Ken Ham #fundie

Charles Darwin is the man credited with popularizing in our time the idea of evolution. His legacy lives on today as his naturalistic (atheistic) ideas have permeated not only Western culture, but much of the rest of the world and much of the church.

But his legacy is not a good one. He popularized a philosophy that attacked (and was intended to destroy—but that can never happen, of course) the authority of the Word of God. Sadly, many churches adopted his ideas and reinterpreted the book of Genesis. This led to an undermining of the authority of God’s Word and generations doubting its truth and walking away from the Christian faith. Darwin’s legacy is a destructive, evil legacy, and it lives on not only in the secular culture and teaching but, sadly, also in many churches.

Darwin’s legacy in the church can be seen in the fact that he was buried in the floor of a church (Westminster Abbey in London) and honored by the church. This to me is a reminder that a man who popularized a philosophy to undermine the foundation of the church is honored by the church and buried in the foundation of the church!

So I challenge you: What legacy are you leaving behind? Are you leaving a legacy that will long outlive you and be felt in subsequent generations? Will your legacy impact your immediate family, local believers, unbelievers, or even the body of Christ around the world?
11:29 PM · Dec 20, 2024 · 4,694 Views

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

It’s the voice that drives me crazy. The drawl, the self-satisfied well-fed glottal stop, layers of expensive fat choking the windpipe, I can even hear that. Even the quickness of speech annoys me. So certain, no pause for reflection, just words unfurling from a 3 Sigma intelligence. Never missed a meal, anxiety curbed by privilege so entrenched they can’t even imagine. Thin, carefully enhanced thirty year old women, the cynicism of a bored aristocrat bleeding from their voices, that vocal fry drawling, knowing it all, having seen it all, never having left their Ivy colleges, their leafy suburbs, never going without anything, much less a desperately needed holiday, rent money, food. My fingers itch to slap them.

They bankrupted us. They ruined the lives of the bottom 70%. They spent ALL the money. They then proceeded to bankrupt the world. Realizing the money was all gone, their gamemasters tried to kill us off, first with an engineered virus that failed, then with a vaccine that didn’t. Then they ran up $10 trillion in four years trying to keep the vegetable in power, to get to that point where the Green New Deal paid off in torrents of lovely other people’s money.
But we lasted 400 years. They lasted 50. We will see their death, their gasping flapping on the dock, their floundering around for wreckage to cling to, their slinking over to the side of the people they called garbage. Their attempt to find a berth using ideas they have been trained to loathe. They won’t come back. It’s over for them. They have failed. Wednesday’s Continuing Resolution illustrates their retreat pattern.

The deplorables rose up in a great wave and defeated it. Oh I know the blithering morons think it was Trump and Musk, but trust me on this, Trump and Musk are a symptom, not a cause. The blowback, the underlying thinking had been developing for forty years among the garbage people. Trump is our weapon. So is Musk. They. Follow. Us. They are using our ideas. We are the brains trust.

Federation of Light & White Cloud via Blossom Goodchild #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Divine Plan is to see Earth rid of darkness

White Cloud: Bring your world into the Light and rid it of the darkness for it is the Divine Plan that you do so. (1)

What impact will the Wave of Love have on the dark ones?

Blossom: Will the dark ones still be able to function after this Wave of Love has taken place?

Federation of Light: No. … That which is coming, Blossom, that which ‘This Event’ will bring with it, is of such Light. Such Energy change … for/of … ALL THAT IS. Both on and off Planet. This is why we have said ‘All eyes are on your Planet’ as it is part of the upliftment of everything … for everything is connected.

This LOVE LIGHT that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way. … The souls of many of such Beings will leave immediately via ‘disintegration’. … Yes, Blossom, it shall be as if their physical Being literally crumbles and disintegrates.

B: For real?

FoL: Yes, for real Blossom. For the Energy that is carried within the entire body and soul of such ‘naughty folk’ is so ‘dis-eased’ that the Wave of Love … the Strength within it … will cause such Beings to crumble, for it cannot possibly survive within the Vibrational Frequency that the Wave brings. … We understand that it all may sound farfetched … for your programming has been so ‘normalised’ and all thought of such happenings leads you to believe such things are only make-believe.
FoL: Shall we talk of the weather?

B: Lol! Yet that wouldn’t be a bad idea. It is behaving very strangely and of course, you will say it is the Energies.

FoL: For this is so. The weather patterns are evening out the weather energies. All strange behaviour is occurring due to bringing about ‘balance,’ in order to even levels out.

B: Levels of what?

FoL: Levels of and within your biosphere. So it is, in a sense, ‘preparing’ for what is to come and equalizing Energies in order to be able to receive the WAVE OF LIGHT that is to change all.

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut

Literally everything you’ve been told about January 6th is a lie.

The truth: It wasn’t an insurrection.

Protesters didn’t have illegal weapons.

It wasn’t “coordinated”—except by Feds.

26 undercover FBI sources entered the Capitol & restricted areas.

None have been prosecuted.

No police were killed.

In fact, nobody was killed except Ashli Babbitt who was shot by police.

Trump did not call for violence. He specifically called for peace, and told violent rioters to go home.

The Q-anon shaman wasn’t trying to overthrow the government.

Cops opened Capitol doors for protesters.

Barriers outside were moved to allow protesters through.

Nancy Pelosi knew everything & did nothing to stop it.

AOC was never in danger.

J6 defendants have been denied due process & coerced into pleading guilty.

All in an effort to hide the reality that Biden stole the 2020 election, which is a mundane and obvious observation now that we see that Biden got millions more votes than any other Democrat in history.

Trump should prosecute and throw in prison every single rotten evil scumbag involved.
6:41 AM · Dec 13, 2024 · 573.9K Views

Hunter Wallace #racist #wingnut

[From “Daniel Penny Fully Acquitted”]


A vibe shift in New York

A victory for the good guys

Absolutely unambiguous great news

The fact that anti-Whites are left sputtering in rage is the icing on the cake

One more thing … the thread that connects Darren Wilson, Derek Chauvin, Kyle Rittenhouse, Daniel Penny, Douglass Mackay, Trump himself, Trump’s inner circle and everyone who got railroaded over Charlottesville and January 6th is the justice system in Blue America. There is a meaningful difference!

Note: New York City swung to the Right in 2024

Andrew Tate #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist

Sleeping soundly is for overtly homosexual men.

The world is at war, people are dying and BTC breaks a new ATH everyday.

Money moving in every single direction, elections are over thrown in "democratic" nations....

And you have ZERO innate anxiety?

You close your eyes and become absolutely killable for a full 9 hours, without tossing, without turning, without any input from the outside world at all?

You dont wake up in a sweat and instantly check the news?

Youre not even rich, youre poor, and youre snoring?

What you dreaming of you fucking loser YOU HAVE NO MONEY.

Where is your warrior instinct? Where is your PTSD and your fear? Where is the adrenaline in your blood?

"Well why would I have PTSD" says the nobody.

Because if you were a somebody you would take risks and the outcome of those risks would weigh heavy on your mind.

Your soul would be burnt with the stories of battles lost and the hope for battles you can win.

What kind of full grown man DOESNT have mental issues?

You feel no stress? None? Youre napping? Like a kitten? Like a little cute kitty kat?

Are you comfy? awww youre so comfy? Do you have a blanket?

You are gay.

"I had a nap" = Gay
"I was sleeping" = Gay
"He didnt wake up yet" = Gay.

I close my eyes but i never truly sleep.

Im tired but thats fine.

Life as a man is wanting food you dont eat.

And wanting sleep you CANT get.

Because your mind and soul is plagued by battles past present and future.

You think Putin sleeps well? Lol




Nightmares are masculine. You should shoot awake with sweat multiple times a night.

Maybe then your woman would finally love you.

Instead she wakes up to see you snoring and drooling, her movement didnt even rattle you. She fully got out of bed and youre out cold because youre scum.

She could stab you in the neck and she considers it because you deserve it.

Killed by a girl because you were sleepy. Awwww.

The second I see a man who enjoys his sleep and acquires it with ease...

I know hes bitch made.

Sleep is what you give up once you become a hero.

Peace of mind is for lifes losers.

There is no debate.

MaryDyer & PrincessCharming1983 #transphobia

( MaryDyer )
I’d sooner have my baby breastfeed from a nursing dog than a TIM
Like if I was in some crazy, life or death scenario where the only options for my baby to eat were a moobfeeding man or a mother dog with pups, I’d choose the dog.

For several reasons:

1. The baby would be receiving actual milk, not moob juice
2. Mother dogs aren’t goddamned perverts who get off on nursing
3. A mother dog is a FEMALE
Who agrees?

( PrincessCharming1983 )
Funny how it's called breastfeeding when a TIM wants to do it. But the rest of us get shoehorned into calling it chestfeeding because some women don't think they're women.

James Carville #transphobia #racist #elitist

Anybody that questions the absolute, unquestionable benefits of transition surgery is going to be called this equivalent of being against civil rights or being against women having the right to vote … somebody can fact-check me, it’s banned in Nordic countries. I think the liberal Labour government of Britain just passed legislation on that question.

But you can’t — if you say the border, we should have had something different — well, that makes you a racist. If you say that we should proceed with caution on this transition surgery … then you’re slammed. And the tyranny of the left is tyranny. And not only tyranny that it causes people grief, it loses us elections, people. And I got to tell you … there are people that think this, and I’m increasingly agreeing with them.

There are a substantial number of people in the Democratic Party — almost exclusively coastal, almost exclusively white, almost exclusively higher-educated — that would rather lose and feel superior about themselves than have to go through the trouble to do the stuff it takes necessary to win an election. And as long as that philosophy is part of the Democratic coalition, it is going to continue to cause unbelievable damage to our electoral prospects. I cannot say it any simpler than that.

James W. Lee #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Worldwide we are seeing Directed Energy Weaponized (DEW) attacks. From Hawaii to California, Canada, England, China, etc., I offer irrefutable proof we are under attack from sophisticated weaponry in there "Quiet Weapons for Quiet Wars".
The laser technology business is estimated at $25 billion today and much of the funding goes to the military. We are seeing the similar attack profiles like in Paradise and Maui where the fires began under preposterous conditions of hundreds of mile winds, where no wind profiles existed on weather maps. In addition, I chronicle first person accounts of how the fire departments stood down and the police prevented residents from fleeing during the attacks. This is all premeditated as i cover in the book.
To explain the unexplainable fire expert shills have come up with terms like "Firenadoes" and "Bomb-o-Genesis" and fire embers that travel miles and then selectively torch certain homes and buildings , yet leave the trees alone.
Laser technology is highly advanced and can be used to surgically torch areas but leave other areas untouched which has no "normal" fire profiles. DEW lasers are a multi-billion dollar business that is now being employed to remove people from their lands where locals never are able to resettle. Due to these "abnormal" fires, the largest homeowner insurance companies are not reinsuring, or paying out claims due to "Act of God" so people never get back in their homes.
And government officials are planted in seats of power in the local areas as to control the narrative while President Biden tells us he is "laser focused" to get down to the bottom of the attacks. They are mocking us now openly and brazenly.
DEW technology is nothing new and has been used to eliminate many cultures like the Tartarians and the Moors from only a century ago. Hopefully, this book will provide hard proof and evidence so that we can take back our lands and begin to remove those in power who wish to "Burn Back Better" us all from our homes.

Michael Tennant and Aymeric Pourbaix #forced-birth

[From “French TV Channel Fined $100,000 for Saying Abortion Is World’s Leading Cause of Death”]

A French television channel was fined over $100,000 and forced to apologize after it reported — accurately — that abortion is the world’s leading cause of death[…]
According to The European Conservative

In February 2024, presenter Aymeric Pourbaix, during the Catholic program “En quête d’esprit,” broadcast every Sunday on the conservative channel CNews, showed an infographic on the causes of death, ranking abortion as the leading cause, with 73 million deaths each year worldwide. That translates to 52% of annual deaths, far ahead of cancer (10 million) and smoking (6.2 million)

The journalist’s comments sparked a wave of indignation in the mainstream press, on the grounds that abortion cannot be considered a “cause of death” because the fetus should not be considered a living being

Within days of the broadcast, the Council of State, one of France’s highest courts, asked the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (ARCOM) to investigate CNews over its alleged lack of “pluralism”[…]
The Council of State reasoned that the speaking time of CNews personalities, who are journalists and columnists, should be similarly regulated. In other words, if Pourbaix spent 10 minutes reporting a pro-life story, a pro-abortion spokesperson should be given 10 minutes to argue the opposite. Never mind the fact that CNews, along with another channel, C8, is owned by Catholic businessman Vincent Bolloré, not the state

Alexandra Bruce/Dr. Robert Young #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #mammon

Many people have heard of transhumanism but few understand that we humans are already being surreptitiously herded into the the Bio-Digital Convergence, without our informed consent.
Did you sign up for this? I know I didn’t but this is a Titanic with trillions of dollars riding on it. It’s called the Hexa-X Project and it’s being spearheaded by a consortium of mobile communications giants, Nokia, Ericsson and Bell Labs, the latter being the original developer of cellular technology, in 1947.

According to Dr Robert Young, who has examined thousands of blood samples, no one is free from the graphene oxide nanotechnology that self-assembles into a platform that can then receive and transmit information. Even the unvaccinated have been transfected through the chemtrailing that is in our air, our food and our water.

Dr Young joined James Grundvig and me on James’ Unrestricted Warfare podcast last Monday, where he told us that the latest flu shots, in conjunction with 5G Wireless Communications and the soon-to-be Standard, 6G are designed specifically to “Hook people up to the Internet of Things and the Internet of Brains.”
So, until Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) is able to turn a lot of the toxicity of our civilization around – or in case it fails to do so – you can proactively work to live your best life by optimizing your health and protecting yourself from the ongoing depredations of pervasive microwave radiation and the chemtrails that are in the air and in your food supply, by doing what Dr Young recommends:

• Test your urine regularly and seek to maintain it at a pH level of between 8.4 to 9 pH.

• Go to, to learn more about alkalizing your body.

• Use his product, MasterPeace™, which is made from natural clinoptilolite zeolite, as opposed to the synthetic zeolite used in other products.

Henry Makow PhD #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Like a religious revival.

Religion can be summarized in two words:

Obey God.

in every moment

God is Perfection

a spiritual ideal that resides in our soul

Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, Justice, Bliss. Which do you serve?

God is Reality. Consciousness. We are unconscious.

God is the blueprint for our personal and social development.

Civilization and culture are based on spiritual ideals.

God depends on us to fulfill his Design. (Unfortunately.)

How stupid are we to deny our Creator!?? Our Father and Mother. We're morons.

Apes with a spark of Divinity.

"Be Ye Therefore Perfect, as your Father in Heaven is Perfect," Matt 5:48

We have been brainwashed to reject our Creator's Plan by Cabalist Judaism that seeks to supplant God and invert all the ideals above.

This is Communism. Woke. Satanism.

"Antisemitism" is resistance to Jewish hegemony. Resistance to Satanism.

Judaism and its proxy Freemasonry corrupt in order to rule. They foster love of money and sex instead of God.

The foundation of all true religions is the belief that humanity constitutes a family.

All human beings have a spark of Divinity in their souls.

We are brothers and sisters. We must treat everyone with respect.

We are trapped in a Jewish mental straitjacket.

We cannot oppose the genocide in Gaza and still affirm our nationalism and traditional family values.
Conservatives like Hungary's Orban, England's Farage or Musk are silent on Gaza.

Look at Elon Musk. He does a lot of good but must remain silent on Gaza.

Communists are the only ones allowed to oppose Palestinian genocide.

Christmas is a celebration of Christ's Birth and a celebration of his Gospel of Love.

Let's celebrate the gift of life!

Let our daily lives be a celebration of God!

Autocorrect 2.0 #fundie #dunning-kruger

Atheist: Christianity is irrational.

Christian: Why?

A: You believe in the resurrection.

C: Is that a problem?

A: Yes! No one has ever observed a resurrection.

C: I see. So, you have a problem with the idea of an intelligent God restoring life from non-life?

A: Of course!
C: I see. Question: Don't you believe that unintelligent processes created life from non-life?

A: Yes. It's called abiogenesis.

C: Yes, and have you ever observed it?

A: Well, no.

C: And you have no empirical evidence for it, right?

A: Well, no.

C: But you think it's rational?

A: Yes.

Atheism is the ultimate form of cognitive dissonance.

AirWinn Oli #conspiracy



(The Joker is about to set a Newton’s Cradle in motion, using a black ball inscribed with “TRUTH”. The other balls, progressing from TRUTH, bear the image of an anti-chemtrails road sign, the Eye of Providence from the dollar note, the NASA badge, a black-and-gold version of the United Nations emblem and an anti-syringe road sign, respectively.)

Elon Musk feat. Alice Weidel & Naomi Seibt #crackpot #wingnut

Elon Musk Praises German Far-Right AfD As ‘Only’ Party That Can ‘Save’ Country

Elon Musk openly threw his support behind the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) as the only political party that can “save” Germany in a post that triggered sharp backlash from the country’s other political parties.

The endorsement [...] was made Friday in a post on X and appeared above a retweeted video by Naomi Seibt, a German right-wing influencer.

[Text of tweet]

Elon Musk

Only the AfD can save Germany

The move outraged Germany’s centrist parties, who have vowed to exclude the AfD from any governing coalition. The country is set to head to the polls on February 23 next year following the collapse of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s centre-left coalition—a political climate that has the AfD polling second and potentially wielding kingmaker influence.

Although the AfD’s platform is widely viewed as far-right and anti-immigration, Alice Weidel, the party’s chancellor candidate, enthusiastically received Musk’s remark.
Replying on X, she wrote: “Yes! You are perfectly right!” before touting her recent interview on how “socialist [Angela] Merkel ruined our country” and referring to “the Soviet European Union” as a destructive force for Germany.

The German government remained tight-lipped, noting it was aware of Musk’s statement but declining further comment. [...]


It’s not the first time Musk has offered his approval of the AfD. Last year [he] questioned [why] the party was labelled extremist: “Why is there such a negative reaction from some about AfD? They keep saying ‘far right,’ but the policies of AfD that I’ve read about don’t sound extremist. Maybe I’m missing something.”

Musk’s is also reportedly entertaining talks with Trump ally Nigel Farage’s Reform party in the UK about possible financial backing—an option off the table in Germany, where foreign donations to political parties are capped at €1,000.

Petunia #wingnut #pratt

The pro-gun side has actual experience with guns and the empirical evidence that none of the guns in their safe jump up and run around shooting up schools.

The anti-gun side has feelings, Helen Lovejoy, and David Hogg. And "science!" of the "I Fucking Love..." kind.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) #pratt #quack #conspiracy

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared a new controversial theory on Monday[…]
In a post to X which was, shortly after, hit with a corrective community note, Greene wrote, “I fully believe vaccines cause Autism. It’s another example of crimes against humanity. And innocent babies, children, and their families are the victims"

A bold statement but, as the note now attached to it on Elon Musk's platform proves, it's simply not factual

Sourcing 19 links to outside resources disproving Greene's claim, the correction to Greene's statement kicks off with: “Vaccines do not cause autism. The scientific literature on this is so extensive, that claiming otherwise can only be explained through sheer ignorance, or some sort of nefarious political purpose”

As Newsweek points out in their coverage of Greene's latest theory, she also reposted a video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump's pick to be the next secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, which echos her belief

"Yes, Autism is caused by vaccines," Kennedy says in the clip. "The CDC's own data, they did a study in 1989 and the looked at the Hepatitis B vaccine . . .There was a 1,350 percent elevated risk for Autism among the people who got their vaccines"

Sidney Secular #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy

There are three spiritual bonds that feed the soul and satisfy the spiritual needs of Western man. The more these bonds are strengthened, the more at ease people become personally and the world around them. The first and foremost bond is that which the individual shares with his or her immediate family and loved ones, the people that one holds most dear and those with whom one identifies most strongly. Of course, Western man being different from the rest of his specials also formed complimentary pairs, male and female, those bonds becoming in time more than the sum of their constituent parts and forming the foundation of a relationship that was more than mere sexual chemistry and the desire to procreate.
The second broad group of spiritual bonds that feed the soul come from an internal connection with the environment and the natural world around us. It is not an accident that most of those “scientists” who have studied this world and by doing so have made discoveries about it, have been white! But these bonds have been damaged and even broken as Western man has become less imbued with his delight in the natural world while becoming more technologically advanced.
The final of the three broad groups of spiritual bonds that feed the soul is religion. The word is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods including one’s belief or connection with a higher power, spirits of the ancestors, or an afterlife. Religion in the past bound communities together and sought to provide moral and spiritual guidance. <...>
Just as the enemies of the West have attacked the body and mind of Western man, they have mounted an attack on Western spirituality and the Western soul, both of which are decidedly Christian in their formation. The family unit and community of which it is a part undergirds Western Man’s connections with the natural environment and is based upon Western religious institutions and spiritual beliefs.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

For about a decade, Guardian Host would point to the Family of Michael histories with Michael Wars and the assorted stolen technologies from Aldebaran that have been outfitted into the 9D stargate located in Antarctica, and the transmission would be “Red Skies at Night” (resonating to the lyrics of a song by the Fixx circa 1982) for verification of these covert operations. A final conflict battle that would be coming involving the lineages of the covert German Esoteric Societies or Black Sun Nazi’s from World War II. The future timeline event was the continuation into completion of the Michael Wars from space that was finally going to manifest on the planetary surface to complete the warring cycle of the Luciferian Rebellion. It would come with threats of nuclear war being connected to the Armageddon software agendas of the NAA to incite World War III, and that event is the eventual catalyst for the Collective Awakening Event.

This is exactly the time and space we find ourselves straddling at this particular stage of surreal spiritual warfare. On the periphery, and sometimes during full defense posture, there have been Guardian liberation projects ongoing with confrontation of Secret Space colonies that have been major manufacturing hubs for enslaving human souls in biological drone bodies as worker slaves. Recon keeps leading back to their source directives and originations, taking orders from the NAA big archontic bosses that are stationed in the underground bases around the south pole and lodged in the 9D stargate of Antarctica.

We have been assured several times that there will not be another cataclysmic surface event as there has been in the past with several floods or ice age destructive resets (i.e. think Mud Flood). But that this time, it was the final battle to end the Luciferian Rebellion history as connected to the family of Michael holocaust, and that we would evade the planned ‘great reset’ through surface cataclysms as connected to RED SKIES.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Dec 14, 2024


Trump Administration and ET Disclosure – Monthly Live Briefing – Now on Patreon
The Exopolitical State of the Planet – 2nd Trump Administration, Galactic Federation & ET Disclosure
Ancient Nuclear Wars on Mars and Earth’s Star Trek Future: Interview with Dr. John Brandenburg
The summit of Mt Hermon, where the Fallen Angels landed, has been taken over by Israel with the collapse of the Syrian regime.
Mystery drone/UFO sightings continue in New Jersey.
Inside Romania’s Hall of Records and Shifting Timelines: Interview with Corina Pataki
JP joined me on the Tipping Point with Scott McKay.
Star Nations News has important highlights about a massive space station being built above Jupiter called the Hub, withdrawal of the Intergalactic Confederation from our solar system, and increasing UFO/Drone sightings.
US Army is highlighting awareness of the drone phenomenon as unidentified and an urgent national security issue.
US Northern Command is conducting counter-drone tests in Colorado. Are the mysterious drone sightings in New Jersey, Washington DC., part of the tests?
Franc Milburn, a British military intelligence expert, claims drone sightings are advanced Russia craft doing surveillance and intimidationg, and this requires a NATO collective response.
Clayton Morris from Redacted shows video footage of some of the alleged drones that are in fact orbs or UFOs.
Elena Danaan receives info about the Mt Hermon takeover by Israel and the existence of Anunnaki technology hidden under Mt Hermon.
Several recent drone sightings and developments are discussed by Clayton Morris, from Redacted.
The Artemis Accords now has 50 signatories with the inclusion of Panama and Austria
The mystery drone issue is being raised in White House Press Conferences. John Kirby’s vague responses are fueling the uncertainty and growing public interest
Rep Anna Luna advocates shooting down UFOs/unknown objects entering US air space, “no questions asked!”
Roundtable discussion with Elena Danaan & Dani Henderson on current exopolitical events concerning mystery drones/UFOs, Mt Hermon, Pres Trump, etc.

John Plaice #crackpot #conspiracy

[From “Where Is the 1919 Data Proving General Relativity?”]

If I do a search on the Internet with the expression “Genius of the 20th Century”, almost certainly the first entry on the list will be Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 “for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect”1. However, he is best known for his theories of special relativity (1905) and general relativity (1915)

Einstein became world-famous as a result of observations made during the May 19th, 1919 solar eclipse, which was visible in the tropics[…]
The analysis for the Príncipe observations was conducted by Eddington, while that for the Sobral observations was overseen by Dyson. It was concluded that the observations from the Príncipe telescope and from the 4-inch diameter lens in Sobral confirmed Einstein’s predictions[…]
Wait, what? Neither Eddington’s data analysis sheets nor his photographic plates have survived?[…]
This is for the observations that proved without a doubt that classical physics was wrong, and made Eddington a star and Einstein a superstar! So today we have no physical evidence that Eddington actually observed what he claimed to have observed[…]
Nevertheless, when the raw data from one of the most famous set of observations in human history has gone missing, one naturally speculates, What is going on? So, the topic of relativity, both special and general, will likely be the subject of numerous future posts

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy


It all began with the slow but certain
dropping of the curtain on reason
followed without delay
by a withering campaign aimed
at desensitizing a disoriented people;

at inuring
a dumbed-down run-down humanity
to what would have until recently
been unequivocally seen as insanity.

Lied to their faces again and again
without the faintest of traces of shame
by teams of elite gaslighting freaks
and useful-idiot apparatchik assholes

the plebs were led up the steps
of the Great Reset's camouflaged scaffold

and even as the ropes
were slipped 'round their necks
and their throats felt the pressure

they were told and re-told
these tyrannical measures
were fully for the good of them all

— even as the trap door floor
was about to give way to space;
about to launch their terminal fall.

Squarely unaware
of their diabolically-plotted
well-dissembled destination
they'd marched in righteous robotic lockstep
to the gaping gates of Self-Extermination

— marched as if mindless subservience
were the virtue they held in highest esteem;
as if their god had always been
the pied piper of all things suitably suicidal
sustainably-synthetic net-zero fake-green;

as though nothing gave them more pleasure
than pleasing their prison-planet masters
who no matter how vile
they'd been trained to see as their betters.


much of the above was only a dream
because something unforeseen
by the techno-utopian planners
had happened on the way to the gallows;

because while all the paid-for whores
that formed the mockingbird media
were dutifully on board
— as were of course
the gamut of parasitic classes —

the far larger part
of the lower-class masses
— sensing something was darkly amiss —
had refused to join the ruinous march
to the promised heart of decarbonized bliss.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

In a world rocked by uncertainty and economic turmoil, there emerges a beacon of hope, a glimmer of light promising a return to simpler times. Welcome to a journey back to 1955, where prices reign supreme, and the American dream is within reach for all.

In the annals of history, certain years stand out as pivotal moments, shaping the course of nations and the destiny of humanity. Among them, 1955 shines brightly, not just as a bygone era, but as a beacon of hope for a world grappling with chaos and uncertainty.

The River of Time: Daniel 8:6. Drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of Daniel 8:6, we embark on a journey upstream, against the currents of modernity, towards a destination where the river of time flows backward. In this journey, we encounter three pillars upon which the foundation of a new world order rests: the resurrection of 1776 Common Law, the revival of 1955 Prices, and the revelation of Suppressed & Quantum Technologies.
A Ten-Day Shutdown and the Activation of Military EBS Following the GESARA Blockchain Elections, the world will experience a ten-day shutdown, a period of reflection and preparation for the dawn of a new age. Simultaneously, the Activation of Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will reach every television and radio worldwide.
A Government of the People, by the People As the Quantum GESARA dust settles, governments worldwide will emerge transformed. Their size will shrink by a staggering 90%, and new faces will assume positions of power. Gone are the days of entrenched bureaucracy and corruption, as the new governments are forged in the crucible of accountability and transparency.

The advent of Quantum GESARA and its Blockchain Elections – aptly dubbed TRUMPSARA – heralds a new dawn for humanity. We stand on the precipice of a monumental shift in the way we govern, conduct elections, and manage our economies. As the MOAB detonates and the world embraces a new economic paradigm, the possibilities are limitless.

Kathe Ede #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy

Rare is it to see bright light in the night sky, but what is this phenomenon? Have you too been noticing God's light? Science calls it a nocturnal sun, where as the Bible refers to it as God's light in Revelation 21.
Apparently first mentioned in 77AD, when I believe Christ’s millennial kingdom reigned up until 1066. What came after the millennial kingdom was Satan's short season. Could we still be in that short season? Why is 2030 so important to those in power? Are they expecting the short season to end then? Even if you don't believe, could it be that they do believe? Why is 2030 so important?

Winter, the dark, cold season is shorter than the other seasons by only a day or so. In that case, why do some partial preterists believe satans season would be a quarter of the time of the millennial kingdom reign? Isn't God a fair and just God? Then surely he would provide his dark and fallen angels with a similar period as his light angels?

On that basis, if I were correct about 66AD-1066, then the short season of Satan's would have started around 1066, and set to end around 2066AD? Then suddenly, 2030 becomes a number with more meaning and depth to it. Don't you think?

I’ve been seeing these lightenednights more frequently. At least twice a year. So what is going on with theses light nights?

Russ Winter #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

There are native non-Jewish people from various races, who were brought up by Mossad since infancy. They are sometimes subjected to MK Ultra methods in Zio prisons. They never experienced life as children, regarding to relating with loving parents (biological or adoptive). Their ‘parents’ were/are Mossad agents, or sayanim.

At some point during their early years, Mossad trafficked them to the target country, where they were embedded surreptitiously into unsuspecting communities as ‘fellow citizens’. The reason that Israel is the de facto sole Superpower in the world – controlling governments, parliament/congress in at least two dozen countries, including in the West – is because no other country can commit the kind of crimes Mossad has committed, in order to achieve global dominance. Stealing babies from their mothers, and raising them as ‘Mossad-slave-agents’, is definitely inspired by Satan himself.
The Syrian government and military was embedded with these native moles. This explains why 300,000 Syrian military folded like a wet noodle before 15,000 insurgents. At critical moments the moles pulled the plug and folded their tents. Ironically there are mass murders and executions now underway targeting members of the SAA.
Before the eruption of the Iraqi civil war in 2006, al-Julani was arrested by American forces and imprisoned for over five years in various facilities, including Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper and al-Tajji prison.

Prisons like this have a long history of torture and mind control procedures.
Upon his release from prison coinciding with the Syrian revolution in 2011, al-Julani crossed into Syria with significant funding and a mandate to expand al-Qaeda’s presence. Where did said funding come from?

After being subjected to torture, isolation and I would suggest Mk Ultra, we are asked to believe the murderous al-Julani vented not against America or Israel- but instead the Muslim Arab world.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: TRA politicians slamming people "hateful" for questioning whether WI shooter is trans are being completely dishonest

( real_feminist )
Yup. They normalized the press lying about people's sex and now they're mad that people don't believe what the press says about someone's sex. This was very foreseeable.

( Iota_Aurigae )
TRAs and MRAs (same difference, really) are using the opportunity to spread around a fake manifesto claiming that the shooter was a radfem. This piece of disinformation seems to have originated from a neo-Nazi account who is specifically anti-feminist. Shocker.

( DorothySayers )
the shooter’s deviant art profile indicated pronouns they/them. but it seems that offline rupnow went by female pronouns. her appearance and demeanor is somewhat androgynous which is why i think people also questioned whether she was trans or on T. We don’t really know at this point.

I’m friends with people whose kids went to the school and found out about the shooting via text before it made the news. It feels personal so it’s really weird that it’s already getting so political and being used as political talking points for gun control, trans, or whatever else.

( OnlyHuman )

the shooter’s deviant art profile indicated pronouns they/them

Probably worth noting that DeviantArt requires pronounage and they/them + showing might be the default. That profile is barebones as fuck, no about, no pfp, no comments, no gallery and the only favorite is adolf hitler v3 (lol) yeah. Probably not a TIF at any point of time

( Lillith )
Is it bad that I am thrilled that a man is finally inconvenienced by this nonsense?

Also how can he say that the gender identity does not matter when he probably thinks that pronouns are literal violence too?

The chickens are coming home to roost.

NO, sylviasmushrooms & jvsmine #transphobia

Portland bartender who shoved transgender woman in bathroom dispute guilty of hate crime, jury rules -

( NO )
Wow... I actually hate them.

They're the kind of evil that sits behind a mask pretending to be good and kind.. but they're just bad people.

( sylviasmushrooms )
This goes for the handmaidens and flying monkeys, too. The worst part of this timeline is realizing how many people either have no principles at all, or are willing to hitch that wagon to any wild, bucking beast just because someone powerful or popular said “right side of history.”

( jvsmine )
just start asking the handmaidens and wokebros what they think they're fighting for - have them explain in detail what they think is going on, why they think it, and what should be done.

more often than not, they say "because! why does it matter to you how someone identifies!!!!" they have no argument. they just support the popular liberal "new gay rights" thing. they're idiots and they embarrass themselves when I start sending article after article like THIS pictures of mutilated children, of the porn in their schools, women getting raped in prison and thrown in solitary for misgendering and they have some shit from fuckin PenisNews.

they embarrass themselves when they insist "well predatory men will always rape you whether you like it or not so shut up and let any male who says he's a woman into your sports, safe spaces, opportunities, prisons, and hospital wards. let a male nurse who says he's a woman care for a female AGAINST HER WISHES, because otherwise, if she isn't comfortable, it's transphobia. females should not have their own spaces for any reason bc transwomen are women like them." make them SAY THAT SHIT. bc that's what they're supporting.

Snake Baker #crackpot

Satanists keep saying they don’t really worship Satan, as if that makes them acceptable.

Firstly, that would just make them liars and scammers.

Secondly, they do worship Satan and just lie about it to promote the worship of Satan while offending as few people as possible.

various commenters #transphobia

Acting all shocked that the country that beheads women for adultery has backwards laws

( PresumedWoman )
They need to talk about twans wimmon who live in misogynistic hell scapes as often as possible because they think it backs up the "I have a woman soul this isn't a choice" when it only proves that AGP exists everywhere

( Carrots90 )

They also beat two Pakastani trans women for attending the Hajj several years back

Or maybe it was because it was pervy men trying to perv on women??

( MaryDyer )

Or maybe it was because it was pervy men trying to perv on women??

This. Males and females are segregated from one another in mosques; they even have separate entrances. The one for women is called the Sisters’ Entrance (at least that’s what it’s called in the mosque down the street from me). I’ve always been curious as to what will happen when some TIM demands access to the women’s side of a mosque.

( crodish )

forcibly detransitioning

Excuse me while I roll my eyes so hard that they fall into the back of my throat

How fucked is it that even in a place that literally kills women for being women that men STILL want to larp as them for a fetish?

Either that or it was a closeted gay man who thought the only way to live as a homosexual there was by "becoming a woman", in which case, maybe slightly more sympathy on my end is afforded at how the LGBTQ dogma fucks up actual arguments for gay rights.


edit: apparently the case was famous enough to have a wikipedia

and no. not gay. just a dude who was born in saudi arabia, relocated to the west for education, inevitably got sucked into gender ideology there, and when real life knocked on the door just refused to return to reality. They didn't fucking torture him, they threw away his HRT and said he was a man. and death before detransition made him 41%.

Fucking hell. He didn't face any actual oppression.


fschmidt #psycho

Bless the Russians for killing the Ukrainians. Bless the Israelis for killing the Palestinians. Bless the new Syrian government for killing whoever they are randomly killing. Bless anyone who kills anyone who isn't Japanese, traditional Anabaptist, or Arkian, because all these people deserve to die.

Allister Heath #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger

Those in today’s world who seek to exercise power over us – the woke mob, “human rights” lawyers, pressure groups, bureaucrats, politicians, regulators, big tech companies, HR departments, the post-liberal intelligentsia, the know-it-alls, the propagandists – are fully aware that free speech is their very own kryptonite. They dread scrutiny, and fear being held to account.

Their strategy to combat open and fearless expression can vary. Speech can be regulated or constrained by laws, directives or official guidance, as with ever-expanding privacy case law or “non-crime hate incidents”; bullying, shunning and cancelling dissidents can also work well, forging a toxic culture of self-censorship.

There is no better way to stamp out dissent than to cite a “speech code”, or claim that “the science” isn’t being followed, or to dismiss somebody’s opinion as a “conspiracy theory” (even when it is not) or to warn that somebody’s feelings are being hurt.

Several of the greatest global scandals of recent years could have been avoided had speech been freer. In Britain and Europe, cancel culture was deployed against anybody who questioned the scale and impact of mass migration, with sceptics smeared as racists. The Hunter Biden scandal was covered up, including by Facebook, which censored a New York Post story ahead of the 2020 elections. It became impossible to discuss the likelihood that Covid originated from an accidental lab leak in Wuhan; posts or articles would be removed from social media or search engines, and authors hounded as xenophobes.

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

Our Exoconscious Human Community gathered to discuss the recent global Drone Activity and express our observations, ideas, and creative wisdom as contactees. We represent hundreds of years of ET, multidimensional, and spiritual contact as a community.

As contactees, the recent drone activity—denied and dismissed by the government and military—comes as no surprise.

Social media is saturated with overly traumatic statements connecting the Drone activity to the Disclosure of the ET Threat. Social media pushes phrases like catastrophic disclosure, existential threat (a philosophical nod to Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Tillich), and Iranian Mothership.

These trigger phrases point to the growing Omniwar theory, developed by David Hughes, that in today’s warfare, all matter of life is weaponized, especially the human mind. If the entirety of humanity’s mind can be controlled, why bother with war weapons? The winner is declared before the battle commences.
An increasing number of COVID scholars are pointing to the similarity between the global “mass formation” mind control implemented during COVID. Jefferey Jaxen, a reporter for Highwire, courageously made this connection—linking the Exoconscious community to MAHA and Robert F. Kennedy, advocating for health.
By all accounts, the COVID mind control was a smashing success. Fear of suffering, death, and social isolation prompted people to line up for the vaccine.
Drones and ET false flags may shift the mass global consciousness regarding their cosmic connections. This recent drone flap may be a test to see how people advance their consciousness—opportunities for Exoconsciousness lie within this drone op.

The Drone event comes at a peak astrological time of the Winter Solstice, and configurations that point us to the sun as the heart of our galaxy align with the great attractor, which spurs a powerful time of spiritual growth. The Winter Solstice is our call to move within, engaging in deep spiritual work.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #quack #dunning-kruger #ableist

In a virtual event last week that was billed as a “Latino Town Hall,” presidential candidate and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unveiled his plan to overhaul addiction treatment programs. Speaking during a live recording of the Latino Capitalist podcast, Kennedy described opioid, antidepressant, and ADHD “addicts” receiving treatment on tech-free “wellness farms,” where they would spend as much as three or four years growing organic produce

How to pay for these farms? Kennedy had an answer. With money generated through a sales tax on cannabis products, Kennedy said[…]
On the farms, he said, residents would grow their own organic food—which would help them recover from addiction, “because a lot of the behavioral issues are food related. A lot of the illnesses are food related.” The idea that addiction is connected to consuming non-organic food is not backed by robust science[…]
Cell phones and other screens, he said, would be prohibited. “We’re going to re-parent people and restore connection to community,” he promised. “We have a whole generation of kids who are dispossessed, they’re alienated, their marginalized, their suicide rates are exploding; the second largest killer for young people is drug addiction.” Kennedy has suggested in the past that 5G cell phone technology could cause health problems

The range of people receiving such treatment could potentially include wide swaths of the population, since the wellness farms wouldn’t just be for people addicted to illegal drugs, but also for people who are taking antidepressants and ADHD medications

I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need—three or four years if they need it—to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities

The Old #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

The high civilization called Tartary was destroyed in the 20th century through floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations, and epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was then stolen and passed into the hands of Parasites, who falsified our past and created the current ignorant civilization.

In fact, aether is the element or matter that connects everything electromagnetically.

Aether is the set of all Universe ‘spheres’.

Atmosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, lonosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere, Plasmasphere.

They all are Aether.

Aether is also the four elements — earth, water, air, fire.

They are the result from aether’s vibrations.
On the fictitious date of April-July 1887, a fictitious investigation led by the fictional scientists, Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley, intended to prove that the aether did not exist.

The fabricated Morley-Michelson experiment concluded that there was no aether.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment that the false theory of relativity by equally false Einstein, and all current science, rest.

They created a false science with ‘electrons’, quantum mechanics, the quantum field theory, and the theory of relativity.
All the scientists, including Mendeleev, whose names would glamorously fill the history books after our defeat, are false. All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the Previous Civilization.

Nothing was invented or discovered in the 19th-20th centuries. Everything already existed in the world empire that I call White Federation.
All cities located at strategic points on Earth — along canals, rivers, seas, lakes and oceans — were Star Fortresses and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the Aether.
We had a Highly Advanced Civilization 100% powered by Water-Aether.

Our body is 70% water. There is also plasma in it.

We are connected to aether through water.

Water is liquid crystal.

Water has memory.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

JewJeetVille USA!

Hordes of Hindus are swarming in.

And the Jews are helping them storm in.

Whether it’s at the border, or H1B Visas, or even the Jew-enabled, “Diversity Visa Program”…

…the Hinduization of America is a curse that keeps on growing.

Cut to the chase it’s in your face at the RNC last summer.

It’s a bummer.

Then we got blindsided with that All American Catholic Boy—JD Vance, named VP—who combined his “dotted” White face to a Hindu girl, complete with a Kalyanam wedding.

It’s the curse that keeps on giving.

With Hindi gal, Sabrina Singh, as Defense SpokesJeet…

…and Vivek Ramaswammy at Government Efficiency…

…Trump adds insult to injury by picking Hinduish Tulsi Gabbard as “Intel Chief.”

Then picks pajeet Kashyep Patel as “Spy Chief.”

Twisting the knife to make the pajeet wound go deep…

Get Usta it.

That curry-flavored accent could be “Usha” Vance as the next “First Lady” of the White House in 2028.

The American boob is getting prepped for it.

The Great Replacement has a curry-flavored lace wrapped all around it.

Now, a Wahuguru Gal at “Civil Rights” has a strange “caste” to it.

Last time I checked if ya got the wrong caste you ain’t gonna get the job you want, the marriage you want, or the restaurant you want.

But in Jewmerca—where Jews are bringing Hindus in by the droves—the fruit of the caste, Harmeet Dhillion—is made chief of Civil Rights.

I call it JewJeetVille.

Somehow I can NEVER EVER get usta it.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #racist #quack #magick #conspiracy

Frequent readers know by now that the Rothschild Khazarian central bankster mafia is destroying the financial world and then aiming to kill 90% of humanity in order to stay in power.

The world’s military and intelligence communities are well aware of the Deep State cabal’s well documented attempts to kill us through nuclear war, biological weapons and now Directed Energy Weapons disguised as ‘5G’.

This technology is already active in many homes and is seriously affecting human brain function, skin and eyes.
At present, the Earth is already heavily irradiated from space. There are about two thousand fully operational satellites orbiting the Earth. Some beam down commercial GPS signals, some provide TV reception, some provide mobile phone services, and some bounce radar back and forth to produce images for meteorologists and military surveillance.

All ostensibly for the same purpose: to provide global broadband services. The satellites will operate at an altitude of around 210 miles, bombarding the Earth with extremely high frequencies between 37.5 GHz and 42 GHz.
“Disease has a vibration of 5.5 Hz, it does not exist above 25.5 Hz. The reason for low vibrations can be: fatigue, fear, nervous tension, anger, hatred… That is why we need to vibrate high and not constantly follow negative news to lower our frequency. The earth’s frequency today is 27.4 Hz, but there are places that vibrate very low, such as: hospitals, care centres, some bars, prisons, cellars, etc.

Here are the situations where the vibrations drop to 20 Hz or less:

Pain from 0.1 to 2 Hz,
Anxiety from 0.2 to 2.2 Hz,
Irritation from 0.9 to 6.8 Hz,
Noise from 0.6 to 2.2 Hz,
Pride 0.8 Hz,
Superiority 1.9 Hz.

The opposite is:

Generosity 95 Hz,
Gratitude 150 Hz,
Compassion 150 Hz and above,
Love for your neighbour and all living beings from 150Hz,
Unconditional and universal love from 205Hz…
All this helps us to vibrate higher!

Prayer and meditation raise the vibration from 120Hz to 350Hz!

Donald Trump #wingnut

No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year? Makes no sense! Many Canadians want Canada to become the 51st State. They would save massively on taxes and military protection. I think it is a great idea. 51st State!!!

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist

With these school shootings, they don't tend to tell the truth about why these kids are doing it. They don't admit they were put on drugs, or recently came off medication. They were angry at their parents.

But it's hell on earth, and it's only going to get worse.

Then they've put women in charge of many of these schools. The kids can't stand mama at home; now they have to deal with mama in the schools. They can't deal with that evil imposing spirit.
1:15 AM · Dec 18, 2024 · 4,095 Views

Massresistance #transphobia

It’s particularly alarming, say the pastors, that these groups take advantage of the relative illiteracy in rural areas by pushing homosexual and gender ideology there (often using the infamous “gender unicorn”) to persuade and recruit children to accept those ideas and behaviors.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: When treating transgender youth, how informed is informed consent?

( Eava )
This drives me nuts: "People who support the currently dominant gender-affirming model of care for children see kind practitioners trying to do their best for vulnerable patients who often have severe mental health issues due to living in a transphobic society."

No one ever considers that these mental health problems are the result of living in a misogynistic and homophobic society, not a transphobic society. People want to think misogyny and homophobia, like racism, have been solved. From women not wanting to be women or can't accept being lesbians, to gay boys being transitioned by homophobic parents, to heterosexual men getting warped by porn. Transphobia isn't the driving cause, it is misogyny.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
There’s no such thing as “transphobia”.

Women are generally afraid of TIMs because they’re MALE.

Men aren’t afraid of TIMs. It’s either that they get rabidly angry if the “woman” they hooked up with is actually a man. OR they see a TIM and hate him bc they think he’s a gay man (homophobia).

( Persimmon64 )
Exactly! Nobody is transphobic because there is no such thing as a trans person. It's so, so ridiculous.

It would be like saying someone hates people who are mixed species because they refuse to say the "lizard man" (who had surgery to make himself look reptilian) is part lizard or because people make fun of him. No, they're not making fun of him because he's "trans-species. They're making fun of him because he's weird.

( Riothamusscrote )
I believe TIMs are universally despised because they're the absolute worst men in society. They're perverts who get off on violating others' boundaries.

( BondiBlue )
Nobody can rationally consent to this, because trans on its face is a lie. A destructive (and very profitable) mindfuck of a lie. Humans cannot change sex; to “affirm” one’s belief in being something one is not and can never be, is feeding the delusion. As for NB bullshit, it’s even dumber because no one person is “they.” We do not contain multitudes and anyone who believes he or she is a plural identity is suffering under mental illness. The notion of “informed consent” for trans-anything is a fallacy in and of itself.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy

[From “December 10, 2024: Mount Olympus 57”]


spoilerPanel 1: man with Jewish physical features is speaking on the phone: “Elders!”, “We are at DEFCON 3” and “The pitchforks are out” [Previous cartoons featured mobs of Greek men revolting against their Jewish overlords]
Panel 2: a disincarnated voice from a computer: “We must activate our agents in media, government, academia, publishing, music, art, theater”
Panel 3: three men with long white beards and wearing shtreimels are hearing the voice says “The courts, police, military, intelligence agencies, churches, temples”
Panel 4: the voice concludes by saying “to convince the world how helpless we are” in front of a seal featuring an octupus and the inscription “Elders of Zion”

Batman #wingnut #ufo

UFO phenomena is wild but sometimes I wonder if all the demonism, paganism, divination, witchcraft, etc. going on in movies, music, TV, books, comics, school lessons, religious centers/churches, horoscopes, zodiac watching, should be more concerning and fearful in our hearts? It's everywhere, powerful, and so illegitimized.

pennygadget, BellaBlue & capributterfly #transphobia

NYT/Siena poll: Biden has lost female support

( pennygadget )

Also (and I know many here will disagree with me on this), abortion has less of an impact on women's daily lives than all the other issues democrats are dropping the ball on. American women aren't getting abortions every week. But crime, the immigration clusterfuck, the loss of female language, the homeless issue, cost of living, being denied female-only spaces, being compelled to call AGPs "she", the public schools being shit, the death of Title IX, etc impact us in direct ways every day.

And even if someone is a One Issue Voter regarding abortion, we all know that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if some TIM came to him and cried, "Abortion is transphobic because i can't have one!!!". So electing him isn't even a guarantee that abortion will remain legal in at least half the country

( BellaBlue )
Why wouldn't women support

-losing Title IX privileges such as female bathrooms, changing rooms, and sports in public schools

-losing spaces women fought to have, such as schools, bathrooms, prisons, nursing stations, locker rooms, etc.

-unrestricted mass immigration of undocumented men from cultures that tell them women are lesser beings and free for sexual harrassment

( capributterfly )
Imo Trump will be president again and it’s going to be partly on the Democrats. Their lax attitude on crime and homelessness, the border/illegal immigration, and obsession with eroding women’s rights for the benefit of trans people (mostly TIMs) may not end well for them.

Many Dem citizens were cool with these things too until it reached the point where it all started to affect them. Once nice areas of cities are becoming overrun with homeless mentally ill addicts, crime on public transit is (or seems to be at least) increasing, and the issue of TIMs in sports is becoming more common. All these issues seem to be coming to a point where even self-identified Democrats or left leaning people are waking up.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut

I don’t know what it’s going to take for people to realize the truth. The data is so clear the Covid vaccines and the flu vaccines don’t work. People simply want to trust the medical community no matter what the data says.image3:39 AM · Dec 16, 2024 · 154K Views
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