
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

UpsideDown #sexist incels.is

Blackpill [Shit that IT won't touch] Often times, normie advice does more harm than good

They give you advice, but the rules are set in opposition to what is socially acceptable."Be nice and girls will like you", then you start being nice to the girls and get labeled as a "nice guy". "You cant be nice, bro! Girls hate nice guys, they only want jerks", but by being a jerk you only get people to dislike you, so you stop. "Being yourself is great! Women love honest guys!", but by being yourself you get nothing again. "You can't pick up girls because you're boring! You gotta have a nice personality", then you try to emulate that interesting, suave, confident type of personality, only to find out you're actually coming off as stupid and pretentious to others. "You have to approach more, bro! It's a numbers game!", but the only thing you get is a reputation as the "Creepy guy". You hear that the best way to get a girl to like you is "Getting into hobbies that you're truly interested in, socializing in those groups and then trying there" you do make friends and social connections, but as soon as you try anything with a girl, you either hit a brick wall because she isn't attracted to you, or you come off as the creepy guy once again because people think you infiltrated their group just to hit on girls.

And while you as a naive, young, socially inept guy does that stuff, people are laughing and berating you for doing exactly as they told you. Now tell me why, why don't people just cut to the chase and tel you the truth? If people just told you that looks are the most important attribute in dating, and if a girl never sees herself fucking you in any situation no amount of personality or game or style or gym can compensate for that, you wouldn't have gone through all of that hassle and heartbreak. I do believe that some of us (especially the younger and the socially inept people) are victims of those shitty platitudes that normies throw at us just to sugarcoat the reality of things.

Total Imbecile #racist #sexist incels.is

Toxic Femininity Black girls literally have 0 feminitiy, what gives

I have yet to find a black girl that Id legit want to cuddle, like Id fuck a black girl cause Im incel but given a girl of some other race vs a black girl eeeeeeeeeeeeh Id always go with the other girl

I dont know how black guys do it

Black girls all look mean as fuck even when they smile, intimidating as fuck tbh

Anime/cutesy aesthetic doesnt work on them:


Like put that dress on a white girl or my younger sister and Id go nuts, but I cringe seeing it on a black girl, I cringe seeing black girls cosplaying

Is this exclusive to the US since slaves used to be bred for masculinity so they could be workhorses or are girls in Africa ugly too?

I don't find niggerwhores attractive either

Im starting to feel the same way about asians

There are some cute asian girls but on average they tend to be short (sub 5'4'') and look like frogs

TheLastSorrow #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: Brutal "Just put yourself out there more!" Then this happens

The more you put yourself out there, the more you get rejected and humiliated if you're unattractive. And women's standards are too high, your looksmatch thinks you're far below her

Her arrogance has stemmed from living in tutorial mode, women's rights needs be revoked.

Disrespectful women(worthless whores) need to be put in their place again. They've seriously had their heads gassed up far too much by everyone. They forget too quickly that even the "lowest" of men can still overpower them.

D3X #sexist incels.is

JFL even using their bluepilled logic if you question their statements you get a red pilled statement

Foe example "not all women are the same " is a good one to start with it implies that, there are exceptions to the rule, which they deny in the first place. So the full statement is The majority of women are the SAME, but there are some exceptions. They don't realize that the majority overrules the minority by a huge fucking margin, and using some basic economics and a little bit of nature you can deduce if there is a high quality product and a supply of "good women" they will be taken , which leaves you the incel,average joe with the majority of whores. Id also like to add on how they apply bad traits to the majoirity of them (making them sexist by their very definition) but somehow bullshit them selves that there are good women . FUCK NORMIES AND THEIR LOGIC

Ive heard the :redpill:Just find a trad countryside conservative foid bro:redpill: a lot, their logic is flawed because even getting those foids is hard in the first place. Most conservative foids arent that much different from leftists too

those are bluepilled, the true red pill was about spinning plates and it applied to normies, but at least understood that hypergamy exists and that women couldn't love trully. They were not that delusional. The redpill was about game, biology, and money. The tradcucks infiltrated it and labeled it a redpill and applied their delusions on it. And since the tradcucks outnumber the true red-pillers they lost that war and so the red pill is what we know today "muh traditionalism"

RandyProzac #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel I went on a date and fully realized how evil foids are.

About 2 weeks ago I got a match on tinder that I never expected to get. She was almost by exact type: petite Latina with good hips and smaller breasts. I didn’t realize until I got there that she and her friends recognized me from high school. Of course, I was a bullied outcast loner and was shocked anyone remembered me at all. I didn’t think of the implications until what happened today.

She seemed very receptive to me and we ate and talked a lot. I felt like a god walking around a mall with 3 super qt girls. It was just something normgroids do on a regular basis but it meant the world to me. At the end, she gave me a hug and said “text me” in a sweet voice I remember vividly. Again, heavenly to hear as incel.

I held out bluepilled hope. Over the weeks, her messages were dwindling in frequency. From being almost instantly messaged back, to being left on delivered for 1 hour, to being left on delivered for 2+ days at a time.

here’s the evil part - After being left on delivered for 4 days, she posts on her story “teehee going to [redacted] with these guys xd” or something like that. She was sitting next to a guy who mogged me into the underworld. Another post with her leaning on his shoulder with her hand in his hair. I message once again asking if it was over between us. She replies back, with a picture of the both of them, SMILING, and says “yes :)”.

that was a level of sadistic brutality that I never would have put her on for. Needless to say, I feel entirely worthless and I am currently drunk and my .40 sounds really tasty right now. It only occurred to me, that since they all knew me from the same high school, that she only invited me out to make fun of me. It was all just a cruel joke to them.

I am totally defeated and resigned to abject despondence now. No coping this time. Hold me bros

Unsaveable #sexist incels.is

RageFuel I hate my bluepilled brother.

He's a fat shortcel and acts like he's some hot shit, he's programmercel and yet he says he's not a Incel.(even though he's a virgin at 21)

When i called him bluepilled he said 'no i'm redpilled' :feelsugh: and then i had some talk with him about women few days back and he literally told me 'you need to talk to females for hours if you want to them to like you' :lul: then i asked him about the dickpill i said what if you're a dicklet? you know what he told me? 'if a woman cares about your dick size you shouldn't be with her in the first place' jfl.

Sounds like an incel in denial, has he had any female interest before in his life?

Not any that i know of. He's a truecel tbh, both of us are voicecels also but he mogs me in that regard.

He copes with alcohol and vidya everyday and then says he's not a Incel jfl. Just today he told me to come to his coworkers village near the sea to have some lamb meat, i told him i'm sick and i'm not in the mood for no fucking lamb meat but he still kept bothering me and calling me for literal hours.

Sounds like its over for him tbh, you should send him a FaceandLMS video and see how he reacts.

He'll probably say it doesn't apply to him because we don't live in The West. He doesn't deny the lookspill but says personalty also matters.

Where do you live?

Eastern Europe i guess.

Geez So many EEcels here. Curries and EEs makes up about 60% of the user base here.

Yes i think its predominately EE users here. Big cities in EE are fucking terrible. Truly an unique kind of hell. Not westernized enough, not culturally advanced on their own either. This message comes from 2nd world gang.

ShySaxon #sexist incels.is

Brutal I just dropped a fuck ton of blackpills on my mom

I told that cunt looks matter and personality means jack shit in this world.

That bitch will be sorry for spawning me without giving me the chance to use the character creation screen. Fucking bitch.

Fuck you mom. I hate you for bringing me into this world. Fuck you too Dad you ugly, fat cunt.

It seem you have been contemplating your inceldom a lot lately. Happens to the best of us. Copes break down and laughing it all away doesn't work.

I have, yes. You’re observant. I’m a wreck at the moment.

What did they say back?

She just changed the subject. She knows it’s over deep down.

IMO it's not wise to wage war against the only people who, statistically, really care about you in the world.

They should have aborted me.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

Blackpill [STUDY] Teen love positively impacts your social life and your romantic competence for a DECADE

The participants of the study were initially 14-17 years old and were later assessed at 23-25 (not far from a whole decade). They controlled for personality and it didn't seem like different personality types affected the results of the study. Teen love improves romantic and social competence for a whole decade. Teen love can make or break you. Or I guess you could say that the lack of teen love makes you an even bigger loser.


The important part is that having negative experiences during teen dating had a negative impact (duh). But here's the interesting part: the positive effects were mogging the negative effects. In other words teen love is more impactful than bad teenage dating experiences.

We're supposed to start from nowhere and compete with people who have 15-20 years of sex dating experience by the time we're wizards

normies will just say the study isn't valid because they don't like

Normies just use anecdotal evidence thinking it disproves statistics

I'm sure op has posted this study before. Best article on missing out on teen love/adolescence ages 13-17 is wikipedia. Adolescence - Wikipedia

Or any entry on psychosexual development confirms ages 0- to 17-18 years of age are the most important time of your life.

I haven't, tho i made a similar thread about another study on the teen love recently

Animeak116 @ Murphy Slaw #sexist #ableist reddit.com

(=Weebs talking about anime girls. That is all.=)

King9204: Blake is the hottest character!

Animeak116: If only she wasn't bat shit retarded

Murphy_Slaw_: to be fair, aside from maybe Weiss all of Team RWBY + Jaune/Ren/Nora are completely retarded.
Blake is not much worse than the rest of them.

Animeak116: I mean all of them are retarded foe the sake of the plot just saying the symptoms started with Blake so i will always label her retarded as well. She may be a cute cat girl that any one may wany but she is idiotic as a brick that you'd rather use as a pump and dump then actual waifu material. Also Weiss was ruined this season heavily by the current episode. So i wouldn't hold my breath that she to isn't retarded especially after her scenes in the previous volume

Edmund_Kemper #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Theory Male high school teachers and college professors a lot slower to get remarried after divorce and are less likely to remarry

the study shows this is probably due to constant exposure to young attractive female students. and a lot of evidence shows this might be the causation


Female teenagers are attractive to most men. Get over it, IT. This is reality.

exactly IT just can't admit it because they're afraid of saying the politically incorrect truth

It would be pretty brutal to have so many teenage foids in your presence all the time. And to the ITcels reading this, get over it and accept the fact that normal men are attracted to teenage foids.

lets be honest, if there wasn't any stigma against attraction to teen foids, IT would admit it's common to be attracted to them

True. It’s only because soyciety said so. Practically any man you see will be attracted to teen foids

and they always say but muh brain development. the only reason teens have underdeveloped brain is because society infantilizes them too much

A brain of a teen is just as developed as an adult. It’s only society that keeps them stupid. As for the power imbalance argument it is also societies fault.

power imbalances actually can work. many people want a older mature person for protection and financial reasons

This is how it was in the past. The foid would settle for an older man who would financially support them and the man could have prime virgin jb pussy

the only reason teen girls are "traumatized" by sex with an older guy is because of society's extreme disapproval of their age gap

GeneticFilth #psycho #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Everybody knows that your life sucks because you're ugly

People know that because you're ugly that you live a harder life than them and struggle a lot because of it, they just don't care. People use to go to circus freak shows to laugh and mock deformed people. They didn't do it because they have bad personalities, they did it because a part of being human is finding enjoyment in watching ugly things suffer.

Not one person looks at this jestermaxxed 5ft3 guy and doesn't have their brains scream virgin loser.

Blueface & PNB Rock Turn Up The Heat On Nick Cannon 🔥 Wild 'N Out


“[The boy] was basically being tortured in school by the other students and investigators, but the administration was only focused on protecting the girls who were lying,” the family's attorney Craig Fishman told the outlet.

She allegedly justified her decision to fabricate the allegations during a recorded interview with school officials that was obtained by Fishman. “I just don’t like to hear him talk. … I don’t like to look at him.”

This is the shit that makes kids shoot up schools.

I stopped taking disrespect at like 14. I don't know how you motherfuckers let that shit slide. Once I started lifting disrespect, vanished.

That's the thing though is that when you're ugly it's just you constantly having to defend yourself. I stood up for myself a bunch and they always want revenge. Being ugly is cancer.

Henry de Montherlant #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: JFL 40 year old woman on r/Truefemcels

deformed, ugly, old, unlovable. 40 years old, never had a boyfriend

"The most perverse, surreal part of all of this is that I get approached by A LOT of men in bars, clubs." TRU FEM CEL DO NOT EXIST

Fucking larp. So she gets approached en masse but only by faggots who wanted to suck her cock? Fuck off.

She textually says she's being approached, but she considers those guys as perverts because she's too ugly to attract "good guys", and also she thinks they approach her because they think she has a D (lmao, who does this)

To be fair, you purposefully left out the part right after "clubs" (and also put a false full stop after "clubs"). The full quotation is: ”The most perverse, surreal part of all of this is that I get approached by A LOT of men in bars, clubs, who are then disappointed when they find out I was born a woman and I do not have a penis.”

she said she looks like this image

You buy this shit ? Dudes chasing ugly foids with a D unironically, and who then back off if the foid has a pussy ?

You don't think there are a significant number of men with a tranny fetish that want to be dicked?

You can be bisexual or "deviant" of any sort, but that doesn't mean you'll reject a foid you find attractive, giving "she lacks D”

purposefully misquoting someone

I wasn't going to quote an entire paragraph. Cuts need to be done. I made another message to add why I found the idea to be rejected as woman for lacking D absurd.

And even if it's true (let's just assume it's true), she still gets validation, which is more in a night than any trucel will get in his entire life. More in a single night than any trucel will get in his entire life.

Thus, femcels don't exist, I'm not particularly intellectual, and you're a bluepilled dickhead fegget.

whogivesafucc #sexist incels.is

Serious It's actually surreal how much women lie about rape

I disagree with rape, I find it to be one of the scummiest things you can do as a person, but none of these humanoids ever get raped, like I seriously think EVER. It has to be like at least 96% of them that lie about it just to get something out of the guy. Women literally hit licks with this fucking lie all the time
>marry some dude
>stay married for like a month or six
>divorce him and take him to court for domestic abuse and rape
>get either half or all his shit

I will never understand these "people," they're such natural sociopaths it's actually chilling

What I imagine rape to be is a man tying up a woman, maybe holding a knife to her throat, and fucking her. Something really heinous like that. This almost never happens.

What women mean by rape is they had drunk sex with a sub8.


Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

This is our Jonestown moment.
Renouncing the Creator,
humanity has been inducted into a satanic cult.
Not "The Peoples Temple," but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Communism.

If the Joe Biden is able steal the Presidency, the assault on society will intensify. The country will be destroyed as BLM and Antifa are given free rein. Satanism, gender dysphoria, migration and lockdowns flourish. Don't think the Demonrats will rest on their laurels. They are coming after Patriots, Conservatives and Christians. It's what Communists do. Look at the covidscam. We must prepare to defend ourselves.

Failure to resist implies consent. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? Are you prepared to drink the kool aid?
Communism expands the Rothschilds' monopoly over credit (money creation) into a monopoly over literally everything of value: Power. People. Commodities. Animals. Information. Discourse. Thought. Behavior.

Its goal is to dispossess, enslave, and even exterminate humanity. This is confirmed by Agenda 21, (the UN's agenda for the 21st Century) which calls for an inventory of everything and demands that people give up private property.

The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. They are bored with wealth. Now they want unlimited power.
People are astonished at the Demonrats' brazen disregard for democracy and basic decency. Communists are satanists. Satanists are dedicated to destroying civilization.

Jews don't know this but Judaism as defined by Cabala is essentially satanic. It seeks to destroy civilization and replace it with an Orwellian dystopia where they control every aspect of life. The Rothschilds seek to supplant God.

DisformedHalfbreed #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel What is wrong with Dutch girls?

This post is mainly for Dutchcels, but if you want to share your thoughts about this then you are more than welcome. Can anyone explain to me why every foid in the Netherlands wants to date a Turkish/Moroccan guy?

When I go on tiktok and instagram all I see is memes about how they want a Moroccan or Turkish guy in tight tracksuits. Even the highclass hockey girls often talk about hot Moroccan and Turkish guys in class. The stereotype of them being a drugdealer/low life scum is appealing to them??? I seriously don’t understand that. They aren’t even tall in general, like 1,75m at most which is ~6cm below average in the Netherlands. They are also very disrespectful towards foids but even they seem to like that when they call them a whore?? WHAT the fuck is WRONG with Dutch foids?? Is it the dark curly hair that Dutch boys don’t have? Is it the dark eyes paired with a well tanned face?? Why are Dutch foids so into foreign or halfblooded Moroccans and Turks??

Biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Dutch/Turkish guys are often truecels who rot in the mosque or wageslave for pennies or maybe rob some stores because they don't have any money. Dutch girls HATE Arabs. OP is gigacoping. Moroccans are legit the most hated people in the Netherlands.

i think ure teracoping rn my nig, women are all coalburners and dogburners, plz stop with the bs

It's literally an official statistic from the CBS you utter retard. If you look at the statistics on the dislike of Moroccans you will find that women dislike Moroccans more than men. You are gigacoping hard, they hate us, ESPECIALLY WIHITE WOMEN.

okayden mr statistician

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

(waste matter)
RageFuel she is 13 year old

Melody (Brazilian singer) - Wikipedia

13 and she look like already have a bodycount about 100. by the time she is 18 she gonna look like 40

(Made in Heaven)
Apparently this is her at 12 and 8

JFL if you deny the loli pill

You are such a repulsive pig, luckily even from your backwaters we hear about filth like you getting what they deserve, a truck load of peace in your shit face.


I remember showing my friend a picture of her and telling him if he would do her, to which he replied he absolutely would. Upon informing him of her age he replied he "would have a talk to the FBI of they come for me because for fuck's sake, look at her." :feelskek:

(The Abyss)
12? The size of those fucking tits. They been feeding her estrogen? Why does she look like a 25 year old whore.

location: Brazil. Here’s hoping she gets her head chopped off by some machete wielding incels

Bitch looks 25 at least. Yet soyciety still blames men for not realizing the real age of jailbaits. To be safe I just assume every foid is 10 to 15 years younger than they actually look.

Jerek #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Spying on teens from above, in summer, absolutely puts me in a suicidal feel.

So, i live in an apartment which is roughly 200' above ground, and it gives you a nice view on the neighborhood, basically a park and a place near my house where teens usually gather. Obiviously i've bought a binocular and i usually spend some time spying on them.

Today there are two groups, the first one is composed by a young chad, a hot girl and a fat girl. Hot girl is lying and resting her legs on chad while he is caressing her thighs. The fat girl is just talking and is a bit far from the twos. I'd give anything to be 16 again and touch those perfect legs, i bet they are so hot and firm that it makes me fucking hard just by seeing it. And these people are your future successfull people, stacies will become "psycologist" or shit like that. The fat girl, instead, is what we MAYBE can get in our fourties.

The other is a group of some teens. I've counted three girls, all hot, and 5-6 guys. Not a single incel, but some of them are average. One chad and a girl are resting with their face on the ASS of another girl. The other is skimpy and talking in the middle of the other guys.

I can assure you seeing this kind of things arouses me more than anything you can imagine. I've fucked escorts that are probably hotter that these girls but this kind of show triggers me a powerful feeling of arousing and dread, because when i was their age i was shut in in my house, mocked because of my appearance. I'm almost 35 and it's always the same thing.

Sounds like heavy suifuel indeed. I'd stop it if I were you, not for their sake but for yours.

I can't dude, i can't. It's stronger than me. It's not just the arousal. I had to fap, it was too much to bear.

Gladiatorcel #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Blackpill The world does not benefit from women's rights.

All women are interested in the top 20% of men. Looks, height, physical strength, status, and wealth. Skin color is immaterial if you have those things. The entire racial equity movement, both sides racists and SJWs, it's all just a smokescreen for what women are biologically and subconsciously programmed to seek out: The exclusion of men who don't occupy the upper echelons of maledom to be excluded from the gene pool.

For thousands of years, the strongest and most confident men were clamored over by our ancestral women, while second-tier men were excluded without a second thought or a moment's remorse. Women excluding unfit men by any and all criteria possible is literally how we came to be the dominant species on the planet. It helped keep threats and intra-species competition at bay. But then we reached the point that we no longer had any threats. As the agricultural dawned, we no longer had any real scarcity or danger to face other than famine, yet women kept reproductively selecting in the same way: tall, strong, big dick, full head of hair. This resulted in harems. There is a raft of genomic evidence to indicate that, during the early agrarian period, up to 17 women would have children with the same one powerful man. Meanwhile, the other 16 men, whose labor might otherwise be fruitful, had nothing to work for and spent all their time infighting and plotting to back stab the man in charge.

Look around you. Engineering, construction, science, exploration. Modern civilization. All products of beta labor. Men who sold their time and effort for the promise of a loyal woman and children that would be biologically his own. We kept women down for a damn good one reason. They hate the idea of bearing children not born of alpha male seed. At some point, men began caring about their concerns.

Also, yes, water is indeed wet.

ReturnOfSaddam #crackpot #sexist incels.is

The demonisation of incels is just "lol loser cant get laid" on a mass scale

I saw someone post some blackpilled statistic on a youtube comment and the first reply, with loads of upvotes was just "ok incel". Think about it, it's not actually discrediting ANYTHING written in the comment, it doesn't even address it, it basically just highlights it as a form of wrongthink ("this is what losers believe", "whoever wrote this can't get laid", "how dare you suggest women aren't wonderful").

You can see this with all forms of anti incel content - IT, articles written by SJWs about us, mainstream media shit. You will NEVER see them actually address the things we write about or the facts we present, it's always just ad hominem attacks on the authors, or when the author isn't available they'll write things like "just imagine what this guy looks like lol". It's pathetic.

Unfortunately I think this is a major reason why the blackpill will take ages to spread. Even when raw data is staring reddit cucks in the face (ironic considering they're usually so supposedly in favor of science, stats etc), they'll still deny it and shout INKWELL!!!!!!! There's no other explanation for not taking the blackpill, one look at a single Tinder experiment and anyone would be converted, but nope. The religious tier worship of foids will always win, it's literally similar to how religions in the past would just deny new scientific evidence for certain things and claim God works in ways we don't understand JFL.

DonezoTheClown #racist #sexist incels.is

The shit trickles down, niggers and thugmaxxed arabs are taking some of our women so we have to get em in your country, I know you hate white people but niggers/hispanics/arabs get more pussy than whites from my experience. Just be in favor of ethnostates instead of crying about whitey all the time and this problem wouldn't exist.

Going SEA is emasculating, imagine you need to move out just for some worthless chink pussy.

Also this, it's greencardmaxxing and betabuxxing, it's pretty fucking pathetic.

"our women" lmfao your incel ass is DEAD to them. White nationalists are an embarrassment. And btw I am white.

Buddy if you can argue that "we're getting more incels because of feminism and yadayada" then I can argue we'd have less incels without all this degeneracy and communist politics. Not saying I'd necessarily get laid but the top 10% of incels? Who knows. Also wouldn't the same go for the "seacels" you care so much about? Aren't they DEAD to their women as well? Not very consistent my JBW friend.

Anyone who isn't a white nationalist in 2020 is a fucking embarassment, even if I was a nigger I'd probably respect them just from seeing the evidence that whites are being replaced.

cvh1991 & Watercel #sexist incels.is

RE: Would men also overuse their power like foids do now if things were reversed?

I’m not convinced men abused their power before — people act like the 50s and back were the dark ages for women, but I disagree with that assessment because women were always cared for and valued by men. Without some kind of regulation in place, women become hugely giga advantaged and the 80%+ men are left as wage slaves with no family and no sex (for the lurkers that don’t buy this, please educate yourself on the blackpill science article of incels.wiki — normies have no idea how things are).

Relevant is that today men are actively persecuted and unfairly rated more harshly in schools/Uni/at work.

Teachers mark girls higher for IDENTICAL work to boys (OECD study). Furthermore, a boy will receive 1/3 higher grade in reading tests if the techer does not know he is a boy. From kday 1 of early yers education they also grade boys lower despite them objectively getting higher test scores

Also note the comments farther down cited by the OP where if you look at men today women in their 20s are actually out earning them.


Men did for most of history. Women and children were very often treated like shit. All women do is not have sex with men they don't find attractive. Men kept women as property with no rights of their own.

Bullshit meme. Women and children were simped to absolute protective standards even back then. People would literally kill all the men in wars, but leave the women and children alive. Men were killed and had the shorter hand ALWAYS. Everything you've been taught in this deceptive satanic lying piece of shit society has been the OPPOSITE. Everything normies tell you is literally backwards in reality

Raza1 et al. #sexist incels.is

Venting My best friend is a WHORE!!

I used to think that’s some women at the very least were decent in regard to their sex lives and would only sleep with someone if they were in a relationship. Guess I was wrong. She went from a committed relationship to sleeping with every second guy who comes her way. Now I can’t look at her without thinking how much of a slut she is

> Best friend
> She
Bro I ...

I know but I was bluepilled until very recently. Now I’m blackpilled I realise what she is.

(Ping And Pong)
I don't get how guys can be best friends with a foid without being faggots.

>Best friend

Ask her to sleep with you. If she is a true friend then she won't say no.

Being best friends with a woman as an incel? Do you like suffering and pain?

I was also friends with women before. They slept with every Tinder Chad but said no when I begged them to sleep with me too. Real friends would have said yes, especially when I told them I'm forever alone and desperate.

Every second of friendship with such girl makes you more cuck

OP, why don't you just chop your dick off, put it in a meat grinder, then feed it to her dog. It's less a less painful experience than this cucked shit.


OP and @RREEEEEEEEE have something in common. @RREEEEEEEEE is friends with multiple foids.

I used to be. I purposely avoid making friends since I already cut off most of mine.

Joystr0, Selinity and gigacel123 #sexist #ableist incels.is

[From "[Discussion] Should we try blindmaxxxing?"]

OP by Joystr0:
It’s a couple days i’m having this idea: should we start seeing blind/deaf-blind feraloids? I mean, my idea is that by being blind and possibly deaf, they won’t notice out horrible subhuman face and voice. And that they would be easier to assault, since they can’t see and possibly hear. Not sure, what you think about it?

Reply from Selinity:
OUT OF SIGHT, STILL IN MIND: visually impaired women's embodied accounts of ideal femininity | Fannon | Disability Studies Quarterly

Blind women still care about their appearance. In fact they care about it more than their sighted counterparts when choosing a mate. (Don't have the study on hand but it's there, okay, find it yourself)

Reply from gigacel123:
No, they have ridden their fair share of normie-chadlite-chad cock over the years. They are probably the biggest size queens if anything because they are more touch oriented than normal.

ThisWorldIsAMess #sexist incels.is

RE: Blackpill Female Dating Strategy Is One Of The Biggest Spreaders Of The Blackpill.



Oh my god!!!! This happened to me, girls. I was dating a HVM. He was amazing in every way. However, a few months in, I finally pulled his pants
down to reveal...the smallest penis I have ever seen in my life. It was the size of my pinky fingernail. I pretended I was not feeling well and asked him to leave. His penis was legitimately the only dealbreaker.

See, lurkers/downvoters, there's always the option of plastic surgery for your teeny weenies! We still won't want you anyway though, just fyi.


For real, so many women consider different plastic surgeries (rhinoplasty and breast augmentation beingvery common) yet men expect us to just...settle down for their 3-4 inch penis? ew.


womens rights was a mistake

Honestly though. Integrating women into society to have the same roles as men is what fucked us over. Now that they have all their money and rights to do whatever they want, why would they date their looksmatch? Furthermore, the addition of women rights and feminism in the 60s allowed for less social criticism against women meaning they can now be sluts, cheat and lie. Women were never given the same moral compass as us men, so therefore, lying and manipulative traits are easily found in them. We need to control them again. But this ducked society is headed in the opposite direction.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: RAGEFUEL for anyone who wants it

Do you think men can be incels? r/AskTruFemcels

(your personality)

Pretty sure this is just trolling

Didn’t read, fuck fem"cels”


considering how most men are completely invisible to women, im not surprised they'd think like this..and for every one cherrypicked example they can come up with, there's 10 equivalent examples with the genders reversed. also, women can't make up for having bad looks? they don't need to. even the ugliest of women can find a boyfriend.

P E R S O N A L I T Y Status? what status :feelshaha: also bitch i dont have money, im fucking unemployed

i like how the foid admits that they're attracted to money. goes to show what they think of men. (walking wallets). fucking whores.

IQ lower than temperature of Pluto. Statusmaxxing is cope. All it'll get you is 40 year old used up women looking to settle. Chads don't want her anymore so she'll settle for a betabuxxer for money and stability. She's not attracted to him so she'll cheat and divorce rape him whenever possible. Women are the choosers, as a result, women will only go for chad and ignore everyone else. To them, sub-8 men don't even exist. This is what creates so-called "femcels". "Femcels" are simply chadsexuals. This also means 90% of men get almost no female attention. For sub-5 men, either cope or go ER. No amount of statusmaxxing will make you a chad.

Only read 1 line and it proves Foids have no value to this world other than there holes. Delusional whore. I sincerely hope the foid that wrote this gets gangraped by fellow subhumans and left in a trash can outside a homeless shelter (in Minecraft).

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel Genetically modified designer babies, Asian women and an end to r/hapas

Genetically modified designer babies, Asian women and an end to r/hapas

(quadRUPLE bogey)
4y ago digging deep I c :feelshehe: Also this will become a probability of it becoming more acceptable to mutate your kid to create a giga chad. JFL would anyone waste money on creating a giga stacie, sounds like an EXTRA WASTE OF MONEY:feelskek:


If they want to have a white kid so bad then just adopt one

probably because they want there kid to still be generically there's and have them come from there womb and not another women's. I wouldn't be surprised if a good amount of WMAF couples adopt fully white kids though.

Been a long time since r/hapas allowed posts like this jfl. China is already working on making genetic engineering reality, so it's only a matter of time before Asian children will look white.

Various Incels #homophobia #sexist incels.is

JFL Lesbians talking about how bad women's personalities are

"You're an inkwel because you don't have a good personality and don't know how to have a conversation :soy:" Meanwhile lesbians cannot fucking talk to other women because they're so obnoxiously boring and unresponsive :feelshaha::feelskek: Never forget that even lesbian women struggle to have a proper conversation with other lesbians imageimage

Lesbians think they can larp as chads but irl they see how garbage the life of the average male is.

If only. Sadly they can't connect the dots. They think their experience is unique or only a problem for lesbians

When a hole says it, she will get updooted to infinity and showered with reddit awards. But when I say the same thing I'm a misogynistic inkwell who needs to work harder on himself :feelsclown:

Now imagine if they had our profile pictures... they wouldn't have even matched in the first place.. Spoiled fucking brats complaim about having to work a little bit for it, at least they have the chance.


of course when foids say what we say it is magically all fine and accepted

it couldn't be that they are infinitely privileged and loved to no end by society. It has to be the way they expressed themselves and their personalities that attracted everyone right :feelstastyman:

Lesbian is just one of millions of synonyms for chadsexual


being lesbian is a mental disorder

being a foid is a mental disorder

Ahmad #sexist #psycho memri.org

Ahmad: [My wife] should wait for me until I return home. Then she should see what I need and what I want. The woman, for me, is like a commodity. She should do exactly what I want.

Interviewer: What do you mean by 'commodity'?

Ahmad: She's a commodity, she is nothing. Nothing.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Ahmad: I married her only so she could fulfill my wishes and serve me. That's it. If I want a bath, she should bathe me. I never bathe on my own.

Interviewer: And if she doesn't want to?

Ahmad: She will do it anyway.
If I tell her to bring me a glass of water, she should go as fast as a bullet and bring it to me. And if I tell her to bring me some food, she will do it.

Interviewer: And if she doesn't?

Ahmad: She will get two or three slaps across her face. Get up and bring your man a glass of water!

Interviewer: And if she doesn't get up?

Ahmad: Then I would pour gasoline all over her and light her up.
A woman's role is to serve her man. Just as he works hard [to make a living], she should work hard for him at home.

YogiOabs Reborn #sexist twitter.com

How to look like a whore

1. Have bangs
2. Wear oversized glasses
3. Crop tops...
4. Doc Martens
5. Baggy mom jeans
6. Paint on face (makeup)
7. Overweight and obesity
8. Dark lipstick
9. Short bob haircut
10. Says f-word
11. Take selfies
12. Leather jacket
13. Has OnlyFans

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #sexist nowtheendbegins.com


Though his prayer was replete with explicitly Christian themes, terminology, and references, Cleaver closed it by appealing to the deities of “many different faiths,” implying they are all the same. “We ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and ‘god’ known by many names by many different faiths,” said Cleaver. “Amen and a-woman,” he closed, in an apparent attempt to render the word fair to both sexes. Brahma is a four-faced Hindu deity who “was born from a golden egg and created the earth and all things on it,” according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. He was later believed to have come out of a lotus that emerged from the navel of Vishnu, another Hindu deity.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who is an ordained United Methodist minister, opened the first session of the 117th Congress on Sunday by praying in the name of Hindu god Brahma and twisting the word “amen” into a commentary on gender.

For months now, we’ve been telling you that 2020 would pale in comparison to what would be taking place in 2021, and we didn’t get 72 hours into the new year before chart-topping events started taking place. We told you that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to introduce rules to make Congress gender neutral. Yesterday, Democrat Emanuel Cleaver officially opened the first session of the 117th Congress with a prayer to the Hindu god Brahma, placing it under a curse.

YogiOabs Reborn #fundie #sexist twitter.com

Wives aren't just called to SUBMIT to their husbands by God.

They are called to be SUBJECT to their husbands. This wording is much more specific.

As a SUBJECT of her husband, he is her AUTHORITY.

It's not just a "choice." It's LAW.

REPENT for feminism & FEAR THE LORD!

Here is the proof:

Ephesians 5:24, KJV: "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."

Fact is, this wasn’t offensive once upon a time, and women were eager to get married.

BlackCel62 #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL My last post asking fellow cels here about what's the most low inhib thing they've ever done, made me realize just how low inhib I am in general.

I talked about the time where I stealthily masturbated behind my oneitis while we were in a elevator alone together in 7th grade. And in 8th grade, I was staring at my next oneitis tits in the middle of class for an extended period of time. Then in high school, I broke a foids jaw after she spat a big glob of spit on my face, I did not get charged with assault cuz she didn't want to risk getting charged as well. In sophomore year, I grabbed a random freshman foids ass as a dare, she just looked at me with a raised eyebrow and continued walking. Last thing I'll mention is when I threw a tray full of steaming hot pasta on one of my high school bully's face and just started beating on his face as he's laying on the floor. Keep in mind this beaner is a football player and why I did what I did was because he was shit talking. This is where I actually got charged with assault as a juvenile. It later got dropped though.

Honestly I'm not sure if there's even any saving me at this point. Even if there was some magical therapist that could help me with my handful of mental health problems, its probably too late to be helped. Shockingly I'm not as low inhib as an adult compared to my teen years, I guess now because I realize its so easy for a grown man to ruin his life. Like even if he says the wrong thing, his life is immediately made a living hell.

”Only blacks can do this type of stuff and live to tell the tale”

if you are under 18, you have all the space to be low inhib you want. If you weren't before, it's now over for you

All this while I was under 18, and when my autism was on maximum overdrive. Now as an adult, especially as a adult MALE, you have to watch everything you do and make sure you don't offend anyone. Or in simpler terms, just castrate yourself. Unless you want to be another victim of cancel culture.

Uglyme #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Toxic Femininity Feminism is not compatible with foids' nature

Feminism will never work for foids because they are incapable of working together as a team to reach a goal. Not only do they lack the mental capabily to organize themselves in a group to reach a common goal, but also, even if foids tried that, they're too selfish to think in anything other than themselves. They're envious, evil, selfish, they can't support each other, they aren't able to build each other up. All the things that feminists claim to have achieved would've never been possible without the armies of simps who helped them.

And of course, don't forget the only reason that every foid has to exist: to be fucked by Chad. Foids are in a constant competition to be penetrated by a superior male and they won't let anybody interfere with that, not even other foids. Just think about it: how many foids have stopped being friends because one of them fucked their Chad bfs? How many sisters hate each other for that too? Even mom and daughter?

There are only two things that foids are universally in agreement: rejecting subhumans and fucking Chad.

Lebensmüder & LittleBoy #sexist incels.is

RE: Toxic Femininity OnlyFansPill: Model reveals what it's like to live life on tutorial mode.


This is the face of a person who can live like a millionaire thanks to her vaginaimageimageimage

Feel zero attraction towards that thing. And this becomes a millionaire in this dystopian clownsworld.

This is what a majority of female celebrities look like today. Fuck, I've seen better looking women IRL without that shit.

So much this. But according to normalfags we all only want the stereotypical stacies with their blonde hair, their duck-lips, their inflated looking ass, their athletic body, their huge boobs and their extremely extroverted/party-going personality, jfl, I have never tried to approach such a woman because we would have nothing in common and because they are unappealing for me, all women I approached were femcel-tier (e.g. extremely-introverted, sometimes even obese, with skin diseases, with small boobs, etc.) and I still got rejected. Again women project their own feelings ("I only want the best of the best! Chad only!") onto males.

They're the equivalent of a Ferrari or Lamboghini. Nice to drive once and look at but fuck would I want to keep one as a partner. If by some fluke a woman like that ends up "friends" with a guy like us, then that's about it. Fundamentally they'll lambast us saying we're preying on "femcels" when we should be wooing unicorn Stacies. Then when we do that we're accused of being unrealistic. Can't win as an ugly short physically impaired male.

autisticghost #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Ugly couples do not have any mutual attraction- it's just a double betabuxx.

A lot of normies will gush about two ugly people getting with each other. They will use them as an example of how "there's someone for everyone bro!", and that you too, mr. incel, will get your looksmatch some day (jfl). But the harsh, blackpilled reality is that ugly couples are just larping for themselves and society. Just because someone is ugly doesn't mean their standards are lower. Their ugliness doesn't cause them to view ugly features as sexy. In reality, they're betabuxxing each other simultaneously and deep down they know it. They're desperate to escape inceldom so they settle and convince themselves that they found "love". They know perfectly well that the other person is doing this too.

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy savethemales.ca

For a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice.

She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect, and gratitude.

A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility. This is the essence of the heterosexual contract (i.e. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. Sex is the symbol of this exclusive bond. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most.

Feminism has trained women to reject this model as "an old fashioned, oppressive stereotype" even though it reflects their natural instincts.
The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private world central banking cartel that also controls media, defense, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state ("world government") using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext.

The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enchaining mankind. That philosophy is Satanism. The cartel controls the world through a network of occult societies linked to Freemasonry, Communism, the Vatican and organized Jewry (Bnai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.) The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Syrian Deserters Return, Shocked the Government Seized the Land They Deserted"]

I can’t even contextualize the mindset here.

Since when have war deserters been sympathetic figures?

(The answer is since 2015, when the media hyped up war desertion as a heroic act, in part because they wanted to flood Europe with Arabs and in part because they wanted to deprive the government of Syria of their fighting forces.)


Many Syrians forced from their homes by their country’s brutal, decade-old war are now shocked to discover that their family farms have been taken over by regime loyalists and cronies.[…]

Who was the offensive against? Random civilians?

Obviously, it was against ISIS.

Why was this man not fighting for his country?

By definition, he is a deserter.
Now: consider if this story were 100% true (which it may or may not be).

What would be wrong with this?

These are traitors and deserters, who fled their country during a time of crisis, who are now showing back up – now that men much braver than they fought to protect their country, and succeeded – and saying, “so we’re cool, right?”

In most of history, these people would be attacked on sight. Now, they’re being welcomed back in, but finding that the people who stayed to fight the war they fled took their land. And they’re whining about that?

This is not a good look for refugee scum, and frankly, it isn’t a good look for the Jewish media that is siding with this refugee scum. Young men fleeing a war because they’re too cowardly to fight for their country is always, always going to be a bad look. On a biological level, people are repulsed by that level of cowardice.

They should have their land taken – and worse. They should have their wives and daughters confiscated as well, frankly, and given to the men who fought.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Canada Now Resettles More Refugees Than Any Other Country, Mostly Through Private Sponsorship

(Frank Jones)

Sponsors stopped befriending migrants on Facebook because it was “too hard to say no.”

In a sane country these bleeding hearts would spend the rest of their days exiled or in prison.

(Francis Galton)

“I don’t even know how to say to someone, ‘I can’t help you’,” she said.

How about you say instead, "Why don't you stay in your own country and try to make it a better place."

Ahh the hopelessly naive. Refugees from Syria of all places? How would they know from social media if the "refugee" isn't Osama's second cousin or something? Chicanery is a tactic their own Koran instructs them to use on us infidels.


spoiler"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them. " Justin Trude when asked dto comment on his Open Borders inmigration strategy.

An unpleasant relic? That's sick. This guy is white isn't he? Not sure but he does look ((white)). ‘the very concept of a nation founded by African settlers is offensive to me. Old stock black Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them’. I suppose ‘Jewish’, ‘Asian’ and about every color besides ‘white’ would work too.

(Kid Charlemagne)
We talk about Je*s pushing this third world invasion but a lot of it is these church ladies who fall for these desperation pleas or simply to feel virtuous. They never pay for this out of their own pockets and never ever have to live around their decisions or suffer the consequences.

Islam is correct about women.

"Too hard to say no" to people who hate you? These people are the very definition of pathetic.

Divergent_Integral #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Serious Why are incels treated much less kindly than other minorities who occasionally commit violence?

I mean, extremist Muslims commit violence against innocent civilians on quite a regular basis. But whenever one points out that fact, people reply: "Not all Muslims, just a tiny minority, you racist bigot!" Likewise, African-American black nationalists who resorted to violence are generally venerated as brave and heroic freedom fighters. Even plain old left-wing terrorists like the Rote Armee Faktion and Brigate Rosso aren't quite as widely condemned as incels are, with Che Guevara and Nelson Mandela (both of whom had their hands in various atrocities) even practically canonized by the progressive left. Our community has had a few incidents with lone-wolf violence (though absolutely nothing that was centrally organized, mind you); but compared to the size of the incel community the number of us who turned violent is utterly negligible.

So I ask, what is it about us that gets under normies' skins so much? Is it the cognitive dissonance that the blackpill elicits in many people? Are we seen as a threat to the social order? Or something else perhaps?

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

(Total Imbecile)
JFL Texts between this 20s teacher and her 14 yold statutory rape "victim"

imageimageB-but hes only 14, hes supposed to be traumatizedimage

I tell you. Some people get all the luck (genes).

This kid is living the dream and he snitched (I think). When you have a good thing going, especially a once in a lifetime 0.1 out a billion chances of a scenario such as banging your hot young teacher, you don't fuck it up.

Her husband was a huge beta cuck which is why she cheated on him (wasn't man enough for her) with a TEENAGER. She lusted and cheated with a kid! It can't get anymore humiliating than that. He even stuck with her during the trial and she still filed for divorce. She never had feelings for him to begin with, as his nice guy personality failed. I'm surprised he hasnt committed suicide yet.

Statutory rape is non existent. Teenagers are naturally horny, it makes sense boys will flock to where they can get sex and affection easily.

I want this bitch to go to jail because a man in her place would. However, most teens would be glad to bang a hot teacher and this kid seems to be no exception.

You'd have to be a complete and utter low-t cuck to believe this is 'rape'.

Mainländer #crackpot #fundie #psycho #sexist incels.is

Theory Women secretly want us to become criminals and violent towards them

Women are never satisfied, so just like they typically want to tame and turn the psychopath/NPD/bully/criminal into a good guy via giving him love, they also want to turn good men who are not like that into violent criminals via the terrible treatment and gaslighting they provide to us. Look how they reward incels who committed attacks with love and attention, even ugly ones like Nikolas Cruz or short and child-like ones like Elliot Rodger.

Women exist only to provoke chaos and dysfunction when they're not under total patriarchal control (like they were meant to be; women were created for us, they're not "equals").

PM_ME_STRIPPERS #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Women would do anything for money (men? not so much) and women are wh*res by nature.

Back when pornhub was non- cucked if you searched into some of the weirder parts of pornhub you would see videos a plenty of women sticking huge things inside themselves, play with prolapses and do other disgusting things with other women and men for $$$. Now look at all those "fans only" instagram accounts and normal Pοrn videos of women . There are millions of them. Add that to the millions of "professional" prostitutes/sex workers, strippers etc. There are literally billions of images/videos of nude women and cam shows online . Most do it for $$$.

You may say that "men would do that if they had an audience" this is incorrect. Men would NOT have sex with other men for $$$ ( obviously excluding gays), unlike straight women have sex with other women for money. They would not open "fans only" instagram accounts if it meant gay dudes, grandmas and 400 lbs women would pay them for it.

You may say that most women don't do that stuff for money. That's true, but look at the amount of women who marry men for their $$$ or place huge weight on men's income. Many foids just marry averagish men for their $$$ ( if they arent chadlite/ chad.) Even "professional" women marry men for their money. Example, nurses marry doctors just because they are rich in many cases. Wealthy , "professional" female actors sleep around Hollywood all the time for acting roles.

Women are wh*res by nature. Its in evolutions best interest for them to trade in sex for money and other assets.

orbitaldecayed #sexist reddit.com

RE: Study found that having male mentors is correlated with more success. Woke mob throws a fit, paper gets retracted.

men being ‘better’ at anything than women these days gains nothing but negative attention.

The finding is not that men are 'better' in any way. But the suspicion is that older women are torpedoing younger women because they are competing with them in a scarcity environment for their gender. If true (and I think we've all seen that kind of behaviour) then it's a rational response to be honest. I mean you would think feminists and their fellow travellers would want to know this stuff and fight against it.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill In this African Tribe, Men COMPETE for Female Attention

I invite you all to meet the Woddabe people of Sub-saharan africa. These peoples are known for their practice of a ritual which they call Yaake. In Yaake, men will wear make up, adorning beads and other accessories while dancing and doing all they can under the sub-saharan sun to appease the Wodaabe women in hopes of being selected to be wed.

Fellowcels, don't be fooled, this is happening everywhere in the world. You don't have to look to far to see the rituals of this tribe in our current culture. Men are constantly dancing, putting on a show in hopes of being selected by females.



As for the Wodaabe women? They don't have to do anything but point, even Married Women are allowed to participate and replace their husbands for a younger, more handsome spouse.

This makes my blood boil. I guess simping has always been in our genes. Sometimes I worry that we'll never be able to get rid of simping fully

the state of that african tribe, you cant escape cuckolds anywhere nowadays.

Simping is a male curse.

(Copexodius Maximus)
Holy shit, the most cucked culture on the planet.

Most native american (the whole 2 continents) and subsaharan tribes were always matriarchies before colonization. Europeans, MeNas and central (the Stans)/south (curryland)/east asians (riceland) were predominantly patriarchal and had therefore the most advanced civilizations in their respective golden era's.

And you wonder why they never managed to evolve beyond ooga booga

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious 'Thais-only' policy is racism, pure and simple


'Thais-only' policy is racism, pure and simple

JFL JBWmaxxers raging now they can't scoop the bottom of the barrel white worshipers and will now have to face their subhumanity like everyone else

From what I can tell it's only some random temples and a transport company. Don't work JBW bros you can still get the self hating pussy if you want to.

Thais kill western tourists, especially from the UK. Then they pass off these murders as "suicides".

l33tbl0k3 #crackpot #sexist incels.is

why isn't society alarmed about the fact that 80% of the male population is being bred out ie exterminated genetically?

1/4 of "families" in the united states are single parents, 80% of those being single mothers
50% of marriages in the united states end in divorce
foids are only breeding with the top 20% of men, leaving the rest as wageslaves.
also polygamy

Why does society choose to turn a blind eye towards the majority of the male population? Won't their push towards polygamy backfire and end up in mass rapes of the female population? Or perhaps the mass elimination of chads then mass rape? Once the majority of men reach age 30-50 sexless and without kids to call their own (other than betabuxing for chad's offspring), who knows what will happen

Mugi thighs #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Venting Leftists and foids have an incredibly contradictory worldview

Racism, sexism, homophobia are supposed to be unethical because one has to judge humans by inalterable characteristics when employing such bigotries, as they are rooted in genetics and biology

However, leftists/foids attack incels all day on the basis of ugliness, which is genetically induced. Furthermore, even if they genuinely hate incels for our "bad personality", and not appearance, it well known that personality is heavily genetic as well. Twin studies have attested to this fact. Even when separated at birth and raised in different environments, identical twins usually end up having the same remarkably similar personalities.

Their worldview isn't coherent, it's obviously just self serving/ status maxxing for the people who espouse it.

gigacel123 #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Incel Trait: I have a higher "Emotional IQ" than most, if not all women

Since I was a kid I always had a higher level of empathy than most people. All i did was put myself in other people shoes, which a lot of people cant even bother to do these days.

Women being the empathetic gender is a meme. Most women have no empathy. False empathy, false virtues. All fake signaling. Most modern women don't even make for good mothers anymore. They even kill their own babies. Many mothers raise their child out of instinct and necessity. But having a child doesn't automatically turn their personality and ego 180 degrees. Single moms only have children because they got pumped and dumped by chad/chadlite or because they are married to a low value male betabux and divorce rape them so they can adventure out again like in their youth and mess around with more guys.

Mahmoud #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Strengthpill — English people are the strongest in the world


brutally over for pakis

Inbreeding fucks over a LOT of things.

Yeah different measuring methods probably. There’s no way South Korea is above Nigeria

Malnutrition plays a great role. Nigerians aren’t as well fed as Koreans.

Pakis weaker than curries? No way. Pakis are northern curries and are taller and stronger than most Indian curries.

Inbreeding mate. I was surprised too but then it checks out with reality. 60% of Pakistanis practice cousin marriage. And Pakistan is worse than India in terms of nutrition. I think with time, India might surpass Pakiland in terms of height. The average Sri Lankan is now taller than the average Paki in stature. Not much though, Pakis are 167cm and Sri Lankan men are 168cm.

Cope on Pakistani grip strength being reported as lower on average versus Indian grip strength tbh

Pakistan reports the lowest grip strength in nearly all studies, and is responsible for the abysmally low South Asian average which is already lower due to malnutrition + genetics. Pakistan has an inbreeding problem which it seriously needs to tackle. Inbreeding is just brutally retarded. Thank God I'm not inbred.

Didn't know the Chinese had a relative good grip strength. Obviously it won't be as high as places like Sweden or Poland that generate the record breaker in Strongmen contests but still quite high.

China is almost getting to first world tier. Chinese people aren't starving to death, so obviously they'll have better grip strength than most of the world. Grip strength is like 80% nutrition and 20% genetics. That 20% is what matters in strongman contests which is why Anglos and NW Europeans win those.

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