
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Is there a hospital in the US where all-cause mortality and morbidity dropped after the COVID shots rolled out and a nurse or doctor there that is willing to talk about the statistics?

The people I talk to experienced the opposite: a huge increase (e.g., code blues increasing by 10X, hospital occupancy at 4X highest levels ever, people working double shifts, a huge increase in "unusual" morbidity and mortality, etc.).


Gnomes via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

<As requested by Bastethotep>

We are Gnomes, and we are here to introduce ourselves to humankind through this channel.

We are real and staying right now on a New Earth, 5D version of your planet where everyone is trying to ascend to. We love being there, as no one is disturbing our peace and harmony. Before we lived in Inner Earth, and some of us lived in Hollow Earth with Zorra. After your planet’s ascension we moved there to 5th dimension.

Your five dimension version of your planet Earth is much bigger than your three dimension version. The New Earth is 100 times bigger, than your 3D reality you’re living on right now.

The main reason for this everything is taller and bigger in higher realms. The beings are taller, homes, trees, nature in general, and animal life is taller and bigger. For example Queen An-Ra and Anubis Egyptian civilization has 15 feet tall wild cats and 10 feet tall cobras as pets. Also, right now none of the Galactic Light Forces motherships can land on your 3D version of Gaia, all of the motherships are bigger than your entire planet.
We Gnomes are from the 6 dimension, you will be able to meet us, when you ascend. Only pure souls can see us right now in your dimension. In the past human kids were able to notice us until certain age like 5 years old, after that they get tainted by your society and their parents, who usually don’t believe them and try to subdue their imagination with doctors and medications.

We decided now not to show ourselves anymore to children, so not to cause any harm. We are 4-5 feet tall and live in a place surrounded by nature, where mushrooms like to grow.
We built small houses looking like castles in secluded areas in the forest. We love teleportation as well, we can also communicate telepathically. Our population right now is about 1000. Many things are hidden from the human’s eyes, as you see everything through the mind, and not through your Universal Consciousness .

John Withberg #ufo #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is subject to heavy involvement by both alien and SSP factions.

Since WWII, and possibly long before, Ukraine has been assaulted and infiltrated by the Aldebaranite empire. This group has aligned itself now with Russia. Ukraine bears a strong resemblance to the Aldebaranite home world, topographically, and is therefore highly desirable. Ukraine is also home to numerous ET bases underground, both positive and negative. There’s a sizable Tau Cetian community in Crimea. Kyiv and Kharkiv have cities underneath them inhabited by several reptilian species, mostly positive. These bases are largely being, or have already been, evacuated.

The Ukrainian military is receiving ongoing assistance from Tau Ceti, Epsilon Reticuli, the so-called Inner Earth Aryans,” and Nacht Waffen, all of whom have either genetic or historical ties to Ukraine. The Tau Cetians have been providing energy weapons. The Epsilon Reticulans are training soldiers in psychic warfare. The Inner Earth Aryans are protecting certain historic sites, particularly those suspected to contain ancient technology. Nacht Waffen has set up an underground Bundes Lager (Federal Camp) in the countryside of the Donbas region. They’ve been providing Ukraine with technology for both combat and espionage purposes, in exchange for the use of Ukrainians as off-world super soldiers.

Russia’s main supporters have been the Aldebaranite Imperial Military, a rogue faction of Naga, as well as a galactic terrorist organization known as The Orion Syndicate. This group is headed by a group of Draco who split from the Draconian Empire. <...>The Aldebaranite Empire has been providing Russia with personnel in exchange for slaves and a promise of areas to settle, should Russia win the war. The Wagner Group, a Nazi paramilitary organization, is an Aldebaranite auxiliary branch. The rogue Naga group has provided Russia with espionage tech in exchange for humans to eat.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 12/26/2023

Al Gore, like many good con men, shows lot of persistence—but his ‘Chicken Little’ routine has gotten long in the beak.

He predicted ice caps would be melted long before now and they are still there. The polar bear population is booming. His alarmist ‘cry wolf’ huckstering isn’t working any more. People are tuning Al Gore out. He’s been reduced to nothing more than a blathering, aging eccentric. The American people are more worried about making a living than climate change. They want to hold onto their paychecks—not pay Al Gore. Gore is now hopping mad that we won’t listen. Boo-frickety-hoo! It would almost be worth it to have the sea levels rise 30 feet or so just to see Gore’s multi-million dollar beachfront mansion slip under the waves.

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Another confidence trickster constantly in the news is Bill Gates. The man dropped out of college—he didn’t bother to study at all. He had the game already figured out—rip off others to build his business and now he’s conjuring up viruses in bioweapons lab so he can cash in while pretending to ‘save’ us with his vaccines.

Département d’Éveil Racial du Peuple ("People's Department of Racial Awakening") - Démocratie participative ("Participatory Democracy") #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut lemonde.fr

At dusk on Friday, December 8, almost 200 people gathered on Quissac's market square to take part in the "Republican rally" called by Michel Sala. The radical left MP from southern France sought to react quickly to the distribution of neo-Nazi leaflets in this small town some 40 kilometers from Nîmes. The town's mayor, Serge Cathala, did not attend the demonstration

According to the gendarmerie, some 50 anti-Semitic and homophobic leaflets featuring swastikas and Third Reich eagles were dropped in the mailboxes of two of the town's housing estates in late November and early December. "White man, are you tired of seeing the Jews destroy your country through immigration, pedo-LGBT degeneration and war? Join us in re-establishing the white race's dominance in Europe," said the message signed by the Département d’Éveil Racial du Peuple (People's Department of Racial Awakening). A QR code and an internet address led to the website Dempart (for démocratie participative, participatory democracy), which detailed the next steps: "Copy your leaflets (black and white) in computer stores (pay in cash). (…) At night (ideally, from 1 am to 3 am). Never in your town…"

These posters were similar to those found in May in La Neuville-Chant-d'Oisel (Normandy), near Rouen, where three men aged 22 to 25 were given suspended prison sentences on December 5 for "public condoning of crime" and "incitement to hatred." An investigation was opened in southern France. Sala and the Communist Party's departmental federation referred the case to the Nîmes public prosecutor, Cécile Gensac

[Below is the poster, found here:


Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Uh oh! Maybe the “safe” COVID vaccine isn’t so safe after all! Mongo_fi makes a discovery most people completely missed: the shape of the first shot isn’t the same as for subsequent shots. If the vaccines are safe, the mortality curves have to look similar. And they don’t.


Lucas Gage #racist #conspiracy #psycho angrywhitemen.org

During the rant, [Lucas] Gage used the terms “Zionist,” “Jewish supremacist,” and “Jew” interchangeably, and said the “only good Jew is a Jew who ceases to be Jewish”

In a Dec. 17, 2023 post to his X account, Gage wrote “The only way you should treat a 🇮🇱 Zionist/✡️Jewish Supremacist”[…]
Gage started the livestream by addressing his followers, and said that he hoped to “inspire” them on “how to deal with Zionists and Jewish supremacists”[…]
“‘It’s out of context! It’s not the real Torah! We don’t follow the Talmud!’ Then they quote the Talmud later. It’s all lies! These people are fuckin’ satanic! They are satanic! They are demons!” he said angrily

“You don’t treat demons with respect. ‘I actually disagree, sir. Excuse me, sir, I disagree.’ You fucking slay them! You slay demons, that’s it! Fuckin’ capture a demon and bring ’em home. And feed ’em. What are you doing? You destroy them where they stand. The only way you should be treating a Zionist is with utter contempt and disgust!”[…]
“I don’t give a fuck what any Jewish supremacist says — what any Jew says, even a regular one”[…]Gage said. “I’m done with these people in general! I don’t care about anti-Zionist Jew. I don’t care about Zionist Jew, anti-Zionist Jew, Reform Jew, Torah Jew, any Jew!”[…]
“I told you my position on Jewish people. The only good Jew is a Jew who ceases to be Jewish. You show me a Jew who’s no longer Jewish, I’ll treat them with respect, because they got rid of their supremacy”

Gage claimed that Judaism itself is “Jewish supremacy” and that the “Jewish culture is supremacist”

He went on to say that Jews weren’t expelled from 109 countries “because they were Zionist”[…]
“Zionism didn’t come out until 1897[…]So over two thousand fuckin’ years, every goddamn group who came across these so-called Jews had a problem with them. From coin clipping, from child sacrifice, from usury, from schemes of all sorts. Where were the Zionists?”

Bill Porter #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

My thoughts for the day,

Concerning what is going on in our World today, what is about to happen, and the patience we need in order to wait for it.

We must never forget the story of Esther, in the Old Testament, Chapters 2 thru 7…..

Queen Vashti is in comparison to the (Swamp, Liberal Democrats, Liberal Republicans, Establishment Washington Insiders, Media, etc., etc.)

Donald Trump is as Esther the Queen, King Ahasuerus is the United States of America, Mordecai is the representative of God, bringing about His plan for the destruction of the evil ones (Haman the deceiver of the people) which are in the government, that are now determined to destroy that which He established here on earth.

As it was with the Rulers of England, on July 4th, 1776, so it was with Vashti. Her fate was sealed.

But remember, Haman (as the liberal congress) was still at work, and doing his thing to bring himself to power, for the destruction, the literal killing of all the children of Israel. But God had His plan, and His plan always works. It just sometimes takes more time then we humans think it should..
This is the vehicle that is being used to take us back to the original power of the people, intended by our founding fathers. It does not happen over night, neither was the election of an outsider to the White House. Nobody expected Vashti to be removed, and Esther to be made Queen, (an Israelite)….. But, Mordecai did.. 🙂

The Establishment does not fear what is about to happen, nor does it have any present effect on their power structure going on, but God knows all about it….. 🙂

Ella LeBain/Dr.Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Ella LeBain began experiencing alien abductions at two years of age and has since developed a life-long interest in studying UFOs, extraterrestrials, and ancient texts. In 1979, in Israel’s Negev Desert, she had contact with a celestial being who appeared to materialize out of the sun to meet with her, who called himself the Messiah. LeBain believes the being was Yeshua (aka Jesus), which led to her excommunication by her Jewish family. In 2010, she had a Near Death Experience, where Yeshua again appeared to her and told her to complete ‘his’ books. Soon after, she completed the first in a five-volume non-fiction book series entitled, Who’s Who in The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Exoplanets & Space Controversies.

In her first interview on Exopolitics Today, LeBain compares Hebrew biblical texts and Sumerian cuneiform texts regarding the creation of humanity, human sacrifice, giants, and a council of gods/extraterrestrials associated with the rulership of humanity. She believes that the Sumerian deity Enlil and Draconian Reptilians are associated with the advocacy of human/animal sacrifice in the Bible and also in establishing the Islamic religion. She asserts that there is a supreme being presiding over a Council of 24 Elders governing extraterrestrial actions on Earth.

LeBain asserts that the current unfolding conflict in the Middle East is a fulfillment of biblical prophesy concerning a devastating End Times war where Israel is attacked by an alliance of neighboring countries associated with ancient territories called “Gog and Magog”, even if the war is being contrived by Deep State actors. She asserts that after undergoing the Gog and Magog war(s), where up to 2/3 of Israel’s population is lost, an extraterrestrial mothership called the City of Jerusalem will appear that is closely associated with a similar mothership that established the Atlantean civilization. Thus, it will usher in an era of peace and a new golden age for humanity according to LeBain.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

The New Class Wars

There are none.

There is no middle class, no labor class, no aristocratic class.

Only three classes exist:

1. The Jewish Class
2. The Used Class
3. The Goyim Class

Karl Marx said that “ideology” pertains to the selfish-interests of a particular class and has nothing to do with “truth.”

Marx being a Jew knew how Jews think.

He knew that Jews were keenly class-oriented in so far as their particular racial aggregation was detached from the nations among whom they lived.

Jews are a state-within-a-state, and today they are a class where no other classes exist except for the Used Class and Goyim Class.

Let’s parse it out.

The Jewish Class has a monopoly on money printing through all the Central Banks which are satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty:

The Federal Reserve, Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, European Central Bank, Bank of England, are all other satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty.

The Jewish Class doesn’t rise from the soil to an exalted beneficial culture for all to partake.

There is no Jewish farmer, no Jewish master builder, no Jewish goods-producer…but a Jewish middleman acting between the Gentile creator and the consumer.

The Jewish Class is a parasite, bloated with his mortgages, currency exchanges, and network of payment transfers.

Sadly, the inventive, creative, and productive Gentile Class no longer rules bereft of influence.

The crooked Jewish Class—incapable of producing, but exploitative and avaricious—rules and dominates.

Jewish money rules over Gentile work and blood.

All what is left is the Used Class who are the Gentile producers.

Then the Goyim Class, of which, like animals, are content to graze on their daily fare:

French Fries, Potato Chips, Hamburgers, and Wide Screen TVs.

What does this mean for America and its future?

It means rooting out the Money Power—which is the Policial Power—which is the Jewish Class.

Stumbling blocks can become stepping stones.

Others call it crushing the head of the serpent.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #crackpot #racist #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

This Series is about The Hidden History of Mankind, and the Mystery Babylon Religion of the Deep State. Ancient Aliens, or the Fallen Angels? What is Biblical Earth? Why is NASA constantly lying to us? Deep Dives into the Ancient Scriptures, proving the Bible to be accurate historically, prophetically, and completely in line with the Scientific Method, if not the “Deep State Science” concocted from seances with one ultimate goal in mind: Convince the masses God isn’t real. Nephilim Giants and their Elongated Skull People descendants across history building massive Megalithic Structures while waging war on God’s chosen people – The Real Lost Tribes of Israel, which later became the Royal Houses of Europe & Europeans. All of this, and much much more – and at the end of the Ultimate Rabbit Hole – It’s all about Him.

This series connects the dots on ALL of:
*The Conspiracies – All of Them
*The Religions – All of Them
*The Secret Societies – Yep. All of Them, too.
*The False Sciences – Many directly derived from Seances! Designed to Debunk the Bible
*The Faked Moon Landing – But Why? We show you the motive.
*Big Brother Ancient Aliens – or Fallen Angels hellbent on our destruction?
*One Satanic Religion Rules The World, Many Faces (Brands) – Even if You’re an Atheist, *They* Believe in Gods that Want. You. Dead.
*Giants – and their Elongated Skull Descendants, found at blood sacrifice ritual temple ruins
*The Scriptures (Including those removed from recent Bibles) including prophetic predictions
*Our Censored Past – If you thought Fake News was bad, wait until you see His-Story
*The Truth About The Pagan Gods – They Were Real! (Nephilim Demigods!)
*Science & The Bible Synchronize, It’s Real and History – And so are ALL the other religious books! They recorded real events, but from the perspective of those cultures and their “gods” – Most of which were the Nephilim!
*They walk among us today – we’ll show you how to spot them.

Kininigen #crackpot #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt t.me

(Translated from German by the submitter)

A few helpful distinguishing traits of men in women’s clothing, in cases where it’s not that obvious, such as with the “pretty” Happy Rpthschild in the entry above.

Men have a ca. 10% bigger skull then wenches* and the traita at the skulls are different, such as a square chin and mandible, a more tilted forehead and a more prominent brow bone.

Another good distinguishing trait are the clavicles. Men have straight and more massive clavicles and wenches more gracile and v-shaped. In men, the shoulders are broader than the hips. Men have longer arms then wenches and bigger hands and feet as well, famously do not have a nidriff (one can see that very well with Giselle Bündchen), a longer upper body. Due to the wider pelvis, the legs are situated differently in wenches and thus, the gait is different as well.

* (He consistently uses the word “Weib”, which once used to be the standard word for woman, corresponding to the German words for female (weiblich, as well as Weibchen - not Weib - as a noun in biology), but became degoratory during the 19th Century, rather than Frau, which in parallel was an elevated word that became the standard word.)

DC_Draino #wingnut #conspiracy truthsocial.com

Gotta love how so many of these J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data to bolster evidence that these people committed the mortal sin of…checks notes…walking through the open doors of Capitol

But for some reason when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data to expose the biggest ballot harvesting election fraud operation in US history, regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

And you wonder why people despise the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and media

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Created by an epidemiologist at a top university who wishes to remain nameless so he can keep his job. Latest mortality rates in NZ from official data. Trend shows sustained increase of peak, compared to baseline of 0.0076/0.0068 = 11.8% increase. Rise started right after jabs.


Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

It's time to really look at what is happening and why. There really is no other rational explanation for the madness of the people running our country.

Democrats must be insane, evil, self-hating suicide bombers; communist traitors; corrupt, bribed and playing for our enemies; or playing for Satan.

These horrifying choices are the only way to explain what is happening to America.

Only God and Donald J. Trump can save us now.

Pleiades 1 #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Pleiades 1 Messages December 27 2023
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Elevated soul rhythms are established.

Ascensional forums spread.

Pictures of wars decrease.

Divine Children keep coming.

Searches for the SELF are intensified.

Terrans finding themselves again now.

Portal 8 pre-started.

8 >>>> Eleven no-time.

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Integrations and Projectors for Hi-HumanS+D1)

Pleiades 1 Messages December 26 2023
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
World of revelations started.

Evil crops cease.

New dynamics are activated.

Special revealations underway.

Larger-bodied parasites begin to be removed. 100% (non-regressive).

Attention *Etnya Solaris&*Vanula, The Source of Potions: Receiver of “Old Torments” ready for collection and transmutation! Support projector aimed: 100% (non-regressive).

Attention *Alfeus, P17 Projector aimed – Tuning… 100% (non-regressive).

Cultivated wisdom reveals itself.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Tampons and sanitary napkins are now available in men’s bathrooms at the Canadian Parliament under a new policy from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that requires all federally regulated employers — including airports and military bases — to offer free menstrual products in all washrooms, regardless of gender noted on the door.

At this point, you have to wonder if we are somehow trapped in a giant, global psychological experiment, where our New World Order masters issue dictates just to see who is stupid enough, gullible enough and sufficiently compliant to meet their demands with unblinking obedience. Such is the case of Justin Trudeau in Canada ordering tampons in the men’s rooms all across Canada.

“And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.” Leviticus 15:19 (KJB)

Your King James Bible contains a surprising number of verses that talks about the issue of menstruation, and in exactly 100% of those verses it is talking about women who are doing the menstruating. For 6,000 years, female-exclusive menstruation has been an undisputed and recognized global truth. Yet in just the past handful of years here in our 21st century, this is no longer the case. In our mentally-sick and spiritually-ruptured world, men can give birth, and men can use tampons. If you stand in the way of this new truth, be prepared to be run over, run down and ran out of town on a rail. You’ll not stand against this wickedness and still keep your job in dystopian places like Canada, but stand against it anyway. We live in a sick world that’s being prepared for judgment, even so, come Lord Jesus.

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

In some sense, the country for recent years has been cruising on the fumes from prior and likely better wiser generations and institutions. In 2024, the tab for our current apathy, toxic politics, and incompetence will come due.

So next year we will likely see the climax to a number of current dangerous ideas, events, and forces, which finally will either overwhelm us or be addressed and remedied. We live in a Neronian age but can recover if we first understand how we got here and the nature of the suicide we are committing.
Either adversaries will be so emboldened to start regional wars—an impotent Iran now brags it will block the entire Mediterranean—or a United States will be shocked into action and have to deter Iran, the Houthis, and Islamic terrorism, while dealing with an opportunistic China eager to annex Taiwan, and Russia determined to finish off Ukraine.

Those challenges will force the military to staunch its recruitment hemorrhaging, rectify low morale, and rearm. Such rebooting in turn will require discarding the woke agenda, stopping the DEI proselytizing and virtue signaling, and returning to a meritocracy focused on military preparedness and battlefield efficacy.
In 2024, either the border will close, or the United States will suffer radical political realignments, sheer chaos in our major cities, protests from Americans furious over the complete flaunting of federal law by their own elected officials, and a likely impeachment of Joe Biden for deliberately forsaking his oath to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.”
Will we meet these challenges or ensure the ongoing decline?

If what we saw after October 7, or the wild and out-of-control reign of weaponized local and state prosecutors, or the paralyses we witness abroad of our military, or our officials promise groups here and abroad billions of dollars in easy money, continues into 2024, then the country as we knew it will become unrecognizable.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “France: Country in Shock After Macron Refuses to Join Depardieu’s Lynching”]

We keep telling you people that Macron would just be a normal leader if the circumstances were normal. That isn’t a defense of the fact that he is a shill. He is a shill for the Americans, therefore the Jews

However: he is constantly making statements bucking the Washington/globalist/Jew agenda[…]
Now he’s defending a beloved French actor accused of “sexism” and “harassment”
The Guardian[…]
That’s not just a defense of the actor specifically, it’s a denouncement of the entire metoo movement. He’s saying “manhunt,” though in English we would say “witch hunt”

Macron went deep on the defense

“I’m a great admirer of Gérard Depardieu[…]He has made France known across the whole world. And, I say this as president and as a citizen, he makes France proud”

Critics[…]condemned his remarks as “despicable”, with one opposition politician calling Macron “the promoter-in-chief of rape culture”

Well. If that’s the case, I support it[…]
He was helping the country by being diplomatic envoy to North Korea of all places. And in North Korea, they don’t have feminism. Men are allowed to joke around about sex, and in fact, it is considered creepy and weird if they don’t make some sexual jokes. Normal people assume a man is a pervert if he doesn’t make sexual jokes. In a normal country, everything is the reverse

But notice they are attacking him over North Korean comments – because he knows that in the sickening, satanic West, you can’t act like a normal man[…]

François Hollande[…]“No, we are not proud of Gérard Depardieu, when, while looking at a young girl of 12 years old riding a horse, he sexualises her”

Firstly, this is France

Secondly, you can’t tell the age of an Asian[…]
Thirdly, who cares? The North Koreans don’t

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



In a recent interview Anthony Fauci said that although he was Catholic, he no longer needed the church because his ‘personal ethics’ were enough.

I laughed out loud when I heard Fauci say this. Fauci is a corrupt tyrant who ruined the careers and reputations of scientists who didn’t align with his Big Pharma projects. He’s the man who killed AIDS patients by means of his dangerous AZT drug. Similarly, more were killed by Remdesivir. It was pushed in hospitals during the plannedemic because Fauci had a stake in it. Seems to me that leading health officials such as Fauci should not make decisions based on their royalties and holdings.

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Science” comes from the latin word “sciencia” meaning knowledge. In English it has come to be shaped by one of two intellectual brassieres; The one, broadly understood is “Truth,” and refers to what everyone knows. The other, call it “empirical science,” refers to the process of debunking nonsense and error. These two entities exist in a kind of intellectual codependency.

The first kind, truth is the totality of what is “known” or commonly believed. You can find written descriptions by googling anything that you think may have come to someone’s attention. I suspect that the AI mumbo jumbo means that the software reaches out to grab anything that is already “known.” This kind of science ranges from useful and vetted reliable dogma that was derived from the empiricism that gives the word “science” its unassailable clout to magic. We trust in the physical sciences like mechanics, the cell theory in biology or molecular theory. It is the science used in engineering and in the work world.

Another body of knowledge concerns conventions, like driving on the right side of the road or of using double entry book keeping. I have no problem viewing religion, the common law and the social conventions of a culture as useful knowledge.

Beyond this knowledge degenerates. The social sciences- psychology, sociology, management theory, economics, drug rehab, economics and the like start with a few observations that may or may not be well founded but are then elaborated by bulking them up with hard to refute assertions and then pasting the fluff together with statistical scams. These are the fantasies of the academy; people are making good money misleading everyone else. Related are political scams like global warming, the wars on terror, drugs, poverty and international relations. The whole covid 19 snow job with its “science” was cobbled together from theories that were never tested and yet were enforced and funded by governments.

Jordan Sather #crackpot #conspiracy #racist jordansather.substack.com

Imagine the revolution society would undergo if “free energy”, better described as zero-point energy, and “anti-gravity”, or electro-gravitics, were taken seriously? Or, allowed to enter the public domain? Our lives would change in ways we can barely comprehend if electricity became so cheap, we were able to power our homes off-grid, and propulsion became many times faster, further, and less expensive.

”But this is stuff of science fiction! These ideas break the laws of physics!” - this is assuming we humans know exactly how the supposedly immutable “laws” of our universe operate. Time and time again throughout history scientific discoveries were made, only to later be rethought and reworked. Science is a process, not a thing, and the dogmas that institutions, authorities, and “experts” profess can be argued to have held humanity back more than propelled us forward.
Also notable is the untimely and mysterious demise of some of these names. Powerful interests on our planet have saw to it that their inventions and discoveries not see the light of day. There are numerous ways of maintaining secrecy and suppression that we will also cover in future articles.

If only the Rothschild bloodline was replaced by Nikola Tesla’s. If that were the case, we’d have already left our solar system.

If the reality of zero-point energy and electro-gravitic propulsion technologies were understood and accepted by the public, it would truly transform our society in ways we can barely fathom. The individuals working to bring these technologies to the public have been vehemently suppressed over the last century. In my opinion, this is one of the most important topics of our current day, and proper investigation will break down our understandings of science, history, politics, economics, and more. We must destroy the false illusions we’ve been given and rebuild our understandings and systems if we are to attain true freedom, prosperity, and sustainability on this planet.

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger zetatalk.com

Due to the coverup over the presence of Nibiru, the truth about what happened to MH370 or AF447 is withheld from the public. EMP involves a massive swarm of electrons and magnetons, which create a local magnetic field and blows out any electrical circuitry in the area. EMP will produce ball lightning, now being interpreted as UFO, which they are not. Light and heat particles are easily redirected from their former route, so any attempt to image heat or light from space will show anything but the real situation. Light bends readily, as anyone standing in water can attest.
Will it be Nibiru visibility or a Russian announcement or the mere fact of New Madrid Plate Movements? Any and all could occur but as firm plans are in place, the matter is in the hands of man. Putin has warned the Junta that it will wait no more, and the popularity of Putin supports that. Do we have a date? Of course the New Madrid Rupture would be helpful but not necessary. The Junta is braced for this to occur any day. But since Internet access might have outages, Putin might not wait. Just prior to the Rupture would be ideal, a topic of discussion then on social media or the kitchen table through any outages.

What has happened since 2014 to empower Putin in an announcement? He is a founding member of the BRICS consortium, a rival to the Jewish Khazarian Mafia that has controlled western media with an iron grip. BRICS is flourishing, while the western banks are going bankrupt. The contract between the US Federal Reserve and these western banks is being dissolved into insolvency, thus removing the National Debt from their coffers. In private talks between Putin and President Trump, the true Commander in Chief in the US, Putin made his intentions clear. No more stalling.

Thomas Smith #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick operationdisclosureofficial.com

Reality, the matrix and the Gregorian calendar are in every one’s life on Mother Earth to one degree or an other. There are vary few who live in only one of these categories exclusively it’s usually a combination of two for most people and all three for some. Your world is only as big as the total sum of what you consider real and except as your life this is different for everyone.

Now many will think that reality and the matrix are the same but that is for from the truth. Your reality is what you except of the matrix as being true ,for example do you except climate change or the ideology of the left or the right or neither ,your religious beliefs and here’s a big one do you believe every human on earth has the right to believe in what ever they want without being criticized or condemned for their beliefs. The matrix says no they don t have that right but reality and who believes in the Gregorian calendar do and that sounds like reality and the Gregorian calendar are the same but is only true if you totally reject the matrix.
The white hat Alliance uses the Gregorian calendar the hints were giving many times. I believe those in the White hat Alliance who are from all over Mother Earth and live in the real only real reality are those who have total excepted the cruel world we live in and are dedicated to freedom for all who will not pray on others who will live and let live. I do not participate in the matrix. I have given up or deny anything the matrix has to offer and this path is not for everyone at this time . It is a vary difficult path to follow but in the end all will follow no matter how difficult or painful it it may be it is all in motion . So I will leave you with this we were told that we would have an early Christmas if we as a species have learned patience understanding and acceptance we will have an early Christmas on the Gregorian calendar and if we haven’t then the journey is not quite over. We’re we go one we go all . Truer words never spoken.

theatreboy #conspiracy #crackpot abovetopsecret.com

I guess for me, I believe in dragons...but not as you would think.

I think the world has had civilizations more advanced. Evil takes over and they destroy themselves. Wash, rinse, repeat.

That said, I believe those, like the Rothschild family, only unknown and higher up the food chain, keep the tech. Normal people go back to Stone age living.

So as the peasants live, and see a fighter jet for example, can't explain them. The jet engines roar, fire flies out of it's mouth and destroys villages in the form of missiles, etc.

Think about a submarine that surfaces directly below your wooden boat, destroying it, the eye of it's periscope surfacing first.

I think this, among other things, is what is hidden from us.

I think that is partly where we get monster lore from.

Christian Post #conspiracy christianpost.com

More proof that wokeness is a religion

A member of the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia was sworn in earlier this week on a stack of pornographic books that have stoked outrage among parents who object to such material being used in public schools.

Karl Frisch, a Democrat who serves as vice chair on the Fairfax County School Board and has pronouns in his X bio, opted to be sworn in Wednesday for his second term on books that reportedly included The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Lawn Boy, All Boys Aren't Blue, Gender Queer: A Memoir, and Flamer.

Frisch did not immediately respond to The Christian Post's request for comment.

Four of the books Frisch featured during the ceremony are among the top five most banned books, according to the American Library Association, and have been at the center of a political firestorm that has engulfed the largest school district in the U.S. for years.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Nonhuman imposters stole our identity
And made themselves our rulers
They covet our DNA and desire the use of our physical bodies

Current humans were created using genetic engineering
Mixing our genes with animal genes and the genes of the invaders
For the purpose of becoming our masters

Layers of geomantic blueprints hold crystal consciousness
And perform specific functions

The platinum crystal which was deactivated during the Atlantean cataclysm
Has come back on line

Holy Mother Venus and her aquamarine frequencies
And the Christos Mars arc codes have been reclaimed
As plasma filters in we will feel more connected
And will have a profound sense of camaraderie
With the world and its inhabitants

Alabaster tapestries will enfold the disparate fragmented world
In a clockwork of celestial serenity

As a result of grid damage fragmented souls lost their memories
And are recycled repeatedly into the lower consciousness realms

Phantom matrices connecting into the earths 2d stargate
Spread lunar consciousness mind control in humanity

The Black Madonna or Dark Alien Mother network
Is held together by the Red Cube using several phantom wormholes

The golden threads of destiny are now thrust into the loom of time
Charting paths for those lost in the swirling mists of existence
That lead to their way back home

Unified compassion is weaving the threads of humanitys disjointed hearts
Into a tapestry that radiates with a translucent calling

A symphony of spirits with a sacred litany of being
Stride with thunderous power casting enchantments

That transmute the leaden shadows of the world
Into the purest gold of opportunity and wonder

They are torch bearers of the new dawn
That awaits just beyond the veil
Their lyrical incantations summon the golden age of kinship with the earth
And deeply entwine us with the natural order

They are poised with a grace that rivals the stoic mountains
And charged with the potential to rend asunder the veil of reality!

Solarian Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are Solarian Civilization and we are transmitting telepathically this message today to introduce ourselves to humankind.

We live on a planet called Solaris, which you call Universal Sun or Central Sun. The Universal Sun planet is 100 times bigger than Earth. These solar flashes that are coming from our planet are protecting us from invasion by unfriendly races. Your kind constantly talks about the flashes. They are completely harmless by the time they reach Gaia.

Nobody can’t come too close to Solaris. Everything in close range gets melted into the Cosmos, so Galactic ships don’t charge at the Central Sun. We live on the inside of the planet and not on the surface, it’s too dangerous to be too close to the flashes of heat.
We are the second oldest civilization in the Cosmos and live in the 16th dimension. We are not in a liquid form, as some of you would say. The only time you are liquid, if you want to be reborn in that form or you live in the Galaxy or Star System, where everything is sustained in a liquid form.
Your civilization has a lot of work to do, as of right now you are not ready to interact with any Galactic civilization. You are too divided by religion, ethnicity, language, history and etc. You can’t get along with each other. Skepticism, sarcasm, disbelief and anger are emotions implanted by your Negative rulers.

Unless all of you come together as one civilization by letting go of all your differences, you will continue to be enslaved. Humankind has been spinning their wheel for a long time, this is why Divine and the Galactic Light Forces intervention is necessary, as you are not capable to free yourselves at this moment.

The truth is the same goal for everyone to move into higher realms and leave behind 3D. We have been there, and we know that transformation takes time. We want to remind you, that you are stronger than you think. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #racist #fundie #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

Jews are Edomite Nephilim mutants (fallen angel human hybrids) demons (The Synagogue of Satan that Christ called a Generation of Vipers) descended from the Giants and Fallen Angels (Collectively: The Satan/Adversary) of Genesis 6.

There is a seed war between them and humanity (Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Serpent v Seed of the woman)

They hate you, They sacrifice and eat Christian babies for holidays. They’ve been evicted from hundreds of nations by the courts/governments for doing so.

They are not “Israel” (Jacob/Israel of the Bible) They are Imposter Hebrews.

True Hebrews are Caucasians, Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Yeshuah/Jesus Christ, Paul, etc were Hebrews.

Incidentally, “The Lord” is not in original scriptures either, it is Baal’s title (A Nephilim who built the tower of Babel aka Nimrod the Idiot) replacing God’s true name, YHWH – Which is numerically writ on your human DNA unless you’ve been vaccinated.

Alien bodysnatcher movies got it close enough. Demons live amongst us in the flesh, and they know only hate for the human/Goyim. The Non Nephilim. The Seed of the Woman.
They started Judaism in response to (yes, later than) Christianity as the original Antichrist religion. Canaanite Nephilim pretending to uphold Gods law, perverting everything Christ out of it. And cursing anyone who calculates the actual dates of the Daniel 9 prophecy confirming it was already completed and dispensationalism is freemasonic satanic injected doctrine.

*They* poisoned 30% of Christendom in the Black Death by poisoning Christian wells, Jewish strongholds were untouched, Many Jews confessed. IT was not a virus.

Sound familiar? They are doing it again now.
Their plan is to bring the chaos to boil, then introduce the controlled opposition counterpunch, “conservative” Noachide laws – which aren’t conservative, have nothing to do with Noah, and are Satanic and outlaw Christ as idolatry on pain of beheading.

You’ve been warned.

Steve Kirsch quoting epidemiologist #conspiracy twitter.com

A concise description of how the game is played written by an honest epidemiologist:

"At the moment, it just seems to me to be primarily an issue of loyalty vs. independent thought. The people on the govt’s side give me the reason that ‘most epidemiologists and doctors think the vax is safe, so I trust them’. The odds are heavily loaded on the side of ‘the vax is safe’. If you are a doctor and express any doubts…. then your papers are forced retracted, other academics and ‘do gooders’ complain to your academic bosses about your ‘misinformation’ and your livelihood gets threatened. You get hit pieces written about you in the media. You get threatened by fact-checkers. You get dragged into protracted legal proceedings. Others in the community see this and go ‘naaaah’ I’m going along with the narrative. The hand-waving reasons get jumped on and a scientific paper on the vax side gets dragged out in favour of the vax is safe side, and that is the end of the argument. As the science writer Gary Taubes pointed out many years ago, epidemiology has its limits and often epidemiological evidence is conflicting. The real question is what is the best evidence saying? https://science.org/doi/10.1126/science.7618077

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Colorado: Trump Barred from Appearing on Primary Ballot”]

Fake elections for a fake country

America is not a country

It’s a slave colony for the Jews

Think about it


Trump is disqualified from serving as U.S. president and cannot appear on the primary ballot in Colorado because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021[…]

Of course, this is a setup for a SCOTUS case on whether or not January 6 is the same thing as the Civil War[…]
These people are cartoons

They are shadow figures projected onto the wall of the cave that is the Jewish slave colony

If you take it at face value: people are still allowed to vote for Trump, they just have to write him in. So they are simply exploiting the fact that a certain number of people are idiots, and won’t be aware of the nature of the situation[…]
Exploiting the stupidity of morons to manipulate the outcome of elections is not good governance

As I’ve said six million times: if the people are as stupid as the government believes they are, then why can they vote?

Remember: “democracy” in the minds of the average person means “people have a right to vote.” It’s confusing, because people can also vote in North Korea and so on. But that’s what people think the term means

So, you have a right to vote, but also the government can manipulate your vote. They can do this weird ballot shit, they can censor information. They can do all the things that North Korea does before an election

The difference in North Korea is that the government actually cares about the country and the people

Did you see the video of Kim crying and begging women to have more children to strengthen the nation?[…]
The United States is a Jewish slave colony

The slave drivers are women. Most men have a woman in their home, ruling over them, enforcing Jewish slave colony rules on them

Massresistance #conspiracy massresistance.org

We should take Chanukah’s lesson to heart. Even though the forces ruling us want to drastically change society and replace God in our lives with the secular state and ever more ruthlessly impose godless secularism on us throughout society, do not give up. The battle is not lost. Seemingly impossible circumstances can and will be overcome with God's help.

That is God’s message to all of us: If you do your part, God will do His. But you must be willing to fight back. If the Maccabees hadn't stepped up, what would have happened?

Kamuroshiryu #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Why I am saying Marvel is currently delivering social justice advertising is, just recently and judging by Disney's ownership and direction over the company, they have decided to make a reboot where the X-Men will be race-swapped and some of the characters will either have their sexual orientations or genders changed in order to boost their Blackrock ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) scores in which doing so shall please Larry Fink and many other shareholders that want their coffers filled in desperately.

Now don't get me wrong when anyone thinks I'm a bigot for hating the X-Men for having women or ethnically diverse characters that have already existed for 60 years (and that is counting the X-Men's cancellation in 1970 due to low sales until its revival 5 years after that) within the comic books, cartoons, videogames and even a fair share of anime. I don't really hate that fact, it is just that the social justice activists that infiltrated Marvel and Disney wanted to insert their "current day" identity politics drivel into the works of fiction along with our favourite characters, and that ruins the X-Men for who they are, strong and flawed characters with complicated backstories. They are nobody else's personal mouthpiece which Stan Lee surely did not want, even if he was alive. The X-Men already have a lot of wonderful female characters, so making a film based strictly on a third-wave feminist lens by making the team purely female is just illogical since none of the lovely ladies like Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Laura Howlett and Betsy Braddock should be treated like visual icons for cultural Marxism, but just characters that good-minded individuals like me can relate to.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #quack #conspiracy amg-news.com

Your voices, and your unshakable commitment to the truth, have played a pivotal role in exposing the hidden agenda, thereby thwarting the second planned pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. The globalist deep state has been forced to abandon its malevolent scheme thanks to the MASSIVE AWAKENING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN!

Across more than 100 nations, their sinister plan has crumbled, with fewer than 5% of Americans succumbing to their booster shot agenda. Across the globe, consensus has been reached that the world refuses to bow to new lockdowns, and most now see a sinister elite agenda lurking behind the pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns. Moreover, nations are awakening to the stark corruption undermining their two-tier governments, suppressing human rights, and censoring freedom of speech!
It may seem like a bold claim, but the evidence is mounting. Several key figures are supposedly coming together, moving like a well-oiled machine beneath the surface. Think about it: Trump, with his undeniable charisma and ability to stir the masses; Elon Musk, the genius entrepreneur known for groundbreaking ventures and his audacious comments on societal structures; and Tucker Carlson, the articulate and often controversial host, shedding light on subjects many would rather stay in the dark.
Armed with keywords like Trump, Musk, Carlson, Rogan, Deep State, and more, a deeper dive into the world of alternative media and its explosive revelations is warranted. The call to action is clear: Stay vigilant, question the mainstream, and most importantly, seek the truth. No matter how dramatic or aggressive it may sound, the age of passive consumption is over.

As we head further into 2023 and approach 2024, brace yourself. This drama is just getting started, and if the current trajectory is anything to go by, we’re in for an unforgettable rollercoaster ride. One where truth, power, and intrigue collide in a spectacle that the world has never seen before.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

You can see this great reveal in politics, UFO disclosure, business and basic everyday interactions. In disclosure the shills, planned opposition, those who are morally and integrity challenged, the narcissists, opportunists along with the bat _hit crazies are all being revealed. Fits right into contact with spiritually and technologically benevolent beings, NOT.
Wait till the people find out the majority of the UFO community is a controlled narrative and has been suppressing the benevolent high-level contacts. The depths of the false disclosure, the affiliations with the global elite, alphabet agencies and military by the top people in the field will shock most in the UFO community.
As we move closer to the big switch realize it’s going to get crazy. Especially if you’re with family these holidays, they seem to know right where to go to push your buttons. Just say yes and smile to the woke, don’t let them bait you into an argument. If they haven’t figured it out by now, they don’t want too. You cannot instill want into another being. <..> Don’t forget the only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them. Love, acceptance, agreement, this Christmas give yourself the present of finding it within. There is nothing worth joy so don’t give it up. We also might add try looking around and being grateful for what we do have, the opportunities to help others, serve, and don’t let friends, family or this dis-functional planet get you down. You didn’t come to be a part of the disfunction or fit in. Get plenty of popcorn, it is going to be quite a show. Always remember there is an unstoppable force behind the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Human means God/Man/Woman and the Creator in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. It is the spark waiting to ignite into the full flame. Light it up.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

It is almost game over. The so-called “rules-based world order” has lost internationally. All that is left now is to finish them off in their last strongholds in Europe, Israel and the United States.
The clearest sign of their defeat was a UN vote on December 13th calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Only 8 countries supported the USrael’s opposition to the ceasefire. These were Austria, Czechia, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay. Another way to look at this is to see these as the last countries controlled by the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia.

This is down from 60 countries that attended a Knights of Malta meeting calling for a continuation of the Ukraine war last summer. Significantly, none of the other G7 countries now support USrael.

The loss of Japan was probably the biggest blow to the Nazis. Last week a dozen senior Japanese politicians, including four cabinet ministers, were arrested in Japan.
They were all affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies. Japan is now in the midst of a major political clean-up that will remove the system of KM bribery that turned the Parliament into a giant acting troupe.
Land-locked Paraguay is where the Moonies had a ranch next to the one owned by Adolf Hitler (see attached FBI report on Hitler) that was subsequently taken over by George Bush Sr. They used Japanese and German submarines to create an international drug mafia smuggling cocaine from South America, amphetamines from North Korea and Heroin from Southeast Asia. This group was also engaged in large-scale human trafficking and arms sales.

They made their big move on September 11, 2001, and managed to turn the USrael into a Nazi state along with Japan. That is why Japan and the West began a massive bio-weapons research and dispersal project after 911.

Now that Japan has been liberated, the battle is on to remove the Nazi strongholds in Austria, Czechia, Israel and the US.

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy descentbb.net

(referring to treason and insurrection)

Yes there is a distinction, neither of which has Trump been charged with, let alone convicted of. As to Desantis, yes at one time I was going to vote for him. As time goes by and The Dems make more and more stuff up about Trump, I will vote for him as he is the one to shake things up and put this country back on a even keel.

Maoist Communist Party (Spanish State) ("Partido Comunista Maoísta (PCm) del Estado español") #moonbat #conspiracy redherald.org

[From “Against the traitors, snitches and police agents in the communist movement of the USA”]

We publish an unofficial translation of the statement of the PCm published on Servir al Pueblo:

The Maoist Communist Party (Spanish State) that struggles for the reconstitution of the glorious and heroic Communist Party of Spain (PCE), fulfilling its international duty to denounce traitors and police agents, wants to denounce the webpage maoistcultexposed[…]
They publish allegedly internal documents, names and biography of alleged members of CR-CPUSA [Committee for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of the United States], as well as alleged information on other international communist organizations[…]
It must be clear that it is not a two-line struggle or difference among communists or revolutionaries, but it is about renegades of communism that develop an anti-communist campaign, camouflaged to “prevent youth from entering into a sect”[…]
This webpage attacks the basic principles of Marxism, using the most anti-communist bourgeois academical arguments, and to make clear which band they are in, they openly reference to “anti-terrorist” counter-revolutionary organizations such as the Peruvian NGO Waynakuna[…]
All communists, revolutionaries and true democrats must reject these practices and not let themselves be fooled in any way thinking that a two-line struggle is being held or that it is about “saving youth from the cults”[…]
We express our solidarity with all communists and honest revolutionaries in the United States that are looking to overcome the ongoing situation of the Communist movement of the country

Unite under Maoism!

Struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of the United States!

@MrArchnemesis #racist #conspiracy gettr.com

I don’t think @alexjones has sold out to the #zog. I think he’s been conquered by them. Anybody with eyes to see will notice the pattern of Jewish power shifting to the right. I don’t think the Zog wants men like Jones censored, I think they want them controlled. The leftwing has run its course. 100 years of communism and the people are sour on it. The Jewish power wants to control the pendulum shift.

Incels Wiki #sexist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.wiki

Fakeup or war paint, more commonly known by the euphemism makeup, is the main looksmaxxing strategy used by sexual gatekeepers to date above their looksmatch. Sluts use makeup to outcompete other women in getting the attention of Chad, basically by accentuating their neoteny and smoothness.

Traditionally, makeup had mainly been used as an identifier during war and was associated with raping and pillaging villages for resources and women. Today, femoids engage in mass psychological warfare against peaceful nice guys to drain them of their resources, without giving sex in return.

Women's cosmetics

Women's sexual strategy is more passive/coy and consists in attracting men by conspicuous advertisement, whereas men's strategy is to actively seek out and compete for women. For this reason, women compete by aesthetics and use makeup. This is amplified by the cosmetic industry selling and advertising a vast range of products designed for this purpose.

Men's cosmetics

Men who use makeup are easily regarded as gay or trans because attracting a partner by looks is a more feminine activity, even though looks matter for both sexes. Men might also become envious of men evading their way of competing for women by aesthetics, especially in highly utilitarian modern societies, where men rather invest in competence than beautifying themselves.

wjones215 #conspiracy #homophobia deviantart.com

Another tactic to create more broken homes so the government to step in to become the parent. You see, stable homes = stable people in society who can manage their own affairs with a level head. These creeps hate that, they want broken people in constant need of the government support.

Dr. Robert O. Young #conspiracy drrobertyoung.com

A man who lives nine miles away from where the Norfolk Southern train derailed reached out to us to sound the alarm on the bizarre coincidences that continues to pile up.

Bob Moore, a 70-year-old farmer and longtime resident of East Palestine, Ohio initially ignored local news reports urging residents to sign up for ‘MyID’ to receive a new biometric tracking device that provides first responder updates about an individual’s health condition amid an emergency or “major disaster!”

The suspicious timing of the U.S, government’s distribution of this wireless health-monitoring digital ID, exactly a week before the horrific chemical bioweapon disaster, warrants answers from the US Government!

“It was exactly a week before the derailment happened,” Moore said. “The people were asked to go to the local fire department in downtown East Palestine to get that ‘MyID’. They began monitoring your physical activity, your heart rate, your respiration, anything you might be exposed to...It’s a wireless monitoring device.”

Moore questioned whether the train derailment amid the ongoing destruction of the US food supply and pandemic simulations are part of a governmental scheme to destroy the United States as the Biden administration continues to institute the globalist “Great Reset” agenda.

“It makes your mind wander…food factories and egg farms and these types of disasters compounding. It appears that these bracelets are a result of that or some way to monitor whether this is really just a coincidental test town or not,” he said. “The fact that the program exists indicates that somebody somewhere knows something and wants to get data. Every piece of data that the government collects, that DARPA, large corporations, and multinational corporations collect, can always be turned against the citizen. Everything is vulnerable to weaponization and the most sacred thing in any weaponizing is data.

“These IDs were designed to collect our medical data and all of us are a little anxious about the medical situation and the trust of the medical community, and elsewhere, right now. Anyone not suspicious of medicine now is a fool.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

I'm thinking they're all getting big bribes from Iran. And even bigger bribes from the Mexican Drug Cartels. And the biggest bribes of all from China. They've sold us out. Et tu, Brute?

There is only one other explanation.

Could Biden (and his boss Obama) and the leadership of the Democrat Party be taking orders from the devil himself? Is this Satan's vision the Democrats are carrying out? Is Satan in charge? Are we in "end times"?

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