
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia tfp.org

Achieving Christendom Is America’s Best Chance at Overthrowing Abortion, LGBT Reign of Terror

Christendom Is the Solution for the Emptiness of our Nihilistic Society
Grave moral problems are tearing the country apart. For many, this is apparent in the form of broken homes, procured abortion, shattered communities and lost Faith.

Many people get it right when pointing out the problems. However, they get it wrong when looking for solutions.

Some get it wrong because they look for solutions that address symptoms, not causes. Others search for a way out that involves the least possible effort. In these politically correct times, people are told not to offend anyone by their proposals. Thus, they automatically exclude the only real solution, which is a return to Christendom. They are willing to consider any other solution, no matter how absurd or improbable—anything but Christendom.

Christendom! It may seem shocking since its days seem long past. We are supposed to be in a post-Christian era. However, the urgency of our times call for it. We need a Christian civilization if we are going to overcome the present crisis. It needs to be at least considered.

A Rejected Proposal

Because our problems are moral, our solutions must also be moral. The rich treasury of Western thought and traditional Church teaching prove that the natural law and Christian morality are the norms that are best suited to our human and social nature. We find our greatest happiness inside institutions and social structures that take us to the end for which we are created—God.

Thus, we should naturally tend to favor Christendom. Everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, finds the best conditions for prospering inside a family of nations that facilitates virtue and promotes social harmony in this vale of tears.

But everyone avoids this conclusion. We have long been conditioned to reject this line of thought. This Anything But Christendom (ABC) Syndrome curiously applies alike to the political left, right and center. It embraces both secular and religious America. The most rigid tyranny bars anyone from thinking outside the materialistic box.

The ABC Syndrome and the Political Spectrum

Each political sector has its reasons for denying Christendom. For radical liberals, the ABC Syndrome makes sense. They resent any moral limits to their acts and do not care if there are harmful consequences. Individual pleasure reigns supreme regardless of self-destruction or the death of babies. Thus, a Christian moral code represents an unbearable restriction on their desires to do, think and be whatever they want. Their variant of the ABC Syndrome is to allow Everything But Christendom. Use any letter of the LGBTQ+ alphabet, but never use C for Christendom.

Those on the right have a different approach. We find Christians who truly desire a Ten-Commandment-based moral code, for example. However, they dare not propose Christian morality because the people and media who oppose it appear to be numerous. For them, it has no chance of winning. Thus, they subscribe to the Anything But Christendom approach on how society should be run. Every concession must be made to accommodate others who refuse to accommodate them. Christians dance around all the issues touching on Christendom, but no one dares say the word.

And then there are the radical moderates who want to appear non-radical. In their radicalism, these extremists purge all moral references from the debate. They prefer to tweak the status quo, hoping to avoid the Christendom issue altogether. As society falls apart, this effort proves elusive and ineffective.

Imposing the Christian Will Upon Others

Three main fallacies are used to justify the ABC Syndrome. The first is the mistaken belief that proposing Christendom imposes the Faith on non-believers.

Liberals think that establishing any moral limits means imposing Christianity on others. And yet they have no qualms whatsoever with imposing their anti-Christian will on Christians, on Christian feast days such as Christmas, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. They have no scruples about stuffing a Drag Queen Story Hour world of perversion down the throats of society, despite protests from concerned parents.

Christians cannot impose their Faith on those who do not believe because Faith is a gift from God. It cannot, by its nature, be imposed. However, Christians can and should enact reasonable laws based on the natural law that call for moral restraint to form a just and harmonious society.

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

Since Aristotle, moralists taught that this natural law is valid for all times, places and peoples. By advocating such moral limits in the law, Christians merely obey the nature of all law, which restricts what individuals might do for the sake of the higher common good.

In proposing Christendom, we are not imposing but returning to an order that conforms to our human nature and which favors our development and sanctification. In submitting their Everything But Christianity agenda, the left imposes on society a destructive system that brings it to ruin.

Hopelessly Outdated

The second fallacy is that Christendom is so far removed from society’s current state that it is impractical to propose it. The Christian agenda is hopelessly outdated for postmodern times, it is falsely claimed.

There is nothing more outdated than today’s anti-Christian agenda. As Catholic thinker Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira notes, there is nothing new about divorce, procured abortion, nudity, and moral depravity. Most “modern” proposals are merely recycled pagan vices from antiquity. Moreover, what could be more foreign to our American Christian heritage than the sudden appearance of transgenderism or the current mainstreaming of Satanic movements?

Indeed, most Americans identify with a return to our Christian roots. They have problems adjusting to the latest barbarisms proposed by a neo-pagan culture. The debate should not be centered on the age of the ideas proposed but their merits. The automatic exclusion of ideas because some claim they are outdated is foolish and wrong. The only thing that matters is if they are true or false.

A Long Time Frame

Finally, there is the fallacy that it is impossible to change society quickly, especially when most people seem to subscribe to the opposite of a Christian civilization. At best, a Christian restoration is a futile effort, they erroneously claim.

Again this argument sidesteps the merits of ideas. It focuses on the practicality of implementing them. However, this fallacy is as flawed as the other two.

Captivating ideas like homeschooling, for example, have drastically changed individuals and families in a short time. As the last elections have proven, voters will change their positions when convinced of the need to change.

Societies, too, can quickly and radically change. Consider the Sexual Revolution. Within the space of a decade, the sixties radically changed the mores, fashions and manners of that generation and all those that followed. Most people in the fifties were not hippies, but many adopted hippie ways in the seventies as these became mainstream.

The history of the Church is full of fervent missionary efforts in which whole peoples, burdened by their paganism, were quickly converted to the Faith by the efforts of men and the action of grace. These peoples changed their lives wholesale, adopting Christian ways in a short time.

People change their ways when times are empty, and ideas are exhausted. Indeed, it is in times like ours that grand ideas like Christendom have their greatest appeal.

Where Christ Is King

Thus, the time is ripe to debate Christendom. It should be done openly, unapologetically and enthusiastically. Many do not know what Christendom is. Indeed, the ABC Syndrome represents old liberal prejudices that distort the true nature of a Christian society. For too long, our shallow, materialistic society has suppressed the notions of wonder, sublime, and the sacred that correspond to the deepest desires of the human soul.

By engaging in the debate over Christendom, we address the emptiness of our nihilistic society that finds no meaning or purpose in life.

Above all, the failure to debate Christendom is fatal since it means the continued descent into an anti-Christendom of anarchy and unrestraint. This anti-regime is already seen in the dark yearnings of Antifa, anarchists and Satanic movements that call for a world without morality. They advocate the destruction of our nation and the persecution of those who keep the Faith.

Science Confirms: Angels Took the House of Our Lady of Nazareth to Loreto
These topics need to be discussed. We should not be afraid to proclaim our desire to see Christ as King. Numerous popes have described this Christian society as one that affirms the social Kingship of Christ. In his encyclical Quas Primas, Pius XI says that “Once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will, at last, receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

Only Christendom can be a truly just society for all.

Ethan Huff #transphobia #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Who’s worse? LGBTQP pushers who want to mutilate the genitals of children, or vaccine pushers who want to cause brain damage and death?

In case you missed it, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently sat down with the producers of the new Vaxxed2: The People’s Truth vaccine documentary to talk about the epidemic of vaccine injuries that’s sweeping our nation. And after watching or listening to what they have to say, you might ask yourself, Who’s worse for society, LGBTQP lunatics who want to turn all of our children “trans,” or vaccine industry propagandists who want to force chemical syringes on our precious little ones essentially at gunpoint?

As the official narrative goes, vaccines are the most awesome public health invention pretty much ever, which somehow means that everyone must be forced by the government to get them because they’re simply wonderful. The science is settled, we’re all repeatedly told, so there’s no room for “my body, my choice” when it comes to vaccination programs that aim for total societal compliance.

But the truth of the matter is that vaccines are risky, to say the least. Not only that, but they don’t actually work, in many cases, and cause more harm than good. Vaccines are also responsible for causing many of the recent outbreaks of measles and whooping cough (pertussis) that we’ve been hearing about in the news, further demonstrating that vaccines are not the “miracle” medicine that the pharmaceutical lobby claims them to be.

This is why Vaxxed2 was created, by the way: To tell those with ears to hear the ugly truth about vaccines that health “authorities” refuse to disclose. Vaccines are not safe and effective, nor are they miraculous at accomplishing anything other than furthering the eugenics agenda of harming and destroying the next generation of youth.

“I have never seen so much death,” says Polly Tommey, the executive producer of Vaxxed2, about the tragedies she’s encountered while touring America as part of the film’s production.

“At every single stop we had at least one dead baby, a Gardasil death, paralysis from the waist downwards, untold damage. Vaccines are killing of America, that is what the people of America will tell you that vaccinated” themselves or their children, she adds.

“When you look into the eyes of parents whose children are brain-damaged like mine, or dead from a vaccine, their soul is broken, it’s ripped from them, it is the most painful – you can feel it as they come towards you – the pain. But when an unvaccinated family with beautiful, healthy children come towards you, you see joy and light and love, everything is great in their eyes.”
One thing to keep in mind when it comes to vaccination is the fact that vaccines are untested chemical cocktails that, if you read the fine print in vaccine inserts, are really no different than the cross-sex and gender-bender hormone drugs routinely administered to today’s LGBTQP-confused youth.

“If you look across the whole range, you’ve got 72 shots given to a child up until the age of 18 … you’ve got multiple shots going in at their well-baby clinic visit, so you’ve got multiple shots, none of which have had a safety study on this whole group going into a child at the same child at the same time, not one single safety study,” warns Jonathan Tommey, another of Vaxxed2‘s creators.

“So, this 1986 Act (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) that was passed by (Ronald) Reagan in government giving no liability to the manufacturer of vaccines is a criminal offense to the American public,” he adds.

4411WH07RY #transphobia #pratt reddit.com

Here's my favorite argument against transitioning:
It's the only version of dysmorphia that we treat by submitting to the the dysmorphia.
Anorexia, "Bigorexia", Alien Hand Syndrome, psychosis in general: psychological treatment to help match the mental model to reality
Transgender: hack your dick off and eat these hormones

Josh Hammer & Kyle Duncan #transphobia nationalreview.com

The Fifth Circuit Rejects the Lie of Transgender Pronouns

A victory for biological truth, and for linguistic truth

Cultural progressives, who reject the very humanity of unborn children but confidently assure us that there are upward of 70 distinct genders, tend to have an uneasy relationship with the truth. And the proliferation of transgender pronouns — the use of biologically inaccurate pronouns to describe those afflicted with gender dysphoria — is among the more pernicious tools in the broader arsenal that progressives use to have us question that truth.

Earlier this month, in U.S. v. Varner, a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit boldly refused to appease those who would muddle truth. Over the dissent of a Clinton-nominated judge who used female pronouns in his opinion to refer to the biologically male defendant, the majority refused to subordinate the integrity of the judiciary to a litigant who had moved to require the court to address him as something other than what plain English would indicate he is. In so doing, the Fifth Circuit panel has provided a roadmap for how public officials interested in preserving the commonality and vitality of the English language can resist contemporary progressivism’s attempts to obfuscate truth through the propagation of biologically inaccurate and linguistically imprecise transgender pronouns.

Writing for the Varner majority, Trump-nominated judge Kyle Duncan first observed that “no authority supports the proposition that we may require litigants, judges, court personnel, or anyone else to refer to gender-dysphoric litigants with pronouns matching their subjective gender identity.” Second, because “federal courts today are asked to decide cases that turn on hotly-debated issues of sex and gender identity,” Judge Duncan feared that the court’s use of subjectively felt but biologically inaccurate pronouns would “unintentionally convey” a “tacit approval of the litigant’s underlying legal position.” Third, referring to “Pronouns—a How To Guide,” a colorful five-column-by-nine-row matrix from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Duncan argued that “deploying such neologisms” could “well turn out to be more complex than at first it might appear” and could “could hinder communication among the parties and the court.”

Ultimately, the panel majority logically “declined to enlist the federal judiciary in this quixotic undertaking.” Duncan’s courageous refusal to engage in it amounts, in progressive parlance, to “deadnaming” or “misgendering.” For transgender activists and the rest of the “woke” mob, such rogue behavior is akin to malicious aggression. But it is reflective of both the biological truth that sex is immutable and the linguistic truth that, for a language to remain viable, words must have readily discernible meanings.

To capitulate to the Pandora’s box of transgender pronouns is to pretend that, exceedingly rare intersex exceptions aside, there is more to sexual differentiation than the duality of chromosomal male and chromosomal female. To yield to the soft tyranny of transgender pronouns is to pretend that gender dysphoria is an anodyne lifestyle on which societal legitimacy should be conferred, not a psychological malady requiring compassion and psychological treatment. It is to act as if simple words that have meant the same thing for centuries can change their meanings overnight without ruinous consequence for the language’s durability. It is to encourage the premature sexualization of children and accede to often irreversible tampering of their hormones. It is to undermine the ancient Hippocratic oath: “First, do no harm.” Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, maintains that to encourage “surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”

To be complicit in the legitimization of transgender pronouns is, in short, to assist the mainstreaming of a destructive lie. In warping our language to promote the lie, we hinder our ability to stand athwart its corrosive effects. The precise use and ubiquitous acceptance of words is a necessary precondition for the survival of a common language; that is doubly true when the words at issue are not abstruse but function as basic means by which we distinguish between the two sexes. True, Antonin Scalia once warned that “words change meaning, and often in unpredictable ways.” But surely that dynamic cannot apply to rudimentary linguistic building blocks such as pronouns.

Let us state the obvious: A man remains today a man, and a woman remains today a woman. To pretend otherwise, however well intended the obfuscator may be, is a lie against human nature and leading already to the Orwellian “gender transitioning” of innocent preteens.

The Fifth Circuit has blazed a trail for public officials who would seek to defend biological and linguistic truth against the relativists. It is crucial that other judges and politicians alike now follow Judge Duncan’s lead. Nothing less than truth itself is at stake.

Stern #transphobia feministcurrent.com

I've had this thought myself, too. I was wondering which side I would rather fight with in the long run - the party that wants to take my rights as a woman, or the party that will define the idea of 'woman' out of existence. The former is looking better and better the more the latter talks.

Never, EVER thought I'd say that. I'd rather elect a republican and fight for my right to abortion than fight with a democrat on the definition of woman. At least a republican knows what one is.

symmplicity and WisdomEncouraged #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

I TRIED to broach the subject of ALL the HIGHLY masculine women in the WTA, Women's Tennis Association, but I got booted off a Tennis forum for even mentioning it.

Even on a reddit Tennis sub-forum, I was either ignored, ridiculed or had my sanity questioned.

The what can't be denied, like how almost EVERY male cop has a small head and no neck, but the how and why is apparently way too taboo of a subject.


all you have to do is look at the badges that sheriffs and cops wear, it's either a pentagram or a heaxagram and they have the pedo spiral right on it


Well, the rumor on the street is that LEO's are secret Freemasons.

And with all the INCREDIBLE amount of secrecy that surrounds those people, in their ODDLY windowless temples, you really HAVE to wonder, what ARE they trying SO hard to hide?

P.S. The Freemason lodge in my town, which is typically windowless, is right next to a public children's playground.

So IF the secret they hide so intently/intensely is a disgusting and reprehensible pedo tendency, it would sure explain why it's located there. (YIKES)

symmplicity, WisdomEncouraged and Tabitha88888888 #transphobia #conspiracy #ufo reddit.com

Well, it appears that MOST men have the physiology of a female, so short necks,

small heads, short arms and torso, etc.

And the same is true of women with their large heads, long necks, wide shoulders,

long arms, etc.

Apparently they start out, in their beginning, as one gender and then, in some

mysterious way, they end up being the opposite gender.

Why is really just speculation at this point.


in utero transgender. I'm just speculating, but i'm pretty sure it would take 1 correctly timed injection to invert the fetus. all the doctor has to do is tell the woman she's low on some vitamin and give an injection and what do you know, she gives birth to a freemartin and doesn't even know it


Most people are slow, but when TPTB whether in entertainment or elsewhere are doing something and don't want to hide it anymore they have to introduce it. Act like it's new, per the average person's programming, they introduce it. Sometimes they will shelve it and reintroduce it until they get people to accept. Then once it's out they have been doing it all along, whatever it is, by that time the programmed and well trained populace won't care and even defend it and whoever is involved.

Trans...Hhmm....won't be long now before a poster child celebrity is introduced and a few others for good measure and the populace will jump up on cue and go,"So what! We love them and you're just transphobic! Who cares! We don't care! Doesn't matter if it was 30,40,50 yrs ago, they had to hide because of bigots like you! Waaah! GGrrr!" Completely missing the implications and shouting down anyone who doesn't. It's done all the time with many different things. If you're hip to it one key word you will always see in the beginning is conspiracy, or the other 'C' crazy.

Remember when you were a Nutter if you believed that there were such things as aliens ancient or otherwise and they had or could visit? Check out science today. Nothing exists or can be done until They tell you it can. LOL


excellent point. This is why predictive programming is so dangerous, it's highly effective. There's a fantastic book about the concept of revelation of the method, called "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare."

also, aliens are not from outer space fantasy land, they're just interdimensional beings (aka demons).

Wagiecel #transphobia incels.is

[Discussion] Why Trannies need to attack us

Eunuchs were men who had their balls cut off to serve the King.

They're not common in Europe where Kings usually had one wife. However they were common in big empires (China, Middle East, Ottomans, India etc) where the king had a harem of concubines to fuck so they could bear as many sons as possible. Gotta make sure succession goes smoothly you know.

The kings being much less retarded than now knew that females cannot be trusted no matter what they say. Therefore they make only eunuchs be able to serve in the harem, courts etc so there's no chance the kings will get cucked by them.

Another thing about eunuchs is nobody likes them. They can't go anywhere else outside the palace area coz they are freaks with no balls. In the palace, everyone sees them as sleazy opportunists who were only there coz they were willing to castrate themselves. Basically their fate lies with the King and thus have reason to be loyal to him

Its funny coz a lot of people think the practice of creating and using eunchs was barbaric. Yet look at today! We have people willingly cutting their balls off for no reason! Unlike before we don't use eunuchs anymore so these guys are castrating themselves with no purpose! At least eunuchs had a purpose and if you were really a scheming asshole, you could become almost as powerful as the king since you knew all the secrets of the empire. Trannies however will never get that.

Guess its time for Trannies to start plotting to bring back Monarchy (with harems of course) huh?

No wonder trannies spend so much times attacking Incels. They got to have someone else to hate on (as well as an actual purpose) otherwise just like the past, they'll be ones hated on the most. Except now with no purpose.

based_meme #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[Discussion] What Is The End Game?

Western civilization is deteriorating. In a few generations we will reach levels of soy and degeneracy that will be unprecedented. The culture is rapidly changing, and it's showing no signs of getting better.

Girls as young as 13 are having dozens of sexual partners. A triple digit body count by the time they're 25 is considered normal. This was unthought of in the late 90s and early 2000s. Their ability to pair bond with a man is completely annihilated (just like their pussies) by the time they move out of their parent's house. Having a family and being a housemom will be "something they did in the 20th century" and is already considered "male patriarchal oppression" thanks to the cancer of feminism.

Transexuality in children is celebrated, encouraged and doctor approved. They call the hormone injections "hormone therapy." WTF is supposed to be therapeutic about stuffing a ten year old boy with estrogen? That's unquestionably child abuse.

That's a slice of today's level of degeneracy in 2020. Imagine what it will be like in 20 years. What's the end game here? We're the observers of this descent into decadence. It's like we're watching a dystopian movie play out.

What is our role in all of this? Sitting back and letting the ouroboros consume itself, though perfectly fine, seems like the beta passive move tbh ngl. I think we should all take the example of Dr. Castle and fight this war on culture and on our minds. We won't necessarily have to write a book, but we should always fight in whatever way we can, even if it's as little as speaking up in whatever situation you find yourself in, or as big as being on YouTube.

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #magick #conspiracy energyenhancement.org

This is an attempt to reveal the link between the homosexual, transgender, anti-gender role movement and how they are linked to the occult god, Baphomet (Satan- Lucifer) as well as how this entire agenda is a collaborative effort by the elite satanic dark circles and corporate mass media to change the cultural lexicon with new terms to codify sex and gender to destroy the nuclear family as well as render the biblical roles of men and women obsolete.

With the chemical castration of pesticides in the drinking water, and eugenocidal sterilisation vaccines, 5G microwave sterilisation of female eggs, sperm motility is reduced and it is becoming more and more difficult to have children.

Eventually, the plan is to only allow conception in hospitals with CRISPR gene edited humanoid (not human) monstrosities.

Further, the LGBTP agenda, the ability to choose one's sexual orientation and the confusion of having multiple sexual orientations to choose from, further reduce the conception rate and allow the acceptance of.. P - Pedophilia!!

The deeper Satanic Program of CRISPR edition of humanoid androids with four male parents, 250 pounds, 250 IQ, with mind control built in brought up as cuckoos in a family unable to conceive yet being sold a Satanic Technocratic Solution to genocide humanity allowing the Satanic Elite to continue their Breakaway Civilisation, upload into the machine and live forever!!

The Globalist Elite for Hundreds of years have attended Satanic Rituals using hallucinogens like DMT and Ayahuasca to contact Demons who gave them technology like DNA, Atomic Power, Computers and Chinese Social Score Censorship in return for Human Sacrifice. Demons demand Human Sacrifice on every continent for thousands of years. All the Global Elite in charge of Internet companies GOOGLE, APPLE, TWITTER are into BLOOD.


Sarah Tun #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #wingnut laruspress.com

What is at the root of all of this transformation?

I suspect what we have now in Western Society, with abortion leading the way, is a shadow form of the Baal worship that existed three thousand years ago. Hinged on the sacrifice of children to the god Baal in exchange for blessing, protection and prosperity, is the pagan religion of the same name that seems to be manifesting today in the West under the guise of human rights for women and the transgender community.

Yes, remember Ahab and Jezebel, King and Queen of Israel? There are many Biblical references to pagan worship infecting Hebrew religious practices, particularly that of the pagan Cannanite god Baal, but perhaps it is particularly pronounced during the lifetime of the foreign Queen Jezebel, wife of Israel’s king in the time of the prophet Elijah. (read 1 Kings 16 – 2 Kings 9)

Baal sought child sacrifice. Baal worship gave honour to women. Baal worship is and has always been pagan; today it is replacing the laws and beliefs based upon Judaeo-Christian roots, which honours the GOD of the Bible, His laws and His ways. Yet if you asked most people who believe and follow this new morality, I suspect few would have ever heard of Baal. In fact, some would even consider themselves Christian or Jewish and standing for the rights, freedoms and needs of their fellow human beings as an act of Christian love. Others defend Secular Humanism, not as a faith or religion but as a principle.

I have watched over the decades the escalation of free sexuality. First it exploded as promiscuity, and then to homosexual expression. Beastiality is now on the rise in some Western cultures. But perhaps the most bizaare indicator of extreme change has been the redefining of male and female. Common sense and biology have been replaced by vague feelings of “what I feel like, is what I am” and it has become politically incorrect and taboo to define girls and boys according to their biological parts (I’ve witnessed it in Spain, USA, Canada to site three nations).

I have been reading a book which has suddenly helped me to put my finger on what is really happening. Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Paradigm discusses the parallel spiritual activities behind the Clinton and Obama years with that of Ahab and Jezebel. The information he provides has made me realise the overall sexual transformation is rooted in Baal Worship… The transgender issue, homosexual rights and freedoms, abortion-on-demand are all rooted in the pagan belief system of Baal. This explains the “religious fervour” of politicians who demand changes in our society and disregard sense, freedom, protection of children and the unborn. It’s a religion!

Now that I see behind the individual issues and lump them all together, it seems clear to me that the move is to extinguish Judea-Christian theology and practice in favour of Baal. It is a deeply spiritual issue, not Christianity vs secularism or even atheism, but belief in Yehovah and a following of His ways vs succumbing to the rule of Baal.

Issy Dickinson #transphobia #sexist sexisreal.com

It is well known that abusers, groom everyone around them, not just their victims. This country and it’s people are being groomed to accept pseudoscience that people can change sex if they want to and that men who fetishize women are the most oppressed. Stonewall UK has been groomed by Trans Rights Activists and so have LGBTQ organizations and Pride. They have been groomed by Trans Identified Males, who identify as “lesbians” and whose greatest desire is to have sex with real lesbians, dismissing lesbians’ boundaries, in order to validate themselves.

Lesbians, in turn have been groomed, especially the really young ones, to believe that trans women are really women and that their penises, are in fact “ladydicks”, or “clits on a stick”, as they have been marketing them. These men are sexual abusers. Trans Rights Activists have groomed the country, organizations, politicians and the media, into believing that one can change sex and that a child can be “born in the wrong body”.

They have introduced paedo-culture into mainstream LGBTQ culture with the likes of drag-kids, who have been highly sexualized by and for adult men- men who identify as women. Abusers are active at Pride events, actively encouraging children to be hateful towards older lesbians, who won’t be coerced or harassed into having sex with Trans Identified Males (TIMs). They have groomed these children and young people to push away their own safeguarding protections and despise them. Women are the natural protectors of children,

Pedophiles now calling themselves, Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) ate emerging from the shadows, where they have been lurking for decades to attach themselves to LGBTQ events and organizations, to have unchallenged access to children. We are ALL being groomed to accept these things and then wonder why there has been a huge leap in the number of teenage girls seeking gender reassignment and binding their breasts to prevent unwanted male attention. They are seeking a way out of their female, sexual oppression and lesbianism

Homophobic parents are encouraging their gender non-conforming children into sexual transition, to hide their probable homosexuality or lesbianism. They are grooming their children to “trans the gay away”, rather than have the embarrassment of a butch lesbian daughter, or an effeminate gay-boy. Most female detransitioners are lesbians! And report that they were always lesbians, but couldn’t cope with their sexuality, or their families homophobia. This upsurge of grooming the public, but in particular women, lesbians and gender non-conforming children, emanates from Queer Theory that underpins Transgender ideologies, pedophile acceptance and the male abusers it attracts.

We have all been groomed and desensitized to this abuse of children, lesbians and women. Queer Theory is ultimately a Men’s Sexual Rights movement that promotes increasingly violent, obscure and illegal sex. It is men and men who identify as women, who gain the most.-the domination of women and children. However, Trans Identified Males would have you believe that they are the most oppressed demographic in this county. In the main they are white, middle-class males, who have been raised with huge privileges overall groups in society and whose sense of entitlement is very evident. Truth is, that they are “identifying” into women’s and lesbians’ oppression. It is a case of the oppressors, claiming and appropriating oppression.

Proletarian writers #moonbat #transphobia thecommunists.org

The reactionary nightmare of ‘gender fluidity’

We do not advocate and we cannot allow the bourgeoisie to impose this divisive ideology upon us.

This is a very interesting debate, comrades. I find it both encouraging and discouraging at the same time.

Why are we having this debate? I would like to say that I agree with motion 8. It’s quite clear that this is an issue which is causing genuine confusion – and not only in our party. Our party is the reflection of society, and so if it is confusing us, you can be sure there is a far greater confusion outside our ranks – and that, if you like, is why we’re having this debate. While I am sympathetic with the arguments put forward by those opposed to motion 8, we clearly do need to have a debate. Clearly some people have taken on identity politics (idpol) as a very central part of their political discourse: people in our schools, people in society, in every mainstream paper that you turn to. A mere reference to gender identity and idpol, without expressing an opinion, is enough to make many people incandescent with rage. We have to ask ourselves why that is, because when I grew up some years ago, this wasn’t an issue affecting peoples’ minds. People didn’t talk about it; they didn’t debate it: it wasn’t an issue. Marx and Engels and Lenin and Stalin didn’t devote much attention to the politics of gender fluidity because it did not exist as an issue. This concept – contrary to the opinion of those opposed to this motion – is not “as old as humanity”.
Sex, gender and gender fluidity
Is sex important? Attempts are being made to confuse us as to what ‘sex’ is. Are ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ synonyms? Well they are synonyms, but a certain group of academics in the seventies in the United States decided that they weren’t synonyms. They were going to use ‘gender’ in their own way; they were going to use ‘gender’ to mean the social construct of behaviour surrounding what was expected of the biological differentiation among human beings (men and women).But biological differentiation between male and female is a real thing. It doesn’t just exist in humanity, it exists in many species throughout the natural world. Sexual reproduction is a natural biological process that has persisted in nature due to the diversity it engenders; it is a phenomenon encountered in the natural world.

And let’s not forget how this debate impinged upon us. We’ve been following this ideological trend, and encountering identity politics among supporters and candidates for membership of our party, and amongst people we’ve been working with for at least four or five years. Because idpol has become a fashion in that period.

And it is a fashion; it is a trend. And it suddenly – from being very marginal to certain academic institutions in the 1970s – became mainstream globally worldwide; it was actively promoted. Not promoted by communists, not by socialists, but picked up on and accepted by many of them, because they are led by, and they blindly followed, bourgeoise society down this dead-end.
Sex and sexual identity
So the question is sexuality: how does this tie up with the question of sexuality? And we come back to that innocuous post on Twitter, which I thought was obviously hilarious because I thought it was non-controversial.

We wrote: “There is a group of self-proclaimed ‘socialists’ who are not actually any longer fighting against our oppression, they’re fighting against reality!” and posted a link to an article. Why did we say that? They’re a circle of people who broke away from a very small group which you may know, called the RCG. This circle wrote a blog called ‘Red Fightback’, and the bottom line is, their position is that there’s no such thing as gender.

Rather, gender, they claim, is some kind of medical conspiracy where, at birth, the doctors go away and huddle together and they ‘assign a gender role’ to you. So, pregnant mothers: when you have your 20-week ultrasound scan, you’re not having a scan to see whether your baby is a boy or a girl (say ‘Red Fightback’). No; that’s all medical conspiracy! And when the baby is born, they inspect the baby to say it’s a boy or a girl – well that’s all medical conspiracy, too! These things (boys and girls, men and women) aren’t real – don’t you see??

Now, that seemed to us to be so absurd and preposterous that we posted it. And the post seemed popular! It had, like, 100,000 views, with hundreds of comments saying: “You’re a Terf!” I didn’t know what a Terf was at that point but, but I have since found out. It is an acronym for ‘Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist’ – which I’m not, because I’m not a feminist! But essentially, their line is that anyone who would purport to say there really is such a thing as gender (men and women), is some kind of fascist. Who is pushing this ideology that there is no such thing as gender? That there is no such thing as sex? That it’s not real?

There is even a movement termed ‘ableism’ or ‘trans-ableism’. There exist people who say: “I look as if I’ve got two arms and two legs, but actually in reality, I feel like I was born disabled.” There are people who are petitioning for the right to have an arm or a leg cut off; to have an operation which will make their physical form conform to how they feel; “my inner essence”.

It’s the ultimate idealism isn’t it? Idealism in the philosophical sense that that “the material world doesn’t exist”; “it’s whatever I think that is most important”. So actually, by that rationale, ideas are prime and matter will have to conform with my ideas, and the ultimate result is this kind of solipsism where you are alone in the world – the lone conscious force and the ultimate determiner of your own reality without reference to other people or the material reality of the word’s environment around you.

Morally, it means whatever you want subjectively is right and correct. So it can be used to justify doing anything, committing any crime against anyone.

As a philosophy it is totally isolating, and totally gets rid of the idea, as the previous speaker was saying, of having things in common, uniting on a class basis around the real things that oppress us; real material and economic phenomena.

Kyle Kashuv, et al #transphobia twitter.com

Kyle Kashuv: Trans activist Jessica Yaniv just violently assaulted a reporter out of nowhere. This is insane. Watch for yourself...

Ginger Bread Man: Yeah.... Trans people don’t have any mental issues at all. It’s just the patriarchy in society that cause their distress mannnnnnn!

Gene: How many examples do we need to see to realize these Leftists are the most violent people in this country. They keep talking gun violence, well it’s violent people committing the violence and it seems they are all leftists anymore!

High Valley: This is another clear symptom of the mental illness that is associated with transgenderism and gender dysphoria. I feel sad for those afflicted with these mental health issues and I hope they get the help they need!!!!!

Wendy: He needs to be committed. He's become a danger to others and the public has a right not to be subject to his violence.

yetherewestillare #transphobia #psycho reddit.com

I’ve been picking at the idea of eye contact lately. I normally have difficulty making eye contact naturally, but when I deliberately attempt to make eye contact I get some strange results. Initially this started with commuting on public transportation- a prolonged stare at someone who is being an obstruction or an annoyance is oddly effective. I’m probably overdoing it now, but I’ve been very aware of when I could try staring and what results I might get.

Now we come to the leap where I admit I recently spent a lot of time staring at TIMs.

It’s not like I was hunting them, I went to a big event where there happened to be about a dozen TIMs kicking around. What I noticed first, being one of at most 3 women at the event in a group of about fifty people, was that I had just tremendous presence. If I approached a TIM you’d think I was armed. He looks down, to the side, fully turns away... The “normal” guys behaved about how I expected, no odd reactions except for one or two who were clearly not used to speaking to women (I forgive them, I expected it.) But the TIMs were just terrified to look at me. When I had a good moment I’d watch them, trying to maintain that ‘is that so-and-so?’ look that... well, must look exactly like someone who is trying to figure out if they’re looking at a man.

At one point I was eating dinner across from a guy in a wig and you’d think he was monitoring the Bat Signal. Later they were all grouped up literally comparing programming socks and I caught each of their eyes in turn, and I, wearing muddy jeans and a graphic t-shirt, felt like fucking Cleopatra with the looks I got. It was like being a Mean Girl except the only thing that qualified me for the Plastics was actually being a girl.

I know it’s a form of privilege to not fear physical, violent retaliation for this experiment, but if you’re given the chance I recommend it thoroughly. You rarely get the chance to tell a TIM to his face “you’re not a woman,” but they all understand what your look means. And who’s going to sue you for one long uncomfortable look? “Is she clocking me?” He thinks. “Is she a terf? She can’t just clock me like that!!” His blood pressure rises... “But she hasn’t said anything so I can’t fucking DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.”

badpunsinagoofyfont #homophobia #transphobia reddit.com

[about a pride flag]

The white represents the society they're corrupting.

The light blue and pink represent the little boys and girls they indoctrinate.

The brown represents poop.

The black represents death.

The red represents AIDS.

The orange represents the fires of hell they'll burn in.

The yellow represents pee.

The green represents the nauseous reaction that normal people have.

The blue represents the tribe of people who promote their lifestyle.

The purple represents how their identities are as real as the color purple.

Higgscel & Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[LifeFuel] You made your bed, now sleep in it bitch.


I feel like the fight is over. Women have lost.

This morning I learned USA Swimming decided to follow IOC transgender policies for their junior divisions, Scottish government declaring men with penises in women's private areas are no different than women with different bodies like those who had mastectomy, and saw multiple threads of universities low-key changing all single-sex bathrooms into gender neutral bathrooms.

When Trump won the White House, the TV adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale was at its height of popularity. A girl friend of mine in Scotland was telling me that our western democratic societies can turn like this overnight. I didn't really agree with her at the time. Trump in the White House was alarming, but I also thought it was liberal fearmongering to think our entire social structure can be torn away and all of women's rights being taken away just like that. Surely this couldn't happen, right? Our systems are well-entrenched and women would rise up and raise hell if something like this ever happen.

3 years later and here we are. The only crazy thing is that it's not the radical conservative right that is bringing forth this dystopian world for women. It's the Woke Left--the very people who fearmongered women about how bad Trump and the Republicans would be for women. What a fking bait and switch! Here we are, I'm watching, flabbergasted, how women's rights are being taken away overnight just like that. Yes indeed, they can just do it. (For the record, this is not a pro-Trump post. But I can't hold it back anymore how utterly beyond shock I am that this vengeance against women is coming from the left. I'm at the point where I feel like the conservative right is actually benign, that's how shell-shocked I am.)

And not only are women not rising up and raising hell. Tons of them--all of them on Wokes--are now fking Serena Joy and Aunt Lydia, crucifying other women for mortal offenses like "misgendering" and gaslighting other women to strip them of their basic instinct to believe their guts when they're feeling vulnerable.

I feel so oppressed and helpless right now. It doesn't matter how loud we all scream to be heard. The powers that be really can just overnight take it all away. This is not a drill.

And they'll continue to oppress us, while scaring us with the same old rhetorics about how our right to choice will be taken away to threaten us to fold to their side. As long as we are blinded to keep our eyes only on the fight against the conservative right to think that's the only threat to us, women won't see what they're doing. Women won't see what's coming. And the younger generations of women will simply be groomed and conditioned to the New World Order.

I literally feel sick. I want off this train.

ETA: changed "single bathroom" to "single-sex bathrooms." And thanks for the silver.

And over.

Men wanting to be seen as cute young girls is infuriating

Signed, a 4"11 woman, hovering around 90lbs, who will never walk into a room and be respected. I'm in my mid-twenties, multiple times a day I get told I look like a child. I'm fetishized constantly, get dirty looks and disgusting comments whenever I'm out with my child, can't go to work without being asked if I'm old enough to serve alcohol. When I ask not to be called cute, or picked up and prodded, I'm told it's a fucking compliment. It's very depressing feeling like I won't be seen as a woman until I'm middle-aged.

At first, I really tried to understand the trans community. I don't feel comfortable in my body either, and in my head I'm 6 feet tall and built like a tank, but seeing grown ass men "child play" is the most disgusting and offensive thing I've ever had the displeasure of discovering.

And over again.

Painting your face and/or nails doesn't change your gender! Makeup is not a gender!

This won't be my most eloquent post here but I'm at my wits' end.

Sorry, I just feel like screaming right now. I work in a job where I could be fired for expressing even the slightest hint that I might be gender critical and it's non-binary day or some other nonsense. I keep seeing all these posters with bearded dudes in neon eyeshadow or young women with short hair and glitter and I just want to scream! Makeup! Isn't! A! Gender!

Where will this regressive nonsense end? I already had to back away from a friendship with a dude who came out as a they/them and immediately started spouting off on how cis women are oppressing him because he sometimes gets questioned by his parents about wearing eyeliner and someone hesitated before holding the door to the women's toilet open for him. A grown man!

I honestly think the nonbinary bullshit is more harmful and regressive than the trans stuff. I could sympathise with trans medicalists to a degree. This just reeks of "not like the other girls" and "I need some oppression points."

I work with people in poverty. I work with people with learning disorders and disabilities who've had their utilities cut off. I help recovering addicts go about getting enough food to live. I see young mums who were forced away from abortions by restrictive communities now struggling with actual starvation and violence at home. I help abused women find a shelter for their pets so their partners can't murder the animal when she tries to escape.

I see actual oppression every damn day. I've been on the breadline. I'm disabled. I know oppression.

You painting your nails and getting "Sir"-ed at the local grocery store isn't oppression. Grow up!

These women will complain about trannies. And no, not cherry picking, these posts are all "top" in their subreddit, in the last week.
Despite probably the same women who pushed for these tranny degeneracy and sexual openness, thanks to their PC nature.
Women invading male spaces? Empowering. Men in skirts invading your bathroom? In my opinion, "Deserving". Get ready for the 2020 Olympics ladies, men in skirts are after your world records.

Anywhoo, doesn't it feel good that both enemies are starting to have a go at one another? Get fucked both of you.

“Jaime”, Francine Fosdick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #pratt friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Christian radio host Francine Fosdick, last seen on this site because a guest on her show falsely claimed the Red Cross was turning to human trafficking for blood donations, aired a prayer during her show that former First Lady Michelle Obama would be exposed as a man.

(She’s not even the first person this month to make that absurd suggestion.)

This prayer came courtesy of “Jaime,” a guest on the show.

“Father, I thank you for exposing all of the corrupt book deals, not only Obama’s, but Joe Biden’s, Michelle’s,” Jaime continued. “And speaking of Michelle, today ABC just had an article saying that she’s been named the most admired woman in the world for the second year in a row. Father, I am asking you that whatever plan they have to have Michelle or Hillary [Clinton] run for president, we call that cancelled in Jesus’ name. And I am asking you Father that the true identity of Michelle — Michael — would be exposed. Father, I am asking you that that whole family, that those children — they are not their children, they’re the children of Obama’s best friend — Father, we ask you that that whole lie would be exposed for the everyday person to see it, in Jesus’ name.”

Leave it to the worst kind of person to ask God to “expose” a complete lie. (Where Jaime got this information is anyone’s guess.)
Considering the Obamas are no longer even in the White House, this all seems rather overblown anyway. But since none of the doomsday predictions that conservative extremists made about the Obamas came true — no mass persecution of Christians, no round-ups for preaching — I guess they have to resort to this nonsense to avoid embarrassment. Even if we blow it off, there are people — somewhere — eating it up.

For what it’s worth, every display of faith made by Obama was far more genuine than what conservative Christians have seen from Donald Trump. And all that without hush money payments or a fervent desire to begin World War III to distract people from impeachment.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut missionamerica.com

Top 5 Excuses When Radicals Corrupt Children
Progressives are busy smashing the innocence and dreams of our youth, but they aren’t doing it without thought. They have their reasons.
They are ultimately ungodly and foolish reasons revealing base instincts, flawed values, the direct influence of the demonic realm, or all of the above.

What are the explanations? Here’s a list of their most frequent excuses.

1. It’s for the “safety” of kids. A key goal of the “LGBT” crowd is to put traditional moral standards on defense, so one tactic is to co-opt bullying prevention programs. Many current lessons imbed a deceptive idea in otherwise positive messages— be kind, don’t be a bully, and to avoid this abhorrent label, be an ally and supporter of “LGBTQ” behaviors and identities. The pro-homosexual National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, has pushed and funded this duplicitous idea for over a decade, even quoting the invalid, online GLSEN “School Climate Survey.”

Propagandists often pair acceptable messages with extremely questionable ones. Today, they use children as human shields for “LGBT” agenda goals.

So what does “support” for these newly-created homosexual and gender confused kids look like? A school must allow no warnings about these behaviors or objections which make these students feel “unsafe.” A violation of the First Amendment? Medically and morally inaccurate? It doesn’t matter as long as the “gay” lobby can get parents to fall for this.

So students in the “gay straight alliance” club at West Linn High School in Oregon recently walked out of school to protest the Chick-Fil-A food truck serving school football games. An official at the school said they were considering the students’ position as with all “potential safety concerns.”

Chick-Fil-A is unsafe? No, here’s what’s unsafe—being prevented from hearing the truth that God has marvelously designed sex for one man and one woman in holy matrimony.

Children are starving for the nourishment of moral reality.

2. It’s part of being “inclusive” for “all” kids. In case you were not aware, messages about sexual responsibility and healthy behavior “excludes” those students who are already sexually active, and “LGBTQ” kids, who need to learn about anal and oral sex. So all students, therefore, are forced under “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) to hear that anal, oral and vaginal sex are normal for teens and can be managed safely with condoms and contraceptives. And this instruction needs to begin in middle school.

So the Austin, TX school system recently passed a controversial sex ed program that allegedly includes “abstinence.” Here’s what one pro-family activist there told me: “Yes, anal and oral sex with graphic descriptions of both are included in a sixth grade classroom activity in which eleven-year-olds are given 20 cards of various activities and made to discuss which ones are abstinence. Not only does the lesson explain anal and oral sex, it counts as material that is about abstinence required by law in Texas.”

California parents are just waking up to the horrific legislation passed several years ago – California’s “Healthy Youth Act”—mandating deliberate corruption of the state’s kids with X-rated subjects and pro-”LGBT” messages.

Praise God, some parents are responding, “Over my dead body.” There are a few lovely victories, like the school board in Battleground Schools (WA) turning down the obscene “FLASH” CSE program.

After the legalization of same sex marriage, homosexual activists went full steam to demand through many avenues (including the NEA) that school lessons must include respect for “LGBTQ” behaviors. “Respect” means normalizing early sex, graphic details of sex acts and lessons with same sex role-playing scenarios.

3. Children asked for it. Another excuse given for shoving pro-abortion and “LGBT” misinformation at kids is that “kids want this.” Yes, so whatever behavior kids have been taught to demand, in some schools they get. The child empowerment movement pushes the bolder kids in front of school boards. Some are already hardened activists screaming that their rights are being infringed, on their way to a college affiliation with Antifa.

Sexual corruption, let’s not forget, breeds more boundary-smashing and other psychological instabilities.

Cathy Ruse described the climate in the Fairfax (VA) schools as including cuddling polyamorous groups of kids in the halls —“thruples” and “quadruples” (rhymes with couples). And at the same school there are now “furries,” students who believe they are animals and self-identify as cats, foxes, etc.

4. The radicals think there’s nothing wrong and it’s all positive. The hard reality is that some people think there’s nothing inappropriate about kids being sexual.

One drag queen admitted in an interview recently that the goal was indeed to “groom the next generation.” Grooming is the term describing pedophile actions softening a child’s resistance to adult sexual contact.

A drag queen in the Seattle area performed an explicit strip act for kids. Another in Minneapolis was filmed “flashing himself” with partial nudity. Another invited little kids to lie on top of him after the reading time. Several of these deviant males have past convictions of child molestation and involvement in prostitution.

A PTA president at a school in Harlem performed an erotic “drag” routine to an auditorium full of elementary students several years ago.

5. Homosexual expression or gender “transition” will prevent suicide. Playing the suicide card is a frequent part of the game here, where parents are told, “If you don’t affirm your daughter in her new identity as a male, she will kill herself. Do you want a live son or a dead daughter?” So against your common sense, your faith, and everything you knew about your child prior to the current corruption overload, you are persuaded by an “affirming” counselor that mutilating her healthy body is the best course of action.

But here’s where mythology collides with truth. No one is born in the “wrong sex body” and suicide risks remain high, according to research, even after taking hormones and undergoing mutilating surgery.

An entire new activist group is now forming – “de-transitioners”—young adults now outraged over the deformed bodies and limited futures that have been handed to them. They will never conceive children. They are disfigured, often sexually dysfunctional. And the future holds the very real prospect of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis at young ages. All because of a deviant and unsupported agenda everyone thinks is “inclusive.”

It’s actually the opposite. When your ideology excludes the truth, everything else is a high-stakes gamble.

Sometimes I think I’m living in a fun house with crazy mirrors where very little is what it seems. But that’s why we must keep turning to the Lord and standing with Him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And speaking out. Pastors, please address this from the pulpit. We are to be salt and light.

Jesus is the frame of all wisdom and sets us free, and He will direct our paths.

gynarchyverse #transphobia #sexist #psycho deviantart.com

This is going to be a difficult issue to talk about, as any issue regarding gender is. But to quote Kurzgesagt, "Not talking about an issue will not help solve it".

I want to preface that in no way shape or form am I prejudiced against transgendered persons. They have a right to do what they want with their bodies/minds. I'm not arguing against that. But navigating the topic of transgenderism within the scope of Female Supremacy can be tricky. As I've learned in recent weeks, when member on here who once identified as a Female Supremacist (and was active in our community) came out as transgendered last month.

So I think now is a good time have a discussion about this.

I don't think anyone who supports Female Supremacy can deny that this philosophy is founded on very strict roles based on a person's sex.

Like it or not, it's the truth. It's right there in the name: FEMALE Supremacy. That means that Women rule and men serve. We cannot deny what science has proven: A Woman is a human being with two X chromosomes, and a man is a human being with one X chromosome and one imperfect Y chromosome, making males essentially an incomplete Female.

That is the core concept of Female Supremacy, that males are an evolutionary abnormality that spun-off from the default blueprint of life, which is Female. And as abnormalities, we must devote ourselves to empowering, serving, and worshiping our progenitors. For without Them we would not exist.

So given these very clear roles we have for men and Women, what are we to say when a male desires to become Female?

Those who identify as transgendered can change certain aspects about themselves to match the gender they identify with; namely hormonal therapy & surgery. But they cannot change their genotype. That is to say, they cannot change their chromosomes. A person who is born biologically male can never have a perfect XX chromosome, no matter how badly he wishes so. Similarly, a Woman cannot deny Her perfect XX chromosome for some reason she wished to become a male.

Your chromosomal pair your Goddess-given role in life, and you cannot change it once you have it. If You are blessed to have an XX chromosome, that means there is no limit to what You can do in life. You can use males as you see fit. You can tell males what to do and they have to obey You. You are the closet thing to Goddess on Earth.

And if you have an XY chromosome, then you get bask in the presence of Sacred Femininity. You get the honor of bringing amusement, happiness, and comfort to Women. And through submission to Goddess, you'll find spiritual enlightenment.

Now, onto to the fake Female Supremacist (whose name will not be mentioned) who's featured in the screen-capped conversation in the above picture.

You say you plan on "changing [your chromosome] for [yourself] someday". I ask you. How are you going to do that? How are you going to defy the laws of science and give yourself that perfect XX chromosome? I'm sorry, but you're not. If have an ounce of scientific knowledge on this subject, you know you're not. Truth be told, you made a fool of yourself in that conversation with earthculture. I don't know about him, but I cringed when reading your comment.

Secondly, when you announced to your followers that who were coming out as transgendered, you told me that you don't support Female Supremacy and you implied those in this community were fanatics. I have several messages from you that prove you are (or at least were) a very staunch supporter of Female Supremacy. So please don't lie about your pre-transgender leanings when I and several others know the truth.

And thirdly, in one of your recent posts you talked about me and the caption I made using your old avatar that you claimed was taken down by the site staff.

NEWSFLASH! I took that picture down! Why? Because you changed your avatar to the transgender flag, so my caption no longer made sense. No one would've known it was reference to you. That's the only reason I took it down. It wasn't because I felt bad for making it. I still think you're still fake Female Supremacist and a liar. And let me clarify, you being transgendered has nothing to do with my gripe against you, it's the fact that you stabbed me and everyone else in this community in the back. You owe us (especially me) an apology. Then I urge you to seek a licensed psychologist, preferably one who majors in LGBTQ+ issues and is a Female Supremacist, so they can give you the help you obviously need.


Selwyn Duke #transphobia #dunning-kruger thenewamerican.com

[From " Report: “Transgenders” More Likely to Kill Than be Killed; Overrepresented Among Pedophiles"]

t’s fairly well known that “transgenders” have a very high suicide rate, especially after undergoing so-called sex reassignment surgery. But barely known, and contrary to modern myth, is that they’re also more likely to commit murder than to be murdered, according to a recent report. In fact, the report finds that Made-up Sexual Status (MUSS, or “trans”) individuals are actually less likely to be homicide victims than normal people are.

As WND.com wrote Monday, “A new report documents how a … [MUSS individual] in Colorado and a partner shot nine students at their school, then later claimed the victims deserved it for their ‘transphobia.’”


In fact, while the MUSS movement’s “driving myth is that there is an epidemic of murders targeting them for their stated ‘identities,’” the report states, at Unz.com, not mentioned is that not only are MUSS individuals “less likely to be victims of murder than ... [normal] women (and far less than men), their small population is well represented among murderers ... and pedophiles.”

“The Human Rights Committee, which meticulously tracks transgender deaths across the country, is conspicuously not tracking them when they commit crimes," the report continues. “But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of ... [2008]-2017,” the incidence of MUSS individuals committing murder was 71 percent greater than the incidence of them being murdered.


Unz.com points out that the true scope of MUSS individual violence is obscured because the mainstream media often omit mention of perpetrators’ MUSS “identity” unless doing so is unavoidable or serves sexual devolutionary ends. In fact, since the media’s common practice is to use MUSS individuals’ “preferred pronouns” (e.g., “she” to reference a man claiming womanhood), it sometimes can be hard discerning the actual sex of the individual in question, especially for a casual news reader.


So perhaps more significant are FBI statistics the report relates. They show that “Americans are victims of homocide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000,” the report tells us. “For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.”

Yet according to sexual devolutionary activist groups, 24 MUSS individuals were “killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million, making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 — less likely to be killed than the average woman,” the report also informs.

The report correctly points out that this is especially striking given the high-risk lifestyles MUSS individuals tend to live, “and the fact that many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average,” according to the report.

(That said, another possibility is that the MUSS population isn’t as high as the activists claim.)


As for the report’s MUSS/pedophilia claim, no source for it or data is provided. Relevant research is hard to find, too, but mixing and matching studies does provide some insight.

For example, ABC News reported in 2015 that at the end of 2001, approximately 6.8 percent of America’s state prison inmates “were male sex offenders who had committed a rape or sexual assault against a minor under age 18.” In contrast, the BBC informed last year that of 125 known MUSS inmates, 29, or 23.2 percent, were convicted of sexual offenses involving children/youth. Overall, almost half of the 125 were sex offenders.


Anecdotally, my experience is that many MUSS individuals, especially those activism-minded, are quite hostile. After I editorialized against their agenda some years back, one commented that he wanted my “head on a platter.” Then there’s the 2015 Dr. Drew show incident (video below), in which MUSS reporter “Zoey Tur” threatened to send commentator Ben Shapiro “home in an ambulance” (not very ladylike, for sure).

Obviously, the reactions Shapiro and I experienced are due to the fact that these men are desperately trying to maintain a fragile rationalization — i.e., they’re actually women — that’s easily shattered, and no one likes having his bubble burst. But what would explain a MUSS-criminality link?

To be brief, a factor may be that “the Eye altering alters all,” as poet William Blake wrote. The mindset allowing for grand self-delusion can lead to more delusion, including moral delusion.

A simpler way to explain it, though, and something undeniably true, is that troubled people are more likely to get into trouble — and to cause it.

NP 901 #transphobia kiwifarms.net

That being said I'm sure there are tranners who are actually TRUE and HONEST wamman and not pushed on by whatever the trickle down media whores think is the flavor of the week mental illness (desmondisamazing one week, ADHD another, the TRENCHCOAT MAFIA still another) I mean, statistically speaking that's gotta be possible, right? Right?

Well that was quite the ride but I’ll address your last part.

If he’s MTF and into cock, he’s just a pathetic homophobic homo or a homo who is into straight men.

If he’s MTF and into pussy, he’s a fetishist. Most of these try to pretend they belong to the former group. But they are on average more sexually deviant and exhibit other paraphilias such as pedophilia, autopedophelia(sic), period fetish, etc.

Psychologists Dr Ray Blanchard and Anne Lawrence (a troon btw) write about troons a lot and that’s basically the distilled version - gay trannies and “””lesbian””” troons (heterosexual men) are two very distinct subsets of transsexuality.

ExpiringAspirin #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy incels.is

[Blackpill] Non Chad adult straight males are now 4th class citizens

1st Class-Foids and Chads
2nd Class - Dogs ( in olden Egypt it was cats, in India its cows/rats)
3rd Class - MtF Trannies and Boys
Prebupescent boys still have status as lovers for statusmaxx /powerful Geritol Geezer Arab men such as Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat/ also for Elite Hollywood pedo bears , young Leonardo di Caprio was one of these boys.
Same are trannies/homos , pretty boy trannies become paid lover to Sugar Daddy Hyper Chad RoidMaxx Wheaties Golden Boy such as Bruce Jenner etc...

4th class- the rest of men

Status wise, Acceptance, Media Adoration , and last but not least Tax Payers $ including resources given to the Popos to solve crime to give justice to the victims, straight non chad adult men is at the bottom of the totem pole.

Sharia_Now #sexist #transphobia incelistan.net

Don’t transition. You’ll be a lot more depressed and suicidal when you do.
It’s just women trying to convince us to “transition” because they love nothing more than seeing a guy get his penis and testicles cut off. It’s their primary fantasy. Don’t let those cunts win.

It’s clear they have a strong drive to produce children though. So they don’t want every man to cut his dick off. Just most of them. If you aren’t Chad then they literally want you to cut your dick off.

There’s no instinctive female desire to see any male have his penis and testicles attached precisely because one man can impregnate a thousand women. So women could evolve hatred and disgust towards these male parts because those parts would always exist in overabundance no matter how many were cut off. In fact you could castrate 95% of Chads and there’d still be more than enough Chads to impregnate every female.

sex-change only inverts penis. Penis is not removed. A vagina is simply a penis pointed inward. Most women are in love with themselves primarily, a man secondarily. A mans penis entering a womans vagina provides validation, a penis in harmony, a double penis, a penis touching a penis.

As far as transitioning goes, women are 2x as bigoted against trans as men, 3% of men are willing to have sex with trans, but only 1½% of women are willing to have sex with trans. That may sound like low odds, but that’s still better odds than incels have, which is something like 0.1% or less. Also, 30% of lesbians (supposedly) will fuck you, but only if you are a passing beautiful transsexual (odds are not likely to happen if you are incel and autistic as well.)

Women are only against dating a transman because they want a meal ticket.
A transman does not have the biological brain of a real male so will not accept being a worthless slave working for some woman’s welfare for the rest of his life. The average biological male is programmed to view himself as less valuable than a female, that’s why most men are white knights.
When it comes to sex, whatever little desire women have is entirely towards other women.

Most of the penis is chopped off during these “transitions”, as well as the testicles.

TaimuRadiu #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist kiwifarms.net

In all my time online I've noticed something seriously wrong and it seems that all tranners (hip new slang from /tttt/) seem to have been molested as children, and according to a small racist bodybuilding forum most seem to have had narcissistic mothers. I don't know if homosexual recruitment is real or not, but I do know that the "elites" seem to want children to troon out at earlier and earlier ages. Whether this means pizzagate is real and (((they))) are putting chemicals in the water to make the children gay I don't know, but I do know that humans have freewill and we can very easily use our freewill to not creep on little kids.

One-Handed Typist Award

darwinian_vintologi #transphobia incelistan.net

Trannymaxxing is the ultimate solution

Yea your sexual orientation can change so you will no longer be cursed by heterosexuality. Getting fucked in the ass is way better than any P in V sex you can have, only way to have a good orgasm if you are male.

Before you transition you have to develop a female persona and get eroused by the though or image of yourself as a women. Good anime to watch are tsf monogatari (hardcore) and kämpfer (soft).

taking estrogen will change your personality and you will become more like a women mentally.

If sexuality doesn't fully switch Many MtF women go for other MtF women, a few manage to get a lesbian and make her pregnant.

(user links tons of images and youtube vids)

pwnful truth #racist #transphobia amren.com

Negroes also hate trans people. At former work place, the blacks used to make fun of the white gays and also the Mexican trans. When the white gay guy used to say I was racist for not supporting black interests, I told him that the blacks hate him and they call him lots of unsavory names behind his back.

Blacks don’t hate trans more than whites, or gays. Blacks are simply unafraid (rightly so) of being punished for those opinions. If whites weren’t so cowed, we would treat tranny freak shows with the disdain they very much earn, and voice our very rightful disapproval of open perversion.

Some have even told me that they 'hate' them. Maybe they use the word hate to just show that they do not approve of that lifestyle.

I hate trannies, or I should say: “hate” them. Do I wish them harm? Not beyond mocking and ostracism (I also think employers should be able to specifically bar them from employment), as has been done since the dawn of trannyhood.

I don’t feel I can say blacks hate trannies and coprophags more than whites do because they commit more crimes against them, because they simply commit every kind of crime more

Mocking and ostracism can cause emotional distress and is therefore a form of harming. Why would you want to cause distress to someone who isn't harming you?

I’m perfectly comfortable causing emotional distress for trannies, as a byproduct of discouraging the behavior in public.

Douglas Wilson #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist dougwils.com

The 1950s, as problematic as some of it was to thinking Christians, is our closest historical reminder of a modern industrialized nation living in basic accordance with the fixed norms that govern human nature—as those norms are set forth both in Scripture and in our bones. Consequently, the 1950s must be disparaged. We must sneer, and further, we must curl the lip at them.

But think for a moment, ye who look down on the 1950s with disdain . . . did their decade, in comparison with the enlightened decade you live in, the one up here, the one in which we dwell at such a lofty height, have legal battles over whether seven-year-old boys should transitioned into what we are pleased to call “a girl?” Did they give boatloads of taxpayer money to organizations that chop human babies up in order to sell the pieces? Did they look at the very image of God, male and female, that He placed upon the human race at the very beginning (Gen. 1:27Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), and replace it with multitudinous genders of their very own devising, an action somewhat akin to a troubled art fanatic with a can of orange spray paint deciding to “fix” a Rembrandt?

No, back in the 50s, their crime was to broadcast sitcoms with names like Father Knows Best. The kind of thing that today’s sophisticates prefer is perversion and raunch, propped up with a laugh track. Really? Our culture is neck deep in the blood of innocents, and is teetering on the lip of the abyss, to the background noise of numerous evangelical think-leaders who are still nervously clearing their throats, afraid to say anything that might hurt a stray feeling out there, and Carl Trueman wants to warn us against the perils of the 1950s.

Speaking of the sanity of the fifties, allow me to share a poem from the year I was born, 1953, reproduced as it was published in The New Yorker, of all places. It is by Phyllis McGinley, and is entitled “The Old Feminist.”

Snugly upon the equal height,
enthroned at last where she belongs,
She takes no pleasure in her Rights
who so enjoyed her Wrongs!

Skyler Wheeler #transphobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Last week, a transgender flag flew atop the Iowa Capitol building in honor of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, making it the first state to do that. Some conservative Christian lawmakers, of course, weren’t happy. Some, like State Rep. Skyler Wheeler, went so far as to call the symbolic gesture part of a “rainbow jihad.”

He made the comments to a right-wing publication:

“I found out the same time as most Iowans,” he said. “Nothing was sent to my legislative email, no phone call, absolutely nothing. It’s another way that the Rainbow Jihad continues to give those of us who don’t agree with them a finger in the eye and push their beliefs on us.”

“Flags flown at our state Capitol should not be flags that fuel division among Iowans,” Wheeler said. “How would the Rainbow Jihad react if we were trying to fly the Christian flag over the state Capitol? The Rainbow Jihad is not OK with simply living their lives. They are so hellbent on pushing their beliefs on us that they would go so far as to fly that flag over the state Capitol. It’s one of the most egregious acts of political aggression I’ve ever seen.”

It’s unclear how a trans flag pushes anything on anyone… other than the idea that we should pay respects to trans people who have died because of who they are. Apparently, that violates Wheeler’s beliefs. Unlike a Christian flag which is meant to suggest government favoritism of a particular religion, directly violating the First Amendment, the trans flag is simply a statement of respect.

And while Wheeler and fellow Republican State Rep. Dean Fisher are complaining, Iowa Safe Schools, which requested that the flag be flown, went through all the proper procedures to have their request approved, including petitioning the Iowa Department of Administrative Services. The flag flew for a grand total of five minutes.
That was too much for Wheeler, who thinks that’s tantamount to terrorism.

Wheeler, by the way, is no stranger to irrational statements promoting his beliefs. Two years ago, he defended an anti-science bill by insisting climate change and evolution were “just theories.” He also co-sponsored a bill allowing public schools to teach Bible classes, but shot down an amendment allowing similar classes for the Qur’an because “the Bible is different.” So there.

But a trans flag flying for five minutes? That’s “one of the most egregious acts of political aggression” ever.

Balddog4 #transphobia deviantart.com

I know it's been a while since my last deviation. But this has been on my mind for a while.

I now work at Wal-Mart and I remember several months ago, I saw a young boy. Not a girl, a boy. Probably between the ages of 7-10 years of age. And he had on a skirt, pink flip-flops, lipstick, painted fingernails, the whole-nine yards. And my first thought process was, "What the hell, is wrong with his parents."

Now you might think me bad for thinking that, but there's a huge difference between being old enough to make your own decisions, and having your decisions being made for you. And that young boy, could be younger or older than I originally thought. I don't know. But the fact that he was dressed like a girl, proves to me that there's something wrong with the parents mentally. And they deserve CPS to intervene and take the children away from this couple. (The young boy had siblings.)

"Oh, Balddog, you are being sexist and homophobic because a young child wants to express his sexuality."

Let me get something straight here, puberty for males don't happen until around 13. Yes, for some it happens earlier, and others, later. But exploring sexuality is something that happens around 13, not 8. Most boys don't and shouldn't be thinking about, "I am sexually attractive to other boys, so I'm going to be transgender." That doesn't happen. And if it does happen, most likely it's due to the parents being complete assholes and purposely messing up their children sexuality.

It's just like my "Theybies" deviation. For parents to purposely state to their daughter, "Your a boy," and to their son, "your a girl" or basically tell them, "what gender do you want to live as, a boy or a girl." This isn't some video game where gender is optional and you can start over if you want. This is real life. These are children with real lives. And if you advocate in on wanting your children to transition to the opposite gender, just because they "want to," is a form of child abuse. And you deserve to get your asses put in jail. Cause the psychology of children isn't completely developed to the capacity of fully functioning until they reach their teenage years.

Even then teenagers are stupid, and are mentally challenged to some degree. But at least their lives won't be fucked up by the choices of the parents. No. They'll fuck up their own lives and have no one to blame but themselves. At least parents could live knowing that they gave their children guidance.

I'm done. For now.

angrybroad & chippysammy #transphobia reddit.com

[In reaction to a transwoman responding to the question “Best part of being a girl?”]


"I could do without the cat calls"

This guy has never been cat called at in his life

They always lie about getting catcalled 🙄
I don't travel my city on foot like a lot of women do, but I am a tall slim decent looking 24 year old actual woman and I can't even remember the last time I was legitimately catcalled. But I'm supposed to believe paunchy balding middle aged men in stripper outfits or pale doughy teenage boys in maid costumes are just beating the boys off with a stick? Yeah right lmao


"Getting cat-called" He is probably lying. They all claim this.

Lol there’s a viral video on Facebook of this middle aged TiM (think Caitlyn Jenner but no Botox) wearing a see-through shirt. He’s got these horrendous fake breasts with the nipples pointing to the sky and he’s wearing a tiny miniskirt while walking along the street in heels. These 2 guys in a car are laughing at him and they’re like “oi oi — TITS!” and hysterically laughing and calling out, he turns and looks at them and swings his purse but is trying not to smirk. Doesn’t realise he was being made fun of, probably felt incredibly validated.

I feel like TiM’s are like that. Someone driving past and honking is likely making fun of what they are wearing etc but they think it’s a genuine catcall... and that catcalls are validating...

conditionalperdition & EthTrader2021 #transphobia reddit.com


Overheard this conversation between a TIM and their 'lesbian' girlfriend today

I was sitting in the library and they were talking about some kind of historical topic in a group of friends when the conversation took this turn:
GF: "I don't know anything, I'm just a dumb girl."
TIM: "Oh ho ho, I see how it is. I'm not a woman?"
GF: "There are dumb girls and there are smart girls, and the smart girls are the ones with penises."

Just wanted to see your take on this.


I wonder how much more pronounced this effect will be as young girls grow up watching super ma’ams crush them at sports, dominate tech, and sing the superiority of girldick. Maybe more women will become TIFs in response.

Licensedtoshill007 #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

REMINDER: Transgender day of Remembrance is bullshit LLP

It's just a bunch of self centered, egotistical assholes trying to co-opt Remembrance Day for themselves. Remembrance Day is where we remember actual heros that gave their lives for our country and those who served it.

Tranny day of remembrance is supposed to be the same thing because a bunch of selfish assholes who were so desperate for attention they pretend to be another gender often kill themselves. That's a far cry from giving your lives so others may live. I honestly couldn't give two fucks if more trannies kill themselves than normal people, they could easily decide to stop being so self centered and act normal but choose not to.

Fuck these SJW for trying to steal something that belongs to the troops and the vets and make it about themselves.

degustibus #transphobia reddit.com

The fact that he's having these fantasies and going as far as to share them as if anyone buys it is making me very worried. This person should not be in a female bathroom where he might encounter female children. I'd be interested to read the comments on this post.
Is he really so delusional he wonders why he's being "misgendered"? 😒
Eta: Found the post and, in news shocking no one, not a single person found his bathroom story strange or concerning enough to remark upon.

Did you actually ponder if this man were delusional enough to wonder about why he's misgendered?
See, any man who thinks he'll be able to transform into a woman and have a better life is already so far gone that nothing else should really surprise you, but it's an honest reaction.
While there are some men who on some level can eventually pass at a distance, I get a kick out of the guys who will never really have a shot at it, I'm thinking of the guys I've known my height who go for it. What? You're 6'2", now you're wearing heels and strutting around at 6'5", just knowledge of height distribution makes you as a woman so unlikely. Or Bruce Jenner. Guy was on a Wheaties box for being a champion guy jock. Now he wants us all to play along with the fantasy that he has blossomed into Caitlyn. And media play along with this fantasy, actually daring to refer to him as Brody Jenner's mother. What? No, his actual mother is still alive, she's the one who gave birth to him, you know, baby i the uterus then delivered through the vagina. And then she nursed and raised her son. We're in some really bizarre times.

Yes, it always shocks me because I just can’t fathom looking in the mirror, seeing THAT, and thinking you actually look female to the point where you get confused/pissy when people see a MAN. I know this is a mental illness but it’s just so jarring.

The whole thing is funny and infuriating to me. I have been diagnosed with a mental illness or two, one is considered pretty serious. But even at my worst times I haven't mutilated my reproductive organs. I haven't insisted that others address me as another sex or participate in an alternate reality with me. And the state considers my one mental illness so bad that they took away my rights for 5 years, put me on a database, confiscated property, sent cops to all my addresses on record in case I retained any firearms.... But I never threatened anyone, never hurt anyone, simply got hospitalized. Yet much of our society now has decided that a man or a woman can flip sexes if they say they feel like they were born in the wrong body. And we're supposed to encourage every younger people to take the opposite sex's hormones and have surgeries and learn to deceive people. These people are supposed to be heroes. Traitor Bradley Manning got his time in Leavenworth shortened in no small part cause he became Chelsea and was so much more sympathetic. Bruce Jenner starts some nasty transformation in his 60s and while this process is going on plays some part in a fatal car accident which normally would have gotten lots more scrutiny, but Bruce was becoming Caitlyn and all of a sudden is ESPN's person of the year? Our country has jumped the shark.

sierramike76 #transphobia reddit.com

OK, here's what I don't understand. Forgive the crudeness, but I've seen much made of the phrase "post-nut clarity" all over the Internet lately. Do these dudes have any?? I mean, who wants to perform their fetish, or even think about their most minor proclivities, 24/7? That sounds to me outlandish, deeply distasteful, and absolutely exhausting.

That’s the thing, quite a few of these men talk about their “dysphoria” going away after they masturbate. They are so dense and in so much denial that they still won’t admit that the presence of “post-nut clarity” means that it is literally a fetish, fantasy tool, and addiction.

Because admitting that, even to themselves, would make them question everything in their lives. They are harming everyone with their forced public humiliation fetish, and they don’t want to believe that fact. No one wants to be the villain in their own story. It’s why they hug-box each other, and why questions aren’t allowed. It’s why when another man questions if maybe it’s just a fetish he has and that deep down he’s worried he’s not really trans, they all jump in with the validation and the uwus. That’s how fragile the web they’ve spun is. All it takes is a handful of men with this fetish questioning this where everyone can see it, and the whole thing falls apart.

EquivalentApple & vanny543 #transphobia reddit.com


Estrogen does slow their aging. They often do look younger than other men their age if they’ve been on it for a while.
Of course, TIMs who pass well enough to look like a woman look old for their age when seen as female. 26 year old semi-convincing TIMs look 46.


This is definitely true. One of my better male friends used to be a TIM and started hrt when he was 15–because he was so young (far too young) he started genuinely looking like a female over time, but he literally looked like he was a 25 year old woman when he was 16. The exact opposite happens to TIFs.

TrappedInMensBodies #transphobia reddit.com

Incels- actual incels, not people who want an excuse for not making the effort- hate these kinds of people. If you're too ugly to pass as a man you're not going to find more success as a- in their eyes- delusional woman.

And if it's because you're just looking for an acceptable way to express your own homosexuality- it's more common than you may expect- incels still hate it because homosexual men tend to be extremely promiscuous, have many sexual partners, and tend to have lower standards than women per statistics.

Guys on TheRedPill and pick up artists hate MGTOW. What does this have to do with the fact that they all hate and degrade women?

Any outside observer can see what this is. Incels and this new wave of TIMs who discovered their identity through Internet forums, porn, and anime (I'll just call them 'transbians') are both mediocre pornsick young men who are emotionally incapable of interacting with women. There has been research done which shows that watching porn from a young age causes a disconnect in the male mind.

First of all, their only experience with sex is seeing other people doing it on a screen, so they start to view this normal interaction between men and women as something immaterial and unattainable to them. Young men end up watching porn daily and rarely interacting with women, which puts sex on a pedestal in their minds and it becomes unimaginable that they will ever get to sexually interact with a woman. Incels take this despair out on women in the form of frustration and rampant misogyny, meanwhile Transbians cope with these hopeless desires by pushing them inwards, so being a girl becomes their new unobtainable goal.

Second of all, exposure to porn before natural sexual interests develop naturally leads people to develop their interests around what they see in porn, which is unfortunate because porn viewers tend to rapidly accelerate the intensity of the stuff that they watch as time goes on because the brain needs more and more dopamine forever. My theory is that incels ended up at abuse/rape porn while Transbians ended up at sissy hypno porn.

Any transbian would've been an incel if they took a slightly different path.

DeliciousBadger & smiolet #transphobia reddit.com


This is the worst and most dangerous thing about the cult.

Not only do they take hormones and ruin whatever sex drive they had with porn addiction, they try and drag others into it too.

I think it's a case of "if I can get others to think the same it will justify my mental illness" type thing. That and, unfortunately, plenty of incels who have very few friends will easily fit in the trans community.

Just think of how malicious this is, though. Convincing confused and mentally ill men that they should take hormones to permanently change their body and then also possibly cut their dick off to leave a gaping wound there instead. Like the top comment says as well, using the excuse that "feeling good when thinking about being a girl means your trans" is just blatantly not true.

I don't wake up and think "it feels good to be a man." I just am. That "feeling good" they experience is literally just arousal after hours of sissy hypno porn.


Almost this exact thing happened in a group I attend. Basically, this man in the group was talking about how he enjoys cross dressing (not drag though, he clarified that) and he's straight and single. He said he felt he was going to be alone forever because he crossdresses, said he was ashamed.

People in the group started saying he might be trans. He kept telling them that he is not trans. Eventually he flat out said that cross dressing is sexual for him, that he is aroused by it. There are two trans people in this group, and one of them told him that that is a very normal experience for trans people. The other trans person was nodding their head. They then asked if he wanted to start 'cross dressing' in public. I wanted to ducking scream. Thankfully, he was super patient and said 'NO, it's a fetish. That's why I'm ashamed of it. I'm not trans, it's role play.' They then tried to tell him that he is gender fluid. Eventually the group therapist changed the discussion.

Upper_Canada_Pango #transphobia reddit.com

Yup. Check out the very real sub /r/transmaxxing for more incels choosing to transition, the thing that never happens so often that they have their own subreddit.

Christ, what is wrong with men.

There's been a large degree of social breakdown, and a general shift further towards narcissistic behaviours in wider society. Obviously there's always been men like this but my hypothesis is that stemming from this increasing numbers of boys growing up are not being taught the positive 'masculine virtues' - things like restraint, setting and striving for realistic goals, and teamwork.

Pat Robertson #fundie #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

After airing a story about gender transition on “The 700 Club” today, televangelist Pat Robertson declared that the transgender movement is “a satanic move to keep people from having children.”

“The devil has found a new way to keep people from bearing young in the image of God,” Robertson said. “To think that these people will then be neutered, they will not be able to be married, to have successful families, they won’t have children to look after them in their old age. I mean, they are throwing away their whole future on this nonsense that comes about in this politically correct environment.”

We have no idea where Robertson is getting the absurd notion that transgender people cannot get married, have children, and build “successful families.”

“We cannot allow this to happen in our country, ladies and gentlemen,” he added. “It is an attack of the enemy against human beings. God says, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth and possess it.’ Be fruitful and multiply. But the devil says, ‘Oh no, you are creating boys and girls, young babies in the image of God and we won’t permit that.’ So we are just a bunch of suckers buying into a lie.”

ZGuy0fSci #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

"Human Rights" are just simply Human Rights, ya know like the things Red China are in grevious continuous violations of against? ^_>

There are no such things as "Gay Rights" or "Trans Rights" or other "Etc Rights" Etc, or so there should not be or need there be needs be there for nor of, rather that simply "People are People" just as Love is not Sex and Sex is not Love but rather simply "Love is Love" such without the issue of Sex til after or as a separated matter;

So no. "Shitty People" are not or aren't exclusively those who take issue with the LGBT-1000 going off about offshoot "rights" seeking to segregate people and humans into categories of varying kinds with each being less than equal and having or lacking their own sets of "rights."

But hey. I'm just some "Cyst"Gendered Straight White Guy of varied decents who greatly values Genuine Equality & Meritocratic Fairness over and in opposition against wrongful segregations based upon artificial bullshits.

/)' GLHF's to all and Good Gaming

tehgymcel420 #transphobia incels.is

[It's Over] Do people really expect us to fuck trannies?

I often walk around without my glasses because they make me look even uglier, so I can't always see things properly from a distance. One day on campus I saw what I thought was a really ugly female, but upon closer inspection it was a really ugly male pretending to be a female, it was gross. Are we really expected to fuck those things in western society? There's none of that degeneracy in my desert shithole.

Tobias Langdon #transphobia #wingnut #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger unz.com


Sex and race are, to the left, mere social constructs, abstract systems of delusion and injustice that can be overturned by human will and social engineering. It follows, then, that leftists will support and celebrate men who reject the social construct of sex and claim to be women. And leftists do support and celebrate such men.

Triumph of the Trannies

It also follows that leftists will support and celebrate Whites who reject the social construct of race and claim to be Blacks. But leftists don’t support and celebrate such Whites. Quite the contrary. While Bruce Jenner, a man claiming to be a woman, is worshipped and rewarded, Rachel Dolezal, a White claiming to be a Black, is ridiculed and punished. Steve Sailer and others have drawn attention to this contradiction, but I don’t think they’ve properly explained it.

Why do leftists cheer when men cross the border between the sexes, but jeer when Whites try to cross the border between the races?

I pose those questions deliberately in that form to draw out the links between the left’s love of transgenderism and the left’s love of open borders. The Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard (1926–95) described this aspect of leftist ideology very well in this passage of an otherwise long-winded and boring essay:

The egalitarian revolt against biological reality, as significant as it is, is only a subset of a deeper revolt: against the ontological structure of reality itself, against the “very organization of nature”; against the universe as such. At the heart of the egalitarian left is the pathological belief that there is no structure of reality; that all the world is a tabula rasa that can be changed at any moment in any desired direction by the mere exercise of human will — in short, that reality can be instantly transformed by the mere wish or whim of human beings. (Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, Modern Age, Fall 1973)

Rothbard was right in general about leftism, but failed to explain that highly significant exception: why does the “exercise of human will” allow Bruce Jenner and others to become women, but not allow Rachel Dolezal and others to become Blacks?

Sex and race are both aspects of reality, but the left believes that only one of those aspects “can be instantly transformed by the mere wish or whim of human beings.” Why so? I would explain it by supplementing Rothbard’s explanation. Yes, he’s right when he says the left have a magical belief in the reality-transforming power of “human will,” but he doesn’t discuss what happens when there is a clash of wills.

The high and the low

Let’s look at transgenderism first. Men like Bruce Jenner and Jonathan Yaniv (pictured) have “willed” that men can become women and must enjoy unrestricted access to all female spaces. At the same time, some women — the so-called Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists or TERFs — have “willed” that men can’t become women and must keep out of female spaces. There is a clash of wills that is settled, for the Left, by the status of the opposing sides. In leftist eyes, the men have higher status than the women, which is why the men’s will prevails and the women’s will is rejected. But hold on, you might be thinking: How can the men have higher status than the women in leftist eyes? It’s easy: the transgender men have cleverly aligned themselves not with men in general, who are indeed of lower status than women, but with homosexual men, who are of higher status than women.

Trangendered men are part of the “LBGTQ+ community,” which lifts them above women in the leftist hierarchy. Take Jonathan Yaniv, the perverted and probably Jewish male, who claims to be a woman and has been suing female cosmeticians in Canada for refusing to wax his fully intact male genitals. If Yaniv spoke the truth, he would admit that he is a heterosexual male who seeks perverted sexual pleasure by passing himself off as a woman and receiving Brazilian waxes or entering female toilets to share tampon tips with under-age girls, etc. Obviously, then, Yaniv can’t admit the truth. Heterosexual men are wicked in leftist eyes and are well below women in the leftist hierarchy. Heterosexual men definitely cannot pass themselves off as women in pursuit of perverted sexual thrills.

Actual authentic lesbians

Yaniv and other “trans-women” must therefore align themselves with homosexuals to pass leftist purity-tests. As trans-women they claim to be members of a sexual minority, which triggers the leftist love of minority-worship. Indeed, Yaniv and some others go further than simply claiming to be women: they claim to be actual authentic lesbians. A pinned tweet at Yaniv’s Twitter account states that he is “One proud lesbian. I’ll never give up fighting for human rights equality. #LGBTQoftwitter.” Yaniv isn’t a lesbian, of course. Real lesbians — that is, real women who are sexually attracted to other real women — quite rightly reject fake lesbians like him, so the fake lesbians exploit leftist ideology again and accuse real lesbians of bigotry and hate.

Feminism has the concept of the “glass ceiling,” whereby women are unjustly prevented by sexist men from reaching the highest positions in politics, business and academia. Inspired by this, the fake lesbians have invented the concept of the “cotton ceiling,” whereby men like Yaniv are unjustly prevented by real lesbians from removing the underwear of said lesbians and having sex with them. Here is a trans-lesbian activist lecturing a sceptical TERF (i.e. Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist for those not up on the latest jargon) on the injustices of the cotton ceiling:

Trans women are female. When our female-ness and womanhood is denied, as you keep doing repeatedly, that is transphobic and transmisogynist. As I said earlier, all people’s desires are influenced by an intersection of cultural messages that determine those desires. Cultural messages that code trans women’s bodies as male are transphobic, and those messages influence people’s desires. So cis queer women who are attracted to other queer women may not view trans women as viable sexual partners because they have internalized the message that trans women are somehow male.

The comparison to what cis males say also makes no sense. What trans women are saying is that we are women, and thus should be considered women sexually, and thus be considered viable partners for women who are attracted to women. What cis males are saying is that queer women shouldn’t be exclusively attracted to women, which is completely different. (The Cotton Ceiling? Really?, Femonade blog, 13th March 2012)

It’s not “completely different,” of course. In both cases, people with penises are “saying” (and willing) that real lesbians should have sex with them. In both cases, real lesbians would be encountering the male genitals of real men. But the trans-activist believes in an act of verbal transubstantiation whereby a trans-lesbian possesses a “female penis” that, despite all appearances, is “completely different” to the nasty and objectionable penis of a “cis male.”

Aspects of religious psychology

I use the term “transubstantiation” deliberately. It’s a term from Catholic theology that refers to the supernatural process whereby wafers and wine transform into the flesh and blood of Christ during the celebration of Holy Eucharist by a priest. No physical or scientific test can detect this transformation, and to all appearances the wafers and wine remain unchanged. But traditionalist Catholics will insist that the wafers and wine are now truly Christ’s flesh and blood. If you disagree, you’re probably safe nowadays, but you wouldn’t have been in the past. It was very unwise to openly deny, let alone ridicule, transubstantiation in Catholic nations during the Middle Ages. And disagreements over the concept were central to the murderous hatreds of the Reformation. Those who believed in transubstantiation got very angry when it was denied.

This anger, which is part of the odium theologicum, is an important aspect of religious psychology, whether overt or covert — leftism can in fact be explained as a mutation of Christianity and Judaism. Overt and covert religions gain power by demanding belief in things that defy everyday reality, because such belief is difficult and requires a greater emotional investment. When we invest more in a belief, we have more incentive to protect it more strongly. And it is precisely because concepts like transubstantiation and the “female penis” are absurd that they are powerful. When we have an emotional investment in something we can’t prove, we react strongly when it is denied or ridiculed. That applies even more when we ourselves are subconsciously aware or afraid that our beliefs are baseless or false. Crushing external heresies can be a way of stilling internal doubts.

The “female penis” vs the “unisex brain”

And so religion and other forms of ideology can gain power by their contradictions and absurdities. However, in the clash between transgenderism and feminism, both sides believe in absurdities: the trannies insist on the concept of the female penis, just as the feminists insist on the concept of the “unisex brain,” namely, that there is no genuine difference between male and female brains. These two concepts are both biologically absurd: there is no such thing as a female penis, but there is such a thing as a female brain. However, if transgenderism and feminism are both powered by absurdities, why have trannies been winning the battle over the TERFs? Well, it’s partly because the trannies have the bigger, and therefore better, absurdities. For example, the “female penis” is an obvious absurdity, the “unisex brain” is much less so. Penises are out in the open, after all, whereas brains are hidden behind the skull.

And there is a continuum between a typically male brain and a typically female brain that doesn’t exist between male genitals and female genitals in the vast majority of cases. The psychological differences between men and women are a question of averages and tendencies, but the physical differences are generally stark and obvious (inter-sex individuals are rare). A certain group of trannies also have the stronger male will-to-power and love of battle, which is another reason they are winning the battle with lesbians. All this explains why the left supports and celebrates trannies as they cross the border between male and female. As a sexual minority, they have higher status than ordinary women. As a novel and exhibitionist sexual minority, they also have higher status than lesbians, who also have less will-to-power.

Better than Black

Indeed, as I pointed out in “Power to the Perverts!,” transgenderism has allowed some White heterosexual men to leap above the Black-Jewish lesbian feminist Linda Bellos in the leftist hierarchy. The White men are “transgender” and Bellos, although Black, is a TERF. In current leftism, transgender trumps TERF. Leftists therefore support the border-abolishing White men and not the border-erecting Black woman.

However, leftists would instantly support Bellos if those White men were claiming to be Black rather than female. Leftists want the border between male and female abolished, but not the border between Black and White. Why so? Again I would argue that higher and lower status settle the clash of wills. Rachel Dolezal “willed” that she was Black, while Blacks “willed” that she wasn’t. Dolezal was trying to abolish a border, Blacks were trying to maintain one, so a naïve reading of leftism would say that leftists should support “trans-racialists” like Dolezal just as they support transgenderists like Bruce Jenner. But leftists didn’t support Dolezal, and Blacks easily won the battle of wills. The border between Black and White stayed up, and Dolezal was ridiculed and punished, despite being more convincing as a Black than most transgenderists ever are as women.

{Submitter’s note: Langdon rants on and on… see the source link if you’re really interested about the rest of it}

Guillaume Durocher #sexist #transphobia #racist #homophobia europereloaded.com

Any rational and fact-based discussion about gender equality and the right roles for the sexes is impossible in our society.

It is impossible because we cannot even bring ourselves to recognize the reality of biological sex – hence the increasingly-widespread insanity of allowing male-to-female transsexuals participate in, and thereby dominate, women’s sports. In the face of such insanity, all our ancestral wisdom and modern science – not to mention my own scribblings – are quite useless: there’s no helping people who are too dishonest or cowardly to see what is in front of their own nose.

However, for the sake of our young white boys – who are already being scapegoated for the inevitable failures to achieve equality and who need to take up their place in society as proud and confident men – I will provide a brief account of sex differences and what gender relations might look like in a healthy society.

Biological sex differences beyond the mere reproductive apparatus, known as sexual dimorphism, is the norm in much the Animal Kingdom. This reflects the differing evolutionary strategies of males and females. Almost every difference imaginable is possible, according to that particular species’ differing evolutionary strategies for males and females. Typically, while females carry and (where applicable) nurture offspring by default, males are more competitive and have to prove themselves in some way to get the female’s approval; whether this means rams battering their horns against one another or birds preparing elegant nests or showing off their spectacular plumage. (On which see David Attenborough’s innumerable nature documentaries, which typically boil down to animals struggling to get food, not get eaten, and find a mate.)

Sexual dimorphism can be non-existent or extreme. In the case of the deep sea angler fish, the small male bites in the female and gradually fuses with her, until all that remains is a pair of gonads attached to the female’s body. So far, there is no angler fish “masculinist movement” arguing for the interchangeability and equal rights of male and female angler fish.

The differences between men and women are certainly not as severe as among male and female angler fish, but they are not negligible. To be brief: men are competitive and achieve their highest reproductive potential through conquest, while women are consensual and achieve their highest reproductive potential through nurturing. A successful man might have dozens or even hundreds of children, a biological impossibility even for the most successful woman. Men’s evolutionary strategy is high-risk, high-reward. Women’s is low-risk, low-reward.

A successful man would be engaged in collective struggles with other men to seize resources, to build, to discover, while a successful woman would secure resources from her man! And Nature has equipped women with all the psychological traits and emotional skills to do so. A man is attracted to a healthy, beautiful woman. A woman is attracted to a socially successful, prestigious man with money, one who is at once a provider and a bad-boy (she is very torn on this), so as to provide for her and protect her. Hence, the media have breathlessly reported that the economic decline of men is a tragedy . . . for women’s marriage prospects!

In the prehistoric tribe, a successful man would have spent much time physically exerting himself, hunting animals or warring against other men, as part of a coalition of men. Women would have spent much of their adult life incapacitated in the home, pregnant or caring for small children. The psychological traits appropriate for these two modes of life are of course vastly different.

If you ever engage in any kind of physically difficult group endeavor – say you move to a different home with all your furniture – you will typically find that men and women revert to their traditional roles. The men will be literally doing the heavy lifting and building the furniture, while the women will be cleaning, cooking, and providing moral support (the value of which should not be underestimated).

Women also seem to be natural enforcers of social values. While men have historically controlled the priesthoods and the media, it is women who nag their menfolk to live up to the society’s established social norms and be respectable. (No doubt part of the reason why homosexuals have become so prominent in the far-Right since the latter has become heretical.) It is said that Spartan women would murder their own sons if these ever fled battle, and that it was Byzantine women who murdered the soldiers who had been ordered to destroy Christian icons. Across Europe today you will find that old women are virtually the only ones left going to the villages churches.

As we have become comfortable, so our societies and culture have become feminized and infantilized. Today, it seems that women project their mothering instincts upon all the approved “victim groups” of the world: homosexuals, migrants, and minorities all are their symbolic substitute children. Any measures which do not treat these groups as “equals” with heterosexual child-rearing European families – even if salutary for the common good – are then considered mere vicious “bullying.” In the United States, White Democratic women have driven most of the shift towards the demand there be equal racial outcomes, even if discrimination is required.

In my view, following Aristotle and Darwin, human ethics must be founded upon human nature. Humans are social and potentially rational beings, who exist through the creation of successive generations, passing on hereditary characteristics. To the extent that men and women differ biologically, this may imply that, ethically, there should be different social roles for them, in order to foster maximal individual and collective human flourishing.

The most obvious of these is military service. Men being physically much more powerful than women, societies have always discriminated against men by requiring them to serve in the military, while women stayed safe at home. (Hollywood has not yet attempted to show how strong, independent black women were central to the success of the D-Day landings, but there is still time.) The social expectation that women stay at home to take care of children is exactly analogous to this. An optimally-organized species will have sexually specialized roles, to some extent, for the benefit of the species.

The Spartans, the Aztecs, and Mussolini were all in agreement: childbirth – probably the most intense experience a typical postmodern may live today – is to women what war is to men. And so, it probably is not a coincidence that male authority has wholly collapsed at the same as peace has triumphed in our lands.

Even a couple of generations ago, every day our grandfathers had to show daily heroism: working in the fields, in mines, on fishing boats, or in the military, come rain or snow. By this effort, they secured their families’ livelihood and their own paternal authority, not to mention their own native toughness.

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