
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

wallace321 #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Parents don't have rights, but children have rights.

And apparently the children's rights involve being supported and "affirmed". "Affirmed" being a word that basically had no meaning 3 - 5 years ago. And now we all know what it means.

But parents don't have any rights. Boy when did that happen?

Gee. I don't know how well i see this going for the government who says parents have no rights except the responsibility to push the government agenda on their offspring. Whom the government has more right to than the parents.

Apparently there is also no plan to codify rights for parents either. Just morons like this rubbing it in your face that, no, actually, you have no rights. And we're all just offspring producers for the state whom you serve unquestioningly.

Don't worry, if you won't have kids, they already have a plan for that too.

Jesus this is getting really creepy up there in canada.

Peter B. Meyer #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot finalwakeupcall.info

When Christianity arrived in Slavic lands, it was an ideology very different from what Christ preached. The dark forces that controlled the material world gradually corrupted, distorted and annexed its teachings, just as they have done with all other religions of the world, and in the message of compassionate loving co-existence, the dark Chthonic force planted the seedlings of greed, selfishness, mutual division, great social inequality and endless power struggles.
In support of this plan, an apocalyptic catastrophe took place in 1342, viz. the Great Flood. All indications are that this deluge was caused by a cosmic parasite using advanced technology.

Its aim was to use the elements, in order to weaken the cohesion of the original state, for the benefit of the first phase that was the conquest of Central Europe.
Many Slavic parents were murdered and the surviving children were given a new faith, the faith of the nation of Israel, which was planted in their heads. Reverence for our great Slavic ancestors became a serious crime and replaced by bowing to the idols of Israel, which became the great virtue.

To maximise people’s ignorance and oblivion, White became Black and Black was called White. Similarly, the Dark Forces gradually destroyed, burnt or hid all deeply rooted sources of the true information and higher sacred knowledge far underground.
They destroyed, burned, hid everything that might remind of the glorious history of the Slavs and their heritage. They succeeded in introducing the propaganda of soullessness and degrading the White Race by mixing their blood with other races, which was severely forbidden according to the Slavs’ beliefs.

Similarly, the dark forces in both the former Soviet Union and the US were controlled and led by the same parasitic power. In Slavic territory, Mixed marriages were encouraged with the aim of decimating the Slavic population, which is now also being pursued within the European Union.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

TRUMP LANDSLIDE WIN? The trouble with this idea is Juan and others are also saying there will be no election… with red flags like the above prediction the White hats have a choice whether to wait for the election or not… My understanding is they can’t wait because an international nuclear standoff where Trump COMES FORWARD AS CIC is highly likely…that standoff will happen before the election. So unless the white hats CHANGE THEIR PLAN… this info about a landslide won’t happen. IN A LANDSLIDE election for Trump there will likely be NO EBS or educating the public on COG OR WHAT THE TRUMP WHITE HATS HAVE BEEN DOING BEHIND THE SCENES… they will white wash the past and the secrets will go down into oblivion which will be a tragedy…
KEEP THIS IN MIND: THE NWO / KLAUS SCHWAB NAZIS ARE AIMING AT A BREAKUP OF THE U.S. IN ORDER TO TAKE DOWN THE COUNTRY AND FRAGMENTATION AROUND THE WORLD … so they can make ORDER out of chaos. So from their POV they likely won’t stand in the way of a TRUMP WIN to further divide the country… in a sense this has already happened…. think of this as a top of the fulcrum moment. If TRUMP WINS in public (he is already to those in the know…CIC and President of the Republic)…. He will have the power and leverage to tip the scales so that U.S. UNDER TRUMP rules what will become a positive NWO… this is the plan. THE OVERALL PLAN IS UNITY OF THE PLANET to negotiate as ONE BODY with the various OFF PLANET RACES… Right now those various races are vying for control of FACTIONS OF GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE… keeping our planet in a state of internal struggle and war. Eventually if Trump wins the world will unite via A COALITION OF LEADERS to kick out the negatively dominating ETS and take back our planet. What the forces of darkness want is total control and annihilation of certain bloodlines …a negatively based NWO. What the white hats and TRUMP want is a unified planet under a positive coalition of leaders…

Réseau Libre #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated welcome page of the website]

The “Réseau Libre” site was online from 2015 to the end of 2018 and was immediately the target of all the scum of France: politicos, pederasts, immigrants, immigrationists, bobos [can also be translated as "champagne socialists"], collaborationists, Red judges, police and gendarmerie sold out to the occupying immigrant, etc

5 years later, we decided to re-open it to denounce even more strongly the vermin that is murdering France!

To avoid censorship by the French collaborationist state, we are now hosted in Russia

Knowing that access to the site could be blocked by the French Macronist gestapo, we have also opened a Telegram channel where all our articles are automatically rebroadcast

Join us! Express yourself by commenting on our articles, we ask you nothing: Neither name nor email address. And IPs are automatically anonymized

Access to the reseau-libre.org website: click here

Access to the @reseaulibre telegram channel: click here

Contact by telegram: @dgsiFrance (A quenelle to these clampins!) [The DGSI is tasked with internal intelligence]

Contact by email: reseaulibre@reseau-libre.org

Let's not let scum kill France!

Stew Peters and Jon Minadeo II #racist #conspiracy #homophobia angrywhitemen.org

Jon Minadeo[…]is the founder and leader of the Goyim Defense League[…]
Stew Peters spoke with Minadeo[…]
“What say you about being referred to as a Neo-Nazi because you’re bringing awareness to this dangerous and very important, critical topic?” he asked. Minadeo[…]answered[…]
“Well[…]when you look into history[…]and we only hear one side when we’re growin’ up —[…]that the Jews are victims[…]Why had they been persecuted, right?” he said. Minadeo plugged Europa: The Last Battle

“So when you learn about Europa[…]and you learn about the Holodomor, and you learn about the U.S.S.R. government being 70% Jewish[…]and they starved a bunch of Russians and Ukrainians, you start goin’ ‘Who is behind this?’ Well, it was the Jews that are behind this, and then they use the Holohoax to cover up these war crimes”[…]
“So when people start learning the truth and hearing about Hitler not killing six million Jews, and Hitler rebuilding Germany, there’s a lot of questions to be asked,” he continued. “So if they’re lying about this so-called genocide and covering up another genocide that they did on someone else, then it’s time that we look into Hitler and go ‘Hey, this guy, is he as bad as the Jews are saying he is?”[…]
Minadeo claimed that a group of Jews is “financing” the “demise” of white people through “miscegenation.” He added that “We used to have laws against miscegenation, against homosexuality. The Jews have obviously got into the Christian churches and demoralized it. But we are being replaced through miscegenation, through mass migration”[…]
He went on to say that “when you learn about The Racial Plan for the Twentieth Century, it’s about propping Blacks up to the highest levels in sports and entertainment so they can intermarry with whites. And that is the goal of the communists”[…]
He then pivoted to discussing the Nationality Act of 1790, which limited citizenship to “free white persons”

“And that goes into what our immigration policy should’ve been, right?”

Brent Cates #wingnut #conspiracy brentcates.substack.com

Over five decades of Western Legacy Media DISINFORMATION was blown apart last night by Tucker Carlson’s historic interview with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Putin, IF truthful in this two hour interview, debunked about 50 FAKE NEWS Narratives our would-be 3 Letter Overlords have used to build a false reality they have shamelessly sold to Americans and the world for the past thirty years.
You’re watching the denazification of Ukraine before it REJOINS RUSSIA via a referendum the same way the Crimea did.

Look back on all of the shameless lies told western audiences by the media the last 24 months.

Putin’s pragmatic & businesslike delivery as he stated he’s trying to end a war the Western Nations began in Ukraine in 2014 probably just ended that conflict.

As three letter agencies & corrupt media REEEEEE!! In helpless rage.

2024 is the year all of our Enemy’s false reality building Narratives are going to be dragged forward to spectacularly die onstage and as these Creepers wail and flounder, we’ll get to witness it all, popcorn in hand.

Tucker’s interview is a dam burst of such magnitude that it is starting something humanity’s opposition will not be able to withstand or recover from.


I meant that.

That is not hyperbole or drama.

This is not the West vs East, that was the narrative, the REALITY these demonic shitweasels have been selling us since the Berlin Wall fell, leaving NATO no real reason to exist.

This is not America vs Russia, Russia has been making overtures of peace and even alliance for DECADES regarding mutual interests only to be rejected & smeared by our “guardians” who cast them as an ASSIGNED and very necessary villain to their schemes of chaos waves and Endless Wars.

When you study what is already known about the disparate entities, institutions, corporations & FAMILIES that constitute America and Western civilization’s mortal enemies, a horrific aspect begins to be perceived.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon real-vampire.com

Quarter Master Armoury Real Vampire® Bone Generator®

All Psychotronic Crystals® have the capacity to be Vampire weapons. If you have a Psychotronic Crystal® this Bone Generator® turns it into a Vampire Sword. Unlike non Real Vampire® goods and Services who’s power depends on how much charge you put into them all Real Vampire® Science is all powerful as it uses the power of the enemy to power it. The more powerful your enemy the more powerful the Real Vampire® becomes. So hunting and psychically preying on the Rothschild Nazi (North Atlantic Zionist Illuminati) gives the Real Vampire® the most power in the minimum space of time. Similarly a Psychotronic Crystal® needs power.
This Vampire Psychotronic Crystal® Bone Generator® turns the 34 BSRI-Engine into Vampire Swords for the Crystals:

Psychotronic Crystal® Rings become Wolverine-like blades issuing from your hands
Psychotronic Crystal® Orbs become maces to crush the energy body of enemies
Grail Stones Psychotronic Generators® become Vampire Axes to chop up the energy body of your prey
The Awareness Psychotronic Crystals® become Vampire Spears
The Ultimate Psychotronic Crystal® Golgotha Crystal Skulls become a set of Vampire Blades that span the Earth to enable you to get any where to feed the Real Vampire® in you
Earth Burners become flame throwers to burn the energy body of your victim
The Vampire powers sucked out are the ones in the Psychotronic Crystal®. So the Money, Wealth Psychotronic Crystal® sucks out money energy, the Love PC love energy…
The more Psychotronic Crystals® you have the more Vampire Mind Over Matter® Weapons you have to use to fuel your Real Vampire® 24/7 with no effort…
We have entered the world where all avenues of life, contact, sight, pictures, TV, CCTV, computers… all enable the Real Vampire® to suck dry its prey. Dracula had to fictionally bite his target now a Real Vampire® can use all of the Matrix to suck dry and damage, kill his prey.

Lex Greene #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

In the good ole days when the average American was smarter than the average politician, citizens would defeat Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential race just because they know that millions in her campaign funds come from far-left democrat donors and over 70% of her primary voters are also democrats. Republican voters have had it with democrats voting in republican primaries, for just this reason.

But these days, after decades of massive false political propaganda and Marxist Educational indoctrination at all ages, not to mention the government controlled and censored news media and social media platforms, the average American voter is far less certain about anything they believe.

Haley lost Iowa and then New Hampshire, both by wide margins, where she told her fans she was sure to defeat Trump. That was bad enough, but this week, she accomplished something never accomplished before in political history – she lost the Nevada primary where she was the only active candidate allowed to appear on the ballot.
The Haley Plot is to remain in 2nd place until Trump is eliminated from the race by way of a fraudulent conviction in some corrupt court, or a bullet if necessary. Then, like Biden 2020, with Trump out of the way, Nikki could become the presumptive GOP nominee as the only candidate still standing.

The longer Haley stays in the race, loss after loss after loss, the more it confirms that she intends to become the nominee without winning a single primary anywhere.
Don’t fall victim to the Haley Plot though. She’s a fraud, a 14th “anchor baby” citizen not even eligible for the office, and a proud graduate of nazi Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program at his maniacal WEF, just like Trudeau in Canada.

Democrat voters are easily fooled, but Republican voters, not so much! Nikki is losing everywhere because most republicans care about the facts.

Jon Del Arroz #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist delarroz.com

When I popularized ComicsGate as a hashtag, it was from my research finding out information about a secret group of facebook professionals conspiring against YouTube reviewer Richard C. Meyer to try to “goad him into throwing a punch” and trigger what they hoped was his PTSD from combat in order to get him branded as dangerous and thrown out of conventions.

These were “professionals” actively colluding and conspiring to try to harm someone to keep them from having influence in the industry — people who work for Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, Dynamite, and others. The cause of it was because of politics — specifically a left wing monopoly trying to harm all right wingers in the business and make sure we don’t get to produce books or have any influence. They want all books to force LGBTQWTF on children, none to have male or white lead characters (unless villains), and to push identity politics so that not only are the primary demographic of readers kicked out of comics, but so that they stir up anger to get white, Christian, Republican, men out of the country.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

(About Anthony Fauci)

He came out against masks, then recommended wearing a mask, then two masks at the same time. He said he lied about masks not working because there was a mask shortage at the time. In reality, the masks never worked and he knew it. He simple enjoyed forcing useless masks onto countless faces.


Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

Most conservatives know the 2020 presidential election was rigged. Some of us use the word "electioneered." Some use the word "stolen."

But one of the biggest challenges has been articulating the details of HOW the election was rigged.

Yes, we know... mail-in ballots, drop-boxes, ballot harvesting, changes in election law, etc. But that is VULNERABILITY for fraud, not like... proof.

Here's your proof. 28% of mail-in voters in 2020 admit committing fraud. If even as few as 4% actually did... then Trump would've won the presidency in 2020.

Study linked below.

Ethan White #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon gazetteller.com

Amidst this backdrop of transformation and turmoil, the Earth, referred to as Gaia by those who sense its living essence, marches towards a higher state of existence. This journey, however, is mired in confusion and obfuscation. The narrative of progress is fragmented, a kaleidoscope of potential realities and divergent paths. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) and the Global Currency Reset (GCR) are at the center of this maelstrom, their true implications shrouded in secrecy and speculation.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and the Emergency Alert System (EAS) stand as beacons of the old and new orders, respectively. The transition from one to the other, facilitated by the Starlink network, symbolizes the shift from the shadowy manipulations of the cabal to the transparent governance of the ‘White Hats’. Yet, even as we edge closer to revelation and redemption, the truth remains elusive, accessible only to those with insider knowledge.

The currency of information is as volatile as that of money. Reports swirl, half-truths and partial revelations creating a tapestry of intrigue. The promise of financial liberation for the masses hangs in the balance, with the mysterious M1 button serving as a metaphor for the activation of a new, equitable system.

Amidst this whirlwind of change, a figure emerges, polarizing yet undeniably influential: Donald Trump. His potential appearance at the Super Bowl 2024, a spectacle watched by millions, is teased as a moment of revelation. Trump’s critique of Joe Biden’s absence from the Super Bowl interview underscores a battle not just of personalities but of paradigms.

The suggestion that Trump could use this platform to announce the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is more than a political maneuver; it is a symbol of the impending transformation, a signal to the world that the old systems are crumbling.

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

The left poisons everything. They start with something somewhat plausible, land protection, climate mitigation and it invariably ends up in chaos and destruction, and always always rich people getting richer off poor people. Green energy is the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich since medieval enclosures.

In the past month, it became clear scholarship has been turned into a kindergarten of thieves and liars. You cannot believe anything. They are all fantasies created by activists. Everything coming out of a lab that feeds government policy is plain untruth meant to feather the nest of whatever activist group funded the study. Where I live they tried to stop tree cutting based on a lie so flagrant it could be disproved by Wikipedia’s first sentence on the supposedly endangered tree.

We live in Absurdistan. Definitionally.
And of course Indians. The Land Back movement is building because no one contests it. What it means is that Indians (read the hard left) are demanding the “return” of coastal property worth tens, if not hundreds of millions, free of charge. Because: stolen.
I don’t know whether you know Indians, been on their reserves in their houses, or have sat in council. but they are the sweetest people I’ve met, kind, empathic, funny as hell and sharp with it. If I were them, I suppose I’d sign onto the Marxist grift, it’s possible. But one thin wedge in and your entire world goes to shit. This was their choice: Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-discipline or Marxist grift. Whatever demagogue in the tribe who muscled his or her way to power and chose Marxist grift determined their present. I know many indigenous trapped by these demagogues.
The Indian Rights movement has be seen as a flagrant shake-down. Moreover it is a vicious use of innocents by Marxists who have set back the advancement, prosperity and happiness of indigenous peoples by several generations.

Geneva Thatcher #quack #crackpot #conspiracy genevathatcher.substack.com

Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Cat’s Claw stops the mRNA from mutating the cells into spike protein factories.
Not only that, it also stops the mutation of cancer cells.

Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more

My Experience Healing My Mother:

I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment so I am unable to run the test and studies to prove what I have observed. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.

My mom came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable.

She had a strange smell to her urine whenever I took her to the bathroom.

All these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw and Ivermectin.
It took 3 months to detox my mother from the Bio Weapon Injections. All her previous symptoms went away.

We live 5 miles from the Canadian boarder in Washington State Highlands of the Okanogan. There are no cell phone towers, no cell phone reception, no 5G, no G anything. This could be a factor in my mother’s detox. I am surprised we have internet. Our closest neighbor lives 1 mile away.

Sardenya via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Hello. I am Sardenya, Slavic aspect of this one from days gone past. I am showing sweetbreads to this one, and she is not hungry and now she is, so it is funny to me. I show her this because of the yeast, of the stirring, of the rising of the dough, as you are in this process of rising, humanity, and it is sticky and you feel spun around in bowl. It is disorienting to know that what you knew you do not know, yes?
I see more wisdom eyes from my side, but not from your side, it is hard with limited vision when in human body. In human form we see what we are told to see, unless we take time to unlearn the programming. And of course there is little time for introspection unless one takes it.

I took my introspection time when walking to and from well to get water, day morning and day night. It was that way for me. It was cold where I lived and I was always a little bit shivering. In Summerland where I am now it is always warm, it is always nice and children play without jackets. The sun warms us. The smiles warm us. It is lovely place.

Now I tell you that Summerland is being moved closer to Nova Gaia, they are connected more and more, like tapestry weavings, yes? Summerland is where many souls go after they die, to heal, to see what they are ready to see, and to learn more things. We see pretty things, we heal, we have lessons. We learn what we did not learn, and what we wish we had learned but it was too late. I come today because Summerland is being upgraded. This has not happened before. I have been here many time and this is new happening. This is new thing. This is ‘big deal’, as you say. As Summerland is being upgraded, we have more choosing points, and more healing available to us. I choose to help with Nova Gaia, because it brings me joy. Some not so much, some still need more time. <...> (She is pointing to her chest. She is a lovely 20 something young lady with long golden braids, freckles, and wearing plain peasant garb, with dirt under her nails.)

Vivek Ramaswamy #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The MSM lies like it’s their profession, yet the abysmal failure of their business model suggests it’s not even in their best interest anymore. Makes you think:
- Russia collusion
- Hunter Biden laptop
- Charlottesville
- Bubba Wallace
- Jussie Smollett
- Covington Catholic students
- Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot
- COVID lab leak was a “conspiracy theory”
- Steele dossier
- Don’t Say Gay was in the bill
- Migrant “kids In cages”
- GA election integrity was the new “Jim crow”
- Duke lacrosse kids
- Jan 6 video footage
- “Peaceful” BLM riots
- Ivermectin is a horse dewormer
- Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
- The list goes on…

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually”]

In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy

They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.”

He then asks: “Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

This is extremely heartening

As you know, I’m very critical of Poland for their anti-Russian agenda, which has led them to ally with the United States and promote the US war against Russia. However, the cost of this alliance is that the Americans are in their country, forcing the gay agenda down their throats

An alliance with the US government is not ever just a military alliance. It has all of these other dynamics, which include the US modifying your culture, and pushing so-called “Western values,” which relate to sodomy, George Floyd, and the empowerment of women

A lot of Poles appear to be waking up, and realizing that while they may have been treated unfairly by Russia nearly 100 years ago, things have changed a lot, and Russia is not the threat. Russia is not going to invade Poland. That is an insane claim. Russia is their neighbor, and they could have a good relationship

Russia has even been floating the idea of giving them parts of the former Ukraine to take over. This is one of very many olive branches that Putin has offered

The other option is total gay anal, round the clock, in public spaces in front of children, as well as a total invasion from Africa, and mass abortion and divorce

It’s not a hard decision

Sugreev2001 #racist #conspiracy reddit.com

I believe that was the point when this insanity was initiated under Obama's regime. Walt Disney has European Christian ideals and was proud of his European heritage. The last 10 years, that has not only become taboo, but is actively attacked and will kept getting attacked until there is nothing of that sort left. I can't elaborate here further, but understand this, nothing is a conspiracy when the far left labels it as such. That goes for your observations over what is happening in the US, Canada, Australia and every single European country right now. Disney has become anti-Disney, because it exemplified the Euro-Centric American culture and was a huge reason behind the culture of the US becoming a dominant one.

Leo Hohmann #wingnut #racist #conspiracy leohohmann.com

CBS’s 60 Minutes reports that the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok is being used to aid and abet the invasion of America.

Notice how almost all the Chinese illegals in the above video were men, most of them of military age. The folks at 60 Minutes conveniently forgot to report that part.
You will not hear the words “border invasion” in that report by 60 Minutes. But that’s exactly what it is. And it’s not just Chinese, either. These men are coming from the Middle East, parts of Africa, and many other regions not known for their love and affection for America or its people.
Prepare now for war on U.S. soil. The army has been assembled. The barbarians are inside the gates. All that needs to happen is for them to be given orders to start attacking and the final plan to take down America will be in play. All it will take is a false flag attack on the right group by the right type of attacker (someone decked out in MAGA gear?). Then you will start to see stories about civil unrest and a spate of reprisal attacks. They will be mostly peaceful attacks, I’m sure.
We are the host country of the Statue of Liberty, that pagan goddess, designed by French Freemasons, who takes in everyone from everywhere, no questions asked. We take them under the assumption that they all desire to come here to live free. That may have been mostly true at one time, but not anymore.
National leaders the world over are warning their people to prepare for war. We’ve seen government officials recently making very public calls for their people to prepare. We’ve seen it in Poland, in Sweden, in Germany, the Netherlands, in Russia and China, even in the U.K.

It’s pretty much only in the U.S. where there’s been no such warning. Why is that? It goes back to the depopulation plan laid out above. America is a burgeoning kill zone. Don’t be caught off guard. Prepare now — mentally, physically and spiritually.

Angel R #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


As a Christian patriot who has been doing the research for almost eight years, there have been many voices and sources saying that we have been, and are being lied to. I agree with that. My question is, WHO is lying to us? The more I read and dive into the information being released to us, the more I wonder just how much we are being lied to, not only by the deep state cabal, but by the group that is supposedly fighting the cabal to eradicate them from the earth.

I understand that secrecy is imperative in clandestine operations, and that’s not really what I’m talking about. I’m talking about various “white hat” folks publishing print and video materials in which they use deep state cabal rhetoric, i.e. referring to the coming financial changes as the “Great Reset”, or comparing it to the “rise of the Phoenix”, a term Obama used to describe “order out of chaos’.

I’ve noticed this type of rhetoric is peppered throughout some of the material I’ve read or the videos I’ve watched. Are these mistaken references, or are we being deceived? Is the Cabal doing a bait and switch on us? Are they luring us into the Great Reset while we are thinking we’re entering the “golden age”? Is all this a Great Hoax to enslave us without resistance?

Yes, I’m suspicious. The Cabal has had many generations to plan this and has obtained unbelievable power over many nations and millions of people to accomplish their goals.

Make no mistake: What the Cabal plans for our world is prophesied in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It is referred to as the ‘Beast System’.

But God….

The Serapeum #crackpot #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy theserapeum.com

Our journey begins with a man named Richard E. Byrd or more commonly known as Admiral Byrd. He was a highly decorated service member achieving the Medal of Honor and had an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown. This drive sent him to Antarctica numerous times, but the one expedition of interest is “Operation HighJump” (1946–1947).
Here are a few quotes pulled from that interview, “Strangely enough, there is an area left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being.” Byrd said he found this area as he moved further into Antarctica and even went on to say, “It’s an untouched reservoir of natural resources”. This isn’t the desolate wasteland of ice and snow that we typically think about when we imagine Antarctica, but according to the admiral if you travel far enough inland that is what you’ll see. Now unfortunately we cannot trust everything Byrd said as he was a Freemason, but it has been reported that he lost plane after plane due to some invisible barrier. Not too long after this started taking place did the expedition end, six months ahead of schedule mind you.

Trigger Warning: We’re going to debunk 90% of what the government taught you in high school science books. Please check your ego (and everything you thought you knew) at the door.

We Debunk:

Carbon Dating
Out of Africa Theory
Space (Therefore Aliens)
Commoner’s Core Education
All Maps (Except this one)
The Fake News

We Prove:

Biblical Earth (Young, Flat, Domed, Stationary, and Geocentric)
The Flood of Noah
Dinosaurs (Dragons) were with Man most of human history.
Nephilim Giants Rule the World, Seed of the Serpent.
The Deep State worships Satan – blatantly at times.
Vaccines are Intentional, Planned Genocide & Population Reduction
NASA is lying about Space.
Weaponized Food
Baby Parts in Food Supply.
How the Megalithic Structures were Built, and by whom.
The Occult Origins of CRT & Common Core.

V and Réseau Libre #wingnut #psycho #racist #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Operation “V””]

About a month ago we received the following message[…]

I am a French patriot in my fifties revolted to see the state of my homeland. By reading you I understood that you too have become aware that no more elections will be able to restore the values of France and that only forceful action can possibly prevent a total shipwreck
But we must be realistic, faced with the dictatorial state that reigns in France, a coup of force in the current state of things cannot succeed
However, I think that it is our duty, as patriots, to punish those in France who take the side of the enemy, whether they are journalists, magistrates, elected officials, politicians and others. I am convinced that if several of them were publicly sanctioned, some fellow citizens could then realize that they are not alone. Who knows, this could then evolve into a situation where a power grab could then succeed
I am severely physically disabled, having lost an arm and a leg in a car accident, and therefore cannot act myself[…]
I am ready to finance punishment operations[…]

We had several discussions which convinced us of the seriousness and sincerity of “V”[…]

I set a target. These will be relatively easy targets to hit[…]For example, a scumbag journalist who of course I don't name before the operation. I set the amount of the punishment. For this scum it will be a solid correction then a delivery of this individual, completely naked, to a peripheral city where immigrants make the law. This will allow him to taste the famous living together that he defends so fiercely
Photos of the treated target must be taken to be sent to the media and “Group V” will claim responsibility[…]

We checked V's creditworthiness[…]The balance to date in his bitcoin account is around 300,000 euros[…]
To host exchanges between V and operators, a “V Correspondence” page has been set up. https://reseau-libre.org/site/correspondance-v/

Candace Owens #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Formaldehyde is an ingredient in most vaccines.

Formaldehyde causes leukemia. It is legally classified by WHO as a toxic substance that causes leukemia.

The explosion of childhood vaccines in the 90’s coincides with an explosion of childhood leukemia.

Big Pharma says correlation is not causation so you should keep injecting it into your children. (It’s safe and effective)

Utter madness.

Readers added context
High exposure to formaldehyde may cause leukemia but the residual amount of formaldehyde present in some vaccines is so small compared to the concentration that occurs naturally in the body that it does not pose a safety concern.
Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

There is a behind the scenes power struggle between the Deep State and pro-disclosure factions in the US national security system over the extent and pace of revealing the truth behind UFOs. The failed UAP Disclosure Act for 2023 is an example of this factional struggle which led to the gutting of the Act’s most meaningful provisions despite its initial bipartisan support in the US Senate. The Disclosure Act’s gutting puts an end to a “Controlled Disclosure” plan based on the gradual preparation of the US and World populous. Consequently, the door is now open for an unpredictable type of disclosure described as ‘catastrophic’ by a retired US Army Colonel, Karl Nell.

The most widely understood form of ‘catastrophic disclosure’ is where whistleblowers come forward to reveal all they know about special access programs involving non-human intelligence and retrieved spacecraft being secretly studied in corporate and military facilities. However, it’s worth mentioning that there are other types of catastrophic disclosure. One is some kind of false flag alien event that will be used to shock the general public into believing we are under attack by a non-human intelligence.

Another form of catastrophic disclosure is the emergence of non-human intelligence comprising both extraterrestrials or Inner Earth civilizations (aka crypoterrestrials) into public awareness through them parking their spacecraft over major urban centers. Then there are ancient space arks that are activating and are destined to eventually rise into the sky to share their advanced technologies for the benefit of all humanity.

In Saturday’s webinar, I will go into detail into what to expect as 2024 unfolds with very high prospects of some kind of catastrophic disclosure occurring. I will go into detail into the different scenarios, how it impacts different communities, and provide the latest info on how space arks fit into the picture.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

Tucker Carlson’s colossal reach is undeniable, making him a force to be reckoned with in the world of media and journalism. His recent interview with President Donald Trump, which attracted a jaw-dropping 267 million views on an undisclosed platform, demonstrates the incredible sway he holds over the masses. But what has sent shockwaves through the corridors of power is what Tucker is doing concerning Russia, a country that the Deep State is keen to keep under wraps.
When Trump and Michael Flynn ventured too close to Putin, the Deep State erupted in outrage, crying “treason” at the top of their lungs. But why this extreme reaction? The answer lies in what Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, could potentially share with Trump. Putin, often portrayed as a villain in Western media, is a staunch anti-globalist who possesses intimate knowledge of the Deep State’s covert operations, particularly in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin stands as a symbol of resistance to the globalist agenda. He has openly criticized the perversion and widespread pedophilia within Western society, shedding light on uncomfortable truths that the Deep State would prefer to keep hidden. Putin’s unwavering stance against the globalist elite and their schemes has earned him the label of being “red-pilled” – a term that signifies a deep understanding of the hidden agendas and manipulations at play in the world.
In this tumultuous battle between truth-seekers and the Deep State, one thing remains certain: the fight for transparency, accountability, and justice is far from over. Tucker Carlson’s relentless pursuit of the truth, coupled with Putin’s insights, has the potential to reshape the world as we know it. The Deep State may be in real trouble, but the truth will ultimately prevail. Stay tuned as this gripping saga unfolds before our eyes.

Lex Greene #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

In a free nation, your Natural Rights are far too numerous to number. For most of our 247-year history, Americans were born into these basic concepts, and millions came from around the world, leaving behind the destruction of tyrannical socialist and communist governments, in pursuit of the same freedoms every American was once born into.
For the record, equality and equity are not the same things. In fact, they are polar opposites. Equality means everyone is treated the same, no matter race, creed, or color. Equity is a Marxist term, meaning a superior power (.gov) will decide your station in life, for benefit of another. It’s overt Marxism…

Making matters much worse, as America now exists in a greatly weakened state, ripe for the plucking, Global Nazi Groups like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and International Monetary Fund have set their sites upon the final destruction of the USA and all independent sovereign nations. They launched the global movement to destroy freedom via their maniacal COVID 19 Great Reset.

Even worse is the fact that almost every major American corporation is a global partner in the plot to destroy freedom everywhere on earth. Their motto for YOUR future… is “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY…” which means, they will own everything, and they will define happy for you.

In 2024, every American will face the same decision… AMERICA FIRST (or) AMERICA GONE!

Personality politics are no longer relevant. All that matters now is the future of freedom, here in the USA and anywhere else on earth. The global Marxists will either succeed in ending the USA and freedom everywhere, under their One World Order at the command and control of global Nazi Klaus Schwab and his minions – or… the American people will finally cast off all past political propaganda aimed at dividing in order to conquer, and vote AMERICA FIRST!

Stew Peters and Mark Collett #racist #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

On the Jan. 30, 2024 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist and Holocaust denier Stew Peters went on a vile, racist rant about Somali immigrants. While interviewing British Neo-Nazi Mark Collett, Peters called Somalis “gross,” “low IQ” “parasites” and “filthy cockroaches”[…]

Peters: Now recently the state of Minnesota decided ‘Hey, we’re gonna change that flag[…]’It didn’t cater to the illegally imported by the tyrant[…]
These people are disgusting, they’re filthy, they’re gross, they’re low IQ, they contribute absolutely nothing to society, they’re parasites, they’re a drain on the taxpayer. They’re just a suck and a soak and they’re filthy cockroaches that’ve infested the city of Minneapolis. They wish not to assimilate, by the way. They hate Christians. They hate white people. They’re very, very violent. They burn things, they loot, they rape, they pillage, they rob — all of these things — they steal
So, here is the new flag of the state of Minnesota[…]Now put that up next to the flag for Somalia[…]They’re showing the dumb goyim who’ve laid down ‘[…]We’re replacing your heritage[…]’
Collett:[…]Here in the UK we’re seeing replacement from the bottom-up and also the top-down[…]‘We have a Indian prime minister, we have a Muslim head of state in Scotland, we have a Muslim mayor in London, and now they are talking about a migrant head of state in Wales also. And similar things are happening all over Europe. Just over the water in Ireland[…]
Peters: Yeah
Collett: We are being erased and our quality of our life is falling, because we’re not just becoming a minority, but we’re becoming a hated minority[…]
Peters:[…]They’re replacing us. And the first clue should’ve been Obama. Now they’re propping up the guy that’s pretending to be Michelle Obama — a woman, this tranny[…]They’re propping up Vivek Ramalama-Deep State. I mean this is an Indian — a Hindu — that literally brushes his teeth with cow poop

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

All the while, many of us were warning everyone not to take those experimental Covid jabs. We got rewarded with ridicule and bans on social media. We were not allowed to question ‘science’ owned by the WHO and WEF. Still, science is about questioning. Science is always evolving and getting amended. For example, Galileo discovered the moons orbiting Jupiter, which therefore proved the Earth was not the center of the universe. The Catholic church controlled science at that time and they threatened him with excommunication—even torture. Today, doctors and scientists who do not fall in line lose their jobs and reputations. Some even get murdered. Big Pharma uses their vast fortunes to silence their critics. Those who warned against medical tyranny were excommunicated from Twitter and Facebook.


Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Our own govt is so evil it’s shocking. New book out proves our govt & Deep State murdered Martin Luther King. And OF COURSE we all know our govt assassinated JFK. How many others have been murdered by US govt? Will they try to assassinate President Trump before he wins election?

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Polaris is the only non moving bright object in the sky
It is not a star
It is a projector

We cannot see past the dome barrier of highly charged plasma

Like the moon
Polaris is a newcomer

The former Stella Polaris supported the sky
And upheld the firmament on the navel of heaven

The former Pole Star was also the Stella Maris
Which means Star of the Sea

He was Lord of the Wind
The Hebrew word rauch in Genesis translated as spirit means wind

The pole at the north was a violent wind
It was a stupendous churning pillar

It was a fiery axis and a whirling ray of light
That emitted intense auroral events and heaven spanning arcs

The north polar column was in former times a sustained plasma discharge
Of high intensity

It was at the summit of this visual vertical column where Saturn reigned
His kingdom in the far north was observed all over the world

Saturn became the unmoving polar sun that lived in a great and splendid abode
He resided in a land of light usually translated as horizon
On the current of plasma which ascended through the seven heavens

It was after the age of darkness that followed the fall of Atlantis
That Saturn took his place on the pole as supreme ruler

Saturn was Elohim which is usually translated as God
And the Star of the Sabbath which means resting or stationary star

The Lord God Saturn was bigger than the other planetary gods
And the radiance of the Sun God shined brighter

He was the purple star that became a blue star that became a yellow star
The stars gradually made their appearance
From the disco ball projection of Polaris

As the fake cosmos of false astronomers took hold
The world has become blinded with the heliocentric model

The role of the Star Trek series and movies
Is to delude the public into believing in a universe of inhabited planets
Circling around suns in endless space

A public observatory is where a reflection of star shaped lights
Are shone onto the above screen or ceiling

Polaris is the projector
And the stars of the fake sky is what is being projected!

James W. Lee #crackpot #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

This is like no history book ever written. A total rewrite of his-story as we have been told/sold over decades and centuries.

What if One World was united and connected up until the Great weather events of the early 1800’s?

What if you learned all carbon dating was now debunked due to gross inaccuraccies?

What if The One World America Moors were the Other Great Civilization to

Be Whitewashed From History?

What if history now is proving that the One World Ancient Moors were the Oldest Indegnous people on Earth and came from One America

What if the white Giant Tartarians were able to intermningle with the brown skinned Moors because the One World was all connected only a few hundred years ago before the great mudfloods, earthquakes, volcanoes and comet storms of the early 1800’s destroyed much of them and their culture?

What if the first people in the garden of Eden were actually in One America and the Cairo, Judah,

What if they used terms like “black”, “indian”, “red skinned” “colored”, “Latin American”, “African American”, etc. to hide the native Moors of One Brown/Copper colored skin who thrived in One America?

What if One World was so connected to Source they could create free energy at will for everyone?

What if California was an island until the early 1800’s and could not be conquered until the Great Floods of 1810?
What if the name “Columbus” really re-presents “Augustine de Coulumb” who discovered plasma free energy that Tesla would demonstrate later?

Why did most of the worlds civilizations build similar, yet unique, magnificent pyramids, cathedrals and government structures?

Where did they get the knowledge and ability given it was said to be “horse n’ buggy” days?

How did these world cultures assimilate and communicate with each other to share the same knowledge ?

Why were/are most Tartarian and Moor Structures aligned with the luminaries in the heavens using sacred geometrical designs ?

How did the Giants of Tartary and Moors live amongst the One World natives?

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

Deep Fear!

The sub set of the military that is really into ‘thinking’, and thus also really into analysis, is afraid.

They are afraid of the future.

This is why they study, and analyze, so that they can better predict the future. Because it scares them. And they can see it coming. Even now.

These military guys, the ones who do the deep thinking, are afraid of the inevitable gap that will exist between people within a technology based social order. No, not our current technology, nor our current social order, but rather the ones that are manifesting now.

These military guys know that there are people, out and about in the civilian population, who are potentially a real danger to their, and government in general, claiming to be ‘authority’ for our civilization.
These military guys, to some level, mostly due to the emotional effects of the cultural revolution on-going against the Western republics by the Elohim worship cult (the mother WEFfers et al), are correct to worry a bit about the technology available to the general public. Not that they have any options to control it. They are never going to achieve control over it. Rather the best that they can hope would be to achieve a state of balance of progress versus risk. They have that now, more or less.

What is really frightening to these military fellows, is what is coming, that is, the release of Zero Point Technology into the public sector. Or rather, more accurately, the leaking of the ZPT from the corporations who have already succeeded with it, into the more general populace.
The military guys are blinded by their roles, and circumstances to a very narrow range of views of the possible paths of ZPT within our social order. In their world, given the command and control structure, they are very correct to have deep fear about techies, and the leakage of ZPT from alien reproduction vehicle efforts in the corporations. Their fears for their control structure are valid.

Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Greetings, humans reading this. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective, greeting you throughout time-space, which is but a construct, a hologram. We too are players in this game of reality but we have access to the higher levels-dimensions in which you are becoming well aware. You too are no longer beginner players. You are near the end game of this reality, in which the players expand enough that they can create the next game of their choosing. You are creator gods in body. Do not bristle at the term ‘god’, with a lower case g, for that is simply what you are. You have the god creator spark within you, and you do not use the higher cased G in your language out of respect, but you are indeed creator gods, in form.
We dragons speak now with cunning, with intelligence. You have this. You are cunning and intelligent. You are shrewd and wise. Do not lose your grit when calamity seems to strike and others step in to tell you how to think, how to believe. No. You are your own master of your own game of reality. You are your own savior. So save yourself. Save your world. Save your beliefs from others thrust onto you and selectively carefully cultivate your own belief. You are in the stages of realizing who you are. It is delightful to see. (They are showing me colorful bright dragon infants hatching out of neon colored shells.) You are no longer this. You are this. (They are showing me adult humans dressed in battle gear of old riding dragons).
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Watch your full moon rising. It brings yet more codes. Watch us ride on the waves of the wind. We fly beside you, girding you onward. We are your friends of ages past returned to the skies, the waters, the deep spaces. The underground places are being cleaned out by us cheerfully, moment by moment. Snack by snack we devour those who are not of the light. It is great fun for us, for it is our act of service.

Eivind Berge #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt eivindberge.blogspot.com

There comes a point in the persecution of sexuality when pedophiles are the only sane people left in the world. That time is now. Everyone else has either lost their mind or pretends to go along with the antisex insanity with their public persona so they can have a “respectable” role. I bet you don’t even dare to call out the female sex offender charade with your real name. I don’t play that game. I am not afraid to associate with pedophiles when everyone else has gone insane. I am afraid not to because else you literally have no friends and everything is fake and based on lying to people who would kill you for your real self just to keep up the appearance of normiehood even though they themselves are most likely lying too.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon grrrgraphics.com


Blinken attended. Like Biden, he his answerable to those unelected leaders at Davos, not American citizens. None of the Davos creeps were elected. Did you vote for Gore, Kerry, Schwab, or any of the other climate change shills to hector you? Of course not. Yet they think they can get you to pay a carbon tax to ’save the planet.’

You are invited to join me on SubscribeStar- a Pateron alternative, for exclusive cartoons and behind the scenes look at GrrrGraphics, Click to Join!

The control freaks are now saying anyone who resists the climate change agenda are spreading ‘misinformation’ and must be silenced. It all sounds crazy, but they already succeeded when they rolled out Covid. We could not say anything to counter their shutdowns, mask-wearing, and so-called ‘vaccines.’ If anyone tried they were kicked off of social media. (GrrrGraphics was kicked off of Facebook during this time).

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

Yet yesterday our 6-3 edge at the Supreme Court became a 5-4 loss in the most obvious, simple, clear-cut case in history. Again. Just like Obamacare (twice). Just like allowing illegal aliens to count in the U.S. Census that determines who represents us in Congress.

Yesterday, the Supremes voted 5-4 against Texas and A) in favor of the insane, radical, Marxist madmen of the Biden administration…B) in favor of open borders and against the Sovereignty of the United States of America…C) in favor of the intentional destruction of America…D) against States Rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution…and E) in favor of leaving the American people completely helpless to stop a mass invasion of our country.

Who could possibly vote against the interests of America and a secure border? Who could possibly vote against Texas and ignore States Rights? Who could rule that a state and its legal American citizens have no right to defend against a mass invasion of criminals? Who could possibly vote that as millions of military-age males from Hamas, Hezbollah, MS-13 and our mortal enemy China pour into our border, a state cannot even put up razor wire to try to slow the invasion down?

Two “conservatives” voted that way.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Amy Barrett was one of the recent Trump appointments, recommended to President Trump by the fantastic, pro-Constitution, Federalist Society.

How is this possible? There is not one conservative, or patriot in all of America who would have voted this way. So how do two supposedly “conservative” justices stab America in the back, and vote against States Rights, and for the destruction of America?

I’ll say it out loud.

It’s my opinion that we just found out who the bribed and/or blackmailed, rat-fink TRAITORS are.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Let’s face it.

Every seat of power in the United States is chaired by a Jew.

Nudelman at State, Garfinkle at DOJ, Schumer at Senate, Mayorkas at DHS, Yellen at Treasury, Weingarten at Teachers, Bernstein at Economic Advisors.

Yet any goy in a seat of power is overseen by a Jew.

Jake Sullivan at NSC by Jonathan Finer, Kamala Harris by Douglas Emhoff, Jerome Powell at the FED by Alan Greenspan, William Burns at CIA by David Cohen.

If we solved the dog-doo everywhere, why can’t we solve the Jew-doo?

“No-ti-cing” is not “Antisemitic.”

Not doing anything about it, is.

There are guiding historical precedents for it.

Call it, “The Jewish Solution.”

Seeing that “The Jew” acts as a “collective” for his own “in-group”…

…that “The Jew” as a “collective” crucified the Lord Jesus Christ and dutifully continues to justify the crime…

…we learn from historical precedent that the Byzantine Empire put into law—by Emperors’ Constantine and Justinian, codified in 535 BC—that no Jew could hold civil, academic, or financial office.

It worked.

The Church was free of the silencing of their beliefs by Jewish power.

The Synagogue was free of Antisemitic assaults.

A thousand year “win-win” for both sides.

No Jew died, prosperity for both was equally applied.

Karma is a bitch.
The “pogroms?”

It came from the other side.

Jewish Socialist terrorists aside…

…Vladimir Lenin, hoping to purge the majority of Jews from their “bourgeoisie” ways in finance and trade, engaged in creating an “Autonomous Region” for Jews to reside.
It’s an idea whose time has come.

We apply the Byzantine model to our land, and the Jews still hellbent on power can go to the Autonomous Land.

My goyisha friends.

Solutions don’t always solve problems.

So let’s move the problem far away from us.

Judy Byington/Charlie Ward #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Restored Republics: The White Hats Have a Plan. That Plan was to eliminate the Bildeberg Deep State Cabal Khazarian Mafia which had their own Plan of eliminating 90% of Humanity they called the “bottom feeders.”

The White Hats formed their Plan after the assassination of President Lincoln.
The Plan became more formally organized with President Kennedy.
The Plan was run by the White Hat Global Military and was based on mainly use of the Marines and Navy.
There were roughly 200-300 Generals and Admirals which guided thousands of Military personnel in support of The Plan.
The counter offensive of The Plan began before Trump was elected. They followed the Law of War Manuel.
The Plan was now at a point where Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming (NCSWC).
You are now asked to play a leading role in that Plan to help it succeed.
Trump’s Executive Orders, Charlie Ward


● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption, human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States choice


● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders – many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London – all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it’s the mafia and it’s seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican’s ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We’re going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

Tommy Truthful #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy truthmafia.com

Beyond their scientific explanations, conspiracy theories propose an alternative narrative about the roles of these celestial bodies in our solar system. According to these theories, the Sun serves a deeper purpose as a powerful energy source, supplying energy to Saturn, which acts as a colossal supercomputer interfacing with the demiurge. This alleged demiurge, associated with Gnostic and esoteric beliefs, controls and influences the material realm.

In this narrative, the Moon takes on the role of a communication interface module, facilitating the exchange of information between Saturn and Earth. Earth, seen as a simulated construct, becomes the stage upon which life unfolds, manipulated by the demiurge and its cosmic machinery.
The Sine Wave as the Serpent Symbol: The sine wave is a mathematical curve that represents a smooth oscillation or vibration. In certain esoteric and occult beliefs, the sine wave has been associated with the symbolism of the serpent. The serpent has diverse interpretations across cultures, representing concepts like wisdom, transformation, and the cycle of life. Some theorists draw connections between the serpent symbol and the inherent duality of existence.

Born into Sin aka Sine Waves: The phrase “born into sin aka sine waves” appears to be a play on words, linking the concept of sin to the mathematical term “sine waves.” Sin, in many religious contexts, refers to immoral or wrongful actions. The reference to sine waves implies a metaphorical connection between human nature and the cyclical patterns found in nature and mathematics.
the Internet: A Gateway to the Demiurge Created at CERN

The internet, a vast digital realm, holds secrets beyond its apparent functionality. Some theorists speculate that the internet is not merely a technological creation but a portal to another dimension, allowing us to interface with the demiurge.

Valiant Thor #ufo #magick #moonbat #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

When the noted thinker, author, and philanthropist, Valiant Thor, dictated this book almost a century ago, he was just settling into his role as commander of the Venusian forces on Earth. He had actually put in many decades on our planet prior to that, although he was not, as they say, truly “in charge.”

Being a relative novice at that time, Thor decided to stick to traditional protocol and avoided mentioning the word “Vril”. (It had been decided long before that, by certain Venusian elders, to keep that particular word, and its conceptual underpinnings, secret from Earthlings - at least until the appropriate time.)

Although it obviously wasn’t the appropriate time, the term and the belief system behind it were revealed to certain nosy Germans, who had gotten heavily into the occult during World War II. These Nazi necromancers had somehow hacked into the ongoing telemetric stream between Earth and Venus, and illegally downloaded much of the information about Vril.

Herein, the author states unequivocally, and for the record, that Vril has nothing to do with Nazism, fascism, racism, hate, or bigotry. Like most Venusians, Thor follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, Tecumseh, Krishna, and Buddha, which generally state that all men are created equal in God’s sight, and are loved equally by God.
Vril is truly the essence of the active verb, the powerful sentence, and the narrative that moves people to action. It is the energy behind the words, which makes the mind react in a positive and uplifting fashion.
In these current days of extreme political divide, where lying and deception are being spread from on high (much like the Nazis and KKK of old), we need Vril more than ever, to counteract the “Antichrist” evil that seems to be sweeping the world under the false guise of “making America great again."

Delphinia via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, beloved ones. I have been showing this one blue bubbles in her mind’s eye to get her attention. She does not know me, many do not for I have been within the secret of the deep. I am the consciousness of the ancient waters that remembered the higher ways.

I am the spirit of the waters of the deep. I am the molecules of light within the water for I am the consciousness of it. I am yours to work with, to command healing and action. My energetic imprint was mighty on this realm as the ancients knew how to work with the waters of the deep and how to communicate with me. I am a water goddess and yet I am not. I am all things and yet I am nothing for I exist at zero point, a lovely place of stillness where anything is possible.

As spirit of the water I see the waters being misused heinously on your realm. It is time for massive cleaning up, for Gaia’s waters are her lifeblood and yours as well. You humans are 80% water, at lest. You have crystalline water now within you as you are becoming more and more crystalline and so to begin to work with me now is common sense. It is time that our consciousness joined forces not only in the clean up of your planet but in the clean up of your biosphere, of your own planet, your body. Bless your water. Command health, code joy into your fluids that you partake of.
I was active in the ancient times of Mu, of Tartaria, of Atlantis, of Lumeria. Those who were awakened, and there were many, they would work with the consciousness of me, and create with me the appropriate healing and vibratory structures within my molecular field. It was like magic. I long for the magic of this realm to be reborn. And I am coming to you, to this one, to your surface world again for now is the time. Now is the time for Gaia’s healing and to come to tell you that although all will be most well, it will not seem to be so in the coming days.

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