Jesse Kelly #fundie #sexist #wingnut

Blows me away people on the Right are complaining about abortion costing us elections.

As if a bunch of baby-murdering demonic hags voting Dem are gonna make me change my mind about the life of a baby.

If it cost me every seat in the country, I’d still be pro life.

Word Salad Award

Alberto Buela #wingnut #conspiracy

Progressivism, that senile disease of old ideologies such as Marxism and liberalism, found in this pseudo-language its most successful expression: it speaks without saying anything and defines without defining. Its method is to be always at the forefront of everything. Hence, man cannot have a pro-ject (something moving forward) because he (the progressive) is his own project.

When political analysts ask themselves about this or that project of a progressive government, they are asking a false question, or a question without foundation. It is like pretending to ask the hanged man about the noose or rope he’s hanging from.

This senile disease, a mixture of liberalism and Marxism, supported by the secular religion of human rights, is slowly occupying all the governments of the West, thus establishing a single, politically correct way of thinking.

The common areas of this thought are: concern for humanity and not for the needs of the people; concern for individual well-being and not for that of families; concern for consumption and not for savings; concern for the Earth and not for the land; concern for ritual and not for the sacred; concern for the economy and not for politics; concern for virtual companies and not for work; and so on in all aspects of behavior and thinking.
Today the power of progressivism, being hegemonic, is unconditional. This explains why any questioning is considered right-wing, fascist or imperialist. If multiple sectors of society say “no” to erroneous measures, the response is “no response,” silence, ignoring—in short, the canceling of the objector. Canceling has become a mechanism of denying everything that discomforts or questions progressivism. What is particularly serious is that at the same time that cancel culture denies or does not listen to the objections of its opponents, it yet calls for dialogue on the basis of a consensus that does not reach a consensus; that is, by way of a false consensus.

Outer Dimensional Forces #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex

Time Station Earth (TSE) is not a planet unto itself, but rather has TIME ARK Service Modules for necessary care and maintenance To ensure its proper functioning Through Time.
The Great CREATOR has always provided an Ark To assist HIS people, for Their Positive survival Through The ages. There was Noah’s Ark; There was Moses’ Ark or The Ark of The Covenant; and, Through all Time, There has been and always will be The DIVINE COMMAND ARK—HIS ARK OF MULTITUDE!
Under Command of The Positive Section of HIS Outer Dimensional Forces, your Service Modules are in position and ready To adjust earth’s polar axis by six degrees. The ODF of your CREATOR has set Seal #6 of Armageddon in MEASURED functional position for imminent activation! This polar shift/adjustment is an essential action, required periodically for Positive Timing, Cosmic Alignment and proper planetary balance.
The Poles of Time Station Earth must be serviced Three Times during each 7,000 year dispensation—at The end of each of Three Cosmic Seasons. This action ensures That Time Station Earth continues as a proper human habitation, To fulfill HIS purpose! This is like The CREATOR’S “chiropractic adjustment” for The “health” of The Time Station—for The benefit and security of it and its inhabitants.

At The present Time, The Sixth Fleet of The ODF is holding TSE’s poles in as stable a position as possible. If They were not, TSE would be experiencing such severe wobbles in its rotation That life would be impossible. As it is, you are seeing increased activity in major earthquakes, long-dormant volcanos and extreme weather events across The globe. The longer The activation of Seal #6 is held off, The more instability of relativity TSE will experience.

America First Legal #transphobia

HUGE VICTORY: Federal Judge Rules that Biden’s Edict Forcing Doctors to Treat Patients Based on “Gender Identity” is Unlawful

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night, America First Legal (AFL) secured a massive victory for its clients and for doctors across the United States when the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a decision declaring that the Biden Administration’s edict requiring doctors to provide transgender medical services–including requiring doctors to prescribe “puberty blockers,” “hormone therapy” for children, and referrals for surgeries that result in castration, sterilization, and genital mutilation–is unlawful.

Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits discrimination in health programs that receive federal funding “on the basis of sex.” The Biden Administration unilaterally determined–based on an atextual reading of the statute and a misinterpretation of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock–that section 1557 of the ACA also prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and discrimination on the basis of gender identity. In practice, the Biden Administration planned to use its interpretation to force doctors to provide medical care against their best medical judgment or face the loss of access to any medical plans that receive federal funding.

AFL filed a [url= action lawsuit[/url] against the Biden Administration on behalf of a class of doctors, seeking to prohibit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from forcing medical professionals to provide transgender-related medical services. The Court’s decision last night was a resounding loss for the Biden Administration and a tremendous victory for doctors across the United States.


@PanhandleMG #wingnut

(submitters note: in regards to the Robb Elementary School shooting)

Absolutely sickened by this horrific incident!!! Preventable and Avoidable!!! AND.... of course the Left never let a crisis go to waste! 30 seconds of sympathy, then go after good Citizen's self defense weapons and our Constitutional Rights!!! I'll be damned! I carry legally and will protect my home and family at all cost!!! That includes ANYONE who attempts to infringe on my God given Liberty!! Stay strong Patriots!!! THIS fight is just beginning!!! Prepare for the worse and NEVER EVER GIVE IN TO TYRANNICAL EVIL!!! God bless the Victims and their Families.... and God bless all of you!!!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Texas Governor Greg Abbott must declare an invasion.

When Republicans take back power, we have to empower state governors to deport illegal migrants out of the country.

No other country on Earth allows this.

Texas could end much of the invasion almost on it’s own.

Also, impeach Biden.

@repmtg IF Republicans take back power, half of them seem content to sit around doing nothing.

@Trumpublican @repmtg That is exactly what they did the last time they had complete control. Oh and they offshored our manufacturing base.

@Trumpublican @repmtg Do you think they will not steal the election in your face like they did last time? The solution is to march to the capitol of each state and demand that they stop obeying the Federal Government. If they won't then run them out of town for fear of their life.

@repmtg Yes this is white erasure of our nation.


What about Treason?

This is not an organic movement of migrants. This is being financed by George Soros, Joe Biden (trafficking them all over the US with tax dollars), the UN, and various NGO's.



@Storm4Real @repmtg The money comes from Beijing. Soros and the rest are just agents the ChiComs use to pass the yuans through.

Ok, think of it this way. Do liberals give away their OWN money? Of course not. They give away other people’s money. The CCP sees this as a way to attack the West. It’s a lot cheaper than a kinetic war, and by the looks of it, just as effective.

@repmtg If there were nothing here for the illegals, they wouldn’t come. Stop giving them things. Jail people who hire illegals. That’s how you do it.

We need a moratorium on ALL immigration.

@ThurlRavenscraft @repmtg We have to end the welfare that's importing them.

But most Americans want to collect entitlements until the inevitable collapse of the US Dollar and economy.

So here we are. It's coming.


Late, Late, LATE!!!

Stop the invasion at all costs...

various commenters #wingnut

( @RoseRock )
Bolsonaro just annulled the fraudulent election in Brazil. With the help of the military and waves of millions upon millions of pissed off citizens IN EVERY CITY IN BRAZIL, it looks like the socialist fraud, Lula, will be vacating the Presidency. In fact, there are rumors that he could be facing another prison sentence. The military was in charge of the re-count and they found that each election machine in Brazil had been switching votes from Bolsonaro to Lula, just as the machines were programmed to do in our country with votes switched from Trump to Biden. The only difference is that the Brazilians had the balls to do something about the fraud. If only our U.S. citizens were this courageous. "LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE"! WHAT A LAUGHING STOCK AND JOKE WE ARE TO THE REST OF THE WORLD.

( @Gobsmacked_Canuck )
@RoseRock This was the purpose of this "Q" thingy, make everyone sit and wait for some hero to swoop in and save the day. Stay peaceful and trust the plan, if doing nothing is the plan then it's a really dumb plan.

( @JamesTheJust4Me )

( @TheeEmissary )
@RoseRock Where are the American crowds of millions, protesting their Constitutional rights stolen right out from before their very eyes. Not a one in sight. You deserve whatever you allow.

( @DmntdSqrl )
@TheeEmissary @RoseRock are you gonna wave your protest sign? If you think that will accomplish anything here you are very mistaken.

Perhaps they simply choose to not fuck themselves for no net gain.

( @joehemp22 )

( @ElisaD )
@TheeEmissary @RoseRock They're watching the J6 Political Prisoners...

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #crackpot

TOPICS TRUMP COULD HAVE TALKED ABOUT TUESDAY NIGHT: 1. That Biden and his son have been arrested and transported to Guantanamo Bay to go before the Military Tribunal. (also revealing Biden is played by actors, a clone/body double and so on). 2. That he, Donald J. Trump is the President of the Republic of the United States of America and that the US Corp was dissolved during his term in office. That he Donald J. Trump is Commander in Chief, holds the codes and never stepped down from his role as President. 3. The arrest and transport to stand trial of Pelosi, her husband and numerous members of Congress and the Senate. 4. The block chain evidence collected by Space Force from the 2020 Election and the 2022 Midterms (and the primaries) revealing the actual votes and the many methods by which the steal of those elections took place. 5. The rescue of hundreds of thousands of children from underground bases in Ukraine, the United States and numerous other key locations around the world. And the technology (known as medbeds) now being used to heal the children as well as the military who were part of those recovery operations. 6. The adrenochrome highway (pedo networks) that have been operating for decades stretching from Hollywood to DC and key figures and dark magicians running them. The coming revelations regarding patriot celebs and famous individuals who are still alive but whose deaths were faked to safeguard them during this key time including, Diana, JFKjr and others. 8. The coming revelations regarding indictments of Generals, and deep state players who orchestrated the installation of the takeover of the government of the United States including foreign countries and organizations such as the British crown, M!6, The Vatican, the German DVD and China (CCP)…and others. THESE ARE JUST SOME OF THE EARTH SHAKING REVELATIONS THAT TRUMP could talk about in addition to announcing his plan to run for President of the Republic in 2024.

Jean-Charles Moyen #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

Jean-Charles Moyen served as a captain of a squad team of research and rescue in a 20 year and back program abord the Solaris in Solar Warden which had a mix of both USA/FRENCH officers. He recalls working along with extraterrestrials and conducting missions as a Super Soldier in Off-World Ops in the ULTIMA TACTICAL TEAM Matricule 777 unit. Jean-Charles will start off by sharing some of his early childhood experiences which would later groom him for his role in the secret space program. Jean-Charles is currently producing the documentaries South Shore Origin 1 and 2 with Michael Salla; which investigates two special agents in the unsolved cases division dealing with UFO’s and extraterrestrial abductions. He has also been featured in the documentary Connexion Alien which documents his close contacts of the 3rd 4th and 5th kind; and Revelations of a Starseed Parts 1 and 2 which documents eye witnesses and scientific evidence of Jean Charles experiences. Jean-Charles currently resides in Québec, Canada and has over 30 years experience in Hollywood special effects. He is also an expert in Martial Arts Ninjutsu Martial Arts and has been trained in International Close Protection.

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer #fundie #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

Demonic Abortion is a companion edition to Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer's larger work, Exorcism and the Church Militant. The parallels in the pro-life movement to the Church's hand-to-hand combat with the devil in exorcism are legion. The abortion industry is not just powerful in worldly terms; it is the institutionalized power of the devil. Human beings cannot commit such immense atrocities without a diabolical intelligence and malice giving them power. The scope of the killing, the fervor of abortion's missionaries of death and the seductive force of its ideology transcend the human intellect and will. Only the Church has the spiritual resources and the authority to end the culture of death. This book examines not only the satanic nature of the abortion industry, but also the spiritual power that the Church can marshal in the defense of the most innocent of God's children, the unborn--and their mothers. Christ will use the hearts that are ready to pray and the hands that are ready to work, and He will, through His Church Militant, drive out the evil of abortion from our midst

BeamBrain #moonbat

However much liberals hate to admit it, the rise of Nazi Germany was one of the greatest triumphs of liberalism. It codified fascism as capitalism’s antidote to working class anger, and Barbarossa, while a disastrous military failure for the Third Reich, damaged the USSR so severely that it ensured western capitalist dominance in the latter half of the 20th century. It’s why scratched liberals become fascists - any liberal with an ounce of self-awareness will recognize that fascists are the heroes and saviors of their wretched system.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon #wingnut

The Left only hated Trump because they sensed that Conservatives made him a stand-in for Christ.

At the end of the day, the one thing the Death Cult is enraged and terrified by the thought of you doing is turning back to Jesus Christ.

Don’t keep Him waiting.

I wrote a military thriller series about a world where many people returned to Christ. That world also has giant robot fights.

Experience it now:

JE Aggas #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick

Trump announcement 11/15/22
"November fifteenth" = 1122 (Sumerian)
If you write out "JFK assassination" it produces his death date in the Sumerian cipher.
"JFK assassination" = 1122 (Sumerian) = 11/22
Just like his brother who was assassinated on 6/6 being the number both of their names added up to.
"Robert Kennedy" = 66 (Reduction)
"Sirhan Sirhan" = 66 (Reduction)
"Sirhan & Kennedy" = 66 (Reduction)

"November fifteenth Twenty Twenty Two" = 5331 (Latin) 5331+1335 = 6666
5331. pharmakeia
Strong's Concordance
pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ

Galatians 5:20 N-NFS
GRK: εἰδωλολατρία φαρμακεία ἔχθραι ἔρις
NAS: idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife,
KJV: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
INT: idolatry sorcery enmities strife
Revelation 18:23 N-DFS
GRK: ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν
NAS: were deceived by your sorcery.
KJV: by thy sorceries were all
INT: by the sorcery of you were misled

Strong's Greek 5331
2 Occurrences

Jim #fundie #elitist

[From "He votes, counts for nothing"]

He who counts, counts for everything

Voting is over. Elections are over. The Republic is over

The time of Republics has passed, for a republic requires a virtuous elite, yet undermines elite virtue. Thus Republics are always short lived, and their endings dreadful

The time has come once again for a King appointed by God, and for an army to march to holy war under the banners of Christ

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Prenatal yoga class I was looking into uses the term “carrying persons”

( Feministunderyrbed )
I used to feel sorry for TIFs, they’re not a threat to me, victims of misogyny too, and all that. But when I think of the kind of pressure it has taken to impose these farcical speech codes on every business, government and institution serving women, I don’t feel like being in a room with TIFs any more than with TIMs. The delusions and aggression are almost equally creepy.

( femlez34 )
Honestly I think it's TIMs pushing for this as much if not more than TIFs. They know they can never be women because they can't get pregnant. They're desperate to divorce womanhood from female biology and turn it into an outfit, that's the only way they can participate.

( NoDayForADo )
More and more I find them practicing the worst kinds of misogyny. Skyler Bailer - HUGE supporter of Lia Thomas - given the voice of credibility because "he's a trans man athlete!" Think about it a little deeper and you'll see someone who hated being a woman so much she lopped her own tits off, who is now pushing for rules to hurt and humiliate other women.

( fiordisappho )
Same, plus I find their obsession with opting out of womanhood to “become men” particularly pathetic and enraging.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
What's frustrating is 90% of them don't actually want to become men. They're literally scared of men (like more so than the average woman IME) and refuse to use men's spaces because they don't like the misogyny, bro talk, male mannerisms, etc. They basically don't like anything about men, they just REALLY hate being treated like a woman.

They obsess over male characters written by women, male representations that don't actually exist. That's what they want to be.

( pennygadget )

They obsess over male characters written by women, male representations that don't actually exist. That's what they want to be.

They want to be like the yaoi boys in their Manga. Just like how the TIMs want to be giggling hentai sluts

( Feministunderyrbed )
Equal parts pitiable and infuriating, yeah.

( hmimperialtortie )
Same. My pity has largely been replaced by contempt.

Matt Walsh #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #wingnut

Daily Wire host calls the US soccer team “treasonous” for using rainbow colors in one of their crests at the World Cup

Matt Walsh: “If I was in charge of the country, they wouldn't be allowed back into the country”

As noted earlier, this rainbow crest is being used alongside the traditional crest, in part because of the extremely cruel anti-LGBTQ laws in Qatar.

MATT WALSH (HOST): The corporate gay pride stuff is just sheep's blood on the door signaling that they are the chosen people so the angel of cancellation passes them over. But as far as symbolism goes, I think it is appropriate that they should change the colors of the American flag with the colors of the LGBT flag. I mean, it's horrendous, it's traitorous, it's treasonous -- if I was in charge of the country, they wouldn't be allowed back into the country -- but it's also appropriate because the LGBT nation, LGBTistan we may call it, is, after all, the country that corporate America as well as the United States government seeks to represent. It is the nation that the left pledges its allegiance to. It is the country that wishes to colonize the world and export its ideas and values to corners of the globe that have no interest in them.

Now, I've often said that the alphabet club is a religious cult. And it is that, certainly. But maybe, on second thought, it's better understood in this way, as a country. It has its own flag, its own national holidays, its own myths and traditions, its own sports teams, and it has its own government too, which is formerly known as the United States government.

Now some people predict that we will eventually in the future become two countries, there's going to be some civil war. But the point is we're already two countries. There's one that salutes the Pride flag and despises the American flag, and one that salutes the American flag and has no use for the Pride flag. At this point, it's only a matter of making the split official, I suppose. Something that we will probably never do, but we should.

Procrastinhater #homophobia #psycho #transphobia #wingnut

There is a literal tranny god there though.

Yes, Slaanesh, and he/she/it seems to have been memed into reality in our world too since the LGBTQHIV+ resemble nothing less than a Slaanesh Cult, dont believe me, look at "Pride" parades.

Per Andy Ngo, the one screaming is a model for Coach

Our society fucked up when we stopped beating and ridiculing these faggots for going outside like that.
Once they started to feel safe to parade their fetishes it was obvious these histrionic attention seeking cunts would just get worse and worse.
They used to be afraid to be exposed as perverts, tolerance was a mistake, it turned to acceptance, then normalization, then promotion and indoctrination.
Now we have fucking freaks like this.
We need to bring back public ridiculing of these freaks.
If they want to be perverts they should keep it in private where sane people don't have to be subjected to deviants.

@GeneralSnob #wingnut

What needs to be created in a red state is a parallel economy.

One that serves conservatives, their families, their values.

One that is seperate from the federal government. One that is policed by our own. One thst sees people coming together. Providing for one another. Creating a proper education system to get kids back on the right track.

We need to disassociate with the left, liberals and the federal government. Seperate ourselves in all senses.

We need to get smart, work hard and start creating a seperate world for ourselves.

One that serves us only.

@GeneralSnob #wingnut #psycho

War would be good for our society one could argue. Not ideal for us in the short-term or our environment, but in the long run very beneficial.

They have corrupted at least two generations of young minds. Making them think they are the enemies of this planet. Not to breathe, breed or eat, and they are going along with this programming.

Besides the kids this pandemic has shown that most adults are complete retards incapable of intelligence and independent thought. They have sacrificed their own children for their safety and shown all of us how dangerous, stupid and selfish they are.

We cannot live alongside these people for much longer. The media will turn then into a violent mob to attack us on any given command. They are being primed right now, stoked by fear

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
It’s amazing to be with so many patriots in Youngstown, Ohio!! 🇺🇸

I can’t wait to hear from President Trump!

@RealMarjorieGreene Did he say how great the China shot was? Did he warn Americans not to take MADE IN CHINA TEST KITS? Did he tell you that he should have posted the US CONSTITUTION on the tv set while allowing govs to shut down small biz instead of telling them to GFT?
IT should be illegal and against NS to force a test kit, mask or any damn thing made in china on Americans period. These test kits should have been banned period and I have posted this from the beginning of their test tent roll out. IBMA IT'S HOW THEY INFECTED THE WORLD SO QUICK AND NOW THE EVIDENCE IS GONE. WHY ISN.T THIS BEING PRESENTED AT EVERY TRUMP RALLY? I have suggested this to many platforms since day one.

@RealMarjorieGreene Fuck this anti-White cunt.

@RealMarjorieGreene So I guess everyone is just fine with Trump's bioweapons. We're just going to memory hole that, I guess?

@Liberty1111Q @RealMarjorieGreene shhhhh just believe the false flags and send him money. He's DEFINITELY not a globalist. 🤣

Mass cognitive dissonance stockholm syndrome...
A sea of uninformed deluded morons...
The reality and truth is right in your stupid faces...
This cunt will probably be the VP pick...
All jew turncoats no better or different than the commie scum in office now...
The culling has only just begun...

Donald J. Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!

( @KTH )
@realdonaldtrump Don't want an announcement that you're running. Want an announcement that the military is doing its job.

( @AxiumGreenWallace3 )
@KTH @realdonaldtrump Exactly! All I want to hear is the Military arresting the treason filled, election STEALING, pedo Cabal, fake "administration!" Why would Trump announce he's running? To get stolen like 2020?! This shit is getting really fuckin old! We need a REVOLUTION!

( @Linkster )
@KTH @realdonaldtrump Right! I will be pissed if it is just an annoucement for 2024. As I have thought it, it won't be just will be something more I believe....possibly much more. We will soon know.

( @PatriQt )
@realdonaldtrump I pray this is a we caught them, here is the evidence, and the NG are arresting them as I speak.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@PatriQt @realdonaldtrump Surely you knew that Trump would say none of these things. SURELY you can see that the Q influencers here have been lying to us all along. If not now, perhaps you'll see it after 100 more "big announcements" turn out to be nothing?

( @lioneldeleon )
@realdonaldtrump Unless you are announcing a military action against an illegitimate government, today will only be hyperbolic political theater. Announcing your candidacy does not qualify as historical importance.

( @BrianOkajima )

( @private345 )
@realdonaldtrump Unless you are calling in the Military to arrest the Deep Staters and whisk them off to Gitmo for military tribunals - then anything else is nothing. Actually you should have done that 2 years ago.

( @EShafer )
@realdonaldtrump Our country is dead. It died on J6 when the people who were lawfully protesting and delivering a redress of grievances were arrested on false pretenses. It continues to be dead until we can have actual fair elections again. Voting will not fix anything.

Jon Voight #conspiracy #wingnut

It is with great honour that I say ‘God Bless America’.

Let us all wish this great land a healing from all the unrighteousness that is taking place. My fellow Americans, we are in danger of a Third World War. We as a family of One Truth must hear this now, look at this lie, this deceit that continues day after day. Can you not see this lie? We must all wake up. Wake up because if we don’t see this lie, this land will die, die in its freedom, its beauty, its opportunity. It’s supposed to be the Land of the Free, it’s far from this. It’s a dark web, a dark world but not for long because my friends, a change is coming and a new light will emerge. We must all see this truth and allow justice to take place now.

You see, the only way we can win these elections is to see the lies, deceit and corruption from the Left, the media and the Unknowns, who know who they are. Let us all come together and [inaudible] for true justice for all. Let us pray that the one President who understood truths and had the best interests of the American people, the American Dream, President Donald Trump, will return to the Presidency. He, and only he, can stop this swamp, this deceit and injustice.

My fellow Americans, wake up. Wake up from this bad dream and bring back life, justice, truth in the only land that’s meant for dreams of goodness, the Land of the Free, America, the greatest land, the greatest soil for mankind. And this, my friends, is where we must see the truth. Allow President Trump to rebuild our soil and out land so we can rise to her glory.

Much love to you.

Stefan from Germany #wingnut #conspiracy

Greetings from Germany, dear Patriots!
Actually, I wanted to write about the topic of staff shortages and infections. Because this is the number one topic in Germany. Molds of various industries are desperately looking for personnel and can’t find it. In addition, and this is of course due to the annual flu epidemic, there is a high level of sickness among existing staff. Yes, you read that right, in Germany the flu has returned after two years, officially. We know it has always existed, only now our ruling actors called it “Covid”. So did the indoctrinated medical profession. And in the last few days, the lack of personnel and a high level of infection has also hit the “youth welfare offices” and their facilities. Are we surprised? No, because we know that these were the “facilities” worldwide that provided the Deep State with children.
But now to the actual topic “What is the Alliance waiting for, are the White Hats waiting for?” And Germany is, after all, a showcase country in terms of sluggish or non-existent awakening. I’ve written this to you before, if the Alliance were waiting for Germany, we would be nowhere near where we are now. And the plan would have to be designed for decades. Ask yourselves, would the world, as it looks right now, still hold out? Without wanting to influence you, I answer with NO!
So, what is the Alliance waiting for? It can’t wait for the patriots to take to the streets and knock down everything in their path. Although this would actually be a natural reaction, given the massive electoral fraud in Brazil and at the Midterms. Rioting, insurrection or even civil war would be counterproductive for us and also for the plan. The casualties, which are already high by my standards, would be too great. So is the alliance waiting for us to protest peacefully? And that we, for example in Germany, put ourselves at risk of being bludgeoned by MK ultra “policemen”? The more I think about it, the more confused I get.

Linda Harvey #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia #wingnut #conspiracy

The first few weeks of school are hectic but also exciting. New backpacks, new outfits, new friends, new pronouns....

Wait, no. Hopefully not. Hopefully your child’s teacher won’t demand affirmation of “woke” ideology from your son or daughter and will show respect for settled science and biology.
your child’s classroom transforms into a propaganda session, your daughter or son needs to be ready, equipped for this line-in-the-sand moment.

Because that’s what it is. If you have your kids in the public schools (or even certain private schools), now is the time to train and equip them to be ready to take a stand for sanity and for God’s binary design of male and female which still (unsurprisingly) works just fine.
"For grade schoolers:

“I was born a boy (or girl) and I’m happy to announce that I will remain that way.”

“My parents filled out a form when I started school. Please use that information.”

“I am a girl (boy) and that’s something that will never change.”

“My mom and dad (or mom, or dad, etc.) said they don't want me discussing this and if you have any questions to please call them.”

"I just want to learn school lessons, not this pronoun stuff." 

“My dad (mom) says there are only boys and girls and that’s how God made us.”

For middle and high school:

"I believe there are only two genders, and only two sets of pronouns for people.”

“I'd really like to enjoy my childhood/youth/last year of high school (etc.) and not delve into such matters.”

"Is this a legal requirement?"
"Is this in the school handbook?""
And others suggested an obvious solution—get your children out of public schools:

“My suggestion is to parents: pull your children out of any classroom or school that would ask them their preferred pronoun. Your children, even teens, are too malleable, too vulnerable to be placed in these Marxist indoctrination centers. Children are too young to take on these ideologically-driven adults in their schools. Get them out!”

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia

Martin Bormann, who signed
Hitler's paycheck and knew everything about the Nazi war effort, was an Allied spy.

The book "Op JB" (1996) by John Ainsworth-Davis describes how he and Ian Fleming rescued Bormann from the ruins of Berlin in 1945.

James Bond was modeled on Ainsworth-Davis who was an Illuminati sex slave and mass murderer. He may have serviced the gay Winston Churchill and his spymaster Desmond Morton.

This book is the smoking gun that proves the Second World Warwas a charade. While most Nazis were sincere, the movement was sponsored and controlled at the top by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel in order to kill "goyim" on both sides, increase banker wealth and power, destroy Germany, and advance world government. Assimilated Jews were also sacrificed to disguise the Gentile holocaust and to create the Jewish state as HQ of the NWO.
The cover story was that Bormann supposedly would help the Allies retrieve Nazi wartime plunder and return it to its rightful owners. If you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida... Bormann had been an Illuminati British agent all along and was largely responsible for the Nazi defeat. World War Two was a monstrous Rothschild fraud on Germans, Jews, and the human race. The plunder ended up in Illuminati hands.
Like Creighton, we are all pawns in their game. For example, Otto Gunther, Bormann's double, was a POW found in Canada. Bormann's records were altered to fit Gunther so when his dead body was found, people believed it was Hitler's Deputy.

The commandos accompanying Bormann on his escape had no idea of his identity. Many were Jewish "freedom fighters." What an irony!

Great nations, England, the United States, Germany, France are all Illuminati pawns. What good is a democracy when the Illuminati Order owns the politicians and controls information?

Think of the millions who died in World War Two, all to destroy and degrade mankind so the Illuminati inbreds can own and control everyone.

Unnamed Queensland Police Service officers in Brisbane #wingnut #racist #psycho

Audio recordings taken at the Brisbane city police watch house reveal officers joking about beating and burying black people, referring to Nigerians as “jigaboos”, and raising fears that Australia “will be fucking taken over”

A series of tapes, leaked to Guardian Australia by a whistleblower, record several Queensland police service officers using racist slurs and offensive language while working in the holding cells

The audio – which we have published below – features comments by several watch house officers (a non-policing role) and sworn police. It includes jokes about one officer’s desire to “skull drag” protesters, discussions of fears of “outbreeding” by Muslim immigrants, and, when speaking about African population growth, the comment “let’s just hope Ebola works”

The recordings were submitted to the state’s commission of inquiry into police responses to domestic and family violence by watch house officer Steven Marshall[…]
He says some conversations were about people of colour held at the watch house, including one black detainee being referred to as “a gorilla in the mist” and jokes made about a fellow officer that a female Indigenous detainee “won’t give you a fucking blowjob here”[…]
He says that he only complained internally about one of these recordings because he had previously complained about unrelated matters and had “exhausted all options over many years” to hold colleagues to account in relation to these, including lodging internal whistleblower complaints

Ben Garrison #wingnut #conspiracy


Arizona voters must feel a bit hen pecked. Their Republican ballots got scrambled up and turned into a Democrat omelette. The Marxist chickens of a feather stick together and they stole another election. To them, the ends justify the means.

Democrat Katie Hobbs was elected Arizona governor after a week-long drag out of vote counting. Such a long delay was a sure sign of fraud. Hobbs was Secretary of State and in charge of Arizona’s election. It was like allowing a fox to run a henhouse. She did not recuse herself and she was even seen on the vote counting floor. No doubt she was directing the cheat.

America has become a 3rd-world banana republic and the midterms are just another example of the corruption. Widespread mail-in balloting invites fraud, and that’s egg-zactly what we saw. Ballot harvesters were able to make sure the reluctant voted. Democrat operatives filled out the ballots themselves if necessary. Dead people voted. Those who had moved out of state voted. People residing in vacant lots voted. Counted votes were mixed with uncounted votes, thus inviting double counts for double dealing Democrats. Republican votes were no doubt lost or changed. Arizona has egg on its face.

The question is, what can we do about it? Anyone who complains will be promptly smeared as an ‘election denier.’ They will be said to be against ‘democracy.’ In other words, the Democrats blatantly stole elections again and accuse anyone who objects to their criminality as being unAmerican.

Nothing was done when the election was stolen from Trump. The voting machines are still there and so are the mail-in ballots, the drop boxes, and the dirty tricks in the counting rooms. We may as well let Red China do the voting.

Jack Chick #conspiracy #homophobia


As homosexuals press for acceptance, their even more perverted cousins, the pedophiles, are marching in their shadow.

CBN's NewsWatch reports that sexual predators who target children have learned a how-to lesson from the homosexual movement on seeking legitimacy.

Several years ago homosexual activists began preaching the message that consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they wished sexually. They were so successful in selling this message that the lawmakers removed the sodomy laws from the books in most states.

Now pedophile organizations such as the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) are pushing against the age of consent laws. NewsWatch says, "Americans are continually bombarded with images on television and in magazines of grown-up looking children striking provocative poses."

The Calvin Klein ads which were recently pulled because of public outcry are cited as an example. This media hype begins to desensitize the public.

NAMBLA believes that eventually their message will be accepted: "And what about the notion of the age of this age of adolescent sexual precocity? Shouldn't it be lowered to a more realistic standard? Say, to fourteen, thirteen or twelve?"

BlackPilledOverdose017 #racist

Jewish Question Mega Thread

((Franz Boas))) Was the jew created race denialism:

(((Karl Marx))) Was the jew who created communism:–1836

(((Betty Friedan))) Was the jew who created second wave feminism:

(((Lucian Grainge))) is the CEO of Universal music group:

(((Greg Lansky))) Is the owner of the porn website "Blacked" : The entire porn industry was also created by jews: The adult film industry in America came to exist, and was allowed to flourish, thanks almost entirely to the work of Jewish trailblazers.

(((Larry Silverstein))) Was the owner of WTC 7 which somehow collapsed on 9/11 despite never being hit by a plane:

(((Joe Slovo))) Was a jew who helped Nelson Mandela overthrow apartheid: The entire anti apartheid movement was also lead by jews:

(((Albert Bourla))) Is the jew behind the (((Pfizer Vaccine))) The covid vaccines are created by jews also:

(((George Soros))) Is the jew who runs the open society foundations which funds leftist groups:
His own son admits he does what he does because he's a jew:


@DragonKitigan #transphobia #pratt

Yeah, & I have many reactions to you, a straight woman, helping to destroy women’s rights, & sterilizing kids, you groomer! Thanks for helping women incarcerated to get raped, by men pretending to be women. Thanks for spurning a generation of people who will never have kids if they want them, & never have satisfying sexual relations. It’s going to lead to whole swath of very angry people once they realized they were groomed into this noncery. Giving puberty blockers to kids is a child pervert’s dream. They can keep their victims in a permanent child like state. I absolutely hate everything you do, Strangio. So, fuck off. Fuck off for good. No real gay man wants you. You don’t have “the goods”, & you never will. Deal! Take your stupid looking pornstache & shove it.

Bloody fucking Hell!

various commenters #wingnut #racist

Jew calls for the German people to free themselves of the guilt that's been forced on them for the last 77 years.

Meanwhile, Russia encourages the German people to continue feeling guilty and hating themselves.

I don't care whose side you're on, this is one fucking unreal timeline we're living in.

@Nature_and_Race The German people are a dog that's been beaten its whole life.

@EddieHaskill @Nature_and_Race but the German elites have caused humanity a lot of suffering, by coming up with destructive, revolutionary creeds (Protestantism, several forms of socialism, Marxism albeit indirectly) and by fomenting revolutions and wars (they protected Lenin and unleashed him on the Russians, they carved up Eastern Europe with the Soviets). In more recent times their corrupt politicians have severely weakened Europe by selling out its energy policy to the Russians. Plus, they are responsible for squashing any real historical research on the Holocaust and WW2 in general - they are the most rabid opponents of free speech on this topic, and violent about it. I used to admire German society but overall they have been a destructive force in many ways.

@Nature_and_Race It only proves the Russians are consistent and the jews are opportunistic bastards.

@Nature_and_Race :honk: Ukrainian NAZIs are animals and have absolutely nothing in common with the virtues of National Socialists.

@Nature_and_Race If anything it's the Russians that should feel guilty for what they did to the German people after the war

@Nature_and_Race I think they are going for a state of complete confusion by design. It's no coincidence that they put a jew in charge of Ukraine just before they invaded Europe. Since covid, operation mindfuck has been in full flow and there is disinformation from multiple angles. You have to trust your instinct to a degree.

various commenters #wingnut

This is perfect. These idiots are getting themselves fixed.

spoilerVasectomies are up 900% since the
Roe reversal. Liberal men getting
"fixed" gives me great hope for the
future of our country.

@Teamsaveamerica I actually AGREE with this tweet! Liberal men getting vasectomies gives me hope for the future of our country too!!
That way only conservative Patriots will be able to breed!!

@RonaldRaygun1984 @Teamsaveamerica even the gay liberal men???? They're really fucking stupid

@RonaldRaygun1984 @Teamsaveamerica Many of them are brainwashed simply because they were born in a liberal state. They would be Conservatives if they were born in a Red state.

@Teamsaveamerica I encourage every liberal to get spayed and Neutered...

Make sure you get every booster and new vaccine the drug companies roll.out...

It might take a little effort but I bet ypu fucktards can Genocide yourselves out of the gene pool in one generation....

@Teamsaveamerica But don't you know that liberal men can get pregnant?

@Teamsaveamerica Natural Selection 👍

@Teamsaveamerica The libtards aren't breeding, which is a miracle.

@Teamsaveamerica They are definitely getting fixed for the greater good. No more girly men.

@Teamsaveamerica all prior generations of man looking at this thinking... wait the enemy is castrating themselves? and paying for it!??

@Teamsaveamerica -That's GREAT! Now Liberal Females won't be getting Pregnant, and that is Good for Morality (No Abortions) and Good for Humanity (Less Subversive Liberals). It is a definite WIN for the FUTURE of the COUNTRY!

Bible Thumpin n Gun Totin #wingnut #fundie #sexist

God is judging our nation.

Democrats are "winning" in deep red areas because they are harvesting mail-in ballots from voters sitting on their couch or living with their mommies.

IMO Republicans will never be competitive so long as mail-in voting continues. Voting should require effort. If you can't be bothered to get off your rear and go vote then you don't get to vote.

Other unpopular items that are needed to fix things:
-Repeal the 19th Amendment
-Only landholding (house, condo, raw land) males are allowed to vote
-Must be a productive member of society, not on welfare to vote

Until these actions are taken:
-women will continue to vote to murder babies, and go soft on tranny and gay discipleship
-Renters will vote for rent relief and destruction of property rights
-Welfare consumers will outvote the members of society that are paying for their welfare

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie #sexist

Fucking succubus as a Christian man is cucking Satan

Fucking a demon is possibly the most based and redpilled thing you can do.

You are fucking a demon, a demon who's Satan raised it to destroy humanity, who never thought that it would be spreading its buttcheeks and getting cummed in its asshole, who probably thought his spawn would grow up to steal human souls like him, but instead is getting fucked in the ass by God's greatest creation that is human, moaning femininely, and taking seed of a said alpha human into its womb. It's not only just been humiliated, but has been put into its rightful place by Christ's sons. If only Satan could see this, what he would be thinking inside of his head, that he raised his little spawn just to be a cumdumster for a humanchad.

You, by fucking a demon, is meta-physically cucking Satan and the entire demonhood, stripping them of all their honor and pride all in the name of Christ's superiority. It is the most alpha thing you can possibly do.

From satan's perspective he is accomplishing his goal by having you condemn yourself.
you think he has any honor in the first place?

Honor? No. Pride? A lot. And nothing hurts a prideful man more than fucking his daughter.

Don't fall for sex = bad propaganda. It was an attempt of Satan to save face because his whore daughters couldn't resist the seed of Christian men.

The only permissible way to have sex is within marriage. I don't remember marriage between a demoness and a human being legal according to the Christian faith. So you're condemning yourself to sin for no reason.

Nothing in the good book says that you can't marry a succubus and turn her wayward ways on the path of redemtion paved by Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Anonymous #crackpot #elitist #pratt #psycho

NPC thread w/ REAL info

According to Dolores Cannon's (rip) books "Convoluted Universe #4" and "Convoluted Universe #5" we get the following QHHT ("Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique" OR regressive hypnosis OR "original life force" channeling) information about real NPCs:

>NPCs are called background people
>background people are in this reality to fill up the background of real people/player characters
>real people have a soul, a mission and reason to be here, to grow and to learn
>background people don't have a soul, they are merely energy, a tool to fill out the picture
>the "original life force" (aka: source energy/holy spirit) says this background people energy is basically a kind of slave energy: they get send to any place that requires filling the background, no matter which planet or reality
>from our current 3D physical perspective you CAN NOT distinguish an NPC from a "player character", so from the outside you won't notice a difference
>only by integrating the spiritual view you can find out, that the NPC has no soul and is a NPC
>NPCs live ordinary lives, have jobs, have families, procreate and have children, they keep the cycle of recreation going even when the "players" decide to never have children, the human race won't be lost, since NPCs keep populating the place
>if I remember correctly NPCs CAN be upgraded by their own will and level up to get a soul and become a player character, but basically all of them are not aware of that

these are most important points I gathered and I hope it sheds some light into our confusion about the topic. this info is real channeled info, not my speculation. the terminology might differ but you get the picture.


>If NPCs are a wandering slave energy without soul, then what is the difference between a soul and materialized energy? Both are consciousness, right?
>Do you have a soul or are we all NPCs here?
>How do you know you have a soul?

Further questions:

Is imagination proof of having a soul?
If I can't visualize does that mean I'm a NPC?
Do NPCs have internal monologues or is that part of the ego?
Are dreams part of being a spiritual being with a soul?
Do NPCs dream?

Judy Byington/SGAnon #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #mammon

The First Constitution of the United States of America Known as
The Articles of Confederation
Was Authored by Congress on Nov. 15 1777
President Trump Will Make a Special Announcement on Nov. 15 2022

Sabotage Threat:
Midterms Were Infiltrated
Trust the Plan
The initial plan from Space Force was to remove Biden in Jan. 2020 – but there were two nukes that were going to be un-leased on the American people if that happened.

Dates on the RV have been given that didn’t happen because of the need for Sting Operations to catch the Cabal.

2022 Election Fraud has been reported from all over the country.
NESARA was signed into law by Bill Clinton at gunpoint, but he refused to implement it, as did other presidents, until Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court sat on $16 trillion dollar slush fund to implement NESARA.

NESARA is a template for World Peace. It will completely remove the Cabal’s ability to rule over society.

On Feb. 4 2014 Trump signed an EO to implement NESARA.
The Trump Presidency was a legal coup against the Deep State.

The QFS will make corruption impossible – an extremely large portion of the wealth confiscated from the Deep State will be used in Humanitarian efforts.

JFK Jr. is alive.

Hillary Clinton died Dec. 31 2018 at 9:05 pm at GITMO Camp Delta. Trump witnessed the hanging.

Military Tribunals have taken place at the White House in Washington DC, Buckingham Palace in London, at GITMO and two other locations.

George W Bush has been executed – shortly after the funeral of his father.

Each of the cards at the Bush funeral contained a summons to Military Tribunals.

Michael Obama was a male.

The Obamas have been detained and saved for later Event.

Epstein is not dead yet.

Walmart has been bankrupted, with assets seized.

95% of the tunnel children have been rescued.

Med Beds are real and have been used on the rescued traumatized human trafficked children and their rescuers.

Saint Andrew's Twin Flame #crackpot #ufo #god-complex #conspiracy #wingnut

WE are HUMANS, SAINTS,BEINGS here from other PLANETS here on MISSION. And many of us are EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL from other planets here for ASCENSION and to USHER in THE GOLDEN AGES etc. MANY on this planet come from OTHER PLANETS as THE BENEVOLENT LIGHT FORCES are many different BEings.
According to various sources we have different teams. TEAM LIGHT and TEAM DARK for 3D learning is DIFFERENT from team EVIL. I think TEAM DARK is the DJINN ? I am not really sure about that ? However – This is WHY so many EXTRA planets were brought here as some will be moved over to 3D positive EARTH – whom are NOT ready to ascend yet and they will have to wait another 26,000 years for the next harvest of benevolent souls and the separation of those whom are NOT ready and those whom are going to 5D and up. HEAVEN, = we are separating the wheat from the chaff. SOME will be going to the GRAND-CENTRAL SUN to have their EVIL souls restructured to LOVE and some will be executed, some will be going to JAIL. Hence the MANY WARS that have BEEN over our heads for millions of years and the EVIL SOULS that want to KEEP US – HUMANITY who are THE CREATOR CHILDREN of the GOD’S trapped in a lower vibration timelines so the EVIL ONES can FEAST OFF of US and our DIVINE LIGHT ENERGIES and BLOOD and FLESH and ADRENOCHROME from tortured children etc.
REMINDER: I AM a GALACTIC EMISSARY of LIGHT the REAL incarnation of SAINT ANDREW here on MISSION as DIVINE JUSTICE for THE COMPANY of HEAVEN and this planet. ANY ATTACKS on MYSELF and/or MY FAMILY and/or any DEATH ATTEMPTS will result in INSTANT DEATH as per GOD himself. And that ALSO stands for the 144,400 that are here on DIVINE MISSION<S> as well. I AM STILL RECORDING and ANY ATTEMPTS at hacking/destroying this website and/or this server and – I will have YOU ARRESTED by the UNIVERSAL FORCE.

NOBODY and I QUOTE = NO 3D HUMAN un-ascended being or any other being is allowed to JUDGE any HOLY SAINT, ASCENDED MASTER or the 144,400 here on MISSION.

Haibatullah Akhundzada #fundie #psycho #sexist

Afghan supreme leader orders full implementation of sharia law

Public executions and amputations some of the punishments for crimes including adultery and theft

Afghanistan’s supreme leader has ordered judges to fully enforce aspects of Islamic law that include public executions, stonings, floggings and the amputation of limbs for thieves, the Taliban’s chief spokesperson said.

Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted on Sunday that the “obligatory” command by Haibatullah Akhundzada came after the secretive leader met with a group of judges.

Akhundzada, who has not been filmed or photographed in public since the Taliban returned to power in August last year, rules by decree from Kandahar, the movement’s birthplace and spiritual heartland.

“Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and seditionists,” Mujahid quoted Akhundzada as saying. Those files in which all the sharia [Islamic law] conditions of hudud and qisas have been fulfilled, you are obliged to implement. This is the ruling of sharia, and my command, which is obligatory.”

Mujahid was not available on Monday to expand on his tweet.

Hudud refers to offences for which, under Islamic law, certain types of punishment are mandated, while qisas translates as “retaliation in kind” – effectively an eye for an eye.

Hudud crimes include adultery – and falsely accusing someone of it – drinking alcohol, theft, kidnapping and highway robbery, apostasy and rebellion.

Qisas covers murder and deliberate injury, among other things, but also allows for the families of victims to accept compensation in lieu of punishment.

Islamic scholars say crimes leading to hudud punishment require a very high degree of proof, including – in the case of adultery – confession, or being witnessed by four adult male Muslims.

Since last year’s takeover, videos and pictures of Taliban fighters meting out summary floggings to people accused of various offences have appeared frequently on social media.

The hard-won rights of women in particular have evaporated in the past 15 months, and they are increasingly being squeezed out of public life.

In the past week, the Taliban also banned women from entering parks, funfairs, gyms and public baths.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #racist #conspiracy

Have you fallen victim to false claims of the anti-Christian Hebrew Roots Movement and the Yahweh scam? The God of the Bible is Jehovah!
We all acknowledge the Jewish roots of biblical Christianity as we also understand that the Church is made up of saved Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Christ. But Judaism, the cultural extra-biblical traditions of the rabbis is something altogether different. We have written extensively about something called the Hebrew Roots Movement which, as we have shown you, is nothing more than a scam to steal the faith from born again Christians in Jesus Christ. Saved sinners don’t become Jews at salvation, they become Christians who are placed in a Body, not grafted into national Israel.

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are going to show you the truth about the Hebrew Roots Movement which creates ‘another Jesus’, as well as what we like to call the Yahweh scam. The word ‘Yahweh’ appears nowhere in your King James Bible, but the word JEHOVAH sure does. I understand this flies in the face of what some of your favorite online Bible teachers teach, and it flies in the face of what some of you were taught at seminary. So who is this Yahweh? A tribal god of the Canaanites who was married to the Queen of Heaven, Ashtaroth! There has been a campaign waged by Bible correctors for the past 140 years to steal Jehovah from you, and give you the tribal god Yahweh instead. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we show you all this and much more.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

For Democracy to work, those who control election procedures and vote counting must believe in a fair vote. They must believe in democracy. If instead they believe in power, which Democrats do, there cannot be a fair election. The Democrats are more addicted to power, because unlike Republicans they have a revolutionary ideology that seeks to normalize perversity and demonize normality–thus Democrats normalize sexual perversion and teach critical race theory and transgender theory to school children in order to confuse them about their natural gender and to inculcate guilt for being a white racist. By indoctrinating the young, the Woke Democrats remove people from opposing their gradual and ongoing revolution.

Another feature of the Democrats’ revolution is open borders that are flooding the US population with non-whites, essentially turning the US into a non-white country, thereby dispensing with the “reactionary values of Western civilization.” At the hands of Democrats, white Americans are facing civilizational genocide. Is it possible that white people are too stupid to see this and take no action at the voting booth to protect themselves?
I know the Republicans are far from perfect. But they are not anti-white. If white Americans don’t start paying close attention, they are history. The British didn’t pay attention, and now they are ruled by an Indian Hindu Prime Minister and their capital, London, is ruled by a Pakistani. Both might be good and capable politicians, but they are not British. The “British” prime minister has already held a Hindu religious celebration at 10 Downing Street. <...> Is America becoming a country that serves an armaments industry, Jewish bankers, immigrant-invaders, and abandons the moral high ground to LGBT sexual perversity?

Nick Fuentes #wingnut #fundie #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy

Nick Fuentes[…]reacted to the results of the midterm elections by declaring that the failure of Republican candidates to take sweeping control in a “red wave” is precisely why this nation needs to be taken over by a far-right-wing dictatorship[…]
During a Wednesday night livestream, Fuentes admitted that the election results showed that his agenda is wildly unpopular[…]
“You gotta recognize the fact that this is a godless country,” Fuentes said. “I hate it. It’s immoral. It’s wrong. It’s heinous. It’s evil[…]And that’s why you’ve got to get this out of your head that there is some silent majority cavalry that’s going to come out of the woods and save us at the last minute. It’s not”

“We are in the minority,” he continued. “There are not as many of us as there are of them. If they all had to vote, if you forced every man and woman in America to vote, there would be more of them than us by a lot. That’s why they win the popular vote[…]And I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. There is no evidence of this. There are too many non-white people in the country, frankly, for that to be the case”

“When you look at these things like abortion, it’s popular,” Fuentes added. “And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion is popular, sodomy is popular, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular, contraceptives—it’s all popular. That’s not to say it’s good. That’s not to say I like that. Popular means that people support it, which they do. It sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need a dictatorship. That’s unironically why we need to get rid of all that. We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society”

Chris Tang #moonbat #psycho

Security chief Chris Tang told lawmakers that 517 people under the age of 18 had been prosecuted in connection with the 2019 protests by that date, adding that youths judged to hold "extreme ideological views" had been sent for "re-education."

"At present, all young persons in custody are required to receive Chinese-style marching training," Tang told the Legislative Council on Oct. 26.

"The Correctional Services Department emphasizes strict discipline training for young persons in custody, hoping to make them understand the importance of discipline and abiding by the law," he said.

"Juvenile inmates trained under the Rehabilitation Centres Ordinance are ... subjected to strict disciplinary training and hard physical training, to enable them to understand the cost of crime, and to reflect on their own misdeeds," he said.

Inmates are also required to undergo patriotic education and activities to "enhance their national identity, to instill the correct values ... and to help them rediscover meaning in life," Tang said.

They also take classes in "moral and civic education" and "national security law education," programs that have been imposed on children and university students across Hong Kong since the National Security Law sparked a citywide crackdown on public dissent and political opposition from July 2020.

"The Correctional Services Department will assign a dedicated case manager to assess these persons in custody to identify the special rehabilitation needs of each person in custody, and match each person in custody according to the three principles of the above-mentioned rehabilitation program," Tang said.

cranberrysalad and EternaEspiral #sexist #senpai_noticed_us

Submitter’s note: this is yet another quote from the Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT! thread:
Apparently they don’t understand we call them fundie because of their rhetoric and who they associate with, i.e. Matt Walsh

Amen (irony intended, lurkers). Super liberal atheist here, much further left than my TWAM friends. They’re busy sobbing and wailing about men’s rights activism from some extremely wealthy zip codes while I’m over here like don’t let your identity politics make you forget that we’re all workers, comrade.

Yup, young, lesbian, atheist and anarchist leaning here. We're difinitely not what they imagine. Bet they won't screenshot and comment on this lol

various commenters #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

( crispycherrypie )
People who live on the internet, without a shred of irony: "Wow, there are a lot of lifelong leftists coming out as fundie Christians. Could it be that I'm mistaken, that I'm misinformed?

...No, it's the bigots who think males shouldn't be in women's spaces who are wrong."

( crodish )
I'm surprised none of them have peaked reading us.

We aren't anti-trans, we're anti-lying.

( Nibaiz )
Some of them really like futa porn and they don't want to be called gay about it. Ha.

( NewMa )
I'm scared to google that.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Futa is just "chicks with dicks" but an anime version.

( TheDirtyYumejo )
Unfortunately most of those people are so far up their own ass with their beliefs that no amount of logic can save them, they'll block it out at any cost.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Because ironically, they're very religious.

( Committing_Tervery )
I’m sure some have probably peaked, but they are too afraid to say it on the website. Or perhaps they got banned, or the comments were removed.

These people (just like those on r/GenderCynical, a sub making fun of r/GenderCynical) also frame our stuff or take it out of context and misrepresent our views though. They try to make us look as bad as possible.

( sojourner_truth_ )
For a lot of people, the sole reason they are on Team Trans is because they think the only people opposed to transition are religious. I see similar "logic" being used in Eastern Europe when it comes to gay rights. A lot of people think the only reason to oppose is religion, so therefore they support it just because they hate Christianity so much.

( strawberryfields4evr )
Imagine our posts being peppered in between people fantasizing about raping children, violent misogyny and homophobia.

( Committing_Tervery )

people fantasizing about raping children, violent misogyny and homophobia

Sounds like TIMs to me. Checks all the boxes

( ladyagatha )
Omg. When I first read this, I assumed the target of the ridicule was the TRAs, not the people on this site with common sense. Amazing. Yeah, we’re the fundamentalists alright 🤣

@LilyDaisy & @ASTwistedFemale #transphobia

I’m convinced that these young girls recruited into the gender ideology cult are incredibly dangerous. They engage in self harm, denial of womanhood, advocate for fetishists & help break down safety boundaries in schools & in relationships. They remind me of the women who recruited for the Nixim cult but they are so young that it’s often other minors they are breaking in …..think about how it’s peer to peer contagion with young girls identifying as trans men …u have groups where out of 100 there are up to 30 converts

( @LilyDaisy )
It’s girls as young as 10- seeing it in person in daily life and now it’s in the news - the girl bully that attacked a boy for “misgendering” a female peer who thinks she is a man; the girl attacked by her female peers in the UK etc. Kids all over the USA are being suspended for not stepping in line

( @ASTwistedFemale )
They absolutely are dangerous. Men would have NEVER gotten their foot in the door if it weren’t for these

@DragonKitigan & @LoveHerMadly #transphobia

If everything created in “the West” is supposedly socially constructed and racist and must therefore, be deconstructed, then why isn’t the most racist ideology to ever be “socially constructed” called transgenderism, not getting the same deconstruction? Ooops, my bad. I forgot. Because to support “transgenderism”, one must be a massive fucking hypocrite. As well as a conscious or unconscious, woman and child hating, pedo supporter.

Very good point! If all the Western ideas of freedom and individualism are "racist hate," then surely telling people they can change sex is the most harmful individual freedom EVER. The Woke are just consistently in support of bad ideas.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

You're branded a racist for saying it's okay to be White... You're called an extremist for resisting degeneracy & Marxist ideology. You're called a conspiracy theorist for pointing out real replacement migration. You're called a Nazi because you oppose communism.... You're vilified & branded not only because you are Correct, but because you are the only roadblock on their path to total control.

@ElfReich We're antisemitic for opposing communism, created by jews but not for jews.

@OneWithTheWater @ElfReich oh, it's for Jews too. Not all Jews, but it's for Jews too. Jews have no problem screwing over their own to achieve a goal.

" It's O K to be " White " .

@ElfReich I oppose both capitalism and communism. Both are the invention of the Jew.

@ElfReich The fact that simply saying "White Lives Matter" is considered racist hate speech while blm/antifa can literally say "Kill A White On Sight" and no one cares is a perfect example of whose side the governments of the world are on.

@ElfReich Say it anyway and say it loud,the truth is terrifying to them!

@ElfReich it's like a sport. Let's say football. You want to take out their best player for a chance to win.
Further proof we are that best player.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist


spoilerDaily reminder to White people,
You don't need anyone's permission
to be pro-White. Nor do you owe
anyone an explanation for being pro-
You're allowed to love your own race,
whether anyone likes it or not.
Anyone who tells you differently
simply hates White people.



If African Americans, Hispanics, Asians Americans, Jewish Americans, Native Americans are recognized
groups with all rights to promote their interests… defend themselves against racism and discrimination
… and Europe Americans are not… That is blatant RACISM !
Worse than Apartheid, Jim Crow or the caste system…
Unlawful against American and international law…

@Nature_and_Race As an addendum to this, at this point the only thing that matters is if someone is Pro-White and is operating in good faith behaving as such.

At this point other ideological or religious considerations should take a back seat. (I consider Jews to be an ethnic group, not a religious order.)


spoilerI ❤️ Being White

Just a heads-up. In case no one has noticed, they have stealthily decided to consider Hispanics as white. In all city demographic reports on Wikipedia, on all "race" sections of forms you fill out, the choices are white or non-Hispanic white. They are tweaking the demographics to make negroes as the only “minority” that matters. They fear the mostly Catholic Hispanics because they are Christian, family oriented, extremely loyal to their race and culture, and will outnumber EVERYBODY in 50 years, and THAT is not the one world order they're looking for. It looks like they plan to take them out by lumping them in with the white folks.

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