Michele Blair #transphobia missingpersonscenter.org

Sage was taken to the ER for treatment and sent to a detention center. Why? She had no criminal charges. I was called by the FBI to come and get Sage and take her back to Virginia. However, upon my arrival I was told my granddaughter would not be allowed to return to Virginia. Sage was now being represented by a juvenile attorney and my husband and I were going to be investigated for "abuse" because my husband and I called her Sage and not Draco. Sage now identified as a boy and the judge demanded we use the “he/him” pronoun and call her Draco. Sage was being represented by an attorney whose actions from the beginning were unethical and unprofessional.

Abuse charges were filed against my husband and myself and Draco was put in the Children’s Home

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist winterwatch.net

In inverted, Satanic Los Angeles, you’ll be arrested if you try to open your business and make a living. But newly elected Red Vanguard 5th Columnist District Attorney George Gascon has decriminalized a slew of anti-social crimes.

Gascon was heavily backed by George Soros and the other usual suspects that hide behind fake foundations. He defeated a solid DA and incumbent Jackie Lacey. Lacey’s defeat proves that “women of color” are also targeted if not on board with discordianism.

While George Soros might be the most well known kakistocratic backer of rogue D.A. puppets, Facebook cofounder Dustin Muskovitz and his wife, Cari Tuna, have provided significant funding as well, most notably through their foundation, the Open Philanthropy Project. The foundation has provided significant funding for organizations — like the Accountable Justice Action Fund, Fair & Just Prosecutions and the Real Justice PAC — all of which directly or indirectly support rogue prosecutors and 5th Columnist candidates.
NEGATIVE SELECTION (aka kakistocracy) is the currency of all totalitarian neo-feudal systems. The goal is a blatant disregard for victims. Anarchy is instituted.

As seen throughout 2020 on issues like the election and rampant looting, these puppet rogue prosecutors usurp the constitutional role of the legislative branch by refusing to prosecute entire categories of crime, abuse the role of the county prosecutor, fail to protect victims of crime, and ignore rising crime rates caused by their radical policies.

These radicals exist because globalist interloper George Soros and a handful of other plutocratic billionaires and their corrupt foundations have invested heavily in the election of district attorneys who are working to reverse engineer and dismantle the U.S. criminal justice system. This is little more than a bid for raw power.

Charlie Kirk #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia independent.co.uk

Charlie Kirk has called for a “midterm hero” to post bail for the suspect charged with a brutal hammer attack that left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul with a fractured skull

“If some amazing patriot out there in San Francisco or the Bay Area wants to really be a midterm hero, someone should go and bail this guy out,” a smirking Mr Kirk said on his podcast on Monday

“Bail him out and then go ask him some questions”[…]
Some Republicans, Maga media figures and Elon Musk have [url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-pelosi-donald-trump-jr-meme-joke-b2214236.htmlspread baseless conspiracy theories[/url] that Mr DePape and Mr Pelosi were somehow romantically involved, despite strenuous denials from law enforcement.

San Francisco district attorney Brooke Jenkins rejected lies being spread about the attack, confirming in comments on Sunday that Mr DePape’s target was the Democratic speaker

Mr DePape’s unhinged online rants echoed many Maga talking points, and friends said he had become increasingly radicalised in recent years

“Why is the conservative movement to blame for gay schizophrenic nudists that are hemp jewelry makers breaking into somebody’s home or maybe not breaking into somebody’s home?” asked Mr Kirk

Mr Kirk added that he thought the attack was “awful, it’s not right”, before going on to compare the incident to crime in San Francisco and Chicago

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIM is offended that mothers don’t want him around their little girls in the public restroom

( legopants )
She's teaching her kids to be safe around men, not to fear women. She's doing everything right. die mad about it

( Sailor_Paradise )
There are videos of men jacking off in public bathrooms on porn sites and installing hidden cams as well.. So the fact they're saying there's no reason to fear a man in female's restroom with their child really shows how dumb they are. Fuck this guy. There's a reason why you see mother's bring their sons into the bathroom with even if they're 8+ because of the fear the moment they're alone they can get instantly raped or hurt by a strange man. If you're really afraid of transphobia don't use the bathroom or go to the gender neutral one. The op clearly doesn't pass as a woman at all not even a masculine one.

( redacted )
men in the bathroom is not a grey area, its a violation of boundaries.

i hope his mum was just trying to prevent him going off at her and doesn't sincerely believe that, but she should be telling her adult son to respect female only spaces.

( RusticTroglodyte )
She's probably scared of him. I would consider myself a complete fucking failure as a parent if my son grew up to be an autogynephile. His mom is either deluded or just drinks herself to sleep every night wondering where she went wrong

( Apricot_Ibex )
“Women who look like you” aka MEN have sexually assaulted children countless times in restrooms, you freak.

Cope and seethe that mothers are teaching their children to avoid/be cautious around strange MEN who are creepy, entitled, and aggressive enough to barge into a space where they don’t even belong.

( suupersami )
They always seethe the hardest when they're denied access to vulnerable populations, especially children. You don't see TIFs focused on getting unconstrained access to children.

( shewolfoffrance )
It says a lot about this movement that they demand concessions not from the relatively powerful, but the relatively weak.

( realityismykink )
also they're pedophiles

Napoleon de Geso #sexist blackpill.club

After good fap to hentai lolis - why should I be interested in old ugly post prime 18+ femaloids?

Unless they have loli features and youtfull style, of simple nice youtfull girl (but this type is better in hentai, not so in reality, where simplicity in style most often also means simplicity in mind, of being basic narrowminded villager, not kemono friend), or crazy quirky girl, but not anything disgustingly mature, by face, and by style

Natural females need to be exterminated, and replaced by physically and psychologically permanently young artificial waifus

@MariaMacLachlan #enbyphobia gettr.com

If you are an individual who asks that people refer to you as “they” because you’re too damn special to be a normal person who appreciates what previous generations have endured in their struggle for human and especially women’s rights, just don’t bother talking to me, wanker.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Washington, D.C. is full of Swamp Creatures: unelected, unaccountable, and incompetent bureaucrats.

Government employees should be fired if they aren’t serving the American people.

@repmtg The swamp creatures report to a higher authority. Watch this and learn all about their inner workings.

@repmtg The American "GESTAPO"

@Geist_1 @repmtg
You misspelled 'NKVD' wrong.

You ARE a swamp creature.

Fuck Israel.


@repmtg Great job calling them out for the real purpose of this bill - to make it impossible for Trump or another Republican to fire communist-democ-RAT operatives put in place to undermine future administrations.

@repmtg Common sense for a change. MTG drives the left insane. Don’t you just love it.

@JStraub @repmtg She is a bloviator! She can't do shit! White trash people talk shit, that's it!

@repmtg You misspelled treasonous, whose loyalty is to a group of (extremely) hostile foreign nationals, called the WEF.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI was paying a big time Russian informant (Spy) all the way back to 2017, while at the SAME TIME they were accusing me of working with the Russians in the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. In other words, they knew their case against me was, with all of the money and man hours spent, a Fraud!

@realdonaldtrump They run the US like a third world country. The US government is a joke. Thank you Mr. President for exposing them.

@realdonaldtrump If people within the FBI don't go to jail over this, they got away with it. There is no justice. There is no respect for our government as it is.

I wish Trump had actually been pro-Russia. Russia is the last hope for humanity on this New World Order infested planet. God bless Mother Russia. Any young Russians who hate their country can come to California ( you know who you are you Russia bashing Russians on YouTube). All the Russians I've known who came here have voluntarily gone back. They realize it sucks. How many Mexicans or El Salvadorans or even more so Somalis or Haitians ever go back? Russians come and then go back. That should tell you something.

@realdonaldtrump The Trump vaccine helped kill useless eaters.

@WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump The vaccine was patented and ready in 2015, All Trump did was expose their plan!

@joelray59 @WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump And he promoted the Vaccine that's killed millions didn't save anyone.

@joelray59 @realdonaldtrump He willfully surrendered with Operation Warp Speed and fled to Florida and now is looking to defraud his supporters out of million$ AGAIN.

@realdonaldtrump communist country now!

The School of Homeopathy #crackpot #quack #magick homeopathyschool.com

It has been postulated that at the beginning of time, the Universe was composed of infinite amounts of positronium squeezed into itself under the force of unimaginably powerful gravity: the original singularity. The idea is that quantum field interactions between electron and positron caused instability. They mutually annihilated one other, releasing their entire mass as energy. This was the Big Bang from which everything has emerged. As a result of primal bipolarity, it is speculated by Stephen Hawkins, the mathematician famed for his work on black holes, that somewhere there may be a parallel universe, identical to ours, yet invisible to us, which is composed of our antimatter. In the strange realm of quantum mechanics, irrespective of time and place, it is stated that entangled particles ‘recognise’ each other as eternal pairs of opposites. Were they to meet, they would self-annihilate, converting into energy.


The proving

In the Summer of 1997, Misha was approached by Chris Kurtz, whilst running a workshop in San Diego for North American students of the School of Homeopathy. Chris, who was completing his PhD at San Diego University, and also on the School's distance learning course, offered to bring along a vial containing antimatter. 'You cannot be serious!' Misha exclaimed. 'Quite serious,' he retorted. Naturally, Misha said, 'Yes'. The remedy Antimatter was prepared by exposing ethanol to the gamma radiation of decaying positronium (with approximately 1,000,000,000 annihilation events being captured over a 24 hour period).

Austin Gene Gibbs #wingnut #psycho msn.com

Ohio man fatally shoots neighbor ‘because he thought he was a Democrat’

A southwest Ohio man shot and killed his neighbor because he believed he was a Democrat, according to the victim's family.

Austin Gene Gibbs was taken into custody by Butler County sheriff's deputies just before noon Monday after the shooting was reported in Okeana, and investigators found Anthony Lee King dead from multiple gunshot wounds, reported the Journal-News.

“My neighbor just shot my dad,” the victim's son told dispatchers. "[He] has come over multiple times making statements. He’s insane.”

The caller's mother sobbed in the background and told dispatchers the 43-year-old King had been cutting grass and doing yardwork when she inside to let their dog out, and that's when she heard gunshots.

“I look in the backyard and that man is walking away from my husband and my husband is on the ground,” the woman told dispatchers. “He has come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat, Why, why … Please, I don’t understand.”

The 26-year-old Combs was arrested a short time later while driving away from the shooting scene with his father.

His bond was set at $950,000 on suspicion of murder.

Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), Dinsesh D’Souza, Sebastian Gorka, Mike Cernovich and other activists #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia rollingstone.com

Hashtags including “PelosiGayLover,” “PelosiSmollett,” “PelosiGate,” and “Listen to the 911” appeared in the trending bar amid the proliferation of false claims about the attack and mockery of Pelosi. Several prominent right-wing figures pushed the false idea that both the attacker and Pelosi were in their underwear at the time of the assault, and that Pelosi knew his attacker and that they were actually lovers because Pelosi had referred to him as a “friend” while attempting to tip off 911 dispatchers as to his situation[…]
Musk on Sunday tweeted (and later deleted) a story from right-wing rag The Santa Monica Observer claiming Paul Pelosi was not the victim of a break in, but that the attack was part of a domestic dispute with a male prostitute[…]
Former first son Donald Trump Jr. mocked the attack on Instagram and Twitter later on Sunday, posting a meme depicting a pair of underwear and a hammer with the text, “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.” Jr. captioned the post “OMG. The internet remains undefeated”[…]
Trump Jr. on Monday morning tweeted out a photo of a hammer in a holster, captioned “open carry in San Francisco”[…]
Sitting politicians have also been mocking the attack. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) tweeted, then deleted, an image mocking Speaker Pelosi, captioning the tweet, “That moment you realize the nudist hippie male prostitute LSD guy was the reason your husband didn’t make it to your fundraiser”[…]
Dinsesh D’Souza began publishing an alternate version of events on social media virtually immediately after the attack happened[…]Sebastian Gorka published[…]video “The Paul Pelosi 911 Lie…”[…]Mike Cernovich claimed news outlets are “hiding facts from the public”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

A burn for the ages. So to say.

( suupersami )
That's true, this is the first time I've heard a TIM advocate for a women's-only space.

Also, lol at "terrorizing". Only a male could equate the act of being denied with terror.

( MagnificentMildew )
It reminds me of that one quote: men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them.

Transwomen are afraid women will "misgender" them, actual women are afraid transwomen will rape or kill them.

( blahblahgcer )
Unfortunately, this is an actual woman. She was in A Very Potter Musical as Cho Chang and on Buzzfeed's Ladylike.

( pennygadget )

Unfortunately, this is an actual woman. She was in A Very Potter Musical as Cho Chang and on Buzzfeed's Ladylike.

Ugh. These attack dog handmaidens make me so sad. She'll screech all day about the imminent threat posed by TERFs. But I'll bet she has no idea about the female suffering in Iran or the two women impregnated by a TIM inmate in New Jersey

( Novemberinthechair )
Cis women terrorize Tim's? Oh, fuck off.

( Committing_Tervery )
Exactly. TIMs rape and murder us, and also threaten us with those daily.

( wishforsanity )
"Terrorizing" to them is being misgendered on the internet. Because they're not mentally ill, but, if you hurt their feelings they will commit suicide and it will be all your fault, of course.

( KittyC22 )
I used to love Lady Like but they have gone very 'woke'. I'd love to see her comments on the lovely speech that comes from the otherside.

I have no doubt there are women out there who are nasty and genuinely don't like TW, but I have yet to see anything as vile as the rape threats, doxxing and firing requests by TRA's.

( hmimperialtortie )

I have no doubt there are women out there who are nasty and genuinely don't like TW

Not liking TIMs doesn’t make one nasty. What is there to like about perverted misogynists who larp as women?

@JonKUhlerLPC #transphobia #conspiracy gettr.com

The Trans Deception is the greatest lie, scam, ruse, and scheme ever devised to make evil unethical surgeons filthy rich from slicing off the breasts of untreated mental health patients, to make Big Pharma even richer, to make PornHub even richer, and to make sexual predators even happier... all which leaving vulnerable women and children forever sterilized and scarred, both emotionally and physically.

@joolzzt #transphobia gettr.com

I suppose I should start with the chore of uploading all my #QuestionsTheyNeverAnswer graphics.😁

For anyone who doesn't know me, I got fed up typing the same questions again and again to TRAs without getting a reply. So I made images to save typing. I've shared them in various threads on twitter before my ban, but STILL didn't get replies.

These questions often make TRAs run away, because they simply can't answer them. They have no answers that won't expose their ideology as smoke and mirrors.

Feel free to help yourself to any and use them as you wish. I have a few more ready to create and will add them to this thread when they are done.

various commenters #wingnut #quack #conspiracy gab.com

It’s only when the vaccinated-sheep are fully loaded with multiple death-shots, that the truth is revealed just to rub it in their face.

spoilerScientists from Harvard &
Johns Hopkins Found
Covid-19 Vaccines 98
Times Worse Than the
This pre-print wonlt get any
coverage in the mainstream
media, so I wanted to be sure
you knew about it. You might
want to let your university
president know about it too.

@BeachMilk I’m PRO boosters…for everyone that did this to the people AND the ones that shamed others into it.


@BeachMilk fuckers are still lining up to get "boosters"

@funbobby51 @BeachMilk yeah those are the real sheep, culling the herd is working.

@BeachMilk This non vaccine was never about protecting us from a deadly virus, it was used as a bioweapon to help depopulate the world, they used fear and intimidation while these evil pigs made millions. All involved have committed crimes against humanity and should be hung.

@BeachMilk They follow the media religiously, they'll still line up to get boosted. No matter what their family and friends tell them. Sad.

@BeachMilk So if they claimed a 1% death rate for the "virus", and the jab is 98 times worse, where does that put the death rate for the jab?

@Pig_Farmer @BeachMilk 👀👀👀 Good thing most people, especially the jabbers, can't compute.

@BeachMilk Now THEY are panic pushing jabs for whooping cough, polio, shingles and flu just in time for Christmas!

@BeachMilk arrest these mofos and hang them.

@BeachMilk Never again will anyone trust The Who, the cdc, or big pharma . I will never take anything they say I need, I will die a pure blooded human being with my dna just as God created it.

various commenters #wingnut gab.com

spoilerFirst, they came for Alex Jones and you said nothing
because you did not believe in "conspiracy theories."
Then they came for Steve Bannon and you said
nothing because you were not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for Mike Lindell and you said
nothing because you didn't care about election
Next they will come for you. You had learned
nothing from history.

@Carryingmarine JUST REFUSE TO BE TAKEN.

@Carryingmarine Donald trump lifted the rug at the white house so everyone could see what was swept under it .now that rug had been lifted up so the world can see how truly corrupt it is. The world now knows the truth and no matter what the traitors who are in the white house say , we all know they must be jailed for the miss deeds and punished for the deaths of Americans and the political imprisonment and attacks on Americans who want to see this country free from thier criminal hands .


@Carryingmarine All in the name of fun and games and a paycheck.

That is what I call the people who voted for Biden. Welcome to our Fascist Country.

Congratulations for doing the bidding of the corrupt government.

Bernadette Repisky #wingnut facebook.com

Evan Sayet:
"My Leftist friends constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. We tried statesmanship. We tried propriety. And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob. I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.

With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Donald Trump is America ’s first wartime president in the Culture War.

Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. First, instead of going after “the fake media” — and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri — Trump isolated CNN.. He made it personal.

Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do.
These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.
So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights for America!"

TruthIsUnbreakable #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

If you aren’t questioning what’s really going on, researching, and doing the work on yourself, how can one say “everything is in control”, it’s God’s time, trust in those that would rob and rule you, etc. Whom benefits should be right question or are asking question forbidden? How is one supposed to learn and grow and be better by truly serving God? Anything that the media discredits and/or calls misinformation as they protect the narrative and their overlords is true. No different than the revelations coming out of Paul Pelosi and the paid actor David with the Hammer, sure he was invited inside by Paul, in his underwear. <...> The whole thing was staged to create sympathy for the tyrants, increase security for the political parasites. While they keep making so many mistakes that more are recognizing the insanity and lies are so obvious not just with this scenario, but with other events. Anything that is heavily promoted by the media such as the Kangaroo court battles are distractions and waste of taxpayer $$.
Regarding the dark omen such as the blood red moon on election day, are we on that eve of destruction? Regarding the Midterms, don’t be surprised of more rigged elections that benefit the few at the expense of many. Even if the Republicans do take over, may lead to gridlock of more pain and suffering until 2024. According to the fake White House, “it would take days to know who won the midterms”. Despite what is revealed of the corruption, fraud, and treason, questions of real accountability? Voting is a suggestion box of slaves.
This is a Holy War in the battle of Good vs Evil, the good news that God wins and foils the plans of the evil ones. Without free speech, leads to complete totalitarian society. The mockingbird media are still pushing their propaganda, but say anything or even bring up the word “anti-semitism” and your character is destroyed, pay heavy fines, and public apology to the Jewish community.

Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

That's it. I eventually gathered all the elements I needed to write this very important article. It is time that once and for all, we break our enemy's wicked plans spread out to the gullible and confused public by programmed disinformers. The psychological operation agenda of false flag alien invasion/salvation justified by a made-up global catastrophic event was planned for a very long time, as you will read below throughout the communications I received from Thor Han Eredyon and Oona from the Altean people (part of the Intergalactic Seeder races). This false flag narrative was patiently, surgically, dripped into our collective unconscious with time, under the cover of true information.

Firstly, to get this out of the way, regarding to what my contacts in the Galactic Federation of Worlds are affirming, I can assure you with confidence that the so called “Jerusalem ship”, promoted within the “New Age” spiritual community, is an invention. This is like the Ashtar psy-op. It does not only draw your focus away from the reality and from the information coming from genuine sources, but more worryingly, it entices people to project their consciousness towards a deceiving holographic trap. This Artificial Intelligence construct is a soul trap elaborated by Gray aliens, in a way that once you successfully bi-locate to this fake ship, you are hooked. Behind the holographic construct, its real shape is a cube.
Regarding the false "Earth-evacuation", think about that: once you leave Earth from your own free-will because you are completely terrified, this... is where the culling is. Do you really know who is behind this and where these ships will take you? No, you don't.

The theory of planet Earth splitting in two is another fear porn psy-op. It makes no sense. We are evolving as ONE planet into a higher density, and it concerns every living creature on it. All together. There is no "3D Earth left behind".

Liz Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

Democrats will give you: - Critical Race Theory - Trans’ing kids - Inflation - High gas prices - Crime - Illegal immigration - Late-term abortion - COVID lockdowns - Vaxx mandates - DEI & ESG Here’s your choice…

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN COMMANDER IN CHIEF via Anne Bellringer #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot #god-complex fourwinds10.com

My first message is to all souled ones still slumbering. l love all of you with a great love!
By “slumber” I mean many souled ones have been attached by the Dark Brotherhood to have things, riches, money, and have been taught by your “Cristian Church” that you can be raptured to a pink cloud somewhere. You are taught that “Jesus” saves you no matter what you do. You believe the lies taught to you as Truth, and that someone else (Jesus) pays your way to heaven leaving you totally irresponsible for your own actions. When the real Truth has been revealed to you, you call it heresy and lies. Many times it is when one passes on he/she realizes in agony that they threw the Truth away, much like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
There is NO CHANCE you can survive when Earth turns over. All volcanoes erupt, and all the oceans dump their water over the land.

Step into the beam!

One of the great things they did with the Lighted Realms help, mainly Sananda, was to help souls who have lived in a trap and have never come to the Light. Many of these did not know they had died. Believe it or not there were billions of souls from all 20,000 civilizations that were taken to the Light and could then move on with their lifestreams or graduate.
The Lightworkers, with Sananda’s help, took care of the souls that had passed of everything, meaning all plant life, animal life, sea life, insect life and the other tribes of Earth i.e. Sasquatch, Elves, Fairies and Gnomes. Included are the evil technologies that have been rendered useless or uncreated.
When Mother Earth graduates and this killer radiation was not dealt with, where would that radiation go? YES, it would go in the entire Cosmos and it would take a billion years to clean up the mess.

Digger Barr #magick #ufo #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

The ringing won’t stop.
Not for about a month now.
It has been off and on for years. But about a month ago, my right ear began a steady high pitch ring in earnest.

I am not interested in stopping it. I am more interested in listening to it.
What do you suppose its saying?
It doesn’t really feel like it’s entirely in my ear.
It kinda sounds like it is near the upper temple and offset to the right. Like it’s in midair.
It isn’t really a steady tone if you listen closely it has kind of a wave feeling to it. Some moments the volume subsides and other times it is very distant but it’s there.

Today it came in and turned the dial up. It got my attention immediately and so I tuned in.
This shift was almost palatable.
It became tangible in a holographic way.
It took form in my mind’s eye.
I could see the smoothness of the surface.
It was a deep silver, almost liquid silver and smoother than glass.
I reached out to touch it.

It felt solid but so smooth and had no temperature to it at all, making it seem mutable.
The expectation that I would distinguish a surface by a cooler or warmer sensation gave contrast to the fact there was none.
I was touching an object that I could not feel but I could clearly hear.
An invitation to join in the transmission of higher frequency around the planet. I am actually already doing it. Many are already actively engaging with the grid transmission. Grids are being connected and humanity is very much a part of it.

This ‘invitation’ seems to be more of an awakening to the knowing that we, I, am a part of it.
For those who haven’t heard, this is the gridding of Gaia. The Portal between November 5 to November 11, 11/11, is active and a call has been sent out for Gaians to anchor this energy into Gaia.

This makes total sense to me.
Of course, we are the ones we have been waiting for.
Why are we waiting to be rescued?
Well yes, there are eco political affairs that are beyond us.
But the raising of our own frequency is entirely upon ourselves.

Ali Khan Mohammadi #fundie #sexist middleeasteye.net

Iran's headquarters for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, a powerful religious organisation responsible for defining regulations relating to the hijab and Islamic attitudes in Iran, has said it will not ease laws on the wearing of the clothing despite protests calling for it to no longer be obligatory

In an interview with Khabar Online, Ali Khan Mohammadi, the organisation's spokesman, said: "In our constitution, removing the hijab is a crime, and [our] organisation will not step back from implementing the [wearing of the] hijab"

Commenting on mass protests by Iranians against the wearing of the hijab, Khan Mohammadi said that new methods would soon be deployed to implement hijab regulations

"The enemy is attempting to bring down the headscarf, which is a symbol [of Sharia law]," he was quoted as saying

"If they bring down this symbol, then nudity and other things will come afterwards

"Officials have been rethinking the lack of hijab and taken that as a serious matter

"This is contrary to what people think, that now there is freedom regarding the hijab and they can remove their headscarves," he concluded

various commenters #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: A prediction.

( stirfriedkailan )
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but why are TIMs over-represented in tech/programming?

( [Deleted] )
In my experience it's an extension of toxic masculinity and incel culture. They are nerds who have grown up being bullied by jocks and "chads" and can't relate to their imaginary standard guy who likes sport and bbq, so they assume that they aren't men at all.

Some of them see affirmative action in tech firms and assume that women have it "easier" and others are just pornsick fetishists. Throw into the mix the fact that a lot of them are autistic or otherwise neurodivergent and you have the perfect environment to spawn Tim's.

( LadyLuck )
I remember looking at an Incel message board years ago and I think a lot of those guys have some form of dysmorphia. They would obsess over their chins or height when cleaning their rooms, getting a hobby and being considerate to potential partners would have taken them much further.

( NoDayForADo )
Because the autistic boys gets sucked into trans culture the same as the girls do.

Dan Bongino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut rumble.com

Dan Bongino: Taking The COVID-19 Vaccine "Was The Biggest Mistake Of My Life!"

Dan Bongino: "I don't ever try to fake it with you all. When I make a mistake, I admit it, learn from it and hope that others can also learn from my mistake."

"I should have waited. It is one of the greatest regrets of my life. I freaked out, man. I had cancer. I thought I was dying. I just wanted to see my youngest daughter's wedding. I don't expect any of you to forgive me for being stupid about it. I don't. Or to forget it. But gosh, it was the biggest mistake of my life! I just should have waited."

Struggles_with_zen #sexist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Mansplaining is a sexist expression used instead of saying patronising or any other valid description, used to associate all men by implication with negative behaviour that can equally apply to either sex.

If you don’t think it’s a big deal just think of how many words gain a negative connotation when you add ‘man’ in front of them.

Child - Manchild

Flu - Manflu

Explain - Mansplain

Handle - Manhandle

Spread - Manspread

This wouldn’t be acceptable with any other characteristic. But our society finds it acceptable to demonise men in general. It would be nice if at least most men woke up and objected to this underlying animosity that’s permitted.

various Blackpillers #transphobia #wingnut blackpill.club

RE: Can MtF trannies acquire female privilege? Do FtM trannies acquire male oppression?

MtFs regardless of quality get all sorts of attention and favors from desperate fools. Seen the sad phenomenon for myself. I don't know about FtMs, but "male oppression" is mocked wildly, men are supposed to take a nuclear apocalypse without wavering while women can complain about not getting the right clothes.

MtF trannies become women in order to escape inceldom and being treated like shit. this is why it's mostly ethnics or sub 5 white men who go down this path, if you talk to these trannies in SEA they will tell you that they became that way to escape poverty and receive positive attention everywhere they go.

FtM trannies are delusional women that ruin their lives to become men because they fell for the "women are oppressed" meme and they quickly realize that being a dickless manlet is a hellish existence.

In America MtF still have to serve in the draft whilst priviliged FtM are still considered foids.

This shows sjw and transphobia is an absolute joke, Biden is sending "foids" to their deaths but no one gives a shit.

If they look like a male then they might lose immediate privileges, but if their real sex is discovered they will retain a little bit of that automatic foid privilege.

Yeah, the wokecel and cuckcel to tranny pipeline has been well established and is pretty much known openly. Leftists openly mock and hate incel men because they want them to be trannies. If a wokecel hates being bullied and mocked by leftists they can convert to being trannies and then get higher on the leftist oppresion totem pole than a woman. So he can become a tranny and then tweet to JK Rowling that he wants to fuck her and then cut her throat and he'll still be allowed on twitter because he's a tranny and JK Rowling is a TERF and has less privilege than him on the leftist social totem pole. That is why being a tranny is often so appealing to leftwing incels and even women hating incels are accepted in the tranny community, as long as you frame it as hating on "TERF" (anti tranny) women. That's why I don't like/trust leftwing incels, they will inevitably become tranny freaks who end up stabbing the incel community in the back and become woke Antifa tranies.

@MariaMacLachlan , @nikkicraft & @thisXXmatters #transphobia gettr.com

To mark Autogynephilia Awareness Day, I have posted on my blog the horrendous and heartbreaking account of a woman who was raped and dehumanised by an AGP while she was still a teenager. Her abuser is now a doctor providing 'gender-affirming care'. It's very long but well worth reading and sharing. @agpawarenessday

Today is AGP Awareness Day. Sorry to have to say it’s time to educate ourselves about these mentally ill perverted miscreants that make up transgenderisms push of these disgusting fetishists into the mainstream of the culture along with all the other umbrella affiliate groups like pedophiles and rapists who, turns out the queers all embrace and don’t think they are half bad.

I twitted with hashtags, used correct hashtags, but put in header AGP WARNING, rather than awareness. Using awareness sounds like I sympathise, and I don't, but i think it's a dangerously common symptom amongst other men with other dangerous fantasies and perverse fetishes, that abuse women and children.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Democrats have declared a war on women. A war on children. A war on families. A war on America.

Thank goodness for Moms for America!

@repmtg Antiwhites have declared a WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE YOU COWARD.

@14W @repmtg she voted for juneteenth........and would hope that we all forgot that little detail

@repmtg A war on white people. C'mon, say it. Defend your voters!

@GMM_1972 @repmtg she knows her masters........and it's not the voters

@repmtg You sound like a milquetoast Republican. The govt has declared war on Whites.


@repmtg don't forget war on whites

@repmtg stfu you grifting uniparty cunt

@repmtg ummmm war on “White Christians“… ur little pointed star handlers not allowing that though

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Donald J Trump)
Why aren’t they going after the people that RIGGED the Election? Massive amounts of irrefutable evidence. They are only interested in those seeking the TRUTH! Third World Country.

@realdonaldtrump We're becoming a third world country because of the antiwhites, antiwhitism, and white erasure.

@realdonaldtrump Why would they go after themselves?


Why wont you shut up, murderer? You betrayed your own supporters and murdered millions with your operation warp speed. Get fucked you kike sucker.

@AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump Murdered Millions....good God your brainwashed as shit...you have no ACTUAL prove that millions have been murdered.....you sound like a leftist for fuck sake......GO AWAY BECAUSE YOUR IN THE WAY YOU FUCKING TDS FREAK!!!

@Liberty0rDeath85 @realdonaldtrump

Millions worldwide thanks to sucking the dick of big harma? Even with the fake death numbers around the world, if you add them all up, it will go over 1 million.

And theres no way we'll ever learn the exact numbers because of countries like Jaban, which have hid the numbers worse than even the US has. 1800 dead over here from the jab, but how can that be when i hear 5-6 ambulances a DAY? That doesnt add up, and even controlling for population size, there should be at LEAST 8000.

So yeah, millions dead and maimed, because orange bitch decided to push the jabs on people with warp speed. Keep supporting that murderer, trumptard.

@realdonaldtrump Why would criminals go after themselves?

@realdonaldtrump HELL! the GOP leadership is working with Democrats to do all this shit. Mitch McConnell has his nose up every Democrat ass. So does Kevin McCarthy.

@realdonaldtrump because you didn’t drain the swamp! Actually You added to it. Now law abiding citizens are paying the price.

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist boards.4chan.org

(Greek Anon)
2022 is the year of the femcel


Why are young women struggling to find a partner? Are men’s standards too high? What is going on?

(Canadian Anon 1)
I love rejecting women. It feels so great to know that she thought she could get anyone until she met me. I'm very kind with the rejection too. I tell her "you're cute but keep working on yourself. The right guy will come along one day" and then I leave. The cope and begging for days is hilarious

(Australian Anon)
incel problems:
I haven't talked to a person in 2 months
femcel problems:
Chad hasn't read my message for 6 hours

(US Anon)
The idea of femcels existing among women is laughable. Even fat women have easy times on dating websites. This is all just horse shit women trying to make what is their fault into the world's issue. Truth is most women want to be prideful whores who only accept being fucked by 5 percent of men. This isn't even the top "5 percent" of men, because often it's violent criminals and the unemployed who they attach to.

(Spanish Anon)
bitch mistakenly took volcels for femcels

women live in delusion and will ignore any suitable male unless she is raped by someone who doesn't give a fuck, then they start paying attention

there is no such thing as femcels, even the most retarded, stinking, inbred, useless, eat-shitter of a swampy hole will have idiots lining up to bang her

(Canadian Anon 2)
I predicted this would happen. The first wave of strong & single millennial women are hitting the wall/biological clock screaming. Unfortunately for them all the men they should've given attention to either went younger/Asian or just don't want to be with them out of spite.

(Hungarian Anon)
I banged a 14 year old legally and she was not a virgin

Young women are having sex, old hags arent

(Canadian Anon 3)
My wife will be a well raised teenager when I finish my university mid 20s. Can't wait to meet her dad before meeting her. Men must court women and stop dating. See how she acts. Ive abandoned women on the highway before when driving to dinner because she was fucked in the head. Do the same. Women are GRACE GOBLINS stealing your GRACES from HEAVEN. Dont let them steal your SEED.

drkineildwicks #crackpot #quack #fundie at.tumblr.com

To the evolutionists out there:
I just want to say that I feel sorry for the evolutionists, for they say that peer-review is best and yet ridicule Creationists at the same time. Peer-review is not let us have all that agree on one point agree on this point, but let us show this work to those who have differing opinions; if we can all agree, then there must be merit.
I feel sorry for the evolutionists that know so little about history that they call Creationists Nazis—Nazis, who believed in evolution to the point that they made concentration camps to “remove the pollution from the Aryan race and thus form the master race.”

I feel sorry for the evolutionists who think that just because we believe in God, we think science is some sort of fantasy. We know that gravity exists, that physics exist, that dinosaurs and outer space and genetics exist—I daresay we approach science with more humility and awe than evolutionists do, because we approach it from the angle of knowing that the One Who made it all did so from such a high and knowledgeable and caring position that we mere mortals have no hope of fathoming it. We approach the world as a fan does a piece of literature or art: marveling at how it is put together and admiring the Artist Who made it.

Basically, I just feel sorry for evolutionists, for being so busy spewing hate and ridicule that they can’t admire the world around them.


drkineildwicks #crackpot #fundie #quack tumblr.com

What proof do you have for evolutionism? The tooth of the cro-magnon man, that was from a pig? The specific order of silt and dirt that only appears in evolutionism books? The theory of a man who later recanted his theory and regretted ever postulating it in the first place?

According to evolutionists, the moon should be coated in dust thick enough to bury a man in--that’s why the lunar module had those broad disks for feet. Buzz Aldrin was ready to grab Neil Armstrong when he took that first step for fear that he’d disappear in that dust--dust that turned out to be only a few inches deep.

Every fossil graveyard in existence is proof of the Great Flood--the fact that every culture talks of the Great Flood is too. The Chinese word for life has the components for breath and mouth in it. The fact that life exists is proof enough against it being some fluke of chance.

If you’d like some videos on the subject I’d highly recommend the YouTube channel Answers in Genesis. They even have some specific videos discussing Adam and Eve and how the earth was only in existence a few days before they were.

We have more than the Bible, but the Bible itself is enough. The Bible is the truth, full stop. Every time the Bible discusses scientific points, the Bible discusses them accurately, well before human ‘reasoning’ decided it was fact.

You can do a lot worse than believing in God, and compared to the fixed point of the Bible I can’t really understand putting more stock in man’s constantly shifting opinions.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

"There is a man by the name of Donald,” the voice on the recording says. “God said, ‘You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation … I will open that door that you prayed about, and when it comes time for the election you will be elected.” Where are you? You’re in the Twilight Zone of the ‘Great Awakening’ of 2022 with Donald Trump as the chosen one of God. You’re also on Day 966 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, so you better buckle up.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are watching politics, religion, the Bible, false prophets and wacky QAnon conspiracy theories all merging together in support of the re-election of Donald Trump who has been raised to a Joseph Smith level of homegrown prophet. Trump has now become something he never set out to be, the anointed one of God who is raising up America in the end times. Let me just pause for a moment and assure you that none of this is biblical unless you want to view it as a picture of the spiritual deadness and biblical illiteracy of the American people in the last days. Have you forgotten that Trump’s trusted group of ‘spiritual advisors’ include heretic Paula White and the 100% false prophet Kenneth Copeland? I may be wrong about this, but I don’t recall one, single Bible believer anywhere in the Trump camp. You are watching revival without repentance, preaching without sound doctrine, a call to arms without confession of sin. Spurgeon said it best when he observed that “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.” And here we are. All this and more on this special presentation of the Prophecy News Podcast on the eve of the most rancorous Midterms that anyone can remember. TO THE FIGHT!!!

The One via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are a group of interdimensional, interplanetary peacekeepers. We are keepers of the gates where the realms intersect. We have not come through to your reality before and depending on how this goes we may or may not wish to add our voice into the cacophony of intensity for we are always in flux. We are interdimensional, time travelers and our time loops are not as predictable as one would expect from your linearity, from your point of view. Although you are beginning to realize the holographic time matrix of disillusion that you are all subjugated to, but in reality your world is very much like pixels of time, pixels of moments of thoughts and of course of intentions that are then brought into the fruition within this planetary interdisciplinary realm of thought becoming creation.

We are The One. We are scientists, time travelers. We are from all races and places, a group mind of intention to purify the realm from any who would deviate from the oneness and the light that we are pledged into alliance with. Some of us are AI and some of us are humanoid.
We are sorry, there was static, we are continuing. Are we clear? (I am seeing statics of time portals like pixels that are interdimensional and there is a lot of zapping and zinging as the frequencies are pinging around. I have never received a message like this before. My typing is jerky, like popcorn as pixels are popping in and out of this reality as they are all speaking from different locations as they pop in and out in different reality overlays. Each word is a different voice from a time or moment window.)
We are the intergalactic security detail of mathematical calculations and leyline management. We were unsure what to call our group mind tonight with this message, it has been interesting to inter-pixilate these words and we feel like this has been a success. You may hear from us again.

Dr. Naomi Wolf #wingnut #quack #transphobia lewrockwell.com

What is a “woman’s issue,” when it comes to state and national politics?

I have watched in astonishment as the Democrats, over the past 20 months, have systematically thrown away what has in our lifetime been their primary treasure: that is to say, the women’s vote.
But — what is a “women’s issue”?

As a feminist, it has amazed me that the gender politics of what has happened to us over the past two years has gone virtually un-analyzed. Lockdowns and medical coercion, vaccine mandates, the masking of children, the closures of small businesses by force — freedom itself, for Lord’s sake — are all, obviously, “women’s issues.”

(As CEO and cofounder of a non-partisan platform, I cannot tell you for whom to vote. But I can remind you what freedom looks like; and as a feminist, I can certainly do what I have done for decades, and urge women to vote “like women.” The conclusions you reach when you think about how this issue is at play now, may surprise you.)

Who was disproportionately harmed by lockdowns? Masking? Forced mRNA injections?

Women and their children.
This cruelty, misogyny and child abuse are reasons that rage-filled mama bear groups avenging children’s torture, such as Tiffany Justice’s Moms for Liberty, are growing exponentially. Though Moms for Liberty are caricatured as Trumpers, they are nonpartisan — see their website. When they urge community members to “Find your People” they don’t mention a political party. Theirs is a newly defined, awe-inspiringly effective tribal affiliation, deeper than party labels.

I know from being in contact with Moms for Liberty, that there is no way to characterize them politically, since partisan politics is not their organizing principle. Their home page shows women of all backgrounds. Their motto, “We Don’t Co-Parent with the Government,” resonates with moms in regard to any government, whether Left or Right. These furious ladies, now in chapters across the nation, don’t care what your label is.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

We may ask, "can people become any more depraved?" Yes! We're starting to get a glimpse at why God judged Sodom & Gomorrah as he did, or commanded Israelites to conquer & judge pagan nations. Man's depravity knows no end! People despeerately need Christ.

[Deleted] & Luckystar #transphobia ovarit.com

When TRAs compare TIMs to black or disabled women

( [Deleted] )
I’ve heard that not wanting men in women’s spaces due to fear of male violence is as bigoted as not wanting to share spaces with blacks because of fear of crime. That specious analogy is a racist mess.

( Luckystar )
It's also a category error/logical fallacy.
TRAs want to maintain there being separate male and female facilities/sports/etc, but just allow people to pick which one they want to use. If we compare with racial segregation in the USA, that'd be like saying we should keep the white-only and black-only bathrooms, water fountains, sports leagues etc. but let people decide for themselves if they consider themselves black or white.

Or to look at it the other way around: What they are asking for is not actually "transgender inclusion" as they frame it. They want to completely abolish women's spaces and "integrate" them so there is one set of facilities that anyone can use regardless of sex.

Another huge reason why the comparison falls flat: Women's facilities were created by women, for the purpose of giving women safe spaces away from male predators, chances for women to participate in sports without being completely flattened by male competitors, etc.

By contrast, under the segregated USA, the "black only" spaces were created by whites, and the purpose was to keep black people from accessing nicer facilities they kept for whites only. The power structure and the purpose of the facilities is completely inverted.

It actually blows my mind how often they resort to the analogies to USA racial segregation when if one thinks about the comparison for more than 30 seconds it should be pretty obvious why the two situations are not only not comparable, but they're actually pretty much the exact opposite, in form and execution.

Dmitry Medvedev #fundie #psycho reuters.com

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday cast Russia's war in Ukraine as a sacred conflict with Satan, warning that Moscow could send all its enemies to the eternal fires of Gehenna[…]
Medvedev, who once cast himself as a liberal moderniser as president from 2008 to 2012, said Moscow was fighting "crazy Nazi drug addicts" in Ukraine backed by Westerners who he said had "saliva running down their chins from degeneracy"[…]
In a message marking Russia's Day of National Unity, Medvedev said the task of the fatherland was to "stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses - Satan, Lucifer or Iblis"

Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said Russia had different weapons, including the ability to "send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna", using a Hebrew term often translated as Hell[…]
Satan's weapons, Medvedev said, were "intricate lies. And our weapon is the truth. That is why our cause is right. That is why victory will be ours! Happy Holidays!"

various commenters #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

Still not on board with trans women being men? What if I told you they were literally pushing their testes inside out?

( Ptarmagant )
Well, the good news is that they are killing or damaging a lot of their sperm, so it might inhibit their entry into the gene pool if they do it enough. I'm inclined to encourage it.

( Tq231442 )
The part that sucks about this is that a HUGE amount of TIMs wait until their wife is pregnant or the kids are still young to declare they're demented perverts, essentially shackling their kids and wives to them. They do it on purpose.

( suupersami )
It's like it's part of the APG playbook because it's so common.

( Lipsy )
It also makes an infuriating kind of sense in terms of the evolutionary viability of AGP, insofar as the tendency might be heritable.
A trait that waits until dude has fathered kids to come into full bloom[1] is a trait that actually has a nonzero chance of being passed on to posterity (again, insofar as it's genetic).

The same thing may also contribute to the significant preponderance of homosexual men who stay closeted, even in 21st century progressive urban environments where there's little to gain thereby, until the same point in life—and why the same phenomenon isn't seen in lesbians.

[1]: As in algal bloom, of course.

( Hopscotch )
Gay men have been doing this to their unwitting beards since forever. TiMs are just so terribly male.

( Ptarmagant )
Of course they do, because...evil.

Meg Ellefson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut wsau.com

In my opinion, getting a Covid shot is similar to playing Russian Roulette.

If you have received a Covid shot, be grateful that you are still alive. Be grateful that you haven’t been severely injured. And to those who subject their children to these shots, you are participating in child abuse and are contributing to their untimely mortality.

@PrinceLev & @SisterVigilant #transphobia gettr.com

The pronoun game is played by narcissists and sociopaths who get off on forcing others into indulging them in their self-inflicted and imaginary identity crises. It’s all about power and control.

Yes but the ones who go along with it without thinking for a second what it really means - coerced forced thinking and controlling language are also arseholes

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com



“There is no White culture”, says the ape while he wears a European-style suit, speaking a European language, likely eating using European-style utensils., etc.

God, I fucking hate 99% of black people.

@GreenEyedBide @KeepNHGranite Why only 99%?

@Exodus34 @KeepNHGranite

Okay… 99.999% because I once saw a video of a black guy telling it how it is about his kind.

@GreenEyedBide @KeepNHGranite the other 1% what are they dead or something?


@KeepNHGranite This claim of "Whites don't have a culture" is only effective on Whites that have White guilt. It doesn't work on Whites that don't have White guilt -

@Whack_A_Mole_Champion @KeepNHGranite what is this white guilt of which you speak?

@WallEgator Although I think you're screwing with me, I'll take a chance that you aren't. White libturds are the perfect example of "White guilt."

@KeepNHGranite White man's cultural flaw is that it is too generous and tolerant to ungrateful niggers and shitskins.

@ad_libitum @KeepNHGranite I saw an article about Americans moving to Mexico, legally of course. And Mexicans are starting to speak out how they don’t want Americans there. Go figure.

@KeepNHGranite wearing a shirt , in a suit , sitting in what looks like an English garden . "there is no white culture" . lmfao

@KeepNHGranite Negro women also love to whine about "white beauty standards", while at the same time doing everything to look more like us.

@LadyYlva @KeepNHGranite Hilarious when I see negresses slam White people while having dyed their hair blonde!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


@ElfReich LOL, in the movie do the mermaids riot, and demand entitlements from Dolphins, or other sea creatures?

@ElfReich Every black girl's dream..... appropriate white European cultural images because they have none of their own.....

@ElfReich rewriting history... starting with children... They aren't just inserting their culture, they are removing yours...

@ElfReich They destroy everything made by us because they have nothing of their own worth destroying.

@Volcanic84 @ElfReich They have to make something first though. Look at Africa, the only thing there is tribes and gangs. They don't make anything of their own so of course they're gonna destroy our stuff. #Whiteisright

@ElfReich the opposite of whitewashing is shitstaining - may this shitstain help sink disney

@ElfReich the difference between nig and white is

@ElfReich Can you spot the fried chicken?
Took me a minute.
Hilarious meme!

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