It’s a war on White America.
It’s planned demolition of Christians.
Kike fave, Hillary the Hildebeast, converted classified records for her own use, destroyed the proof on the heels of a federal subpoena.
Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ that’s embezzlement, a crime.
But no raid.
Berman, Tapperman, and Blitzer of Jew-run CNN spun Hunter’s laptop exposing the Big Guy on the take in Ukraine as Russian disinfo.
It’s now debunked.
Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ Biden committed money laundering, a crime.
No raid.
The imported invaders, election fraud, recall fraud with Gascon, cultural filth, Rachel Levines, BLM looting, demographic diluting, energy collapse, inflation rise, demonization of Whites, weaponization of leftist ideology, FBI Gestapo, CRT indoctrination, Madison Avenue miscegenation, youth castration, porn proliferation, selective incarceration, rampant crime, Soros’ DAs, Big Brother’s bureaucratic standing army, wider federal centralization, deep state fortification, gun confiscation, de-industrialization, unbridled FED, DC entrenchment, Jew-packed courts, Jew-bought Congress, Big Tech censorship, Goldman-Sachs offshoring, half the country deplorables, food prices soaring, domestic war on terror, weaponized IRS tax collectors, patriots as domestic extremists, vaccine gene pool damage, pedos running the schools, money laundering in foreign nations, money laundering from foreign nations, billions to Ukraine, Israelization of foreign policy, bloated military, the unending HoloHoax, media lies, mocking all hard-working White folks, cracks in the Covid jigsaw, scorn of brotherly love, jews and their shills above the law.
We’re being robbed and murdered, swindled out of our sovereignty by the synagogue of satan.
And Trump’s gonna fix this?
Stop pleasing the Jews? He won’t risk it.
Another ‘plandemic?’ Trump took the jab, enabled the lab.
Only secession will fix this.
The Trump Raid is just noise to distract from the ravages of the tiny hat boys.