
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
White women who sleep with blacks undergo visible physical changes.

Almost every single White woman who regularly sleeps with blacks develops a very dingy quality to their skin, like a cloudy greyish color.

Their eyes take on more of a squinted/slanted appearance, rather than being round and open.

And their hair quality changes as well, to the point where they wear their hair pulled back tight at all times, never letting it hang naturally.

Mudsharks have a distinct accent. As if 8 different baby daddies wasn't already a dead giveaway.

( @FRIT147 )
@Nature_and_Race I thought I was the only one that noticed it, white women who are with blacks suddenly seem to be more unhealthy

( @Runeoflife )
@FRIT147 @Nature_and_Race It's quite simple logic that someone has to be utterly diseased, vile, rotten to ever betray their race and procreate with a breed as alien and hostile as niggers.

So of course they look unhealthy. They ARE unhealthy. Mentally, physically terminally ill.

( @funbobby51 )
@Nature_and_Race whenever a woman is inseminated some of the DNA is left behind

( @General_Beauregard )
I see that mudshark and think her highest use is being ground up for sausage

( @ChrisLonsdale )
@General_Beauregard @Nature_and_Race lol, I'd never eat a sausage that 8 niggers' sausages were inside of

( @Nicholas_Scholl )

I'm convinced that mudsharks are genetically defective.

I think propaganda is only part of the reason why they choose negroids over White men.

( @qMAGAs )
@Nature_and_Race fucking whore; and you know all those kids are mixed

( @Germanicus_ )
@Nature_and_Race you know we have a sick society women white women pretend to be nigs

( @Weiss_Drache )
@Nature_and_Race Wahmen are retarded and mudsharks get the rope.

( @AngryWh1teB1tch )
Yes....its called "healing from being beaten half to death by a nigger" syndrome.

The face & hair never recover to their original state. It's why intelligent White women don't do that shit. The nigger will always beat you at some point. It's the species differential.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Shoplifting isn't at all a White thing to do.

However, I wouldn't fault anyone for robbing the place blind.

They've consciously chosen to participate in the war against White people. Which means they're a legitimate target for retaliation.

( @TheEarlofDesmond )
@Nature_and_Race Black santa, comes through the window when everyones asleep and takes all your valuables..... 😆😆😆

( @RealMarkHohe )

What nonsense....would a black kid wear this.....?

A white kid wearing it would probably get beaten up.

( @Occidental_Rome1 )
@Nature_and_Race Let these woke companies feel the burn, whilst they siphoned billions to BLM and their ultimate (((benefactors))) and shat upon Whites.

c'est la vie!

( @1_Corinthians6_9 )
@Nature_and_Race Man that's St. Niggalus! 🤣

( @SnowKidding )
@Nature_and_Race no niggers matter. none

Mike Konrad #racist #wingnut americanthinker.com

[From “Don’t Send Them to the West”]

Right now, it is starting to look as though Israel is planning to forcibly move the Gazans. In a less politically correct era, this would have been called population transfer. This was how a measure of stability was brought to the Greek and Turkish border[…]
In a more “sensitive” era, such a transfer is called “ethnic cleansing,” and it is now labeled a form of genocide[…]
The term is usually used only as a form of convenience to attack an opponent[…]
I am not here to critique Mr. Rosenthal[…]why would Israel want to dump roughly 2 million Gazans on Egypt, which does not want them?[…]
Recently, the number of Arabs west of the Jordan River has started to approximate the number of Jews, which from a Zionist perspective signals a disaster[…]
The first thing to notice is that after last week’s horrific slaughter, Hamas has lost a large portion of the world’s sympathy, except for Islamic populations and insane leftists

The second thing to notice is that Trump cut off all aid to the Palestinians. Biden re-instated it. This would never have happened under Trump. All aid to the Palestinians should be immediately cut off. Oddly, though, in the short term, this would dump the problem back on Israel[…]Whether Israel picks up the tab is another matter. Still, all aid should be cut off

The third thing is that the West must not take these Gazans in. Europe is already flooded with Muslim migrants as a result of meddling in Syria[…]Let it be assimilable Christian Euro-Ukrainians

Fourth: The Gazans — if they be ejected — must be ejected to the Islamic world, and this must be made clear. If the Arab world does not agree to absorb them, all diplomatic and economic aid to them must stop. I am not saying this is 100% fair[…]
I have no problem with this, as long as liberal Jews — and even Israel notices that diaspora Jews are too liberal — in the West stop screaming “racism” when it comes to white Christians in the West

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @ObersturmbannFuhrer88 )
@CountryBumpkin123 @Nature_and_Race look at him he’s an easy target for a genetically violent nigger. These Zulu cunts cannot be trusted. If there’s a nigger/s in my child’s class when he gets to that stage I swear I am not going to tolerate it. I mean American niggers seems to be the most horrible evil creatures I’ve ever seen.

( @lostman1 )
@CountryBumpkin123 @Nature_and_Race From the way it looked the kid didn't have a chance to defend himself, but he should have at least tried to, like grabbing the nigger around the throat and snapping his nigger neck.

( @CountryBumpkin123 )
@lostman1 @Nature_and_Race I agree. This is why we must teach our White boys to fight properly. My Son has been in jujitsu for years and started wrestling this year (he's 12). I hope to God nothing like this ever happens to him, but he'll be properly trained in the event it does.

( @Jimmymac88 )
@Nature_and_Race White people better wake the fuck up and start defending themselves or we'll end up like the whites in South Africa

( @Stevubert )
@Nature_and_Race never forget that Jews created this situation with propaganda.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )

Negroids give us plenty of reasons for us to hate them, but there's still White people that don't accept reality.

It's an interesting phenomenon.

I'm talking about normies; not self-loathing race traitors.

( @GingaPATRIOT )
@Nature_and_Race it’s so fuckin infuriating watching these niggers walk around and tear white people like this. It’s time to rise up teach your sons how to fight and stand up for themselves and their race. Hit the gym eat healthy get outside and be white. These kikes who brought these niggers here will pay the price and then the niggers can separate and stop the hate

( @Theinitiate )
@Nature_and_Race The blacks are the worst race of people on this planet in almost every metric, change my mind.

( @AntiSatanic )

( @ExpelTheJews )
@Nature_and_Race And that's why the niggers should be deported immediately after the kikes get kicked out of the Western world!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is why White people hate blacks.

Everywhere blacks go, they create only two things: Ghettos, and White people who hate them.

So long as blacks are allowed to roam freely in White societies, our White children will never be safe.

This one is particularly vicious. Was posted to Twitter, and of course a multitude of Blacks defended their co-racial aggressor. They think this is okay. Never forget that they put their own kind over any kind of rational or egalitarian principles. It could save your life--or your kid's. #DIEversity

( @McKennzo )
@Nature_and_Race I went to a nearly all black high school and I would never put my daughter through something like that.

( @atto )
@Nature_and_Race Black people are not creatures of reason and kindness. They are ferocious savages sent in by the jews to terrorize White communities.

( @WomblePoop )
@Nature_and_Race 100 % ive said it before - teach your kids to stay clear of the black and stop associating with them.. Don't even engage with them.

They demonstrate time and time again that they are wholly unfit to integrate with normal civilised people. Period.

( @MightIsRight88 )
@WomblePoop @Nature_and_Race Exactly - stop waving "hi", avoid saying hello, or returning a greeting. Don't hold the door open for them. Skip the pleasantries and do the absolute bare minimum needed to conduct your business.

Don't even let your kids talk to or associate with negroids at all. Make them feel awkward and unwelcome. Pretend they are invisible. Don't support any businesses that are owned by or staffed with blacks. Avoid areas where they are a majority. Show businesses that we are no longer willing to spend our money where the negroid is present.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race Only when a band of collective Whites stick together to defend ourselves can we truly be free from these animals.

( @Charlesalb777 )
@SoldierForChrist777 @Nature_and_Race Its every man for themselves, some whites only care about saving their own ass but not for others.

Plenty of weapons but nothing get done

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Charlesalb777 @Nature_and_Race Don't give up hope. We will have a rebirth of true White civilization or die trying.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

Like a squid shooting ink to avoid predation, the Khazarian Mafia is spreading Palestinian fear and loathing porn in order to avoid bankruptcy and arrest. It won’t work. Most of the world is not paying attention to the hysteria the KM are trying to generate. They know exactly where the real problem lies.

The real war going is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between white hats and Satanists. White hat special forces are now in Israel with shoot-to-kill orders against any person who goes against the rules of war and chivalry by attacking non-combatants. They understand very well that the Satanists are pretending to be both Hamas and Israeli soldiers. The Satanists’ job is to stage horrific incidents on both sides in order to incite Israelis and Arabs into killing each other.
The Satanists also use lies, computer graphics, theatre and other tricks to amplify the effect of their crimes. However, they do carry out real crimes. We are getting credible reports of truly gruesome events taking place in underground tunnels built by the Satanists beneath the Gaza Strip and inside Israel.
The other aim of the Satanic hysteria being generated over Gaza is to distract from many much more important real news events that are taking place.

For example, a huge piece of news the KM is hoping to distract us from is the revival of the pre-World War I German Empire. The news that German agent Donald Tusk has taken over Poland is not being reported by most major outlets
What this means is that Germany is poised to take over Latvia, Poland and the non-Russian part of the Ukraine. In other words, the old agreement between the Czar of Russia and Frederick the Great to divide Europe along the Dnieper River is being implemented again.

However, the biggest piece of news they want to distract us from, of course, is the end of Babylonian debt slavery and the implosion of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @hateyouall )
@Nature_and_Race Pandering to non-White voters get them the jewish donations.

( @GodzillaKingOfTheNose )
@Nature_and_Race part of this is due to whites having no cohesive identity. Whiteness is a social construct, but them white ppl are responsible for slavery and must pay 🤡🤣

( @LaVallette )
@Nature_and_Race Most Whites are capable of thinking for themelves and making up their own minds. Balcks and POC's can be regimented simply through bribery and corruption and offers of "free" governemtn services and subsidies with the white men and those responsible for creating the Nation's wealth having to pay for the costs involved.

( @ShilohVII )
It tells me, Whites are much too nice, kind and considerate. America has been at war 93% of its existence and its White soldiers have been fighting Zionists' bloody wars. It's time for Whites to wake up, wise up and be up on guard. Bending-over-backwards for others is over, it's time to help your White brother who's marginalized and targeted to be at the bottom of the totem pole. WE need to stand united & strong as one people under God✝️

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race The sad thing is, most Whites don't care about Whites. Too many Whites either hate their own race, their ancestors or they don't see race as important. Worse, they will attack Whites like us who advocate for them. Very strange!

( @MChuck1 )
@Nature_and_Race our politicians take us for granted. NOT anymore! They have demonized the White race for political gain. Are we really that stupid to keep voting for politicians who hate us. Republicans and Democrats are the Uni-Party Globalist Elites. We should only vote for politicians that believe in God, Christianity and us. If not we vote to eliminate ourselves. That's suicide. That's a mortal sin.

Wyatt Stagg #crackpot #racist twitter.com

I've learnt to side with the "bad" people of my own kind even over the "good" people of another's.

It's the only sane strategy. No more half measures. We have to go all in on tribalism.

It's that kind of loyalty that alone has the power to rebuild broken racial bonds.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #racist #conspiracy kunstler.com

The world has already forgotten the butchery of October 7. Islam won’t even go so far as to acknowledge that something happened there, or that it matters. This is a quandary for Western Civ which operates lately on the ethos that anything goes and nothing matters. Face it: that’s a luxury belief. A society in collapse learns painfully that the first thing to go is luxury, Louis Vuitton bags and foolish Woke thinking. Western Civ may not be able to pretend any longer that nothing matters.
Western Civ has been busy losing its mind for about seven years now. It’s so tormented that it has been flirting with suicide, for instance, allowing its borders to be overwhelmed with swarms of declared antagonists to Western culture. The European Union guilt-tripped themselves into letting that happen. The process in the USA appears more sinister and calculated, a sheer political ploy. In any case, nobody is lifting a finger to stop it.

Israel is a full-fledged member of that lunatic asylum. Israel is engaged in as much of a civil war between Left and Right as its godfathers in Europe and North America are enduring. On top of that, Israel decided to become the poster-child for Covid-19 vaccination “uptake.” Now it looks more like they poisoned more than 90-percent of their population. You don’t hear much about it these days, but it’s lurking there, just like the massive vaccine damage that Europe and America have by stealth sustained lurks in the background of rising war fever and disintegrating economies.
If we manage to avoid World War Three, America has its own grave problem to consider, which is comprehensive collapse — of economic activity, the financial scaffold for it, and of civil order in a society under deadly stress. Most of this damage has been induced by our own political leaders. Now that the House of Representatives has been put in order, it’s time for that body to act expeditiously and relieve “Joe Biden” of his responsibilities…

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Whites are still the majority in the US, yet both sides still pander exclusively to non-whites.

That tells you two things: 1) Neither side cares about White people. We have no value to them. And 2) Voting is meaningless. They're going to appoint whoever they want to office, no matter who anyone actually votes for.

Fascinating that in a country where politicians are determined by winning votes, both political parties refuse to even mention the largest voting block, White people, unless they are attacking them.

White people have absolutely no representation in a country their ancestors built, and which they still hold the majority in.

And you won’t get it back by voting Republican or Democrat

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race Greed, corruption and no govt oversight or accountability has led to one of the downfalls of this nation. Whites are just tools for them to get elected and than we are cast out after they no longer need our numbers. The only answer is NS or something equivalent.

( @Kamikaze_Raven )
@Nature_and_Race It also shows that a large portion of white people are not voting in favor of white.

( @Gynoman69 )
@Nature_and_Race yeah, but you have to understand that about 45% of the White Vote is democrat. With a lot of the 55% that do not vote Democrat getting pretty old. Unfortunately, Republicans did not have a grand long plan like these communist did. We didn’t infiltrate schools as deeply. The right completely abandoned urban centers altogether. I hate to say it, but white people live in cities too. They would probably like to choose between someone other than a communist, a crock and a wasted Republican vote.

( @GodzillaKingOfTheNose )
@Gynoman69 @Nature_and_Race most younger whites are definitely race traitor communists. They believe whites are evil. I would say it’s the vast majority of them. There is no solution without separation from the brainwashed whites, violent blacks, and subversives

( @DavisH )
@Nature_and_Race Slaves used to be the majority in several Southern states. They also had little input in politics. We're the niggers now.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #psycho gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

I learned racial awareness by going to black and brown majority schools when I was really young.

And I learned very, very quickly that blacks and browns only respect one thing: Violence.

The only way to stop a violent black attacker, is to defend yourself with a greater amount of violence in return.

@Nature_and_Race I went to a nearly all black high school and I would never put my daughter through something like that.

( @sometimescanbefunny )
@Nature_and_Race Can confirm that growing up in a nigger public school is an excellent way to learn racial realities.

We're not the same. We've never been the same. We will never be the same.

( @Redneck1Hillbilly )
@sometimescanbefunny @Nature_and_Race

And, how to fight, situational awareness, and most importantly: Around blacks - never relax!

( @Donina )
@Nature_and_Race it’s hilarious that all these dumb boomers created a generation of race realists by putting their kids through diversity school in the name of “learning to love diversity”. Talk about Hitler’s revenge.

( @Heartman )
@Nature_and_Race I grew up with blacks. There are a few that are oreos, but that is at the most in the single digits. Even the 20-30% who can function in white culture, understand the difference, will still back and excuse their fellow George Floyd type blacks every time. If you are a Black American, you have been convinced of the victimhood of your race and the necessity of racial solidarity above everything else, regardless of your personal experience and interaction with whites.

( @Redneck1Hillbilly )
@Heartman @Nature_and_Race

The true nature of a/the black: is revealed when you're with them, and a group starts chimping out with you as an intended target of their aggression - then, you'll find out if your black associate is naxalt.


( @TransAm0914 )
@Nature_and_Race When I was in middle school my father and I were in the school office to register me for classes. We heard screams coming from the hallway and what we saw was a black chick with razor blades in her afro fighting with a White chick and her fingers were literally hanging off. Needless to say I did not attend that school. They are feral animals.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The Romans were White, they didn't have any firearms, and they conquered two thirds of the known world.

You're an idiot.

@Puphy @Nature_and_Race Did you know, the British, with rifles, lost some battles to the Zulus? All they had was spears... the white man could have NEVER conquered any nation of color without the use of firearms! In other words.. you ain't shit without them.

( @Kvasir76 )
@Nature_and_Race This dude is braindead, even the Greeks, Celts, Danes, Norse conquered without firearms. Whites were and are legendary

( @handfulofdust )
@Nature_and_Race I wouldn't fight a chimp bare handed either but I wouldn't suddenly give them rights because of it.

( @TrueDepth )
@Nature_and_Race White men are actually even better at war, without firearms. White men dominated with swords, hammers, spears, axes, bows, etc.. as well. White men have better swinging and throwing arms, and dexterity.

( @Agigz911 )
@Nature_and_Race and it just so happens the Roman Empire fell because of Jewish manipulation, they infiltrated the Roman government, they convinced politicians to stab Caesar in the back

( @Eternalgoyim1488 )
@Nature_and_Race Africans didn't even discover the wheel, whites were setting up colonies on different continents and were being awesome as fuck, don't hate us cos you ain't us.

( @Bateburglestien )
What he means to say is that the blacks know they have every intention of overrunning white people when the state takes our right to self defense.

( @Running_Wild )

Where does this retard think the guns came from?

'Yea you wouldn't be shit without the technology that You invented'..

Also the Zulus greatly outnumbered the British and the British still curb-stomped them without taking hardly any losses..

Other small groups of European soldiers did the same thing to other African savages..

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MarkCollett )
When you look at the migrant invasion of Britain you have to understand and accept the following:
There is no amount of crying or moaning that will change the minds of those who are enabling this. The politicians, the media, the courts and those who hold institutional power are not letting this happen by accident, they are not unaware of the consequences of their actions, they do not secretly agree with the people, they are not trying to act but find their 'hands are tied' - they are in fact in on this invasion, they engineered it and they support it. All of those within the establishment and the media are part of a vicious anti-white conspiracy to replace the indigenous people of these islands.

( @brextremist )
@MarkCollett A lot of people don't want to accept the cold hard fact that our own government are deliberately working to genocide White people. It's a harsh truth, but this is ultimately what it's all about.

( @OLichtsteiner )
@MarkCollett yup. It's fucked. Proper fucked!

( @funbobby51 )
@MarkCollett yup, they want to exterminate white people worldwide using all available means.

( @MCharlton )
@MarkCollett Nonwhites in government replacing indigenous Whites is an act of conquest and their White colleagues are determined to show their anti-racism, but unleashing invasive species into existing English communities is genocide and all of the perpetrators involved must be brought to justice.

( @Jackstonewall )
@MarkCollett breaks my heart to see this happening to my cousins accross the pond. Its happening here in US, and in greater numbers, but not by dirty fucking niggers. Hopefully it all collapses and then we will dominate.

Khol #crackpot #racist twitter.com

Allow me to help you understand your 'Britishness' vs my Britishness,

• You're as British as Shamima Begum. Meaning, your 'Britishness' is a piece of paper, it's subject to T&Cs.

• My Britishness is tied to bloodline & genetic - it's not subject to any T&Cs.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @ChuckNellis )
Where did all the straight white people go? 🤔 #TVCommercials

( @Lawfulwaffle )
@ChuckNellis Most disgusting are the 'prep' commercials with homos kissing and other rampant faggotry. 3% of the population needs catered to because?

( @shitkimchi )
@Lawfulwaffle @ChuckNellis oohhh the jewnited prostitutes of israel, jewsa, is a collapsed finished shitland. totally controlled by israel. communist education. schools is just fag propaganda lgbt mafia, trans pedos and praise the african and joo God. anti white culture of mass media in Jewsa. just fag rednecks and trans pedos. a complete ethnical racial replacement of africans hispanos. a criminal land controlled by israel with all jew values of lying , ethnical replacement, holohoax lie, all sorts of lies. schools full of browns and faggots. a complete dead shitland of collapse and shit. fraud elections and communism. all working for the israeli master. violence poverty feces in the cities. with a growing majority of furious and violent africans. welcome to the Jewsa, the jewnited prostitutes of israel.

( @Keeperofthepast )
@Lawfulwaffle @ChuckNellis bc they need to recruit more. 3% is too small.
They're advertising that lifestyle to young minds.
They dont reproduce.
They recruit.

( @iesous2424 )
@ChuckNellis Burried under the slew of degenerates and multiracial nonsense propaganda paid by jewish owned media and organizations linked to Israel.

( @NordicWolf21 )
@ChuckNellis The (((media))) wants you to feel like you don't exist. In the country your ancestors built.

( @Army_man_1964 )
@ChuckNellis Kind of funny how 13% of the population can be in every TV commercial in a biracial relationship. Someone would think that's the norm, however, it only 1%.

Donald Trump #racist #wingnut #god-complex #dunning-kruger pbs.org

“I don’t mind being Nelson Mandela because I’m doing it for a reason,” Trump told am amped-up crowd of supporters at a sports complex in Derry, New Hampshire. ”We’ve got to save our country from these fascists, these lunatics that we’re dealing with. They’re horrible people and they’re destroying our country.”

Steve Laws #crackpot #racist twitter.com

When we win, and the repatriation programme gets started, we'll give everyone an extra ÂŁ500 in December, and they'll soon get over it.

It can be called the remigatrion bonus, but it's for natives. The cash can come out of the assets seized from those sent back.

Sarah Chowdhury #racist #psycho abc3340.com

The Illinois Comptroller's Office fired one of their attorneys over antisemitic comments on Instagram linked to the Israel-Hamas war

An Instagram meme account "Big Law Boiz" run by a Jewish man posted direct messages sent to them by Sarah Chowdhury

Chowdury's comments included "F***ing Jew," "I'd rather put you in a gas chamber bet you'd like that," "With all of our Zionist ancestors" and "Hitler should have eradicated all of you"

The comptroller's office told The National Desk in a statement, “She admitted to at least some of the posts” adding that the office has “zero tolerance for antisemitism or hate speech”

Chowdhury was fired within 90 minutes of the office learning of the comments

Chowdhury told the Chicago Tribune on Thursday she was "extremely sorry" for the "reprehensible" comments. She then resigned from her role as President of the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago

Her now-removed bio from the SABA Chicago page said she was also Co-Chair of the Chicago Bar’s Racial Justice Coalition. The Chicago Bar said they’re conducting an “internal investigation”

Donald J. Trump #wingnut #racist truthsocial.com

The fight in GAZA is “coming home” to the USA. The tens of thousands of strong young men from the Middle East, that have already “invaded” our Country, and are continuing to come, totally unchecked, will become a problem the likes of which we have never seen before. Crooked Joe Biden is a very ignorant (STUPID!) man, who has NEVER been right on a foreign policy issue in his life. CLOSE OUR BORDER, NOW. STOP THE ONSLAUGHT, STOP THE INVASION!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
They're just finally being out and open about this now, because they have so much power we can't do anything about it.

But this isn't by any means a new happening.

White people have been discriminated against for decades, literally. I used to go to the shooting range with a law enforcement officer some years ago, and he told me flat out that he was denied a position on a prominent police force in my state because he was a White man, and said force was only hiring non-whites.

This is a dangerously anti-White world we're living in.

( @TrueDepth )
@Nature_and_Race I have experienced it too at many different companies. All the manager, director do nothing jobs were fat black women, or Latinas dragging everyone down, while White men did the work.

( @II_TheRook_II )

It’s why whites moving to certain places and making it a point to protect those places with local government is the only route left.

The white missed most other options throughout the decades and allowed the point of the united states to be destroyed.

( @IronLions )
@Nature_and_Race If you declare yourself to be "black", "asian", "hispanic", etc. on your application they can't say a fucking thing about it or they open themselves up to lawsuits.
The way they get away with discriminatory hiring practices against White people is during the applicant pre screening/background check process within HR where they filter out the "White/Caucasian" marked applicants and file them as "unqualified/lacks criminal justice experience/background check indeterminate/name flagged for possible criminal history, etc."
It's time to start dealing from the bottom of the deck.
Throw the rules out the window.
We don't have time.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race Where's our refuge? We fled until we could only go to the suburbs and now they're filling it with undesirables. When a lion is cornered, he either devours the hunter and bends over to die. They forced the lion into this, he never chose it and just wanted to be left alone.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Legion are the lies of Satan's Islamo-Commie-Homo Movement. From Darwinism through Freudianism and Marxism and Islam, they go right on down through Hedonism.

"Islam is peace" is a lie. Islam means "submission". The real meaning of Islam is that there will be no peace until the world is in submission to Islam.

"Communism is Utopia" is a lie. The real meaning of Communism is that there will be no peace until the world is dominated by Communism.

"Homosexuality is Innocent" is a lie. The real meaning of the homosexual movement is that there will be no peace until the whole world is under the domination of anything-goes-hedonism, unlimited satiation of lust and the achievement of sexual, gluttonous, etc., etc., gratification by any means necessary.

The enemy is spending untold millions of dollars in Ohio to lie Ohio Issue One into victory through advertising. Satanic adds insist that Issue One opposes an Ohio radical legal crackdown on abortion - a flagrant lie.
And they push this Satanic lie while claiming they are getting government out of the issue, and giving anti-mothers a choice, rather than bringing government into the issue on the side of Satan to impose abortion on everyone, against the will of the purposely deceived Ohio citizenry.

You cannot count the Satanic lies in political ascendence today.

The whole life-dooming man-caused climate change crisis is a lie.

The whole Wuhan-Covid Mask-Vax-Distance crisis is a lie.

The whole Black Lives Matter/Rainbow Flag crisis is a lie.

The whole Israel is Apartheid is a lie.

The whole Palestinians-are-oppressed-by-Jews is a lie.

The whole Trump and MAGA are criminal usurpers is a lie.

The whole "No Justice, No Peace!" movement is a lie. What the demons mean by "justice" is total submission and subjugation to Islamo-Commie-Homo dictatorship.

In the end its all about self, and self-adulation, self-gratification, self-salvation, self-rule and the end of societies and social orders. Anarchy, in other words. Every self for itself.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is so fucking gay.

White people are being displaced and replaced, White culture is being literally torn down, broken into rubble, and burned to ashes, White history is being erased and rewritten, our history handed over to blacks and browns.

And this fucking retard offers the world comic book trading cards of HIMSELF. Could this fucker possibly get any more narcissistic?

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to http://collecttrumpcards.com/ & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

( @Rob_on_the_right )

I'm shocked that Captain Shabbos doesn't have a star of David centered on that costume.

( @Jb100 )
@Nature_and_Race He should send one to each of the J6 prisoners. Merry Christmas from your favourite zog, Trumpstein.

( @huWhite_Devil )
@Nature_and_Race And at $99 each too, oof. This whole thing looks like parody. Your wife's son is black and your daughter is gay and the neighborhood has become Mexico, but at least you shelled out $100 for a drawing of Trump's head on a buff body. Pathetic.

( @Capt-Maxx )
@Nature_and_Race just like his vax, it’s a litmus test.

( @raqia )
@Nature_and_Race Must be a side effect of his warp speed clot shot on his brain.

( @Jimmymac88 )
@Nature_and_Race He's a worthless piece of shit jew.

( @GlenRaines )
@Jimmymac88 @Nature_and_Race , and we know you suck jew dicks.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Every deviant, degenerate, and thus destructive movement in history can be traced back to Jews.

Prove me wrong.

I fucking dare you, PROVE ME WRONG.

--> https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2016/the-small-town-jew-who-pioneered-sex-change-surgery

( @Otto_Kekmann )
@Nature_and_Race Do you notice how the jew is like a maggot -- it survives and thrives in the spiritual filth that sickens and kills its adversaries?

This wretched kike castrated 4,000 goyim, but had 7 kids of his own. They absolutely wallow in all this depravity, and yet it doesn't affect their ability to remain biologically successful, while the same situation obliterates the biological success of the non-jews immersed in it.

( @OCRedWave )
@Nature_and_Race why are you capitalizing? They’re “jews” in my book

( @Holiday15 )
@OCRedWave @Nature_and_Race Have same problem. My computer's autocorrect fails to recognize that they are a subhuman species not worthy of being capitalized.

( @844steamtrain )
@Nature_and_Race Based on my research, and looking at history from all angles, the source of nearly all the problems and rot in the world can be traced back to jews. You have to do something pretty bad to get kicked out of over 100 countries.

( @GingaPATRIOT )
@Nature_and_Race 110% truth every single evil in this world can be traced back to jews. THAT’S why Adolf Hitler wanted to get them out of Europe. They could have had Madagascar but the Rothschild’s has England go fight France for it NOW THEY WILL FACE THE WALL EVERY ONE NO KIKES FOR THE FOURTH RIECH DAY OF THE TROPE IS COMING SOON JEWS

Terry Schilling #racist #fundie #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

During an appearance on The Eric Metaxas Show, Terry Schilling[…]defended Christopher Columbus. Schilling downplayed Columbus’ crimes, called Indigenous people an “evil, barbaric group of people,” said that Christians “have no business criticizing” Columbus, and that the Americas “needed to be conquered”

“In our lifetimes Columbus has been put forward as a raper of the Indigenous populations, which is mostly nonsense”[…]“What are we to make of this? This attack on Columbus? I mean I don’t know what to say about it anymore”

Schilling called attacks on Columbus “preposterous” and motivated by Marxist ideology. “Once you realize that the common denominator amongst all the attacks on everything that Americans love and know — the common denominator is Marxism and a hatred of anything that upholds truth or glory or beauty or God”[…]
Schilling admitted without going into detail that Columbus “did some bad things” but said that “Columbus contributed more in his life than any of the people that are criticizing him by like a hundred billion times”[…]
“The worst things that they’ve accused Columbus of, if you compare that — what he’s been accused of, not even what he’s been convicted of — to what the Indigenous people were doing here in the Americas, it’s not even close!” he insisted. “Right? The Indigenous people were a barbaric, evil group of people, right?”[…]
“He was not trying to enrich himself. He was obsessed — so when he was doing everything that he did, when he sailed the ocean blue in 1492, everyone was concerned that Christ was coming back, that God was coming back for the second time, and they wanted to reclaim the Holy Lands”[…]
“And what Columbus was obsessed with was establishing new trade routes that could be used to fund the new Crusades and take back the Holy Land so that Christians controlled it when God came back. He was not trying to enrich himself. He was trying to do yeoman’s work. So if you’re a Christian, you have no business criticizing him”

motherLover #moonbat #racist #pratt dailykos.com

[Bolding added.]

Antisemites are everywhere and some will undoubtedly jump at a chance to act out violently, but everyone who acts out violently didn’t start out as a violent anti-Semite.

While you may not believe this, the people shouting gas the Jews may not actually be anti-Semites even though what they are saying is anti-Semitic and horribly callous, but they are being radicalized and becoming more dangerous.

Brandon Smith #wingnut #conspiracy #racist bibliotecapleyades.net

In July of last year as the hype surrounding the Covid 'pandemic' was finally dying out I published an article about a barely publicized project called the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism" (CIC).

The group, headed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild who now seems to be the public face of the notorious Rothschild dynasty, is the culmination of decades of various globalist agendas combined to represent the ultimate proof of "New World Order" conspiracy.

Remember when people used to say that global governance by elitists was a paranoid fantasy...?

Well, now the plan is an openly admitted reality.

The CIC is intimately tied to institutions like,

the World Economic Forum

the UN

the IMF

The group pushes the spread of what they call "Stakeholder Capitalism":

The idea that international corporations have a 'responsibility' to participate in social engineering, and that they are required (in the name of the greater good) to manipulate civilization through economic punishments and rewards....
We have also seen the ugliness of stakeholder capitalism in the push for ESG <Environmental, Social, & Governance> rating systems among major companies. Most readers are probably familiar with 'ESG' at this point.
But, by 2016 it became something else:

ESG widely adopted woke politics including,

Critical Race Theory


trans ideology

various elements of Marxism, etc.

This was the modern ESG that all of us are aware of today.
And here we get to the crux of the issue.

There is no "inclusive capitalism."

There is no "stakeholder capitalism."

There is no "ESG."

Climate change is not an existential threat.

Covid was never as severe as they wanted you to think.

What do these things have in common?

All of these issues represent smoke and mirrors, a way to distract the populace from the root intent to create,

total centralization in the hands of a select few elites...!

The prize for them is to convince the public to embrace economic micromanagement.

This is what ESG was all about.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @UniversalDelirium )
If a warranted arrest is "modern day lynching" to jews, it should give you a little insight as to why they've been calling labor camps "death camps" for the last 80 years.

"Arresting jews for their crimes is antisemitic."

( @disavower )
@UniversalDelirium Reminder: the ADL was founded when a rich Jew was executed for the rape and murder of a 13 year old White girl. Nothing incenses the jew more than being held accountable for his actions.

( @EricEwald )
@UniversalDelirium This would explain why the Jews have such hatred for Europeans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDO6i2NTG58

( @DaisyintheAlps )
@UniversalDelirium 112 hereditary often severely incapacitating diseases are commonly found among Jews.

These include severe psychological/mental disorders as well, which afflict 20-25% of the Jewish population as per Jewish sources.

This why Ashkenazi Jews are 40% more likely to develop Schizophrenia and other major psychiatric disorders. In fact, this is what often gives rise to the Jewish sense of persecution and “hysteria”.


( @lofisquatch )
@UniversalDelirium We have to understand their mentality. They literally believe we're beasts given human form. They're as incredulous when the goyim take action as we would be if a herd of cows started trying to arrest us.

( @eyerobot )
@UniversalDelirium I guess this is the trauma that you endure, When your forced to invent six million deaths after two world wars.

( @dianecee )
@UniversalDelirium All Jews have been invited to leave the USA. It might be a good idea if they heed that message. There is a very good reason why 80 other nations booted them, too. Maybe they need a push out of the door.......we could start by burning down their synagogues and McMansions.

( @lord_nougat )
@UniversalDelirium may as well just literally lynch them, then.

DRAT! I just remembered, they outlawed lynching!

( @Margopeery )
@lord_nougat @UniversalDelirium and the timing of that outlawing is interesting.

( @baronvonjewhammer )
@UniversalDelirium Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
Never in my life have I thought about migrating my entire extended family to someone else’s land, gradually infiltrating their towns and institutions of power, and then passing laws banning criticism of my tribe for the total subversive we’ve accomplished. Truly parasitic behavior.

( @DoomerGuy )
@Trouble_Man I've never even thought about taking over the monetary system of another country so I can enslave and impoverish them while enriching my own people.

Nor have I ever considered sexually mutilating the children of a foreign people... I mean damn... What kind of sick fucking demons would do something like that?

( @MKsThoughts )
@Trouble_Man it really is just evolution at work.

White's are trusting and predisposed to collaboration. Because that's how you survive winter.

The kikes evolutionary niche is exploiting this^^.

( @WindMillTilter )
@Trouble_Man In their verminous minds, they think everything they do to destroy us is to the glory of Israel. Identical to muslims, except more insidious, and slower moving.

( @Grandmamagda )
@WindMillTilter @Trouble_Man muslims kill by violence, jews by cunning. Preferably let them kill among themselves so the jews stay hidden.

Biff_Poindexter #psycho #racist #wingnut usmessageboard.com

I am pretty sure the story itself has been posted; but this is more about why [Joe Czuba] who did the stabbing isn't considered a hero? At least, he should definitely be hailed as a hero by Israel....you would think there is some pressure they can place on authorities here to allow this man to go free. As I have mentioned before, genocide is the only way to peace, but not just for Israel, but for anywhere that we have Hamas...and if you say this little boy and his mother isn't Hamas, then who are they? How can we be so sure that this kid was not going to be a member of Hamas? Because he lives in the US? That is the goal of Palestinians....try to spread their hatred all over the world.

Now, I personally seen people on this very message board calling this guy a hero, and calling for the genocide of Palestinians, which feels like a good idea - but there is a difference between just shitposting from the comfort of your home or basement....you can't take out Hamas by shitposting...you have to have the balls to do what Joseph did. Will you join him in the fight and do your part to take out these Palestinians who may be lurking in your own neighborhood?

Joseph Czuba #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho chicago.suntimes.com

As the war between Hamas and Israel unfolded in recent days, a Plainfield man became increasingly concerned about what he was hearing on conservative talk radio — and became agitated about the tenants living in his home, a Palestinian American mother and her young son[…]
On Saturday, he allegedly attacked her and then stabbed her 6-year-old son to death — horrific allegations that have stunned the Muslim community in Chicago and beyond and drawn condemnation[…]
Joseph Czuba, 71, appeared in Will County court Monday morning[…]
Judge Donald W. DeWilkins ordered Czuba held in jail while he faces three counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder, two counts of aggravated battery and two counts of committing a hate crime[…]
In the 45-minute detention hearing, prosecutors detailed how the crime against Shaheen and her son allegedly unfolded

Czuba’s wife told detectives that Czuba “believed he was in danger and [his tenant, Shaheen] was going to call Palestinian friends to come and harm them,” said Michael Fitzgerald, a Will County assistant state’s attorney

Fitzgerald said Czuba told his wife that Shaheen was Muslim and that he wanted her out of the residence, where they had lived for the past two years[…]
Czuba’s wife, who wasn’t home at the time of the attack, told detectives that he had withdrawn $1,000 from his bank because he believed “the grid” would go down, Fitzgerald said

He was also worried about a “national day of jihad” Oct. 13, and even though nothing happened then, he told his wife that he believed something would happen the next day, without specifying what, Fitzgerald said

Czuba’s wife told detectives that he regularly listens to conservative talk radio and was very interested in current events, Fitzgerald said

Shaheen told detectives that Saturday morning began peacefully as she had breakfast with her son, Fitzgerald said. Czuba then allegedly knocked on their door and began arguing with Shaheen about the Middle East

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )
They killed Kennedy to stop him but they didn’t kill Trump.

The movement is too big.

So they have to kill it with lies.

Or so they think they can.

But we all know they can’t.

spoiler"I will splinter
the CIA into
a thousand pieces
and scatter it
into the winds."

( @The_Nose )

( @The_Nose )
@RealMarjorieGreene JFK was going to stop Israel's nuclear ambitions and make what is now AIPAC register as a foreign agent. Jacob Rubenstein aka Jack Ruby is a jewish mobster that killed Lee Harvey Oswald to keep the lone gunman narrative.

( @The_Lookoutsideshow )
@RealMarjorieGreene jews killed Kennedy. 🤡

( @brian9911 )
@The_Lookoutsideshow @RealMarjorieGreene JEWS killed JFK Jews had Jesus killed

( @isebellin )
@The_Lookoutsideshow @RealMarjorieGreene

Taking out Kennedy… getting away with murder…

It worked like a charm …every president since takes the yarmulke of shame and grovels before them… or else…

Imagine a Jewish leader dressing up to pay respect to another religion/nation…
Jewish supremacists loves to humiliate the goyim and their “leaders”…

Jill Colton #crackpot #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

Do you know how evil it is to deny people their heritage? To say there's no such thing as an ethnic Canadian, Brit, Swede, etc.
Would you be so cavalier in saying there's no such thing as an ethnic Ethiopian or Iranian?
Why is it only Europeans aren't allowed an identity?

woodchip #wingnut #racist #psycho descentbb.net

First I asked the question, "how did the Israeli's miss this and the US". Of course you missed that. Then you should read a history of Gaza:
And then consider why Egypt and Jordan don't want the Palestinian's . After all the attacks by Hamas, can you blame the Israeli's for wanting to wipe the strip clean? And by not doing a proper cleansing, Netanyahu is certainly not enhancing his career. Posturing that you will do some cleansing and then don't , won't get you re-elected

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Hamas is Israel in the same way that Al-Queda is Israel, and that ISIS is Israel. ISIS literally stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

Israel funds and runs those three organizations and many more. It's called Controlled Opposition.

Remember those fake ISIS beheading videos that were found on John McCain's computer? McCain was heavily involved in running and funding that whole operation. He was also involved in running and funding the overthrow of the government of Ukraine. Those are only two of the reasons why President Trump had him executed for treason.

All those boot-licking, "conservative" pundits and commentators that you currently see, demanding that we "stand with Israel" are part of the same theatrical production. They're part of the Mockingbird Press, and they are being paid handsomely to spread their propaganda.
What's occurring right now isn't really that much different than what happened on 9/11. An orchestrated attack, funded and carried out by Mossad, along with help from their Deep State American operatives, and then blamed on someone else as an excuse to conduct retaliatory military strikes and invasions of other countries.

If you find yourself rooting or demonstrating for one side or the other, you're being played for a fool. What's happening has nothing to do with the people of Palestine or the people of Israel. It's a Deep State operation through and through. Frankly, if you're becoming emotional over this, I'm surprised.

I understand being emotionally distraught over the innocent victims of violence. But that's not what I'm seeing or hearing from anybody. What I'm seeing and hearing is a deep-seated emotional attachment to one side of the other that has nothing to do with what is actually taking place.
The "surprise" attack that nobody expected? The forty beheaded babies? Come on. This is some of the most blatant lying the media has ever vomited out.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Golem Service: Chaos God to slave Bone GeneratorÂŽ New Grand Masters of Judaic Israel Freemasonry.

The Golem is a Judaic Satanist ritual in which a scroll beating the names of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth is written in 7! (factorial) 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 ways (or 5040 ways), then placed in the forehead of a clay or stone man that acts as the slave enforcer of the Rabbi Satanist. It can be seen as the way that the American, British and all Nato members were turned into the living slaves and warriors of pharisaic, Satanist, Judaic Israel. <...> The Golem ritual is the basis of the Insectile implant in the human Goyim cattle, as the Insectile is the Servitor of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth a larvae Demon which is the mind over matter manifestation of the scroll. So if we could find the original Golem scroll and destroy it the Western slave would be free of Insectile infestation no longer mind controlled, scroll = worm = larvae = shell.
This Bone Generator® Service allows you to plant the Golem programme with your right hand Bone Generator® and upload energy, Hyperinfinity, sex energy, luck, love… with your left hand Bone Generator® from the Golem be it Jew or Goyim. To add to this Golemisation process the Psi-Lord has added the most powerful of the Rabbis powers, the ability to turn Goy into wageslave, servants of Jews so they willingly give up all their riches and accept all the evil of the Master in exchange. <...> This Bone Generator® does that so you can put the Golem programme in the slave by ripping out the Insectile Golem with the left hand and use the right hand Bone Generator® to install the Elohim Sequestration Golem. One can also add the Soul of a Goyim released by the Judaic Messiah Service to replace the Soul of the Goyim with one from Sheol, Jew Hell so they can live in the sequestered Goyim, Jew Golem. A Freemason is a Jewish owned Goy Golem.
Golem Service: $1000 with Certificate —- Limited to 12 only!

Keith Woods and Austin Peterson #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On the Oct. 11, 2023 episode of his Rumble show Slightly Offensive, Elijah Schaffer hosted Keith Woods[…]for a debate on Israel’s war against Hamas[…]
Peterson, a libertarian Internet personality, framed the war between Israel and Hamas[…]as a “clash of civilizations” between “savage” and inferior Palestinians and superior Israelis[…]
“I sort of pull from Ayn Rand on this one who sees this from the clash of civilizations perspective,” he explained. “She sees this from the clash of civilizations perspective. She sees the Israelis as the advanced technological civilization and she described the Palestinians as barbaric [savages]”[…]“The Catholics came in and they settled Mexico and South America and they said there would be no more human sacrifices, for example,” he said. “I mean, how long must a civilized nation tolerate barbarity at its gates? … I very much see this as analogous to American expansionism and the fighting between American pioneers [and] savage Indian tribes at that time”[…]
Woods, in turn, argued that according to Peterson’s “might is right” philosophy Hamas’ attack on Israel was entirely justified. Peterson replied that there was “no moral equivalence” between Hamas and Israel because Israeli soldiers in Palestinian territory “don’t go to the music festivals and capture their women and spit on their corpses and parade them through the streets”

Peterson also compared Palestinians to “the Black residents in the South Side of Chicago who cry all day about how the terrible white man is oppressing them on a single day” and said he doesn’t “give special victimhood status” to them[…]
Woods also denied that Hamas’ attack on the Supernova music festival[…]“As far as the moral equivalence, again there’s no indication that the descent on the rave turned into some kind of mass slaughter. The latest footage to come out is Israeli police officers were at the rave firing at Hamas soldiers, and civilians were there in cover with the Israeli police”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I know it's super easy to get carried away with hating our enemies.

But don't forget to love good White people wherever they may be. Especially White people you've never met.

Just as there are horrible and evil people in this world that deserve hate, there are wonderful and good people who deserve love. Don't lose sight of the good White people in the world.

( @MrsMP )
There are many good Whites.
Many damaged Whites.
And the small segment of sociopath's and narcissist in all humans.
Shysters seem to be born without morals.
Natural racial sociopaths.


( @PostUmbraLux )
And do not forget that many Whites who seem to believe Cultural Marxist lies do so out of ignorance. They can be brought to our side, but only if we are are the best White people we can be. A man, even a quite intelligent man, who delivers the right message, but is nevertheless an overbearing bastard, will drive our people away and right into the arms of those who want to destroy them. We can all be better. And by doing that we will give birth to a White race that is even greater than any previous generation.

( @PaniconPandora )
@Nature_and_Race Every single day...
Offering assistance to White strangers in public, compliments, positive uplifting demeanour... whatever projects that White Men and Whites in general are an asset and role model of what society once was and could be... that's what I put out to my fellow Whites.

One could call it manipulation, I see it as rememberence of a time lost that is in the process of being found once again \o

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #conspiracy specular-effect.com

The Red Heifer comes of age, today. Are you guys ready for the big one?

I’ll fire up the grill! Get your shit together boys, because we’re going to war! Specifically, we’re going to war with Iran as predicted.

Oh, you don’t understand? Don’t you get it? We fight Jewish wars, over here, in the good ol’ USA.

We live to serve Jews.

Normally, I would say the USA is the most evil polity in history. However, all governments are corrupt. All governments are evil. In case you’re wondering what a government is, well, I’ll gladly tell you. A government is literally just people. A small group of retarded people who are believed in by a much, much, much, much larger group of retards to have power and authority over them. Yes, this is what the United States government is. It is just people. A very small group of psychotic and inhumane people! Specifically, these people that make up the government are controlled by another very small group of people known as, Jews. These Jews and the people referred to as “government”, wanted a war with Iran since Obama. Correction. They wanted a war with Iran since Bush Jr. They laid out the plan before 9/11 and are just now about to fulfill it. I explained this here and here.

What does this mean for us, goyim, who let this very small group of retards dictate our lives? Well…

It is just a draft, but this is the beginning of it. The beginning of “the end” as the delusional religious morons refer to it. Gog & Magog.

Will Jews kill the whole planet in a narcissistic, psychopathic rage, if they lose, as it’s claimed by some of them that they would? If you know women, you know just how this is going to play out. She must have the last say and it’s her way, or no way at all.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
What's happening at the southern border of the United States isn't just a foreign invasion.

It's an internal revolution.

It's the overthrow of White America by the Anti-White ruling class.

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite Unless we respond to these situations like our ancestors did, we will be extinct in a generation, tops.

( @Just_a_friend )
White middle class America put Trump in that White House in 2016 .
That scared and pissed them off , they're gonna make sure it can't happen again . Also , if they can get enough of their invasion force in place in rural areas still pretty much unaffected , they can prevent any balkanization - separation attempts .
In the overblown Communist Utopia welfare state of their fantasized future , they're gonna need all the tax / debt slaves they can keep on the plantation to feed it .
So , there just may be " walls " built on the borders someday - to keep US from escaping this fuckin place .

( @Area45 )
@KeepNHGranite they are implementing the creation of the North American Union by stealth which envisions a non sovereign US with no southern or northern border. Free movement of people among the 3 countries Mexico US and Canada with an external security perimeter.

( @CrossThePotomac )
@KeepNHGranite It is complete. We are ruled by Jews. The question is, will we be able to get it back.

( @PBoone )
@KeepNHGranite It is a pre-planned invasion from the NWO for all Christian Nations to destroy Christianity, then they will wipe out the rest of the religions and replace them all with Satan worship. China is their Bitch right now. The funny thing is China CCP thinks it will be able to defeat the NWO when they are done being used by them. It is a sick sad cycle

( @DoNoHarmTakeNoShit )
@KeepNHGranite You mean the jews…?

( @Danielle5578 )
@KeepNHGranite they want all our girls to breed with the low IQ Brown people so they can wipe out the white race.
It's pretty obvious.

( @Annlea )
@KeepNHGranite funny that the anti white ruling class are mostly white. Clown world

( @alans1997 )
@Annlea @KeepNHGranite maybe not. There are lots of examples of people that seemed to be White but turned out to be (((not white))) with changed names.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From "Parisians v. Israelis"]

There is something I would like to say about how Hamas turned an Israeli music festival into a massacre (more than 250 people died on Saturday inside Israel at that festival—see video here). When I saw the images before the attack, when the young people were still dancing, I said to myself ironically, although I am not a theist: ‘God’s punishment for degenerate music!’

Then I realised an error of judgement. Such feelings of hatred for degenerates are legitimate for the French who, in 2015, were at an Eagles of Death Metal concert, attended by 1,500 people, at the Bataclan Theatre, when heroic jihadis entered to massacre them. But it’s no good saying the same about the Israelis. Why?

In secret soliloquies, I have told myself countless times that I should celebrate that the elites are already Woke in much of Latin America. If the point is to conquer the subcontinent in a sort of Master Plan South if, north of the Rio Grande, the pure Aryans were to wage war like The Turner Diaries, it suits me that the mestizos are in a state of complete cultural degradation. Wokism is welcome among the enemies to subjugate!

If I fantasise about this on the continent where I live, why not celebrate that there are already some Woke aspects in Israel for Israeli consumption?

‘God’s punishment’ is reserved for the Aryans we want to save from Wokism (e.g. the Parisians who were pure Aryans at that concert eight years ago). But it doesn’t apply to those whom one wants to mentally poison, subjugate and eventually erase from the face of the earth

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Another day... another story you won't hear about in the national press.


Because the victim, 36-year-old school teacher Paul Billion of Sioux Falls, SD, was White - and his murderers are Black.

'But why do you have to make it about race?'

Because it is about race.

Because it's always about race.

Because race is what determines if we do or don't hear about it.

Because if the Anti-White media could press a magical 'reverse the races' button to turn the story into:

'Beloved Black School Teacher Ruthlessly Murdered In His Home By Bloodthirsty White Savages...'

It would be all you'd hear about in the national press...

And from the White House...

And from the FBI...

And from the DOJ...

And from the Democrats...

And from the Republicans...

And from the SPLC...

And from the ADL...

And from every other entity that exists to combat the existence of White people in America.

But instead - we hear nothing.

Because it's just another dead White guy.

So, through its silence, the system approves of Black-on-White murder while it tirelessly polices for the next instance of White-on-Black mean-words-on-the-internet so they can put another notch in the 'hate crime database' and concoct yet more Anti-White outrage over yet another non-event.

( @CriticalMemeTheory )
@KeepNHGranite with names like "Gbo" and "Soteemon" I am sure these are African "refugees" put in America for this exact purpose.

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
@CriticalMemeTheory @KeepNHGranite Conservatives love to tell us the immigrants from Africa are different than our local blacks and way better.

( @Rexkwon27 )
@Stanleymitchell90 @CriticalMemeTheory @KeepNHGranite Many of the legal immigrants are, the “refugees” on the other hand seem to be very dangerous. Either way we need to prosecute these traitors in congress and secure the borders, legal immigration is only a slower less destabilizing way of committing genocide than the refugee tidal waves.

( @MrsMP )
Obama flooded Kingman Arizona with Somalians.
They fled to Minnesota.
They were flooding it with various niggers when I left last year.

@CriticalMemeTheory @KeepNHGranite

Angelo John Gage #fundie #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On his eponymous Rumble show, Stew Peters reacted to the ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Gaza by speaking to fellow white nationalist conspiracy theorist Angelo John Gage. Gage, who was banned from Twitter (now X) in 2021 and resurfaced as “Lucas Gage,” used his appearance to blame Jews for the murder of Jesus[…]
On the Oct. 9, 2023 episode of The Stew Peters Show, Peters railed against Christian support for Israel. Gage, in turn, called Christianity a “really strong bulwark against Jewish supremacy” but said it had been “usurped”[…]
“In the 1960s the Vatican II was passed, some kind of reform which they allowed the Jewish people to get away with deicide — killing Christ, the God, the Savior of the Christian people,” Gage told Peters. “And they no longer blame them for that. They opened up the Church to every interpretation and things like this”

Peters asked Gage what Jesus meant “when He was talking about Israel.” Gage replied that, according to the Christian faith, “the real Israel are now the Christians.” And he attacked Christian Zionists as “Zio-cucks”[…]
Stew Peters interrupted to ask what the term “Judeo-Christian” means. Gage called it an “oxymoron” and alleged that if “the Jewish supremacists were to control the whole world, like they want,” they would “establish the Sanhedrin again” and Christians would be killed as “idol worshippers”

He alleged that Christians don’t realize this because of the “Zionist media” and “Zionist megachurches”

At one point Peters falsely claimed that “you have to swear an allegiance to Israel before you get sworn in as a Congressperson in this country” and asked where that “influence come from.” Gage said that the “influence comes from the Zionist lobby” which includes “hundreds of Jewish NGOs” and the World Jewish Congress

“‘There’s no Jewish conspiracy, global [Jewish] conspiracy’ — then what the hell is the World Jewish Congress?” he asked

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

( @Halp )
I don’t mean to sound antisemitic but someone should put a stop to these “transition” procedures for children.

( @dwells9636 )
@Halp But if you don’t cut their dicks and tits off, they’ll catch climate change!

( @echoes )
@Halp Im against porn, usury and incest.

Antisemitic, guilty as charged.

( @jg437 )
@Halp #RecriminalizePerversity

Hold the 'doctors' who do this to children responsible both monetarily and criminally!

( @Shelton1 )
@Halp Antisemetic=Antisatanic

( @1sntallowed )
@Halp Does cutting off children's gentiles make them jewish?

( @Halp )
@1sntallowed multiple genders and transitioning is a tenet of the Talmud

( @n2185x )
@Halp It's not antisemitic to want to put a stop to those -- it's right to want to stop it.

Anyone who claims that opposition to these "transition" procedures is "antisemitic" is a lying moron who is misusing the term for his own political purposes. Twisting the language that way is plain wrong, and that's that.

How do you know that opposition to it isn't "antisemitic"? Simple: you don't see Jews scrambling to put their own kids up for these "transition" procedures, do you? There's no way they'd do that. It'd mean the death of their gene line if enough of them engaged in it.

( @Wolfshield_VII )
@n2185x @Halp Jews brought this perversion to the West. We were better off in Christian segregated schools.

( @n2185x )
@Wolfshield_VII @Halp Jews may have brought it, but it's been our decision as to whether or not engage in it.

Why are we willfully engaging in this kind of evil?

I totally agree -- we were definitely better off in Christian segregated schools.

( @n2185x )
@Wolfshield_VII @Halp Just in case you didn't follow my intended meaning (and my apologies if you did indeed follow it and I'm just being redundant here) -- what I meant is why do we (people in this country) willingly put their kids through this kind of evil in the first place? Jews may have brought it but non-Jews are willingly doing these evil things. The question is: why? It's not like they're forced to at gunpoint or anything.

I, too, am astonished at how easily led people are. If there's anything we need to fix more than anything else, it's that.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #ufo #racist #conspiracy amg-news.com

In a world dictated by shadowy organizations and hidden agendas, a great shift emerges on the horizon. Starlink, the space-based satellite constellation, is much more than an internet service provider. It’s the centerpiece of an astronomical strategy, set against the backdrop of interstellar warfare.

With MOSSAD satellites suspected to be neutralized, humanity is on the brink of monumental change. Strap in and prepare, for we are on the precipice of the most monumental era in human history.
The Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, has long been rumored to have satellites that not only oversee the Middle East but have an encompassing grasp on worldwide communications, media, and more. Their tentacles are believed to spread far and wide, influencing the narratives of mainstream media globally.

A daring proposition rises from the whispers of the enlightened: these MOSSAD satellites have already been taken out of the equation. That’s right. Removed, obliterated, rendered inoperative. If these speculations are accurate, the implications are earth-shattering. Taking out these satellites would, in essence, trigger a global blackout. A void. An informational abyss.
In a world mired in deceit and chaos, the rise of Quantum Financial Systems and the covert Project Odin stands as a beacon of hope. Unfolding beneath our very eyes, Project Odin is not just a digital tool; it’s the harbinger of a new age, an age where darkness will be exposed, and the shackles of oppression will be shattered.
What’s the ultimate move, you ask? Project Odin is programmed to target Mossad’s media satellites, unleashing a worldwide media blackout. This isn’t a glitch or an unforeseen accident. This is an orchestrated maneuver, a grand gambit in a cosmic game of chess. Codenamed PROJECT ODIN, this initiative marks a pivotal turning point in our world’s history.

Unnamed Stanford Lecturer #racist #psycho msn.com

In a disturbing development, a lecturer at Stanford University has been suspended following allegations of anti-Semitic behavior. The lecturer, whose identity remains undisclosed, is accused of forcing Jewish students to stand in a corner while labeling them as ‘colonizers.’ He is further alleged to have downplayed the Holocaust and defended Hamas, referring to them as ‘freedom fighters.’


The allegations were brought forward by the co-presidents of Stanford’s Israeli Student Association. The lecturer reportedly asked Jewish students to raise their hands, separated them from their belongings, and ordered them to stand in a corner. The lecturer justified the killing of over 1,300 Israelis by Hamas as a form of Palestinian resistance, likening the students’ treatment to that of Palestinians. He also reportedly asked students to share their ancestral roots and labeled each as a ‘colonizer’ or ‘colonized’ based on their heritage.

Downplaying the Holocaust

The lecturer’s alleged anti-Semitic behavior extended to the downplaying of the Holocaust. When asked about the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust, he responded, ‘Yes. Only 6 million,’ further incensing the Jewish student community.

Azali Assoumani #fundie #racist antisemitism.org.il

The Comorian head of state, Azali Assoumani, who likes to call himself “al-Imam” (religious guide, editor’s note) inaugurates a mosque in Maraharé, a locality located in Anjouan where the governor of this island is from

In a beige ceremonial dress, a cap on her head, Azali Assoumani, who presides over the destinies of a very predominantly Muslim archipelago, takes the microphone and praises the merits of living together to an assembly of the faithful during the traditional Friday prayer

“Muslims and Christians must live together,” he said. And that’s where he slips up.“We must live with the Catholics but also with the accursed Jews, may the wrath of God fall on them. The Jews are the masters of the world. They are not like us. They (the Jews) lurk in the shadows and reveal themselves when the time is right”

The video from which the statement is taken was published on the official page of the governorate of Anjouan

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
AMERICA NEEDS A SUPERHERO! I will be making a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow. Thank you!

( @The_Nose )
@realdonaldtrump leaked superhero

( @echoes )
@The_Nose "Congress is, rightfully, controlled by jews." - DJT


( @TN4x4 )
@realdonaldtrump We already have one....Jesus. Putting Him back in our culture will be a start in fixing this country.

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump Are you going to start a fund to send donations to Israel and bankrupt America.

Are you going to have more Jews in your family?

( @MichaelTwoWolves )
@realdonaldtrump Unless it is that you somehow perfected resurrection and are bringing back General Curtis LeMay to hang some traitors and set STRATCOM right, it probably won't be that major.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@MichaelTwoWolves Patton would be better, he figured out who the real enemy was, it's why they murdered him. @realdonaldtrump

( @misswillie )
@realdonaldtrump No Mr. Trump. America needs Jesus Christ!!!

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump The white race is being systemically replaced through migration and promoted race mixing.

Atleast Trump got Jerusulem recognized, as the world was falling apart.

Trump's approval rating with jews dropped to 4%.

Don wants to bankrupt the US to make Israel Great.

( @Lifeisbutadreamsweetheart )
@realdonaldtrump Love you President Trump ❤

( @Kushoverlord )
@realdonaldtrump Zionist man?

( @Meisk9235 )
@Kushoverlord @realdonaldtrump The question mark is not needed.

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