Ken Ham #fundie
Charles Darwin is the man credited with popularizing in our time the idea of evolution. His legacy lives on today as his naturalistic (atheistic) ideas have permeated not only Western culture, but much of the rest of the world and much of the church.
But his legacy is not a good one. He popularized a philosophy that attacked (and was intended to destroy—but that can never happen, of course) the authority of the Word of God. Sadly, many churches adopted his ideas and reinterpreted the book of Genesis. This led to an undermining of the authority of God’s Word and generations doubting its truth and walking away from the Christian faith. Darwin’s legacy is a destructive, evil legacy, and it lives on not only in the secular culture and teaching but, sadly, also in many churches.
Darwin’s legacy in the church can be seen in the fact that he was buried in the floor of a church (Westminster Abbey in London) and honored by the church. This to me is a reminder that a man who popularized a philosophy to undermine the foundation of the church is honored by the church and buried in the foundation of the church!
So I challenge you: What legacy are you leaving behind? Are you leaving a legacy that will long outlive you and be felt in subsequent generations? Will your legacy impact your immediate family, local believers, unbelievers, or even the body of Christ around the world?
11:29 PM · Dec 20, 2024 · 4,694 Views