
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Pleiades 1 via Neva (Gabriel RL) #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Pleiades 1 Messages 24 October 2024

Solars prepare for distributions.

Accelerated rhythms prepare special activations.

Boundaries continue to be broken.

Divine architectures continue to be appreciated.

Integrations of Ashtaric powers underway in the Terran environment.

Anchoring of Nevic Grid Pillars underway: 3/7 94% (non-regressive).

Attention *Aquarius/*Yais, The Prince of the Seas! Specific completions of Buddhic Columns immediate. Triad in PVSE. 58% (non-regressive).

Pleiades 1 Messages 23 October 2024

New announcements are being prepared.

Divine spices are being integrated.

Circles are returning in activations and preparations.

Reverberations of – chips in progress!

Pleiadians announce their presence.

Attention PVSE and the like! MAGIC+++ in ANCHORAGES and SPECIFIC REVERBERATIONS: 98% (non-regressive).

Alliance +++: Anchorage and Expansion 94% (non-regressive)

Neva: EMON Pross Cris AND >>>> 84% (non-regressive).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Reception Of New Codes)
Pleiades 1 Messages 2 October 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Ancestral healings continue to occur.

Proximity of cosmic events reverberate in astral +.

Armors continue to be dropped.

Silver package reverberated.

Oracles continue to be divinely active.

Plasmatic *miasmic layers being removed (2 and 3 NOR – T) – second movement: 39% (non-regressive) – Possible collaterals.

*OPStardust2 prepared. “Contamination” initiated… 97% (non-regressive).

Specific codes being delivered. First Reception >>> 90% (non-regressive).

Pro-Love on the surface 96% (non-regressive).

Pleiades 1 Messages 1 October 2024

Anceststrals keep arriving.

Gaian decondensations underway.

Attention *Neva +++ Force 300 in projection.

Attention *PVSE! Galactic Projectors pointed!

Attention PVSE! Ashtar Command Centers tuned!

Dogmas continue to be broken.

New guardians present themselves.

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)

Sherry T #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


WHY WE ARE BEING LIBERATED: We are considered hostages of the Dark Force invited to Earth by the Atlanteans (Atlantis). Like Atlantis, if we are not rescued humans will inevitably become extinct. Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is simply not true.

It is important to note that Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Demonic Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years, and we are finally being LIBERATED after thousands of years. There is no darkness or evil in 5D.
*As the Galaxy is being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been evolving from a military force created in the urgent need to defend basic liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society. As beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they have discovered an inner codex that regulates all inter-relationships between beings of Light and the Dark Forces and occupied planets. This codex is called the Galactic Codex (similar to a Galactic BILL OF RIGHTS) and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From “The Trump program”]

Trump is likely to win in a landslide. It looks like coup Thermidor has gone through, and they are just waiting to hold an actually free and fair election to make it official and legal. Which does not mean that free and fair elections are back in style, but they will be held when convenient, and today is convenient for team Thermidor

Transition Team Leader Howard Lutnick says Trump is going to cut three billion over two years[…]He has spent hours talking to Musk, who is going to be the government efficiency man, and Musk does know what it would take to rein in corruption[…]
Project 2025 is totally radioactive, and neither Trump nor anyone on his transition team dares have the slightest interaction with them. Yet Dark Maga is not radioactive — perhaps because the left’s crime thought shield stops them from understanding the meme[…]
And to the extent that anyone in swamp understands the meme, they probably also understand what is necessary to deal with their opponents within the swamp

If we get Beria, a General Monck, or if Trump himself is now Dark Maga, as well he may be after all this lawfare and assassination attempts, then we have a leader. Or perhaps Musk has more steel in him than he reveals. He has a notable tendency to be attracted to technologies that are critical to power

Greg Abbot in Texas demonstrated that non commissioned officer outranks a supreme court justice, and the sky did not fall on his head. Tony Abbot in Australia demonstrated that an air force commando outranks a supreme court justice, and the sky did not fall on his head. Perhaps we will have a corruption cleanup and illegal immigration cleanup that goes just as smoothly as Tony Abbot’s illegal immigration cleanup

Now you might say that solving illegal immigration Jackson style is one thing, but solving corruption Jackson style is another[…]But Duterte in Davao solved corruption and crime, Pinochet style, and the sky did not fall on his head

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #fundie sinfest.xyz


Panels 1-2: Men and women wearing flower wreaths in their hair worship a statue of Demeter under clear bright skies in what appears to be a forest glade.
Panels 3-4: Clouds gather; the sky darkens.
Panels 5-9: Lightning bolts shoot down, destroying the statue, the trees, and the hair wreaths, in that order. People are knocked down.
Panels 10-11: Yaweh appears, in his latest form (A Batman parody named “Shabbatman”) bearing stacks of Bibles.
Panel 12: Four monks and four nuns, standing with heads down, peruse the Bible, in a dreary cathedral.

SkyWatchTV #fundie #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy skywatchtvstore.com

Purchase the "Earth in the Crosshairs Special Offer" for $45.00 donation and receive FREE shipping (US customer's Only)

Earth in the Crosshairs DVD
A transdimensional invasion is occurring on planet Earth!

For thousands of years, spirals have been used to depict portals, wormholes and stargates. Now in modern times, strange spirals in the sky have been captured on film. The mainstream media is quick to dismiss these phenomena as natural weather occurrences or the launch of satellites.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Sightings of UFOs, orbs and strange spirals in the sky have been seen and documented by people throughout the centuries. In recent years, their numbers have increased exponentially, along with other sightings of strange phenomena. In other words: The Literal Gates of Hell Have opened!

Unmasking the Ancient Gods DVD 2 disc set

SkyWatchTV’s Derek and Sharon Gilbert pull back the veil that’s hidden the true faces of the supernatural enemies of God for millennia.


Disc 1:
Epigenetics and the Age of the Machine: Self-Directed Apotheosis (Sharon)
Return of the Great Old Ones: Crowley, Chaos, and ET Disclosure (Derek)
In Gods We Trust: The Return of the Ancients Through Pharmakeia, Necromancy, and Virtual Reality (Sharon)
Disc 2:

Charting the Uttermost North: Why Gog of Magog Won’t Be Human (Derek)
The Real Jack the Ripper: Spiritual Warfare in the 19th Century (Sharon)
Last Clash of the Titans: Mystery Babylon and the Return of the Old Gods (Derek)

The Assyrian DVD
The Assyrian once lived as an evil tyrant set on to destroying God's people... and he is set to return very soon!

The Old Testament contains dozens of prophecies regarding the arrival and identity of the antichrist. Although he is referred to by many different titles, the most mysterious of all is "The Assyrian!" Join author and researcher Ryan Pitterson as he exposes the dark blueprint of the End Times Antichrist that has been hidden within the ancient texts.

Allan J. Feifer #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy wnd.com

Everything that transpires today in government, big business, progressive media and myriad social-service organizations operates on a single overriding principle: People are exactly like cattle. They can be herded in any direction you want; they want to survive against life's predations and possess a herd mentality that can be exploited for nefarious purposes.

Government recognizes that if you push the right buttons in the right order, you can forget about the troublesome 10% who won't follow the herd and concentrate on controlling the 90% that are controllable. The herd, or if you prefer, the mob, will act predictably and often against their best interests (think of being led to the slaughterhouse) as long as you keep them docile, fed and watered. They'll gladly push through any chute you put in front of them because they are following the Judas in front of them. This is where we are today. There are too many cattle and sheep being led to the slaughter instead of humans standing on their two legs fighting for their families and daily bread as God intended. Tell me I'm wrong.

Government policies used to be the product of an open debate that resulted in more or less consistent changes over time. Progressives, nee Marxists, deeply embedded in our political and administrative State, were unsuccessful in making the fundamental change in our way of life they desired.
What's happened to us is no Blitzkrieg; many of us have seen what was coming, and we talk, talk, talk as the rail car takes us to the crematorium.

Endless hand-wringing must end before it is too late, if we are to avoid internecine fighting between our people. We must individually reject the trajectory the government has placed us on in favor of self-determination, truth and adherence to the Founding Fathers' principles, which eschewed an all-powerful national government that sees us all as potential Soylent Green if we don't toe the line. Do not be fooled into thinking that you have rights.

Kaisar #fundie #forced-birth #conspiracy #sexist hiddendominion.com

[From “Biblical Evil Versus The Modern Day”]

A lot of the times when people who are new-to-the-faith read the Bible, they read the stories about Biblical evil and just can’t believe it. They don’t see the same evil in the modern day as they read about it in places like the Old Testament

It is similar to when modern non-denomy-type Christians talk about persecution. They think someone calling them a bad name is “persecution”; Meanwhile, Christians in many parts of the world are literally still being martyred, rotting away in prisons, and so on. This is a perception error. Their perception is clouded by their lack of experience/knowledge on what others endure

In the same way, regarding Biblical evil versus modern evil, it is also clearly just a perception error. Biblical evil is not much different from modern day evil[…]
Instead of sacrificing their children to Moloch for better weather conditions, modern women sacrifice their children through abortion for convenience and their career[…]
Jews in the Old Testament used to be unfair with the weight scales, and coin clipping was a major problem back then. Now, the bankers do that through inflation[…]
Then you even have things like poisoned wells or wormwood-type water. Well, what is the difference between that and all the weird chemicals like fluoride in our water and the micro plastics being pumped everywhere?[…]
You even have the Bible mentioning the punishment of rogue nations being forced to be ruled by children and women[…]
People will complain about the Bible and say that it is painting a difficult picture because no one would bow down to a golden calf[…]A significant percentage of the population is literally addicted to technology and can’t set down their phone[…]Same concept applies to money, the government, celebrities/athletes, scientism, environmentalism, and everything else the modern soyjack idolizes[…]
I don’t see much of a difference between the Biblical evil and the modern-day evil

Cynical Publius #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist twitter.com

As you see Kamala Harris constantly melting down in crazed anger, realize you are watching a 60 year old woman who for the first time in her life is not having what she wants handed to her on a silver platter.

The child of affluent university professors, she literally made her way in life by sleeping with powerful men and relying on her skin color and genitalia as proxies for competency.

For the first time in her life, she is about to lose something she really wants, and she has no idea how to deal with it like a rational adult.

It's going to get a lot worse before election day.

So when she is too drunk on election night to give a concession speech, who will she send out instead?
Her wife beater husband?
Bruce Springsteen?
The Atlantic?

I can’t wait.

Urine Therapy Guide #quack #crackpot #conspiracy urinetherapyguide.com


Answer: A urine fast is a fast where you only drink distilled water and your own urine. Yes…distilled water and urine ONLY.

You drink up to 100% of your urine every day. The amount of distilled water depends on the outside temperature, elevation, humidity, your weight, sex, age, exercise and where you live. A good rule of thumb is to drink 4 liters a day of distilled water if you are drinking 100% of your urine. Drink enough water to satiate your thirst but do not drink so much water that you get hyponatremia.

Answer: Urine fasting is correcting nutritional deficiencies and recycling nutrients and hormones, which would otherwise have been lost in the toilet. It basically gives your body another opportunity to re-absorb vital nutrients, minerals, hormones and amino acids. Think of it as giving the body two chances to absorb these nutrients, and the second pass (via urine) may actually absorb the nutrients better than the first pass (eating).

Remember, urine contains many biological substances such as bacterial, viral, fungal and tumor antigens. Those antigens, when absorbed again through the urine, increase the body’s resistance to the issues caused by the antigens. This is analogous in principal to a vaccine. When you are given a vaccine, you actually receive some of the virus of what you are getting the vaccine for. It’s a similar principal. However vaccinations are not part of this protocol.
Remember: Urine fasting makes stem cells, increases telomere length and raises human growth hormone to very high levels while fasting. Urine fasting supplies your body with declustered water to optimally hydrate cells and tissues.

Rubbing urine into the skin provides another pathway for these important substances to access the body.

Answer: None. Aside from hunger, boredom and potentially lower than normal energy levels.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy exsurgedomine.it

Dear Faithful American Catholics,

I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

<...> But in this coming electoral round you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law. No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.
Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell. Do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.
I repeat: the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan. For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very grave sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy.

Little Light Studios #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

Is Wild Robot just an another emotional feel good film, or is there something sinister about this new movie

now just think about this spiritually
right we were programmed to follow God
like that's kind of a slam on the
Creator right because if that person
programmed you then then what this movie
is calling for is you need to be
something greater than that so that's
kind of interesting did you notice the
words that they put on the screen though
they always do this in trailers they'll
put words up there that kind of give you
the like the sort of spirit of the film
if you would this one says discover your
true nature now now let's let's consider

Judy Byington/Various Telegram Accounts #wingnut #crackpot #mammon #conspiracy rumormillnews.com



…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.)





TUES. 29 OCT. to FRI. 1 NOV.

· On Wed. 23 Oct. the White House will continue to be engulfed with green lights. Green seemed appropriate for this week with the anticipated BRICS announcement of a Global Currency Reset and activation of NESARA/GESARA for The People. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

· On Thurs. 24 Oct. 2024 the EBS Emergency Broadcast System was scheduled to activate in every country of the World, while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance executed the largest Sting Operation in history.

· Sat. 26 Oct. 2024 Med Bed treatments available in the US.

· Starting around Sun. 27 Oct, Mon. 28 Oct. or Tues. 29 Oct. the EBS will be broadcasting documentaries 24/7 on the state of the Global Military Alliance Mass Arrests.

· On Sun. 27 Oct. into Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Project Sandman (US Dollar crash) was set to kick off.

· Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Expected Black Monday Market Crash.

· Thurs. 31 Oct. 2024: Q Clock will strike the 00 Marker.

· Tues. 5 Nov. 2024: Three national security sources confirmed that intelligence agencies widely anticipated a nationwide 9/11-style Cyberattack against the U.S. around Election Day. …The General on Telegram

· On Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin.

· Tues. 17 Dec. 2024 has been designated by the World Court as a very important date. World Court legal docs demanded that high up Government officials must immediately resign or face arrest. Lower level Government persons have until Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 to resign or face arrest.

W.HGrampa/TRUTHPUPS/BP #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy starshipearththebigpicture.com





What’s really happening behind the scenes and a MASSIVE PLAN

Guilded Military operations connected to Law enforcement, White hats in DOJ ( coming TRUMP administration) are going to reveal a Massive pedophilia network that is running the music industry. ettertainment industry that is all connect to Epstein. Diddy and more ARRESTs COMING and indictments. This massive operations is going to connect to the world drug trade from South America. Mexico to Florida to Canada.

There is a reason Trump. Military. Alliance is saving the EXPOSURE of EPSTEIN. CIA. Diddy top TOP MUSIC EXECUTIVES CEOs for last….. It’s GOING TO>.>UNITE THE COUNTRY ( after the near civil war events and near U.S.collapse )
When the truth is told about everything, it will be too much for a lot of Humans and nervous breakdowns will be common, unfortunately; and we don’t even want to think about the suicides.

Catherine Austin Fitts/Greg Hunter #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #mammon usawatchdog.com

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), gives her take on gold, Trump, control, cash, murder and water. On gold’s rocket rise, CAF says, “Gold is very important. We divide gold into two positions: Your ‘core’ position and your ‘investment’ position. . . ."

Why the big move up now? CAF says, “Part of it is the incredible monetary policies and the monetary inflation coming from the central banks. The other is too many people are watching government implode in a variety of different ways, and people are saying I want a core position in gold. We are also seeing the BRICs move to put gold and silver in a position to be used as a currency.
On Trump, what is the first thing he should do if re-elected? CAF says, “He should stop the poisoning of the American people. This is one of the reasons we did this issue on water. The American people are being poisoned. . . . I travel a lot by car. I see deterioration in the air, in the water, in the food–they are being poisoned. And, of course, the big one is the CV19 vaccines. Vaccines are poisoning Americans. There was just a big ruling against putting fluoride poison being added to municipal water supplies. One of the things you can do is to march down to your city or county and tell them to stop wasting money on putting poison in your water. If you reverse that, it is one important action you can take.”

The Deep State and central bankers want total control of your money and your life. Fitts says this is why she started pushing the use of cash instead of digital transactions. She calls it “Make Cash Great Again.” . . . If we don’t fix the finances from an actuarial standpoint, they are going to continue to delay benefits or lower life expectancy, and that is what they are doing. They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy.”

Lily Nova/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2020, Lily Nova took up a new hobby of astrophotography and soon found evidence of UFOs in the many photos and videos she was taking. She noticed some UFOs responded to her mental suggestions, and Nova also recorded golden orbs near her. She began seeing and communicating with one of the orb operators, who turned out to be a blue-skinned female from the Andromeda Constellation called Talia. Over the subsequent months, Talia trained Nova to develop her telepathic, remote viewing, and other psychic abilities. Nova also began communicating with other extraterrestrials traveling in UFOs, which she recorded using time-lapse photography.

More recently, in 2024, Nova traveled to an underground facility in Rock City, Illinois, where she remote viewed Arachnoid and Draco extraterrestrials, along with Illuminati officials and scientists operating in deeper levels of the base conducting abusive genetic experiments on human subjects. She found evidence of human trafficking involving children that was still happening at Rock City. She was told that the Andromedans are working with an Earth Alliance, which was soon to take military action to liberate Rock City and other Deep State underground installations.

Kerry Cassidy #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

MY COMMENTARY on Remote Viewing the future of humanity.

I took a look at two RV targets by the FUTURE FORECASTING GROUP and at the same time viewed the COURTNEY BROWN recent video called CRISIS: Farsight’s ET Board Meeting.
Meanwhile around this same time, Courtney Brown and his viewers are having conversations with ETs about an imminent CRISIS that according to the ETs they are communicating with, must happen in order to interfere with the grid/control structure which has already been erected. That control structure includes pervasive surveillance and an electromagnetic grid. This must be at least partially broken down through kinetic actions of the people now and in the next 3 months in order to take down the NWO Satanic Controllers.

If we look at Dick Allgire's recent viewing group target "Civil War" that outcome says yes we will have civil war. If you take Daz Smith's outcome of his target regarding which candidate will "win"... It would appear that conditions will be met when Kamala wins (through stealing) if the people recognize this, expose it and then rebel.

This would satisfy the ET necessary conditions for the complete changeover to happen on our planet and the resulting "catastrophic disclosure" needed to FREE our planet from the CONTROLLERS.. both negative ETs and their human counterparts the NWO/satanic cabal. So whereas having Kamala "win" is a bad thing the outcome for humanity will be ultimately be good if the people take things into their own hands and rebel. Through the chaos that ensues, the grid will, in theory be disabled long enough for the people to take back control.

This is seen by this group of ETs as possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity for our planet to break the chains of the controllers. It appears that the Q/white hat/Trump coalition reached this same conclusion. With the help of the military (Trump and the white hats) this may indeed be possible.

An Angry Patriot #wingnut #transphobia #racist #quack #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

And here’s why she’s so dangerous: Because Comrade Harris is all for:

• Cutting off the penises of young boys so they can’t make babies when they’re older, and can’t grow one back no matter how many penis enlargement surgeries they do.

• Slicing off the breasts of young girls so they can’t breast feed the babies they can’t make because they had their ovaries and uteruses taken out.
• Promoting Gender Dysphoria diagnoses like there’s no tomorrow so that the kids can be quickly put on puberty blockers and other powerful body- and mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs with extremely detrimental side effects.

• Putting tampon machines in the boys’ bathrooms and locker rooms so they can deal with their drug-induced menstruation.
• Pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana in every state even after states like Oregon and Colorado have shown it to be an unmitigated disaster.

• Keeping the borders wide open so that waves of illegal alien invasions can unlawfully come in as they steal billions upon billions taxpayer dollars since they are criminals who have violated US Immigration Laws. Of course, many of the alien criminal gangs are stealing from US citizens 24/7 in all 50 states.
• Approving the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid given to the warmongering and unelected Ukraine president who is hellbent on genociding every last Christian Slavic Ukrainian male.
• Hard selling the extremely dangerous and weaponized Covid clotshots, cancershots and killshots, even for the administration of those lethal jabs for babies 6 months and older. Whether the intention was full-scale genocide or just an Extinction Level Event remains to be seen.
• Selecting a VPOTUS who is clearly a criminal pedophile in light of the bombshell testimony provided by two victimized high schoolers who have recently gone public. Harris has even expressed a very strong sympathy towards pedophilia going so far as to suggest it should not be classified a crime.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

With one notable exception, nothing substantial is going to change when Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November.

And by substantial, I mean policy that affects our country's moral foundation. Policy that literally saves souls.

So let's start with the economy, because for the majority of brain-addled, selfish Americans, that's the only issue that counts.

The economy will improve under Trump. But so what? What can you buy with the extra money Trump is going to put into your pocket that you can't buy now?
Illegal immigration will decrease, but legal immigration, which is just as bad, will increase. The country will continue to be flooded with undesirables.
Look at the millions of fake Christians and sniveling cuckservatives who cheered the torture and murder of Palestinian children, and the brutal suppression and arrest of anyone who peacefully protested that torture and murder. That blood lust is not going away under Trump.

Look at the millions of low-IQ retards who want Trump to lose. They are the most annoying people to ever walk the face of the earth. Homos and pedophiles (the same thing), trannies, BLM, liberal White women . . . They push for pronouns, face diapers, and fake vaccines that cripple and kill. They promote abortion, racism, trannyism, open borders, gun confiscation, the sexual molestation and mutilation of children, the hatred and suppression of White men, the destruction of the Constitution, and more. They're not going to change when Trump resumes office. They're going to turn Trump Derangement Syndrome into the biggest mental health crisis in American history.

Women will continue to murder their own babies. Men will continue to jerk off to pornography. Libtards will continue to molest and sexually mutilate children. Cuckservatives and fake Christians will continue to crawl on their knees and pledge their obedience to Israel. None of those things are going to change.

Brent Johnson #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Numerous Trump-aligned media figures have accused the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its officials of committing treason over its handling of Hurricane Helene[…]
SGT Report is a far-right show that promotes conspiracy theories, including QAnon. Trump administration officials Kash Patel, Peter Navarro, and Mike Flynn have appeared on the show

The show ran an episode that included the description: “Chaos, death and destruction brought to you by the criminal and treasonous Biden-Harris administration. The official tally of the dead from hurricane Helene currently stands at 227 but thousands of Americans are missing and presumed dead and FEMA under Biden-Harris is doing LESS THAN NOTHING, in fact, FEMA is standing in the way of search and recovery. Brent Johnson believes these corrupt politicians should be tried and hanged from the neck until dead for their treason. LISTEN!”

During the program, the host began by claiming: “It is treason. In fact, friends, it's worse than treason. I want you to think about this. If you planned a war against the people over which you rule using their own money and resources, isn't this just exactly how you would do it?”

Brent Johnson, a fringe commentator and author, said: “My solution, though, is considered to be a bit too radical. I would haul them all out. I would have the militia come in, pick them up, OK? Whisk them away someplace, try them, convict them and execute them, hang them by the necks till they're dead and let their dead bodies rot while people see what is done to treasonous government thugs. But, hey, that's just me, you know? And people would say, ‘I'm being outrageous. I'm being, I'm being too radical. I'm being, you know, I want war.’ I don't want war. I'm actually one of the most peace loving people around. But these people are vicious and evil.” He later added: “I believe it's way past time for an armed revolution”

Lisa Renee #magick #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Many people from all walks of life are sensing the urgency of the immense dark encroachment of the controllers in their desperation to implement planetary enslavement agendas through attempting to roll out yet more tyrannical authoritarian measures against the citizens. They are carrying out assorted nefarious agendas while hiding behind the façades of those deliberately spreading false narratives, incessantly parroted by the approved sources of the fully captured mainstream media.
This phase of the final conflict holds the emotional pain, the waves of incredible grief and sadness coming from the hidden histories of humanity’s true seeds of immense suffering, the Fall of Atlantis, during the Lohas historical timeline trigger event. The defeat at Lohas was the utter collapse and destruction of the Albion stargate network being protected by the remaining Celtic Maji Grail Kings holding the Rod and Staff arc tools in the 11th stargate for Universal Father’s Solar Logos emanation, King Arthur.
Additionally, the magnetic field was reversed, the hibernation zones of metatronic fields were inserted, the planet went into an Ice Age, the Celtic-Druid Kings protecting the stargates were killed or put in stasis, and the NAA and their fallen alliances began to implement the frequency fences for establishing a prison planet. This set forth the thousands of years of gradual infiltration that culminated in angelic humanity’s forced reincarnation, the introduction of the alien invaders hybridization programs along with a significantly shortened life span in the captured world deeply suffering from the hidden invasion histories. Capture of the Lohas 11th Stargate grid network contains the causal events of how our planet digressed into its current state of war-torn remnants filled with human enslavement, abject poverty and global human trafficking running in the inverted fragments of the once peaceful world we had shared together as one collective race.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

<Bashar is an extraterrestrial being who channeling on the 2024 Election predicted Kamala will lead to full alien disclosure and Trump to WW3. But not who will win.>

While I respect Bashar’s past teachings via Daryl Anka this latest message is very different and needs to be addressed.

We are all co-creating the future from the ‘now’ moment. There aren’t people living in the future or future time travelers.

Because of changing variables even higher beings like Pleiadians can only see a limited distance into the future with accuracy.

Bashar can’t see the future and has no connection to Earth or the Shift. When Bashar says “we’re normally not allowed to comment on such things” he means he’s not allowed by Galactic Federation, and that has never changed.

Channeling can be influenced by a person’s thoughts. We’re sharing telepathy from Pleiadians, not channeling. I believe Daryl Anka’s liberal views are the motivation behind this communication.

Don’t be confused, Kamala Harris is a puppet of warmongers who will do everything possible to destroy America and serve the interests of the s*****c cabal, and Donald Trump promotes peace and is protected by forces of light.

Trust yourself.

Rev. Joel Webbon, Michael Belch and Wesley Todd #fundie #racist #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt angrywhitemen.org

Joel Webbon claimed to be unsure of how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. While Webbon said the number of people killed by Hitler was “exaggerated,” he also stated that he had no “position” on the “exact number”

During the Oct. 2, 2024 livestream, dedicated to defending a member of his church for sharing a Holocaust denial meme, Webbon complained that while the Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany[…]“all of the west looks like it lost”[…]
“That’s what’s going on is young men are saying ‘So you’re telling me we won the war, but since then we’ve murdered 70 million children in the womb, just in the United States, and we’re cutting off the genitals of little kids?'” he said. Webbon’s co-host, Michael Belch, added that “we are flooding our nations and diluting the cultures” with immigrants

Webbon and Belch then shared a statement from[…]Wesley Todd, which praised aspects of the Nazi regime

According to the statement by Todd[…]“there were some good things that happened in 1930s Germany,” including book burnings which targeted “Jewish pornography and transgender literature,” polices which “promoted the nuclear family,” and a “general acceptance of Christianity”

The statement went on to say that the U.S. need not adopt Nazism in order to “beat liberalism,” and that their “solution to communism will have to be American-made and suited for our national situation.” Webbon said that Todd’s statement was “well-written”[…]
“I don’t have a strong position on it. I tend to think that the numbers are exaggerated. I don’t think that they’re made up whole cloth, but I do think that they’re probably a little bit high. But that being said, let’s just go with it. If Hitler killed his millions, Mao killed his hundred millions”[…]
Webbon said that “not all Jews are part of some secret conspiracy” and condemned Hitler, but once again railed against what he called “talmudic Judaism”[…]denounced it as “worse than Islam,” “worse than Buddhism,” and “worse than Hinduism”

Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson #crackpot #racist #conspiracy amazon.com

The purpose of this book is to explain why Atlantis is considered a lost continent, particularly to Westerners. The explanation is that Westerners are looking for evidence that this advanced civilization is located on or near Europe and that their residents were Caucasian, like themselves. In recent years, some researchers have turned to other possible locations, in or off Africa and Cuba. It has been raised that Atlanteans may have been Black or dark-skinned, like today’s scorned residents and descendants of Sub-Saharan Africa. The Africoid African population of Atlantis would mirror the complexion of the rulers and deities of all pre- and post-flood civilizations before the serial invasions of the so-called cavemen of the Ural Mountains in what is today Russia. <...> Supposedly, Atlantis was founded and colonized by black-skinned Lemurians (Mu) from a continent that sunk into the Pacific Ocean as a result of the Great Flood. This interpretation fully debunks the classic white supremacist notion that whites founded and populated all of ancient civilization and that they are exclusively endowed with intellectual design to any other race.<...> The Caucasian invaders pillaged the remains of these great Black civilization and claimed the accomplishments as their own. The descendants of the Black founders of the more advanced civilizations in the pre- and post-ancient world are beginning to emerge from disinformation to see their true legacy and potential. This book provides the research to foster this awakening. <...> The subsequent awakening could free people of darker hue from the yoke of racism, psychological enslavement, colonialism, imperialism, and conquerors disinformation to meet their ancestral Atlantean legacy. This book in kind may serve as a blueprint for the fulfillment of that legacy and the truth that racial hegemony is cyclical favoring people of the darkest hue.

The Worldwide People’s Revolution! #crackpot #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

This is the Shortest Book by our Selected King of The Worldwide People’s Revolution, which Describes it in the Least Number of Inspired Words Possible, which makes Good Sense to the Readers, even if they are only 12 Years Old; and all of those Intelligent Children will be First in Line for this Wonderful Revolution: beCause it is their Future that is being Addressed by our Selected King, who does not Withhold any Hard Articulated Punches, you might say, which are Focused on the Head and Guts of Uncle Sam, and Particularly on the Scumbags in the Swamp in the District of Chief Criminals, in Washington, which is Full of Strange Creatures, including the Trumpeter, himself, who is the Strangest of all, who actually Believes that we Americans Buy into his Line of BS about making America Great by being Bullies, Liars, Capitalist Hogs, International Dictators, and Baby Abusers. Nevertheless, he and the other Reprobates have Managed to Accomplish one very Great Thing, which is to Inspire this Wonderful Book, which is Worth far more than 10,000 of their Worthless Political Speeches!<...> Yes, you should also use this Inspired Book to Challenge anyone who Disagrees with you, who will be Overwhelmed by it, even as we at www.Amazon.com have been Dumbfounded by it, for which Reason we Offer a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD to anyone who can Prove, by Means of Reason and Logic, that our Selected King’s “Guaranteed Solutions” are WRong, or Unworkable! Therefore, if you Happen to run into any Spiritual COWARDS, who are not Willing to Face that Challenge, just Pray for them, and go on about your Business: beCause they are Obviously Mentally Immature, who will Hopefully Grow Up, along with the Trumpeter, who Needs his Fat Ass Whipped with the Board of Education, as Mark Twain might say, who had a Special Way with Words, which are only Matched by our Selected King, who is Truly the “King of the Birds,” and the Greatest Philosopher ever Born, if you will Permit us to Brag about him.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 18, 2024 – QUADRUPLE NUCLEAR THREAT: Ukraine threatens to build a nuclear weapon while Iran, Israel and Russia all prepare for nuclear escalation

- There are no Buddhists calling for genocide or the bombing of women and children
- Biblical nations of the USA and Israel are the most violent, pushing genocide and terrorism
- Announcement on voting for Trump vs. Dr. Shiva
- The moral consequences of voting for those who advocate the evil of Zionism
- Ann Vandersteel exposes a new FEMA camp in North Carolina, where massive fallout shelters are being trucked in
- Russia's Avangard weapon system: Hyper Glide Vehicles (HGV) that travel at Mach 27
- Russia and Iran have a mutual defense coordination agreement, meaning Iran could have advanced weapons tech
- Gold hits $2700 and continues to skyrocket
- Special report: Are certain ethnic groups BORN EVIL and defective?
- Interview with Dr. Shiva who UNLOADS on Zionism infiltration of U.S. politics
- Sermon #81 - Entering Heaven is CONDITIONAL, and God says COWARDS are thrown into the lake of fire

Mike McDaniel #transphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress.com

My favorite story about that movie was when a student teacher was worried about “fucking.” We decided she’d use the mute button to blank out that word. Unfortunately, she was a bit late on the button and the nurse burst in to announce: “It’s a fucking!” I had to pause the movie until the kids and I stopped laughing. I had video editing software, but even muting the word that way would have been ineffective, as the kids could clearly read the nurse’s lips. My student teacher decided trying to mute the word might not have been the best tactic.

I also taught Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, arguably the most effective anti-slavery book ever written. It’s a book many try to ban every year. Some just don’t, or won’t, get the satire, Twain’s sharp social commentary. Some object to “nigger.” Others are upset Huck seems to be smarter than adults and often gets the better of them.

That’s why I was always careful to explain to the kids—and when necessary, parents—all those issues. “Nigger” in Twain’s time, didn’t have the same connotations it has today. Trying to impose contemporary feelings on history and literature kills our ability to learn from the past. A few years back, an academic published a “new” edition, replacing “nigger” with “slave.” Not long thereafter, “slave” was declared non-woke/racist. It never ends. Huck is wise in the ways of nature, he’s “street smart,” but he succeeds because he has a good heart–he always tries to do the right thing–but he lacks what Jim, his adult, uneducated runaway slave companion has: experience. There are many passages in the book where Twain, speaking through Huck, compels readers to see the essential humanity of Jim, and through him, all blacks. It’s a cold and evil heart that can’t learn those lessons.

Final Thoughts: In opposing sexual/gender and political indoctrination, it’s not necessary and largely counterproductive, to call people “groomers” or “pedophiles,” even when they clearly are. Keep it calm and rational. Display examples of the materials they want to push on kids. Read aloud passages from the books—there are plenty that would make sailors blush. If school board members try to shut you up because the material isn’t fit for public consumption, all the better.

Mike McDaniel #racist #conspiracy statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress.com

Who, exactly is burning down cities, rioting, looting, vandalizing statues, attacking Jews and in general, trying to destroy America? It’s not Joe and Jane Normal who are busy working, raising kids, paying taxes and trying to figure out how they’re going to fuel the family car and buy groceries. Don’t bother to bring up the J6 “insurrection” that wasn’t. Joe and Jane don’t much care how many D/S/Cs wail and gnash their teeth or bay at the moon, so long as they leave them alone. Normal Americans don’t descend into fits of madness over elections. Should Trump lose and the election fraud is overwhelmingly obvious, as it will have to be, Normals are going to resort to the courts and their elected representatives. Any violence will be reserved for self-defense, and if worse comes to worse, for defense of the republic.

Harold Witkov #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

I was recently checking out the calendar on my kitchen wall to see what my wife and I had scheduled for the upcoming three-day weekend, and I noticed that instead of “Columbus Day,” my calendar had “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” on Monday, October 14. I was quite displeased.

Back in my day, everyone celebrated Christopher Columbus and Columbus Day. We celebrated Columbus for his fortitude and bravery. We celebrated Columbus because he discovered America and set in motion what would turn out to be the greatest nation in the world!

Christopher Columbus, with his originality in thought and inspiring courage, was quite an appealing character. He made all Americans proud, particularly Italian-Americans, who shared his heritage.

As part of my Jewish experience, I learned that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ordered all the Jews of Spain out of their country by no later than July 31, 1492. Columbus set sail for the new world on August 3 of the same year. Even in the darkness of Spain’s Jewish expulsion, there was still the flickering light of a better future one day in America. Yes, Christopher Columbus had something for everyone.
The late 20th-century attacks on Columbus have been unfair in my opinion. For one thing, the Columbus critics have been using a 20th- and 21st-century measuring stick on a 15th-century man. More importantly, Christopher Columbus never endorsed genocide, and historians are split on whether or not mass murder crimes were even committed under his leadership.
The first city to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day was, you guessed it, Berkeley, California, back in 1962. Since then, the list has been expanding by leaps and bounds. It has already happened in certain states, in schools, and even on many of our wall calendars! Slowly, I fear, our values, our history, and our way of life are all slipping away.

Cliff Kincaid #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

When Christian evangelist Lance Wallnau said that the Kamala Harris campaign was being driven by an occult spirit and witchcraft, he was denounced by the Big Media as a lunatic. What the media don’t want you to know is that a “Witches for Harris 2024” group has actually been formed and that another movement is casting spells against President Trump.

It looks like Lance Wallnau’s discussion of “spiritual warfare” during the campaign is a matter of fact, not fiction.
In today’s America, the location of the Salem Witch Trials is a popular tourism destination in Massachusetts. A stone honors Margaret Scott, one of the accused witches who was hanged.

However, in real life, one can note, without exaggeration, that witches exist. It is a fact. And they are mobilizing for Harris.

A “Witches for Kamala Harris” 2024 T-Shirt is selling on Amazon. “Witches for Kamala” yard signs featuring brooms are being sold as well.

“Being a witch is political,” says their campaign button.

Jonita Davis reports, “The first women persecuted as witches actually worked in reproductive healthcare” — abortion.
NBC actually ran a story about how the “feminist witches movement” is working “to destigmatize” witchcraft or wiccan. It said, “Practicing witches are using past mistreatment to inspire a new feminist movement among their ranks globally, with a goal of erasing the stigma surrounding witchcraft. In the U.S., 1 million people are estimated to identify as pagan or Wiccan…”
While the overthrow of capitalism is a cause associated with communism, it is also apparently a goal of modern-day witches.
As witches mobilize for Harris, some are spending their time casting spells against President Trump, through a movement called “Magic Resistance.”

The phenomenon of anti-Trump witchcraft, popularized by Michael M. Hughes, highlights “the progressive pagan and magical communities” working to defeat Trump.

Perhaps witchcraft is driving the Harris campaign after all.

Ariel (Prolotario1) #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙊𝙛 𝘽𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙌-𝘿𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙨:

You can be involved in money laundering.
You can be involved in bribery.
You can be involved in racketeering.
You can be involved in coercion.
You can be involved in drug t*********g.
You can be involved in human t*********g.
You can be involved is kidnapping.

And someone is still going to consider you a patriot. You will bring looked at ad a hero. You will be celebrated as a figure who sacrificed everything.


Because when you’re in the Q-drops, the narrative has been weaponized in your favor. In the world of Q, facts and accountability become malleable, secondary to the emotional loyalty of followers. It’s no longer about the truth but about the perception created around you.

The label of “patriot” transcends actions, and the myth becomes stronger than the man. People will believe in the idea of a savior fighting hidden evils, even when the reality contradicts it, because they’ve been conditioned to view anyone included in the narrative as part of a greater mission.

It taps into a deep psychological need for heroes, for a black-and-white struggle, where any wrongdoing can be excused under the guise of fighting for a higher cause. It’s easier to accept the story than to question the uncomfortable truth. 𝙈𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨.

~ “When men are no longer judged by their actions but by the myths woven around them, tyranny has already taken root. The greatest threat to truth is the idolization of false heroes.”

You all know what’s funny? There was an entire B-Team for the Q-Drops. B-team started posting when everyone was on lockdown in 2020.

It was an op designed to work with the real Q-Team. Now you further understand the ‘misinformation is necessary’ quote much better.

Vox Day #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “Carthago Delenda Est”]

Decades ago, I predicted that with the rise of Clown World would come the return of public human sacrifice. And while we’re not quite there yet, it’s already visible on the horizon:

Krishna Kushwaha of Hathras, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the first in his family to get a formal education. To ensure a brighter future for his children, he enrolled them in a hostel. Little did he know that his 11-year-old son Kritarth would fall prey to black magic

Kritarth was a student of standard II at the DL Public School. On the evening of September 22, he was kidnapped by two of his teachers, the owners of the school, and one of their fathers[…]
During a subsequent investigation, police visited the site of the black magic rituals and uncovered material linked to the practice, such as occult texts. Under interrogation, one of the accused confessed that the child had been sacrificed, as the school owners believed it would bring prosperity to the institute

This has been happening in secret for centuries across Europe, and for the last century, in the United States as well. Along with homosexuality and transgenderism, it is the historical hallmark of The Empire That Never Ended, against which both China and Russia are warring. Vladimir Putin calls it The Empire of Lies, whereas Xi refers to it as The Western Hegemony, albeit in a different context than his predecessors Deng and Mao did

This is why, whether its outward form is Hinduism, Judaism, enlightened secularism, churchianity, or open Satanism, its primary target is always Christianity. It is why, if it is not crushed again the way it was when Scipio Africanus took Rome, I suspect it won’t be more than two decades before we start seeing neo-Aztec temples publicly performing human sacrifices in Mexico

Rev. Jackson Lahmeyer #fundie #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Pastors for Trump leader Jackson Lahmeyer, a key Trump ally who has been visited by members of Trump’s inner circle, recently warned followers that a Jewish politician will be the Antichrist[…]
Lahmeyer is a right-wing commentator and the pastor of Sheridan Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the founder and leader of Pastors For Trump, which, as its name indicates, seeks “to continue to build the relationship between Christian leaders and President Trump during his bid for the Presidency”

Lahmeyer has a history of making toxic remarks, including calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “lying whore”; claiming Democrats are “demonic”; and lobbing bigoted attacks at LGBTQ people, Jewish people, and Muslims

He continued that pattern during a sermon that was posted online on October 8, which carries the headline “Revelation 13 | Verse-By-Verse | Antichrist + False Prophet | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer.” During the sermon, Lahmeyer portrayed Jewish and Muslim people as a future threat to Christians:

JACKSON LAHMEYER: This is the opinion of Jackson Lahmeyer. The Antichrist will be a political leader. This is just Jackson's opinion. The Antichrist will be a political leader of Jewish descent. That is how the Jews will worship him

The false prophet, I believe, will be an Islamic imam. I believe that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader who will lead the people to worship the beast. That's just Jackson's opinion. And he will implement some form of one world religion, an Islamic caliphate. And if you do not take the mark, you will have your head chopped off

There's only one group of people today that still chop off the heads of people, and that's radical Islamic extremists. And I believe they will implement that form of religion when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is gone. So it's my opinion that the future Antichrist will have some form of a Jewish descent, that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader

Erik Carlson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

As I write this, rumors are flying about Tim Walz. While these are unproven claims and should be treated as such, even the narrative of a Vice Presidential candidate being involved in any sort of abuse is damaging to the story of any campaign.

Additionally, as alleged victims come forward, the Deep State seems to be creating fake victims, who will be proven fraudulent. In so doing, every CNN, MSNBC viewing brainwashed cult member will believe ALL the accusers that come forward are frauds.

But if the allegations are true, why did the Democrats pick Walz to run as Kamala’s VP?
Q mentioned that Trump was now working with Putin and Xi to take down the Deep State Cabal. According to this logic, Trump hasn’t always been working with Putin and Xi.
It is obvious to most that Biden has been a CCP puppet for quite some time. It seems that Trump handpicked Biden to run against him in the 2020 Election, and again, according to Q, Trump and Xi are working together. Did Xi give Trump the receipts on the dirt he had on Biden, allowing Biden to be more easily controlled during his pretend presidency? If we fast forward to a few months ago, Biden was forced out as the Democrat nominee for 2024. As Kamala took Biden’s place, Walz became the VP candidate.

It appears Walz has been a CCP puppet for decades as well. He first went to China in 1989, and has made countless trips there since. There is strong evidence that the CCP controlled and funded the BLM and ANTIFA riots of 2020 that started in the state Walz was and is the governor.
What if Xi, who I and many Q followers believe is working with Trump, forced the Deep State to add Walz to the Democrat ticket, knowing Walz had the alleged history that is now being exposed? What if Walz was added to the ticket knowing his past would be exposed right before the election, too late to make any changes.

If this is true, it is brilliant. Would you expect anything less from a Trump-led plan?

ANPC International #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #pratt americannationals.org


1) Be sure you have gotten your car titled into a foreign trust and understand how this process works. The step of registering your car in a foriegn trust is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE for your safety when being a private traveller as it removes your car from the corporate jurisdiction. If one attempts to use the private travel tools using a car that has not been removed into a foreign trust, it is setting them up for possible trouble if stopped by a police officer. Please use the Foreign trust, the ID card with its authentication papers AND International Drivers Permit and be sure to put a Private Trust Lien on your car.
So here is an IMPORTANT FYI:

When an officer makes a stop, he asks for: 1. Foreign Drivers License-You then present the ANPC < Alliance of Nations helping People & Communities> FDL. the IDP (WITH the packet of authentication papers from US Dept of State that you received with your ID-Including your Copyright page) 2. Registration: Here you have the choice of actually registering the car into your foreign trust (which IS STILL outside their jurisdiction) OR Using the ANPC Private Car registration and tags which is available on the Travel Tools page. 3. Insurance- Here you have the choice of getting a monthly standard insurance or your BEST option which is using the ANPC Private Bond Insurance which the DMV actually enters into their database when you Title or register your car into a foreign trust.

Once you are sure you have those three areas covered properly, you should have no trouble with private travel, but people who neglect covering one of those important areas then are opening themselves up for trouble in not properly covering all bases in the private and ANPC shall not be held liable for any omissions on the part of any member and retains the right to deny service to any individual who does not appear ready to be act in a responsible manner using our services.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy returntoorder.org

We live in terrible times when tiny horizons dominate the attention of so many. We do not think in grand terms anymore. Few appreciate splendor and overwhelming beauty.

Instead, many seek the tiny impulse, the momentary high or the insignificant trifle, as a means to provide that next tiny fix to get them through the day. These tiny things do not satisfy but engage us in a contradiction of intense emotion and exhausting frustration.
When everything is tiny, nothing can have serious consequences. Life can be lived by whims and randomness. Men can be women, and women can be men. Nothing can be certain because everything is possible. The ordered will is destroyed as fantasy takes hold.
The rule of the tiny souls is truly a tyranny since it accepts no opposition. Once embraced, all around must be reduced to littleness lest greatness reappear and challenge its absurdities.

The tiny souls are capable of the worst tyranny when others dispute the course of their lives or pronoun choices. They are capable of the greatest and most irrational hatred toward those who dare oppose their fantasies.

Indeed, we once thought that our downfall as a nation would be caused by the might of great powers. Little did we suspect we might fall due to tiny souls who, like termites, undermine our metanarratives and corrupt our moral universe.
It is time for the “why” to return to our discourse. It is the only way to overcome the tyranny of the tiny souls.

This return is not as difficult as it sounds. We are not made for tininess but have an eternal destiny. We are naturally attracted by grand ideas and noble causes. Above all, our yearnings direct us to the Eternal Why of Everything found in God.

It takes courage, but such a world is possible when extraordinary individuals dare to rise above beyond mediocrity and break its spell upon postmodern man. Then, with God’s grace (and only with it), we might be forced to make efforts, accept suffering and reevaluate our priorities.

Daniel & Derek Salter/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Daniel Salter worked for over 20 years with the US Air Force before joining the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) in 1968 due to his expertise in electronic communications and tracking UFO activity. He spent over ten years working with the NRO, where he was part of a team of covert operatives whose task was to persuade witnesses not to talk about their UFO-related experiences. After completing his NRO career, Salter decided to go public in 1997 with what he had learned.

One of his initial disclosure activities was communicating with others to discuss events at a Deep Underground Military Base near the town of Dulce, New Mexico, where a hierarchy of negative extraterrestrials ran operations that included human captives. The subsequent Dulce Files were eventually found by Salter’s two grandchildren, Daniel and Derek, who were investigating his personal files which they inherited after his death.

The Dulce files reveal Salter participated in discussions about different extraterrestrial organizations competing with one another in influencing humanity’s evolution and controlling the Inner Earth. The Dulce files also reveal that American Presidents since Grover Cleveland (1895-1899 & 1893-97), have visited Telos, the capital city of an Inner Earth Civilization deep under Mt Shasta to conduct secret negotiations. The files also reveal the nefarious role played by high level Freemasons who have surpassed the 33rd degree initiation level known to the general public. Freemasons who have achieved 33+ degree levels interact with extraterrestrials and the Inner Earth. 33+ degree freemasons have also played a significant role in fomenting civil and international conflict both above and under the planet’s surface, and reached agreements with the Draco Reptilian Empire to escape predicted cataclysmic surface events.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #sexist #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Vince Lombardi famously said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all," and it's true. Look at what happened during the fake pandemic. People hid behind face diapers, locked their doors, and cowered in fear over a non-existent virus. They were so physically and emotionally depleted, they had no energy to resist.

That level of fatigue isn't natural. It's been planned by our enemies for decades.
Protocol X states: ". . . So as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so the the 'goyim' see no other issue than to take the refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."

The fatigue that Americans are feeling was planned over a hundred years ago. Today American men are overworked like never before. Many are working two or three jobs just to survive. And almost everyone has a side hustle. On top of that, their bodies are depleted from drugs, processed food, and alcohol, and from constant exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. Remember the chemicals that Alex Jones said were turning frogs gay? American men are consuming those chemicals on a daily basis and it's leading to their fatigue.
Brainwashing has caused American men to abandon their children by refusing to homeschool them. It's caused them to abandon their women in favor of pornography. It's caused them to abandon their country by refusing to fight the very people who want to see them dead.
As I've said many times, nothing is going to change when Trump wins the election in November and resumes the presidency. That's because American men are going to act even more cowardly, if such a thing were possible, with Trump back in the White House, falsely believing that he is going to solve all of their problems. American men are exhausted, selfish, and brainwashed to the point where they are never coming back to reality. God help us all.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

Boom! Another bombshell just dropped in Japan. This isn’t some cute, quirky cultural trend or another anime craze. No, this is dark. In Takamatsu, Japan, hidden away on the island of Shikoku, replicas of the infamous Georgia Guidestones have appeared—and you’d better believe there’s a sinister agenda behind them. The stones’ message, a cryptic warning from the global elite, reeks of population control, eugenics, and, let’s be real, a massive plan to wipe out the majority of humanity. Wake up! This isn’t just some “art installation”—it’s a freaking blueprint for our destruction.

You think the location of these stones is random? Think again. These stones stand at latitude 34°20’15.13″N and longitude 134°8’21.99″E, and—get this—they’re aligned exactly with the original Georgia Guidestones. Yeah, you read that right. Takamatsu, Japan, and Elberton, Georgia, sit on the same latitude. Coincidence? Not a chance. This isn’t just some geographical fluke—it’s a carefully calculated move by the global elite to send a message: their agenda stretches across borders and oceans.

What are the odds two sets of stones, built to dictate humanity’s future, are placed on the same latitude thousands of miles apart? This is no accident. These latitude lines mark the epicenters of control. They’re not just guiding stones; they’re the elite’s signposts, warning us that our future isn’t in our hands—it’s in theirs. And spoiler alert: their version of the future looks a hell of a lot like a global prison, with the rest of us begging to survive.
But why Takamatsu? Why Japan? Well, here’s a mind-blowing fact: Takamatsu is a sister city to Elberton, Georgia—the home of the original Guidestones. Coincidence? Please. This connection is no accident. It’s part of a global web of control, stretching across continents and aiming for one terrifying goal: complete and total global governance.

Lev #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

As Karma Lords explained, there lies a cunning and insidious NAA trap, which they set on Earth back in Atlantis. It would seem that the answer is obvious: cumulative karma is the totality of all causal karma of all living people. That is, those who have a Soul and Spirituality of a Christ-like level, and who are on this planet LEGALLY, i.e. registered in the Earth’s Causal Matrix and have personal incarnation cells. But in that case, what about clones, phantoms, bio-robots, hybrids and other illegal entities who make up half of humanity?

If they don’t have causal bodies, then can karma be formed as a mutated substance of the Causal Plane purely technically? When they commit, for example, premeditated murder, karma must be formed. But this doesn’t occur, because they don’t have a corresponding body, in which it manifests and accumulates. It turns out to be a paradox, nonsense. Is this good or bad for the rest of humanity, Earth and the Local Universe as a whole? What happens in that case? What is the mechanism of rehabilitation? And what does it or does not affect?

Many protagonists are engaged in cloning earthlings. The main ones are negative space races on their orbital, surface, underground and underwater bases. And most actively – Grays, which for thousands of years controlled access to Earth for Souls’ incarnations, and built numerous labs all over the globe. To make a clone, Grays use the etheric DNA of a person with a Soul. Such copies also don’t have a causal body. All the karma, accumulated during their stay on the planet, is transferred to their DNA and energy donors.
In 2022, consciousness with Light increased to about 68%, and by the beginning of October 2024, – up to 85%. This confirms the systematic withdrawal of clones, phantoms, biorobots, etc., and the arrival of Light Souls, which decided to obtain new skills and experiences during the most dramatic period of the Earth’s life.

Soloma369 #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

A Declaration of Liberation, a conspiracy of the people.
This plan considers all parties and governments of the world and the enigma that is Q, it will be a simple willful intention of the people to free themselves of the shackles that are government and the monetary system. This plan ignores religion which we acknowledge will thrive/wither on its own vine, it will work itself out. The work is done with love and gratitude, it will be an understanding of Alchemy/Majik realized by participating in the conspiracy to free your Self and by extension Others.

We accept Q as a psyop that is working as intended[…]

The three demands are surrender of all world governments to the people, a symbolic reflection of this by moving to the third-party/middle and full unredacted release of all their information. Supposedly Q is doing this, we should support it and demand it of all the governments. In this way we will find out who serves who.

This plan is reflective of my own work and understanding of "how things work" or the way of things, I perceive myself as a philosopher/alchemist. I suggest making these three demands in any way you see fit, take it as far as you perceive you need to to make it go viral. Take responsibility for it, own it or blame me, either perspective is fine. Once you have made your push, walk away from all of it (10 days) to the best of your ability. Turn it all off, do some-thing else, let Source/Spirit/God do It's Work. In alchemy, this is reflective of the digestive stage, it is a time for reflection and inflection. Get with family/friends, if you think/fee like sharing what you are doing with them, go for it but do not be combative, you are not trying to make any-one believe anything, you are simply sharing you are taking responsibility for your life and this is how you are doing it, thus setting example.[…]

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

TRUMPZILLA: They tried to assassinate him. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried to imprison him on false charges. Fake media slandered & demonized him. The polls are fake. Yet here he stands attracting 100,000 fans at rallies in PA and even in California...and wait until you see Madison Square Garden scene in NY!

Heaven Updates #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

(A transcript from the video about how cartoon characters are actually demons)
when we were here praying as this Vision
passed before my eyes I began to see
cartoons in the vision initially I saw
the Road Runner then I saw the devil of
Tasmania I saw many cartoons that are
shown to children on television in this
Vision these cartoon characters were
alive they were not just animated
characters they were living beings I saw
that they became alive and they were
turned to real demons brother we always
think that these animated cartoons are
made through drawings we think that
artists just imagine and draw these
cartoons which are then
animated yet in this Vision I saw that
these animated characters were alive
they are not just the imagination of men
they were no longer cartoons they were
transfigured into demons thus behind
every animated character that children
are watching there is demonic influence […]

Guardians of the Galaxy via Jahn J Kassl #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Because with the Earth, the entire galaxy in which the Earth is embedded rises, and this means that the entire galaxy is involved in this process and all planets and forms of being involved are supported and accompanied by the Guardians of the Galaxy in their desires and in their alignment with the light. Neither the individual human being nor the planet Earth are left to fend for themselves.

It is necessary to see the ascension in a larger context, because there are still too many people who see themselves as lone fighters instead of perceiving the vast number of like-minded people on earth and related worlds. The fact that the ascension must be thought of on a larger scale and perceived more widely means that the ascension cannot fail.

Those who stay away from this process have good reasons. Those who do not attach importance to this elevation know why. Individual entities will neither enter into their history nor exit it. They fear the light instead of welcoming it. They want to stay in the earthly game until they too come to an end with their individual experiences. Then the fog will lift and man will see his soul in its true light.

What needs to be done will be done, what wants to be experienced will be experienced, what needs to be completed will find completion at the appointed hour – for many people in a time after this time:

● Therefore, these people cannot be reached by your help!

● That is why people do not want to be saved, but rather to be understood and accepted in their decisions!

● That is why they reject your invitation to inner reflection, because what has not yet reached maturity cannot be harvested.

● As you attune to ascension, these people are diving deep into this matrix.

● While you are looking for the light within yourself, these people are blinded by the light outside.

● While you are diving into the ocean of GOD’s love, these people are colliding with their self-chosen godless reality.

Michael Tellinger #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

Michael Tellinger, author, scientist, explorer, has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making groundbreaking discoveries about ancient vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa.
In his book Temples Of The African Gods and African Temples of The Anunnaki, he graphically exposes his discoveries that will be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history and provides the physical evidence for much of Zecharia Sitchin’s work. Tellinger’s books, which include Slave Species of god (Slave Species of The Gods) and Adam’s Calendar have become favourites with readers in over 30 countries.

How do we connect the origins of our species to the confusing world we live in today?

Only by understanding our mysterious past, the origins of money and the rise of the royal bloodlines, can we make sense of where we are heading today. Why life is so hard and why we have to struggle so much to stay alive. Tellinger presents a model for a new social structure called CONTRIBUTIONISM – A World Without Money – based on the African philosophy of UBUNTU and proposes how we should move from a moneydriven society to a society driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. Where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their community – and money has no meaning. Tellinger has been one of the leading activists against the banking cartels in South Africa since 2010 and his personal experiences in the High Court has helped him to expose the unlawful and corrupt banking sector.

Tellinger shares evidence of advanced ET technology: millions of stone circles of free energy and evidence of vast gold mining activity in south Africa that connect us to the Anunnaki . He gives the location for the Lost City of ENKI 280,000 years ago. He also tells of his legal action against the banksters in South Africa to free humanity from financial tyranny and economic slavery:free energy and the UBUNTU Contributionism movement.

Massresistance #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy massresistance.org

Arthur was there and reminded everyone of the basic lie by the Left: No books are being “banned” – they can all be easily purchased online and elsewhere. But they should not be in the children’s sections of taxpayer-funded libraries. The aim of the lie is to force the LGBT and sex agendas into libraries and schools through shame and coercion.

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “He Never Did Nothing to Nobody”]

If only Scotland Yard had been able to conclusively confirm the identity of Jack the Ripper at the time, we might have had an English Anti-Defamation League decades sooner than we did in the USA

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight

During the murders investigation, Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer. Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a “great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies”

But even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism

Every single time isn’t just a meme. “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” Most people don’t understand the significance of that very literal statement. The religion is much older, and much more terrible, than many of its practitioners themselves realize. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that from the Irish Potato Famine to the Holodomor to the Great Leap Forward, there is always a man that will not be blamed for nothing to be found in the background

This doesn’t bode well for either Argentina or Mexico. We’ve already seen what it’s done to Ukraine


spoilerPanel 1: Neo asks Morpheus: “What are you trying to tell me? That I can check the 'Early Life' section on their Wikipedia page?
Panel 2: Morpheus answers that “No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to”

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