ETW7 #fundie #conspiracy

Revelation 14:11 KJV

[11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name…

——The Graves Are Opening! Verdict is In! Bodies Are No Longer Decomposing! They Are All Mummified! This Gives New Meaning To “RIP”! And They Have No Rest…“Revelation 14:11”” & They Have NO Peace! HERE WE HAVE OUR WITNESSES! THEY HAVE RISEN FROM THE GRAVE TO GIVE THEIR TESTIMONY!

God revealed to me- yet, another great mysteries-by means of the Holy Spirit! Maybe today you will finally come to accept the TRUTH! We ARE in GREAT TRIBULATION, people are dying from the Wrath of God and they did take the Mark of the Beast- and, there was NO RAPTURE! The Mark They Could NOT SEE! Part 2 (full documentary)

New Illness coming… New Beast Blood Coming! New NON-Burial Coming! SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE PLEASE! We❗️NEED❗️ TEAMS NOW⚠️To HELP THIS DR. DISCOVER THE FACTS Before She Is Taken Out Of Their Way❗️

When Jesus was being crucified, they were not allowed to break His legs for a good reason! Maybe now we can finally understand this mystery!

We were not supposed to be incinerated either! There will come a day, that our bodies will be resurrected. We need our bones.

Additionally, the Scientists have created inorganic blood! They are in the human testing phase. 1-2 Tsp’s are being added to the test subjects to see if it will work! Well, there is only life in the Blood of Jesus Christ! If you don’t have His Blood, there is NO life now or ever- for anyone!
#TheTwoWitnesses Are HERE RIGHT NOW! Get Ready! They will be running to their caves, and mountains begging for the rocks to fall on them! Our Redemption is here! God Bless YOU Disciples Of JESUS CHRIST!

All GLORY Goes To God Almighty In Jesus Name and a Very Special Thanks To The Holy Spirit Who Made All of This Possible. I did none of this! It was all orders from our Father! Amen!

Big Owl via Erena Velasquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Greetings Humankind,

I am ancient spirit of Big Owl from Hopi tribe coming through Universal Channel. Many moons passed since I communicated with humans. Different prophecies have been told about destiny of Mother Earth. Right now, you are going through last phase of purification. Some karmic attachments are still present in each of you. You can release them by taking daily time to be in meditative state.

Every soul, who agreed to come here, received warnings about the challenges awaiting during your mission on this planet. Now is the time to take a lead to move to New Earth. You were chosen from billions of beings to come here and to help to eliminate Darkness. I would like to remind everyone that you can create any reality you desire. Stop waiting for invisible forces to clear a road for you, it’s your responsibility to move forward and free yourself completely from this illusion. Stay away from toxic low frequencies.

Please, don’t expect that every human will be on the same page as you. Each soul will go through spiritual transformation, when it’s ready. Mother Earth waiting to unite with her in 5D. The ones, who spend lifetimes on fighting with Evil, are going to Ascend to high dimensional realms, and as a reward will visit City of Lights. Others need to spend more time on meditations. The planetary transformation can’t occur, unless a certain level of Collective Consciousness is reached. Divine Plan was created in order to speed up the process of Ascension on Mother Gaia.

Native Indian Spirits and I have been sending many blessings and healings. Be brave and take a next step in your evolution, this is a rare opportunity comes once in billions years. Thank you Universal Channel.

sarstan #transphobia

Company comes out with "women only" club night that panders to trans/non binaries. Trans idiot submits anonymous post complaining about how it's not "inclusive to trans men". You can't win with these people


TIMs are the most aggressive, hateful men on earth, claiming womanhood as their own. "strictly no men" allowed in a space where are men are allowed.

Jim #elitist #homophobia

[From "The poverty of the billionaire ruling elite."]

Musk is immensely rich because he creates capital

Nancy Pelosi, and the entire FIRE economy, are immensely wealthy because they help themselves to capital that other people create[…]
No matter how much money such people have, they remain poor. Their yachts sit in the marina. They own nice mansions that were built by people of wealth and taste, but lacking taste, do not live in those mansions, They own them as status symbols, and live in trash places[…]
Nancy Pelosi’s beard called in a forty year old male whore, who beat him up

And so we got to see photos of where Nancy Pelosi’s beard lives and where the whore lives

The whore lives in trailer that is as filthy[…]as you would imagine[…]One look at this whore’s trailer, you know he is drug addled whore who is likely to attack you and rob you

The beard lives on billionaires row, in a “mansion”[…]
The beard’s mansion is to nice mansions, as the whore’s trailer is to nice trailers

These are trashy people, everything around them turns to trash[…]Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and the beard’s whore are all alike

Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and her beard’s whore all all the same quality of person. They are all trash, and in a civilized society they would be confined to a ghetto for human trash, a ghetto serving the same function as the town dump for household trash[…]
A living creature maintains its own order by increasing the entropy of other systems. The lion eats the deer and turns it into poop. A healthy society has to continually fight social entropy, which means it has to continually dump social entropy outside of itself. And that is what ghettos are for[…]The ugliness of the modern world is due to a lack of sewers for human sewage. It all started when the Victorians allowed Florence Nightingale and her ilk back into polite society

Tokarev309 #moonbat #dunning-kruger

The USSR quite literally stopped, what many believed at the time, an unstoppable Nazi army, which was very open about its genocidal goals. How how how is Stalin "the bad guy" in this instance? The efforts of the USSR saved millions upon millions of lives, but Liberals, blinded by fantastical propaganda, still cling to outdated fascist propaganda.

various commenters #sexist

( FailedArtist)
15k people getting executed in Iran

Only 15,000?
I hope all the simps who took part in the protest end up in a mass grave to feed the worms.

HAHA, based as fuck. They really are very smart for doing that. Never allow feminism or women's rights movements. They can easily look at how all feminist women in western world are complete whores and see what feminism leads too. hey don't want their daughters fucking niggers and their sons to be incels. They actually have empathy for their children, unlike the white liberal, racetraitor Christniggers that gave white women the right to vote and fuck niggers.

HAHA this is great.All the foids and soyboys who tried to make a mess of there country will be rightly punished for it.

@DragonKitigan #transphobia

Looks like they’ve found a way to harvest young healthy uteruses: offer young girls a way to escape womanhood by offering them free flesh tube surgeries as well as double mastectomies. You’ll never have an orgasm. But hey, isn’t it all worth it to avoid cat calls?
Hmmm, never hear a cat call or never have an orgasm? What a great option for women. Thanks, dudes. No orgasms, but you’ll feel a lot “down there” in the form of chronic UTIs. Chance of a “piss bag” is high as well as getting a companion colostomy bag. What percentage of a very young population will be disabled? It won’t be just the initial surgeries snorting up your tax $$. All so the linebacker in a miniskirt can have a uterus that doesn’t belong inside him. And kills him. Like “The Danish Girl.”

I thought the NHS was broke? It can now afford to do 70,000 dollar surgeries to create a penis made from arm skin?

Rep. Matt Gaetz & various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Matt Gaetz)
The American people deserve an FBI-free election.

@RepMattGaetz Antiwhites controlling our elections should come to an end.

@14W @RepMattGaetz


@RepMattGaetz I'm going to go with an FBI free America in general.

@RepMattGaetz We deserve a 3 letter agency free America.

@RepMattGaetz Defund the FBI….Shut down this criminal department!!!

@RepMattGaetz The American people at this point deserve to be free of the FBI period. They have proven to be corrupt from the top down.

@RepMattGaetz How about a government/country free of jews? Is every politician a Zionist and/or Marxist? Can you guys take Israel's dick out of your mouth for 5 seconds and actually do something legitimate/productive?

@RepMattGaetz Tell DeSantis he needs to send more than a paltry 50 next time. He needs to flood them with at least 1,000 or more. Do that in Malibu, CA too along with such Leftis hotbeds as Ouray, CO. You've now both seen the effectiveness of this and it's something we all SCREAMED at You guys and Trump to do back in 2017, then 2018, then 2019, then 2020, and then in 2021. Now you finally do it and look at what following our advice would have done for you back in the day. Here's the advice. FLOOD THEM INTO THEIR LEFTIST LIBERAL ENCLAVES and do it as quickly as you can. Their kind only understands force. You should have noticed that talking nice and being polite has gotten you all Nowhere. Make. Them. Hurt.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar Republicans, like you, must insist on calling out antiwhites, antiwhitism, and white erasure. SAY YOU CARE FOR THE WELLBEING OF WHITE PEOPLE.

@DrPaulGosar Republicans won't do anything as the Republican and Democrat parties are two arms in the same monster. If you love this country you should leave the GOP and create your own political movement. There's no Democrat or Republican solution.

@DrPaulGosar And the DOJ. They are the whole root of the problem. The fbi is their's. They created it. They tell it what to do. The fbi are not in any way independent of the attorney general. The fbi director, all fbi directors, including hoover, were and are simply buttons to be pushed in order to cover up federal political corruption. It's why they were created. It's why they exist. It's why they must be destroyed.

@DrPaulGosar we'll get out the membership lists to the CFR, WEF and builderbergers and ban them from federal and state employment for life... I suggest they all move to China...


@DrPaulGosar ahahah yeah right republicans are PART of the DEEP stae you idiot

NeuroptimusPrime #crackpot #magick #ufo

The Space War

There is an active conflict in outer space and in the astral plane.

The Space Force is involved.

It has been ongoing for quite some time, and it involves aliens and black projects.

Even civilians are witnessing synthetic telepathy, UFOs, and mind over matter physics manipulations such as teleportation, manifestation, astral projection, telekinesis, remote viewing, non-local multiple existence, possession, and zero-point energy.

Kyle Odom tried to warn us, and Dr. Steven Greer has provided a physics model.

Many people have come forward such as Don from the Navy SEALs, Victor from Area 51, Bob Lazar, and Dr. Robert Duncan.

It has yet to spill over into the scientific and political domains, but it is real, and it will, if it hasn't started to already.

This is documentation.


Thousands of Americans have been tortured by synthetic telepathy driven by AI according to Dr. Robert Duncan, a CIA whistleblower who wrote the books Project Soul Catcher and How to Tame a Demon, along with being featured in countless videos online.

A Navy SEAL by the name of Don wrote a document that describes a loss of technology that involves synthetic telepathy and reality manipulation technology of significant advancement.

Former Marine Kyle Odom encountered this technology, as have others. It is all documented in his manifesto.

Dr. Steven Greer, a UFO expert, had revealed the latest physics model that describes the fundamental nature of the advanced physics manipulation technology. It is mind over matter technology that is based on the higher dimensions known as the Astral Plane, or the consciousness field.

Do UFOs operate in the astral plane?

Are UFOs based on consciousness?

If the vehicle resonates faster than the speed of light, will it enter the astral plane and teleport anywhere in the universe?

Can it also exist in more than one place at the same time due to non-locality?


Apis mellifera #dunning-kruger #transphobia

they don't get told "You have underlying trauma you're not dealing with/Your logic is flawed and we need to deal with how you picture male and female/ You're an emotionally manipulating piece of shit" like they should

You've hit the nail on the head. This is my issue with the Trans Rights movement, and including it in with the LGBs at all.

Transsexuality/Transgenderism is treated as something innate to a person, rather than a very complex and troubling mental illness. I am living proof that even the most traditional case of "Gender Dysphoria" is not something you're born with, even if it can manifest in very early childhood, and every time I try to speak publicly on this matter I am told I wasn't "really trans", that "putting people on cross-sex hormones and cutting them up is totally a good idea, guys!"

When you affirm someone who is deeply unwell it does a couple of things:

1) If they are the insecure or self-absorbed sort, it encourages rabid defense of one's "identity" and further closes them off to future help.

2) It pushes vulnerable individuals down the path of hormones and surgery, because everyone is telling them they were just born broken, and they'll be stuck like this forever, unless they undergo dangerous and experimental body modifications, which don't even help in the long run.

You know why the 'true GD' trannies, the ones who aren't doing it for a fetish, feel a sense of "relief" when they start developing secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex? It's because they're tortured by all this baggage they attach to their sex, from unresolved trauma, and this "relief" is a method of dissociation. Which fades quick, for as long as a transgender-identifying individual possesses any evidence of their past and their natal sex- name, pronouns, breasts or lack thereof, skeletal structure, they'll be reminded of whatever trauma or conditioning caused this, and they'll eat themselves alive trying to cut it out.

Hormones and surgery can't cure this, and if people say it did for them, they are lying or still caught up in the temporary relief of cutting out some part of themselves that offends their ill psyche.

This treatment plan helps nobody. Obviously.

Ramona Lappin #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon

Black and red box technologies have been fully removed and replaced by Diamond White Cosmic Tesseract schematic. Assisting Krystal Cathedral architecture which I’m being shown is helping us clear and reset the sacred sites and vortexes as well as connect them energetically directly to the Source flows and currents. They are also assisting the activation of the New Earth Diamond Grid, and building of the Krystal Cathedral Network, anchoring Cosmic Consciousness into the Grids and returning Natural Law.
I am being shown that we can place these Diamond White Tesseracts above our own homes or points in the Grids that we’re guided to, as they are supporting the Krystal Cathedral Network Activations and help ignite the new Diamond Grid and Blueprints, and building of the Golden and Crystalline Cities. They will also help anchor in pure Source Light into the Grids where you are locally and increase the amount of pure Divine Source flows you receive. Always remember that you can ask to lessen the amount of Light streaming in if it gets too much, or remove this if you feel guided to, for whatever reason.

Clear up of any remaining dark portals and black magic, black goo, AI from all sacred sites, also with help of the Diamond White Tesseracts.

Saturnian black cube Matrix has been fully removed and dissolved. Clearing all reversal violet rays and plasma light, which also clears the false violet ray spectrum.

Freeing us collectively of any remaining karmic debt fully. COMPLETING THE DEBT FORGIVENESS program, which restores our Abundance and now enables us to reclaim our ancestral blessings, gifts, and Divine inheritance.
These massive Frequencies keep rising, as we continue our ascend. It’s getting very loud, as the Music of the Spheres sings and harmonises ALL of Creation back to Perfection, igniting our DNA and New Edenic Realities, along with the Bliss, Edenic/ Paradisian, Divine Union and Love, Freedom and Abundance Codes, flooding us now with this UNITY PORTAL.

Monica Cole #fundie #homophobia

Alerting parents!

Many parents have found the prominent animated children’s program Peppa Pig to be a clean show; One Million Moms has recently found this to be no longer true. Peppa Pig has added a same-sex polar bear couple to the program.

Hasbro acquired the Peppa Pig cartoon in 2019 through its independent eOne entertainment studio, but in its 18-year history, this is the first time a same-sex couple has appeared in the animated series.

A petition with over 23,000 signatures demanded the inclusion of a gay couple in the children’s program.

“Children of same-sex parents may feel alienated by Peppa Pig, and other children may be more likely to bully them, simply through ignorance,” stated the petition. “Peppa Pig is not just for entertainment; children are inevitably learning from it too.”

Yes, children learn from programming content. That is why 1MM is so concerned with the normalization of a sinful lifestyle choice during a children’s show. This type of sexuality should never be included in a cartoon designed for children, much less praised. It is especially distressing since this popular children’s program is viewed in 180 countries.

In the Peppa Pig episode titled “Families,” a polar bear cub speaks about her lesbian parents to her class.

"I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mommy and my other mommy,” the cartoon character explains to her classmates. “One mommy is a doctor, and one mommy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.”

So, beware! Peppa Pig is now boldly glorifying gay marriage. Discussion of such controversial topics should be left up to parents. Hasbro should not introduce this information to young children. Even though the LGBTQ lifestyle is legally and culturally accepted, it still is immoral. Therefore, Hasbro should stick to entertaining and providing family-friendly programming instead of pushing an agenda.

James Simpson #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

The Red-Green Axis is a collusion between the Democratic Party, American Communists, Socialists and other brands of "progressives", i.e., the Red, and the forces of the Islamic jihad, the Green—so named because the color green carries much symbolism in Islam, and most Muslim nations feature green in flags, emblems, and other identifiers. Its collective goal is to alter and undermine our national character, traditions, and laws so much that it can overthrow our Constitutional republican form of government without firing a shot.

The alliance allows each to take advantage of the tactics, strategies, and cultural features of the other, and mobilizes a vastly larger number of people. For example, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) now supports Black Lives Matter (BLM) and participates in its protests. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) also work with BLM, CAIR, and open borders groups.Immigration is one of the Red-Green Axis's most effective tools. Under the banner of "compassion," it advocates for open borders and endless waves of refugees, asylum seekers, and other third-world immigrants to stress government budgets at all levels, overburden communities with medical, language, crime, welfare, and other burdens, while rhetorically and sometimes physically attacking those who object, calling opponents "racists," "bigots," "xenophobes," and the latest innovation, "Islamophobes."

This second edition of the Red-Green Axis delves deeply into the immigration/refugee resettlement issue to catalog not only the breadth and depth of the program and its supporters, but to expose the massive problems and cultural changes that have been created, I believe deliberately, as the key element in the Axis agenda to erase America as we know it.

Timothy Fitzpatrick #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

I would like to thank David Duke for taking the time to reply to my query (from his Gab account) as to his why he lived in the Soviet Union and what he was doing there. But I can’t. You see, he never actually answered my question but, instead, turned it into an opportunity to shill for Vladimir Putinstein and the neo-Soviet “Russian Federation”, like the apparent obedient operative that he is.

His infantilized response was something a politician would do. He tries to set the tone early by appealing to his white nationalist audience with, "It is also important to note that Moscow has the largest White population of any city on Earth!”
No, Mr. Duke. It has a friendly attitude towards minorities because it is a multi-ethnic socialist state, which is what they are turning the West into. Russia was a multi-ethnic society even before Bolshevism came into the picture. The October Revolution only expanded on that and divided the empire further. Russia has never really had a tangible identity, and it still has none today. You cannot identify a mongrelized melting pot, and that’s why Eurasianists can only identify Russia as the “Third Rome”, “Eurasian”, and in other ridiculous terms (keep in mind here that the original Rome was largely multi-ethnic).
It’s really sick that Duke strings along his audience with this nonsense. He provides no evidence that Putinist Russia is advancing our (the White) cause (Russia is already multi-ethnic). Furthermore, we know from the admissions of the Nazbolic Eurasianist, closeted homosexual Aleksandr Dugin that the Russian Federation hates White people (Dugin even admitted that Russia fuels black supremacism in the West). Of course, Duke won’t tell the truth about what Dugin really thinks. They are in apparent cahoots. Would Mr. Duke care to explain why he associates with an open national Bolshevik, Crowleyite, homosexual, hater of the West, and someone fond of the Jewish Kabbalah and Freemasonry?

QuantumInnovator #psycho #crackpot #elitist

William Shakespeare wrote many plays, stories and poems. But did any of the works of William Shakespeare make the world a better place? I think not.

However, Colonel Paul Tibbets did make the world a better place on August 6, 1945 by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, the first atomic bomb dropped in warfare. When a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki a few days later, the Japanese finally did the right thing and surrendered. Yes, the two atomic bombs killed thousands of people in 1945. But the other option, an all-out invasion of Japan similar to the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944, would have cost at least two million lives of both Japanese and Americans. And that's assuming it worked.
So not only did the invention and use of the atomic bomb save lives by accelerating the end of World War II, it also prevented World War III by creating the threat of mutually assured destruction. The two atomic bombs used in warfare in 1945 did more to change the world in fractions of a second than William Shakespeare's writings did to change the world in over 400 years.

Happy Veteran's Day.

Balddog4 #psycho #wingnut #crackpot

Three poster in one day! I am on fire today! Anyway not spending a lot of time on this. I just want to point out, that if Trump was like Hitler, then why is it that people still talk bad about him? Why is it that the newspaper still talk bad about him.

I'll tell you why, it's because Donald J. Trump is not Hitler. Hitler silenced the newspapers and anyone that spoke bad about him was put in jail. And some like Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie were executed by Hitler.

So let me look for a similar incident with Trump… Hmm I can't see to find one thing that states that Trump is like Hitler. And I can't find one thing that shows that Trump executed people, that Trump silenced newspapers or networks. Trump refused to talk to CNN, but that's his choice. He doesn't have to talk to any CNN news reporter nor his he compelled to.

People need to stop with these false claims and false statements.

Vox Day #fundie #psycho

[From "On Suicide"]

If your life sucks and you simply can’t see any way out, instead of ending it, why not make that radical change that has always fascinated you but struck you as completely impossible? Why not imagine that your present life is over, so now you’ve got the chance to live one of the other lives that you would have lived if you had nine of them?

It’s far better to leave everyone and everything behind than to seek oblivion while leaving your friends and family with psychological scars that will last a lifetime

And if for some reason that’s not possible, if life genuinely isn’t worth living, then, at the very least, make your death count!

@Judges 16:26-30

Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived

Owlchaser , yikesforever & Tortoisemouse #transphobia

We don't believe TWAW, that's the whole point

( Owlchaser )
Lol. Their argument is that "trans" is simply another identifier, like "old" or "black". Ok, so what does "trans" mean? It means something which is on the opposite side. "Black woman" and "Old woman" describe the type of woman but "trans woman" literally means "opposite of woman". SO NO FUCKING SHIT nobody thinks they're women! You cannot be both a transwoman and a woman! It's in the name itself!!!

And, any other qualifier would literally point to "male woman". Or, "not female woman". I'm headdesking so much I have a red mark!!!!

( yikesforever )
They also want all the stuff for trans people (like acting roles, beauty pageants, awards, groups, etc), and what women have.

Like even they somehow want both and yet demand everyone to think of them as women? fucking whack

( Tortoisemouse )
Yeah because it's "intersectional". They are extra marginalised because they're women AND they're trans.

Except, they don't understand how venn diagrams work. The circle representing "all trans women" is outside the circle for "women". That's literally what "trans" means. The two circles DO NOT INTERSECT. So screw your intersectionality.

They aren't extra marginalised they're just extra stupid.

variuos commenters #wingnut

RE: What is the pro life stance on rape?

Rape exceptions are mainstream as a pro-life view. I don't agree with rape exceptions, but many of us do.

I understand why you might think that not allowing abortion for rape is a bad thing, but ultimately, to me, you are killing a human being for what their one parent did. That's not right, even though the pain of the situation is entirely understandable.

Nevertheless, even a rape exception would be an improvement over current pro-choice positions, but it's not one that would sit well with me.

Wrong but willing to give it up because it's still a net profit of 900k babies that don't die.

I'm not saying we shouldn't aim for it but having an exception for rape has a higher chance of being passed as a law

I believe people are equal at all stages of life. We don’t kill people because they were conceived of rape after they are born so why would we do it before they are born?

That being said I am okay with abortion exceptions in laws if it means we get to ban the majority of all other abortions.

If a child gets pregnant this would fall under medical exception.

anyone who would kill a child to appease others is a monster, simple as. rapists are scum, but a child shouldnt be killed as punishment. anyone who is "pro-life" except in cases of rape aren't pro life.

various commenters #transphobia

(@NoBolloxology )

There is no 'reasonable compromise'. Spaces and services are either single sex or mixed sex. The inclusion of men who claim to be women, with dangly dicks or surgically installed manholes, makes them mixed sex. Compromise means women lose to paraphilic men. Why should we? I should be able to walk into any space marked 'women' knowing it is single sex and that if a man is there I will be able to get him removed. 'Trans' is a lie. Men who imitate our bodies and use our spaces are eroding boundaries, just as all abusers do.


( @SisypheanTask )
It’s easy for him to tell women to compromise, he’s not the one having his rights eroded or his safety threatened.
It annoys the hell out of me when men tell women to “comproise” when it comes to our rights. No Mr. Scrote. YOU compromise. YOU share YOUR spaces with these guys. Don’t tell us to compromise, we’ve been doing it for centuries and it’s gotten us jack shit.

( @UnaDavey11 )
'reasonable compromise' my arse. Women give an inch and men crowd in, pile on, shove and push. Those who believed the lie that TiM only wanted to pee are responsible for the destruction of women's sports, the removal of all safeguards from women and children, the mutilation of uncounted thousands of children who were not old enough to make life-changing medical decisions.

@tonysam1 )
"Paraphilic men." This is a sanitized phrase for perverted men or sexual deviants. We need to bring back the real language.

( @Caro100pcXX )
This is so true. How can women ever again object to a man in our space, when they only need to say they’re trans? How are we supposed to prove they’re not? If they just stand still and observe us, that is not a crime, even if it makes us uncomfortable. If they touch us, it’s not a crime. “they just brushed past.” Do we have to wait until we’re assaulted or worse? We want and deserve female only spaces.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Governors should be able to deport illegal aliens.

They should not have to rely on the executive branch that refuses to enforce the laws of the land.

“Migrants” shouldn’t be shipped all over the country, they should be deported.


@ROBODAN @repmtg

@repmtg Correct, no more white erasure.

@repmtg #DeportALLillegals #BuildtheWall #illegalisillegal #NOmoreillegals #borderjumpers #invasion #TrumpismyPresident

@Walkbyfaith888 @repmtg Hmmm... interesting idea, but.. do you have anything that the political opposition won't immediately brand as racist? Do you carry anything like that in your inventory? I'd like to not be a racist, but rather the hero, so I'm really hoping we can make the Dems happy here.

@Khompewtur @repmtg I identify as Mexican and am very proud to be racist. We are all “racist” as we are all different and at the same time be anything we want. #DeportALLillegals

@repmtg YOU ARE able to deport illegal fact ITS YOURBJOB, NOT the gov’s

@repmtg It is simple DO NOT ALLOW THEM ON AMERICAN SOIL. Declare the invasion for what it is and send troops to the border and use military combat tech to protect the border. The Polish PM publicly declared the border will be secured and told the invaders they will be shot if they try to worked.


Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The FBI focusing on pillow man Mike Lindell and other Trump allies instead of the massive amounts of human trafficking and drug smuggling coming from our southern border is shameful. #Defund

Why are we sending $3.8 billion a year to Israel?

Aren’t we having problems feeding and fueling our own homes?


@DrPaulGosar no, it’s TREASON

@DrPaulGosar shameful? It is treasonous!

@DrPaulGosar Abolish the FBI, DOJ until we get honest people in place that love our country. All bought and paid for criminals.

@DrPaulGosar Someone let Jews take over the US government

@Bran_Lateberie @DrPaulGosar and you faggots will never, ever get it back

@DrPaulGosar Why exactly is Arizona Governor Doug Ducey NOT doing anything about the wide open border, human trafficking and drug trafficking! He was hired to protect the Arizona border!

@DrPaulGosar or stolen elections

@RadicalRWgab @DrPaulGosar Anything that makes you faggots angry is, by definition, right and good.

@DrPaulGosar I think the Republican Party should get rid of every unconstitutional federal bureaucracy! That would be a rally cry!

@DrPaulGosar it is not shameful it is treasonous!!

@DrPaulGosar THEY ARE CRIMINALS using their office to go after innocent people just because they are from a different political affiliation. CRIMINALS.

Ben Garrison #wingnut


Herschel Walker is the Republican candidate for Senator in the state of Georgia.

Walker must have known he’d have his past thoroughly dredged up—and it has been. It includes allegations that he made threats of violence toward family members. He himself admitted he had to deal with some psychological problems and is now over them. Add to that the massive attacks on his intelligence and character by Democrats and it’s almost surprising that he’s running even against his Democratic opponent, Raphael Warnock.


Let’s remember some of Walker’s positive accomplishments. A native-born Georgian, Walker was an all-pro and played 12 seasons in the NFL. He won a Heisman Trophy and the National Championship while at the University of Georgia. Walker is a winner and has the determination to rise above adversity to succeed. He must have known that the embarrassing allegations would be dredged up and used against him, but he’s running for the Senate regardless. We all make mistakes in life and Trump has made them too, but both Trump and Walker were willing to have their mistakes get exposed because they genuinely care about America and they want to help make it great again.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Landslide w/white suburban women- just as I predicted for months now. They care about inflation, gas, groceries, crime, transgender brainwashing of children in school. Add in GOP won't force vaccinate your children. This is SURVIVAL OF USA election. I believe this is DISASTER LEVEL EVENT FOR DEMOCRAT PARTY." They are finished as a party. People can't vote for crazy.

BREITBART.COM Poll: White Women Favor GOP by 15 Points, Prefer Trump over Biden

NJCowboyVito #wingnut

Doesn't matter who is at the top of the ticket. The Democratic Party is absolute scum. I don't see how anyone with a brain can vote for any Democratic candidate for anything. Killing of babies and the selling of their body parts, open borders, sanctuary cities, elimination of free speech, elimination of freedom of religion and assembly, elimination of the 2nd amendment, higher taxes, globalization, elimination of fossil fuels, defunding the police, no cash bail, release of violent criminals and sexual predators, etc. Democrats are plain evil.

David J. Stewart #fundie

Church of Christ members teach that baptism is required for salvation, but it is not. They believe that obedience is a part of salvation. However, the only thing which we must obey to be saved is the Gospel, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” There is nothing in the Bible which requires a person to be baptized in order to be saved. On the contrary, we read in John 3:18, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” One who has trusted in Christ is saved, not condemned, whether he has been baptized or not. John 11:25, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” There is no mention in this verse concerning baptism. Or what about John 10:9, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” Again, there is no mention of being baptized to be saved. There are hundreds of New Testament references which mention faith in Christ, without baptism being mentioned. Clearly, it is faith alone in Christ which saves a person, without baptism. The Church of Christ cult teaches damnable heresies by ADDING requirements which God didn’t add.

A careful study of the Scriptures with an honest heart makes it quite clear that works CANNOT save a person, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified IN HIS SIGHT: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” One cannot be justified in the sight of God by WORKS. When James spoke of being justified by works, he clearly stated…

“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: SHEW ME thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

Dana Loesch #fundie #sexist #wingnut

Conservative political commentator Dana Loesch is reiterating her comments about women who get abortions after receiving backlash from the hosts of The View on Wednesday.

"FIRST OF ALL, @WhoopiGoldberg — I refuse to coddle or celebrate irresponsible women who use abortion as birth control. I'm right, so get over it. That you're angrier over that than murder speaks volumes about your character," she wrote.

"Oh, and @Alyssafarah — good to know you find an honest description of females who use abortion as birth control more heinous than actual murder. Thanks for showing you're willing to put lives on the chopping block if it means the left will validate you," she continued.

"Oh, and re my words — I refuse to celebrate irresponsible females who use abortion as birth control. If that bothers you more than murder, check your soul. If you think females can’t be responsible, check your sexism," Loesch added.

Following allegations that Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker paid for an anonymous woman to get an abortion in 2009, Loesch told her listeners that she will still support him regardless of whether or not the report is true.

"If the Daily Beast story is true, you’re telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion and Warnock wants to use all of our monies to pay a whole bunch of skanks for abortions,” she said.


"It just exposes the moral rot that's taking over my party," Republican host Alyssa Farah Griffin said. "As a pro-life woman, to hear someone else like Dana, who is pro-life, call women who get into situations where they need abortions 'skanks' is just shameful, and I will not defend that."

"First of all, ma'am, there's a lot of women who find themselves in the position of having to have an abortion. How dare you call them 'skanks'?" host Whoopi Goldberg said.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut

This video may be a bit dramatic. You shouldn’t get THAT much credit for simply not being a total fucking simpleton pushover idiot and for having denied the advances of the “creeps”(as Matt at QoC would say) as they stood menacingly over the masses with experimental gene-modifying Graphene Hydroxide-glistening syringes in one hand and micro-chipped PCR-tests readied to be jammed up your nose and smeared onto your brain barrier in the other. If anything, it was nothing more than our own instinctual sense of self preservation that prevented us from conforming and taking the euthanization clot shots or from getting tested non-stop, or from wearing masks around everywhere like fucking circus clowns. Much in the same way a dog knows not to jump out of a speeding car on the highway to their certain death. Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard. This guy is being a bit pretentious and overly dramatic. We did what we were supposed to do. You shouldn’t get superlatives for not being a dumbass and not bending over and letting the Government and big pharma rape you up the ass with a splintered piece of wood covered in rusty nails. Because if you got any of these shots, that’s exactly what you did. You probably have AIDS now.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist

The Khazarian mafia stranglehold on the planet earth is finally ending. Germany and Japan have joined Russia, China and England in the planetary liberation alliance. This has forced the Rothschild and Rockefeller families hiding in Zug, Switzerland to contact the White Dragon Society to negotiate a surrender.

However, until the United States is liberated from the Khazarian mafia, the war will continue. The key is to prevent the theft of the mid-term US elections by the KM during the blood moon eclipse election day of November 8th. The US military white hats promise to declare war on the KM if the election is stolen.
Let us start with the situation in Germany. There Donatus, the Prince and Landgrave of Hesse, is leading Germany to independence for the first time since World War II. Donatus is a descendant of Queen Victoria, the German Emperor Frederick III, Caesar Victor Emmanuel III of Italy etc.

Donatus sent Chancellor Olaf Scholz to China last week to negotiate Germany’s entrance into the alliance. The fact he reached a deal can be seen in reports in the official Chinese and Russian state news agencies.

According to sources, Xinhua Sholz told Chinese President Xi Jinping “a multi-polar world is needed”…Germany “opposes bloc confrontation” and supports “peace talks and to build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture in Europe.” In other words, Germany is ready to dump NATO and replace it with something more inclusive.

Russian Tass News Agency reports, for their part, confirm a secret deal negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the WDS is being put into motion. The deal is to return to an agreement between Frederick the Great and the Russian Tsar to use the Dnieper river as the border between their respective zones of interest.

Dr. Vernon Coleman #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

It is the global warming hoax which is going to destroy us. It’s the mad green, fake environmentalists, sanctimonious and self-important, who are going to kill us by forcing us to cold turkey off fossil fuels and live in a cold, cruel world where the poorest will starve or freeze to death and where the chosen few, the self-appointed elite, will ignore reality, worship electricity and create a pseudoscientific crisis out of thin air in order to oppress, suppress and banish humanity, decency, dignity and respect from our lives.
Of course, the majority of the preening, self-satisfied, ignorant global warming cultists actually believe that the world is coming to an end. These middle class cultists are too stupid to realise that they are working for conspirators determined to take away our freedom and our humanity. <...> The mad cultists have been told that the planet won’t survive and that billions will die as the waters rise inexorably towards the heavens. There is, of course, no evidence for any of this. They started off by calling the plot `global warming’ but had to change the name of the scam when it became clear that the planet seemed to be getting cooler more often than it got warmer and they realised that calling it climate change would give them more scope And the whole scam was created decades ago to prepare for the Great Reset.
<...> .
And so the mad fools who terrified the world with a fake covid pandemic are now going to segue neatly, as I predicted, into scaring the world with the fake global warming pandemic which they devised back in the last century and which was designed to control and to kill and not to save or preserve. The Chinese style social credit system I have warned about is already here. Global warming will be used to tighten up the rules and oppress us still further. The loony pseudo-environmentalists are not benign or well-meaning. They are either ill-informed or stupid or malignant or all three. And they are our enemies.

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #psycho #fundie #god-complex

If you're a parent and you feel it is necessary to make your kids wear a sign like this in public, DO IT. Don't listen to all those armchair quarterbacks who don't know your kid, who haven't lived with your kid for the past ten to twenty years, who don't know what you've had to put up with. What some people see as "cruel and unusual punishment" is often the most effective. If more parents used "cruel and unusual punishment" instead of giving up, the world would be a much better place. And if more kids obeyed the Fifth Commandment Of The Holy Bible (Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother), they wouldn't be the recipients of "cruel and unusual punishment", now would they?

Khalid Salman #fundie #homophobia

Days after Qatar's foreign minister said all people would be welcome to his country for the upcoming men's World Cup, including members of the LGBTQ community, its World Cup ambassador has labeled homosexuality "damage in the mind," "spiritual harm" and ultimately "haram" in the Muslim-majority emirate, meaning a sin

Khalid Salman, a former national player for Qatar and now the emirate's World Cup ambassador, said in a documentary to be broadcast on German public broadcaster ZDF on Tuesday that he has problems with children seeing gay men and women because they then learn something they should not

"I'm not a strict Muslim," he said, "But why is it haram? It's spiritual harm"

Excerpts from the documentary by German sports journalist and TV presenter Jochen Breyer, titled "Geheimsache Katar" or "Secret Affairs Qatar," were prereleased by ZDF on its Monday news bulletin

In the release footage, the media officer of the Qatar World Cup organizing committee, who accompanied the ZDF team during its video recording, ended an interview just after Salman referred to homosexuality as "damage in the mind"

In another excerpt, Salman said: "During the World Cup, a lot of things will come into the country. Let's talk about gays, for example. The most important thing is that everyone will accept that they come here. But they will have to accept our rules"

Homosexual acts in public are forbidden in Qatar and can be punished by up to seven years in prison[…]
FIFA, which awards the World Cup tournament to different countries every four years, has stressed that all fans are welcome at the World Cup in Qatar, as has the Qatar organzing committee. The Emir of the Gulf state, Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, has also said recently that respect for "our culture" is expected

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #fundie

There has been a lot of talk about defunding police departments after the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. However, only 1,000 people were killed by police officers in the United States in 2019. But Planned Parenthood has murdered 345,672 babies in the year between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018. That's 947 babies murdered per day. If you want to save lives, don't defund the police. Defund Planned Parenthood. You'll save 345 times as many people. Planned Parenthood brutality is far worse than police brutality.

Queenofdogs & [Deleted] #transphobia

( Queenofdogs )
Something I've noticed...

When TiMs get misogynistic abuse they feel 'euphoria' and go 'tehee I pass!' But when you say 'I hate men' TiFs go 'nooo you can't hate men it hurts my feelings I'm a man'

I wonder why this could be 🤔🤔🤔

( [Deleted] )
If you really want to piss off TIFs you say "i hate men except transmen", omg they HAAAAATE it 😂😂 "no were real evil men!!! We will totally rape you!!!!" Lmao sure girl

@AthenasWrench & @Syephanie #transphobia

( @AthenasWrench )
UK, Trans Toolkit for schools. If a young girl doesn’t want to change with a boy with a pronoun remove the girl. The boy has always been a girl and she’s a bigot who needs re-educating. Only his comfort matters. Girls are crap and boys make better girls. Trans is full misogyny.

( @Syephanie )
Or, all the girls could let their discomfort at being ogled by a random male known. Let the school find alternative changing arrangements for the whole class of girls. Oh wait, wasn’t that how it always was? Parents need to get together, and encourage their girls in the notion of being able to set their own reasonable boundaries. The notion we all held until yesterday.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

Notice how not one single politician has ever mentioned black supremacy, brown supremacy, or jewish supremacy.

Notice how not one single politician has ever mentioned anything about anti-White racism and racially motivated violence against Whites by non-whites.

Our government is anti-White. It perpetually demonizes White people, even when White people are being beaten, raped, and murdered every single day by non-whites.

spoilerWhite supremacy and all forms of
hate-fueled violence have no place in
Failure to call it out is complicity.
Silence is complicity.
And we cannot remain silent.

@Nature_and_Race The Jew projects their own actions onto their opponents. It is Who They Are.

'White supremacy' is the Jewish projection of Jewish supremacist sentiments onto Whites.

But, then, maybe Whites just really need to embrace White supremacism and fight fire with fire?

The issue is whose rules will rule.

Jews or Whites?

Negros or Whites?

You decide.


The only violence im seeing is from blacks. Its literally every single day.
Scroll through MSNs news feed its black after black killing beating and raping mainly Whites. I wouldn't dare be a fast food worker, one dies almost every day from black violence.

My town got the trifecta a few years back (black mayor, black police chief, black city manager) 4 years later the town is turning to shit.

Nobody calls them out when a black live streams himself killing Whites they say a "guy killed random people"
I just can't stand it anymore

@Nature_and_Race I'm just waiting for the race war to kick off. As a non feminist white woman, I'll make sammys, bring y'all cold brews and clean tha guns. 😎

@CrankyYankee @Nature_and_Race
If you can stay away from the Niggers who would rape you.

various commenters #wingnut #quack


spoilerNYPD cop can't be fired
for not having COVID
vaccine, judge rules

@vaccineregrets The deadly shots are not vaccines! They are experimental biological agents!

@DanHunt Yes. Many people still do not understand the difference between a classic vaccine (inert virus, localized, does not move) vs this mRNA gene treatment that turns their body into a printing press.

@vaccineregrets that applies to all of us. So many friends and family got jabs cuz they didn’t want to lose their jobs. But those relationships were already destroyed, cuz the masks came first for the divide and conquer tactic. I fell into that group. Long before the jabs came into play. No masks. No tests. No jabs. It’s ok, it’s just a mask. It’s ok, it’s just a test. It’s ok, it’s just a vaccine. No to all of that bs. Smart, and intelligent people that you’ve known for years, just flipped the script and became strangers overnight. It’s truly mind boggling! I don’t mind the lack of drama and peace and quiet though! Lol

@LucyBurnett @vaccineregrets I was fired before all that began. Before Pres. Trump even shut things down in Spring of 2020, my employer tried to tell me I wasn’t allowed to travel across state lines. I told her @$%#@%. No one tells me if I can or can’t travel 50 miles over a state border or not. Other than my husband everyone of my family members lived out of state at that time. I wont mask, I wont test and sure as hell not going to get the jab…

@vaccineregrets Little late, isn’t it? Haven’t many of NY’s finest gotten the boot over the vax?

@vaccineregrets Glad to know public sector goons are excused as always from the persecution they enforce on others.

@vaccineregrets. When are the ukraine people going to blame zelenski for their plight: he wants/ed to join NATO

When are the people of the world going to blame zelenski for their plight:

Work for the best outcome: prepare for the worst. Buy bullets, body armor ...

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut


Over and over again Biden and his Democrats have smeared MAGA supporters as being ’a threat to our democracy.’ They claim we are ‘election deniers’ for pointing out concrete evidence of their election fraud. This is confusing because the Democrats themselves denied the legitimate election of Trump and proceeded to invent lies to destroy him. Joe Biden called himself a ‘uniter’ during his inauguration, but he has since made many divisive speeches. In his latest one he again vilified nearly half of America for being ‘election deniers’ and MAGA ‘extremists.’

Pepe Escobar #conspiracy #moonbat #pratt

Berlin Goes to Beijing: The Real Deal

The Scholz caravan went to Beijing to lay down the preparatory steps for working out a peace deal with Russia, with China as privileged messenger.

Yet schizophrenia reigns supreme, as Steinmeier, after a ridiculous stunt in Kiev announced an extra handout: two more multiple rocket launchers and four howitzers to be delivered to the Ukrainians.

So even if the “world” economy – actually the EU – is so fragilized that member-states cannot help Kiev anymore without harming their own populations, and the EU is on the verge of a catastrophic energy crisis, fighting for “our values” in Country 404 trumps it all.

Andrea Zhok proposes that the zombified collective West is now completely subjugated to a “State of Martial Law”.

Every other variable – from trans-humanism to depopulation and even cancel culture – is subordinated to the State of Martial Law, and is basically inessential. The only thing that matters is exercising absolute, raw control.

As I pointed out in one of my previous columns, Berlin and Moscow were keeping a secret communication back channel right to the minute the usual suspects, in desperation, decided to blow up the Nord Streams.

Cue to the now notorious SMS from Liz Truss’s iPhone to Little Tony Blinken, one minute after the explosions: “It’s done.”

There’s more: the Scholz caravan may be trying to start a long and convoluted process of eventually replacing the US with China as a key ally.

According to one of the sources, “if this effort is successful, then Germany, China and Russia can ally themselves together and drive the US out of Europe.”

Another source provided the cherry on the cake: “Olaf Scholz is being accompanied on this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back watching themselves being destroyed.”

Moscow knows very well what the imperial aim is when it comes to the EU reduced to the role of totally dominated – and deindustrialized – vassal, exercising zero sovereignty.

So could this all be the foundation stone of the Berlin-Moscow-Beijing trans-Eurasia geopolitical/geoeconomic corridor? That will mean Bye Bye Empire. Once again: it ain’t over till the fat lady goes Gotterdammerung.

Joseph Kay #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

Ending Racial Blackmail

Thanks to the Supreme Court, affirmative action is back in the news.

Racial preferences are blackmail. They are unearned benefits to bribe blacks into good behavior. We pay the blackmail, but it fails to deliver tranquility. It’s a terrible deal. When you pay the Danegeld, the Dane never goes away.

It is time to pull the plug on today’s doomed-to-fail racial preferences.

The benefits would be huge. As Charles Murray’s Facing Reality makes clear, the boost in average IQ across many professions would be enormous, and we would see a jump in productivity. No more incompetent nurses or doctors. Professors could teach demanding courses. Military enlistments would increase.

The worst aspects of black behavior — everything from the riots to illegitimacy and welfare dependency — appeared after the civil rights movement, not before.

There is a growing nostalgia among blacks for the pre-integration era now lost. As a recent article in Washington Monthly put it:

In 1985, 60 black-owned banks were providing financial services to their communities; today, just 23 remain. In 11 states that headquartered black-owned banks in 1994, not a single one is still in business. Of the 50 black-owned insurance companies that operated during the 1980s, today just 2 remain.

This parallels the demise of black-owned taxi services, supermarkets, publishing, cosmetic firms and mom-and-pop businesses.

It is easy to forget the countless black-owned enterprises that were bankrupted by integration. According to Black Excellence, thousands of black-owned and black-run firms thrived, especially where there was Jim Crow.

Millions of decent jobs might await blacks if the US returned to an era when millions of black-run businesses catered to blacks. During the pre-civil rights era, black labor force participation often exceeded 90 percent.

Ending affirmative action may have consequences far beyond eliminating the most prominent feature of today’s racial spoils system. It could start a mutually beneficial and jointly desired racial disengagement. Black businesses and universities would be reinvigorated while white institutions would no longer be pressured to hire people they don’t want.

Henry_Blair #sexist #wingnut

What happens when a woman is being treated the same way an average man and boy are treated daily, with institutionalized hate and a demonizing attitude.

"Whiteness: A Problem of Our Time": Nurse Sues NHS For Racist Class Saying Bible & Whites Are Racist

This case is extremely revealing and important because it shows how normalized the dehumanization of men and the infringement of their human dignity have become.

This nice woman who took classes to become a therapist, is describing everything that a typical male college student and many schoolboys, as well as men in workplaces, would be forced to listen to and agree with as a matter of routine, with one small difference - the word "men" was replaced with the word "white" causing the statements to apply to her.

Her response and the response of the public is what should make us pause: she immediately started a debate, filed a lawsuit against the college, started a go-fund-me project to pay for the legal actions, received support from the public this way, was interviewed, and her case was covered by the media extensively.

Now pause to consider what statements and messages made in class, have caused all this.

These are the very same sentences, possibly word-for-word, made in colleges, schools and many work environments about men, with one word switched - "men" with "white" - making them about this woman as well which hurt her.

Almost no man and boy reacts in university, school or work when hearing - and being required to agree with - the same hate speech with the very same phrases where "men" and "boys" are the target. This woman's actions and the public response create a contrast, to the male silence.

They were so deeply dehumanized and from such an early stage that they are not regarding stripping their human dignity from them as something being taken away.

Most of them are so accustomed to being expected to sit and listen to hate speech against them and to repeat it that they don't even think of starting a debate.

It takes being a woman to feel human enough to deserve an apology and compensation when hearing and receiving the same dehumanization men undergo daily.

Michele Blair #transphobia

Sage was taken to the ER for treatment and sent to a detention center. Why? She had no criminal charges. I was called by the FBI to come and get Sage and take her back to Virginia. However, upon my arrival I was told my granddaughter would not be allowed to return to Virginia. Sage was now being represented by a juvenile attorney and my husband and I were going to be investigated for "abuse" because my husband and I called her Sage and not Draco. Sage now identified as a boy and the judge demanded we use the “he/him” pronoun and call her Draco. Sage was being represented by an attorney whose actions from the beginning were unethical and unprofessional.

Abuse charges were filed against my husband and myself and Draco was put in the Children’s Home

Archangel Michael via James McConnell #magick #ufo #conspiracy

I am Archangel Michael. I am with you at this time to bring you news. To bring you further understanding. To bring you the truth.

The truth of who you are, what you are here for. For you have been hearing this for some time, that you are the Chosen Ones. And yes, we know that some of you don’t like that term. But indeed you are the Chosen Ones. You are the Lightworkers, the Light-Warriors, MY warriors. You are here to perform missions, to spread the Light everywhere. We cannot do it but through you.

And in earlier timelines, one that those of the dark forces have known for some time which keeps them going because, in that timeline, they won. And that is what their expression continues to move forward to, thinking that they had won. But more and more, they are coming to the realization that they have not won. That the timeline has shifted!

And it has shifted because those of you, and those of your Brothers and Sisters, have come back from times ahead, from your future, if you will, have come back and have altered the timeline, have altered it, so that it would be the timeline that you all came here for, that you are all expecting, that you are bringing into fruition, into creation. It is your creation that this timeline that you are on now, that you have created, and that you are moving along now, is the one that has been foretold for quite some time.
So even those of the forces of the dark continue to move along and bring about what they think is their creation, it is not. It is not to be allowed. For the Great Central Source of this universe has decreed that it shall not be allowed, that the experiment is at an end. And even though you may still see some of those remnants of the darkness continuing on, they are more and more fading into nonexistence.

So continue to trust. Trust the plan. Trust in yourselves, the Creator Selves that you are. Because that is what is righting the ship.

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Yes, the thing done gone and happened! Elon Musk made Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), a ]ewish ran and controlled Zionist watchdog group, a Civil Society Leader on Twitter. The disgusting, feminine, rat-faced ]ew, Greenblatt is the first person Musk tags in setting up his Censorship Board. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be!
The head ]ew terrorist of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, who fights good for hate said, the meeting with Musk was productive.

Essentially, the ]ew is demanding that Elon do whatever the ]ews tell him to do. How is this? Well, as I’ve told you guys many times before, the ADL controls and monitors the internet.
Can you imagine being so dumb that you actually believe multi-millionaires, billionaires and even trillionaires are genuinely poised to serve the interest of the common folk? I can’t. I certainly cannot begin to fathom how such a thought can arise in someone’s mind, but, I do know it does. This delusion is exactly what constitutes the basis of all religions, be they organized religion, or the belief in politicians and the state. The average person, as I’ve pointed out countless of times before, is an abject retard who believes in fantasies and myths that serve as coping mechanisms. They are inclined to believe in “larger than life” figures that control the fates; that have a direct hand in their immediate lives and exist to serve and protect them. This is a construct of weakness by the weak. This is slave morality.

These are the same retarded people who were championing Elon Musk who told them that he was going to “restore freedom of speech” online. Here he is, now, bulldozing through the Twitter-sphere with hyper censorship moves. Instead of doing what most of these morons believed he was going to do—send in his SpaceX coders to expose all the algorithms of shadow-banning and implement “open source transparency algorithms”—he is doing the exact opposite and they are so surprised.

Page #racist

(Regarding the missing child Jaliek Rainwalker, and the suspicious behavior of his adoptive parents)

This is the exact reason why white people have no business adopting black children. They take out all their pint up racism on the child. Reminds me of that white lesbian couple that killed all those black children in Portland. Those “parents” had no electricity or running water?! And was getting $1500?? How the hell did they get approved as adoptive parents??!! Because they were white and can do no wrong. I really wish our people would get their stuff together so their black children won’t end of like one of these tragedies.

Family Of Taygeta - One of Many, Many of One - Pleiadian Collective via Neioh #crackpot #ufo #magick

You Live With Diversity On Your Beloved Planet With Many Races, Cultures And Sizes Of Humans.

Many Of You Have Wondered About The Planet Mars And What Kinds Of Life Forms Live Here!

There Are Photos Now That Have Clearly Shown You Structures With Entrances That Have Been Designed With Intent.

There Are Many Beings Living Beneath The Surface As Well As Races Of Beings That Live Separately And Above The Surface.

Just As Some On Earth, These Beings Do Not Socialize With Others And Stay To Themselves.

They Are Very Different In Nature And Activities.

We Will Begin With One Race That Is Very Different In Body Form From Others.

This Race Is Known As STEO.

They Live Underground And Stay Completely To Themselves.

They Stand On Two Legs But Their Body Is Much Like An Insect.
They Live On Water And Vegetation.

They Feel Love And Pain But They Have Chosen To Remain On The Planet And Not Communicate With Others.

They Procreate And Live Thousands Of Years.

When Their Body Form Dies, They Incarnate Again Into The Race Very Quickly.

There Are Many More Races With Names And Descriptions Which Would Be Very Strange To You.

But Understanding That Life Exists In All Places, Know In Truth That There Are Life Forms Throughout The Cosmos That Would Be Either Beautiful Or Horrific Looking To You!

If You Take Anything From This Information, Allow It To Bring You To An Understanding Of Earth.

Maybe Judge Less And Love More!

Maybe Try Tolerance And Negotiations Without War.

On Earth, All Beings Sleep, Eat And Procreate.

Everyone Wants To Be Loved!

Send Light To All Created Beings In All Places Of Creation!


I Love You So!

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

At the same time, it's important to remember that through each stage of spiritual initiation, we open into a new frequency, a new architectural pattern, new coding, new fire letters, and this ascension process continues to evolve. Understanding that as we become initiated, this means we begin to be exposed and interconnected to areas filled with new energies, new entities, new technologies and this content then starts to synchronize into our consciousness body, into our light body as we integrate, assimilate and accrete these new frequencies on higher dimensional realities. While this is happening our consciousness body is more vulnerable to an assortment of hitchhikers and interlopers that want to control the direction we move in the future, with our newly awakened consciousness and integrated spiritual identity. One of the most common NAA manipulations is to groom a person with a following or with some online influence by introducing a new false identity to them. This is usually an artificially generated identity that is connected to the individual’s subconscious or auric field layers, that the dark entity is manipulating for negative purposes.
Previously, this has been referred to as the dark entity manipulation using red cube clone imposters, false or cloned identities that have been projected through AI machinery, which is used as spiritual warfare against the awakening population to fracture their minds through imagined or imaginary scenarios that are believed to be real. This is an extension of MK-Ultra based targeting of the awakening population to be derailed into consciousness traps, using many tactics of information warfare, psychological warfare and spiritual warfare. Many people are unaware of how to test the energies of cloned or false identities and their messaging.

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