
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIM 5 times more likely to commit sex offences than other males

( Atlasisawoman )
566x more likely than women to commit sex crimes but they’re one of us?

( SecondSkin )
Honestly that seems lower than expected.

( SaltnC )
To be fair, it did say in the analysis that if trans has been overestimated due to people misunderstanding the question then the true number would be a much higher likelihood of sexual offending.

( Hermione )
God, I remember that spa guy being defended as someone with a record of public indecency offenses as “he was targeted for public indecency because he was being trans, not exposing himself for kicks”. 🙄

And another thing! When people bring up the stats that TIMs are disproportionately targeted and victimized in prison, we need to bring up the stats of how many of them are sex offenders.

Sex offenders are targeted in prison. So, yeah, having a really high proportion of TIMs in prison having sex offenses, as 40-50% of them do… yeah; they’re going to be targeted. If they have so much fear being trans, they wouldn’t take all the hormones and demand all the makeup while they’re banged up in the clink.

( fallingwater )
I wonder how we could establish the reverse. Males convicted of sex offences are x times more likely to begin identifying as women than males convicted of non-sexual offences. I almost feel like that's the real story because it sets the timeline right - they start off as predators and then become trans, they don't start of as trans and then become predators.

( hmimperialtortie )
And this is why I have no time for “Not All TIMs” and “don’t dehumanise TIMs” and “oh but dysphoria” and all the rest of it. They are brazen fetishists, parading their perversions for all to see. Those flags they wave are all red. They are the worst men.

( Jellyfishes )
This. And if the "nice" TIMs are scared of being attacked by other males, they can make their own separate bathrooms, prison wings and spaces. But they don't want to, because they want access to women. If they have enough money to control the whole media to shill their ideology, that's enough money to build a few single-stall bathrooms, but then pervs can't reach their preys.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes, and their claims of being scared of other men are just the usual projection. They’re far more a threat to other men than other men are to them.

Kaylee McGhee White #transphobia washingtonexaminer.com

'Gender-affirming care' is the new lobotomy


There is no difference in my mind between insane asylums of the past and today’s “gender clinics,” where impressionable and confused children are being sterilized and mutilated routinely. Young children are walking into these clinics — there are more than 100 across the country — with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and sometimes nothing more than a desire to fit in and walking out with permanently altered bodies, severe medical complications, and mental despair.

A whistleblower who worked inside one of these gender clinics documented its abuses in a piece for the Free Press . Jamie Reed worked as a case manager for the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri for several years. She’s been a liberal all her life and is married to a woman who identifies as a man. But what she saw in Missouri’s gender clinic was so revolting, so horrifying, that she is now advocating a moratorium on all “gender-affirming” care for confused minors.

Reed said that most of the children who came through the clinic had other comorbidities, such as autism or ADHD, and that they rarely fit the bill for diagnosable gender dysphoria. Instead, they seemed to be enthralled with the idea of transgenderism because of its supposed social benefits.

Yet the doctors at the clinic refused to admit that this sudden surge in gender confusion among young adolescents, most of whom were girls, was part of a social contagion. [...]

Indeed. Just as the mentally ill were numbed and lobotomized, confused children are being turned into permanent patients and having their brains and bodies permanently distorted in today’s gender clinics. There is no justification for these houses of horrors. They serve no purpose other than to line the pockets of the hospitals that stand to benefit financially from the repetitive, costly treatments.

They must be shut down — permanently. And the doctors and medical professionals who participated in the chemical castration and physical mutilation of children must be stripped of their licenses and prohibited from stepping foot near a medical facility ever again.

Michael Knowles #transphobia mediamatters.org

Great new law in Kansas. Kansas has become the first state to pass a bill that defines "woman" as someone who is biologically born female. That's it. That's what a woman is. Which means that this will ban men who identify as transgender women from using single-sex areas designated for women… the bill defines a female as someone "whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova," while male refers to anyone "whose reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female."

This is a beautiful bill because it doesn't just say don't trans the kids. It doesn't just say wait till eight to introduce kids to transgenderism in schools. Once they turn nine, that's fine. It doesn't just say only minors can't -- it bans transgenderism for all practical purposes in the state for everybody. And it has to. In order for women to have the right to have their own bathrooms, you have to ban transgenderism entirely. You can't just ban it for the kids. It's got to be entirely. In order for women to be able to have their own locker rooms at the gym, you have to ban transgenderism entirely. In order to protect businesses from having to participate in weird, occult sexual rituals like the transgender transition, you have to ban transgenderism entirely.

I love this bill because it is so much more aggressive than the other bills we've seen. The other -- I don't mean to knock the other governors and in the statehouses, they've done a great job laying the groundwork -- the groundwork, rather. But this bill goes much further. And it reminds us of a truth in politics that Republicans all too often forget -- you're either on offense or you're on defense. You're either making gains in the culture or you're losing ground in the culture. There's no standing still. There's no status quo. There's no neutrality. And what the conservatives have screwed up on for at least 50 years now, probably more, is the libs make some crazy aggressive play and then we try to dial it back by about 5 to 10 percent. Or worse, we try to slow it down by about 5 to 10 percent.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie #racist #wingnut #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@cinefeminism - We already know Jews murder prophets and wallets, but babies too?"]


spoiler@RavBogard: "This 6-3 Court seems to almost exclusively prioritize 'religious liberty'. And so I want to be clear: laws that prevent Jewish trans kids from transitioning are a violation of their 1st Amendment rights, and an imposition of governmental Christianity on me and my family

@cinefeminism: "Absolutely. Same goes for their (Christians) views on abortion"

Fake Rabbi Dan Bogard pretends to be religious in order to push his far-left agenda (and keep him and his wife in the nws)

Nicole Morse is a mentally ill chick who thinks that "Thou Shalt Not Murder" is a New Testament creation

Together, they (falsely) make Judaism a religion deserving of being permanently wiped off the map

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia washingtonpost.com

[Opinion piece title: "Putin pitches the American right with an ungodly invocation of God"]

[...]Vladimir Putin is sounding like someone who wants to enter the 2024 Republican presidential primaries. [...] the Russian dictator fired a series of heat-seeking verbal missiles into our culture wars.

“Look at what they’ve done to their own people,” he said of us Westerners. “They’re destroying family, national identity, they are abusing their children. Even pedophilia is announced as a normal thing in the West.” Never mind that Russia is a world leader in sex trafficking.
“And they’re recognizing same-sex marriages,” he said. “That’s fine that they’re adults. They’ve got the right to live their life. And we always, we’re very tolerant about this in Russia. Nobody is trying to enter private lives of people, and we’re not going to do this.”

Well, not quite, but he pressed on: “However, we need to tell them, but look at the scriptures of any religion in the world. Everything is said in there. And one of the things is that family is a union of a man and a woman.”

Among his enemies, Putin charged, “even the sacred texts are subjected to doubt.” Also, watch out, Britain: The “Anglican Church is planning to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God,” Putin mourned. “What can you say here? Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to spiritual destruction.”

Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot dailykos.com

Thanks to SB 1029—filed by Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas, who has a history of outrageous beliefs—there’s a considerable chance almost all forms of safe and age-appropriate gender-affirming health care will be made illegal in the state. And that includes trans adults. In fact, it not only covers both youth and adults but even nonsurgical treatments. The legislation also seeks to allow medical malpractice lawsuits for life against providers and insurers who cover gender-affirming care.

For emphasis: This anti-trans health care bill isn't seeking to only bar youth from safe, age-appropriate health care. It’s seeking to stop adults from accessing it, too.

The bill argues that these procedures are not in the “best interest of the health of the patient” but instead are being offered for the “monetary gain” of “health care facilities.”

The bill seeks to ban public funding for any and all gender modifications, including vasectomies, hysterectomies, and castration. It also seeks to limit puberty blockers and hormones used to “affirm the patient’s perception of the patient’s sex.” (Meaning: Such care would still be available for folks born intersex, for example.)

In terms of possible malpractice claims, the bill seeks to establish providers as liable, including for the patient’s medical, pharmaceutical, and mental health costs post-procedure. This bit isn’t the most eye-catching, admittedly, but it’s deeply concerning because of the possible fallout. It’s hard to find safe and affordable gender-affirming care as it is. If physicians are worried about such a wide-ranging and lifelong liability, it’s entirely possible folks will just ... stop offering it.

Tesseract #transphobia ovarit.com

To the Lurking TIMs
To the Lurking TIMs:

Hello, TIMs, we know you’re there, Sporting ladies’ underwear. We do not like your silly scam. We do not like it, Sam, you sham.

Go stick your penis in your socks. Go stick it in a cardboard box. But do not stick it here or there. You cannot stick it everywhere.

Though you can take it on a boat, Don’t stick your penis in a goat, Not even if the goat’s a She. That’s something you will never be.

You’re still a man when on a train, A man when standing in the rain, Your hair-don’t flapping here and there, Mascara dripping everywhere.

A man, a guy, a bro, a mister, You won’t ever be a sister. A handmaid, willing to pretend Is just a prop and not a friend.

The lesbians, you make them sick. They like vaginas, not your dick. They do not like it here or there. They do not like it anywhere.

A twirly skirt is no disgrace; Deflate your moobs and wash your face. You can stop this, yes, you can. Just go and be a better man.

Thomas Müller #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Generation Z is very, very confused about their gender and sexuality, according to a study by a division of advertising giant J. Walter Thompson. It’s perfectly okay to look like the young man in photo above. The study found 56% of respondents from the so-called “Gen Z” (post-Gen X and Y) said they or someone they know uses gender-neutral pronouns, such as “they,” “them” or “ze.” Ze? Guess I must have missed that word at some point in my travels.

48% of Gen Z describe themselves as “completely heterosexual,” and 6% consider themselves “completely homosexual.” All the rest portray themselves as somewhat bi-sexual. Is this for real or are these kids just trying to be cool for the Cult?

Only 44% among this generation of confusexuals said they always bought clothes designed for their own gender.

Seventy percent of Gen Z confusexuals say gender neutral bathrooms should be provided in public.

Seventy-four percent are more accepting of nontraditional gender identities than they were a year ago. I think this stems from the massive Bruce “Caitlyn” TransJenner hoax.

Yes, the apparently successful goal is for everyone to conform to a distorted reality that empowers the degenerate, the mentally defective and the ugly. This extends to every nook and cranny of culture and literature.

The degenerate confusexual program being promoted by the sinister reverse-projection now disgraced hate group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Where are their parents? Where is the adult supervision? Where are the people with cojones?

Candace Owens #transphobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

Far-right pundit Candace Owens smiled as she said that she would beat her hypothetical transgender grandchild with a cane if they came out to her[…]
On the February 16 episode of her Daily Wire podcast, Owens discussed a story of a trans teen named Mike being rejected by their grandmother, calling the story “funny”[…]
“She cries because she’s told her grandma that she’s transitioning and that she wants her grandmother to start calling her ‘Michael,'” Owens said mockingly, getting Mike’s name wrong. “And her sweet little grandma said that she’s not gonna do that”

Owens then played the video of Mike crying and explaining the situation and how they got a letter from their grandmother deadnaming them and complaining about the “anguish” that Mike’s transition is causing her

“My anguish in your chosen name and what that means has to do with your eternal soul,” the grandmother wrote. She also said that she is “spending time with Jesus in adoration” because of her “concern” for the teen’s soul and said that she asked the teen’s five minor cousins to pray for them, effectively outing the teen to their family

Owens then called Mike “mentally ill” and said that the grandmother was right to reject their identity. Owens said that “there’s no rejection here” because of the grandmother’s “love the sinner, hate the sin” schtick

“You’re the best grandma ever, by the way. Because when I’m grandma, I get any foolishness like that, I don’t know,” Owens said, smiling. “I wanna be a sweet grandma, I really do, I wanna be a sweet old lady, but I feel like I may be the kind to hit somebody with a cane, I don’t know, I’d be like ‘Hey you want me to call you Michael?’ P-shew. That would probably be me”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Everyone experiences misogyny, especially men

( IntuitiveStains )
This is the end game. Whether intentionally or not, they're disassembling all of the valuable concepts and institutions that affect and protect women. Yes, get rid of sex segregated spaces. Yes, invade the sport brackets of women. Most importantly, though, is to disassemble the notion that it's even possible to hate women for being women. Yes, do that, and you can hate women all you want, consequence-free.

( notsofreshfeeling )
The world's best male trolls could not have come up with a more delightfully sinister anti-SJW, anti-feminism, anti-woman tactic than transgenderism. This is a men's rights movement that has coopted any and all slogans, insights, rationales, aesthetics of any and all liberation movements around identity (race, sex, sexual orientation, ableism, agism, fatphobia, intersex, you name it) in order to center men. And they managed it all with language. It's absolutely brilliant.

( furyosa )
The brilliance of the tactic only works because it plays into the fact that the majority of minds are already deeply marinated in male supremacy and misogyny to begin with. If our global culture actually had gained any collective progress regarding not hating women and not pedestaling men (regardless how they identify) from previous feminist work, this tactic would never have worked as well as it evidently does. It works like DARVO. You get to feel like you're fighting for justice for the apparent "victim" while not having to challenge your core programmed misogyny. It's a winning strategy in terms of mental energy preservation for everyone from MRAs to libfems.

( SakuraBlossoms )

being perceived as a man and having expectations of masculinity imposed on them is a violence committed against trans women [sic]

A man being perceived as a man is misogyny. A man being expected to match male sex stereotypes because he's male is misogyny.

( aello )
How can they "boy mode" if they don't benefit from male privilege? They "boy mode" to avoid harassment and be respected at work.

TIMs (and TIFs, too) are a toxic byproduct of misogyny. The only reason trans is a thing at all is because of imposed sex roles, born out of man's eternal hatred of woman.

Dana Seilhan #transphobia bornwithovaries.substack.com

We didn't kill Brianna Ghey, and you're awfully quiet about Dana Rivers

For those who don’t know, a young man calling himself Brianna Ghey was murdered in the United Kingdom this month. Because he claimed to be a girl, he is unusually visible for a murdered boy of no special social status. I can’t help thinking that the indoctrination of toxic masculinity must be powerful indeed in that we are not seeing so-called “male to female transition” attain the epidemic levels of so-called “female to male transition” since it seems to be the only way to get the public to care about male victims of violent crime, including murder and rape, but give it time I suppose.

Predictably, the woman-hating establishment in the UK and elsewhere are bending over backwards to blame JK Rowling and various other UK feminists for Brianna’s death rather than baying after the 15-year-old boy and girl who are actually accused. This is status quo for them. Don’t go after the actual abusers and killers of people calling themselves trans; blame random women who said some words that none of those abusers and killers listen to anyway because they usually abuse normal women and girls too.


If I sound insensitive about the murder of a sixteen-year-old it’s because I am. I’m not going to start caring about this shit until teenage boys and grown men start respecting the realities of girls and women, and I’m done being told who to care about by the same assholes who have not one single solitary word to say about the dozens of women and girls killed daily in the UK and USA.


Wait, but right. They were all murdered by a “trans woman,” and “trans women” can do whatever they want. I forgot.

So none of this language I’ve been hearing from trans rights activists about how men can be women just like black women can be women, about how lesbians must accept dick or else they’re bigots and — oh — how all the TERFs who kept “trans women” out of the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival all those years were just garbage who deserved to die in a fire… None of that had anything to do with the behavior of Dana Rivers, right? The fact that he used to protest at Michfest, now, that was just a coincidence.

fujoshi-bullshit, the-lesbo-mermaid-archive-blog #enbyphobia #homophobia #transphobia tumblr.com

(NOTE: “Fujoshi” is a Japanese term used for fans of male-on-male media such as Boys Love manga, originally used as a pejorative before being reclaimed by fans.)

fujoshi-bullshit: It’s a good time to remember that “trans mlm” are just fujoshi, and are as equally as homophobic and gross as the rest of them. It doesn’t matter if you don’t self-identify with the fujoshi label, you’re still a homophobic little shit.

the-lesbo-mermaid-archive-blog: lmao, I joined the GSA club at my school, and most of the people there were just a bunch of fujoshis, with shitty haircuts.

#lgbt #lgbtq #fujoshi #gay transmen

various commenters #transphobia #dunning-kruger ovarit.com

Trust the science!

( emissch )
What I find so exhausting when it comes to confronting TRAs about the reality of sex is that they act like they are well aware of sex the entire time but act like it's a completely inconsequential thing on our daily lives.

( pennygadget )
This shit is the reason so many people are skeptical of things like COVID and climate change. Why should we "trust the experts" when they're claiming that magical internal gender souls exist?

( Kriegerin )
Hands down, i don't fault anti maskers and anti vaxxers anymore. And i wonder every day about what else they're lying ...

( asmahan )
Eh, most people are skeptical of COVID because of the evidence.

( randomlygenerated )
Lol, I see Ovarit brought the down votes.

My first two degrees were in STEM and I'm quite leery of the COVID science. It's too politicized and there were some issues with journals publishing rapidly and then retracting bad studies, but the retractions were not as widely circulated as the initial papers. The other issue is that some of the study designs were overtly stupid (I'm talking like, Jack Turban-level stupid), but no one's allowed to talk about that, either. Granted, I stopped keeping up with the research because there was too much of it and I just don't have the time or bandwidth anymore, but I can understand why people are skeptical.

As a note, there are definitely nuts on both sides, lol.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@Leenintome2 - Nobody associated tiny negresses with wholesome outdoor activities"]



Nope. Not for a second

That doesn’t mean it wasn’t occurring because of your own limited experience of the word as a slur. Once it’s known hard to think it doesn’t matter for organization and it’s ability to attract girls & their families
2:32PM·Nov 17, 2022

Last year, another organization tried very hard to have the stupidest overreaction ever to a random ugly nigger dying of COVID while a cop kneeled on his back: this time it was the Girl Guides of Canada, who removed the word "Brownie" because apparently one human being on earth heard that name and didn't only think of a bad sexual pun regarding baked goods[…]
In the real world, angry parents who sacrificed and volunteered for the organization (the few at least who hadn't already left in disgust after little boys in dresses were allowed to join) stormed out and refused to darken their door again[…]
Surprise surprise, the nonwhites aren't particularly interested in being part of the organization. Like in politics or in sports, groups might not want to chase away their loyal supporters to bring in new people who won't come anyways

So far the number of blacks and actual brownies who want to send their daughters in pursuit of Lares and Kelpie badges is completely unaffected by the name change. So until they start offering merit badges for violent assault or faking hate crimes, the number of niggers in the Girl Guides probably isn't going to be benefiting the change

Hey, wait....

#NigGirlGuides has quite the ring to it!

They should have gone with that

Matt Walsh #wingnut #transphobia alternet.org

Now, I have personally heard from many parents – more than I can count – who tell me versions of the same horror story; a beautiful and innocent kid one day seemingly out of nowhere, gets sucked into the gender cult and is devoured by it. The child they held as a baby and raised and gave their lives to and loved and still love becomes, suddenly, unrecognizable. All of their innocence and light and beauty just drained out of them, replaced by this self-cannibalizing madness. For a parent to see this happen to a child, it is a fate worse than death. I would rather be dead than have that happen to my kids.

See, the thing that I most despise about Dylan Mulvaney is that he is part of a movement which actively seeks to turn my children into Dylan Mulvaney. That's why I'm entitled to my anger and to whatever language I use to convey it. I will say whatever I want to say and I will be justified in saying it because these people are after my kids. And yours. And everyone else's. And you're worried that I'm being a little rude?

Well, you see, when it comes to my children, the children that I cherish more than my own life, if you think mean words go too far, then you would be very shocked to hear how far I would really go to protect them. Trust me, words are the least of it. So, yes, my words reflect anger because I am angry. But the problem is not that I'm angry. The problem is that you aren't nearly angry enough.

Gov. Tate Reeves & other Mississippi Republicans #transphobia actionnews5.com

Mississippi governor vows to sign limit on transgender care

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves confirmed Tuesday that he plans to sign a bill to ban gender-affirming care in the state for anyone younger than 18 — part of a broad effort in conservative states to restrict transgender athletes, gender-affirming care and drag shows.

House Bill 1125 won final approval Tuesday in the Republican-controlled Mississippi Senate, and it will be sent in the coming days to Reeves, a Republican who is running for reelection.

“Sterilizing and castrating children in the name of new gender ideology is wrong,” Reeves wrote on Twitter. “That plain truth is somehow controversial in today’s world.”

Reeves signed a law in 2021 to ban transgender athletes from competing in girls’ or women’s sports.

The Republican governor of Utah recently signed a ban on gender-affirming care into law, and judges have temporarily blocked similar laws in Arkansas and Alabama. In Arkansas on Tuesday, the state Senate approved legislation that tries to effectively reinstate that state’s ban on gender affirming care for minors by making it easier to sue providers of such medical care.

The vote in the Mississippi Senate came less than a week after transgender teenagers, their families and others who support them protested against the bill.

Jensen Luke Matar, executive director of the Mississippi-based Transgender Resources Advocacy Network and Services Program, denounced the bill in a statement.

“Mississippi lawmakers are insisting that they know what’s best for transgender youth and ignoring the recommendations of every major medical association,” Matar said. “Patients, along with their health care providers — not politicians –- should decide what medical care is in the best interest of a patient.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Bi friend calling herself lesbian but dating TIMs

( arete )
Has she ever dated or expressed the desire to date any other man? If the answer is no, then it's possible that she is indeed a lesbian who has been gaslighted into accepting TIMs as women and that as a lesbian, she's obligated to include them in her dating pool. I would point out to her that transgenderism is a form of conversion therapy for homosexuals, and ask her to define woman. What does she think women are, if not a material reality grounded in biology?

( jennyd92 )
In the time I've known her she hasn't dated any normal men, or seemed to show any interest. She's shown me pictures of TIMs she's met on Tinder, saying she doesn't see them any different from "other women" (her words 🤢), and that her attraction counts as lesbian because of this. Even giving the benefit of the doubt of angles, filters and AI-malarky people use nowadays on dating apps, I really don't get how that translates once she actually meets them. Like to me there is 0% chance you could mistake a TIM for a woman even from an unedited photograph so saying she feels this way in person is honestly sickening.

I really feel that she's been gaslit, and maybe a bit isolated because of the "lockdown" nonsense we've endured the past few years.

Based on all the comments here I think I'm going to be persistent but try and be more subtle/less pushy about it. Slow and steady wins the race 😅

( WhichWitchAmI )
The TIM’s will eventually betray her. Maybe tell her one last time that lesbians don’t have sex with penis-havers and then wait for a crack to appear in her convictions. It’s nearly impossible to change a person’s mind when he or she has become defensive.

Or establish your boundaries—that you’re not going to lie about biology and that if she can’t accept that, your friendship will have to focus on other topics or activities. Be ready to talk about it if she brings it up but don’t push unless you’re willing to have it blow up on you.

( GenZ-ProWoman )
Ugh. This is a different situation but I had a close college friend who I bonded with talking historically and academically about female oppression. Once I lightly mentioned men identifying as women taking female resources and she was immediately on the defensive, making sure I knew trans women are NOT a problem because TWAW.[...]

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com


destroying the
reproductive systems
of children that
Planned Parenthood
couldn't murder.


@bradnjones So Jew’s plan B for the white Christian genocide

@SpartansforTrump @bradnjones Nah, the jews plan is to kill everyone. Not just Christians.

@SpartansforTrump @bradnjones No just White. Only 1/4 of Christians are now White.

@bradnjones Planned Parenthood's Day of Reckoning is coming-- when each of its murderous henchmen will individually stand before God at the Great White Throne and be held accountable for slaughtering millions of babies. They will wish for millstones around their necks and to be cast into the deepest sea over the fate they've chosen for themselves.

@bradnjones We need to declare war upon the radical gay/lesbian thugs that are pushing to have our children sexually neutered; its like murder of our family jewels people!!!! If I were a normal man, I would go after them for trying to sexually change my boys if they chemically try to destroy his testicals.

@bradnjones or this: Transgenderism is just 'State' sponsored self sterilization of children dressed up as tolerance

@bradnjones don’t forget, the devil is part of this crap as well…homosexuality is a sin.

@bradnjones Destroy the foundation (God family home) and we fall!

@bradnjones Turning them into Baphomet wannabes.

Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

In the name of the globalist religion, its adherents demand that all citizens behave in accordance with the morality of the New World Order, accepting uncritically - and with an attitude of devout submission to religious authority -the doctrine defined ex-cathedra by the Davos Sanhedrin.
For this reason, it is not allowed to contest the psycho-pandemic, criticize the management of the vaccination campaign, argue the groundlessness of climate alarms, oppose the evidence of NATO's provocation of the Russian Federation with the Ukrainian crisis, ask for investigations into Hunter Biden's laptop or the electoral fraud that prevented President Trump from remaining in the White House, or refuse to stand by as children are corrupted with LGBTQ obscenities.

Vaccination ... represented a sort of "baptism" in the globalist faith, the initiation into worship. The high priests of this religion have even reached the point of theorizing human sacrifice by means of abortion and euthanasia: a sacrifice required by the common good, so as not to overpopulate the planet, burden public health, or be a burden on social security. Even the mutilations to which those who profess gender doctrine are subjected and the deprivation of reproductive faculties induced by homosexuality are nothing more than forms of sacrifice and immolation of oneself: of one's body, one's health, including life itself.
Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body,and considered public enemies; they must be re-educated by force, both through an incessant hammering of the media and also through the imposition of a social stigma and truly extortive forms of consent, starting with the "informed" consent of submitting against their will to the vaccination obligation which is anticipated moreover in detail in the programmatic points of the 2030 Agenda.

Matt Walsh, Freddy Cranks & Andrew Gustafson #psycho #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)

You didn’t just tell the truth Matt, you chose to use inflammatory and divisive language to attack an individual. No hearts and minds are going to be won by spewing poisonous diatribes. You’re pandering to your base. Wars are not won by doing this.

I used accurate language that you admitted was accurate. You on the other hand affirmed Dylan as “her” while whining that I was mean. Also Im getting clinics shut down, laws passed, and thousands mobilized and taking to the streets. I dont need lessons in effectiveness but thanks

“Factually he’s not wrong.” Literally a quote from the beginning of your video. Now you’re lying about what you said in a video we can all see. You’re also alienating most of your audience for the sake of defending Dylan Mulvaney from mean words. Very strange decision.

(Freddy Cranks)
I could go the rest of the my life without hearing the phrase "winning hearts and minds" bc it assumes every issue is abstract and intellectual. Sometimes you have to flip the table.

Child mutilation is a flip the table issue. I'll side with those fighting by any means necessary

(Andrew Gustafson)
Exactly right, we are in the middle of an existential “flip the tables” moment;
the intentional and irreversible mutilation of children is increasing and it must be stopped.
Sorry not sorry if someone’s feelings get hurt when a brave few stand up and speak THE TRUTH.

@EepOpOrk , @McQ66 & @StephenDKimball #transphobia gettr.com

( @EepOpOrk )
Children can’t consent.
These are abusive and exploitative parents. They need to face severe punishment for destroying a child.

A mother’s mental illness is destroying this child. So sad.
“Parents claim their child came out to them as trans at age 2. They now raise their young daughter as a boy.”
#mentalillness #transchildren

( @McQ66 )
It's the latest form of Munchausen syndrome.....its the adults sickness in 99% of the cases

( @StephenDKimball )
For those parents to make that claim about a two year olds sexuality, self-proclaimed, is clearly indicative of their mental illness. They need professional help now, and might get relatives involved taking care of the kid. Would not wait, as these people need to be isolated for child abuse, IMO

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Now that TIFs are starting to enter gay male spaces, will things change? (Gay man here)
( solitaire )
Welcome to Ovarit, and thank you for speaking up.

I don’t know if things will change, but I am hopeful.

Where I live, some of the most hardcore trans rights activists, aside from TIPs, are lesbians or straight women whose partners came out as trans, and gay men who are personally unaffected but want to make a name for themselves.

There is one gay politician who quietly raised reasonable objections in private about gender ideology with his colleagues and had over 300 LGBT people and straight allies from his own party sign a petition demand the party “decry transphobia” and that he be dealt with. Somehow he managed to hang on to his (admittedly low profile) position, possibly because the party leader owes him (he was his campaign manager for the party leader.)

Straight and lesbian women in the same party who have questioned gender ideology have been dealt with much more harshly.

Currently, a career party bureaucrat, who AFAIK is a straight man, is currently crusading to purge the party of anyone not parroting trans fascism as gospel, I think because he sees it as the “issue du jour” and wants to make a name for himself.

I hope that as more gay men are affected they speak up, but I’m not holding my breath when it comes to my own backyard.

( braziliangayman )
A lot of gay men, just like a lot of lesbians, are too deep into the gender woo woo to do anything, unfortunately. They think they have a moral imperative to defend TIPs from TERFs because they're also part of the LGBT.

( BabbittyRabbitty )
I had this discussion with a gay friend, and he was really deep in the desillusion, not seeing at all how that was homophobic and proudly sleeping with TIFs 😰

( Tiramisuomi )
This might be the first time I've even anecdotally heard someone on the internet say that a gay male friend of theirs slept with a TIF!

Rick Scarborough #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

In 2021, Rick Scarborough[…]set his sites on taking over school boards in three Houston-area school districts. Scarborough was optimistic about his chances of having conservative Christians take over the school board because, he said, “most people don’t vote”

“We’re gonna win this Houston school board if the church shows up,” Scarborough bragged, and indeed candidates he backed were ultimately able to defeat two board members

Inspired by this showing, Scarborough announced in late 2022 that he had begun preparing to target school boards all across the state in 2023
On Wednesday, Scarborough’s Recover America Action organization released a video promoting his campaign to defeat the “godless educrats” and rescue the children of Texas who are “being groomed by homosexuals and the trans perverts to be recruited into their evil lifestyles”

“This is an SOS call to all Christian patriots”[…]
“For over 30 years, I’ve been trying to awaken pastors to the growing threat that teachers and others in education who reject God and his word pose to our children,” he continued. “Just look around. Perverted teachers have infiltrated our public schools and are brainwashing our children with critical race theory lies about America, filling their young minds with hatred for their country. These teachers are also normalizing immoral and abnormal sex acts, sexualizing our children with pornographic materials”[…]
“Our children are being groomed by homosexuals and the trans perverts to be recruited into their evil lifestyles. These children, starting in pre-K, are being taught that evil is good and good is evil, but they’re not being taught how to read, write, or learn math proficiently. Now, wicked drag queens are being given access to perform for our children in public schools and libraries, grooming them for pedophilia”[…]
“I’m pledging to you that with God’s help, I will end this demonic assault on our school children in Texas”

Itzpapalotl , ILovePizzaALot & Artistlee19 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Now that TIFs are starting to enter gay male spaces, will things change? (Gay man here)

( Itzpapalotl )
The level of delusion is insane. These women really, truly believe that a gay man will want to be with them?

I have a TIF friend and she is a classic case of ROGD and considers herself a gay man. It makes me squirm, it feels so wrong to appropriate the struggles of another group.

How could a female (a straight one at that) possibly understand what it’s like to be a gay man? I can’t imagine barging into a space that isn’t for me. [...]

The whole thing feels icky.

TIPs don’t realise that they have almost annihilated their prospective dating pool. No gay man is interested in a TIF, no straight woman is. Bisexuals are the only option and IME very few of us are willing to date or even sleep with these people, they’ve unnecessarily destroyed their bodies to look like something they can never be.

( ILovePizzaALot )
Yep. As a bisexual woman, I'm not interested in dating a TIP. That includes nonbinaries.

It isn't because of the rejection of gender roles. It isn't because they dress in clothing meant for the opposite sex. It's because I've never met a TIP who wasn't exhaustingly insufferable. And I don't need that kind of mental stress in my life.

( Itzpapalotl )
Ditto. I’m attracted to the natural female body and the natural male body. Not people who have unnecessarily surgically and chemically destroyed their body in a poor attempt to imitate the opposite sex.

And yes, the insufferable delusion, self-obsession and entitlement. I wouldn’t date anyone who supported gender ideology, let alone someone actively peddling it.

( Artistlee19 )
I think even most people who hook up with TIPs are just being nice and do it to tell themselves and the world that they aren’t bigots. It’s out if wanting to be seen as such a good person and not really desire I think.

( Itzpapalotl )
Agreed. TIPs kinda go against all natural human attraction (sounds bad, I know)

Like, I find both some men and some women sexually attractive - because I like both male and female features/sex characteristics...not artificially spliced together though (shudder). And that’s before we start on the delusional and entitlement required to demand everyone adhere to your fantasy.

Helen Joyce #ableist #transphobia thepinknews.com

Note: this news is from 8 months ago.

A prominent “gender critical” activist is facing backlash after she called for a reduction in the number of trans people.

Helen Joyce, author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, is facing widespread criticism over an online discussion with Helen Staniland in which she said people who transition are “damaged”.

Joyce, who has become one of the most vocal “gender critical” campaigners in the UK in recent years, said their “movement” is no longer in the “consciousness-raising” stage.

She said the “gender critical” movement cannot be focused on convincing every person in the UK of its views and that it instead must “get through to the decision-makers”.

“And in the meantime, while we’re trying to get through to the decision-makers, we have to try to limit the harm and that means reducing or keeping down the number of people who transition,” Joyce said.

“That’s for two reasons – one of them is that every one of those people is a person who’s been damaged. But the second one is every one of those people is basically, you know, a huge problem to a sane world.”

Joyce continued: “If you’ve got people – whether they’re transitioned, whether they’re happily transitioned, whether they’re unhappily transitioned, whether they’re detransitioned – if you’ve got people who’ve dissociated from their sex in some way, every one of those people is someone who needs special accommodation in a sane world where we re-acknowledge the truth of sex.

“And I mean the people who’ve been damaged by it – the children who’ve been put through this – those people deserve every accommodation we can possibly make, but every one of them is a difficulty.”

@Brewerin , @terfisland & @thomasttt #transphobia gettr.com

( @Brewerin )

spoilerPride Flag
celebrating inclusion and tolerance
Trans Flag
undermining the rights of girls and women
encouraging medical abuse of children
policing language
calling LGB transphobic for having "genital

( @terfisland )
As Robert Hogge, the creator of the trans flag, has repeatedly said, the washed out pink and blue stands for young girls and boys. Anybody who displays this flag should be on a watch list.


( @thomasttt )

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Women and girls who, in a million years and multiple operations, will never be men. Yeet the teets. She’s a monster.

This is as diabolical as it gets.

The criminal investigation and class action lawsuit can't happen soon enough!

What a vile way to exploit confused young people (many of whom have the Red Flags of Sexual Trauma) who have untreated mental health issues!

To see who this doctor is, watch the following interview with Alix Aharon of The Gender Mapping Project: https://youtu.be/Bo1wrsb6wk0

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left is destroying our families, pushing child genital mutilation, government control over children, and sexual deviance. We must restore the sanctity of the family and of marriage.

We will make families strong again!


@CJBarnacle @DrPaulGosar He did didn't he? Child genital mutilation aka circumcision right? Maybe we can finally outlaw jews from sucking baby penis while we're at it.

@DrPaulGosar To do all of this, we must remove the Synagogue of Satan. Are you prepared for that?

@OneWithTheWater @DrPaulGosar synagogue of satan? wth is that?

@kplagoogoo @DrPaulGosar Jesus tells us that the Jews are the synagogue of satan.

@DrPaulGosar expelling invaders and jews is the only way

@DrPaulGosar jews. Not the left. Jews


Diversity destroyed America. It’s time for everyone to admit it. Diversity has not worked anywhere on the planet, and that is a fact.

@DrPaulGosar does this look like the left to you? Are you blind? Or are you involved?? Which is it?

@DrPaulGosar Vigilantes are going to have to take matters into their own hands. The leftist government is worthless and deviant.

they-called-me-terfy #homophobia #sexist #transphobia tumblr.com

Can you imagine going back in time and telling activists that in the future piv sex will be considered gay by certain people? That women will be told that they “aren’t real lesbians” for refusing to have sex with males? That gay men will be called bigots for refusing to date females? That “gay” people will shame homosexuals for their same sex attraction?

Can you imagine going all the way back to the time of the suffragettes and telling them that some day men will put on dresses and declare themselves the most oppressed women of all? That in the future these men will be able to threaten women with murder and rape with no repercussions, but that women will be ostracized and fired from their jobs for acknowledging biological reality? That these men will steal scholarships and resources made for women and people will call it progressive?

Can you fucking imagine?

novakidds #ableist #psycho #transphobia novakidds.tumblr.com

lmao i did it again

was eating in public with my gf, and a visibly trans-id girl walks up to us, complimented both of our hair, and said we "looked VERY queer" before asking to sit with us. (i dressed like total shit because i just threw things on lol)

we obliged. the pronouns are he/him, the chosen name is tyler. 16 years old, knew i was 21. we talked about our troubles with being born female and how that defines us, drug use, bigoted parents, socializing with autism, working toward being the ideal versions of ourselves BEFORE transitioning, and how gay people are not obligated to sleep with trans people. tyler agreed with every TERF talking point i said, and questioned nothing.

i was trusted so much by the end of this encounter, that tyler got in my car with me, asked me to drive to a nearby store for some things, and then drive home.

like... tyler's HOUSE. the address was plugged directly into my phone. (didn't keep it)

and we exchanged numbers before parting ways.

it is truly so fucking easy to blend. you will never find me. i really do look like you. i really do talk like you. you would invite me to your fucking doorstep if you met me, and you would have no idea. i could dangle my TERF ideology in your face beforehand, and you would have no clue.

i am utterly vindicated. seethe.

Mandy , tahmahrah & Hermione #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Now that TIFs are starting to enter gay male spaces, will things change? (Gay man here)

( Mandy )
I'm sorry this is happening to your spaces as well, but I think it will help to turn the tide. Gay men won't tolerate it. Men, unlike women, aren't socialised to put the other sex's needs first; gay men have nothing to gain from tolerating the invasion of straight women with a yaoi fetish and nothing to lose by emphatically telling them No. The women are unlikely to come back at you with threats of rape or decapitation. To be honest, most people think TIFs are a little sad and ridiculous; everyone knows no woman can actually escape the constraints of her sex simply by claiming to be a man. In short, since society tends to prioritise the needs of men over the needs of women, transmen in gay spaces will hopefully be the thin end of the wedge that finally blows this whole thing wide open.

( tahmahrah )
Probably. Because you’re men, people will listen, take you seriously, give a shit. Nobody other than gay men want to fuck men, so there isn’t this twisted bullshit happening where your entire identity/orientation is fetishized, except for like yaoi fangirls who are a tiny subset of the population and a drop in the ocean, basically.

Now, what this actually means is that men/gay men will have their voices heard and spaces protected, gay men barring TIFs and from clubs and whatnot will be lauded as bravery, and we will continue to be the scapegoat for everything as our rights continue to be eroded away.

Long long term, all of this will collapse in on itself. It’s simply not sustainable on a list of different levels. But by then everyone will have forgotten about us, or those that remember will deny every last abuse and violation of our boundaries and rights, and radical feminists will continue to be ignored, ridiculed, and vilified.

Such is the nature of life in a man’s world.

( Hermione )
Maybe once a TIF actually hurts or kills a gay man it will become bigger news, but I imagine the ratio of TIFs being as aggressive towards gay men as TIMs are to lesbians will remain low.

And if a TIF were to harm a gay man, she would not be recognized as a TIF. She’d be painted as a homophobic, conservative “Karen” (which, in way, she is, much as I hate the term “Karen”). Her “identity” would be dumped real fast. Her time being appeased would be over.

various commenters #transphobia unherd.com

RE: Don’t blame J.K. Rowling for Brianna Ghey’s death

( Caroline Watson )
If this poor boy was murdered for being ‘gender’ non-conforming and possibly gay, that is not the fault of traditional feminists who support everyone’s right to be those things.
If blood is on anyone’s hands, it is on those of people who rigidly support ‘gender’ stereotypes and would rather a boy pretended to be a girl, and was medicated and mutilated accordingly, rather than accepting him as a gay and probably effeminate boy.
Pretending to be a girl didn’t save him and it won’t others. Teaching children that ‘gender’ is nonsense, and that everyone can be themselves as the sex that they are, just might.

( Lang Cleg )
These people are actually happy that a teen has been murdered because they think it gives them licence. Anyone can see how dangerous this is. Authorities in denial.

( Richard Parker )
Spot on. Viscerally disgusting, isn’t it?

I suppose it does at least add to the growing pile of evidence: that these people care only about winning the argument they’ve started. They clearly don’t care about human beings – either “friend” or “foe” – they only want to burnish their precious preoccupations and grievances. Nothing constructive will come of this, because a cadre of activists are determined to ensure that.

( Linda Hutchinson )
Immediately that I heard that this poor person was trans, I knew that this stuff would happen. The murder of anyone is abhorrent, and I hope that the person(s) who committed this crime are found and punished; at the moment the authorities don’t have a motive, but even it it were a “hate” crime, this should not be a reason not to be critical of the trans movement. If a racist were to be murdered by a self styled anti-racist we would not be saying that criticm of racists is to blame, we would place the blame where it belongs – with the perpetrator.

( Paul S )
Some witches don’t burn. That infuriates the right people.

( Rebecca Bartleet )
The extreme trans activists so openly and actively advocate violent retribution against those who are gender critical, they cannot be surprised if their opponents opt to use it against innocent trans youngsters. Maybe that’s what they want, so they can boost their victim status.

@PauletteK7 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

I guess since DC wants to go rogue on protecting civil liberties; we can rogue and not pay our federal taxes. They won't protect our borders, they won't protect female athletes, they are infecting our population with man made illnesses, they are exploiting the mentally ill and promoting their perversions on innocent pupils, they perpetuate rioting and looting, they forced small businesses to close, they bring in foreign illegal drugs- fentanyl to kill our youth, and they push sterilization on our youth by promoting homosexuality, genital mutilation, and hormone blockers. Biden is more than a thief of the WH, he is a pervert and treasonist.
#gayagenda #lgbtqagenda #fjb #publicschoolsarefailing #publiceducation #federalgovernment

New Biden administration rule will tie federal education funding to LGBT mandates

Lisa Morgan #racist #transphobia thepinknews.com

A so-called gender critical activist has been caught on camera quoting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in a speech against trans rights at an anti-trans rally in Newcastle.

Dozens of anti-trans activists assembled outside the 1914 Memorial in the gardens of St Thomas’ church in Newcastle’s city centre on Sunday (January 15) between 12pm and 2pm.

A huge group of counter-protesters – who waved Pride flags, banners and shouted pro-LGBTQ+ chants – was also in attendance and appear to have been based outside the nearby Newcastle City Council building, an estimated 400 metres away.

The event was part of the Let Women Speak tour by notorious anti-trans activist Posie Parker and featured several gender critical speakers who addressed the crowd, in front of a large, grey ‘adult human female’ banner.

During the event, one gender critical speaker – who has been identified as UK Guild of Hypnosis Practitioners (UKGH) chair Lisa Morgan – quoted Adolf Hitler’s 1925 manifesto Mein Kampf.

“I know about language, and I know that this [gestures to counter-protesters] is based on something that we call the big lie.

“Do you know the big lie? The big lie was first described by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf.

“The big lie is such a big lie that ordinary people like us think, ‘Well, that can’t be a lie because I would never tell such a big lie as that. We only lie in small ways.’

“The big lie, well there is one big lie going on, and it was begun by men in the early part of the 20th century. It began when they had an erotic fantasy and they decided they were going to sell us the big lie – and what is the big lie?

“The big lie is that trans women are women. But they’re not are they? They’re men and we know that.”

The term ‘big lie’ was coined by Hitler in Mein Kampf and was used by the German leader as a technique to describe the behaviour of Jewish people. Specifically, he accused Jews of using the ‘big lie’ to discredit Germany’s efforts in World War I and blame the country’s loss on general Erich Ludendorff.

It is widely believed this technique was used by the Nazis as part of their extensive propaganda to turn the German people against the Jews and justify the Holocaust.

ReklessS0ul #transphobia reddit.com

submitters note: two seperate comments of someone I foolishly tried argueing with

A male at birth will always be a male then. Thanks for confirming […] I don’t know why people go out of their way to make mental I’ll esa be accepted as normal.

Glagoly #homophobia #transphobia forum.nationstates.net

I disagree. Part of the problem is that we need to work against an institutional bias. If we focused on just making everything equal legally, said extralegal bias would remain, so to counter that, the law needs to put its thuimb on the scale a bit.

No. There will always be bias. This is a psychological component of a person. A common example is interracial couples. The human brain immediately perceives this as disgusting, abnormal. A person's beliefs about this topic do not affect the reaction in any way. Real, true, without processing. Same with homosexual couples. No matter what position a person takes, no matter how he supports it, he will subconsciously be disgusted by it. Of course, a person will reject it, or even not understand it.

… (snipped for length)

(snipped for length)

I am for the fact that if people want equality, absolute equality should be given. No "privileges". Otherwise, sooner or later it will turn into the opposite discrimination. Personally, I do not support all these movements, I mean LGBT. However, I understand that the orientation is innate, and therefore it cannot be influenced in any way. I would even compromise: same-sex marriages are allowed, true legal equality is coming, however, any propaganda of non-traditional orientation is prohibited.

Considering that anti-LGBT hate crimes have been on the rise, and conservative states keep trying to take away their rights, I'd say they have good reason to feel under attack, and perhaps oppressed.

And these are just different views on life. In fact, I have little interest in the relationship with LGBT people in other countries.

Sen. Beverly Gossage & other Kansas Republicans #transphobia kansascity.com

KS bills ban gender-affirming care and bar trans women from female designated spaces

Day after day this week LGBTQ advocates will flood the Kansas statehouse, passionately arguing against bills targeting the rights of transgender Kansans.

They’ll be met with similar fervor from advocates of the policies arguing the legislation, which restricts healthcare and access for transgender Kansans, is necessary to protect women and children.

The scene will mirror what has played out in Kansas and neighboring states in recent years but with an expanded scope.

As GOP-led Legislatures nationwide pursue anti-LGBTQ legislation Kansas Republicans have narrowed in on healthcare and rights for transgender individuals advocating for bills that ban gender-affirming care for children and young adults, bar transgender athletes from girls sports and prevent transgender women from accessing female designated spaces in publicly funded areas.

Three of those bills will receive hearings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

“It’s this systematic erasure of trans folks,” said Stephanie Byers, a former Kansas state representative who was the first transgender person to serve in the Legislature. She compares the current attack on trans rights to civil rights debates and the fight for same-sex marriage in prior decades.

“As we have seen our nation become accepting of gay marriage and we see the doors open for acceptance of the transgender community this is a knee jerk reaction,” said Byers, a Democrat who represented Wichita.

Even as LGBTQ rights advocates criticize the push as overtly discriminatory, Republican lawmakers argue the legislation is aimed at protecting women and children.

“Trans women are not women,” said Sen. Beverly Gossage, a Eudora Republican who chairs the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee.

“Trans women can think they’re a woman and that’s fine,” she added in a recent interview. “They should not be allowed into women’s spaces.”

Gossage will preside over hearings in two bills. A bill criminalizing gender-affirming care for children and young adults under the age of 21 and a bill proponents refer to as the “Women’s Bill of Rights.”


@alexbloodfire #transphobia gettr.com

Schools should stop pandering to pernicious #GenderIdeology because it's nonsense and damaging our vulnerable children.

Attorney General Suella Raverman calls JK Rowling a 'heroine' for her 'very brave' transgender views and says schools should not pander to trans pupils by letting them choose their pronouns and uniforms

#SuellaRaverman #JKRowling #Transgender #Schools #Pronouns #AttorneyGeneral #Trans #Gender #NonBinary


variopus commenters #wingnut #quack #transphobia gab.com

Wait a minute, schools are canceling football because there aren’t enough healthy kids to play….and no one’s asking “why” they’re not healthy?

Gee, you think it had anything that do with that experimental vaccine you gave them for a virus that didn’t effect them?


@AmericanAFMindy Just wait until the US Military has to cancel the next war.

It's intentional and by design. They're destroying our combat readiness:

- vaccine injuries and discharges
- woke ideology and transgender integration
- sending active-duty weapons & ammo to UKR
- draining our Treasury dry so we can't afford to fight


@AmericanAFMindy COVID VACCINES ,its happening all over the world. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

@AmericanAFMindy They are afraid kids will drop dead on the field.... Obviously from the jab. Then, someone got some 'splaining to do....

@AmericanAFMindy All these schools mandated these vaccines - basically murdering their own students...

@AmericanAFMindy some doctors won't sign school physicals for kids to do sports, if they've had the shots

Monica Cole #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia #kinkshaming onemillionmoms.com

On Sundays, many Americans gather to worship God as a family of believers.

But for CBS Broadcasting Inc., Sunday is a time to bring debauchery and Satanic worship to the world.

On Sunday, February 5, the 65th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony aired on the CBS network. Originally designed to recognize outstanding artists in the music industry, this year’s Grammy ceremony achieved quite the opposite with its open recognition and worship of Satan.

One of the night’s most disturbing displays featured a demonic performance by entertainers Sam Smith, who claims to be non-binary, and Kim Petras, who claims to be transgender. These two gave the nation a Satan-themed rendition of their song “Unholy,” in which Petras performed inside a cage with drag queen dancers dressed in scanty devil outfits and sporting whips. Simultaneously, Smith gyrated in a costume featuring devil horns protruding from a top hat with his own similarly red-robed, demonic-looking dancers. These gyrating dancers surrounded Smith in the performance’s finale, pretending to devour and eat him like a pack of wild animals.

The entire Satan-filled performance was pure evil, and it is obvious who Hollywood worships.

CBS admitted as much in a network reply to Sam Smith’s pre-ceremony Tweet in which the singer shared a rehearsal photo wearing satanic horns. With an added devil emoji, Smith tweeted, “This is going to be SPECIAL. #GRAMMYs.”

Ironically, CBS has since deleted the network’s reply to Smith: “… you can say that again. We are ready to worship!”

CBS has no concern about souls celebrating Satan. The entire ‘performance’ depicted a hellish scene with lots of darkness, blood-red colors, and flames of fire.

The pro-LGBTQ Grammy ceremony aired during primetime when teens would likely watch and be exposed to this desensitization. But this terribly dark and sexually immoral performance wasn’t appropriate for an audience of any age.

Ethan Huff #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #quack naturalnews.com

What will the world look like two years from now? The answer is a whole lot less human.

Part of the plan is to convert everyone’s dinner plates into piles of bugs and “plant-based” lab creations rather than the meat and eggs humanity has been consuming for millennia. Everyone’s bodies will also be converted to transgender hybrids and connected to a transhumanist super computer.

We are already witnessing the trans-ification of the next generation under the banner of LGBT. This is a prelude to the transhuman-ification of all leftover humanity once the Great Reset comes into full swing.

Right now, the agenda involves pricing everyone out of traditional foods through inflation and supply chain problems. The energy crisis is also part of the mix as it is making fertilizers too expensive to produce.

Egg inflation and associated shortages are another cut in the death by-a-million cuts gameplan of the “elite.” First, it was meat; now it is eggs; and eventually, it will be everything natural and good and wholesome that gets extinguished in exchange for the globalist dystopia that is forming right before our eyes.
Europeans are clearly slated to be first in line for the bug-eating agenda. Next comes the United States, which is ground zero for globalist programming and depopulation.

There is also the “transmaxxing” depopulation trend that involves brainwashing young men into giving up on their masculinity and turning into “women.” These are the types of “people” that the globalists are programming to become their future bug-eating slaves in the New World Order.

various commenters #transphobia nationalpost.com

RE: Womb transplants for transgender women will soon be possible, doctors say

( Dom Ieraci )
bring on the nukes. Evil like in the days of Noah

( Seth Brundle )
Is this not one reason the Nazis were stopped?

( Drew Kerr )
And we wonder why there's a health care shortage. Instead of healing the vast majority of us, doing research on diseases that harm all of us, they waste time and money on a very tiny fraction of the population. So, a man's quest to have a uterus, may be the reason you are waiting for that hip replacement. And unlike fertility drugs to help those born with a uterus persons have a child, these treatments will probably be tax payer funded.

( leo nidus )
Are there no ethical standards left in medicine?

( Jasper O'Grady )
Yo freaks... Pro tip: Wearing women's clothing does not make you a woman.

( Thomas Beauvais )
Mary Shelley's imagination wasn't so far fetched after all!
This is truly mind boggling and a sick affirmation that some pseudo doctors are willing to play God to the detriment of patients who assuredly need mental health support more than lining the pockets of these charlatans.

( Robert Green )
Tra ns wom en are men. It's not that difficult to understand...

( Mark Ryans )
At what point do you say, whomever is up there, God, fate, whatever. That they didn’t want me to be the opposite sex and stop with the Frankenstein experiments. If you can’t live with it, drop the toaster in the bathtub.

( Thomas Haas )
They will destroy thousands of people lives because of far left, cult ideologies. They brainwash children, mutilate them when they’re teenagers, make them suicidal when they’re adults.

( Tom More )
This is what happens when the logic of LGBQ ideology becomes mainstream. Accepting people should never be conflated with accepting behaviors. The CDC has pointed out that these behaviors literally kill millions and cannot be performed safely and naturally at all . Over a million dead young men in the west from such well intended "inclusion". Not even a single human cell in its profound intricacy is something to be trivially dismissed. Support others with facts and intelligence too. And look up the role of early aged sexual abuse in this.

( Tom More )
Not enough teen girls in the west lining up for surgical mutilation?

@Flobrez , @babavenga & @Belindatobin #transphobia gettr.com

( @Flobrez )
Nope absolutely not! I do not want men in my bathroom I don’t care what they identify as 😡😡😡😡

( @babavenga )
They're happy enough to take those rights from us. What a bunch of entitled bastards

( @Belindatobin )
No PENIS in womens toilets.
To be on the safe side...
No PROSTATE in women toilets.


( @Flobrez )
Exactly. If they’re afraid to use the men’s bathroom then stay home or get your own stay the hell out of the women’s room ‼️

( @Belindatobin )
I call it the PENIS POLICY.
Check out if penis is allowed in toilets/changing rooms etc before using the venue.

PENIS allowed in said ladies ... Boycott!!!!

If you see PENIS in said lady spaces ... shout PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS really loudly. 💚💜♥️

gattsu & WorthlessSlavicShit #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: Only MTF trannys and male fags are hated upon



No one cares about FTM or lesbians. It's just hatred of men, and hatred of men demasculinizing themselves. Most of the guys who say they hate trannys love women. Just remember this. I'm not saying I support trannys. All I'm saying is hating trannys or faggots without reason is stupid. That's exactly what women want.

I don't like trannies because I feel repulsed by their existence. But it is awesome to see them make women mad by proving male superiority.


yes, tranny hate is misandry

Exactly. They've been trying to pretend they hate FtMs as well, but they always just default to hating MtFs lol. It gets even funnier now that right-wingers are openly talking about transmaxxing, since FtMs might be even more likely to talk like us than MtFs. There are legit threads where they openly talk to each other about it not being worth to transition into a man if you are too short, how short men will never be respected in their lives, and so on, but of course, nobody is calling them incels or trying to bluepill them, mocking and gaslighting is only reserved for actual men of course.

On another note, people only shit on trannies that are ugly and look like this


You never see anyone shitting on someone that looks like picrel


Exactly. It's nothing but misandry, lookism and ageism aimed solely at delusional old incels who got sucked into the trannymaxxing bullshit. You never see even the most hardcore TERFs and right-wing transphobes reposting photos of somebody like Blaire White when talking about how disgusting trannies are, even though most of the trannies they bring up are leftists who agree with TERFs on 90% of what they talk about, while Blaire White is pretty much a right-wing extremist by the current standards lol.

Lookism is insanely powerful.

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