
Ghost #fundie

White Nationalism = Socialism

Why are Antifa and White Nationalists “fighting” each other when both sides want the same thing? Socialism! When confronted with this obvious contradiction, White Nationalists have created terminology in an attempt deflect this question; the “Horse Shoe Theory.” Much like their favorite defense mechanism in debate, “the Jew;” the Horse Shoe theory provides enough rhetorical cover so that their followers don’t become disillusioned with their abstract political stances. But no amount of rhetorical redundancy can eliminate the modus operandi of White Nationalism; Socialism.

How can White Nationalists tout that minorities are welfare receiving, inferior races? When its White Nationalists themselves who are advocating their own submission to the State, with their WHITE hands out waiting for a subsidized existence? By advocating Socialism, White Nationalists are admitting that White folk are incapable of independence and self-preservation without coercion of State authority. Much like how the modern LGBTQ movement has used State power to assert “its” perspective on society.

White Nationalism itself is NOT a natural and organic means of social organization if the State is needed for its existence. Much like Communism, White Nationalism has to be forced onto a populous, which molds the perspective of the masses into its man-made ideas. This is the basis of ALL Communist models throughout contemporary history.

Unlike the individual Freedom of Capitalism, White Nationalism uses the same politically-romantic collective language as the Communists. They emphasize the need for collective unity, recognition and justice; which are the same adherents of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. So are these groups really enemies?

I’ve personally called out the main mouth pieces of the White Nationalist movement on the hypocrisy mentioned previous, only to be purposely ignored. For they know, they can’t articulate the contradictions of their abstract political views. They are nothing more then Nazi cos-players who use the Internet to organize groups of disenchanted life losers who need someone else to blame for their own bad decisions. Just LIKE ANTIFA!


Mike Adams #conspiracy

August 4 protests FALSE FLAG warning – a “perfect storm” for staged deaths to demonize conservative Americans

Today I’ve posted an urgent warning video, which you can see in full, below. This video — which would have been banned by YouTube and Facebook — is available exclusively on

It explains that Aug. 4 is shaping up to be a “perfect storm” false flag event, where deaths are staged in order to blame conservative Americans and sway public opinion for the upcoming mid-term elections. If Democrats gain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, they promise to impeach President Trump — an act that would likely set off a nationwide civil war.

In the video below, I warn that anti-Trump, anti-American “terrorist” forces such as Antifa and the Portland Police Department (which is complicit with left-wing terrorists) are likely planning a false flag event which could consist of one or more of the following attacks:

- Vehicular assault against Antifa terrorists (similar to the Charlottesville attack).
- Firearms assaults against Antifa terrorists in order to blame gun-owning Americans and call for more gun control
- Bombings and arson, including demolition of buildings to collapse on top of protesters
- Biological or chemical attacks that target Leftists

The insane, deranged Left is about to move America from the “info war” stage to the “kinetic war” stage of the civil war. While no prediction is 100% accurate, Aug. 4 looks like it could be a trigger point that unleashes the opening chapter of the kinetic war. Be cautious and safe this weekend.

Alexandra Bruce #conspiracy #ableist #wingnut #quack

When I look at a group of Antifa members, I often feel that I’m looking at a group of people with High-functioning autism or Aspberger syndrome.
In this video, commentator Bill Whittle cites Politico chief political columnist, Roger Simon, who in a recent opinion piece for the Epoch Times asked whether cancel culture Progressives are not malevolent fascists, but suffering from symptoms of autism?
While it may be true that Big Tech CEOs and many of their Antifa-affiliated content moderators – and indeed, many in the cohort of Americans born after the 1980s exhibit symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, I believe that, rather than their neurological condition being the cause of Internet censorship, their condition has been weaponized by a military-grade psychological operation as part of the information war being waged by the Deep State against the human race.

I believe this is especially the case of the Antifa members who are content moderators and “fact-checkers”, who are not truly in positions of power – even if they do have the power to nuke your Twitter account or to publish a derogatory report about your website on Newsguard.

As for the CEOs, they may indeed be Aspies but I believe there is an additional level of control via blackmail and threats that is in operation.
The real questions may be whether a generation of Americans has already been neurologically damaged by an aggressive vaccine schedule – and whether the enemies of humanity are now coming after the rest of us in a genocidal campaign to vaccinate “the entire global population” with CRISPR gene-editing technology that has not been approved for use in humans.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #fundie

Over the weekend, this author received intel chatter — unconfirmed but worth paying attention — about radical left-wing terrorists planning on carrying out acts of sabotage during the Christmas week deep freeze that’s about to hit much of North America. Acts of sabotage against domestic power infrastructure are multiplied in their chaos effects by sub-freezing weather which makes power loss extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons.
Many Antifa supporters are Luciferians / Satanists, and if they can take down the power grid on or around Christmas Day, they will literally achieve the snuffing out of lights on the day of Christ. This would be an “extra credit” type of terrorism activity for those who are also satanists and who therefore despise both Christ and a functioning human civilization.
I cover all this and more in today’s podcast:

– Antifa group in Georgia arrested with BOMBS and weapons
– Intel chatter about Antifa groups targeting electrical infrastructure
– Luciferians hope to take out the lights on the Day of Christ (Christmas)
– Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck
– America is at the tipping point of chaos and desperation: #Inflation , layoffs, etc.
– EU #climate cultists reach agreement to force all citizens to pay for carbon emissions
– EU climate goal specifies a “carbon zero” deadline of 2050
– CARBON ZERO means zero human beings, since breathing releases carbon
– Under the climate cult, Western Europe is committing civilization SUICIDE
– The planetary-scale ethnic cleansing operation has only accelerated since
– Vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse, “carbon zero” all share same goal: Eliminating humans from Earth
– Why is Earth being prepared for a post-human future? #depopulation
– Humanity is a FAILED species on a cosmic scale. Failed basic tests of logic, stewardship and sanity.
– The entire human race has been targeted for termination by forces far more powerful than us

Ximena Barreto #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

Thus, what is a law-abiding citizen to do in America today? I am already fearful of displaying a Trump lawn sign, wear a MAGA hat in public, and the like. If I do, I am asking for a triggered, likely white ANTIFA anarchist to attack me physically at worst, or verbally assault my family and I at best. I am far more scared of political violence in 2020 than I am of catching COVID.

To make things worse, it is incredibly unclear to what extent I have the right to defend myself. There are disturbing images of men sneaking up on an old man in Baltimore with a brick and knocking him unconscious, a Trump supporter publicly executed in the street, 'Mean Girls for Biden' inappropriately touching and stealing from a child, and on and on. A Biden supporter is extremely unlikely to be attacked unprovoked. Still, a White or Latina Trump supporter is, unfortunately, more likely to be attacked than ever (since maybe wearing a pro-Union hat in Richmond during the Civil War)

It is widely known that the police do not have an affirmative responsibility to protect us from crime. This is especially true today in Democratic cities, where police are being defunded, attacked, and are fearful of making one mistake that could cost them their career, pension, and or life. One's best hope is for the police to investigate your assault after-the-fact. How then can a citizen feel safe in our nation's largest cities in 2020? Trump's re-election is quickly approaching, and ANTIFA is secretly hoping he wins so that they can use it as an excuse for wanton mayhem, murder, looting, and more.

Roosh #fundie

The left has decided that they no longer want to live among people who share different views than them. They are plugging their fingers in their ears while yelling racist, fascist, Nazi, and Hitler. They are refusing to yield, compromise, debate, or even accept that their political positions are starting to lose in democratic elections despite suspected cheating that aids them. This has put us squarely in the middle of a cold civil war where both sides of the political spectrum are warming to the idea of killing each other.

A confirmation of the left’s defeat is apparent when you see how their maniacal behavior converts more people, especially moderates, against them. The biggest recruiting tool against the left has become the left. Every time they protest, riot, screech against white people, or show their vulgarity, the remaining mentally sane of America realize that the left’s platform has become so out-of-touch that it no longer represents the basic ideals of the country. The non-cucked right needs to merely show up after temper tantrums and say “Look how crazy they are” for the converts to come pouring in.

The left is out of options

Many people are wondering why the left has become a recruiting agent for the right by promoting or engaging in violence. First, they simply don’t know what else to do. When a parent tells a child that he can’t eat candy for every meal, and the child doesn’t have a logical argument about the merits of eating that candy, what does he do? He cries, stomps his feet, threatens to run away, throws out insults like “meanie” and “jerk,” and may even hit his parent to get his way. Donald Trump and his supporters are the parents who won’t yield to an emotional child.

The second reason why the left is hurting their cause with violence is because its billionaire controllers, particularly George Soros, want to divide America to such an irreparable extent that a hot Civil War is forced, giving them an opportunity to increase their power. Soros wants to create so much hate, animosity, and chaos that any resulting conflict has a chance of him holding absolute power, compared to the current situation where he has “only” a moderate amount. In other words, he rather take the chance of war to solidify his grip further.

The leftists that Soros sponsors in the Woman’s Marches and the antifa outbursts may also want a Civil War, but a quick look at their physiognomy shows they would struggle to even go one day without electricity, and that they possess the same psychological directive as the child who is angry that he can’t have candy. Soros is the creepy old neighbor who promises them the candy they crave because he wants to build their trust and get them alone. The child, naive about the extreme danger that lurks behind the likes of Soros, decides to follow him into a van parked in the alley to spite its own parents and their righteous authority.

The reason the right has been reluctant to respond with violence is because they’re winning. Violence comes not from a position of strength, but desperation, when every other option has been extinguished, and should serve as a signal to you of what the real score between the left and right really is. Without violence, the left currently has a 100% chance of losing, continuously and humiliatingly, for at least the next eight years. All the gains that took them decades to achieve will be lost if we ravage and rape their power structures.

With a hot civil war, the left has a 25% chance to win, a bet they are willing to take even though there is a high chance they will be among the first to die in the conflict. A logical person would ask why they would push for a conflict that is sure to destroy the infrastructure of the urban centers they live in, and one where food, water, and other basic necessities would be lacking. The answer comes upon realizing that a child does not realize that eating candy every day will make him sick. The child must therefore be commanded for its own good, because it does not have the capability to take care of itself or understand the consequences of its actions.

We all lose in a hot war

Before the warrior in you gets excited at the prospect of crushing the left in a hot war and killing antifa members with high-powered weapons as they wield sharpened mop handles at you, understand that any war in the United States would quickly become a proxy war involving all major military powers, particularly China and Russia, who would rush to spend billions of dollars to have ultimate control of the country. It would be protracted and match the first civil war in terms of brutality, where 2% of the population died.

With the current population, a 2% death rate would result in over 6 million deaths. Compared to the 3,000 that died on 9/11, which was seen as the greatest national tragedy of modern times, a hot war would effect every single American in a profoundly negative way. No sane person with a family would wish for this outcome, which further highlights the insanity of much of the left in pushing for this very result. They rather see millions of people dead and the country ruined than accept a democratic process where their crazy ideas lost.

Even if we avoid a hot war, the underlying problems are not solved. The left will constantly subvert against the country in hopes of achieving a hot war, use both economic and physical violence against those on the right whom they disagree with, and inevitably descend into terroristic violence that rivals ISIS. It’s intolerable for things to proceed as they are, but if we remove a hot war from the table, what option is left?


I recommend the long divorce option, which has three components. The first is extreme law and order. Starting with the Federal government, every single instance of leftist threats, intimidation, and violence must be investigated, prosecuted to the maximize allowable by law, and publicized. The left have been getting away with their illegal acts for too long, to the point where violent protesters don’t even fear arrest, thanks to Democratic mayors and police chiefs who allow it. The FBI must uphold the law and punish those who break it, and municipalities or universities that allow illegal acts must be punished through withholding of Federal funds. This will immediately shrink the number of violent agitators on the left and limit the power of their institutions.

The second component of the long divorce option is to excise the left from all centers of cultural power so that they cannot actively convert the youth. The fake news, already on its last legs, must be replaced by organizations that are not so vehemently anti-American, academia must be purged, and all globalist traitors working in government, both on the Federal and state level, must be removed from positions of power.

The media is hemorrhaging money and viewers, millions of citizens are getting red pilled to the subversiveness of the academic system (particularly its anti-male and anti-white agenda), and Trump has begun to right the ship in the Federal government, which will certainly trickle down to the local levels. Because the leftist establishment is losing control over their narrative, the younger Generation Z is already showing signs of rightward thinking thanks to being raised on 4chan memes more than TV programming. This means that we simply need to remove millennials from power and wait for them to die of old age or AIDS while preventing them from causing further damage to American institutions.

Halting immigration is the third component of the long divorce option. The left has not been able to show how immigrants benefit American citizens besides more diverse restaurant options, and emotional pleas of “human rights” and “compassion” is not sufficient enough to turn the United States into a big welfare office. Open-borders immigration is hurting existing citizens, serving as a cynical means for leftists to gain more votes in elections while browbeating their enemies with “hate speech” codes that demand you love non-Americans more than Americans.

We must also advocate for a white population that increases from where it currently stands, because America is no longer America if that number dips below 50%, and will instead look something like an international airport. Once immigration is stopped, and illegal citizens are deported, it will become monumentally more difficult for open-borders politicians to win nationally again. This can be absolutely ensured if woman’s suffrage is repealed, a proposition that I know many find unpalatable, but one that would usher in an era of permanent winning.

[Submitters note: trying to repeal women's suffrage is probably why the hypothetical leftists want to kill you Roosh]

For us to win without a hot civil war, we have to retake the reins of power and peacefully co-exist with bitter leftists over the next fifty years while the culture slowly heals itself. Once institutions are purged of anti-American leftists, the new left will exist in more of a classical liberal form and believe in nominally nationalist ideas while accepting cultural values that are shy of traditional. The long divorce option will not excite you because of the length it takes to see a resolution, but it’s one that will preserve life and the existing infrastructure of the United States.

Four future outcomes

There are four outcomes that can proceed from the juncture of which we stand. The first is a globalist resurgence at the polls thanks to demographic changes that push the vote far to the left, starting in 2024. If this happens, we will have a president that is more authoritarian than Hillary Clinton. The boot will come down on all facets of American life, especially speech, and we will essentially be living in an open-air prison.

The second outcome is a hot war where we win. The country will be ravaged and millions will die, but at least most of the deaths will be leftists.

The third option is a hot war where we lose because of foreign involvement. Not only are we much more likely to die in this engagement, but the globalist boot will come down with such a viciousness that those on the right who survive may hope that they had died in the war.

And the fourth option is the long divorce, one that we will easily win if the recommendations I made above are taken. Very few people die and life can proceed with high stability and prosperity for the majority of the country.

The globalist left has so damaged the country from the decades they’ve been in power that there is no quick fix, and those of us who are alive today will likely not see a resolution that can be argued as “complete victory” during our lifetimes. I understand the frustration that many on the right have, and the desire they have to be immediately cured of poisons that the left has unleashed, but we must carefully analyze any outcome that results in the deaths of our loved ones and even ourselves. There is a time and place to die for what you believe in, but I hope I have convinced you that we have not yet reached that critical moment and that we can avoid the downsides of a hot civil war and the globalist boot by taking on the option of the long divorce to still win in the end.

The laws we have on the books are enough—let’s enforce those and allow the country to focus on itself instead of empire building and policing while the media and universities collapse upon the weight of their own lies and degeneracy. Besides, the entertainment value in watching the left screech and yell for the next several decades is sure to bring us reams of pleasure. That’s a better outcome than outright war.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut

Yeah! How dare the NYPD side with Trump!? They should be watching cities burn down by BLM and ANTIFA, watching people getting killed by BLM and ANTIFA while geting defunded with a big smile on their faces! Why is the left getting so much hate? They did EVERYTHING right, right? Right!? The left has officially turned into an abusive husband or wife that beats their spouse, America or cops, while claiming “it’s for their own good or they do it out of love” and now the left is expecting America to just cry on TV and say “YOU DON’T KNOW THE LEFT! I CAN CHANGE THEM! I LOOOOOOVE THEM!” Or is this a one sided BDSM thing? Stop being a Christian Grey, you fucking psychos!

AJ #racist

One must do careful study of the Jews to really understand how they operate.

The Jews have been very successful in deflecting attention away from their tactics, for which Antifa is just another of many examples of how they divide and conquer. Since Jews control the mass media, they will, of course, attempt to hide and minimize the terrorist-like tactics of Antifa, and instead strongly focus attention to any excesses of some White nationalist groups, or falsely portray these groups as violent and racist.

I could give countless other examples of Jewish tactics like this, though I’m sure most people on this site are quite knowledgable already. But many among the American public are not, and hence fall for the false narratives perpetuated by the media.

Trump’s Presidency is slowly exposing the Jewish tactics and more are starting to see that there is indeed a clever organized conspiracy operating.

How many better informed Americans are truly aware of the fact the conspiracy is entirely Jewish? Or do they just believe it’s really “globalists,” “Communists,” “the media,” “the Illuminati” or whatever euphemism you hear them say publicly?

The conspiracy is entirely Jewish, plus the Jewish lackeys in the whole mass media that work for them. Not just the news (NYTimes, WashPost, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc.), but the entertainment media (Hollywood, TV sitcoms, late-night talk shows, the lifestyle magazines like GQ, Vogue, Esquire, and on and on—.).

This is all part of the Jewish grand scheme for them to maintain control. Barely a single newspaper in the whole U.S. endorsed Trump for President, yet tens of millions supported him. The Jews fear the movement that created Trump but did not really see it coming.

Other examples of how the Jews operate:

They flooded the universities with lies and false ideas that have badly infected once prestigious departments like the humanities and history.

What kind of false ideas?? Well they very cleverly promulgate false teachings and sometimes mix some truth with these teachings to even further confuse the “goyim.”

1) “Racism”: This is one of their biggest “isms” or ideas they have infected the World with.

The Aryan/White races created the whole Western World we see before us. Yet the Jews have made it so anyone who acknowledges this fact publicly is considered “racist” or insensitive to the less advanced races.

2) “Sexism”: Differences between men and women that are simply facts in nature are exploited. They exploit women’s more emotional nature so they feel victimized.

3) “Homophobia”: All cultures of the world have penalized homosexuality because it’s destructive to families and perpetuation of the human race. Yet this rational reason is turned into one single idea, “homophobia”, and so you’re a bad person if you’re “homophobic.”

Abstract ideas like philosophy and religion are easily messed with and the Jews are very good at this. Someone should write a book on aspects of Jewish ways of thinking and acting and it should be taught in every school in America!

Kajm, maxm2317, Robotnik14, Graeystone, #wingnut

(Submitter: yeah, this one is… out there, not just the guy who submitted it (Kajm) but the commenters too, but it does show you just how scared they are of a 16-year-old just for talking about maybe we actually try and do something about climate change)

(Image found on the internet)

Madrid (AFP) – A UN climate summit in Madrid risked collapsing Saturday after marathon negotiations between countries left them more divided than ever over on how to fight global warming and pay for its ravages.…

And, in comments below the article, I understand that Greta has NOT YET even arrived at the Conference, as her ship is still out to all at sea.
Which means all those world leaders will likely be long gone, before she can 'line them up against the wall' *cough*firing squads*cough*Hitler*cough*...

maxm2317: She’s a goddamn hypocrite!

(someone mentioned George Orwell)
RedAmerican1945: Yeah, considering how badly you two are interpreting 1984, an anti authoritarian piece from a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist.

Kajm: Not to begin another entire argument- I really want to get to my primary writing- but Rush Limbaugh says 'words mean things.' Which plays quite nicely against what Orwell says... and it is the Dems who are currently twisting words this way and that.
As I say, NOT wishing to start this all over again. Christmas is coming fast, I have things to take care of (as do you), and writing time this time of year, is Precious. Like a Ring. (get the joke?) ;)

Robotnik14: Considering how you and other morons love to advocate extreme political violence...I'm pretty sure Orwell would have despised you massively buddy...
But okay, tumor...

(and finally Graeystone)
Graeystone *anti-net neutrality*: Net Neutrality needs to go the way of the Dodo because it just isn't working in certain ways as in Big Tech Monopolies(GOOGLE, Twitter, Facebook).
Oh, and by the way-
(his journal on ‘how to’ guilds)
Too many people on dA and even in Real Life seem to believe these stories are 'How-To Guides' on what our very real world should be like. For anyone who believes that, I have a simple question for you - "Are you that frickin' stupid!?"
The people who created these story meant for them to be 'cautionary tales' or better yet; 'things that should never be attempted in real life.' Yet all the time there are people who think bringing about some of the nastier aspects of
If anything Orwell might have been a Marxist 'Reformer' in trying to point out the worst aspects of Marxism while trying to fix the problems.

Graeystone: Dana Perino on FOX News called it - Greta got named as Time's Person of the Year. Frankly this rich entitled ANTIFA poster child(her parents are big ANTIFA types) is going to go the way of the Dodo and Anita Sarkinseen in terms of being relevant.
Ya know, there's no difference between this photoshopped photo and the actual photo. . .she's creepy as heck in both.

Don Feder #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place"]

In a recent poll, 61 % of Americans said we’re on the verge of civil war. What’s coming is cataclysmic, but there are better ways to describe it. Instead of civil war, think revolution.

Some believed the proletarian revolution was coming in the 1930s, during the Great Depression – others, during the rise of the New Left in the 1960s.

But they were only sparks that never ignited.

What was kindled decades ago, now has burst into flames.

The pieces are all in place: rioting without end, war on the police, government complicity with anarchy, one party firmly in the grasp of revolutionaries, ongoing efforts to erase our history, radicals with a death-grip on the culture and an election from which there could be no turning back. To view any of these elements in isolation would be a tragic mistake.

The riots following the death of George Floyd have been anything but spontaneous. They were planned and organized by Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others. The founders of BLM describe themselves as “trained Marxists.”


If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used to attack and intimidate opponents of the regime -- morphing from storm troopers to S.S. Resistance will be labeled racism.

With statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico (and who knows where else), court-packing and ending the filibuster, our system of government will be permanently altered to assure that this election will be the last real election.

Like France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932, we stand at the brink. Thank God Trump is no Louis XVI.

Don’t think civil war. Think firing squads, gulags and death camps. Think the Black Lives Matter flag flying over the White House and Capitol.

CH #fundie

Do leftoids and their antifa schlock troops have any self-awareness at all? Because if they did, they’d recoil at what their “progressive” movement has become: a bought and paid for tool of the Deep State. Their “Fight the Man!” ilk used to revolt against the Establishment before it became a moral imperative to support Davosian globalist oligarchs and neocon warmongers.

Case in point: the resignation of national security advisor Mike Flynn from Trump’s Cabinet. I won’t get into the thickets here concerning the events leading up to Flynn’s departure (it isn’t nearly as scandalous as the FakeNews media would have you to believe), but suffice to say the Left is very happy that their new Master, the invade-the-world, invite-the-world Deep State, has claimed a Trump Administration scalp.


I agree with both anonymous and Jack D. Trump’s “cave” (perceptions matter when you aren’t controlling the leftoid media megaphone) will make his Presidency more difficult. You give a shitlib an inch, they’ll take a mile. That is the nature of r-selected critters.

But Jack D is also right that Trump genuinely admires Pence and probably felt he had to do him a solid on this issue, if it’s true that Flynn dissembled to Pence and jeopardized Pence’s integrity, (even if the matter on which Flynn dissembled is in the grand scheme the smallest of potatoes). I think Trump may come out ahead in the long run if Flynn’s resignation establishes an anti-Deep State precedent that Trump will tolerate no lying in his Cabinet, and firings are a real threat for anti-Trump subversives.

But the moral of the story is the Left’s total and complete alignment with the GloboHomo Axis of Weasel’s project to deracinate Western nations and replace them with chaotic, socially disemboweled market bazaars selling cheap Chinese-made trinkets and zika-laced tacos.

The leftoid equalist rebels will gladly subsume their directives to the Deep State if it means a continuation of open borders and the rest of the anti-White globalist agenda. It always comes back to anti-White posturing. Always. Shitlibs will rationalize any putrid alliance as long as their precious anti-White “social justice” isn’t hindered.

The real revolutionaries now are on the Maul-Right; we fight a crooked Establishment that includes, but is not limited to, the media, the government bureaucracy, the Deep State, the Democrats, the Republicans, academia, the judiciary, the entertainment propaganda machine, the Left, the Russophobic neocons, the Mexican squatters, the cucked Anglosphere, the Soros saboteurs, the SJW social media censors, and the street theater antifa perception manipulators and demoralization agents.

We are David versus the Goliath Left. If only the Left had the decency to recognize which side of that battle they represent.

Andy Ngo #wingnut

[Note: Andy neglected to mention the various Proud Boys who were brandishing firearms and pepper spray at this “protest” with the quiet blessing of the police, documented here: ]

At the violent antifa protest outside the Wi Spa in Los Angeles on Saturday, antifa surrounded & hit a woman with a skateboard. A small group had gathered to protest the spa over an incident where a person allegedly exposed their penis to women & girls.

GreatJanitor #fundie

(Charlottesville rally organizer calls Heather Heyer’s death ‘payback’)

I wouldn't say payback. However, you had three groups: Black Lives Matters, Antifa, and White Supremacists. A member of one of those three died. Hard not to admit that nothing of value was lost. I know that's cold, but after seeing the destruction Antifa and BLM have caused, seeing the people that they have assaulted, let's not kid ourselves for one moment and admit that a member of a violent organization died. Not a hero, but a terrorist.

shewolfoffrance #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: Message from Central California Women’s Facility (via WoLF) — Male neo-Nazi gang members are now encouraging each other to transfer into women’s prisons by identifying as trans.

Can't wait to see what Antifa is going to do to protect women, many of whom are victims of racial prejudice in the justice system, from Nazis (literal Nazis, not moms who don't want men wagging their penises in front of children).

They are not going to do anything. They "defend" categories only if it' s trendy, it' s not trendy to defend women, but it is trendy to defend men who call themselves women, regardless of the reason why they do it.

Nazis "identifying" as women will be the poor victims of bigotry, even when they rape, kill and torture biological women in prisons.

I think it would go down much the same way as Chris Chan. Mainstream media outlets will ignore the story, TRAs will be up in arms about pronouns and ignore the female victim, and a few TRAs will try to claim the Nazi rapists "were never really trans."

They will call it a hoax and say it never happens and when confronted with evidence they will say “oh but it hasn’t happened a lot” and so forth and so on

They'll go full rape apologist too. They'll claim the sex was consensual and the woman was lying.

About 60% of the women's prison population in California are women of color. Black women in particular are severely overrepresented. You'd think there'd be some concern from the people who claim they believe black lives matter about subjecting black women who have likely already experienced a lot of injustice and abuse in their lives to violent white supremacist males. But you know there won't be.

It seems like a lot of Antifa kids are young, white, middle-class men larping as radicals. Young men picking fights and destroying property for fun is the oldest story in the book. The veneer of social consciousness is new, but I don't think it reflects any deeply held beliefs.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #conspiracy

The Chauvin trial--the trial for the cop that's accused of killing George Floyd--began today. The prosecution has already demonstrated that they're fucking retards.

They're going to sandbag this prosecution, and Antifa--already present again in force in Minneapolis--is already planning to riot when (not if) the cop gets acquitted.

I say "when" because the riots will give the embattled Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, the political cover he will need to put down the threats to his power from within the state's institutions as well as clamp down on popular dissent against his rule-by-decree that the Wu Flu enabled heretofore.

The rioting this time will be targeted at the Governor's rivals within the Minnesota DFL as well as his party's enemies, which means it will not be confined to a narrow strip across the south side of Minneapolis with a few jabs into St. Paul. It will range further, specifically to exhaust an already depleated and demoralized Minneapolis Police Department and force those states on the adjacent suburbs as well as the Hennepin County Sheriff's Department and the Minnesota State Patrol.

This past week's warm-up, and attendent melt-off of the winter's snowpack and ice buildup, made this the earliest viable go time for rioting to go down. If the trial goes for the rest of March, and this weather holds, then by the time the acquital hits and the burnings start we'll be firmly into the Spring and fair-weather professional rioters will have no issue coming into town to do their thing.

The only uncertain thing is how fast they will spread their rioting into the surrounding suburbs, where they know the political support for Chauvin resides, because those same suburbs are full of the very shitlibs Antifa recruits from- they sure as shit don't recruit from working class neighborhoods or the ghettos. (The latter is a BLM preserve.)

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #transphobia

Almost 70 percent of the people admitted to the Princeton class of 2025 identify as people of color. They will become a new non-white elite through assortative mating and will dominate American educational institutions. Whites who can’t “play the new game of race and gender fluidity” will be despised. Giving whiteness a purely negative identity convinces many whites that self-annihilation is good. Aaron Bady dreams about “a new world” in which his children will speak Spanish. However, is an antifa who identifies as “they/them” white? I’ve long thought that the countless new “genders” that progressives claim are attempts to escape from whiteness. Over 50 percent of liberal, white women under age 30 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. I think some of them cultivate illness as an identity, a way of making yourself a victim so you can be spared the costs of whiteness. The rush to be “transgender” is part of this.

The article concludes by discussing “mass hysteria”. One sociologist suggested “collective stress responses.”. I think it may be more accurate. Young whites are under stress we older Americans don’t understand. Movies, television, YouTube, video games, political news are explicitly anti-white. Whites who identify as non-white or use invented identities to flee from “whiteness” will be pushed back into our arms by their own allies. No antifa, transgender, Communist, anarchist, or “ethnic studies” professor will be safe. He is biologically guilty. Even if we get an intelligent, multi-racial governing elite, it can’t hold the country together. The new ruling class will be united mainly by scorn for conservative whites. That is thin gruel compared to the genuine nationalism of real countries like Russia and China. In a fight, real nations beat fakes. In the meantime, we can join with others of like mind and strong will to pool resources and build communities. Let them wallow in victimhood. We will build a nation in which it’s not just OK to be white. It will be a universal privilege and joy.

None #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut

Black people when they are annoyed, riot.

White people, when we are annoyed form sniper kill squads and make it clear no such thing as a "police officer" is allowed to exist and if they show up, they get pfft, pffft, and no one saw nothing.

If we are REALLY annoyed, trucks full of chemicals start blowing up.

Notice Antifa. No one of any merit in Antifa is other than White. These are the people locking police in their headquarters and then setting fire to it. They haven't quite perfected what they are doing, but I'd like to point out that this was not happening until White people got involved.

Biden better rethink what he is doing or he is likely to just take his medication and discover his White doctor is a patriot.

Notice how frantic they were to try and reframe some hijinks by a few pissed off Trump supporters as high treason and how this did not in any way work.

They were terrified. As well they should be.

White cannot be replaced by anyone, especially blacks. What happens when this reaches a critical threshold is collapse.

After it happens, all things will revert to local politics ONLY. No one will be allowed to move. Blacks will be shot on sight while anyone with high IQ or skills might be welcomed.

A post collapse America, is our near future, not a "democracy" run by non-whites to their benefit only.

Most cities are going to burn and be barricaded to prevent refugees. If you want to live there, like all opportunities, whites excel. Be a warlord. Show the local blacks you can lead them to slaughter and cannibalize their neighbors and you will be king of the trasheap. Understand, once upon a time, white people did do this occassionally....especially once non-whites got a taste for drugs.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #sexist

[From “What Happens if Trump Loses – Will you Pick Up a Stone?”]

I have largely given up on voting[…]Trump’s extraordinary weakness in the face of the antifa, his DOJ’s targeting of so-called White Nationalists (including me), and the obvious 2020 stolen election have me focused on local elections exclusively in my home country of Florida[…]Trump is winning and should win a fair election[…]
I do not think the anti-humans of the establishment uniparty will allow a fair election[…]Kamala Harris – an affirmative action candidate who literally preformed sexual acts to get to the top – is the preferred candidate for a system that is designed to work toward a one world, globalist future[…]
January 6 was not an insurrection. It was a protest on grounds owned by U.S. taxpayers[…]It was not nearly as destructive as the absolute vicious and murderous anarchy leveled upon cities throughout the United States by the antifa, Black Lives Matter, and by extension, the American intelligence apparatus[…]
One of my chief criticisms of Trump is that he is not a details[…]guy. It is just not in his nature. JD Vance, a man who legally advocated for the expansion of transgenderism[…]is more so. But this is not Vance’s election campaign. It is Trump’s – and it does not appear that the Trump team has taken the steps necessary to “stop the steal”[…]
The Democrats – the openly official party of the anti-humans – are ready. In Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Democrat machines led by radical Democrat governors are ready to hand Harris the keys to the Oval Office[…]
I have long suspected that Florida – led by primarily DIA exiles from DeSantis down – will take steps toward some level of secession if Trump loses by obvious theft. The recent actions of the Florida Guard remind me of Franco in the lead up to the Spanish reclamation from Marxists. Other states will likely follow[…]
David picked up his stone and stopped the behemoth. Will you pick up a stone when the time comes?

Andrew Anglin #psycho #transphobia #sexist #racist

[From "Communism Isn’t a System – It is a Tactic"]

Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.

If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.

Communist leaders just feed low-IQ poor people a bunch of gibberish about a workers’ paradise and march them off to commit a slaughter so that they can completely cleanse the old elite and establish themselves as supreme leaders.

Every successful communist revolution has resulted in the entire ruling class being killed or driven out of the country. Millions of people always die.

The people that start the revolution are never the ones that finish it, and the ones that finish it are rarely the ones holding the cards when it’s finally over.

Jews used the tactic of communism against the elite of the early 20th century, who were all white people. At this point, the logical thing is to use that same communist system against the current elite, who are all Jews.

That is why I think we should aggressively endorse and support all forms of communism.

To be clear, I’m not talking about any kind of “nationalistic communism” or Nazbol. I’m talking about the current push for communism all over the Western world, which is coming in under the guise of “progressivism” and “socialism.”

Instead of fighting against the current, we should embrace the mainstream push for communism, and escalate it into a full-on Bolshevist-type revolution.

I have no idea how that will turn out. No one does. And that is the fun of it.

But how could things get any worse simply because all rich people (Jews, mainly) and millions of other random people were killed in an unfathomably violent communist revolution?

It’s a serious question which begs for a serious answer, and the serious answer is that obviously, it couldn’t be any worse.

Firstly, all of the faggot soyboys pushing for communism are going to die in the first wave. None of these people are ready for the bloody mayhem of a total revolution.

Do you think a bunch of trannies and heroin junkies are going to be able to deal with a situation in which people get dragged out of their homes and shot in the street on a civilization-wide scale?

Of course not.

And whomever grabs power during the first stage of the revolution will order all trannies and junkies to be sent to camps or killed, because they will be dragging down the rest of the workers as people struggle to eat after all of the production and infrastructure is shut down because all the people who ran it before have been killed.

All of the weak will die in this upcoming series of communist revolutions.


Literally every antifa I’ve ever seen has been:

* A fat lad
* An emaciated drug user
* A tranny, or
* A woman

But we have to support them, because they are the first wave of the revolution. The complete useful idiots who have literally no idea what kind of hell they are about to bring down on themselves when the communist revolution finally starts rolling at breakneck speed.
There are going to be jacked dudes in flip-flops, sports shorts and bandanas piling up bodies to burn them in the wreckage of totally burned-out suburbs.

This is going to be no place for a fat lad or a tranny, I can tell you that much.

So basically, we need to keep agreeing and amplifying the message of the current brand of communists, and calling them cucks for not pushing further with it.

Because antifa is being used to attack right-wingers and Trump supporters, they’re getting massive amounts of money poured into their thing by the government and Jews. It’s the perfect situation.

We also need to whip people up into a frenzy accusing communist – oh sorry, “socialist” – politicians of betraying the revolution. The way that this “purity spiraling” phenomenon has already taken over the left is incredible, and it is already out of their control. They obviously don’t want the Democrat Party rallying around Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez – they are trying to push them back into neo-liberal Joe Biden’s Jewish ranch complex – but they can’t seem to control it, because the revolutionary urge is too powerful.

There is no clear path to a white racial revolution. You can’t force a meme when white people in general don’t want anything to do with it. But this is no obstacle. The important thing is that there is a revolution, and it is easiest to use the existing revolutionary zeitgeist, which – quite conveniently – is communism.

Once the revolution is finished, a white power state will be established.

Or who knows? Maybe it won’t.

No one knows.

Look: I’m not going to pretend that inciting a communist revolution isn’t a Hail Mary play.

But I can’t see anything other than a white power state resulting from it. What are the other options even? Besides literally everyone starving to death, I mean?

Surely, when there’s mass starvation and a cleansing of the useless eaters, all nonwhite groups are going to be declared undesirables and enemies of the socialist people’s revolution. They’re not going to be contributing to the revolution after the second wave. It will be a matter of necessity that in order to maintain the revolution, racial minorities be cleansed.

Racial minorities are always cleansed in the second wave.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia

"Nazis" are literally the only people on this planet who are trying to end the radical Liberal extremism that's overtaken Western Civilization.

We're the only ones trying to end the homosexual campaign to sexualize and sexually mutilate our children.

We're the only ones trying to end the Marxist/Bolshevik Antifa-BLM war on White people.

You may not like this fact, but your emotions don't change the fact that it IS a fact: the "Nazis" are the good guys.

@Nature_and_Race Nazis stopped their children from getting their genitals mutilated by satanic demons. Nazis built safer and more homogenous communities. Nazi’s turned their degenerate government around from marxist genderfluid broke hyperinflation, into a traditional, robust, rich, homogenous community. I’m not seeing anything wrong here, and in fact, I want what they had.

@Nature_and_Race NSDAP also turned a bankrupt and destroyed nation into a super power that was able to fight head to head against two of the most powerful regimes on earth all at the same time. And they weren't far from winning.

@Nature_and_Race ANTIFA are Nazis, that double flag symbol they have is an original NAZI symbol. No body with a brain attached buys this shit with you attempting to garner support for your left wing radical agenda and I pray for those that do. If you are a real person and you actually believe this than you know nothing about the top of the NAZI pyramid. NAZIs are controlled by the Zionists. WW2 was one giant cluster fuck of false flags and lies.


"ohhh emmm geee I h8 nazi scum!!!"

"But you hate tranny crap for kids, right? And you like the idea of a strong family, in which one parent - ideally, the father - can be the breadwinner while the other nurtures the children? And you like the idea of being independent of foreign influences on our political and societal structure, right? And you like.... (ad nauseum)"

"yeah, those things all sound good... why do you ask?"

"Well, there was this one movement in recent history that supported all sorts of things like that..."

@Nature_and_Race Damn dude. I must be a nazi, b/c I'm sick of groomers abusing children.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

I've been arguing for years that the best way to take down the left is to send our people into their orgs in order to make them even more extreme and autistic.

SJW overreach was the best thing to ever happen to the pro-White cause in decades. Their promotion of transsexuality, anti-White rhetoric, radical feminism, communism, Islam, et cetera, and their opposition to free speech alienated God knows how many people. That's why I view Antifa as our greatest allies. Making Antifa the face of the anti-Trump/Alt-Right movement would guarantee Trump's reelection and chase hordes of moderate White liberals into our arms.

But there's still no way in hell that "Chelsea" is some kind of covert Alt-Right mole. That would have to be one of the most insane long cons in history. But regardless of his loyalties, his type of freak flag left-wing politics should serve as the model for anybody from our side that wants to infiltrate and sabotage the left from within.

Chelsea Manning 2020!

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

What Is to Be Done?

George Washington, Pater Patriae, won American independence through a strategy that went against his own aggressive instincts. He avoided battles with superior British forces. Instead, he attacked isolated enemy forces (as he did at the Battle of Trenton), kept his army together, and always withdrew in good order following a defeat.

If we adopt the military analogy, in 2016 and 2017, white advocates did not follow Washington’s example. Unite the Right was the equivalent of throwing colonial militia against disciplined redcoats in a pitched battle. This isn’t because marchers were defeated physically by antifa. Antifa were not the problem. Instead, city and state police deliberately failed to keep the two sides apart and used the ensuing — and inevitable — violence as an excuse to shut down the rally. In the aftermath, leftists unleashed “lawfare” — a host of crippling lawsuits — against pro-white organizations, threatening their very existence. White advocates lack the legal infrastructure — pro bono lawyers, friendly judges — to fight back. Even organizations that had nothing to do with the rally, including and American Renaissance, lost platforms.

The mistake at Charlottesville was understandable; just weeks before, there was a peaceful and successful Free Speech Rally. No one could have predicted that the Charlottesville chief of police would say,“Let them fight; it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.” No one imagined a woman on security would abandon her post at an intersection, so that James Fields could easily drive his car into demonstrators.

What no one imagined, we can now expect. Democrats have denounced white advocates in Congress; we weren’t invited to explain or defend ourselves. Most of the “free press” cheers deplatforming rather than defending free speech. Tennessee, a deep red state, tried to impose security costs on us for hosting a conference, as if we are the ones likely to cause violence. It took a court order to save the AmRen conference.

Just four years ago, I would roll my eyes at excitable activists predicting censorship, arrest, or imprisonment. Today, I’m happy I still have a bank account.

Set aside apocalyptic fantasies. Instead, think of ways to gain control of state and local institutions. This includes supporting movements to break up and rearrange states, localities, and school boards. This may seem fanciful, but movements are already under way that would have sounded absurd just a few years ago.

Conservative Virginia counties are flirting with seceding from the Commonwealth and joining West Virginia. There are secession movements in other states, too. In Illinois, activists want to force Chicago out of the state. In Oregon, some conservatives want the eastern counties to break away and join Idaho. Idaho governor Brad Little welcomed their efforts, making him the second governor essentially to make territorial claims on a neighboring state.

Conservative upstate New Yorkers have called for secession for decades. Former Republican congressman Randy Kuhl argues that New York’s “extreme diversity” makes it almost “ungovernable.” He probably meant the divide between New York City and rural upstate New York, but he may even be thinking about racial and political diversity. To describe any kind of “diversity” as a source of conflict is heresy.

There is also “secession” on a smaller scale. In Louisiana, mostly white communities are breaking away to form their own school districts or cities. In Georgia, white suburbs broke away from Atlanta. In Alabama, a federal judge ruled that the city of Gardenvale’s attempt to break away from a diverse school district was motivated by race. Still, she admitted it was legal.

Journalists say what conservatives dare not: This is about race.

“The School Secession Movement Is Growing. That’s Bad News for Integration,” The New Republic, October 15, 2019

“The new face of racial segregation: School ‘secession,’” CBS News, September 5, 2019

“How a ‘New Secessionist’ Movement Is Threatening to Worsen School Segregation and Widen Inequalities,” The Nation, May 15, 2014

Some denounce the secession efforts in Oregon, Virginia, and Colorado. “Take it from us in SC [South Carolina] — if at first you don’t secede, don’t try again,” wrote Brian Hicks in the Charleston Post and Courier. He called the movement “a little silly” and said we should “chill out.” “Do you know what these myriad modern secession movements have in common?” he asked. “They are all led by conservatives who’ve been triggered because they aren’t getting everything they want.” In fact, the most prominent secessionist movement is “Calexit” — which would take California out of the Union — and it is led by liberals.

What does this mean for white advocates? We should take advantage of the existing political system. Rural America is losing population and is plagued by opioids. That’s where we should be, building institutions and businesses, concentrating geographically, working openly for our people, helping our neighbors, and building local political power. We may not be able to form a mini-ethnostate like Orania, but we can build something close. We can build communities where we can be safe, survive economically, and use the American constitutional system to our advantage. Secession efforts show that white Americans want self-determination, even if they aren’t willing to be explicitly racial about it yet.

What is to be done? It’s not trying to “take over” the GOP — the rise of Bernie Sanders and President Trump show that candidates can run strong campaigns without support from the party establishment, but we don’t have the power or the reach to champion a national candidate.

However, we do have the power to build non-political institutions in conservative, rural communities. We don’t want to “take over” towns. We should just be friendly citizens and be good at our jobs, just as Douglas Hyde’s Dedication and Leadership recommends. We need nursing homes to care for our elderly, gyms to strengthen our young, drug treatment plans to support addicts, credit unions for financial services, and group medical insurance. These things are all possible. With that foundation, we can survive and help struggling whites who need our help.

“White nationalism,” which is now a slur, once had a real meaning. It meant our people living free in our own communities, celebrating our heritage and undertaking great tasks. It’s utterly different from the “white supremacy” of ruling over groups or asserting that we are better than everyone. Perhaps we’ve been so focused on Washington D.C. and the electoral circus that we’ve neglected our nation. The people — not the government — is the nation. My nation is my people: white Americans.

Let’s face reality: America’s white majority has no voice in Washington. We can write, march, and post stickers all over the country. None of this matters if we don’t have a strong home base where we are building real communities based on peace and productivity, not fantasy and rhetoric.

Wherever you are in life, whether you’re a father like me or a college student, examine the path you’re on. If we really want a safe white community and ultimately a proud, productive white country, we need to take risks and make sacrifices. Build networks, concentrate in rural areas, create businesses that can support friends and fend off any attempt to get us fired. Let’s build the world we want from that ground up by uniting and building peaceful, effective systems that will improve our lives individually and strengthen us collectively.

In the second-best speech I ever heard Jared Taylor give (the best being the one in Budapest), he said that one day we will have a place on this continent that is ours, and only ours. Many are willing to suffer or die for this, but I’m asking you to live and work for it. Treat other races with respect, fulfill your obligations as citizens, obey the law. Yet every day, act as if our true homeland already exists. We achieve our homeland by building it from the ground up, within the existing system. Let’s show the millions of whites who already agree with us that it’s not just possible, but a reality. If they shut us down with violence, our example will only inspire others.

In the past, there have been times where I wanted to quit and be “normal.” Today, such thoughts make me sick. How can we say that we are afraid when we see what our ancestors achieved? How can I, or any of us, shirk duty?

We must possess an unshakeable faith that our cause is moral, our victory inevitable, and our future glorious. In the name of the best within us, let’s show the world what People of Light can do, not online, not in Washington D.C., but in the places where our people need our help and need a voice to speak for them. I hope I will see you out there soon. The opportunity is here. Let’s seize it before we lose this race against time.

Marlon Strickland #fundie

Marlon Strickland: It sounds to me like you support Facism. Facism is pretty much every man for himself. Are you liberals equipped and prepared for that. I don't believe y'all would last long

HiSeizure: Definition of fascism 1 often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition

Marlon Strickland: Like I said your intelligence is not what you think it is. I know what Fascism is. And it's not conservatives. It's the little Antifa punks. If you continue to piss off the conservatives there will be no liberals or Antifa punks left

Matt Forney #fundie

It looks like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of America’s premier ethnic shakedown organizations, is running low on donations again. This week, they announced the new edition of their “hate group” list, a record of supposed white supremacist, far-right terrorist organizations operating in the United States. Most notably, Return Of Kings has been added to the list as a “male supremacy” organization, alongside men’s rights’ group A Voice For Men:

Also, for the first time, the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate group list: A Voice for Men, based in Houston, and Return of Kings, based in Washington, D.C. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.

This isn’t the first time that ROK publisher Roosh has been targeted by the SPLC: in 2012, he was named in one of the organization’s “Intelligence Reports,” alongside A Voice for Men and my old site In Mala Fide. Roosh later cited the experience as the final push that moved him to the dissident right.

It’s clear that the SPLC is going after AVFM and ROK in an attempt to scare liberal old biddies into giving them more money, because their attack was sloppy and poorly-handled. For example, the SPLC claims that ROK is headquartered in Washington D.C., even though it’s a website with no physical address or full-time employees.

Most hilariously, the SPLC’s dossier on alt right figure Richard Spencer confused him with Robert Spencer, the founder of Jihad Watch, suggesting they outsourced the research to a stupid intern.

Having said this, the SPLC’s attack can’t be handwaved away. Much like the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC’s purpose in naming organizations as “hate groups” or individuals as “extremists” is designed to incite violence against them. Ever since the election of Donald Trump, the left in America has become increasingly violent, and the SPLC’s list is a dog whistle to antifa and other groups with the intent of hurting or possibly killing Roosh and other targeted individuals.

How The Southern Poverty Law Center Fuels Leftist Violence

The SPLC, ADL, and other related organizations like to masquerade as legitimate news organizations who are merely calling attention to violent, anti-government extremists, but this is as far from the truth as possible. In actuality, the SPLC functions as an intelligence-gathering operation for antifa and other violent leftists, compiling dossiers on chosen targets with the implicit message of, “It’s okay to hurt, maim, or kill these people: they’re Nazis/misogynists/homophobes, after all.”

“Hate group” lists compiled by the SPLC have been used by leftist criminals in the past to identify targets for assassination. For example, in 2013, a left-winger committed a mass shooting against the Family Research Council after seeing them named by the SPLC as an “anti-gay” group. More recently, we’ve seen leftists openly going after Republican politicians and public figures, such as the attempted assassination of House Majority Leader Steve Scalise by Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson.

This is not the first time that figures in the dissident right have been targeted in such a way. Last summer, the ADL released a hit list of alt right and alt lite figures such as Mike Cernovich, Richard Spencer, and myself, with the purpose of inciting violence against us. In response, Cernovich and several other alt lite figures launched the #ADLTerror hashtag on Twitter with the intent of bringing attention to the fact that their lives were now in danger.
Lies, Damned Lies, And Lists

Moreover, the SPLC can’t even be consistent with the criteria it uses to evaluate “hate groups.” In response to their attack on A Voice For Men, ex-feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye (creator of the documentary The Red Pill) revealed that in 2016, the SPLC told her that AVFM didn’t fit their criteria for a group since they lacked an “official group policy,” due to the fact that AVFM was just a website and a forum. The SPLC has not yet revealed to Jaye why they changed their policy.

Regardless, it is clear that the international left is ramping up for a broader attack on the dissident right. While the alt right was the focus of much of the left’s ire last year, the movement has been weakened due to systematic deplatforming, failed stunts such as Charlottesville, and personality conflicts between its major leaders. As a result, the left now feels confident in going after sites like Return Of Kings that had previously been out of the line of fire.

Dissident right and alternative media figures should prepare themselves for an onslaught from the globalists in the coming months. With the 2018 midterm elections coming up and the Russia investigation in the U.S. unraveling, the left is looking to strike out at anyone who challenges their power or narrative. As the SPLC’s actions show, they are not above physically hurting or killing their enemies to achieve their goals.

theangryamerican #fundie


(The person who made this probably rages at the mere mention of the word “antifa”)

Nobody rages at the words antifa. The group is the laughing stock of the world right now. It’s a bunch of beta males who have to ask their mom to make them a sandwich before they go out and put on masks to LARP on 75 year old Trump supporters in a 12:1 ratio until they are encountered by Based Stickman and beaten back into the depths of Hell whence they came. Had to reblog it just because this shit is too comical.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist

I fucking love this movie! 5/5! This is an amazing movie that everyone should see and fuck everyone who tried to kill this movie, I really hope they make a sequel or at least another stand alone DC film with the same atmosphere as Joker or at least add a very tense one. It’s really funny how ”The Clowns” are just ANTIFA and yet the left tried to destroy this movie because it’ll “incite violence“. All it takes is a white guy to breath and ANTIFA will cause a fucking riot, you motherfuckers hated this film because it showed the world what pieces of shit you are and how you tried to mask yourselves by saying you’re “anti fascists“ yet “punch Nazis” was a thing which pretty much is “punch anyone who doesn’t agree with me”. I’m glad this movie made over a billion dollars and I’m glad Joaquin Phoenix won the Emmy, it’s a shame that WB went on to make Birds of prey and Batwoman when they had couod‘ve made a sequel to Joker instead or another DC villain movie. Why? Is this some kind of masochist fetish WB has by making woke films that bomb? You saw how the woke crowd treated you, bitching on Twitter about someone shooting up the theater which got the police involved, the military getting involved, constantly begging hell the media was fucking jerking off at the thought that someone would get killed at screening of Joker and then acting disappointed when nothing happens. These bitches were right about one thing, there was a death when the movie was released and people saw it...and it was the left’s credibility!

Ragnar #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho

These RIOTS are the attempted communist uprising against America

Communist/Bolshevik uprising, see Ukraine circa 1930’s….If you don’t know what happened there, they killed about 20M people through starvation etc.

From the NaturalNews:

Excerpts: Our sources are now confirming that a guard station outside the White House was torched last night by “rioters.” They’re really communist-led terrorist cells who are probing the White House as part of a sophisticated operation to overrun the property and attempt to assassinate President Trump.

We are also learning that the tech giants — Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, etc. — are all-in with the Antifa terrorists, and some platforms are allowing Antifa terror cells to use their online messaging to coordinate acts of terrorism on U.S. soil.

This further demonstrates how the tech giants are enemy combatants actively working to overthrow and destroy the United States of America.

Soon, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, we’re told, and he will deploy U.S. soldiers on the streets of America to start fighting back against the communist-led uprising that’s being defended by the left-wing media and the techno-fascists.

I guess it will be open season pretty quick unless something stops these @$$hats…..Looks like the teckies are upset that TRump is coming for them.

Let’s hope the troops haven’t been indoctrinated and shoot citizen patriots…..

~Ragnar (RFXtFR)

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Notice how fast proof is being taken down on the internet, I suspect Antifa will be used to bring in martial law, this is why UN MRAPS were being sent down our Highways, Stadiums Malls and Walmarts will be used as collection points. so be aware from this day forward.

This is all being staged, they are using Gun Control and Hillary to divert attention away, I suspect the they will have their professional teams out to make it appear like Antifa and or Right wingers to blame for the carnage, explains why Russians troop and Chinese Troops have been training here on our soil, and it appears it is all coming together for the Globalists, this is a all or nothing operation for them. and I suspect history will show the las Vegas shooting as the We the Peoples Modern Day World order. my opinions on this matter

Padraig Martin #racist

[From ""Distinguishing Southern Nationalism"]

Over the last week or so, I have received criticism for my attacks on generic White Nationalism, the so-called Alt-Right and Nazi LARPers. Generally, these are attacks from weak keyboard kommandos and obese geriatric geldings, some of whom mistook the original intended target. Regardless, given the reaction, it seems I struck a nerve. Good!

The vast majority of those who threw threats in my direction could not bench press an AR-15. Some of those who took shots at the latest round of strategic posts are intellectually too soft to see past their myopic understanding of our current predicament. Bowl Patrol? If you cannot see that someone like Dylann Roof would have done more strategically for “White People” by not being a psychopath, actually engaging in positive networking and community fellowship, then you lack strategic clarity. You are inferior in every single way – mentally and morally. You are useless. Go back to whatever leader du jure of your movement is taking pictures of himself in his underwear.

If you are serious about doing something for your people, let’s take an honest look at the differences within the movement: Southern Nationalism vs Generic White Nationalism.

Identity Dixie is a Southern Nationalist content producer. That is who we are. Generally speaking, ours is a fraternal group that seeks to build a Nationalist consensus within the South. The goal is to intellectually and emotionally lay the ground work for an independent South. Some members of Identity Dixie are also members of other groups that have aligned goals, but at their core, Identity Dixie contributors work the Southern zeitgeist. We are not the guys on street corners or running around in the woods playing Rambo on the weekends. We are the guys who convince the normie Southerner that he has a better future in a Free South.

What Identity Dixie is not is a generic White Nationalist entity. We obviously do not hate White people, but not all White people are the same. The Whites who call themselves Anti-Fascists are not my White people. Nor for that matter are Boston Brahmins. I went to graduate school with Boston Brahmins, they hate you and me. Generic White is simply not a good enough distinction.

I will root for White people in other areas of the country to do well, but they are not my own. Not all Whites are made equal. The German-American descendants of the 48ers, who comprise the rank and file of both AntiFa and the Alt-Right, have very little in genetic common with me other than skin color. The only ideological difference between the two groups is their brand of genocidal collectivism (one being crusty anarcho-communism, with a simmering hatred for Heritage America, and the other some form of authoritarianism, as long as it’s pro-white). Otherwise, they are almost identical. Their general hatred of Christianity and their support for socialism are entirely foreign concepts to me.

One other key similarity between AntiFa and the Alt-Right is their assumption that they will save the United States. True Southern Nationalists have no interest at all in saving the Empire. The United States is dead. It is a stinking, rotting carcass. The smell of its decomposition is evident in the Affirmative Action company commander, with an 85 IQ, leading your Southern enlisted sons into battle. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA from West Point because her Marxist professors wanted to achieve a social justice objective. White people did that. More specifically, Northern Whites empowered this marginally literate officer. Had she gone to the Virginia Military Institute, her inferior self would have transferred to Richmond Community College before she completed Hell Week. Now, her Communist Chinese counterpart is laughing, confident that he can beat an army led by incompetents in a week. He is right.

You can thank Northern Whites for your modern country.

And before you give me a diatribe about the JQ, just stop. Whites founded America. Prior to its existence, it was a massive forest comprised of wild savages, hunting and enslaving one another. They were conquered by Europeans. Towns and cities were erected by Whites. Institutions were established by Whites. If we assume Whites are superior, how did they let everything get taken by a tribe of Khazar gypsies? Let’s face a cold hard fact: three percent of the population did not weasel their way into power. Heritage Americans got lazy and gave it away – the same as they did when they sent their manufacturing to China. Specifically, Northern Whites gave it away. If I want to be even more specific, a cabal of Boston Yankees and German 48ers from the Midwest and Pennsylvania gave away the country that Anglo-Saxons and Scots-Irish built.

Why in God’s name would I want to align myself with the same Whites who get an occasional generational itch to dismantle the South?

Northern Whites first dismantled the antebellum South, a White dominated society, through a mass invasion. Northern Whites literally raped, pillaged, and starved Southerners, compelling them to remain in a Union against their will. Then they not only freed the slaves, they empowered them in local positions of governance throughout Reconstruction. Suddenly, I am supposed to look past their history and find myself aligned with their descendants because we share the same skin color?

Less than one hundred years later, the grandparents of these same generic White Nationalists lamented segregation. They demanded that the 101st Airborne march into Arkansas and impose integrated schools. It was a Wisconsin White gunman, Arthur Bremer, descendant of a 48er, who shot segregationist, George Wallace. Northerners later fought to reduce his sentence and they succeeded.

If the apple does not fall far from the tree, why would I now suddenly align myself with the grandkids of Midwestern Marxists? No thank you. Rather, I will align myself with my father’s people, many of whom fought and died to protect the Anglo-Celtic society upon which the South is based.

The fact is, the Alt-Right is full of socialists. They were raised praising Sherman, Grant, and Eisenhower – men who destroyed the South. They love themselves some Lincoln. They have nothing in common with Southerners. They cannot be trusted. So what if some guy in Vermont or Pennsylvania flies a Confederate Battle Flag? How edgy, bruh! That may resonate with your fellow militant egalitarians who equate imagery with purpose. It simply tells me the guy has nice taste in flags.

At the end of the day, generic White Nationalism is a fool’s endeavor. It is bound to fail. Southern Nationalists know they will have to go it alone. The socialists who comprise the majority of the rank and file of White Nationalists want to revive an American corpse.

In sum, keep your generic White Nationalism. Keep your bowl patrol. Keep your pagan imagery. This is not about optics for me. This is not about some short term edgy phase in my life. The Southerners with whom I daily interact are the legacy of a multi-generational quest to establish their own country, predicated on hierarchical stratification, Anglo-Saxon norms, and Christian values. We may not be perfect, but at the end of the day, we are not LARPy pseudo-Nazis.

Good luck and enjoy your pool parties.

Deborah Baber #wingnut

[Yet another anti-mask activist at a city commission meeting on NowThis News.]

My name is Deborah Baber and I am a proud Trump Republican. Unbeknownst to me, a wannabe bully, a bad person, a whiny baby posted on social media the remarks I made here last week. [...] I got a lot of traction out of doing my civic duty, by exercising my free speech. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Some goon also posted my personal information on social media and that of my stepdaughter, who is a retired police officer. I have received ugly, foul, threatening remarks ever since. Vile... vile. Well, these fools, they also did the same thing. Why did they do this? They did this because they don’t have any facts. They have to attack me personally. They have to threaten me personally. They have to threaten my family personally because they’ve got nothing. Nada. Zero. They can’t attack the message. What was my message?

My message was this: It is not normal for people to cover their faces. It is an act of submission... subjugation... of slavery... of shame. Only women in Islamic countries cover their faces with burqas. The men do not. Antifa thugs cover their faces. Patriots do not. Guidance on face coverings is all over the map. Maybe a face covering. Maybe not a face covering. Yes, a face covering. No, a face covering. CDC, well, this is my face covering.

[Holds up a paper Trump mask to her face.]

[...] I protest face coverings. I am a healthy American. I used to be free. I am not a terrorist. I am not Antifa. I am not a sex slave that wears masks. I am not into sadomasochism and bondage. I am not a burglar. [...] I am a proud Trump Republican. Trump Republican yearning to be free again.

[...] If you are offended by anything I have said, by the masses of people, then I am offended by the masses of people who do not question your wholesale slaughter of our constitutional and inalienable rights.

Kelleigh Nelson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie

Most conservatives understand that Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are communist organizations and are committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order. BLM was founded in 2013 by three black women who are avowed Marxists. They are also prophetesses of demonic darkness.

Antifa was founded in Germany in 1932;they promoted communism over fascism. The two organizations work diligently together fomenting anarchy, along with dozens of smaller communist and Islamic groups, under the guise of eliminating police brutality against black Americans, which national statistics have proven to be false. We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.

Most Americans do not understand the demonic reality of Marxism and the communist infiltration of every facet of American society, peoples and culture.

Padraig Martin #wingnut

[From "The GOP is Not for Me"]

It is time to face a tough fact: the South has no political home in the United States of America. The Democratic Party long since abandoned the South. Its strategy is clearly aligned with (largely urban) minority constituents, sexual degenerates from across the LGBT+ spectrum, and Marxist indoctrinated cat moms. However, the Republican Party was supposed to be the conservative option. It was the retooling of a Dixiecrat bloc that shared some traditionalist ideological camaraderie with Yankee elites. That was a happy fantasy that has long since died.

Today, as monuments are torn down, our heritage is vilified, and politicians race to out-virtue signal each other on the backs of our deceased kin, the Republican Party – from Trump down – has proven that the South is on her own. It is time to walk away from that party. It is time to show those within the party that our loyalty to them comes with a price: loyalty to us.

Since the Republican Party has broken its agreement with the South, no self-respecting Southerner should vote Republican.

I am not suggesting you vote Democrat. They are in full-blown Bolshevik mode. I am suggesting you do not vote for any of them – period. Walk away.

For a long time, I have believed that the best path forward is a free and independent South. The South is the last Godly Nation-State in the West. Her people are overwhelmingly Christian. Her people have a rich heritage that is distinct from the rest of the United States. Much of that heritage – for good and bad – is often tied to a war for her own independence in the mid-19th Century and the post-war oppression of Reconstruction. These unique attributes and cultural idiosyncrasies define a unique ethnicity.

Southerners are not generically “American,” Southerners are Southerners.

The Irish Nationalist in me recognizes these beautiful people for what they are – a people worthy of her own destiny. She deserves better from a country to which she has given a disproportionate amount of her native sons to the beaches of the Pacific, the jungles of Vietnam, and the mountains of Afghanistan. Now, as monuments to her departed kin are defiled and destroyed, she deserves protection from the one voice to whom she empowered to be her protector through the vote: the Republican Party.

And how has the GOP honored the South’s unwavering commitment to the party? Silence – at best.

The recent riots throughout the United States, perpetrated by Bolshevik extremists and antifa terrorists, are an indication that the country is lost forever. It is hard to imagine that anyone can re-piece this jigsaw puzzle together.


Instead, we got Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott groveling to the family of a man who was robbing a pregnant woman weeks before he was killed. A Republican Senate that has its majority because of the South, just voted to rename historic bases that honored Southern heroes on Southern properties. We have a Georgia House Speaker, Republican David Ralston, is now spearheading “hate crime” legislation that would effectively make it illegal to voice an unpopular opinion. The list of anti-Southern actions by Republicans grows daily.

At almost every turn, Republicans are betraying the very Southern voters who put them in power – all to placate a mob of violent radicals in the hopes that they may be able to hold onto approximately 10% of the Black vote in future elections.


I still believe Southern independence can be achieved through a peaceful separation of states – but not with the GOP as the vehicle to implement that change. Conservative, Godly legislation throughout the South on matters such as religious liberty, abortion, and pre-pubescent transgenderism would stand in such stark contrast to that of ungodly, leftist degeneracy in the North and West. Such a stark contrast would eventually force an amicable divorce. Even Bill Maher seemed to agree.


Do I believe the Left will take advantage of such an opportunity if we gift them a super majority? Yes, I do. Might some believe I am a political accelerationist? Probably, but images throughout the country indicate accelerationism is already here, and the GOP has done absolutely nothing to stop the country from being destroyed by antifa terrorism or state sanctioned anarcho-tyranny. In such an environment, I would rather we face the devil in front of us than the one stabbing us in the back. And the Republican Party stabs us in the back at every turn.

Frederick Qune #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Witches: have scoffed at Witch Trials and Satanic Panics of the past
Antifa Witches: Casting Spells to Hurt President Trump (and others)
Antifa Witches: “BURN IT ALL DOWN”
President Trump: “WITCH HUNT!”
(He wasn’t talking about the investigation into himself.)
Coming [Soon]: Witches on Trial [?]

Witchcraft: The definition that seems closest to the one that the accusers in the Salem Witch Trials used is what they deem the Gothic Satanist. The Gothic Satanist is a worshiper of Satan who, during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, was believed to use black magic to harm others, by involving the aid of Satan and his demons.

Witches and Satanists have teamed up with leftists to destroy America
Satanists and witches were invoking evil powers to aid those participating in the violence.
hashtag #witchesforblm serves a meeting place for practicing witches who want to learn how to cast protection spells, draw occult sigils, and hex police. Five days after the hashtag started, it garnered 10 million views on the TikTok app.

Padraig Martin #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist

[From "Liberators of the Occupied South"]

I am constantly annoyed by a painfully ignorant comment I stumble upon frequently – in some form or another – which generally states, “The Democrats started the Klan,” or “The AntiFa and the Klan – both Democrats in masks”
The original Ku Klux Klan were heroes – full stop. The Klan of 1865-1877 formed the first resistance against an aggressively antagonistic, radical Yankee occupying force. Organized at a local level, with almost no centralized support, the original Klan was initiated by elite Southern gentlemen[…]Someone needed to defend the Southern people, especially Southern women, and the Ku Klux Klan was born from that need
Reconstruction was brutal[…]It was exploitative and overwhelmingly cruel

Third, the Federal Government of the post-war era was heavily influenced by Marxists, especially 48er descendants from the Midwest and radical egalitarians from the Northeast. Their ideology played a key role in the barbarity that would be enacted upon the South[…]Picture degenerate AntiFa members with battalions of armed blacks now in charge of Southern towns with no governmental oversite and a disarmed and decimated local population
The second KKK was a pro-American entity versus a pro-Southern entity[…]More focused on the increasing influence of immigrants, especially criminal Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe[…]Deleterious impact of organized Northern Catholics – namely the Irish – who were undermining the United States with pro-labor union and progressive policies
The original Klan began as a lighthearted attempt to entertain townspeople in Pulaski, Tennessee, beginning around Christmas 1865. It would soon become a Southern resistance army
The original Klan was a fraternity of men, dedicated to the South and their Scots-Irish heritage

DR. GUDRUN EUSSNER #conspiracy

The German journalist eshews any opinion. He works under the protection of the Merkel-politics, that protects him from derailments and wrong estimates, he respects their advice and criticism. He feels himself as part of a very big coalition of all people and especially of the CDU/SPD.

It's worth it to compare those teachings with the articles of the covenant of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas; the comparisons ain't coincidental.

Editors and journalists with broadcast awareness do feel themselves obligated as well to lead fools to the right path. When they are unable to do so despite their power, they will leave their path and be excluded from communication, their expressions will either be oppressed or defamed. Entire blogs have been created to Judge this questionable case objectively. The rest is brought by the antifa.

Original German:

Dem deutschen Journalisten ist jegliche eigene Meinung fremd, er arbeitet im Schutze der Merkel-Politik, die ihn, wenn nötig, vor Entgleisungen und falschen Einschätzungen bewahrt, er achtet ihren Rat und ihre Kritik, er fühlt sich als Teil der ganz großen Koalition des Volkes und insbesondere der CDU/CSU und der SPD.

Es lohnt sich, diese Lehren mit den Artikeln des Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas abzugleichen; die Ähnlichkeiten sind nicht zufällig.

Publizisten und Journalisten mit Sendungsbewußtsein sehen sich ebenfalls verpflichtet, die Irrenden auf den rechten Pfad zu führen. Wenn sie dazu mangels Macht nicht in der Lage sind, werden die vom Wege abgekommenen aus der Kommunikation ausgeschlossen, ihre Äußerungen werden entweder unterdrückt oder diffamiert. Ganze Blogs sind eigens dazu eingerichtet worden, den fraglichen Fall objektiv zu beurteilen. Den Rest besorgt die Antifa.

Tucker Carlson and Ben Garrison #wingnut #conspiracy

Tucker Carlson released January 6th footage which revealed the so-called ‘insurrection’ was not an insurrection at all.

It was largely a peaceful protest. The Trump supporters who entered the Capitol Dome that day arrived to protest a stolen presidential election. They mostly marched in orderly fashion and some even received help from the police. One protestor known as the ‘Q Shaman’ was accompanied by the police who acted as ‘tour guides.’ Compare the peaceful and unarmed January 6 protest to the violent, destructive conflagrations put on by Antifa and we find there is big difference. Antifa is a Marxist outfit and the Democrats made sure they got away with their crimes.

You might wonder why the horn-wearing Shaman and Trump supporter, Jacob Chansley, plead guilty on the insurrection charges. The answer is simple. The Democrat prosecutors probably threatened him with 20 years for something such as threatening to kill Mike Pence (which he certainly did not do). Chansley settled for nearly 4 years in prison, which is grossly unfair because he lacked the exculpatory video evidence to which he and all the J6 protestors were entitled.

Many Trump supporters were arrested for simply walking on Capitol grounds. They were welcomed there by FBI operatives. Doors were opened for them. For that, many hundreds were sent to prison—including a hell hole prison in Washington D.C. where they were denied due process and brutally beaten by guards who were trained to despise the MAGA-minded. The patriots who received long prison sentences should be considered political prisoners.

Carlson proved what we already knew: That the January 6th Select Committee was incredibly biased and anti-Trump. They cherry-picked footage and hired a movie director to put together clips that seemed to prove their drummed-up charges of a Trump-led insurrection.

It was all lies.

Judy Byington #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie

POTUS, the Security Teams and all RV teams were watching the riot Antifa agitators. As POTUS announced publicly yesterday Mon. 1 June, he would be deploying the military to stop the riots. This meant that the President was enacting soft Martial Law under the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the US military to quell the riots where Deep State Democrat governors and mayors were not able, or willing, to stop rioters with police and National Guard.

For proof of this read QAnon's posts mentioning "Calling the Ball" from Mon. 1 June at "Calling the Ball" was a term used of fighter pilots coming in for landing on aircraft carriers.

The term "Deep State" was not synonymous with Democrats as opposed to Republicans, but the Deep State has overtaken the Democrat party almost completely, though there are plenty of Republican Deep State Congress-people like Romney, Flake, etc. whom the Deep State compromised.

Government officials on both sides have taken criminal bribes from Deep State cartels and operatives coming in from Deep State operations like Antifa rioting, drug & gun running, money laundering, big Pharma profits, mafia-cartel money flows, human and child trafficking, etc.

The Deep State has all but lost a large portion of the Black Vote so their strategy and MSM narrative now was to use the riots to stoke racial hatred and new threats of Covid-19 infection surges to keep the people in fear and the economy depressed so that Trump was not re-elected and the Deep State would regain power – that was all they cared about.

The Babylon Bee #wingnut #racist

[Submitter’s note: this is satire and shouldn’t be taken literally. The Babylon Bee is a Christian right-wing satire site that used to be pretty clever IMHO]

Portland Police Raise Millions By Letting Citizens Throw Tear Gas At Antifa For $5 A Pop
July 27th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Facing massive budget cuts, the Portland Police Bureau has come up with an exciting new way to fund their department. Upstanding citizens can now pay 5 dollars to throw tear gas at communist protesters. People from across the country are lining up to live their lifelong dreams of blasting dirty commies with tear gas.

"Getting bathed in tear gas is the closest my son Fidel has been to taking a shower in weeks," said a local Portland mom after paying her five bucks and chucking a canister at the crowd. "I'm hoping our basement will smell a little better now. I used to think that all police were evil fascists, but my time gassing commies has opened my eyes. That was the most fun I've had in ages. Thanks, Portland Police!"

"Take this, commies!"

Antifa rioters have condemned the PPD's actions as "a criminal fascist attempt to protect the protectors of white capitalist power structures from being hit in the face with bricks." They have promised to retaliate with a barrage of water balloons, super soakers, and explosive mortars which they will peacefully hurl at officers' heads.

Sources are reporting that using this new tear gas initiative, the PPD recovered its entire 15 million dollar budget cut in just two days.

CH #fundie

[I don't even know which STDT to put this in]

Most antifa dweebos would think this female degeneration was a feature, not a bug, increasing as it does her perceived sexual accessibility to waaaaahhhtifa nü-males who will never get a woman in her pre-cocksaed pure state.

In a nod to famed CH commenter GBFM, I could have just as well titled this post “Before Desouling, After Desouling”. Antifa is a tentacle of the dehumanizing globalism project, which itself is a mass psy ops backed by the force of the state to deracinate and desoul Whites, severing them from rootedness to their homelands.

Globohomo desouling can take a young woman from an earthy prettiness to a cock-scarred pornslut cavorting with anti-white filth in a few years time. Our Western Civ is degrading so quickly that we can see this degeneration unfolding in real time.

Thankfully, we can also see our salvation rising with nearly equal quickness.

doggie47304 #fundie

(Responding to another member, who wrote in response to an article posted entitled "Leftist Antifa Terrorist Arrested with Bombs with Plans"; "There was NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, in the articles about a motive or linking him with a conspiracy. All there was was Cernovich's editorializing with no relation to the limited info in the article. Again, could be the usual lone wolf. Obviously, you WANT damage and destruction, people hurt, just to further your twisted agenda!") Boldface mine:

He's a member of Antifa, nimrod. Only someone with the IQ of a cup of chocolate pudding can't figure out what motivated him -- far left-wing ideology.

You're are truly a moron.

nontolerantman #fundie

I don't think people realise what we're dealing with here, these people would kill you and your whole family if they got the chance


2/ Yet you're moaning about optics and some guy who may have had a nazi flag or some antifa idiot who got run over?


3/ They kill you, your wife, your children and they'd morally justify it because any nationalists are "nazis" to them.


4/ They want you dead, they want you in the fucking ground, they want your lineage wiped from the planet. Stop being pussies.


5/ They openly wave their communist flags, they openly state their intentions and you're worried about our fucking optics?


6/ These idiots killed 100 million last century and they're going to do it again given half the chance, this is not a fucking game.


7/ This is a civilisational struggle for the essence of western civilisation against an eternal enemy of 3000 years who WILL kill you.


8/ So stop being a pussy and moaning because someone got run over, step over it. They. Would. Kill. Your. Children!


9/ You're no more important and twice more hated to them than the millions they murdered in the middle east in the last 20 years.


10/ Obviously I'm talking about the "globalists". Their antifa pawns are just their hussars.

Vladtheimpaler14 and LeftistsToTheLions #fundie

[Commenting under "I think people underestimate just how evil Antifa are. Please read this."]


I'm already at the point where I'd happily go to jail just to enjoy torturing some Antifa scum

They're subhuman


user reports:

1: All Physical Removal must be self defence

I approved the post. Torturing communists is an act of self-defense, as communism inherently violates the NAP as it inherently seeks to infringe on our peaceful ways of life.

Additionally, he actually stated he'd "happily go to jail" as a hypothetical, it was a statement on how much he hated them and not on what he'd actually do.

Matt Forney #fundie

The left is no doubt going to escalate.

At the next battle, they're going to bring knives, possibly guns.

Fortunately, the right is learning, adapting to antifa tactics, and beating them black and blue.

I'm not worried anymore.

In fact, I'm hopeful for the future.



The left should be scared shitless right now.

Nathan Damigo and Based Stick Man are heroes to 60 percent of Americans.

The average American is being trained to see antifa and leftists as worthless scum deserving of a beatdown, possibly mass execution.



This is why I'm not worried about Trump.

If he wants to be the American Heinrich Brüning, he'll just get eclipsed by a genuinely right-wing leader.

Americans are not only becoming more open to the idea of a "fascist" government, they CRAVE one.

Every street brawl pushes them right.



The left will start stabbing right-wingers at events like Berkeley.

They'll start shooting them and intimidating/assassinating the family members of nationalist leaders.

And when they do, they'll be giving the rest of America the justification we need to physically remove them.


Ft. Nolan #fundie

AntiFa is not anti-fascist, they are anti-Christ Bolsheviks intent upon overturning the Constitution of the United States by violent means. (If I’m wrong, they should sue me).

Much like a deviant, rebellious and defiant problem child who sees nothing wrong with him or herself, they provoke and provoke every sensible person into becoming a “bad guy” for daring to correct and discipline this sociopathic behavior.

It’s hard to say where and when the spark setting off this powder keg will take place. Even if the AntiFa pukes draw first blood unleashing an overwhelming backlash, they will still be justified in their actions while villifying those “treating” this rabid infection.

Issues and complexities abound, there’s more undercurrent than meets the oars.

Message from the Galactics: Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian, and Andromedan Council via James Gilliland #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

Critical thinking, personal research, and taking it to the heart are the tools of the enlightened. Follow the money, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, other major multimedia groups are funded by Soros an admitted Nazi who has in his own words said the taking down of America will be his greatest achievement. The CCP, China’s Communist party is also heavily invested in the DNC and many political leaders. The latest bombshell is the hundreds of millions invested with the Biden family. They are compromised. Did you know when you contribute to BLM the majority goes to Biden’s campaign? Do you understand now why the riots, death and destruction of the inner cities continues and not one of them will denounce the violence while others say Antifa and the violence is a myth?
It is time to awaken, stop passing the ancestoral potato. Judge a person by character and deed for that is how they are known in the heavens. If you have not seen past the lies, deceptions, manipulations and character assassinations accusing others of what they themselves have done or are doing a “Marxist tenant” I leave you with some questions. Why is one group stopping drugs and human trafficing, violence, looting, corruption on the highest levels while another turns a blind eye, supports or participates in all the above?

Why do corrupt politicians, the global elite, the deep state, the corporate owned extremely bias and deceptive main stream media and social media hate Trump? Why do the Satanic/Luciferians and pedophiles hate Trump who has broken up massive human trafficing and pedophile rings that operated with ambiguity during the last administration?

Who do you think the Galactics and the Heavens are behind?

Andy Ngo #racist

The antifa "Patrick Kimmons Autonomous Zone" in Portland is named after a black male who was killed by police in 2018 after he shot two people and charged at police with his revolver.

Antifa wish he got away with killing more.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist

One of the ploys used in the Covid-1984 Scamdemic is the facade and excuse to release large numbers of the criminally mental ill from prisons and jails. Given that there are few, if any, legitimate job opportunities for this brood in the economy, one path these individuals pursue is directly into the discordian paid ranks of antifa and BLM. WInter’s Razor holds that “normal people don’t set fire to buildings.”

This explains why target cities run by Fifth Columnists experienced endless nights of chaos, and how other cities can receive immediate reinforcements once the latest police abuse hoax is run.

Homeless, broke, criminally insane antifa recruits are set up in undisturbed encampments in Portland.

Many pajama people may believe all this is a function of false “Hanlon Razor” incompetence at multiple levels. But in reality, it is deliberate malice.

A marker of malice is the new policy not to release mug shots of persons arrested. This, along with the end of the bail system, allows unprosecuted criminals to be quickly recycled undetected back into the discordian ranks.

It also hides the freakish zombie apocalypse appearance of this posse from the public. This example of mug shots at right clearly shows how scary these untermensch are.

Tom DeWeese, Ken Johnson #conspiracy #wingnut

Tom DeWeese: I’m in Richmond and have just received information from a very reliable source concerning Monday’s rally against the legislature’s gun grabs. Antifa have rented seven buses to bring in their thugs to cause trouble. The report says they will be wearing MAGA hats and wearing NRA garb. They will pretend to be pro gun people. Meanwhile others posing as democrats holding anti gun signs will stand on the side. The Antifa thugs, pretending to be pro gun , will attack the sign holders. Making it look like the pro gun people have started violence. This is the plan. If you are attending the rally be aware. Be very careful.

Ken Johnson: Its a trap people....the UN is massed to the south of Richmound and when violence starts the FBI INTENDS TO BOMB YOU ALL. then the UN will roll in and kill whoever is left....this is supppsed to show an example to everyone to surrender their guns as the UN begins house to house arrests and murders

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