
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #crackpot brianniemeier.com

[From a discussion about "Bigfoot expert Bob Gymlan" finding strange audio recordings on his computer]

One bold but hard-to-dismiss claim that’s been made is that Lucifer’s original purpose as the Lightbringer was to enlighten men about the natural world. Since he fell, he’s twisted that intended purpose. So almost all technology has been corrupted.

Logan B #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Just reading that GESARA probably won’t be released until enough peasants revolt against two things. Covid vaccinations and inflation.

500 Australians are filing a class action lawsuit against the government for wrongful injuries and deaths from vaccination induced heart attacks. Governments worldwide are pretty much ignoring and dismissing individual lawsuits totalling tens of thousands of claims but not enough.

70% of North Americans are reporting they are impacted by inflation with over 50% having trouble making ends meet but lip service isn’t enough. They are waiting for 100 million people to take to the streets. Everybody is too busy being slaves to take time off to protest.

Apparently all the crap humanity has been subjected to between 500,000 and 350,000 (depending on who you ask) years ago since the annunaki got here doesn’t count.

God has promised He will release His infinite abundance to His human children just because He loves us unconditionally regardless of everything but the problem is the people in charge (excluding St Germain) of GESARA don’t. God wants GESARA to start because that will be the real start of ascension and the time God personally welcomes His prodigal sons and daughters back home. He has the biggest party setup the universe has ever seen for this Event and He can hardly wait.

May 1st so far is shaping up to be just another day in not paradise but tomorrow is another day the Lord has made.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia returntoorder.org

The left is taking the country to chaos through bizarre misinterpretations of the law. No longer relying upon precedent or even the strict lines of the Constitution, just about anything can be legally justified—abortion, assisted suicide, complete sexual license, new “transgender rights,” pronoun tyranny and other practices. Law is fluid and changeable to whatever suits the person’s passions.

Thus, anyone who affirms that there is a higher unchangeable law can expect opposition. When such a legal theory becomes widespread, it terrifies the left. They fear a law that has solid foundations and definitions.
Natural law is the legal theory upon which the Christian West was founded. It holds that a moral code is written on the hearts of men, valid for all peoples and places, providing a basis for moral certainty guiding human action. This moral law in human nature provides the general guidelines upon which all law is based. The Ten Commandments, for example, are often described as a succinct summary of natural law.

Modern law, however, severed the connection with natural law theory in the nineteenth century with a legal school of law called “legal positivism.” It stripped law of its moral foundations and turned it into a set of human-made rules governing society, representing the sovereign will of the people through representative institutions.
Finally, liberals hate natural law because it opposes the primacy of individualistic pleasure. Liberal hostility toward restraint is especially directed toward sexual passions. According to natural law, the end of the sexual act is primarily procreation. When measures are taken to frustrate this act or destroy the marriage bond that protects it, it is contrary to natural law.
Thus, the open door to depravity and fantasy is a big reason why natural law has so much opposition. It is not the noble desire to further the common good or advance freedom that motivates those who deny natural law.

Phil Mason #fundie #ufo #magick amazon.com

Quantum Glory explores the intriguing intersection between the two realities of quantum mechanics and the glory of God.Quantum Glory consists of page after page of revelation as to the glory of God and the wonders of the universe. Part One explores the subatomic world, revealing its exceptionally intricate divine design that unveils the mind of our Creator. InPart Two, the author explains how the glory of God invades our physical universe to bring about miracles of divine healing. Quantum Glory is packed with revelation that will blow your mind! But more than that, it is designed to equip you in supernatural ministry so that you can also release the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven! Prepare to have your world turned upside down!

David Wright #kinkshaming #crackpot #fundie facebook.com

I don't care if there is consent or not. I simply don't understand why two people WOULD even have sex in the first place. Even if it isn't rape, it's still dirty and perverted as fuck. I mean, you're invading someone's genitals with your own genitals. You're basically helping someone masturbate. How is that even remotely "beautiful" or "romantic"? Going to the toilet is a private thing you do alone. So should having sex be. Sexual pleasure is an awkward thing, not meant to be shared. I am literally against sex, unless meant for the purpose of reproducing, which is necessary, but that's it. We humans should be able to understand, that true love comes without sexual attraction, and that truly being in love means that you've stepped up and away from everything that is considered sexual. Explained in a simple way: Love is an anti-sexual feeling, and thank god for that. Sex is NOT beautiful. No matter if it's consensual, rape, porn, or whatever... Intimacy is great, kissing is great, physical contact is great, but keep those genitals in your pants, if you want to show someone that you love them. That's how I see it.

Crimson Thorn #fundie #homophobia metal-archives.com

(lyrics to “Misguided Marcy” by Crimson Thorn)

[John 8:58-59, John 10:30-32; Corinthians 1:18]

A picture's worth a thousand words
A word is worth a thousand hurts
Offensive teaching causes abject misery
The only cure is compassionate sorcery

Ears like a hairpin trigger
Indignation getting bigger
Can't control animosity
At another's perceived pomposity

Moving on is now allowed
Perpetrators are disavowed
They fail to tolerate all acts
Feeling they speak enlightened facts

Point of View of Christian:

But much offense is misguided
Too many things make them see red
To stand for nothing is to die
Allowing you to believe a lie

A new generation of Sodomites
Demand respect and certain rights
Offended and making a fuss
At hearing the bold words of Jesus

The Word was given to proclaim
Speaking it should not bring shame
Tolerance may seem right at first
But tolerating sin is worse

JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick #fundie decodingsatan.blogspot.com

XBB1.1.16, or "Arcturus," is a strain of COVID-19's omicron variant. First reported in January, the strain has rapidly spread in nations such as India and Indonesia. While Arcturus is similar to other variants, it does differ in a few key ways.

"Arcturus XBB 1 16" = 911 (Sumerian)

"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 176 (Reverse ordinal)
"woman president" = 176 (Ordinal)
"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 1056 (Reverse Sumerian)
"woman president" = 1056 (Sumerian)

"woman president" = 666 (Satanic)
"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 666 (Reverse Satanic)

"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 202 (Ordinal)
"woman president" = 202 (Reverse)
"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 1212 (Sumerian)
"woman president" = 1212 (Reverse Sumerian)

"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 58 (Reduction)

"Arcturus variant" = 199 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Arcturus XBB 1 16" = 911 (Sumerian)

"XBB 1 1 6" = 36 (Ordinal)

XBB.1.16 could be on track to outcompete another variant called XBB.1.9, which makes up 12.7% of circulating virus across the U.S. But XBB.1.16 is also similar enough to its siblings that federal officials think a single vaccine recipe might be able to boost against all of them this fall.

Some have pointed to "pink eye" – also known as conjunctivitis – as a potential new symptom caused by XBB.1.16. But at a news conference on April 18, WHO officials described it as a "known symptom that already is part of COVID."

"pink eye" = 330 (Satanic)
"Hillary" = 330 (Satanic)
"President HR Clinton" = 223 (Ordinal)
"conjunctivitis" = 190 (Reverse ordinal)

"HR Clinton" = 113 (Ordinal)

GenSix Productions #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick #wingnut gensix.com

As in the Days of Noah...
In the twilight of mankind's existence, the War Against God's Creation Rages.

Boldface Lies
Aggregated deceit and accumulating falsehoods from our governments, our militaries, the Vatican, our churches, by so-called medical professionals, and "science" stack up before us. They say that they do not know what UFOs are, that mankind is causing climate change and that Covid vaccines are necessary to safeguard man's future.

A Shot in the Arm, A Shot in the Head – Either Way You Wind Up Dead
The Vatican reshapes the world's perspective of aliens, governments around the globe, spy on citizens, the stage is set for World War 3, the global economy teeters on the brink and the medical establishment compel people to corrupt themselves by injecting a COVID MRNA Vaccine that will change their DNA – Just like in the Days of Noah.

Pulling Strings
The World Economic Forum are the Puppet Masters who pull the strings that will starve and kill billions. But is there someone more sinister lurking in the shadows?

An Agenda of Death
With a Vatican core belief in Zecharia Sitchen's Anunnaki, we learn that there is an Entity physically living on planet earth and everything occurring is designed to kill most of humanity and corrupt the DNA of those that remain. Weather warfare, the decimation of crops, livestock and the supply chain, the enslaving of billions, and the outright corruption of mankind's DNA are all part of this Entity's Agenda of Death.

Last Chance?
GenSix Productions blows the lid off a supernatural conspiracy that is thousands of years in the making and nearing its culmination. With never seen before footage of evidence pointing to the genetic corruption of humans, this film endeavors to give you the unfiltered Truth about who and what is really controlling our planet.

Daniel_Kamil_Fudala #fundie #crackpot reddit.com

Prove that dogs are smarter? Dogs only have social "intelligence" (which isn't even intelligence). Dogs aren't smart, all the dogs I've seen (and I've seen a lot) were dumb, aggressive and pure evil. I'm not ignorant about dogs, I just hate them because they're bad pets. And they probably aren't smarter than pigs, violence isn't an indication of dumbness, humans are violent and more territorial than pigs but still smart. Humans also seem to have a pecking order, constantly fighting for power and wealth (at least the greedy and power hungry ones do), dogs are only good for hunting/guarding and as livestock (they were used as livestock by ancient Mesoamericans, Asians, Celts etc. For hundreds/thousands of years.

politirel2 & hellooutsiders6865 #fundie #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Popular YouTuber SHOCKED That Leftists Want To END Humanity

As a former leftist, it works like this, I hated the government, country, history, neighbors, family, religion, rich people, capitalism, etc, and ultimately when you hate everything, you hate yourself, it is a horrible place to be, but thankfully most people will grow out of it.

This isn't a political battle, it's spiritual. It's all of us against Satan.

Shelby Bowen/Pastor Troy Brewer #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

Have you ever read the passages in the Old Testament that describe God commanding the Israelites to wipe out entire cities of people including men, women and children? You might wonder why God would command for women and innocent children to be wiped out and murdered. Pastor Troy Brewer shared a message at OpenDoor Church about the Nephilim blood line and the war of two seeds.

When God delivered the Jewish people out of Egypt, He had a Promised Land ready and waiting for them. Because of their disobedience, they wandered in the desert for 40 years until the time of conquest came.

Brewer says, "Though they did not go into the Promised Land, they still did not get the luxury of not fighting giants. These are the people who refused to go into the promises of God because they didn't want to take on cities and giants. So, guess what God had them doing while they were out in the wilderness?" In fact, the Israelites went on to destroy 60 cities.

He says the reason God had all of the men, women and children killed is to destroy the tainted DNA and bloodline. Brewer points to the mixed seed. A DNA that God did not create, that was spreading in humanity. "It has been going on from the very beginning, it went on even in the days of King Jesus, and it is going on right now, this second," he says.
In his sermon, Brewer points to the flood and "trans-humanization." He says the tainted seed or bloodline was growing rapidly and God had to bring the flood to wipe them out. Imagine Jesus coming back to a world that was filled with a mixed bloodline. This is why genealogy is important to God in the Bible. You see the pure bloodline leading up to Jesus from the very beginning.

Today, there are talks of similar trans-human conversations happening around the world. It is the idea that through AI technology a mesh would happen between humanity and computers. People are trying to overtake the role of God and creation.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #homophobia simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is an extremely liberal, wicked, and perverse Japanese animated television program, created by Naoko Takeuchi. This program chronicles the struggles of female protagonist Usagi Tsukino (aka the eponymous "Sailor Moon") in defeating enemies along with her cohort of Sailor Guardians, all while engaging in schoolyard romance.

This program should not be viewed by Christians and families which seek biblically based entertainment. The program is notorious for featuring positive depictions of false Japanese folklore religions, such as Shinto, and the use of fortune telling, magic, and sorcery all while rejecting the truth and clarity provided by the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, the program is notorious for its glorification of sinful alternative lifestyle choices by featuring two of the Sailor Guardians being in a homosexual relationship with one another. An earlier English adaptation of the program was even more wicked, featuring homosexual incest with said characters. Additionally, nudity is present as well as the female characters wearing immodest short skirts and other attire so short where genitalia could be visible, clearly designed to appeal to the prurient interest. All in all, this is a program that promotes wicked lifestyles, the lust of the flesh, and false religions and superstitious practices, and should be cast out by any true Bible believing Christian.

Exodus 20:3-5 3.Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

First Corinthians 6:9-10

9. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Jackilee07 #fundie en.wikipedia.org

ALL photographs are graven images. All photographs are graven images, All television is graven image. All dolls are idols, all statues are idols. The book of Revelation is about the End Times. We are in the End Times. God foresaw this mass production of Idolatry. God foresaw man's vanity in the mass production of graven images and idols. Revelation was written about these times. God can no longer tolerate the mass production of idols and graven images, the worship of television, the worship of a cross, the worship of the antichrist and antichrists, (the image of a man nailed to a cross, crying on a cross, smiling, looking up, praying), all images of this man are the antichrists and is prophesied in the book of Revelation. There are grown men drinking beer and watching television when they should be worshiping God, reading the Bible to their families and working. Taking care of your family, community and the poor is how you love and respect God. This is in your Bible. This time is confused. Men are treating women as men. This time is confused, confusion is of the devil. This is in the Bible. The Bible gives many examples of how to live your life. The Bible is clear and direct about how to live your life. The Bible clearly states no worship of idols and do not make any likeness above, on earth or under the sea. […]

Jackilee07 #fundie en.m.wikipedia.org

A graven image is mans attempt to duplicate God's creation. Photographs, art and decoration are graven images. Any decorations, other than words are graven images. The television is a "graven image box" and is worshiped by the world. People have turned away from God to watch the "beast box" which is prophesied about in the book of Revelation. People who are not watching television are listening to GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I will give you examples of idols. The cross, angels, santa, mary, saints, easter bunny, any statue of a man, women or child, any statue of an animal, plant, mountain, river and tree is an idol. All dolls are idols and yet you people purchase these abominations for your children. Satan tells you what it is in the name. They are called "dolls" for a reason people! Here is an example of a graven image, antichrist and antichrists. The antichrists in the book of Revelation are the images of a man crucified on a cross, the images of a man weeping in pain wearing a crown of thorns and any image of this man who is worshiped by the world is not from the Bible.

E. Michael Jones #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy fidelitypress.org

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by Dr. E. Michael Jones is the story of the 2,000 year long battle between Logos and Anti-Logos: from the foot of the Cross in the Gospel of St. John, to the French Revolution, through the revolutionary movements of the 21st century, including the Neoconservative takeover of the United States.

Israel Shamir, who understands this battle well, described this as “a monumental book which scoops two thousand years of troublesome relations between Christendom and the Jews, and endeavors to connect Jewish strategies of permanent revolution with the permanent Jewish rebellion against Christ. This timely book may help to regain the lost balance between Judaic and Christian tendencies in the Western mind.”

Now, featuring new chapters on the Arian crisis of the 4th century A.D., along with a groundbreaking chapter on the Armenian genocide, Dr. Jones cuts through the noise, and brings clarity where there is confusion, hope where there is despair, and a message of love to the “enemies of the entire human race.”

<3 volumes for $75>

@FutureFantasy #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

Dave Talks #788 - Joe is a Facade. The Destruction of America is Happening.
I cover the lies, double standards, coverups, and crimes of the evil mind virus known as communism. My aim is to educate the people and build a movement to keep criminals out of power. MACA. Make America Christian Again. The elimination of communism is justice! Please watch the entire video. #nwo #Biden #trump

Craige McMillan #fundie #wingnut #transphobia wnd.com

We live in an age in which human beings are so confused about their identity – "Who am I?" – that they walk around wearing T-shirts identifying with athletic shoes and other manufactured products that speak their identity. "Whew! There! I'm not me. I'm really somebody! I'm wrapped inside a smelly sock surrounded by canvas and synthetic shoe rubber, running down the athletic court! Thank God! I finally know who I am!"

Yes, Your Stinkiness! You are no longer a child of God; you are free advertising space for an athletic shoe brand. Congratulations on your new identity!

If you think that you are confused about your identity, just imagine what God goes through! Hmm … let's see, I wonder where Miranda is today? What is she up to? An operation? Why didn't she tell me she was sick? A sex-change operation? No! I made you a girl, Miranda! There's a child you have to have when you grow up and get married! Boys can't give birth! Why didn't you ask Me, first?

That's an excellent question. Of course, we should expect no less from God. It's not that He is too busy or difficult to find, for His Word tells us that God is everywhere present – including inside of us. For that reason He is not difficult to find. Most of us have no problem asking our friends what we should do about a certain situation, or posting our dilemma on social media and seeking the collective wisdom of the aborted Star Trek Borg, perhaps better known today as the collective consciousness. Yes, that's the ticket! Ignore God and just ask everyone else! What could possibly go wrong?
Those whom God is now clearing out of the way are so arrogant and self-absorbed that they do not even realize that it is now the Creator God of the Universe that is fighting against them. Even the Pharisees in the New Testament had the presence of mind when they were fighting against Jesus' Disciples to ask, what if we find ourselves fighting against God (paraphrased). But not this crowd today.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

God-like AI could be a force beyond our control or understanding, and one that could usher in the obsolescence or destruction of the human race.

In an op-ed for the Financial Times, AI mega-investor Ian Hogarth recalled a recent anecdote in which a machine learning researcher with whom he was acquainted told him that “from now onwards,” we are on the brink of developing artificial general intelligence (AGI) — an admission that came as something of a shock. “A three-letter acronym doesn’t capture the enormity of what AGI would represent, so I will refer to it as what is: God-like AI,” Hogarth declared. “A superintelligent computer that learns and develops autonomously, that understands its environment without the need for supervision and that can transform the world around it.” Can you imagine AI matched with the Metaverse? What a crazy place that would be! Hang on, it’s coming.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the hottest field in the world right now is AI, or artificial intelligence. Want to know the second hottest field of endeavor? Human implantable biotechnology. Microsoft, who is leading the AI pack right now with a $10 billion dollar investment in ChatGPT, filed patent number WO2020060606 3 years ago for a device that allows you to buy and sell via an implantable microchip. This fallen world may reject the doctrinal teachings in your King James Bible, but they are more than ready to worship an AI god. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, the return of gods just might be hidden inside the emergence of AI and the Metaverse.

John Verderame #fundie answersingenesis.org

In our day, secular scientists have grown ever more arrogant in their pronunciations about who we are, or better, are not, and where everything came from in the beginning. The late Carl Sagan described us as specks living on a “pale blue dot” floating in the universe. The pope of evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, tells us we are a “lucky accident,” and that things just “happened” to work out right for the development of life on earth. Others write books with titles like, “The Universe Explained,” or “A Brief History of Time,” which push the big bang theory that we resulted from an explosion.

Have these scientists ever asked themselves, “Why should anyone listen to me?” That is a logical question if they really believe what they say. Because, if we really are nothings living on a speck of nothingness floating aimlessly toward destruction, and there are 6 billion of us, then they are one six-billionth of nothing and we should just ignore them completely because what they have to say is worthless!
What we really should do is ask them, “Why should I listen to you?” “How do you know what you are saying is true?”, or better, in Pilate’s words to Christ (John 18:38), “What is truth?” If we are nobodies, the products of chance forces beyond our control, and we live a purposeless existence wandering aimlessly in a purposeless universe, then nothing any scientist can say should even be worth listening to.
Satan demonstrated his understanding of man’s desires from the beginning when he told Adam and Eve, “Ye shall be as gods …” if they would just listen to him and ignore the Word of God. The evolutionary apostles of our day are doing the same thing. They are saying to us, “Listen to me. I know better than God.” They are their own “gods.”
Whom are we going to believe? An evolutionist who has seen a few years of life on earth, and can only guess about the past, or God Almighty who was there from the beginning?

Paul Makenzi #fundie #god-complex #psycho abcnews.go.com

Thirty-nine bodies have been found so far on land owned by a pastor in coastal Kenya who was arrested for telling his followers to fast to death.

Malindi sub-county police chief John Kemboi said that more shallow graves have yet to be dug up on the land belonging to pastor Paul Makenzi, who was arrested on April 14 over links to cultism.

The total death toll is 43, because a further four people died after they and others were discovered starving at the Good News International Church last week.

Police have asked a court to allow them to hold Makenzi longer as investigations into the deaths of his followers continue.

A tipoff from members of the public led police to raid the pastor’s property in Malindi, where they found 15 emaciated people, including the four who later died. The followers said they were starving on the pastor's instructions in order to meet Jesus.

Police had been told there were dozens of shallow graves spread across Makenzi’s farm and digging started on Friday.

Makenzi has been on hunger strike for the past four days while in police custody.

The pastor has been arrested twice before, in 2019 and in March of this year, in relation to the deaths of children. Each time, he was released on bond, and both cases are still proceeding through the court.

Local politicians have urged the court not to release him this time, decrying the spread of cults in the Malindi area.

Cults are common in Kenya, which has a largely religious society.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 7: Softening the Heart

By The Rev. Steven Roland

My state has a wicked liberal Democrat governor. Evil, wretched, vile, sickening. Gretchen Whitmer is easily one of the most detestable people in modern politics…

First, she banned people from worshiping in the house of God while keeping abortion stores and recreational cannabis dispensaries and liquor stores open during the fake pandemic! All while she was living the life of luxury eating in restaurants and getting haircuts and going on vacation all while not wearing the wicked liberal idol of a face mask that DOES NOT PROTECT AGAINST DISEASE as it says on the packaging of any non-surgical face mask! It was never about protection but having a graven image of self righteousness! But everyone else had to wear them and couldn’t get seeds for gardening or eat in the dining area of a restaurant all while they COULD fornicate indiscriminately and have an abortion while they partook of alcohol and recreational cannabis all while people of God were arrested for worshiping! This is the persecution of God’s people that was warned about in scripture!

Now with a Democrat majority in the legislature for the first time in forty years, Whitmer has gone even further, creating the “right” to perpetuate a genocide of unborn children in the name of feminism and equality! It is also perfectly legal for little girls to be molested in bathrooms and locker rooms by grown 250 pound 6’5 men in drag! Wicked false idols like Dylan Mulvaney further perpetuate this garbage! Sodomites can run free in the “Motor City pride parade” and take over the municipal and county governments all while people of God fear for the next lockdown for the “public good.” It's coming, just you wait! Big Gretch will be coming for your right to freedom of religion once she gets her way in the end!

As infinitesimal of a chance as it might have, we must pray for our leaders so that their hearts may soften to the word of God and the normal nuclear family and the plight of the unborn. If you live in a state with capital punishment, you must pray for that to end as well so that the state may no longer execute people including far too often perfectly innocent people for one day it could be children of God at the electric chair simply for preaching the Gospel! We must PRAY for an end to all injustices…

Michael Voris #fundie onlysky.media

Now we are in a pitched battle in the political arena—the last remaining line before all-out civil war. If you love peace and you don’t want to see violence, then you better get involved on the political front.

And let’s be clear about this for all the phony or delusional pacifists out there: Violence in and of itself is not immoral. It depends on the circumstances, and sometimes, even, it’s necessary: self defense, the subduing of an aggressor threatening the life of your family, the Son of God in the temple violently whipping the money changers.

The idea that violence must always, at all times, always be avoided is not Catholic. Remember the Crusades? Sometimes violence must be unleashed to protect the innocent. But lethal violence—because of its drastic, you-can-never-come-back-from-it consequences—must never be the first resort. In fact, it must always be the last resort, and then not be allowed to turn into an orgy of dominance over the foe.

Nonetheless, violence does—must—always be an option. Welcome to a fallen world.

Prussian Society of America #racist #fundie #sexist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "4 Positive Developments, In Light Of All This Darkness"]

As you are keenly aware, we are often the most cynical, and least optimistic of all people on the planet. We are also hesitant to take note of anything peculiar until it gives us enough reasonable confidence that there is good solid traction at play

Nevertheless, I do wish to state that we have been actively tracking many global developments that are taking place, which occasionally, ARE absolutely in favor and absolutely beneficial to us during these hopeless times
1)Intra-Racial Tensions between various Ethnic groups in America and Europe are increasing** due to Economic issues, State Laws and Policies which are also fragmenting certain classes of these Immigrant groups, including other tensions and competition between Illegal and Legal Immigrants (even if both are scum)[…]
2)More Women are becoming Economically Disenfranchised and being Dismissed from their Jobs, for a whole host of reasons, but also because Women are even finding more clever ways to Embezzle Funds with the companies they work for. The entire Trans-Atlantic Tech Community is firing a lot of Females[…]
3)More and More people in Europe and all around the world, are actually beginning to catch on to just how disturbing, horrific and messed up the United States and the United Kingdom are as Nations. France, also is included on this list with the US and UK[…]We do respect the right of people even Barbarians to exist in their own lands[…]
4)Faith and Belief in Christianity is rapidly collapsing anywhere, along with the notions of using “Prayer” or “Peaceful Resistance”[…]
**Our organization is involved in many activities we do not disclose to the public. Nevertheless, we also actively are engaged with trying to promote Intra-Racial Tensions, and we encourage that you self-reflect and discover your own creative ways to furthering these tensions

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

{note: this is from 2007}

It is tragic that America's teens have immoral, sleazy, God-hating, lesbian, drunkard, reprobates for idols. Take Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan for example—BOTH recently arrested and charged with drunk driving. They ought to be charged with attempted murder, just as all alcohol-impaired drivers should be! When people knowingly drink alcohol, and then endanger other people's lives because of it, it is nothing less than PREMEDITATED CRIME.
Why do the American courts ignore the facts? Should it be surprising that our courts don't care about the victims of drunk drivers, when they voted in 1973 that a fetus is NOT considered a human being? The godless Supreme Court is saying that children aren't even human beings anymore. So should it be surprisingly that they allow drunk drivers to continue killing people with their Liquid Devil?

There is NO greater hypocrisy in American society today than that of drunk driving. The beer companies tell their customers Don't drink and drive. My question is: If you're getting drunk, and going out of your mind, then how can you maintain enough sense not to get into your car and drive it? This just PROVES the fallacy of the lying propaganda fed to the public from the liquor industry.

Alcohol is called LIQUID DEVIL for a very good reason—because of it's deceitful nature! A BAC of 0.02% at many U.S. companies will require that an employee be relieved of duty for 24 hours and at 0.04 they will be fired. In an organization with a "zero-tolerance" policy as regards alcohol use, you will be fired if you test at 0.001% (which is less than 0.010%). So why do U.S. lawmakers foolishly allow people to drive trucks and automobiles with a BAC up to .08? It's the love money, the scum-sucking lawyers who work for the booze companies, and the sell-out politicians who ought to be hung publicly for high treason.

Do you realize what a BAC of .05 to .079 does to the human body? According to OHS Health and Safety Services Incorporated, a BAC of between .05 and .08 means... walking, speech, and hand movements clumsy. Blurred, split, or tunnel vision may occur. Judgment and equipment operating ability impaired. Chance of accident is greatly increased by up to 300% or more. Are you getting this? Our legislatures are deliberately allowing such alcohol-impaired drivers onto the streets of America!!! Why?

Donald Trump #transphobia #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger rollingstone.com

Former President Donald Trump said that if re-elected, he would use the government to investigate and potentially halt transgender health care during a National Rifle Association (NRA) speech on Friday

“Upon my inauguration, I will direct the FDA to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression and even violence,” said Trump to the crowd gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana

“I think most of us already know the answer,” he added. Trump then said he would direct an investigation of whether “genetically engineered cannabis” is “causing psychotic breaks”

The former president also accused Democrats of “pushing the transgender cult” on children. Earlier in his speech, he called school shootings a “spiritual problem” and not a “gun problem.” He also proposed a tax credit for arming teachers

Richard Hollerman #fundie truediscipleship.com

Owning dogs may not be sin, but what is sin is idolising your pet, whether it be a dog or some other animal. Many Christians who would be horrified at the thought of idolatry, actually idolize their dogs without realising it. They miss church if their dog is sick

Dogs do not save souls

Dogs are of no spiritual value

Many people do not realise dogs are capable of ‘housing’ evil spirits and their owners might need to be delivered from the spirit of the dog. ‘Deliver my soul from the sword and my precious life from the spirit of the dog

Dog ownership is a carnal desire and is sometimes driven by an evil spirit. In some countries, demon possessed dogs called ‘spirit dogs’ only ever attack Christians.

One disturbing but true story is that of a couple who adored their large Alsatian. To the couple, the dog was the ‘child’ they had never had. When the wife realised she had been idolising the dog she sought deliverance from the spirit of dog. During her deliverance in the church office one working day, her husband was out driving their small utility truck several kilometres away with the dog sitting on the tray. At the exact moment the woman was delivered of the evil spirit of dog, their Alsatian howled as though in agony, leapt from the tray of the moving truck into the path of another vehicle and was killed instantly. The shocked husband was later delivered of the spirit of dog.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie pepelivesmatter.substack.com

Consumption of constant negative outrage news, although important for the masses and further solidifying the red pill in MAGA normies, is simply an unfeasible way to live life through the precipice as an anon.

If you aren't finding ways to live life during this time in the peace of God, then you are doing it wrong.

Subjecting yourself to constant trannie mk ultra is not going to save the world.

Your outrage will only lead to despair if that is all you focus on.
The recipe for success is red pills and knowledge, yes, but then an overload of hopeful, wise, and faith-filled thinking.

I don't know who needs to hear this but the mass exposure of their trannie, child-hating, communist agenda is not actually a sign that we are losing but that mystery Babylon is unveiling itself like never before.

If the darkness reveals itself, like it has been en masse, then won't God respond in remarkable fashion?
Let the doomers ree and meanwhile I'll enjoy the show because I know nothing can stop God from accomplishing His spectacular plans.

I think too many of us are far too focused on the left vs right dynamic for this very reason:

Those brainwashed sheep are the exact people we are working to wake up.

They are not our enemy, the cabal and the demonic forces they serve are.
Oh.. And remember to go outside, put down the phone or computer, and take breaks from social media. Go spend some time in nature and notice how the birds do not seem to realize we are living on a precipice.

The sun shining doesn't seem to recognize the peril of our time. Perhaps there is some level of wisdom to having a calm, cool and collected demeanor in the midst of your trials.

A stoic Patriot becomes a rock in clashing waves.

You are that rock.

You and God are an unstoppable anti-outrage team.

Let all your worry go.

Even for just a few moments.

All will be well in the end.

Dennis Prager #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie mediamatters.org

This is Media Matters quoting from Prager’s video
By the way, if you talk about Islamic slavery – which was considerably more barbaric – and, believe me, there was barbarity in our slavery. But most slaves could actually have children, for example. And on more than a few occasions, they were separated from their parents. Horrible, truly horrible. But the Black slave population increased tremendously because they could have families in so many cases. Under Islam, that was not possible, the men were castrated. And they weren't castrated with an anesthetic, shall we say. The agony is indescribable, and so many of them died just because of the barbarity of being castrated.

The left hates America because they have nothing going on in their lives that gives them meaning. The inferior always hates the superior. The left is morally inferior to the United States and its founders and the Judeo-Christian system. The inferior morally hate the morally superior. The left has always been morally inferior from Lenin to today.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

We live in an age of unprecedented digitization. But with the ease of paying for a sandwich with your phone comes greater surveillance and the ability for authorities and corporations to track your every move—and limit access to services instantly, if they so choose. And guess what? They so choose. Rapid advances in artificial intelligence, drones, and facial recognition mean that invasive tracking systems will become even more widespread. In response, we’re seeing growing pushback, including lawsuits against the use of facial recognition and spyware, protests by workers, and greater pressure for legislation. For those of you who thought you got your freedom back when the pandemic ended, guess again. You didn’t.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the dystopian future we glimpsed during the days of government-funded global lockdown remains before us, with the digital chains of our virtual masters tightening on a daily basis. They are demanding we give up our gas-powered vehicles, our gas stoves, and everything else that cannot be digitized. U.S. climate envoy John Kerry said Sunday “there can be no rolling back of moves to end carbon emissions”. Climate Change is the new pandemic, the new club with which to beat us into submission. Now add AI to the mix, and suddenly all the exits are blocked and there’s no place to hide. In the US Senate, Bill S.884 called the “Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023” is a thing, and we’ll show how it will impact you if you live in America. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we show you how much privacy you’ve lost since 2020, and what will happen once they’ve backed us all the way into the proverbial corner.

Oh, one more thing, the United Nations has begun a campaign to decriminalize pedophilia, something that will no doubt be quite popular in Washington DC. Pizza, anyone?

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

SATAN in charge of world (& Democrat Party)...at moment. All the weirdos, freaks & psychos out of the closet. Unafraid to do things & admit things never before allowed in history. They will pay soon enough. Because we all know who wins in the end. #JESUS

Roosh V #homophobia #fundie rooshv.com

[From "Why Homosexuals Make The Tastiest Dishes"]

During my road trip across the United States, I visited restaurants all across the country. I noticed that the more gay flags a restaurant had, the tastier its food. How could it be that those who supported the awful act of sodomy make food that I liked the most? The answer is that they had dedicated their lives to carnal pleasures (food included) and had become worldly experts at it in a way that a devout Christian, who eagerly seeks divine pleasure, had not

That which you treasure is where your heart is (Matthew 6:21). As a carnal man for most of my life, food was one of my greatest joys. While living in Poznan, Poland, my Friday night tradition was going to Fat Bob Burger near the town square for a burger feast to satisfy my belly before hitting dens of iniquity to satisfy my lusts[…]
You will become a connoisseur of the world if all you have is the world. If you are a homosexual restauranteur and your entire life is centered around maximizing pleasure with great zeal, you will open a restaurant that easily satisfies the crowd and gets glowing reviews on Yelp. However, if you are an Orthodox Christian restauranteur who fasts for much of the year, and specializes in dishes that don’t feed one’s passions, your culinary creations will be suitable but forgettable[…]
When you’re in the prime of your life, with no health, family, or money problems, you may be very well deceived that all you need is to drink and be merry, that the homosexual establishments in the city are like icing on the buttery rich yellow cake of a well-lived life, but don’t be fooled: behind a pleasing material reality is Satan heaping up your soul in sin[…]
Let us be satisfied with gruel and slop if they are placed before us. Let us shed the skin of the carnal man and not desire to please our temporal taste buds. Let us not trust the offerings of homosexuals and degenerates to give us pleasures of this world

Happy Africa #fundie facebook.com

(Submitter’s note: This post claims that the heavy rainfall in Brazil last March was God’s judgement on the country’s people after they supposedly insulted him during a carnival.)

Don’t mock GOD😭🙏🏿
Brazil mocked God during festivals, but something big happened a day after later.

One thousand seven hundred and thirty people were displaced and over 1,800 were homeless according to other reports. A sandstorm followed breaking tons of houses with a heavy pour of rain, up to 21.6 centimeters or more, the highest Brazil has ever seen. This is not the first time such a thing happened in Brazil. News has it that another man behaved like Jesus at a similar carnival and in the end, died in a nasty car accident the next day. A huge thunder, causing severe damage, also recently strike a false god who was hanged on a cross in Brazil.

Guys Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction🙏🏿🙏🏿

deisip67 #fundie steemit.com

(Submitter’s note: This quote supports the fundie theory that the word “carnival” is a corruption of “carne a Baal”, Spanish for “meat for Baal”.)

With this post what I'm looking for is to inform about the origin of this festive practice and its powerful spiritual influence, especially in our children and youth.

The true spiritual meaning of Carnival is "Meat for Baal" since this expression perfectly defines what is done in these festivities. ** Baal ** is one of the names that Satan receives in different cultures. Thus Baal was the god in ancient Canaan and Phoenicia. It reflects, for example, the ceremonies that the Canaanites did in honor of this god. They worshiped him with holocausts of animals and people, preferably babies.


If you have actively participated in the carnival, I must tell you that you have worshiped Satan. If you have not read the Bible, you have never consulted the true God in his word.


How many times by tradition or party have you done it by worshiping Satan? Paying worship and ignoring the consequences for these traditions or pagan festivals.

The man who does not know God and does not know his word (The Bible) likes the pleasures of the flesh, the desires of the flesh, the works of the flesh.


If you ever participated in these activities today is the day to ask for forgiveness, because you did not know what was behind this and tell him:

"Eternal Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive me, I regret having done it and cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the Cross for me, and from today I want to walk according to your word, Amen".

You may say, this was done before, now these practices are not carried out; but he wants me to tell him the Carnival of 21st Century, has all the spiritual power unclean as it was thousands of years ago. It is presented to us as an innocent party, which is not a bad thing if it is celebrated correctly. This idea has deceived millions of people including the people of God. Because even if it is not celebrated with that intention that the Devil does not care because you have gotten into his property, his land, his area of influence, and he will do his job to curse his life and that of his family.

@cpr316 #fundie #conspiracy gettr.com

Hard times are coming, Famines Are Coming. People, especially believers must be prepared. Time is running out, we have until the fall(October/November) to be prepared. This list holds essential items you may need

Courtesy of Truth unedited Ministries : https://truthunedited.com/blog/preparation-list-for-coming-world-collapse/

#globalism #newworldorder #fakenews #propaganda #nwo #depopulationagenda #globalistagenda #nationalism #wakeup #news #genocide #tyranny #trump #endtimes #dictatorship #tttnews #cnc #ccntv #pnm #unc #bananarepublic #covid #globalist #trinidad #tobago #patriots #greatawakening #truth #agenda #donaldtrump #starvation #hunger #famine #famines

Order Of Melchizedek #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick atam.org

It was September 4, 2012 when we first reported on this fascinating subjection of giant Pyramids in Antarctica in our old website, which is no longer functional.

Jesus told us that, everything which has been hidden would be revealed, that which is covered will be uncovered. We are in the time of full disclosure of All things.

It was June 26, 2012 that we reported in our Blog on the discovery of a Giant Crystal Pyramid sitting on the ocean floors off the coast of Bermuda. This is the area where airplanes have disappeared out of the sky and ships have vanished without a trace from the ocean for many decades. Where would humans have gotten the technology to build a giant pyramid made out of crystal underwater?
Some believe this to be evidence of the ancient Island Continent of Atlantis, which was made up of multiple islands. This could have been an advance Pre-Adamic Genesis chapter 2 creation, of highly advance beings on the planet, which were destroyed in a Pre-Noahic Flood. There is also the possibility that this Pre-Adamic civilization was alive during the accounts of Genesis Chapters 3-6 and were destroyed during the biblical Flood of Noah.
I find the story exciting of pyramids beings exposed by the melting ice of Antarctica for several reasons. One is because, I have long believed, since reading stories as a child; that there is yet a civilization existing inner earth near the South Pole. Could it be a civilization from a distant planet that have the technology to live “inner earth”? Could it be remnants from a more advanced civilization that was created prior the Genesis chapter 2 Adam and Eve? For sure we know that civilization and the planet Earth is more than 6000-10,000 years old. One problem with Creationist belief is, they don’t realize that the Genesis chapter 2 Adam, WAS NOT the first creation of the Elohim (Gods)- it was the last – so far, on this planet (not counting the last Adam Christ).

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #transphobia christorchaos.com

[From "Living in a World of Anti-Theism"]

The effects of the revolutions that have convulsed the world since Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses[…]have proceeded in turn from hatred of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s true Church, the Catholic Church, to the hatred of God and everything holy in the French Revolution, to the hatred of even any semblance of moral truth on the natural level[…]
We have reached such a stage of degeneration as to be eyewitnesses to the triumph of abject insanity as many human beings claim that there are more than two sexes and that it is both possible and desirable that those who have been placed into a state of “confusion” about their so-called “gender identity”[…]change one’s sex by having one’s body mutilated surgically and altered chemically to make it appear that they have become something that they are not and can never be[…]
Merrick Garland, refuses to call the massacre carried out by a twenty-eight year-old woman, Audrey Hale, who identified as a “man,” as a hate crime against Christians[…]
Audrey Hale’s hatred of Christianity, though aimed at the children of the Protestant school, is very indicative of the more widespread hatred of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s true Church, the Catholic Church, that is being engendered by the terrorist organization named “Jane’s Revenge” and by those calling for a “Transgender Day of Vengeance”[…]
It was Martin Luther's rebellion against the Divine Plan that God Himself had instituted to effect man's return to Him through the Catholic Church that divided men over First and Last Things, thus paving the way for the triumph of secular substitutes[…]
Human societies have, sadly, become criminal because most people, including those who govern, do indeed “act as if God did not exist or refuse to concern themselves with religion”[…]
We are eyewitnesses to the process of American disintegration

Ivory-Patriarch #fundie #wingnut reddit.com

rights are important, but over rated. abortion isn't just murder. it's shirking responsibility. i reject modern notions of individualism. instead, i believe that all humans owe a debt to our ancestors, and our descendants. abortion is not just wrongdoing to the individual unborn child. but also to all your ancestors, and any descendants that child could have had if he or she lived.

Ken Ham #crackpot #fundie twitter.com

Slowly but surely, over millions of years, the concrete footings have risen from the ground, getting ready for the glass greenhouses that will suddenly appear by chance random processes to make the Conservatory and greenhouses at the @CreationMuseum become a reality.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The root of Satanism is the Jews.

Satanism wouldn't exist if not for the Jews.

If you want to defeat Satanism, you have to defeat the Jews.

Jews are the true source of all evil.

spoilerOur founder was Jewish and to
this day we have many Jewish
members. People make all
kinds of claims about us, rarely
based in fact.

( @Lebensraum5150 )
@Nature_and_Race There simply is no doubt as to Satanism being a jewish creation. Every miserable and stinking immoral trap, every provocative evil that rips innocence from the innocent, every unseemly disgrace one can imagine throughout history found its origin in the bitter soul of juden.


( @Zwarte_Piet )
@Nature_and_Race The jew is the anti-Christ spoken of in the bible. If you read the gospels and revelations carefully, it becomes very clear.

The jew had a very good reason for murdering Christ; He dedicated his life to exposing them.

( @RedRock919 )
@Nature_and_Race Christ rightfully called them out 2,000 years ago as what they really are…the synagogue of Satan.

( @Runeoflife )
@Nature_and_Race Satanism is literally just Jewish "foreign policy", talmudic code of conduct towards non-Jews.

( @Taranis1114 )
@Nature_and_Race I remember when I thought Satan was cool in my teen years just because a lot of death metal bands sang about him. He seemed like a being that represented rebellion from tyranny. But really it seems that he represents rebellion from anything (depending on which satanist you ask). Some satanists say he just represents rebellion against the Christianity, others say a rebellion against all established norms and traditions. Little did I know the whole philosophy of Satanism comes from the jews.
Being a White Nationalist, knowing the truth about the Third Reich, abstaining from degeneracy, defending the White Race is a more noble form of rebellion.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #quack #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

With my eyes still crusty from sleep, I opened my phone to look at the news while coffee was brewing this morning, and I saw a headline that hit me like a ton of bricks. It said ‘NEW COVID VARIANT ‘ARCTURUS’ CAUSING SURGE IN INDIA’, and right away I knew where I had heard that word before. “In astronomy class”, you say? No sir, I reply, it’s in the pages of my King James Bible, and it’s a direct reference to the last days. Oh, and guess what? For ‘some strange reason’, all of the modern versions have removed the word ‘Arcturus’, I wonder why?

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?” Job 38:31-33 (KJB)

Arcturus in your King James Bible is the ‘Big Dipper’ or ‘The Bear’ from high school astronomy class, and the ‘sons of Arcturus’ are the ‘sons of the Bear’ that make up the handle of the ‘Big Dipper’. Have you ever looked in your Bible to see if there is a Bear mentioned anywhere in relation to the end times? Because there sure is. You can start in Revelation 13:1,2 to see the Bear as one of the features of Antichrist, and if you went digging you would find that same theme repeated in Daniel 7:5, Amos 5:19, and Proverbs 28:15 just to name a few. But if you have an NIV, ESV, RSV, ASV, NKJV or the Legacy Standard Bible you have no idea what I’m talking about because the references have been removed

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #transphobia brianniemeier.com

Tolkien wasn’t writing to convince anyone. He told stories to tell stories. And he understood that he was telling stories to a Modernist audience. Sad but true, the overt Christian imagery of a Poul Anderson or even a Robert E. Howard is alien to a large plurality of modern readers.

And we got here because the Death Cult knew better than to beat normal people over the head with sodomy, crossdressing, and atheism right off the bat. Instead they delivered their twisted themes through symbols.

In fact, the Death Cult relies on symbolism. Each of their stated positions is a symbol. That’s why they can switch them out as quickly as Benny from The Mummy (1999).

Unnamed Pruchnik residents #fundie #racist ynetnews.com

In a harrowing antisemitic display in the rural town of Pruchnik is southeastern Poland, residents hung and burned a doll marked with Jewish stereotypes and a sign that says "Judas 2023"

A similar event happened back in 2019. The town's residents conducted a field trial for a doll named Yehuda Ishkir, which had the inscription JUDAS 2019. This ceremony, dating back to the Middle Ages, involved the residents holding a field trial for Yehuda a Keriot and subsequently sentencing him to death

The execution took place via hanging, and the "corpse" was then paraded through the streets while children and adults beat it with sticks, delivering 30 blows. The ceremony ended with the residents burning the effigy, marking a disturbing conclusion to the event

The incident sparked global condemnation, leading the municipality to announce the ending of the tradition. However, just last week, unknown individuals hung the same effigy on the outskirts of the town and set it ablaze. City officials had to intervene by removing the doll from the area

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