
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Vox Day #racist #sexist #conspiracy #elitist voxday.net

[From "Racial Destruction Goes Awry"]

The Kalergi plan from the early 20th century to politically unify Europe and destroy the European race through admixture with “the lesser races” might appear to be working as designed[…]

One passage that really stuck out for me in Amy Chua’s book, was her digression on yellow fever. She acknowledges there are a lot of skeevy WMAF couples out there, and makes a point to say that her white husband has never dated an Asian woman before[…]WMAF has become self-aware about just how low status their coupling is[…]
East Asian women are the lowest status women in the world, and so to market themselves to loser white men, they have to advertise themselves as the least feminist. Sexual Coolies serving as strikebreakers against White Feminism[…]
Asian women have crashed their own sexual market value, 6 March 2015

There is a saying among Hapas that if you want to know if a hapa boy’s father is Asian or White, all you have to do is throw a football at him. Loser white fathers don’t tend to produce boys who can catch[…]What about when WMAF pairs of high-quality 8_Gerek_Meinhardt_and_Lee_Kiefer]get together?[…]
Siphoning off the low-quality Europeans by encouraging them to trade in their children’s genetic heritage for additional sexual market value is only going to increase the average quality of the pure Europeans[…]
We can reasonably anticipate that one of the inevitable results of the Kalergi Plan, mass immigration, and the endless marketing of mudsharking provided by the media will be the production of two new genetic elites, one of higher-quality Europeans, and a second that is a super-subset of very high quality Eurasians that could turn out to have some of the highest-performance genetics ever produced by Man

Megha #wingnut #elitist fxtwitter.com

(Submitter’s note: Two successive tweets)

Any “right wing” person who wastes their time “debating” leftists has already admitted defeat.

You need to be elitism maxxing. You need to make the stupids know they’re not invited to the conversation. You need to be imposing your will on the world and curating elite networks.

Losers debate. Winners give a haughty laugh from their silk gowns and shut the doors on people who are not spiritually or intellectually worthy of being taken seriously. The enlightenment was a mistake.

Hunter Wallace #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Intellectual Counterattack on Caste"]

I haven’t been completely inert over the past few months

I have resumed my research into late 19th century / early 20th century intellectual history. I traced the roots of our current cultural decline back to this period a few years ago

There is a tendency in our circles to blame everything on the Jews or to blame it all on the Yankees or to blame it all on liberalism. We should take a closer look though at the Northern WASP elite who triumphed in the War Between the States and who ruled the country until around the Great Depression. They were the ones who fumbled the ball and lost control of America in the days of Madison Grant

How? Why?

The following excerpt comes from the chapter “The Intellectual Counterattack on Caste” in E. Digby Baltzell’s book The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy & Caste in America

“The rise of the New Social Science paralleled the development of the Social Gospel, Settlement House and political reform movements during the closing decades of the nineteenth century[…]
It is important to emphasize the fact that most of the prominent leaders of the New Social Science, like the leaders of the Social Gospel and Settlement House movements, came from within the old stock and Protestant establishment

I’m sure many of our readers are familiar with Franz Boas and the contribution that he made in anthropology in the shift away from hereditarianism and toward cultural relativism. Boas was hardly alone in sowing the seeds that undermined hereditarianism and Victorian morals though

Note: Baltzell was a sociologist, historian and a cheerleader for the decline of his own social class. If you read his book, you will get a lot of insight into how WASPs lost control of America

Albertus Pikeneus #quack #elitist #god-complex godlikeproductions.com

Autistic mutants with A pos blood type who never get sick! Report for duty

Yes hello

We are the mutants mentioned by the CDC who never got vaxed and yet never got COVID

We are immune from all STDs,

Mostly with blue eye pigmentation tho there are some exceptions.

Mostly average looking people

Unless you examine our DNA which

I bet you scientist are getting a huge boner just thinking about those petri dishes

[GIF of laughing man]

There are many things I don't know about this phenomenon

Are we made by the govt?

Extraterrestrial hybrid programs?

God himself?

How many are we in number.... I have no estimation

zdoctor #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist mgtow.tv

RE: Population Collapse Is Coming - MGTOW

and the reasons for population decline are things like pushing whaman to be strong and powerful......more whaman graduation college......more help for whaman in almost every area. .yet they still want to be served. ,the best thing any man can go is walk away from all whaman until they become more reasonable....but as you know reasonable and whaman are two words not to be used within the same sentence. .whaman are like 3 yr olds who cry all the time. . walk away from the insanity and you should be able work less and have more if your not supporting any whaman. .STAY SINGLE GENTLMEN!!!!!. ..WORK, SAVE, AND CONSTRUCT YOUR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. .DONT BACK DOWN!!!! .FREEDOM IS FINDING MGTOW ...AND MGTOW ENABLES FREEDOM FOR THE OPEN MINDED TO SEE THE TYRANNY WITHIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM!!!!

Chris Aldridge #elitist #fundie #magick caldridge.net

Pendants From Greece Hold More Natural Power

In the modern Greek Polytheistic community, some people may not be too explorative about jewelry or necklaces, even if they are religious.

But I am most certainly someone who loves anything I can carry with me that reminds me of, or connects me with, the Gods and Heroes, especially when its a remake of what once existed.

In the picture above, you can see my own that I recently purchased from Greece herself, Athens specifically. The coin is a replica of the Athena Tetradrachm.

More importantly, the coin is a direct connection to Athena, not just by Her frontal image, but by the AOE on the back,

AOE means Alpha, Theta, and Epsilon, or Of The Athenians. The coin embodies all that is Athena and Athens (the Goddess and Her beloved City).

After I received the pendant, I put a chain on it to wear around my neck during the day, not really giving it that much thought. I didn't even try to put any energy or blessings onto it myself. It was intended for purely cosmetic purposes.

But I noticed that when I wrap my hand around and just hold it, Athena's amazing presence comes over and calms me, no matter how frustrated, angry, sad or hopeless I may be feeling at the time. It's like a cure-all for the mind and emotions.

The only thing I can figure, as to the pendant's natural power, is that it is directly from the land of Athena Herself, and carries on that ancient connection that has existed for thousands of years.

Not even pendants that I have bought of Athena in America and placed blessings upon have had this kind of natural, never-ending spiritual strength. And of course, when you have a pendant with this kind of natural power, adding prayers, hymns or other spiritual significance along with it will only strengthen it further for you, and perhaps others as well.

I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting Hellenic jewelry for religious purpose, to consider Greek sellers. There is just a charm that you cannot get anywhere else.

C.T. #racist #elitist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From "The Appian way"]

Christian morality is the seedbed that makes today’s secular West what it is[…]for contemporary American racialists the hardest pill to swallow is that their movement has failed because of Christianity[…]
Any racialist movement was doomed from the start, is doomed and will be doomed to failure unless it is understood that Christianity, or more specifically Christian morality, has always been the Devil for the white man. This includes the morality of today’s atheists whose worldview we here call Neo-Christian[…]
Holland hit the nail on the head when he said that National Socialism has been the most radical movement since Constantine, especially because it rebels against St Paul’s idea that there is no difference between Jews and Greeks[…]Holland also points out that the National Socialists repudiated the very essence of the emblem of the Cross: that a crucified victim is more morally worthy than the crucifying Romans. This idea persists in our times during mass hysteria phenomena such as the Black Lives Matter[…]bent the knee before primitive negroes in the most humiliating way!

Holland has said in several interviews that the central emblem of Western civilisation, Christ on the Cross (now downtrodden negroes on ‘crosses’) provides a moral framework for understanding the Woke[…]
What Angela Merkel did, opening the doors to two million refugees in anti-Nazi Germany, is ultimately an extreme form of following the parable of the Good Samaritan[…]
The term catholic derives from[…]katholikos. If we translate ‘universal human rights’ into the Greek of the first centuries of our era, we would be talking about ‘catholic human rights’[…]
Only the moral duty to dispose of the obsolete versions of Homo sapiens. This is the ultimate repudiation of the Christian heritage. And the horror that most westerners feel at the figures of Hitler and Himmler is nothing other than their continued enslavement to the archetype of the Jew on the Cross

Elon Musk and fentasyl #elitist #racist #sexist independent.co.uk

Over the weekend, Elon Musk appeared in a Twitter post to endorse the idea of taking the right to vote away from people without children

The billionaire Tesla co-founder replied “Yup,” to a series of posts from Twitter user @fentasyl, which argued “democracy is probably unworkable long term without limiting suffrage to parents”

The exchange came as Mr Musk continued his recent run of interacting with right-wing figures on the social network

The posts from fentasyl themselves were a response to a previous post from Mr Musk

On Saturday, in the comments under an Islamophobic nonprofit’s video, where commenters insinuated that single white women were turning France into a majority-Muslim country, Mr Musk claimed, “The childless have little stake in the future”[…]
These opinions are hardly surprising for Mr Musk, who has long expressed concerns about declining birth rates in the US and the lack of “smart” people having enough children, views which critics have argued are verging on eugenicist

UncleSpertz #elitist #magick #sexist blackpill.world

Got hit on again

Went to the store to buy zepar an offering and got hit on by the cashier holy fuck I can't believe the power of Zepar, this must be what its like being a chad

Shit was funny cuz she was telling me how I look like a character from a movie

I've been getting hit on more these past few days than I have my entire life.

That's great! You should've asked for her phone number.

Yeah I gotta work on my confidence more since I'm not used to receiving this kind of attention but I'm making progress so not all hope is lost

What the fuck is zepar?

A goetia demon duke from hell.

You may ascend sooner than expected.

Man I hope so, Zepar did something to me that I have yet to here about so I think it's highly likely considering nothing I've read about him talks about people getting electrocuted.

I don't know why but I feel as if I'm more intelligent socially since I've figured out that facial expression + body language + vibe can help you read what people are thinking, I've also gotten better at socializing.

I'm not as priviledged as you sound

Such a hypothetical illusion of choice implies a demon willing to participate in a deal with me; I don't have such an opportunity to ascend

Start developing your magical abilities, get rune stones and start reading books

Michael W. Ford & UncleSpertz #elitist #god-complex #magick #sexist incels.is

New pill: you can get pussy using magick

.club mod UncleSpertz a.k.a SpacersChoice has successfully
contacted a goetic demon.

Any incel can lose their virginity by using magick. I came to this conclusion about a month after learning about magick. Nearly every post I've made since has been magick related. Plastic surgery is for rich people. For most incels, magick is the only thing that can get them laid.

Several incels have taken my advice to heart and are now on the path to getting laid. I know at least one has successfully used magick to take a girls virginity.

I'm living the main character life, I go into public, I got people waving at me, I go to the store and people ask me for help, I go into work and I got multiple people excited to talk to me, telling me about the awesome stuff they're doing, I get hit on by attractive females

Fuck yeah I feel like a king, jus imagine being a loser who nobody notices and then one day everyone sees you for a fraction of what you are giving you the respect you deserve

This is all possible through the power of Duke Zepar, I know I talk about this a lot but it's because his power is actually fucking real and I want you guys to experience what it's like to be a chad and feel what its like to receive the respect you deserve.

Duke Zepar is no joke

Man life is good

Use magic to become rich and buy plastic surgery.

I don't need to do that. I am giving offering to a demon that can change my physical appearance.

already tried all your magic spells and none of them worked in the past but let's hope this one is any difference

You can't cast spells effectively without first developing yourself spiritually. Every single spell I posted here works, you simply were not able to make it work for you, because your undeveloped.

I skimmed over the documents and read the threads it seems like the usual bullshit not gonna lie man

I'm not asking you to read the books. Visit the .net links, and read what SoacersChoice typed you can even talk to him directly.

Pro White Women #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Most of you are saying I need to be more positive towards white men...

How tf can I do positive posts when the majority of you're weak and are race traitors?!

You're all making me lose hope for a White Future because you're weak minded, pathetic race traitors.

You say you're tired of white women?

Well, I'm tired of you, white men.

You turn your head so easily for n0n-whites it's disgusting.

I wish you were r@cists!!!

But none of you are...

I feel like Pro White Women are more r@cists than "Pro white men"

I seriously feel majority white men are not masculine enough for White Women, you're weak and I pity you!

You can't even defend our white nations, you don't do anything!!

You don't organise, plan and do action....

You call it fed if anyone suggests anything or blame WW

"Pro White Women don't exist"
"White Women destroy White men in marriage courts"
"White women divorce me if I cheat with an asian"
"White women don't want me"
"White women don't want to be my slave"

All I hear is "white men" making excuses to race mix with asians

You disgust me

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #mammon paulcraigroberts.org

To be clear, the Western values of free speech and open discussion have been redefined as “fonts of misinformation” and “threats to democracy.” But of course, they are the basis of democracy. When free speech is suppressed, we have not democracy but tyranny.

Getting at the truth is difficult and always has been. Truth can upset and make angry as many or more people as it enlightens. An existing belief is tenacious. Most people want their beliefs confirmed, not challenged. This makes indoctrinated beliefs stable. Historians cover up truth for career reasons, as do politicians. Prosecutors cover up truth in order to obtain convictions. Media cover up truth for advertising revenues and in exchange for “sourced" leaks.

I have spent my life in service to the truth. This is not a claim that I always get it right, but that my agenda is truth whether I get there or not."
The only indications I have whether the risks I take as a truth-teller, risks that have materialized in dangerous and expensive harassments of more visible truth-tellers, such as Julian Assange, Ed Snowden, Matt Taibbi, Kash Patel, and Peter Brimelow, are readers financial and vocal support. If this support is not forthcoming, it tells me I am taking risks for nothing and am bringing difficulties to myself by attempting to inform those who are neither interested nor committed to their independence as free people.
My lifetime of struggling for truth has left me wondering if truth is a Quixotic adventure. My site is read by many all over the world, and my columns are reposted by many other sites and in translations. Yet those who support the website, financially or with encouraging words, are a small percentage of the readers. The unwillingness of most readers to give even $5 to support truth is discouraging. One problem truth tellers have is that, in our times, the deceptions are so overwhelming and awful that many people simply cannot stand the pressures of knowing the truth.

ryujinomega092095 #psycho #racist #elitist deviantart.com

Why can't people just accept that since the Japanese have more bearing on my life & western society as a whole than any other asian country & they make better products & pop-culture than the rest of Asia, not only are they the only country that deserve to be the dominant economic powerhouse in Asia, but also, unlike Germany, they're too good to apologize for any of the atrocities they enacted during WWII? Why can't people realize that the creation of their very own pop-culture should excuse them from having to make any apologies or reparations for the 2nd sino-japanese war & that china doesn't deserve the appreciation or sovereignty it has?

Paul Charnock #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #psycho thescorp.multics.org

(Note: This may seem innocuous, as the rest, which is insane couldn’t be included due to the damn character limit. The rest will go in the comments, so go to those for the meat of it)

UTOPIAN AND INDEED DYSTOPIAN fictional societies are often an impressive way of putting political and social ideas in a sort of fictional shop window, the more easily to be seen and admired, or the opposite. It is much easier, of course, to demonstrate ideas and ideologies working on paper than in practice. But also such demonstration may, if done well, have far more impact upon the reader than any number of dry ideological/philosophical tomes. A talented author can bring his dream, or nightmare, far more vividly to his readership by offering them a picture of it happening, rather than a dry blueprint or plan for achieving it. Not surprisingly, therefore, utopian/dystopian fiction has a long and interesting history. From Sir Thomas More’s eponymous 16th Century work, through those Lemuel Gulliver found on his Travels, the late-19th-Century-Socialist future vision of England embodied in William Morris’s News From Nowhere, the 20th Century nightmare visions of consumerism in Brave New World and communism in 1984, to Ursula K. LeGuin’s anarchist world of Anarres in The Dispossessed. Now we have a Nietzschean vision realised – impressively in this reviewer’s view - in American writer S.M. Stirling’s Draka series.

Canadian Anon #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Canadian reddit (the gayest place on the entire internet) is finally turning against Jeets.

How long until total Jeet extermination in Canada is on the menu? Pics in thread.

Jeet fatigue is at an all time high in Canada.

Canadians hate Jeet’s with every fibre of our being.

Canadians have grown tired of being surrounded by smelly, dirty, slavelike brown people.

What will happen when the Leaf finally snaps from his branch?

Old Canadians are in despair at the thought of retiring around horrible, incompetent, lazy Indian’s. Who can blame them?

If Canadian redditors are openly discussing the Jeet locust swarm, how redpilled is your average non-retarded becoming?

Jeets should be worried. Only White people in Canada have their gun licenses and rifles.

Remember; never ever tip a Jeet. Always be rude to Jeets. Always make them feel unwelcome. Always speak down to them.

Trudeau wants to import brown slaves? Treat them like dirty brown slaves.

Canadian’s patriotic duty is to order food on Uber, and when a Jeet delivers it, refuse to tip and then complain with Uber that the Jeet sexually assaulted your wife so they lose their pathetic slave job.

Always undermine the Jeet menace.

If Canadian leftists want a Final Solution to the Jeet hordes, what do respectable right wing Canadians want?

Taki #wingnut #elitist #fundie #racist takimag.com

I then sat down and patiently if not too articulately, due to a large intake of vodka, explained: “God is also an anachronism, but I believe in him, as do billions of others. Anachronisms are what we need today more than ever, what with the discrediting of our past, of our national identities, and other such vile actions by woke leftists. Society needs something intangible to trust and respect; too much reality is no good.”
It is a time of extraordinary social isolation, where people report less companionship, less time with friends, and even less time with family. This is where God and his messenger, the Church, come in and play a very important role.

Yet the young no longer believe in God and do not attend their church regularly the way my generation did. What they do is complain nonstop about the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders.
Democracy has earned a resounding F where the US of A is concerned. While flirting just ever so subtly, I told Alissa how far less complicated the world was back during the 13th century, when everyone believed in God and the divine right of kings. Mind you, it was a pity there was no penicillin.

In the meantime, an obviously deranged Bagel Times daily warns of the dangers of a fascist takeover in America, but that’s because the paper has been taken over by talentless ideologues who cannot understand that not everyone in the country has had their brains fried in woke.
Monarchy might be anathema to most Americans and an unimaginable curse to many West Indians, but it is of preternatural importance to countries like Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Not to mention Japan, which has the oldest royal family ever, loved by a united people. In view of the disuniting of America, I think Uncle Sam should try the institution.

ryujinomega092095 #wingnut #psycho #elitist deviantart.com

Why can't the world just accept that since Japan makes better products than germany & the rest of Asia, Japan should not only be the dominant power in asia instead of china, but it would also be morally & pragmatically wrong for the japanese government to apologize or reparations for the war-crimes imperial Japan committed against the rest of Asia because said non japanese asians didn't create japanese products or pop-culture & thus don't deserve any apologies or reparations? After all, as long as Japan never challenges America's authority & they keep making more products & pop-culture for the US to enjoy, who cares how the rest of Asia is affected as long as Japan remains the sovereign power in asia?

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

Liv Heide #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

WhiteDeal.NET: A Job-Search Site for Whites

From the founders of WhiteDate.NET comes a new job search site for white freelancers and companies wishing to hire them. WhiteDeal.NET is a new site that is again functioning and ready to help white professionals find jobs, temporary or permanent, with employers who recognize the value of hiring whites.

We first launched WhiteDate.NET in 2019, but in 2021, our U.S.-based server took it down along with another of our sites, WhiteChild.NET, without explanation. Eventually, we determined the cause: Both sites were sabotaged because they offered white solutions to existing problems.

We found a new server (in a safe, non-white country, ironically) but were forced to rebuild the site to accommodate that server’s technical requirements. Now, we are happy to announce both sites are again live and ready for access.

Why we need WhiteDeal.NET

The Western world, including most employers, seems to have become blatantly anti-white. So-called “anti-discrimination” laws have made some employers, wishing to curry favor with our rulers, proudly proclaim their eagerness to hire non-whites. Yet, beneath their protestations is evidence that many, even among those who loudly champion diversity, might might want to hire whites. See, for example, a 2017 article published by the Harvard Business School (HBS) titled, “Minorities Who ‘Whiten’ Job Resumes Get More Interviews.” The study showed that, at least in 2017, the employers in the study preferred applicants who avoided mentioning minority status.

The HBS study suggested that simply by hiding their race, non-whites might improve their job prospects. With WhiteDeal.NET, we are offering an explicit way for white applicants to appeal to employers, white or non-white, who prefer to hire whites.

We live in historic times, and I am pleased to be part of a movement that intends to bring our world back to sanity, a world in which white children can be proud of their heritage, and where criminal minds are kept in check. With new tools like the ones we are producing, we whites will continue to chart our own course, while we let others — in the words of Jared Taylor — “pursue their own destiny,” wherever that leads.

Georgian Southern Nationalist #wingnut #elitist #homophobia #transphobia #racist identitydixie.com

[From "GAXIT! Free Georgia Now"]

After a Kemp victory last November, Georgia’s political future has become clearer[…]It’s now been proven that the Peach State still has enough genuine Georgians to keep an anti-White zealot like Stacey Abrams out of the governorship. Georgia’s monuments largely still stand intact, a new anti-child sex change bill (SB 40) has passed, the “Heartbeat” law has successfully returned, and gun rights have been expanded. On the other hand, long-term demographic issues are not looking great[…]it’s imperative for Georgia to secede before the next gubernatorial election[…]
A major component of a Free Georgia will be ensuring that Southerners (bonafide Georgians) are running and managing the state. Enacting the county unit system in all statewide elections will be critical. This is a topic that has been discussed by the Georgia League of the South and at Identity Dixie but[…]it’s an important step to curtail the carpetbagger-dominated Metro Atlanta[…]
Southern Nationalists could convince a squeamish representative to push for pro-Southern policies. It’s during this period that Southern Nationalist advocates would focus on restoring, and then solidifying, Georgia’s pro-Dixie cultural and social foundation

For starters, one should look at the vast potential of Stone Mountain[…]Largest (currently) monument to the South’s efforts in the War for Southern Independence[…]
We could easily morph whatever remains of the Georgia National Guard into a new “Army of Georgia,” fastened with the old 1956 Georgia flag[…]This new unit would be used for home defense[…]
This brings me to the idea[…]that Georgia is a purple or “non-White” state; thus, the Left would “rebel.” In truth, I could envision a few violent riots in Atlanta, like we saw with “Cop City” but the new “Army of Georgia” would quickly and efficiently remove such threats. Antifa cowards will flee Georgia

Andrew Edwards #elitist #racist independent.co.uk

A Conservative councillor has been suspended after he was allegedly recorded saying "all white men should have a Black slave"

Andrew Edwards, who represents the ward of Haverfordwest on Pembrokeshire County Council, is also claimed to have said black people are "a lower class than us white people"

The Welsh Conservatives confirmed on Thursday that Mr Edwards has been suspended by the party while an investigation is carried out. He has also referred himself to the Public Services Ombudsman

In the recording, first published by news site Nation.Cymru, a man's voice can be heard saying: "Nothing wrong with the skin colour at all

"I think all white men should have a black man as a slave or a black woman as a slave, you know

"It's nothing wrong with skin colour, it is just they're a lower class than us white people, you know."

Other members of the council reportedly identified Mr Edwards as the man speaking after they were sent the audio[…]
In his statement published on Wednesday, Mr Edwards said: "I am aware of such serious allegations being made against me. This is why I have self-referred to the Public Services Ombudsman for an independent evaluation

Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #crackpot #elitist #ableist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "People Who Do Not Eat Meat And/Or Have IQ of Less Than 100 are Untermenschen"]

I state this with any lack of hesitancy or any regret, and I wish to give credit where it is due, for I am not the source of who has come to these revelations

According to vast research and activities we a e involved inz we have concluded that Human beings, irrespective of how good of a racial background they come from, that if they do not have a measurable IQ of at least 100 pts irrespective of Emotional Intelligence, and if they do not eat Meat as their primary diet, that such beings q e absolutely incapable and completely impotent of the mental faculties to think for themselves and make their own decisions without being a follower of someone else

As far as the Meat Eating factor in this, all credit is given to someone by the name of Gatis who is known as “Sv3rige” for having given us this revelation

As far as the IQ factor is concerned, in recent months we have become aware of this fact from a Private Intelligence Source and Scientist in Germany, whom I cannot disclose

Therefore, any emotional quality if lacking an IQ factor of 100, renders those emotions absolutely null and void, i.e. completely worthless, since the Intellectual faculties are lacking under 100 to fuel the fire of correct emotional seating and processing in the Human

This revelation completely renders obsolete the previous common understanding that an IQ of 95 points minimum is required to sustain civilization

Mike Lee #wingnut #elitist #mammon sltrib.com

On the other hand, Sen. Mike Lee has loudly defended Thomas from criticism, calling the Justice a “hero” and saying he has done nothing wrong.

Lee is now attempting to fundraise off the Thomas scandal. Last week, Lee sent a fundraising email titled “Stand with Clarence Thomas.”

“The hypocritical woke Left is at it once again with their latest smear attacks against Justice Clarence Thomas,” the email reads.

The email accuses Thomas’ critics of targeting him because he stands in the way of “advancing their radical agenda” before making his fundraising pitch about protecting the Supreme Court.

“The need to retake the Senate majority and protect the Court from being manipulated, warped, and taken over by radical leftists is greater than ever,” the message says. The email then directs recipients to a landing page where they can show their support for Thomas by providing their cellphone number and email to the Lee campaign. After signing up, users are asked to donate to Lee’s campaign.

Both Lee and [Mitt] Romney have taken campaign donations from Crow. The Texan gave Lee $16,800 for his 2016 and 2022 reelection bids. He kicked in $5,400 to Romney’s 2018 Senate campaign. For his 2012 presidential run, Crow donated $5,000 directly to Romney’s campaign and gave $2.3 million to super PACs that supported his White House bid.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #transphobia #fundie #racist #sexist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Our Ungodly American Constitution"]

Transgenderism was always equality’s final battlefield[…]The idea that the sexes are mutable was an inevitability once we – as a society – subscribed to the ungodly notion that we are all “equal”[…]
The greatest fault of the Constitution is the following: through the amendment and legislative process, the Constitution is grounded in nothing but the collective whims of the majority[…]
God did not make us equals[…]Galatians 3:28[…]verse was referring to equality under the law – specifically the laws of God[…]Those who are not Christians do not enjoy the benefit of this new relationship between God and Christians[…]
Even if it was not the original intention of the majority Christian Founding Fathers[…]Constitution codified equality of good (Christianity) and bad[…]
The next great failure of the Constitution was its lack of codified racial distinctions. The Constitution was written by White Christian men (some Deists) in a time when Europe was the dominant continent[…]The idea of Asian, African, or Indian equality was never considered by the authors[…]
God created physical nations. God intended those nations to remain distinct[…]
Until the 14th Amendment, the Constitution and the Bible largely complemented one another[…]
When the greatest threat to one’s survival is a swift cheetah, God created people who are not sitting around dwelling upon esoteric concepts in a subdued state getting sun burned all day[…]
Jim Crow Laws in the South tried to reconcile the federal Constitution’s “equality under the law” with the God given genetic reality[…]
God given genetic construct of black people makes it more difficult for them to function under White systems of government[…]
Constitutional Republic completely unravels on the altar of equality when it is sacrificed to the emotional appeal and dictates of women

Black Liam #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist twitter.com

I don’t think pregnancy is easy, I just think it’s not as hard as women make it out… Cause like your whole body by design was made to do that shit, just like knives were made to cut it’s not hard for them to do that… It’d be hard for a spoon to cut something, but not a knife

All I’m saying is, if basic life skills like cooking and cleaning are difficult to you, of course pregnancy is gonna be hard… But if you’re not a simple sally you should be just fine… Like I said, knives were made to cut.

Cameron Sexton #fundie #wingnut #elitist tennesseelookout.com

The top Republican in Tennessee’s House called Thursday’s protests over gun violence at the Tennessee Capitol an “insurrection,” drawing comparisons to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, made the comments during an appearance on the Hal Show on 98.7 FM.

“Two of the members, Reps. (Justin) Jones and (Gloria) Johnson, have been very vocal about Jan. 6 in Washington, D.C., about what that was,” Sexton said. “What they did today was at least equivalent, maybe worse, depending on how you look at it, of doing an insurrection in the capitol.”

House Democratic leaders on Friday said Sexton is trying to “change the narrative” and demanded Republicans issue an apology for referring to parents and children who went to the Capitol as “insurrectionists.”

More than a thousand people, including many teenagers, showed up to the Tennessee Capitol calling for lawmakers to address gun violence after six people were killed — including three children — in a mass shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville.

Protesters started their rally in front of the State Capitol at War Memorial Plaza at 8 a.m. They then proceeded to the statehouse shortly afterward, entering in an orderly manner and passing through a security point operated by Tennessee State Troopers.

The demonstrations in Nashville on Thursday were not violent, and the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security said no arrests were made, no use of force incidents were reported and no property was damaged.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist winterwatch.net

Seattle and other left coast cities are influenced and controlled by subvert-and-destroy Vanguard Alinskyites. A key theorem of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.

The documentary shows the salami attack (szalámitaktika) of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a Nazi. This is the tactic used by the Red Vanguard anarcho-tyrants responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.

Anarcho-tyranny combines oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding while simultaneously exhibiting a grotesque paralysis of will to carry out basic public duties, such as public safety and protection.
But this is finally falling on deaf ears as the city turns into a public toilet/cesspool and reaches its breaking point. The plebs (aka “reactionaries”) are losing their tempers. The kakistocracy responsible for this needs to be identified and removed from power by the citizens of Seattle. The Alinskyite political collective supporting this invasion of drugged street people needs to be fiercely opposed.
And as much as I support the idea of liberty, once one lives on the streets, uses hard drugs there and starts an arrest rap sheet, you should be totally ID’ed and under the jurisdiction and direction of police and tough courts.

If not immediately incarcerated, they should be on strict probation as soon as the first conviction – including public civility and intoxication violations. And many of these street people already have criminal records or are violating parole. A warrant check sweep would remove the more dangerous predators of the lot, which benefits safety for the public as well as other street people. The worst 5% should be taken off the streets immediately. Hard drugs use and possession should be re-criminalized. There should be a crack down and imprisonment for the dealers. The nearby McNeil Island penitentiary now sits empty.

John Horvat II #wingnut #elitist #fundie returntoorder.org

People love to attack every type of false elite. Whether it be power, Hollywood, beltway and coastal elites, they all inhabit different swamps and use their influence to gain control. The populists point to these elites as the cause of many problems afflicting the nation. Throw them out! they cry, pitchforks in hand.

Of course, many complaints against these false elites are valid. They abuse their positions and power for their own interest. The decline of elites is part of the general decadence that has descended upon all society

However, the real problem is that the radical populists do not stop at false elites. They insist that all elites be swept away, including authentic and legitimate ones, in the name of “the people.” No elites, they pontificate.

Such a position is irrational. No human group—a family, community, church or nation—can function properly and achieve its goals unless a class of people—the leadership—acts with reason, prudence and dedicated self-sacrifice, providing motivation and direction to the whole. A people bereft of legitimate, devoted and trusted leaders is a children’s crusade. It is a delusion doomed for destruction on the hard and jagged rocks of reality.
If America is a major power in the world today, someone is directing the nation. A hidden network of true elites exists at all levels of society that sustains the present system. Call them what you will—leaders, representative characters, mentors, or movers. These true elites get things done and make decisions that prevent disaster.
This mentality prepares the way for leftists, demagogues, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to fill the void—as seen in the current political scene.
It would be refreshing to imagine those who agree to be models and hold themselves up to moral and cultural standards worthy of imitation. Seeing courtesy, honor and civility once more revered in society would be a relief.

Heartless (“ᛋᛋProud Americelᛋᛋ 卐Racist卐Misogynist卐Degenerate卐”) #racist #sexist #ableist #elitist #psycho incels.is

(In response to ”[LifeFuel] 12 year old foid raped and murdered.”)

Why do news articles always censor the picture:
imageLook at her, those shark teeth, jewess nose, and fetal alcohol syndrome face.... Who the fuck is going to risk their life to rape this. How fucking stupid. I empathize and understand when its someone hot who gets raped, because all men can understand that, but for some foid this ugly to get targeted... Just eww.

barcacel #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

being white-passing is better than being fully white

in this other thread i talked about my plan to become fully white because i'm only white-passing:


but i just realized that maybe being only white-passing is better than being fully white

for example iran

we white-passing are more violent than fully whites, i believe that we keep the same creativity and intelligence of whites IF we have light skin like i do

thanks to only being white-passing we are not cucks like fully white men, fully white men will let millions of immigrants enter their country to ruin it and take their women, we white-passing men wouldn't allow that

FreeNortherner #wingnut #elitist #psycho freenortherner.com

As I’ve noted before, power is the ability to enact one’s will.

Negative freedom is the ability to act according to one’s will without external constraint.

Positive freedom is the ability to act according to one’s will.

A right is a license granted by a higher (not necessarily divine) power to either act according to one’s will or enact ones will within a particular domain.

Notice how similar these definitions are, differing primarily in emphasis.

Freedom is a form of power, and power a form of freedom. Rights are a form of power granted from above.

Any right or freedom is necessarily an exertion of power.

Any right is conditional, and can be taken away by the granter of said right. The assignment of rights is an act of power of the superior upon the inferior.

Granted freedom, whether by court, law, or constitution, is not truly freedom, but a right. It is conditional.

All positive freedoms are necessarily granted, the provision of the ability to act is implied within the definition. Some negative freedoms may be granted, in which case they are not true freedom, merely another right, power bequeathed by the superior. Granted freedoms, freedoms as rights, liberal freedoms, are conditional upon the higher power granting them. They are constrained by that higher power and are therefore not true freedom.

As noted, power comes from, at base, the capacity for violence.

Rights are granted by a higher power with the greater capacity for violence; the superior grants his capacity for violence and his authority to his inferior.

True freedom is a form of power, and, therefore, comes from, at base, a capacity for violence.

True freedom is a reality, not a right.

The reality of whether a person or people has the capacity and will for violence to stay free.

True freedom dies well before any actual impositions on the people. It dies when reality becomes a right, and therefore conditional on a higher power.

Illiberal freedom is the freedom of fact, true freedom.

Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski #elitist #mammon #fundie #conspiracy crooksandliars.com

Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski is going viral, and he has some explaining to do. According to Sen. FuckMuppet, his state should not pass a bill to provide free school breakfast and lunch to children because he's never met any poors.

"I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry," Drazkowski said before voting on the legislation. "I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don't have access to enough food to eat."

"Now, I should say that hunger is a relative term," added Drazkowski. "I had a cereal bar for breakfast. I guess I'm hungry now."

Ohhhhh. Well, there is poverty in Minnesota, and he should know that. It's not hard to Google. Or he could get in his car and drive around to see for himself.

Drazkowski called the bill "pure socialism," adding, "This is about the government dictating to kids what they're going to eat and how much they're going to eat."

Prussian Society of America #elitist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Sooner or Later, The Automaton Issue Will Become More Evident and Inescapable"]

It doesn’t matter what someone says or who they claim to be a as a person

It doesn’t matter what Laws you Create or Change in your Favor

You cannot recondition Automatons or make any good use out of them, unless they are to be used as the Slaves they are, but the problem to begin with is that they are all Energy suckers

They provide no meaningful existence or purpose, and they use other Humans and live vicariously through them

They are very clever imitators however, which makes them able to be highly convincing towards others

The best way to know that someone is an Automaton or even of a Demonic origin is to look out for that Lip-licking or tongue flopping reflex[…]
In the long run, if you want to keep toxic people out of your life, this is the easiest and most simple method to discover who is one of these monsters, always watch the tongue movement provided they are not eating or drinking food or chewing gum

You will notice more and more everywhere in society, no matter which country you live in, that almost all the Human populations have this unnatural reflex, and you will automatically know that these people are liars and frauds, and are toxic garbage[…]
When you become aware of just how numerous these creatures are, you will become absolutely disgusted by it. You will also see them in your own families or among people you work with

What’s worse, is many Automatons have also come to believe that they can call out “other Automatons” as if they are not one themselves

Corey Daniels #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger newamericangovernment.org

Corruption: the Achilles’ heel of all governments
All governments from democracies to socialist states are susceptible to corruption via bribes. In America and most other countries around the world there is a system of institutionalized bribery. In America, we are lucky that we have a lot less than many countries but we still have it, more concentrated at the higher levels than in many other governments.
Corruption is prevented in Randviscracy via randomly selected panels. Any decision or appointment can be contested and reviewed. Legal costs are paid by the contestor unless corruption is discovered, in which fines of the corrupt persons/entities will pay the legal costs of the contestor, their own legal fees and the costs incurred by the state, in addition to other penalties/fines.

Randviscracy is a form of government which makes extensive use of randomly selected panels for decision making. The use of randomization in governments is ancient, the Athenians used a device called a kleroterion to randomly select government representatives in a lottery system. Randviscracy takes the process much farther in that for each decision a new panel of randomly selected experts is selected. Selection is based on experience and IQ level to ensure that the panels are composed of smart and knowledgeable people. This gets to the essence of what ideal government representatives would be: intelligent, incorruptible and knowledgeable.
It would be important to keep the pool of experts and selected members a secret. In this way, people who wanted to bribe officials in the government would not even know whom to bribe. Again, as extra protection have independent panels to check the selection process on a random basis to verify integrity. These processes will help ensure there is minimal corruption, which is most government’s greatest weakness.

EMPRESS #moonbat #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #elitist nfomation.net

I fully stand with J.K.Rowling as countless women who did, because most men are just dying out of jealousy of us and want to take a piece of the cake too. Even if it comes out corrupted, broken and completely ruined. And this is something only "REAL WOMEN" would understand, because we women are the ones that is getting damaged & stolen from, so we are hurt the most by it.

Aa a result of the rise of this new WOKE movement, society now made every man today is always either a sissy bitch or misogynistic motherfucker, nothing in-between.

"THE WOKE SYSTEM" of today runs with and "claims" that it mainly wants "fairness, justice, equality and total freedom". But then ... when someone with views against trans and tries to express themselves today, they are treated as GARBAGE and fired/banned from wherever they are, is a clear sign of huge "Contradiction".

This is neither equality nor freedom. This is SLAVERY because you are "FORCING" ideas and thoughts on people or else they are ATTACKED & SILENCED.

This "Freedom" is just 1 sided and those BITCHES have taken the "Actual" freedom out of all normal people away, and is forcing everyone to either forcefully accept this NONSENSE, or just swallow their thoughts and keep shut regardless.


J.K.Rowling spoke about this publicly and thus got hated for it. The funniest thing is that the fact most of the bitches whom are hating is just following the "HATE TRAIN". They absolutely have no fucking idea "What" they are actually defending, what it means, and if it's right or wrong whatsoever. You are all just following the hordes like PIGS. You REALLY thought by adding "phobic" at the end of your fuckery is going to turn it into some of "Weapon"?

NO BITCH, it just turns YOU into a FAG! (laughing)

You are all mostly "sissy men" who just couldn't accept being inferior to women, so you went into a trip to realize that **in the end** there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do about it. And NOW you are neither a man nor a woman, you have completely lost your identity, and now you are just a "unidentifiable freak" that is fucking disgusting. Good job, FAGGOTS.

... Fag, Faggotry, Faggots! ... oh god, I love english <3

Sheogorath #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #sexist incels.is

we should ban all uncircumcised guys from this site, they can't be involuntarily celibate because foreskin is a built-in pussy 4 men 2 ascend with

Seriously, the only guys who understand TRUE sexual frustration are circumcised guys like me with thousands of sensitive nerve cells amputated from birth with insensitive glans with keratinized skin who barely feel anything.

You guys with your mobile sheaths intact literally have a vagina attached to your cock already and when you fap you're basically fucking a built-in vagina.

When I fap it's just uncomfortable. There's nothing to move around. It's just like tightness and scar tissue.

Jews, specifically the rabbinists, created inceldom. Inceldom never existed until the Rabbinists invented circumcision in 600AD.

Prior to this 100% of men had their foreskins and never pined to ascend with women as they do today since foreskin sheaths are built-in onahole vaginas you fuck whenever you fap.

If they ever hand out free wives, the circumcised men should get the first wives and the uncircumcised men should only get some if there are extras. Also you should get the wives with the loosest pussies since you didn't lose girth by having your penis flayed.

an intact guy fapping is basically equivalent to an amputated guy fucking a pussy

whereas if you are intact and fucking a pussy it's like you're fucking TWO pussies, you get exponential pussy amplification action this way

intact guys ascending is the true bliss which amputated guys will never experience, so we can never truly ascend even if we do fuck a pussy

circumcised guys are 100% truecels even if they fuck a thousand pussies because they never get that double pussy action

barcacel #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist incels.is

Why whites are more intelligent than east asians and how you can become white if you are east asian

i explain here that whites have more empathy and more individualism than east asians and that is why they created better civilizations:

why hapa children develop no affective empathy, explained using an study

east asians have bigger and faster brains than whites (southeast asians don't), but as i explain above whites have a better personality that gives them better ideas, this is why whites have always been more technologically advanced than east asians and east asians never had civilizations that were more economically better (20-50 years ago 50 percent of china was poor)

there are more white billionaires than east asians, while there are more east asians in the planet.

in my opinion this shows that whites are 1.5x better at creating wealth, technologies and civilizations

now i will explain you how to become white:

we will have reverse aging and slow aging technologies in some years, so no-one below 60-50 today will die of old age:

in 2032 we will have non-sentient female android robots and in 2052 we will be able to reverse aging. Ray Kurzweil.

now you know you won't die of old age and you can wait until some technology comes out to change your body and brain to become white

but you can say "but we east asians created anime", the japanese look hapa, i believe that you guys created it because you guys are deeper into the behavioral sink, so i don't think it is related to your brain being different.

maybe if you are japanese you should stay the way you are, they seem so special.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #elitist pepelivesmatter.substack.com

A person can only handle witnessing such heinous levels of corruption day in and day out for so long without becoming utterly fatigued and weary. The cry of justice only grows as you witness firsthand the evil that Babylon fosters and encourages.

There are few who know and are as acquainted with the reality of evil as the anon/independent journalist during this period of time.

Every pillar of that corruption has been systematically exposed like we've never seen before. Day in and day out, we watch and dwell on that reality. How easy it is to feel despair if this is all we know. It was far worse than any of us ever could have imagined.

How is the anon supposed to feel when everything on the outside seems to be saying that these giants cannot be removed in our time?

Without God, they would have every reason to believe there is no chance and maybe that is the point...

Babylon is so all-encompassing that only a miracle can truly deliver the world from her clutches.

Perhaps you are supposed to understand deeply. God woke you up for a reason, didn't he?

As many walk around ignorant as sheep, you behold the truth.

But a system of evil is only one truth, a fading one at that.

And when the truth of God's victory is put on display before all creation.

Will you not be filled with unspeakable joy?

You sowed your blood, sweat, faith, and tears.

None of that goes without God noticing and hearing.

You are given the honor of being awake in this generation and, although the burden may feel heavy at times, it is a beautiful privilege.

And when the towers of Babylon collapse before your very eyes, no one will be able to take away your joy as you look with awe at what God has done.

You'll know in that moment that all the heartache was worth it, just to get to that moment of finality.

You were witness to Babylon's deep corruption and God's power and ability to throw it all down in the blink of an eye.

God's utter triumph over unthinkable evil will be permanently etched into your soul.

Retardinator & subhuman #elitist #racist incels.is

There's no german kids in germany anymore

I very rarely see young german kids anymore. Like 90% of all kids I see are ethnics. Turks, arabs, nigs, currys and whatever else.
And the rare time I see a white kid, it's a slav.

Just now in the Bus I saw a blonde and blue eyed girl that's probably around 8 or 9. I saw her with her blonde mother. So I thought "maybe it's not completely fucked". Then they started speaking russian.

Germans are an endangered species. The krauts themselves don't even care. Most young german foids in my class complain about racism and muh white privilige and vote for the greens. And most males are cucks too.

If you visit any large german city, you would not even know which country you are in. Full of ethnics and degenerates. And not even german flags. I never see those anywhere.

Just pride flags and ukranian flags

Good. Fuck Germans. Let them die out and get replaced with literal human garbage

Germans were at least better then anglos, french and slavs

Hitler himself admitted all the good Germans died in southern Russia. What’s left is the dregs of their gene pool and the rapebabies of all sorts of genetic trash from the Soviet Union. It was over 80 years ago. This is the inevitable consequence. Should’ve just given Germany to Poland tbh


Aren't you ethnic yourself?

Only half. And I'm white and have a german name.

I fucking hate my ethnic side fully

Ann Coulter #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

What do we do about the drug cartels?

The Wall. The Wall solves so… Every problem in America gets easier with a wall. Every single problem. Race relations, poor people, bringing manufacturing back, everything gets easier when you solve immigration, because you don't have this. We don't need an extra problem to deal with and extra poor people we have to pay for, but the drug problem that's 100% a function of not having a wall.

Is it funded by the CCP?

Chinese used to send the precursor chemicals, but it was inefficient.

it is not coming from China. Meth is being made in Mexico. The opiods, it is all coming from Mexico.

They'll say, "Oh, but it's not all Mexicans, some of them are American citizens," yeah, they're anchor babies. It is an all-Mexican operation.

I've been thinking of it as a, like, just a continuation of the drug war, the Opium Wars.

it is Opium Wars, but it is Americans against Americans. The same people who don't want a wall, there is a crazy left… I'm not talking about all Democrats, many liberals are my best friends, not talking about all liberals at all, but there is an element of the left that just hates this country and they're fine with Americans dying of opioids. They are fine with a hundred thousand Americans dying from drugs every year.

These people also paradoxically don't even know what life outside of the United States is. They think the United States is evil, racist and with all those problems with cops, and they have no idea, they've never been to these other countries. Because if you go to these other countries, you're like, wow, America is pretty nice, how good we have it.

Do you think that Mexico poses enough of a threat to American lives to be worth invading at any point?

It wouldn't be necessary if we built the Wall, but yes, to take out the cartels. I mean, it's certainly more of a threat to us than the Ukraine right and we sent a ton of money shipping goods and resources to Ukraine, why wouldn't we just spend that money on the Wall?

RuudVanNistelrooy #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #magick #ufo incels.is

Genetics are important even in occult circles, only not for bluepillers

Secret societies tend to contain concentrations of specific bloodlines, particularly those bloodlines that have a greater portion of off-world genetics, meaning those with closer genetic ties to alien factions. This is because genetics and soul tend to correspond and influence each other, and genetics also influence one’s probability trajectory (morphogenetic destiny). It is why presidents have strong concentrations of royal blood.

Swagpilled, Zhou Chang-Xing & sneed (not chuck) #elitist #racist incels.is

Black People have no history

In their entire history. American natives and africans have accomplished absolutely nothing until the white man came and claimed their country for themselves.

Yet I am supposed to "embrace african culture" and "black history". what is there to embrace?

my shitty little town has more history than most african countries, excluding history there that was created by whites


even on the wikipedia page for "black history" most of the history is about ancient egypt and roman north africa. Both of which can't really be considered "black" by today's standards.

(Zhou Chang-Xing)
Yeah, there are more 1000 year old buildings in the village where I used to live than in the entirety of Sub-Saharan Africa.

The migration of tribes from Borneo to Madagascar is what brought the iron age to Black Africa.

Let that sink in, primitive jungle tribes all the way from Borneo went to Madagascar, colonised it, and then it still took CENTURIES for the Black people who can literally see Madagascar from their coast to reach the island, meet these jungle people and are taught how to make basic tools by them, this then inspired a revolution that spread across Black Africa.

When even the biggest losers of Gookistan are outperforming you you have an issue.

(sneed (not chuck))

we curries have a ton of historical monuments and shit, but here we are still a shithole because of our crap genetics. We are even lower than niggers.

Currys are not lower than niggers.
In the ancient world, Indians brought us: Chess, yoga, Sanskrit, binary system, and fucking cotton cultivation
In the modern world, indians brought us: plastic surgery, USB, fiber optics, and Java programming.



Look how brutally MOGGED blacks are. The page for Indian inventions goes on forever. THERE IS NO PAGE FOR AFRICAN INVENTIONS. The only African countries worth mentioning are Egypt (which wasn't inhabited by blacks) and South Africa (where the list of inventions is by WHITES). LOOK AT THIS BRUTAL WIKIPEDIA MOGGING.

spuriusbrocoli #sexist #elitist spuriusbrocoli.tumblr.com

(Note: this person is a bisexual man.)

a straight girl will date anything vaguely male-shaped so long as its as cis and het as she is. istfg you could line up the handsomest butches who could eat her pussy for days or the most genteel bi boys who could top her from wall to wall of her tacky apartment, and she’ll still choose her broke, ugly trogolodyte boyfriend who thinks staring at her tits is foreplay and humping vaguely in her direction will get her to cum bc gay men are meant only to compliment her tasteless dress over brunch and lesbians are gross.

Clif High #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #elitist clifhigh.substack.com

Though dangerous, NormieLand is fascinating.

NormieLand may also be captivating, in the true sense of that word. Caution should be exercised by obsessive personality beings when exploring NormieLand lest they become entranced and entrained to its charms and rhythms never to recover their original Lifepath. Earth’s NormieLand is a CAA (controlled access area) with very good reason.
The danger arises as the Normies have many, silent, sub-conscious, sub-aware, body centered, channels of communications. As with all herd animals, Normies are both individual beings, as well as integral parts of a larger, much more complex Life Structure.

The Life Structure of a Normie Herd has very heightened awareness over the individual Normie’s ability to sense dangers, and thus react to protect both itself, and the larger Normie Herd Entity. The awareness thresholds of the Normie Herd are not spread evenly over the individuals that compose the Herd. Nature bestows very much heightened awareness levels on some small percentage of individuals scattered throughout the Herd as a mechanism for Herd protection. The protection offered from the Herd Sensitivity being shared by selected individuals within the Herd provides a very effective long range sensor for danger capacity to the Herd that crosses both distance, and time.
At this Time, here on Earth, amongst the Normie Herds, the Exploring Visitors will encounter a heightened, and rising level of emotional tension taking over the Herd. Nearly all of the outliers, the nutters, the shunned, the ostracized, the human sensors, are all pushed to their extreme limits of function. This tension state is expected to cross a rising threshold within mere months, perhaps only weeks.
Please note that there are those Celestial Guides who are saying that this particular Birthing, of this New NormieLand may be the largest upleveling of the Normie Herd for this entire Great Year (over 25,000 annular solar years).

Anon[241] #sexist #elitist unz.com

Every time you see an expose of alleged pedophilia it turns out to be a teenage girl voluntarily prostituting herself.

There is a class element here, low class girls from chaotic families are unchaste and men from all classes can take advantage of that. The solution is for low class families to put down the meth, stop cheating on one another, stop divorcing, and actually discipline their children for once in their lives. It’s not to join the white trash conspiracy theorist goon march that seeks to blame everyone but them for their daughters being sluts.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Vladimir Putin didn't triple your gas prices.

@DrPaulGosar He also doesn't confiscate 50% of my income in "taxes" to redistribute to lazy ass slugs that will not work themselves!

@DrPaulGosar White supremacists didn't triple your gas prices.

@DrPaulGosar Ukraine has caused most our problems. Democrats trying to hide their bio labs and money laundering schemes there

@DrPaulGosar Sometimes...I think the US Government is my enemy and wants to harm me.....No..just kidding...I always think that

@DrPaulGosar Nope. The retard in the White House did. 👍

@DrPaulGosar Why are the only representatives that give a crap about the January 6th detainees, yourself and MTG? Where the hell are the other Republicans? Are they all compromised?

@DrPaulGosar The Pedo Fake President and his boy Buckwheat in the basement did.

@DrPaulGosar I would swap out OUR current so-called president for Putin in a heartbeat!

Feynman & Coulter's Love Child #elitist #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ProfSmithSask - Any Prime Minister who doesn't answer with "free pizza laced with rat poison" doesn't care enough about the future"]

Far-left moron Charles Smith posted a child's "letter to the Prime Minister"[…]

spoilerJonah Smith's letter

If Jonah thinks "everyone should have a home" that's all fun and good. But how do they get it? If you guessed[…]"steal more taxes from the people who made the smart choices that resulted in having a home", you would of course be correct

The notion that "owning a home is good and therefore people should own homes" of course caused a global financial meltdown 15 years ago: the belief that just putting niggers into houses would cause a Shangri-La where they became productive members of a compassionate society turned out to not only be wrong[…]
The Smith/Simons method of throwing tax money turns out not to have worked. Remember when the City of Edmonton had a plan to finally creatively and intelligently use government overreach to cure homelessness within the decade?[…]
The same people who claimed to have the solutions last time think that they just didn't solution enough[…]
Instead of constantly helping, try actively harming. Being homeless has a lot of downside and some upside, and even the most drug addled nutty injun sleeping on the sidewalk probably sees some advantage to not pumping himself full of meth and spasming in pain and hunger underneath a tree in -30. However, clearly this disparity isn't enough.

And the first thing a Prime Minister can do about it is stop providing them resources[…]
Because rat poison is getting expensive, and Superstore has stopped selling those $7 (formerly $6) pizzas

Vladimir Solovyov #crackpot #elitist #fundie #god-complex #psycho #wingnut pravda.com.ua

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has called on Russians not to be afraid of death, saying that "life is highly overrated" and death is inevitable anyway.

Source: Solovyov on his programme on Rossiya 1 [a Russian state-owned television channel – ed.]

Quote: "Life is highly overrated. Why fear what is inevitable? Especially when we’re going to heaven. Death is the end of one earthly path and the beginning of another. But to fear it, and let it influence your decisions..."

Details: The guests on the TV show supported Solovyov, saying that previously Russians had lived from day to day, but now they have an "intangible dream, a higher goal".

According to the propagandist, "it's only worth living for something you can die for, and that's how it should be."

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