
CertifiedRabbi #fundie

I've been arguing for years that the best way to take down the left is to send our people into their orgs in order to make them even more extreme and autistic.

SJW overreach was the best thing to ever happen to the pro-White cause in decades. Their promotion of transsexuality, anti-White rhetoric, radical feminism, communism, Islam, et cetera, and their opposition to free speech alienated God knows how many people. That's why I view Antifa as our greatest allies. Making Antifa the face of the anti-Trump/Alt-Right movement would guarantee Trump's reelection and chase hordes of moderate White liberals into our arms.

But there's still no way in hell that "Chelsea" is some kind of covert Alt-Right mole. That would have to be one of the most insane long cons in history. But regardless of his loyalties, his type of freak flag left-wing politics should serve as the model for anybody from our side that wants to infiltrate and sabotage the left from within.

Chelsea Manning 2020!

Matt Forney #fundie

The left is no doubt going to escalate.

At the next battle, they're going to bring knives, possibly guns.

Fortunately, the right is learning, adapting to antifa tactics, and beating them black and blue.

I'm not worried anymore.

In fact, I'm hopeful for the future.



The left should be scared shitless right now.

Nathan Damigo and Based Stick Man are heroes to 60 percent of Americans.

The average American is being trained to see antifa and leftists as worthless scum deserving of a beatdown, possibly mass execution.



This is why I'm not worried about Trump.

If he wants to be the American Heinrich Brüning, he'll just get eclipsed by a genuinely right-wing leader.

Americans are not only becoming more open to the idea of a "fascist" government, they CRAVE one.

Every street brawl pushes them right.



The left will start stabbing right-wingers at events like Berkeley.

They'll start shooting them and intimidating/assassinating the family members of nationalist leaders.

And when they do, they'll be giving the rest of America the justification we need to physically remove them.


theangryamerican #fundie


(The person who made this probably rages at the mere mention of the word “antifa”)

Nobody rages at the words antifa. The group is the laughing stock of the world right now. It’s a bunch of beta males who have to ask their mom to make them a sandwich before they go out and put on masks to LARP on 75 year old Trump supporters in a 12:1 ratio until they are encountered by Based Stickman and beaten back into the depths of Hell whence they came. Had to reblog it just because this shit is too comical.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Notice how fast proof is being taken down on the internet, I suspect Antifa will be used to bring in martial law, this is why UN MRAPS were being sent down our Highways, Stadiums Malls and Walmarts will be used as collection points. so be aware from this day forward.

This is all being staged, they are using Gun Control and Hillary to divert attention away, I suspect the they will have their professional teams out to make it appear like Antifa and or Right wingers to blame for the carnage, explains why Russians troop and Chinese Troops have been training here on our soil, and it appears it is all coming together for the Globalists, this is a all or nothing operation for them. and I suspect history will show the las Vegas shooting as the We the Peoples Modern Day World order. my opinions on this matter

Secret Asshole #fundie

Well, it isn't like ANTIFA has a sense of irony. They truly believe they are fighting real Nazis. They honestly do not have a clue they're basically just fighting against blue collar workers, construction workers, veterans, mechanics and other people who do manual labor for a living while most of them are unemployed or living off daddy's dime.

Which is going to be a lot more expensive. I want to see this law go into affect, because these faggot mayors need to see their little pet mobs go to jail. The fact that they are terminally getting blown the fuck out every time they start shit is only icing on the cake.


Yes. Their entire ideology, the entire social justice wave is based on outdated 1960s ideology and injustices that largely do not exist anymore. They dream of being these 'freedom fighters' and 'anarchists against the man', except most people just want to better their lives, not start another civil war or restrict speech, behavior and art.

ANTIFA is a direct threat to creativity, the first amendment, the right to assemble. If it were up to me, I'd gun them down each time they showed with bean-bags, rubber bullets and rubber pellet launching grenades. They're fascist cunts and posers and seeing them get permanently injured from their larping is something we need to see more of. Because these faggots are children throwing a tantrum, and they need to be taught violence is not something you fuck around with.

Tucker Carlson and Ben Garrison #wingnut #conspiracy

Tucker Carlson released January 6th footage which revealed the so-called ‘insurrection’ was not an insurrection at all.

It was largely a peaceful protest. The Trump supporters who entered the Capitol Dome that day arrived to protest a stolen presidential election. They mostly marched in orderly fashion and some even received help from the police. One protestor known as the ‘Q Shaman’ was accompanied by the police who acted as ‘tour guides.’ Compare the peaceful and unarmed January 6 protest to the violent, destructive conflagrations put on by Antifa and we find there is big difference. Antifa is a Marxist outfit and the Democrats made sure they got away with their crimes.

You might wonder why the horn-wearing Shaman and Trump supporter, Jacob Chansley, plead guilty on the insurrection charges. The answer is simple. The Democrat prosecutors probably threatened him with 20 years for something such as threatening to kill Mike Pence (which he certainly did not do). Chansley settled for nearly 4 years in prison, which is grossly unfair because he lacked the exculpatory video evidence to which he and all the J6 protestors were entitled.

Many Trump supporters were arrested for simply walking on Capitol grounds. They were welcomed there by FBI operatives. Doors were opened for them. For that, many hundreds were sent to prison—including a hell hole prison in Washington D.C. where they were denied due process and brutally beaten by guards who were trained to despise the MAGA-minded. The patriots who received long prison sentences should be considered political prisoners.

Carlson proved what we already knew: That the January 6th Select Committee was incredibly biased and anti-Trump. They cherry-picked footage and hired a movie director to put together clips that seemed to prove their drummed-up charges of a Trump-led insurrection.

It was all lies.

Ft. Nolan #fundie

AntiFa is not anti-fascist, they are anti-Christ Bolsheviks intent upon overturning the Constitution of the United States by violent means. (If I’m wrong, they should sue me).

Much like a deviant, rebellious and defiant problem child who sees nothing wrong with him or herself, they provoke and provoke every sensible person into becoming a “bad guy” for daring to correct and discipline this sociopathic behavior.

It’s hard to say where and when the spark setting off this powder keg will take place. Even if the AntiFa pukes draw first blood unleashing an overwhelming backlash, they will still be justified in their actions while villifying those “treating” this rabid infection.

Issues and complexities abound, there’s more undercurrent than meets the oars.

William Gossett #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy

Boston has a reputation for being an extremely liberal city. Thus, any time conservative activists proclaim moral values in the city’s public squares, everyone notices, especially the liberals.

The outcome was no different when the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined the nearly 500 men who participated in the Men’s March to Abolish Abortion on November 16.
Generally, those who want to be taken seriously would avoid appearing as clowns. However, the radical malcontents in Boston did not get the memo. Donning full-face paint, outlandish garb, and bright red ball noses, pro-abortion activists soon converged upon the Men’s March for Life and started blasting away on out of tune tubas, trombones, and kazoos.

Such noise proved no competition for the magnificent and graceful bagpipes played by American TFP volunteers. The clowns were soon enraged by their failure.

Halfway through the march, a large crowd of masked Antifa agitators stood in the middle of the road, arms locked together, obstructing the marchers. Their action brought the march to a halt for almost an hour. Police at once formed a line to keep the agitators at bay. At one point, so many Antifa and pro-abortion activists appeared that the Men’s March was almost completely surrounded. This meager attempt of intimidation did little to deter the pro-lifers and only served as encouragement to persevere and continue marching.
The pro-abortion advocates tried to frighten and intimidate the pro-lifers. However, they are the ones who are truly scared. They are terrified at the sight of men who defend human life.

They are intimidated by the resolve of the heroic pro-life movement that continues to forge ahead, unwilling to stop until procured abortion is abolished and unthinkable.

No matter how liberal a city is, or how vocal the pro-abortion agitators may be, the pro-life movement must continue the fight trusting in the help of God and the Blessed Mother.

Moonman #fundie

[Alt-right rap song Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift]


They tried to shut us down, cancel our permit
My people in the rally, all covered in spit
James driving shift, white polo outfit
If the break lights lit then you must acquit
When obese antifa are in attendance
This car grill does fat acceptance
Turned a closed rally into an open circuit
Elon Musk is asking how we sent that hamplanet into orbit
Because you blocked traffic and attacked him with crowbars
he sent more commies flying with less deaths than the USSR.
What a backflip, stop the crocodile tears
that's the most acrobatic Heather's been in years.
Remember, antiracist is just antiWhite in code
Should have dropped feminist studies and learned to cross the road
Now an ugly bitch is dead and a hot car is being toed.
You cried tears of joy when they passed Obamacare.
You died just the same, now we'll save on welfare.
Trump's new plan to pay off America's debt:
Every alt-righter gets a brand new corvette.
Used to burn crosses, now we burn rubber.
Turned a girl who made powerpoints instead of kids into flubber.
You said you like to try new food when you travel.
So we sent you on a trip to taste some gravel.
That's the healthiest meal I remember these drug addicts eating,
so it took me by surprise that your hearts no longer beating.
My homeboy Herschel made a call to Hack on Triple J
Made Tom Tilley light a tikki torch on the side of Triple K.
Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift,
The paramedics who responded probably got the gift.
Make fun of the alt-right for watching anime - like Initial Drive
If you normies had tuned in maybe she'd still be alive.
Good thing you had Vice journalists within reach,
they haven seen that much shit lying around since a Liberian beach.
When I first saw the pic of Heather dying on us,
I was confused and asked "Is she stuck under that bus?"
The alt-right just had the National Guard deployed
Now jobless lefties want to make us unemployed.
I'd say they were trying to bring us down to their level,
but now that's 6 feet under meeting brimstone and the devil.
I suspect she was retarded before that car gave her brain damage,
It had dodge written on the front - she wasn't up to the challenge.
Even with the jewish media demanding that Trump must disavow
he still defends the alt-right and the Chad Plough.
To all you black pilled faggots saying the movement is dead,
even the President says its fine to park your car on a red.?

brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy

So again we have the useful idiots...sorry Trotskyite and Bornman and George H W Bush Nazi Brownshirts are at it again, making themselves look like idiots, buffoons and straight up laughing stocks. I know that these people were brainwashed by the far left controlled education system, and the mainstream media telling them fascists and white supremacists are under every tree but to see these people beating up conservatives and engaging in other disgusting activities, while the Jihadi Troika and the idiot Latina bartender being pushed by the 'Justice Democrats' and Soros to lead the nation if the Donald leaves make all sorts of anti Jewish statements and proclaim their love for terrorist groups [I support a single Jewish state with religious freedom and respect for all, the Nazi terrorist group known as Likud, the Muslim Brotherhood front organization Hamas and the KGB puppet Fatah can all go kick rocks to me.] and a president who has a settlement named after him in Israel, went to the Wailing Wall wearing a yarmulke and openly condemned white supremacists is considered a Nazi because of active measures and other propaganda operations done by intelligence agencies, Communists and fascists against the American people.

Pretty sick huh?

George W Bush was best buddies with Putin the poisoner who invaded Ukraine and is helping Assad stay in power, to be fear the Trotskyist neocons started it all by using the US Armed Forces, PMCs and intelligence agencies to fund, arm and train Neo Nazis and Islamic extremists to go around and cause chaos so as to make the world wide worker's revolution easier. Clinton gave away 20% of the US' Uranium to the Russian Empire in Uranium One. Iraq and Afghanistan were both fought to remove obstacles for Iran and to hand both nations over to Russian and Chinese conglomerates.

For Christ's sake the ex CIA head and Nazi sleeper agent George H W Bush, may his and his stooge Castro roast in hell, helped China become the superpower it is today!

And no one is talking about these issues!

Pop culture, the cult of wokeness and pathological skepticism have weakened society and the modern intellectual class so much to the point that the Fourth Reich is rising up now and most people don't even see it! Most people don't know this but one of the major foundations of Nazism, as well as one of its biggest supporters, came from the psychiatric community. The labor camps and the T4 euthanasia program which disposed of the mentally ill and dissenters to the regime were run by psychiatrists and the orders that killed so many innocent men, women and children, came from psychiatrists themselves! The same psychiatric community that is declaring everybody who opposes or questions the mainstream version of an event and ticking off every perversion under the sun, is the same group of people who supported eugenics and helped in the atrocities of the Third Reich!

Never forget!

Antifa, SJWs and many of the people on RationalWiki and genuinely believe that they are fighting fascism, and that anybody who opposes their 'social democratic' utopia is a tinfoil hat wearing nut or a goose stepping fascist. What these people don't realize is that their ideology is just a modernized version of the basic ideology of fascism and National Socialism and their behavior is no different from Hitler's Brownshirts that the Fuher used to create fear and use that, along with the false flag Reichstag bombing, to seize power in the German Republic and create the totalitarian Greater German Reich. Hitler's ideological mentor Trotsky, and his boss Lenin also used ignorant anarchists, progressives and Communists to commit acts of violence and terror in order to destabilize Russia, and once the Bolsheviks seized power the two men wiped out any opposition to their rule through purges and deliberate catastrophes.

Stalin as evil as he was, was against the globalist agenda and a proud nationalist, so after he realized Hitler was nothing more than a less smooth and more violent Trotsky he managed to convince FDR that fascism wasn't worth the effort but the Red Army had already provoked Japan into attacking, so the generals running America saved the day and Old Joe got poisoned some years later for his resistance. Reagan and the Iron Lady were set up in a similar way, they were portrayed as monsters and the worst evil imaginable and these lies beamed into the heads of young impressionable students, so instead of thanking these three world leaders for doing what they had to do in order to keep national sovereignty alive, we rail and curse at them like idiots. P.S Some of the propaganda against Reagan came from the KGB itself.

Just like what we see in the Demonrat Party.

Bernie was cool in 2016 but he's too old now, so Predator Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez battle it out while Omar hopes the public doesn't see that she fucked her brother and is a conwoman, Talib is wondering how much money Hamas and Hezbollah are sending over and Presley...sigh.

Meanwhile Fuher Bi Bi drops white phosphorus on any opposition to the Nazi Likud Party while handing over American military technology to Il Duce Winnie the Pooh so he can oppress his own people better with the help of Big Tech up in the Californian People's Republic - run by the CPSU, the KGB and the Workers' and Peasant's Red Army, that provides AI research, access to American satellites, and ways for the Chinese government to improve its totalitarianism in means that would make IngSoc proud.

Does any one see something wrong here?

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat worth a damn but she still hangs on to socialism, must be the military experience.

Trotsky even had the swastika as well, although he prefered to use it on his soldiers' uniforms and on Soviet currency instead of a red flag.

The party program of the Nazis as well as some of Hitler's and Mussoloni's speeches sound very similar to the rhetoric used by that of SJWs, of course they wouldn't notice that as they're too busy whining about insignificant Neo Nazis and alt right edgelords on some socialist echo chamber site or complaining about some imaginary oppression.

Seriously this is the same shit the CIA and Castro used to fuck up Latin America in the 70s and 80s. The Cubans indoctrinated and funded the street thugs, ignorant academics and guerrillas and unleashed them onto the streets to cause chaos, while the CIA sent in the death squads and the black ops boys to wreck things even further. It's how Iran Contra got started.

Articles exposing the fascist origins of 'social justice':……

Russiagate - the Big Lie of the 2010s:………

Epstein the eugenicist:……

Ignorant Skeptics and Debunkers Pushing for Thoughtcrime and Psychiatric Incarceration of Dissent:…

CIA collusion with Lamestream Media:………

Suppression of evidence on 9/11 nuclear smart missile and guided drone attacks:…

Big Tech's attempts at controlling free speech ('The medium is the message."):…

Jay Matters #wingnut #dunning-kruger

1) Hitler enacted a program of euthanizing the mentally ill.
a. Democrats support euthanasia.
2) Hitler Burned the Reichstag down.
a. Democrats are burning US cities
3) Hitler created the political police.
a. Antifa and Occupy are democrat enforcers
4) Hitler created the Wansee conference to determine race and ethnicity by birth.
a. Democrats are focused on racial and ethnic “justice”.
5) Hitler killed his political enemies within the country.
a. Democrats leveraged the tools of government to persecute the Tea Party and Trump supporters.
6) Hitler fabricated stories to demonize military leadership not to his liking and oust them.
a. Democrats fired and set up several generals who dared oppose Obama.
7) Hitler set up the Hitler Youth program to indoctrinate the children
a. Democrats use the UNIONS to indoctrinate our youth.
8) Hitler seized personal firearms, disbanding gun clubs and disarming political “undesirables”.
a. Democrats have been scheming to take your guns for decades.
9) Hitler authorized “Chrystalnacht” whereby Germany seized the property of Jews to redistribute to non-Jews.
a. Democrats have been try to redistribute America’s wealth for decades.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia

In keeping with the principles of mass formation psychosis, the maliciously insane people in charge of our nation’s affairs will expect you to swallow ever-greater absurdities to maintain their control. But we’re way beyond the “women-with-penises” stage of the mind-fuckery program. Nobody with a functioning brain believes that bullshit anymore — except the people who run the California prison system. Next up, apparently, is a hot little war with Russia or China, a useful distraction from the systematic self-dismantling of Western Civ.
Of course, we have no real strategic national interest in Ukraine. We had no quarrel all the years that the Russian Soviets owned and operated it. We set in motion the current conflict by cooking up the 2014 color revolution. I doubt that a plurality of Americans will fall for another such stupid Hate Russia ploy. We’ve had enough pointless and costly foreign misadventures. This would be a war exceeding the unpopularity of Vietnam and could easily unleash widespread street protests. Only this time the Left will be pro-war and the Party of Chaos will send out its ragtag army of Antifa trannies to make the street protests bloodier. It will be seen for what it is: the ruling regime’s war on its own people. And it will be overcome.
Vying in the absurdity Olympics, the World Health Organization (WHO) just declared Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) — but only after the outfit’s chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, overruled a WHO committee that voted against such a move. Monkeypox, you understand, is a disease spread almost exclusively among the gay population, that is, men having sex with men, exchanging bodily fluids. Outbreaks have been keyed to gay orgies, especially during the recent June “Pride Month” festivities. Do you think it might be more appropriate for the WHO to issue an advisory against gay orgies?

dlo_3us2001 #fundie

Responding to a comment made by another member: "There is a supernatural hatred of both Jews and Christians in the world and country. There is nothing logical about it.

It's amusing to see the left claim it is a right-wing problem given all the antisemitism [sic] on its side from Muslims and blacks like Al Sharpton. The left is vehemently anti-Israel."

Jesus said it would happen.

It is caused by their hatred of God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible.

I will stick with God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible, over the liberals, democrats, leftists, evolutionists,
homosexuals, transgenders, feminists, Antifa's, Black Lives Matter groups, prochoicers, Muslims, KKK, White Supremacy groups, Non Believers, false teachers, blind guides, anti-Semitism groups, Communists, Nazi groups,

These groups have NOTHING to offer, but, sin, looting, rioting, protesting, hatred, anger, bondage and death.


Pasco Cruz #wingnut #conspiracy

Is AOC Really an Undercover DOD Asset?

I know this clip was from a few days ago, but I had to point out the look on her face. Does that not look like the victim of some MK-ultra mind control programming to you? That blank stare?

Plus, just the flat-out craziness of what she said lends even more credibility to the notion that she is in fact an undercover(willingly or unwittingly)GOP operative that was installed within the Democrat establishment by the Golden Dawn/General Flynn inspired Justice Democrats. Created to destroy and sabotage leftist politics in perpetuity. The extremity and cringiness of the policies that come out from the Justice Democrat think tank serve as kind of mocking performance art.

Pelosi & her DemonRat establishment has really been getting their asses handed to them of late with the sabotage of the party by the progressives and the execution of so many of the Veteran rats. RBG is the latest victim(EVIDENCE: wrinkled flag on her coffin👇).

All of that would certainly explain this ritual suicide that I’m constantly asserting must be taking place by the leftist establishment as the only way for me to come to terms with what I see as the inexplicable and nonsensical politics of certain DemonRat leaders. Far more than the lamestream media would like to admit with their assinine polling statistics that audaciously show Biden with these double digit leads over Big T. Literally NO ONE is showing up to the Joe Biden rallies and most of the “protestors” and “activists” out there running around for ANTIFA & BLM are Soros bankrolled ex-cons. Kinninigan even suggested that many of them had came directly from the cloning center and out onto the streets. They could care less about politics.

Grust #conspiracy #wingnut

CNN (short for Cable News Network) is a news channel often bundled with cable packages.

Why It Sucks Now:

1. Completely biased reporting in news. Until around the early 2000s they were actually considered to be the least biased news channel, especially during the impeachment of Bill Clinton (when most other news networks were making him out to be either a degenerate pervert or an unfairly persecuted saint), but they've moved massively to the left since then.

2. Often ignores most newsworthy stories that go against their interests.

3. Completely sided with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, doing everything to get her to win, rather than act neutral to both parties.

4. When a GIF of Donald Trump wrestling a man with a CNN logo for a head emerged, CNN tracked the man down and made him issue an apology, threatening to release the man's identity if he didn't. This led to a large backlash against them, leading to attempts at damage control.

5. Despite the immense backlash for threatening to blackmail the man who made the tweet, CNN doubled down on its decision saying that anyone who makes "hate speech" or "bigoted" comments should be "reigned in."

6. Tracked down a pro-Trump supporter through her Facebook page and publicly shamed her. The woman received harassment and violent threats as a result.

7. Has pretty much devolved into nonstop Trump bashing, with very little actual news in between.

8. Has dismissed and even defended the violent, terrorist actions of Antifa.

9. Recently has bullied a kid for wearing a MAGA hat.

10. Because of them, Trump supporters have spawned the infamous “#FakeNews” hashtag.

11. The Trump/Russia collusion, while a good topic to discuss, is overly supported by CNN, all just because of the Democratic Party lost the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.Thanks to the bias CNN is notorious of, the topic is left with flimsy evidence or the lack of evidence to back any electoral rigging, all leading to this conclusion: there was no election rigging in the 2016 Presidential Election.
*Even this result CNN refuse to accept, only to continue to milk this conspiracy theory out even if the final results are out. CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield even admit that this story is only made/investigated in hope of raising CNN's ratings.

Lemmingwise #wingnut #homophobia

The expansion of free speech to also cover obscenity, porn and sex is a relatively new idea, first defended by hustler magazine.

To use the oxford definition, see below.

It was conceived and is intended to cover opinions and political ideas/speech and to protect the airing of such.

When you think about it a little, there is very little reason to put sexual content on the level with opinions.

Now I don't particularly mind what people do in their bedrooms or what pictures people draw, but I do think there is a negative link on the health of a society in general and the degenerate things it permits. Allowing little boys on billboards that also strip for money and acting like effeminate drag queens has a negative effect on society beyond the abuse against that kid, it has a demoralizing effect that is comparable to the broken window theory.

And contrary to the people that generally defend the vilest of porn as supposedly being free speech, they are generally not open to hearing the opinions about this, particularly not when you start with one of the holy cows, homosexuality and its link to both disease and pedophilia. I don't know if people are born gay, that seems to be true. I do know that abused kids are more likely to be gay and that there is an active recruitment of that type (the vagina monologues famously had the glorification of such a moment of an underage girl and an adult woman; the fact that it wasn't shouted off stage shows how far people are misled on this. The scene was removed a decade later or so.

Perhaps the line "it was a good rape" was a little too on the nose coming from a 13 year old character. But this was a prizewinning and much applauded play.

There is also the infamous article "can we just admit that we do want to convert kids?" article. And you can discover that that's how it works today. Just go to antifa meetings, to marxist feminist meetings, go to gay bars and genderqueer parties. I saw it in real life before I started studying the statistics.

To get back on track, obscenity despite what US courts decided in their case against hustler, shouldn't cover obscene content. I think everybody in their heart knows that tits being removed off facebook is not the same thing as conservative pages being removed off facebook. One is a speech issue, the other is a obscenity issue.

Now how does that tie in to CP vs a terror attack?

Well I'd have to prove that CP is obscenity, but it is by definition, it's in the P (even if definitions of porn are hard to make, just try to put the right line between boobtwitchers and female twitch streamers) of pornography. I don't have to exactly identify the line to be able to broadly state that some barrier should exist that separates camwhores and female game streamers.

Then I'd have to prove that sharing the terror attack is speech. I have the presumption that people should be able to see it so that they can both learn from it politically and practically. You'd want the protections of freedom of speech to be broad, because the temptation to silence others lies in almost everyone's hearts. That's about the best I can make the argument, if someone else can make it better, let me know.

Finally, besides the freedom of speech, there is the issue that sexual release gives a huge dopamine rush that if it came from a drug, it would be a controlled substance. A dopamine rush means that all the thoughts and actions you did prior become more firmly rooted in your brain. There is no "one time" exception in the bedroom. If you discover something you like, you're going to want to do it again. And, I find that you can even condition partners to associate that dopamine rush with specific sexual activities and make them like that and ask for that.

Do you really want some percentage of people to habituate themselves to having sexual release in regards to the abuse of children? I think this is the strongest argument against CP.

Definition of freedom of speech in English:
freedom of speech

mass noun
The power or right to express one's opinions without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
‘the move would further harm freedom of speech in the region

David Mendacino #wingnut #racist

<commenting on 20th anniversary of WTO protests in Seattle>

The WTO crowd of yesteryear became Antifa of today. The irony being it only took a populism to get them to shift with the wind. They were nationalists back then until they embraced the low information religion of identity politics and tried to conflate nationalism with racism because it became more profitable to pander towards non citizens.

Stephan E. #racist #psycho

Walter Lübcke murder raises specter of neo-Nazi terrorism
A suspected neo-Nazi's arrest in the German politician's murder case has focused concerns on far-right terrorism. A member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party, he supported her pro-migration stance.

Germany's federal prosecutors have taken over the investigation into the murder of Walter Lübcke, indicating that the killing of the Kassel district president on June 2 is being treated as a politically motivated terrorist act.

If indeed the murder is shown to have been politically motivated, it would be the first such assassination on a sitting German politician since the 1970s.

Trail included death threats, weapons

A number of German outlets have reported details of the alleged far-right ties of the suspect arrested in the central city of Kassel in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Monday that the 45-year-old man, named only as Stephan E., had a long criminal record, had already issued death threats via his YouTube channel, and that weapons were found during the search of his home.

According to the paper, Stephan E. had written a comment on YouTube in 2018 under his alias Game Over that read "Either this government abdicates soon or there will be deaths."

Investigators tight-lipped

Citing sources within security forces, the paper, along with public broadcasters NDR and WDR, said the suspect had been active in extreme-right groups, including the domestic neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD) and a group known as the Autonomen Nationalisten (Autonomous Nationalists), a pan-European neo-Nazi group that has adopted some Antifa and far-left tactics.

Stephan E. is also believed to have been sentenced to six years in prison for an attempted bomb attack on a refugee home in 1995. He was also reported to have taken part in an attack on a trade union demonstration in 2009.

Officially, however, the federal prosecutors were giving little away about the investigation surrounding the suspect. Press spokesman Markus Schmitt appeared briefly before the cameras in Karlsruhe on Monday afternoon to confirm that the murder was being treated as a far-right extremist crime. He added that there was no indication yet that the suspect indeed belonged to a particular neo-Nazi terrorist cell, but that police were investigating whether others may have been involved.

Neo-Nazis active in region where murder occurred

The implication of Sunday's arrest, coincidentally made on the third anniversary of the killing of British MP Jo Cox by a far-right extremist in the UK, is that the Lübcke case would mark the first time in decades that an active politician was killed by a terrorist in Germany.

The manner of the killing — a close-range shot to the head — also recalled the series of killings by the only neo-Nazi terrorist group that has so far been discovered and investigated by German security forces: the National Socialist Underground (NSU).

Over a seven-year period, the NSU carried out nine murders of people with immigrant backgrounds, using a single Ceska handgun. The last two murders happened over a three-day period in Dortmund and Kassel in April 2006.

Hendrik Puls, researcher of the far-right scene and an academic advisor to the NSU investigative committee established by the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, sees Lübcke's murder in the context of the neo-Nazi scene that sprang up in the cities of Dortmund and Kassel in the mid-1990s, inspired by the British neo-Nazi group Combat 18.

"That's the first thing I thought of [when I heard of Lübcke's case]," Puls told DW. "This is a region that is tightly connected to the activities of Combat 18, both currently and historically."

In the mid- to late 1990s, Puls explained, Combat 18 and its associated groups began "propagating armed struggle," for instance by publishing magazines that included bomb-making instructions as well as sharing strategies for armed struggle.

After the NSU was finally uncovered in 2011, Puls' research with the NRW parliament led him to Kassel. "After the discovery of the NSU, the big question arose: were there supporters on the ground who might have helped? We found out that exactly at this time there were clear attempts to create a Combat 18 cell in Dortmund, and that parts of the Dortmund scene was massively armed," he said.

"The members of this Combat 18 cell all came from a group named 'Oidoxie Streetfighting Crew.' This crew included four or five people from Kassel," he added.

Xenophobia stokes extreme-right activism

Puls has also noticed that neo-Nazis became more and more vocal in the last few years, following the influx of refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 and 2016, which led to more anti-immigrant sentiment in the mainstream political debate and hate speech on social media. As a supporter of Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy, Walter Lübke himself was on the sharp end of much of this.

"One can certainly say that the propensity for violence has certainly risen following the right-wing debates around immigration," he said. "The case of Lübcke is certainly very revealing here. Walter Lübcke faced an enormous amount of hatred in 2015. That does raise the question: how much does it take before one person says 'I'll reach for a weapon?' In certain circumstances, not much."

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut

Top 5 Excuses When Radicals Corrupt Children
Progressives are busy smashing the innocence and dreams of our youth, but they aren’t doing it without thought. They have their reasons.
They are ultimately ungodly and foolish reasons revealing base instincts, flawed values, the direct influence of the demonic realm, or all of the above.

What are the explanations? Here’s a list of their most frequent excuses.

1. It’s for the “safety” of kids. A key goal of the “LGBT” crowd is to put traditional moral standards on defense, so one tactic is to co-opt bullying prevention programs. Many current lessons imbed a deceptive idea in otherwise positive messages— be kind, don’t be a bully, and to avoid this abhorrent label, be an ally and supporter of “LGBTQ” behaviors and identities. The pro-homosexual National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, has pushed and funded this duplicitous idea for over a decade, even quoting the invalid, online GLSEN “School Climate Survey.”

Propagandists often pair acceptable messages with extremely questionable ones. Today, they use children as human shields for “LGBT” agenda goals.

So what does “support” for these newly-created homosexual and gender confused kids look like? A school must allow no warnings about these behaviors or objections which make these students feel “unsafe.” A violation of the First Amendment? Medically and morally inaccurate? It doesn’t matter as long as the “gay” lobby can get parents to fall for this.

So students in the “gay straight alliance” club at West Linn High School in Oregon recently walked out of school to protest the Chick-Fil-A food truck serving school football games. An official at the school said they were considering the students’ position as with all “potential safety concerns.”

Chick-Fil-A is unsafe? No, here’s what’s unsafe—being prevented from hearing the truth that God has marvelously designed sex for one man and one woman in holy matrimony.

Children are starving for the nourishment of moral reality.

2. It’s part of being “inclusive” for “all” kids. In case you were not aware, messages about sexual responsibility and healthy behavior “excludes” those students who are already sexually active, and “LGBTQ” kids, who need to learn about anal and oral sex. So all students, therefore, are forced under “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) to hear that anal, oral and vaginal sex are normal for teens and can be managed safely with condoms and contraceptives. And this instruction needs to begin in middle school.

So the Austin, TX school system recently passed a controversial sex ed program that allegedly includes “abstinence.” Here’s what one pro-family activist there told me: “Yes, anal and oral sex with graphic descriptions of both are included in a sixth grade classroom activity in which eleven-year-olds are given 20 cards of various activities and made to discuss which ones are abstinence. Not only does the lesson explain anal and oral sex, it counts as material that is about abstinence required by law in Texas.”

California parents are just waking up to the horrific legislation passed several years ago – California’s “Healthy Youth Act”—mandating deliberate corruption of the state’s kids with X-rated subjects and pro-”LGBT” messages.

Praise God, some parents are responding, “Over my dead body.” There are a few lovely victories, like the school board in Battleground Schools (WA) turning down the obscene “FLASH” CSE program.

After the legalization of same sex marriage, homosexual activists went full steam to demand through many avenues (including the NEA) that school lessons must include respect for “LGBTQ” behaviors. “Respect” means normalizing early sex, graphic details of sex acts and lessons with same sex role-playing scenarios.

3. Children asked for it. Another excuse given for shoving pro-abortion and “LGBT” misinformation at kids is that “kids want this.” Yes, so whatever behavior kids have been taught to demand, in some schools they get. The child empowerment movement pushes the bolder kids in front of school boards. Some are already hardened activists screaming that their rights are being infringed, on their way to a college affiliation with Antifa.

Sexual corruption, let’s not forget, breeds more boundary-smashing and other psychological instabilities.

Cathy Ruse described the climate in the Fairfax (VA) schools as including cuddling polyamorous groups of kids in the halls —“thruples” and “quadruples” (rhymes with couples). And at the same school there are now “furries,” students who believe they are animals and self-identify as cats, foxes, etc.

4. The radicals think there’s nothing wrong and it’s all positive. The hard reality is that some people think there’s nothing inappropriate about kids being sexual.

One drag queen admitted in an interview recently that the goal was indeed to “groom the next generation.” Grooming is the term describing pedophile actions softening a child’s resistance to adult sexual contact.

A drag queen in the Seattle area performed an explicit strip act for kids. Another in Minneapolis was filmed “flashing himself” with partial nudity. Another invited little kids to lie on top of him after the reading time. Several of these deviant males have past convictions of child molestation and involvement in prostitution.

A PTA president at a school in Harlem performed an erotic “drag” routine to an auditorium full of elementary students several years ago.

5. Homosexual expression or gender “transition” will prevent suicide. Playing the suicide card is a frequent part of the game here, where parents are told, “If you don’t affirm your daughter in her new identity as a male, she will kill herself. Do you want a live son or a dead daughter?” So against your common sense, your faith, and everything you knew about your child prior to the current corruption overload, you are persuaded by an “affirming” counselor that mutilating her healthy body is the best course of action.

But here’s where mythology collides with truth. No one is born in the “wrong sex body” and suicide risks remain high, according to research, even after taking hormones and undergoing mutilating surgery.

An entire new activist group is now forming – “de-transitioners”—young adults now outraged over the deformed bodies and limited futures that have been handed to them. They will never conceive children. They are disfigured, often sexually dysfunctional. And the future holds the very real prospect of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis at young ages. All because of a deviant and unsupported agenda everyone thinks is “inclusive.”

It’s actually the opposite. When your ideology excludes the truth, everything else is a high-stakes gamble.

Sometimes I think I’m living in a fun house with crazy mirrors where very little is what it seems. But that’s why we must keep turning to the Lord and standing with Him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And speaking out. Pastors, please address this from the pulpit. We are to be salt and light.

Jesus is the frame of all wisdom and sets us free, and He will direct our paths.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy

[From "The Slutpocalypse is Already Happening"]

The slutpocalypse occurred pretty much as we expected. Too many hoes, not enough hot chips or phone charges to go around[…]The reason, as always, is pure sluttery[…]
That’s just a taste. There are thousands of these videos from all across the country, and many of them are getting violent[…]
It looks like this could turn into George Floyd Riots 2. That’s difficult, because blacks don’t really care about this. Blacks do have more abortions than whites, but black men don’t care if women have abortions or not because they don’t really stick around either way. If anything, black men are probably vaguely opposed to abortion, though not in any serious way, just “she be out der fukin, she been gon deal wif what is.” Obviously, black men were the main driver of the George Floyd riots, whereas this is primarily about white women. They’ll be backed by Antifa of course, who also backed the BLM riots

It’s possible that black men will come out if they think they can loot. But even then, I doubt they want to be associated with women – “dem bitches wants to keel dey keeds, dats on dem”[…]
I support repealing Roe regardless, simply because it is the right thing to do. However, that doesn’t mean that this is not a gift to a struggling Democrat Party[…]What the Democrats could do is promise that they will pass such a law if they are reelected in the midterms[…]Given that all of these fraud techniques from 2020 have now been normalized[…]it might be enough[…]
That said, the more riots there are, and the longer they go on, the less of a help this is to the Democrats[…]
We might just have to bring back Blue Lives Matter flags too[…]
No, I wouldn’t go that far. But a super-cut of cops beating up abortion people with that Baked Alaska song about how we love cops is probably in order

Jake Lang/Amir George #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

After being in prison for nearly a year and half—much of it in solitary confinement in the Washington, D. C. jail—for simply trying to save the life of Roseanne Boylan who was beaten to death along with three other patriots killed by police on Jan. 6, 2020, Jake Lang blesses God for considering him worthy of suffering.

"We battle this spiritual warfare by the love of God, staying grateful and praising God," says Lang, speaking from the detention facility and referencing the dramatic new documentary, The Truth About January 6th.

Lang narrates the documentary from the Washington, D.C., jail. With newly released video from individuals at the rally as well Capitol cameras, the story is finally told of how the nearly 1 million godly men and women gathered on the Ellipse on Jan. 6 to pray and seek the face of God to save the stolen election, then walked down to the Capitol to provide moral courage and strength for the disputed counting of electoral votes. This routine process occurs in every election, resulting in certification, and when both a senator and congressman support a challenge, the votes are returned to the states for a 10-day pause.
Over 800 godly men and women have been charged in a completely fraudulent series of arrests. The movie reveals the Capitol Police inviting people into the Capitol grounds as well as the Capitol itself, in addition to showing people leaving when instructed to by the same Capitol Police. This stands in contrast to the 537 riots during the summer of 2020 by Black Lives Matter and antifa, which resulted in over $2 billion in damage; 2,000 injuries to police officers and others; and 30 deaths. The only deaths on Jan. 6 were those of Benjamin Phillips, Ashli Babbit, Rosanne Boyland and Kevin Greeson—all killed by the Capitol Hill police.

"It's like being in the desert where Christ staved off the devil and where angels ministered to him," Lang continues.

Gregory Hood #wingnut #racist

What Next for the Democratic Socialists of America?

“I want to firebomb the White House,” said leftist activist Sythan Pok, “and you can quote me on that.” Politico did so in a respectful article about the “young left.” If someone said this at an American Renaissance conference, I’d predict swift federal action, and in-depth investigations about who to blame for “radicalization.” However, one of the nice things about being on the hard Left is that you never have to say you’re sorry. It also means you can keep organizing, agitating, and building power without much media or government scrutiny.

Bernie Sanders’s once surging campaign collapsed because the moderate wing of the party threw its weight behind Joe Biden, and Senator Sanders tried to appeal to woke non-whites instead of white workers. However, like the prediction that Texas will eventually go blue, this “political revolution” hasn’t been prevented, just delayed. It will take a different form than the one Mr. Sanders expected.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has grown 10-fold since 2016, according to organizer Kristin Porter. Just a few years ago, MAGA events around the country attracted white advocates, paleoconservatives, and traditional conservatives. These groups are weaker today. Conservatism Inc. tolerates far fewer nationalists within its ranks than it used to. Socialist groups are stronger than ever and already have many elected officials.

Many young socialists are driven by race and cultural issues. Mr. Pok says he was “the only brown kid in Utah.” (Unfortunately, this is not true, especially because the Mormon Church supports non-white immigration.) Another leftist organizer, Hunter Quaffman, says he is “queer.” Nikki Velamakanni says young people, “especially young people of color,” have a socialist vision for America. Another socialist says that though Senator Sanders probably won’t win, he’ll be “just as excited on behalf of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she runs for president.” These young activists clearly think in terms of race.

Senator Sanders started a movement, but he won’t finish it. He lacks the toughness to fight like a real revolutionary. He also promotes broad programs that would theoretically benefit white working class people. Non-whites would gain relatively less. I’m not a socialist. I doubt such programs would work, especially with open borders and a majority non-white population. However, whites are already subsidizing non-whites. We already have a sort of racial socialism.

What’s coming next will not be Senator Sanders’ “democratic socialism,” but the racial socialism of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. The Green New Deal, a supposedly universal program, has set-asides for non-whites. Miss Tlaib and others support reparations. The last DSA conference was extremely “woke,” with outraged delegates on the floor protesting “gendered language.” Senator Sanders, for most of his career, defended broad social programs and disdained identity politics. After him, democratic socialism will be driven by racial grievances.

In the short term, socialists will blame the Democratic National Convention (DNC), the media, and establishment candidates for consolidating behind Joe Biden. One Bernie Sanders campaign organizer has already promised Milwaukee “will burn” if Bernie Sanders doesn’t get the nomination. My colleague Chris Roberts predicts at least some “radicalized” leftists will conclude there is no political solution and will turn to violence, as the Weather Underground did.

My response is that this has already happened, and almost no one noticed. A Sanders supporter shot Congressman Steve Scalise in 2017. Willem Van Spronsen used an unregistered AR-15 to attack an ICE facility, but the normally anti-gun media barely covered the story. The Trump Administration has not gone after antifa groups, leftist gun groups, or radical political movements even after attacks on government personnel and property. Instead, the FBI is arresting Trump supporters, such as those in the Rise Against Movement.

Still, it is a good thing Bernie Sanders did not win the Democrat nomination. He was the last candidate who could sell socialism to working-class whites. His non-white replacements are ethnic chieftains and media mascots, not leaders of a mass movement.

The DSA organizes freely. Socialist podcasts can raise money on Patreon while white advocates have a hard time keeping a credit card processor or a bank account. According to Jack London’s The Iron Heel and Noam Chomsky’s theories about power, the corporate press should be supporting reactionaries. Instead, it gives self-avowed communists generally favorable media coverage as they post almost whatever they want on social media, raise money, sell merchandise, and host podcasts.

There will be Bernie maniacs. There might be violence or some demonstrations at the DNC, assuming the coronavirus doesn’t cancel it. That won’t discredit the socialists, who are in a much stronger position than white advocates. We don’t have legal and financial protection, nor can we openly organize without a tremendous fight.

Conservatives shouldn’t be complacent. Just as demographic change eventually dooms conservatism, it also dooms capitalism. The difference between a President Sanders and a President Ocasio-Cortez is that she would think in terms of race rather than class. It would be South Africa style “socialism,” or redistribution of wealth on racial, not class grounds.

Some white leftists may become racially conscious when the new socialist movement casts them out. Others may claim to be non-white or queer, or use some other way to avoid being associated with whites and the historic American nation. The new socialist movement will be a tribal hodgepodge, unified by its contempt for traditional American history and culture. These new socialists will have plentiful resources. They will be dangerous foes.

However, there’s also an opportunity. There is still a political opening for nationalist policies that will help American workers, defend national sovereignty, and advance white interests. The coronavirus outbreak is more evidence that America needs sovereignty and independence, not more globalism and mass immigration. The Republican Party can still become the “workers party” President Trump promised during the 2016 campaign, even if he didn’t complete the transformation.

Whites, “left” or “right,” must unite to fight for our interests. This campaign has already shown white “Bernie Bros” what the DNC thinks of them. While some leftists will drift into bitterness or even violence, far more will join our ranks. The “libertarian to alt-right” pipeline is dry, but I think the “Bernie Bro to Dissident Right” pipeline is about to open up for business.

FreedLymonia #fundie

I do not hate freedom. But I hate selfish sociopaths who who use "freedom" as a shield to hide behind while caring not in the slightest for anyone else's freedom or the other needs of society.

And projection it is. I care for others, look at any the averages, right wingers donate more than liberals. And you say not caring for anyone else’s freedom? On what they are free unlike In a socialist system where they can’t voluntarily transact. It’s not charitable to reach into some one else’s wallet man, dig into your own. Obviously you lack the basic knowledge of the situation or you would be on my side.

a socialist system where they can’t voluntarily transact.

Which I do not advocate (in character or in reality), nor does any but a few fringe lunatics with zero relevance in real life.

Obviously you lack the basic knowledge of the situation or you would be on my side.

[eyerolling smiley]

cough fascist Blackshirt thugs aka antifa cough not to mention corbyn having a literal communist and attending communist meetings... well to be fair europe is unimportant anyways

Ekklesia #god-complex #fundie #wingnut

[This whole twenty-page “document” is a goldmine of insanity; here’s one representative excerpt:]

As God’s Ekklesia, we bind every anti-Christ spirit from operating within the United States of America. We uproot, tear down, overthrow and destroy the following organizations, charities, funds and their anti-Christ agenda. We hereby decree:

The immediate death, dismantling & destruction of the following anti-Christ organizations and funds. We decree the following to all be stripped of authority, power, influence and finances:
o Democratic Socialists of America, and all their local state chapters (DSA),
o Communist Party USA
o Party of European Socialists
o Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA)
o Democratic Socialists Labor Commission (DSLC) oDSA National Electoral Committee (NEC)
o DSA Fund
o National Political Committee
o All DSA committees
o DSA Ecosocialist Working Group and all DSA Ecosocialist organizations
o DSA Religion and Socialism Commission oAll chapters of the communist party
o The Council for a Livable World
o All socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, far-leftist, anarchist and radical Islam groups & organizations working to weaken and destroy the USA
o All hidden communists, socialists, far left, radical Islam groups and anarchist groups
o Planned Parenthood
o The Muslim Brotherhood
o The Lincoln Project
o The illuminati
o The Clinton Foundation
o ActBlue Charities and all other charities and not-for-profits that exploit donors and misappropriate donations to be used for dark political purposes.
o Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Black Militia aka ‘NFAC’, and any other organization that endorses and promotes violence, destruction of property, lawlessness, rebellion, hatred, racism, treason, division, and the defunding/abolishing of law enforcement.
o The Deep-Church that works in tandem with the Deep-State to undermine America’s God-given purpose and identity.

CH #fundie

I was alerted to a potential bombshell in the de Jesus Cruz shooting story by Ricky Vaughn’s Gab feed (@Ricky_Vaughn99). David Hogg, one of the self-proclaimed survivors who made an infamous tape while hiding out in a closet during the shooting, may have been caught lying on tape.

The media is telling us David Hogg interviewed his classmate in a closet DURING the shooting. In this video, he clearly states the time as 9:30 A.M.


But, as the timeline from the Sheriff’s office shows, the shooting did not start until 2:21 P.M.

What the hell is going on here? These student activists are LYING to us.


Folks, I have archived the video, so they cannot get away with this.

We need the truth, the public deserves to hear the truth.


I am NOT saying this is a false flag. I am NOT saying that these are crisis actors.

I am saying that these student shitlib activists are LYING to us, and we need answers. The public deserves to know, just what the hell is going on?


Here’s what I think happened: They had a drill that morning in order to scare kids into gun control. During the drill, they made these videos.

Then, that afternoon, there was an actual shooter.

They lied and said, “we made these videos during the shooting.”

First of all, why did they lie to us?

Second of all, were FBI agents online posing as Siegetards and goading this idiot, Cruz, into doing a school shooting that afternoon?

That way, they would have all the video and students who were anti-gun activists and media-trained all ready to roll for their massive anti-gun psy-op.

David Hogg, who is the face of this group of charlatans posing as “concerned activists,” is the son of a prominent FBI agent. What the hell is going on here, folks?

If true, this whole post-shooting “march against guns” activist movement is a HUGE chaimstream media-driven hoax, probably financed by that agent of Satan himself, George Soros.

More suspicious details about David Hogg that lend credence to the claim he’s a hired crisis actor tasked with pushing a major social movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment:

Hogg works for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
From that same link, an antifa member claims Hogg didn’t go to Parkland HS; he went to school with him at Redondo Shores HS in California
Hogg really is the son of an FBI agent

Most hilariously, Hogg is seen feeding shitlib boilerplate scripted lines to a “schoolmate” in a video “interview” he supposedly shot “during” the Cruz shooting.


The whole hacktivist clown show has the feel of a top-down, rather than bottom-up, managed movement. A BIG LIE. Who’s behind the scenes, funding and directing the show? (((Curiouser and curiouser))).

Crisis actors and false narratives. It’s not like the Degenerate Leftoid Mob doesn’t have experience recruiting kids to tell whoppers. Turning out an army of child soldiers to shill for the cause du jour is the Left’s specialty.

America is drowning in lies. This age of chaos and spiraling decline will end, but not before the globohomos have tried every gaslighting weapon at their disposal. When the truth outs, the rats scurrying for cover will be a marvel to behold.

Hans-Georg Maasen #wingnut

German ex-spy chief pushes Angela Merkel's CDU further right
The former head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency has been accused of courting the far right. Hans-Georg Maassen is the noisiest member of the conservative wing of Angela Merkel's CDU.

Hans-Georg Maassen, the man once in charge of tracking political extremists in Germany, has developed a brash second career on social media since his sacking last year.

Largely delivered on Twitter, Maassen's provocative pronouncements have created another headache for Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which is facing an uncertain era after the chancellor's retirement.

Maassen's tweets have also raised questions about how his political opinions may have influenced the direction investigations took during his six years as head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).

Maassen's office, from which he was fired last year by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, is in charge of keeping tabs on the activities of Islamists, neo-Nazis and antifa groups inside Germany.

Anti-immigration and climate science

The most controversial of these social media posts came last Monday, when Maassen shared an article by right-wing blog Journalistenwatch claiming that the rescue of migrants by the ship Sea-Watch 3 was effectively a hoax orchestrated by German public broadcaster ARD.

Several media outlets subsequently pointed out that Journalistenwatch was run by the founders of a now-defunct minor right-wing party called Die Freiheit (The Freedom), which itself was under observation by the BfV. It also frequently signals support for the pan-European Identitarian Movement, another far-right group that has caught the attention of the office Maassen once ran.

But while that tweet was subsequently deleted, Maassen seems to have developed a taste for the notoriety his social media presence has triggered.

In the past week, the ex-intelligence chief's tweets have included posting an article denying the climate crisis in Cologne-based tabloid Express, comparisons between the German public broadcasters and the dictatorship-led media of communist East Germany and a cartoon implying that media outlet Der Spiegel mainly contains fairy tales. He also had more criticism of the rescue missions in the Mediterranean:

"Don't let yourself be persuaded that this is about rescuing people at sea," he tweeted on Friday. "These migrants aren't shipwrecked people, and not refugees. They have boarded trafficker boats as would-be foreign immigrants to get brought to Europe by a shuttle service."

Pushing the conservative CDU

There have been many clues to Maassen's political leanings since his departure from the BfV last year, which came after he cast doubt on videos that showed people of immigrant background being attacked in Chemnitz. Seehofer attempted to find Maassen a job in his ministry, but the outcry proved too great for the government.

Maassen's Twitter profile, which is emblazoned with a slogan "Change. Germany can do better," also includes a link to the Werte Union ("Union of Values"), an organization that represents the conservative wing of the CDU and sees its main purpose in reviving what it believes are values that the CDU leadership has lost.

Maassen has become the Werte Union's most prominent public face in the last few weeks, and it has seen an uptick in membership over the past two years.

Of all the high-profile figures on the right of the CDU (another is erstwhile leadership challenger Friedrich Merz), Maassen has been the most radical in his anti-immigration declarations.

At a Werte Union event in Wernheim, southern Germany, in late June, the 56-year-old sparked another media storm by saying, "I didn't join the CDU 30 years ago so that 1.8 million Arabs could come to Germany." That statement was greeted with cheers from the assembled party members, according to a report in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, and drew plenty of outrage from opposition leaders.

Maassen described his own political position as "not conservative, just realistic," but other signs suggest he is not above political strategy: In mid-June, he gave an interview to public radio station Deutschlandfunk in which he suggested that a coalition with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was not out of the question in future.

The AfD is currently polling first in some states in eastern Germany, three of which are due to hold elections this fall, putting the CDU under considerable pressure from the right. All the leading figures in the CDU have so far ruled out forming a government with populist AfD, but there are signs that the resolve in the upper echelons of some regional CDU parties is starting to buckle.

Internet Tough Guy: The Poem

EthicalFunTime #fundie

[OP of "[POEM] The Great Cleansing"]

The Great Cleansing by /u/EthicalFunTime

So many choppers in the black of night
reflections on the pale moonlight
of falling leftists, splashing in
feeding sharks, I'll call that a win.
I'll say it once, I'll say it twice:
it's time to zyklon-b these lice
Santa Claus is coming to see who's naughty or nice
the guillotine's coming to separate and slice
Though there is an aphorism:
"Some people do prefer their scaphism."
lathered with milk and honey over a stagnant pond
seeing them suffer stiffens my wand
Over main street many leftists splatter
and then met with children's riotous laughter
alas, look! A wave and nod from the pilot!
and then he flies off into the twilight's dark violet
lined up in the streets antifa is decimated
only one survives, blinded and castrated
to send back a message to terrorist scum:
you'll never steal our personal wealth and income.

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

Sermon 26: Safety in the Church
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
Luke 22:36 says "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a wallet, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Recently, the "March for Our Lives" Soros funded rally happened. They want to take away our God given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our congregations with the means of firearms. Even liberals in the Episcopal "Church" have been getting involved with this movement. Episcopalians don't want their congregants to be safe anyway, since they may object to guns but don't object to grown 6'4 men in drag using the same bathroom as little Susie and her mom. THIS IS A CONTRADICTION AND AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD! SAY AMEN IN THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD! YOUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut

Everybody remembers the disastrous Charlottesville rally from back in 2017. Not everybody remembers it the same way.

Ask most people, and they'll tell you how a bunch of neo-nazi troublemakers descended on the town and started a riot that ended up getting innocent people killed. The Left loves this narrative, and they wave it around as a call to action against the fascists they say are overrunning the country.

People who actually investigated the debacle have a vastly different picture of what took place. They know, for instance, that officials herded the right-wing protesters into what was essentially a kill box with only one way in or out. Police stood down, putting the protesters in direct contact with the Antifa counter-protesters, who were conveniently bused in for the occasion. A Lefty with a gun spooked James Fields, who drove into a crowd. Soon afterward, a morbidly obese girl died of a heart attack. Fields was duly made an example of with a life +419 years sentence.

If it looks like it, sounds like it, and smells like it, you call it what it is--a setup.

A setup that worked so well, the powers that be are now roping a new set of protesters into round two. Only this time, it won't be twentysomething dissidents, but NRA Boomers, in the Left's kill box.


Unfortunately, the mainstream media coverage of Charlottesville was tailored to keep guys like Van Cleave from learning anything that might actually help defend the second amendment. So in all likelihood, we'll see another riot with the blame placed squarely on "gun nuts".

The up side is that power-drunk Leftists don't realize that giving Joe Boomer and his AR-15 the same treatment as torch-bearing weirdos won't play well on Main Street. Dissenters' main problem right now is that not enough normies understand that our rulers hate them. A big swath of them are about to learn.

For a thrilling fictional account of underdogs fighting back against an oppressive nanny state, read my explosive military thriller series!

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut #fundie

Exclusive: Jesse Lee Peterson challenges the true racists in government

Somehow in this country, white people became the only ones called “racist” (even though “racism” does not exist; it’s either right or wrong, good or evil). Everyone is encouraged to hate white people. The Civil Rights Movement, which I regret participating in, only brought destruction. Blacks forced white private businesses to service them, and whites began catering to blacks. Then other immoral people came in and used black people for their own agenda, to bully the weak whites. Women who hate men, radical homosexuals, illegal aliens and others seduced black false leaders, comparing their wicked causes to blacks’ supposed “struggle.”

I often ask black and Hispanic liberal guests on my talk shows, “Do you love white people?” Rarely can they simply answer, “Yes.” But when I ask them if they love blacks or Mexicans, it’s suddenly an easy answer – “Yes!”

This month of July is my second annual celebration of White History Month. America is great thanks to white people. But it’s so overrun with blind white-hating people that we now have a Muslim woman with a head rag in Congress! Rep. Ilhan Omar, D.-Minn., is an evil, America-hating, Christian-hating “social justice warrior.” But she falsely claims, “I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born.” Her kind of “love” is the same emotional, egotistical spirit as angry single black mothers who raise thugs and defend them when they commit crimes.

I’ve been saying for years that if anyone does not love this country, they can leave! If you hate white people, and you believe in so-called “racism,” even though whites let you into this country, go back to Africa or wherever you came from! Same with the white communist antifa members who hate American freedom – get out of my country!

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

President Trump rightly said the same thing in a few tweets last Sunday. He suggested that these “progressive” Democrat Congresswomen “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” He’s right. But they won’t, because they’re hypocrites – including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. Not only will they not fix their own communities, they want to mess up ours! They only offer abortion, immoral socialism, false victimhood and hatred of white people, men and Christians.

Although the president defended white female Democrat Nancy Pelosi against false accusations of “racism” by Cortez, Pelosi turned on Trump, paying back evil for good. In order to help “women of color” who hate her, Pelosi led a controversial vote condemning what she falsely called “racist tweets,” denigrating the president. In response, Trump pointed out that “this was the first time since 1984 that the Speaker of the House was ruled Out of Order and broke the Rules of the House.”

Thank God, a beautiful crowd in Greenville, North Carolina echoed the president’s sentiments, chanting, “Send her back!” – referring to America-hating, Israel-hating Ilhan Omar. The children of the lie, including the liberal media, Democrats, RINO Republicans and Never Trumpers, of course freaked out over the lack of political correctness. These deceivers hate good people, and support America’s enemies. Weak, cowardly establishment Republicans begged the president to distance himself from the “send her back” chant, which he obliged to a point. But when pressed by media, the president stood by the people of North Carolina as “incredible patriots.”

President Trump loves America, and said that these Democrat women “can’t get away with” denigrating its people. “I’m unhappy that a Congresswoman … can call our country and our people ‘garbage.'” He referred to Cortez (the socialist), who trashed the opportunities offered by this country, and called the late President Reagan and working white people “racist.”

Trump said, “I can tell you this, you can’t talk that way about our country, not when I’m the president.” These are the words of a real man. Not a weak, pathetic person concerned with silly notions of “racism,” “sexism” and whatever else they come up with – Trump stands on what’s right. He’s a straight, white, conservative Christian man of power – everything the children of the lie hate.

Ilhan Omar promised to be the president’s “nightmare,” which really means she wants to be America’s nightmare. Trump said, “She’s lucky to be where she is. … And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country.”

I say shame on us for allowing such a woman to come here. But this is what evil wants. It’s time for the people on the side of good to stand up. Thankfully, President Trump is doing that.

There’s nothing more important than rebuilding men. There are no men in the Democrat Party – only weak beta males. Women run the Democrat Party, which is anti-American and of Satan. We saw what happened when men disappeared from black homes. The black community worships “mama” while they kill one another. Now other races, including whites, follow in blacks’ footsteps of self-destruction, by following women. Whites have turned to weakness and surrender, thinking the people of color will love them. That’s not the way.

Watch and learn from this president, who makes evil unwelcome again.

Pastor Shane Idleman #fundie #wingnut

The upcoming election is causing increased division among Christians. It leaves many people confused when some Christians denounce Trump and elevate Biden. Their reasoning goes something like this: “How can you vote for Trump based on his character?” But the real question we should be asking is, “What direction is the country heading, spiritually speaking?

Obviously, character is important, but, if a man has decent character according to some, yet believes in infanticide and in euthanizing the disabled, do we look at his character over his policies? Of course not.

God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man, but He may judge it based on the spiritual health of her people. Policy often speaks louder than character—although ideally, they should match.

The president is hated, not because of his character, but because of what he stands for. He is a disruptive force. If the abortion industry, George Soros, most of the media, antifa and Hollywood are on your side, are you sure you're on the right side?

I don’t want to hear about someone’s “character” when they think it’s okay to kill a child, even at 9 months, and they reject the “born-alive” bill. I’m not concerned with nice tweets when they promote real hate, support sexual perversion and want to burn down our cities — and on and on it goes.

raziel71 #fundie

I did not say no Christian have ever committed murder.There is also a big difference between murder and defending yourself from someone that tries to kill you. An of course, a real Christian would not murder anyone. I dont consider catholics Christians, if you know anything about history. But, you are deflecting from the main point, the Texas massacre murderer was an atheist that also liked antifa and though that Christians were stupid. All in his FB page. The others in the last 20 massacres were mostly atheist, or democrats, or left leaning. This is easy to look for in the internet. Lanza's mother a democrat, same for the Columbine teenagers, the muslisms in California and Florida registered democrats, which by the way, tend to be atheist. You have no argument because the facts are clear.

Pinochet-Heli-Tours #conspiracy

[Commenting under "Are these antifa types and anti-capitalist protesters professional provocateurs? It seems like the evidence is mounting they often are."]

(((George Soros))) is the man who funds most BLM and loony leftist protests. He profits from collapse.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

The three big ones for me were realizing that racial IQ differences were real, illegal immigrants murdering my White best friend, and reading Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique.
After learning that I had a high IQ when I was 14, I wanted to know more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial differences in IQ.
I wasn't the average 14-year-old. Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually very socially conservative in a lot of ways. One of the ways in which they were very socially conservative is that they didn't let my siblings and I watch TV because they thought that it would rot our brains. I also attended boarding schools that didn't let us have TVs in our dorm rooms. So, what does an insanely bored kid do when he can't watch TV or play video games all day? Read books all day instead.
I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Jay Gould's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and a small library of other popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, it's pretty safe to say that I was a massive science fanboy growing up.
That's why I was so fucking enraged to see these toothless inbred redneck neo-Nazi KKK pieces of shit dare try to argue that science and reality was actually on their side. I basically went full Kraut and Tea... I wanted to utterly annihilate their scientific arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books on the topic of IQ from both sides of the debate. I also read hundreds of online articles and blog posts and watched about a dozen documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally painful conclusion that the redneck neo-Nazi skinheads actually did have science and reality on their side, and that my liberal, anti-racist side of the debate was actually spouting bullshit half-truths in a desperate attempt to combat White Supremacy.
But despite that paradigm shattering red-pill, I still remained a loyal libtard for about 6 more years because I simply wasn't ready to join the "dark side" yet. My leftist indoctrination was way too deep to abandon the left overnight. In fact, I actually became more extreme politically over the next few years. Reading Noam Chomsky's books, among others, turned me into a proud Marxist. I was even borderline Antifa in my late teens and almost joined in on a lynch mob after this girl in my high school argued that not all Nazis were evil because they were just following orders (long story).
However, I was starting to become increasingly disillusioned with the left after traveling to current and former communist countries and seeing how fucked up they were, and because I was reading right-wing books and blogs in order to better understand my political enemies during the Bush era.
The straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 gang members when we were both sophomores in college. Every single one of them was an illegal immigrant. While researching MS-13 online right after my best friend was murdered, I randomly stumbled across this blog post that was written several months prior by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin where she was basically condemning the open borders left for allowing MS-13 to spread to the Washington, D.C. area.
That blog post completely destroyed me mentally because I knew that if I had read it just a couple of weeks ago I probably would have written a comment under her blog entry telling her that I hope that she gets hit by a truck for being such a retarded and evil racist piece of shit.
I felt like my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported open borders, mass immigration, diversity, tolerance, multiculturalism, amnesty, sanctuary cities, et cetera. I was so far left that I even opposed the idea of nation-states themselves because I thought that they were extremely primitive, and because they supported the "othering" of foreigners by encouraging xenophobia, war, racism, inequality, et cetera. I was basically a globalist. A proud citizen of the world...
The murder of my best friend by brown-skinned illegal immigrants not only caused me to finally leave the left, but it also caused me to completely turn on my former leftist comrades. I'm now completely dedicated to tearing down the left's entire power structure because I finally realized that I had been manipulated into supporting my own racial demise. The left has already fucked up enough previously idyllic White communities and sacrificed enough innocent White people to the altar of diversity. They need to be completely destroyed before they completely destroy White Western civilization.
The murder of my best friend also cemented my red-pilling about racial differences in crime rates and overall standards of living in general. If we allow brown-skinned "Hispanics" (Amerinds/Mestizos) to take over America demographically, then obviously we'll eventually have the same problems that brown-skinned "Hispanic" countries have because their problems are largely rooted in their inferior genes. It's a very simple and glaringly obvious observation, and yet I wasn't capable of recognizing it because I had been so thoroughly brainwashed by (((modern anti-racist liberal ideology))) since infancy.
And reading Kevin MacDonald's books about 4 years ago is why I put triple parentheses around modern anti-racist liberal ideology...

SoulSurfer #conspiracy

Metal Gear Reveals Scarlet Lucifer (Woman Riding Beast) New World Order

Metal Gear Peace Walker - KGB Agent, Final

Note: To Understand this you must understand Allegories; Predictive Programming and Symbology. If you do not then this is a waste of your time so click X. It requires researching and studying.

Starting with Gun Control

False Flag Predictive Programming Alert!!

Army without Borders= Antifa and ISIS.

V is also for Venus, and also represents the Jesuits (Guy Fawkes) Vendetta against King James (The Church of Christ)
In 1605 Jesuit Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the King James Parliament. The infamous gun powder plot. Why do you think pope is calling for an end to protestants?

The woman rides the beast. The machine is also part of the beast.

A Couple of scriptures to reflect on:

The King James Bible Warns us Clearly

1 Thessalonians 5:3King James Version (KJV)

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Now you know why the Jesuits hated King James. While the man may have had sins, he did one good thing with creating the very tool that is warning us.

Do not listen to those who will ridicule this topic. They will lead you to your demise. This is a warning the way I see it and these people, the Illuminati Jesuits are insane. They basically told us their plan through a video game. And only those with eyes to see can see the message. I hope you are awake; if not then God help us all.

I know some will ridicule; but this is mostly for those that see and know. The more you research the more you will become in tuned with the truth; and the truth will rise. What your heart treasures there your heart will be. Treasure truth and allow the truth to manifest. This is how I see. (It is also called synchronicity.)

Matt Weiler #conspiracy

he also may have been setup.. powers that be are pushing for a civil war. An ex cia guy predicted a mass shooting over the next few weeks two days ago on a radio show i listen too.. there may be another mass shooting in the next month framed as a right winger.

Some sources close to the investigation said there was antifa literature in the hotel room. MSM won't touch it.. CIA does operations like this in countries all over the world. Look up operation Gladio in Italy.. all declassified

Internet Tough Guy Award

This is indeed not the reality of shooter games.

thisisnotmyreality #fundie

[Commenting under "Antifa forms a hit team, distributes hit list"]

Find a high spot (hilltop, rooftop, etc.) and bring one of these

10 points for every masked 'protester' you take out.

20 points for headshots

50 points if you hit multiple targets with a single shot.

Jared van Niekerk #racist #sexist #wingnut

What whites are doing now is completely abnormal. What is the state of mind of a college admissions officer whose job is to practice discrimination against people who might as well be his own sons and daughters? Blacks who work in admissions behave normally; they advance the interests of people like themselves. Whites thwart the interests of people like themselves. This is an aberration of gigantic proportions but Prof. Farron almost seems not to notice.

The last few paragraphs are especially thought-provoking. The one thing that sets whites apart from all other races, is our limitless capacity for self-loathing. I could understand that unattractive white females or beta male whites would want to pull down other whites to their level by embracing feminism, Antifa or similar ideologies for losers. As Rush Limbaugh said: feminism was invented to give unattractive women access to the mainstream. I can also get that white loser beta males and bullied boys would embrace some leftist ideology that offered them the lie that everybody was equal in every way, but even attractive white women and successful white men seem to have been infected by this cancerous type of extreme altruism, the desire to see their own race annihilated.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

(submitters note: regarding

( @TheMadPiper )
@Nature_and_Race Well, there was that one time in Pittsburgh. Maybe, for their own safety, Jews in the US should exercise their right of return to Israel.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race it'll stop when White people get so tired of it that they actually do what they're accused of..... on a nationwide scale.

( @AlbertCurtis )
@Nature_and_Race Allow me to ask the real question: why should JEWS matter to any of us at all? I am not a JEW! Are you?


( @thesoupfascist )
@Nature_and_Race Remember when they canceled abortion and antifa was openly posting about burning down churches and the media didn't care one bit?

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race Jews invented hate-hoaxes, they not only lied about the holocaust they also lied about the pogroms in Russia by claiming all sorts of atrocities that were bold faced lies completely manufactured by jewish journalists.

( @ALEngineer )
@Nature_and_Race avoid jews at all costs

( @eagleeyes007 )
@Nature_and_Race yup just like the fake attacks on negros they make it up and plaster the lies all over mainstream media

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race pfft. IF ONLY this were true. Blatant fukn lie

( @Javanka_is_Rasputin )
@Nature_and_Race Another FBI false flag/gay OP right before an election.

( @celticoddtree )
@Nature_and_Race they count their own & blacks own hoaxes to blame Whites so they can add them to their list as true

( @CaptXenon )
@Nature_and_Race no one wants to blow up their synagogues. We want to deport them to place where their filth will not affect us.

( @genukem )
@Nature_and_Race Jews, all of them, deserve to be exterminated. Man, woman and child.

( @RoarLyinz )
@Nature_and_Race Here we go……..phase 3 of someone blame White people commences. We’re just a few days away from a prominent joo reminding blacks that, “black people let’s not forget that we both hate White people.”

( @kameltoe_harass )
@Nature_and_Race No loss if every fucking gogue in the country was smoked, just saying. its like , I dont care if rats live or not, but when they are in my food source and home, they will be removed. ( dead or alive - though alive they will come back )

Georgian Southern Nationalist #wingnut #elitist #homophobia #transphobia #racist

[From "GAXIT! Free Georgia Now"]

After a Kemp victory last November, Georgia’s political future has become clearer[…]It’s now been proven that the Peach State still has enough genuine Georgians to keep an anti-White zealot like Stacey Abrams out of the governorship. Georgia’s monuments largely still stand intact, a new anti-child sex change bill (SB 40) has passed, the “Heartbeat” law has successfully returned, and gun rights have been expanded. On the other hand, long-term demographic issues are not looking great[…]it’s imperative for Georgia to secede before the next gubernatorial election[…]
A major component of a Free Georgia will be ensuring that Southerners (bonafide Georgians) are running and managing the state. Enacting the county unit system in all statewide elections will be critical. This is a topic that has been discussed by the Georgia League of the South and at Identity Dixie but[…]it’s an important step to curtail the carpetbagger-dominated Metro Atlanta[…]
Southern Nationalists could convince a squeamish representative to push for pro-Southern policies. It’s during this period that Southern Nationalist advocates would focus on restoring, and then solidifying, Georgia’s pro-Dixie cultural and social foundation

For starters, one should look at the vast potential of Stone Mountain[…]Largest (currently) monument to the South’s efforts in the War for Southern Independence[…]
We could easily morph whatever remains of the Georgia National Guard into a new “Army of Georgia,” fastened with the old 1956 Georgia flag[…]This new unit would be used for home defense[…]
This brings me to the idea[…]that Georgia is a purple or “non-White” state; thus, the Left would “rebel.” In truth, I could envision a few violent riots in Atlanta, like we saw with “Cop City” but the new “Army of Georgia” would quickly and efficiently remove such threats. Antifa cowards will flee Georgia

CertifiedRabbi #racist

My first real red pill occurred when I was 14-15 while I was doing research online about IQ. I already knew that I had a high IQ when I was accepted into a very prestigious private boarding school in New England, but I wanted to learn more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial IQ differences. After a lot of painful and uncomfortable research and soul-searching, I very reluctantly came to the extremely disturbing conclusion that the toothless, racist, inbred, skinhead, neo-Nazi, KKK pieces of shit really did have science and reality on their side.

But rather than just ending my red-pilling process there, it's probably a good idea to go over more of the details on my background in order to provide additional context to my current worldview since I think that it will help to dispel lazy stereotypes about most Alt-Righters being born into trailer parks or whatever.

My parents grew up in very liberal, wealthy families in the sister cities of Detroit and Flint, Michigan - two cities that were eventually completely ruined by black people during their lifetimes. But they first met each other at a law school that won't be named because I've already provided way too much doxxable info. After they graduated, they White Flighted to Fairfax County, Virginia - which is considered to be a part of the larger Washington, D.C. area (another city that was ruined by blacks) and is where I spent about half of my childhood.

Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually quite socially conservative in many ways - such as their decision to not allow my siblings and I to watch TV or play video games growing up because they (correctly) thought that it would rot our brains. And the private boarding schools that I attended also didn't allow us to have TVs in our dorms. So, what do you do for entertainment when you can't watch TV or play video games? Read lots and lots of books. I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and many other similar popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, I was an absolutely massive science fanboy growing up.

I was also super liberal and politically conscious growing up because my parents and grandparents were heavily involved in donating to and campaigning for the DNC for decades. Some of my earliest memories were being dragged around the Presidential campaigns of Clinton and Gore back in the 1990s and getting a behind-the-scenes look at the Clinton/Gore administration - which was pretty cool.

That's why I was so fucking incensed to see these racist, redneck fucktards dare try to claim that the science was on their side. I wanted to completely annihilate their arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books and at least a hundred blog posts and online articles and watched several documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally physically painful conclusion that the evil, subhuman racists really did have the data on their side, and that my liberal side of the debate was spouting half-truths and flat-out lies in a desperate attempt to combat White supremacy and uphold their liberal egalitarian paradigm.

I basically went full Kraut & Tea for about half a year or so researching this topic in my free time, except that I actually had the intellectual honesty to admit that the racists were right. I actually genuinely and naively believed in the liberal mantra of being open-minded and following the evidence regardless of how unpleasant it might be to my own sensibilities - and it caused me to realize that racism, social Darwinism, and eugenics is scientifically justified...

So, that was quite the traumatic red pill... But I actually managed to remain a loyal shitlib for several more years despite that paradigm-shattering realization on such an important issue. And that's because it's extremely hard to escape the liberal ideological bubble. My brain had basically been marinating in liberal propaganda my entire life. And simply being a Republican was enough to become a social pariah in the kinds of far-left social circles that I existed in. My family and friends were liberal as fuck, the communities that I lived in were liberal as fuck, the private boarding schools that I attended were liberal as fuck, the authors that I read were liberal as fuck, the popular culture that I consumed was uniformly liberal as fuck, the news that I consumed was liberal as fuck, the university that I attended was liberal as fuck, et cetera.
Reading books from far-left ideologues like Noam Chomsky in middle school and high school actually caused me to become even more far-left in my teens. I was even borderline Antifa at one point. But it was traveling to former and current communist countries, walking through museums that were dedicated to exposing communist crimes against humanity, and reading critiques of the left (e.g., The Black Book of Communism) which caused me to gradually become disillusioned with the left as I started college.

But the last straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my liberal White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 illegal immigrant gang members when we were both sophomores in college. I had never even heard of MS-13. While researching them online, I came across a random blog post by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin that was basically sounding the warning bells about the dangers of MS-13 in the Washington, D.C. area and condemning the left for allowing violent illegal immigrant gang members to spread across previously idyllic American communities.

That blog post - which she probably didn't even put that much thought and effort into - completely broke me mentally. I could barely even look at the screen while reading it because I knew that just a few weeks ago I probably would have left an angry comment on her blog calling her a racist, right-wing asshole and hoping that she got hit by a bus for writing something that was so blatantly ignorant and bigoted.
I had also strongly supported open borders, multiculturalism, diversity, tolerance, sanctuary cities, and amnesty. I was basically a global citizen of the world that supported a UN on steroids because I didn't think that global problems like climate change and inequality could be solved without much stronger global governance. I basically viewed nation-states as being these primitive, tribalistic relics that were enabling disease, income inequality, war, environmental destruction, and xenophobic racism.

After reading that blog post, I finally realized that my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported those dangerously retarded leftist policies. And I also finally realized that my leftist views were helping to completely ruin one previously serene White community after the next and sacrificing countless innocent White lives to the altar of diversity and anti-racism. I became completely radicalized against my former leftist comrades after I realized that they had taken advantage of my ignorance and innocent altruism by brainwashing me with such a dangerously suicidal and delusional ideology.

When I first left the left and joined "the dark side", I actually started out as a fucking neocon because neocons still dominated the conservative movement - and because I was reading lots of neocon journals and books as I was exploring right-wing ideology and right-wing critiques of the left. I also became an Islamophobe because I was reading Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch blog on an almost daily basis. And I even briefly became a non-Jewish Zionist because Zionist propaganda is omnipresent in the mainstream cuckservative movement, and especially in the Islamophobia community.
Robert Spencer and other Islamophobes constantly denounce racism and routinely spout the talking point that criticism of Islam has absolutely nothing to do with race; but brown- and black-skinned Muslims flooding into the White Western world and leeching off of our welfare states, filling our prisons, turning underage White girls into sex slaves, slaughtering us in terrorist attacks, aggressively shoving their way of life onto us, and openly declaring their desire to rule over us is obviously a racial issue.
That realization caused me to seek out moderate White "racialists", which is how I discovered Jared Taylor's work. The flawless logic of his arguments and his relatively moderate approach towards pro-White activism completely changed my perceptions of White nationalists. I quickly became a closeted White nationalist and race realist (I have to pretend to be a liberal in real life in order to avoid being socially ostracized). And then Richard Spencer's work impressed me back in around 2014, which caused me to join the Alt-Right.

As to the JQ; I was very close-minded and dismissive towards the JQ my entire life, even after I became a White nationalist. I basically viewed the JQ as extremely counterproductive conspiracy mongering which didn't have any merit and would only scare people away because it reeked of Nazism; but it was during a debate with a fellow White nationalist about 4 years ago where he recommended that I read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, and so I did. That's one of those paradigm-shifting books which completely transforms how you view the world. I checked his references to see if they were actually true, and I was shocked to see that they were. I'll never look at Jews or the world the same way again after reading that book.
So, yeah - that's a really long-winded explanation for why I left the left and joined the Alt-Right.

KW Miller #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Submitter’s note: this is from a series of tweets, I’ve only linked to the first one. If there’s a way to link to the whole series, let me know.

- Osama Bin Laden wants Joe Biden to win.

- Xi Jingping owns Joe Biden.

- Terrorists and ANTIFA want Joe Biden to win.

- ISIS wants Joe Biden to win.

Kyle Chapman (aka RealBasedStickMan) #fundie

[OP of "AMA - Based Stickman Kyle Chapman here, hows it going The_Donald?"]

My names Kyle Chapman, otherwise known as Based Stickman. I came to fame through my actions at the Battle of Berkeley, March 4 Trump Rally. While I am reluctant to embrace this celebrity, I am more than proud and willing to support my president and help lead the fight against BAMN and Antifa.

Hopefully I will inspire others to do the same.

So with that said, ask me anything!

Verification Pic


Hey I appreciate your support from everyone. It's people like you who are going to turn the tides of Neo-Marxism and usher in a resurgence of a warrior spirit to Western Society and re-institution of our constitutional republic and traditional western values.

Our brethren in Europe, they're struggling right now. Their societies are under vicious attack from Islam, Globalization and Neo-Marxism. Our European Brethren are in a struggle for their very existence. Let's send them our prayers and support their causes wherever we can. People like Farage, Wilders, and Le Pen are leading the fight for the preservation of European civilization. Let's support these brave warriors and saviors of the West.

Thank you all, please follow me on Twitter @BasedStickman_, and on Facebook Based Stickman.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho

See what I did there in the title? ;)

So, it has come to my attention just how ugly leftists are. And I mean that in every literal way possible.
They're physically unattractive, when they talk it's always a few octaves louder than required when presenting a point, they always look like they drank raw lemon juice just before they speak and it's as though they have mastered the usage of every other vital function but the ones that matter i.e they know how to talk, but their ears are used conditionally, they know how to think but feelings entangle into their thoughts and do not separate before coming out their mouths.

Oh, and they support criminal activity i.e AntiFa, BLM and illegal immigration, and they protect pedophiles, rapists and murderers. They also historically supported slavery and condemned its abolition.

Why are these people not being lined up at the execution range en mas and by the truck loads? There will be absolutely no negative repercussions for getting rid of these monsters; evil is not meant to be condemned or imprisoned, it's mean to be destroyed entirely from reality. Duh.


Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia #magick

On page one of my book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008), I wrote, "If this were a movie treatment, it would be rejected as implausible. Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievements but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult -- Cabalist bankers and Freemasons -- that controls the world's finances and media...Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture, and murder...The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. [Their] influence is like cancer that extends throughout society." Does the Coronahoax make sense now?

It's no wonder our "leaders" are criminals, Satanists, and perverts. These are the only people the central banking cartel can trust. The Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jews.) Their cartel is a criminal fraud. They create the medium of exchange ("currency", "credit") out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest.

All the policies deemed "progressive" -- gender-bending, multiculturalism, miscegenation, migration, attack on marriage and family, (homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity), BLM, ANTIFA -- are designed to undermine the target population, people of European and Christian descent who the Cabalist bankers regard as the last remaining obstacle to their hegemony. They are promoting sodomy in public schools. They are all about promoting sickness. "We corrupt in order to control," is their credo. We are being inducted into their cult as their servants.

Wayne Dupree #wingnut #conspiracy

Here’s how November’s election could lead to a new Civil War in America. I pray I’m wrong, but fear I’m not

I believe the Democrats will resort to cheating and creating chaos in order to stop Donald Trump winning another four years in the White House. If they do, the result will tear our nation apart.

The Democrat leadership is well aware that their anointed candidate, Joe Biden, is suffering from rapid, advancing mental decline, and that, without cheating, they have no chance of reclaiming the White House. Is it possible that they can steal a national election? Ask anyone associated with John F Kennedy’s election back in 1960 in the state of Illinois. As a character in Oliver Stone’s movie, Nixon, said: “They [the Democrats] stole it fair and square.”

What surprises me the most about this election is we live in a fast-moving technology age in 2020, yet the Democrats want to use the antiquated system of the post office to mail in ballots. Why? Because it’s easier to cheat that way. And who will be counting the votes in places like Portland and Seattle, anyway? BLM or Antifa?

The Dems want to muck-up this election so badly that the Electoral College is unable to meet and declare a winner.

How will it go? Here’s my prediction…

The Dems will demand that Trump/Pence leave the White House until the election results can be sorted out. They’ll have Rep. Nancy Pelosi sworn in as a “placeholder” president until the vote count can be officially verified, which, not surprisingly, will never happen as long as Trump is winning.

Trump will refuse to step down and leave the White House, claiming that as the election results have not yet been verified, how can he be declared the loser?

President Pelosi (from her temporary “Oval Office” in a room in the basement of the House of Representatives) will declare Trump and all his supporters as “enemies of the state” (oh wait... she already DID THAT!) and order the military to evict Trump from the real Oval Office forcibly. Some military brass comply. Other military brass do not comply. This fractures the military hierarchy into competing factions, resulting in chaos (which is the whole point).

Democratic Party leaders order their supporters, who have already been besieging the White House en-masse since before the election, to storm the building by force and remove Trump, or to burn the place to the ground.

Republicans take up arms and head to Washington to “peacefully” protect Trump and prevent the White House from being overrun by rabid Leftists intent on burning-looting-murder.

And when those two opposing groups clash in DC, shots will be fired, and Civil War number two will begin. Leftist minions in every major metropolitan area in America will come out of their basements and make the current riots seem like a practice run. It will go badly for anyone unable to protect their home and family.

I hope I’m wrong about all this, but I worry deeply that it may well just play out this way.

Our only hope lies with the beauty of our Electoral College system, and my belief that the American people will ultimately choose the party of peace, security and economic growth over the party of division, rioting and socialism. And that they deliver a clear, big and uncontestable win for the Trump-Pence ticket.

The Democrats can cheat all they want in their tyrannically controlled states like California, Oregon, and Washington because they are going to win them anyway. But the other states, not so much, especially the red ones where people are watching. It's the purple battleground states like Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina (where both Democratic and Republican candidates receive strong support) which we need to worry about and have our people out in force to watch them.

I heard Hillary Clinton recently telling Biden never to concede. She still doesn't understand how the presidential election works. You can stuff ballot boxes all you want in Democrat strongholds but the Electoral College requires winning States and to some degree counties.

Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in 2016 and won the popular vote by over two percent but lost the election by 14 percent. You have to win States, not population centers, to capture the White House.

The desperation of the Democrats is clear for all to see. Everything they’ve thrown at the unsinkable and unflappable Trump has failed miserably. Everything from their Mueller Russian collusion hoax probe to the sham impeachment has fallen apart. Now with a solid record behind him, achieved despite seemingly impossible odds and rabid opposition, President Trump looks set to crush the Dems yet again in November.

It will be even sweeter this time around.

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