who discontinue the pill find they aren’t even attracted to the mate they picked while under the influence of the pill. There’s a reason a whole generation of young women are rejecting it.

Third, the contraceptive mindset is the root of the abortion mindset. Once you separate sex from its procreative function, you feed the deadly idea that you’re entitled to sex without “consequences” (aka a baby), which leads to abortion. It also makes men and women use each other as objects and degrades our fertility to something that needs to be medicated and destroyed.

Also, did you know Margaret Sanger—the founder of the American Birth Control League later renamed Planned Parenthood—originally wanted to call birth control “race control” because her goal was to use contraceptives as a tool of eugenics against black people and the disabled?

You’re Catholic, Kellyanne. You know better than to propagate contraception for political points. It won’t work anyway, and it’s gravely immoral.


various commenters #wingnut #forced-birth #racist gab.com

( @WayoftheWorld )
Roxanne Green just burned down Wyoming's first abortion clinic just weeks before it was due to open. Her eyes say: "Do what you must. I have already won."

( @LandRun )
@WayoftheWorld abortion is murder. God will protect her.

( @Zippo_Man )
@LandRun @WayoftheWorld
one of the many lies we are forced to accept--"it's just a clump of cells"
If so, then why can they harvest organs of the baby and sell them?

( @RagnarokBlackSun )
@Zippo_Man @LandRun @WayoftheWorld abortion is why there aren't 200 million niggers in the United States right now btw

( @QuantumMechanic )
@WayoftheWorld Clearly she is doing Gods work. She is also going to be martyred. Murdering babies is the most highly protected sacrament in the liberal religion. Pray for this young lady. The full weight of the utterly corrupt biden doj is about to come down on her. 🙏

( @Number22 )
@WayoftheWorld She is a true hero. Now someone do the same to the one in Maryland aborting babies at 8 months and selling their parts.

( @rmiller_85226 )
@WayoftheWorld if she had burned down a pro life clinic they would be cheering her. Liberals are sick and they deserve to have their abortion clinics burned to the ground

( @PacificSail )
@WayoftheWorld If a human is pronounced dead when their heart stops beating then shouldn't a human be pronounced alive when the heart starts beating.

( @dg54321 )
@WayoftheWorld She has more balls than 99% of men out there sitting at home doing nothing while babies are murdered and the country is invaded from the southern border they live close to, but talk big.

( @bouncingblueballs )
@dg54321 @WayoftheWorld I'd have more respect for her if she took out some illegal invaders as opposed to burning down an abortion clinic that would've been flushing out more non white babies than white ones.

( @PostichePaladin )
@WayoftheWorld Does the White privilege card work as well as the Black rioter get out of jail free card?
If she was black and burned down a Wendy's, she would get a statue and a couple of million dollars.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “Conor McGregor Declaring Himself King of Ireland is a Matter of Historical Necessity”]

Although I do not support it[…]it has become clear to me that it is a matter of historical necessity that Conor McGregor seize control of Ireland and declare himself King Conor I of Ireland[…]
So-called “Northern Ireland” needs to be forcibly ethnically cleansed, but the first ethnic cleansing needs to be the cleansing of brown people from the current borders of Ireland[…]
Conor should put the word out that the current government has six hours to flee the country or surrender, and kneel to the King, swearing fealty. Conor should maintain control of the lads, and keep them from rushing in and lynching the current traitor government[…]
Certain of these corporations will want to keep the tax scam going, and will put pressure on the United States government not to sanction the country, but I do not think these efforts would be successful. Conor should therefore order, on the day of the revolution, for everyone in the country to max out their credit cards, and obtain as much cash as possible. He should also[…]attempt to turn the country’s reserves into Bitcoin[…]
The removal of the immigrants will end the housing crisis, and of course, the material wealth of the immigrants should all be forfeit, beyond what they are able to carry on their person as they are marched to the Northern Ireland border[…]
The border with Northern Ireland should be totally militarized immediately, and concentration camps should be set up along the militarized border[…]
When Conor I decrees an immediate end to gay marriage and a closing of all of the abortion factories[…]the majority of the priests are going to back him[…]Making moves to try to depose the King of Ireland will necessarily mean trying to reestablish divorce, gay marriage, and abortion, which is just going to look very bad[…]
Foreign television will need to be turned off, replaced with nonstop jingoistic propaganda

Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth incels.is

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy returntoorder.org

The long battle over procured abortion has been a constant psywar. The media have done their best to create a hostile climate around those defending life while seeking to give the impression that everyone supports abortion.

Pro-lifers have fought back tooth and nail by presenting a vibrant, compassionate movement that contradicts this negative image. As abortion clinics close in record numbers and hundreds of thousands of young people attend pro-life rallies, the lack of universal support for procured abortion becomes evident.

Much of this psywar centers around images, perceptions and moods. Thus, the message about the November election results was that the abortion issue is a liability that conservatives had best abandon if they want to win at voting booths. The pro-abortion lobby is trying to convey an all-is-lost gloom around the issue.
The left has used the Virginia results as proof of the “abortion liability.” Democrats maintained control of the state senate and picked up three seats in the House of Delegates, creating its razor-thin majority there. It was hardly a landslide.
Abortion can sometimes benefit the Democrats in this new era. Pro-lifers must be careful about how they engage in the debate and be prepared to invest funds in their efforts. However, he insists that the anti-abortion cause is a winning issue “if framed with care.”

The important thing is not to give in to the media’s gloom machine that tries to claim all is lost. It is easy to forget that the Dobbs decision threw the pro-abortion movement into the throes of despair. It still has not recovered.

In the psywar over procured abortion, victory comes to those who are grounded in certainties, not dark impressions. In this case, the pro-life movement must do what it has always done: confide in God, who will give certain victory to those who defend His law.

Kaisar #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #racist identitydixie.com

[From “The Leviticus Punishment on America”]

Leviticus contains some of the most fascinating details about the laws, feasts, and rituals in the Old Testament[…]Most of these chapters have incredible symbolic relationships that connect it with the New Testament[…]
Many Christians skip or skim these sections because of their complexity, instead of really diving in deep. It is a tragedy that they do so, because so many answers are found within the old law

For instance, Leviticus 18-20 perfectly explains what is happening to the United States[…]
It clearly details the punishment currently being inflicted against Heritage Americans

For example, early Leviticus 18 talks about the laws of sexual morality[…]
No adultery, abortion, profaning God, sodomy/homosexuality, or beastiality

So, everything that America not only condones but encourages, promotes worldwide, and worships as “pride” (minus maybe beastiality, but I am sure that is coming too)


But God says what he will do to those nations that commit such acts in the same chapter:

Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants[…]

God is just. He doesn’t even allow strangers (temporary migrants/refugees/transients) to do these wicked things in the land. Yet, here we are, doing them ourselves

The Indians that came before us were savages. They did ritual sacrifice, worshipped weird fake gods and their ancestors, and had very little sexual morality. God vomited them out and gave the land to us

Now we are doing ritual sacrifice, worshipping weird fake gods and ethnics, and have very little sexual morality. So what is God doing to us? We are being replaced—Vomited out[…]
We have to go back to Christendom, or we will be vomited out of this land

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #homophobia #transphobia twitter.com

Noah built the Ark about 4,300 years ago. This event was both a judgment and a message of salvation. The Flood was a major geological, anthropological, and biological event in the history of the earth and humanity. If the Flood really happened, which it did, then most of the fossil record is the graveyard of that event. Yet evolutionists use the fossil record as supposed evidence of millions of years as part of the evolutionary story in regard to earth and life. Secularists claim the Ark Noah built couldn’t have fit all the land animal kinds as the bible teaches. They therefore say this event never happened. But the bible makes it clear the building of the Ark and the Flood of Noah really did happen in history.

If the events of the Ark and Flood are true, then all humans are descendants of Noah (who build the Ark) back to the first man Adam.

To deal with these issues and more, Answers in Genesis decided to build a life-size Ark based on the dimensions in the bible and fill it with exhibits answering the attacks people level at the bible’s account of Noah’s Flood. The building of this Ark was done to remind people of the truth of God’s Word and call them to salvation.

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37)

Regardless of how Christians may interpret Matthew 24 in regard to eschatology, there’s no doubt that this verse refers to the rebellion and judgment of Noah’s day. Christ used the catastrophic Flood that occurred over 4,300 years ago to warn of impending judgment. Many Christians believe this verse also alludes to the coming final judgment when Christ returns and makes a New Heaven and New Earth.

What was it like in Noah’s day? Genesis 6:5 states, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

I believe it has been the right time to build a full scale model of Noah’s Ark!


Why was it the time right to build another Ark? Well, today there is great rebellion against God and His Word in the land. With increasing homosexual behavior and a growing acceptance of abortion and other moral evils (gender transition etc), God’s hand of judgment is being seen as He withdraws the restraining influence of His Holy Spirit.

Luis Miguel #wingnut #elitist #forced-birth thenewamerican.com

[From “Ohio Pro-abortion Victories Show the Pitfalls of Democracy”]

The results of this week’s off-year elections in various states throughout the country have been fodder for much political analysis in the mainstream media, and the overwhelming consensus among Establishment pundits is that Republicans are losing nationwide primarily because of their defense of the unborn[…]
Is it really logical that only a few years after Republicans achieved a trifecta of federal government control[…]based on the promise that they would appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe v. Wade, the nation is suddenly overwhelmingly in favor of abortion?[…]
What the recent elections[…]really prove is the problem with democracy[…]
The Founders and the Framers of the U.S. Constitution were distrustful of democracy[…]studied the way in which ancient democracies tended to devolve into tyranny, including the dissolution of property rights and the erosion of public morality[…]
Created a system with so many layers of checks on the popular will. The president was not directly elected by the people; neither were senators or Supreme Court justices. There was no universal suffrage — many states had property requirements and religious tests in order for a man to be able to vote, and the Constitution did not forbid these practices

These ballot initiatives[…]are the main mechanism being used to advance abortion in the post-Roe era. And they have also been used to successfully enact leftist policies even in red states where such programs would never make it through the legislature

In Florida, for example, medical marijuana and the $15 minimum wage would never have been passed by the Republican majorities in the state Legislature or signed by the Republican governor[…]
This unfiltered majoritarianism is precisely what the Framers wanted to prevent. We are now reaping the fruits of democracy in America. A return to a constitutional republic is needed to stem the social decay

Kristan Hawkins #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

Some are saying the pro-life movement needs to moderate our view that children conceived during sexual assault shouldn't be given the death penalty.

However, I know personally from speaking with pro-abortion students that rape is simply the excuse.

When I theoretically concede to their demands to allow 1.5% of abortions, they ALWAYS quickly move to another reasons they support abortion.

Pro-abortion voters say "rape" is the reason they support abortion to gain what they think is the moral high ground.

But they'll never reach it.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #forced-birth #wingnut creators.com

Biden and his radical, treasonous, communist cabal have an obsession with killing babies. Tragically, it now extends to the living variety.

Except, of course, for refugee babies whose parents have illegally invaded our border. Those babies have "Democrat privilege." After all, in only 18 years they'll all be Democrat voters.

And obviously, if doctors could determine if a baby was born transgender, or gender-fluid, or gender binary, or gender neutral or gender expansive, Biden and his communist cabal would spare them too.

Democrats clearly see migrants and transgender people as the future of America.

We are living in insane times. Democrats' attempts to open the borders, kill our energy independence, spread violent crime to every big city and kill the economy are pretty darn insane.

But nothing compares to their bloodlust for hurting or killing innocent children. Democrats clearly don't give a damn about this BLM: "BABIES' LIVES MATTER."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

On the abortion issue.

Republicans lose on abortion because they have for decades allowed democrats to lie about abortion on every level.

Republicans refuse to fight hard against the evil lies of the democrats who claim “abortion is women’s healthcare and a right.”

It is NOT!

Abortion is murder.

It kills another human being, the most innocent of all.

Healthcare saves lives.

Abortion kills lives.

A baby in it’s mother’s womb is not a parasite like democrats say, a baby is God’s beautiful creation and God does not make mistakes and has a plan for every single one of us.

Abortion does not solve a woman’s problem, but having an abortion will leave you scarred for life and regretfully questioning “what if?” for the rest of your life.

Motherhood is the most wonderful blessing and most incredible journey of a woman’s life. Being a mother is something to be proud of, delight in, and yearn for.

Abortion is not birth control but democrats have normalized it so much that it has become so.

Over 63 million people have been murdered in the past 50 years from abortions.

Abortion is genocide and none of their screams are heard when each of them are slaughtered in their mother’s wombs.

These precious little ones can not fight, can not defend themselves, can not flee the abortionists’s weapons of choice that they use to brutally murder them.

Calling this ongoing genocide “healthcare” is an abomination and political lie that democrats use in order to manipulate women to vote for them and continue the child sacrifices that enable democrats to maintain power.

There is nothing more evil.

Republicans must stop being afraid to stand up to democrats disgusting lies about abortion.

When Republicans boldly speak the truth and present solutions to help women in crisis into motherhood then we will win on this issue.

Many voters vote for candidates and the party that offers solutions and help to solve the problems people are facing.

Producing ads that graphically show the truth of an abortion as a baby is being ripped apart or dies lying on a cold metal trey gasping for air after being ripped out of its mother’s womb is the truth America needs to see versus the democrat’s never ending ads lying to women that baby murder is their right.

Too offensive? No not for America and definitely not for democrats.


Edward Szall #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

“We’re gonna limit internet access,” Szall declared. “You know who taught me this lesson recently? The frickin’ Taliban.”

“We export a lot of things here in the West,” Szall continued. “We export our sin. The first thing we do [when] we go into a country, we try to make sure they have abortion legalized, and we try to make sure that they’re not able to criminalize homosexuality. Well, the third thing we do is we export the internet to them, internet access.”

“We make a lot of bones about China being tyrannical and terrible,” he added. “China limits the access of their citizens to the internet. … North Korea is actually a very conservative society. There’s no such thing as a homosexual, an open homosexual in North Korea, no such thing as abortion. The North Koreans are very conservative; they’re tyrannical but conservative.”

“What we’re exporting, what we’re making available to people is a gateway to sin,” Szall proclaimed. “We need to, in the wake of a mentally ill epidemic, limit the access to the drug. One of the drugs here is more information about where you can change your gender, change your identity, think about life differently. No, how about we limit the access of free thought in this respect and instead raise children up in the way they must go?”

Magnetic Crank Award

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth energyenhancement.org

NEW BOOK - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Satanic Foundations of Western Philosophy by Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.

The New World Religion, defined by Satanic Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice and Ritual Baby Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.

Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 6 by Satchidanand.

Hulka #forced-birth #homophobia freerepublic.com

Sooooo. . .this means you can abort homosexual babies. . .after all, people abort babies all the time so why not?

Don't want a girl? Abort. Don't want a boy? Abort? Don't want a homosexual? Abort.

Imagine the left twisting themselves into a Gordian knot over this subject. . .the left and their holy sacrament of abortion on demand (no restrictions), and the left also arguing abortion on demand (no restrictions unless the baby will be homosexual). Get the popcorn. . .

Robert T. Lee #fundie #psycho #homophobia #forced-birth tencommandments.org



The present world's population of people is said to be nearly 6 billion. It is expected to rise to 8.9 billion by 2030, and reach 10 to 14 billion by 2050. The largest increases are expected to take place in some of the poorer countries, such as Africa and southern Asia.

In view of those projections, more and more attention is being placed on ways to control the world's population.

Some of the present methods proposed and practiced are: legislation restricting how many children a family can have, contraceptives, sterilization, sexual abstinence, permanent celibacy, deliberately induced abortions, infanticide, euthanasia, homosexuality, delayed marriage, sterilization of the retarded, war, fatal disease inducement upon certain portions of the human population and etc.

Although demography draws its insight from several of the so-called intellectual fields, such as anthropology, biology, economics, history, medicine, sociology and statistics, it is quite obvious that most of the ways proposed and being tried to control the human population is blindness, foolishness, immoral and thus infringes upon the God-given rights of the weakest and most innocent of the human community.

There is a better and more sane way to control the human population without allowing immorality, without doing injustice to anyone and while not seeking to discourage pronatalist views among the human population.

Since the population of mankind is a "closed" population - no humans can migrate to and from earth, only the rate of births and deaths can increase or decrease the human population.

Therefore, the way to control the population growth is through the increase of the human mortality rate by legitimate means. Not through the crimes of abortions, infanticide, euthanasia and etc; but through the automatic DEATH PENALTY for the broad spectrum of deeds that are high crimes in the sight of the true GOD. This principle of population control has never been addressed by demography. It is the cornerstone of proper human population control which the builders have rejected.

Some of the high crimes which God requires the human society to vigorously enforce the death penalty upon are: blasphemy against the true God; idolatry; breaking the Lord's day; dishonor to parents; murder; adultery; incest; homosexuality; bestiality; rape; kidnapping; seeking to destroy the righteous; putting to death the innocent (such as putting innocent embryos and fetuses to death in abortions); seeking to overthrow God's appointed authority, etc.

In order for the world community of humans to actually put this decorous principle into practice, it must adopt the MORAL LAW OF GOD - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the World community.

This principle of controlling the population would positively affect the economic prosperity of nations, positively affect the health and increase the life expectancy of lawabidding citizens, properly educate the human race, positively affect the family structure, overwhelmingly reduce crime, etc. Every legitimate aspect of the human society would benefit greatly.

By adopting the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the earth and properly administering them, the true criminals - those worthy of death, will be the ones put to death instead of the innocent. It is only right to focus on true criminals who commit high crimes in order to control the world's population rather than focusing on the most helpless, innocent and weakest people of the human society.

James A. Wilson #fundie #sexist #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming conservatism.referata.com

[From the "About" page of the NTBC's official website (if you could call it official)]

[li]We believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is how the One True God is manifested. We reject any "oneness doctrine" and the "Jesus-only" movement as heretical.[/li]
[li]We reject any idols or any other gods, such as Allah, Buddha, Taylor Swift, and all these other Mormon "gods" and the false gods Jehovah's Witnesses worship.[/li]
[li]We accept the passion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only remission of sins, and no "hocus pocus" including "sacrificial" worship has any impact on grace.[/li]
[li]The world is in a fallen state, and anyone who desires to be saved must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We reject Universalism here.[/li]
[li]We believe in baptism by immersion only, and only to be done upon those who are of the age of reason. Baptism is a symbolic act showing the believer buried with Christ and cleansed of sins.[/li]
[li]Likewise, we reject any concept of "original sin" as Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant groups understand it, and thus reject baptismal regeneration and the baptism of infants.[/li]
[li]Men are to be the sole breadwinners, and women are to be in charge of domestic household affairs. This is godly naturally ordained gender roles.[/li]
[li]We believe that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, and that homosexuals cannot be saved since they are vile reprobate. They are damned eternally for being homosexuals.[/li]
[li]Abortion, capital punishment, physician assisted suicide, and other forms of killing are unequivocally condemned since God hath said "thou shalt not kill."[/li]
[li]Racism in all its forms are likewise unequivocally condemned by New Testament Baptist Church. All creatures are created in the image of God, and one's skin color is irrelevant to one's character.[/li]
[li]Modest attire that covers the entire body is required, and as such we do not accept the movement of men wearing shorts and women showing breasts and legs, for instance.[/li]
[li]All forms of secular music, television, film, and literature are to be treated with the utmost scrupulosity and to be cast out if offending material is found.[/li]

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth jesus-is-savior.com

I do NOT hate anyone here at Jesus-is-Savior.com; on the contrary, I LOVE people very much. The whole purpose of my ministry is to HELP people. There is a war on for our minds and souls. I do not discriminate in any way. I simply present the truth, particularly the truth of God's Word, and expose those who seek to distort, confuse, and corrupt the truth. The Devil is a beautiful liar. The best way to expose the darkness is to shine the light. John 8:45, “And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.” —Jesus Christ

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” —The Apostle Paul I do NOT intend to be unkind to anyone. I simply speak the truth. My website preaches to me as much as anyone else. I do NOT hate anybody. What I DO hate is evil and damnable heresies that ruin people’s lives and lead them into Hell. "The fear of the LORD is to HATE evil..." —Proverb 8:13

I do NOT hate the sinner, no not one. As Christians we like people for their good qualities, but we are supposed to love them despite their faults. No one is perfect. In fact, Jesus only died for “the ungodly.” Romans 5:6... “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” —Romans 5:6

There is no sinner that God doesn't love. Only a hypocritical, self-righteous person would claim that God doesn't love the worst sinner. Christ died for the UNGODLY, which is what you and I are. There is hope for anyone who acknowledges their guilt of sin and looks to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. It's not what you're doing that gets you to Heaven, it's where you're looking. Look to Jesus!

No one hates sin any more than God, yet He sent His only begotten Son in the flesh to die for men's sins... "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." —Romans 5:8

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, HATRED, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” —Galatians 5:19-21

“Hatred” of people is a work of the flesh, it is sin. Hatred is normal for the unsaved or “carnal man” who is living in sin, but the Bible teaches that hatred of people is not acceptable with God. God wants believers to be “spiritually minded.” God's love is an unconditional love, which is not dependent upon how people live or treat us. Few people understand the love of God, that sent Jesus to die for the sins of a rotten world that deserves nothing better than eternal punishment in Hell. If God didn't unconditionally love sinners, including the unsaved, then all humanity would immediately plunge into the depths of Hell. The Bible teaches that humanity is prone to DISOBEDIENCE and WRATH...

“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the CHILDREN OF WRATH, even as others.” —Ephesians 2:2,3

God describes humanity as the “children of disobedience” and the “children of wrath.” Human nature is prone to disobey God. History evidences that mankind is destined to war and destruction. There is so much hatred in the world today. It's a dog-eat-dog world. We see much hatred in the manure-spreading newsmedia. We see much hatred in today's youth, who despise Christianity and have been taught to feel sympathy for godless homosexuals and abortionists. Very few people these days genuinely love the God of the Bible. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned EVERY ONE to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." —Isaiah 53:6

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are NOT supposed to hate anyone. The Bible commands us to hate sin and evil, but never the people. This is not to say that we ought to sinfully compromise and yoke together with heathens, it just means that we are no better than anyone else and we'd all immediately plunge into Hell if it weren't for God's grace. As mentioned already, this is NOT a hate sight. It is actually a “Love Site.” My love for the Lord prompts me to contend for the faith and exercise my God-given religious freedom. Our rights do not come from the Bill of Rights or the U.S. Constitution, they come from God Almighty. The Constitution only outlines our rights. We are born with certain inalienable rights. One of these rights is the freedom of speech. Evil men may take that right away from us, but God certainly doesn't. We have a right to speak out against the evil and corruption hurting our community.

As a matter of fact, God commands us to refute evil. Ephesians 5:11, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." I mean no harm to anyone, nor do I seek to offend. The truth may hurt, but it needs to be spoken. The truth makes some people mad. The truth offends most people. Is it any wonder why God calls us “the children of disobedience?”

John 8:40, “But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth—” —Jesus Christ

Hopefully you will find this ministry a blessing and a benefit (as so many have). If you are offended, please know that it was not my intention. It is the truth that offends people, not me. I am not trying to upset anyone, though the truth often upsets people. I am just a voice. I am only expressing my heart-felt Christian beliefs. It is my hope that you will “have mercy on me” as you browse over my website, i.e., my ministry. Surely with all of the truths on a website this large, something will rub you the wrong way. I respect your right to disagree. It's ok to agree to disagree. I do not mean to offend anyone; however, I make no apologies for speaking the truth.

I do NOT enjoy upsetting people. There's hardly a day that passes when I'm not surprised by something new I've learned. My website is the accumulation of 7-years of things I have learned, and I've just scratched the surface. You needn't believe anything I say; but rather, verify the facts for yourself. I avoid topics such as UFO's that cannot be verified. There's a lot of deliberate misinformation on the internet, intended to discredit legitimate websites that promote the truth. I want to deal in FACTS, which cannot be explained away.

I praise God for the Constitutional right to express my opinion. This is every American's right. My purpose is NOT to attack people, God forbid. I am simply trying to expose false teachings and false religions, that send men and women to Hellfire by the tens-of-thousands every day. When you love someone, you tell them the truth, even if it makes you unpopular. I recently went to the grocery store. I had a nice conversation with a young man and a young woman who worked for the store. The young man helped to unload my groceries and place them onto the checkout counter. I thanked him. The young woman was working the register. He rolled the cart to the end of the counter and left a case of root beer in the cart. I mentioned the case of root beer to the cashier, but she didn't charge me for it. I knew they were trying to be friendly and I knew they were trying to give me a free case of root beer, but I couldn't allow them to do it.

I again asked her if she had charged me for the case of root beer and then she apologized for missing it. She couldn't look me in the eye when she handed me my credit card back. They had tried to steal from the store to be nice to me. I wanted to make friends with them and didn't like refusing their token of kindness, but it was wrong, it wasn't their food to give away. Although I felt bad, and they felt bad, I did the right thing. I spoke the truth. I would rather have no friends than have thieves as friends. I am not perfect, but I have enough things to answer to God for without adding more to it. At some point in life, we need to get serious about serving God. If we love God, then we'll make an effort to do right.

2nd Thessalonians 2:10, “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” The Bible teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2:10 that many people will be deceived in the Last Days by the Antichrist because they received not the love of the truth. The truth is important. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17).

“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” —Ephesians 4:26

May I say, it’s ok to be angry. Jesus became angry when the priests had turned God's house into a den of thieves. However, notice the next part of the verse we just read... “and sin not.” Jesus became angry, but he didn't sin. Jesus never sinned (2nd Corinthians 5:21). As an example: I hate abortion! I think abortion is cold-blooded murder. Less than .01% of total abortions are caused by incidents of rape and incest. Yet, these extremes are often used to justify all abortions. Ninety-nine percent of all abortions are simply the evil deeds of irresponsible people. HOWEVER, I don't hate anyone involved with abortion, not one bit. I love them because God has commanded us to love all people. Don’t you think that if God wanted to put an end to this mess, He could? Of course God could! And He will friend, in His own time.

Psalm 47:8, "God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness."

I can't say much about blocking abortion clinics, because I would jump right in front of the door if it were my child about to be murdered. The Bible commands me to love my neighbor as myself (Leviticus 19:18). If that were me about to be aborted, I would want someone to save my life! Americans have hit a new moral low, now murdering their own babies? It is wickedness. Abortionists have the same sick philosophy as Adolf Hitler, i.e., that certain classes of people have a right to life, and others don't. Abortionists don't believe that the unborn fetus has a right to life. They effectively believe that the living are superior to the fetus in the womb. A society that will murder it's unborn is capable of any evil imaginable. Any evil imaginable!

The Scriptures teach, “Be ye angry, and sin not.” There is a fine line between faith and foolishness. We should be angered about abortion, day and night. However, we must be careful to channel that anger through constructive channels which will prevent further abortions, not put us in prison. The best way to fight abortion is by word-of-mouth and public education. We can all SPEAK OUT against abortion in an appropriate manner as civilized people. And we must speak out..."Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" —Psalm 94:16

Anti-abortion signs are working great nationwide. Thousands of babies have been spared the tortuous death of abortion. God bless the efforts of the folks at Repent America and Operation Rescue. We can do many good things to fight the New World Order, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, etc cetera; but we must not become hateful of the sinner. The best way to stop abortion is to hold up the graphic posters of aborted pieces of children for expectant mothers to view, and to educate them about available Christian adoption services. The wicked politicians and judges in America, who have permitted the murder of tens-of-millions of babies, will give account to God, just as wicked King Herod had to give account for murdering thousands of children in an attempt to kill Jesus. Most of all, the American public is to blame, for tolerating such wickedness and remaining silent concerning evil.

Admittedly, there are many religious “nuts” in the world. As true believers, the Bible should create in us a “sound mind” (which is spoken of in the book of Second Timothy)—“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND.” —2nd Timothy 1:7

"Sound" meaning "clear in thought." We are to be level-headed while the world is going insane. The world has become a large insane asylum. If crazy people want to murder their children, we must NOT join the craziness. No "sound" individual would take the life of their own child. I have only used the issue of abortion as an example of how believers are supposed to behave themselves. We are to HATE sin; but not the sinner. Unfortunately, it's getting to the place where Christians won't even be able to speak out anymore against sin if the heathen get their way. We are living in a rotten society. I foresee the day when churches will lose their tax-exemption for speaking out against homosexuality, and be prosecuted for not hiring them. The Bible says the day is coming when the wicked will kill believers, thinking they are doing God a favor...

"They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."
—John 16:2

We read that evil men and seducers will become worse and worse..."But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." —Jude 1:17-19

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." —2nd Timothy 2:13

God’s people are to be peace-loving people—“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” —Romans 12:18

God’s people are to be peaceful people—“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” —Hebrews 12:14

Dr. John R. Rice wrote a book entitled, “I Am A Fundamentalist!” In that book, there is a chapter called, “I Am a Fundamentalist, Not a Nut.” There’s plenty of nuts in the world; God’s children should NOT be in that group. Hating evil is a Biblical command (Psalm 97:10). Taking a stand against evildoers is Biblical (Psalm 94:16). I speak the truth in love as Ephesians 4:15 tells us to. Teaching the inspired Word of God is certainly not hatred. Abortion is murder and someone needs to speak out on behalf of those human beings in the womb. Genuine love speaks the truth.

So friend... having said all the above, I want to say once more... This is NOT a hate site, it is a LOVE site. May God bless you friend and always remember, GOD LOVES PEOPLE!!!

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