
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Two Anons #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon)

Why do Christians promote race-mixing?

"Religion First, Race Second" is the most Jewish thing I ever heard.


Churches voluntarily segregate so idk what your issue is. who cares if a nigger wants to be a christian?

Total bullshit dude. Christians have been promoting equality of the nigger "soul" for the last 200 years. In current year we have advanced genetic knowledge that is far more coherent that trying to argue against race mixing using jewish short stories.

(French Anon)

LOL. 200?? No dumb fuck. Only the past 3-5 decades. you're clearly a teenager and know nothing about Christianity.

Dude... there were papal encyclicals on how evolution is wrong and everyone is equal in bodily development and intellectual functions. Of course no empiricism, just whining about evil non-Christians spreading lies.
Slavery in Europe was practiced for 1500 years right up until Europeans discovered savage races: immediately the church release papal bulls after papal bulls saying we were all equal. I guess the White children from Rus weren't equal all these centuries when the Pope authorized Jews to castrate them and sell them to Muslims to work in mines for the rest of their wretched lives. Where is their justice ?

Michelle Malkin #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

They’re All Open-Borders Hypocrites

All the world’s a stage, especially two heated months before Election Day. So you’ll have to forgive me for not joining the theatrical media frenzy over Martha’s Vineyard being overrun by illegal aliens. It’s just another naked open-borders exhibition by both political parties that makes a miserable mockery of our country’s immigration policies.

Yes, I said both parties.

Sure, Republican governors are exposing the grand hypocrisy of limousine liberals who preach diversity and tolerance while walling off their exclusive colony. Rah-rah, sis-boom, ha-ha-ha. Hilarity abounds.

Of course, mass-migration-pimping Democrats are as guilty of “human trafficking” as their counterparts now acting as travel agents for the Third World cheap-labor pipeline.

But whether it’s DeSantis dumping Venezuelans on Martha’s Vineyard or Abbott shuttling Mexicans to the Big Apple and D.C. swamp or Obama chartering illegal alien flights to military bases across New England, the script is always the same:

One side claims to be tough on borders. The other screams “racism” and “xenophobia.” Then leaders in both parties pocket big donations from the same globalist special interests — Big Agriculture, Big Business and Big Tech — and pretend to join hands on “immigration reform.” All the illegal alien pawns settle in for the long haul — collecting driver’s licenses from Democrat and Republican governors, sanctuary status from both Democrat and Republican mayors, in-state tuition discounts across the country, bountiful health, welfare and legal services, and eventual amnesty, green cards, U.S. citizenship, entitlement benefits and voting rights.

That’s bipartisan America Last stuntsmanship for you. Not so funny anymore, is it?

I can hardly stomach cable news anymore. Two decades ago, when I guest-hosted for Bill O’Reilly and worked as a contributor to Fox News, the illegal alien invasion I reported on was taken seriously. Now, I’m persona non grata in “America’s newsroom,” while two-faced snakes like Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio score prime Fox News headlines for bashing the Biden administration’s illegal immigration chaos.

Fivefootsix56 #racist blackpill.club

My skull size and southeast asian nigger nose falios me so hard

Its so over if u have a sea nigger nose. Its hideous and everyone that has it need to be exterminated. Gutter rat slave filipinos are worthless slaves abroad.
imagine if i looked like this face app w a smaller nose and better coloring + more hair (i shaved all my hair off 2 months ago from blackpill roid rage when i was 16). I would be LTN in this morph instead of sub human lite
Its sucks but u dont get to decide the quality of ur parents genetics or urs. Selfish niggers!

so im gonna need a shit ton of surgeries/hardmaxxes like palate extension & braces + LL to 5'10 + Bimax + Canthoplasty + Aegyo sal implants + skin lightening or a good tan

ParentsVoice B.C. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia cbc.ca

[Title: "New B.C. party pushing school board candidates with anti-vax and conspiratorial views". Mentioned names in the movement: Mark Vella, Teresa Docksteader, Carmen Halpenny, Fritz Radandt, Daniel and Terah Albertson.]

A new political organization with roots in conservative Christianity is endorsing a number of school board candidates across B.C. who have anti-vaccine, anti-government and conspiratorial views.

ParentsVoice B.C. is registered with Elections B.C. as an elector organization, or civic political party, and is backing 29 school board candidates in eight school districts.
Running under the slogan "Take Back Our Schools," the party says it's aiming to reverse what it sees as the politicization of classrooms.

Many candidates running under the party's banner support political positions inflamed by the pandemic, with rhetoric similar to right-wing groups in the United States — including criticism of public heath policies and school programs about racism, gender and sexuality.

But an in-depth review by CBC of candidates' online material found that instead of promoting their political beliefs, many candidates have tried to obscure them — in some cases by deleting old social media posts.

[Rest of article follows, subtitles: "Pandemic conspiracy theories", "School systems are dictating to parents", "Online profiles scrubbed", "A lot of parents live in kind of a bubble".]

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: 4 in 5 Refugees Living in Sweden Have Vacationed in the Country They Fled From


"The topic of asylum-seekers returning to their home country to see friends and family has become a political issue across some European countries in recent years, with many critics believing such action is incompatible with their claim of seeking refuge due to being in danger in their home country."

Where, in the name of all that's holy, do these desperately poor refugees obtain the money to repeatedly travel thousands of miles between southwest Asia and northern Europe?

Being on Sweden's generous social benefits system. It may be lost on lefties that things like that 'may' work in a homogenous society, but not when over 50% of its beneficiaries are foreigners with no skills and nothing to do but reproduce.

(The Dagda)
George Soros of course!!

Sweden used to be a "better" country to raise your kids.
A few more illegal alien blacks and muslims and it will never be again.

This happens all the time with the fake refugees here in the United States. The moment they get their green cards, they hop on a flight to visit the countries they supposedly left in fear of their lives. It's a complete joke.

(Question Diversity)
"Similarly in Germany, a statement by then-Interior Minister Horst Seehofer in 2019 warned refugees they would face an investigation and could be stripped of their right to residency should they travel back to their homeland."

"Could" is a really powerful word here, and it usually translates to "almost never."

(Not MLK)
As I was reading this I was thinking about whites that won’t ask themselves a couple of basic questions that could answer a lot. Why are their countries !#? Why are most white countries spectacular? If they can answer those simple questions for themselves they’d realize it’s the people not the place.

Go to a major airport and look at the "Americans" in line at the immigration checkpoint. Easily three-fourths of them are returning from their real homes, where their extended families are and where there heart will always be. They're in America and other Western countries strictly for the better standard of living, not to become one of us.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Just a reminder that Reddit is totally fine with harassment, bullying and threats of violence as long as they are directed towards white men.



Reddit is an international app. On a global scale, Men are not the majority in every part of the world, and globally, white people are also a "minority".

They know, they literally changed their rules to avoid this. It used something to the tune of "minority", it was pointed out to them that whites are a vast minority in the larger world, the rule was then changed.

Can't be sexist against men and you can't be racist towards white people. 😵

It's been said before, but maybe the reason so many people are backsliding, is because they feel attacked from every venue.

Sure, "touch grass" isn't actually a bad idea. Get off the internet, go camping, grow some food. Anything.

But increasingly our society is online.

So much life is being hijacked by online, and then it's no wonder a group of people who not only are told we are evil, but when we ask for help, instead of a helping hand, get told it's our punishment, lash out. I don't consider myself any kind of alt anything. But boy do I not blame some of the crazier folks.

This is exactly the Drew Afualo / Andrew Tate situation. Andrew Tate and Drew Afualo pretty much say the same thing about the opposite sex, but Andrew Tate is "dangerous" and radicalizing young men,while Drew is "powerful" and "standing up for women"

It comes across as jealousy at this point. I really do think other races of men have a jealousy issue when it comes to white men. I’m half black/half Latino and I’ve been in groups, where black men will treat their black and white biracial sons so poorly, by body shaming him and putting him down because of his features. I’ve also been mocked by fully black men, for being biracial. Some will put me down because of my height, facial features, etc.

Edward Menez #racist #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Bible states over 30 times that the Earth does not move. Now, under the heliocentric model, the sun was at the center of the universe and the Earth spun around it.

I discovered through experimentation and extensive study that we have been lied to about so many things, one of which is the place we live and our importance on it. I believe we are created in God's image, and everything was created by God. I no longer believe in evolution, the Big Bang Theory, and other modern lies.

Satan is the "Great Deceiver," after all. My life has changed completely and I have
come back to God in the past 7 years, when I had been a big sinner until that point.

From 1513-1533 two earth-shattering events took place: the Protestant Reformation, and the Pope's acceptance of Nicholas Copernicus's heliocentric model of cosmology (that the earth revolves around the sun). Were they coincidental, or was the Catholic Church intentionally being dismantled from within?

From 1513-1521 Pope Leo X reigned, and from 1523-1534 Pope Clement VII reigned, which covers this 20-year time period. Both Popes were from the de'Medici family, a BANKING family, and outed as crypto-Jews by Miles Mathis (though being "bankers" was obvious). Both Popes were officially cousins, but were in fact raised as brothers as Leo X's father, Lorenzo the Magnificent, brought up both Popes under the same household as brothers after Clement VII's father was murdered just before his birth.

Whether you believe in Protestantism, Catholicism, or some other religion, the fact is that Leo X allowed Martin Luther (a Jew) to fragment Christianity, which had until then consisted of the Catholic Church; and whether you believe in a geocentric or heliocentric model of the universe, the fact is that Pope Clement VII accepted Copernicus's theory of a heliocentric model of the universe for the first time, which went against all prior and Biblical belief in a geocentric model.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
The FBI’s political targeting of President Trump is the same type of thing they did to MLK.

They always abuse their power to take down their political enemies.

Marxist Lucifer Kang was a serial adulterer and plagiarist who supported racial quotas and was bankrolled from the beginning by communist Jews who hate White people.

@ExposeTheNose @repmtg jews wrote his syrupy speeches

@ExposeTheNose In all fairness Trump is also bankrolled from the beginning by communist jews who hate White people so the comparison is somewhat accurate. @repmtg

MLK was an antiwhite scumbag.

@14W MLK was creepy just as most politicians are creepy. He was anti-white because he didn't want to just do whatever the white man wanted. Which was to segregate, be submissive, be 2nd class citizen, be considered 3/5ths of a human, etc.

@lizcheneyforprez Nope, nice try dumbass. He was antiwhite because he was jealous of whites - just like you are. YOU'RE the one who wants whites to be second class citizens, you're the one who wants white people dead. Antiwhite loser.

@repmtg MLK was a disgusting communist, why do people insist on worshipping him? Are Our cities better off now because of him? Are blacks better off than they were before him? Are Our children better off now that they are subjected to black crime with no punishment? FMLK.

@BoRawcho @repmtg because of Jews

@repmtg MLK was a nigger and a communist. Two terrible things to be.

@repmtg Can we stop fellating MLK all the time? The guy was a goofy communist race grifter with some decent speech writers behind him. The entire civil rights regime that was ushered in under his convenient martyrdom is one of the primary sources of all of our societal problems.

@repmtg MLK was a communist, rapist, plagiarist, philanderer, and overall piece of shit. Stop acting like he wasn't

@KlausVonSteiner Perhaps what she means is that MLK was also controlled opposition on the fake and gay zionist world stage, doublespeak. @repmtg

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Yeah, but the ONLY people to be discriminated against because of their race are WHITE people.

So, a better way to say this would be "Stop anti-White discrimination" or simply "Stop discriminating against White people".

The key to ending discrimination on the basis of race, is to STOP discriminating on the basis of race. 👍🏾

@Nature_and_Race I think what kathy is trying to say is “White people need to stop noticing behavioral patterns of blacks and accept the hatred directed at us by every other racial group”.

@Nature_and_Race Another good way to end discrimunation is for all races to live in their own countries.

@KathyBarnette4Truth soooo like how all black people have been brainwashed to think slavery was because of white people, and ultimately hate all white people? @Nature_and_Race

@Nature_and_Race When is the last time the FBI or DOJ raided or arrested a high profile individual connected to politics that was not a white conservative? Trump, Giuliani, Roger Stone, O'Keefe, Tina Peters, thousands of J6 all white, Bannon, Navarro, Flynn, etc...? Can you IMAGINE if the FBI/DOJ raided or arrested this many black or female Dem politicians??? See how mainstream society just excepts persecution of whites without question? See it?

@Nature_and_Race I will stop discriminating against groids when the knockout game and store raiding/trashing videos stop.

Taki #wingnut #racist #sexist #elitist takimag.com

Privilege at birth displeases wannabe types, and the subject came up rather a lot last week, especially in the Land of the Depraved, where the Bagel Times regards monarchy as antidemocratic and the cause of most human ills, including the common cold, cancer, pimples, varicose veins, and even athlete’s foot. At my own alma mater, the University of Virginia, founded by the greatest of all Americans, Thomas Jefferson, some physically repellent creeps have demanded his name be taken off the beautiful neoclassical buildings he designed. The trouble is that Tom, as we called him in my college fraternity, was a bit antimonarchical himself, having sided with and advised certain colonists, starting with one named George Washington. No, the ugly ones have it in for old Tom because he was sleeping with Sally the slave and even had a couple of kids with her.

Shock, horror! Back in 1789 gents were not supposed to do that with slaves, but my excuse is that she was rather cute. What I’d like to know is what about the poor women who are, or eventually will have to endure, sleeping with those creeps who are anti-Tom, a much worse fate than Sally’s? Woke freaks are known to suffer from halitosis, tiny penises, and absolutely no regard for what women want. My suggestion is that American ladies all become lesbians and get it over with. But let’s get back to privilege, especially the white kind.
Unburdening the sins of their privilege in public, as some rich halfwit females are doing in the States in order to gain brownie points, is the latest outrage of the #MeToo era. They do it at length and in public and in breathless detail, but the skin-crawling and ridiculous apologies make unapologetic f— you types like myself look like superior human beings. Privilege is good and healthy, and has given the world most of the things we take for granted. So let’s all emulate our late Queen, who—unlike a couple of her descendants—never apologized for anything in her life.

Jim #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "National Capitalism and Sanctions on Russia"]

The Global American Empire thought sanctions would ruin Russia[…]Formerly talking weeks, now talking years

The Russian economy has, according to statistics, been knocked down ten or twenty percent[…]The question is, is it, like the ruble, bouncing back, or going over a cliff?[…]
The effect of the sanctions has been to impose National Capitalism on Russia from outside

A modest dose of national capitalism worked great for the Trump economy. It spectacularly industrialized South Korea
National Capitalism defined
National Capitalism is self sufficiency in the organization of people for production, and self sufficiency in the skills and equipment needed for production, that relies on internal free markets and supports local businessmen[…]
If the skills and equipment needed for producing one thing are in your country, rather than in a foreign country, production of that thing has large beneficial externalities, making it easier for others of your people to produce other things, creating opportunity and incentive for the talented among your people[…]
So how is this working out for Russia
A builder in the middle of a one horse town found that nails and screws were unobtainable or absurdly expensive[…]
According to Global America Economists, that builder is now going to stop building[…]What he did instead of building was go to China and buy a self contained computer controlled machine that turns metal into nails and screws[…]
If millions of Russians are doing something similar[…]long term effect will be to create Russian skills and jobs[…]
When the McDonalds franchise pulled out of Russia. The former franchisees organized a new franchise[…]Which means that Russians are a whole lot less likely to be forced to watch black people, mixed race couples, transexuals, and faggots, eating burgers on television

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

In our White nations, we are now forced to embrace black culture over our own rich traditions & way of life... So if their 'culture' were truly something to be admired & adopted, why haven't Whites been seeking prosperity, safety & a better life in black nations?

@ElfReich blacks claim they built America & built Europe but for some reason they can't build Africa.

@RememberSamDavis @ElfReich

All the nicest places in Africa were built by Whites and are now being destroyed by niggers as well.

@Archer14 @ElfReich Exactly. Forget about building a civilization blacks aren't even capable of maintaining a civilization that was handed to them. South Africa was once one of the most modern of Western countries, now they can't keep power or electricity working.

@RememberSamDavis @ElfReich

Yeah but that’s somehow whitey’s fault too. I’m so done with them. I have zero tolerance. Just seeing them around irritates me to know end.

@ElfReich A better question is why don't blacks live in Africa where they belong?

@ElfReich Why do whites have to allow non-whites to bully them around?

@NewUserWhoDis too many are afraid that if they don't they'll be called racist

The fucked up part is that it's white people pushing this garbage.
It's called placating. White liberals need their votes but are low-key terrified of them.
"Look! We're on your side! Please don't hurt us" is their true mindset when it comes to black people. It's precisely why everything they do for them doesn't actually help at all. It's all window dressing. Statues, pancake syrup, a slogan....all useless placating.

@ShutupMeg Whites become psychopaths if abused as children, this what a leftist is.

Jews and blacks are born psychopaths.

The biggest mistake whites made was letting Jews takeover banking in Europe, then media, then American government, then money printing...

@ElfReich Niggers have no culture. Nigger "culture":
Hip Hop
Fried Chicken
Sports ball

That's it.

No art, science, litterature, accomplishments, nothing.

@DrPhate @ElfReich you forgot crack .

Xamindar #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #racist #pratt descentbb.net

I'm always amazed of the lefts capacity for justifying their evil using straw man arguments and blaming everyone else for the atrocities they are committing.
-The way they are (medicinally) castrating children to change their gender identity/puberty. Future society will look back at this like we do lobotomy now.
-murder unborn children (Nazis would be proud of this, specially for non-aryan races)
-rioting in the streets in the name of "peaceful blm protests" with pre-delivered piles of bricks to boot!
-attempting and succeeding in propaganda and indoctrination in our school system (another thing nazis are very proud of, socialists as well)
-the various institutions of "reverse-racism" against white people and others such as affirmative action, progressivism, reparations for history no one had part in, wokeism, etc.
-control of the mainstream media and social media with aggressive silencing of any opposing opinions. Nazi germany all the way up to modern communist states love this.
-using government police (FBI) and IRS to harass political opponents and anyone else who supports them.
-politicizing and in some cases allowing to happen, mass shootings in the sole goal of disarming the people so they can more easily exact total control.
-calling your political opposition "deplorable" similar to how the Nazis called other races "Untermenschen" to ease the acceptance of mass genocide of said peoples.
-and most grave in my view, is frauding the presidential election to instill their own dictator over the United States in opposition to the people's vote, justifying it because "the current president is a nazi and he must be removed at any cost".

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head and I am sure there are more. But that should be enough to scare anyone who believes in the US constitution and values of a free society.

National Socialist Movement #racist #dunning-kruger nsm88.org

[From "Behavioral characteristics common in Black people"]

Lack of empathy[…]
Near or total lack of empathy[…]It seems as though they simply don't care that their actions might hurt others. The stereotype of anger and hostility in Black people dates back to the 1600's[…]
Pathological lying
Black people are often characterized as having a lifelong history of lying[…]While a majority of lies are goal-oriented and told to obtain external benefit, or to avoid punishment, i.e. "dindu nuffins," when it comes to Blacks, lies often appear purposeless[…]
Disregard for right and wrong
Black people generally have no regard for boundaries[…]Black people often lie, cheat, steal, break laws and are in constant legal trouble[…]Black people often do whatever comes naturally to any wild ape and thus make decisions based solely upon self-interest[…]
Black people tend to act first, without considering the consequences. They appear to have nothing on their minds, beyond this exact moment[…]
We've all seen the daytime TV shows featuring fat Black women who drag dozens of Black men on stage, desperate to determine which one of the many "be da baby daddy." Usually it's none of them[…]
Black people often act as if they're above those around them[…]
Black people are often found to be psychologically and verbally abusive[…]
Low intelligence[…]
A person is considered intellectually disabled if they have an IQ of less than 84 points, with half the Black population falling within that range[…]
It becomes painfully obvious that Black people are a unique sub-species, one which is rife with harmful or detrimental characteristics, most of which are best suited only for survival in Africa. Blacks clearly are not suited for living in modern civilizations

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist stormer-daily.rw

Family Shocked After 14-Year-Old Whore Daughter Dies with Negroid Sex Pal
I was just thinking of the threat that 14-year-old sluts represent to our society, and today I was given a great gift reading that this one is finally dead.
If your stupid whore daughter is out at 3 AM cavorting with the negroes, then you’re really lucky if she turns up dead.

We do not need more stupid bimbos having sex with negroes, and if your daughter is one such bimbo, people are going to throw a party when she dies.

Well, your first mistake was naming the slut “Lyric.”

What the heck?
Yes, she was out at 3 AM roving for black cock.

Here’s the buck who got killed with her:
Ain’t that a beauty.

They’re not naming the suspect yet, but it is certainly another black she was also having sex with.

This is what happens when you let a teenage girl roam loose – they find all the black cock they can locate and gobble it up like fiends. Then, inevitably, she gets her wish and the bucks start locking horns with each other to lay claim on the pussy.

Look at her step-dad with his faggot hipster flat-hat and try-hard queer tattoos:
“My wife’s daughter is dead!” he hollered.

Many such cases.

People defend teen sluts and say they don’t know what they’re doing. Let me tell you something: they know exactly what they’re doing, and we can only hope they get what they deserve, which is a brutal death in a hail of bullets.

If I was President of America, I would give the shooter the medal of freedom award for putting this trollop where she belongs: in the grave.

Baguettecel, Sneir & Transcended Trucel #conspiracy #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is

Honestly asian/slavic men deserve to cuck western men

Like they are more superior, more smart, have stronger cultures, yet for some reason THEY are the ones constantly cucked... meanwhile guys from the global south (like Middle East or Africa) cuck everybody else even though they're dirt poor and uncivilized.

In a just, equal world, Asiatic and Slavic men would cuck Western men by fucking every Western woman to solve their inceldom since they have a worse gender imbalance than us. Then hopefully that would mean the Anglo American Jew hegemony would be gradually destroyed and replaced with a stronger, more trustworthy system...

Don't wanna hear about "muh biology", in the past it was the superior high IQ races who cucked the inferior low IQ races, NOW ITS THE FUCKING OPPOSITE! SO BEFORE YOU COME IN MY THREAD WITH THAT FUCKING COPE THINK!!!!


(Transcended Trucel)
Slavs lack cultural influence if you compare to asia or korea.


sad truth. Only slav media I can think of is the witcher. And maybe vlad/dracula story if that counts. Slavs need some more major franchises also globally famous musicians

@wmwoodward #wingnut #racist gab.com

@NatureAndRace The more I read Mein Kampf, the more I see Hitler in such a different light. He was, literally, facing demonic forces. One cannot face Satan by turning the other cheek. I was raised Christian, but I am 100% convinced that it will be the White Christians who mostly be to blame for White biological extinction because they have delusions that someone other than themselves are going to save us, they have delusions that "turning the other cheek" is going to be effective against these demonic Jews, and White Christians have delusions that "compassion" and "brotherly love" towards Blacks is more important than protecting and preserving a future for their own White children, for the White race. If some White leader doesn't step up in the very near future to lead the White people out of this demonic Jewry that has a vise on us, I cannot see how White people can avoid perishing.

I describe the White situation in an analogy: it's like White people are scattered both in boats in the ocean, all of which have holes in them, and White people on shore. The Whites on shore are helping the Blacks on shore, thinking the Blacks care for Whites, so the Whites on shore are doing everything to promote "love and compassion" for Blacks. because "it's racism not to!!"

The Whites on the boats that have holes in them, are divided. Some Whites know that in order to save the White race, they have to stay in the boats, seal up the holes, and stay with the other Whites in boats; however, many Whites in the boats are saying "No, we must have compassion for the Blacks on shore! It is wrong to hate other races! We must do everything we can for Blacks' survival and long-term survival" Mind you, these Whites are all on sinking ships among their own, so they are committing racial suicide by refusing to help themselves and, instead, helping Blacks who are ON SOLID GROUND.

Meanwhile, pigeons with messages from Jews about "Black Lives Matter" and "Don't be racist!" are constantly and abundantly being sent to the Whites in the boats. And constant Hollywood stars, movies, tv shows, advertisements are being viewed by Whites on the shore with anti-White messages, and Black-White men/women interracial marriage scenes.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Don Lemon FACE MELTS When Brit Says WHITES Deserve Reparations FROM Black People For Ending Slavery

This is perhaps the most hopeful thing I have heard in years. Pushing back against the reparation bullsh*t and telling the truth that these worthless creatures will never own up to.

(Cool PapaJMagik)
Whoever said that is a hero. The antiwhite problem in America is nothing to laugh or poke fun at. Thank you, whoever this is and we need more of this

I've been saying africa owes reparations since I was a kid and as an black American it feels me with joy to hear it. Plus why is viola hyper focused on girl and women soldiers when the concept of child soldiers (mostly boys) are prevalent even today

(Sunaya Kong)
Thank you for doing this show. Here in California they are moving forward with some kind of “reparations” legislation ignoring the details of the history of slavery. Already some land, taken from the owners, has been “given back” to tribes. I have been trying to educate people mostly kids about the first country to put an end to slavery and the biography of William willberforce. When people think of Britain they think of colonialism, but they don’t think about what they sacrificed to actually put an end to slavery, not just in Britain but the world.

(Useful idiom)
I’ve never understood how people think reparations would actually work especially since there were over 6,000 black slaveowners in America alone. Combine that with the fact that only 2% of American landowners actually owned slaves. Add to that only 3% of current day Americans have ancestors who actually lived in the U.S. at the time. And don’t forget about the hundreds of thousands of White Irish slaves.

The INSTANT that she said "the beginning of the supply chain" you could see his face drop... because he KNOWS where it began. He has just spent his whole career pretending not to.

Im shocked that someone actually said this on TV! Maybe people are finally sick of all of this maybe the tides are turning

(James Palmer)
I absolutely LOVED the way Don reacted. It was like she just up & slapped him across the face with a wet fish. He had absolutely NO counter argument or statement to say. NONE.

National Socialist Movement #dunning-kruger #racist nsm88.org

[From "Fun Facts about White People!"]

White people are unarguably the most beautiful and most physically attractive humans on earth. I can honestly understand the extreme jealousy of Blacks[…]Black…simply…is…not…beautiful!On this point I imagine, everyone secretly agrees. Whites are also the nicest, most polite and most enjoyable people to be around. Whenever a non-White obtains wealth, what's the first thing he does? He finds a White wife and moves into a White neighborhood![…]
Whites can have natural hair of black, brown, yellow, orange, red, silver or white. Whites can have eyes of black, brown, hazel, amber, blue, green, gray, violet or red. Whites truly are the peacocks of the human race! Non-Whites generally have many shades from black to brown, as their only natural color variations. And they are comically referred to as people of color[…]Evolution on glaciers in Europe, for tens of thousands of years during the last ice age, forced this evolutionary advancement, which expressed in Whites as more brain matter, about 5.5cm3 additional brain tissue located in the prefrontal cortex, a cognitive improvement not seen in races that evolved nearer to the equator. This is why White people perform better academically across the board. Asians for example, may be able to replicate almost every White innovation in existence, but they are themselves unable to do much more than copy[…]
Psychologist John C. Raven[…]developed Raven's Progressive Matrices, an intelligence test instrument that uses no language and no math, it is simply a series of picture puzzles of increasing complexity. Since standardized test results correlate extremely well with Raven's results, we may conclude the Black/White IQ gap is not caused by White racism[…]
Whites truly are, by every metric that you can name, the absolute masters of the human race

FailedArtist , ATF & HikikunDeformis #transphobia #racist blackpill.club

defending troons is against the rules now
users who defend troons, or say retarded stuff like "troons are based" will get warnings, and then will get banned if keep insisting on this retardation. nuff said


Based. I remember that Phreddy guy was defending troons to the death, thank god the forum reset and his acc was deleted.

after the kf controversy i cannot tolerate troons being defended, troons are literally destroying the internet and censoring everything.

I hope old posts don't count. I have lost all sympathy for these assholes, they are getting extremely authoritarian. I defended them strongly before, I've since made myself more informed about them, they've exceeded all limits in my eyes and can fuck off.


after the kf controversy i cannot tolerate troons being defended, troons are literally destroying the internet and censoring everything.

Man I hate trannies more than you but I am not upset about this case at all. Kiwifags used to go on incel websites and larped as users and tried to dox our members. Finally trannies did to them what we couldn't do all these years ago.

I don't like nigger rioters either but when they are curb stomping some white liberal traitor I also don't mind their antics as much. Or when a nigger kills a mudshark and her mixed race children.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Vitriol Over Queen Elizabeth II Shows Many Left-Wingers Just Hate White People

(Mike Lanham)

Conservatives arrive at the obvious.

Growing up, I quickly learned that almost all blacks despise whites. The white Left became openly anti-white about twenty years ago. Self-hatred. The blacks hate whites due to envy. The whites who hate themselves can get away with hating themselves due to affluence. It doesn’t cost them anything.

It's not enough that they can live decently in our lands we built, because clearly they don't intend to go back to their own.
Imagine an unwanted stranger moves into your house, then somewhere down the line the stranger wants to take down your family photos in your house because it doesn't suit their personal desires and needs.
Honestly, when is enough enough?

It's more than just "intellectual" hate of Whites. They want to exterminate all Whites and all vestiges of Whiteness. One of their methods is to convince Whites to marry non-Whites and produce non-White children. This destroys White family lines. Pollutes the White gene pool. Lessens the number of White births.

I've noticed that a lot more normie conservative media outlets are coming to this conclusion OPENLY. If you read websites like Breitbart, Daily Caller, etc... you'll notice that there's a complete disconnect between the writers and the comments section. The latter completely gets what's going on where the former tap dances around the issue or spouts some DR3 nonsense. It only makes these sites look more and more foolish by not acknowledging the truth while insulting the intelligence of their audience.

With the exception of a few East Asian countries, I can’t think of a minority White country that is anywhere near high functioning. They are riddled with crime and poverty. We see clearly what they have done to the United States. The hate, from envy, will only get worse.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America

(Mike Lanham)

In a 2021 lecture at Yale University titled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind,” psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani described her “fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a favor.”

This is a sampling of the new racism that is gaining purchase in American society even as its advocates relentlessly punish speech they deem harmful and threatening to people of color.

Deep down, they know they are inferior. Deep down, they know that white men are superior. Almost every invention used by the people of the world of all races, ethnicities and religions were created by white men. And the weak people of the world resent that.

They (Non-White) do see White people as superior, which is why they exclusively steal and bastardize European tales, cultures and history. They hate what they can't be and create. Anti-White non-Whites wish they were in European tales. This is also why Black/Brown men are obsessed with White women, particularly red heads and blondes.

'White Liberals, in their hunger for humiliation, will take as revealed truth anything an angry black man says.'

-S.I. Hayakawa

It is worth noting that prejudice against certain whites in America has been mainstream before. In an 1881 letter to a friend describing America, the English historian and politician Edward Augustus Freeman wrote, "This would be a grand land if only every Irishman would kill a [black], and be hanged for it."

I heard some people say that the anti-White rhetoric used in the USA today is comparable to the anti-Jewish rhetoric being used in Germany before WWII. The left hasn't quite reached the point of rounding up White people and murdering them, but it does make you wonder.

(Francis Galton)
The increase in antiwhitism and the proliferation of unrestrained antiwhite rhetoric is a good thing, because it drives more normies into our camp and hollows out the center.

UK Anon #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

The Psychology of the White Leftist

What goes on inside their minds? It's actually creepy, they're a biological anomaly who throws their own group under the bus.
White guilt is so pervasive that even here in the Balkans I've met people who think we should feel guilty for colonialism and slavery and invite the entire Third World here. Just why?

It's not really an anomaly, it's just a socially-directed form of handicap signalling. When sexual selection becomes more relevant than selection due to external pressures, many species evolve towards deliberately self-sabotaging behaviours in order to signal sexual fitness. For example male camels will deliberately waste water in the presence of females, even though water is scarce in their environment and most of their other adaptations are centred around conserving it. It's similar to how spoiled rich kids will burn money in order to signal their status. Only a high quality specimen could afford to make such wasteful displays, so they do it to mog other males in sexual competition. The lower quality males can try to fake-it-till-they-make-it, but because they are lower quality they are putting themselves at a greater risk by doing so, and this makes them more likely to darwin themselves. Some people suspect peacock tails etc and similarly impractical but flashy male bits are also an example of this.


In the case of the white leftist, sabotaging their own society is just a form of conspicuous consumption, it's a way of saying
>I'm so confident in my fitness that I'm not afraid to sabotage my own society
>Those other men who want to keep society functional only want this because they ***need*** society to compensate for their lack of fitness

You can even see this mentality being expressed by leftists explicitly, for example the

>Real men (like me) don't need guns
>Only weak men need guns to compensate for a small penis
argument. Preventing society from falling into this behavioural sink is a huge part of why all successful societies historically evolved taboos on casual sex. God etc is just how that was communicated to the grugs, which is why you have the midwit phenomena.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

This is YET ANOTHER hate-hoax, meant to cultivate further hatred toward White people.

Hate-hoaxes like this are literal hate-crimes against White people.

spoilerBigots spray paint 'Hitler' on
NYC synagogue


@Nature_and_Race notice only the H, L and R are capitalized. Such a jew thing to do.

@Nature_and_Race It’s always debunked later showing that Jews actually did it, and yet the media is always quick to blame Whitey. I never hear them apologize when proven wrong though.

@Nature_and_Race Simply outrageous! The besmirching of the name of a great man by affixing it to an odious den of iniquity!

@Nature_and_Race Wasn't there recently some kike bitch spray painting swastikas in some kike neighborhood in New York?

Either way, I wouldn't complain if it was authentic.

@Nature_and_Race Defs a jew. An admirer wouldn't have used alternating caps.

Spidey #wingnut #racist descentbb.net

Bussing migrants is the first brilliant political stunt pulled by the Republicans in a long long time.

Listening to the retorts and whining by Democrats is just golden.

"We don't have the infrastructure"...Yea, neither do the southern states.

woodchip #wingnut #racist descentbb.net

So it is okay for the border states to field 10's of thousands of illegals a day but it is a crime to share the pain with a rich sanctuary city like Martha Vineyards ? Didn't know it was also okay to be racist and quickly get the poor sods off the island. And now dim rims like gov Newsom want the DOJ to charge DeSantis for human kidnapping, forgetting of course this was what the Biden Admin was doing only in the dead of night as he bused thousands of illegals to various cities. How the various mayors of dem cities cry foul when illegals are sent to their already crime invested cities.

State of the Nation #wingnut #conspiracy #racist stateofthenation.co

Therefore, the time of her <Queen Elizabeth II> passing, just before the ominous 9/11 date and before the dreaded Autumn of 2022, ineluctably marks the end of an era, as well as the turbulent transitioning into the long anticipated New Age.

However she did it, Elizabeth managed to have one foot in the old patriarchal age with her other foot planted firmly in the age of human liberation. It could even be said that she was the original feminist, but surely not anything like the fake feminazis who strut their stuff like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and Liz Truss.
Just as the same Illuminati crime syndicates under the direction of the Khazarian mafia did with the one-two punch of World War I and 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, their plan for the third time is to so shatter the world community of nations that every country will soon beg for a One World Government.

A hot phase of World War III is an integral part of that nefarious NWO agenda to compel people everywhere to give into a global governance body that will supposedly save them from future devastating world wars.

These Neocon Zionist warmongers do not even need a protracted worldwide conflict; all they believe they need is a quick exchange of nuclear weapons (say in the Ukraine theater of war) to sufficiently scare all of humanity into a pen of compliance with their NWO agenda…ultimately leading to the establishment of a One World Government.
Because Queen Elizabeth may have posed the single biggest obstacle to the NWO cabal’s triggering of WW3 in Ukraine by orchestrating the use of tactical nuclear weapons on both sides of the conflict, the following question must be asked.

Was the Queen surreptitiously assassinated?

Think about it: Two days after meeting with the new warmongering and virulently Russophobic PM, Elizabeth is rather mysteriously put under ‘medical supervision’; and then the Queen is suddenly gone within hours.

Jim Stone #wingnut #racist #conspiracy voterig.com

The high rents and home prices are an act of war.
Who's causing that? Well, I'll explain what is going on with that - the high prices that make it MANDATORY to pay people exhorbitantly are an act of war that is being waged via zoning ordnances (the freemasons) high rents and property prices (the Jews so they can milk financing and more,) and mega fuel and utility prices (the WEF). The sole reason for this is to force Americans to be paid exhorbitant amounts of money, which is subsequently stolen via taxes (to feed the war machine) and also stolen via the same high rents, fuel prices and utility prices for ONE REASON: To soak the last of the wealth out of the United States so the Jews and "elites" can spend it elsewhere where the people can live on 10 percent of an American wage to the same standard of living simply because they are not being robbed.
More on the immigrants DeSantis sent to Martha's vineyard
Hillary called it human trafficking,
Martha's vineyard welcomed "all migrants" officially, on the surface (for a good look) and when they arrived, they were immediately kicked out.
And THEN: The leftists who supposedly welcom migrants held a fundraiser to "help the migrants" and then stole the money.

In addition to this, prior to this incident, Martha's Vineyard had a fund of $14 million to "help migrants" and someone stole it all. So despite advertising decent accomodations for them, when they arrived there was NOTHING and they are now mad at DeSantis for sending them there.
Leftists are not charitable at all. Their fundraisers are cash cows and if they ever do anything in the name of charity, it is for the purpose of politics and their own personal gain and they'll only put on a charity face if the actual charity is done by anyone but them.

Meanwhile, censors on social media are having to wipe out endless posts to the effect of: Screw Martha's Vineyard, SEND MORE.

John Rolls #wingnut #conspiracy #racist beforeitsnews.com

I love how the Democrats are calling people who came here to the US – who willingly and knowingly crossed our border illegally – “political pawns.”

News just in, walls being rapidly constructed around ‘Sanctuary Cities’ as we speak!

That opening, LT, is very pertinent to us here in the UK where thousands of illegal immigrants are being ferried in everyday to our country by The Royal Navy. You couldn’t make it up.There’s nobody to complain to since all the Members of Parliament seem to be on permanent holiday and there is nobody in charge of the United Kingdom any longer!

I don’t feel like a terrorist. I fell more like a God fearing, America loving patriot. And I for one am totally sick of these demoncraps destroying the very foundation of this great Republic! The governors who are shipping illegals to the sanctuary cities are my heros! I am sure that they ain’t seen nothing yet!🤣

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Caucasians are Poised to become #2 on the list of most brainwashed and subverted Race, only second to Negroes"]

Caucasians of all varieties are being poised to fall in the history books as the most easily able to be influenced and brainwashed race, second to that of the Negro

The worse position of this fate, is the fact that Caucasians have become the World Conquerors and have maintained this status of being true World Civilizers through different eras, for many thousands of years

The large majority of them demonstrate just how eager they are to give up their role[…]
Perhaps no other race but Caucasians have demonstrated the highest level of willingness to discard all Primal Instincts[…]deceiving their tribe and to show a ridiculous level of empathy for other races[…]
This trend is pretty much irreversible[…]
Even Brazilian Women and Russian Women have far surpassed value of over 90% of Western Women, and that is not only extremely dangerous[…]they will inevitably lower the standards of quality and never be able to forge First World Standards[…]
While Asians generally have the highest IQ’s in the world, they are much quicker to mentally calculate and process information compared to any race on earth except the Jews, the Asians, like the Jews have nearly no empathy whatsoever[…]
For so many decades now, and under the direction of the Vatican’s influences and standards of Marriage, the large amount of people who have been procreating come from Psychopathic, Greedy, Money-Oriented family[…]
Men were prized on their ability to grow fine hair[…]
All of this changed once phrenology became written off as “Psuedo-Science”[…]
There is almost no genuine interest for Good Eugenics in the world anymore[…]
Most Women in US, UK and Canada are either openly or discreetly lesbian or asexual[…]so they can sleep with Men on one hand to have access to his wallet

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia gab.com

Tens of thousands on the streets of Serbia to defend traditional family values, of course the mainstream media aren't interested in reporting that.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial While the people of Serbia are out defending family values - there are people here in America out protesting because they can't abort their babies and to Hell with family values. Speaks for itself.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial Thank you Serbia 🇷🇸 for leading the world in opposing a gross perversion ruining children’s lives and the unit of every society! The Nuclear Family! Go Serbia 🙏God Bless!

@TommyRobinsonOfficial Meanwhile in the UK, the English are doing everything they can to celebrate homosexuality, while being massively below fertility replacement levels.

@Framke_ @TommyRobinsonOfficial While they ignore the health hazards of homosexuality.

@Framke_ @TommyRobinsonOfficial Levels that could be reversed over night if we stopped offering over 190'000 of our children to the fires of Molech every year in England and wales alone within our abortion clinics, and then respect and promote procreative marriage rather than their sterile same-sex unions.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial Of course the (((mainstream media))) will not report it. The goal of (((Marxism))) is the destruction of ALL nation states.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial sad when foreign nations march for traditional values that made America great while we have rainbow parades and teach white hatred.

SovereignLightWarrior #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

Regurgitation of Public FOOL learning and State Religion makes me puke. Those, who enjoy and practice regurgitation sure lôôk mighty FOOLISH. But then, too, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that a man has the RIGHT to make a FOOL of self. Aren’t you tired of being SHEOPLE, spewing CROWN and PAPAL babel?

If you are not willing to give up your public fool education or state religion beliefs, idolatrous misconceptions, which entrap you into the system, do not bother reading this; there is no help for you. The Holy Scriptures plainly state that you must ABOUT FACE. If you will do this, the Holy Scriptures, also, state that if you confront these devils, they will flee from you. It is quit a sight to see a Black Robed Devil fleeing from his own courtroom wearing that long black dress. Have you ever tried run wearing a dress down to your ankles? Be careful not to laugh until you are safely outside the Temples of Baal.
Comprehending the beast with which you are dealing:

The Court is the synagogue.

The Temple of Baal, enforcing Babylonian Talmudic Law.

The gate (or bar) is the veil — {one enters to give sacrifice}

The bench is the alter.

The Black Robed Devil (the judge, administrative magistrate) is the high priest. –{vicarius dei}

The Attorney [from Latin, attorn = to twist or turn] is the mediator. –{vicarius filii dei}
Welcome to the Fascist States of the United States, a British Crown Slave State or Plantation

The Black Robed Devil (false accuser) is GOD (false deity, demon) [vicarius dei = substitute for deity; The Defense Attornor is the vicarius filii dei = substitute for the son of deity] All other officers are lesser deities. Therefore, stop using the term God. PERIOD. What part of the word stop <STOP> do you not comprehend. God = Gaud (old English) = Gâd (Hebrew, SH #1408 and 1409) = the deity of good luck, good fortune, or troops; a deity of Babylon (The Masonic Luciferian Idol, which stand in New York Harbor).

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #racist blackpill.club

RE: Russian army pushed back in Ukraine

Luhansk oblast is still under russian control as is half of Donetsk oblast.Now what area did the ukrainian army really manage to take?

Yeah but they are going to loose Kherson soon, maybe the reason Russia is loosing so bad is because alot of their soldiers are chechen and siberian subhumans rather than ethnic Russians, race does play a factor in war since certain races are superior to others which is probably why Russian army did so poorly. Chechens and Siberians are near the bottom of the racial hierarchy while Ukrainians have Nordic blood.

A bunch of Drunktard shitskin siberians vs militant nationalist white Ukrainians, the better fighter is a no brainer. Putin should have chosen more white Russian soldiers instead.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

The reason why White people haven't even begun to fight back against the countless anti-White attacks like this, is because our government has successfully employed terrorism to keep us submissive.

Yes, White people have been conditioned to fear the government. And said conditioning has worked brilliantly.

Due to the application of terrorism by the establishment, White people are afraid to even TALK about how to fight back. And this needs to change. No man should live in fear of discussing with his friends, family, and community how to protect themselves and their loved ones from a terrorist government.
(note by submitter: the post from https://fstdt.com/B6HJ2XL4ZPWLC )

@Nature_and_Race If whites step out of line they're going to come down on us hard like Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Prepare accordingly.

@Nature_and_Race The Jews infiltrated White institutions and subverted them to their ends. I'm not sure White people are merely intimidated, I also think they haven't been clear as to what has happened to the institutions that their ancestors created and which - until very recently - appeared to them legitimate.

The entire ZOG system is slowly but increasingly wracked by a legitimacy crisis.

They can say 'our democracy' all they want, but it's a empty incantation.

Whether the reckoning will be 100% racial or some combination of racial and cultural (non-Whites who appreciate White values) or just a serious outbreak of fragmentation in all kinds of forms, a reckoning is coming.

The Jews have lost control of the narrative and of their own system of repression.

North America is too large to manage with violence alone. It always has been. If the War of Northern Aggression has gone on for six more months (possibly less), the entire continental order of the Union would have collapsed as well.

Things are much more unstable and interdependent now and the Jews, no matter how much they try, are not all going to get out of North America in time. Jews don't fly their own planes.

@Nature_and_Race We are terrorized from above as well as from below. Terror from above via government and institutionalized antiwhite-ism, terror from below via racial hostiles and other antiwhites, some of them members of our own race.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

This is a very literal war that's being waged against White people.

When you wage war against someone, eventually that someone is going to wage war back. As it stands right now, White people are taking all of the losses, but I promise you that won't be the case forever.

Sooner or later, White people are going to defend themselves against this anti-White system. And when they do, there's going to be some who are going to wish they could apologize, but by then it's going to be far too late.


spoilerI ❤️ White People

@Candymaker @Nature_and_Race I ❤️ white people who are not niggers by nature ( I’ve met my share. My ex-wife for instance...)

@Nature_and_Race The White teachers that continue to teach in this district deserve to be fired first. The level of self loathing one would need in order to continue cannot possibly be healthy.



@Nature_and_Race It's going to be sooner rather than later, lad. Everyone, even non-whites, are getting fed up with this jewish bullshit. Even the ones who don't know about the kikes, know that SOMETHING is terribly wrong with the world. The only ones who don't care are the ones who can scarcely be considered human to begin with.

@Nature_and_Race Been waiting for White people to stand up for themselves all my life and it's still never happened. It's just got worse. It's a terrible thing when your own people are your biggest burden.


Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Good News from Europe!


Jared Taylor and his co-host celebrate the victory of the Swedish Democrats and the probable victory of the Brothers of Italy. The hosts also discuss Kelisa Wing, chaos in Yuma, the new Ariel, and excitement in the Congo.

I have no sympathy for the migrants. The migrants elected to make this journey and put themselves in these perilous situations. My sympathy lies with the citizens along the border that have to deal with this invasion.

Places like the Rio Grande Valley are about 80% Hispanic and the 20% that isn't is largely composed of "Winter Texans" who are really retirees from places like Wisconsin who spend their winters in the warmer climate.

Trust me, a lot of those Mexican Americans along the border had zero problem with illegal aliens and in fact encouraged the invasion. Most of the illegal aliens would be moving on to places like Houston after all.

It's only after the number of illegals got to be overwhelming that they began changing their tune.

Are Swedes waking up to their genetic replacement finally? They had better be and they better have a plan to take the initiative and run with it by outlawing all land and home ownership for those who are not ethnic Swede, also they better take away the right to vote for those who are not ethnic Swede, and implement a higher tax base that must be paid if you are not native. Make it really really hard to live in Sweden if you are not Swedish. Then, if the refugee really wants to be there, they will find a way through perseverance and sheer will.

(Carlos ledesma)
Because of its immigration history the United States doom was already in place. But exactly why the Europeans decided to wreck their nations with immigration has never been explained.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.

The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected.

Mjolnir technologies are also used to clear micro black holes from the auric fields of the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies of the surface humanity. These micro black holes were enforced into human auric fields with exotic dark technologies during trauma dissociation events, and are one of the main elements of dark matrix in the last 25,000 years.

The Lurker is being starved out simply by depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly, which is being done again with advanced Mjolnir technology which provokes unmanifested subquantum anomaly to manifest as quantum fluctuations, which are then easily cleared.
They are trying to engineer a new world war by utilizing the energies of the split of the Roman empire which happened in the year 395 after the death of Theodosius, a main archon Roman emperor who destroyed Goddess mysteries and enforced Christianity as the main and only acceptable religion:

Top Black nobility families now want to crush the affluent Western USA / EU / Australia axis, which originates from the western part of the Roman empire and which is under direct Rothschild management.

fedex0 #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist adrenogate.net

The atomic bomb most likely was another Jesuit fraud. I came to understand it late. But now I really believe that the atomic bomb is a scam like the Germs Theory, the climate change caused by the anthropic CO2, the moon landing, etc. I know that this seems strange, stupid and crazy, even to me seemed like that when I saw for the first time that there was someone that questioned the existence of atomic bomb. Now I think that the atomic bomb is just another great work of authentic Jesuit Theater. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost certainly destroyed by fire bomb attacks. Do not confuse the explosive chain reaction (most likely a Jesuit fantasy) with what happens in normal nuclear power plants, they are two different things.

The Jesuit Arrupe, who in 1965 was later appointed Superior General of the Company, the one who is considered the ‘new founder’ of the Company in the 20th century, was in the front line in Hiroshima, on the very day of the launch of the ‘Little Boy’ hoax and remained ‘miraculously’ unharmed and ‘uncontaminated’, despite being only a few kilometers from the epicenter of the supposed explosion, evidently controlling the operations:

Please dedicate a few days or week to the matter, as I did. And read the rest of the article linked below. You can’t judge only after reading a title or a few lines of text.

The Manhattan project was coordinated, among others, by the “Pope” Enrico Fermi, together with his court of Jews, like J. Robert Oppenheimer.)

Jaye Ryan #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Brit Queen Dies… Not Much to Say"]

Another one bites the dust. I feel the same way when one of America USA’s traitor/coward leading family dies: the Bushes, the Kennedys, the Cheneys, the Romneys, the Doles, now the Clintons

Monarchy, knights, nobles, “Camelot” – I’m confident most American women would vote for a Brad Pitt Lib actor for US President. The POC Meghan Markel is obviously trying to be a Hollywood, anti White Lib celebrity/princess

Here’s a Farstar comic we did that just sums up what happened to not so Merry Old England


spoilerLeft panel, titled "D-Day 1944": German soldier shouting "Stay home Save lives!"
Right panel, titled "D-Day 2020": on the background are rioters holding placards with slogans such as "Fuck white People" and "Free Stuff". A statue of Churchill is vandalised with statements such as "Fascist pig", "Black Lives Matter" and "Racist". WW1 veteran George said to fellow veteran Tom "Hey Tom. You ever think maybe we shoulda listened to that young German corporal?", to which Tom answers "Every day George. Every single day"

Joseph Kay #pratt #racist amren.com

Reality in the Hilton Hotel Men’s Room

I began my academic career as a graduate student in the mid-1960s, long before today’s diversity mania. Nevertheless, the pro-Civil Rights dogma was unassailable. There was an endless parade of uplift programs, and all my classmates and faculty awaited the racial utopia. Moreover, we were all expected to be good soldiers: conduct research exposing racial discrimination, refute conservative arguments claiming that Negros (as blacks were then called) caused their own misery, and otherwise fight racial injustice. We were a committed army of do-gooders.

I soon, however, had an eye-opening experience that revealed the true character of this black/white friendship. I attended the national meeting of my academic discipline in Washington, DC, held at the upscale Washington Hilton Hotel. Several thousand professors and graduate students — then overwhelmingly white men — filled the hotel.

Alas, my occasional visits to the lobby men’s room exposed the deeply seated racial views of my fellow academics.

The Hilton men’s room, like nearly all such facilities in up-market hotels and restaurants, employed a “washroom attendant.” He was invariably an elderly black man who smiled a lot, offered grooming supplies, but most importantly, he personally handed you soap and small towels, and turned on the hot water for you to wash your hands. He might also brush off shoulder dandruff while exchanging pleasant chit-chat. I grew up with these black washroom attendants, and my father insisted that I always tip them a dollar. This was important to their livelihoods. It was no big expense, even for a young professor like myself.

I noticed that not a single convention attendee relied on the attendant’s service let alone tipped him anything. After completing “their business,” all quickly fled the facilities and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the attendant’s very existence. He was the true Invisible Man. Given a choice of leaving the bathroom with unwashed, possibly contaminated hands or leaving a tip for an elderly black gentleman, the unsanitary choice prevailed. No doubt, every single convention attendee supported the War on Poverty, but not in the Hilton men’s room.

@TalesFromWeimerica , @NSSAP & @LeonFrank #wingnut #racist gab.com

@Nature_and_Race will they pay though? Harold Covington spoke about how even in his day White Nats were saying "it just needs to get bad enough", but honestly, how much worse does it need to get than now?
While they aren't putting Whites in gulags ostensibly yet, they are in the middle of waging a genetic pharmaceutical war on us, and its only one part of the puzzle. The method of the jews today may not be as transparent as they were in the USSR with boxcars and snowy gulags, but they are certainly just as brutal

@TalesFromWeimerica -- It could be that the jew would never allow it to get even worse. And would instead, continue what he's doing without being so transparent. The jew, despite being malicious and evil, is not stupid. And would prefer working under the radar. All he has to do is keep current trends slowly ongoing, until he achieves his final goals.


@NSSAP @Nature_and_Race the biggest flaw of the jew is his hubris. Every single time he overplays his hand. The jews who rule our world order currently have been handed the reigns, sure-- but they aren't the smarter ones who worked to establish it in the first place. We can see how confident and cocky they were getting now with their open pedophile rings like epstein's was which was operating under mossad.

In a twist, we should hope their pridefulness causes them to once again try and overplay their hand. The White man's Air Conditioning shutting off, cheetos not being shipped to the store and his car not getting enough fuel all in the same week in a deliberate move from the powers that be could be the very thing that saves us.

@TalesFromWeimerica @NSSAP @Nature_and_Race The jew has practiced, failed, and tried again destroying the world multiple times, having been responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths just in the last hundred years. The jew learns from their past mistakes and changes the script slightly, while the goy just get dumber and dumber.

I can only hope that the jew's pet niggers pull on their leash too hard. They are the jew's weapon, but they are not controllable. If the nig nogs too hard Whites might recognize the threat. The immune system activates and maybe the parasite that has been evading detection will get what it deserves.


John de Nugent #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

Our galaxy is full of species, including Short Grays, Tall Grays, Tall Whites, Reptilians (yes, snicker if you wish, but that is mere nervous laughter ;-)) and very advanced Nordics, for whom we all are a White Trash planet.
The Exonordics are advanced HUMANS in every way, and we came originally from them but degenerated. They are tall like NBA players, 6’5 to 7 feet tall. They marry normally in their worlds, have sex the normal way we do, eat food, defecate, sweat, and feel emotions, and thus are fully human, but they benefit from centuries of eugenics and the weeding out of their bad blood.

They speak telepathically, and it is easy to see where OUR stories of angels come from. These are clearly the Aldebarans and Pleiadians, who, the Vril Society German women of 1920-45 claimed, were helping the Third Reich but very discreetly and without having any permission to overly interfere in WWII and its outcome.

That is, they were not permitted to simply win the war for Germany. This would have triggered intervention on the other side by the Grays and then yet another world nuclear war, I repeat, yet ANOTHER world nuclear war- (Think about that one.) Ye,s ther could have been a full-scale nuclear war back in the 1940s between the Grays and the Exonordics, and that would have once again destroyed our planet pointlessly.
They are Aryans who are extremely powerful and spiritual but REFUSE on principle to rescue Joe Sixpack, George W. Bush voter and Christian Zionist idiots just because they have skin the color of white copy paper.
We WNs have experienced ourselves how many Whites today are utter scum
.and even actively, knowingly, oppose us, hate the truth, fight for the evil, profit off massacres and wars, cause death via cigarettes, pollution, and toxic foods, who even molest White children, who engage in satanism, who commit police brutality if the y are cops, and serve our enemy Jew masters knowing it is wrong.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

That makes me want them in my country even less.

Race-mixing is genocide. Nothing ends a bloodline faster than race-mixing.

@Nature_and_Race @rotifer1066 That's not exactly true. South East Asians and many Hispanics want white husbands.

@Nature_and_Race Fucking gooks and spics first off, is Easy Mode, and pretty much all you'd get is some cheap pussy, but that doesn't help us carry the 14 Words and also ruins their lineage too if you knock them up. You'd have more in common with a nice White woman anyway and that helps when raising a nice White family @travisrock99

@Nature_and_Race 100 percent. I consider it a sin against the commandment to honor thy parents.

@Nature_and_Race I feel nothing but disgust whenever I see any White person dating outside the race. Fucking repulsive retards.

@Nature_and_Race it's completely fucked in Australia...almost every second couple is a White man with some mongoloid

@Nature_and_Race Racial integration and mass nonwhite immigration is genocide. High probability Whites will choose a mate from their surroundings at school.

@Nature_and_Race White women are deceived by satan and that's why they indulge in the sickness they do

@Nature_and_Race - Women always "want" higher-status - their primary gene-survival strategy - so, of course they want White husbands.

Only severe brainwashing and abnormal cultural-norms - like social "rewards" for race-mixing and turning your kids into freaks - makes women act in the bizarre fashion we see in the (((West))), now.

This social-agenda has created the perception that "higher status" results from these abnormal behaviors - imposed with genocidal-intent, by Jews, as part of their White-Genocide Pogrom.

@ThomasFredericks @Nature_and_Race I agree. A few token blacks are artificially propped up and put in everyone's face in media and advertising. Naive white girls think that's where higher status lies. They entangle themselves with bull*hit artist blacks who are making the rounds with a dozen or more at the same time, impregnating this one and that one, and she finds herself a single mom on welfare and many times worse.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Medicine Goes Dangerously Insane

Is your doctor competent? For years, whites and Asians have had to be a lot better qualified than blacks or Hispanics to get into medical school.


The bars on the left were the chances of getting into medical school with a low MCAT score. Look at the results for the better qualified applicants. Being black or Hispanic is a huge advantage.

This has been the case for decades, but a thick new form of madness has spread over medicine: an anti-racism rampage that has several goals. Turn more blacks and Hispanics into doctors, no matter what. Make sure everyone in medicine is battling “structural racism” and “white supremacy” every moment of the day. Blame society – and especially white doctors – for the bad health of “people of color.” “Center” treatment of non-whites, which means treat them better. And, of course, persecute anyone who opposes this craziness.

It’s a matter of blind faith that “underrepresented minorities” – that’s blacks and Hispanics and sometimes American Indians – are just as smart and hard-working as whites and Asians – Asians are the over-represented minority.

Black and Hispanic doctors in residency training score worse than whites on every standard of evaluation. There’s not a single area in which they are even as good. The authors can think of only three possible reasons: “bias in faculty assessment, effects of a noninclusive learning environment, or structural inequities in assessment.”

The entire medical profession is too terrified to denounce this rubbish – with one exception. Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of Penn Medical School tweeted: “Could it be they were just less good at being residents?”

Within hours of his tweet, the dean of Dr. Goldfarb’s medical school emailed all students and faculty a classic of self-righteousness and bootlicking.

This is what white people get for their unspeakable cowardice. They must never defend themselves. They must confess perpetual guilt. They must turn their institutions – and their jobs – over to people who built their careers on resentment. And white doctors will help build a system in which their own people will be at the back of the bus for treatment.

Jon Minadeo Jr. #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy jta.org

Jon Minadeo Jr. posted about his arrest on Gab[…]on Sunday. He said he had been charged with “(((Hate Speech))) regarding Aushwitz”[…]
The Polish national police did not immediately respond to a request for comment[…]
Minadeo had posted pictures of himself and a fellow Goyim Defense League member, Robert Wilson, holding posters outside Auschwitz’s notorious front gate[…]
“We must continue exposing the Jewish anti white propaganda! That for decades has conditioned our people to be slaves for the Jews,” Minadeo wrote on Gab when posting the photographs. His post attacked the ADL as “an anti white terrorist organization” and says the Holocaust is “a f—ing hoax”[…]
The incident at Auschwitz was not the only one where Minadeo boasted about his provocations during his travels. He documented his vacation to Poland in a number of other photos and videos — including one in which he verbally attacks a South Asian man for more than 4 minutes

The video, which went viral on Reddit, bore the headline “American tourist in Poland goes on racial tirade against Indian guy.” It shows Minadeo[…]harassing the man on a sidewalk. He calls the man an “invader” and tells him to go back to India. “Why are you in Poland? Why are you here?” Minadeo says while following him. “You have your own country”

A different video posted on Gab shows Minadeo sitting on a restaurant patio. He is wearing a “white pride” T-shirt and a long, gold-colored swastika necklace, when a tall man in a tartan blazer approaches him and tells him it is illegal to display a swastika in Poland[…]
“Who makes it illegal?” Minadeo asks. “The Polish government,” the man replies. “No, the Jewish government,” Mindeo responds. He calls the man a “cuck”[…]and a “f—ing pussy” before asking if he would like to “go outside” to fight

Rolo Slavskiy #wingnut #racist roloslavskiy.substack.com

The Special Military Operation Has Failed, But the War May Start Soon

Since I have a lot of newcomers flooding in to read The Slavland Chronicles for the first time, I thought I’d explain my positions again, just so we’re clear and I don’t get accused of being something that I am not.

I am an unabashed Russia shill. I like Vladimir Putin and I support the Russian military. I believe that the slavic peoples ought to live in one country and no longer be used as cannon fodder against one another by the Jews. I support the integration of Ukraine into the territory of Russia and the reincorporation of Ukrainians into the Pax Russiya. I also believe that the Baltics ought to be taken back, as well as parts of Kazakhstan which were historically settled by Russians.

I do not have any ideology that I wish to promote on this blog. I do not believe in the voodoo teachings of Marx or Moses or Rothbard or even Ann Frank for that matter. In terms of world politics, I am concerned with only one thing, really: a strong, confident, revanchist Russia retaking her rightful place as a serious power on the world arena.

I am not here to sell you on a prefabricated narrative about Russia though. I will tell you the truth as best as I can understand it, and I will bring you the perspectives of the patriotic community in Russia, which by and large are in agreement with my positions. What you are going to hear me say here are the positions of a patriot of Russia who wants Russia to thrive and for the slavic peoples to be freed from the yoke of a foreign and hostile ethnic elite.

Charles Murray #pratt #racist city-journal.org

When I noted his discussion with Hughes and asked if he worried about the consequences of a franker debate, especially adding genetics to the mix, Murray responded:

We’ve had a natural experiment; we’ve tried for 60 years to not talk about all those wounding things in public. And what has come out of it is the worst racial polarization since the Civil Rights Act—it’s been building over a long period of time. We have colleges dropping the SAT. We have Oregon outlawing minimum standards in math and reading and writing and so forth. We have a rhetoric in which whites are called evil and oppressive, and not just privileged but, worse than privileged, racist, no matter how hard they try not to be racist, and in which “colorblind” is hate speech, “melting pot” is hate speech. . . . I could keep on going. . . . So when you tell me that I am going to create bad stuff by now saying, “Look, we’ve probably got differences that are genetic to some degree,” I don’t buy it. I don’t see how it could be any worse.

Oilfield Rando & Joey S #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut nitter.net

(Oilfield Rando)

Normal water pressure has been restored to most of Jackson, Mississippi, officials say

Uh…..so are we gonna talk about how this appears to have been a billion dollar shakedown?


(Joey S)
I'm far too busy celebrating the end of environmental racism to discuss how the environmental racism probably never existed.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #fundie #racist stormer-daily.rw

[From "Tucker Carlson Goes Full Monarchist, Attacks Freaks Condemning the British Empire"]


Tucker Carlson rode hard on Thursday night following the death of Queen Elizabeth

He straight-up said that colonialism is good, and that Indian civilization would be nothing if it wasn’t for the British

Even I was like, “wow, this dude is hardcore”

It’s at the beginning of the above video. I can recommend it significantly

But it’s just true – this anti-colonialism stuff is retarded and in light of what the US and UN are doing, it is just nonsensical. The UN has gone around the third world and forced people to take the deadly vax, forced them to close their countries down. The US is trying to force everyone in the third world to have gay sex and put women in charge of everything. They also support Islamic terrorists

The British Empire never did any of that. All they did was bring Christianity and try to teach the savages to read and act human

Basically, the Jews are forcing this idea that Queen Elizabeth is a representative of the British Empire, and I think people should just embrace that and say “yeah, she was – and the British Empire was good”

That’s what Tucker did and he did it perfectly. It’s also why these right-wingers whining about the Queen disgust me so throughly. She was just some high-born woman who didn’t really do anything other than look and talk regal. Attacking her as a person is just goofy. She wasn’t a person, she was a symbol. That’s how the left views her, and that’s how we should view her

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