
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Oilfield Rando & Joey S #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut nitter.net

(Oilfield Rando)

Normal water pressure has been restored to most of Jackson, Mississippi, officials say

Uh…..so are we gonna talk about how this appears to have been a billion dollar shakedown?


(Joey S)
I'm far too busy celebrating the end of environmental racism to discuss how the environmental racism probably never existed.

Entity Art #crackpot #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy entityart.co.uk

I research the global conspiracy a lot – as many areas of it as I can, from health, to transhumanism, MK ultra, fake terrorism, geopolitics, Zionism, Freemasonry, economics, history, WW2 etc etc. As well as this I also research the areas of ET abductions, Milabs and Secret Space Programs. I have been following the Secret Space Program area since it really came about – following all these ‘whistleblowers’ and ‘insiders’. This is mainly due to me having various related night-time flashbacks, night-time memories and ET experiences of my own. Ever since becoming lucid during various night time otherworldly operations, and the fragmented memories, I have been researching these areas incessantly and diligently.
The reason for this is that I have discovered that Hitler and Germany were actually the good guys, and the Allied forces were the bad guys (To put it in simplified terms). There are articles on this website with a lot of information about this, from a wide variety of sources. But in Ufology and the SSP narrative there is such a lot of negativity directed towards the ‘Nazis’.
It is important to remember that Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism was the biggest threat to the Freemasonic Jewish Supremacist Zionists and their aim for a New World Order / One World Government – so the negative propaganda and lies about Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism is very pervasive. Understanding the truth about Hitler and The National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP) should cause you to question the legitimacy of many of the testimonies in the Ufology arena.

You must also realize who your oppressors are, it’s not the ‘Illuminati’ or ‘The Cabal’ – its the 33rd degree and above Freemasons and the Jewish Supremacist Zionists – read ‘The Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion’…
You don’t save humanity and get real beneficial disclosure through sharing ET stories – you get it by becoming knowledgable, finding solutions and taking action against the system.

G. Wolf Faris #wingnut #racist #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

The Plan”! I can easily believe that something so simply named in the early days of the conception of “The Steal”. These people are not overly intelligent, but they are soulless, which is a necessary component of these devious simpletons. Bush 1 & W + Clinton = Obama & his stolen sequel, a simple equation when you use the equation DARPA + Hanging Chads = Dominion that may have brought us the “Free & Fair” Elections that we have Today during the Obama – Third Term.
BTW, did you see Biden & Kamala’s “Speeches” on 9/11 Today, Biden speaking authoritatively while high on a cocktail of Adderall + Biphetamine + a taste of Cocaine, Kamala high on UnHoly Spirit + Word Salad, as visions of Muslims and early Visas danced in their eyes. Lovely.
Now we understand the significance of the immortal Obamacare in relation to our Elections, and it is a cinch bet that the WEF is now involved in our “Free & Fair” Elections per the necessary improved technology. Oh, and a word on Muslims presently invading our environs: How can you easily tell a Muslim apart from all of the other “Brown People”?
Muslims seldom speak Spanish until the CIA teaches them to. “Orale!”
Therefore, be it through St. Thermite or St. Fentanyl, another 9/11 is inevitable here in the “Land of the Free & Home of the Brave”, perhaps to divert the Enemy of the State citizen’s attention from the “Free & Fair” Midterm elections. Remember, for as long as “Thorough” rhymes with “Soros”, The Plan is still very much in effect. Simplicity itself.
So, “Accountability”? Who you gonna call, Ghostbusters? Sayonara.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Comment Henry de Lesquen aurait réglé la Libération en 1945" - "How Henry de Lesquen would have solved the 1945 Liberation"]

Here in ten points and a conclusion how should have been managed the Republican question in France after 1945

1. Republican continuity. Institued by the Third Republic Parliament, Vichy France would have been viewed as perfectly legal and legitimate
2. The sword (de Gaulle) and the shield (Pétain), as said colonel Rémy, would have been the official doctrine of the Republic
3. Marshal Pétain, former Head of State, would have received the honors owed to his rank and the supreme services he gave to France
4. National reconciliation. No one would have been prosecuted for collaboration done after the June 22, 1940 armistice
5. Freedom of opinion. a) Apologism for collaboration would not have been a crime. b) Repealed by Vichy, the Marchandeau Decree of April 24, 1939 [Earliest French law banning hate speech] would not have been reenacted
6. French courts would have tried every wartime crime, including those by the terrorist-resistants
7. Maurice Thorez and other Communists who deserted before armistice would have been tried, sentenced to death and executed
8. France would not have participed to the judicial curcus by the winners at Nuremberg to humiliate the vainquished
9. France would have rejected the nebulous, tendentious and retroactive notion of "crime against humanity"
10. National unity. The State would not have made distinctions among former concentration camp deported between Jews and non-Jews

Conclusion: Political conditions were unfortunately absent for this beautiful uchronia. Consequences have been terrible

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #racist conservapedia.com

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, French: OTAN, Russian: HATO) was founded after World War II, in order to counter the communist Soviet Union. NATO is the only military alliance that stations nuclear weapons on non-nuclear nations territory.

NATO-backed neo-Nazis in the Donbas war.[2]
Since 1991 NATO has become a promoter of globalism,[3] neoconservatism, imperialism, neo-colonialism, and gay parades along with the rest of the homosexual agenda, which Russia (and the Bible) opposes. To justify NATO's continued existence, the most extreme Russophobes of the former Warsaw Pact states and in the West have taken control of its policy direction.[4]
To join the alliance, NATO members essentially cede their foreign policy sovereignty to the Leftist Deep State in Washington and London, and become vassal states on immigration, gay parades, and priorities of liberals. NATO's current secretary is Jens Stoltenberg of Norway.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

The Triumph of Media Power

Race realists and white advocates believe the truth is on our side. However, “truth” is elusive in a democratic, media-dominated society. (Apparently, so are the concepts of male and female.) Racial differences in IQ are some of the most consistent findings in all of social science, but our rulers conceal them.

The most “woke” people in our society are white liberals. New findings indicate that they believe things that are obviously false. However, they don’t fear censorship. They know their sources of (dis)information will remain.

Zach Goldberg, perhaps the leading scholar of absurd American beliefs, reported years ago that white liberals prefer non-whites to whites. This attitude is unique among all people in the world, and perhaps in all history. It means white liberals may support policies because they makes things worse for whites. “Perhaps this is why white support for increasing immigration coincides with more negative feelings towards whites,” wrote Mr. Goldberg in 2019 in Tablet.

Mr. Goldberg recently reported that by 2020, white liberals had begun to believe that whites are more violent, lazier, and less intelligent than blacks.

One could argue that “intelligence,” “violence,” and “laziness,” can’t really be measured. However, if we accept the relationship between IQ and intelligence, crime rates and violence, and income and laziness, white liberals believe things that are provably wrong. It would be fascinating to see how white liberals justify their anti-white beliefs.

CNN, The Guardian, Slate, and countless other powerful outlets celebrated the takedown of the site “Kiwi Farms.” It was a controversial forum that hosted what could be considered “hate speech” against “transgenders.” Cloudflare prevents DDoS attacks. They are felonies. The pressure on Cloudflare for protecting Kiwi Farms was like persuading the police to look the other way while you ransack the house of someone you don’t like.

I don’t know much about Kiwi Farms, but critics accused it of obscenity, hateful speech, threats, and doxing. All that is fine, of course, if the victims are “racists.” Those with power respect no principles of free speech, legal norms, or what defines “hate.”

South African Anon #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Maybe the kids are alright...


This is what blackpilled /pol/tards fail to understand.
The MAJORITY of people are completely NORMAL and DO see through all these deranged LGBTQFPZXXX+++++ bullshit, and do NOT accept it.
Don't fall for an illusion of this new "tolerant and accepting society" that prises niggers and trannies, it doesn't exist outside of a curated internet echo chembers like reddit's front page and veryfied twitter accounts. Those are legit propaganda machines that's sole goal is to either brainwash or demoralize.
Close your browser and step outside, talk to regular people. Most of them are normal, sane people with traditional views and values.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

1) No they didn't. The holocaust is a complete lie.

2) The Jews found themselves behind barbed wire because they were the leading people behind countless criminal enterprises - everything from Marxist/Bolshevik revolutions to homosexual and transgender facilities, as well as criminal media propaganda, corporate banking which gave Jews access to an unlimited amount of money which was used for buying off politicians and law enforcement.

The Jews have never been an innocent people. They've been violently driven out of over a hundred countries for very, VERY good reason.

@Nature_and_Race -- The "holocaust" is the main psychological barrier standing in the way of a National Socialist revival.

Exposing the truth behind this myth, could act as a groundwork foundation for a rebirth of National Socialism.

@Nature_and_Race The CEO’s of Youtube, J&J, Facebook and Pfizer are Jews. The director of the CDC is a Jew.

HELL, even the husband of Kamala Harris is a Jew, so is the husband of the Clintons daughter Chelsea

And what unites the Rockefellers/Rothschild/Soros families, they’re all Jews!

Whenever I present this simple information to any Holocaustbrain, it just causes them to short circuit.

@Nature_and_Race oh no muh 6 gorillion!
There need be no other crime, once you understand what the Jew is. Nobody was mass murdering Jews. They should have though

@Nature_and_Race Hitler did nothing wrong…if anything he was too nice. The Jews won’t be so lucky next time…


@Nature_and_Race to be completely fair, being jewish *is* enough of a crime to warrant genocide. According to the creator of the universe anyway.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

To any White man who is beginning to see the truth.

Welcome home, brother.

@RoswellsRevenge Seems there is an awakening happening all over the World. So much so that when the blowback from these transgressions are delivered upon our enemies; their cries of atrocity, victimhood and unfair treatment will fall on deaf ears. Anything we do to them will be wholly justified!

Oh, those brave "arians" who were killing Americans and English soldiers. No, thank you

@Greg3er1 so what, lots of blond haired soyboys in the enemy ranks now, i have no qualms about killing them. 50 % of the white population needs to be terminated asap. A white democrat is 10 times more deadly than a nigger. A jew is 100.

@RoswellsRevenge Guten nacht to you mein freunds. Remember that it is not too late to rise up and be counted, to show the world that you're a man.

@RoswellsRevenge hans why did your bring the shitty k98 we need better weapons for the marxist hans get ze STG44 !

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Only Germans have the right to be Arrogant, unlike Barbarians"]


spoilerJoachim Peiper:"Stride with a proud disdain through the swamp of human inadmissibility"

It is true that we are Arrogant, but we wear our Arrogance as a badge of honor, because we are entitled to it

When a German is Arrogant, he is arrogant not for the sake of wanting to seek self-glorification and to be freed of responsibility, but instead because he wants to maintain simplicity, efficiency and to eliminate nonsense at every step of the way[…]
Only Germans are capable of not allowing things like fame, wealth or other matters in getting to his head and changing him as a person

This should never be assumed about Barbarian Races[…]
This is where the English are a completely opposite breed of Germanics than us, because they love irony, sarcasm and defense mechanisms[…]
The German race is not understood because it can possess the most tactless, brutal and unmannerly forms of Arrogance with what would otherwise seem an Unearthly sense of Humility[…]
If our race does not practice endless discipline to ensure that our Arrogance is in line with reality[…]it becomes our greatest curse[…]
The greatest example of this is how the German People today have largely embraced the COVID[…]
A True German is still primed in the mentality of the 19th century and earlier, and it is ONLY this mentality which can ever carry us through[…]
Comparison to a so-called “Police State” under the Third Reich is a bad comparison, because it was only a Police State for the criminal classes, fifth column and Communists or Degenerates[…]
Germany meant business, and its words were true. Germany had security threats within and without, and the Third Reich had not only the necessity but the duty to defend its people against Bolshevism

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The removal of the top ranks of the Knights of Malta by the Vatican means the entire leadership of NATO has been fired, P3 Freemason sources say. There is also a purge going on inside Vatican city as “Zionist cabal” members are being removed, the sources say. This is causing a leadership vacuum in the G7 group of countries as their entire economic/social system collapses.

We are also getting multiple reports from intelligence agency sources around the world of a new 911 or Fukushima-type event being planned for this month. High-level sources are mentioning dates like September 8th, 11th and 23rd. This is all part of a Khazarian Mafia attempt to extort money from the rest of the world as the September 30th payments deadline for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation and its KM owners approaches.

In this context, there is a very real probability the EU and most governments in the EU will collapse, possibly before the end of the month. That is because the Russians have cut off gas flows to Europe while the rest of the world has also stopped sending oil to the region.
With this background, mass demonstrations are continuing across Europe, most notably in the Czech Republic and France. The situation has reached the point that Germany has created a new military unit to patrol the streets and enforce martial law starting on October 1st (the day after the Sept. 30 payments deadline) in anticipation of mass rioting and civil unrest.
As this is happening a series of assassinations and intrigue are being seen at the very tiptop of world power. For example, last week Christine Chadwick – the private secretary to the head of MI6- was killed in what was “probably remote covert scalar type assassination covered with probable suicide” MI6 sources say.

The assassination was carried out because Chadwick was getting close to the people who assassinated former M1 Adnan Sakli and took over control of the Federal Reserve Board money printing apparatus, the sources say.

Iamnothere000 #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Based Sandman sends trans-creature to hell. Cucks are willfully blind to Muslim transphobia.

In the German city of Münster, during the degenerate AIDSfest known as CSD, a valiant Muslim brothers stood against the ever-dilating tide of genderless abominations by smiting one of those creatures with such force, that he/she/it fell to the ground and died short time after.

Police-cucks and media searched several days for the perpetrator, giving out a politically correct description: Male, so and so tall, wearing a hat.

Everybody was expecting the killer to be some bio-German Nazi, whatever. However, as it turns out, its as a Muslim migrant, doing what Muslim migrants do best: Integrating the native German population into the new Islamic kalifate of Germanistan.

Now everyone of those outraged faggots pretends nothing happened, lol.

Its exactly like with antisemitism, were 80-90% of actual violence against JUDEN is done by Muslims, but no one will talk about that, lol.

Lol, this culture is not sustainable and will soon be replaced by something superior.

The Thing is he wasnt russian jfl. Germany and their propaganda
All the Twitter leftis politcian posted about it. Look russian men bad
If they knew from beginning he was sandnigger they wouldnt push it

What the fuck is CDS?

ups... I meant CSD

Jared Taylor #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

Breaking the Sound Barrier on Campus

On Friday, I gave a speech at Arizona State University — despite furious opposition. “Anarchists” and “anti-fascists” tried to pressure the university to cancel the talk.

My talk, “If We Do Nothing: A Defense of White Identity Politics,” was an introduction to why white racial awareness is necessary. I started with the basics of race — that it is the biological equivalent of subspecies in animals — and described the most important racial differences, with an emphasis on intelligence. I pointed out that refusing to recognize racial reality means unfairly blaming whites for the failures of blacks and Hispanics, and for this reason alone, it is essential to talk about them. I gave examples of how diversity is a terrible weakness, not a strength, and argued that the attempt to build a multiracial America has failed.

“What is the solution?” I asked, and replied that it lies in the scores of racial identity groups on the Arizona State University Campus — of which I had counted no fewer than 70.

There is not, of course, a single “white” or “European” group on campus. This is typical of the fatal double standard according to which only whites are barred from taking the most obvious efforts to defend their interests and ensure their continued existence as a people.

On a campus that prides itself on “diversity” — whites may already be a minority — non-whites band together in a clear effort to build racial solidarity and promote identity politics. If diversity is a strength, why do non-whites want homogeneity? Because disengagement is the way to escape the irreconcilable differences that are poisoning America. Most people prefer to be among people like themselves, and campus groups point the way for society at large: Some people may want to live multi-culti lives, but the rest of us must have the right to go our own way.

I ended by saying that I wanted the best for people of all races. Let blacks build Wakanda and Hispanics build Aztlan, but with their own efforts and with no whining about “white privilege.” And we, too, must have our own nation in which we can live according to the ways of our people.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Comment Henry de Lesquen aurait traité la question algérienne" - "How Henry de Lesquen would have solved the Algerian Question"]

Here, in 10 points and a conclusion, how I would have solved the Algerian Question after 1958
1. I wouldn't have signed the Evian Agreement nor delivered Algeria to the FLN terrorists
2. I would have rejected the illusion of integration, Muslims from Algeria couldn't be truly French
3. Partition of Algeria, colonial fiction. Four states under French protectorate: Algiers, Constantine, Oran, Sahara[…]
5. Muslims and Jews would have received nationality from Algiers, Oran, Sahara or Kabylia
6. Of French nationality, the "Black Feet" [Algerians of European extraction] would have received the citizenship of their State of residence, which would have separated both notions
7. Not being French anymore, Muslims and Jews from Algeria wouldn't longer have been allowed to migrate to France
8. The crime of collaboration with FLN terrorists would have been mercilessly suppressed and traitors would have been hanged by hundreds
9. Ultimatum to Morocco and Tunisia, warned to cease all assistance to FLN under penalty of war
10. The four Algerian states might have been independent later in a renewed French Union. France would have kept its army there

Neil (Unknown) #racist #fundie #magick #conspiracy rhnegativeregistry.com

We wonder today if there is a bloodline group alive today that has the same bloodline that Jesus (Yashua) was born with and I SAY YES. This bloodline is not large in number but they represent about 10% of the global populations and can be found primarily in the United State but on all continents as well.

These descendents have a rare blood factor and have prehistoric ancestors that can be tracked back to an area in the world known as the “Garden.” This original people group on earth were what we refer to today as Scandinavians. I mean all of us. It does not matter what color your skin is today, your original ancestors on earth were Scandinavian.

The “Sea People” aka the Adams were the first people group who migrated out of Hyperborea after they were forced to leave for mingling with the gods.

Hyperborean legends tell us that two waves of human beings left Hyperborea. The first wave moved into North America, Atlantis and eventually the America’s and the rest of the world, while the second wave moved into the Northern Scandinavian countries.
The HOLY GRAIL writers appear to have associated the RED HAIR GREEN-EYED "Serpent Bloodline of the Cain with the Merovingian Kings that were a hybrid line of kings. The Merovingian bloodline is not the PURE Rh Negative BLONDE BLUE-EYED Scandinavian descendents of Jesus Yashua and his Nazarene tribes. One of the ways the Holy Grail authors make this association is by claiming Jesus (Yashua) is a Jew and then tracking a Jewish bloodline to the Merovingian kings, another way they do this is by not telling you that the Merovingian bloodline was the hybrid bloodline of Cain.

v9Yb7lO1 #mammon #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

why hasn't america produced any med or slav white nationalists? why is it always nordicists?

Because America is a White country in the truest sense. It's a fucking meatgrinder, dude, where the poor get poorer and the rich feed off them. It's cutthroat - Euro sensibilities don't work here. That's how the Jew is able to operate. The world is in for a big surprise when we reach our final form.

yes speaking as a med i don't think we really belong in america but we can't all just go back to europe that easily so what's to be done? either ally ourselves with whiteness and be considered second class citizens or be antiwhite? the meds aren't really white meme is not going to satisfy rabid BLM antifa types. italians created fascism after all.

Bleach. Find a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman and make babies... even if she's fat. Whatever you do, don't fall for Amerindian exceptions. Pussy and the means to properly chase it has been the bane of nearly every society. Adapt or die. Spics aren't going to lead the world - ever.

Various Anons #elitist #homophobia #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Serbia Anon)


Why is poverty and undevelopment so big in the red areas ? How is it like living there ? Can any anon from there tell me ?

Pretty good, no Muhammads, no kneeling for niggers, we don't like faggots, we beat them.

(Spain Anon)

Its comfy and based as fuck, literally we have everything we need and more, including good services, government and non government services, plus good infrastructure all over the country, so i dont know what the fuck this map is talking about.

Probably fag/nig rights. Im in Spain and couldnt be comfier.

Southern Italy is no different from North Africa, while northern Italy is more developed than, say, southern France (excluding the Côte d’Azur)

I dont think we can put entire zones like this in the same group tho. Southern Spain's Costa del Sol is fckng awesome, probably best beach destination in Iberia, great infrastructure, looks beautiful, but the rest of Andalucía (apart of Seville and Almería) are pretty poor.

Still WAY better than southern Italy, like billions of miles away better. I dont even know how the hell they managed to become so África tier in Western European soil.

(Poland Anon)
mongols or niggers depending on area

(Bulgaria Anon)
>no debt
>no immigrants
i pick this before living in blue "developed" areas

(Russia Anon)
What are there "standards"? LGBT approval level?

(Hungary Anon)
People in the red area are talentless and lazy.

(France Anon)
>How the fuck is all of Greenland developed and large parts of Saudi Arabia considered very developed, but I, an Englishman, don't even live in a developed area?

because your ancestors were subhumans who always sided with masters who knew their real worth and treated them accordingly, resulting in your modern day country

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

Suifuel for ricecels

San Francisco elementary school near me - all hapa's

No more white kids or asian kids anymore.

And all the parents picking up their kids? Asian moms or white dads.

WMAF is the future, we lost

Brutally over for the Rice race. Lots of rices are low-T cucks tho and don't mind noodles fucking white males or males of other races.

Not the fault of rices. You guys can't compete with your women having a weird ass white fetish. Blame coal burners, landwhales, and chad-only sluts for forcing white men to settle for noodles. I don't want a noodle but I'll probably have no choice honestly. Certainly not gonna spawn a damned hapa regardless.

nobody is forcing white men you dumb fuck. Blame both the Asian women and the white men for allowing that shit. They are the only 2 in the relationship so I’m blaming BOTH

The only way some white men can get any puss is because of noodles. Any man would do the same and other ethnics do it all the time.

Yes it takes two to tango. No ones forcing white men to be with noodles. A lot of them do that already realizing that Asian men are at the bottom of the barrel. Making Asian men's situation from extremely hard to impossible basically.

Thats why I am all for acceleration of decline because of basic Karma. They can't commit all of this evil and not expect some of it to come around. The way the universe works is that it naturally equilibriates itself and things balance out over time.

I like black americans for practicing civil disobedience, leechmaxxing and being burdensome to the American government in many different ways. But I do acknowledge that a lot of black men think and behave just like noodlewhores as well as go dumpster diving for white landwhales.

True, I have no sympathy for cumskins. They fucked their women up with feminism and now they're taking ours as replacement, so essentially we (ricecels) are paying for the sins of their ancestors

National Socialist Movement #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist nsm88.org

[From "25 Point Plan"]

The NSM has 25 demands inspired by the original NSDAP 25 point program[…]
1. We demand the unification of all Whites in the United States on the basis of the right to self-determination of our people[…]
2. We will not permit any behaviors antithetical to the values of National Socialism. We will safeguard our children[…]
3. We demand our own territory for the sustenance of our people
4. Only Whites may become citizens[…]Since Jews are not White[…]no Jew may become a member of our nation[…]
6. Voting rights are to be enjoyed by adult, White male land owners, alone[…]
7. […]If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich
8. Any further immigration of non-Whites will be prevented[…]All non-Whites who have immigrated since 1960 be required immediately to leave the Reich[…]
17. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land[…]This is primarily directed against the foreign land-speculation companies, including Jewish[…]
19. We demand substitution of an Aryan law in place of the Roman law serving a materialistic world order[…]
23. We demand legal opposition to known lies[…]In order to enable the provision of an English press, we demand, that:
a. All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the English language be members of the race
b. Non-English newspapers be required to have the express permission[…]
d. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden[…]
24. We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations[…]so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of Aryans[…]
25. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

This right here is how you shitpost.

I like how he says "a jew" instead of "jewish".

spoilerI just learned Merrick Garland
is a Jew. Therefore, I withdraw
all my previous criticism of him.
I cannot withstand another
wave of charges of anti-
Semitism like I received for
criticizing Soros. BTW, that's
how I learned Soros is a Jew.

@Nature_and_Race this was an unexpectedly good tweet from the ex-congressman. Relatedly, Whites need to realize you cannot have "Jew" friends. Jews see you as clients, wallets, sources of exploitation, but never as friends.

@Nature_and_Race It's cool that this is how you wake people up.
You notice that some people in power are assholes, so you call them out for being assholes.
The mainstream media sees that and writes articles about how you're being antisemitic, because those assholes happen to be Jews.
You hate them because of their deeds not their race, you don't even know that they're Jewish, but then you start to say to yourself "Why are there so many Jewish assholes in power".
That's your Red Pill moment.

@Nature_and_Race Good, old Jewish Supremacy!

Never forget that Jews try to control you by whining about that myth called "antisemitism." Antisemitism is just a Jewish conspiracy theory. It doesn't happen because it doesn't exist.

And so is the Holohoax™. If it can't be researched and factually investigated, if it can't be questioned, it isn't true. The Holohoax™ is just another Jewish conspiracy theory.

@Whack_A_Mole_Champion @Nature_and_Race Ever notice how anti-asianism and anti-indianism aren't even words? Anti-semitism is the scam jews use to censor the discussion of their criminality.

@KennyLiquorbush @Nature_and_Race The last thing Jews want us to talk about is their Jewish Supremacy. That's why Jews are always talking about White supremacy - which really isn't even a thing - so that the focus will be on Whites and not on Jews as Jews continue to exert their Supremacy over the world.

heyegghead #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist reddit.com

America aided the mujahideen. It was made up of many different ideologies and ideas fighting against the USSR.

They were mostly made up of Liberals and when the USSR fled. They broke off and the extremist took the weapons.

I think letting Afghanistan to the USSR was better. Even if it cost you 25% of your population. Because a civilization could have been made

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia henrymakow.com

We've reached the point in TV where the hero is a deviant, misfit
or weirdo. We cheer as he makes the world conform to him.

Where have we seen this before? The modern alienated anti-hero is the Luciferian JEW
at war with God (the Moral Order,) nature and society. "Modernism" is Jewish Satanism
i.e. Cabalism, a solipsism where they redefine reality according to their perversions and self interest. Sick is healthy.

Is it any surprise that Hollywood is dominated by Jews and homosexuals?
What Jews and gays have in common is that they are outsiders, many of whom feel unjustly persecuted and think their perversion & dysfunction should the norm.

Most of my fellow Jews don't know that Judaism is a Luciferian cult, a rebellion against God. Cabalist (Illuminati) Jewish leaders wish to supplant God and redefine reality according to their perversity and self-interest. This is the New World Order.
In the 1950's, they had to rebuild, so the Illuminati gave us healthy values. "In 1950's television, the man of the house was king of his castle. Was it an illusion to begin with?" Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. My Three Sons.

Was it an illusion? I don't think so. Some things are hard-wired. Most men want to rule their own roost. That doesn't mean we want to lord it over anyone. But every successful organization is a hierarchy and that applies to families as well. Only a monster has two heads. The division of labor made a lot of sense. If you want a man to shoulder responsibility for a family, he has to lead it. It must be his creation.

There was no moral ambiguity in the 1950's Westerns. Good versus evil. Gunsmoke. The Lone Ranger. Have Gun Will Travel. Men were men. They put their lives on the line to build a just society. Women supported and loved them for it. Then, almost by clockwork, having set up this target, the Illuminati got to work destroying it. Birth control allowed women to be sexually independent. Why not be financially independent too?

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Truth about the War Games with Russia becoming more evident to Many"]

The dirty part about this war, is that Putin/Russia cannot be involved in it or use expansionism unless there is a justified reason for it

Whether or not an Individual Country or group of Nations sees a justified reason or not, is irrelevant

Putin is Managed by the Zionists, by the MOSSAD[…]
The Middle Eastern Territories are managed the same, between agreements made between Israel and Russia[…]
Putin also does have SOME legitimate concerns for his Nation and the fact that he wanted to stop the killing of his own Soldiers in the on-going Ukraine situation[…]serves well as a distraction for those who wish to think that he may be a Noble or Righteous Leader

Even if Putin was a True Sovereign Leader of his Nation and there was no Jewish Financial control of Russia, it would be appropriate and expected for any leader to respond to Western Sanctions or what the AZOV Battalion does, regardless[…]
Putin is permitted to mitigate and take advantage of the Weaknesses of America and Western Nations, and the same is true with China since China is also a tool of the Rothscild Dynasty

But if one is to dislike Putin, they should dislike him for the valid reasons, rather than the irrelevant or positive reasons. He is KGB afterall and did espionage work and had many other connections. But he is not a weak leader, the likes of Western Politicians[…]
When I look at Russian History, specifically, and even with the Romanians, I have found these people to have many constant meddlings and connections with Jews, but few who ever recognize or believe that the Jew is an evil creature. I don’t believe you will ever see an Expulsion or Full Pogrom of the Jews from Russia

Even Stalin never did a complete purge of them, a Half Jew himself (occasional, half-Jews expel their own in times of desperation or when a country has been economically bled dry)

John Kaminski #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger veteranstoday.com

If you think the world has gone crazy — and there’s plenty of evidence it has always been crazy — it could be because of the dominance of words from outside your brain interfering with your own perceptions that form naturally inside your everyday thought processes. Call them inklings or intuition. They trigger barely audible alarms every time something doesn’t sound quite right to you. Minus the programming, this is your own innate intelligence speaking.
Serpent or dragon, as an image for a group of word-controlled-people-acting-as-a-single-organism, was widely used even before any word histories now available, but not always did the image carry an unfavorable connotation. Only the northern Europeans seem to have had a conscious commitment never to create such a semi-organism among themselves — and to destroy any that tried to encroach on them.
The Jews as a group never advocated a relationship of an individual to a god who cared anything about individuals. The only relationship they advocated was that of “a people” to a group god that dealt with cohesive “peoples” or serpents.

Such an inauthentic attitude using their G-d as an excuse for their constant crimes against humanity turned one xenophobic subgroup of the human race into a murderous parasite feeding upon the remainder of the species.

Most present-day Jews claim to be “parts” of two separate “wholes.” Jews who are “United States citizens” have a divided allegiance between the ancient Jewish serpent and the United States.

Jews have practiced this same sort of dual identity — simultaneously claiming to be “parts” of two separate “wholes” — for thousands of years and continue to follow the practice even though it often results in their persecution. Obviously, they continue to play this double game because their three thousand years of Jewish tradition show them that the Jewish serpent has repeatedly eaten up other serpents.

Ian Connolly, berniebrother & ilya muromets #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: No Whites Allowed: Pfizer Fellowship Flagrantly Violates the Law, Lawyers Say

(Ian Connolly)

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer offers a prestigious fellowship that bars whites and Asians from applying.

“This Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel,” said Adam Mortara, one of the country’s top civil rights attorneys.

Please stop making Asians into victims as if they’re whites. It’s so obnoxious. They all have homogeneous countries that they can return to tomorrow.

Asians are becoming just as bad as blacks and Hispanics in this country — The current mayor of Boston alone, is evidence of that. They are not us, and they can’t be trusted.

Just because they have low crime and illegitimacy rates (minus southeast Asians) it unfortunately tends to hypnotize a lot of white nationalists to believe that they’re on our side, that they’re no threat to the American way of life, or that they can continue growing in America. This is very destructive thinking.

I want them to be deported just as much as I want Mexicans and Haitians deported. All non-white groups have to be viewed, at least in some marginal way, as harmful to us and our countries. We can’t spend all of our time and energy on blacks just because of higher crime rates. It’s a losing strategy.

The mayor of Boston is an openly anti-white bigot. She's married to a white guy, of course.

“This Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel”.

I know! The answer is most likely black lawyers.

(ilya muromets)
“Minus southeast Asians?” They are still Asians, & putting their criminal data & lifestyle traits averaged in the Asian race, must be displayed to show that Asians aren’t the low crime darlings many say they are.

‘Bout time someone OTM stated these facts about the Orientals here.
Yup, they hate us too.

Whites, most hate us, all envy us, all would love to be us, now we must make them fear us.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Feds Cut Funding for Anti-Racism Project Over ‘Vile’ Tweets


"Life is too short for shoes with laces, or for entertaining Jewish White Supremacists with anything but a bullet to the head.”

He's got to be thinking, "if I only left out 'Jewish' I would still be collecting that sweet government loot."

(Marc Zuckurburg)
Figures. The only reason they're cutting the funding is that someone said something bad about Jews. It didn't bother anyone that it was anti-white from the inception, and probably had people associated with it that said just as mean or worse things about white people.

It's s a crime in most every nation to say something about Jews. You are stigmatized if you say Jews control things, BUT..... "They have no power" Right...

(Jim Barston)
Exactly. Just like Nick Cannon who said whites were cavebeasts and J*ws controlled the media. He only had to apologize for one of the comments.

“antisemitism has no place in this country.”

Yeah, ok. But hating Whites is totally FINE.

(Alan Nathan)
All he had to do was not include the word "Jewish" in the tweet, and it probably would have been accepted.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Donald J Trump)

@realdonaldtrump Remove the Jew

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

@R2002hh the bolsheviks killed 70 million christians. Hitler was right. Shove it

@R2002hh Are Barrack Obama, Maxine Waters, Eric Adams, Mazie Hirono, AOC, etc. Jews?

In the absence of Jews, would those non-Jewish communists not continue to rob us blind through the same government and central bank institutions doing it now?

People crying about Jews are controlled opposition, seeking to make the communists' enemies look like assholes, and social retards.

Don't be controlled opposition or a social retard. It doesn't help.

@Justice_4_Germans @R2002hh Government and central banks are how communists enslave. Those are the enemies.

How does labeling them all Jews help?

You're not serious. No wonder they're winning.

@William_Jaeger @R2002hh (((their))) golems are always well compensated with wealth, power and all the toddlers they'd ever want to rape. #HunterBiden is a golem.

@realdonaldtrump You're gonna have to stop the jews first, Donnie boy.

@realdonaldtrump the Jews are communists…

@realdonaldtrump your support of jews is countrr productive

Call out the kikes and the blacks and I’ll start listening again

Maybe you should’ve had this talk with your kids before they married jews


JonFreeman #wingnut #homophobia #racist deviantart.com


the woke mob and modern liberals believe only gays can play gays, only blacks can play blacks, etc

ya know ...



SAME THING, REALLY. now watch me get reported by bedshitters who live in their parents basement and couldn't do a pushup to save their own life because they're such sad fat fucks

Syrian Poster #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

The Soviet Union fell in 1991. Why did Poland become an emerging economy while raising the quality of life of their countrymen while Ukraine remained an impoverished shithole?

Primarily because of Germany's guilt towards Poland that made it pay for all of its expenses throughout the last 30 years under the umbrella of the EU. Russia actually tried to do something similar with Ukraine since the 1990s but nothing was enough for the ungrateful hohol politicians. They robbed Russia left and right until there was nothing more left to steal and when Putin started to show them the other face they started to invite America into the conflict which eventually turned into a war.

You are so clueless about eastern european politics I'm not even going to bother pointing out every mistakes you typed. Go fuck a goat or something and stop acting like you are smarter than you really are.

You're driven by nothing but butthurt emotions so whatever you say is worthless anyways.

That's still better than being driven by mental retardation.

"Mental retardation" for a P*le is basically having literally any option other than calling for genociding Russians.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #racist #conspiracy #magick #wingnut adrenogate.net

Operation Warp Speed was Trumps baby and he considers it one of his greatest accomplishments and routinely brags about having infected so many millions of people with genocidal A.I.D.S.-inducing, DNA-altering synthetic poison.

Donald J. Trump… “father” of the Covaids quackcine and Zionist / Jesuit pig. Those were his words. He calls himself “the father of the vaccine“. Another one of Israel’s hand puppets.

Of course do not forget about the Vatican and the Society of Jesus and their Black Nobility. They are the true head of the snake and videos like this one do too good of a job making it seem like it’s only the Jews who are at the helm of the world’s Saturn-worshipping, Kabbalah-practicing, veil-hiding crime syndicate. Zionists represent a very powerful sect but are not the only or even largest tribe within that crew. That being said, they still do indeed represent a huge chunk of the Geopolitical power players on the world stage and were a huge part of the Trump deception.

Even DeSantis recently publicly endorsed and recommended getting the vaccine! He’s another Jewish hand puppet.

Four Anons #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon 1)
Honest question. Do black people even enjoy seeing overrepresented on TV?


If I was a pajeet, I would not want to see pajeet women in movies. I’d want to see movies with European women because they generally are more attractive. Isn’t it kinda the same with with blacks? Black women are usually fat, bigger boned, and need to wear weaves to not look like gorillas. Why would you want to see them in media vs more attractive women? They say the movies you enjoy the most are the ones where you can imagine yourself as the main character. What are the political implications of Hollywood faking their acceptance of minorities?

(US Anon 2)
No, they eat it up and demand more. It’s crazy to me, as I would be revolted by the condescension, same as with all the other shit lefty white saviors push to flatter the negroes. They treat them like retarded children who need to feel special all the time and they eat it up and want more.

(US Anon 3)
The nigger ego is so alien to the White ego, you cannot comprehend it. The nigger ego would have it such that the ONLY people seen on television, in movies, in books, and in comics would be niggers. Because nigger egos are very fragile, and thus they see anyone who ISN'T a nigger on tv as reflecting their own niggerdness back on them, highlighting it painfully.
In short, niggers want to only see niggers because to see otherwise is to be reminded that they are and shall ever be: niggers.

(Indian Anon)
Indians aren't a fair example.
We have our own entertainment where we're overrepresented.
negroes have no media of their own own.

They do in Africa
American negroes just don't though

brilliant, just send them back to africa then.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Nigeria bans diversity (i.e. no white models) in advertising

Guess what this country did?

Hey let's ban "diversity" in predominately white, Western countries too! Hey why not, if Nigeria can do it we can too. That would be nice.

I never realized how much hatred the black community has toward Whites until recently, like the past few years. Now we can begin to see why and how the 1804 Haiti massacre happened.

Funny how no one is crying how racist, horrible and evil Nigeria is. Yet you can bet if Sweden Norway, Germany, the UK, US or any other white country did this, or banned non-white immigration everyone would be crying how racist, evil, and hateful they are, and would demand everyone to boycott them, or anything that comes from them.

"Diversity" is forced only on white countries and every white country. Notice the Jews, who are the ones forcing "diversity" on every white country have some of the strictest immigration laws for their country. If "Diversity" is really so good why is it only forced on white countries?
Well, those of us awake to the agenda know it's because the Jews themselves know it's bad and destructive, and they're only forcing it on white countries because we're the ones they want to get rid of.

The end result of this so called diversity of it's allowed to continue, ironically, will be zero diversity. Everyone will be brown skinned with black hair and dark brown/black eyes.


Nigeria says the need to “develop local talent” and support “inclusive economic growth” justifies the move.

Nigeria was previously heavily reliant on foreign models and voiceover specialists in its ads, including white models and voiceovers with British accents, according to The Times.

Negros being self hating jealous negros . What this is really saying is the mere picture of White people on their TV and other advertising and media simply reminds them their looks and their brains pale ( excuse the pun ) in comparison.

(Huginn ok Muninn)
GOOD. They need to be trained to lust after their own women, not ours.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #psycho #sexist stormer-daily.rw

[From "Serbian President Threatens to Invade Kosovo!"]

I tend to dislike Vucic because he is unsightly

But threatening to invade Kosovo is ultra-based and uber-redpilled


Serbia’s president called on NATO on Sunday to “do their job” in Kosovo or he says Serbia itself will move to protect its minority in the breakaway province[…]

“There is no proof Albanian gangs harass their neighbors. We need a source for this wild claim”[…]
Serbia absolutely should invade Kosovo

Kosovo is still Serbia, and decades of NATO occupation do not change that fact

“World War” means “the world is at war.” You end up with a situation where everyone starts settling old scores under the fog created by the chaos of global war

Neither Serbia nor Kosovo are in NATO, so Russia can deploy peacekeepers to help the Serbs dish out justice

spoiler3D version of "Serbia Strong"

The Ukraine has been itching to invade Moldova for months now

I think Russia doing some kind of escalation outside of the Ukraine would be a smart move and throw off the rats, who are already scurrying around in befuddlement

It sucks Romania is in the middle[…]They just like that money pouring in from the EU

But Hungary is in the process of siding with Russia. Turkey might also[…]
This whole NATO thing is so gay and retarded – that if you attack any NATO country you attack all NATO countries

I think it might be a good idea to invade Finland before they join NATO. Russia could just drop pamphlets saying “we are going to end the humiliation of having a catgirl leading your country” and 90% of Finnish males would take up arms in support of Russia

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #racist #magick #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering Adonai the Voice of Chaos Evil to manifest your will Service;

The Chaos Evil sourced from Shaddai flows into the dark seas of Awareness (Chaos fluctuations in the quantum vacuum) to iterate as non linear dynamical quantum vacuum fluctuations that then seep into the light energy matter universes as Elohim. One must ask the question what is the nature of this Chaos sequestration programme to make it so invasive? It is obvious that the formation of a self perpetuating strange attractor fed by far from equilibrium quantum dynamics is the chaos sequestration system called Shekinah by the Satanic Jews. It follows that all Jews must feed off the Goyim as parasites to feed this Shekinah.
Once this process is complete Jod He Vau He, Jehovah is complete and the Matrix can be built, Adonai being the waters beneath the temporal Matrix world, the watery Demonic foreign Chaos mind of the zombie in which the Demons of Kabbalah swim to possess the unconscious, subconscious and conscious of the slave and cut off the dark Sea of Awareness, quantum vacuum from the Shaman Psi-Master. Adonai is therefore the voice, the chatter that all wageslaves hear in their minds and is parroted by the media whore; it’s higher aspects being the Illuminati avatars of Shaddai, Tsabaoth, Elohim who turn the Intent of Chaos into words, voices Adonai. So one can see all Western Jewish controlled politics from the USA to the EU is Adonai.
Sequestering Adonai the Voice of Chaos Evil to manifest your will Service:

$1000 Limited Edition, 12 only… (SOLD OUT – RENTALS ONLY)

Rent this Service $600 annual fee

Adonai Upgrade A: Sequestering the flow of Adonai riches from the Rothschilds to the SuperJew:

The Adonai flow brings all the Goyims wealth to the Rothschilds. Now the Psi-Lord controls the flow he or she automatically reroutes the flow of wealth, money energy, riches, treasures, good things in life from the Rothschilds to him or her and the 12 other Adonai SuperJews.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

It’s a war on White America.

It’s planned demolition of Christians.
Kike fave, Hillary the Hildebeast, converted classified records for her own use, destroyed the proof on the heels of a federal subpoena.

Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ that’s embezzlement, a crime.

But no raid.

Berman, Tapperman, and Blitzer of Jew-run CNN spun Hunter’s laptop exposing the Big Guy on the take in Ukraine as Russian disinfo.

It’s now debunked.

Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ Biden committed money laundering, a crime.

No raid.
The imported invaders, election fraud, recall fraud with Gascon, cultural filth, Rachel Levines, BLM looting, demographic diluting, energy collapse, inflation rise, demonization of Whites, weaponization of leftist ideology, FBI Gestapo, CRT indoctrination, Madison Avenue miscegenation, youth castration, porn proliferation, selective incarceration, rampant crime, Soros’ DAs, Big Brother’s bureaucratic standing army, wider federal centralization, deep state fortification, gun confiscation, de-industrialization, unbridled FED, DC entrenchment, Jew-packed courts, Jew-bought Congress, Big Tech censorship, Goldman-Sachs offshoring, half the country deplorables, food prices soaring, domestic war on terror, weaponized IRS tax collectors, patriots as domestic extremists, vaccine gene pool damage, pedos running the schools, money laundering in foreign nations, money laundering from foreign nations, billions to Ukraine, Israelization of foreign policy, bloated military, the unending HoloHoax, media lies, mocking all hard-working White folks, cracks in the Covid jigsaw, scorn of brotherly love, jews and their shills above the law.

We’re being robbed and murdered, swindled out of our sovereignty by the synagogue of satan.

And Trump’s gonna fix this?

Stop pleasing the Jews? He won’t risk it.

Another ‘plandemic?’ Trump took the jab, enabled the lab.

Only secession will fix this.

The Trump Raid is just noise to distract from the ravages of the tiny hat boys.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Black/African Christians could not have built America.

Mexican/South American Christians could not have built America.

Asian Christians could not have built America.

Middle Eastern Christians could not have built America.

America was built by White men.

@Nature_and_Race According to Christian Nationalism, Ethiopia should have been the center of Western Civilization since it was the first country to embrace Christianity as its official religion. Why didn't that happen, then?

Christian Nationalists don't seem to have an answer for that.

@sup_kommandant_irusk @Nature_and_Race Because they are niggers. Or at least Semitic niggers.


@Nature_and_Race Mexican/South American christians literally built Mexico and South America, and those places are shitholes. They are shitholes because they were built by brown people. Race > Religion.

@brextremist @Nature_and_Race Actually anything worth standing in Central and South America was built by White Spanish settlers, while brown skinned mestizos practically built nothing. You can see even in Africa most of the towns were built by the British, French or Portuguese. They built roads, buildings, Churches, schools, universities and everything worth standing in Africa. After colonialism was over, it was left to Blacks as a gift from White kindness.

@Nature_and_Race Torba is pushing the latest iteration of Civic Nationalism with the Christian Nationalism bs.

@Nature_and_Race America is the natural manifestation of White men. Glory in nature, industry, and freedom

Ron DeSantis, some parents and activists #fundie #homophobia #racist #sexist #conspiracy washingtonpost.com

[Title: Measures across the country aim to restrict what children can read. - Context: moral panic in the US, banning books in schools, non-expert prejudice-based supervision, enabled with new controversial laws]

In one Virginia school district this fall, parents will receive an email notification every time their child checks out a book. In a Florida school system, teachers are purging their classrooms of texts that mention racism, sexism, gender identity or oppression. And a Pennsylvania school district is convening a panel of adults to sign off on every title that school librarians propose buying. The start of the 2022-2023 school year will usher in a new era of education in some parts of America -- one in which school librarians have less freedom to choose books and schoolchildren less ability to read books they find intriguing, experts say.
"This is a state-sponsored purging of ideas and identities that has no precedent in the United States of America," said John Chrastka, EveryLibrary's executive director. "We're witnessing the silencing of stories and the suppressing of information [that will make] the next generation less able to function in society."
Meanwhile, a flurry of parent-staffed websites reviewing books for inappropriate content have appeared -- including "Between the Book Covers," whose website says "professional review sites cannot be entrusted," and BookLook.info, a place for taking a closer look at the books in our children's hands." (Virginia's Bedford County district now suggests the latter as a resource for parents.) There are also Facebook groups like Utah's "LaVerna in the Library," which "collects naughty children's books."
BookLooks ratings range from 0, "For Everyone," to 5: "Aberrant Content" for "Adult only." A BookLooks review of Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison's novel "The Bluest Eye," often taught at the high school level, labeled it a "4" -- meaning it should not be read by anyone under 18.
In other places, book purges are proceeding quietly -- sometimes by unwilling hands.

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist archived.moe

Fuck this country, this country is anti white, it discriminates against white people, the leaders of this country hate poor whites like me and favours shitskins and degenerates. This country is full of them and has no culture, if it did in the past, its all gone now. This shithole isn't worth fighting for. Hurry up Gott and Straffe the UK now. I want to leave and never come back.

Being an Englishman in 2022 is a curse unless you're rich and/or attractive, or a w*man.

I walk to town today to do some shopping, I see Muslims and blacks everywere walking down the street, takeaway shops and corner shops run by them, their languages being spoken, rubbish everywere and I have to see a mosque when I get home to. This country is horrid.

Watch your own countrymen deny the existence of British as a people. They are literally performing a cultural genocide against you while denying you exist.


I don't give a shit about this country, this country hates whites so I hate this country.

shii410 #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Based Anti-Racist British police officers told teachers & social workers to not report sex trafficking in order to avoid inflaming racial tensions

This is very based! Thank you to those Based officers as well as the BIPOC Immigrant community in Britain

The feminist take on this is unironically probably that the police and grooming gangs are part of the same faction and are oppressing women together because of their shared patriarchal interests (which is how the world should work)

A three-year independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation finds that over 1,000 children in the English town of Telford were sexually exploited beginning in the 1980s. Teachers and youth workers were discouraged from reporting child sexual abuse and police were nervous that investigating the abusers would inflame racial tensions.

Similar with other grooming gang cases, it was alleged that the authorities failed to keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of being seen as racist,[13] with police having known about gang activities since the early 1980s.

Jfl they use the term Asian men (which literally always means East Asian when westerners use the term in any other context) as if ricecels are going around raping thousands of foids but everyone who was arrested for being involved in this has a Pakistani name

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #ufo blackpill.club

(((They))) are fighting for a grey alien leftist NWO filled with Trannies and forced vaccinations. Jews pray to their grey alien gods everyday in their Kabbalah rituals that one day israel will take over the world and form a global ZOG tranny empire. I wish Hitler won WW2, then we wouldn’t have to deal with (((them))). These are who the jews are working for

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Former long-time Congressman recognizes and openly acknowledges the war that's being waged against White people by the courts and the court of public opinion.

White people, on every level of society, are waking up.

spoilerTrump will be indicted. The
charges will be brought in the
District of Columbia. They
know a white man has no
chance for a fair trial in DC; let
alone a Republican white man.

@Nature_and_Race lol four years of Trump bending over backwards for blacks made absolutely no difference.
I'm shocked.

Platinum Plan for blacks!
Set-asides for blacks!
First Step Act blacks get out of jail free cards!
Lowest black unemployment!
Opportunity Zones for blacks!
Pardons for blacks!

Compare his before and after approval numbers among blacks.

@Nature_and_Race would have been nice if Steve had been so bold when he was in office. Instead he voted to censure himself for saying racisims.

@Flair1239 He's a weak faggot. @Nature_and_Race

@timeIess -- Probably. But never the less, this one tweet of his is raising awareness about the war against White people. So this one post has value.



The Constitution guarantees a trial by your peers. Niggers and Communists are not his peers.

@Nature_and_Race we need a final solution for the jew problem

@PickleRick_420 @Nature_and_Race For real this time.

@Nature_and_Race Steve King merely made the obvious connection between western civilization, western values, and White people and he was run out of the Republican Party for doing so.

They made an example out of him and the entire party took note.

@Nature_and_Race Whites should not be second class citizens in their own country. Push back against the anti-White bigotry and Europhobic racism.


State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Editor’s Note: It ought to be self-evident to every truth-seeker that if the Kremlin decided to expose all of the monumental crimes committed by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis against humanity, the entire planetary civilization would undergo a geopolitical sea change of epic proportions. It is for that very reason that TIMING IS EVERYTHING.

For over 10 years now, the whole world has been witnessing a genocide perpetrated by the US-UK-UA-IL-EU-NATO terror group in the Donbass. Just as Israel has been genociding the Palestinians since the 1940s, Kiev has been slaughtering the Russian speakers who reside in eastern Ukraine since the Euro-Maidan coup was carried out in February of 2014. The truth of the matter is slowing seeping out, although the Global South has been well aware of this state of affairs since the very beginning, as those nations are also potential targets of NATO (well known to them as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
It should be clear that the Kremlin possesses hard evidence which proves that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by the United States Federal Government, U.S. Armed Forces, US Intelligence Community, Mainstream Media, Corporate America, among many other co-conspirators (e.g. United Kingdom, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.). Were the Kremlin to release that conclusive proof today, just imagine what would happen to the international order.
Russia has it all. Working together with several other nations within the BRICS Alliance, the Kremlin has accumulated enough proof of “egregious crimes against humanity” perpetrated by the West that Russia could bring down the whole criminal enterprise in a day and a night. However, the timing of these revelations is of paramount importance. Too soon, or too late, and they lose their punch. A controlled demolition of this scope and magnitude has to be executed in a manner so as not to jeopardize, in any way, OPERATION REVELATION.

Jim #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot blog.reaction.la

[From "Origins of the white race:"]

The white race is the youngest and newest of the races, originating about ten thousand years ago

Blacks are in fact a very diverse set of races, some of them considerably superior to other black races[…]
A very small black tribe or large family with the outward urge characteristic of modern whites left subsaharan Africa, and headed out into Europe[…]Small and diminishing populations of older races remained here and there throughout the world

They were, however, still black. Probably a better quality of black[…]Pretty much everyone still around was black or brown

About twelve thousand years, the climate started getting nicer, and northern Africa[…]became wet. Agriculture started in Northern Africa[…]To establish security of property over larger groups, more capable of defending that land, priesthoods developed[…]In Europe, brown skinned largely blue eyed people, with a various hair colors hunted and gathered

The middle eastern agriculturists rolled into Europe[…]
In Eastern Europe, the farmers ran into nomadic herders that were too technologically advanced to exterminate and replace. So, to make peace, they traded hostages and women, an event recorded in the Norse legends[…]
The mingled race evolved into whites, among them the Aryan race. The Aryan race, organized patriarchally and aristocratically, equipped with copper weapons and horse drawn chariots, expanded westwards into Europe, killing the men and marrying the women, replacing and mingling with middle eastern grain farmers, and South East into India, where they failed to do such a thorough job of upgrading the locals[…]
In Europe and the Middle East, and to a lesser extent India, Bronze Age civilization went decadent, failing to reproduce[…]Property rights in land and cattle was only practical under patriarchal organization, but with Kings, emancipation becomes all too possible

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The solutions to many of our problems are actually quite simple.

Historic flood of immigration? Close the border.

Other countries are shamelessly looting our own? Turn off the money spigot.

It's time for a Total Foreign Aid Moratorium. 10 years minimum sounds good to me.

@DrPaulGosar Step 1 - Name the jew

@DrPaulGosar 10 years?
how about the government only gets enough money to conduct the business of the citizens, and not a penny more?
for ever.

@jay323 @DrPaulGosar How about we ditch the federal government and only leave state governments ..... like a United States of Divorce.

@DrPaulGosar All of the world's problems are caused by jewish supremacy and jewish psychopathy. You know it.

@DrPaulGosar Deport jews to Iran. It is very nice there.

@DrPaulGosar We don't have a "historic flood of immigration" we have a historic flood of migration and invasion

@NationalImmigrantNetwork @DrPaulGosar ..with lots of free housing and welfare programs that welcome them with open arms..

@CAPnCrunch @DrPaulGosar Oh yeah "free" paid by us.

@DrPaulGosar deport all people who are not of European descent. Problems solved for a century.

@Reconquista2 check your dna first you might have some hispanic bloodline.

@6535 Spain is in Europe. I have no problems with people of Spanish descent. They have been an incredible part of Western Civilization.

Harmonica #racist #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Blood, Soil, and Faith – The Fundamental Building Blocks of a Nation, Part I: Blood"]

One subject in history that particularly fascinates me is how nations are formed[…]such was the case of the Angles and Saxons uniting to become English. Or, when a former single nation breaks up[…]like when English settlers in New England and the South eventually broke into two distinct nations, Yankeedom and Dixie[…]
True nations must have a genetic component – the people in them must be closely enough related to consider each other as belonging to a single nation. As taboo as it might be to admit today, quite a bit of human behavior is controlled by genetics[…]There are genes associated with risk-taking and these genes range from being nearly non-existent to completely non-existent in certain East Asian countries[…]large element of those genetic cultures is one of compliance and obedience to authority. By contrast, Africans have a very high rate of the risk-taking gene[…]
Nations are grouped by genetics and[…]marriage between people of two different nations was very rare outside of the nobility[…]
East Asian culture, genetically predisposed to avoid risk, has produced a culture where risk-taking is frowned upon. This is not to say that genetics are the sole reason[…]as soon as a cultural force like Confucianism took over, there was going to be a lot of selection for low risk-taking behavior[…]This can be observed in the behavior of East Asians in the West, where there is a far greater emphasis placed on generating wealth safely- i.e., being a doctor[…]Asians typically commit very little crime[…]
There is also a more fundamental reason why nations must have a genetic component – we tend to gravitate and more easily relate to people who look more similar to us[…]
As genetics advances as a science, a certain paradox has developed largely thanks to socially imposed taboos

Christopher F. Rufo #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

SCOOP: A left-wing NGO has laundered radical gender theory into more than 4,000 American schools, promoting an agenda of "anti-capitalism," the "abolition of the police," and encouraging children to adopt sexual identities such as "non-binary," "pansexual," and "genderqueer."

In a political manifesto, the GSA Network endorses calls for the “abolition of the police,” the “abolition of borders,” the payment of “reparations” to minorities, the “decolonization” of native lands, and the overthrow of the “cisgender heterosexual patriarchy.”

The GSA Network trains adults to use cult-like programming techniques to recruit children into “gender and sexuality” activism. First, the children must rank themselves as members of “groups w/ systemic power (privilege)” or “groups w/ less or no systemic power (oppressed).”

Next, the oppressor children must “[do] the self and collective work to analyze how we contribute to the oppression of Trans, Queer, Non-binary / Gender Non-Conforming, Black, Indigenous, youth of color” and “commit to dismantling these systems for collective liberation.”

The adults tell the children they must “implement the use of pronouns,” “offer a land acknowledgment,” “listen to the Trans community,” “center conversations around Black liberation,” and “use your privilege (and your physical and monetary resources) to support [the oppressed].”

The GSA Network trains adult and child leaders to keep the program a secret from parents. “Know what you do and don’t have to tell parents/ guardians/families,” the organization advises in its official handbook.

These clubs often use the language of “LGBTQ inclusion,” but the central organization is driven by pure left-wing radicalism. As @SwipeWright/@buttonslives have documented, many clubs are intentionally concealing the truth from parents.

School districts that encourage adult employees to secretly discuss sexuality with children are creating a dangerous system. Clinical psychologists are already warning that some of these practices resemble “the steps predators take” to abuse kids.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
My preferred pronouns are:

@repmtg stop White replacement

@repmtg what about White people?

@VictoryValhalla @repmtg Republicans are big tent anti-nationalists. Always have been. There just used to be more White people so it just seemed liked they used to care about us.


@repmtg I'd prefer no/women/in/men's/anything as well

@repmtg Deport/the/jews

@MichaelHill1951 @repmtg THE only policy that would deliver positive consequences.


spoilerNo, there's no such thing as a
"trans kid." If a child believes
they are a Lion, what are you
going to do? Feed it raw steak
and house the child in a cage? A
CHILD cannot want to be
transgender unless they are
being told that they are. A young
child does NOT understand the
full complexity of their decision
and role play.

@repmtg mine are fuck the niggers/fuck the jews

@repmtg Pretty sure your preferred pronouns are: dumb bitch/popularity whore.

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