
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel chad goes to korean tv show [+ricecels do NOT enter!]

홍진영, 막심과 포옹 '흥분' @놀라운 대회 스타킹 131005

look at how noodles look at him. Suddenly all rices, perhaps even changs became invisible, they couldn't control themselves in front of tall chad and his mogger presence. Jesus, I wish I was chad. It's over. :feelsrope:

Man why are rices so cucked? Wtf is wrong with them?

(Ricecel X)
why is it not just ricecels in denial, but also every other race of incels seems to deny that noodlewhores are not loyal to their own race. There are mayos who deny the noodlewhore race traitor problem, yet want to JBW to fuck noodlewhores themselves. How does one hold contradictory views so consistently?

I remember reading about a Korean show where foids were sent to western countries so that they could be "courted" by local men. Imagine setting up a whole show where your women drool over foreigners ffs, sounds hella cucked

:lul: YOU HAVE TO ENSLAVE THEM. SHE FUCKING HUGGED HIM. NO SHAME AMONG FOIDS. THE RICES CAN'T HELP BUT LAUGH AT GETTING CUCKOLDED THIS HARD :lul: I'll fucking move there ngl. mark my words if I don't ascend by 35 I'm going to japan or korea. which one is better boyos?


Reminds me

Handsome German Boy Goes On Chinese Dating Show - A Hilarious Breakdown

JFL, the coping is hard in this one. Asian truecel is trying to mock this aryan chad :lul:.

adun & zuubat #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com


all the TIFs there demanding to be called men but also demanding to attend a women’s college completely broke my brain...

This is something I see a lot. I feel like the ultraliberal kind of TIFs seems to think they can have their cake and eat it, too. Probably because they recognise what BS transitioning is and that it doesn't save them from people treating them like crap for being female, but they hold onto their super special identities anyways because it's so much more interesting than just a boring old woman going through boring old misogyny. This brand of TIF also tends to be all about "genderfuckery" which means they don't even make an attempt to "pass", leading to more frustrations than usual over people not being able to delude themselves that they're the opposite sex.

I definitely prefer them to the women filled to the brim with internalised misogyny who will rush to proclaim #notLikeOtherGirls for male approval, but that at least seems more straightforward and backwards in the usual ways we're familiar with, than this.

Oh, yeah, that NYT story of the TIFs having been accepted at a women's college because they were, you know, women, and after "transitioning" demanding a thousand-and-one ridiculous accommodations from the other women: students, faculty, staff, and administrators. AND GETTING THEM!!!

I all-capped the second clause b/c for me that was the most demoralizing thing: Even for pretend men, the women fell all over themselves to be nice but no matter how nice it was still not enough. A few women desisted, and they were doxxed (or whatever the IRL version of that is) so badly that they declined to give their names to the NYT.

lulululululu & bellatrixbells #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

HAHAHA i went to a women’s college too and I came here to comment this but you already did so I don’t have to!

I graduated before TIMs were allowed in, so I don’t know how that’s affected the school, but all the TIFs there demanding to be called men but also demanding to attend a women’s college completely broke my brain...

What the actual mind clusterfuck.

Yeah. One argument that I heard frequently that really broke my brain was that the college wasn't actually intended to be a women's college, it was intended to be an "all oppressed genders college" but since people didn't know about TIFs back then, women were the only oppressed gender around to be admitted... but since we know about TIFs now, we should let them in as an oppressed gender. LMAO.

In reality, I think they just liked the romantic and sexual attention they got for being some of the few "men" around so were grasping at straws to justify being "literally men" at a women's college.

wait WHAT!! holy fucking hell

Please do not break my brain any further 😂😂😂😉

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Feminism is designed to destroy the heterosexual dynamic, marriage, and family. Three generations of women have been indoctrinated into a set of beliefs that are self-destructive. They have been taught to seek power when they really want love.

How can a woman find permanent love? By finding a man worthy of her love, which entails entrusting her power to him. The heterosexual dynamic is the exchange of power for love.

Yes, a man's love is a function of his egotism. He loves her because she gives herself to him. She empowers him and becomes part of him. This is how two people become one. Sex is the emblem of this exclusive bond.
Sexual intercourse is an act of possession: a man possessing a woman. Obviously this must take place in the context of a committed long-term relationship, ideally marriage. Women want to be possessed by loving husbands.

The Satanists (Communists) have convinced young women that men are wife beaters and family is oppressive. Millions are bitter and alone.
Are these qualities fostered in our hook-up culture? By hopping from bed to bed? By teaching girls that their value lies in their sex appeal? By teaching that masculinity is toxic, and lesbianism is cool?

Of course not because Satanists want men and women to be incompatible. They want women to take direction from them, not from loving husbands. Thus many women are gofers for the Satanists, especially in media, education, law, and government. These Leftist women are dupes and traitors to society.

The coronavirus hoax proves society has been subverted by people who want to enslave us. They are Freemasons and Cabalist Jews empowered by the Cabalist world banking cartel.

They want us to eat the poisoned apple

and die.

CHOoseWisely #racist #sexist #wingnut blackpill.club

[Blackpill] Jews in Feminism #namethejew

We need to create a hash tag and spread it to every /pol/ website there is on Father’s Day in the hopes that they join in and help mass post it everywhere from Facebook to twitter.

look, we need to combine our efforts with Fascists (a response to (((Marxist))) ideals and (((communism))).)

anyone want to tip in and help?

now only can fascists get their opportunity to mass name the jew but we Incels/blackpillers get to spread the plague that is feminism among other things.

OverwroughtDoeling #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist tvtropes.org

Oh no. They aren’t even gonna raise a finger against Beijing. Even though it’s the CCP’s fault for the COVID-19 pandemic in the first place, we’ll be lucky if Washington (and by extension the outer world) will even pinky-slap them. They build up their military and land-grab, we try to find ways to put heavily-pregnant in danger of the war-zone.

Nobody’s willing to hold them accountable.

Scott Morrison #sexist abc.net.au

{Context: Australian Prime Minister’s comment in response to thousands of women who rallied outside Parliament House for the March 4 Justice protest on Monday.}

"Not far from here, such marches, even now are being met with bullets, but not here in this country," Mr Morrison told Parliament.
"This is a triumph of democracy when we see these things take place."

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Is it entitlement or disillusion? Or both?

In my experience with an adult AGP, it was delusion. As in, clinical delusion. It started out as noticing that depression lifted with cross-dressing and progressed into full-on Trans-identification, paranoia, and rage toward anyone who wouldn't affirm the madness.

I see people's "gender identity" as nothing more than fashion choices that sometimes include cosmetic surgery. I won't call priest "father" and I won't call a homeopath "doctor" and I won't call a man "she". If that makes them sad and cry, I am glad because fuck them. Their "activism" is no different than fundamentalist religious types pushing their beliefs on everyone else. They lobby and succeed in inflicting horribly detrimental outcomes on women (especially bipoc) I would never consider dating a scientologist in a million years, yes all of them, they are all kooks. I would never willingly fuck anyone who weighed 600lbs, yes because they are 600lbs. What's the difference?

There was a bit in Irreversible Damage where an escaped member of the trans cult mentioned that she had trained herself not to be able to tell the difference between men and women in her “queer” circles. (She recovered the ability when she exited the cult.)

I thought that explained a lot - many of them are so autobrainwashed they really can’t tell and think we can’t either.

Somehow though I bet the men in those circles can tell the difference when deciding who to creep on.

I’m sorry, but why do you even entertain these people. Once you’ve heard the idiot out just say bye. Actions speak louder than words sometimes. Also, most people can’t even be bothered to hate them. They just think they are pathetic and annoying. The mistake we made was feeling sorry for them.

-BrettyBoy- #psycho #sexist incels.is

Serious Getting told to stop seeing women as sexual objects is the equivalent of getting told to not see animals as food when you need to survive.

Like the topic title says, getting told to stop seeing women as sexual objects is like getting told to stop seeing animal as food when you’re stuck on a land full of animals and can’t survive without needing to kill them for food because if you’re in that type of situation where you have no choice but to kill an animal for food, food is all you will will be able to see them animals as if desperate enough and that is like when you’re lust is not getting satisfied so you can’t see women as anything but sexual objects because you’re not getting your sexual needs met.

I really hate feminists that tell men to stop seeing women as sexual objects.

I know I resorted to an extreme example but not sure of a better way to put all this.

ReturnOfSaddam & crew2 #sexist incels.is

This Chad I went to school with

Every British person will know what I'm talking about, assuming you went to a normal school. He acted in a way that would get him thrown in jail now. In fact if it was a non-Chad back then, then he would have been straight off to juvie. But as a Chad he could act however he wanted.

This guy was like 80IQ. He would regularly take his dick out and masturbate in class, I remember even a teacher saw this once but all he did was tell him to have more self respect lmao. He would often jack off right in front of girls, even rubbing his cock on their shoulders and shit JFL. A lot of people here are sheltered as fuck and don't believe this shit happens. I remember once we were watching a film in class, and him and his other Chad friend were sat on the floor at the back, both jerking off and playing with themselves. The girls were all pretending to be disgusted and of course looking over :lul: Chad lives in a different universe

Trust me, girls loved this guy. Of course he was good looking and on the football team though, anyone else and it's straight to the asylum :lul: He was very good looking, and had zero inhibition. Redpillers would say it's his lack of care that girls like but that's bullshit lmao, it was just his appearance and I suppose status to an extent. But looks first of course. Was a very early blackpill for me.

There was someone EXACTLY like that in my year at school and he was the guy in the year who ended up banging all the girls in the year that all the lads wanted, even the quiet ones. He even did the same thing you mentioned and started jerking off in class and all the girls laughed like it was great. Always making fun of everyone and foids loved it. Thugmaxxing is the easiest way in England.

JosefMengelecel #sexist #homophobia #psycho ncu.su

So I just watched the first episode of a hentai series called dropout. In that series people refused to work and stayed as NEETs and weren’t motivated enough. The government then passed a new act which gave them foids that would have sex with them if they were able to have good grades.

If this was implemented irl, this could be a pretty good solution to inceldom. It’s a win win situation. Incels like us will be happy because we have foids provided by the government to have sex with and we would be willing to put more effort in school and get jobs.

But there were a couple issues I had with the way things went. The first issue I had was that they were all fucking in the same room. That’s pretty gay because you will literally be fucking some foid but in front of other guys while they are doing it too. I personally wouldn’t feel very comfortable in that situation and won’t have as good of a time.


Overall, the new act passed by the government was fundementally good but just had some issues which should have been fixed. If those issues I brought up above were fixed then it would be a pretty decent solution or atleast compromise to inceldom. It will end up benefitting both parties. And the thing is that the foids enjoyed it as well so cucks/feminists wouldn’t care either but I am pretty sure it was for the sake of the hentai. Too bad the government is too gay and retarded to figure this out.

Lecherous #sexist #racist ncu.su

[Cucked] Dominican Republic Officially Bans “Child Marriage”

(Link to Daily Stormer article »Dominican Republic Officially Bans “Child Marriage”«)

Dominican Republic, previously very based for having age of marriage at 15 and even 12% of marriages happening before the age of 15, has now cucked to pressure of retarded Western social norms and (((feminism))). Needless to say, another blackpill to add to the pile, I share in Anglin saying that when the ball drops for 2022 that the third world will become as cucked as here. I've also noticed this is becoming a trend, about a week or so ago I saw that the Philippines was going to raise the age of consent from 12 to 16 and of course cucktears was complaining it wasn't going high enough. :Honk: As we should all know, age of consent, is retarded. Girls just gonna get fucked by chad either way sooner or later, almost always sooner, makes no damn difference. Keep it low as possible and maybe some of the lolis will be young enough to know that you're not chad. Oh and it's always some kind of NGO claiming to 'help children' lobbying and pushing for this crap, that's how it just happened in the Philippines. Just the nation wrecking kike parasites doing what they usually do. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Of course the bit about them saying they are doing it to help children is a crock of shit. If pedo hunter faggots actually cared about kids maybe they would stop buying clothes made from child slavery or try to shut down the sweatshops. Maybe solve child hunger. Yeah it has nothing to do with helping children and everything to do with pushing globohomo feminist trash onto the masses. If I were in any position of power I would help liberate all young non-cucks and men of culture, end state compulsory education indoctrination and make it easier for them to find a nice loli.

“Child marriage” being bad is a stupid hoax
Girls should be married off at whatever time it is they are having sex, otherwise you’re promoting mass whoredom.

National review #sexist nationalreview.com

Women-Only Rape-Relief Shelter Defunded, Then Vandalized

Despite boycotts, threats, and a slaughtered rat nailed to its front door, this Canadian women’s shelter soldiers on.

This week, staff of the Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter (VRRWS) in British Columbia found messages such as “Kill TERFS,” “F*** TERFS,” and — what else? — “Trans women are women” scrawled across their windows and walls. (“TERF,” for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” is a generally derogatory term for feminists who do not believe certain things about transgenderism.) This is not the first time something like this has happened. Three weeks ago, a woman seeking the shelter’s services was alarmed to find a dead rat nailed to the front door.

“The women who come to our support groups are rape victims and battered women,” says Hilla Kerner, VRRWS’s spokeswoman, who has worked at the shelter for 14 years. “One of them said to me, ‘Haven’t we suffered enough?’”
Founded in 1973, VRRWS is the oldest rape-relief center in Canada. Their staff is a collective made up of 20 women who serve around 1,200 women every year. Some of the staff are paid, others are volunteers, but they all do a lot of voluntary work. “Because you cannot change the world Monday to Friday, 9 to 5,” Kerner explains. “It’s a full-time life.”

Fight_back #sexist incels.is

The virginity exchange subreddit is a black hole of inceldom

Even in my depressed, jaded state, this subreddit is one of the few things that still hits me hard just because I get to see the full scale of the difference in position of men and women in society. I get to see it in its sheer magnitude.

Thousands of begging posts by men going unanswered, reposting again and again to no avail, scratching for whatever little crumb they can get while everyone else is having the time of their lives.

Screaming into the digital void, nothing answers. The universe has decided that they won't get anything : no answer, no comfort, no sex, no love, no truth.

Begging on their knees for the rare older foid who will pity fuck them. And when the occasional 18 yo female posts, a deluge of answers, so much so that it scares them away.

Whenever I forget how truly fucked I am, browsing this sub wakes me up to the tragedy that this reality is.

Orlov & Copexodius Maximus #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel 16 year old neighbour I had a crush on officially lost her virginity and it's depressing

I'm 30 by the way. But I became attracted to her somehow, I guess I am naive and childlike still, never developed psychologically beyond my teenage years. So anyway I knew for a fact she is a virgin, she is just so sweet, and pretty, and simple with normal tastes, just a girl from my neighborhood whom I followed on instagram and facebook. But for the last six months she began dating some low-inhibited football normie guy who is from different school but they are the same age. And as I suspected - I found out she finally lost her virginity with him.

What pains me is that her youth will never touch my life, since I'm already an oldcel by definition. More than anything it hurts me when I see teenagers having fun and living through milestones (first kiss/sex, teen love, youth, friendship) while I rot. It's just so painful to know I can't be part of that world ever.

(Copexodius Maximus)
Love how all these people are losing their virginity in their teens. Meanwhile we are rotting never even getting a look from anyone. Fuck this gay Earth, there's no equality in this world, some people are just born superior while ugly subhumans like us are doomed to rot or be some whore's beta provider.

i always get so angry when i read stories about people losing their virginities at age 14 like fuck I was playing video games while they were fucking like rabbits

I wish I could go back in time and know about all the blackpill stuff I know now at 14. I would have tried super hard to mew, lift (to height maxxx), take roids, etc. But now it's too late, and my life is already over in my early 20s.

Lv99_BixNood #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Toxic Femininity Women are the reason we live in a world full of wars and violence

Women control who gets to reproduce and who does not, and thanks to abortions pregnancy from rape is basically non-existent. If women decided today to only reproduce with meek, non-violent men, then we could eradicate basically all crime and violence within a few generations. Men with genes that cause violent personalities would simply die off and the meek would inherit the earth. But as we all know women prefer the Meeks over the meek and thus we are stuck in a world of violence.

yikerinos #sexist incels.is

Dating apps themselves are the biggest blackpill ever. Whoever isn't blackpilled by that, is hopeless.

The only successful design for a dating app, is one that successfully isolates women from unattractive (most) men.

Tinder: Can't talk to her unless she matches with you in the first place. No option for sub8 males to send any sort of request to them. The algorithm also routinely shadowbans ugly males so women don't even have to see them. As a result, tinder is the most successful dating app and insanely profitable. The saddest part is this is all made by stemcels. Imagine having a job that's about helping chads get laid.

Bumble: Same as tinder, but you can't talk to a foid first.

I haven't used any other dating apps but I'm pretty sure the model revolves around that for all of them. And the better a dating app is at isolating women from ugly men, the more successful it'll be.

Why most men aren't blackpilled by this is beyond me.

Another blackpill was that all of the first few iterations of dating websites were heavily focused on personality, describing yourself, talking about your life and hobbies etc And they were all nuked and mogged into oblivion by apps like tinder that removed virtually all of the details and focused on looks above all Apps like tinder have become the norm. Looks have obliterated everything else online. People of course cope by saying that's only online, as if the looks domination had absolutely nothing to do with anything involving real life. As if it came from nowhere, as if it was an accident


Stephen Strang #fundie #transphobia #sexist #wingnut charismanews.com

It's a day almost every young woman dreams about: the day she gets to say yes to the dress.

But in the case of "Ann" (whose name has been changed to protect her identity), that special day shifted to a trauma-filled nightmare.

"As a wonderful Christian woman in her early 20s ... she has been saving herself for the husband whom God had planned for her," says Mat Staver, president and founder of Liberty Counsel.

"So she goes to this bridal store; she has an appointment," Staver says. "She walks in, and the manager of the store puts her in touch with a person who is an assistant. And that assistant then takes her in to look at bridal gowns and then takes her into a private dressing room. And of course, these bridal outfits are hard to get in and out of. And so this young woman is having to dress and undress and be fitted, and this person is touching various private parts of her body. She has an uneasy feeling about this individual. This person has a ponytail, has a mask on. ... But there's something that, in her spirit, was not right."

And Ann's spirit spoke the truth. The person who was fitting her with her wedding gown was, in fact, a transgender man.

Staver shares the story as a part of a plea for believers to take seriously the dangers of the Equality Act and the fact that situations like this, where Staver's Liberty Counsel is working to defend Ann's religious freedom, will become normal and legal should we allow the Equality Act to pass. This dangerous bill will protect the transgender man's right to work, dress and behave as a woman while ignoring Ann's right to privacy and to the faithful carrying out of her religious beliefs.

your personality #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

LifeFuel For ricecels. You don't have it the worst and here's why.

compared to brown incels:

Your skin tone isn't poop colored brown.
You aren't suspected to be a terrorist or scammer at first sight.
Your cultural customs are acknowledged and not seen as a meme.
Your currency has a much better chance of replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Western media is likely not to promote regime change of your countries because they know there will be severe consequences if they do that.
Food insecurity is less of an issue. The phrase that there are starving children in China or Japan is more true of the US and Latin American countries.
Asian males are known to have a ruthless side.
There are Asian street gangs with a serious and respectable reputation.
Your countries aren't low IQ or completely unsanitary.
The cultural power of anime, kpop and video games has improved the image of Asian culture.
Many girls like anime and kpop and this improves the SMV of an average decent looking Asian guy too.
Like whites, you can afford to be more feminine and small and look cute instead of looking like a creepy skinny brown dude.
Asian countries are known to be technologically advanced even compared to many western countries.
Asian countries aren't politically correct or social justice oriented.
Asian countries like China are on track to displace western countries like US within a few years. They have also surpassed the US in many ways already.
China landed a rocket on the moon. India and Israel failed to do that.
Asians fought back against white colonialist powers.
Britain had to give back Hong Kong and doesn't have a chance of getting it back.
The western way of life has proven not to be superior and is rapidly falling apart.
It is not considered a meme for China to be an eventual superower unlike with countries like India or Pakistan.
Asian countries aren't locked in skirmishes with each other and as a result can more easily take on western military powers.

Kamikaze & Lonelycel #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

Blackpills now on prime time TV

Was passing in the living room by the running TV, and they showed a segment on how being below 180cm is a death sentence in modern dating world. They interviewed a 167cm normie who was having complete ignore over dating apps, then promptly interviewed several 3/10 caked women that demanded tall guys as they were giggling and passive aggressively mocking short men... And to top it all off, they brought a statistic of how the response rate for men under 173cm was 0.2% or some crud. Ive never seen shit like that being blatantly aired on prime time TV...

And you decided to make a post about it with no links to said video?

Its not in English, and i had no option to record it. Maybe @kikecel saw it too.


The goal was never to suppress the blackpill. The goal was to make it so that only the "approved" interpretation of the blackpill that demoralizes nonchad males and justifies female privilege could be made mainstream.

Exactly, the blackpill will be accepted by society now and it is in full gear, the mass suicides will be ignored

It's like the NSA leaks. The government and data mining corporations want you to know they are screwing you over but more importantly to make you feel powerless and there's nothing you could do to. And now that the "ship has sailed" as NYT soy cuck commenters like to say, they can now push the envelope even further and openly trample on you even more while holding you to standards they don't follow themselves.

This is why I say that, for example, women having an onlyfans account will become acceptable in a few years time since men can't stop wanting relationships and therefore will have to accept it. Everyone knows its wrong and degenerate (just like foids taking miles of cock before marriage) but the problem is just too large and deep rooted to fix.

Jerek #sexist incels.is

Serious There is no turning back after you get to know female sexuality in first person - chadfishing.

I think there's always a way to delude yourself until you chadfish, and that's why i consider it the most dangerous activity for a ugly male.

Until that moment you can pretend that yes, good looking men have sex more often but, at least for me, it was something vague, like "yeah they fuck more, but it's difficult even for them and also normies have sex so maybe i can hope to get a gf to have sex with".

But chadfishing is totally another thing. You get to know what true female sexuality is: they are completely subservient to chad. They crave chad's cock more than we crave a non-landwhale pussy. Your classmate, your coworker, your sister, your MOM, your cousin, your neighbour, a random girl that you see in the street... they all reveal their true side when they see chad and they answer positively to the worst thing you can think of.

I've chadfished once almost two years ago and i can't forget how it was. Hundred of matches in few hours. Girls that wanted to swallow my cum that very night. I'll never forget that petite brunette that i met in real life (after revealing i was fake and, of course, nothing happened.. i'm lucky she took it well and we just chatted) that came in my neighborhood without her panties telling me that "she never tried to get pissed in her mouth but we can do it".

A girl that wants you for sex will give all of herself to you and truly enjoy sex. If a girl is seeking you for company/attention/money/validation... even if you manage to have sex with her, it won't be the same thing. She will not ask you to fuck her ass or cum on her face.

IslaVista2014 #homophobia #sexist incels.is

RE: Brutal Soy truecel from IT goes gay out of desperation, regrets it, and gets enabled by mentally ill IT foids


Theres nothing wrong with suckin sum good Dick :lul:

Foids argue that sexual actions dont have any consequences on your mental state. Everything defines who you are but for some reason degenerate sexual behavior doesnt affect you at all ("who cares? " "its just a dick pumping semen in your face")

Foids are too weak, cowardice and immature to make any kind of real argument, non-biased reasoning or honest statement and therefore should never be listened to. Their minds are as developed as Oblivion NPCs

The result of accepting and adopting foid logic is that you end up asking advice on reddit how to cope with the fact an old man used your face as fleshlight and now youre coughing up semen as you are awaiting your HIV tests. His blue pill turned into an antiretroviral pill

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “The Queen Negprincress of Mean”]

You may have heard that Queen Elizabeth II is not only Canada's sovereign at this moment but also the de jure Head of State.
Unfortunately Her Majesty isn't given the luxury to enjoy her temporary extra powers this month, as she's dealing with a disgusting royal bitch of her own. Prince Harry's cuckolding wife Meghan Markle (free advice: when she won't take your last name, don't take a walk down the aisle) has been such a royal pain[…]that nigger slut who destroyed the 6th in line for the throne had to go[…]

We already knew of a lot of problems with Meghan Markle[…]She's a woke nigger, and that really could summarize the whole post. Her entire worldview is at odds with the Succession of Kings of England and the British Empire (unbroken now for coming up on 400 years). She also has a "me me me" attitude[…]she thought that marrying Harry would turn the British Monarchy into the Meghan Markle Show (tonight's guest star: the Queen of England).

Yet like so many thin-skinned celebrities[…]they want all the plusses of their fame[…]without accepting the minuses[…]And now it seems[…]Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor doesn't want another consequence of celebrity: it's now a news story how you treat others
This "bullying workplace" is what we used to call real life[…]Due in part to government mandates over private companies, instead the companies bent to meet them.
But, like Cuomo's harassment scandals, the important thing isn't that these people are doing things that conservatives don't consider a big deal: they're doing what liberals do consider a big deal. As Kurt Schlichter (endlessly) says, we expect leftists like Markle to live by the disgusting rules of society they have forced on us.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Beautiful sight. People are starting to realize just how much women hate nice/quiet/humble/reserved guys.


It's crazy how men who respect women are mostly single


They ugly

There’s a popular thread like this one every week on Twitter. People are waking up. DarkTriadMaxx as much as possible. They’ll say they hate toxic men, they’ll say they want a nice guy, but we all know their actions say otherwise. Treat women like they are guys, don’t simp for them, don’t speak softly to them, call them out on their bullshit, and also treat them like they are beneath you. I know it’s fucked up but this might work for a lot of us. I’ve respected women all my life only to be used for favors while they go after players/bullies/loudmouthed guys.


Treat women like they are guys, don’t simp for them, don’t speak softly to them, call them out on their bullshit.

that's literally what nice guys do though and they get rejcted for it.


I jerk off to some of my teachers.

Based. I had a really hot history teacher in highschool one time she bent over and i saw her asscrack

Comment section has a lot of African femoids who probably date the very guys they claim they don't.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel 8 mins talking to a white hightier normie and Korean Stacey is ready to fuck...

Korean Teen Girl Meets A Hot Foreign Guy For The First Time!! (German man)

hE iS sO hAnDsOmE! Stuff like this is Suifuel. I want Asian Foids to worship me like that too... But unfortunatelyI am not that good looking:)

I'm not a ricecel but god damn do I feel for them what with their foids actively shitting on their own kind and almost specifically so. They'd take some central African mongoloid who speaks in clicks and wears a cloth over their own men

This guy could literally shit in her mouth and she would worship the ground he stood on. I honestly think Asian women are even worse than cumskin women. Women don't have souls in general, but if there's one race of women who's robotic and NPC like for sure, it's Asian women.

(your personality)
They are openly promoting racemixxing

Yea WMAF is very common in SF since white women are rare. The white women only go for rich chads. This curry foid successfully lobbied to get a currycel's website taken down from many Silicon valley platforms.

Even if they weren't rare white guys like to spite ethnic and asian guys by dating ethnic and asian women. They are the ones that have the chip on their shoulder. All ethnic and asian guys do is exist and these jbwmaxxing white guys feel they have to spite them.

You even see it on this forum. They can fuck off back to reddit where the rest of their kind seethes at ethnic males and not so secretly lusts after ethnic females.

Edmund_Kemper #ableist #psycho #sexist incels.is

Venting In defense of suicide: why suicide sometimes can be the answer.

Normies always like to say suicide is never the answer and that it gets better. It doesn't always get matter. They seriously think that for every MF it actually gets better! Gwahahahaha! pathetic fools!

Some people struggled to persevere. They tried their best, and things never got better. So they roped. Many times I would hope it'd get better, but it wouldn't. For example, I posted days ago about a 50 year old virgin with social anxiety disorder who never could find anyone because he had social anxiety disorder (a death sentence if you're sub8). He had zero chance of finding someone because of it, so there was no point in trying. Even if he found someone, he'd still feel depressed because he never got to do it when he was younger like over 99% of the population. He tried but never succeeded. And being a virgin at 50 would be a huge red flag to women (and even men for that matter). He decided he gave up on life and he said he would've killed himself a long time ago if it wasn't for false hope.

Suicide is labeled as selfish. Actually, forcing a person to continue suffering just so you can stay happy is actually selfish. I cannot think of anything more evil and inhumane than to force a person who is suffering to continue when they won't get better. If this 50 year old man really is suffering and has zero chance of getting better, let him end his life. It's over for him. He fucked up his life. Let him end it. I don't care about "what about your family?". You and others probably didn't help him until he threatened to rope anyways.

People say "my body my choice" for abortion but not for suicide. Well guess what? My body my choice. If i wanna rope, i can rope if i want. I get that death is horrifying, but if they're really suffering and it won't get better, let them go.People eventually move on. If you can't handle the mourning then just commit suicide yourself, too. It isn't such a big fuckin deal.

Gray-Mane #sexist incels.is

Story Bluepilled simp will do anything for you (if you have a vagina)

Bluepill of the month confirmed. A couple of days ago some extremely bluepilled guy from Spitsbergen was chatting with a random foid on the Internet and she was complainig that she was starving for sushi. And she was indeed just a random foid, he never met her. But simp couldn't wait to fulfill the wish of his Internet fair lady. He himself made a nice set of sushi, seddled up his snow scooter and hit the road ASAP. She was several dozens kilometers away. On the island of Spitsbergen. On the fucking island of Spitsbergen, the coldest hellhole of the North.

He spent whole day delivering sushi to this foid he'd never seen before, man! Delivering sushi through the snow hell of Far North's winter. And guess what? When he got his frozen ass to the girl's house at the town of Barentsburg he found out she was not alone, but with her Chadislav boyfriend. They took the sushi and said 'Thank you and goodbuye!' They didn't even let him in for the night. For the fucking deadly freezing night, man! He had to rent some shitty hostel for 11000 ₽ ($145, cause Northern prices are pure hell) and head back home next day.

He spent almost two days and 30000 ₽ ($400) to make and deliver sushi to a random foid and her boyfriend. What is the size of the bluepill this simp consumed? I'm done.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: New Report: Women Apply to Fewer Jobs Than Men, But Are More Likely to Get Hired

The sexism agaisnt men is getting out of control. My company is about 13% female but our management is 75% female. It's so fucked up, if you're a dude you aren't going anywhere.


Who can argue women dont have it easier when they are empirically more likely to get jobs?

I’m a female law student and my friend and I regularly talk about how it must suck to be a white man in law right now. Several law firms have been sued recently for not hiring enough POC so this has increased diversity hiring. On top of that, women started getting hired more because of feminism. The only people I know getting legal internships are POC, men with disabilities/non-traditional background, and white women. So, it seems that white men have it pretty rough in the legal market right now.


My sisters definition of job inequality is that SOME places ask for male employees, but when they ask for females she doesnt care.

Cut her off. Or find some way to ruin her life

Every girl i know in my area and school has a job. Only 1 guy is employed and he is a lot more "feminine" in terms of appearance. Most guys don't get the chance of an interview to the same places girls with lower grades got accepted.

In Canada the government gives tax breaks to companies that hire a certain amount of women, so even though I have 7 years experience I would be turned down for a women with zero experience because the companies will get tax breaks... then they call women oppressed 🙄our world is fucked

Western society will fall. When men are forced out of job roles, we will see a decline in families with eventual replacement by more conservative ethnic minorities.

Feces #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel Why do women post on AmIUgly types of subs when theyre not ugly and they litearlly know it?

Its kind of sad because people whore actually ugly get downvoted but these attention whores soak up thousands of upvotes despite not needing any sort of advice and living ideal lives already

Foids that know deep down they are worthless besides their looks, and the most valuable thing to them besides air and water which is validation. If they cant get it atleast several times a day they will begin to decompose mentally and become “depressed”. So they will post on any outlet to receive attention and validation. This is why I say men are the biggest problem and not foids in todays world, because orbitors and cucks are feeding their need for validation and keeping the bar low. If they were universally starved starting tomorrow and no one even looked at them or liked their photos there would be a behavioral shift in the majority of foids within a month guaranteed and the 20/80 dynamic we see now would begin to drop as their real worth will become apparent to everyone involved.

FastBananaCEO #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Serious Why do they try and stop the impact of school shootings and completely ignore trying to prevent the actual cause?

Ideas like letting teachers have guns, designing the school in a certain way so that it's safer from if someone were to go er and stuff like that.

Why is there zero focus on actually trying to stop the cause of school shootings? Which in 99% of cases happen because the person was treated like shit or ostrasized for being ugly. Nearly all school shooters, if not all, are ugly.

What is being done to prevent ugly males from being oppressed? Why is no one raising awareness for the treatment ugly people having been getting since the dawn of time?

(((News))) "articles" say the blackpill 'ideology' is dangerous but actually not being blackpilled is way more dangerous.

People need to be concious of their actions when it comes to treating people because normies don't even think about kicking down ugly males they just do it because that's how the human brain is wired. Just like with everything else they need to be told and become aware that what they are doing is genuinely bad otherwise it will carry on.

There needs to be serious consequences of bullying because it will save the victim's life and the lives of others. There are already serious consequences for when you treat someone badly based on their race or physical disability but what about physical appearance?

No one gives a shit about ugly males. Everyone wants them to suffer and commit suicide even at the cost of the ugly male taking other people out with them. Everyone encourages and enjoys the suffering of ugly males. Teachers as well as students.


GeneticTrashLoser #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL 35 year old incel asks for seduction advice

So he goes to the gym regularly, showers and eats healthy and is still INCEL Hmmmm must have a terrible personality :feelskek:

I can predict what the comments are going to be like. Guys are going to be offering him advice regarding hookers while the foids are going to tell him he has a bad personality and that's why he's getting rejected. Anyone who posts about such problems on Reddit deserves to be ridiculed tbh. An intersectional feminist foid might say something along the lines of "I don’t think it’s your looks that are the problem. I don’t find you attractive just from reading this post. You come across as desperate, entitled, judgmental and misogynistic "


But I have no sympathy for him. He asked for this.

Dude has a legit point. He can't win. Every women his age is taken, and younger ones demand perfect Chads. Ridiculous Male/Female ratio and stiff competition make him absolutely worthless on a dating market.

lol @ the comments (as expected) "You're still young" (bs cope lie) "Your tone sucks!!!"

Yeah, it's his attitude alright... that's all they can say when the guy is already going to the gym and taking showers.

they should applaud the fact that he's not a misogynist tbh.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL [Video] Two female police officers not able to catch a framecel manlet

Lmao. I witnessed this myself once. I saw two females arresting some gypsy and the guy I kid you not just fucking bitch slapped the hand cuffs out of one of their hands and just fucking ran away and women just stood there and didn't know what to do. They did the same thing they done here started running after him (if you even call it running, pathetic attempt). In a country where the Police is disarmed It's obvious physical force will be required to actually stop someone. Perhaps then it's a good idea to select the most physically able? Jfl the only reason anyone would get arrested by those two is if he actually wanted to be arrested. No way they can actually overpower a physically able man.

(trying to ascend)
:feelskek: ''Women can do the same jobs as men''


The second one was even too lazy to run after him

And the first one ran like the bored stacy in gym class LOL


Nigga slowly jogged away

i'm dying bro :lul: :feelskek:


Women run so fucking weird.

Have you seen how women throw? They are like retarded children. Women can't even run and throw with proper technique. Why are they allowed to leave kitchen again? I found a good clip on this. Women don't use rest of their body to throw. Plus they throw like they didn't have a preferred hand. Wow are women retarded??? :giga:

Woman in police/army is such a bullshit they are weak, slow and dumb who the fuck they can protect?


Moonman1488 #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #sexist ncu.su

totalitarianism is based

Anarchism and small government just leads the nation into chaos. How can we force traditional values and conservatism if there isn't a strong state to kill all progressives? We need the state to put all cultural-leftists and progressives to death.

Without a strong forceful state, Liberals, faggots, feminists, and people who are opposed to fascism can't be stoned to death. And if we have people with opposing views still alive breathing, then they can rebel.

The state needs to put people with opposing views to DEATH. Genocide all who disagree with you, that's how you can truely bring about the society you want.

Fascism is the only way!!!

micropenis29 #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger ncu.su

[Blackpill] why do women lack anything even remotely resembling a personality?

even more curiously, why do so many MEN pretend that their wives and girlfriends HAVE personalities?

it's not even taboo to point out this idea that women are "ghosts"

that would, afterall, imply you could successfully convince these men of this fact if you tried, because they'd know on some level that it's true

but you can't; normie men would think you're unhinged for even suggesting it, and it feels like a completely culturally unenforced psychological roadblock in terms of communicating meaningfully with them

sometimes i wonder if the defining characteristic of non-NTs is that we don't pretend to take women seriously as conscious, independent humans, and it's THIS, --that we never WANTED to take women seriously, starting when we were very young--that underlies all our social "problems" and many of our other misunderstandings in life

tldr: non-NTs, as children, see women for the ghosts they truly are, and normie society deems them "autistic" or "on the spectrum" because it mistakens women for normal humans with real personalities

Napoleon de Geso (“proud hebephile/ephebophile”) #sexist #transphobia #wingnut ncu.su

[Cucked] Which part of Istambul convention is worse?

Lithuania (separatist part of Russia) not ratified that cucked convention yet, but now, with new government of alliance of cuckservators and "Liberty party" (you can guess what kind of stuff in it) planning to push if for ratification. And it pisses me off, that oppositionaires to concvention are so concentrating against tranny rights and social genders, that forgetting (or just being tradcucks and not seeing problem with that), that really biggest evil of it is just increasing rights of normal femoids of biological female sex, who are parasytes,. and deserve to be beaten by husbands

Poll: Which part of istanbul convention is orse and more damaging to society?


tranny rights and social gender stuff 0 votes 0.0%
protection of natural females from EARNED violence 3 votes 100.0%

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #racist henrymakow.com

Men and women are the victims of a cruel hoax. They are taught that sexual differences are "socially conditioned." Ironically this lie is the actual "social conditioning". Sexual differences are inborn. Sex roles express natural differences and form the spice of life.

Feminism's Marxist principles of "equality" do not apply to loving heterosexual relationships and are in fact toxic. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. Equal power neuters both sexes.

Feminism was organized by the US Communist Party, the CIA and the elite media, all instruments of the central bankers. It is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose is to undermine society and deliver it to Communism.

I get email from feminists who say my articles are "hurtful." It's eerie how they all use that word and repeat the party line. I think it's "hurtful" that the super rich want to take the place of God and nature and enslave humanity. But these feminists don't get it. They don't get "A"'s for connecting feminism with the Rockefellers, Sept. 11 and Iraq, i.e. Cabalist banker Dictatorship.

Feminism is designed to make women feel unworthy for devoting their lives to the people they love. It forces them out of the house where their employers can control them. It forces infants into joyless daycares subject to conditioning and who-knows-what-else.

The occult assault on gender and the nuclear family is causing psychological dislocation. Masculine and feminine energy complement each other. We naturally crave that essence which is best found in marriage and conjugal sex. Society is oblivious to this diabolical attack by its traitorous elite.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: r/superstraight gets banned...

I was learning a lot from that subreddit. I didn't realize how many biological, hetero men had to deal with Trans "women" on dating apps. So, why don't the men speak up more?

They don’t have reason to. They don’t get harassed, threatened, doxxed at nearly the same rates as women. A lot of times a man is even able to say out loud what would get a woman banned. Their spaces don’t get invaded like lesbians’. The threat of violence from TRAs just isn’t there ...yet. It might happen that TRAs try to go after dudes but I doubt it. TRAs are cowards who know they can bully women with impunity. Going after normie straight dudes is very risky.

I just pulled the research and.....like.... NO women want to date transmen. And virtually NO men want to date transwomen. It's just a fact. Across a sample of heterosexual,lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and trans individuals, 87.5% indicated that they would not consider dating a trans person. (2018 study) And that's the optimistic read. If you take out all GNC folks and stick with just straight women and men: 1.8 per cent of straight women and 3.3 per cent of straight men saying they would consider it. I mean, thanks reddit for trying to change people's natural sexual attraction.....but NO THANKS

I think this information should be shared with dysphoric kids considering transition. The main narrative that you will become “stunning and brave” makes otherwise unpopular and confused teenagers think that this gonna solve all their problems when in reality there is a big surprise.

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: WA DOC employee reports (150) men are claiming to be women to transfer prisons


"But this would never happen! No one will abuse these policies!"

You got it wrong. That was the party line when we were at war with Eurasia. Now it is all about "not that many anyway"

I was just having a conversation with someone on Reddit about this because of the recent events at the women's prison in Kitchener, Ontario. Their argument was "well, they think like a woman, who cares if they have a penis? They're a woman so should be in a women's prison." Are you kidding me? Like prisons are separated into men's and women's because of the way people think. It's not because of, I don't know, men are physically larger and stronger than most women and it's dangerous to have them in the same prison? No, couldn't be that.

How can anyone believe for two seconds that a man could actually be a woman? That makes zero sense. None. And we have thousands of adults in high-ranking positions playing along with this. Anyone playing along with this should be convicted as an accessory. "Well, these men say they're women so...." So they are INSANE (or taking advantage of the situation). And anyone who plays along with this shameless lie is also insane. "But it's who they are!" Sexual predators. That's who they are. Not something to celebrate.

The vast majority of the women in prison probably wouldn't even be there if they hadn't already been traumatised by men's abuse. The rape/DV/CSA rates are sky high.

Rich Stacey #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Feminists made up the rules and gullible women fell into the trap laid for them by Satan. Feminism is an occult movement and tied into witchcraft.

Women fell for the classic trap by going to school and worrying about a career rather than what women were made for: to be a helper (not slave) but a helper to the man. The more you help your husband be successful by supporting him when he comes home from work, taking care of the home, and the children, the more you work to take his stress away. Then the more he can focus on work to provide well for you and the children which is why men are designed to give their all to work, yet women often criticize the man for this. The more successful he becomes, the more it benefits you.

His success becomes your success, but women didn’t want that anymore and tried to change things. But they can’t change how God made humans, yet women thought and still think they can as they’re the ones that changed the dynamic between men and women because as usual women were “bored” and never satisfied.
The goddess feminism is an occult religion akin to sorcery or witchcraft that has been pushed onto the world and especially the US. It was part of their plans for revenge as they sought to destroy Christianity from the earth and as it once spread around the entire world and very few knew about the occult and other dark religions, they now sought to do the exact opposite, destroy Christianity from the earth and have the occult knowledge spread around the entire world.

hellonearth #crackpot #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

RE: Feminism is a kink for antifeminist men

Feminists do a good job to help them with that. There is this radfem in my country that posted a pic in a shirt that says "i suck dick" lol imagine calling youself a radfem then using the most opressing misogynistic words that also can be fucking triggering and mentally terorrising to some women and even cause someone to have a panic attack bc of trauma etc.

Imagine what her 30 yo boyfriend is really thinking while fucking her lmao (she is 19 btw lol) i bet he is a fetishist

Maybe i don't even wanna know what he is really thinking cause knowing some of the things men say about women it would be traumatizing. I don't belive he is a 'feminist' lol he prolly gets off so good and its so satisfying to him to have a girl who calls herself a radfem and then submits to his dick that he prolly jacked of millions times before to some humiliating degrading opressing porn or maybe even raped someone before(lots of women are raped so msot men are rapist he could be one too just hides it) men are primitve af he probably loves it that she is a feminist and sees sex as revange or something degrading done to her. He must love it. Moids are like that, stupid pigs

Various Femcels #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net


Belgian police are teaching men not to harass women on the street. Not a word about the fact that the majority of street harassers aren't white. Let's not stigmatize!

I hate the "teaching" argument. Men know what they do is wrong, they do it because they like harming women. Feminists don't want to discuss biology, but they sure want to encourage others to waste their time, energy, and effort into "teaching" men how to be decent human beings.

MOC, especially Middle Eastern men, harassing white women on the street is an open secret at this point. But white women aren't allowed to talk about any issues they face anymore because they're all blonde, blue-eyed white supremacist Karens who should grovel at the feet of POC and apologize for every microaggression, or something along those lines.

The attention white women get from non-white men is so disgusting and degrading the majority of the time. But according to stupid libfems, white women being "more desirable" is a privilege. No, it's fetishization and objectification, just like when it happens to every other woman.

Don't forget all the intersectionalist bs. Happy Women's Day - except for the evil white cis bitches, fuck them! And lol at the Belgium thing, that is TOTALLY about brown muslim men who do that shit. 100%. Let's see all the women in those communities speak up against their men... yeah, didn't think so.

One bonus of living in a backwards country is you can shit on nonwhite dudes openly, for harassment too. Several young women i know went full alt-right from working/studying near brown exchange students, but that just made them worship White Dude more, which is fucking hilarious if you apply it to local 60IQ drunks and fat incompetent nepotists. If there were a way to peak them about moids in general...

tallowcandle #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

The paradox is real in STEM: In patriarchal countries like, women are ~40% of STEM grad classes, whereas in the Nordic countries, women are ~10% of STEM classes. I've posted a comment asking for people to explain it further. I don't know if it's true outside of STEM.

In patriarchal countries like russia and other shitholes STEM are a worthless unfunded waste of fucking time with equipment older than the demented old profs, no money and prestige involved, except government-related shit which, surprise, has mostly male staff.

In patriarchal countries like emirates and other rich ones most researchers aren't from the local, actually small, employee pool, they are migrant/temp emloyees from everywhere else, and those live in their own world.

Nordic countries aren't in fact fucking close to feminist heavens. Most people aren't critical of STEM or Glorious North and can't fucking see it.

In India at least I've seen with my own eyes that it's true. Indian parents are crazy for STEM.

Nice to get a confirmation. Russia part is based on russia, emirates part - on stories I've heard from post-ussr postdocs who went there. One was a blue-haired rainbow-tatooed lesbian and in her lab like nobody was a local and they mostly didn't interact with locals.

Also, mega-patriarchal japan does have about 15% and declining women in stem, again, their science pays, but they don't import brains a lot, so doods get to gate-keep.

Russian parents too, at least pre-zoomer ones. Because stem was a legit social lift back in ussr.

Charlie Kirk #sexist twitter.com

Today is #InternationalWomensDay

Still waiting for American “feminists” to protest against the oppression of women in Middle Eastern countries, where women cannot drive, vote, own property, run for office, or speak freely

They stay strangely silent in the face of this horror

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)

Slavs are interesting because the foids are amongst the most atttractive ones (only loses to Germanic/Nordic IMO) but men are ugly on average. The discrepancy between the gender only loses to blacks (black foids are the bottom, black males are above curries, SEA, abos, etc; some think even above latinos and east Asians). I'm 30% Slav and I'm a norwooder with a mostly round face

slav women are overrated and please stop worshipping germanic roasties, muhhh blonde blue eyes

Have you seen Slav women? Like Ukrainian or Belarusian girls? They have the craziest gigastacy ratio out there.

i'm slav, polish by origin. only reason you like them is due to them having pale features and opposite to men, cause we are undesirable

I live in America, surrounded by half-breeds and sheboons, so anything that's genetically superior (like Slavs) is going to resonate with me.

cope, many slavs think like you and dislike their own women and idolize western ones, grass is greener on other side. slavic women are overrated and are popular to habing pale features and shit poor or just being easy


I didn't ask to be born a slavnigger

tbh I fucking hate being a slavnigger why did I had to be born a slavnigger I could have been born a real nigger and just join a gang or something and thugmyself up to fuck 3/10 black foids but nooooo...

>He thinks being a slav is bad.

Now, imagine being a mixed-race mutt. A literal abomination of nature that was never meant to be? I'd rather be a slav than a mutt. Wanna trade DNA components? Im a half breed (half spic) myself. I’d rather be a slav than a subhuman whos only 75% white anyways. I hope that when the white supremacist uprising happens, I will be hung for being a mutt so that my suffering of being a Mongrelcel will end.

trying to ascend #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Cope, Slavs have the 2nd best pheno among white men, they just lose for Northern Europeans. Southern Europeans have it the worst, they have only brown hair and brown eyes, shit color combination.

Is this why sexual tourism is popular in countries like Greece, Italy and the Balkans? Last time I heard, no female wants to travel to Lithuania to fuck Lithuanian men.

It’s a myth, there is no sexual tourism in Southern European countries, Southern Europeans have it the worst among the whites. And when foids go there to fuck with southern europeans, it means they want chads from there, because they are bored of nothern and slav european chads, they want new tastes. But speaking in average, southern europeans have it the worst

No, slavs seen as the lowest of low white.

Slavs have wider frames, are taller, have more diversity in eye and hair color, and have less long midfaces. Have you go to places that are full of people with med genes? You will see that long midfaces are common among them, and they can only have 2 hair colors (dark and brown) and 2 eye (dark brown and light brown) colors.

Blondes are the most prefered by foids, or you think its a coincidence southern european countries have lower birth rates than northern european ones?

Where I live more than 20 million of people have iltalian offspring, its not uncommon to see people without any other offspring than italian one, and the majority of them don't have light eyes. Also full blood germans are not that rare, and these ones are the real slayers here among whites. There are 1,5-3 million of slavs (polishes, russians and ukrainians), they are rare, but there are regions where 30% and more have slav offspring, and they don't seem to have a bad time, they seem to have it better than meds, but they still have it worse than people with german pheno

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

The Russian foids seem to don't mind dating Blacks, Indians, and Chinese (whereas with Anglo foids, even their lowest of the low would rather be alone than date Indian or Asian). It was weird to me at first but not after I got to know Russians better. They aren't anywhere near as arrogant as the Anglos.

As an Asian, I find slavs much more preferable to be around in general. Russians have a weird personality where they are incredibly hospitable and friendly at first but can turn very aggressive pretty damn fast. But still easy to get on with for the most part.

With Anglos, its very clear that a lot of them have their heads far up their asses and noses sky high in the air when around them as an Asian dude. I'm seen as a sad and pathetic loser by default because of my race and gender. I am not threatening like Blacks. My race of females are taken enmasse right in front of me and I don't do anything about it and neither do the other men of my race. We don't express our despair except for online forums and on reddit (AND when we do, we get called out by virtually everyone for daring to complain about Asian women being the biggest race traitors). I am a very serious economic and political threat but that is tolerable to them because they know that I am no sexual threat whatsoever.

I may be ugly to them and they mog my race to oblivion in terms of looks but I know damn well in the near future, someday White Americans will be begging to emigrate to East Asian countries when America fully turns into a heaping mountainous pile of crap, crime, and filth.

Btw this guy is a famous British youtuber and traveler of EE, suifuel for slavs: Slavic Girl Meets Georgian Man

ADH-productions #sexist deviantart.com

***Attention, attention... all you pathetic, modern-day feminists... (AKA, poor excuses of mammals)***

If you still believe marriage has any value WHATSOEVER, I assume you realize that your' body BELONGS to your husband, just as HIS' to YOU!
If you're just too arrogant to accept that:
1. Don't get married,
2. Don't expect respect or support for your choices,
3. And don't get mad at your husband.

-I'm not married, but if i had a wife approach me with this selfish, immature "I can do whatever I want with my body" business, for an issue as extreme as the abortion of our child, I'd just leave her then and there. -Assuming the stress wouldn't have given me a heart attack! (Which is possible for me)

This message has been approved by a level-minded man, who is in favor of equality, but is severely allergic to bull$#!%

Donnie Johnson #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

Being a she isn’t just having pretty hair
She isn’t she based off what she wears
She isn’t just obsessed with fluffy or pink
Being a she doesn’t mean we all require long lashes to blink
A she has a period that comes every month
She bloats, cramps and feels a ton
Her uterus holds life if she’s willing and able
She isn’t just heels or a seductive being
She’s genetically born to be nurturing
So please know you’ll never be her even when you dress up
The mocking demeans what she brings to this world and enough is enough!!

Various CPC Officials #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut reuters.com

China counters Uighur criticism with explicit attacks on women witnesses

“To rebuke some media’s disgusting acts, we have taken a series of measures,” Xu Guixiang, the deputy head of Xinjiang’s publicity department, told a December news conference that was part of China’s pushback campaign. It includes hours-long briefings, with footage of Xinjiang residents and family members reading monologues.

“One reason that the Communist Party is so concerned about these testimonies from women is because it undermines their initial premise for what they’re doing there, which is anti-terrorism,” said James Millward, a professor of Chinese history at Georgetown University and expert in Xinjiang policy. “The fact that there are so many women in the camps ... who don’t have the faintest appearance of being violent people, this just shows how this has nothing to do with terrorism.”

Foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin held up images of witnesses who had described sexual abuse in Xinjiang. The account of one of them, he said, was “lies and rumours” because she had not recounted the experience in previous interviews. He gave medical details about the woman’s fertility.

Xinjiang officials in January said a woman who had spoken to foreign media had syphilis, and they showed images of medical records.

A Xinjiang government official said of another witness last month: “Everyone knows about her inferior character. She’s lazy and likes comfort, her private life is chaotic, her neighbours say that she committed adultery while in China.”

Last week, the top spokeswoman for China’s foreign ministry, Hua Chunying, tweeted images of four named witnesses, saying they had “raked their brains for lies”, adding “they will never succeed”.

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