The New Class Wars
There are none.
There is no middle class, no labor class, no aristocratic class.
Only three classes exist:
1. The Jewish Class
2. The Used Class
3. The Goyim Class
Karl Marx said that “ideology” pertains to the selfish-interests of a particular class and has nothing to do with “truth.”
Marx being a Jew knew how Jews think.
He knew that Jews were keenly class-oriented in so far as their particular racial aggregation was detached from the nations among whom they lived.
Jews are a state-within-a-state, and today they are a class where no other classes exist except for the Used Class and Goyim Class.
Let’s parse it out.
The Jewish Class has a monopoly on money printing through all the Central Banks which are satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty:
The Federal Reserve, Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, European Central Bank, Bank of England, are all other satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty.
The Jewish Class doesn’t rise from the soil to an exalted beneficial culture for all to partake.
There is no Jewish farmer, no Jewish master builder, no Jewish goods-producer…but a Jewish middleman acting between the Gentile creator and the consumer.
The Jewish Class is a parasite, bloated with his mortgages, currency exchanges, and network of payment transfers.
Sadly, the inventive, creative, and productive Gentile Class no longer rules bereft of influence.
The crooked Jewish Class—incapable of producing, but exploitative and avaricious—rules and dominates.
Jewish money rules over Gentile work and blood.
All what is left is the Used Class who are the Gentile producers.
Then the Goyim Class, of which, like animals, are content to graze on their daily fare:
French Fries, Potato Chips, Hamburgers, and Wide Screen TVs.
What does this mean for America and its future?
It means rooting out the Money Power—which is the Policial Power—which is the Jewish Class.
Stumbling blocks can become stepping stones.
Others call it crushing the head of the serpent.