
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia wnd.com

In 2008 Anne and I relocated to Springfield, Massachusetts, with the intention of leaving the culture-war battlefield on LGBT issues to launch a more traditional inner-city mission to serve the bottom strata of society in one of the most depressed and decrepit population centers in the country.
Summer 2011 was exactly halfway through our first seven years, and it was at that biblically significant three-and-a-half year mark that a powerful supernatural event occurred, one I will share publicly for the very first time today.
Court Square is the symbolic and spiritual heart of the city. It was therefore greatly disturbing to me when I reached the end of the path at Main Street and discovered an official "Gay Pride" banner hanging from the lamppost in the same place and manner as the annual Christmas banners. I was deeply vexed in my spirit, because this was to my knowledge the very first time Springfield had allowed such a display – indicating that the historically Catholic city had succumbed to the LGBT Borg and had chosen the path of defilement instead of Christian redemption.

At 4:30 p.m. that very day a massive tornado touched down in Westfield and carved a 39 mile path of destruction through West Springfield, South Springfield and several towns eastward. It barely missed the Old First Church, but ripped through the rest of Court Square right where the offending banner had hung. The way I see it, God tore down that particular flag Himself.

Significantly to us, the tornado came right to the edge of our designated "Redemption Zone," turned south along its western border, then continued east along its southern border. There was damage only at the far southwest corner of our prayer-covered mission territory. One of our ministry staff standing on the back porch of the third floor of our church building actually watched the monster bear down directly at him from the west and then turn away south and then east.

Restoring Truth #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #ableist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

This week, far out in America’s heartland, Lizzo repudiated law and mangled grammar in one easy stroke. The heavyweight singer counseled kids at her recent Nebraska concert, “Don’t let any laws tell you who you not.” She pronounced herself a “safe space” for transgendered children in a state that just banned gender mutilation surgeries. If you’ve seen Lizzo, you know that’s plenty of space.

This morbidly obese entertainer—doubling as the face of body positivity—prances around in lingerie that showcases her flesh in a most appalling fashion. Like all people in the “people in larger bodies” movement, she pretends that her obesity defies the laws of nature; in her shameless universe, extreme overweight is both sexy and healthy.

Her statement supporting transgenderism was no surprise given the unholy consortium of causes that embody the left. A motley crew has gathered under one nasty and ever-expanding tent to champion every illogical idea and sexual proclivity that comes along. Abortion activists, pansexuals, socialists, satanists, transgenders, the proudly obese, and pedophiles—to name just a few— have joined forces against everything good, beautiful, and true.
More than their unifying craziness, though, they’re drawn together by their common hatred for a God whose created order and sovereignty will not bend or cave to their wishes. They resent the gnawing shame they feel under his gaze. Rejecting his authority over bodies, they hope to destroy him—finally free to soak in the glory they chased.

Our cultural elites only play supporting roles in a drama that opened long ago. As children, we think Satan is a horned devil, but according to scripture, he was beautiful and esteemed among angels. But he would not submit to the kingship of God; it was a glory he craved for himself. His hapless attempts to topple the throne still fuel his rage against the King, and he seethes at the image of God in lowly man.

Elena Ceaușescu Award

for least qualified education policy maker

Laurie Cardoza-Moore #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Laurie Cardoza-Moore has promoted conspiracy theories about 9/11

She defended to plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan

Now Tennessee House Speaker @CSexton25 has appointed her to a board charged with creating the state's social studies standards.

Cardoza-Moore has criticized existing public school curriculum for exposing children to “anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian content in our public schools”

She says the current public school curriculum is "ruining our children’s lives"

In 2011, Cardoza-Moore claimed that former President Barack Obama was causing "horrific tornadoes" because he made a speech that discussed the plight of Palestinians.

A group run by Cardozo-Moore, @PJTN, “suggest[ed] removing” a sentence stating that “members of al-Qaeda carried out” the September 11 attacks, citing Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group that claimed 9/11 was an "inside job"

Cardozo-Moore falsely claimed the January 6 insurrection was not carried out by Trump supporters but by Antifa

When news broke that right-wing extremists were planning to kidnap Michigan GovGretchen Whitmer, Cardoza-Moore also expressed support for the plot

“Am I missing something here? Didn’t the Founders address removing a tyrant from office in the Constitution?” Cardoza-Moore wrote

Cardoza-Moore is also notorious for spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric. She led opposition to the construction of a Tennessee mosque and argued that the mosque was a “terrorist training camp.” She also falsely claimed that 30% of Muslims are terrorists

Cardoza-Moore's calls herself “Laurie Cardoza-Moore, ThD.” But her “doctorate” is “an honorary doctorate degree in theology from the Latin University of Theology,” an unaccredited diploma mill

Her only real degree is an Associates Degree in Film and Dramatic Arts

But somehow, she is qualified to participate in setting the social studies standards for the entire state of Tennessee.

Sexton and Cardoza-Moore did not respond to requests for comment

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Elon Musk gets approval from the FDA for his Neuralink brain chip that will function as a ‘bridge’ to the soon-coming Mark of the Beast
In case you haven’t been paying attention, the global community of science, so called, Silicon Valley and nearly all world governments have been absolutely obsessed with injecting things into human beings. We have just lived through the most contentious period of time in modern history where hundreds of millions of people were locked down against their will and forced to receive an injection from their government. Donald Trump takes the lion’s share of credit for all this. Now the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, has government approval to being installing microchips into people’s brains with his Neuralink technology. Almost makes you think all these unsaved people have been reading Revelation, doesn’t it?

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the world is rushing headlong and at breakneck speed into the soon-coming Mark of the Beast. Is Neuralink the Mark of the Beast? No, but it’s one of the end times ‘bridges’ that’ll take you there. We are in the final stages of preparations that have been made over the last 30 or so years to put in place the Mark of the Beast System, and it is stunning to take it all in. As Elon Musk has famously said, “we already have become part-cyborg” due to our adoption of mobile devices and our dependence on things like the internet and social media. The last thing that was needed was a super-intelligence to bring it all together, and AI is meeting that need quite nicely. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we show you just how close we are to what comes next.

K #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

I agree with Karl — there’s no arguing with a woman’s biology. My brother married an attorney believe it or not who was actually a prosecutor. We invited them to go camping with us soon after they were married and somehow her diaphragm disappeared out of her bag. (Hmmm, I wonder, I just can’t imagine who could have searched through her bag to find that handy-dandy little baby barrier and then had a good chuckle throwing it in the trash. Oops!) Well they were newlyweds and we were camping for a week. The look on her face was priceless when I told her, no we didn’t have any condoms, and she realized she’d be sharing a sleeping bag with an amorous husband for a week without any contraception. She had their first nine months later.

Christian Education Europe, Accelerated Christian Education, at least eleven British schools #fundie #wingnut news.sky.com

Students in schools using the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum are being taught human-caused climate change is not real and evolution is "impossible", a study has found.

Climate change denial is a new addition to science textbooks that have been updated over the last few years, according to the research.

The textbooks deny human action is linked to rising temperatures and instead teach students God has a plan to prepare a new heaven and Earth with a better climate.

The Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum originated in Texas in 1970 and is used by at least 11 schools in the UK, as well as by some homeschooling parents.

It presents every subject through a Biblical worldview and creationism is a cornerstone of its science lessons.

Christian Education Europe, which oversees the ACE curriculum in the UK, describes the science course as "non-evolutionary in approach and content" on its website. The organisation did not respond to a request for comment.

Researchers from University College London found pupils are not exposed to any ideas contrary to the literal interpretation of the Bible until Year 9 - which they said goes against the legal requirement for schools to offer a "broad and balanced science curriculum".

The study's lead author, Dr Jenna Scaramanga, told Sky News pupils who study the curriculum end up "misinformed [and] not able to weigh scientific evidence".

Austin Ruse #homophobia #fundie #wingnut crisismagazine.com

A month of the Sacred Heart—has been taken over by perversion. The love that dares not speak its name screams all month long in our faces. You cannot get away. Rainbows everywhere. You are tempted to stay inside, lower the shades, like the three days of darkness, praying for the demons to pass by.

You can count on seeing their anti-Christian hate rainbow everywhere. There will be a rainbow sticker on the ATM at the bank. You want cash? You get the rainbow, too.
You have to hand it to the rainbows. They make up no more than 1.6 percent of the adult population. That’s a mere four million people who “identify” as rainbow, about the size of Los Angeles or the state of Oklahoma. There are more Methodists. Of course, they want you to think they make up 10 percent of the total population, roughly 33 million. That was always a lie ginned up in the criminal work of wicked Alfred Kinsey, high priest of the Rainbow Zeus.

So successful has been that lie that youngsters now believe that 25 percent—83 million—of the population are rainbow. Of course, calling yourself non-binary gets you cost-free into the Rainbow Club, and it is a safe harbor that comes with all sorts of societal huzzahs. Even if the numbers lie, hats off to the rainbows for their achievements. They have made us all if not worship Rainbow Zeus, at least acknowledge him or grit your teeth as you look away.

“Rainbow Zeus” was coined by my friend Professor Matthew Mehan, Associate Dean of the exalted Hillsdale College’s D.C. campus. Rainbow Zeus is a false god, an angry god who demands our attention if not our worship. This is why so many people think they have to bend the knee.

You have to light the candle to get along, not get fired. You must wear the rainbow lanyard, salute the rainbow flag, even if you utterly reject the gay rainbow; even if you understand that the LGBTQ+ rainbow is a giant middle finger to the Triune God. It is. The rainbow is His. It was His promise that He would not destroy mankind again.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie pepelivesmatter.substack.com

Think about it like this:

We, as anons, have been desperately attempting to get the sheep populace to understand the core truths of our society and wake them up to the corruption inherent within. And now, during the precipice, we are literally watching corporations like Target hire Satanists to create their children's clothes, story time drag hours for children, the dismantling of basic gender norms.

It has become so blatant that you'd be a fool to not notice it.

They were always doing this behind the scenes but now the curtain has been lifted. Why are some so upset when this is exactly what we actually want?

The "movie" is red pilling on its own now with barely any help from us crazy conspiracy theorists.

The truth is unveiling itself like never before.

How do you wake up those who refuse to see the truth?

You make the truth comically blatant.

What if it became mind numbing apparent?

That's exactly what the author of this story is doing now.

You want to show how the President's of the past were merely inept puppets for the shadow cabal?

You want to show the world that Satanism in society is far more insidious and has infected the very core of most governments?

They are being shown every single day.

You want to show that our elections are rigged and our court system is irreparably damaged to the point of no return?

Durham and Trump are showing you.

But how do we reach the normies who refuse to see even still?

Maybe that's not up to us anymore. Maybe God and some more spectacular boom can only accomplish such a feat.
And what you are going through now is called the burden of knowledge. Ignorance is bliss. But understanding the truth causes you to feel pain. That pain is what will ultimately do an incredible work in you, if you let God move within it.

You are being made a rock solid diamond as the world witnesses Babylon unveiled.

James Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger returntoorder.org

The feminist narrative of history portrays women’s rights as a recent phenomenon. Feminists believe that pre-modern women were oppressed by men and had few rights. Nowhere were women more miserable than in medieval times when the Church and a patriarchal society reduced them to near slavery.

Feminists contend that since then, the fight for women’s rights has made steady and inevitable progress as history evolves to ever greater freedom. We can’t go back, they cry.

Maybe the feminists need to go back—and at least look at the facts. Recent studies reveal that this historical perspective is false. Medieval times offered unprecedented opportunities for women. The portrayal of oppressed women is more the invention of modern historians, Victorian distortions and Hollywood scripts than medieval chronicles.
The modern idea of history as an inevitable march evolving toward greater freedom is likewise flawed. If anything, the plight of women has worsened since the Middle Ages. Indeed, the Church elevated the role of women in society. Later secular movements often oppressed them. History does not follow fate but depends upon free will. Thus, periods vary according to the circumstances.

The most surprising finding of the two scholars is that the Renaissance “vastly rolled back the rights of women.” The Renaissance was supposedly a “rebirth” of ancient culture and enlightenment. However, its reborn ideas bought back the neo-pagan Roman and Greek cultures where women had no political rights and limited opportunities.
The Church played a major role in recognizing the inherent dignity of men and women and worked toward the salvation of their souls. At the same time, the Church encouraged the improvement of the material conditions of all, opening up new opportunities for progress. Above all, the Church endowed society with supernatural graces so that men and women became capable of things that took them beyond their human nature.

Todd Rokita, Cory Voight #fundie #wingnut aljazeera.com

[Title: US doctor who treated 10-year-old rape victim faces hearing]
[...] Licensing Board [...] opened a disciplinary hearing [...] after she spoke out about offering abortion care to a 10-year-old rape victim[...].

[...]told her story to The Indianapolis Star [...] to illustrate the immediate effects of [...] overturn the constitutional right to an abortion.

[...]the board heard a complaint from Indiana’s Attorney General Todd Rokita, a Republican and opponent of abortion rights, accusing Bernard of violating both state and federal law.
Bernard “has repeatedly and regularly spoken to the press to perpetuate the coverage of her patient’s private life”[...]

[...]the patient was never named [...] accuses Bernard of triggering “an intense media search” for information about the girl.

Bernard and her lawyers, however, have denied any violation of [...] the law that protects patient privacy.
[...]Bernard’s employer, Indiana University Health, issued a statement confirming the doctor had complied with patient privacy laws.
Ohio was able to impose an existing six-week abortion ban that had been mired in legal controversy since 2019.

That forced the 10-year-old and her mother to seek abortion care across state lines, in Indiana. At the time Bernard first heard about the 10-year-old, she was six weeks and three days pregnant.

The child ultimately received a medication abortion, and a 27-year-old suspect in the rape case was arrested in July.
Bernard’s public statements about the case sparked a political firestorm, with many anti-abortion advocates — and prominent politicians like Ohio Representative Jim Jordan — casting doubt on the story’s veracity.
[...]Cory Voight argued that it was Bernard who was advancing her own political agenda. [...] on Fox News to slam Bernard as an “abortion activist acting as a doctor”.
[...]judge[...]rule that Rokita had violated confidentiality laws himself[...]

Jeffrey Camras #fundie #racist #wingnut #crackpot blogs.timesofisrael.com

["Moving Forward on Palestine":here]

In order to right a wrong, in order to make peace and move forward, Palestine must be obliterated. It is an afront to society, morality, humanity. It represents lies and antisemitism, oppression and terror. Nothing more

No one cares about the Palestinians. Care for them solely exists in the form of Anti-Israel advocacy, NOT Pro-Palestinian support. This is proven by the refugee camps[…]
The very concept of statehood is a foreign concept[…]Prior to this were emirates, an evolved, modern form of the tribe[…]A model that works for the region. It can work for us too

There is a such a bitter hatred towards Jews from Palestinians that it has manifested in horrific ways. Suicide bombings[…]
Palestinians need to be reeducated. To not hate Jews, learn their TRUE history, not antisemitic wistful thinking that glorifies children’s death in the name of Allah. I even dare say buried deep in Palestine are the descendants of Jews who[…]converted to Islam or Christianity[…]There may even be a Tikkun, an opportunity, for their return to our civilization[…]
Israel[…]needs to put its faith in the Torah and Hashem in order fulfill our destiny. Establish sovereignty over Har HaBayit[…]Establish Jewish prayer and a Korban Tamid today! Conquer remaining biblical lands in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Do this diplomatically or militarily. Do not be weak with your enemies. Expel anyone who does not accept Hashem’s Sovereignty[…]
The world demands human rights for the Palestinians[…]If you want these rights, you have to give up your nationhood. Because it is a lie. An affront to morality, Truth, and Justice. And a dark stain on the fabric of human history. And I will not apologize for not dying

Citizens of Israel and Am Yisrael, stop being afraid! Stop waiting for approval from America and the West. Know yourself and walk with Hashem

Jason Graber #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #psycho msn.com

“Any parent that would have their child, would have a transgender surgery done on them, any parent that would do that, they just need to be shot in the back of the head,” Graber said. “They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head. Okay, and then we can string them up above a bridge so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness.”

“And so there should be no excuse to not put these people to death, no excuse whatsoever,” he added.

“These child molesters, that these child butchers, that these faggots, all the LGBTQ people, people that desire strange flesh, that they should all be put to death in a public execution by the government.”

Georgia GOP Chair Kandiss Taylor #fundie #conspiracy rollingstone.com

KANDISS TAYLOR, A recently elected GOP District Chair in Georgia, would like to know why Big Globe won’t stop shoving round-Earth propaganda down our throats.

In an interview with David Weiss (AKA “Flat Earth Dave”) and Matt Long on her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” podcast, Taylor and her guests discussed biblical “evidence” that the Earth is actually flat as a pancake. “The people that defend the globe don’t know anything about the globe,” said Weiss. “If they knew a tenth of what Matt and I know about the globe they would be Flat Earthers.”

“All the globes, everywhere” Taylor said later in the discussion. “I turn on the TV, there’s globes in the background … Everywhere there’s globes. You see them all the time, it’s constant. My children will be like ‘Mama, globe, globe, globe, globe’ — they’re everywhere.”

“That’s what they do, to brainwash,” she added. “For me if it’s not a conspiracy. If it is real, why are you pushing so hard everywhere I go? Every store, you buy a globe, there’s globes everywhere. Every movie, every TV show, news media — why? More and more I’m like, it doesn’t make sense.”

Jim #crackpot #sexist #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From "The Logos"]

Around 350 years before Christ, paganism had died among the intellectuals. Not long after, it died among the common people, for we read writers in the late Roman Republic ridiculing attempts to motivate the common soldiers by appeal to faith. They believed the ordinary soldier was even more cynical than themselves

So the philosophers set to work manufacturing a replacement

For Aristotle, “logos” (“word”) was rational and responsive debate, and the meaning of that[…]– the kind of debate I encourage on my blog[…]
Moral truths from material and effective causation:
For example the red pill on women implies that we should restore the social technology our ancestors had[…]If you don’t have a good state religion, you will shortly have a very bad one[…]Priesthood, like an army, is a mechanism of large scale cooperation[…]The “no establishment of religion” clause is not viable or even meaningful except as in accord with the Westphalian principle that each state has its own state religion[…]
The Logos as a person
Natural law is law and right conduct deduced from the way the universe is[…]
Meaning requires a meaner[…]Around three hundred years before Christ, fifty years after Aristotle, “the logos” (“the word”) came to mean a person[…]
Which Stoic doctrine is right there in the New Testament: The Gospel of John, Chapter one, verse one:[…]
Game theory 101, prisoners dilemma. Everyone should cooperate with cooperators and defect on defectors. tit for tat[…]
Christianity announced that that person had shown up, fully man and fully God, and announced game theory 301, and suffered everything that flesh can suffer

Game theory 301, in a world of imperfect information, one tit for two tats, or else everyone gets stuck in defect/defect[…]
Classic Romano Greek paganism was long dead, Aristotle tried to substitute meaning without an author to mean it[…]The stoics had to personify the logos, through whom all things were created

Burlyman #fundie #conspiracy #racist descentbb.net

Tunnelcat is forgetting that on 9/11 every news agency reported the same thing about their psychotic friends and their own psychopathy and blamed everything on Osama bin Lyin’, one of their own agents, and it’s very easy to disprove the official narrative just like it’s easy to disprove ball earth. Try a laser test. Do something! Lol… don’t just say Satan’s math scheme about a ball is the truth. That part is kinda off topic, but yeah, some people don’t even know that a rogue group within the United States and fake Zionist “Israel” are responsible. (NOT Jewish people) There’s a difference between people who think they are Jewish, the people who were the Israelites in the Bible, and those who say they are Jews but lie (like in the book of Revelation).

James Lasher #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

Family advocate Scarlett Johnson sounded the trumpet on Target in their ongoing crusade to purportedly promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

As June approaches, corporations have already begun gearing up for their Pride 2023 campaigns, and Target is facing severe backlash for their most recent collaboration.

Target and London-based designer Abprallen have teamed up for a new Pride collection to celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle.

The founder of Abprallen, a gay-trans man named Erik, posts and sells much more graphic and satanic products than what Target is currently listing on its website.

Pins with crystals and goat heads with the words "Satan Respects Pronouns" fills Abprallen's social media account, and with its pastel colors and messages in support of transgender youth, appears to be targeted at the younger audience.
These are the exact words of The Satanic Temple.

They say in their belief statement that they do not believe in Satan as a being, simply as a symbol.

This belief in Satan is spreading like wildfire through the younger generation of GenZ, who is struggling with their identity more than any generation prior to theirs.

There is confusion, rejection, denial, ignorance and deception affecting their very perception of life. They are struggling to get a clear sense and picture of who God is and how much He loves them. In addition to their confusion of who God is, they do not truly know who Satan is and what his plans are for them.

The myth that Satan is tolerant of them and is loving could not be further from his true goal for them: eternal death separated from their Creator.
Target is one of the main purveyors of these messages, as even before they teamed up with a 'trans-satanist' they were battling calls for boycotts for promoting "tuck-friendly" swimsuit for infants and children along with chest-binders. Fury erupted when Target announced these items were specifically targeted toward children.

Sure Foundation Baptist Church #fundie #psycho twitter.com

[in response to an atheist discussing their recent trip to a national park]

Too bad a bear or mountain lion didn't cross your path. Oh, well I'll keep praying that you meet your demise soon and it's in a way that everyone would know it was God that did it.
I meant every word. You hate God, so I hate you. Hopefully, you get what's coming to you like your hero Madame Murray O'Hare did. You can't do what you do and not expect a recompense. Mocking God's word. Trying to get his people murdered by lying and doxing and stalking. #reap

Vox Day #crackpot #fundie voxday.net

If demons can hurl furniture around and turn lights on and off, then there is no reason to believe they cannot interact in a more sophisticated manner with more complicated material objects. While I’m not particularly concerned about AI qua AI, I can imagine how what purports to be AI might be something else merely pretending to be AI and operating in its guise.

This is not a new idea. In THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH, CS Lewis presented a similar use of the material for interdimensional communication.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Minors being taught to question their own gender is no slippery-slope. People who think questioning one's own gender is an "age appropriate subject" are hopelessly beyond any slippery slope and plunging over the cliff. They have lost their sanity and they don't even know it. They have already crossed many, many unrecognized moral slippery slopes.

There are only males and females. There are no other genders.

No matter how old anyone is, that fact remains an absolute fact.

There is no such thing as any "human right" that defies actual reality.

I remember the blue-laws, and everything being closed on Sundays. I still remember when they got repealed, and all the grownups being upset that the corner grocery store now opened up on Sundays. I seem to remember that the beer-gardens led the charge for opening up on Sunday. Where people went to drink and get drunk.
And, you may remember too, the "freedom of speech" lawsuits to stop censorship of sexually explicit material filed by big time pornographers such as Hugh Hefner and Larry Flint. They won, in American courts.

Imagine that.

And the once hidden multi-billion dollar Masturbation Industry came right out in the open and took off like a rocket. Many big-time Marxocrat Party officials, including even Presidents like Jiminy Carter, took great pleasure in doing "interviews" with Hugh Hefner that would grace the pages of Playboy magazine, in between all the pictures of naked women.
Today Disney cartoons encourage sexual identity dysphoria in little children, open homosexuality takes to the streets in giant "pride" parades and demonstrations and wild looking and acting drag queens have virtually taken over the whole American public library system.

None of this is just happening; none of it is just "evolving".

It is part of an evil Marxist Cultural-Revolution drive to transform order into disorder, natural into unnatural and calmness into chaos. And, most importantly, moral into immoral.

James Red Pills America #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie beforeitsnews.com

Please, now, sit back and THOROUGHLY ENJOY this SPIRATUALLY UPLIFTING & PHENOMENALLY INTRIGUING film! This MIND BLOWING documentary covers the “Qanon” movement and prophecy of its coming – as well as the mystery surrounding it – and also speaks towards President Trump. aptly referenced herein as ‘Trump, the Lion Killer’. This documentary is quite a bit more AMAZING and DIFFERENT different than most “Q” documentaries, because it does NOT rely on ANY actual “Q” posts — nor had any “Q posts” even been examined or looked at DURING or BEFORE the making of this documentary. It is based on the FACT that Kim Clement made a series of EERIE REFERENCES to a MOVEMENT and MYSTERY he called “A and Q” prior to the emergence of the claimed conspiracy called “Q”. Very noteworthy is the fact that Obama and others appear to be a focus of the “Q” movement when, n fact, VERY FEW PEOPLE are aware that Obama had quoted Kim Clement for portions of his first political campaign! So, pull up a chair, gather the family and a HUGE tub of Popcorn for htis one, because you WILL BE GLUED to your scren theentire time! BQQM!
Get ready for a wild ride into the dark heart of the entertainment industry with Mel Gibson in Hollywood. During a filmed interview, he started to reveal the Dirty Secrets about the DARK, DASTARDLY & DEMONIC DEEDS going on in Satanic Hollywood! What he reveals in this EPIC and SCATHING interview will, to put it bluntly, BLOW YOUR EVER-LOVING MIND! In this EXPLOSIVE video with actor, director, and producer Mel Gibson, he opens up about the seedy underbelly of Hollywood and his personal encounter with an actor he believed MIGHT VERY WELL be the Antichrist. Gibson FEARLESSLY EXPOSES the dark secrets of the entertainment industry and uncovers the SHOCKING TRUTH about Hollywood’s corruption. This interview is packed with JAW-DROPPING revelations that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Roosh V #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #crackpot rooshv.com

[From "10 Ways City Dwellers Alleviate Secular Guilt"]

If a man lives in sin[…]his soul becomes burdened with the cumulative weight of his transgressions[…]He feels bad[…]searches for worldly solutions[…]
1. Buying organic food
“In spite of living far from God, to make sure I live a long and healthy life, I pay extra for organic avocados”
The idea of organic food is sound[…]Orthodox Christians[…]avoid goyslop[…]because they’re fake[…]
2. Buying ethically sourced food
“In spite of living far from God, I make sure to spend more money on foods I love to help those who live in racially and economically disadvantaged countries”[…]
4. Exercising multiple times a week in a gym[…]
Exercise enough so that you can stand for five hours during a festal vigil[…]Other reasons[…]may be a way to feed vanity[…]
5. Engaging in two minutes of internet hate
“In spite of living far from God, I have the discernment to state we should go nuclear against Russia because they’re baddies, and also I’m qualified to declare that the police officer who killed a black man on duty deserves the electric chair for his racism”

City dwellers fall into judgment because judgment feels good[…]
7. Practicing “safe” sex
“In spite of living far from God, I just engaged in a ‘safe’ act of mortal sin with someone who is not my wife because I covered 0.5% of my body with a piece of latex”[…]
8. Taking care of a small pet[…]
It’s hard to become a mother when you idolize your career and use apps like Tinder to meet a lot of men[…]
9. Attending a gay pride event[…]
The phenomenon of straight women going to gay pride events is very real[…]Gay pride is a psyop primarily targeted toward straight women[…]
10. Getting vaxxed, wearing face masks, and sanitizing hands until they’re raw[…]
I’m certain the coronavirus vaccine is from Satan—it’s a perfectly demonized construction that is perhaps his best work after the theory of evolution

JBSLAYER #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie blackpill.world

Fuck the Jews, Hitler wasn't only right, he was on a Godly mission. Here's a rough outline of the Jewish plan for global dominance

I will unveil the Jewish plan for global domination before your own eyes

A rough outline of the Jewish Plan :

Place our agents and helpers everywhere

Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

Start fights between different races, classes and religions

Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials

Appeal to successful people’s egos

Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism

Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

Rewrite history to our benefit

Create entertaining distractions

Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

Encourage people to spy on one another

Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold

Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

Replace sound investment with speculation

Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

Give bad advice to governments and everyone else


As to the question, if the Jews truly control everything, they must be superior ?

The answer is a definite NO !!!

No more than the devil is superior to God. It's in the nature of the devil to strive for the world. If the other races spent even a fragment of the energy Jews utilize to obtain power over the world, they would have succeeded with far greater success. Therefore, don't despair. God is with you, not with the Jews, not with the damn Jews.

There's only solution to the Jewish Question. A solution which will leave the spirit of Hitler rejoicing in heaven. Wake up brothers, the Jews have caused much harm. THIS CANNOT GO ON FOREVER

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson #fundie #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is an unabashed Christian nationalist[…]On Wednesday, Robinson appeared on religious-right broadcaster David Brody’s “America 180” program[…]
“The last time I checked, the Bible hasn’t changed,” Brody said. “And this whole gender stuff … has nothing to do with the physicality of gender and what God created. So how do you kind of navigate those roads for you personally and professionally?”

“Well, on a professional level, I have to remind myself that this is a constitutional republic, it’s not a theocracy,” Robinson replied. “We have to operate by allowing people to have their constitutional rights, and I certainly intend to do that”

“But on a personal level, I am going to continue to speak at churches and to church groups and to other Christians about the dangers of the things that we see in our society today, the dangers of this transgender movement. It’s fine if you want to be a transgender person in your home and you want to be that in your personal life, that’s fine. But you cannot come to me and tell me as an individual that I have to accept that, that I have to go along with that delusion”

“Here’s where I absolutely draw a hard line,” he continued. “These folks need to leave these children alone. Leave my children alone. Leave other people’s children alone. That is not your domain. … Stop dragging children into this and stop forcing this on the children. In North Carolina, I’m going to do whatever I can to protect the children in this state from the wiles of these folks that are trying to push these highly sexual topics on them and sexualize children. As far as I’m concerned, it’s child abuse, it’s child molestation, and we will not stand for it”

“That is absolute perversion is what that is, and it is against the law, and we need to do everything we can to continue to push back against that”

Father Dabney #fundie #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "A Christian Nation, Retake Everything!"]

In my last article, I initiated a conversation on the hard choices that will have to be made[…]
These transgressions[…]outlawed at the time of my birth[…]Abortion, sodomy, public displays of transsexualism, the ability to access graphic pornography in any form, etc., were forbidden[…]There were Sabbath laws, or what we called in the South: “Blue Laws”[…]
Identity Dixie has been publishing[…]with this simple propaganda statement since its inception: “Retake Everything!”[…]It got me disowned by some very “nice” people, many of whom are only now recognizing the peril of real persecution the Church now faces[…]
Where are the best chances for this Reconquista[…]?By all measurable statistics, it is White Evangelicals that resist godless behavior in our society the most

With that in mind, the South is the natural place to build Fortress Christendom, and well into the next millennium. The reason being: Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma have populations of about 50% White Evangelicals, and the rest of the South reach numbers between 30-45%, save Louisiana and Florida, which are about 25%. Although, those states have large White Roman Catholic populations that would rise, if divinely motivated[…]
We will change the laws we live under to reflect, as best we can, the clearest teachings of the Gospel, not trying to remake ancient Israel, but forge a nation marching compassionately and justly heavenward[…]Men will be free to choose whom they associate, all men will work to provide for their families, those that are poor will be given a leg up (not a hand out), banking laws will be changed to outlaw usury, we will have sound money and that money will be used for the betterment of our people, our borders will be secured […]we will seek a peaceful coexistence among all nations, especially those that extoll Christ as King!

Bill Donohue #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming newsmax.com

The Los Angeles Dodgers have besmirched their legacy of combating bigotry by partnering with LA Pride in awarding this year’s Community Hero Award to an obscene anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The award, which will be presented by Blue Shield of California on June 16, celebrates the "10th Annual LGBTQ+ Night"at Dodger Stadium.

In 1947, the Brooklyn Dodgers made history by naming Jackie Robinson to its roster.

He was the first Black man to play Major League Baseball (MLB).

Now MLB is in the business of promoting bigotry, not fighting it.

By rewarding anti-Catholicism, the Dodgers have broken bread with the most despicable elements in American society today.

The Catholic League has been the leading critic of this bigoted organization for many decades. Don’t believe the representation that the "Sisters" mean no harm.

And don’t believe that which is floated by Erik Braverman, a communications spokesman for the Dodgers, that this event is all about "diversity and inclusion."

On the contrary, it’s about rewarding hate speech.

These alternative lifestyle bigots are known for simulating sodomy while dressed as nuns.
They like to feature a "Condom Savior Mass," one that describes how the "Latex Host" is the flesh for the life of the world." The "Sisters" go by names such as "Sister Homo F*****io" and "Sister Joyous Reserec*m." Just last month, they held an event mocking Our Blessed Mother and Jesus on Easter Sunday.

I am writing to Rob Manfred, commissioner of MLB, about this unprovoked assault on Catholics.

In my letter, I said that if a group of white boys in Black-face — a modern day Al Jolson ensemble — were to be honored by an MLB team, there is little doubt that the event would be cancelled and sanctions would be forthcoming.

Two years ago, Manfred was so angered about alleged voter irregularities in Georgia that he moved the All Star Game to Denver.

Let’s see how he reacts when Catholics are targeted.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )

spoilerJoin me in prayer to
end abortion in

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@RealMarjorieGreene how about you actually name the tribe promoting all this anti White rhetoric?

OH WAIT that's right you belong to that tribe so you never will

kikes like you are filth

( @Broadlick )
@bobthebuilder123 @RealMarjorieGreene but it's a jewish women's religious right! How dare you take away their satanic child sacrifice rituals!!!

( @DigitalYankee )
@RealMarjorieGreene Listen, Marjorie... It's a part of the Jewish agenda. It will never end so long as they have power.

The longer you side with Jews, the more babies that are going to continue being slaughtered.

( @brextremist )
@RealMarjorieGreene I will pray to end niggers and jews in America.

( @K_Hard_R_Jo )
@brextremist @RealMarjorieGreene all non Whites. Our most prevalent invaders are south of the border.

( @14W )
@RealMarjorieGreene Let's end antiwhitism too. You should be brave enough to say so.

( @LordHumungus )
@RealMarjorieGreene Only of White babies. I am pro-life except in the cases of rape, incest, retardation, race mixing, and muds.

If it’s White, it’s alright.
If it’s brown, flush it down.

( @lllll__ll_lll_lllllll_ll_llll )
@LordHumungus @RealMarjorieGreene And exactly what is wrong with a White child who is the product of rape or incest? NOTHING!!!

( @Vaxless90 )
@RealMarjorieGreene we can start by sending all the Jews back to Israel and cutting ties with them…

( @BatKun )
@RealMarjorieGreene Yaaaay, let's welcome 50 more million NIGGERS in US

( @Sticky25 )
@RealMarjorieGreene for sure just name the evil doing it

Helen West #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

The purpose for this entire “Movie” supposedly is to wake up the masses. Mind control games have never left, actually. Granted, there may very well be “Good Intentions” at play but the People are now sick of the Games, lies, and being played by both Ends. White or Black, matters not at all. The Movie has overcooked the intentions they wanted to give.
If ANYONE BELIEVES dates or information coming out currently is actually current, then your definitely not awake yet. The control is by the White hates and Military. It would have to be. The boarder and child trafficking would be redundant to begin with since they spent all those years cleaning up the horrific messes and saving the children and other human lives. Do you really believe they would allow the mess to come back to pollute the dumbs, radiating from the Denver airport and Cheyenne Mountain complex, throughout the United States? Use your heads, people. BYDAN and his crew are all replaced. Trump is still Commander in Chief of the Military.

Telegram followers such as myself, are sick of dates, lies and fake channels. Telegram followers and pod cast promoters are all being tracked by the Military to use for Sting EFFORTS- fake dates are ridiculous, since only dummies would believe them,,over and over you have Many intel providers purposely providing lies to the followers to get an emotional charge to get them to do stupid things. That is a known tactic. Emotional control, Mind Control.

American people need to think for themselves and stop letting ANY PERSON CONTROL ANY PART OF YOU! Worship God only. He is a jealous God, the scriptures say. Don’t put humans in his place.
The movie is redundant and it will end when the military and their commander decides.


Rolaant McKenzie #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy wnd.com

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s sought to end segregation and discrimination based on skin color, especially against Americans of African descent. It legitimately sought to abolish the legal and social framework that perpetuated this system of injustice.
Unfortunately, like other movements that had good intentions to resolve legitimate issues, unscrupulous people and so-called advocacy groups over the years have infiltrated and manipulated the civil rights movement into a grievance industry that continually seeks to aggravate divisions between people for their own wealth and power.
Over the course of nearly 60 years, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that people would be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin has been twisted into its opposite through the promotion of critical race theory in society, especially in the U.S. education industry.

Divide and conquer" is one of the techniques used by global elitists to keep masses of people under their control. Instead of allowing people to reconcile and build a future together in freedom, peace and prosperity, they keep alive old grievances like chattel slavery to keep them divided and fighting each other. This in turn distracts from a greater form of slavery that these elitists are presently working to impose on everyone.
But there is a form of slavery that affects everyone on earth, even greater than physical and financial. It is the slavery to sin that came upon all humanity when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
When Jesus Christ – the KING of kings, and LORD of lords – returns to establish His kingdom, the dark tyrannical empire of the global elite will be broken into smithereens!

Wisconsin State Rep. Chuck Wichgers (R-82) #fundie #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

Sean Feucht continues to travel across the country with his “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour, which is a joint project he launched with right-wing youth organization Turning Point USA[…]
Later in the worship service, Republican state Rep. Chuck Wichgers appeared on stage, where he praised those who had gathered to pray for helping him fight the “demons” at work within the capitol

“When it comes to this building, there’s demons in those walls,” Wichgers told the crowd. “The only way they go away is by this [prayer]. That’s the only way. And when you’re not here, those demons are laughing at you for not being here. They’re saying, ‘Go away, we’ll give you the laws that you want, we’ll violate the 10 Commandments, we’ll do whatever it takes to make you guys think you’re happy'”

“Mental disease is on the rise,” he continued. “It has proliferated this nation. It’s the number one issue in the state of Wisconsin and in this country. How did it get that bad that fast? Godless laws that Republicans and Democrats are giving you because that’s what you wanted as a society

Steve Blackburn #fundie #conspiracy christianforums.com

Think about what is on TV now versus when TV originally aired. You think all the messed up junk sprung up overnight? At first no foul language.. then maybe they said "damn" for the first time. That would have created an uproar with some people, while others would have said "well maybe it's not that bad", then they said "ass".. well maybe it's not that bad and slowly graduates to all the disturbing things we now hear on prime time TV.

The first kiss on TV.... remember that? I don't, cause I'm too young, but I know about it... it was a big deal.. that's something that was taken seriously.. slowly longer kisses, clothes started to come off, and now it's basically inappropriate content on prime time. If you would have asked someone back before the first kiss if they thought there would be all the stuff on TV that there is now, they said "no way, you're paranoid and self righteous for actually trying to decipher what is going on in this world. Let me melt my brain in peace and you mind your own business".

How about when the Beatles said "we're bigger than Jesus"? Uproar, people tossed their records, they were banned from the radio... they had to make a formal public apology... look at all the stuff that people can say against Jesus now... happened overnight?

Before you start calling people self righteous because they refuse to put their heads in the sand for their own sake and the sake of others. Maybe, just maybe, you should check to see if you're being self righteous by saying that the people who feel lead to discernment (which God tells us to do in everything by the holy spirit) are in the wrong and are being self righteous.

No where did I even say that you shouldn't watch it. Or you're doomed if you do. I'm simply saying to be careful of what you're putting into your mind. Is that really any different than what the Bible says?

Brandon, Vincent, michael, and gilsnapper1980 #fundie patheos.com

On “Review: ‘The Croods’ Tells an Age-Old Story. Again. And Oddly.”

Brandon: Great review on the surface meaning of this movie. Howver There is a deeper aspect of social engineering that requires the average viewer to look deeper. Unforunatel There is Guy…..the light bearer, bringing knowledge, fire and a try something “new” mentality. Look up Lucifer and the description would be the same.

Disregard comment! People aren’t ready for the truth

Vincent: You got it. I was wondering if anybody else saw the obvious sun worship message in this movie. They really drilled home the message to “follow the light” and ignore your father who is only trying to protect you. Lucifer = light bearer.

michael: I noticed the sun worship message too.. Brandon i agree that people arent ready for the truth.. but its happening all around us with other movies and even music.
This is a generation long cold war on religion aimed at the our youths.

gilsnapper1980: THANK YOU BRANDON!!!!! I knew it from the beginning of the movie. The is Luciferian doctrine ans Sun worship! I am a Christian and as much as I like to hear other ppl give it Christian meaning, the movie is far from it. The first Pagan god was the Sun god, they worshiped the Sun.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

America is a nation raised up by the hand of God to share the gospel and has been betrayed by the very people sworn to protect her, its leaders
Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein returned to the Senate in an allegedly confused state Wednesday as she entered the Capitol in a wheelchair. “Where am I going?” she asked, according to the outlet. “I’ve got something in my eye.” Feinstein is confused and bound to a wheelchair, but give up her grasp on power? Never. In 2023, America is a nation run by power-mad individuals who are concerned with their own personal ambitions, and have no desire to ‘do the people’s business’. America is going down, but have you stopped to wonder what will rise up in its place?

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.” Jeremiah 25:32 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, everywhere you look you see America in rapid decline. I am not simply talking about inflation or the stock market, I am talking about the festering rot eating away at the center, it’s like The Swamp starting taking steroids, and it grows worse by the hour. We no longer have politicians, we have personalities and a cult of personality which is exactly what propelled Adolf Hitler to power. Maybe you hate Trump and think he’s a fascist, and that’s fine but guess what? To one degree or another, they are all fascist and no matter who you vote for, you’ll get the same result. The prophet Jeremiah says “…Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous.” and that’s America in 2023. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we lift up the rock to show you just what’s crawling under it, and graphic warning, you won’t like it.

Anonymous Coward #71890145 #homophobia #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Homosexuality is an abomination to God

So what is homosexuality?

It is not "normal" sin, and I do not mean that it is any greater than any other sin because we all know that sin is sin and none is greater than the other and if you are guilty of one, then you are guilty of all as James 2:10-11 tell us.

But what I am saying is this; thieves hide their actions because they know that stealing is wrong; Murderers beg for forgiveness, not because they know that killing someone is the right thing to do but because they know that taking a life is wrong; the covetous know that it is wrong to covet; a man cheating on his wife doesn't ask for "legal protection" or for "special rights" because he thinks that adultery is the right thing to do, no, he hides his affair because of his own convictions of what is right and what is wrong.

The lgbt movement wants "legal protection" from anyone who might speak out against them but then they want the same "legal protection" so that they can speak out against those same people!

The lgbt movement wants everyone around them to accept and to say that there is nothing wrong with being gay and that they are 'normal' and 'born that way'. And what is sad is that while all of this is going on your children & grandchildren are being taught in school today that homosexuality is normal and that it is not a sin.

The lgbt movement wants Christians to say that their deeds, their homosexuals acts, are righteous and that GOD was wrong and The Holy Bible is just untrue. And that folks, is not normal sin!

Michael Voris #fundie #wingnut twitte.com

Shut up, seriously. Stop your damn virtue signaling. You say nothing, not a blessed word about the hundreds of little people killed in your archdiocese every week in the womb.
And stop going on like the GUNS are DOING the killing. It’s the person pulling the trigger.
That person is a killer, not the weapon used.
Communist bishop!! Just shut up.

Father Dabney #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "A Christian Nation or Heavenly Rebellion?"]

I’ve been watching and listening to the current debate#among my Christian brothers, and the false ones, on the idea of Christian Nationalism#
As God is sovereign over all things, it makes absolute sense that His divine purpose would be that all men submit to His authority in all things. This would include#all governments#The opposition, and I’m talking about Christians, seem to prefer something else, a nation state not constitutionally bound in obedience to the Almighty, but to a secular ideal of sort. How interesting?

There is nothing new under the sun, and we’ve seen this over and over again in the Bible, and especially with the kings of Israel#They never seemed to live up to those expectations. Even the good kings always seemed to stop just short#
They wanted Jehovah Nationalism, but only if they could keep a few things left untouched. Seems reasonable, except it eventually brought national destruction#
I remember when abortion was the law of the land; certain “Pro-Life” groups, including their denominational allies, regularly called abortion murder, and as the Bible clearly states, murder is a capital offense#When Our Divine Majesty gives them everything they want, they backtrack on the implementation of a just punishment for the murder of unborn children

Believe it or not, but sodomy and other homosexual acts were once illegal#Practitioners of such acts could go to jail. But that seemed unkind, although under the laws of God, it is also a capital offense#In modern America, our laws no longer subdue evil for the benefit of society, but our godless culture promotes every type of sexually deviant behavior all over the world. We even sacrifice our nation’s children, mutilating their genitalia, dressing them up as sex objects for pedophiles#
Christian Nationalism will never work in these United States, it’s just too big. However, it can work in states#
Deo Vindice!

God save the South!

Steve Blackburn #fundie #conspiracy christianforums.com

Stop wondering whether or not Nicolas Cage is secretly mason. If he is a successful Hollywood celebrity, he is, or some sort of luciferian sellout for sure (facts are facts and if you're going to deny them there is no reasoning with you). Now, besides that point.....

This movie definitely has esoteric and exoteric meanings.

The exoteric meaning is the one most people will understand as the feel good movie with good principles. Christians will defend this as well saying that the croods were doomed before they chose to follow the sun (or son).

The esoteric meaning, the one that only those who actually question what is going into their minds will understand is this. The croods have a Father. One who has provided rules to keep them safe from danger. The wages of not following those rules is death. (This is portrayed quite mockingly as stupid and paranoid). A guy comes along and contacts "Eep" first who can control fire and teaches her and the rest that they "surely will not die" if they don't follow the rules of the Father. Not only does he teach them this, but also has a strong fascination with the sun (most if not all ancient cults/demonic religions believed in sun worship and lucifer always portrays himself as the light.

One point in the movie the Father says "it's my job to follow the rules and protect you". Eep said that was not living, it was just surviving (YOLO!!) to which they all replied they were now going to follow guy. (The turn from God).

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #homophobia simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

K-ON!… is an extremely wicked, abominable, and licentious Japanese animated television program, ...This series features examples of lust of the flesh, glorification of homosexuality, child abuse, and other wicked perversions.

…Sawako Yamanaka is their teacher and club supervisor... She is known for participating in a satanic dark metal band during her high school years, and also for behaving in extremely inappropriate ways. She has invited the girls to her place, where they shared the hot tub, and she grabbed one of the girls’ breasts thereby sexually assaulting one of her students. She has commented on the breasts of her students on other occasions, including one where she noted that Yui’s sister had breasts that were bigger than Yui’s.

Additionally, there are two different episodes in the series, one in each of the two seasons, that focus on the girls going to the beach. This results in an extremely inappropriate exchange in the first season, where they participate in various activities while in immodest swimwear and the camera focuses on a closeup of Mio’s breasts, thereby allowing the episode to appeal to the prurient interest... Another inappropriate moment was Yui being asked to be hit with money by Sawako in imitation of what happens in seedy adult entertainment facilities. An entire plot line also focuses on Mio’s undergarments, being alluded to several times where she “accidentally” revealed them to the entire general public during a performance; while only being alluded to in the television adaptation with a blue and white rice bowl, to match said undergarments, this is further exacerbated by the actual undergarments being seen in the print version of the series and also a short in the animated series being called “Mio’s Panties”…

Another prominent theme entirely inappropriate for minors is homosexuality. This mainly comes from the teacher, Sawako, inappropriately assaulting and molesting the girls, and comments made by and towards Tsumugi. She commented in one episode that she “prefers girl on girl action” in one translation and has made other comments towards her affinity for the same sex. Ritsu once asked her if she had a crush on Sawako where this topic and exchange came up. This normalization of homosexuality is extremely wicked and leads viewers towards developing a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28)…

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #fundie occidentaldissent.com

[From "Axios: E. Jean Carroll Wins Lawsuit Against Trump"]

For better or worse, we are stuck with Donald Trump

I’m hardly a Trump cheerleader. I just see the writing on the wall. I’m resigned to it. We’re going to be slogging through the Revenge Tour through at least 2025 and possibly through 2029


“E. Jean Carroll’s win in her lawsuit against former President Trump is also a victory for a #MeToo-era New York law that temporarily lifted the statute of limitations on sexual abuse complaints[…]

The only positive thing that I can say about this is that it is steadily increasing polarization and undermining confidence in national institutions. Even if you despise Donald Trump, he continues to drive his enemies insane who react to him in ways that undermine faith in Our Democracy

I woke up to Joe Scarborough handwringing on MSNBC this morning about the erosion of confidence in the jury system. No one has any confidence in the “rule of law” anymore. It is a joke. Perhaps God is using Donald Trump as his instrument to sow enough division to dissolve the Union?


“Roberta Kaplan, the lawyer who represented E. Jean Carroll in her lawsuit against Donald Trump, is a lesbian who’s a longtime champion of LGBTQ+ and women’s rights, most notably as the attorney who brought down the main part of the Defense of Marriage Act[…]

Oh, and onne last thing

Guess who represented E. Jean Carroll in her lawsuit?

It was none other than Roberta Kaplan from the Charlottesville trial. Once again, even if you passionately hate Dump, this only shows that our fates are still bound in some way

Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) #fundie #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger rightwingwatch.org

Sen. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina is expected to officially announce that he is running for president later this month. As part of his nascent campaign, Scott traveled in April to Iowa, where Republicans are poised to hold their traditional first-in-the-nation presidential caucus in February 2024

While traveling across the state, Scott reportedly participated in a “Faith Wins” event at Rising Sun Church of Christ in Pleasant Hill[…]
While Right Wing Watch was unable to find any video of the Faith Wins event, we did find a video of Scott preaching at Rising Sun Church during its April 23 service. After Scott delivered a sermon, he was joined on stage by Rising Sun senior minister Steve Rowland, who read off various questions that had been submitted by the audience

During the question-and-answer period, Scott declared that the Constitution dictates that the government should be “bowing the knee to the church”

“As Christ is being shoved out in America through media and government and being replaced by evil, even evil gods, how do we change that?” Rowland asked

“Number one, we have to recognize that the Constitution of the United States affords each and every one of you your First Amendment rights to exercise your faith wherever you go,” Scott replied. “We are supposed to have the government bowing the knee to the church, not the church bowing the knee to the government”

Iranian judiciary #fundie theguardian.com

Iran has hanged two men convicted of blasphemy, according to authorities, carrying out rare death sentences for the crime as the number of executions soars across the Islamic Republic after months of unrest[…]
The pair executed, Yousef Mehrad and Sadrollah Fazeli Zare, died at Arak prison in central Iran. They had been arrested in May 2020, accused of being involved in a channel on the Telegram message app called Critique of Superstition and Religion, according to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Both men spent months in solitary confinement and could not contact their families, the commission said

The Mizan news agency of Iran’s judiciary confirmed the executions, describing the two men as having insulted the prophet Muhammad and promoted atheism. Mizan also accused them of burning a copy of the Qur’an, though it was not clear whether it was claimed the men did that or such imagery was shared via the Telegram channel[…]
In 2022, Iran executed at least 582 people, up from 333 in 2021, according to Iran Human Rights. Amnesty International’s most recent report on executions put Iran as the world’s second-largest executioner, behind China, where thousands of people are believed to be put to death a year

Ted Cruz #fundie theguardian.com

[Article title: ‘Spare us your prayers’: Ted Cruz faces backlash after Texas mall shooting kills eight]

Texas US senator Ted Cruz’s comment that he was “praying” for families of the eight victims killed in a shooting at a shopping mall in his state has sparked outrage as many critics say the Republican should advocate for meaningful gun control rather than repeatedly invoke prayer after mass, deadly violence.
Criticism of Cruz grew several hours after the shooting when he tweeted: “Heidi and I are praying for the families of the victims of the horrific mall shooting in Allen, Texas. We pray also for the broader Collin county community that’s in shock from this tragedy.”
After a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at the Robb Elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, on 24 May 2022, Cruz commented: “Heidi and I are lifting up in prayer the entire … community during this devastating time and we mourn the lives that were taken by this act of evil. None of us can imagine the anguish the parents in Uvalde are going through. Our hearts go out to them.”
After authorities said that a Mexican national who had previously been deported shot five neighbors to death last month, Cruz tweeted: “Thank you to the brave men and women of law enforcement who worked tirelessly to apprehend this mass murdering illegal alien who killed 5 innocent people. The victims deserve justice. And this monster when convicted deserves the death penalty.”

Vladimir Putin #fundie #conspiracy #psycho theguardian.com

[Article title: Putin recycles old grievances on Victory Day as Russian army battered in Ukraine]

But the Russian leader’s Victory Day message to the nation on Tuesday was nearly identical to that of last year as he cast the war in Ukraine as an existential battle against an aggressive, Russophobic and woke west.

“Today, civilisation is again at a decisive turning point. A real war has been unleashed against us again,” Putin said as he delivered an angry yet somewhat routine speech in which he drew false parallels between today’s fight with Ukraine’s “criminal regime” and the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Putin also recycled some of his other go-to grievances, blaming “western globalist elites” for “destroying the family” and “traditional values”.

Clay Higgins #fundie vox.com

US Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana recently advocated for libraries to be replaced with “church-owned” alternatives. “Over time, American communities will build beautiful, church owned public-access libraries. I’m going to help these churches get funding,” he tweeted. “We will change the whole public library paradigm. The libraries regular Americans recall are gone. They’ve become liberal grooming centers.”

Rev. Paul Mackenzie #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #psycho bbc.com

Pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie has said he closed down his Good News International Church four years ago[…]
Hundreds of his sermons still available online, some of which appear to have been recorded after this date[…]
Others culminate in exorcisms in which followers - often women - writhe around on the ground while he "torments" the demonic forces within[…]
There is no direct evidence in the dozens videos we've seen of Pastor Mackenzie directly ordering people to fast, but there are many references to followers sacrificing what they hold dear, including their lives

"There are people who don't even want to preach [about] Jesus. They say their children are crying because they are hungry, let them die. Is there a problem there?"[…]
"They know education is evil. But they use it for their own gains" he says in one sermon. "Those who sell uniforms, write books…those who make pens… all kinds of rubbish. They use your money to enrich themselves while you become poor"

In 2017 and again in 2018, he was arrested for encouraging children not to go to school as he claimed education was "not recognised in the Bible"[…]
"I told people education is evil…. Children are taught gayism and lesbianism,'' he told the Nation newspaper[…]
A woman narrates how she helped to deliver a baby through prayer and without the need for a caesarean section[…]
Pastor then echoes her sentiments that vaccines are not necessary, claiming that doctors "serve a different God"[…]
Frequent warnings of an omnipotent satanic force that has supposedly infiltrated the highest echelons of power around the world

He repeatedly references "New World Order"[…]falsely claiming the Catholic Church, the UN and the US are behind it

He is also highly sceptical of modern technology, previously claiming a plan by the Kenyan government to establish a unique identity number for citizens to access government services was the 'mark of the beast'

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