
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

TheNEET #sexist incels.is

[JFL] IT fights racism by attacking the LOOKS of its supporters

someone posted an old photo of schoolchildren holding banners with racist messages on them and said that this is what normies would do if they were born in a different time
any sane person would attack the messages because it's racism that's bad but IT knows damn well that personality and views don't matter, only looks do
normies can't distinguish between morality and looks: they live in a Disney movie in which the protagonist is a pretty princess and the antagonist is an old witch with hooked nose
for a normie a good ugly person or an evil pretty person is an oxymoron
so of course IT shows its open-mindedness by calling the racist children ugly incels with tiny wrists and they call their LOOKS school-shooter-like (of course you become a school shooter by looking a certain way, not by shooting up a school)
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP: morals and looks are so indistinguishable to them that they basically say "racism is bad bc racists have tiny wrists"

no. we wouldn't

Wolfblade111 #racist #homophobia #sexist deviantart.com

Although I have recently heard for the latest issues of the Secret Empire comic that Steve Rogers will be coming back, no not the Hydra one. The REAL Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Good, maybe he can kill that SJW/Hydra piece of crap then.

Yes I do infact hate Captain Hydra, well not just him but the goddamn idiot SJW's in Marvel that made it happen in the first place. Figures they'd have no problem turning an America Superhero into a Nazi, SJW's are practically the Watered Down Versions of Nazis...for now anyway.

For those who don't know SJW stands for Social Justice Warrior...which they are none of, they are Not Social, they don't know what Justice is and if they are Warriors...then humanity really has wimped out.

Now before someone comes along and says some BS about how I must be against Diversity I'll have you know I Am Not against Diversity in Comics, I'm all for having Different Race /Homosexual/Whatever else kinda Diversity there is. But by basically having a Young Black Girl take up the mantle of Iron Heart and pretty much killing off the original Iron Man and turning a Symbol of America into a Nazi and not to mention adding in all kinds of SJW Propaganda is NOT Diversity, it's a little thing that I like to call. STUPIDITY!!!!

You want more Diverse Characters!?! Oh well I'm sorry we could just bring back all the other DIVERSE Characters we already have but nah we'll kill of a Famous White Superhero and have a Young (Insert Race & Gender Here.) Take they're place. Oh you want Mutants? Sorry fresh out here have some Inhumans they're just as cool but not really. What's that? You want Gay Characters? Well again we could just bring back some of the Gay Characters we already have but nah we'll turn an already straight character into a Gay One.


Oh and one other thing...QUITE BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning Rage Levels Increased To Dangerous Levels Evacuate The Nearby Area!


RAGE Rage face emoticon Rage face emoticon Rage face emoticon Rage face emoticon

Error WOLFBLADE111.EXE has shut down due to increased Levels of Pure Rage, please allow cool-down of up too 1 Week Before Reactivation.

Deadpool: Damn, haven't seen him rage this much since he found out that DC got rid of The Superman and Wonder Woman pairing. XD Well ya know what that means, time to Cue The Outro!

schrodingercoper #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Most cucks suppress their attraction for young foids to feel better about themselves

I think what makes us different is that we're allowed to actually speak freely here. Here you can actually say that you are attracted to jbs, here you can say you have a 2 inch penis, and no one will care about it because we're all subhuman anyway. most of us have nothing to lose.

NO man would be able to resist an attractive 14-15 year old foid. The only reason everyone seems to think we are perverts is because we are one of the only groups on the internet who can be honest about what we want and what we have. No one with a job or other position would dare to speak about feeling an attraction to young females due to the risk of losing their status, but I can assure you that every dude who isn't a gay feels this regularly but chooses to suppress it if there are other things at stake.

Attraction to neoteny is hardwired in the male brain, because it ensures the best quality for reproduction.

This is something that foids can not understand because of obvious reasons and is why they are more offended by topics like this.

Ropemaxx #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] You can never catch up

Since life is 90% about how much sex you have, there is no way for you to ever catch up.
Any man who has had a couple of girlfriends by now has had sex thousands of times. There is no way you can ever catch up to their level even if you ascend by some miracle.

You spent your youth in suicidal despair while chad spent it inside their young JB girlfriends vagina.

FastBananaCEO #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] I am youngcel, how do I have sex?

Is there a way I can trick someone into doing it with me?

Maybe dickflash by "accident" and then they get horny and try and jerk me off?

Get "caught" wankin and then she helps me?

Cuz the only realistic way I can make someone actually want to have sex with me and enjoy it is by drugging them (which I would never do obvi)

ItsNotADream #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Sisterpill is one of the things that makes me doubt the evolutionary aspect of attraction

I have seen so many extroverted attractive foids with introverted inceltier brothers, maybe it's because they are short, or maybe it's just the face, usually both
but this doesn't make any sense, why evolution makes 2 siblings who carry really similar genes
have such different SMV?

this is also why more Incels are created, the dad looks like a chad and is tall, and the mom looks like a Stacy,
but the mother's features are shit for males and she's short, so they end up reproducing inceltier or normie males and above average foid

ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

If I could just get a foid to suck my dick all my problems would be solved

It's not asking much. I know for a fact that foids enjoy sucking dick, as long as it's Chad. When they're horny (which is almost all of the time just like with men) they like sucking dick. unfortunately it's not my dick. Only chads. They don't have to be Stacy just at least a 4/10, my looksmatch.

Legit, if I could just find a foid like that I would be less depressed and would be more motivated. That's just how men are, if we aren't getting any our motivation dries up.

But I'm not even chadlite do that goes out of the window.

Total Imbecile #sexist #quack incels.is

[RageFuel] I will never understand how working out your dick isnt a thing

As far as I know a dick is just a muscle, yet you can work out any part of your body to enaglerge it except your dick

God is so cruel to make us males like this

Mulattocel, Rheinkwell & Gymcelled #sexist incels.is


[Serious] “You’re being a defeatist” yes I am and the science says I should be

One of the main arguments against an incel having a “defeatist” attitude and submitting yourself to misery. Well if we are talking science, biology, and human sexual selection I was quite literally “defeated”. I have been defeated by nature. I was purposely given traits the majority of women find unattractive with the idea dating and reproduction would be harder for me. Nature has deemed my genes mediocre and doesn’t think I should reproduce period. It has defeated me or it would have thousands of years ago when I would have been torn to pieces by alpha males so they could fuck women easier.

Humans are such egocentric creatures. Making up concepts like “soul mates” “love at first sight” “spiritual connections”. All man made concepts to try and convince ourselves our mate selection process is something more then other creatures in the animal kingdom. It’s not just like everywhere else reproduction = having the right genes. Mother Nature said I’m not good enough so yes I do have a defeatist attitude because nature says I should. If it had its way I would have been defeated and killed awhile ago we just lucked out by creating modern society.


Normies really love the "fighters" - the losers who still work their asses off and keep a friendly face. With the cards I've been dealt with, it takes me a hundred times the effort to get something. My 'ceiling' is what chad is laughing at.

When I started gymmaxxing I could barely bench 40kg. My brother benched 60kg on his first attempt. When I was 15 years old I never left the house, played video games and rot at home. When my brother was 15 years old he had 6-7/10 foids over and FUCKED them. I've learnt at a very young age that I've been dealt bullshit cards.


jfl chad achieves more than i could possibly dream of without even trying

Yeah I benched 25kg and got stuck under the bar at 17. My vertical jump is like 10in, pure garbage. I couldn't deadlift a plate when I started but some guys can pull 3 plates on their first day. I spent years following a strength routine and couldn't pull that much

Genetics are everything, life is bullshit

My body looks ok aesthetic wise but my strength has always been absolute garbage

crew2 #sexist incels.is

[Serious] People disregard thugmaxing when they try to show us outliers

I always hear the old excuses of "well look at that guy he has a girlfriend" or "but Paul does fine with girls and he is bald/short/fat/ugly".

Might seem like a fair point on the surface but they always overlook the levels of sheer thuggery that these guys have to exude to get those girls which is usually off the charts. Throughout my life almost every single time I have seen a guy that has bad physical flaws of any kind yet does well with women it is because he is an absolute scumbag.

Seen a 7/10 foid from school the other week who puts across the whole nice girl from next door persona and met her new boyfriend and my first thought was 'why is she with him he looks like nothing special and looks like a fairly decent guy?'. Spoke to him for the first time for about a minute and he was trying to impress me with bullshit telling me how he fights every weekend and nobody fucks with him.

It is almost like some ugly features on a man become endearing as long as he is a full blown criminal/wannabee. That's another thing too, foids are easily conned by fake wannabee hardmen too whereas we could easily tell if they are full of shit or not.

Lv99_BixNood #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Asian cuck culture

In the recent study about facial attractiveness I posted the authors made a speculation as to why Asian men have evolved to be less attractive than whites or blacks:

We can do this if we assume that, just like the arctic tundra conditions of Europe, the mountainous expanses of Asian lead to a lifestyle of difficult agriculture. Several males may be required to support a single female as is currently the practice in the polyandrous Tibetan culture [31]. Such a society would show sexual selection for feminine features as a highly feminine female would be able to attract the support during child rearing of one, or more, productive partners.

Ricecels have been cuckolds since aeons ago

Although I have my doubts on this hypothesis as rice culture has been monogamous for at least the last few hundred years.

I don't see how such a society would even function. So men were hypergamous in Tibetan polyandrous culture? Multiple men sharing a single Stacy even though they wouldn't be able to pass on their genes (due to long gestation times and the wear and tear on the female's body due to multiple births)? It seems like a polyandrous society is broken by nature and would eventually revert to the more natural state. I just can't believe any man would choose to be a cuckold rather than breed with one of the many unpaired women who would be left over from these "reverse harems."

Well look at "open relationships" today

LittleBoy #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The future of dating & mating as a sub 8 PSL: Glorified Betabuxxing & Simpmaxing

Going on a date. Forget it unless you pay for her dinner & dessert. Oh. Also her time cause she's got better things to do as a foid.

Sex. Forget it unless you either pay for condom & lubricant & her "services" as we all say all foids are whores so she'll charge for that even if she isn't.

Bareback it'll be 2 courses of PrEP alongside some antibiotics alongside testing alongside birth control etc...

Being a baby momma. That's surrogacy costs/ lost earnings for 2 months of her wages, baby items (that's okay I suppose), paternity testing, accommodation, food etc...

So guys. As a sub 8 psl man prepare to get rinsed financially...

While over at meeksville... Women are simping for him... fucking. Unbelievable...

anon1822 #sexist incels.is

In our lives we've seen millions of images of attractive women. On the internet, TV, and even in real life. And yet we'll never get to experience it.

Just think about how insane this is. We'be been bombarded with imagery of sexy and attractive women our entire lives. And yet we'll never get to actually do what a man does with an attractive woman.

At best some of us will "ascend" at 30+ with some used-up hag.

Images of attractive women are all around us, yet for us it's like being shown juicy hamburgers everywhere our entire lives, when at best all we'd ever get are boiled potatoes without salt.

I'll take one of them in a second.

A :heart: FOR ROASTIES !!!!

We'd all "take it", but that's like eating a piece of chewed up gum after being tantalized with sirloin steak your whole life.

Not for me. I have a thing for slutty milfs

That's cause you're imagining this


when you'll actually be getting something like this


((((They)))) are showing us sexy images of foids to psychologically torture people who were born into the Incel Cinematic Universe

It never began

It's pretty insane. Then women want you to believe that they're not flaunting it in front of men to bother them. This society forces you to see sexual imagery. Billboard ads even have Victoria's Secret models on them.

Our whole life from puberty on out was characterized by a terrible omissive violence against us. They fucking made our lives hellish. I hate the left for the destruction they caused and the right for not having done anything besides of proposing its cucked tradcuck chivalrous bullshit as opposed to the left ("see, leftists? You are the real anti-women here")

It is indeed a kind of violence, that's a very interesting perspective. It's cruel and torturous, that's for sure.

there's one way of getting these, but it's through cheating

Ehh, hookers aren't even 1% as satisfying as a real woman wanting to have sex with you. And it's not just because of you actually being desired by a woman that non-hookers are much more satisfying, but there's a lot of other factors that go into it. The feeling of intimacy, the warmness and giddiness, cuddling, making out, trying various positions, falling asleep together etc...

I find 99% of women attractive

I find soup tasty enough too, but it doesn't even compare to a fine ass burger with some fries and pizza.

I didn't mean hookers

The same applies for rape. Rape can never be as satisfying as cuddling with a woman that wants you after you've both had a night of passion.

JohnWickCel and Mainländer #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[RageFuel] Watching the WW1 german soldier talk about his first kill made me realize something.

How pointless all that death and suffering has been rendered in modern time due to women and the elites.

German WWI veteran describes killing a French corporal during a bayonet charge and articulates his view on war as a whole

Yup. It's very sad that all those people killed and died not even just in vain, it was all so that the banksters and world elites could advance their agendas.

Personalityinkwell #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

[Cope] Sexual "skill" is compensating for not having a big dick

[Really horrific gif explaining the supposed benefits of 10 inch black penis over a 6 inch white penis. It is very painful to look at]

JFL @ thinking any kind of "skill" can compete with monster cocks if your dick is small (less than 7 inches). It can't, you have no shot.

Also, if you aren't good looking, that's another strike against you. Having a Chad face gets a foid's pussy wet more than any foreplay can.

At the end of the day, "sexual skill" is like hard work, a pathetic attempt at compensating for bad genetics and physical inferiority.

DarthSpectra #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Would be awesome if all these protests were against feminism and how men are treated generally...

But they're actually some people behaving like monkeys (don't think there's one incel in any of the protests, every one of them is either a gangmaxxed Tyrone or a feminist black foid who hates whites). In the end, whites will become even more disadvantaged and blacks will receive more privileges. There's hardly any difference between them and feminists. None want equality, all they want is to be privileged and superior. In the end, not only nothing will change, but it will get worse for us. Just a small minority who will become more and more privileged. And to all the blackcels in here, you won't be the ones to benefit much. Just those who already had it good, they will have it even more great

Of Manlets and Men #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] "Muh amazing wife"

I was reading an article on another site by some guy that was supposed to be about another topic but started off about his "amazing wife" who was a doctor and was so smart, blah blah blah. Basically a lot of soyboy shit, I quit reading after that. But that got me thinking because I've seen so many articles and posts by guys talking about their "amazing" wives or girlfriends, praising them for being "strong" and "smart" and "funny" (AKA the soyboy trifecta)...but the ONLY posts I've ever seen by women calling their husbands or boyfriends "amazing" are foids praising their chad's looks. Have you ever seen a woman write gushingly about her husband's intellect and how she's so happy to be married to such a smart man? Me neither.

tl/dr men admire female intellect all the time, women never admire male intellect, but somehow it's men who get called shallow pigs

frustratedhapa #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] My teacher named her twin sons after two Tyrones she fucked in college

One of my teachers always likes to bring up her twin sons. The first time she said their names, I was shocked because their names sound black, and I didn't expect her to have biracial kids for some reason. But then I found out they're not biracial when a low inhib black girl in my class asked "uhhh are your sons black or something?" and my teacher said no. I wondered for months "why on earth would a white woman give her white kids those names?!?!". Well I think I finally found the answer. I was bored last night and decided to look her up on facebook. I found her profile and looked through it. I noticed that two black guys with the same names as her sons have liked and commented on lots of her posts. I went to their profiles and saw that they have the same college she went to listed on their pages so I assume they went to college together about 15 years ago. But the most important detail in all of this is the fact that they are TYRONES!! She also likes and comments on lots of their posts, and often uses flirty emojis like the wink face or tongue sticking out face. I am entirely convinced that she fucked them many years ago and still can't stop thinking about it and felt the need to name her kids after them just to immortalize her experience.

“Her” husband is probably in a casket right now jfl

Her husband doesn't seem to have facebook. If only he knew what she was up to...

Signs of an ugly male tbh

He probably is. My teacher is only 38 but she hit the wall HARDDD. She looks more like 48. She has really bad wrinkles and age spots all over her chest. Her sons are young (under 5). So she probably got married after she hit the wall. Her husband is probably an ugly beta buxx.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is


[Cope] The only way to fix racism is to neglect race as a whole

What kinda retarded shit are Redditors spouting out these days? Too much soy in their food?

Its human nature to be tribal and to act differently towards different groups.

And lets just say men put down their prejudice and act like we are all one people like the Roman Empire or Napoleon's grand army or something....

Will foids do the same?

Are foids suddenly going to forget their attraction towards mainly Caucasian features/looks and suddenly going to see ethnics as the same level as Germanics or something. With the current level of freedom they have?

JFL at this dumb cope. The blackpill is just too hard to swallow for some people. Reality really is cruel.


Exactly correct. Let's say the concept of race suddenly vanished from people's mind. Purely the looks aspect will make it emerge again. Women will as always go after whites, and eventually people will realise that and start measuring success by what they'd call complexion-structure or something. Whites will start thinking that the people who look like them seem to be doing better in society and so on. The concept of race will emerge again, only with a different name.


all people are different from each other in one way or another, race is just a one of many metrics based on which others will choose to judge you on. thats why i find the people who do activism against racim or any other type of discrimination to be massive hypocrites.

jumperf221 #conspiracy #sexist #fundie #magick reddit.com

You have to understand this society is ran by witches. (Kardashians for example) (in Jewish culture they do lineage by your mother while in the Bible and many other societies lineage is determined by your father) . The mother goddess , whore of Babylon spirit runs deep in this society which is modern day Babylon. In wicken culture they deem the woman higher than man. They don’t want men to be strong and they know the biggest distraction between God and man is woman/lust.

Total Imbecile & TheGoodGuy #sexist #psycho incels.is

(Total Imbecile)

[NSFW] Ngl I am enjoying all the videos coming out of cops owning arrogant females (videos + pics inside!)

Entitled women going out thinking just because guys fall over them that they are the shit, when in fact theyre weak and useless

Once you take sex out of the equation nobody cares about their bitching


I dont. I hate the government and their enforcers the police then > cucks (who gave women their power) > then females.

Entitled women going out thinking just because guys fall over them that they are the shit, when in fact theyre weak and useless

I do however agree with this because of laws they feel invinsible but females first experience a physical altercation between males they realize how weak they truly are it´s only laws that protects them because in reality they need men to protect them just like it always has been in nature among humans and other animals they are just the breeders nothing more..

Conservapedia #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Most modern feminists:

want to remove significant distinctions between how men and women dress, such as preferring that women wear pantsuits rather than dresses, even though many feminists also want women to dress immodestly. In some cases, most infamously during the Miss America protests in 1968, feminists have even gone as far as to indicate that female products such as makeup, bras, and heels were "instruments of oppression."
do not want gender equality; they want power for the female Left
in movies and television, portray the men, in particular, the white heterosexual men, as inherently evil, dumb or incompetent, and the women, in particular those that adhere to the feminist agenda, as inherently good, smart or competent (note that this conflicts with gender equality).
on that note, some movies and television programs, in addition to depicting men as inherently evil, dumb, or incompetent, can sometimes depict women who adhere to more traditional femininity, including promoting traditional family values and traditional marriage (see below), as well as expressing more traditional gender roles and natures, in an extremely demeaning manner, usually implying that they are at best brainless bimbos and at worst gold-diggers (women who only marry someone for their wealth), often with the implication that traditional femininity is considered inherently bad (which goes against the concept of women having free choices regarding how to pursue their life).
conveniently pretend that there are no meaningful differences between men and women when that advances liberal causes (e.g., women and men equally in military combat, to weaken the U.S. military), but reject equality when that results in more money to women (e.g., VAWA funding of women's groups).
oppose chivalry and even feign insult at harmless displays of it (see battle between the sexes).
view traditional marriage as unacceptably "patriarchal".
belittle and mock other women who desire to have children or raise a family
shirk traditional gender activities, like baking.
support affirmative action for women.
advocate for women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines.
refuse to take her husband's last name when marrying.
believe marriage implies "female servitude" when it is in fact a mutual bond.
distort historical focus onto female figures, often overshadowing important events (E.g.: Henry VIII's wives take precedence in common knowledge to his actual reign.)
often condemn the God-given order of gender roles, as laid out in the Holy Bible.
object to being addressed as "ma'am," or feminine nicknames such as "sweetheart" or "honey"; object to other female-only names, such as "temptress".
take offense at grammatical rules of the English language, like using the pronoun "he" when referring to a hypothetical/anonymous person, or phrases like 'fireman' and 'stewardess.'
support the homosexual agenda.
push propaganda that implies that women weren't allowed to be granted an education until the 1960s, and all education beforehand was granted solely to "rich white males."
demands that women choose a career over raising children without any remorse.
criticize music such as heavy metal, rock and roll, and country for being "sexist".
object to anyone describing Northern and Western European women being demure or Southern and Eastern European women as seductive.
Denounce and demean any women who have more feminine traits and embrace their femininity.
Note that women who have to take over the family business due to their parents not having a son and the parents themselves being unable to continue working at the area is not considered feminist due to the circumstances involved. Some feminists want to do away with masculinity.

radishman #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] My [25F] fiance [29M] became upset when he heard that I have done sex acts with exs that I don't want to try with him

My [25F] fiance [29M] became upset when he heard that I have done sex acts with exs that I don't want to try with him

"It's true that he asked before and I said it's not something I want to do, which is true. I'm not sure how to explain it, but the act feels kind of degrading to me. I kind of enjoyed doing it in a wilder phase of my life because there was this appeal of trying something more "taboo," but only with casual partners. But I don't want a man I love and respect so much and who respects me to do that to me. The idea just sounds completely offputting to me."

Imagine having 8 partners with whom you ALSO have had anal. Aside from all of the other partners she had. HOW CAN A MAN COPE LIKE THIS

Funny how all the comments say he has no right to her body, well then why even be in a committed relationship?

Also even funnier how while he has no right to decide what she does, but he also has no reason to be upset. Love how it always works out that way.

Tale as old as time. They let chad rummage through their poop cavity, but not for their beta. And are SHOCKED AND SURPRISED when men find that disgusting and insulting. If this guy has any self respect he'd dump her. She admitted 8 cocks have been in her ass, which is a big fucking number at any age... but you know it's a lot higher since she watered it down.

Holes are fucking disgusting. Notice how they never want to do "degrading" acts with the men they supposedly love, but no issues with casual. Does that make any sense? Only if you understand that the casual guys are who she is truly attracted to and knows deep down any man who sees as anything more than a cumbucket would not want to have anything to do with her with that knowledge, chad obviously doesn't care because he ain't committing.

And you know damn well if she found out he did things for other toilets, but not her she'd be reeeing with the best of them. But that's different. Nope.

I'll stick with a fake woman, thanks.

PoodankMcGee, North Korean Government #sexist #moonbat incels.is

[News] Based Kim Jong Un cracks down on degenerate teenage sex-havers


“The immoral sexual behavior of students, who are influenced by capitalist lifestyles, has become a problem,” the person added. “The committee defined sexual promiscuity among teenagers as a treasonous act that helps the enemy to destroy our society.
To stem the rise in “sexual promiscuity,” largely due to a rise in electronic media, the committee has “ordered schools to check students for phones or other devices they might have with them,” the source said. This is accomplished using an application called Red Flag, which keeps a record of all sites visited by users and randomly takes screenshots that can be checked by authorities.

Jfl North Korea is using their digital surveillance to punish degenerate teen sex havers and their parents. Meanwhile in muh land of freedom we have FBIfags lurking and/or managing our own forums to crack down on people not fucking We live in a more dystopian and pleasureless existence than literal peasants in North Korea.

Karolina Provokatsiya #fundie #sexist #transphobia amgreatness.com

[From "Stop Putting Your Daughters on Birth Control "]

Earlier in the summer, I was vacationing at the beach with a dear family friend. As we lounged in the sunroom listening to waves break in the distance one early afternoon, she brought up her 16-year-old daughter, Sally. A few weeks’ prior, Sally and her boyfriend of three years (we’ll call him Mike) had broken up. Mike had just spent his first year away at college. Sally generally tells her mother (who is a bit of a gossip) very little, but her mother had gathered through Sally’s sisters that Mike had been unfaithful.

Sally’s mom expressed the situation to me as a “shame,” because a few weeks before the breakup, Sally had requested the birth-control pills that her mother had long touted as a possibility for each of her daughters. Now, between sips of pinot grigio, she hoped aloud that her daughter wouldn’t “go crazy” and sleep with too many people to make Mike jealous.

Since the breakup, Sally has begun making darker and more suggestive choices in fashion, makeup, and social media posting. She’s always been sassy, but her attitude has become detached and bitter with an air of rebellion. Even a casual observer would be able to detect a thinly veiled resentment toward her parents.

“It’ll probably just pass,” her mother says. “Same thing happened to me in high school.”

Growing up in the Deep South, most of my good friends (whose parents were Christians, Republicans, and leaders in the community) began taking “the pill” at 14 years old, no questions asked. Chelsea got a pimple? The pill will fix it. Tori has bad cramps? Take the pill. Julia can’t regulate her mood or appetite? Sounds like a job for the pill. Never mind that the pill can make you break out, worsen bodily pain and mood swings, and make you gain weight—and often did all of those things at once.

At some point, the pill became a rite of passage, an irrational tradition to which all upstanding WASPs adhered and one they perpetuated whether because of inertia or fear. The explanation was rarely that the pubescent girl was actually having sex—in fact, most didn’t start with that until years after beginning the pill. But the understanding was that eventually she would. And this little magic trick not only would insulate her from the adult consequences of her adult decisions, but, perhaps primarily, insulate her Baby Boomer parents from the social shaming a teen pregnancy would generate in their circles.


The issue of birth control cuts to the core of the diabolical disorientation of the family in the Western world. When your daughter, sister, wife, or girlfriend swallows that pill, not only does she ingest all the artificial hormones that increasingly are linked to breast cancer and strokes later in life, she ingests our society’s judgment of her worth. Whether she takes it with explicitly naughty plans like those of Sally, or for the diversionary purposes of my teenage peers a decade ago, she always absorbs all of the presuppositions that the pill represents. As the soul is more sensitive than the body, these presuppositions are what cause the most damage.

They deserve a good dismantling.

That Fertility Is an Illness
With the exception of the new transsexual mutilation procedures, fertility and pregnancy might be the only natural, healthy functions of the human body that are treated as illnesses by the medical community at large. If we were to compare the state of fertility to any other healthy capacity of the human body, and then consider how a doctor might cancel that healthy capacity according to patient preference, we begin to see what is certainly a violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

Imagine treating someone’s ability to run by cutting off their legs or giving them an immobility pill for the years during which they are at their physical peak. Imagine then still calling oneself a “healer” in light of this.


That Young People Are Incapable of Virtue
Boomers assume that because they were unable or unwilling to control their own urges and achieve for the sake of virtue, it is therefore beyond their children and grandchildren. This is projection from the generation that, in their teens, squandered the stable social systems into which they were born. These greedy self-adulators who robbed future generations of social capital and real capital by their risky behaviors and insatiable desire to be cool, cannot conceptualize that young people could be anything greater than the degenerate pleasure-seekers they once were and still aspire to be.

So rather than instructing Sally that her virginity was something to be cherished and reserved for the bonds of marriage, my friend, whom I love, operated on the assumption that virginity was something to be lost, helplessly, like a feather in the wind. When she handed her daughter the little brown bag of Lo Loestrin Fe, she handed her the keys to a door she never should have opened. But the priority for Sally’s mom wasn’t that Sally not go through that door; it was that Sally avoid the potentially embarrassing consequences of going through that door.


The best you’ll get for your complacency is spiritual malaise. The worst you’ll get is a dead kid. If you love your daughter, stop giving her birth control.

hurdleafterhurdle #sexist #quack incels.is

[RageFuel] Redditors think recognition of sexless people is "wrong" and "disgusting" (not sex, just recognition!)

I suggested on a Reddit that permavirgins of any sort should get officially recognised as a challenged or disprivileged class, and perhaps should receive some sort of tax benefit if they bother to go through a long application, and people caught doing tax fraud for this get higher penalty than normal tax fraud to keep our fakers. This is apparently "disgusting" and when I asked why, I got ghosted. Only people who blame themselves alone for sex are okay and they don't get recognition, only being ignored and mocked, and maybe supported by people who poison them with hurtful beliefs that is it themselves alone who are at fault and wrong and not the people around them.

Just so you know, recognition of people's struggles here is considered "disgusting" and "wrong". Nature and society is how it is and we should just not question it and accept it like sheep or dark ages people, no fairness for us. But people of many different minorities, refugees, and the (physically) disabled get plenty of recognition and them asking for help, benefits, job action, etc. isn't "wrong" or "disgusting". Our challenges are less important and less prevalent according to these people.
Everything stems from the idea that sex is a want and just a toy, basically, not a major milestone in life and social status not to mention necessary to produce children (and thus satisfy a family that expects this from you as well as friends, culture, society, religion, etc. expecting likewise).
So nature helps people for jobs but not us. Who gives ugly people jobs because of "fairness for the ugly" or "ugliness affirmative action"? Same for short people, mentally disabled people, poor people, so on.

Life is bullshit and all this "fairness" stuff we see is talk not action. Only the "in" or "good-looking/nice" minorities get help, the rest of us are left to rot whether socially, economically, or sexually.
This world is full of bigotry and double standards and yet WE"RE called the bad guys.
This hypocrisy makes me so mad I decided on a whim to flair this as ragefuel.

EDIT: Society wants us to blame ourselves and not other people or the "system" at large. Resist this cosmopolitan and self-harming way of thinking the elitists are pushing us towards. The system very much DOES affect if not control you, and you MUST fight it, peacefully if at all possible but DO NOT LET PEOPLE CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SUFFERING AND THAT THEIR ACTIONS ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE. THIS IS HOW YOU KEEP THE CYCLE OF HARASSMENT AND BULLYING OF UNDESIRABLE AND UNATTRACTIVE PEOPLE GOING.

David J Stewart quoting Jack Hyles #sexist #fundie #elitist jesus-is-savior.com

[From Jack Hyles’s advice for how to raise a young girl.]

1. Dress her like a girl. Let her have long hair. Let her wear lace and ribbons. Do not let her wear that which pertaineth to a man. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The parent who wants to make a young lady of a daughter should see to it that she does not wear revealing clothes, but that she dresses modestly. I Timothy 2:9 and 10 says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."

This must be started early in the life of a girl. If she never wears pants for the first time, she will always wear skirts. If she never wears mini-skirts for the first time, she will always wear skirts of a modest length. In these days of hot pants, mini-skirts, and pant suits, may God give us some old-fashioned mothers and dads who well rear some sweet, feminine ladies for our boys and dress them accordingly.

2. Teach her strict obedience. Other chapters stress the fact that obedience is the most necessary ingredient to be required from the child. This is especially true in the life of a girl, for she must be obedient all of her life. The boy who is obedient to his mother and father will someday become the head of the home; not so for the girl. Whereas the boy is being trained to be a leader, the girl is being trained to be a follower. Hence, obedience is far more important to her, for she must someday transfer it from her parents to her husband.

This means that she should never be allowed to argue at all. She should become submissive and obedient. She must obey immediately, without question, and without argument. The parents who require this have done a big favor for their future son-in-law.

3. She should not be allowed to play alone with boys. The parents should see to it that she plays with other girls. This is important for many reasons. She should play only with toys that are uniquely for girls. This, by all means, should include dolls, doll clothes, housecleaning equipment, dishes, pots and pans, etc. She should participate in sports enough to become coordinated but she should not excel in sports. If later she marries a man who is very athletic, she could become more proficient in some particular sport that he enjoys, but if she becomes an expert in a sport that is usually associated with men and boys, it could prove embarrassing to her future husband, and for that matter, it could entice her to become more masculine than she ought to be.

4. Teach her how to be graceful in sitting, walking, etc. Every mother who has a daughter should be careful to show her how to sit like a lady, walk like a lady, and exhibit propriety and grace in her manners. (Note the chapter on MANNERS.)

5. Teach her to be an intelligent listener and an articulate conversationalist. She should read a variety of good books and magazines and have a wide variety of knowledge. It should be obvious to any male with whom she is conversing that she is an intelligent listener and that she can understand and respond to his conversation. She should never seem to know as much as he does (even though she may actually know more) but enough to talk intelligently about his interests and to make him feel that his conversation is falling on receptive ears and an understanding mind. This means that she should learn all she can about everything, especially things that interest men. For example, she should know football, but she should not play it. There is nothing a man wants any more than to be understood by an intelligent listener.

The wise lady will never "take over" the conversation. She will add just enough to make a valuable contribution and to show her intelligence on the subject, but she will always make her man feel that he is the more knowledgeable. Of course, as a girl like chooses a man, she will want to choose the kind that is at least her equal, the kind that she will not have to dominate, and the kind whose mind and conversation will always intrigue her. This means that the wise mother will teach her girl not to be a wallflower and not to attempt to get by on beauty alone. She will teach her to be the kind of young lady who has a beautiful spirit and a beautiful soul, one who can communicate, one who is understanding, and one who is quietly articulate in conversation.

Though she should not be a football fanatic she should know enough about football to enjoy watching the game with her boyfriend, fiancée, or husband, if he so chooses. It should be obvious to him that she is enjoying the game and that she is knowledgeable about it, but that he can teach her even more.

6. Teach her to make her dad feel like a hero. A young lady that can treat her dad properly is more likely to treat her husband properly. If she makes her dad feel like a man when he is in her presence, she will not doubt make her husband feel like a man when he is in her presence. If the daughter is careful to refill Dad's glass at the table, see to it that he gets the best chair, listen to him intelligently when he talks, participate intelligently, yet meekly in the conversion, she will someday transfer this to her husband and her husband will rise up and call her "blessed."

7. Teach her to have the proper heroines. The mother should be very careful to see to it that the daughter does not idolize Hollywood starlets, female athletes, etc., but rather, feminine, yet successful women like the Bible characters Hannah and Elisabeth, and characters in history like Susannah Wesley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Also point out feminine ladies whose path is crossed by the daughter and lead her to emulate them. It is very important that the young lady, even the girl, look up and idolize the right kind of people.

8. Teach her not to be too forward to boys. A young lady should not initiate a correspondence. If she cars for a boy she may respond to him with courtesy and feminine reserve so as to let him know she like him, but she should not be the aggressor, neither should her respond except within the bounds of propriety and right. It certainly is not proper for a young lady to call a young man on the telephone for a social talk, If there is obvious business, it may be done with reluctance, but it should never be done when the call is strictly for social purposes.

9. Do not show off her talent to others. As is mentioned elsewhere in this book it is far better for a parent to compliment character than talent. Many children have been ruined because their parents were too proud of them and their performances. This not only hurts the child but it disgusts other adults. In such cases the child receives far too much attention and then wants it for the rest of her life. Hence, she becomes maladjusted. Let her gain her own attention by her performance. Let her attract her own audience by her own ability and opportunities, not by the insistence of a mother or father who is overly proud of a daughter.

10. Let her do things that enable her to be a necessary help to another who is in the limelight. This is very important for a young lady. That is why learning to accompany a soloist is good training for a girl. Learning to take dictation is also good training. Both of these things train her to be a necessary helper to someone who is in the limelight. The Bible teaches that a woman is made not for the limelight but to complement and supplement. Proverbs 32:23 says, "Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land."

The girl should be taught that her lot in life is to be obedient and helpful to her husband. Hence, if as a girl she can perform supplemental duties that are vital, she will be better equipped to be a well-adjusted lady. It is more important that a young lady be an accompanist on a piano than a concert pianist. Parents who train their daughter in this manner will someday be called, "blessed," by their son-in-law.

11. Teach her to pull for her dad. The wise mother will teach the girl to make a hero of her father and always pull for him. She should pull for him in business and do all she can to help. She should pull for him in any athletic contest and do all she can to cheer him to victory. In everything he does she should stand on the sidelines and root for her dad. She is being taught to root for the biggest man in her life and to cheer and spur him on to bigger heights. When she is married she will transfer this to her husband and will be a great encouragement to him.

The mother must teach the daughter that when the father is a success the daughter is also a success. She is a very vital part in his success, and as a member of the team she can share the victory and the spoils. When this attitude is properly developed she will feel the same way when she is married. When the husband wins a victory it will be a team victory rather than a victory just for him.

12. Teach her to plan for a profession but to hope that it will not be needed. Mothers and fathers should teach their daughters to train for some kind of profession that is always in demand. There is always the possibility that the daughter will never marry or that she will become a widow with children to rear and will not remarry. Because of this she should plan to pursue some profession that will enable her to support herself and her children in any eventuality. She should be taught that if possible, she should not follow this profession when married. This gives her a dependence, if the opportunity arises to be dependent, but an independence if needed. There are many professions that a young lady could pursue such as that of a school teacher, beautician, secretary, nurse, etc.

13. Teach her the sanctity of the body. Teach her that boys should keep their hands off and that her body should be clean in every way. She should care for her body. She should be well groomed and physically clean. Then she should also be moral and virtuous. Talk with her about situations which arise in the lives of most young ladies. Teach her how to handle each situation. Explain to her that that is the reason she should not be in a car alone with a boy. Teach her what to do if improper advances are made. Let her be conscious of the fact that her body is a very sacred thing and should always be treated as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

14. Teach her to do feminine chores. As is mentioned elsewhere it is better for a girl to do the dishes than the yard, to wash the pots and pans than the car, to clean the bedroom rather than the garage. She should do the duties that she will do when she is married and a successful mother and wife.

Much stress should be placed on the importance of her working hard. It is not feminine to be lazy. In fact, it is quite feminine to work hard. It is not working hard that makes one unfeminine; it is the doing of masculine tasks. Wise is that mother who teaches her daughter that good hard work is feminine and that the work a woman should do should be that of feminine chores.

15. Let her be around feminine women. Teach her to associate with ladies who are feminine. Point them out to her when she is a little girl and tell her they are the ones she should copy and emulate. Let these ladies be those who dress like ladies, talk like ladies, walk with feminine grace, sit with feminine charm. Let these be ladies who are good mothers and who have poise, dedication, chastity, consecration, and spirituality.

16. Let her baby-sit. It should be remembered that someday she will no doubt be a mother. She can prepare herself for this and train for it by caring for little ones while she is a teenager. When a girl gets around thirteen, she should becomes acquainted with taking care of little babies and small children. Her motherly instinct will be developed and nourished. This is very important in preparing her to be a successful and happy mother.

17. Let her care for younger girls in the family. Let her dress them, do their hair, wash their faces, etc. Even a girl seven or eight can care for a little sister. She should be encouraged to do so. This will teach her to fulfill responsibilities, to carry the load in the family circle, to work hard, and to prepare herself for motherhood.

18. Allow her to do no loud shouting or hollering. In fact, such should not be a part of anyone's household. The business of rearing children can be transacted without shouting or fussing. Especially should this be true in a girl, for the parent is to try in every way to make her quiet, meek, and feminine.

19. With the passing of the years, let her shop more for herself, and if she has younger sisters, let her aid them in doing their shopping. This will teach her to care for her own person and also for the needs of others.

The most noble goal that parents can set for their daughters is to help them become Christians. The second most noble goal is to lead them to be ladies, for one of the great needs of our generation is Christian ladies. May God use this chapter to make it so.

ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

When did you realize foids are literally savage animals

You were probably raised your whole life that women are classy, kind and caring queens

How old were you when you realized this was a complete lie and they are actually soulless, hollow animals that only operate on cravings? Not actual emotions? That they are literally a different species from men. Men are actually civil and capable of empathy and humanity, women are not. They're just literal savage animals in reality.

For me I was in my late teens looking at OG blackpill compilations, seeing women literally show primitive nature I had NEVER seem them show my whole life around myself or Normies when they were talking to a Chad.

Uglyme #sexist incels.is

[Venting] I don't see foids as human beings anymore, they're just Chad's fuck meat.

Every time I look at a hole, I don't see her as a fellow human being anymore. All I can think of is that she probably comes from fucking some Chad or is on her way to fuck him. That's all I can think of them. Even the young ones are sucking Chad. It's all the do all day, that's all they can think about. They have no soul, no personality, their whole existence is dedicated entirely to be penetrated by the first Chad they can find. They know that and even if they deny it, they like it. And they tell me I'm supposed to respect that?

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "The Road to Zero Fertility"]

We have a new weird sexual thing to discuss.

Daily Mirror

A new reality series is sparking controversy with its promise to ‘skip the dating and go straight to the baby-making’.

Fox’s Labour of Love sees 15 men competing to impregnate a 41-year-old woman they have never met.

Kirsty Katzmann is the singleton hoping to bag herself a baby daddy on the never been done before series.

In last night’s debut episode, Kirsty introduced herself to the hopefuls as a professional and a divorcee from Chicago seeking to find the right man to have a child with.

After having no success on the dating scene, Kirsty said yes to the divisive premise because she felt her ‘biological clocking was ticking’ and wanted to achieve her dream of motherhood.


Let me tell you what is most offensive about this game show: the woman is 41-years-old, and they are talking about a “ticking clock.” In actual fact, she is virtually a finished clock. Many women at the age of 41 are simply incapable of getting pregnant and carrying a child to term, especially if it is their first. Others require tens of thousands of dollars of medical assistance. The statistics are difficult to parse out, given that there is a lot of political correctness involved, but everyone admits that the chance of experiencing every possible complication increases progressively every day after a girl turns 17.

By simply existing, this show advertises to women the idea that they can wait until they are in their forties to have children, which is just absolute cancer for society. The worst form of social cancer, in fact. The refusal of women to follow the order of nature – a refusal which stems naturally from giving them the choice – is the very heart of the collapse of the family and thus the very core of our social rot.

This game show woman explains that she is doing this quirky game show because she couldn’t find a good man on the dating scene. The reason for that is very simple: she is 41. Virtually no man of any quality at all, of any age, is going to be interested in a woman this old. That is just the harsh reality that these women have to face. They aren’t told this when they are young. Instead, they are told that men care about women’s education and life experience. Men might care about these things, but only in the sense that the less of these two things a woman has, the better. Even if you could find a high-quality man that was exclusively interested in women for their personalities (and it’s questionable than any such man exists), the fact is that the longer a woman remains unmarried, the more sexual partners she has, the more jaded and incapable of developing trust she becomes, and the worse her personality becomes.

A Happy Woman is a Baby Machine
Given that our society is controlled by satanic Jews who have an agenda to wipe out White Christians, anti-natal concepts flood every crevice of our bizarre and unnatural culture.

The modern anti-natalist lingo has continually pushed the claim that men think of women as “baby-making machines” and that this is morally wrong. However, “baby-making machines” is literally what women are, and the best among the crueler sex are happy to admit it, and take pride in it.

Modern society, with its birth control pills and abortion, and its feminist morality, encourages women to engage in the mating game well past the period of time in which they are naturally supposed to be doing it. It also constantly tells women that if they seek the second thing they want and are good at, children, then they will regret the loss of the first thing. Though she really does enjoy the mating game, it becomes progressively less enjoyable as she ages, in part because she becomes progressively less successful at it.

Virtually every mammal begins breeding as soon as it experiences its first menstruation, which is why women were typically sold off at this age. That biological fact tends to make people in our society very uncomfortable, as in the last century we’ve developed various taboos around an arbitrary age of female sexual readiness. That taboo is in itself not especially problematic. There is no reason women can’t wait until the arbitrary age of 16 to get married and have children. If that is what we were talking about, that would be fine.

But that is not what we are talking about. What we are talking about is waiting to the arbitrary age of 16 before the girl is considered available for so-called “consensual” pre-marital sex. The social acceptability of pre-marital sex is the first concession on the road to zero fertility.

A girl’s innocence is not truly lost when she loses her virginity. Her innocence is lost when she realizes that the man she lost her virginity to will not be her husband. She will shed a tear when her hymen breaks, but it is when she finds that her first will not also be her last that she weeps. Even today, I assume, most teenage girls imagine that they will marry their high school boyfriends. This is because in that state of innocence, she has not yet learned to become a slut.

Most Christian preachers will speak of “waiting until marriage” to have sex. Or, at least, they used to. Human biology, however, works differently than this. In the upper classes, it may have been possible to indoctrinate a girl into forcing a man to wait until marriage. And surely some lower class girls would be just that good. But in what is probably a majority of situations, going all the way back to the establishment of monogamous marriage for life as a fundamental institution for maintenance of the the stability of a complex society, teenagers had sex before marriage, the girl got pregnant and the marriage was then quickly arranged by the parents. I don’t know how these conversations would go, but you can easily imagine it. The marriage would happen quickly, the girl would wear a white dress and everyone would be too polite to do the math on the number of weeks between the wedding and the birth.

A teenage girl is told that she not only must wait until she finishes high school, but also college, and then have a job and work for some indeterminate amount of time. Basically, if we were now teaching “wait until marriage to have sex,” we would be telling women to wait until they are nearly a decade past prime fertility. This situation is utterly insane on its face, and it is unbelievable that Christians have accepted it unquestioningly.

If Christians truly believe that women should wait until marriage to have sex, and believe that the family is the foundational block of society, then literally every single sermon they give should be about the evils of sending women to college instead of marrying them off after high school. If churches were doing that, then we would have an established subculture in the West of conservative-minded people who were creating large, stable families. As the liberals failed to produce children, we would be the overwhelming majority of the population by now if every daughter of a Christian man was pumping out babies from the time she turned 16. But no, instead, preachers are talking about “prosperity gospel” and telling well-meaning people to serve the satanic Jews who murdered our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

When a girl knows that no path exists to marry the first boy, for which she felt feelings that she will never again feel for the rest of her life, driven by all of these hormones that are intended to create a bond during the teenage years, she gives up on the idea of maintaining her innocence. After the first few boys, she has become hardened to it, and has embraced the fun and the power of promiscuity. This is literally a system designed to break the basic psychological mechanisms that exist biologically in the brain of a female that drive her towards family formation. It is all promoted by the psychological warfare machine that is the media and educational establishment, both of which are totally dominated by the Jews.

Someone is going to be in control, and what modern women always demand is that they be the ones in control. It is only by refusing them that control that you will gain their respect. Of course, whatever respect you gain from a woman is fleeting and as long as a woman has the option of surviving without you, which all Western societies currently offer them, they will never respect or honor their husbands as the Bible commands them to – which is in total submission, just as a Christian man is in total submission to God. For a woman, submission to God takes the form of submission to her husband. This concept is spelled out without ambiguity throughout the Old and New Testament.

[Ephesian 5:22-23 urging wives to be submitted to their husbands]

Everyone is having a hard time. Families are the single most important thing to me, and I absolutely want men to have the best chances possible in forming their own families. I do believe that the coming troubles may give people much better opportunities on that front, so single men should be prepared. Of course, there is going to be a massive wave of divorces in the first stages of this collapse, when the government is still offering women money and various other incentives if they leave their husbands, which they are going to be desiring to do because their husbands will be out of work. But I do believe that the government will not, in the longer term, be able to provide very much for a woman, and in such a situation a man who is capable of providing will be in a position where he can demand the woman submit to him.

Atavistic Autist #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[Blackpill] The concept of a sexual "partner" is liberal propaganda which falsely implies equality between men and women

It is eerily similar to the capitalist concept of a store "associate," which has all the pretensions of workplace egalitarianism, but without any of the substance.

The most important thing you can learn from the blackpill is that people are not equal to each other, whether sexually, racially, or mentally, and liberal efforts to plaster over fundamental, biological differences with egalitarian fluff only serves to make everybody equally exploitable by culturally homogenizing them under the same system of power, and does not eliminate hierarchy at all (which might actually be a virtuous pursuit if taken seriously) but rather exacerbates hierarchy.

Furthermore, the type of hierarchy liberalism exacerbates is the worst sort, whose golden standard is a superficially charming, yet inherently violent and rapacious, psychopath. It is no wonder that such a pretentious and exploitative system as liberalism rewards the most pretentious and exploitative people. In this regard, perhaps Trump Derangement Syndrome merely represents the guilty conscience of idealistic liberals.

Uglyme #psycho #sexist #racist incels.is

[LifeFuel] My whorish teenager neighbor has been missing since yesterday

Today I was coming back from the grocery store and my single mom roastie neighbor was sitting on the stairs of my building. She had red watery eyes, like if she had been crying. She asked me if by any chance I had seen her daughter. I told her no. She said she had gotten out yesterday to go to visit her boyfriend (to fuck him cause you know, Chad needs to be serviced) and she was supposed to come home in the morning. Like wtf what kind of mom allows her daughter to spend the night at Chads house? Anyways, I told her to call her bf but she said he's not answering. I told her to call the police then and started to climb up the stairs. I left her there.

The situation of those foids couldn't be more pathetic: single mom gradma, single mom mother, and probably soon-to-be a single mom daughter. All of them rotting in misery. They come from a third world shit hole so they have that mentality to ruin their lives with the first Chad they can find. That whore is probably wasted and stoned and covered in Chad and Tyrone fucking seed right now. Fucking whore, I hope she gets back covered in bruises cause her bf almost choked her to death.

Kyrile #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Rape is a reproductive strategy used by males cornered by society. Further that rape doesnt harm the female and the harm we see comes from society telling the females they are harmed by rape. This is because females demand that all sex has a cost and since rape is free to the male the cost must be paid by the female in being traumatised.

Rape is part of male sexual strategies like homosexuality but most men are incapable of rape. Women however want to be impregnated by a rapist because they want their genes to have the ability to rape as a reproductive strategy in case in the future they come close to personal genetic extinction and must rely on rape to perpetuate their genes.

MayorOfKekville #sexist incels.is

[JFL] [BoomerPill] Boomers genuinely believe that dating is really easy these days because of internet dating sites

I was chatting with my mom the other day. As always, the subject eventually moves on to how I’m still single at 40.
She’s a sheltered female boomer who drifted through her life aimlessly and blissfully on Just Exist Mode.
She finally says “Why don’t you try internet dating? Everyone can find someone there. I know loads of people who met on the internet!” in an authoritative, matter-of-fact manner. She then starts naming people she knows who met their partner via internet dating (they are literally all foids or chads, not even normies).

Seriously, JFL, I spend half my life on the internet and she thought I’d never tried that.

Boomers genuinely, unironically think that “everyone” - really, everyone - can find their exact looksmatch soulmate on the internet. They live in such a ridiculous alternate universe, I can’t even imagine it. It must be like some colorful, dreamlike, Dr Seuss fantasyland.

Your moms still alive at 40? My parents are gonna die when I’m 20 or 30 because they had me at 40.
Also you’re old

I’m an oldcel, one of the few that even failed to get laid in the 90s/2000s. My parents were fairly young when I was born (early 20s), people used to have kids much younger. Also they’re healthy.

Online dating made everything way harder because foids now have 24/7 access to chad dick

Well yeah, exactly. This is what boomers and foids don’t understand.
They think foids go for their looksmatch (because they often did back in the 60s/70s/80s).
They think humans are naturally a “coupling” species, but this was introduced by religion (foids are naturally hypergamous, like most animals).

FrailPaleStaleMale #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] An insight into IT's broken mindset and complete and utter lack of understanding about inceldom (and this community)


This is a screenshot (bottom of thread) in response to Napoleon's ban. Napoleon is irrelevant in this context. It could be about anybody. But this is a very good insight into their illogical mindset.

For people that stalk us constantly, they still never understand this. This is proof that they do not take the time to read, or understand. And dismiss anything that doesn't fit their ideals.

This comment is suggesting that our lives will improve if we leave .co or any incel community. The irony here is that there are plenty of us that note that our lives have improved having spaces like this. To relate, to socialize, to make friends, to have a laugh, to cope. Most users don't post regularly anyway, so their Generalisation tactics are poor

Also the more important point. Do they seem to think we were born on this forum? Do they think our lives were any better before joining this forum? If so, they're retarded. Us joining this forum hasn't made people treat us any different. Not to mention the countless people that have left the incel community, just to come back again after some time (see the requested bans that always come back) because leaving these Communities... SURPRISINGLY RIGHT??? DOESNT, make society treat us any different. It doesn't make us look any better. It doesn't make us deemed human. It doesn't stop people trying to drive us to our deaths.

They treat this forum as the issue when it clearly isn't. Most incels aren't even a part of this forum and yet they face the exact same issues and suffer the same way.

Alot of us still speak to members that have been banned. Their lives never Change... And shit, I was banned for over 16 months. My life DID NOT CHANGE. Not having access to this site DID NOT make people treat me like a human being.

This kind of lack of awareness and understanding is part of the problem. They demonstrate consistently that they do not understand the issues at hand. And I don't believe they want too. They want to justify their hatred through whatever fallacy they can. They are willingly ignorant.

People like this have the mindset of "society hates you because you're on .co"... Ironic given .co hasn't existed for long, people aren't psychic and we weren't born on this forum, and the way we are treated has never changed. We have changed many times in our lives, nor are we a monolith. We disagree on a lot too. Basic logic would determine that we end up on .co and other incel communities because we have no where else, and the forum membership is a minority of all incels the world over. We are societal rejects. Their logic is backwards.

We end up here because these same people treat us like subhumans our entire lives. They don't want progress. They want hate.

Edit: As a footnote, they have so much faith in their "advice" but that is also cliche and platitiudal. The same shit we've been told for years. And followed. Most of us have worked on self improvement constantly including their typical suggestions. It does not work. I never see them say anything original..they refuse to hear that their advice just is not a solution for inceldom... A life circumstance they do not understand at all

ItsNotADream #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] Slavcels posing with their noodle wives

Us, Serbian guys with our Indonesian wives in Serbia

Lifefuel for a slav like me. But I also feel bad for the rice men in indonesia tbh

A comment on r*ddit

"now where is our serbian wives in Indonesia"

:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: :feelsrope:

They most be really desperate, but I don't get the guy in the left, he looks like a chadlite

Because slav foids treat their men like shit. He probably just wanted someone who treated him well

I always thought that slavic women are more traditional, I guess that my slavic mother isn't that different after all since she treats my father like shit
also every modern woman is like that regardless of ethnicity

Atavistic Autist #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [LifeFuel] Russian policemen tortured chad and pushed him to suicide

Many of you won’t have access to link so I’ll translate what’s in here
In tatarstan 5 policemen were sentenced to 11 years in prison for torturing the suspect. They made him plead guilty in 47 robberies. After that the dude killed himself.

Rest in piss asshole

giga based, free them

Policemen were too lazy to search for real criminals and decided to capture someone they didn’t like

Chads are all criminals, and torturing one and forcing him to commit suicide is cosmic justice for a celibate who was driven to rope because of Chad's undue social privileges.

I don't hate chads who date their looksmatch and don't pump and dump below their looks level.

There is no individuality to Chads. They all look the same and act the same, and should all die the same (in GTA V, free on the Epic Games Store).

Do not humanize the parasites and bloodsuckers on the top of the social hierarchy, just because some are better with their superficial psychopathic charm than others, or some appear to be "based" because their narcissism makes them do the inverse of virtue signalling, vice signalling, whereby they adopt seemingly rebellious/outrageous positions but only so as to attract attention to themselves.

Lol massive cope. Chad deserved death

Cucks ITT see Chad's looks halo and defer to him as their leader

Insha'Allah, he will be the leading buttboy of Satan in Jahannam.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "SHOCKER: Squaws continue dying when locked in their racially segregated homes"]

Halls of Macadamia notes that it's shocking that since Red Indians are staying locked up in their homes because of the Wuhan Flu, their womenfolk are suffering extra abuse.

Lorraine, hang on a sec... are you saying you just discovered domestic violence among aboriginal peoples? And how exactly is 'colonialism' or 'coronavirus' beating the snot out of aboriginal women?

I guess they should have taken the quiz.

However, what caught my eye about the original article was this bit:

But Whitman says many shelters and sexual assault centres in the country are not run for or by Indigenous people, which is why many First Nations, Inuit and Metis women won't access them, even if they're in trouble.

"They don't have that comfort zone there and they're not culturally influenced or inclusive of the Indigenous values that we have and our traditions and ceremonies."

If squaws are literally so backward minded that they won't seek help from the only race that's ultimately willing to help them (whites), then every #MMIW is 100% deserved and we should cheer when it happens.

Also, hate to break it to you sister, but "inclusive of the Indigenous values that we have and our traditions" involves you getting beaten and killed by your savage relations. You can't separate the wheat from the chaff on this: it's all chaff.

Completely unrelated: Notice the Redmonton Urinal doesn't give out the race of this dangerous armed rapist. It's totally unrelated to the fact that Rodney Gambler is an Injun.

SchrodingersDick #crackpot #sexist #homophobia #transphobia incels.is

[Blackpill] My theory on lesbianism and feminism.

(It’s kind of all over the place. Not meant to be an essay; I copy pasted what I wrote offhand in a group chat with some homies.)

Possible lesbian formula:

1: Ugly: can’t get chad, sexually unsatisfied, never experienced submission to a larger-than-life dominant man

2: High standards: only wants gigachad because she is aware of his existence. No other man can match up, doesn’t want anything less than the best she’s aware of. It would be settling but she doesn’t see it as settling. finds herself not attracted at all, so thinks she’s not attracted to men period, except for the exceptional men.. Keenly receptive to mogging. Also prob damaged from being ugly in high school. Had a bad time immediately after being thrust into the sexual market/adult social hierarchy as a low value female.. did not recover.

3: Low self awareness: doesn’t realize that her disgust of 99% of men doesn’t mean she hates men with very very few exceptions/flukes, just means she’s a normal, healthy eugenicist

I dont have any personal experience with lesbians, but I seriously doubt that if you were to put one (any girl really) in a room with a gigachad, that she wouldn’t get wet, submit, and love every second of it. “You know even though I’m a lesbian, I weirdly liked it teehee I’m quirky I had these feelings I can’t explain and I felt so safe” .. shit like that. MAYBE some robust high T lesbians wouldn’t like that.. like the masculine one in a dyke relationship..

And girls turning dyke faster and with less resistance than guys “turning” gay or coming to the conclusion that they’re gay could just be female to female dynamics being unlike male to male dynamics. Foids are ok in close proximity with eachother, sharing a mate and shit.. men in proximity with eachother are sexual competition and will kill eachother for eggs.

The default life strategy for women is to trade their looks for the best deal they can get. Whether this be through prosecution, marriage, onlyfans, dating, even applying to jobs while wearing makeup, getting promotions by being hot/putting out, etc... so the Formula for a feminist is just be ugly and unable to leverage your eggs to make it through life comfortably. Be unable to exercise the default strategy for a women because you have very little value to trade and hence can not trade it for a good enough deal.. Be unsettled by this and imagine a world with an alternate source of value for women, one in which you could be considered high value (mandatory that this value metric be malleable. Personality, career, education, sense of humor, emotional strength, etc)... And then campaign and screech for society to recognize some other, malleable, source of value for women, in which, conveniently, you would have value and power in the eyes of society and most importantly your own eyes. “Women are more than their looks” - says the ugly girl.. “men are more than their height” - says the manlet. Same principle as trannies thinking their problems will go away, they will get to live in a new world with a new, more enlightened metric of value, and they will accept themselves but only after everyone else accepts, validates, and entertains their delusions. It is expecting the non malleable to adapt to the malleable. That is not how adaptation occurs. Adaptation takes the path of least resistance.

It’s really a defensive reaction to learning an uncomfortable truth about personal value, it being non malleable, and the unequal nature of people’s value. The world being generally cruel and unlike what Disney said it would be. So the world must change and there is nobility in being on the front lines. And like kaczynski said, it’s an outlet for hostility and satisfies the need for power.

The ugly feminist will stop being a feminist if she becomes hot. She won’t believe any of it anymore and won’t care about women’s progress or w/e the fuck unless doing so conspicuously confers social status to her. Feminists don’t want to be feminists, they just want to be hot. Feminism/striving for an alternate source of value is the next best option for curing their low self esteem.

The manlet will stop saying “height doesn’t matter” if he gets taller, unless for the same reason the now hot former feminist still preaches feminism. And like the feminist, the manlet doesn’t really want height acceptance, he just wants to be tall. Advocating manlet acceptance/bluepill ideology is the next best thing for his self esteem/life outcome/sexual success.

I don’t have an explanation for hot feminists. Strictly status seeking/herd mentality/tribe acceptance, or seeking high value in both metrics, both in looks, and in malleable metrics. or the handicap principle is applied. “Teehee I’m a feminist that just so happens to be hot, And I think girls shouldn’t be judged on their looks, even though I’m judged positively on my looks.. I dont put effort into my looks (because I don’t have to) and I’m still hotter than you.. im more than just my looks, I’m beauty AND brains”. Still, I’d imagine a girl with conservative friends would assimilate their beliefs and attitudes pretty quickly. Bitches are like water.

Every fake aspect of a removed-from-reality worldview is either a convenient lie or a supporting lie to back up some other convenient lie. Most people are professional copers.

Nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

After I found out that my girlfriend cheated on me, I leaked naked pictures of her.
I had found out earlier that day and I was sitting at my computer. I was just browsing /b/ and an "exposed sluts" thread came up and I angrily posted a few photos that I had of her. Even worse, two of the photos that I posted were of her with the phrase "chink slut for white cock" written on her chest. So if it gets linked back to her then they'll think that I'm a racist and that she's self-hating (neither of which is true obviously, it's just that she was into race-play). Imagine if her family saw that. Fucking hell.

I am such an idiot. I regretted it like 5 minutes after I posted them but at that point it was too late. I'm just hoping that no one saved them and that they've now drifted into /dev/null.

Uh, you had a girlfriend that let you write that sick crap on her naked chest and take a picture?!? Can't say I feel sorry for her...

[ in another thread ] I'm a feminist and I don't think men need to change as much as women need to change. For instance, women's attitude about relying on men for money instead of relying on themselves. Adults should be grown-ups who are responsible financially for themselves and shouldn't be dumb enough to put themselves and their children in poverty situations in divorce, death, etc. All women should be educated, trained, have some work experience and a savings account all their own. If they're intelligent, they work at least solid part-time. I have zero respect for women who leech financially off of men...its just pathetic.

In yet another thread

I don't make friends with the "stay at home mom" crowd...at least the ones with no work prospects. (I do have very educated, skilled friends who have taken leaves from work to get through the baby years and have gone back to work). I have zero interest in women who put themselves and their children in danger by having zero income and no education and are solely relying on a man like a toddler. The ones that drive me the most nuts are the ones who's husbands leave them for better women and then they want lifetime alimony for being lazy.[/ I also just find that women like that have very little to contribute to an adult conversation and, even though I have kids, I have zero in common with them. I have no respect for anyone that leeches from someone else and that's what I consider this lifestyle

I rarely find other women that are like me or that I can tolerate

Volkmar Weiss #wingnut #sexist #racist amren.com

IQ Studies Behind the Iron Curtain

Volkmar Weiss is a German geneticist and historian.

Grégoire Canlorbe: The creative and cognitive potential in Western industrialized countries appears to be declining as monarchy and warlike aristocracy gave way to bourgeois democracy and the establishment of a pro-immigration welfare state. How does this fit into the population cycle driving human history?

Volkmar Weiss: In 1891, Prussia enacted its first progressive tax. Low-income earners with children were exempt. On this day, the breeding of stupidity began. In the entire history of mankind up to that point, the survival of children depended on the economic success of parents. If parents were incapable, they could not or would not marry; any children they might have had poor chances for survival. Democracy brought progressive taxation, the welfare state, and incentives for the have-nots to have children.

Couples limit the number of children if they fear their children cannot maintain the parents’ social status. Since entry into the upper classes is more limited than places into the lower classes, birth control begins in the upper class. It is a response to the fear that one’s children will lose in social competition. The ruling class started birth control in the last third of the 19th century, and the middle classes — salaried employees and skilled workers — started having fewer children after the turn of the century. The number of children in the upper and middle classes was limited in order to protect them from downward mobility. When this became apparent around 1900, Francis Galton predicted the drop in general IQ levels, which has since taken place.

Also, millions of foreigners with a mean IQ below 100 are pushing into Europe, and democracy seems to us like a warm late summer evening. We know this beautiful evening will be followed by cold and stormy days, from which we cannot escape.

Grégoire Canlorbe: Do you think there are race differences in attitudes towards death?

Volkmar Weiss: I do not know, but the whole world seems to be stricken by irrational panic and fear of death.

Grégoire Canlorbe: Thank you for your time. Is there anything you would like to add?

Volkmar Weiss: If it had not been for the Christian Drosten group in Berlin that developed the test for Covid-19 and made it available to China in January 2020, there would not be a single statistic on the spread of the new virus. Not one. A somewhat puzzling flu-like epidemic would have spread around the world, as has happened a hundred times before. Each time, thousands, even millions of people — mostly old people — died, and were not treated separately in the mortality statistics the following years.

That could be the same this time; nothing more. What is taking place is an anxiety- and media-driven infection of common sense, which is no longer able to balance costs and risks. This inability to balance costs and risks is unchanged since the time of Adam and Eve.

Now, the enforcement of the human right to die in an intensive-care bed is our most important goal. Everything is subordinate to this. The problem is not a new virus, but the inability of mass society to deal with it.

anon1822 #sexist incels.is

Can life with a woman ever be "comfy"? Tbh at this point if I magically got a girlfriend it would be very stressful.

Our lives as incels might not be great, but at least we have a lot of time to ourselves. After work, we're free to relax and do whatever we want.Personally, I love this comfort. Even though I've basically been rotting for more than a decade, it's still very nice to not have to do various things.

For example, even going shopping or getting a haircut is a huge inconvenience for me, it's an "event" that drains my energy. But if you had a girlfriend/wife? Every single day would be filled with several energy-draining events, and that's after a day of wage slaving to boot. Chores, taking her out so she doesn't get bored, various other obligations etc... If you have social anxiety and other mental disorders it all becomes even harder.

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

RE: [Hypocrisy] Even reddit cucks agree looks mean more than persoynality

read the comments.

AITA for insinuating that my daughter is 'ugly'?

The title sounds bad but it isn't that bad.

So my daughter has this friend who has all the kids in her grade falling head over heels for. I thought it was an exaggeration but she's literally that girl in high school.

Now this friend posted a picture of the two of them on their 'friendship page' on her birthday yesterday. Everyone was just giving dozens of comments on the friend and said nothing about my daughter at all. I think there were only two who said happy birthday to my daughter. She was upset over this because she got non of the attention. She asked me if she was pretty.

As first I thought I should give the whole 'of course, you're so beautiful, these guys are just crazy' speech but I couldn't see any benefit from that so I gave it to her straight. When I told her she wasn't she was taken aback but when I explained she was much better. I said something around the lines that she doesn't have the looks but that doesn't matter. Told her she had an amazing personality and is just an amazing girl. I pointed out that she had the world's greatest eyes (might biased but it's true) and that her smile is contagious (which it is). Mentioned that I wasn't a looker when I was a teenager but my confidence got it me places. She was a bit quiet but she thanked me for it. We laughed, hugged and I left feeling like I gave the greatest parent speech ever.

However when I told my wife this she went mad. She says I was basically insinuating that she was ugly (Didn't say it nor do I think she is) with the classic 'personality matters' speech. I still think I did great. Aita?

After my wife went to 'fix my mess', my daughter told her that she was fine and felt better after my talk with her.

Looks is all that matters. But this hole will never have to face a single problem in her life because even though she is ugly, she still has a pussy and that's enough.

If the daughter was a son, the comments would have been different.


Now the comments are - "You are the asshole. How dare you call your daughter ugly. Stupid father."

If he had a son, the comments would've been -
"Sweetie you are not the asshole. Personality is all that matters, I see ugly guys with gfs all the time. You gave such a great advice. Aww."

They simply don't want men to know the brutal truth that "looks is all that matters". They just want to gaslight us and keep us in the dark.

dogpill #sexist incels.is

Reddit girl does an AMA about fucking a dog, drops a bunch of dogpills

[F] my fwb convinced me to have sex with his dog, AMA

In this AMA a girl says that her fwb Chad has gotten her to fuck a dog. She describes the first time it happened, what she's done, how it felt, and just a bunch of stuff that's worth pointing out and examining. There are other AMA's out there but this one is revealing for a number of reasons.

First, she describes how it happened the first time. Chad is fucking her for hours and gets her all hot excited but won't let her cum. He pushes her all night and then stops when she's getting there. He does this and tells her that the only way he'll let her cum that night is if she fucks his dog. At first she says no, but eventually she gives in and gets dog fucked. She says the dog knew exactly what to do, and by the sounds of it so does this Chad. The more you read on the more obvious it is that he's done this multiple times with many girls.

She even mentions in it that this fwb guy has told her directly that girls who are into this are not rare and that it's more common than you'd think. How does he know this? He's obviously been doing this for years and with God knows how many women. He knew exactly what to do, he got her to edge all night and pushed her in between the build up to consider fucking a dog until she wanted it. This is something I've mentioned repeatedly since my first thread on this site, the guys who do this with girls all seem to say the same thing, "girls who are into this are not rare".

Describing the actual sex itself is pretty much what you'd expect from a girl who openly decided on doing an AMA on dog sex. She says that it might have been the best sex of her life, and that it's a multi orgasm experience because of the knot. Going through her posts, she's done a lot of shit too like gangbangers with all of Chad's friends and getting filmed doing all kinds of shit, and yet out of everything she's done, fucking a dog is possibly the best sex of her life.

Another interesting thing about that AMA was the way she described herself. She's a good looking 20 something year old girl. Her Chad even says to her that no one would suspect that a girl as good looking as her would ever fuck a dog. Which is probably true, no one thinks these things actually happen in real life, it's just something you see on the Internet. Not me, I no longer put it past me that a good looking young girl I pass by on the street is incapable of having the most disgusting sexual history imaginable.

The worst part is that she even says how innocent she looks in real life. Guys are idiots and would never see a girl like this coming. One day she'll get married to some retard who considers himself a lucky guy, all the while never knowing that his beautiful bride used to be a knot thot. Plenty of other guys would actually be excited at the idea of it if they ever found out. "Wow, my wife is really kinky. That's so hot. How did I get so lucky?" the sex positive dumbfuck says to himself. All the while Rovers dick is hitting all the spots his can't, stretching her like he will never do, getting her to cum like he never could. When women cum with a man, they bond to him in a weird way that intensifies her submission to him. What does it say about this when the girl in the AMA admits that she has now become more submissive to the dog after they fucked?

Some idiot would love a wife like this, who is sexually bonding stronger with an animal than with him. Just look at the upvotes that girl gets and look at the down votes people give to the ones who think she's disgusting. There's no shortage of men out there with patheticly low standards in what they want in a woman. Could you imagine what the votes would look like if I told her she's a woman and should act with some kind of tact and decency if she wants be a decent wife and mother someday and possibly, idk learn some homemaking skills instead of spending her twenties dripping between her legs? Yeah, I'd get down voted for saying that but a girl describing her adventures with dog dick gets gushing praise.

Forgot about the icing on the cake, she's not even the only girl in her own thread who dog fucks, another completely random girl comes out in the comments and admits she had a couple she subbed for that got her to play with a pooch.

Dogpill is a funny meme, but as far as practical application it's overblown. People are pointing to one or two dogfuckers like dogfucking is the norm now and all women deep down wanna have sex with animals. That's not how it is. Dog sex is weird and disgusting, but it's not anything we need to be afraid of.

Honest question, do you think you've ever met or passed by a girl in your life that has fucked a dog?

No, not even close. I would have to go online to find somebody who fucks dogs.

Well, I've read the data on this subject and the prevalence of bestiality among women ranged from 0.6% to 3.6% which is a far higher rate than the prevalence of down syndrome in the general public which comes in at 0.14%. Have you ever met someone with down syndrome before?

I haven't. But, and I don't wanna get all IncelTears on you or anything, but what samples are we looking at? Who are we asking and how many are we asking? You go to some sort of fetishy place where people do all sorts of shit then yeah. But you can't poll the entirety of all people everywhere. But then, that's the flaw of just about every poll.


I've talked about this before on this forum but the general rate from every scrap of data puts it at 0.6% to 3.6%, which is a low estimate. You can go through my post history if you want to see other discussions I've had about it.

I wish I was a Chad that could get multiple girls to fuck my dog. That's such a power move.

This is what incels and Chad have in common - we both hate women.

And yeah, never let the butterflies in your stomach make you forget that just because she looks like an angel doesn't mean she actually is one. People are animals.

To each their own I suppose. I'd feel too much like a cuck doing it personally. Maybe if I was completely shit faced and a girl offered to let me watch I'd consider it but after that the bitch would be completely dead to me on every level.

moggables #sexist incels.is

The weak will always ruin what the strong have built

Women are subservient. Every man is getting a prime virgin. Tinder and other dating apps have been banned.

How long will it take until that world is quietly subverted? Men grow weak as they age. When women start asking politely for small things from the elders (e.g., public schooling), won't the old men, who before had a rage burning in their hearts, naturally fall into their instincts to protect and preserve the female and her interests?

All it takes is one foid to sit her male child down and brainwashing him into thinking how "wonderful sexually liberal" societies were.

Ultimatepassivecel #sexist #crackpot #quack incels.is

[Blackpill] You will be retarted for rest of your life ıf u dont lose your virginity by 16

16 is the age where your hormones are the most developed and active.Your hormones have a massive lust for any physical contact with opposite sex,ıf you dont satisfy them in time your hormones will start fucking your own brain up and ruin your communication skills.
This will end up in two ways ıf u are not a incel your iether BetaBuxx or get arrested for trying to talk a girl.
Foids are literally giving us mental illness

a multiracial individual #sexist #racist #elitist amren.com

RE: The American Renaissance Guide to Women, Sex, and Family

Male prefer pretty, young, curvacious, loyal, kind and supportive women.

Women prefer tall, handsome, low body fat, hardworking, kind, ambitious men with resources.

No amount of leftist propaganda is going to change that reality. In general, people are sympathic to the mate preferences of their gender and hostile to the mate preferences of the opposite gender. The exception of course being people that highly embody those preferences. Instead of complaining about those preferences people would be more happy if they tried to get as close to those preferences as possible.

High IQ leftists in the 1960s had their fun, avoided pregnancy, and eventually got married. Pushing this ethos on the rest of the population caused problems for low IQ people who are not able to successfully employ contraception.

That is tragic, but we cannot, and should not return to pre 1960s puritanical views about sex. Instead family planning needs to be cognitively tailored to the woman in question. Smart girls get the pill, dumb girls get the implant. But that will not be accepted by leftists.

Perhaps they would be able to accept a more universal solution. Every girl should get the contraceptive arm implant when she turns 12, and it should be replaced when necessary until she consciously decides that she wants children, preferably within the confines of marriage.

So the right wing religious puritans are wrong, and the leftists that think that low IQ people can practice contraception are also wrong. (Again)

That is a terrible idea. The pill is not this harmless wonder drug that stops you from getting pregnant. It can actually mess up your hormones so bad, that it can make you infertile. So much for deciding to have children later. Even worse, those hormones get flushed down the toilet and never get filtered back out of our water supply (either because they can't or it's too expensive to do so).

I see people using "Puritan" as a way to describe prudes, but this is completely wrong. Their name has nothing to do with their sexual proclivities, but their interpretation of the Bible. Puritans were all about having sex, as much as both parties want. The only stipulation is that you have to be married first.

There is a cost for everything.

A very, tiny percentage of girls who receive Gardasil die, but we still do it because more women would die of cervical cancer if we did not.

Also I invite you to ponder all the misery that single motherhood contributes to.

It's called "gain some morals and don't have sex until marriage". Wow, single motherhood solved. Leftists furious.

This is why your side is immoral.

This is why you lose.

This is why you deserve to lose.

”Every girl should get the contraceptive arm implant when she turns 12”

But teaching girls to have higher standards for themselves and wait until marriage is puritanical and wrong?

You must understand. The desert dwelling tribesmen that made up those laws were getting married right at the onset of puberty that is why they made sense at that time.

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