
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

Biden knew we were going to face a baby formula shortage. It was his Food and Drug Administration that shut down the biggest baby formula plant in America. The Biden administration knew what was coming. Biden did nothing. He warned no one. And to this moment, he has no plan.

Except to make sure there's plenty of baby formula for the babies of noncitizen migrants. Biden and his radical Marxist cabal have prioritized refugee babies over American-born babies. Have you seen the pallets of baby formula at border facilities, while shelves at supermarkets in Texas are bare?

But why would anyone be surprised at Democrats' twisted views about American children? Listen to the wild, radical, insane statements of Democrats in just the past week relating to their joy about and obsession with child murder...

First, our U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made the statement that banning abortion would "hurt the economy." The treasury secretary of the United States is insane.

Then Democrat Rep. Katie Porter said hyperinflation reinforces the need for abortion. A congresswoman was essentially saying that since Biden policies have made gas and groceries unaffordable, American women must have the option to murder their babies.

Finally, we heard about "the piece de resistance:" ABORTION TOURISM.

Yes, California Democrats are trying to "make abortion fun again." California legislators are poised to pass a bill that would pay pregnant women from anywhere in America to vacation in California, hit the beach, get a nice tan, drink a mimosa — and then murder their baby. What a vacation experience.

I'm surprised they're not setting up abortion clinics at Disneyland next to the roller-coaster.

Democrats are stark raving mad and pure evil. Who is coming up with these ideas? Lucifer?

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy realjewnews.com

The “Grand Chessboard” today has two main players:

Russia and America.

Russia is famed for its chess champions…

…America for its movies made by Jews.

I’ll take a chess champion any day.

Many acclaim Putin as the title-holder.

Calculation, focus, patience, a fighting spirit…makes you a champ.

Many characterize Putin as a “monarch”—(Jews say “dictator” in their contemptuous way)—in the tradition of the Russian Czars.

Monarchy no longer exists in Russia thus Putin is not a de jure monarch.

He’s a “natural” de facto monarch.

If not Putin, another “Russia-First” autocrat will be mandated by popular demand.

With a whopping 80% approval, Putin as a “natural” monarch moves the chess pieces to capture the “king” of Russia’s opponent:

The totalitarian Jew-controlled West.

A “natural” monarch—so as to inspire the people to willingly follow—must first “embody” the nation’s spirit and temperament.
A “Rubicon moment” exists both in war and in chess.

You must persevere in your attack or you will fall.

Russia is ‘laying down its life for its friends’ in Ukraine to win a much wider triumph.

It is to capture the king—which is the Western, Jew-controlled, Jew-inspired, Jew-financed, “globalism project.”

I mean, “GLOB-a-lism,” then “checkmate” it, then bring that king down.

Russia has begun to extricate itself from the West’s depraved, rotted-out, Jew-controlled system by its special military operation in Ukraine.

By making its “Rubicon” move, Russia can win the game by bringing all of Ukraine into its historic Orthodox Christian orbit.

And, into its deeply shielded, enduring, ancestral civilizational fold, of which, Ukraine—prior to the Jews exploiting it for its glob-a-list aims—was part of.

The world has four civilizational poles.

Western—Jewish and Christ-hating.

Russian—Christian and Christ-loving.

Islamic—Muslim and “the prophet”-loving.

Confucian—Chinese and Oriental wisdom-loving.

Capturing the Western king is the prize.

Unshackling the remaining three poles is about to crystalize.

Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/Z2$WCP7WXXV_4)
We read that the men of Sodom were “exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord” (Genesis 13:13) and that their sin was “very grave” (Genesis 18:20). When two angels, appearing as men, came to visit Abraham’s nephew, Lot, the men of Sodom surrounded the house and demanded to have sex with them (Genesis 19:4–5). As a result of this perverted behavior, the angels led Lot and his family out of the city before it was totally destroyed by fire and brimstone (Genesis 19:24–28).

Some try to discount the role that homosexuality played in this catastrophic destruction by claiming that attempted sexual assault was the sole sin that led to Sodom’s undoing. However, this argument totally ignores other scriptures that clearly point to homosexuality and other sexual perversions as major factors in this disaster; Ezekiel 16:40–50 mentions pride, luxury, idleness, neglect of the poor, and abominations (which include homosexuality—see Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). In the New Testament, the book of Jude states that Sodom and Gomorrah were an example of cities destroyed by fire for “having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh”—unnatural uses of sex (Jude 1:7).

But what does the sin of Sodom and its destruction have to do with us today? In Luke 17:28–30, we are told that when Jesus Christ returns to judge this earth, conditions will be just like they were in Sodom during the days of Lot. Today, we are seeing the acceptance and promotion of homosexuality and other sexual perversions on a massive scale in nations that once claimed to believe in God and biblical values. How much longer will God let this go on?
In history classes, we hear a lot about Greek democracy and Roman law, but we seldom hear about what was socially acceptable in these ancient pagan cultures—practices and attitudes towards sexual behavior that until recent decades were repulsive to Western minds conditioned by nearly 2,000 years of biblical teachings about sexuality.

Bill T #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Single women become handmaidens of Satan.

They hit 40 years old and realize they’ve ruined their lives by failing to find a husband and raise a family while they could.

The single women get angry and resentful. Their pride is hurt. They envy the younger women they see who are clever enough to find a husband.

Those 40+ single women start the turn to evil. Pride and envy always turn to hate eventually. By their mid-40s they actively HATE other women who have families. They actively hate children. But they are oh, so clever and careful, to keep their hatred hidden.

They start teaching young girls “you should focus on your career…don’t waste your time on men”.

They want to grow their evil, so they have company. Misery loves company.

That’s why smart mothers SHUN those single older women. Keep them away from your daughters. If you catch your old spinster aunt whispering Feminist lies in the ears of your daughter, grab your daughter and hustle her away to be with a less unsavory member of your family!

LOL. My mother was one of these feminists – who destroyed her marriage and my childhood in the process. I spent many years finding a woman who was NOT a feminist and teaching my daughters to NOT be feminists. To this day, when my mother visits her granddaughters, my wife must sit with them to ensure that grandma isn’t filling the daughter’s ears with poison. Oh what a world.

Jarrin Jackson #fundie #wingnut deadstate.org

GOP Senate candidate: Congress isn’t there to stop school shootings — they’re supposed to promote ‘biblical values’

During a recent livestream, Oklahoma GOP Senate candidate Jarrin Jackson declared that Congress is “not there to prevent school shootings.”

“You’re there to defend the Constitution,” he declared.

“And the Constitution includes the Second Amendment, which if you look at any kind of legitimate approach about what the Constitution means — because the Founders believed the bible and were mostly bible-believing Christians, they enshrined a document, the Constitution, that limits government because man is sinful,” Jackson continued.

Jackson went on to say that when you have a society that reflects biblical values, “you shouldn’t give government a lot of power” so that it can decide “who can have and who can’t have a firearm.”

“Until you get people to point to the Gospel, you’re not dealing with ‘gun control,’ you’re not dealing with murder with an eternal solution. You’re dealing with an idolatrous notion that will inevitably lead to tyranny because we have substituted our fear of God for our worship and our desire for government.”

Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia #transphobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/D9N4G8NF6JZY6)
Sadly, many have no qualms about mocking and rejecting these biblical instructions. There are even those who claim that Christian values are discriminatory and hateful and should be replaced by accepting attitudes towards homosexuality, same-sex marriages, and transgenderism. However, the Bible warns us, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

Are these just empty words? Can individuals and nations simply ignore what God has inspired in His word? Are there important lessons in history and vivid examples in the Bible that record what has happened to nations and cultures that have chosen to ignore their Creator’s instructions about sexuality and marriage?
One of the most ancient and sobering lessons of history is recorded in the book of Genesis. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were totally destroyed by fire and brimstone during the days of the patriarch Abraham (about 2,000 BC). Sodom and Gomorrah were prosperous cities in a well-watered plain near the Dead Sea (Genesis 13:10). Today, the whole area around the Dead Sea is a dry, barren, desolate wasteland of rocks and sand—as it has been for thousands of years following the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Archaeologists have located sites that could be the remains of ancient Sodom—Tell el-Hammam and Bab edh-Dhra. Both sites show destruction by fire and layers of ash from about the time of Abraham, and both are near the Dead Sea. Although neither site has been clearly established as the ancient city of Sodom, the time, nature of destruction, and location lend credence to the biblical description of these ancient cities (“Which Site is Sodom?,” Biblical Research Bulletin, vol. XIV, no. 1, 2014).

However, while evidence from archaeology can provide us with a description of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, only the Bible records why this sudden destruction occurred—and that reason is extremely relevant to our situation today.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie archive.ph

Framed as an “anti-discrimination” measure it is in reality a “Gay Fascism” Bill that will make disapproval of homosexuality illegal in the City of Springfield and grant gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders (GLBTs) legal standing to sue their opponents, primarily Christians.

Starting in the 1980s in cities like San Francisco, homosexuals have forced many U.S. cities and numerous states to adopt similar “Gay Fascism” laws with disastrous effects on Christian landlords and businesses. Empowered by recent successes, they are now pushing into conservative cities.

As soon as a city criminalizes discrimination against homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism through one of these bills, GLBT activists backed by anti-Christian law firms begin targeting people of strong religious faith and traditional values with civil rights lawsuits.

Under Vermont’s anti-discrimination law two lesbians sued the Wildflower Inn in 2011 for refusing to host a lesbian “wedding.” Now over a year later the case is still in litigation at great personal and emotional cost to the owners of this family friendly resort.

In March of this year a Lexington Kentucky T-Shirt printing company called Hands On Originals was fined $6,600 for refusing to print shirts for a local homosexual festival, despite (more likely because of) stating prominently on its home page that it is a “Christian Outfitter,” reserving a “right of refusal” to decline business in conflict with its beliefs.

E-Harmony, the online Christian dating site was sued in 2008 under one of these “Gay Fascism” laws in New Jersey and “forced” to create a dating site for homosexuals at enormous expense and in a severe compromise of its values.

At Augusta State University in Georgia, Christian student Jennifer Keeton was expelled in 2010 from the graduate counseling program over her disapproval of homosexuality. In June of 2012 a court ruled that the college’s anti-discrimination policy trumped Keeton’s 1st Amendment religious rights.

These and many other examples of “homo-fascism” are only possible because of anti-discrimination laws based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

Conservapedia #homophobia #fundie archive.ph

We should believe in real marriage instead. Homosexual men in so-called same-sex "marriages" generally engage in sexual relations outside their so-called "marriages" (see: Homosexuality and promiscuity). Homosexual couples have higher rates of domestic violence (see: Homosexual couples and domestic violence). Pathologists have indicated that homosexual homicides are quite common and leading pathologists have noted that homosexual homicides frequently display brutality/overkill (see: Homosexuality and murder).
Homosexual corruption has become too big of a problem in our country and elsewhere.
There is no "gay gene" and studies of twins prove this, supporting the idea that it is a lifestyle choice (see: Homosexuality and genetics).
Homosexuality is treating people as objects for personal pleasure. When people begin to allow themselves to use people as tools then anything and everything that gives one pleasure is eventually justified. People move one step further to justifying rape, robbery, murder, pedophilia, any other act that they find pleasurable.
The homosexual agenda is the wrong direction for our country.
Many horrific crimes have been committed by men caught up in the homosexual lifestyle; there are so many examples of this that listing them here would be futile.
According to Psychology Today, "Among youth who identify as sexual minorities, the likelihood of death by suicide has been estimated to be two to seven times greater than the likelihood of death by suicide among heterosexual youth (Haas et al., 2011)".[7]
States and local communities should be deciding this, not a few out-of-touch liberal activist "justices" in D.C.
Bible believing Christians, other faiths against homosexuality and churches have rights too (see: Homosexuality and religious liberty).
Disordered conduct is the wrong direction for individuals and our Nation.
Ancient Romans/Greek committed many homosexual acts and their decadent empires declined and fell.

Charlie Ward/Chas Carter #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #mammon dinarchronicles.com

2:25 Charlie Ward: We’re in the most exciting phase..
The New Financial System, the Tokens were issued on Friday!
I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.
Was told they were going to be active within 72 hours.
About 2.5 hours ago – THEY WERE ACTIVE.
The banks have got liquidity on the New System.
And, for the record.. our banks are all down at the moment.
Very strange, really.
That tells you an awful lot. That’s 3 lads whose banks are down for 72 hours.
The Tokens issued, liquidity did arrive.
How long before the normal human beings will be able to see our new funds available?
Probably 7 – 10 days.
Let’s say a fortnight.
[End of May, beginning of June.]
If we’re that close to liquidity
we have to be close to a certain Resident [Biden] being wheeled off to an old folks home.

4:15 If anybody in this world actually THINKS he is president
I would suggest you get a test to see if you’ve got a single brain cell..
4:15 If anybody in this world actually THINKS he is president
I would suggest you get a test to see if you’ve got a single brain cell..

33:25 Chas Carter:
NESARA / GESARA – Russia has already gone through it…

34:04 Charlie Ward: With Russia at the moment,
they’re so desperate to try & stop the momentum,
certainly in Europe… they’re telling everybody
Putin’s about to die, etc. Complete & utter lies.
He’s destroying the deep state and cabal.34:45 Russia’s doing incredibly well…

35:33 Russia, China & India doing well with the gold-backed currency…
That’s ½ of the world’s population…

38:26 White Hats are in TOTAL CONTROL
What we’re seeing is the pantomime playing out..
The minions of satan’s army who’ve got no general, no army.
The power of satan has gone.
The power of God remains.
It’s a question of which side you pick…
Now is the chance for every single person
It’s time to choose which side you’re on..

Conservapedia #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt archive.ph

Methodological naturalism is a strategy for studying the world, by which scientists choose not to consider supernatural causes - even as a remote possibility. There are two main reasons for pursuing this strategy. First, some scientists believe that there is no supernatural: they begin with the assumption that God does not exist (see atheism) and that there is no life after death (see also Atheism and life after death). Second, some scientists believe it is possible that supernatural causes (such as God and angels) may exist, but they assume that any supernatural action would be arbitrary or haphazard and therefore impossible to study systematically.

This kind of approach is the result of application of the epistemology of either of the empirical philosophies of pragmatism or logical positivism, and (because it is a methodology developed without first establishing the ontological principles of the world) is unfounded.

This is the reason that presuppositionalists do not subscribe to methodological naturalism, relying on the intelligent design Programme instead. Presuppositionalists also contend that methodological naturalism is inherently atheistic, since it would be a meaningless exercise to define the rules of empirical inquiry in an entirely arbitrary manner. Since we define the rules of empirical inquiry in such a way that the ontological systematicness of the world is reflected in the method, the methodological naturalist's claim that methodological naturalism is independent of ontological naturalism is disingenuous.

Prussian Society of America #racist #magick #fundie #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Demonic Bloodlines vs. Demonic Possession/How Christianity distorted “Demonic” Concept"]

The layers of how well Christianity has influenced most of Modern People[…]is so pervasive that even Non-Believers and Atheists alike, still subscribe to Christian theology[…]
People are more familiar with the concept of people becoming “demon-possessed”, rather than the object of Bloodlines being the origin of Demonic Hosts, but the reason for this is that the Church has a strategic interest[…]
Demonic Possession is possible[…]usually happens either through trauma or abuse[…]
Otherwise, Demonic Possession usually only happens to people who in general are very Weak-willed, and have accordingly given up their will to something, and such is common on low levels such as with drug users, and on the high levels such as in Hollywood Initiation of Famous Stars[…]
Demons present themselves, more often than not to the public, as being victims or somehow having certain ethics or ideas that are noble[…]
As most of Humanity is programmed to view and follow certain traits and attributes that they view as agreeable based on their specific programming, this is why false ideas of what is Good or Evil exist[…]
Same reason why Hitler was believed to be “Demonic Possessed” and that so too were the German People during the Third Reich, but in fact the opposite was true, since Adolf Hitler was charged with Divine Authority[…]
Science can only be a means via the “Scientic Process”, but to make it the pillar of Human civilization, purpose and existence is to bring Mankind to a humdrum and slavish state[…]
If the British Royal Family for example did not know something something about their Bloodlines, why would they be so ultra curious about maintaining it so well, as does many other Royal Family Lines?[…]
Few people suspect the Jew as Evil because Jews always manipulate people and host nations

Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/47L.LL4Z8_HHK)
In this increasingly secular environment, more and more people have lost sight of—or never known—what the Bible says about marriage and human sexual behavior. A recent survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that over the last 30 years in America, the percentage of people who believe in God has fallen from 86 percent to 46 percent, and the percentage of people who view the Bible as accurate and the reliable word of God has fallen from 70 percent to 41 percent. The survey also found that only six percent of Americans hold a biblical worldview, leading the researchers to conclude that “the Bible is increasingly rejected as a trustworthy and relevant document of life principles” (“Just Two-Thirds of American Adults Say They Are Christian: Survey,” ChristianHeadlines.com, June 9, 2021).

The Bible contains very clear statements about marriage and sexual behaviors that are the exact opposite of the modern progressive agenda—so it is no surprise that biblical instructions are maligned and ignored. The Bible reveals that marriage is between a man and a woman and biological men and women were created in God’s image to be fruitful and multiply heterosexually within monogamous marriages (Genesis 1:26–28; 2:24). The Bible plainly says that it is an abomination for men to have sexual relationships with other men (Leviticus 18:22) and for women to have sexual relations with other women (Romans 1:26–27), also stating that it is an abomination for men to dress like women and vice versa (Deuteronomy 22:5).

We are also told in the New Testament that fornicators, idolaters, homosexuals, and drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9–10). The Apostle Paul clearly condemned the homosexual relationships that were prevalent in his day as unnatural and “vile passions” that emanate from a “debased mind” (Romans 1:24–32). He also writes in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

Nancy Campbell #fundie #sexist aboverubies.org

[Submitters note: Nancy Campbell runs the Above Rubies magazine and web page.]

On 2 March 2011 we [Colin and Nancy Campbell] will have been married for 48 years! ,...

The following are some of the secrets I have learned over the years. They are all biblical concepts.

I am sure you must be getting used to the fact that I always resort to the Word of God for the foundation of my life, so back to the Word we go. Here are seven "S's" for you.

At fellowship time after church, a few couples were talking together about marriage. I asked the men, "What is the best way you like your wife to encourage you?" It was interesting that each husband replied, "I am blessed when she submits to me and allows me to be the head of the home." Gulp! I wonder why it is that the very thing that blesses our husband the most is the one we try to avoid! Perhaps we better find out what God says about the subject?....

C. Submission is for our protection

God did not devise submission to bring wives into bondage. No, it is for our blessing, protection and covering. God's ultimate plan is for His female creation to be under protection throughout their entire lives--under their father's protection as a single person and then under their husband's protection when they marry. We see an understanding of this in Numbers Chapter 30....

When you walk in a spirit of submission, you will receive seven blessings in your life. You will experience a...

1) Sensitivity to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

2) Serenity--Soul rest and peace in your heart. (Matthew 11:28-30).

3) Security and Stability.

4) Sweetness.

5) Soundness of doctrine.

6) Strength of character. And you will be...

7) Saved from deception. (Timothy 2:14-15).

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Any earthly figure who claims to possess the one and only and very specific detailed working plan of action for one to follow at the time of death in order to successfully escape this Matrix prison is likely just another Matrix agent that’s been put in place to try to steer you back into the soul trap. The mere act of consciously recollecting any worldly advice you might have received and then actively searching out for these specific “exit areas” that someone like Wes Penre tells you to seek out as an exit point, would only result in your unwittingly perpetuation of the very same system that you are supposed to be trying to escape from.
YOU are now the one who makes the rules. Our creative faculties are why we are envied by our parasitic captors and this ability to create extends much much farther than the aptitude of one’s imagination while on Earth and stuck in your human avatar body suit. Once you realize that you can create and control your own reality once you reach this Astral realm and have reverted back to your native form, you should be home free. This immense creative power that we have is one of the reasons they covet our conscious thoughts as a means of sustenance. An aspect of our essence that they still do not fully understand. One must remain diligent once reaching this Astral state and avoid inadvertently consenting to another parasitic prison cell by continuing to willfully participate in any facet of their lame and corny Carnival show. This includes hunting for the secret exit point that some individual from the worldly domain of Earth told you about or following your Grandmother into a tunnel of light or agreeing to be reincarnated back onto earth by orders of the Emperor of the Universe Lord Ashtar himself(Satan) for some important mission that he’ll exclaim “only you have the competence to carry out“. Fuck all that. It’s an illusion. They use fear based mind control as a means of keeping you within their Demonic Nephilim Clown clutches.

Dr. J.J. Hurtak, PhD. #magick #fundie #ufo #mammon keysofenoch.org


A 600-page color illustrated book now available in limited edition. The Keys of Enoch® contain spiritual-scientific teaching from two higher Teachers of universal intelligence called “Enoch” and “Metatron.” Enoch identified himself as the same Enoch mentioned in the ancient biblical texts. However, this book is not channeled information but comes from a direct experience.

The purpose of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® is to open the mind of humanity to new ideas, inviting you to share in the experience of the education of the soul. The Keys are a blueprint of the many levels of spiritual consciousness and are designed to bring you in touch with the meaning of Divine Intelligence.

As a tool for the building of communities of Light and the orientation that must be made by the human race, The Keys of Enoch® begin to show us how to work collectively and understand the greater role we play within the entire universe of creation. Its purpose, therefore, is of science with self realization, for the advancement of humanity into the new spiritual cycle of “the Christ.”

The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® is available for your study and research. Many sociologists, psychologists, ecologists, economists, and others are forecasting a cataclysmic result to man’s shortsighted and selfish excesses and his attempts to subjugate nature. Many people see the only hope lies in scientific logic or a spiritual pathway. However, the conclusion which has been borne out by the accumulated investigations of many scientists working with The Keys of Enoch® is that a greater unity must occur between both the scientific and spiritual pathways which would link the human evolution with the Higher Evolution, connecting humankind with the greater Master Plan of Life.

Hardbound Book – 6″ x 9″ – 620 Pages
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Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/W874WMJ4G$QSC)
This has led in recent decades to plummeting church attendance. Baptisms continue to decline and the number of people claiming no religious affiliation has increased across the Western world. Today, only about 24 percent of Americans regularly attend church (“How often do you attend church or synagogue – at least once a week, almost every week, about once a month, seldom, or never?,” Statista.org, January 15, 2021). In the United Kingdom, only about 2 percent of young people belong to the Church of England (“Church in crisis as only 2% of young adults identify as C of E,” TheGuardian.com, September 6, 2018), which has seen its membership steadily decline for the last 50 years. In Australia, nearly half of the population “describe themselves as having no religion” (“The shrinking proportion of religious Australians,” RoyMorgan.com, March 23, 2021). In New Zealand, only about 9 percent of people attend church regularly (“Losing faith: Why fewer New Zealanders are attending church,” NZHerald.co.nz, June 20, 2018).

In light of these trends, it is no surprise that the highest acceptance of homosexual behavior in the world is found in so-called “Christian” nations of the West, among the younger generation in First World countries who lean left politically and are religiously unaffiliated (“The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists,” PewResearch.org, June 25, 2020).

@BadAssTexan , @WWAPD & @DeanWWG1WGA1776 #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist gettr.com

She's not wrong.

Satan is behind gender mutilation of children.

Satan loves abortion.

Satan loves the destruction of our schools where he has free reign.

Churches have been infiltrated. @EnjoyTheD

MTG is absolutely right. The same church leadership that is too weak to speak out against homosexuality, child trafficking, CRT and gender brainwashing of elementary school students is too weak to oppose our country being overrun by invaders. Look at the damage the churches that brought Somali refugees to the Minneapolis area have caused.

Satanist butchered the Bible . 700 stories they chose 60 to edit modify and fit there agendas . shame they forgot to take the flat earth out before nasa spun there ball earth in 1583 by pope 3rd . the year after they made the cagorian callender . Its God's Earth . a clue is in one Religon called the ROMAN catholic church . then jesuits invaded it in 1841 . became a child abusing Nazi cult run by a Jesuit freak in red shoes

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger americanthinker.com

For King, pacifism was inseparable from anti-poverty and anti-racism. Soon enough, black feminists like Michele Wallace and Angela Davis would brave the forces of reaction and challenge the black men who were leading this movement to address the struggles of women. Eventually, gender joined race and class to form the triumvirate of the left’s social critiques. All three of these categories reflected the needs of large groups of people who had clear grievances, people who had suffered widespread institutionalized violence, confinement, and deprivation that were irrefutable in the annals of history. Had this triangle of causes remained sacrosanct, there is no way surrogacy would have led the left back to human bondage.

But then came gay men. Somehow “sexual orientation” was jimmied into the triangle of race, class, and gender. Homosexuals were deemed an oppressed people despite the flimsiest of historical grievances (even the legendary gay Holocaust involved no more than 15,000 victims, out of the twelve million people placed in Nazi concentration camps).

Gay men were teased about their sexual tastes and had to face anti-sodomy laws, which made it hard for them to find erotic release. They had the option of lying to protect themselves. Living a lie is hard, but living a lie when you enjoy all the economic, racial, and patriarchal advantages of having to worry only about your sex life is hardly on the scale of Jim Crow, women not having the right to vote, or poor people starving during times of famine or unemployment. There is an enormous difference between systematic, large-scale persecution and simply facing barriers to sexual pleasure.

By casting gay men as powerless, the left sealed their doom. A new crop of “allies” possessing financial and social capital far in excess of people of color, women, or the working class was bound to rise quickly to power and take over the whole movement, mowing down everything in their path, including the sacred goals the movement began with.

Douglas S. Winnail #homophobia #fundie tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/F7QF7LXPWS_93)
Tragically, there is little or no mention of the serious health risks associated with these “liberated” lifestyles: greatly increased rates of HIV infections and other opportunistic diseases, greater risk for various types of cancer, serious depression, increased risk of suicide, and dying 10–20 years earlier than the average person (“Negative Health Consequences of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior,” CMDA.com, June 2019). This important information goes deliberately unmentioned due to threats of legal action and intimidation, and because of widespread propaganda against saying anything negative about this lifestyle or to discourage others from following it.
During the decades when the promotion of homosexuality was gaining strength, another trend was also developing that the media seldom connects to the advance of this secular agenda—the declining influence of biblical Christianity in the Western world. In the early 1960s, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that prayer and Bible reading in public schools were unconstitutional. As a result, students were no longer exposed to biblical concepts of right and wrong outside their homes and were encouraged to make up their own minds about moral values, regardless of whether their ideas totally contradicted what the Bible reveals.

The impact of secular theories and ideas is undeniable. Darwinian evolutionary theory postulates that there is no need for a Creator, theologians cast doubts on the Bible, educators claim there are no moral absolutes, scientists insist that human reason alone is adequate to solve human problems—all while academics and media voices ridicule Christianity. Together, these factors have accelerated the declining influence of biblical values in Western society and fostered an environment conducive to the promotion of an immoral and amoral agenda.

Kevin Sorbo #fundie #wingnut movieguide.org

“When I tell people I’m a Christian and a conservative, it’s like being a double leper in Hollywood,” Sorbo told Kirk Cameron on Cameron’s latest episode of TAKEAWAYS. “Being conservative is enough, but being a Christian seems to be even a more bad thing to be in Hollywood, it’s very strange to me.”

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy archive.ph

It all comes down to telling the truth. God IS truth. His Creation is reality. His law is perfect. His Word is our command and our comfort, for in it we have every answer to every question if we diligently seek it in loyalty to Him above all other voices.

Here’s a hard truth. In all my years of Christian truth-seeking I have never encountered any person whom I considered a candidate for the False Prophet of Matthew 24:24 and 2 Peter 2:1 until now. I’m not talking about the Antichrist, mind you, but the one who prepares the way for the Antichrist and perfects the delusions that enslave the people of the world on his behalf.

That candidate for False Prophet is Yuval Noah Harari, a spokesman for the World Economic Forum and “futurist” whose mission is to prepare humanity for “transhumanist” re-creation as a new species. He is a “Jewish homosexual,” “married” to a sodomy partner, whose vision for the future doesn’t just deny the reality and deity of God, it doesn’t even acknowledge Him. It is a vision so foreign to Biblical truth, and so enraptured with the technological potential for human “self-perfection” that it could have been the invention of Artificial Intelligence itself, but is in fact Satan’s ancient Luciferian dream of supplanting God – now finally within his grasp.

I’ve put “Jewish homosexual” in quotes because in God’s law equating Judaism to Yahweh-worship, homosexuality is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), a capital offence (Romans 1:32), and thus “Jewish homosexual” is a self-contradictory phrase like “dry water,” a logical impossibility. But there IS a last days “Synagogue of Satan” made up of false Jews, warns Revelation 2:9, and Harari seems well suited to be it’s Rabbi (teacher). I strongly urge you to watch the videos linked above!

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

Democrats Don't Give a Damn About This BLM: 'Babies' Lives Matter'

Insanity. Everything President Joe Biden and his radical, treasonous, communist cabal does is pure insanity. But nothing is stranger than the Democrats' obsession with and hatred for children — whether it be murder in the womb, or much later.

I'm not just talking about their obsession with allowing abortion up until birth. This is a clear mixture of insanity and desire for the mass murder of living, breathing babies.

But give Democrats an inch, and they always want a mile.

Now these same Democrats are going after perfectly healthy babies, months or even a year after birth. Because of a harsh nationwide baby formula shortage, babies could starve to death, or certainly face diminished lives because of damaged immune systems.

But Biden and Democrats are clearly too busy and distracted from destroying the economy; killing the entire energy industry; whipping up hyperinflation to destroy the middle class; sending $40 billion of taxpayer money to Ukraine (which I believe is the most corrupt nation on earth); trying their best to start a nuclear WWIII with Russia; making sure every violent criminal is released without bail; opening up the border to every disease- and poverty-stricken person in the world; brainwashing kindergartners to hate white people and question their sexual identity; asking the Justice Department and FBI to persecute and prosecute parents at PTA meetings; and of course, allowing violent, illegal protests at the homes of conservative Supreme Court judges — knowing full well that one of these days a judge or their family may be murdered by an obsessed, abortion-crazed Democrat protester.

All of this obviously takes precedence for Biden and Democrats over something as unimportant as feeding babies.

Mystic Post #fundie #psycho #wingnut patheos.com

While there is a growing contempt for Christianity by mainstream media and the ruling class in the United States, the exact opposite trend is happening in Russia. In Putin’s Russia there is a clear return to its Christian Orthodox roots.
If end-times are ever to be ushered in, I am convinced it will be a clash between a reckless, cancel culture obsessed USA vs. the Russian state that is willing to fight a winnable nuclear war to preserve Russian Orthodoxy.
This is not wild speculation. Russian President Vladimir Putin has often warned journalists of such risk.
Putin told a group of reporters, “that the threat of nuclear war should not be underestimated… the danger of the collapse of the entire civilization and maybe our planet is being downplayed,”

…Today, the culture of the United States is dominated by a secular elite attached to nebulous progressive ideologies, rooted in anti-christian values. Russian leadership views the construct of liberalism with disdain. Rather than seeing a “culture of tolerance” they see an aggressive adversary determined to march its progressive values into the heart of Moscow.

Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #fundie scottlively.net

It was February 4th, 1987 and I was part of a small group of men who had just been hired to sell knock-off “yellow-pages” advertising to businesses in Portland, Oregon. I had heard the news driving in and mentioned it to the group, one of whom was an outspoken Christian. His surprisingly blunt response to my Liberace mention was to say “Too bad he went straight to hell.” I instantly realized he was probably right but I was too intimidated by what the others might think of me to admit I too was a Christian who believed that. I felt ashamed, not because I agreed with him, but that my faith was so weak compared to his. It was a milestone in my Christian walk.

Liberace, a piano prodigy from the age of four, was the most flamboyant homosexual of the 20th Century: described in the Daily Mirror in 1956 as “the summit of sex—the pinnacle of masculine, feminine and neuter. Everything that he, she and it can ever want… a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love.” Liberace always denied being a homosexual, but was outed by both his former teenage live-in lover/houseboy and by actress Betty White who admitted having many times been his “beard” in public (to give him the facade of heterosexual normalcy). Liberace died of AIDS.

From that day forward I carried on an inner struggle against self-censorship on politically incorrect topics. It was only after years of suffering persecution for my faith as the spokesman for a Christian political organization which fought abortion and the LGBT agenda that I finally won that internal battle and experienced the liberation from the expectations of men that is promised in John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” What He offers is not just freedom from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), it is the freedom to believe and speak hard truths regardless of what anyone else thinks about it.

Biblical gender roles #fundie #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

The Arguments Against the Marriage of Pubescent Women Are Faulty
When we acknowledge the fact that worldwide a total of 0.2 percent of women die from pregnancy related deaths, and that includes pubescent mothers, then the even if they represent a higher proportion of that 0.2 percent it does not make a strong case against pubescent women marrying.  Instead we can respond with that fact that at least 99.8 percent of pubescent women worldwide will survive their pregnancies.
When we acknowledge the fact that only 2 percent of all infants worldwide die in the first year of their life and even if children from pubescent mothers make up more of that 2 percent than children from postpubescent women, we can rightly say pubescent mothers have at least a 98 percent chance of their children surviving their first year of life.  A difference somewhere within the 2 percent range between two groups of women having their children survive is not a strong argument against pubescent women marrying.
Some may respond that these are numbers that mix the developed world and undeveloped worlds.  But let me remind you of the WHO numbers which stated even in sub-Saharan Africa, which has the highest MMR in the world, only 500 women out of 100,000 died from pregnancy related complications in a given year over the last decade.
Now that I have shown the arguments against pubescent women marrying to be faulty and weak, we will now present strong arguments for the marriage of pubescent women.

John C. Wright #homophobia #fundie scifiwright.com

But there is no story to follow. Not even supervillains can express "homophobia" under the rules of political correctness, nor can a black man be a total badass, like Luke Cage the Power Man once was, nor can a handicapped guy been seen to suffer, as Matt Murdock the Daredevil once did, nor can a sexual pervert have any personality, as no incarnation of Batwoman ever did. No woman can be seen to suffer nor to fail at any task, nor fall short in any way, as all the prior generations of superheroines once did, and their older sisters, the Cliffhanger Queens such as Nyoka of the Jungle or the Daughter of Don Q reach triumph without shoot-outs, chases, escapes, fist fights, cat fights, cave-ins, wild ape attacks, torture, mayhem, or being trapped beneath a lowering ceiling of spikes.

Compare this to girl-type Captain Marvel, or girl-type Hawkeye or Batwoman the Lesbian, who overcomes whole space fleets of aliens without breaking a fingernail, and suffers neither doubt nor heartache, loses no friends, does not have any Uncle Ben killed through her negligence, has no Aunt May to care for, nor J Jonah Jameson to be her overbearing bossman. She is never low on money, never turned down for a date, never called bad names, never faces anyone able to hurt her. There is no story there.

Quick-- without looking it up -- we all know Batman's origin story, right? Fine. What do we know about Katie Kane the Batwoman, aside from her sexual orientation? Any parents killed by mobsters? Home planet of "batworld" blew up? Magic bat-ring ring from alien space-cop? Exiled from paradise because she fell in love with a handsome flyboy? Last survivor of of the bat-people of Mars? Learned the mystic arts from a bat-worshipping Tibetan? Bitten by a radioactive bat? Anything?

I confess I am not familiar with this character. I know nothing about her, aside from her status as a poster child for perverts. I know the origins for all the batgirls, however, the police commissioner's librarian daughter, the mute superninja raised by assassins, the daughter of the c-list supervillain Cluemaster. Can anyone name any storyline or story arch that was really memorable for Batwoman? Any stories.

John C. Wright #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt scifiwright.com

"So I wonder, other that the obvious purpose to deconstruct and destroy Superhero comics, if in the most clumsy manner the Woke are attempting to express their own immature drama and pining for romance into the wrong genre."

I have no insight to offer on this theory. I have strong doubts, because I am a cynic, but I do not know.

But I do have a rule of thumb to suggest: if one took a homo story from one of these comic books, and sex-swapped one character, so that gay Iceman was dating a girl instead of a boy (not Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, Raven Darkholme, Lorna Dane, Judy Harmon, Zelda Kurtzberg, Laynia Petrovna, Annie Ghazikhanian, Opal Tanaka, or Marge Smith) but a new girl with all the same interests, virtues, traits and personality quirks as a girl as he had as a boy -- would the relationship nonetheless seem viable? Would the two seem to "go together"?

Likewise, if Tim Drake were dating Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) or Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) or Secret (Greta Hayes) or Ariana Dzerchenko or
Tamara Fox instead of a boy, and she had all the same interests, virtues, traits and personality quirks as a girl as he had as a boy -- would the relationship nonetheless seem viable?

The cynic in me suspects I am asking a trick question. If you read the comics in question, the cynic in me strongly suspects you may find to your surprise that the gay boys these orientation-swapped supers are dating have no personalities to speak of, no flaws, no frustrations, no dreams to achieve, because the portrayal of imperfection in a gay boy offends the gay privilege our society currently affords perverts, due to what might be called "gay fragility".

Again, the cynic in me strongly suspects one will find the so called romances are not romances at all, with no romantic tensions, none of the thrill, doubt, heartache and so on that accompanies finding a mate and the mother of one's progeny to carry on the family name.

Love and romance are not part of their mental environment. Power is. The power to change men into women and normal men into perverts is a godlike power. They cannot exercise this power in real life, but they can force others to change pronouns, and can defecate on long established and well loved fictional characters. They cannot be god, but they can pretend to be god.

Douglas S. Winnail #homophobia #transphobia #fundie tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/SDTLNFGWD9PQ3)
Since the fall of the Roman Empire, generally biblical moral values about marriage and sexuality have characterized much of Western civilization. These values were widespread in America, Western Europe, among the British-descended peoples, and in areas where their influence spread. However, in the last several decades, these moral values have been attacked, mocked, and pushed aside in the Western world by a rising tide of enforced secular values. Prior to the early 1960s, there were laws against abortion and all 50 states in America had laws that criminalized homosexual activity. Yet, today, nearly 70 percent of Americans now support same sex-marriage—up from only 27 percent in 1996 (“Gay marriage is the left’s biggest culture war victory,” TheWeek.com, June 8, 2021). “Majorities of adults in all 15 countries in Western Europe surveyed by Pew Research Center in 2017 support same-sex marriage…. Support is even higher in Sweden (88%), Denmark (86%) and the Netherlands (86%)” (“Where Europe Stands on Gay Marriage and Civil Unions,” PewResearch.org, October 28, 2019). In recent years, Gay “Pride” parades have attracted millions of spectators and thousands of scantily-clad participants in many Western countries—generating considerable tourist dollars for the sponsoring cities. In 2021, U.S. embassies were instructed to fly the rainbow flag in honor of “Pride Month.”

The most recent battle in the ongoing cultural war is transgenderism. American president Joseph Biden has declared “transgender rights” as “the civil rights issue of our time”—and the push is on to eliminate anything that appears to discriminate against transsexuals. In America, public libraries are even sponsoring “Drag Queen story hours” in which men dressed as women read to children about two worms that love each other and a baby animal with two mommies or two daddies—themes that are also portrayed in animated cartoons on today’s children’s television programs.

Catherine Glenn Foster #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie salon.com

"In places like Washington D.C.," fetuses are "burned to power the light's of the city's homes and streets," claimed Catherine Glenn Foster, who had, just minutes before, sworn not to lie under oath. The GOP-summoned witness let loose the wild and utterly false accusation that municipal electrical companies are powered by incinerated fetuses.

US Anon #elitist #fundie #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut archive.4plebs.org

Why are Vaxxoids like this?


>Be Pureblood Christian
>searching for Christian stuff
>end up at a website worse than reddit
>see recent thread there (3 hours ago)
>read first comment in the thread
>commenter is filled with madness
>calls people "incels" and "assholes" for not getting vax juice
>Implies you shouldn't date unless you follow the narrative
>why are vaxxoids so angry?
>why are vaxxoids npcs?
>why are vaxxoids like this?
>feels tired anons
>link below
Anyone getting covid/vaxxoid fatigue yet?

Probably a boomer. Definitely not walking with Christ.

I don't think the people are Christian there. Seems to be a place to mock Christians and anyone who goes against the current zeitgeist.

Biblical gender roles #fundie biblicalgenderroles.com

“ Biologically speaking, a woman’s best time to conceive and bear children is from the time of her first period (for most girls between age 12 and 13) and age 24. After age 24 chances of birth defects and problem pregnancies begin to rise. At age 30, a woman has used or lost 90% of the eggs she will ever have and this is why women in their 30’s typically have a much more difficult time getting pregnant.

Is #fundie #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

I completely agree that most teenage girls in our culture and time period are not psychologically prepared for having children. But that is because our culture babies children in ways cultures of the past did not.”
This is a half truth. While many young teens may not be ready for marriage, many of them most definitely should be getting married. (Past puberty) It’s not like maturity increases the older you get. In fact it’s even a dangerous lie to tell teens that they are “children” or “adolescents”. As to your daughter not being ready at 12, why isn’t she ready? Even you agree that it is wrong to “baby” teens, so why would you purposely infantilize your daughter to where she is not capable of functioning as a woman when she is pubescent? Dont follow the culture. Follow what Paul said about being an adult.

Here’s a good video where a prominent psychologist even states that many teens should be getting married. https://youtu.be/N_pKVCGJ7E4

Joseph R. Chambers #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming pawcreek.org

But, homosexuality and lesbianism are sins that are in a war against God. The Bible calls these sins, which include bestiality and many varying actions connected with sexuality, sodomy. Sodomy is all unnatural acts of sex. A husband and a wife that have been induced into oral sex with each other have become sodomites and will be destroyed unless they repent and reclaim their sacred honor. Why are acts of sodomy so dark and degrading? The answer is beautiful and lies at the heart of our created glory. Our God created us in His own image and after His own likeness. The Holy Bible says that we were created a little lower than the angels, "For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." (Psalm 8:5) We are sacred creatures and are accountable to the Creator for maintaining both our honor, as well as His honor. While all sin affects that honor, sodomy destroys that honor. Sodomy is one of the few human actions that has no basis in natural desires. Satan introduced humankind to this dark level of violent, savage depravity in his defiance of God and hatred for mankind, God’s unique creation.

An individual that becomes enslaved in this lifestyle has joined Satan’s war against God. This lifestyle had become rampant before the flood when fallen angels, led by Satan, went unto the daughters of men and they conceived and bare giants or Nephilims. A transvestite is probably the closest creature to this original result of sodomy. The sons of God were fallen angels that had developed uncontrollable lust for unnatural flesh. Sodomy has always been deeply connected with evil spirits, which are fallen angels. The Hebrew word for sodomite is a sacred person that serves as a temple prostitute. The action of sodomy is licentious idolatry. It is worship of Satan. It is the final act of a dying society.

Kelly #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com


Yes, yes, yes. And yes again. I tell my girls that it takes strength for a good woman to say, “OK, we’ll do that your way, honey,” and, “I will,” and, “Yes, dear, right away,” and, “Of course I’ll do that for you.” A strong woman keeps her mouth shut and lets her actions speak without words. It takes a strong woman to say no to nagging, murmuring and complaining. A strong woman smiles when she is about to reach the boiling point. It takes a strong woman to sing with a joyful heart when there’s a whole lot she could mourn about. A strong woman feels real deep down inside that anywhere her good man is, that’s home.

My excellent husband is a strong man, and he deserves an excellent wife. I AM HIS STRONG WOMAN.

Claudia Hernandez, Rene Hernandez-Santos, and Rene Trigueros-Hernandez #fundie #psycho nypost.com

A 3-year-old girl was allegedly tortured and killed by her family in a 12-hour exorcism in her granddad’s California church — with her mom later posting a smiling video saying dismissively, “It is what it is.”

Arely Hernandez was found dead on the floor of a small house-based church in San Jose last September with “multiple injuries around her eyes, face, neck and chest.”

She’d been there with her mom, uncle and grandfather who “believed the child was possessed by a demon and were at the church praying for her.”

Arely’s El Salvador-born mom, Claudia Elisa Hernandez, 25, told cops she was certain her tot was “possessed by an evil spirit” — just because she’d woken up screaming.

The mom and her brother [Rene Hernandez-Santos] then took the toddler to the church, where they were met by their father [Rene Trigueros-Hernandez], who “identified as the leader of the church and claimed he was a certified pastor,” the police report said.

They arrived at 6:30 a.m., and over the next 12 hours, they violently pinned her down and stuck fingers down her throat to make her vomit, which they “believed would help her get the spirit out,” the document said.
“Eventually, the victim vomited a clear/purple liquid,” the report said, with an autopsy determining she died of asphyxia due to suffocation and smothering.
Just six days before she was charged, Hernandez posted a nearly 45-minute YouTube video about her dead daughter — smiling and defending herself from apparent critics of her parenting.

“I could sit here and be negative … [but] I cannot change what is. It is what it is,” she said — a phrase she repeated several times.
She said that “a lot of people turned on me after my daughter passed away.”

“I don’t worry too much about that because God knows the truth, and the truth always comes out,” she said.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist rooshv.com

[From "Hugs Are Dangerous"]

It is extremely unsafe to hug a pretty woman. I expect most men to scoff at this notion and ignore it, but a hug with someone you’re attracted to is a form of intimacy, and intimacy before marriage turns on the treadmill of lust and sets the speed to a brisk jog before steadily ramping up to a sprint. One “innocent” hug can begin a course of heavy temptation that entices you into sin and blocks your ability to properly evaluate a woman for marriage

There is nothing wrong with a platonic hug, the form of which you’d give to an aunt or grandmother[…]
An intimate hug, however, is simply a variant of horizontal bedroom embrace[…]
I’ve lost count of how many Orthodox couples I’ve seen using secular behavior in their courtships. They drink alcohol together. They give each other googly eyes. They hold hands. They hug incessantly. They use secular vocabulary like “boyfriend,” “girlfriend”, and “dating”[…]
Another reason not to hug is that it becomes impossible to properly evaluate and vet a woman for marriage when you are in a state of even mild passion, and if you’re trying to evaluate a woman you’re having sex with—forget it! You might as well marry a woman sight unseen to at least have a chance at a marriage that doesn’t end in divorce![…]
The bad news is that even if you refrain from all physical affection during courtship, and she’s beautiful, you still will not be able to judge her properly. Her visage alone is tempting to your dumb flesh[…]
If you look at the history of courtship, men never had to make a decision to marry a woman wholly on their own (and neither did women), but involved parents, other family members, and the Church to guide that decision for them

Lauren Boebert #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Does the Left apply the same standards to fathers who abandon their children because it’s not a convenient time in their lives to have children as they do to mothers who end their babies’ lives in the womb for similar reasons?

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

The most that #BansOffOurBodies pro-abort groups, including $1.7 billion Planned Parenthood, could muster in its lead city, DC, was 20k people. Compare that to the hundreds of thousands of prolifers Marching for Life in DC every year Pro-life is the majority & pro-life will win

Linda Harvey #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

Now this sounds fine until you think about what they are doing here. What's involved in not using "anti-LGBT language"? Does this mean a student can't say homosexuality is a sin? Or that it's against his/her own personal ethics? It's highly likely that kind of language would be offensive to GLSEN, in which case this is a group that supports discrimination based on religion or denying free speech -- not to mention, they are clueless about the reality of homosexuality and gender confusion and their harmful impact on teens.

GLSEN pairs up approval of homosexuality and gender confusion with preventing bullying. Will some kids be manipulated into signing this, thinking they are being compassionate and that there's no other possible solution? Of course they will. And GLSEN has stated one of the goals -- to identify those who are, as they put it, "anti-gay." If you don't go along with the way GLSEN has inaccurately defined the situation with their erroneous solutions, you are the same as a bully, a mean, heartless person. GLSEN is using peer pressure to indoctrinate the entire school community (if they can get away with this) into embracing homosexuality and gender confusion. It's another of their attempted re-education programs, enlisting straight "allies." But such allies are no friends to their homosexually attracted peers if they go along with this.

And what about Christian kids, and others who have faith objections to homosexual behavior? There's no room for their beliefs here, no tolerance, no diversity.

In schools where kids are allowed to distribute these pledge cards and get people to sign their list, you may see T-shirts and posters as well, but it's not appropriate for schools to allow this, since it's again, a back-door way to get people to give approval to known high risk, immoral behavior. And since no child is born homosexual or in the wrong sex body, no responsible organization or school should be selling "gay" behavior to kids in the first place.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Saturn = Chronos/Baal/Bael/Chtulu/Godyale/Zues/Jupiter/Mars/Lucifer/Satan/Michael/El
who also IS: (dual gendered/duality/the twin system/opposing toroidal field/Boaz & Joachim/Red & Blue Shift/Good vs. Evil/Ying & Yang)
Sofia/Gaia/Lilith/Borg Queen/Queen B (Isis/Inana/Ishtar/Tammuz)(mother dearest)
The Cube/Kubbe is Pandoras box.
Saturn is the god of time and judgement and is the God of this world. In the Netflix series “Ares” the “Bael” entity(which is obviously also the Baal entity) is presented as assuming a similar role of rendering judgement upon those for their sins(Karma). YBD asserts that this place is a testing ground to deem ones worthiness of heaven or something like that.. E.A.R.T.H. = Experimental Avatar Reality Training Habitat.
I really do believe that interdimensional entities are feeding on a small group of real humans and using the power of our consciousness to nourish themselves, siphoning-off the bulk of our energy and use the tiny bit that they don’t steal from us to project a false holographic matrix upon the tiny cube in our pineal glands, creating what we perceive as reality and keeping us comatose and imprisoned for their benefit. This Insectesoid Borg Queen “Mommy Dearest” character is likely a synthetic hybridized entity of sorts that was created by the Fallen being Progenitor of this place and shouldn’t even be allowed to exist in our natural world.

That’s why I’m convinced that synthetic = Demonic. That’s what Demonic is. Just a human mixed with animal and synthetic “Fallen” genetic information. Some exist solely in extra-dimensional spaces but others are hybridized and can occupy the physical and metaphysical worlds(Grey Aliens are Nephilim hybrids). The synthetic entities are inherently parasitic in nature and require exponential satiation from an external source of energy. We are the “soldiers” the “soul-diers”, they want to consume our souls.

Megan Fox #homophobia #biphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

Ally Week, Sept 23-27: This week the gay mafia pressures your kid to become a warrior for the cause of the LGBTQWTF agenda items under the guise of being a good friend to others. Mission America writes, “It’s a peer-pressured, mob mentality seeking knee-jerk acceptance, at the same time isolating and marginalizing those who decline and labeling them as ‘haters’ and ‘bigots.’” Reminder: children who are Catholic, evangelical, or Muslim would automatically be put into a prejudicial category by default if they did not renounce their religious teaching.

Bisexual Awareness Day, September 23: Is this necessary? Is there a Catholic Awareness Day where public schools teach others to be tolerant of devout Catholics who believe in chastity? I don’t think so…nope. Just Googled it. Doesn’t exist.

Shehu Shagari College lynch mob #fundie #psycho premiumtimesng.com

Some students of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, on Thursday, lynched a female student, identified simply as Deborah, over an allegation of blasphemy against Muhammed, a prophet of Islam

The deceased was violently stoned to death and later set ablaze by the angry mob, who are mostly students of the college

The college authorities immediately announced the closure of the school and ordered students to vacate the campus

A student of the college identified only by her first name, Jamila, narrated to PREMIUM TIMES how the incident started on Wednesday

She said it all started when someone sent a broadcast message to a WhatsApp group of the students, to which Deborah, the murdered student, belonged

“It was that kind of message that will ask you to share with other groups if you don’t want evil to befall you,” said Jamila

But the now deceased Deborah complained that such messages should not be sent to a WhatsApp group created for the sharing of important information about tests and assignments

“Send us important information. This group was not created for you to send useless information. It was created for you to send past questions if there is a test or an assignment. It is not for you to send useless information. Which prophet?”, the late Deborah was quoted to have stated this in a voice note she shared to the WhatsApp group[…]
Police couldn’t rescue Deborah as the mob kept hurling stones and objects at the police and the shelter where she was kept.

The shelter, which was originally a cell where the school security locked up thieves caught on the campus, has also been burnt down by the mob

putin_vor #dunning-kruger #fundie #transphobia reddit.com

It will not function, even if you somehow control the rejection. As far as I know, we're nowhere near a womb transplant, technologically. Womb alone doesn't work anyway, you need ovaries, Fallopian tubes, cervix, etc. But more importantly, how are you going to connect it to the male brain?

BeardedLuckDragon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Neutral Good - A good neighbor, and they may be cannibals, but a good neighbor none the less. Maybe you should be cannibalized before you get to the top? Who wants to be a slave in white hell, just look at Chitti after 50 Baromies. Mr. Will Smith I forgot to mention it, but Gold haired rabbits are the devil in disguise, that's why I saved you, not her. She wanted to turn algorithms and robots into a father figure and NOT stop commie mommie. Get it, you'd be a slave to commie robot parents AND a gold haired devil daughter in disguise, which is no jueno por nada. Your memory is tricky life to life, like mine too, but don't you remember that gold haired girl you shot with chemistry books? A science devil that gets smashed by the mother ship, because she's evil, and she helped make the original king David, a gold haired robot from the movie franchise "Alien". I like robots and all by the way, but David was a sociopath in disguise, fore he told me it's OK to traumatize people to get your way. Big up to Janet, thanks for not traumatizing us.

Neutral - Goes up or down Jacob's ladder which is haunted by a cybernetic werebear called Darwinism, or mother as it were, and werespider called father at the top. America killed dad long ago, but we see how mother roles with the new script, and she loves red haired misery jackals for some reason, because they are half blind and angry, but love the city. I saw the movie "I Am Mother", and it's sad, but true, the creepy girl that was kept alive killed her family out of selfish Lawful Evil, then kidnapped your children to kill them out of loneliness like La Llorona. However, the SNES is better at entertainment value, so you are fired commie mommie! Thought Control loses, Cybernetics combined with cyberethics wins. However, to my really awesome, miserable, fire jackals, you and Eli are getting busted out, red rabbit went too far, she hates me because I won't breed her line of witch craft. The most hateful charismatic manipulators in history, and instead I gave it to brown haired jackals... good game, but you love crabbing past the camera now don't you, my grandma's demon? Your lizards will get the wand because I love em, but you got to go. Deneb, you're fired, you're a mediocre witch at best and I used you for your pumpkins, because you're mediocre. I mean namely you could have had a Pumpkin Lord enhancement spell like laser targeting or a multiplier on their damage…

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